
reaper4334does anyone know any good guides for making decent Conky configurations?00:21
reaper4334all the ones I find seem to be guides to getting it running, but not for configuring it00:22
* popey points reaper4334 at Azelphur 00:23
Azelphurreaper4334: what you after?00:23
Azelphurreaper4334: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/Janurary%202011/2011-01-13-041505_3840x1200_scrot.png my conky config :P00:23
popeyAzelphur: got a copy of that somewhere?00:24
reaper4334just looking for a way to get a decent setup, like multiple conky windows and showing images and such00:24
Azelphurpopey: I can upload it, sure00:24
Azelphurreaper4334: multiple conky windows you just run conky twice with different config files00:24
reaper4334ah I see, so I can just set up a bash script to run it for each config?00:25
Azelphurreaper4334: yea00:26
reaper4334well that's one down :D00:27
Azelphurpopey: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/misc/May%202011/conky.zip00:27
Azelphurpopey: all the resource files and scripts are in there00:28
reaper4334how long did it take you to set that up?00:28
popeynice one00:28
Azelphurcouple days00:28
reaper4334it's pretty awesome00:28
Azelphurty :D00:28
AzelphurI actually started with the one that ships with the overglossed theme00:28
Azelphurand just kinda kept adding to it00:29
reaper4334nice one, I managed to get it to run with some of my little scripts, but can't figure out how to display images00:30
* popey edits the script to replace Azelphur's home directory references...00:30
Azelphurreaper4334: look at http://conky.sourceforge.net/variables.html00:31
Azelphurthe image variable does that00:31
exobuzzxbmc4xbox made it to the slashdot homepage. heh. just wait for the community site to go offline now :)00:32
reaper4334Azelphur: Solved it, thanks a lot :D00:39
reaper4334well, bedtime for me. Thanks again guys :D. Night00:42
hamitronhad a website loaded in my browser for days, and it had a window embedded that kept playing different video01:23
hamitronused about 10Gb of my download limit01:24
shaunoI knew there was a reason this addiction to having 50 tabs open was unhealthy.  you found it!  :)01:31
* ball gives up and goes to bed.03:33
MartijnVdSMorning everyone06:13
=== ChrisB is now known as Guest72813
diploMorning all08:07
DJonesGood morning, happy Friday08:15
MartijnVdSGood Friday to you too :)08:28
MartijnVdSpopey: You'll love this (being a train person): http://kubus.mailspool.nl/spoorkaart/08:29
MartijnVdSpopey: Live Dutch train positions :)08:29
PalaPadMartijnVdS: Am currently on a train :p08:35
MartijnVdSPalaPad: Trains are cool :)08:35
PalaPadThis one is a tad busy commuter train to London08:35
MartijnVdSTake turns breathing"08:36
PalaPadBut I will give credit to virgin for their cell boosters, just did a live BBC radio interview without cutting out lol08:36
MartijnVdSPalaPad: Is cell coverage really that bad on that side of the water? :)08:37
PalaPadBusy yeah, glad I pre booked or I might have been standing in aisle for 2.5 hour journey08:37
PalaPadIn some places yeah08:37
MartijnVdSWe get 2 good ones (KPN, Vodafone) and 1 really bad one (T-Mobile) here in .nl08:38
PalaPadSpecially on a fast train hoping cell tower frequently08:38
MartijnVdSguess which one is used by the in-train wifi APs08:38
PalaPadBack, sorry lost signal08:47
PalaPadI use 3G on train cos the wifi is very slow and very expensive08:47
awilkins.. and basically just a 3G hotspot anyway08:48
PalaPadI use bouncer for irc otherwise I would be spamming channel with disconnects lol08:49
PalaPadAnd yes awilkins08:49
PalaPadBut with all of first class getting free wifi it gets very slow once they all connect to the AP08:49
PalaPadSo I get much better results using cell instead of wifi08:50
awilkinsWell, first class are getting very very expensive wifi, tea, biscuits, and comfy chairs08:51
PalaPadActually it is pretty cheap if booked a month in advance08:51
awilkinsIs this on a UK rail network????08:52
PalaPadI can to London from the north of England for 30 quid 1st class with advance booking 4-6 weeks08:52
awilkinsI looked at 1st class season tickets, they were double the cost08:52
awilkinsIs that an off-peak fare?08:52
PalaPadI booked this journey last night standard class and it was more than that08:52
awilkinsPeak fares are rather more08:52
awilkinsPeak return from Manchester - London is about £180 in cattle class08:53
PalaPad120 from Lancaster where I am08:53
awilkinsIt's just a joke though, isn't it08:53
awilkinsYou could hire a care and drive it for less than that08:53
awilkinsIncluding fuel08:53
awilkinsI used to drive down, park in the suburban edges of the tube network, and tube the rest of the way in08:54
awilkinsThe Northholt Swimerama used to have an excellent free car park open until 1900 - park there, 2 minute walk to tube, bob is your uncle.08:54
PalaPadBack got disconnected again sorry08:55
PalaPadYes it is incredibly expensive08:56
PalaPadWhich is why I can't accept a full time role in London because the cost of travel would be so high08:56
PalaPadI was gonna apply for a research director post at Big Brother Watch but they want someone office based in London full time, so I can't do it08:57
awilkinsI wouldn't mind living in a city again, I suppose, but London is a bit expensive08:58
awilkinsI quite liked being a student in Manchester08:58
PalaPadI don't traveling down once a week and staying a couple of days with a friend, but am not commuting every day08:58
awilkinsWalked everywhere (I'd probably get a bike, these days, less time to waste)08:58
PalaPadThis is my second trip to London this week08:58
PalaPad11 hour day for a 2 hour meeting :/08:59
awilkinsHeh, been there08:59
awilkinsI just wish online meeting tools were better09:00
PalaPadTuesday was a 10 hour day for a 10 minute tv interview which was worse09:00
PalaPadAt least I actually have 2 hours work on this trip09:00
PalaPadPlus it will be an interesting meeting09:01
PalaPadNominet issue group on domain name suspensions09:01
MooDoohello all09:08
gordlast night my laptop was tracked in "castle donnington, UK" now its in china. what kind of witchcraft is this....09:16
dwatkinsooh, autossh works really nicely when I resume my laptop09:19
dwatkinsGNU screen for the win etc.09:19
gordoh geez, there are 379 untriaged unity bugs09:22
gordi wanted to code this morning :(09:22
PalaPadDwatkins, yeah I use screen too but the ssh client on my iPad doesn't play nice when I lose cell signal09:32
danfishahoy hoy saveloys! Only 8 hours of this working week left :)09:33
MooDoodanfish: awesome :D09:34
bigcalm6.30pm finish?09:34
PalaPadYour working week finishes?09:34
bigcalmI've secured a 30min early sneak out time of 5.30pm so I can go for a meal09:34
PalaPadI need a job like that lol09:34
* PalaPad works 24/7/36509:35
* bigcalm doubts that09:35
PalaPadCan't remember last time I had a day off, was at least 4 years ago09:35
PalaPadI am serious lol09:35
bigcalmYou don't work in your sleep09:35
PalaPadIf I get a call when I am asleep I wake up and answer it09:36
PalaPadAnd if it requires further action I get up and deal with it09:36
PalaPadAnd I only sleep an average of 4 hours a day09:36
bigcalmYou need a new job :P09:36
PalaPadProblem is if I get a new job, there is no-one else doing my work in the UK to fill the void09:37
