=== lubotu3` is now known as lubotu3 | ||
tdr112 | afternoon all | 12:48 |
czajkowski | aloha | 12:48 |
tdr112 | just installed lubuntu 11.04 on an old thinkpad , works great , very fast | 12:50 |
czajkowski | cool | 13:01 |
czajkowski | Aloha | 14:00 |
czajkowski | airurando: aloha | 14:12 |
czajkowski | tdr112: howdy | 14:12 |
czajkowski | so we all gonna get started? | 14:12 |
czajkowski | do we have a plan | 14:13 |
czajkowski | Pendulum: howy doody | 14:13 |
czajkowski | wanna have some fun | 14:13 |
Pendulum | hiya cz | 14:13 |
Pendulum | bah typing fail :( | 14:14 |
airurando | czajkowski Hi | 14:15 |
tdr112 | soon just chating to airurando | 14:15 |
czajkowski | Pendulum: :( | 14:15 |
czajkowski | Pendulum: first time ever :( | 14:15 |
czajkowski | coolio | 14:16 |
czajkowski | Pendulum: want to see how we're going to get our team application ready and give us some outside perspective if you fancy | 14:16 |
Pendulum | czajkowski: sure | 14:16 |
tdr112 | ok who is here for the team application | 14:16 |
airurando | our re-approval page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IrishTeamReApprovalApplication | 14:17 |
tdr112 | so lets do this in a form of a meeting | 14:17 |
tdr112 | so we can see who is doing what | 14:18 |
tdr112 | #startmeeting | 14:18 |
MootBot | Meeting started at 08:18. The chair is tdr112. | 14:18 |
MootBot | Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE] | 14:18 |
czajkowski | PRESENT | 14:18 |
airurando | PRESENT | 14:19 |
tdr112 | [TOPIC] Team ReApproval Meeting 1 | 14:19 |
MootBot | New Topic: Team ReApproval Meeting 1 | 14:19 |
tdr112 | [Link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IrishTeamReApprovalApplication | 14:19 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IrishTeamReApprovalApplication | 14:19 |
tdr112 | does anyone have a link to the guidlines | 14:20 |
tdr112 | of what we need on our wiki page | 14:20 |
tdr112 | czajkowski: would you have any links to a team who have passed reapproval | 14:20 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval | 14:21 |
tdr112 | [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval | 14:21 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval | 14:21 |
czajkowski | are you looking for past examles of teams who've submitted applications that we may consider good ? | 14:22 |
tdr112 | ok if we all take some time to read over the last link | 14:22 |
tdr112 | czajkowski: yep , airurando and i are looking over one that did not pass at the moment | 14:23 |
czajkowski | ok gimmie a few mins | 14:24 |
czajkowski | I need to go over logs | 14:24 |
czajkowski | we like clarity | 14:24 |
czajkowski | photos | 14:24 |
czajkowski | stuff that shows us we're a loco and not a lug | 14:24 |
czajkowski | so focus on ubuntu | 14:24 |
czajkowski | shows we do meetings | 14:24 |
czajkowski | team reports | 14:24 |
czajkowski | some people show irc and mailing list stats | 14:24 |
czajkowski | but it's not a biggie either | 14:24 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrenchTeam/ApprovalApplication | 14:26 |
czajkowski | as an example | 14:26 |
tdr112 | ok it looks like we have the right format , for our page , but we need the details | 14:27 |
tdr112 | so if we each take a section | 14:27 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010 | 14:27 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GreekTeam/ApprovalApplication2010 | 14:28 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010 <--- clean and simple aand clear | 14:28 |
czajkowski | hope that helps | 14:28 |
airurando | thanks czajkowski | 14:30 |
czajkowski | np | 14:30 |
czajkowski | we NAIL team reports | 14:31 |
czajkowski | and team pics | 14:31 |
czajkowski | and team meetings | 14:31 |
tdr112 | [action] airurando + tdr112 will work on the key details section now | 14:32 |
MootBot | ACTION received: airurando + tdr112 will work on the key details section now | 14:32 |
czajkowski | I was going to collect all the photos and have the links put in one place if that helps? | 14:32 |
tdr112 | if someone wants to make a start on another one fire away | 14:32 |
czajkowski | another what ? | 14:34 |
czajkowski | is Maciej still an active member ? | 14:35 |
tdr112 | section | 14:36 |
airurando | czajkowski Maciej is seen occasionally | 14:36 |
airurando | but not recently | 14:36 |
czajkowski | airurando: tdr112 get yer memberships done soon or so help me I am gonna go over there and kick yer buts! | 14:37 |
czajkowski | :) | 14:37 |
czajkowski | in a loving way | 14:37 |
tdr112 | we will, | 14:37 |
airurando | thank god for the irish sea | 14:37 |
tdr112 | ok czajkowski i have a job for you | 14:39 |
czajkowski | tdr112: shoot | 14:39 |
czajkowski | airurando: I could be home in 4 weeks time | 14:39 |
tdr112 | do you want to find a new group photo to use for our app | 14:40 |
czajkowski | sure | 14:40 |
tdr112 | [action] czajkowski find a new photo | 14:42 |
MootBot | ACTION received: czajkowski find a new photo | 14:42 |
czajkowski | tdr112: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1319568/size/720 | 14:46 |
tdr112 | looks good | 14:49 |
tdr112 | [link] http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1319568/size/720 | 14:49 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://pix.ie/czajkowski/1319568/size/720 | 14:49 |
