jpds | tsimpson / jussi: rsync: failed to connect to Connection refused (111) | 00:25 |
tsimpson | jpds: xinetd died for some reason, just restarted it | 00:27 |
bazhang | mousepad is the thing under your mouse right? | 01:14 |
IdleOne | afaik | 01:14 |
rww | yes | 01:15 |
rww | could also be a notepad app for xfce | 01:16 |
IdleOne | bazhang: it could be an ubuntu issue | 01:16 |
rww | but then one wouldn't say "my mousepad" normall | 01:16 |
rww | y | 01:16 |
IdleOne | now that we know he means a trackpad on a laptop | 01:16 |
rww | words are hard! | 01:16 |
IdleOne | hard is a hard word | 01:17 |
bazhang | tpgs hrd | 01:17 |
ldunn | vwls r hrd. | 01:17 |
IdleOne | ldunn!!! | 01:18 |
ldunn | o7 IdleOne | 01:18 |
IdleOne | banned anyone yet? | 01:18 |
ldunn | nope. | 01:18 |
IdleOne | what you waiting for? | 01:18 |
ldunn | A good enough excuse :( | 01:18 |
IdleOne | I would give you one but I have been removed enough times from -ot | 01:18 |
ldunn | haha | 01:19 |
bazhang | ( | 01:24 |
bazhang | that host seems offensive | 01:24 |
rww | it is | 01:25 |
ldunn | Very. | 01:25 |
bazhang | and the real name too | 01:25 |
sdhasu | Im a true gangsta | 02:17 |
sdhasu | Ban me | 02:17 |
IdleOne | back to this gangsta stuff are you | 02:20 |
sdhasu | No | 02:21 |
IdleOne | sdhasu: how about we do this. you part the channel, I will set a ban, you don't try to rejoin and we can both be happy | 02:21 |
sdhasu | I am a true gangsta | 02:21 |
sdhasu | that means u wont set a ban | 02:21 |
sdhasu | ok set a ban | 02:21 |
IdleOne | Well, it doesn't involve a certain level of trust on both are parts | 02:21 |
IdleOne | err does* | 02:21 |
sdhasu | dude ban me its simple =) | 02:22 |
IdleOne | dude stop joining here, it's simple | 02:22 |
highvoltage | man why am I so susceptable to troll bait! | 02:22 |
sdhasu | dude just ban me, its simple | 02:22 |
IdleOne | ok | 02:22 |
* IdleOne sets mode +b sdhasu*!*@* | 02:23 | |
IdleOne | now please part | 02:23 |
highvoltage | what happened there and why did he want to be banned? | 02:25 |
IdleOne | he's just trolling and wants to get banned for some reason | 02:25 |
IdleOne | I guess so he can then complain that he has no way to resolve his current bans | 02:25 |
rww | I guess attention seeking | 02:26 |
IdleOne | that also | 02:26 |
Gangsta | THis is a plea to get banned pleas eban me | 02:27 |
IdleOne | how did you get passed my ban? | 02:28 |
IdleOne | you hacking freenode? | 02:28 |
ldunn | Ban-evading, tut tut. | 02:28 |
Gangsta | ? | 02:28 |
Gangsta | my laptop crashed | 02:28 |
Gangsta | was i banned? | 02:28 |
IdleOne | I set a ban you should not be able to get in here | 02:28 |
IdleOne | I will have to notify freenode staff about this. | 02:28 |
ldunn | oh, I see. You set it on the nick, not the host. | 02:28 |
Gangsta | haha my name is not set on /mode +b | 02:28 |
IdleOne | I suggest you quit now and not return here | 02:29 |
Gangsta | i say ban me now | 02:29 |
Gangsta | or kline me =) | 02:29 |
* IdleOne sets +b *!* | 02:29 | |
IdleOne | please leave now | 02:29 |
Gangsta | i am not leaving until i am banned or klined | 02:29 |
Gangsta | i will wait here all night until tomorrow until i am banned | 02:30 |
IdleOne | I guess three days of this is reason enough to tell you that now you will have to deal with IRCC if you want any of your bans to be removed | 02:31 |
IdleOne | !appeals > Gangsta | 02:32 |
ubottu | Gangsta, please see my private message | 02:32 |
elky | some people are far too easily amused | 02:34 |
Corey | Quite. | 02:34 |
IdleOne | was hoping to scare him straight with the hacking freenode thing | 02:35 |
elky | he's in -irc-council now | 02:35 |
ubottu | Gangsta called the ops in #xubuntu () | 02:35 |
IdleOne | elky: all yours :) | 02:35 |
elky | Yay? | 02:36 |
Corey | I can PM if you'd like. | 02:37 |
elky | Corey, go for it | 02:38 |
elky | Corey, don't be expecting too much though. | 02:38 |
IdleOne | btw long weekend in .ca | 02:38 |
Corey | Let's see if he responds. | 02:39 |
Corey | Yeah, with "I demand to be banned" then a /quit. | 02:40 |
elky | Pretty much what I expected, yeah | 02:42 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (rh45y appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) | 03:19 |
ubottu | ouyes called the ops in #ubuntu () | 03:59 |
Pici | "I wanted to see who the ops were" | 04:06 |
Pici | meh | 04:06 |
Corey | Ugh. | 04:38 |
elky | | 06:54 |
elky | In case you ever need evidence why insults as nicks is not appropriate. | 06:54 |
Jordan_U | elky: How common is that though? | 07:00 |
ubottu | iceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (long) | 09:36 |
IdleOne | Good morning necreo, anything I can help you with? | 13:49 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Hoez appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) | 14:22 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, Staticlv said: Ubottu this is a 64 bit system | 17:05 |
