
=== doko_ is now known as doko
cjwatsonLaney: the data in http://orangesquash.org.uk/~laney/transitions/ocaml.html seems oddly out of date - for instance coq built everywhere hours ago08:18
cjwatsonLaney: ah, never mind, sounds like there were publisher issues overnight08:21
pitticjwatson: see #is topic -- mirroring has been broken for the last 12 hours, but ETA was said to be in 15 mins now09:46
cjwatsonyeah, I caught up09:48
Laneylooks like my transition tracking machine at home has packed up, sorry09:50
Laneywill kick it tonight09:50
Laneyoh wait, er, it's inexplicably back alive09:51
ogra_is there a release team meeting today ?15:11
skaetogra,  no release team meeting today.   They'll resume next week.15:24
ogra_awesome !15:24
* ogra_ will go to mow the lawn then :)15:25
* charlie-tca going to put down the weed killer while it is calm outside15:25
highvoltagehmm, I wonder if I joined the ubuntu-release list yet...15:26
highvoltageskaet: ah I see it still needs the description too15:27
* skaet adds to list of things to look into on monday...15:34
=== elmo is now known as ihateyoutoo

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