ExtractBeliefs | ubuntu doesnt support btrfs ? | 00:00 |
escott | hase, you don't want mesa thats the software glx | 00:00 |
bazhang | #ubuntu-offtopic please ExtractBeliefs | 00:00 |
Jordan_U | haffi: Can you be on IRC and at the grub shell at the same time (on a different computer)? | 00:00 |
bazhang | ExtractBeliefs, sure it does, but asking which is best is -ot | 00:00 |
Jordan_U | ExtractBeliefs: Yes (though obviously it's experimental support). | 00:00 |
ExtractBeliefs | shyould i be asking wich is worst instead ? | 00:00 |
bazhang | ExtractBeliefs, no polling here at all. | 00:00 |
ExtractBeliefs | poling ? | 00:01 |
BluesKaj | chubber, escott what about rdesktop client? | 00:01 |
schnuffle | ExtractBeliefs: If you want to use it right now the only choice is lvm. In future btrfs might become a viable alternative | 00:01 |
ExtractBeliefs | well default for ubuntu is ext4 so i guess that is better | 00:01 |
escott | BluesKaj, that would work. i had forgotten its name | 00:01 |
hase | My nvidia card drivers are activated but not currently in use | 00:01 |
haffi | Jordan_U: Yes | 00:01 |
Jordan_U | haffi: Ok. Please reboot to the grub shell and tell me when you are there. | 00:02 |
mneorr | hey , does anybody know if 11.04 default mount 2.17.2-9.1ubuntu4 supports discard flag for TRIM?? because in man it's not documented | 00:02 |
BluesKaj | hase ,have rebooted since activating ? I have to ask | 00:02 |
escott | hase, well don't install mesa it will just make things more complicated. can you pastebin your Xorg.0.log from /bar/log | 00:02 |
hase | yes i ahve rebooted several times | 00:02 |
ExtractBeliefs | i do need the alternat install cd to install LVM ? | 00:03 |
haffi | Jordan_U: I'm there | 00:03 |
Jordan_U | haffi: What is the output of "echo $prefix"? | 00:03 |
Jordan_U | ExtractBeliefs: Yes. | 00:03 |
rmxz | I see that 'nice' can help an unimportant program keep the CPU available to more important processes, and ionice can do similar for I/O scheduling; is there similar for virtual memory? For example, can I tell Ubuntu that it should be free to swap out much of a particular bloated non-time-critical process to avoid getting in the way of more important uses of that memory? | 00:03 |
hase | http://pastebin.com/52y9VBBq | 00:03 |
ocoutts | Has anyone been able to install Ubuntu on the latest gen mac minis? A co-worker and I have been having a super tough time. | 00:03 |
haffi | Jordan_U: (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub | 00:03 |
rmxz | Looks like /proc/sys/vm/swapiness can do that as a global setting for all processes --- but is there something similar where I can set a per-process swappiness | 00:04 |
Jordan_U | haffi: What is the output of "ls $prefix/grub.cfg"? | 00:04 |
escott | rmxz, you actually don't want that to happen. if the process is running the last thing you want it to do is have lots of page faults. nice it out, and it will run less and its pages will be later in the LRU and will get swapped | 00:05 |
haffi | Jordan_U: grub.fg (it's there) | 00:05 |
Gnea | rmxz: not really, swappiness is as good as it gets | 00:05 |
BluesKaj | escott, he may not hav an xorg,conf file unless he ran nvidia-xconf | 00:05 |
haffi | Jordan_U: And BTW there's a new version of the Boot info script results (I installed lzma) at: http://pastebin.com/LEp3sKv6 | 00:05 |
Jordan_U | haffi: What happens if you run "configfile $prefix/grub.cfg"? | 00:05 |
schnuffle | rmxz: You can configure swappiness per cgroup: http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroups/cgroups.txt http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/cgroups/memory.txt | 00:05 |
BluesKaj | anyway , time to go | 00:06 |
hase | I did rune nvidia-xorg | 00:06 |
haffi | Jordan_U: The screen clears? | 00:06 |
Jordan_U | haffi: If you press escape do you see a menu? | 00:07 |
hase | I don't understand why it says direct rendering: yes but I'm stuck at 640x480 could it be because i'm using an hdtv for the monitor | 00:07 |
escott | hase, since there is some concern your X is loading the wrong drivers can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 00:07 |
hase | http://pastebin.com/52y9VBBq | 00:07 |
ExtractBeliefs | is windows LVM aware ? | 00:07 |
squonk | :) | 00:07 |
schnuffle | ExtractBeliefs: Wondpws knows extacly: FAT and NTFS nothing more | 00:07 |
bazhang | ExtractBeliefs, ##windows for windows questions | 00:07 |
haffi | Jordan_U: Nope, just gives me a new input prompt in the console (grub>) | 00:08 |
ExtractBeliefs | can i install ubuntu on LVM in a pre populated HDD with win 7 | 00:08 |
ExtractBeliefs | ? | 00:08 |
bazhang | !lvm | ExtractBeliefs have a read | 00:08 |
ubottu | ExtractBeliefs have a read: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 00:08 |
Gnea | ExtractBeliefs: win7 would be on a different partition, the lvm would not contain that partition. | 00:08 |
schnuffle | ExtractBeliefs: If you have a spare partition yes, if not you need to use a partition tool | 00:08 |
ExtractBeliefs | thanks Gnea that was usefull info | 00:09 |
hase | did I pastebin the right thing | 00:09 |
escott | hase, your CRT is not reporting EDID data (which describes the maximum height/width the monitor supports) and you are being dropped back to 640x480. you should be able to force a mode in your xorg.conf, the guis may be protesting in order to prevent you from breaking your monitor | 00:09 |
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Gnea | hase: what video driver are you using? | 00:10 |
hase | gnea I'm not sure i installed nvidia-current | 00:10 |
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hase | escott how do I force the mode in my xorg.conf | 00:11 |
gem_cat | my router is still reluctant - it just bugs me - 2wire was a mistake I guess | 00:12 |
Gnea | hase: you installed it from the repository? | 00:12 |
hase | yes | 00:12 |
Gnea | good | 00:12 |
rmxz | schnuffle: thanks! I'll go read that fine manual... | 00:13 |
Gnea | hase: hdtv? a base model? | 00:13 |
schnuffle | rmxz: your welcome | 00:13 |
hase | vizio 1080p | 00:13 |
gem_cat | now back to the other issue - how to mount a data cd - and what did they do to fstab? | 00:13 |
escott | hase, well do you have one? /etc/x11/xorg.conf (i think would be the name) | 00:14 |
hase | yes | 00:14 |
hase | escott I have a xorg.conf | 00:14 |
hase | Vizio voj320f1a | 00:14 |
Gnea | hase: should be able to adjust via display settings and choosing screen 2 | 00:14 |
vorlov | how can i make the keyring automatically open upon login? in gnome | 00:14 |
haffi | Jordan_U: Thank you very much for your help so far, do you have any further ideas for me to try | 00:14 |
rmxz | escott: "...nice it out, and it will run less and its pages will be later in the LRU and will get swapped" | 00:14 |
rmxz | Problem is that on the 24-core system there's always CPU available so even the lowest priority processes seem to run full speed. | 00:14 |
escott | hase, see if you can find a Monitor section in there, and it should have a "Mode" or "Modeline" you could use that as a template for your desired mode | 00:14 |
hase | hmm | 00:15 |
psion | how do I get hardware acceleration to work for an nvidia card in 11.04? | 00:15 |
Jordan_U | haffi: Try asking in #grub. | 00:15 |
vorlov | in natty 11.04 | 00:15 |
haffi | Jordan_U: Thanks | 00:16 |
hase | here is a pastebin of xorg.conf | 00:16 |
hase | http://pastebin.com/spUrG0hD | 00:16 |
Jordan_U | haffi: You're welcome. | 00:16 |
hase | I really don't feel comfortable editing the xorg on my own | 00:16 |
Taar779 | I can't get my ubuntu server to connect to the internet, can some offer any advice? | 00:17 |
gem_cat | is it peculiar to want to mount cd's in ubuntu? it looks like it may be mounting them and hiding them immediately is that possible? | 00:17 |
bazhang | Taar779, sudo dhclient eth0 | 00:17 |
schnuffle | Taar779: How is your network interface configured? Through /etc/network/interfaces? | 00:17 |
vorlov | guys | 00:17 |
vorlov | does someone know how to make gnome-keyring open on login | 00:18 |
vorlov | ? | 00:18 |
vorlov | automatically | 00:18 |
vorlov | without the nagging request | 00:18 |
FloodBot1 | vorlov: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:18 |
nit-wit | vorlov, what are the apps to be opened with the password, or is a autologin you want? | 00:19 |
Taar779 | Bazhang: I'll try that -- schnuffle: auto eth0 ... iface eth0 inet static ... address X ... netmask X ... gateway X | 00:19 |
vorlov | i have autologin already, but my wifi network password is saved in it... without me entering the password it wont start the network | 00:20 |
Taar779 | X being the actually addresses | 00:20 |
vorlov | id like a compelte automatic start | 00:20 |
psion | does anyone know how to enable hardware acceleration of an nvidia card? | 00:20 |
escott | vorlov, add it to gnome-session | 00:20 |
vorlov | id like the keyring to open with the autologin asas well | 00:20 |
vorlov | how do i do that? | 00:20 |
vorlov | im a new comer to the gui | 00:20 |
nit-wit | vorlov, open the edt to the wireless click on auto and enable all users | 00:20 |
vorlov | nit-wit: lemme try... | 00:21 |
schnuffle | Taar779: and your network card is configured, so that you get the right information with ifconfig etho? Can you ping your default gateway? | 00:21 |
gem_cat | or add your user to the wireless group vorlov | 00:22 |
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nit-wit | vorian, your looking for connect automatically and allow all users. | 00:22 |
Guest46201 | hello? | 00:22 |
vorlov | nit-wit: it worked! thanks much! | 00:22 |
schnuffle | !anyone | Guest46201 | 00:22 |
ubottu | Guest46201: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 00:22 |
Taar779 | schnuffle: No ping router or ping does nothing. I'm not sure how I would go about configuring my network card. I'll try to google it in a sec | 00:23 |
Guest46201 | can you help me? | 00:23 |
schnuffle | Guest46201: Ask your question and we'll see :) | 00:23 |