BigRedSthat's your employers problem, though...09:40
BigRedSany sane company would have at least two people doing your job09:40
dwatkinsPalaPad: hmmm, I have an iPhone and it seems ok, although I don't think there's an autossh on it09:40
PalaPadBigRedS I don't get paid, show me someone who is willing to work in law for free and I will gladly job share with them09:41
PalaPadDwatkins, I use iSSH and it doesn't recognise when you lose cell coverage so have to manually restart it09:42
danfishbigcalm: yup - working day is 0730 - 183009:42
PalaPadVery annoying09:42
bigcalmdanfish: ug, poor lad09:42
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:43
PalaPadMorning brobostigon ltnt :)09:43
brobostigonmorning PalaPad :)09:44
danfishbigcalm: I do only work 4 days a week, so it's not that bad09:55
danfishgives me a day of tinkering and giving myself soldering iron burns :)09:55
dwatkinsPalaPad: hmmm, that must be annoying09:56
gordi miss soldering stuff. maybe i'll go break some wires by "accident"09:57
JamesTaitHappy Friday, everyone! :D10:02
BigRedSbut happy friday!10:03
popeyMorning all!10:05
gordhappy 10:07!10:07
oimonwas locked out of my office today :( lock was broken10:21
oimonfortunately my resourceful staff came to the rescue when i discovered the locksmith wouldn't arrive until the afternoon10:22
kazadeoimon, why a sad face? Surely being unable to do work on a Friday is a good thing? :)10:22
oimonmy office is my happy place :)10:22
oimonit has my crisps and chocolate and stuff10:22
kazadeI see :)10:22
oimonunable to do work while at work is frustrating10:22
kazademmm, crisps..10:23
* kazade heads to the vending machine10:23
MartijnVdShmm crêpes10:23
oimonmanaged to brute force the door10:23
oimonhowever, that's not why i'm here....i logged in via another machine and now i've lost my firefox addons ...how do i know which addons i previously used?10:23
oimonoh cool, i found a sqlite manager addon that lets me view my adds.sqlite ..problem sorted :)10:27
MartijnVdSCan't sqlite3 can do that? from the command line?10:28
bigcalmTo all of the non-belivers, I now have 2 external usb harddrives hooked up to the revo without extra PSUs :)10:30
MartijnVdSbigcalm: To see how long it takes before it explodes?10:31
danfishnon-beliver? Is that someone who doesn't eat bee livers ;)10:31
MartijnVdSdanfish: very specific form of vegetarianism, that.10:32
awilkinsThey require vitamin A supplements periodically.10:32
* bigcalm ignores you lot and makes a cuppa tea :P10:32
MartijnVdSbigcalm: Ah, converted the PSU to a kettle, have you?10:33
danfishMartijnVdS: nah - he's just harnessing the excess heat the revo is now generating10:33
=== denny- is now known as denny
bigcalmIt is a little warmer10:36
diploI use 2 x usb drives on my revo all the time10:38
diplonever had an issue10:38
MartijnVdSdanfish: hmm heatpipes :)10:38
MartijnVdSAnyone running oneiric yet? Alpha 1 is in 2 weeks... :)10:45
brobostigonnope, not yet.10:45
oimoni've decided not to upgrade anything until they fix the power problems since 2.6.3810:46
bigcalmsudo mv -v /media/exdrive1/Music/* /media/exdrive3/music/10:46
bigcalmHumm, wrong keyboard and wrong computer10:47
daubersoimon: You may have a while to wait as it's a generic kernel issue :)10:47
danfishyou are not in the sudoers file. this incident will be reported10:47
oimondaubers: OTOH it may get fixed quicker as it's a generic kernel issue10:47
oimoni told my boss to sudo make me a sandwich and he told me the inicident would be reported10:48
DJonesoimon: Insufficient admin rights?10:48
oimonthere was a xkcd once about who get's those sudo emails...10:49
MartijnVdSroot does.10:49
oimonit's me. and then i forward them to God and Santa10:49
BigRedSI want an "I'm a grown up" option in Firefox for less in-the-way SSL warnings...10:55
oimonhmm.. something like https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mitm-me/ ?10:58
BigRedSiceflatline: yes!10:58
BigRedSoimon: yes!10:59
MartijnVdSbigcalm: that's quite a typo o -> i10:59
MartijnVdSBigRedS: ^10:59
BigRedSOne day I'll get the hang of checking for an add on before complaining10:59
* bigcalm tuts10:59
BigRedSMartijnVdS: haha! :)10:59
MartijnVdSBigRedS: Unless you pronounce it "oiceflatline" :)10:59
oimonand thats why firefox will awlays rule10:59
oimonand pidgin > empathy for same reason10:59
BigRedSI just didn't hit the o; i<tab>10:59
turkldxis there an irc channel for ubuntu help?11:00
oimoni heard that empathy doesn't even have plugins11:00
BigRedSempathy reminds me a lot of old gnome11:00
bigcalmturkldx: here is as good as any :)11:00
turkldxthank you :D11:00
BigRedS"I work this way, this is the way I will work"11:00
bigcalmAparently we're one of the more friendly places11:00
turkldxquick question then...11:00
oimondrum roll....11:01
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:01
turkldxis is possible to save the desktop config, I.e  open apps so it starts up wehn logging in11:01
oimonturkldx: which version of ubuntu are you running11:02
oimonin 10.10 and older, you can do system-preferences-startup applications-options-automatically remember running apps when logging out - tick box11:03
turkldxthats brill, thanks guys. i was trying to find the version but couldnt11:04
davmor2morning 80's fans......popey you know it's you too :D11:05
bigcalmturkldx: to find the version of ubuntu, open a terminal and enter: cat /etc/lsb-release11:06
turkldxV10.10 :))11:06
turkldxmavrick meerkat11:06
brobostigonlsb-release -a     .also works.11:07
oimoncat /etc/issue    also11:07
brobostigonlsb_release -a     .also works.11:07
bigcalmpopey: had many 11.10 name pronunciation communications yet?11:08
brobostigon_ instedof -11:08
popeynot enough real ones, no11:11
awilkinsWhat was it again, Onanic Ocelot?   ;-)11:11
lubotu3Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+111:11
TheAshManhow do i make a directories children group writeable by default?11:17
oimonTheAshMan: for all subdirectories ?11:18
oimonfor per-directory umask settings you need to use ACLs11:29
TheAshManoimon: Yes for all sub-directories and files11:31
daubersooooooooh new office chairs11:34
* DJones wonders whether it would be cruel to hide his wifes travel sickness pills before she sets out on a 2 hour car ride over the cat & fiddle into derbyshire11:37
MartijnVdSTheAshMan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions#ACLs11:38
TheAshManta :)11:38
dogmatic69does anyone know how many different strings can be created with binary that is 20 chars long?11:44
oimondepends how many characters you are choosing from? A-Z,a-Z? or alhpanumeric?11:46
dogmatic69binary being the sha1() of php, 'raw bytes'11:46
dogmatic69is it the same as a normal SHA111:46
dogmatic69looks like this... 9i’¡@çà‹ÁÀéàö`¶11:47
gordyou can't create with a SHA-1 - it doesn't work that way, SHA-1 is created from something else of arbitrary length11:47
MartijnVdSgord: sure, but whatever you put in, the sha1 is always the same length11:47
dogmatic69ok, ive figured it out.. sha1 is 160 bits, which is 20 bytes11:48
dogmatic6920 + 8 bits = 160 so there is the same number of options as a normal 'text' sha111:48
gordoh you wondered if there was a difference?11:49
