Guinness2702 | What's the easiest way to upgrade backend on a 10.04 server? it supports protocol 56 (or something) but my desktop runs 11.04 and the frontend that installs with it supports protocol 63 - I don't want to do an OS upgrade on the server, just to get the right version :\ | 01:20 |
Guinness2702 | I'm probably gonna install mythbuntu next week, which I guess will have the same problem | 01:21 |
tgm4883 | !repos | Guinness2702 | 01:47 |
tgm4883 | hmm, where is Zinn | 01:48 |
tgm4883 | Guinness2702, | 01:48 |
Guinness2702 | Thanks! I'll look at it :) | 02:28 |
dewman | the end of the world is near!!! LOL.....Give me all your hard drives! | 02:38 |
tgm4883 | dewman, 23 hours 21 minutes on my clock | 02:39 |
dewman | tgm4883, so have you given everything away?? hehehe | 02:39 |
tgm4883 | dewman, everything but this laptop | 02:40 |
tgm4883 | i'm currently naked because I gave my clothes away too | 02:40 |
dewman | tgm4883, you must be sitting at starbucks | 02:40 |
dewman | hahahahahaha | 02:40 |
tgm4883 | of course :) | 02:40 |
dewman | are they giving you doomsday coffee? | 02:41 |
dewman | a vente cup to hide....err....never mind... | 02:42 |
dewman | ok back to the bbq... | 02:42 |
dewman | ;) | 02:42 |
mrz80 | Good [evening|morning|afternoon|whatever] | 04:31 |
=== qwebirc61260 is now known as Shadowex3 | ||
Shadowex3 | Anyone know what could cause mythbuntu to install successfully but then just stop forever at the "Mythbuntu ..." bootup screen? | 04:39 |
Shadowex3 | Trying this on a Q9450 (stock) with a gtx 260 core 216 and 4x1tb samsung HDDs in case there's any compatibility issues | 04:39 |
mrz80 | I hit that a time or two in my hit-your-head-against-the-desktop efforts to get my shiny hvr-2250 working. | 04:39 |
mrz80 | I'd install a mythbuntu distro, reboot, and hang city | 04:40 |
Shadowex3 | Yeha the aggravating thing is when i tap the power button to turn off again it suddenly starts the dots doing the loading animation | 04:40 |
mrz80 | In my particular case it turned out to be either a corrupt iso image or a flawed cd-r burn (that'll teach me to check the md5 sum) | 04:40 |
Shadowex3 | Hmm... i could try reburning, I figured a flawed cd wouldnt install properly though. | 04:41 |
mrz80 | Then I started running into flakiness in 11.04 not recognizing/working with nvidia video. | 04:41 |
mrz80 | Finally I dl'ed a 10.04 image, installed that, then upgraded it up to 0.24.1. That seems to be working fine. | 04:41 |
Shadowex3 | lol | 04:41 |
Shadowex3 | Well that's worth a shot, I remember ubuntu 11.04 drove me to debian so... | 04:42 |
mrz80 | Just finished installing the latest/greatest saa7164 drivers, and the durn thing now sees both analog and both digital tuners on the 2250 card. Happiness is. | 04:42 |
Shadowex3 | Why 10.04 and not 10.10? | 04:43 |
mrz80 | I had to install 11.04 on my test machine at work because a user was complaining about vpn client issues. Blech. I"m sticking with 10.04 'til the support stops. | 04:43 |
mrz80 | 10.10 uses a 2.6.35 kernel, under which you cannot compile the saa7164 drivers | 04:43 |
mrz80 | (at least, that's what I deduce from the reams of forum exchanges I waded through over the last three weeks!) | 04:44 |
mrz80 | 10.04 uses 2.6.32. The drivers compile fine under that kernel. I look to be putting my myth box back into production by the end of the weekend, which will get me major Wife Points (tm) :) | 04:44 |
mrz80 | All RIGHT... card recognized, tuners configured, channelscans done, mythfilldatabase running. YEAH | 05:22 |
Shadowex3 | Alright thats a wierd one, out of curiosity i tried ctrl+alt+del at the hung screen and got an instant response (reboot) | 05:24 |
mrz80 | That *is* odd. | 05:25 |
mrz80 | brb | 05:26 |
Shadowex3 | well i've had stranger before, lets give 10.04 a shot. | 05:28 |