nit-wit | Guest46201, ask your question | 00:23 |
bazhang | with what Guest46201 | 00:23 |
Guest46201 | i get this error when trying to load BT5 onto my computer from a live disk | 00:23 |
bazhang | !backtrack | Guest46201 | 00:24 |
ubottu | Guest46201: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 00:24 |
gem_cat | Guest11276, you need to add a user before getting on IRC - bad things can happen | 00:24 |
bazhang | Guest46201, not supported here, /join #backtrack-linux | 00:24 |
PHaNT | g | 00:24 |
nit-wit | vorlov, no problem.;) | 00:24 |
Guest46201 | atkbd serio0: unknown key released (translated set 2, code 0x8d on isa0060/serio0 | 00:24 |
bazhang | Guest46201, its not supported here. please stop asking. | 00:25 |
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SeanInSeattle | Is it possible to remove unity alltogether, and switch to gnome only? | 00:34 |
bazhang | SeanInSeattle, no, use classic from login | 00:34 |
escott | !classic | SeanInSeattle | 00:34 |
ubottu | SeanInSeattle: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic. | 00:34 |
gem_cat | I understand things change but the docs on fstab do not help much - and most of what is on line is now obsolete | 00:35 |
SeanInSeattle | ubotto: How to use gnome3 with Ubuntu? | 00:35 |
SeanInSeattle | ubotto: How to use gnome3 with Ubuntu 11.04? | 00:36 |
bazhang | SeanInSeattle, its an unsupported ppa that will break things and require a reinstall. best to steer clear | 00:36 |
SeanInSeattle | bazhang, Yes, that's what I went through, but I actually want to install gnome3. Am I forced to use a different distro? | 00:37 |
bazhang | SeanInSeattle, its unsupported. up to you. | 00:37 |
gem_cat | http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-GNOME-3-on-Ubuntu-11-04-194085.shtml | 00:38 |
gem_cat | good luck | 00:38 |
arnotixe | hi all what kernel modules informs the kernel of AC power unplug (on a laptop)? My problem is that when I unplug the AC power, the wireless card borks and stops working. Have to turn off the machine and on again to make it work. | 00:39 |
gonzalo | Hello, I installed Ruby (programming language interpreter) with: "sudo apt-get ruby". This installed Ruby 1.8.7, but I want 1.9.2. I did't find 1.9.2 in the synaptic package manager, so I downloaded the source and compiled. However, the Ruby my system has is still 1.8.7. In the folder I downloaded I execute "./ruby --version" and there it's 1.9.2. How do I replace the ruby I have installed... | 00:40 |
gonzalo | ...for the new one??? Thanks! | 00:40 |
tim___ | whats the discussion? | 00:41 |
bazhang | tim___, ubuntu support | 00:41 |
bazhang | gonzalo, why do you need a new one? | 00:41 |
tim___ | ow just general support | 00:41 |
gem_cat | arnotixe, have you googled your model number - that may be answered fr your laptop somewhere | 00:41 |
gonzalo | bazhang: because I installed the wrong version. I have 1.8.7 but I want 1.9.2 | 00:41 |
bazhang | gonzalo, installed how | 00:42 |
escott | gonzalo, you dont want to just install something you downloaded. see if there is a ruby1.9 package in synaptic (i thought there way) otherwise put your downloaded ruby in /opt and prefix your $PATH to point at it | 00:42 |
invisiblek | cross your fingers that my hdmi audio works after i reboot | 00:42 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: http://www.web2linux.com/05/installing-rails-3-on-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/ | 00:42 |
gonzalo | bazhand: sudo apt-get install ruby | 00:42 |
arnotixe | gem_cat, yes it's the infamous broadcom 4312. | 00:42 |
tim___ | how do i contribute to the ubuntu art without joining a mailing list | 00:42 |
bazhang | gonzalo, how is that the wrong version | 00:42 |
gonzalo | bazhang: apt-get install ruby installs ruby version 1.8.7 | 00:42 |
bazhang | tim___, check the #ubuntu-artwork channel (may not be the correct name) | 00:42 |
gem_cat | arnotixe, the laptop model | 00:42 |
gonzalo | bazhang: by default. | 00:43 |
tim___ | bazhang thanks | 00:43 |
gonzalo | (I'm checking the link!) | 00:43 |
bazhang | tim___, /msg alis list *ubuntu* to find it | 00:43 |
hase | So I just installed nvtv and the output for running it is Fatal: No supported video card found. | 00:43 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: to follow this guide, should I uninstall my current ruby first? If so, how? | 00:44 |
bazhang | gonzalo, thats the newest for your version of ubuntu | 00:44 |
arnotixe | gem_cat, Lenovo S-10. something is wrong with the b43 driver. I just wanted to see if unloading the module that detects power unplugging helps. See, when power is plugged in, I kan rfkill it, kill it with the physical killswitch, re-enable it and so on. Still works. But when I unplug power, all fails. This used to work in 9.04... | 00:44 |
gonzalo | bazhang: Is there no way to have version 1.9.2 in ubuntu? | 00:44 |
invisiblek | wow, 11.04 is sweet, it actually automatically rebuilds my nvidia drivers when the kernel is updated (something i always wished happened) | 00:44 |
arnotixe | I've seen something on BIOS updates, but I think I need windows to do that... | 00:44 |
bazhang | gonzalo, by breaking package management, sure. | 00:44 |
Guest90776 | Hello, can anybody help with with setting up svg support for ubuntu and apache2? | 00:45 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: If you compiled it by your own you could use a prefix like /opt to install it there, so you can use it without interfering with your normal system | 00:46 |
Jordan_U | Guest90776: apache2 doesn't need svg support to host svg images... | 00:46 |
yoaime | can anybody tell me how to navegate to a different partition in the command line | 00:46 |
gem_cat | arnotixe, maybe it is something simple - google the combination | 00:46 |
Guest90776 | Jordan_U, when I try to view the svg image through the browser, it says XML Parsing Error: not well-formed | 00:47 |
WeSSaM_ | hi all | 00:48 |
Guest90776 | technically it is an svgz, but both when place in the img tag show a brokenimage icon | 00:48 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: add this to your apache conf AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz AddEncoding gzip svgz | 00:48 |
WeSSaM_ | any1 know how i can install gnome on backtrack5 ? | 00:48 |
Jordan_U | Guest90776: And if you try to just open the svg file in the browser? | 00:48 |
bazhang | WeSSaM_, thats not supported here | 00:48 |
bazhang | WeSSaM_, #backtrack-linux | 00:49 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: I'm very confused. I opened synaptic package manager and searched for "ruby 1.9.2" and I get two results: 1) "ruby" which shows as installed and says it's version 1.8.X in the description. 2) "ruby1.9.1", which also shows as installed, but which says 1.9.2 in the description. However, in a terminal, "ruby --version" returns "1.8.7". Any thoughts on this? | 00:49 |
WeSSaM_ | oh thanx bazhang | 00:49 |
hiexpo | WeSSaM_, backtrack is not supported here go there #backtrack-linux and good luck with that | 00:49 |
Guest90776 | when I add those to the .htaccess file I get the following... Content Encoding Error The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression. | 00:49 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: check id you have more than one ruby binary in your system: locate ruby | grep bin | 00:50 |
hiexpo | WeSSaM_, i would suggest pento myself | 00:50 |
Guest90776 | this is in Firefox 4.0 fyi | 00:50 |
arnotixe | gem_cat, yep I've googled quite a bit last weeks. And tried lots of stuff. But it keeps failing. So, is it possible to make the kernel NOT figure out when power is unplugged? | 00:51 |
WeSSaM_ | kk hiexpo | 00:51 |
DK_2 | hi, anyone else getting sound drops and program crashes with natty and VLC? | 00:51 |
WeSSaM_ | thanx | 00:51 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: One line: AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz | 00:51 |
hiexpo | WeSSaM_, no problem | 00:51 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: "/usr/bin/ruby", "/usr/bin/ruby1.8", "/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1", "/usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/ruby1.9.1", and more... | 00:51 |
gizmobay | When I reboot me computer, the system shutsdown and then the BIOS screen is displayed and then I'm taken to a blank purple screen. If I hit the reset button, then my computer will boot. It shows the grub2 menu even though I have it turned off. | 00:51 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: second line: AddEncoding gzip svgz | 00:51 |
gizmobay | once I hit the reset button | 00:51 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: apparently, I do have more than one. How can I erase all and start again? | 00:51 |
skibur | hello | 00:52 |
gizmobay | Which log can I look in to get a hint the boot.log shows nothing | 00:52 |
skibur | question | 00:52 |
skibur | I did a #apt-get update. How can I list the update list without installing? | 00:52 |
Guest90776 | schnuffle: got it... it still gives me the content encoding error | 00:52 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: Hmm, remove all the svgz stuff so only one line: AddType image/svg+xml | 00:53 |
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DK_2 | skibur: sudo apt-get update | 00:54 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: there's a tool called alternative which can switch between the versions | 00:54 |
Guest90776 | schnuffle: that gives me an internal server error | 00:54 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: I'd rather just erase the older versions... any way to do that? | 00:54 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: apt-get remove <package> | 00:55 |
DK_2 | skibur: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine | 00:55 |
gem_cat | arnotixe, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerManagement - this might be a 'wait a bit' prob | 00:55 |