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: text sha1 is just the hex representation of those bytes11:49
MartijnVdSEasier to work with -- weird bytes don't copy/paste nicely11:49
oimonthat wasn't your original question btw...which was about permutation theory11:49
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: need it for mcrypt11:49
lubotu3The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.11:49
oimoni can answer Y11:50
dogmatic69oimon: i guess the question was is the binary version rate of collisions the same as the hex11:50
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: yes, because they are the same thing, just written differently11:51
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: ("2F" for "/", for example: 2 hex digits to represent 1 byte (because 4 hex digit = 4 bits))11:52
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: hexadecimal, you should learn it :)11:52
dogmatic69so much learning11:53
oimonhaving an acorn electron forced me to count in hex11:53
MartijnVdSI fully intend to never stop learning :)11:53
oimoni wonder if the brain has a save state when you die.11:53
dogmatic69gone from windows -> deploying clusters in a year :D11:53
MartijnVdSoimon: Unlikely.11:53
oimonif we assume there's an afterlife, we must take memories with us, surely11:54
MartijnVdSoimon: Sure, but are we assuming that?11:54
oimonlet's say yes we assume this is the case11:55
MartijnVdS(I'd settle for a "High Score - Enter your name" style ending screen ;))11:55
oimonMartijnVdS: but who would see it?11:56
MartijnVdSI woudl11:57
MartijnVdSbut I'm too atheist for it :)11:57
oimonchristianity doesn't say too much about afterlife, but implies that memories are carried forward somehow11:57
oimonhow can i find out the full list of command lubotu3 understands?12:04
awilkins!help  ?12:05
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:05
lubotu3The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:05
awilkins!stupid bot12:05
lubotu3Hi! I'm #ubuntu-uk's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:05
DJonesoimon: I don't think there is a complete list, the best bet is probably teh web interface and just search through them12:07
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BigRedSTemporary drives, should they be mounted at /mnt/<descriptive dir name> or just /mnt ?12:20
oimon"Although the use of subdirectories in /mnt as a mount point has recently been common, it conflicts with a much older tradition of using /mnt directly as a temporary mount point." http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#MEDIAMOUNTPOINT12:24
oimoni think the answer is, "up to you"12:24
awilkins^^ what he said. I tend to use /mnt for that reason12:24
oimoni use /mnt/disk112:24
awilkinsUsually I let Ubuntu just mount actual disks in /media12:25
BigRedSSo for once in an argument at work I'm *not* the luddite12:25
oimonbecause i may require to mount .iso files and loop devices12:25
* BigRedS dances with joy12:25
awilkinsI only mount things like loop images in /,nt12:25
* kirrus has been arguing with BigRedS about this for the past 10 minutes12:26
oimonredhat seems to use /mnt/devname12:26
awilkinsAnd I develop urges to stab people who permanently mount things in /mnt . And stab them even harder when they mount things directly in /12:26
awilkins /backup    (DIEEEE!)12:27
BigRedSoh, we have /backup on all our machines :)12:27
kirrusIt's not permanently mounted, only when we're copying stuff to or from it though12:27
* awilkins sends PCKT_STAB to BigRedS and kirrus12:28
BigRedShey, I don't make the rules!12:30
* kirrus passes PCKT_STAB to writer of rsync-backup12:30
oimonsolaris used to setup stuff in /export/home12:31
davmor2czajkowski: prod12:31
oimon/export/home was the physiscal home, and /home was the automount point12:33
czajkowskidavmor2: bleugh12:34
oimonsomeone has a hangover?12:35
davmor2czajkowski: you're still drunk aren't you?12:40
czajkowskidavmor2: not drinking smartie pants12:40
davmor2czajkowski: oh that's what the problem is then, too much blood in you alcohol stream ;)12:41
oimonhihihih http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2011-05-18/12:42
gordi missed all the great UDS talks this time :( http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/5651069099/cleaning-up-after-ourselves - everyone should watch12:50
davmor2gord: so did I12:56
davmor2and I was there12:56
gorddavmor2, did you see mpt's? that one was great and i missed that12:58
davmor2gord: I did see any after MS's monday morning12:58
gorddavmor2, you fail at UDS :P12:59
oimongord: i was looking at an outdated pages on the wiki for 7.10 today, thinking i'm sure this isn't stil the case?12:59
davmor2gord: we were sprinting :P13:00
davmor2gord: I liked the byobu talk by dustin13:00
oimonwrong data is often worse than no data13:01
davmor2gord: I learnt more about what was going on from videos, omgubuntu, planet ubuntu and chats at the party and around the table at breakfast and lunch :)13:01
daubersIs it just me, or does firefox not play nice with unity?13:05
BigRedSit plays reasonably nice IME13:05
daubersHmmm... might be something weird I've done to the configs somewhere13:06
BigRedSI know there's focusing issues13:08
BigRedSI've not come across anything else13:08
gorddaubers, works fine for me13:08
oimonKenyon says. “We will pre-load well over 10 million PCs with Ubuntu this year and we are more than doubling users every year in India and China.”13:13
daubersgord: Must be some upgrade config then13:13
DJonesI'm glad I'm not this person http://goo.gl/AZ301 Although something doesn't quite look right with the photo13:14
daubersDJones: ARGH!13:14
DJonesdaubers: I'm not bothered by heights, but .....13:15
daubersDJones: Heights don't bother me, it's the groudns that kill you13:16
DJonesAt least if you fell, you wouldn't complain about it again13:16
DJonesI think the correct comment is "Ker-Thud"13:19
daubersThuds not a bad game as things go13:25
daubersBit short for my liking, but you cna't have everything :)13:26
oimoncan I play music through a bluetooth enabled car stereo? i've only tried phone calls (which works)13:29
daubersoimon: Ido that through my parrot car kit :) Means I can have spotify in the car13:31
oimondaubers: i wonder if it's possible on all bluetooth stereos .13:32
daubersoimon: no idea :)13:32
oimoncars aren't my strong point :P13:32
=== OmNomDeGaulle is now known as JethroTroll
davmor2Ah run-dmc and areosmith do walk this way14:01
dogmatic69davmor2: sounds tricky14:05
davmor2dogmatic69: it's tricky but now we talking double dutch with Malcolm McClaren14:06
* DJones passes the dutchie on the left hand side14:07
oimoncharity door-knockers just started shouting through the door and being aggressive at my wife for asking that they obey the polite request for no cold-callers on our door :(14:24
MooDoooimon: tell them to b***ger off14:24
oimonMooDoo: i'm at work..after she closed the door they were shouting and generally being abusive14:25
diploChuck water out the window at them!!14:25
oimoni don't think that's a really helpful way to make an abusive jerk leave your property!14:25
diploOk, tar :)14:25
dogmatic69tell her to shout 'I'm calling ASBO'14:26
oimonpeople don't respect that we ask for no cold callers. what's worse is taht a knock at the door starts doggy barking, then the baby wakes up14:26