Hoochster | Hello, I just installed Mythbuntu 11.04 on new hardware mind you, but am fighting getting audio to output via nvidia hdmi, which seems to be an issue from what I gather heh | 05:31 |
Shadowex3 | It's linux, anything too fancy can have problems >P | 05:32 |
Shadowex3 | oh this is a riot | 05:32 |
Hoochster | :) | 05:32 |
Shadowex3 | i can boot a liveCD just fine with no errors or issues but i cant install lol | 05:32 |
Hoochster | lmao, Linux is pretty friendly on hardware heh | 05:33 |
Hoochster | but newest OS is usually a fun one | 05:33 |
Shadowex3 | depends | 05:33 |
Shadowex3 | yeah ubuntu 11.04 drove me to debian | 05:33 |
Hoochster | I used to be Debian tried and true but just don't have the time anymore heh so I pretty much run Ubuntu on everything | 05:34 |
Shadowex3 | well for a while ubuntu was the It Just Works linux OS | 05:34 |
Hoochster | but ya I really don't want to downgrade this heh but at least I haven't put a lot of work into the software yet | 05:34 |
mrz80 | It Just Works, unless you're doing music-related audio stuff. Then it was It Just Doesn'tWork (courtesy PulseAudio :) ) | 05:37 |
Shadowex3 | yeah you can thank Mark "My Way" for that | 05:37 |
mrz80 | Ok, time to shut down the myth box and crawl off in the general direction of bed. l8r | 05:52 |
lwizardl | hello | 07:03 |
lwizardl | I am looking for some help with setting up my system for mythbuntu on my display | 07:04 |
lwizardl | what is the default resolution that the system uses for the installer ? | 07:10 |
rileyp | does jamu run automaticly in myth 0.24 or do i need to add a cron job? | 10:47 |
qwebirc61172 | hi chat | 19:27 |
qwebirc61172 | not found upgrade mythtv 0.24.1 in mythbuntu 10.10! Can you help me? | 19:28 |
tgm4883 | qwebirc61172, what version are you currently running? | 19:31 |
tgm4883 | can you run 'dpkg -l mythtv-frontend' | 19:32 |
qwebirc61172 | thank's tgm4883, one moment..... | 19:32 |
qwebirc61172 | tgm4883: 2:0.24.0+fixes.20110514.8 | 19:33 |
tgm4883 | qwebirc61172, ok so a little explaination | 19:34 |
tgm4883 | MythTV only has a single branch for 0.24 that they commit fixes to. 0.24.1 is just a bug fix release, so that means that 0.24.1 is just a snapshot in time of the 0.24 branch | 19:35 |
tgm4883 | The mythbuntu-repos provide daily builds when there are changes in that branch. since you are already using the 20110514 build, you are already using 0.24.1 | 19:36 |
tgm4883 | even though it says 0.24.0 | 19:36 |
tgm4883 | There aren't many fixes that get commited to 0.24 anymore, but when another one gets committed then we will have another build that day | 19:37 |
tgm4883 | and it will say 0.24.1. But just realize that 0.24.1 is a snapshot from the 0.24 branch, and if you are running mythbuntu-repos and getting 0.24 fixes, you already are getting snapshot builds from that branch | 19:38 |
qwebirc61172 | tgm4883: but in mythbuntu 10.04 my version is : 2:0.24.0+fixes.20110517.3 | 19:38 |
tgm4883 | qwebirc61172, hmm, just a sec | 19:38 |
qwebirc61172 | tgm4883: i watch "". data set to 14 may, while for lucid is 17 may..... | 19:41 |
tgm4883 | qwebirc61172, your right, 20110517 is the latest build. Everything that I said above still applies, but it looks like there was an issue with the builds for maverick and oneric. I'll look into it. You are likely missing 2-3 commits | 19:41 |
tgm4883 | qwebirc61172, also, the date is less important. The more important part is the git commit | 19:42 |
tgm4883 | ie 347cd24 | 19:42 |
tgm4883 | I'll see if I can fix these other two builds, they will have a newer date but will have the same git commit version | 19:43 |
qwebirc61172 | ok, still waiting. thank's for your time and your work!!!!!!!!!!! | 19:44 |
lwizardl | ok so I have a Kworld ATSC110 card that I am trying to get working for Cable tv and then OTA. anyone here use these cards before and would be able to help me out | 20:53 |
tgm4883 | lwizardl, I haven't used it, but does it work outside of MythTV? | 20:54 |
