
pace_t_zuluwrst: ping00:59
pace_t_zulu^  no indication of a peer reviewed publication to back up those claims01:09
wrstpace_t_zulu: pong02:04
wrstha ha but its pretty funny anyway pace_t_zulu ;)02:04
pace_t_zuluwrst: sup02:05
wrstnot much pace_t_zulu working on a little documentation writing, how are you doing?02:05
wrstand btw been using my wife's macbook some the last couple of days I do like it :)02:05
pace_t_zuluwrst: binarymutant hit me up on twitter02:06
wrstcool, how is he?02:06
xpistoslol? What what happened to Chibhogoshino?06:02
XpistosWhat happened to Chibihogoshino?15:08
wrstnot for sure Xpistos15:22
wrsti think an  aneurysm was suspsected15:23
wrsthis brother was nice enough to inform us a couple days ago15:23
XpistosI talked to him not that long ago15:23
pace_t_zuluwait.. what?15:24
pace_t_zuludid chibihogoshino pass away for real?15:24
wrstyes pace_t_zulu15:24
wrstpace_t_zulu, Xpistos: http://pastebin.com/bqieRjfb15:27
XpistosI feel sick15:27
pace_t_zuluwrst: was that yesterday?15:33
wrsttwo days ago15:33
pace_t_zuluwrst: yea it was quite slow in here yesterday15:34
wrstyes it was :)15:34
pace_t_zuluhard to chat about light hearted stuff with the news about chibi15:36
pace_t_zuluwrst so i was saying last night15:37
pace_t_zulubinarymutant hit me up on twitter15:37
pace_t_zuluhe is @binarymutant on there15:37
wrstyes pace_t_zulu how is he doing?15:38
pace_t_zuluhe still doesn't have a connection ... but unlimited sms ...15:38
pace_t_zuluso i suggest a bot that forwards mentions of his handles15:38
vychunehas anyone talked to chibi's family?15:38
pace_t_zuluvychune: i don't know ... i just found out15:39
vychuneoh well of course15:39
vychunehis brother came on and told us15:40
wrstjust what was in that chat vychune I think cyberanger has a way to contact them15:40
pace_t_zuluthat was very thoughtful of his brother to let us know15:43
wrstyes, Chibi was always a very nice guy and suspect his brother is also15:54
XpistosGod I freaking hate iTunes16:05
vychunewrst i dont remember check the logs16:12
vychunexpistos: real player= real shit16:12
vychunei wonder will chibi's bro joiin up16:13
XpistosI have a user that cannot connect to the iTunes store so no updates for his iPhone. But guess who gets to fix it16:13
vychunexpistos if my computer was worth something id have it on here16:14
vychunethats sucks16:14
vychunesend it here ill fix it16:14
vychunecant say it will come back however16:14
vychunewrst: someone put it on pastebin pastebin.com/bqieRjfb16:16
wrstvychune: ?16:17
vychunethe chat you wanted right/16:18
wrstyeah vychune i put that up :)16:18
vychune*gibbs slap*16:18
wrstha ha vychune ;)16:20
vychuneyou think chibi's bro will join up wrst or has he already?16:21
wrstI don't know vychune i think cyberanger is more familiar with them16:22
wrsthope so if he hasn't16:22
pace_t_zuluchibi's brother would definitely be welcome in here16:27
pace_t_zulueveryone is welcome in here ... but you know what i mean16:27
vychuneeveryone is, bit we know hell need someone in his time of grief16:28
vychuneremind me to never go on #facebook again16:53
pace_t_zuluvychune: as long as you do the same for me16:54
wrsthello cyberanger17:17
pace_t_zuluhey cyberanger17:17
pace_t_zuluwrst cyberanger either of y'all have twitter accounts?17:17
wrstpace_t_zulu: i have one but never use it or check it17:17
pace_t_zuluwrst: binarymutant was asking if anyone else has a twitter account17:18
pace_t_zuluwrst: what is your twitter handle?17:18
wrstuhh let me see pace_t_zulu :)17:18
cyberangerhey wrst & pace_t_zulu17:18
pace_t_zulucyberanger: binarymutant is @binarymutant on twitter17:18
pace_t_zuluhe made it easy on us17:18
wrstwesleystout pace_t_zulu, that's my handle... i didn't get creative did i?17:19
pace_t_zuluwrst: not as creative as my @johnhaitas handle ;)17:25
wrstno but getting close ;)17:26
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: yeah, he's had that account for awhile18:19
cyberangerI've changed mine a few times, preferring status.net software myself18:19
pace_t_zulucyberanger: @binarymutant was asking if anyone one else has a twitter account ... he has unlimited sms19:31
pace_t_zulucyberanger: what do you think about a bot that forwards any mentions of 'binarymutant' to him19:31
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: doable19:32
cyberangerhadn't heard from him in awhile, all well?19:33
wrstcyberanger: i don't think my bot will do that :)19:46
cyberangerwrst: probally20:40
wrstwell cyberanger I don't think i can make it do that :)20:46
cyberangerwrst: another bot could20:51
wrstha ha yeah i've seen some that do that actually20:51
cyberangerunfortunately twitbot is taken20:53
pace_t_zului took a look at ubotutn ... seems to have a slight case of bit rot ... that and binarymutant was the only one who ever deployed it - his instructions have a few glaring inaccuracies20:59
pace_t_zuluubotutn was just a customization of rbot ... so i may start with a fresh copy of rbot20:59
cyberangerI'm working on eggdrop and some custom code myself21:21
wrstcyberanger: have someone in another channel asking about getting a cloak with freenode is it at #freenode wehre you go to do that?21:47
cyberangerwrst: yep21:53
cyberangerand netiquette matters21:54
cyberangerand in that channel patience too21:54
wrstyes told them that too :)21:55
wrstthanks cyberanger :)21:55
cyberangerno sweat21:57
=== infocop411 is now known as cyberanger

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