diploI think I'm blacklisted with religious people now, not rude but just hate people knocking at my door for stuff like that14:26
diployeah used to be my issue oimon14:26
MartijnVdSoimon: boobytrap the front yard/door14:26
oimonif i have a notice, do they really think i will change my mind and say, oh yeah, i'll buy your $product14:27
kazadeI always wonder, would cold callers get annoyed if I knocked on their door and started preaching something?14:27
kazadeThey probably all have "No cold caller" signs up :p14:27
oimonthe JWs have got the message now after the dog "escaped" at them14:27
davmor2oimon: tell her to simply call the charity and tell them that their callers are being abusive and had she wanted to give she certainly doesn't want to now14:27
oimondavmor2: she has done the first biy14:27
oimonironically they were caleld "make a child smile"14:28
davmor2MooDoo: me owld mukka14:28
MooDoodavmor2: alreet geezer14:28
oimonagh firefox profile has corrupted and wiped all my settings :(14:28
davmor2MooDoo: I reckon wim'll fit in down sowff if we keep practising you know14:29
MooDoodavmor2: aye lad, as long as the understan' terms like t'internet and middle oft road ;)14:30
davmor2MooDoo: hehe14:30
MooDoothank goodness it's friday14:31
oimonit's needed14:32
oimonweeks seem so long since all those bank hols14:32
gordevery time i try and launch the disk usage analyser i end up running byobu...14:33
davmor2gord: spell it right when you run it from the terminal and you'll get on better when you hit tab :P14:37
gorddavmor2, i have completely forgotten what the actual program name is, i just type disk into unity14:37
davmor2gord: boabob or something like that isn't it14:38
gordsomething like that14:38
gordat least i'm not trying to run bonobo from the terminal anymore14:38
davmor2boabab infact14:39
* awilkins keeps having to run palimpsest because Unity has no obvious way of mounting things that's in the gui14:42
MartijnVdSawilkins: nautilus?14:43
awilkinsMartijnVdS, Doesn't seem to have the same "Removable drives" area that the Places menu has14:44
awilkinsMartijnVdS, It's an SSD in an eSATA caddy, doesn't automount like USB flash14:44
awilkinsIt's because I usually have "Tree" selected and not "places"14:45
MartijnVdSah, don't use that ;)14:45
oimontop hits on my blog this week: disable global menu in unity14:50
dogmatic69oimon: whats your url?14:51
MartijnVdSoimon: aptitude purge appmenu-{gtk,qt} {firefox,thunderbird}-globalmenu14:52
dogmatic69slightly quicker than http://www.webupd8.org/2011/03/disable-appmenu-global-menu-in-ubuntu.html14:52
oimonit's more a public tomboy note of useful commands :)14:52
MartijnVdSoimon: done! :)14:52
oimontoday's natty users are the REAL beta testers ;)14:53
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Azelphurpopey: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/Photos/May%202011/IMG_20110520_150522.jpg15:19
awilkinsHmm, I can see it15:20
awilkinsTha's a lot of barebones15:20
awilkinsWhy 8 of everything but CPUs or are there another row behind?15:20
Azelphuranother row behind.15:20
MartijnVdSWho needs CPUs when you're mining bitcoins with your GPUs ;)15:21
awilkinsMaking a bitcoin mining cluster? Or a gaming cafe?15:21
Azelphurbitcoin mining cluster :)15:21
Azelphurhense the big graphics cards15:21
oimonpopey's been quiet today15:22
popeybeen busy15:22
popeyfixing car15:22
hamitrongaming cafe \o/ bitcoin is the excuse15:22
oimoni thought you were busy in #linuxformat15:22
* awilkins wonders if mining bitcoins is worth buying time on EC2 / GPU instances15:22
popeypic works now Azelphur15:22
popeyoimon: only for the last 10 mins15:22
* Azelphur awaits the incoming "loon"15:22
hamitronawilkins: it isn't15:22
hamitroncosts you about 3/4 times as much as the bitcoin you get15:22
popeyAzelphur: total price for that lot?15:22
Azelphurpopey: £200015:22
awilkinshamitron, It's not worth the electricity to do it yourself15:22
hamitronbecause nvidia cards are not as good for it15:23
popey _15:23
popey| | ___   ___  _ __15:23
popey| |/ _ \ / _ \| '_ \15:23
popey| | (_) | (_) | | | |15:23
popey|_|\___/ \___/|_| |_|15:23
hamitronawilkins: it is15:23
popey                     15:23
hamitronfor now15:23
awilkinshamitron, Hmm, only if you think they will still inflate, I suppose15:23
hamitronno, at current values15:23
Azelphuranyone know where I can get cheap dvi to vga adapters?15:23
awilkinsWouldn't it be easier to just spend £2000 on buying bitcoins?15:23
Azelphurmaybe, but at least I'm having fun15:24
oimonpopey: did you blog about the multiboot usb stick?15:24
oimoni heard you mention it on uupc15:24
popeynot yet15:24
hamitronawilkins: buying bitcoins would be for someone very confident in it15:24
oimoni can wait :)15:24
awilkinsIt can't be a bitcoing mining cluster, you wouldn't need 8 mobos15:24
awilkinsJust a few with lots of PCI-E slots15:25
Azelphurawilkins: I opted for cheap boards, the cards block eachothers exhausts if you use one board15:25
oimonhmm not sure i want live sticks, but OS installed to usb15:25
Azelphurthen you end up doing something like this miner, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/May%202011/2011-05-19-014621_771x443_scrot.png15:25
hamitronAzelphur: I told you to get dual channel memory packs15:25
hamitronand spilt them15:26
Azelphurhamitron: this was cheaper and it makes no difference?15:26
hamitronI'd of got half the ram15:26
hamitron= cheaper15:26
hamitronmy next bitcoin box to fire up only has 256Mb ram15:27
gordcouldn't you guys spend this time helping out on those cancer fighting things maybe?15:27
oimonhamitron: how many bitcoins do you own?15:28
gordthere are a lot of them15:28
hamitrongord: my cpu is used for stuff on boinc15:28
* MartijnVdS owns 0.0215:28
hamitronless than 115:28
gordhamitron, i was thinking the gpu stuff15:28
* awilkins has a bitcoin folder in his home but doesn't know how many coins it has in it15:28
oimoncoming in here makes me feel better about my sad life15:28
awilkinsRun the GPU mining thing for a while but it makes the desktop really really sluggish15:29
oimoni might spend ages trying to get things working and never using the results , but at least i'm not mining bitcoins :)15:29
hamitrongord: I gotta pay fo the electric bill15:29
gordyou gonna pay it with bitcoins? ;)15:29
hamitronshall i ask npower?15:29
gordseems like a nasty circle ;)15:29
hamitron"do you accept bitcoin?"15:29
oimonit seems easier to travel the streets picking up pennies than mining bitcoins15:30
awilkinsNo, he pays for the pictures of goats in compromising positions with bitcoins, and uses the money he saved to pay the electric bill15:30
oimoni hear begging is lucrative15:30
gordevery six months or so i try out BOINC again, but then i stop it again, it just can't play nice with me15:31
hamitronbitcoining isn't exactly good for the environment15:31
hamitronthat is the only bad thing I can see about it15:31
* awilkins wouldn't mind a concrete way of contributing to any of the following ; fusion research, nanotech assembler research, AI research15:32
* hamitron uses his cpu productively to search for little green men15:32
awilkinsRealistically, I don't have the machine tools for fusion research, the smarts for AI research, or the chemistry degree for nanotech15:32