Guest90776 | schnuffle, if you meant AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz , it still gives me the encoding error | 00:55 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: strange | 00:56 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: ok, but I believe that will erase ruby1.8.7, which is the default... how do I make Ubuntu recognize the other version as default once the old one has been removed? | 00:56 |
Guest90776 | schnuffle, no I'm sorry... then it says XML Parsing Error: not well-formed | 00:56 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: but your image is right and you can see it when you open it with a image viewer? | 00:56 |
skibur | Sorry | 00:57 |
Guest90776 | yes | 00:57 |
skibur | I already did #apt-get update | 00:57 |
skibur | I just need to list the updates | 00:57 |
skibur | not upgrade | 00:57 |
Guest90776 | it was created in Adobe Illustrator, and can be viewed locally threough IE 9 | 00:57 |
Guest90776 | or Adobe svg viewer | 00:58 |
gem_cat | gonzalo, you may have to uninstall both and reinstall the one you want - or you might even not have a prob | 00:58 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: use update-alternatives | 00:58 |
gem_cat | best that | 00:58 |
gonzalo | gem_cat: I removed ruby. "which ruby" returns nothing. However, "locate ruby | grep bin" returns exactly the same as before | 00:59 |
lucas-arg | again, suspend wasnt working in my laptop... I had to manually remove SPLASH from /etc/default/grub was it a plymouth bug or what? when are devs cutting plymouth off the ubuntu default installation... it just doesnt work never did in any of the different hardware computers... | 00:59 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: How exactly do i use update-alternatives? | 00:59 |
Guest90776 | ok, just found something, the svg was the wrong file name, but that does not solve the issue with the svgz | 00:59 |
DK_2 | skibur: http://ubuntu-for-humans.blogspot.com/2009/12/using-apt-get-terminal-command-in.html <---does that help? | 01:00 |
wcchandler | Has anybody setup bitcoin mining? Is it essentially a python script that gets run? | 01:00 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java It shows how to use it with different java versions. It can be used analog for ruby | 01:00 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: ok, will do. | 01:01 |
gem_cat | http://groups.google.com/group/rails-oceania/browse_thread/thread/8a2b256d117db49f gonzalo | 01:01 |
skibur | Checking.... DK_2 | 01:02 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: You mean AddType image/svg+xml svg works and AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz doesn't? | 01:02 |
DK_2 | skibur: also check http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/see-what-updated-packages-are-available-from-ubuntu-command-line/ | 01:02 |
arnotixe | ok gem_cat ,thank you I'll try that | 01:02 |
Guest90776 | no AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz works, but only the uncompressed svg shows | 01:02 |
Guest90776 | the svgz is a broken link, and if you try to view the image directly you get the content encoding eror | 01:03 |
tophu | ok apparently I'm missing some dvd decryption library that will allow me to watch "the big bang theory" seaon 2 disk 2 :-( how do I install this | 01:03 |
DK_2 | Anyone else getting sound drops and program crashes with natty and VLC? | 01:03 |
mhalligan | using dpkg or aptitude, how do I reinstall a package when I've deleted some files from that package, and actually make those deleted files reappear? | 01:04 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: You need to set the AddEncoding gzip svgz as well | 01:04 |
mhalligan | I cannot purge this package because it's depended on by ubuntu-minimal, which means I'm shaving yaks. | 01:04 |
Guest90776 | snuffle, it is added | 01:05 |
Damian85 | hello is there a good ubuntu alternate because i dont like the new 11.04 | 01:05 |
Loshki | mhalligan: have you tried apt-get install --reinstall <package> | 01:05 |
tophu | for that matter why the heck wouldn't ubuntu come with the codecs required to play dvds? | 01:05 |
Guest90776 | if it helps, check it out here http://www.relationshipdriven.org/new/test.php | 01:05 |
HelloWorld321 | Hello Damian: if you liked the old desktop, it's still available | 01:06 |
Guest90776 | svgz is on the left | 01:06 |
mhalligan | loshki: yes, I still get the same problem: Not replacing deleted config file /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf | 01:06 |
Damian85 | where is it avaiable or how? | 01:06 |
Kuwanger | mhalligan: Well, with apt you can just install it again. I'm not sure how you do that with dpkg, though. :/ | 01:06 |
Damian85 | apt get install old-gnome ? | 01:06 |
morgan | I can use ssh with x11 if I start it from a terminal with -X, but when I set ForwardX11 yes in ssh_config and reboot it doesn't work for X11 by default. Am I missing something | 01:06 |
DK_2 | tophu : ubuntu is worldwide, but your dvd's are regional | 01:06 |
Cube`` | guys how do i format an SD card | 01:06 |
Cube`` | thunar doesnt have any option for that | 01:06 |
mhalligan | debs aren't idempotent like rpms, are they? | 01:06 |
Loshki | tophu: licensing issues... | 01:06 |
HelloWorld321 | Not sure. The new desktop is the "Unity Desktop". Need to turn on "Ubuntu Classic" desktop (that's the new name) ... I'll get a link | 01:07 |
Damian85 | thank you very much :) | 01:07 |
tpham | hi, i select places-><any harddrive>, and vlc would launch instead of nautilus file browser. does anyone know how to fix it? | 01:07 |
Cube`` | guys how do i format an SD card | 01:07 |
Damian85 | http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/04/change-classic-ubuntu-desktop-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/ | 01:07 |
HelloWorld321 | Damian: http://ubuntuguide.net/ubuntu-11-04-natty-login-to-classic-gnome-2-desktop | 01:07 |
HelloWorld321 | Damian: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/05/enable-ubuntu-classic-desktop-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/ | 01:07 |
morgan | tpham - check default applications | 01:07 |
gizmobay | When I reboot me computer, the system shutsdown and then the BIOS screen is displayed and then I'm taken to a blank purple screen no grub menu or anything. Hitting the shift key does nothing. If I then hit the reset button, then my computer will boot but first it shows the grub2 menu even though I have it turned off in the default conf file. Which log can I look in to get a hint the boot.log shows nothing? | 01:07 |
Damian85 | so its default installed? | 01:07 |
tophu | :-( mint didn't have this issue | 01:08 |
m_tadeu | hi...I have a problem...ubuntu doesn't detect my cdrom drive | 01:08 |
tophu | so where do I get the codec? | 01:08 |
tpham | morgan, where do i go to get to def. application? | 01:08 |
mhalligan | so apt-get --reinstall install packages doesn't work, aptitude reinstall package doesn't work, any other options for making a package do the right thing and actually reinstall itself? or do I need to reinstall the whole os? | 01:08 |
Guinness2702 | So, I have package x installed on 10.04 LTS Server, and it's client installed on 11.04 Desktop. The versions of x are incompatible, and I want to A) upgrade the version of x on the server or B) downgrade the version on the desktop, without changing the versions of ubuntu. Can I do this? How? | 01:08 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: I removed many ruby packages with the synaptic package manager. Then, I installed (with SPM) the package "ruby1.9.1". Now I do "which ruby", which returns nothing. "which ruby1.9.1" returns "usr/bin/ruby1.9.1" why isn't it installing correctly? | 01:08 |
DK_2 | tophu: also, the only thing i use to play dvd's is VLC media player. never had any issues but i dont watch many movies or seasons. also did you install ubuntu restricted evtras? | 01:08 |
morgan | tpham - system -> preferences -> preffered applications | 01:08 |
HelloWorld321 | Yes. I was annoyed by it at first, too. But then I sorta decided to try the new one. It's a bit of a hassle to get used to a new UI just because somebody else decided ... but it is good | 01:08 |
tophu | probably not | 01:09 |
Damian85 | yes maybe but my sister wanted to use it and just thought what is this. remove this fast :D | 01:09 |
DK_2 | tophu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:09 |
tophu | is that a repo? | 01:09 |
tophu | thanks | 01:09 |
mhalligan | Not replacing deleted config file /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf | 01:10 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: It install correctly, just do a sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.9 /usr/bin/ruby or use update-alternatives as I told you to create the link | 01:10 |
DK_2 | tophu: its in there somewhere | 01:10 |
Kuwanger | mhalligan: Hmm..perhaps dpkg --configure is what you want? | 01:10 |
Cube`` | how do i format an SD card | 01:10 |
Guinness2702 | Cube``, mkfs should suffice | 01:10 |
mhalligan | @kuwanger: dpkg: error processing rsyslog (--configure): | 01:10 |
mhalligan | package rsyslog is already installed and configured | 01:10 |
mhalligan | that doesn't work | 01:10 |
schnuffle | Guest90776: Can IE show the compressed svg locally? | 01:11 |
escott | gonzalo, just add a symlink in /usr/bin from ruby to ruby1.9.1 | 01:11 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: ok, I'll try the "ln", since the update alternatives gives me: "no alternatives for ruby" | 01:11 |
m0n0 | where in the world can I find declaration of struct _GMutex ? | 01:11 |
DK_2 | Anyone else getting sound drops and program crashes with natty and VLC? | 01:11 |
mhalligan | when I run into this problem I usually just say screw it and rebuild the image, but I can't do that this time | 01:11 |
Guinness2702 | DK_2, - I've had odd sound behaviour with VLC, since I upgraded ubuntu to 11.04 | 01:11 |
Guest90776 | schnuffle, no | 01:11 |