lwizardl | tgm4883, not yet system just got installed. and the last times I used this card there was problems needing a dvb driver/firmware file but all the links about it seem dead now | 20:55 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 20:55 |
tgm4883 | sec | 20:55 |
tgm4883 | lwizardl, did you see | 21:10 |
lwizardl | hmm | 21:17 |
lwizardl | after i do system system updates I think I will try them again | 21:18 |
tgm4883 | ok | 21:18 |
lwizardl | I had the system installed last night and it was finding no channels. so I reinstalled the system today, doing the updates, etc first then configuring the hardware in mythtv to see if that fixes my issue | 21:24 |
lwizardl | if I can not get this card to work for my service. What would be a good and cheap card to get so that I could record HD and SD digital content from both my Comcast cable and OTA antenna | 21:25 |
tgm4883 | lwizardl, depending on your location, the comcast might give you some trouble | 21:26 |
lwizardl | michigan | 21:27 |
lwizardl | my cable hd box is a pace rng110 | 21:27 |
lwizardl | but i can easy get back a dct6200 motorolla | 21:27 |
lwizardl | and my firewire ports are enabled | 21:28 |
tgm4883 | lwizardl, it has more to do with how the local CC has flagged the channels | 21:29 |
tgm4883 | what is marked copy freely vs what isn't | 21:29 |
lwizardl | yeah the 5c | 21:30 |
lwizardl | ok i did the dmesg like on the wiki page and it auto detected the cards just like on that page | 21:37 |
tgm4883 | lwizardl, did you load the firmware? | 21:44 |
lwizardl | i ran the command dmesg and it found the card | 21:45 |
lwizardl | that was all so far | 21:45 |
lwizardl | because how it sounds was to only do the manual part if not autodetected | 21:46 |
tgm4883 | lwizardl, so it looks like you have the drivers, but I think you still need to have the firmware | 21:48 |
lwizardl | k | 21:53 |
sailerboy | sup | 21:54 |
sailerboy | i'm trying to install mythtv on an ATI graphics card | 21:54 |
sailerboy | and when i start X, all i see is a pink bar at the top | 21:55 |
lwizardl | tgm4883, what setting should i use for the card. analog v4l ? or mjpeg card ? | 21:55 |
tgm4883 | lwizardl, probably analog v4l and dvb | 21:56 |
sailerboy | i'm using the propietary graphics drivers | 21:57 |
sailerboy | anyone have any ideas? | 21:57 |
sailerboy | actually, i can't even start X | 21:57 |
sailerboy | it just gets that way on the mythbuntu loading screen | 21:57 |
lwizardl | ok seems taking longer to scan | 21:59 |
lwizardl | ok no channels found again | 22:01 |
lwizardl | where would i find the kernal source | 22:01 |
tgm4883 | IIRC, apt-get linux-source | 22:02 |
sailerboy | ok, i fixed it | 22:04 |
sailerboy | hey, can anyone help me with database config? | 22:06 |
lwizardl | ok just did the apt-get install linux-source and waiting for that to finish | 22:06 |
lwizardl | because i found the /usr/src/linux-headers-2..38-8Documentation/ but no directory called dvb inside | 22:07 |
lwizardl | hopefully that works | 22:07 |
sailerboy | hello? | 22:09 |
sailerboy | why doesn't my database set up automatically | 22:10 |
sailerboy | hello? | 22:15 |
sailerboy | whenever i first start mythtv frontend | 22:15 |
sailerboy | it goes into database configuration? | 22:15 |
sailerboy | what settings do i use? | 22:15 |
tgm4883 | sailerboy, how did you install? | 22:18 |
tgm4883 | and what version | 22:18 |
tgm4883 | and what distro versin | 22:18 |
sailerboy | mythbuntu, 10.10 | 22:18 |
tgm4883 | what features did you select when installing | 22:18 |
sailerboy | um | 22:19 |
sailerboy | default | 22:19 |
sailerboy | for everything | 22:19 |
sailerboy | other than graphics card | 22:19 |
tgm4883 | there are no defaults, lets try this | 22:19 |
tgm4883 | what is the output of | 22:19 |
tgm4883 | dpkg -l mythtv-backend-master | 22:19 |
