
uvirtbotNew bug: #785424 in openssh (main) "Double motd when ssh'ing into 10.04.2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78542400:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #771557 in dovecot (main) "dovecot does not want to start" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77155700:26
RoastedAm I not allowed to set raid devices to mount in fstab by UUID?02:32
jstooneHi guys, I'm trying to setup postfix, but I02:40
jstooneHi guys, I'm trying to setup postfix, but I'm a bit confused about "02:40
jstooneHi guys, I'm trying to setup postfix, but I'm a bit confused about the "destinations to accept mail" part in the reconfiguration02:41
twbjstoone: well, suppose you run example.net.  Maybe you accept mail for fred@sales.example.net and sally@marketing.example.net.02:49
twbThen you would put "sales.example.net, marketing.example.net"02:49
twbIn simple cases, you would only put your domain, because all your users are just foo@example.net02:50
jstoonetwb: sorry for the late reply - I was fooling around - but I don't use any domain, I just have my ip address (I know this is pretty unsecure etc)02:52
jstooneI know it's a big favor to ask, but can you guys help/walk me through the configuration of postfix/sendmail?02:57
Patshello ...02:59
Patsrecently installed server 11.04, and am getting "Resolution not supported" on the monitor connected to it03:00
Patsunable to find info when googling for the same - any pointers?03:00
twbPats: is the monitor connected when you boot the server?03:02
Patshello twb ... yes it is03:02
twbPats: also, is a KVM or similar connected between the server and monitor?03:02
Patsyes actually i am using a 2-way kvm switch to switch b/w my desktop and the server03:03
Patsbut it worked with Ubuntu 10.1003:03
twbTry without the KVM03:03
twbsometimes that can interfere with EDID negotiation03:03
twbThat is, boot with the monitor connected directly.  Once boot is finished it should be OK to remove and reattach03:04
twbOh, and I'm assuming you're not running a GUI, i.e. you're only getting an fbcon login: prompt at boot03:04
Patsis there a way for me to force a console configuration - i understand that "vga=" has been deprecated with the latest grub03:04
twbIIRC for 10.04 I did it by adding "blacklist vga16fb" to /etc/modprobe.d/whatever03:05
twbAnd running "update-initramfs -u -k all", of course.03:05
twbIt depends what, if any, framebuffer is currently loaded03:05
twbIf a GUI is starting, I can't help you, except to uninstall the GUI stuff.03:06
Patsno GUI03:06
Patsi am actually using SSH to login to the system - but I do wish to have the option of working directly on the system as well03:07
twbNo argument there03:07
twbIt doesn't actually matter, but that's where I put it03:09
twbas long as the filename is [a-z0-9-]+\.conf03:09
Pats:) worked03:12
PatsThank you03:12
twbWhen symmetricaly encrypting an SSL private key, is -aes256 the strongest crypto I can choose?03:21
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fastvegwhat is the proper format to use scp to copy a file onto your server?03:35
twbscp foo foo:03:35
fastvegscp filename.txt root@   -- should that work or am I offbase?03:36
twbLooks OK to me03:36
twbAlthough the leading / means it's relative to /, rather than relative to your home directory.03:36
fastvegit's giving me mad authentication errors, that don't make any sense03:37
twbpastebin the transcript03:37
fastvegI ever went so far as to reset the root password on the linode instance03:37
fastvegwhat transcript03:37
fastvegI mean the error is basically root@IP's password:  Permission denied, please try again.03:38
twbCan you ssh into that server as root?03:38
jmarsdenadding a -v after the scp will give you more info on what is happening.  Did you set PermitRootLogin No in /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?03:38
fastvegI ssh in as another user, and somebody set it up where it uses a key, I don't really understand it03:39
twbjmarsden: I wasn't bothering because, by design, sshd will not disclose the nature of permission failures to the client03:39
twbfastveg: if you cannot "ssh root@foo", then you cannot "scp root@foo"03:39
fastveglet me try that03:39