DK_2 | Guinness2702: ive read about choppy sound on vlc recently | 01:12 |
Guinness2702 | DK_2, yeah, I get that | 01:12 |
notyourname | can anybody help with my mousepad. it just stopped working | 01:12 |
Guinness2702 | DK_2, workaround I found is to go into VLC's audio preferences, and it fixes it | 01:13 |
Guinness2702 | but i have to do it every time | 01:13 |
Guinness2702 | :( | 01:13 |
morgan | anyone know x11 in ssh any? | 01:13 |
tophu | ok so how do I install this? | 01:14 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | morgan | 01:14 |
ubottu | morgan: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 01:14 |
DK_2 | Guinness2702: if you open vlc, with the icon for it, without media, and change the settings, then close vlc, they stay on those settings forever | 01:14 |
Guinness2702 | DK_2, Does that fix the problem? | 01:14 |
Guinness2702 | I don't have to change any settings, just open the config | 01:14 |
DK_2 | i havent played with the audio settings yet | 01:14 |
gonzalo | schuffle: it did't work well. I did "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 /usr/bin/ruby", which returned: "ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/ruby': File exists". However, "which ruby" returned nothing... | 01:14 |
bazhang | tophu, ubuntu-restricted-extras ? | 01:15 |
Guinness2702 | Anyone know how to install a 11.04 package in 10.04 LTS ?? | 01:15 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: it didn't work well. I did "sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 /usr/bin/ruby", which returned: "ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/ruby': File exists". However, "which ruby" returned nothing... | 01:15 |
morgan | I can use X11 over ssh if I start the server with -X, but I've set ForwardX11 yes in /etc/ssh/ssh_config, but it won't work by default (after reboot) | 01:15 |
tophu | yea I don't see instructions in the wiki | 01:15 |
bazhang | Guinness2702, you dont | 01:15 |
notyourname | help me with my mousepad. it doesn't work | 01:15 |
DK_2 | Guinness2702: to test that out ill have ta play a media file for a while, so testing is gonna take a little while | 01:15 |
bazhang | tophu, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 01:15 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: first you have of course tell it that you want to manage alternatives of ruby: sudp update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/ruby ruby /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 1 | 01:15 |
IdleOne | notyourname: you mean on a laptop? | 01:15 |
tophu | @notyourname: buy a new one | 01:15 |
Kuwanger | mhalligan: Well, the hack solution is to just extract the config file manually and copy it to the right place. :/ | 01:15 |
Jordan_U | gonzalo: What is the output of "ls -l /usr/bin/ruby"? | 01:15 |
notyourname | yes | 01:15 |
bazhang | notyourname, thats not an ubuntu issue | 01:15 |
Guinness2702 | bazhang, So the only way I can upgrade the version of something on 10.04 is to do it manually? | 01:15 |
Loshki | mhalligan: well, they *ought* to be idempotent. check all the "force" options in man dpkg. confmiss/confdef. If all else fails, you could edit the package out of /var/lib/dpkg/status and retry (make a backup of the file first) | 01:16 |
bazhang | Guinness2702, upgrade what | 01:16 |
notyourname | so what do i do | 01:16 |
DK_2 | tophu: do you know how to use synaptic? | 01:16 |
gonzalo | Jordan_U: "lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2011-05-20 20:12 /usr/bin/ruby -> /usr/bin/1.9.1" | 01:16 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: then check: ls -l /usr/bin/ruby | 01:16 |
Kuwanger | mhalligan: It'd seem dpkg itself supports a --force-confmiss, but I don't know how to make dpkg reinstall a package. | 01:16 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: doing the update alternatives now... | 01:16 |
Guinness2702 | bazhang, mythtv backend - my server is 10.04, but my desktop is 11.04 - the versions that come with them are incompatible - I don't want to upgrade the server, just to get the latest mythtv backend :( | 01:17 |
Jordan_U | gonzalo: And the output of "ls -l /usr/bin/1.9.1"? | 01:17 |
tophu | I got it I had syn open on another desktop that's why my sudo apt-get install failed :-( | 01:17 |
bazhang | Guinness2702, I'd ask in #ubuntu-mythtv honestly | 01:17 |
tophu | thanks guys ^_^ | 01:17 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: "update-alternatives: --install needs <link> <name> <path> <priority>" | 01:17 |
Jordan_U | gonzalo: Wait... That should be /usr/bin/*ruby*1.9.1 | 01:17 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: wait, don't hurry. You should try to understand what you are doing otherwise you'll get stucked with a damaged system sooner or later | 01:17 |
gonzalo | Jordan_U: going... | 01:18 |
Guinness2702 | bazhang, I'll try there, but I was hoping to do cleanly with packages - i.e. it's not really a mythtv problem, but an ubuntu/package problem - i.e. I want to force 10.04 to use a 11.04 package :\ | 01:18 |
Jordan_U | gonzalo: Run "sudo rm -i /usr/bin/ruby" then make the symbolic link properly. | 01:18 |
bazhang | Guinness2702, thats unsupported and will break things. | 01:18 |
gonzalo | Jordan_U: "-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5460 2010-11-02 17:48 /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1" | 01:18 |
Kuwanger | mhalligan: Hmm.. Well, it'd seem as simple as dpkg --force-confmiss -i /var/cache/apt/archives/rsyslog-* | 01:18 |
KenBW2 | Is it possible to get my phone to transmit audio to my laptop over bluetooth? | 01:19 |
gonzalo | Jordan_U: ok | 01:19 |
escott | Guinness2702, the whole point of packages is to track the dependencies, so it wants to pull in the rest of the system | 01:19 |
m_tadeu | ubuntu is unable to detect the cdrom from my laptop...what can I do to overcome this problem? | 01:19 |
gonzalo | Make symbolic link properly would be: "ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 /usr/bin/ruby" ?? | 01:19 |
elkng | what if I have solaric partition and boot in to ubuntu-liveCD will it use this partition as a swap autimatically ? | 01:20 |
gem_cat | m_tadeu, my prob is similar I think - you are trying to mount a data cd? | 01:20 |
escott | m_tadeu, is it a particular cd or all cds? | 01:21 |
hiexpo | hola all | 01:21 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: oh my, I think the update alternatives worked | 01:21 |
Loshki | m_tadeu: what does dmesg | egrep -i 'cd|dvd' say? | 01:22 |
tophu | brb gotta reboot to test this I think | 01:22 |
HelloWorld321 | Ken: if you find anything, post a link! | 01:22 |
morgan | Jordan_U - my ssh query: I can use X11 over ssh if I start the server with -X, but I've set ForwardX11 yes in /etc/ssh/ssh_config, but it won't work by default (after reboot) | 01:22 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: i was missing the "1" at the end (the priority, i guess). now "which ruby" returns "ruby 1.9.2p0" | 01:22 |
gem_cat | escott, there is no entry in fstab for the cd - and the rules for making one have changed in natty | 01:22 |
DK_2 | m_tadeu: your BIOS is reading from the harddrive before the cd-rom. at bootup press either "f2 - f10 - del" to enter bios and change and save settings" | 01:22 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: fine, and you could have done it without uninstalling the default version :). Next time you'll know | 01:23 |
escott | gem_cat, generally you dont want an entry in fstab, leave it out and gnome-volume-manager should auto-mount the partition | 01:23 |
gonzalo | schnuffle: yes, good to know. thanks a lot for your help! | 01:23 |
schnuffle | gonzalo: your welcome | 01:23 |
m_tadeu | gem_cat, escott I'm not even trying to mount....it doesn't show up in /dev/cdrom | 01:23 |
Loshki | morgan: there's also X11Forwarding in /etc/sshd_config. You might need that too on the server side... | 01:23 |
escott | m_tadeu, what about /dev/dvd | 01:24 |
mithridates | whenever I click on a mpeg or ogg video file firefox crashes!!! why? | 01:24 |
m_tadeu | escott: not there either | 01:24 |
mithridates | it happens without exception! | 01:24 |
escott | m_tadeu, do you know what kind of cd/dvd drive this is, and how it is connected? eide or sata? | 01:25 |
mark__ | hey guys | 01:25 |
mark__ | anybody talk here? | 01:25 |
morgan | Loshki - both options set to yes, reboot server and try to get in and I have errors.. | 01:26 |
gem_cat | escott, in the previous version you stuck in a cd and it mounted - natty doesnt | 01:26 |
schnuffle | !anyone | mark__ | 01:26 |
ubottu | mark__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 01:26 |
bazhang | mark__, ubuntu support question? | 01:26 |
m_tadeu | escott: I changed it to eide now in the bios, just to check...don't know which drive it is | 01:26 |
Loshki | morgan: what kind of errors? | 01:26 |
mark__ | is this just for help? | 01:26 |
bazhang | mark__, yes | 01:26 |
mark__ | ah i see | 01:26 |
escott | m_tadeu, changed it in the bios? what were your options? | 01:26 |
morgan | same errors I get unless I start ssh with the -X option from commandline on server | 01:26 |
escott | gem_cat, what is the output of groups? | 01:26 |
HelloWorld321 | mark: if you have a question, just ask. If you want to gossip, try #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:27 |
schnuffle | mark__: might try /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:27 |
mithridates | guys whenever I ask a question in ubuntu noones answer me, I'm really dissappointed. my firefox crashes whenever I click on a video file like mpeg,... and nobody wants to help me | 01:27 |
m_tadeu | escott: ide mode or ahci mode | 01:27 |
schnuffle | mithridates: Maybe nobody can? | 01:27 |
gem_cat | adm disk dialout cdrom audio plugdev netdev lpadmin admin sambashare | 01:27 |
morgan | Loshki - same errors I get unless I start ssh with the -X option from commandline on server | 01:27 |
escott | m_tadeu, you should be fine with either | 01:27 |