sailerboy | | 22:21 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, ^^ | 22:21 |
sailerboy | should i reinstall it tgm4883 ? | 22:22 |
tgm4883 | no | 22:22 |
tgm4883 | did you go through mythtv-setup? | 22:22 |
sailerboy | i think so | 22:22 |
sailerboy | this is the first thing in mythtv-setup | 22:22 |
sailerboy | i'll try again | 22:22 |
tgm4883 | did you run mythtv-setup | 22:22 |
sailerboy | nope | 22:23 |
sailerboy | ok, i just did | 22:23 |
sailerboy | and on the mysql prompt, i see access denied | 22:23 |
sailerboy | i tried to change the password after it didn't work to my username and password | 22:23 |
sailerboy | i probably fucked something up right? | 22:23 |
sailerboy | so reinstall? | 22:24 |
tgm4883 | sailerboy, OMG stop you don't need to reinstall | 22:26 |
tgm4883 | sheesh | 22:26 |
sailerboy | lol | 22:26 |
sailerboy | ok | 22:26 |
tgm4883 | where are you getting a mysql prompt? | 22:27 |
sailerboy | after i run mythtv setup | 22:28 |
sailerboy | it says unable to connect | 22:29 |
sailerboy | but it's using the wrong username and password | 22:29 |
sailerboy | i forget the right ones | 22:29 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, i've done so many things to fuck this up | 22:30 |
tgm4883 | it should be using the mythtv user and a generated password | 22:30 |
tgm4883 | which should be in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt | 22:30 |
tgm4883 | if that doesn't work, we'll just reconfigure the mysql root pass, and reset the mythtv database | 22:31 |
sailerboy | that doesn't work | 22:31 |
sailerboy | how do i reconfigure the mysql root pass? | 22:31 |
tgm4883 | dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server | 22:32 |
sailerboy | ok | 22:33 |
tgm4883 | it should prompt you for a new root password | 22:33 |
sailerboy | nope | 22:34 |
tgm4883 | ok try | 22:34 |
tgm4883 | dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 | 22:34 |
sailerboy | 5.1? | 22:35 |
tgm4883 | yea 5.1 | 22:35 |
sailerboy | ok tgm4883, now waht | 22:36 |
tgm4883 | yay zinn is back | 22:36 |
tgm4883 | !mysql | sailerboy | 22:36 |
sailerboy | ? | 22:36 |
Zinn | Hi tgm4883, something I can help you with today? I am a bot, use !help to see what I can do. | 22:36 |
sailerboy | lol | 22:36 |
sailerboy | !mysql | 22:36 |
Zinn | sailerboy: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, perform the following to reconfigure it: [1] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it later) [2] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database [3] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common | 22:36 |
tgm4883 | there we go | 22:37 |
Zinn | If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, perform the following to reconfigure it: [1] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it later) [2] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database [3] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common | 22:37 |
tgm4883 | sailerboy, so follow those last 2 steps | 22:37 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, so what should the database name be? | 22:38 |
tgm4883 | mythconverg | 22:38 |
sailerboy | can i create any user? | 22:38 |
sailerboy | or should i use root? | 22:38 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, ? | 22:39 |
tgm4883 | use mythtv | 22:40 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, i still get cannot login | 22:41 |
tgm4883 | you went through all three steps? | 22:41 |
sailerboy | yes | 22:41 |
tgm4883 | this is all on the same machine? | 22:42 |
tgm4883 | or is the frontend remote? | 22:42 |
sailerboy | same machine | 22:42 |
sailerboy | ok | 22:42 |
sailerboy | what i just did | 22:42 |
sailerboy | is i just left everything blank | 22:42 |
sailerboy | and it went through without an error | 22:42 |
sailerboy | that bad? | 22:42 |
tgm4883 | IDK, I've never tried that | 22:42 |