twbfastveg: it sounds like key-based access to root is set up, but you are not using the key.03:39
jmarsdentwb: I think it shows trying to use certificates, and falling back to password auth, etc... ? But OK.03:40
fastvegpermission denied03:41
fastvegso frustrating..03:41
twbjmarsden: true03:41
twbjmarsden: or e.g. if he fucked up a -oProxyCommand03:41
fastvegI mean, this is the same root password that you would reset on linode, right?03:41
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fastvegthere's only one root password I dont get why it wont work03:41
twbfastveg: it is typical to deny password-based access for the root user03:41
jmarsdenfastveg: Not if you have PermitRootLogon No   set :)03:41
fastvegah ok then03:41
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twbfastveg: IDEALLY, password-based access is denied for ALL users03:42
twbfastveg: if you can get in and read the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file, that will help us isolate the issue03:42
twbRef. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-factor_authentication03:42
fastvegso how then do I copy over the files, if no passwords work03:42
fastvegI can get to the file probably, one min03:43
twbfastveg: using two-factor authentication -- SSH keys with passphrases03:43
fastvegtwb: I have that file open, what are we looking for in it?03:46
twbfastveg: pastebin the output of egrep -v '^[[:space:]]*(#|$)' /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:46
twbBe sure to type that command exactly03:46
fastvegI guess "# PermitRootLogin no" explains that03:48
fastvegI ssh in with the other user just by typing "ssh domain.com"03:49
fastvegbut I don't know how to use scp with that user03:49
qman__same as with root03:49
qman__just use that username instead of root03:49
twbfastveg: right, that says you cannot log in as root at all03:50
fastveglet me try that03:50
Proz01di'm running openvpn and I have a client connect to the server when the client pings the server i get a success. when the client pings any other address such as it fails.03:50
twbfastveg: scp will be allowed for any user, but obviously you will not be able to write to, say, /var/www/ directly if that user has no write privileges there03:50
twbfastveg: you can simply scp the files across then run something like sudo cp to put them in /var/www03:50
Proz01danyone have any idea?  forgot to mention that the server is able to ping other address ssuch asthe one above.03:52
fastvegif I do scp filename.txt otheruser@ it asks me for that users password -- which I don't know, because ssh just connects without any password03:53
fastveghow does ssh domain.com work without a password?  is there a way to get scp to work the same way?03:54
twbfastveg: because your key is allowed for $USER@domain.com, but not otheruser@domain.com.04:01
fastvegsorry, I dont understand04:02
fastvegthis is such a mess, I'm literally just tying to move over one file04:02
fastvegare the ssh configs also preventing me from using SFTP to connect as root?04:03
fastveggot something to work04:07
fastvegwhy do SSH settings, affect SFTP?04:08
fastvegjust curious04:08
fastvegIs the secure part mean it uses SSH?04:08
shaunoyes.  sftp uses ssh as it's carrier04:13
twbSFTP is a module of SSH04:19
twbAs distinct from FTP/S, which is FTP over a TLS (SSL) tunnel.04:20
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Proz01dquick question ... are iptable changes effective immediately04:59
guampaquick answer: yes they are05:01
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loolhallyn_afk: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/seabios_0.6.2-0ubuntu1-package.tar.gz > 404 not found08:43
loolhallyn_afk: Oh I see you got it sponsored already08:44
loolhallyn_afk: and BTW new binutils had been uploaded yesterday allowing my patched package to build on i386 (it would also build on amd64, but that's not needed on launchpad)08:45
=== cerber0s is now known as cerberos
AnAntHello, have you guys heard of kerrighed (www.kerrighed.org) ? It would be nice to have that in Ubuntu09:40
AnAntthe problem (which is why I came here), is that upstream only supports a certain kernel version (2.6.3009:41
twbAnAnt: file an RFP09:52
koolhead11|afkAnAnt, yes do that10:03