oimoni thought SETI had closed down?15:35
hamitronI haven't done it for a while15:36
hamitronbut I think there are still units to work on, last I checked15:36
hamitronjust stopped recording signals15:36
awilkinsI started running folding@home and stopped doing SETI@home15:37
hamitronmy other projects are/were climate prediction and something to do with proteins15:37
awilkinsProteins thing was the folding@home probably15:37
hamitronmaybe, yeh15:37
awilkinsI think the climate thing was sponsored by the BBC, ran that for a while15:37
hamitronI've never done gpu stuff on it15:38
oimoni had a work colleague who was into WoW : he paid some chinese slaves to mine gold for him15:38
MartijnVdSthere's still the RC5-72 thing15:38
hamitrontoo much heat15:38
MartijnVdS(+ related)15:38
awilkinsNo, I've not run a contributory-computing project in ages15:38
oimondid amazon shut down their metalturk thing?15:39
MartijnVdSoimon: no: https://www.mturk.com/mturk/welcome15:39
oimoni was thinking they should just pipe the requests into #ubuntu-uk15:39
* awilkins was pit to the draw15:39
awilkinsI had a look at it... it just seemed like slavery to me15:40
oimonwrite a 500 word article (i.e. my homework) for $415:41
awilkinsThe absolute highest job on their right now is $14.79 for transcribing a 29 minute audio tape15:41
awilkinsANd only 2 other jobs at $10 or above15:41
awilkinsHah, 6 jobs at $515:42
awilkinsor above15:42
oimontime alloted 4 hrs 30 : reward $1.2715:42
awilkins500 words for $5.13 PLUS a !! 79 cent bonus15:46
jpdsawilkins: 79 cents is what, 2p?15:48
oimoni've just sen the course material for ITIL ...i want to die15:48
shaunoassume Azelphur's planning on the world ending before his creditcard bill arrives :)15:52
MartijnVdSshauno: or at least that part of the world where his credit card info is stored :)15:52
DJonespopey: Mumbuntu http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/40033/ubuntu-1104-canonical-interview-linux15:53
Azelphurindeed, we're all gonna die in 2012 anyway so yay :P15:53
awilkinsThat's why he's working so hard to transfer his fiat currency into bitcoins15:53
shaunodoes look interesting, but the leccy bill would terrify me :/15:55
oimontime to try meego 1.2 on my eee pc16:03
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shaunokinda curious why the bitcoin client connects to freenode?16:13
MartijnVdSit uses irc to connect to other bitcoin clients16:13
MartijnVdSto find blocks it doesn't yet have16:13
gordugh irc? really?16:13
shaunothat's a little awkward.  especially using a network that you're already using.  a lot of servers don't like you having multiple connections16:14
MartijnVdSyou can configure the clients to all connect though a central one16:14
MartijnVdSso they don't all open irc connections16:15
MartijnVdScheck the bitcoin wiki for info16:15
shaunoI'm not a bitcoin client tho :)16:15
gordit just sounds like its abusing irc servers to me16:15
MartijnVdStell the devs16:16
gordimagine if all the bittorrent clients in the world connected to freenode16:16
shaunoimagine if freenode found a way to slightly interfere for their next donation drive ;)16:20
oimonWOO meego works on my non-atom eee :)16:26
ali1234you are lucky16:27
ali1234it will probably crash at an unusual time16:27
ali1234what cpu do you have?16:27
oimonparty pooper16:27
oimoneee 70116:28
ali1234yeah that doesn't have ssse4 so...16:28
ali1234i did an analysis of an old meego version and ssse4 instructions only appear in glibc and qt16:28
ali1234but obviously those are quite important16:28
oimonit didn't use to boot so this is the first time i saw it working :)16:29
ali1234when you get sigill this will be why16:29
oimonchromium isn't running16:29
oimonthat excitement was short lived16:30
ali1234yeah i bet that is heavily optimized16:30
ali1234i didn't analyse nonfree16:30
oimonali1234: how do i run a terminal?16:31
ali1234depends what ux you are using16:31
oimonah fouind it16:31
oimonit's a sweet ui16:32
oimonshame it won't work on my eee then16:32
oimonali1234: running chromium-browser -g for debugging gives SIGILL :(16:38
ali1234yeah there you go16:38
* oimon wonders what else he could run on the eee16:39
oimonandroid-x86 needs touch screen really16:40
popeyoimon: i have crunchbang on my eee 90016:48
popeybut then I never ever boot it up, so dont actually use it16:48
oimonpopey: lol. i found it a bit fiddly16:48
oimongingerbread x86 is out so will try that16:49
oimonwhen i actually need it i use ubuntu. although elementary OS was nice on it, waiting for v0.216:49
popeyhoneycomb might be interesting16:50
oimonah poo, i got mixed up16:51
oimoni wish they would use version umber16:51
oimon2.3 isn't much over 2.216:51
* MartijnVdS is waiting for his Xoom16:52
oimonthe locksmith never arrived to let me get into my office at work...luckily we barged the door open at 10am and didn't tell anyone16:55
PalaPadYay managed to jump an earlier train leaving for home sooooooon :)16:55
PalaPadGet home an hour earlier than expected16:55
PalaPadWas another good meeting today, wish all policy meetings I attend were as mature and intelligent as the Nominet ones16:55
oimon2.3 is feeling fast16:56
awilkinsI would have spent an hour trying to pick the lock17:00
awilkins(just for the fun of it)17:01
Azelphurtook this test, http://aq.server8.org/ scored 47/50 haha17:01
Azelphurthe autism in me, it is clearly strong \o/17:01
Azelphurit diagnosed me right though, said I have aspergers syndrome, which I do xD17:01
awilkinsHow old are you, if you don't mind me asking?17:06
Azelphurawilkins: 2117:06
awilkinsI think my score would have been higher when I was 20, as opposed to now when I@m 3717:06
dwatkinsI should probably do the test also.17:06
* dwatkins is 3417:07
awilkinsA lot of the questions I found myself thinking "Well, I _can_ guage people like that ... but I don't do it instinctively, I do it intellectually"17:07
Azelphurawilkins: I can manage social situations reasonably well, but everything social has to be done intellectually17:08
AzelphurI had to "re-learn" pretty much everything17:08
brobostigonAzelphur: 41.17:09
brobostigon41 out of 50, is pretty high.17:10
awilkinsI would probably have got a higher score... but I do prefer the theatre to the museum, because I've seen all the museums I'd be interested in...17:11
awilkinsAnd doing things the same way all the time is boring...17:12
awilkinsAnd I do like to meet new people, as long as they are interesting ones (like you get at geeky socials)17:12
awilkinsBut I totally hate "standard" social gatherings17:13
awilkinsSo it probably under-scored me because I wasn't answering some of the questions in line with expectations... and I'm now arguing that I should have a higher score for being socially dysfunctional, which pretty much makes me a giant nerd and proud of it...17:14
awilkinsWhich probably describes most of the people in here17:15
brobostigonawilkins: the social dysfunction you experience, is a different kind of social inabilty, than within autism. iwould say, from personal experience.17:17
shaunoheh, 44, but I don't consider myself autistic17:21
* awilkins is definitely not autistic but his paediatrician / wife suspects he's Aspergic17:21
kazadeI only got 2317:22