mhalligan | @loshki I'm thinking the guys who write dpkg/apt/aptitude have never bothered looking up the definition of idemptoency. rpm --no-deps --reinstall package, bam I'm done in 3 seconds. *rage* | 01:28 |
m_tadeu | escott: I'm not happy with neither of them :) | 01:28 |
escott | m_tadeu, check the output of dmesg | egrep -i "CD|DVD" | 01:28 |
mithridates | schnuffle: that's another question... | 01:28 |
schnuffle | mithridates: which version of Firefox? | 01:28 |
Whisky_ | Help! Due to a power failure, my computer shut down half way while booting through Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It won't boot now and displays a bunch of errors :( It's the same even in Recovery mode. | 01:29 |
mithridates | schnuffle: 4.0.1 | 01:29 |
notyourname | so how do i fix my mousepad on laptop | 01:30 |
gem_cat | escott, the ownership of cdrom in media is root root | 01:30 |
Loshki | mhalligan: something like dpkg -i --force-depends <package>. Sorry I'm not handier with dpkg.... | 01:30 |
mithridates | schnuffle: http://tinyurl.com/3gbnfjf this is the crash report | 01:30 |
m_tadeu | escott: new advancement....on boot, the cdrom is there...as soon as I touch the eject button(which doesnt do anything), it sudenly disapeers from /dev | 01:31 |
m_tadeu | escott: before that, eject cdrom works fine | 01:31 |
escott | gem_cat, i would remove the folder in /media, remove the entry from fstab and if that doesn't work try udisks --monitor-detail | 01:31 |
gem_cat | do doubt the ownership in /dev matches the cdrom entry | 01:32 |
schnuffle | mithridates: have you installed the vlc plugin? | 01:32 |
mithridates | schnuffle: I'm not sure, but I guess yes. let me see | 01:32 |
escott | m_tadeu, so `eject cdrom` works, but the eject button messes things up | 01:32 |
Loshki | morgan: I'm confused about which is client and which is server. Note you have 4 separate pieces of config to worry about: ssh_config and sshd_config on both client and server... | 01:32 |
m_tadeu | escott: in deed | 01:32 |
escott | Loshki, sshd is the server config | 01:32 |
something_here | test | 01:32 |
Kevin_Flynn | I downloaded a game. Its an .exe. I have wine, but it won't open. I'm using xubuntu 10.10. Error: "The file '/home/user/.opera/temporary_downloads/LuxorSetup.exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit." | 01:32 |
escott | !permissions | Kevin_Flynn | 01:33 |
ubottu | Kevin_Flynn: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 01:33 |
sudokill | kevin, make it executable | 01:33 |
Whisky_ | Kevin_Flynn: chmod +x FILE.exe | 01:33 |
sudokill | if its in home u can right click on it and check mark as executable | 01:34 |
escott | m_tadeu, and dmesg doesn't show anything for the event that lead to the removal of the /dev/cdrom device file | 01:34 |
Whisky_ | Help! Due to a power failure, my computer shut down half way while booting through Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It won't boot now and displays a bunch of errors :( It's the same even in Recovery mode. | 01:34 |
mhalligan | did dpkg deprecate the --reinstall flag or something? | 01:34 |
escott | Whisky_, what errors | 01:34 |
syockit | escott, Whisky_ : but do you need to chmod for using wine on exe? | 01:34 |
m_tadeu | what happened to /var/log/messages? | 01:34 |
sudokill | when i tried 11.04 it disappeared | 01:34 |
Whisky_ | syockit: I wouldn't know about that. Sorry. Try copying the exe file to .wine directory in your home directory and then wine ~/.wine/FILE.exe~ | 01:35 |
escott | syockit, you have to do that for bash scripts as well. you could call it by `wine program.exe` | 01:35 |
Loshki | mhalligan: --reinstall is an apt-get flag, not dpkg... | 01:35 |
morgan | Loshki - you're right, I've been editing ssh_config for the server (pointless), just opened sshd_config, pretty sure I got it from here, cheers. | 01:36 |
Whisky_ | escott: I don't recall right now as I'm Dual booting with windows on the same PC. Is there anyway to run a restore or something? I'm sick of Ubuntu crashing on me everytime. That is why I moved from 11.04 back to 10.04 LTS hoping it'd be stabler | 01:36 |
mhalligan | aptitude -o DPkg::Options="--force-confmiss" reinstall rsyslog eventually did it. | 01:36 |
Loshki | morgan: hope so... | 01:36 |
syockit | escott: I usually do not have to chmod +x on .sh file to sh it. | 01:36 |
mhalligan | thanks for the help veryone, I'm going to go track down the dpkg maintainers and tattoo the word idempotence on their genitals. | 01:36 |
escott | Whisky_, use your install cd/livecd | 01:37 |
Whisky_ | escott: Assuming I do boot with the livecd, what do I do? :( | 01:37 |
escott | Whisky_, fix the errors you haven't described to us :) | 01:38 |
Whisky_ | thanks | 01:38 |
syockit | Kevin_Flynn: if you tried to open it from within opera, it will open using the default associated program, but I don't think wine is the first associated. maybe you use a file browser (like nautilus. open Places) to go to the folder (.opera is hidden, hit ctrl-H to show hidden files/folders) and right click LuxorSetup.exe and select open with Wine | 01:39 |
escott | syockit, i believe the natty version of wine may be configured to respect the executable flag for security reasons | 01:40 |
Kevin_Flynn | I got it, thanx guys. Permissions are the most anoying thing about Ubuntu. | 01:41 |
sudokill | ull get used to it | 01:41 |
sudokill | they are there for a purpose | 01:42 |
escott | Kevin_Flynn, trigger locks are the most annoying thing about guns ;) | 01:42 |
sudokill | think of windows and viruses how easy they are to run | 01:42 |
Kevin_Flynn | escott, can't kill anyone with an OS. | 01:42 |
Cube`` | guys | 01:42 |
GoGi2 | why does grub2 not show a menu even if there is set timeout=10? | 01:42 |
Cube`` | why the heck are you even talking about computers. the world ends today | 01:42 |
sudokill | what | 01:43 |
sudokill | irs not 2012 yet | 01:43 |
sudokill | lol | 01:43 |
aeon-ltd | donkey bull! | 01:43 |
JabberWalkie | the internet is its own world | 01:43 |
escott | GoGi2, i think if you have only one boot option it skips the menu | 01:43 |
sudokill | it should still show a menu | 01:44 |
sudokill | GoGi2 paste ur menu.lst | 01:44 |
Jordan_U | !grub2 | GoGi2 sudokill | 01:45 |
ubottu | GoGi2 sudokill: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 01:45 |
escott | GoGi2, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Initial%20Default | 01:45 |
sudokill | my bad, im on grub 1 | 01:46 |
gem_cat | escott, very interesting - it sees it but there was never an entry in fstab - isnt that required | 01:48 |
escott | gem_cat, no you DONT want an entry in fstab. the existence of an entry in fstab tells the userspace mounting daemon that you want to manage the mountpoint and NOT to automout it | 01:49 |
gem_cat | well my fstab is as it was born - no entry | 01:49 |
escott | gem_cat, i think your problem was the existence of a folder in /media with the name of the mountpoint it would have chosen, but with root ownership | 01:50 |
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m_tadeu | escott: tail -f /var/log/messages gets me this http://pastebin.com/zbXpEAVa | 01:50 |
gem_cat | will the automount make an entry or do I need to adjust the ownership | 01:50 |
escott | gem_cat, it will make its own folder. i think the presence of that folder is confusing it | 01:51 |
gem_cat | ok - is gone | 01:51 |
escott | m_tadeu, this sounds like some kind of hardware issue with either your motherboard or your cd drive | 01:52 |
ShermanBoyd | how do I run wireshark gtk under natty? I tried adding gksu to the menu shortcut | 01:53 |
escott | m_tadeu, you could put tape over the eject button :) | 01:53 |
hiexpo | ShermanBoyd, gksu wireshark no ? | 01:53 |
coz_ | ShermanBoyd, mm I havet tried .. are you on Unity or calssic? | 01:54 |
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer | ||
m_tadeu | escott: :):):) | 01:54 |
ShermanBoyd | classic | 01:54 |
ShermanBoyd | gksu wireshark | 01:54 |
ShermanBoyd | that's a cut and paste from my properties | 01:54 |
escott | ShermanBoyd, don't you want gksudo? | 01:54 |
qin | ShermanBoyd: gksudo wireshark | 01:54 |
ShermanBoyd | oh wait ... it worked this time | 01:55 |
superman097 | how to install udp packet reflector on ubuntu? what is the name of the application? | 01:55 |
coz_ | ShermanBoyd, phew,, I was just about to install wireshark to test :) | 01:55 |
gem_cat | escott, no significant behavior here - maybe I should reboot | 01:55 |
ShermanBoyd | at least it asked for the pass | 01:55 |
escott | SuperLag, iptables? | 01:55 |
=== Cain` is now known as Cain | ||
escott | gem_cat, or use the udisks --monitor-detail | 01:55 |
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superman097 | with ip tables i can do udp reflector? | 01:56 |
ShermanBoyd | hmm it still hasn't launched ... | 01:56 |
ShermanBoyd | maybe I'll gksudo | 01:56 |
gem_cat | escott, that shows activity when I eject the disk only - nothing when I put it in | 01:56 |
Igor_Elez | hi PPL, can anyone tell me how to disable "force maximize" in Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook? | 01:57 |
escott | gem_cat, well thats the problem. not sure how to fix it though | 01:57 |
gem_cat | shows mount path blank | 01:57 |
ShermanBoyd | hmm gksudo seems to work! | 01:57 |
Igor_Elez | Where is the option to disable "force maximize"? ANYONE? | 01:58 |
ShermanBoyd | escott: thanks! | 01:58 |
coz_ | superman097, did you see this? http://majuric.org/software/udpfwd/ | 01:58 |
gem_cat | escott, what is normal for natty? should it be mounting the cd | 01:58 |
escott | ShermanBoyd, remember gksudo is sudo, gksu is su, su asks for the root password and there is none | 01:58 |
ShermanBoyd | right | 01:59 |
ShermanBoyd | now I get it | 01:59 |
nDuff | In Ubuntu 11.04, I've gone to "Keyboard Shortcuts" in the terminal and unchecked "Enable the menu shortcut key" and "Enable menu access keys". Even so, pressing F10 within the terminal is summoning the menu rather than passing that sequence through to the curses app I'm running. What else do I need to do? | 01:59 |