cxwhello, i have a question that bothered me for quite some time : i bind many ipv6 addresses to one interface, but it keeps crashing after a while - i have do a /etc/init.d/networking restart although ifconfig still indicates that interface as "running". i'm wondering what could go wrong?10:04
ClaudiuTI'm trying to set-up a vsftp server. I'm able to connect, but it fails to upload anything. write_enable=YES in /etc/vsftpd.conf10:25
ClaudiuTalso chroot_local_user=YES if this counts10:26
twbIs there a reason you can't use SFTP?10:28
ClaudiuTI want a simple way of sharing files without shell account10:29
twbGoogle for "sftponly"10:30
twbBut ignore entries that don't use the "internal" sftp implementation -- it used to be a lot more fiddly10:31
twbAh, here we go: http://paste.debian.net/117461/10:32
twbStrictly, the user still has a shell account, he just can't access it via ssh10:33
ClaudiuTis SFTP friendly with common Windows clients, like Total Commander?10:33
ClaudiuTor the user needs WinSCP to connect?10:33
twbmost "ftp" clients I've seen speak SFTP10:34
twbDunno how many do key-based auth, which I would recommend if poss.10:34
ClaudiuTthat's great10:34
ClaudiuTI'm not very familliar with PAM, can I avoid it?10:34
twbIgnore that line, it'll already be there10:35
twbPAM just means "use normal user authentication", it's a good thing10:35
ClaudiuTgreat, thanks10:35
twbObviously ignore AllowGroups as well, or add sftponly to that list10:35
twb"cyber" is the group all my users are in, because it's the company name10:35
ClaudiuTbasically I need one very limited user to be able to put and retrieve some files10:38
ClaudiuTthat's why I want to shell account10:38
ClaudiuTbut SFTP seems ok for what I need10:38
ClaudiuTI always tried to avoid FTP anyway10:38
twbGood man.11:02
real_atehi all! i'm looking for the libvirt documentation on vm snapshots but can't find any11:12
real_ate... i assume libvirt supports snapshots, or at lease is there a way to do a snapshot for libvirt managed systems?11:12
uvirtbotNew bug: #785683 in nmap (main) "Fails to build with OpenSSL 1.0.0" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78568311:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #785707 in clamav (main) "package clamav-freshclam 0.97 dfsg-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78570712:36
tyrezahello there13:15
tyrezacan  anyone explain what is soft raid ?13:15
greppytyreza: instead of having a hardware raid controller, you let the linux kernel do it for you.13:16
TeTeTtyreza: for a more thorough treatment, please have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_RAID13:30
zulits raid that is soft13:31
tyrezawhen we have to use raid soft ?13:32
TeTeTtyreza: some info on raid levels is also on https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/installation-guide/i386/module-details.html#di-partition13:32
pmatulistyreza: typically when you do not have hardware raid13:32
tyrezawhat is a raid simply ?13:33
TeTeTtyreza: multiple disks looking like one big disk13:35
PiciRedundant Array of Inexpensive/Independent Disks13:37
Error404NotFoundHow much max RAM does U10.10 64b server support?13:40
_rubena lot13:42
Error404NotFound_ruben: how much?13:44
real_atehi all13:45
tyreza36GB Error404NotFound13:45
PiciWhere are you getting that number from?13:46
Error404NotFoundtyreza: what if i have 64G? any patches?13:46
real_ateI was here a while ago looking to see if snapshotting was supported in libvirt for 10.04... got disconnected... anyone care to comment?13:46
_rubenmost chipsets can address 48 bits -> 256TB13:48
tyrezaok Error404NotFound13:48
tyrezaan other question13:48
tyrezahow to build a cluster machine ?13:49
pmatulisreal_ate: what kind of snapshotting are you talking about?13:50
real_atepmatulis: run up the vm, build packages on the disk image and then roll back the disk image13:51
real_ateeither on shutdown or manually13:51
real_ateso baseImage.img > baseImage_snapshot1.img etc13:52
pmatulisreal_ate: that would be part of the hypervisor (KVM) and, no, it doesn't have that13:52
real_atepmatulis: is there any way to manually do it? ... can I just copy the image and override every time I want to "rollback" ?13:53