kazadewhat is this thing testing exactly?17:22
awilkinsWhat are you, some kind of girl?17:22
MartijnVdSkazade: how much like Azelphur you are, apparently ;) he's scored the highest17:22
Azelphurnobody will beat my 47 >:)17:22
awilkinsWell, I could, but not by answering honestly17:22
shaunoI think knowing what they're looking for taints it quite heavily17:23
awilkinsYup. And also knowing how to answer because you have a medical degree (or even a basic knowledge of pop-psychology)17:23
kazadeI'm pretty sure if I made out that I'm not a manipulative bastard... I'd score higher17:24
kazadeif you can read people, it makes the score go down17:25
shaunomanipulating the test into thinking you're not manipulative?  ;)17:25
kazadeheh, indeed17:25
awilkinsIt doesn't account for genuine empathy versus the ability to read social cues without empathy17:26
kazadeawilkins, that's a good point17:26
Azelphurindeed :p17:26
MartijnVdSDoes that matter though? If the effect is the same.. :)17:26
awilkinsWell, I think the former is something that you develop earlier on and the latter has to be learned17:27
shaunoif you're investigating the effects, probably not.  if you're after the cause, then sure it matters17:27
kazadeMartijnVdS, you could be completely analytical at reading people and that would show up as empathy in this test17:27
awilkinsWhich is why I think I got a lower score than I would have done 20 years ago17:27
Azelphuryea, I answered the questions ignoring my analytical stuff I've developed over the years17:27
shaunoI've discovered it's easier to talk to my isp on twitter than on the phone.  I'm fairly sure that's a bad sign17:28
awilkinsNaah, that's true of nearly everything I find17:28
kazadeI think if I'd taken that test at 18, it'd be in the high 40s17:28
Azelphurhaha, I avoid phone calls like the plague17:28
AzelphurI usually get my brother/mum to make them for me, I really hate phone calls :(17:28
awilkinsI can't order takeaway on the phone - noone understands my received-pronunciation accent up north...17:28
* brobostigon is quite emotional, but most people think he behaves quite logically, and totally illogiclly, even when i think i am emotional.17:29
kazadeAzelphur, +117:29
awilkinsAnd I hate making the call too17:29
kazadeI used to do anything to avoid phoning someone17:29
Azelphurhehe, I don't answer the house phone either17:29
awilkinsWhich is why the stereotype of geeks ordering pizza via the web is so pervasive.17:29
shaunophone calls are a large part of my day job :/  but I prefer written conversations for support, because you can take a few minutes to find the right answer, rather than feeling compelled to give them something *now* just to fill the awkward silence17:29
awilkinsThere's no point me answering the phone when my wife is in. 90% of the time it's her mother, for her17:30
awilkinsYup, hate it when people ask questions in voice calls that you know will take several minutes research to answer correctly.17:30
MartijnVdSalso, you have your own phone now ;)17:30
brobostigoni also hate telephone calls, nothing beats talking to another logical person/creature in real life.17:30
kazadebring on the Rapture :p17:30
kazadehave a good weekend all17:31
brobostigonbye kazade o/17:31
shaunowe work on a system where data's only posted every 10-15 minutes.  makes for some gutwrenching calls, because they make a change, and then you have to wait up to 15 minutes for them to be reflected17:31
* awilkins puts a VU meter up just so he can bask in the glory of having fixed a kernel bug that makes his microphone work again17:31
MartijnVdSyou  fix your own kernel bugs?17:31
awilkinsMartijnVdS, Only the second one in 10 years17:31
shaunoso you end up with management's desire for "first call resolution" as a metric, vs some really, really awkward calls17:32
awilkinsMartijnVdS, And the first one was pretty trivial - bunch of IR remote keycodes in a table17:32
* MartijnVdS has teh cool: http://i.imgur.com/QGoJB.jpg17:32
awilkinsAre they meant to habve wool for hair?17:33
MartijnVdSawilkins: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Headless+Heroes17:33
awilkinsHmm, wall mounted album covers. Nice17:33
shaunocardboard cutouts for friends?  martijn scores 51/50!17:33
awilkinsOh, table. Foiled by perspective17:33
MartijnVdSawilkins: yes, table :)17:33
MartijnVdSshauno: 8-)17:34
awilkinsThey would make quite nice wall art though17:34
MartijnVdSthey would, yes17:34
MartijnVdSlots of record covers would17:34
* awilkins is inspired to put on loud PJ17:34
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MartijnVdSawilkins: try Headless Heroes -- they're on U1MS (and on youtube, if you want it for free)17:35
shaunorx/tx power levels on a cable modem .. anyone have any pointers how to enterpret the values?17:36
MartijnVdSprobably dB?17:36
shaunoyeah, they'd dBmV17:36
shaunobut no indication of whether big numbers are better, etc17:36
MartijnVdSmV.. hmm17:36
MartijnVdSbigger numbers = it's screaming louder :)17:37
MartijnVdSunless it's signal-to-noise ratio17:37
shaunomy receive level bounces between -6 and -7, and I've no idea if that's a good thing or a bad thing :)17:37
MartijnVdSshauno: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DBm17:37
shaunoand ntl are more interested in when I last rebooted my computer :/17:38
MartijnVdSshauno: that contains a table17:38
awilkinsshauno, I think the signal/noise ratio is the most important17:39
MartijnVdSit is17:39
shaunoit doesn't tell me that :/17:39
MartijnVdSshauno: what DOES it tell you?17:40
awilkinsshauno, Mine is 39.2 for reference, and I have a good connection. (downstream power -6.4dBmV)17:40
MartijnVdSawilkins: 39.2 is a lot17:40
shaunoMartijnVdS: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/23042/Screen%20shot%202011-05-20%20at%2017.39.58.png17:40
awilkinsMartijnVdS, I live in the original NTL CM trial area, I think the wires here are good because they were trying hard17:40
MartijnVdSI get 6dB down, 8dB up (SNR) on my ADSL17:40
* awilkins has cable, apples, oranges17:41
MartijnVdSI don't know cable17:41
awilkinsNeither do I17:41
shaunothat's all I can get out of it.  the rest of the pages tell me "This feature has not been enabled in your cable modem.", and the mffr's password doesn't seem to get me anywhere :(17:41
MartijnVdSshauno: it's seeing a signal -- it's _something_ :)17:42
awilkinsCool, for some reason I have 1Mbit/s upstream now17:42
shaunoyeah.  it wasn't 30 minutes ago :)17:42
awilkinsI'd noticed, but the modem confirms it17:42
shaunoas far as I can tell, -7 coming in is rather 'quiet', and 60 going out means it's having to yell rather loud to reach the other end17:43
awilkinsMy upstream is 39.0 dBmV17:44
awilkinsMy down is -6.517:44
shaunohm.  I had -6 yesterday, -7 today :/17:44
shaunostarting to think I should get off my rear and try hooking it up to different outlets to see if we just have dodgy cabling17:45
awilkinsThe last I had trouble, the engineer put a new attenuator on and that fixed it17:45
shaunowe have 4 outlets for cable, which is kinda convenient.  but also a bad sign, because they tend to be wired up by regular sparkies who really aren't used to RF17:46
awilkinsThe old one was oblong, he said it was a museum piece17:46
