
TheErkhola again00:51
Unit193Cheri703: http://ubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Ubuntu+Women+plymouth+themes+?content=14107601:15
Unit193canthus13: This I did see...01:17
Unit193Well.... Most of it...01:18
* Cheri703 was being productive :)01:35
Cheri703yeah Unit193, that's the new u-w logo :)01:36
Unit193Thats a boot splash01:36
deejoecanthus13: did you also see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e30zR7Fv9uA01:38
deejoe1:00 in01:39
canthus13Not yet...I'll watch it when I get home tonight.01:40
* canthus13 is at work, can't really do videos.01:41
dmcglone1hows it going this evening?02:03
TheErkWhat up DMC?02:04
dmcglone1not much just got out from under being forced to watch American Idol :-/02:05
* Unit193 doesn't watch that02:05
dmcglone1I don't either Unit193 but everyone else here does.02:06
Unit193Hide under the table ;)02:07
dmcglone1I try, but my little girls beat me back out from under it :-/02:08
canthus13deejoe: cancel cable.02:09
canthus13or put a parental lock on the channel.02:09
dmcglone1so is everyone ready to die this saturday???? LOL02:09
Unit193I'm going to a graduation... So might as well!02:10
canthus13dmcglone1: Nah. I'm joining the looting at 6:01.02:10
dmcglone1didn't you hear Unit193?02:10
dmcglone1canthus13: I'll join you on that one, you watch my back and I'll watch yours :-)02:11
Unit193I'm waiting for the 2012 end, not 2011...02:11
dmcglone1haha, that one is a good one too02:11
dmcglone1seems now-a-days we are going to die every other week02:12
dmcglone1Hell my hard drives get a better life span than we do anymore02:12
Unit193Just because, it's going to happen friday.. :D02:12
dmcglone1well at least it's going to happen on a day that the majority of americans are happy02:13
TheErkRelax it's only the rapture.. party afterwards.02:14
dmcglone1where's the party?02:14
TheErkWherever you want.. the christians won't be around to stop you.02:15
Unit193If the world is full of raptors, there is no party!02:15
dmcglone1dang you got some good ones tonight TheErk02:15
dmcglone1well in that case I'm gonna break all the 10 commandments02:16
canthus13y'know.. If they keep rescheduling the Rapture, everyone's gonna miss it. It's gonna die, just like Star Trek: Enterprise. :(02:16
canthus13We should go around town and leave little piles of clothes everywhere. :)02:17
dmcglone1canthus13: but first we gotta steal them at 6:0102:17
TheErkYou know i've heard tons of 'end of the world' reasonings.. but this one coming up.. it's just outright insane.02:18
dmcglone1don't knock the message, knock the idiots delivering it02:18
canthus13if they paid attention to their bibles, they're remember that we're not gonna know the time or day of the second coming, so any date they peg and advertize will logically be wrong.02:19
dmcglone1I think the Mayan calendar stopped because they were too stupid to count any higher02:19
TheErkI think they ran out of rock02:20
dmcglone1whoo hooo02:20
canthus13dmcglone1: Actually, it's because the cycle ended. The mayan (And many other central/south american) calendars were based on cycles.02:20
dmcglone1dang canthus13 kill it as quick as I deliver it02:20
TheErkThank fully i have a google calendar.. and it lasts a long time.02:20
canthus13they had centuries to work out a new calendar for the new cycle, so why mess with it?02:20
TheErkAlthough i do believe that if one day i can not get to my google calendar.02:21
TheErkIt may be the end of the world.02:21
dmcglone1I like the "running out rock" theory better :-)02:21
dmcglone1I really think the dinosaurs ate them before they could finish their calendar :-/02:23
dmcglone1will Ubuntu 11.10 have a Gnome option?02:24
dmcglone1or will it just be Unity?02:24
TheErkI do not know02:28
dmcglone1I think it was Unit193 that posted the IRC chat where he said the next release will proably include a gnome option02:29
dmcglone1Or it may have mentioned support for Gnome.02:32
dmcglone1can't remember which though02:32
TheErkNo idea good sir.02:33
TheErkMe, i like Unity.02:33
dmcglone1I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole02:34