_rubenone would probably use lvm backed vms for that and use snapshotting on lvm level13:53
real_ate_ruben: i don't have lvm13:53
real_ate_ruben: and i can't re-install /re-format13:54
_rubenmaking a simple copy of the disk image should do it as well13:54
tyrezawhat is lvm ?13:54
tyrezais it raid soft also ?13:54
real_ate_ruben: thanks i'll try that13:55
* _ruben hates trolls13:55
tyrezawhat is lvm ?13:56
pmatulis!lvm | tyreza13:57
ubottutyreza: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:57
lynxmanping zul14:09
zullynxman: whats up?14:09
lynxmanI have a packaging crack question for you :)14:10
lynxmanI have a package that does not compile or install, just copies files to the right path14:10
lynxmanusing debian .install files14:10
lynxmanbut I have to rename a couple of files14:10
lynxmantried to use in rules override_dh_auto_install14:10
lynxmanbut it complains that it can't find the file in $CURDIR/debian/tmp (as it does in mcollective)14:11
lynxmanshould I just drop the tmp since it's not "building" and go to the straight path?14:11
zulso i think you can put <fileA> /path/<fileb> in the install file14:11
lynxmanzul: I was talking with Daviey about that one as well, looks like you can't, the install will only accept dirs as destionation14:12
zulhmm...im not sure then i would have to play with it14:13
lynxmanzul: no worries, I'll keep hammering at it :)14:13
lynxmanzul: the mcollective-plugins package is 99% complete, just need a couple tweaks and it'll be good14:14
zullynxman:  k ill beat it into shape as well14:14
lynxmanzul: cool, thanks mister :)14:15
_rubenweird .. got a tagged vlan interface on a bonded interface, when i tcpdump the vlan interface i do see traffic, but when i tcpdump the bond i do see other vlan's traffic but not that one14:28
EvilMTeckSo... I installed dhcp3-server and had a client connect. They pick up an IP just find and great; but they can't connect to the domain to log in and I assumg name resolution isn't working right..14:30
EvilMTeckany help getting that working again?14:30
airtonixwhat supports your theory that name resolution isn't working?14:32
airtonixother than your head14:32
EvilMTeckairtonix: my head14:34
EvilMTeckairtonix: really- i just don't know what i'm doing14:34
airtonixEvilMTeck: i assume your bind daemon is setup properly? can you use dig and host to get expected data ?14:35
airtonixEvilMTeck: i also assume your bind daemon is running on the same machine as your dhcpd3 daemon14:35
EvilMTeckairtonix: bind not setup..14:36
EvilMTeckmaybe that's what's not working14:36
airtonixthen how do you expect to resolve hostnames in a domain controlled environment?14:36
airtonixis it a windows server?14:37
EvilMTecki was hoping this dhcp server would pass everything along14:37
EvilMTeckit's ubuntu14:37
airtonixdhcpd only provides automatic IP addressing14:37
EvilMTeckwe have a larger and better setup network above this14:37
EvilMTeckI'm trying to have one client sit entirely behind another client and still interact with the rest of the network the same way14:38
airtonixyou need to enable tcp forwarding14:38
airtonixinvestigate ufw + nat options14:38
jdstrand(can do that by looking at the ufw-framework man page)14:40
EvilMTeckjdstrand: I'm noticing something about the author... that person seems familiar14:46
EvilMTeckyou were referring to the full example?14:46
quesoIf I run ntpq -p and it returns "No association ID's returned", what does that mean?  That ntpd knows of no server with which to sync, and thus is not syncing?14:48
EvilMTeckI wonder how hard that is to do without having ufw at my disposal14:48
jdstrandthe ufw *rules files are nothing more the iptables-restore files, so those things can be adapted to whatever tool or script you'd like14:50
jdstrands/more the/more than/14:50
EvilMTeckthanks :)14:53
AlexMaxI just rebooted my server and nginx didn't come up, in spite of being in the correct rc.d directories15:31
AlexMaxThe last time I rebooted, sshd didn't come up, in spite of being configured correctly15:31
AlexMaxit seems like every time I boot, some random service refuses to launch15:31
AlexMaxHow do I diagnose this issue?15:31
AlexMaxWhere would I even look for error messages15:32