escott | gem_cat, well it should be detecting the insertion, which generates events in udisk and that triggers mounting or the media player popup depending on what kind of disk | 01:59 |
gem_cat | maybe I have a hw prob - I can check on that | 01:59 |
* nDuff finds that this is bug #750700 | 02:00 | |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 750700 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity Compiz plugin captures F10 for menu even when explicitly disabled in gnome-terminal (dup-of: 726639)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/750700 | 02:00 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 726639 in unity (Ubuntu) "F10 is captured even if gnome-terminal setting is explictly set to not capture" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/726639 | 02:00 |
gem_cat | thanks for talking to me escott | 02:00 |
escott | gem_cat, np. goodluck finding the issue | 02:00 |
gem_cat | I know I can figure it out eventually | 02:00 |
druciferre | I cannot navigate into ~/.gvfs anymore. I receive "bash: cd: .gvfs: Transport endpoint is not connected". Can someone please help? | 02:00 |
ShermanBoyd | can anyone help me formulate a wireshark filter ... I just want to look at ping traffic | 02:01 |
sudokill | anyone having trouble with choppy dragging windows in 11.04? (nvidia driver) | 02:01 |
druciferre | sudokill, what do you mean by choppy ? | 02:01 |
superman097 | @coz_ i will read that link | 02:02 |
coz_ | ShermanBoyd, lik a traffic analyzer..yes? | 02:02 |
hiexpo | :0 | 02:02 |
ShermanBoyd | coz_: yeah | 02:02 |
coz_ | superman097, cool,, I am the one least likely to have info on any kind of networking issues,, doof here with networking :) | 02:03 |
coz_ | ShermanBoyd, http://www.debianadmin.com/network-traffic-analyzer-for-your-ubuntu-system.html << maybe that might help | 02:03 |
ShermanBoyd | I tried !(ssh) to filter out the ssh noise but I don't see the pings ... | 02:03 |
hiexpo | hola coz_ | 02:04 |
coz_ | hiexpo, hey guy | 02:04 |
* Cibort a | 02:04 | |
coz_ | ShermanBoyd, there is a ##networking channel ,, I have never been there so not sure if they can help | 02:04 |
escott | ShermanBoyd, http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureFilters#Useful_Filters | 02:05 |
ShermanBoyd | coz_: hah, I just found #wireshark ... thanks | 02:05 |
coz_ | ShermanBoyd, excellent :) | 02:05 |
mark__ | hey guys i have a problem with flash | 02:05 |
ShermanBoyd | escott: thanks ... I think icmp is what I need | 02:05 |
sudokill | dont we all | 02:05 |
mark__ | when i play a game the audio is out of sync but in videos its fine | 02:05 |
mark__ | is there a fix to this? | 02:05 |
sudokill | 64bit? | 02:06 |
mark__ | 32 | 02:06 |
sudokill | try reinstaling it | 02:06 |
Kodec | Gremset ? | 02:06 |
sudokill | i had problems with white pixels all over the show reinstall solved it | 02:06 |
yuskhanzab | anyone play assault cube here? i got problem to play in multiplayer server | 02:06 |
coz_ | yuskhanzab, sorry ,, no I havent played that at all | 02:06 |
druciferre | I cannot navigate into ~/.gvfs anymore. I receive "bash: cd: .gvfs: Transport endpoint is not connected". Can someone please help? | 02:06 |
thr01 | hi | 02:07 |
thr01 | back | 02:07 |
thr01 | kept getting logged out of this | 02:07 |
Kodec | where can I find Back-track 5 Channel | 02:07 |
thr01 | anyway seemed someone doest have the graphics card to drive unity | 02:07 |
rww | Kodec: #backtrack-linux | 02:07 |
mark__ | reinstalled flash and audio is still bad | 02:08 |
hiexpo | kodapa, backtrack-linux but would suggest pentoo | 02:08 |
sw0rdfish | hey guys I wanna have the contents of the default "/usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos" folder to be set as my background with the pictures rotating/changing every 5 or 10 seconds | 02:08 |
Dice-Man | hello | 02:08 |
mark__ | i've always had this problem but never been able to fix it | 02:08 |
sw0rdfish | or more seconds... | 02:08 |
Dice-Man | does clonezilla copy also bad sectors when doing a partition save ? | 02:08 |
Kodec | rww can't connect ! | 02:08 |
rww | Kodec: register your nickname with nickserv and identify to it, then | 02:09 |
coz_ | sw0rdfish, did you take a look at the script associated with that group of images? | 02:09 |
m_tadeu | how can I set an new key in xorg? | 02:09 |
Kodec | Thanks :) rww | 02:09 |
sw0rdfish | coz_ yes i did | 02:10 |
coz_ | sw0rdfish, no way of changing it there ? | 02:10 |
hiexpo | kodapa, #pentoo | 02:10 |
Kodec | Guys : where Can I find Metasploit Channel ? | 02:10 |
coz_ | sw0rdfish, there is an .xml file in that directory for it,, I meant xml | 02:11 |
sw0rdfish | well i'm new to *nix...but there is a tag with <duration></duration> for each pic | 02:11 |
Jet_ | .kankateam.org | 02:11 |
coz_ | sw0rdfish, in terminal gksudo /usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos/background-1.xml | 02:12 |
coz_ | sw0rdfish, that xml should have durations in it since it is the driving force of the cosmos images | 02:12 |
something_here | why is it that i can connect to sshd externally when there is no iptables rule? I was under the impression it was a default deny any | 02:13 |
sw0rdfish | are those durations in minutes or seconds | 02:13 |
coz_ | sw0rdfish, mm I am going to guess seconds,, however I have not played with this for some time ,, I have never used the cosmos image changes | 02:14 |
coz_ | sw0rdfish, although 1795 as minutes seems reeaal long :) | 02:14 |
sw0rdfish | lol yeah | 02:15 |
sw0rdfish | i'll edit that to 10 seconds :) | 02:15 |
coz_ | :) | 02:15 |
sw0rdfish | what does the gksudo do? | 02:15 |
coz_ | sw0rdfish, it allows you to open a file as root user to edit it,, especially .xml since if you try to just click to open it will be uneditable | 02:16 |
skraps | Im having a problem connecting to my router with wpa, it works on some routers and then with others it just keeps asking for the password | 02:16 |
sudokill | sw0rdfish, it's sudo for graphical apps like gedit etc | 02:16 |
tapple | how do I figure out what opengl driver X is using? I believe it's using the wrong one. my symptom is that glxinfo and every other opengl application freeze and have to be force killed. I googled that, and got a suggestion to "remove nvidia drivers from an ati system". How do I find out if I'm using nvidia drivers, and get rid of them if so? | 02:16 |
skraps | im getting a deauth reason of 15 | 02:16 |
tapple | (and yes, it's an ati radeon I have) | 02:17 |
coz_ | tapple, which card do you have on that system.. in terminal lspci | grep -i vga | 02:17 |
Jordan_U | something_here: No the fefault is accept all. | 02:17 |
tapple | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 XT] | 02:17 |
skraps | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo I have looked here but cant find a wpa_supplement config file, im using gnome network-manager | 02:17 |
coz_ | tapple, mm there are peple here who are far more experineced with ati video than I am ..however if no one here has any solutions,, I would check in the #radeon channel | 02:18 |
=== JohnRandom_ is now known as JohnRandom | ||
sudokill | tapple, try going to package manager and searching ati and nvdia | 02:20 |
Guest5390 | f | 02:20 |
b44 | apt-get supports terminator v0.93, is v0.95 also supported unter ubuntu ??? | 02:21 |
sammy | does anyone know what happened to the bleeding edge wireless drivers that existed in maverick? | 02:21 |
sammy | the package was removed in natty, and I can't find a wireless kernel driver backported module package or a compat-wireless package for natty | 02:22 |
sammy | and the wireless drivers included in the stock ubuntu kernel with natty also don't work well with my wireless card, same as with maverick. i'm out of ideas. at least it worked okay with the backported modules in maverick. i'm not really sure how those drivers didn't either get folded into natty or put into a new package for natty. | 02:23 |
sudokill | b44 u can install other ways if it's not in apt-get | 02:23 |
MaRk-I | sammy: what chipset? | 02:23 |
infinitux | I just installed 11.04 on my new system. It has the nvidia module loaded, and seems to be operating well. Should I screw with it and install the nvidia driver from nvidia.com for my hardware - and will this increase the system performance, or should I just leave it alone? | 02:23 |
sammy | MaRk-I: lemme double check. | 02:24 |
b44 | sudokill: I installed the newest version by using: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminator, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install terminator | 02:24 |
b44 | SudoKing: thank you anyway | 02:25 |
MaRk-I | infinitux: if it's working fine i'll leave it alone | 02:25 |
infinitux | yeah, but how do I know if I'm getting best performance? | 02:26 |
eoss | http://i.imgur.com/YrMnm.jpg | 02:26 |
gartral | how do i remove the logon jingle/sounder from ubuntu.. that thing is obnoxious | 02:26 |
mikeru | I have a problem with my Magic Trackpad. on Maverick, while it lacked multitouch gestures at least two finger tap was right mouse button. on natty however, for some reason two finger tap is middle mouse button, and three finger tap (actually, drag) is for moving the window (the only multitouch gesture I have seen so far btw) and right mouse button is nowhere to be found | 02:27 |
superman097 | @coz_ i got the eror when *make in ../src directory http://paste.ubuntu.com/610889/ | 02:27 |
rodrigo | opa e aee - hello world | 02:28 |
mikeru | I *need* my right mouse button ): I'd love it if it was possible to reassign moving the window to four finger drag and keep middle mouse button as three finger tap, but it's fine if I can only choose between middle mouse button and right mouse button | 02:29 |
rodrigo | falem algooooooooooooooooooo | 02:29 |
mikeru | help, anyone (: ? | 02:29 |
rww | rodrigo: English here, please | 02:29 |