dmcglone1TheErk: tried Gnome 3?02:35
TheErkI have not.02:35
dmcglone1beats the hell out of Unity02:35
Unit193dmcglone1: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/expected-changes-in-ubuntu-1110-oneiric.html02:35
dmcglone1I say you try it before deciding, If you like unity, I guarantee you will like gnome 302:36
TheErkFair enough, i'll DL the live USB02:36
dmcglone1thanks Unit19302:36
Unit193Anything beats Unity...02:36
dmcglone1TheErk: I like how you can put your cursor in the top left corner and everything pops down so you can see the desktops and apps, favorites and places02:37
dmcglone1It's organised way better than Unity02:38
TheErkoooo i would love if they got rid of evolution02:38
Unit193dmcglone1: Sounds like Mac OS X02:38
dmcglone1I'm not crazy about evolution, I do use it, but it's better than anything else I've found.02:39
Unit193T-Bird wins02:39
dmcglone1Kmail is good, but it's bloated02:39
dmcglone1Unit193: I don't care for web based clients :-/02:39
TheErkI would be fine with no mail client02:40
Unit193I'm sure there is a way to run T-Bird off that, but normally you use the sudo apt-get install thunderbird02:40
* Cheri703 was productive tonight :D02:40
Cheri703still more to do, but made progress02:40
dmcglone1by the way TheErk you can't download Gnome 3 unless you use fedora or suse and some other distro02:40
TheErkGnome 3 has a live distro based on fedora02:41
dmcglone1hola back Cheri70302:41
* Cheri703 is not a hola back girl02:41
* Cheri703 is in a weird mood :)02:41
dmcglone1well you are now, you started it02:41
dmcglone1TheErk: http://ubuntuone.com/p/uSj/02:46
dmcglone1thats with just 1 desktop02:46
TheErkIt still downloading02:47
dmcglone1I'm posting one of the desktop now02:47
TheErkI will give you this one caveat.. i am a visually impaired user.. and i love Unity for its design.. nice big icons and all02:48
dmcglone1I see, I'm pretty sure you can make things bigger with Gnome 3 also02:49
dmcglone1I love that new samsumg infuze commercail02:50
dmcglone1I think I might have poison oak :-/02:52
Unit193Scratch it then dump alcohol on it02:53
dmcglone1Ow. sounds painful02:54
TheErkAmputation.. it's the only way02:54
dmcglone1I got a chain saw02:54
Unit193Bleach!  not alcohol!02:54
dmcglone1Ok I'll be back gonna try bleach02:55
dmcglone1I'll use Pee, that should work. heard it on a survival show ;-/02:55
Unit193I heard scratch && bleach!02:56
Cheri703there's a special soap you can get02:57
dmcglone1well there's no way in hell I'm pouring bleach in a wound02:57
dmcglone1Unit193: put your hearing aid on, so you don't hear anything like that again :-/02:58
dmcglone1Cheri703: special soap is for sissies... LOL02:58
dmcglone1I'll just scratch it and bite it till the skin it's on is gone. That'll work02:59
TheErkMaking USB now02:59
dmcglone1cool TheErk02:59
dmcglone1I think You'll like it02:59
dmcglone1Fox 28's idea of "breaking news" A fire downtown03:00
dmcglone1whoopi doo doo03:01
dmcglone1a vacant building it was03:01
TheErk  rebooting... back in a sec03:01
TheErkBlah.. my PC doesn't want to boot from Flash03:06
dmcglone1that was quick03:06
dmcglone1do you have it enabled in the BIOS?03:06
TheErkJust not seeing anything connected03:06
dmcglone1sounds like it's not enabled in the BIOS03:07
TheErkLemmie try another port03:08
TheErkehhh monkeys03:20
dmcglone1watching planet of the apes again? I warned you03:21
TheErkI'm actually looking forward to the prequal03:21
jgouldHmmm... Maybe I should make coffee03:22
dmcglone1did it work this time TheErk03:22
dmcglone1how'd you install unity?03:22
jgouldalso, I need to reboot...  This thign did a slew of updates...03:23
dmcglone1any kernel updates jgould?03:23
TheErkhmmmm.. be back.03:26
dmcglone1welcome back03:32
dmcglone1well I'm outta here. have a good one everybody03:37
jgouldDid it work, Erk03:40
* jgould ponders switching to Mavrick...03:41
TheErkHell no03:43
jgouldI feel your pain03:43
jgouldHmm...  What does it mean when you have an executable that you are you supposed to run ldd on and it tells you that it's 'not a dynamic executable' even though you know it is...03:48