rww | Is it just me, or has #ubuntu been busier this release than last one? | 17:21 |
Tm_T | rww: I would imagine all the new things like Unity does bring a bit more fuzz | 17:24 |
oCean | who/what is pulgoki? (in #u) | 17:24 |
oCean | <pulgoki>bazhang was last seen Fri May 20 16:02:50 2011 being deopped by ChanServ in #ubuntu | 17:24 |
rww | 16:25 [freenode] [ctcp(pulgoki)] VERSION | 17:26 |
rww | 16:25 [freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from pulgoki: xchat 2.8.7f Windows 6.1 [i686/3.41GHz] | 17:26 |
rww | odd. | 17:26 |
rww | 16:25 [freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from pulgoki: BitchX - FreeBSD 8.1 p3 | 17:26 |
rww | 16:25 [freenode] CTCP VERSION reply from pulgoki: xchat 2.8.7c - FreeBSD 8.1 - release p3 | 17:26 |
Tm_T | smells like a bot to me | 17:27 |
rww | smells like someone who uses too many scripts to me, but I poked them about it, so next time it gets trigged they get the usual banforward. | 17:27 |
Tm_T | ye | 17:28 |
oCean | "usual" is forwarded to -ops ? | 17:28 |
rww | yes | 17:28 |
rww | since we have newbies around and they tend to not know: banforwards are bans that forward to a different channel instead of just not letting you in. They're made by appending $#channelname to a regular ban | 17:30 |
rww | /mode #ubuntu +b *!*@ubuntu/member/rww$#ubuntu-offtopic, for example | 17:31 |
rww | if the destination channel isn't chanmode +F, you need to be opped in the destination channel to set a banforward. | 17:31 |
rww | (#ubuntu-ops and #fix_your_connection are both +F, though) | 17:31 |
rww | (##fix_your_connection **) | 17:32 |
teadict | don't kill me ): | 19:04 |
teadict | I come in peace.. | 19:04 |
teadict | in the form of an apology | 19:05 |
teadict | first and foremost, elky: despite I know you know I was joking and on top of that, drunk, I ask for your forgiveness | 19:06 |
teadict | I'll PM that to her later | 19:11 |
Tm_T | all the new ops, welcome aboard and enjoy the ride | 20:10 |
Flannel | Tm_T: Where are the emegency exits, and what do we do in the case of a water landing? | 20:20 |
oCean | also I only just found out that there are no seatbelts | 20:20 |
Flannel | oCean: You only need seatbelts for takeoffs and landings, which only make up like 0.5% of the time spent, so it's not really cost effective to have them. Budget cuts and all. | 20:22 |
Tm_T | Flannel: emergency? landing? nooo we don't do those | 20:24 |
topyli | we never land, we just fly from one emergency to the next! | 20:30 |
rww | my head is now thinking up analogies where our op mentors are seatbelts | 20:32 |
oCean | they are not flight attendants? | 20:34 |
LjL | oCean: sir are you going to turn that phone off or shall i throw it off the plane for you? | 20:34 |
oCean | sorry :( | 20:35 |
* rww turns off everyone's portable electronic devices with the EMP cannon | 20:36 | |
LjL | what the... mine was in "flight mode", and i was at the final boss! | 20:36 |
rww | Sir, switching your shotgun into "flight mode" does not make it pass FCC regulations. | 20:37 |
IdleOne | FCC is freenode cargo containers? | 20:38 |
rww | Freenode Crashes Constantly | 20:39 |
IdleOne | s/F/f/ | 20:39 |
topyli | heh | 20:39 |
rww | highlighting the acronym yo | 20:40 |
IdleOne | oCean: most important thing to remember as an op is that ops are always right. Long live oppression! | 20:40 |
oCean | IdleOne: now that should have been in the call for new ops! | 20:43 |
rww | topyli transcends terrible puns like "oppression" :( | 20:44 |
IdleOne | one more thing, you may want to schedule weekly appointments with you shrink right away. | 20:44 |
IdleOne | your* | 20:44 |
* LjL takes note... no wait, i'm doing that already | 20:44 | |
rww | LjL: you have a shrink? They're doing a terrible job. You should fire them. | 20:45 |
LjL | rww: :( they're free though | 20:45 |
IdleOne | Just like Ubuntu, you get what you pay for :P | 20:46 |
LjL | is that why my shrink keeps saying my thoughts should have more unity? | 20:46 |
Jordan_U | LjL: Does he have you lay on his couchdb? | 20:48 |
LjL | Jordan_U: no, i just sit ifdown, except for when we part we stand uptime. but i'm a bit tired of her inaptitude. | 20:49 |
IdleOne | perhaps install telepathy-tubes | 20:49 |
Jordan_U | LjL: I guess that's apropos. | 20:49 |
topyli | my shrink is the emacs doctor-mode | 21:08 |
topyli | "interesting, but please mind your language" | 21:08 |
rww | mine is /mode #ubuntu-unregged +i | 21:17 |
rww | O:) | 21:17 |
LjL | good idea | 21:19 |
ubottu | FloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (ghrtytr appears to be abusive and has been muted, will need to be UNMUTED MANUALLY) | 22:09 |
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