
kdubwat up channel00:51
pleia2oh yeah, our philipballew_ is now an ubuntu member :)01:46
MarkDudeGood deal01:48
philipballewwhat up kdub!01:55
MarkDudephilipballew, did they teach you the secret handshake?01:57
philipballewMarkDude yes, it's kinda painful...BIT SO WORTH IT!01:57
newboon2AgeDrew here, @ Ubuntu Hour: Mountain View;  aaditya akk pleia2 jtatum jledbetter crashsystems crashsystems1 outofjungle nigelb chaser broder markdude jmarsden jiboumans jamalta02:22
MarkDudeHey there newboon2Age02:25
MarkDudeYou going to Maker Faire this weekend? I have 1 extra ticket02:25
newboon2Agei would love to markdude. do we have s02:35
newboon2Agea table?02:35
MarkDudeNo table02:35
jledbetternewboon2Age, jtatum should be there any second now02:36
MarkDudeI have tickets as well as a few 50% off cards02:36
MarkDudeCaltrain is kinda near I think02:38
newboon2Ageyes markdude i think you are right02:39
newboon2Agewe'll have to adjust things because there is an event on yhe second floor where we'd normally been meeting02:54
akkTwo months in a row where the 3rd floor is really busy. Wonder if they're less busy on some other day of the week?02:57
newboon2Agewell still come akk - we will adjust03:07
akkcan't make it this week, just got home from the pii conference (which was great)03:08
newboon2Agewe'll miss ya akk03:12
pleia2ubuntu hour \o/04:06
akkyay pleia204:10
newboon2Agepleia2, Michelle and Nagappan joined jtatum and i.  Micichelle is showing off a few of her many tek toys04:27
newboon2Agemichelle just put 10.04 (from my pen drive) and is running Xournal x61T Thinkpad04:40
philipballew_can somebody try to fill the holes in my computer problem. my usb wi fi card wont work on my 10.04 desktop?05:43
nhainesphilipballew_: congratulations!  \o/06:18
philipballew_^ Thanks!!!06:26
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
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jamaltawhat day are you all going to maker faire?17:45
pleia2not sure who all is going besides MarkDude17:46
jamaltaAh, alright :)17:46
* MarkDude is 17:47
MarkDudewith like 8 people17:47
MarkDudeWill tell folks about it- that is of course if the Rapture does not happen at 6pm local time17:48
pleia2MarkDude: jamalta asked which day you are going :)17:51
MarkDudeMy bad- Saturday17:56
MarkDudeRapture day17:57
* pleia2 plans to be on the beach for it17:57
MarkDudeIf I dont see you before then pleia2 - it was nice knowing you ;)17:58
MarkDudephilipballew, I will be going Saturday17:58
pleia2MarkDude: haha, same!17:58
MarkDudeYou still have time to check for things you have not done yet17:59
MarkDudemake your own todo-list is my suggestion to everyone18:00
* broder might be there18:16
pleia2http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california now has pictures from our flickr feed :)18:27
pleia2and reminder: if anyone wants to upload to our flickr feed, let me know18:27
pleia2(I can give you access, or you can email me your photos, or whatever)18:28
MarkDudeI will - later tho18:30

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