TheErkIt means...03:49
TheErksomething is broke03:49
jgouldI figured that out already...  I hate figuring out what is broke when that is the only clue you get...03:52
canthus13jgould: I lurve maverick.03:54
jgouldMavrick may work better, it may not03:54
Unit193I like Natty03:55
canthus13jgould: gotta chmod +x maybe?03:55
canthus13Unit193: Ew.03:55
jgouldI would prefer lucid, as that's what's running on my server...03:55
Unit193canthus13: Only L/X03:55
jgouldNope, Same thing03:55
* jgould grumbles03:57
jgouldI'm going to install Maverick rather than Natty and see if I get anywhere...  I'll be back in about an hour04:00
jgouldWell,  The good news is that Mavrick seems to work better than Natty on a live CD04:10
jgouldThe first thing this liveCD told me was that there was an upgrade... When is the next LTS Version?  Is it going to be 12.04?04:12
=== dequire is now known as ronnoc
jgouldwow this thing heats up when it's working04:21
* Cheri703 almost made a joke about that being a euphemism, but will refrain04:27
jgouldI'm going to mail away for some stickers from System76.  I know my server could stand to lose the "Powered by Windows XP sticker..."04:30
Cheri703that's cool04:30
jgouldBRB,  Rebooting into Mavrick04:36
jgouldok, Back04:58
jgouldAlso, after a little bit of research, 12.04 is going to be the next LTS.04:59
Unit193Any Pithos users? (I like pianobar too, canthus13)05:00
jgouldNever heard of it, unit05:07
Unit193Pandora client05:08
Unit193I know a fix to get better songs :D05:09
jgouldI think I have a pandora account... Maybe I should look into it05:10
Unit193Pithos and pianobar05:10
Unit193WIth Pithos it may be best to use his ppa...05:11
jgouldI'm waiting on updates to install and then I'll look into it05:14
jgouldTaht's the down side to installing a 6 month old distro...  Lots of updates05:15
jgouldBut unlike Windows, I get them all in one hit05:15
Unit193And you shouldn't have to reboot 7 times...05:16
jgouldExactly.  One time and the updates are done.  Apple is pretty close to that, depending on the updates.  I still don't get why you have to reboot for Safari though...05:17
jgouldAlso, I need to look into remapping my control key to my command key and vice versa.  should I have a 'windows like' key function05:18
Unit193I see that as rather ture...05:19
jgouldI do too05:19
* Cheri703 is bored...05:21
Unit193In the themes section, the "windows" one doesn't look close to as good as XP (or up for that matter...)05:22
canthus13jgould: you probably should have the 'windows' key.05:22
canthus13jgould: it's useful for a lot of stuff, particularly with compiz.05:22
jgouldUnder unity, if I hit my command (it remaps to the start/windows key under windows) I get the menu.  I don't get that in 10.1005:22
Unit193I take it the mactel channel is usless?05:22
jgouldYeah,  there is one other person in there besides me05:23
jgouldI've not played with compiz...05:25
canthus13jgould: also, the keyboard shortcuts app allows you to map all sorts of stuff to various key combos.05:25
* jgould notes that it's hot in ehre05:30
jgoulder here05:30
jgould78 is a tad bit warm05:31
Unit193Way too hot...05:31
jgouldon my natty box, teh command key doens't do anything either05:32
jgouldSo what do the 'official' natty cd's look like05:32
jgouldbrb, restarting the laptop05:36
jgouldWell,  this hasn't helped... I'm going to go back to natty05:59
jgouldwhy the hell when I have synaptic open to find a package, do I go and switch to the CLI so I can install it??!?!!06:08
Cheri703you shouldn't06:11
jgouldI know.  I can do it right from Synaptic06:11
Cheri703*shouldn't have to06:11
Cheri703ok, I misread and thought you had to for some reason06:11
Unit193Synaptic? What is this?06:12
jgouldI'm beginning to think it's force of habit from working on the server.  i've installed a few packages by searchign for them in synaptic first, and then swtiching to the CLI for the server and installign them06:13
Unit193You can search with CLI...06:14
Unit193...That's not the point06:14
