
rmg51morning JonathanD10:40
JonathanDhey rmg5110:40
InHisNameMorning everyone13:36
InHisNameIsn't it wonderful ??   It is FRIDAY!   It's Friday.14:09
InHisNameteddy-dbear has transformed into a BOT!14:09
teddy-dbearone day before the end of the world ;-)14:10
ChinnoDoghi peeps15:40
ssweenywassup ChinnoDog15:44
ChinnoDognuffin much. Got me a mexican hot chocolate and an apple danish.15:45
ChinnoDogssweeny: What do you do for Canonical now?16:08
ssweenyChinnoDog, i'm in the OEM solutions group16:09
ssweenybasically i customize ubuntu for new hardware16:09
ChinnoDogFor whose hardware?16:10
ssweenycan't say16:11
ssweenywell, i can say that for instance my group created the netbook interface for the dell mini16:12
ssweenyso things like that16:12
ChinnoDogAh. So, you are customizing it for vendors. That is what I wanted to know.16:13
ChinnoDogDo they pay you to do this or does Canonical do this to push Ubuntu?16:13
ssweenyboth i guess16:13
ssweenysome of the stuff ends up in ubuntu16:14
ssweenylike unity-2d, which i believe came out of the oem group16:14
ChinnoDogBut I mean when someone like Dell wants to sell a laptop with Ubuntu do they pay your group to cut them an Ubuntu image/install or does Canonical volunteer to make one so Dell can ship Ubuntu?16:15
ChinnoDogi.e. Who is actually paying your salary?16:16
ssweenyi believe that dell pays for the customization16:22
ssweenybut i've only been here a week so what do i know?16:22
ChinnoDogssweeny: are you doing ARM builds?16:36
ssweenyChinnoDog, not at the moment. why?16:36
ChinnoDogJust wondering16:36
ChinnoDogAny non x86 architectures?16:36
ssweenyubuntu already has ports to arm and powerpc16:37
ssweenyand debian has a ton more16:37
ssweenyactually the ubuntu powerpc port may be unmaintained now16:38
ChinnoDogI meant your group. ARe you doing non x86 customizations?16:40
ChinnoDogAMD is releasing a 128-bit CPU this year? Sweet.16:46
ChinnoDogWhen can I get Ubuntu 128-bit edition?16:47
ChinnoDogMS is working on 128-bit Win 8.16:50
* ChinnoDog expects Ubuntu 128-bit released tomorrow16:50
* ssweeny gets right on that16:54
JonathanDI want 640-bit16:55
JonathanDthat ought to be enough for anyone.16:55
ChinnoDogOh. Its not just this year, its next month. http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/cpu/display/20110307165713_AMD_Finalizes_Shipment_Dates_for_Next_Gen_Chips.html17:25
PennBotTitle: AMD Finalizes Shipment Dates for Next-Gen Chips - X-bit labs (at www.xbitlabs.com)17:25
ssweenyman we just got 64-bit working right on the desktop17:27
ChinnoDogGood. This can be an excercise in portability. The same things that make the 64-bit version work should make 128-bit work, correct?17:30
ChinnoDogThere isn't a whole lot of 64-bit only software but there is 32-bit, so just need to write the compatibility library for running 32-bit code on 128-bit CPU and it should be pretty much the same experience.17:31
* ssweeny does not really see the utility of a 128-bit cpu at this point17:34
ssweenyall it will really do is bloat software17:34
ChinnoDogI can't tell if there are x86-128 instructions. Maybe the architecture is 128-bit but the instructions are still 64-bit.17:42
ChinnoDogTheoretically having a 128-bit wide data path should allow you to process 64-bit instructions twice as fast, right?17:43
ssweenyit's not just the instructions17:44
ssweenyyou also have pointers and ints17:44
pleia2and monkeys and daffodils18:28
ssweenythose too18:29
teddy-dbearno unicorns?18:31
pleia2unicorns are unrelated18:33
ssweenyunicorns are orthogonal to instruction set size18:35
ssweenyeveryone knows that18:35
teddy-dbearhow about cookies?19:05
teddy-dbearcookies are good anytime :-[19:05
ssweenycookies are apparently a sometimes food19:08
teddy-dbearcookies are an anytime food :-D19:20
ssweenythat's what i thought19:25
ChinnoDogI could use a nap19:58
teddy-dbearcookies then a nap :-D20:12
ChinnoDogso sleepy20:26
* ChinnoDog slaps ChinnoDog around a bit with a large trout20:26
ChinnoDogWhat are you all up to this weekend?22:21
rmg51PACS on Sat.22:26
rmg51if the world doesn't end first22:26
waltmanThe world isn't ending until 6 PM, so you've got plenty of time to his PACS first.22:28
rmg51just in time for dinner22:30
ChinnoDogSo.. Why is the rapture tomorrow?22:32
rmg51some dumbass said so :-/22:33
rmg51dinner time22:33
jedijfChinnoDog: noah's ark anniversary, i believe22:35
ChinnoDoglol. I'm reading the wikipedia page on it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_end_times_prediction22:41
PennBotTitle: 2011 end times prediction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at en.wikipedia.org)22:41
ChinnoDoghehe. Rapture Relief Fund!22:43
waltmanWow, his argument for it being 7000 years after the flood is a bit dubious.22:55
jedijf@seen mutantturkey23:24
PennBotjedijf: mutantturkey was last seen in #ubuntu-us-pa 2 weeks, 1 day, 20 hours, 42 minutes, and 10 seconds ago: <MutantTurkey> what can you do with the new 11.04? even less than the 8.10!23:24

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