awilkinsThe other spate of trouble was because the local router was totally overwhelmed by torrenting gits17:47
shaunoyours or theirs?17:47
MartijnVdSawilkins: stop torrenting then17:47
awilkinsWas obv. short on RAM or CPU because it was returning ping times of 150ms + and download speeds of a few KB17:47
MartijnVdSawilkins: http://www.bufferbloat.net/17:48
awilkinsMartijnVdS, Maybe so... it was fine for a while, but now it's a bit slow in the evening17:48
awilkinsMore total bandwidth than latency though17:49
shaunomine gets better overnight (but tends to disconnect between midnight and 1am)17:49
awilkinsIt helped a lot when they started their 50Mbit/s tier on DOCSIS 3 hardware17:49
awilkinsAll the torrenting gits moved to that17:49
awilkinsNow I fear there is a new groundswell of torrenting gits on the lower tiers as the general public catch on17:50
shaunoI don't actually know that many people that are into that kinda thing17:51
shaunobesides work, which is kinda nerd-heavy17:51
awilkinsMaybe it's people streaming telly then...17:52
MartijnVdSDVB-T interfering with the cable signal?17:52
awilkinsStreaming via IP17:52
MartijnVdSyes I know17:52
shaunogot some friends in the US, downloaded one movie, one time. got a letter from their isp asking them not to do that again, and just about <expletive> bricks17:53
awilkinsI like DVB-T, I don't have to stream shows at the networks mercy17:53
awilkinsJust record them17:53
MartijnVdSawilkins: I have -T and -S2 here :)17:53
MartijnVdStoo bad there's a driver bug for my S2 card so tuning fails 75% of the time17:53
shaunoI totally dig iplayer.  whenever I get bored at work, get_iplayer's usually dropped something new into my dropbox for me :)17:54
awilkinsI find -T to be adequate for my needs - three tuners and a TB of disk space and really, there's enough on to keep one occupied in dull moments17:54
awilkinsThe wifelet loves MythTV, refers to it as my greatest gift to her. Besides, you know, marriage and child.17:54
shaunoI find dropbox is a pretty winning combination for it, because if it's there, it's already local & available.  if it's not there yet, I don't know any better so no harm17:55
awilkinsWon't let me upgrade it because she's become attached to the theme I have on right now... which isn't available in anything past Karmic...17:55
* livingdaylight is listening to Strobe by deadmau5 17:55
awilkinsI think work would take a dim view of me doing that17:56
MartijnVdSget better work :)17:56
awilkinsWe have to suffer a mere 30Mbit/s each way for the whole of the NHS <---> Greater internet  gateway17:56
shaunoI can pretty much get away with murder as long as my response times are low17:57
awilkinsYou Dutch people have multi-megabit connections in the toilet, for heaven's sakes17:57
shaunodualhead & headphones means I don't miss a thing.  so watching tv works better than zoning out17:57
MartijnVdSawilkins: Only because my utility closet is next to my water closet ;)17:57
awilkins"I'm just going to the bathroom for a major download, hurr hurr"17:57
livingdaylighti am completely addicted to chocolate17:59
livingdaylightbreathable chocolate, lol18:03
MartijnVdSdon't tell Myrtti18:08
fujisanoh wow even pippa is here18:15
MartijnVdSitym popey?18:16
shaunowho'd be surprised that popey's here?18:16
ikoniafujisan: it would be helpful if you could leave this channel also18:16
fujisanikonia why exactly?18:18
fujisani have been chatting here for quite a while18:18
dutchieis anyone still running 10.10 here that can try and reproduce a bug for me?18:18
ikoniafujisan: because of the reasons I explained to you the other day, you're behaviour in the ubuntu channels has gotten you banned from pretty much every channel, you only join to try to provoke something, you are in other non-official ubuntu channels that better suit your requirements, I'd suggest you use them18:19
shaunoonly 10.04 here18:19
fujisanikonia thanks for the suggestion but you are talking about my past i changed in the meantime like i explained before18:20
fujisanthat's all i am going to say about this18:20
ikoniafujisan: that changes nothing, you've said you've changed MANY times before,18:20
fujisanend of discussion18:20
fujisanthanks :)18:20
ikoniaI'll inform the operators of this channel about the situation18:20
fujisanstop the ad hominems please ikonia18:20
fujisanreally uncalled for18:20
ikoniasorry what ?18:20
Azelphuraww, he doesn't know anything about drama :(18:21
AlanBellyeah, lets put this conversation on hold for a sec18:21
Azelphurthe poor bot clearly hasn't been on IRC that long18:21
highvoltagepoor bot18:22
AlanBellfujisan: can you join #ubuntu-irc please18:25
awilkinsdutchie, I still have 10.1018:31
dutchieawilkins: do you have compiz on?18:32
awilkinsdutchie, I'll have to boot it18:32
awilkinsIt's on another machine18:32
dutchieoh, not that bothered then18:33
shaunowell, this good spookily quiet.  time for some civ5 instead I think19:42
* Laney clangs some pots19:45
* MartijnVdS wakes up19:45
jacobwi have a question for the house..19:52
jacobwto put chocolate in chilli or not?19:52
jacobwchilli con carne that is, before any pedants attack :p19:52
MartijnVdSchilli con chocolate19:53
MartijnVdSPlease try and notify us of the results :)19:54
MartijnVdS(you can always call a pizza)19:54
jacobwsome people do it and others don't19:55
SpudULikeDark chocolate, obviously. Darker the better I suspect.19:57
shaunoI can't imagine chocolate ever being the wrong answer; but I'm a terrible cook19:58
SpudULikeThough Mint Aero might just work ;-)19:59
jacobwi'm definately putting mint aero in my next chilli now :D19:59
SpudULikeHumble gwibber user has a question. Is there anyway to control the scrollback buffer size to a set amount, either of message count, or age?19:59
mgdmjacobw: I've heard it said that dark chocolate is excellent in chilli, not tried myself though20:08
danfishI remember hearing about an app to create mockups of UI's but can't for the life of me remember the name - any ideas?20:20
MartijnVdShas gwibber stopped crashing yet?20:21
mgdmdanfish: glade can make mockups and then you can use the mockup /as/ the UI :)20:22
danfishmgdm jacobw - I don't think that was it, but if glade will do mockups then I'll give it a go. tx20:23
brobostigonMartijnVdS: in gwibber-dailies, yes. here certainly.20:23
czajkowskiI HATE_MRIs20:24
mgdmdanfish: they won't be mockups, they'll be real buttons and stuff, just not wired up to anything - I've used it for mockups in the past and then used GtkBuilder to wire it up to a real app20:24
czajkowskidanfish: if I register with a gp in my local area and move,. do I really have to give that gp up and find a new one ???20:25
* awilkins finds it quicker to do UI mockups in real toolkits rather than drawing tools with GUI template sets20:26
danfishmgdm awilkins - that's probably a good approach20:26
danfishczajkowski: depends a bit - will you still be in their catchment area?20:26
czajkowskidanfish: nope20:26
AzelphurNoooooooooothiiiiiiiiiing :-(20:26
czajkowskidanfish: but I've found a damn good dr.20:27
brobostigonmargherita, :)20:27
Azelphuroh wait, biscuits.20:27
czajkowskiwho's been really good and patient and listened to me and been good and getting me treatment fast20:27
* awilkins was tempted by bottled mojitos in supermarket, but did not succumb20:27