sammy | mikeru: I believe there is an option to change those in the mouse preferences under system? if not there's a bug with information about those settings. search for it if you can, ill help you find it in a minute if you can't find it. | 02:29 |
rodrigo | heloo | 02:29 |
rodrigo | blazilllll | 02:29 |
rww | !br | 02:29 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 02:29 |
rodrigo | brasil | 02:29 |
coz_ | superman097, you are compiling this ..yes? | 02:29 |
mikeru | !br | rodrigo | 02:29 |
ubottu | rodrigo: please see above | 02:29 |
rodrigo | br | 02:29 |
coz_ | superman097, can you link me to the source package | 02:29 |
superman097 | @coz_ yes but failed, why? | 02:30 |
rodrigo | vou para ubutunbr | 02:30 |
gizmobay | When I reboot me computer, the system shutsdown and then the BIOS screen is displayed and then I'm taken to a blank purple screen no grub menu or anything. Hitting the shift key does nothing. If I then hit the reset button, then my computer will boot but first it shows the grub2 menu even though I have it turned off in the default conf file. Which log can I look in to get a hint the boot.log shows nothing? | 02:30 |
superman097 | @coz_ http://www.sns.ias.edu/~mjuric/udpfwd | 02:30 |
mikeru | sammy: nope | 02:31 |
cannonfodda | gartral: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/session-loginsound.html | 02:31 |
coz_ | superman097, I am getting the identical error here | 02:31 |
superman097 | then? | 02:31 |
mikeru | sammy: I did https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=magic+trackpad&search=Search+Bug+Reports&field.scope=all&field.scope.target= and couldn't find anything related to my problem | 02:32 |
al3jandrus | hi | 02:32 |
coz_ | superman097, mm not sure,, I cant seem to rectify this error :( | 02:32 |
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al3jandrus | i got problems installing backtrack 5, i get the blackscreen, i red every and each toturial on the internet but cant fix it.. please HELP!! | 02:33 |
superman097 | @coz_ hmhhh any other software can be UDP reflector? | 02:33 |
Jordan_U | !backtrack | al3jandrus | 02:33 |
ubottu | al3jandrus: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 02:33 |
superman097 | @coz_ i have use quagga, but confuse when using and config the reflector function | 02:34 |
coz_ | superman097, as I mentioned , unfortunately I am the last person to have real solutions for anything networking,, however I did a search on google with the string,,, ubuntu udp reflector and I believe it did bring up a few hits ,, you may want to try that again,, or maybe go to the ## linux channel or #networking channel,,, << I believe that one is on irc | 02:34 |
al3jandrus | im actually trying to connect to backtrack-linux but forgot my user.. | 02:35 |
al3jandrus | anyway if someone knows the solution i would appreciate a lot | 02:35 |
atdprhs | shit, i was the worse position of all times | 02:35 |
coz_ | al3jandrus, you will have to change and register you nick | 02:35 |
finalblogger | hello everyone | 02:35 |
coz_ | finalblogger, hey guy | 02:36 |
finalblogger | i using ubuntu 11.03 on sony vaio laptop | 02:36 |
finalblogger | my touchpad is working fine | 02:36 |
hell_ | got a question, anyone know how to get drivers for a vaio laptop? | 02:36 |
finalblogger | but its scroll is not working | 02:36 |
finalblogger | ??? | 02:36 |
IdleOne | atdprhs: please keep the language clean | 02:36 |
superman097 | @coz_ yes i have to ask in the ##networking and #ipv6 channel, less people that respect to my question at all... | 02:37 |
atdprhs | Sorry IdleOne | 02:37 |
escott | finalblogger, go to the ubuntu icon in the top left, type "mouse" and go to the trackpad section | 02:37 |
atdprhs | I typed it in the wrong plae | 02:37 |
mikeru | //: | 02:37 |
atdprhs | place | 02:37 |
coz_ | superman097, I would also hang out here,, because of timezones mainly,, different people log on at different times... I am just a doof with networking issues :) | 02:37 |
=== mikeru_ is now known as mikeru | ||
pdtpatrick1 | You cannot enable wobbly windows in ubuntu 11.04 ? | 02:40 |
escott | !ccsm | pdtpatrick1 | 02:40 |
ubottu | pdtpatrick1: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz | 02:40 |
superman097 | @coz_ yes, you're right, a lot of great people here at freenode, but everyone can't solved every problem :), thx for you.. | 02:40 |
hiexpo | :0 | 02:42 |
hiexpo | :) | 02:42 |
pdtpatrick1 | escott -- already have ccsm installed. Ran gksudo ccsm and turned on wobbly windows. But it does nothing | 02:42 |
pdtpatrick1 | This is using Unity | 02:42 |
naiad | anyone using gnome-shell ppa is the gedit file-browser plugin broken for you? | 02:42 |
gartral | cannonfodda: THANK YOU | 02:42 |
qin | pdtpatrick1: ccsm do not need sudo | 02:42 |
tophu | ok still getting that I need to install a dvd decoder to play my dvd | 02:42 |
superman097 | @pdtpatrick : you have turn on the extra animation? | 02:43 |
Jordan_U | pdtpatrick1: Never run a command as root unless you're sure it's needed. (just seeing a permissions error is not enough to be sure sudo is needed). | 02:43 |
MaRk-I | tophu: and have you installed the dvd decoders? | 02:44 |
tophu | probably not | 02:44 |
MaRk-I | !dvd | tophu | 02:44 |
ubottu | tophu: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:44 |
tophu | if they don't come with a default natty install then no | 02:44 |
escott | !dvd | tophu there is a command you need to run from the terminal | 02:44 |
ubottu | tophu there is a command you need to run from the terminal: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:44 |
coz_ | tophu, run this command and then try the dvd sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh | 02:44 |
tophu | thanks peeps | 02:45 |
cannonfodda | gartral: :) no worries. you're my first:) | 02:47 |
sammy | MaRk-I: it's using the rt2800usb module. so the ralink 25xx chipset | 02:47 |
tophu | woot that worked thank you guys SO much | 02:48 |
tophu | off to watch / rip the big bang theory ^_^ you guys rock. you are why linux rocks | 02:48 |
PKIlusion | heloo br | 02:48 |
hiexpo | :) | 02:49 |
=== andrew_ is now known as Guest72075 | ||
sammy | MaRk-I: the bugs I can find about the driver, including some that have exactly the same messages I find in my system logs, talk about solutions involving packages available in maverick, and drivers I can't find in natty, and they have to be somewhere | 02:51 |
mikeru | ): my magic trackpad is useless | 02:54 |
slack-m | mikeru, what do you mean? | 02:54 |
slack-m | o wrong channel, i thought this was #slackware, I really don't know shit about ubuntu | 02:54 |
mikeru | ... | 02:55 |
sammy | mikeru: search for a synaptics trackpad multitouch bug in launchpad. I recently found asolution for exactly what you're talking about, a regression changing the right click/middle click behavior that didn't involve installing new drivers | 02:55 |
coz_ | slack-m, ah ok but here you meant to say,,, "I really dont't know caca about ubuntu" :) | 02:55 |
coz_ | slack-m, its a family channel :) | 02:55 |
mikeru | sammy, in natty it uses evdev | 02:55 |
sammy | mikeru: then it might be the same solution for everyone. | 02:56 |
slack-m | coz_, ah, whoops, sorry ;] | 02:56 |
coz_ | slack-m, :) no biggies | 02:56 |
sammy | mikeru: give me a minute to see if actually uncommenting the backport repositories in natty helps me find the backported kernel modules | 02:56 |
mikeru | sammy, it also appears that I'm the only one who suffers from this dilemma, I've googled for this bug and I've never found anything | 02:56 |
slack-m | mikeru, hey, synclient? | 02:56 |
slack-m | mikeru, what is it thats not working? | 02:57 |
mikeru | slack-m, it uses evdev | 02:57 |
slack-m | is it not working at all? | 02:57 |
slack-m | mikeru, i know that | 02:57 |
mikeru | slack-m, for some reason, two finger tap is acting like middle button instead of right click | 02:57 |
slack-m | mikeru, synclient still applies | 02:57 |
slack-m | synclient | 02:57 |
slack-m | mikeru, synclient -l | 02:57 |
slack-m | mikeru, 'synclient -l' | 02:58 |
mikeru | slack-m, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/610895/ | 02:58 |
GatorAlli | I'm running a script on Ubuntu that is supposed to run on 256MB RAM Ubuntu 10.10 servers. The vps servers belong to different hosting companies, but technically they're identical. When I run the python script on one server, it runs fine. On the other server however, I keep getting "OSError: [Errno 12] Cannot allocate memory" I am threading multiple instances of subprocess.Popen (about seven instances at a time) What's wrong? | 02:58 |
mikeru | note that I'm using it on a MacBook, so that might as well be the MacBook's trackpad | 02:58 |
slack-m | mikeru, well synaptics driver seems to be reading | 02:59 |
slack-m | look at those options | 02:59 |
slack-m | see if you can find one that looks wrong | 02:59 |
slack-m | for the operation your looking for | 02:59 |
mikeru | slack-m, also, if that is from the MacBook's internal trackpad (which I believe it is, that one does use synaptic as it's an old, pre-multitouch trackpad) | 03:00 |
sammy | GatorAlli: I'm guessing somehow they aren't actually identical. I'd start by trying to find out the differnce between the server it runs properly on an the server it doesn't. | 03:00 |
mikeru | uhmm, slack-m, I'm 100% sure that is from the MacBook internal trackpad | 03:00 |
slack-m | when i upgraded my slackware laptop i had to change it from two finger scroll to sidepad scroll | 03:00 |
slack-m | mikeru, you have more than one trackpad? | 03:00 |
slack-m | im lost bro | 03:00 |
mikeru | anyway, the macbook internal trackpad sucks, it moves really weird diagonally like _| instead of / | 03:01 |
mikeru | slack-m, hahaha yes I do | 03:01 |
slack-m | um | 03:01 |
slack-m | where....... | 03:01 |
slack-m | nvm | 03:01 |