AlexMaxbecause I'd eally hate to reboot only to find my sshd is gone again15:33
AlexMaxokay let me ask it this way15:37
AlexMaxWhen i rebooted my system, nginx did not launch automatically15:37
AlexMaxHow do I figure out why it didn't launch15:37
AlexMaxin spite of being in the correct rc.d directories15:38
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AlexMaxoh crap16:10
AlexMaxjust figured it out16:10
AlexMaxone of my ip aliases never came up16:10
AlexMaxso my http server couldn't bind to the ip16:10
AlexMaxwhich is double weird because according to networking the alias is set to automatically come up16:13
AlexMaxauto eth0:016:13
bencchow can I see the ulimit of another process/user?16:16
aradrielwc ^^16:24
ScottKSpamapS: I'd propose dropping the task on timing the sourcing of /etc/defaults.  We can't stop sourcing /etc/defaults since Debian uses it so I think it's not worth worrying about.16:33
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SpamapSScottK: Actually I came up with a way we could drop them.16:42
bencchow can I get the max allowed file-descriptors for a specific process?16:43
SpamapSScottK: If its worth the time to do it, we can very easily treat them as deprecated config files and convert anything non-default into env lines in the job file.. thus maintaining the changes specified by the user.16:43
ScottKHow do we do that for packages we sync from Debian?16:44
SpamapSScottK: oddly enough that plan never considered the impending (hopefully) changes in Debian that would allow upstart jobs. Hm.16:46
SpamapSScottK: so maybe we should flip that one on its head a bit.. we can have the init.d scripts "source" the upstart job. ;)16:47
ScottKHow does that help us for sysv only packages we sync from Debian?16:48
SpamapSScottK: I think its worth the measurement, even if to just show that its not worth the time to implement such insanity. I'm hoping we can just go forward w/ sourcing them.16:48
SpamapSFor sysv only there's nothing we can do to speed things up anyway.16:48
ScottKRight, but there's packages not designed to support upstart.16:48
ScottKWe need to remain compatible with them.16:48
SpamapS/etc/default isn't going away...16:49
SpamapSand frankly, anything left in sysv isn't all that interesting in the boot speed argument anyway.16:49
* ScottK never thought boot speed on servers was particularly interesting in any case.16:49
SpamapSThis is mostly for the stuff that will get the system booted.. 1st phase of boot.. anything in the 2nd phase (not runlevel 2, but sort of..) can start as slow as it wants IMO. ;)16:49
SpamapSScottK: the slowest serial booting server still only takes a minute or so. The boot speed argument is more to get the GUI going ASAP .. since thats when the real heavy lifting starts.16:50
ScottKMaybe I over analyzed the spec, but it seemed to be contemplating getting rid of /etc/defaults entirely.16:50
SpamapSIf it were 5x slower to use /etc/default.. we could consider getting rid of it. :)16:51
ScottKWhich is why it's odd to see boot speed discussion in a server spec.16:51
SpamapSbut my guess is, with ureadahead its going to be negligible.16:51
SpamapSWell because we have to share the boot w/ the desktop, we have to make sure we don't regress it.16:51
* ScottK wishes the reverse were true.16:52
SpamapSHah.. yeah...16:52
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quesoCould someone point me to the summary differences, pros and conts, between pure-ftpd, vsftpd, and proftpd?17:10
gholmssmoser: Sorry about the sudden pile of cloud-init bugs. :-\17:11
hggdhDaviey: time for a quick chat?17:38
Davieyhggdh, yeppers17:39
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TrezkerI'd appreciate some help with rewrite on my web server18:28
zertyuihi there18:29
TrezkerI have a RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9/]+)$  /index.php/$1 [L] that works almost always18:31
Trezkerbut if I load /foo and foo.php exists, then foo.php gets loaded :(18:32
RoyKTrezker: try #httpd - lots of apache nerds there ;)18:36
Trezkerthank you RoyK18:37
speakmanhi folks!18:54
speakmanI've got a software RAID1 in which one disk has been replaced.18:56
speakmanBut since I didn't removed the faulty one, it looks like it's still waiting for it; http://pastebin.com/kguCfXKn18:56