czajkowski | CAN I just say WOW | 14:56 |
czajkowski | http://paste.ubuntu.com/611056/ | 14:56 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611056/ | 14:56 |
czajkowski | tdr112: airurando all the pics I have from our team on my ac | 14:56 |
tdr112 | [action] airurando writing text on irc meetings | 14:58 |
MootBot | ACTION received: airurando writing text on irc meetings | 14:58 |
tdr112 | czajkowski: do you know how to ffind out how many people we have on our mailing list | 15:01 |
czajkowski | tdr112: yup | 15:02 |
czajkowski | 2 seconds | 15:02 |
czajkowski | hmm | 15:03 |
czajkowski | 118 active members in the team | 15:04 |
czajkowski | but the mailing list is still owned by macji | 15:04 |
czajkowski | only he;ll be able to give you that info | 15:04 |
tdr112 | [action] tdr to email macji | 15:08 |
MootBot | ACTION received: tdr to email macji | 15:08 |
czajkowski | tdr112: done | 15:08 |
czajkowski | sorry | 15:09 |
czajkowski | had the page open | 15:09 |
tdr112 | i have just sent him one too :) | 15:10 |
czajkowski | hah | 15:11 |
czajkowski | I even cc'd you | 15:11 |
czajkowski | we should make it as an action item, every time we have an event to get a group photo! | 15:13 |
tdr112 | [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010 | 15:14 |
MootBot | LINK received: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/ReapprovalApplication2010 | 15:14 |
tdr112 | we are going to use this one as our guideline | 15:15 |
czajkowski | cool | 15:15 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/TeamReports <--- Makes me so damn hapy | 15:15 |
czajkowski | *happy | 15:15 |
czajkowski | why do we have two may reports? | 15:15 |
tdr112 | too many m's | 15:18 |
tdr112 | i will fix it | 15:18 |
czajkowski | wow | 15:19 |
czajkowski | it;s impressive | 15:19 |
czajkowski | just tweeted it | 15:19 |
czajkowski | will end up on the LD shortly | 15:19 |
czajkowski | :D | 15:19 |
tdr112 | you love tweets | 15:20 |
czajkowski | tdr112: yeah you may want to unsuscribe :s | 15:21 |
czajkowski | depends what kinda mood I'm in | 15:21 |
czajkowski | if bored tweet a lot | 15:21 |
czajkowski | if working tweet open source stuff | 15:21 |
czajkowski | seeing as I'm not working guess what kinda tweets :s | 15:21 |
czajkowski | hmm I *may* have broken the wiki | 15:34 |
czajkowski | phew | 15:37 |
czajkowski | not broken | 15:37 |
czajkowski | added team reports | 15:37 |
czajkowski | also did you know we have | 15:37 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/Events/2009 | 15:38 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/Events/2010 | 15:38 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/Events/2011 | 15:38 |
airurando | know we have it, I created them. :) | 15:39 |
czajkowski | :D | 15:39 |
czajkowski | feckin handy | 15:39 |
airurando | its simple but effective | 15:39 |
czajkowski | oh we have one team submitted interesting | 15:39 |
czajkowski | pixie are looking to copy/move all my ubuntuie albums to the ubuntuie ac for us | 15:40 |
tdr112 | na no | 15:41 |
tdr112 | all the links will be messed up | 15:41 |
airurando | czajkowski: What are you thoughts on the importance of the Roadmap the 2009 one and the yet to be generated in 2011? | 15:42 |
czajkowski | well it's more of where do you want the team to go in the next 2 years | 15:43 |
czajkowski | keep up release parties | 15:43 |
czajkowski | keep up being active on here | 15:43 |
czajkowski | keep being active in events | 15:43 |
czajkowski | its up to ye | 15:43 |
czajkowski | but have some goals | 15:43 |
tdr112 | ok we are going to move to a etherpad and then copy into the wiki | 15:44 |
czajkowski | nods | 15:45 |
czajkowski | sounds good | 15:45 |
czajkowski | how else can I help | 15:45 |
tdr112 | fagan: are you about | 15:51 |
airurando | http://pad.ubuntu-ie.org/reapproval-roughwork | 15:53 |
MootBot | LINK received: http://pad.ubuntu-ie.org/reapproval-roughwork | 15:53 |
tdr112 | ok we are going to finsh up soon , we are going to give out tasks for our next meeting | 15:59 |
czajkowski | okie dokie | 16:00 |
czajkowski | looking good so far tbh | 16:00 |
czajkowski | I'm well impressed | 16:00 |
tdr112 | [action] tdr will do Roadmap | 16:00 |
MootBot | ACTION received: tdr will do Roadmap | 16:00 |
tdr112 | [action] airurando - > Since last approval | 16:00 |
MootBot | ACTION received: airurando - > Since last approval | 16:00 |
tdr112 | we will gvie an update by the end of next week | 16:01 |
tdr112 | any one else have anything ? | 16:01 |
tdr112 | before i end ? | 16:01 |
czajkowski | nope | 16:01 |
czajkowski | looks good | 16:01 |
czajkowski | once I have the link to all the pics | 16:01 |
czajkowski | shall add a photo section | 16:02 |
tdr112 | #endmeeting | 16:02 |
MootBot | Meeting finished at 10:02. | 16:02 |
tdr112 | thanks all | 16:02 |
czajkowski | thanks folks | 16:02 |
czajkowski | it's looking rather good | 16:02 |
czajkowski | right off to the shops | 16:04 |
ebel | hello all | 16:47 |
slashtom | hello ebel | 16:47 |
tdr112 | hello you two | 16:48 |
ebel | anything I can help with re: reapproval thingie? | 16:49 |
tdr112 | pick one of the other sections and write some stuff for it | 16:54 |
czajkowski | tdr112: 151 on the list | 17:11 |
czajkowski | impressive | 17:11 |
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