Cheri703this is coming from left field, but...pregnant women who are close to their due date ...shouldn't they anticipate the whole "water breaking" thing? like...wear a diaper or rubber pants or something? I dunno...in tv shows/movies they always end up with a puddle, which is nasty...just seems like there's a better way06:15
jgouldEw.  and that is left field.06:15
jgouldand you would think so06:17
Unit193Not everyone has their water break06:18
Cheri703it just....doesn't make sense to me06:18
* Cheri703 is super grossed out by the whole childbirth thing06:18
* jgould thinks that means that there won't be any little Cheri's running aournd06:19
Cheri703not anytime soon!06:19
Cheri703I feel no particular urge for children that are biologically mine06:20
Cheri703at this exact minute, I'm not having a major urge toward ANY children, but if that comes, we'll see06:20
jgouldI wouldn't mind kids, but we're not actively trying for them right now.  I deal with too many at work...06:21
jgouldI think that the fact that I keep trying to install Linux, even though I have issues, might mean something...06:24
Cheri703any of you watch the show Bones?06:38
jgouldNope.  I've thought about it06:39
jgouldI love having a network enabled printer06:42
jgouldespecially considering it was free XD06:42
Cheri703I'm trying to decide whether or not to go to bed...I don't *technically* have anything on my schedule for tomorrow til 3:30pm06:43
* jgould fills Cheri703's schedule up with random stuff06:43
Cheri703bah, then I have to wake up earlier06:44
Cheri703my brain is weird06:45
Cheri703sometimes I feel strange, I think my blood sugar is out of whack at the moment06:45
jgouldpossible.  I will randomly feel dizzy.  It's something I inherted from my mother... Thanks Mom!06:46
jgouldI'm going to go find out how much it's going to cost to mail something.  I'll brb06:55
Unit193My cousin *can't* (or *REALLY* shouldn't) have sugar06:59
jgouldI've often wondered if I'm not hypoglycemic <SP>07:12
Cheri703I am07:13
Cheri703have been since I was a kid07:13
Unit193I would be sad if I could never have real sugar...07:13
jgouldI agree, Unit19307:13
Cheri703I can have sugar, I just *should* have it with "real" food07:13
jgouldCandy is "real" food, right?07:14
Cheri703that doesn't always happen and I get into weird up/down things, but I manage07:14
jgouldIt's all about knowing how to control it07:15
Unit193Cousin can't...07:15
jgouldOk,  It's going to cost me $10.20ish to mail this defective router back to Cisco07:15
jgouldI turn the air on and it goes *up* a degree in here... WTF07:16
jgouldI thoguht we were gonna be paperless by now...  I seem to have more paper than I know what to do with...07:17
* jgould removes his brain07:21
jgouldHmm... Update manager doesn't seem to want to work07:25
jgouldNow I have appications crashing out of the blue...07:44
jgouldWow... Unity just defaulted to a 2D mode08:16
jgouldSee This is what I dont' get.  things will change for no reason08:19
jgouldHmm... I'm talking to my self08:24
Unit193That heppens a TON for you...08:25
jgouldWhich, talking to my self or things changing?08:25
Unit193You talk to yourself08:28
jgouldThat's cause no one answers me...08:29
* Unit193 hasn't used Linux on a new mac...08:29
* jgould pulls his hair out08:30
jgouldif I knew then what I know now, my system wouldn't have been a new Mac (or at least not an 8,108:32
Unit193My cousin hasn't really used linux, is it worth it to try to get him to use it on his mac?08:33
jgouldI think you will have better luck with a 7,1 than the 8,1 at this point08:34
BiosElementRandom offtopic awesomeness09:21
BiosElementSony just found a live phishing site running on their own servers...09:21
BiosElementAm I allowed to laugh yet? :P09:22
BiosElementNo? But...but...it's like poor sony's trying to make fools of themselves09:24
Unit193Security? We don't need no security!09:25
BiosElementI mean, I know they've hired good techs. And I know they're telling sony's execs they're retarded monkeys... >.>09:25
BiosElementOh, to be fair, it 'was' from Sony Ireland's tiny server division. >.< And it doesn't look like it had a valid ssl cert, but still..09:30
jgouldDamn libraries09:30
