nhaines | I'm heading to the Rathskeller in Huntington Beach to drink German beer! \o/ | 01:01 |
pleia2 | nhaines: have fun :) | 01:08 |
nhaines | pleia2: "Im Himmel gibt's kein Bier / Drum trinken wir es hier!" | 01:35 |
pleia2 | nice :) | 01:36 |
nhaines | The song continues (but in German): "And when we're no longer here / The others will drink all our beer!" | 01:37 |
pleia2 | DarkwingDuck: btw, no amount of qualifiers will make your blog post not sound like "quit yur whining" :) | 01:38 |
pleia2 | (being one of the others)++ | 01:38 |
pleia2 | I'm spending the weekend with my boyfriend's jewish family :) | 01:39 |
pleia2 | no ascension for us | 01:39 |
akk | Is DarkwingDuck not on planet.ubuntu-california.org ? | 01:42 |
DarkwingDuck | pleia2: Yeah, I know... | 01:49 |
DarkwingDuck | I think paultag said it best though.... "Nice suck up to canonical blog post the day before your interview" | 01:50 |
DarkwingDuck | akk: I think I changed my blig URL since then. I'm now at wonderly.com and not darkwingduck.org | 01:51 |
akk | I googled and found it. | 01:51 |
DarkwingDuck | Yay | 01:51 |
akk | heh @ paultag | 01:51 |
pleia2 | haha, paultag++ | 01:51 |
pleia2 | DarkwingDuck: you know, we do have the ability to update planet feeds :P | 01:51 |
DarkwingDuck | Yeah, I'm more dedicated to getting ready for the second interview at the moment. | 01:52 |
DarkwingDuck | :P | 01:52 |
akk | Problem I have with the blog post is that so many communities make it really hard to do more than spot problems (and blog workarounds or put them in blog comments). | 01:52 |
pleia2 | akk: that's what I said in my comment | 01:53 |
akk | That "how to post a patch so it might even get considered" thing I blogged earlier this week was maybe my longest blog entry ever. And it was as condensed as I could make it. | 01:53 |
pleia2 | yeah, I was actually thinking of your debdiff blog post when I wrote my comment | 01:54 |
pleia2 | (among other things) | 01:54 |
pleia2 | saying "just make a debdiff!" without giving any documentation borders on insulting | 01:54 |
pleia2 | (and makes me feel like a moron, why can't I figure out how to make one? clearly it's easy if they are saying just do it...) | 01:55 |
akk | It took me maybe 4x as long to make the bzr diff as it did to install the source, track down why the program was crashing, find a fix and make the initial diff. | 01:55 |
akk | Maybe only 2x as long if you count the time I took going back realizing I could make a cleaner fix. | 01:55 |
akk | Of course, most bugs aren't nearly that easy to fix (alas!) | 01:56 |
pleia2 | yeah, there is always that too | 01:57 |
broder | pleia2: we're trying to fix that! | 01:59 |
broder | (for ubuntu at least) | 01:59 |
broder | the long-term goal is that you just need to mark an attachment as a patch in LP, and the normal review process will kick in | 01:59 |
pleia2 | broder: this has been a long term goal for a couple of years | 01:59 |
akk | broder: That would be SO much better. | 02:00 |
broder | yeah, but i think it's starting to approach feasible | 02:00 |
pleia2 | that's good to hear :) | 02:00 |
broder | we're going to point patch pilots at operation cleansweep this cycle | 02:00 |
broder | since the sponsorship queue is at the point that it's usually short enough that patch pilots run out of work | 02:00 |
pleia2 | (btw, this isn't all just me being the spotter, I am actively working with some bug and docs people to improve their contributor docs to help with this :P) | 02:01 |
broder | but it'll still take time, since there are just so many marked-as-patches attachments in lp right now | 02:01 |
broder | https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-review-sponsorship-process and http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/community-o-review-sponsorship-process/ are the relevant links | 02:01 |
broder | err, most recently relevant links | 02:01 |
pleia2 | yeah, that session conflicted with another so I had to read those afterwards | 02:02 |
pleia2 | (always too much happening at uds! :)) | 02:02 |
akk | The SRU process is also crazy. | 02:02 |
broder | friday this cycle was really bad. i don't remember being so thoroughly overbooked last cycle | 02:02 |
akk | That's even harder than making a bzr patch/debdiff. | 02:03 |
pleia2 | friday was actually my light day, thursday was gruesome | 02:03 |
akk | And not well documented. | 02:03 |
wes_ | hey guys | 05:36 |
nigelb | DarkwingDuck: aha, gonna work for Canonical? ;) | 15:36 |
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