speakmanHow can I remove it retroactively?18:57
zertyuilvm ?18:59
speakmanno, mdadm18:59
zertyuii don't know how it happen on soft raid19:01
zertyuiare you remove the raid ?19:01
zertyuibroke the raid19:02
zertyuibefore replacing19:02
gholmsCan't you add the new disk to the array as a spare?19:02
axisyshow do I migrate an LV from one VG to another VG .. they are different PV on same box19:04
speakmanI've added the new disk to the array, and it's syncing atm. But it seems to not have forgotten the old faulty disk. This is /proc/mdstat: http://pastebin.com/zaswJvy019:05
lambda_xmdadm /dev/md0 -r /dev/sda119:08
speakmanthe current sda1 and sdb1 is the one running19:09
speakmanthe previous failed disk was /dev/sdb119:09
speakmanbut the new one is also sdb1 :)19:09
lambda_xbut mdstat says that sda1 is missing, right?19:12
speakmanlambda_x: ttp://pastebin.com/zaswJvy019:14
speakmandoesn't look so19:14
speakmanbut sda1 is 0 while sdb1 is 219:14
speakmanthe 1 is missing19:14
speakmanit should be sda1[0] sdb1[1]19:14
pmatulisaxisys: how much data is in the logical volume you want to migrate?19:15
axisyspmatulis: the whole lv19:18
pmatulisaxisys: how much data is in the logical volume you want to migrate?19:18
lambda_xspeakman: but its raid1 so it is possible to leave one disk and rebuild md0 from it, what does mdadm -E /dev/sda1 says?19:18
axisyspmatulis: 50M19:19
speakmanlambda_x: this is -E /dev/sdb1 which has the exact same output as -E /dev/sda119:19
pmatulisaxisys: why don't you just copy the data to a new volume?19:19
axisyspmatulis: but i want to do it for situation when the disk would be 20G or some ..19:19
speakmanlambda_x: http://pastebin.com/kguCfXKn19:19
axisyspmatulis: for learning19:19
axisyspmatulis: doing it on a guest OS19:20
axisyspmatulis: this would be my tutorial19:20
axisyspmatulis: :-)19:20
lambda_xspeakman: I would mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sda1 -r /dev/sdb1, and then mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb119:23
pmatulisaxisys: there is no proper way to do this.  i would choose some other project19:23
speakmanlambda_x: why -a sda1?19:23
lambda_xspeakman: I was rebuilding that way md some time ago (it is taken from my notes)19:24
lambda_xspeakman: in case it wont help, remove /dev/sdb1 once more, do mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb1, and then mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb1 - again19:26
speakmanlambda_x: this  is the case now; http://pastebin.com/3WaJ9YNq19:28
speakman-E sda119:28
speakmancan I --zero-superblock on sda1 as well?19:29
speakmanor will the raid fail then?19:29
lambda_xand what mdstat says?19:29
lambda_xfine, have you already tried to -a /dev/sdb1 ?19:30
speakmannot yet19:30
lambda_xsda1 is in sync, try19:31
speakman-E /dev/sda1 still tells me faulty removed19:31
speakmanthis is --detail /dev/md0 http://pastebin.com/xMCwY0k019:31
speakmanhttp://pastebin.com/ny2k4TmP <- this19:32
lambda_xit is correct, he wants second device19:33
speakmanand now? just -a sdb1?19:33
speakmanstill [2] instead of [1]19:35
speakmanbut it does work, so maybe It's just as it should be?19:35
lambda_xk, remove sdb1 once more and then mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/sdb1 ; and then mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdb119:36
speakmanthat's what I just did?19:36
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speakmanit adds sdb1 as spare19:36
speakmanthis is strange, but I have to leave the office for now.19:39
speakmanthanks for helping out. will try further on on monday19:39
_rubenjikes .. kernel oops during fsck at boottime .. not good i guess :p20:01
quesoWhat package gives the apache2 rewrite module?20:40
quesoOh, ha, nevermind20:41
MTecknologyqueso: you should consider nginx :)20:41
quesoMTecknology: I use both, depending on the circumstances20:43
quesoMTecknology: I'm less familiar with apache, actually.20:43
MTecknologycool :)20:43
quesoMTecknology: Didn't realize you had to enable the module ;)20:43
MTecknologythat behavior annoys me :P20:44
AlexMaxI have an ip alias that is not being automatically started in spite of having auto in the definition.  Any clues as to why?20:48