jgouldI have a program that uses dynamic linking to libraries.  I have the damn library installed but it can't seem to find it09:31
BiosElementBleh, I had python telling me to go to hell once...spent two days debugging it...had a damned typo in the import09:32
BiosElementHah, if you think the FBI is tracking you, get a Car Cigarette GPS Jammer >.> Awesome.09:33
Unit193That's on the list right after my cellphone jammer...09:34
BiosElementHehe, only 50 bucks. :P09:35
BiosElementThis is awesome, It's technically a federal crime in the US and yet GPS jammers are sold via US companies. >.>09:36
BiosElementIt'd be much more fun to jam the GPS Sats themselves though. >.<09:37
Unit193Texting jammer is a nice thing to have..09:37
BiosElementIt's actually not hard to spoof a GPS signal either since most GPS receivers just latch onto the strongest signal.09:37
BiosElementHas anyone done much poking around into Stuxnet? Just poking around some, it's pretty impressive.09:40
jgouldNever heard of it09:41
jgouldHa! Take that you stupid library!09:41
BiosElementIt's probably the first state-sponsored 'cyberwar' worm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuxnet09:41
Unit193BiosElement: Gonna build your own, eh?09:41
BiosElementhah, I wish I had the skills to do that Unit193 :P Though only in a greyhat kind of way >.<09:42
BiosElementAmazing thing about Stuxnet is it hit four 0day exploits for win, had two valid signed drivers, snuck around and only targeted a very specific type of system.09:44
jgouldHmm... I wonder if I have scrolling on my trackpad in Ubuntu Classic or just in Unity09:50
jgouldWe're getting somewhere09:51
jgouldThis is something I didnt' have before09:53
jgouldNow, don't ask me to tell you how I got it working09:58
BiosElementDon't breath09:59
jgouldThe sad thing is that I have that kind of luck10:00
* jgould makes a note to not try to figure out technical stuff when he's half asleep11:31
jgouldAh ha! Fixed it13:21
* jgould sighs14:10
jgoulddamn it!14:14
jgouldfrom working to not,  Just like that14:14
thafreakAnyone setup TOR before?16:18
canthus13thafreak: Yup.16:39
canthus13it's slower than shit, but it does a decent job.16:42
canthus13certainly better than freenet.16:43
canthus13jgould: What do you keep breaking?16:43
jgouldYou mean with my internet?17:22
canthus13jgould: Yeah.17:22
jgouldNo idea17:22
canthus13Router issues?17:22
jgouldProbably... I was sleeping17:24
jgouldwoke up from an odd dream and had to send an email...17:27
jgouldKinda werid when that happnes...  Anywho, back to sleep17:29
thafreakI'm thinking of setting up TOR just for IRC :)18:36
thafreakto obscure my host18:36
* jgould ponders18:47
* jgould is also cold18:48
Unit193I'm not cold at all!18:49
jgouldit's 77 in here and I'm freezing18:54
thafreakThere we go...didn't realize I wasn't connecting with SSL all this time!18:55
Unit193thafreak: Do you need it?18:56
jgouldconnecting to the irc server?18:59
thafreakwell..when I send my top secret password for identifying my nick....yeah I need it to go over ssl :)19:00
thafreakbeen sending it plain text all this time19:00
* jgould rubs his eyes19:12
thafreakNice...now I got me a cloak :)19:35
Unit193Who gave it to you? (Did you also ask for a dagger?)19:36
jgoulddamn flash makes the fans spin up on this thing19:37
Unit193Then stop flashing your computer....19:37
canthus13jgould: Flash makes my work machine go nuts... and it's running on my laptop at home. :/19:39
jgouldI can't help that flashing it gets it all hot and bothered19:46
thafreakI just followed the freenode instructions19:49
thafreakjust make sure your nick is registered, then find a freenode staffer and ask for a cloak19:49
thafreakdisconnect and reconnect, and viola, you're cloaked19:49
Unit193thafreak: I was just asking what staffer gave it to you (You didn't have to disconnect and reconnect)19:50
Unit193thafreak: And the dagger what from asking for a cloak and dagger :D19:51
thafreaki caught the cloak-n-dagger ref :)19:51
Unit193I told my friend to ask for that too (and he did :D )19:52