tgm4883 | id try putting in something | 22:43 |
sailerboy | well | 22:43 |
tgm4883 | or seeing if you can login from the cmd line | 22:43 |
sailerboy | says access denied | 22:45 |
sailerboy | when i try to login from command line | 22:45 |
sailerboy | ooh | 22:46 |
sailerboy | i used root | 22:46 |
sailerboy | and my root password | 22:46 |
sailerboy | and it worked | 22:46 |
sailerboy | yey | 22:46 |
sailerboy | thanks for your help tgm4883 | 22:47 |
tgm4883 | sailerboy, interesting | 22:47 |
tgm4883 | does the mythconverg db exist? | 22:47 |
tgm4883 | or the mythtv user in the db? | 22:47 |
sailerboy | idk | 22:47 |
sailerboy | it works | 22:47 |
sailerboy | i'm happy | 22:47 |
lwizardl | anyone here use an kworld atsc110 card and have a working system | 22:52 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, heh, i have another problem | 22:54 |
tgm4883 | lwizardl, if you are just looking for the perl script you can get it here | 22:54 |
sailerboy | i was going through the setup, and now whenever i try to access a menu, it freezes | 22:54 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, how do i delete all the settings? | 22:55 |
tgm4883 | all what settings? | 22:56 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, all the settings in the setup tab? | 22:56 |
sailerboy | i fucked something up there, and now it's not letting me get back to it | 22:56 |
tgm4883 | if you are in the page, you would hit d and I think you can delete all | 22:57 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, i'm not in the page | 22:57 |
sailerboy | i'm just in the part where you can select general, appearance, etc | 22:58 |
sailerboy | and i can't get any further | 22:58 |
tgm4883 | AFAIK, there isn't a way to reset those without resetting the whole DB | 22:58 |
sailerboy | how do i do that? | 22:58 |
tgm4883 | probably something like | 22:59 |
tgm4883 | apt-get purge mythtv-database | 22:59 |
tgm4883 | followed by a db install | 22:59 |
sailerboy | !mysql | 23:00 |
Zinn | If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, perform the following to reconfigure it: [1] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it later) [2] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database [3] sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common | 23:00 |
sailerboy | still not working | 23:01 |
sailerboy | i think i need to clear the mythconverg database | 23:01 |
sailerboy | ah | 23:05 |
sailerboy | here we go | 23:05 |
sailerboy | now it's working | 23:05 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, what's us-cable vs hrc vs irc? | 23:06 |
tgm4883 | | 23:08 |
Zinn | [] What does cable-std, cable-hrc, % cable -irc stand for? - Yahoo! Answers | 23:08 |
sailerboy | i'll google next time | 23:08 |
sailerboy | thanks | 23:08 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, i'm going through the setup guide | 23:21 |
sailerboy | is schedule direct worth registering for? | 23:21 |
tgm4883 | are you in the US? | 23:21 |
sailerboy | yes | 23:21 |
tgm4883 | I use it, it is pretty good listings | 23:22 |
tgm4883 | and $20/year doesn't break the bank | 23:22 |
sailerboy | i'm a student :( | 23:22 |
sailerboy | i don't have 20 bucks a year to spare | 23:22 |
sailerboy | maybe later, i can convince my parents to let me | 23:22 |
sailerboy | (for them to pay for it) | 23:23 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, so i'm trying to do scan for channels | 23:26 |
sailerboy | but it says "Failed to open card" | 23:26 |
sailerboy | erm | 23:28 |
sailerboy | i changed the input from mpeg to v4l | 23:28 |
sailerboy | and it works now | 23:28 |
sailerboy | tgm4883, what's the best file system to store recordings on? | 23:49 |
mrand | sailerboy: ext4 and xfs are generally the most recommended one | 23:53 |
mrand | +s | 23:53 |
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