danfishczajkowski: the alternative (but I didn't tell you this) is to not tell them you've moved and setup a mail redirect20:27
czajkowskidanfish: ohh ok20:27
danfishI think a mail redirect costs about £8 per month and can be done online20:28
czajkowskidanfish: to be fair my gp knows I'm moving which is why she got my MRI done in 2 weeks and is trying to get the results by next friday for me to figure out wtf Ive done20:28
czajkowskidanfish: thanks20:28
danfishmoving far?20:29
czajkowskidanfish: London20:29
czajkowskishe's a damn good gp20:30
czajkowskiand I'm really comfortable with her20:30
czajkowskiand she listens when I tell her why I need certain meds and doesnt freak out like the receptionist did when I asked for a repeat precription after only getting it less than 3 weeks ago20:30
danfishczajkowski: quick PM?20:35
AzelphurI'm trying to do this, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto I'm on the Creating your NFS Installation, part 3 Copy OS files to the server20:42
Azelphurbut it just spams failed to preserve ownership for <file>: Invalid argument20:43
Azelphurdoes nfs even preserve permissions?20:50
shaunoit should do, altho it can treat root oddly20:57
Azelphurshauno: for me it's just throwing that error and setting all the user/groups to 429496729420:58
shaunoare any of the squash options set in /etc/exports on the server?20:58
Azelphurshauno: it's got no_root_squash20:59
Azelphurthe full line is /nfsroot,no_root_squash,async,insecure)20:59
shaunoperms should work then :/  (assuming /nfsroot is on a filesystem that can handle them)21:00
Azelphurshauno: yea, server and client are both ubuntu server with ext421:01
Azelphurshauno: some word on ubuntu forums that it might be because I used drive encryption21:04
Azelphurbut then again it's failing on stuff outside /home, too21:04
shaunonever tried that, so no idea what impact it'd have :/21:04
AzelphurI doubt the OS will work with all the permissions srcewed up :/21:05
Azelphurso I guess I have to start again without drive encryption \o/21:05
hamitronAzelphur: you could tar the filesystem21:10
Azelphurnah, the nodes will need sane write access too21:10
Azelphurthe permissions need to work21:11
MyrttiUK is nice, too bad I have to leave so soon.21:16
Azelphurhamitron: haha, the permissions on the server are set correct21:23
Azelphurbut on the client it's all messed up21:23
brobostigonnoswaith dda daubers21:32
daubersLa la la la la la21:39
=== gary_ is now known as Guest7851
Azelphur2 hours till doomsday xD21:51
jacobwI can't wait :D21:54
Azelphurindeed, fun fun21:54
jacobwwe'd be a good after the rapture task force, i think most of ubuntu-uk are heathens21:56
jacobwafter the rapture tech support :P21:56
Azelphuryea, they can't kill us, they need us to fix their computers. :)21:57
AlanBellso we would be safe from the zombie apocalypse?21:59
Azelphurin theory22:00
shaunozombies use computers?22:08
Azelphuranyone wanna help me with netboot? I'm getting this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/May%202011/2011-05-20-220803_720x446_scrot.png :(22:11
shaunogot a feeling this compute cluster is going to be very educational for you :)22:13
shauno(no use here tho)22:13
Azelphuryea, it is :)22:13
AzelphurI've almost completed the guide, it should be perfect22:13
AzelphurI assume I've done something wrong in the tftpd setup, this guide is really outdated22:14
shaunoI'd be tempted to use it as a playground for puppet & openstack, just to get the buzzword quota up :)22:14
Azelphurshauno: I dunno, Supercomputer is a pretty big buzz word :p22:15
shaunowas looking around earlier tho.  seems you got quite a deal on the components.  I couldn't find 8 comparable video cards for 2000 eur, let alone the whole pile22:15
Azelphuryea, I pushed for a good deal22:17
Azelphurhaha, solved one problem I think, the pxelinux config format changed22:28
* daubers wonders if planet software is inherently broken23:13
AlanBellit is23:13
AlanBellit is subject to breakage by the feed contents23:14
ali1234hmm so the alternate cd no longer gives you a choice of what to install?23:14
AlanBellanyone tried the oem-config stuff in Natty?23:15
ali1234does the netboot cd still ask?23:15
daubersAlanBell: More in the fact that it polls, rather than is notified of events23:21
AlanBellwell RSS is inherently broken then23:24
gordali1234, no more netbook edition23:27
ali1234gord: i said netboot not netbook23:27
ali1234as in minimal.iso23:27
AlanBellali1234: what choices are you looking for?23:30
ali1234AlanBell: mythtv-backend, openssh-server, xorg-server, none of the following: gnome, kde, xfce23:30
gordah sorry, my mistake23:31
ali1234the alternate cd used to offer all these choices23:31
popeyexpert mode?23:31
popeythat usually gives every option23:31
ali1234how do i expert mode?23:31
popeyand lets you pick the ones its configured to skip23:32
popeychoose it at the boot menu23:32
popeyit's an "extra" option iirc23:32
popeymemory is vauge, but it's certainly an option23:32
popeyf6 option23:33
ali1234but given that that section of the menu is completely gone is expert mode actually going to help?23:33
popeywell non-expert does skip some menus entirely23:33
ali1234i'll try it in a minute anyway23:33
popeywhere expert lets you see them23:33
popeybut i haven't used alternate recently, you may be right, they may well have removed it entirely23:33
popeystep 66 on that page might be it23:34
ali1234maybe i'm thinking of the server cd23:34
ali1234the one that no longer exists at all?23:34
popeyit doesn't?23:34
popeywossat then?23:34
ali1234i dunno23:35
popeythats the server cd23:35
popeyand bed23:36
shaunothat list isn't particularly tied to the image you use.  you can just as easily fire off tasksel after it's booted23:37
AlanBellali1234: is the oem config option still there on the alternate cd?23:37
ali1234i don't know, i;ve never heard of or seen oem config option23:38
AlanBellit basically resets everything and deletes your user after you install it so on first boot it asks your name and timezone23:38
AlanBellthere is an oem-config package, not sure how well maintained it is, I last used it in Hardy23:39
AlanBell!info oem-config23:39
lubotu3oem-config (source: ubiquity): Perform end-user configuration after initial OEM installation. In component main, is extra. Version 2.6.10 (natty), package size 13 kB, installed size 288 kB23:39
AlanBellso you install it, add extra packages and mess things about, then reset it with oem-config-prepare then clone the disk image23:40
ali1234keyboard setup on alternate cd doesn't work :(23:51
Azelphurwhat's the package to install if I just want X on Ubuntu?23:52
Azelphur(No DM, no WM, nothing, just X.)23:53
ali1234xorg-server probably23:53
Azelphurfun :P23:53
ali1234will tell you in a minute when i figure it out23:53
Azelphurno such package haha23:53
Azelphurthat works :D23:53
ali1234look at dependencies of fglrx package for clues :)23:54
Azelphurali1234: hehe23:55
gordxserver-xorg isn't it?23:57
Azelphuryea, I just installed fglrx and let it grab dependencies23:57
Azelphurcheating \o/23:57
gordidoes that not bring in gtk or something?23:58
gordi guess if your being lazy you don't care :)23:58
AlanBellI would install xeyes23:59

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