thafreakwell, they said they gave me a cloak...but i still saw the host I was connecting from...so i disconnected and re-connected (the solution to everything) and it's there now19:52
jgouldA reboot fixes everything19:52
jgouldincluding the human brain19:53
thafreakalready have that...19:54
thafreakjust brewed some19:54
jgouldI need some19:54
jgouldAlso need to get off my ass and do something...19:54
thafreakAnyone set up one of those boot on lan environments, where you can remotely image machines?20:02
thafreaki saw something in conjunction with clonezilla about it20:03
thafreaki think I just had a great idea20:06
thafreaksince I can't out right replace these stupid windows computers...I'm going to ADD a linux computer to each office20:06
thafreakso when their windoze machine breaks, they have something that keeps working20:06
thafreakif they're anything like normal people with normal brains, they'll eventually start to rely more on the machine that is usable most of the time right?20:08
Unit193The computer speakers that pickup radio just started playing the rickroll....20:09
canthus13thafreak: What did you wanna know about tor?20:11
thafreakcanthus13: just how hard/easy it was to setup and use...20:15
thafreakI have some new vps servers coming with unmetered bandwidth...thinking of running a tor middleman on one20:15
canthus13thafreak: Not that difficult.... you'd have to write a script to automagically turn it on, otherwise you're doing /etc/init.d/tor start and /etc/init.d/privoxy start... and you ideally want to install teh torbutton plugin for firefox.20:16
canthus13dunno how hard it is to run a node.20:16
thafreaki was just going to run irssi over it really20:17
thafreakwell, we'll see...got some other experiments to do first20:17
canthus13never used irssi over it.20:19
jgouldHmm...  We haven't gotten any mail in 3 days... Not normal20:23
deejoesnail or e?20:31
thafreakmaybe you're actually on vacation, and no one told you20:36
jgouldThat would be nice20:47
jgouldCan I be on vacation somewhere nice?20:49
canthus13jgould: No spam? I'd be thrilled...21:00
Unit193This coffee is so good....21:13
thafreakwhat kinds of koffee?21:29
thafreakha, that reminds me...anyone remember kafe...or however it was spelled...21:29
thafreakthe java implementation from way back21:29
thafreakwas it kaffee...21:29
canthus13never hurd of it.21:30
thafreakit was aparently the first open source java implementation...21:32
thafreakprobably why redhat distributed it back in the day21:32
thafreaklike back redhat 5/6 days21:33
thafreakfor the un-initiated, fedora 1 = redhat 10 :)21:33
SkrappJawthafreak: That much I knew21:34
SkrappJawIm still a newb tho. lol21:34
SkrappJaw<-- 6 months of ubuntu thus far.21:34
thafreaksome people hear me talk about redhat 5 or 6 and are like...isn't that the current version :)21:34
SkrappJawredhat became the umbrella for all the stuff involving fedora and the like didnt it?21:35
thafreakwhat happened, a community project started to make newer RPM's for redhat21:36
thafreakthey called themselves feodora...21:36
SkrappJawcuz thats the hat in the redhat logo21:36
thafreakthis was back when there was only 1 redhat...it was all free...21:36
canthus13thafreak: My first unix-style shell account was RH 4.62....21:36
canthus13(My first shell account was VMS..)21:36
canthus13VMS makes neckbeards cry.21:37
thafreakmine was some solaris abomination...21:37
thafreakI think21:37
canthus13but my first internet access was via VMS.21:37
canthus13I don't think it was called 'internet' back then, though.. Still ARPAnet.21:37
SkrappJawI did read some on Fedora. The only reason I'm on Ubu is because fedora doesnt like my IBM Thinkcentre p4 box. Its well aged.21:37
thafreakhaha yeah...I remember getting slip setup...21:37
thafreakit was a pain21:37
canthus13Fuck slip.  I had X.25 PAD access.21:38
canthus13via dialup into a 1200 baud connection.21:38
thafreakmy only complaint about redhat and fedora, is that yum is garbage21:38
canthus13too slow.21:38
thafreakback in the day, I used apt4rpm :)21:38
* SkrappJaw isnt geek enough to know what that was.21:39
canthus13I forget the package manager I used when I last used an RH style distro... it was kinda like synaptic... in Open Caldera 2.321:40