guntbertmeLon: hi21:58
meLonHey guntbert21:58
guntbertmeLon: 1) are you able to connect locally?21:59
meLonNo, guntbert21:59
meLonmail.log contains no entries >_<21:59
guntbertmeLon: look into /var/log/mail21:59
meLonThere is no mail directory22:00
guntbertmeLon: no, that is a file22:00
meLonI have mail.log, mail.err, mail.warn, procmail.log22:00
guntbertmeLon: how did you install postfix?22:01
meLonOriginally, using iredmail22:01
meLonYeah, exactly :P22:01
meLonA friend of mine showed me iredmail, which installed postfix as well as postfixadmin to allow easy alias adding and stuff22:01
guntbertmeLon: no idea about iredmail here22:02
meLonWell, I dont need/want to use it22:02
meLonIm just trying to diagnose why I am unable to connect to smtp22:02
guntbertmeLon: how did you install that?22:02
meLonSeems that they have an uninstall script I can use22:03
meLonbut what else will that mess up :\22:03
guntbertmeLon: I suggest to uninstall that for now, and install postfix by sudo aptitude install postfix22:04
meLonI followed the ubuntu guide on installing postfix22:04
guntbertmeLon: you just said otherwise ??22:04
meLonOriginally, using iredmail22:04
meLonRecently, using the ubuntu guide22:04
guntbertmeLon: sorry, I misled you with the name of the log file (mixing up distros...), if the mail.* files are empty that implies that postfix is not running22:07
guntberttry /etc/init.d/postfix start22:07
meLonservice postfix restart returns no errors22:08
guntbertdoes it say "started"?22:08
meLonStill cannot connect.  mail.log is still a 0b file22:09
meLonStarting Postfix Mail Transport Agent postfix                                                                              [ OK ]22:09
guntbertmeLon: next step: lsof -ni       should list postfix as listening22:10
meLonpostfix-p  3294  policyd    6u  IPv4   5200      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)22:10
meLoni like that command :D lsof22:11
guntbertouch - 10031 ??22:11
guntbertmeLon: try telnet localhost 1003122:11
meLonSays it has connected and just hangs.22:12
guntbertmeLon: good, say HELO ImHere22:12
meLonNo response.22:13
meLonehlo localhost gives me no response, either22:15
guntbertmeLon: hmm - that sounds weird - my suggestion, try to sudo aptitude purge postfix, and then install it again, there seem to lie some pieces from that other software around22:16
meLonI was afraid that that would cause more issues.  I can now connect over port 25 guntbert22:19
meLonNow, I just have to see how iredmail made those aliases so I can re-create them22:19
guntbertmeLon: good :) I cannot assist with iredmail in any way - sorry22:19
meLonNo problems.  I normally don't do things like that because they cause problems like this22:22
meLonI manage multiple domains.  Do you have a recommendation on how to allow users access to mail, but not give them a system user?22:22
guntbertmeLon: read up on "virtual users", autheticate them against ldap or so ?22:23
meLonAm I using dovcot >_< ? Gunni22:24
guntbertmeLon: thats what I use - in our last system we authed against EDirectoy using ldap22:25
meLonI have a database (mysql) named vmail.  It contains admin/alias/alias_domain/log/,etc  are you familiar with something like this?22:26
guntbertmeLon: no, but I have seen several web pages about how to use dovecot and mysql22:27
guntbertto an experienced user/admin I may suggest to use google (or the like)22:28
meLonI was gooooogling.  I was wondering if you recognized that scheme.22:35
meLonIt's the standard postfix lol.  Everything converted over perfectly22:35
meLonthanks guntbert22:35
meLonNext time ./configure make make install vs ./install.sh :D22:35
LenhixHello. How can I install a new locale? dpkg-reconfigure locales just regenerates installed ones.22:36
guntbertmeLon: glad it worked for you :)22:36
meLonFor your time, Lenhix ?22:36
guntbertLenhix: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Locale22:37
Lenhixthx guntbert22:37
guntbertLenhix: you're welcome :-)22:38
skioldhi, I see references to both 'preseed/url=' and 'url=' as kernel boot parameters to load a remote preseed22:40
skioldare the two syntax equivalent?22:41

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