thafreaksome one ported the apt tools to use rpm's (redhat packages) instead of dpkg (debian packages)21:40
* canthus13 never wants to go back to those days...21:40
SkrappJawah. Ok. I know dpkg.21:40
thafreakI should see if apt4rpm is still around...might actually use fedora if it has apt4rpm...21:41
Cheri703SkrappJaw: me neither21:41
Unit193thafreak: Irish Cream21:41
canthus13SkrappJaw: you should.21:41
Cheri703btw, o/ SkrappJaw :)21:41
canthus13SkrappJaw: dpkg is the foundation for apt.21:41
SkrappJawlol, Cheri70321:41
SkrappJawI would like to know how to compile my own dpkg.21:41
thafreakhmm...when the last item in the "news" section is dated 2005, that's a bad sign21:42
SkrappJawfor qjoypad. So i dont have to compile it every time I install on a new box21:42
* canthus13 wonders how you install dpkg if you accidentally remove it...21:42
thafreakaptitude reinstall foo21:42
SkrappJawI have problems with debian6. Nautilus is broke out the box. Wont run as root.21:43
SkrappJawGives me some crazy errors. I tried to find it but couldnt sort it out.21:43
canthus13thafreak: I thought aptitude depended on dpkg.21:44
thafreakyou removed dpkg! ahahaha21:44
thafreakholy crap man21:45
thafreakdownload the dpkg deb, and untar it21:45
SkrappJawits an error with something. Daemon? Something bout not being able to connect to dbus server21:45
thafreakso that one is still active21:46
thafreakmight have to install fedora just to try that out...21:46
canthus13thafreak: I didn't remove it.. I was just wondering how to put it back, aside from compiling from source. :)21:46
thafreakyou can untar an deb21:47
* canthus13 did accidentally remove rpm on Open Caldera once, though... which completely destroyed the system.21:47
thafreakyou can unzip ish an rpm too21:47
thafreakactually cpio21:47
canthus13yeah, but the whole dependency hell thing made it impossible to do just about anything. :/21:47
canthus13It was easier to switch back to windows.21:48
thafreakhence the reason I setup apt-rpm :_21:48
canthus13I didn't know about it yet... Debian seemed like some mystical neckbeard distro back in 2001.21:48
thafreakyes it did...that's why I just took apt, and left the rest ;)21:49
thafreakbut then i switched to gentoo...after that, debian seemed easy :)21:49
canthus13Hmm... Just got an offer for a software tester position... at 12.50/hr. :/21:50
thafreakis it a paycut?21:50
* SkrappJaw is not employed.21:52
SkrappJawThat'd be boss for me. lol21:52
SkrappJawSo, question. How does one uninstall a program they compiled via make install?21:57
Cheri703canthus13: /me would love to make $12.50/hr :D22:04
canthus13Cheri703: Wanna move to whitehouse?22:13
Cheri703no idea where that is22:13
canthus13SW of toledo.22:13
canthus13It's a small town about half an hour out.22:13
Cheri703no chance of telecommuting, eh?22:13
canthus13Doesn't look like it. I'll forward it to you.22:14
canthus13thafreak: Yeah... a fair bit of a paycut....22:24
canthus13SkrappJaw: Depends.. Some have an uninstall script. you might check the readme.22:25
* jgould is bored23:19
jgouldand i need a package of $.70 parts...23:19
canthus13jgould: try installing LFS if you're bored.23:32
canthus13Linux From Scratch.23:36
canthus13Try installing it in a VM.  It's basically compiling everything from the toolchain on up.23:36
* Unit193 wants to go to OLF and see people from the LoCo23:37
* canthus13 is going to OLF.23:37
canthus13Speaking of which.. I need to request the days off now.23:37
canthus13Ohio Linux Fesgt.23:45
canthus13In cbus Sept 9-11.23:45
canthus13Gotta go for the pre-party... Last year, Nagios dropped $10k on the bar for drinks for OLF folks...23:46
canthus13...which resulted in paultag endorsing them. :)23:46
Unit193Now my voice hurts from yelling at the computer....23:55
canthus13Unit193: That was dumb.23:55
canthus13You should kick it next time.  Or headbutt it.23:56
Unit193The site spider has no **** filter....23:56
Unit193And now it's hung...23:57
* canthus13 won't crack any jokes.23:59

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