sammy | and apparently the linux kernel bleeding edge wireless page says that an ubuntu team has maintained a package called linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless, but there isn't one listed for natty, nor do I find one in the repositories. hm. bug filing time, I dont' know where else to go | 03:01 |
mikeru | slack-m, yeah I know everyone tells me that | 03:01 |
danbhfive | sammy: use tab complete | 03:02 |
mikeru | slack-m, plus the fact that I also have a Magic Mouse... so sad no application seems to use multitouch gestures yet on linux :( | 03:02 |
slack-m | mikeru, well | 03:04 |
slack-m | ok | 03:04 |
slack-m | i can tell you how to do it i think | 03:04 |
mikeru | slack-m, well | 03:04 |
mikeru | how ? | 03:04 |
GatorAlli | when i run "free", i see no swap memory | 03:05 |
GatorAlli | Swap: 0 0 0 | 03:05 |
sammy | danbhfive1: to find the package? it doesn't exist. I found it in launchpad, it was manually removed in natty (the backports-modules-compat-wireless package) and there isn't a corresponding package in natty. | 03:05 |
syockit | GatorAlli: is swap enabled? | 03:05 |
slack-m | mikeru, gimme a sec to look some stuff up | 03:05 |
tapple | I'm stuck with a half-installed fglrx package. I'm trying to switch to the radeon driver, but am unable to uninstall fglrx. I'm following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver | 03:05 |
mikeru | slack-m, ok | 03:06 |
danbhfive1 | sammy: looks like it is linux-backports-modules-net- ...etc | 03:06 |
slack-m | mikeru, how do you have the second touchpad hooked up, ps2/usb? | 03:06 |
=== fred_ is now known as Guest2622 | ||
tapple | my error is: http://pastebin.com/C21RgJaJ . How to fix? | 03:06 |
mikeru | slack-m, which? the magic trackpad? Bluetooth | 03:06 |
GatorAlli | syockit: idk how do you do that? | 03:06 |
slack-m | mikeru, ahhhhhhh | 03:06 |
mikeru | slack-m, ohhhh | 03:06 |
danbhfive1 | sammy: on the commandline type this: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-[tab][tab] | 03:06 |
mikeru | slack-m, the MacBook's internal trackpad, well, it's internal | 03:06 |
slack-m | yea | 03:06 |
slack-m | i figured that | 03:06 |
syockit | tapple: remove xorg's as well | 03:07 |
balleyne_ | I used to be able to save flash videos by looking in /tmp for a file named FlashXXXX, but not in recent versions of Ubuntu or with recent versions of flash. Where can I find these temporary files now? | 03:07 |
mikeru | slack-m, haha | 03:08 |
syockit | tapple: make sure you have xorg vesa installed so that it can fallback | 03:08 |
slack-m | mikeru, can you figure out which /dev/input/event it is on? dmesg/syslog/messages? | 03:08 |
tapple | am not sure how to do either the things you said syockit | 03:08 |
escott | balleyne_, i like firebug plugin for things like that, you can isolate the stream in the browser and save it off | 03:08 |
balleyne_ | escott: hmm, didn't know about that one | 03:09 |
piboytravis | Hello! Is anyone here using irssi? | 03:09 |
mikeru | slack-m: hmm, funny, it's not on dmesg nor /var/log/syslog (isn't that what dmesg prints though?) | 03:10 |
tapple | I am using irrssi | 03:10 |
=== dhfhsdfh is now known as `mOOse` | ||
mikeru | it's definitely connected though | 03:10 |
slack-m | mikeru, ok one min | 03:10 |
syockit | tapple: did you install the prop driver before removing fglrx? | 03:10 |
piboytravis | Well, I'm curious as to what the 'Act: 1' means in the status bar. . . | 03:10 |
tapple | fglrx is the proprietary driver. I just have the fallback drivers installed right now, and am running using them | 03:11 |
danbhfive1 | balleyne_: I heard that flash deletes the files right away, so they don't appear in the filesystem, but still exist for programs that already have the file open | 03:11 |
MaRk-I | sammy: sorry was afk, no can't find anything related to your card | 03:11 |
litropy | what's the command to show all peripherals (usb ports, infra-red devices, etc)? | 03:12 |
trism | piboytravis: it means there are additional messages on that window (alt+1 to go see them) | 03:12 |
MaRk-I | sammy: except this but it's not even related to yours http://askubuntu.com/questions/37409/why-is-my-internet-so-slow-with-an-atheros-wireless-card | 03:12 |
mikeru | slack-m: AFAIK I have seen it before, appearing as Apple Wireless Trackpad, but I can't seem to find it neither on dmesg nor /var/log/Xorg.0.log (I believe I once saw it there...) | 03:12 |
mikeru | I'm using it right now though | 03:12 |
julian_c | litropy: lspci for PCI devices, lsusb for USB devices | 03:12 |
piboytravis | trism: Ahh, thanks! | 03:12 |
slack-m | mikeru, ok, gimme a sec, im helping someone with my pick up gaming network right now | 03:12 |
m_tadeu | where should I set a new keycode? | 03:12 |
slack-m | noobs :/ | 03:12 |
mikeru | slack-m: hahaha ok | 03:12 |
balleyne_ | danbhfive1: thanks. yeah, looks like that may have been happening since Flash 10.2... I normally use Gnash, but it doesn't play Facebook videos. Blah. | 03:13 |
piboytravis | HTML 5 will (hopefully) make Flash a thing of the past. | 03:13 |
tapple | syockit: my system also has no symlink /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 , so I've no idea what the apt error even means | 03:13 |
litropy | Holy wow! I _do_ have an IR device! Ooooh ... this is going to be fiun! | 03:13 |
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jaybee_ | hi all - is there a channel for Unity support? I tried #unity, but there was noone there... or should I ask here? Just switched to Natty Narwhal... | 03:13 |
litropy | and fun, too! | 03:13 |
syockit | tapple: by the way what version of Ubuntu is this? xorg-driver-fglrx is not on natty, so it could be a deb produced by the propr driver | 03:14 |
Wakko10Warner | I am building a new system, and was wondering what was more important for speed, one 2 core cpu and three GPU cards. or 2 4 core CPUs and one GPU card. | 03:14 |
tapple | 10.04 | 03:14 |
sammy | MaRk-I: thats okay, i'm looking into this -net package, but I think it may just be wired ethernet drivers, not wireless drivers. i'm finding a list of included drivers now. | 03:14 |
syockit | tapple: it's registered in dpkg, so when that's messed up, fun happens | 03:14 |
aeon-ltd | Wakko10Warner: depends what for and the specifications of the hardware | 03:14 |
sammy | MaRk-I: I did hear complaints of it being slow, and also frequent disconnects/reconnects. I'll check out tha tpage and see if the backported net driver package has wireless drivers as well | 03:14 |
julian_c | Wakko10Warner: depends on how much you're going to push the GPU(s). | 03:14 |
syockit | tapple: you didn't remove it by yourself right? it was not there all along, right? | 03:15 |
Wakko10Warner | I was just wondering in General. | 03:15 |
MaRk-I | sammy: ok, good luck | 03:15 |
Wakko10Warner | I am going to use it was a web and boinc server. | 03:15 |
litropy | Wakko10Warner, ya what are you going to be doing with it? for gaming, get more GPUs; for crunching non-visual data get the CPUs | 03:15 |
litropy | Wakko10Warner, go with the CPUs | 03:16 |
Wakko10Warner | ok, litropy thank you. | 03:16 |
tapple | syockit: I tried removing fglrx once, but I was stupidly running on X while I uninstalled the driver, so I locked up the computed mid-uninstall, and had to kill the computer and reboot | 03:16 |
eipi-1 | hey, i try to setup conky on ubuntu natty with classic gnome and compiz. it either is a movable window on top of others or makes the nautilus icons disappear on every refresh. any suggestions? | 03:16 |
tapple | and this is the result | 03:16 |
litropy | Wakko10Warner, Graphical Processing Unit; Central Processing Unit. | 03:17 |
syockit | tapple: oh drats. try removing both fglrx and xorg-driver-fglrx at once and see if it budges | 03:17 |
Wakko10Warner | I heard that Graphical Processing Units can be used for supercomputing and parallel processing ... | 03:17 |
syockit | Wakko10Warner: google CUDA | 03:17 |
edbian | Wakko10Warner, They are | 03:17 |
edbian | Wakko10Warner, Multiple processors (graphical or otherwise) are by definitely parallel. They are used for super computers | 03:18 |
Jordan_U | gizmobay: That all sounds normal. In Ubuntu you need to hold shift during boot to see the grub menu and also in Ubuntu grub is configure to set a flag, recordfail=1, which is stored in /boot/grub/grubenv and is cleared on a successfull boot. If booting isn't successfull (like when you pull the plug before /etc/init.d/grub-common is run and clears the recordfail flag) then the timeout is disabled in the grub menu. | 03:18 |
piboytravis | Wakko10Warner: GPUs can be used for supercomputing, but there are only useful for certain typer of processing/data. | 03:18 |
syockit | Wakko10Warner: it's offtopic to talk about that in #ubuntu, you are welcome to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic. by the way, GPU aren't meant for general purpose computing in the first place | 03:19 |
Wakko10Warner | I need to learn more about what type to see what I need more of. | 03:19 |
tapple | syockit: the status of xorg-driver-fglrx in aptitude is pB. I don't know what that means | 03:19 |
rh45y | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] rh45y tyatpi_ SuBmUnDo hamnegga aholzschuh test_ Odysimus se7en earthmeLon Wakko10Warner jaybee_ ecinx zamba preecher mysteriousdarren litropy m00se eipi-1 Hunterm piboytravis bo | 03:19 |
rh45y | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] ymasory mikeru awolfson mushuchan LedZeppelin tlab bU1337Pr00f something_here eckirchn ufita Guest52805 dzup Toaday crlcan81 bloodboy exchgr mluser-home finalblogger gartral abou | 03:19 |
rh45y | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] Lmull3-Netbook Kurwacka Cain pizzledizzle Cobi coz_ braiam jsurfer pragmaticenigma ShermanBoyd tsimpson multipass ckrailo truepurple GoGi2 yuskhanzab JabberWalkie elocina gerzel | 03:19 |
syockit | tapple: it's broken | 03:19 |
coz_ | again with that ? | 03:19 |
piboytravis | What's SASL? | 03:19 |
coz_ | I meant that notice | 03:19 |
syockit | at least it's not rapture | 03:20 |
ckrailo | piboytravis: SSL for script kiddies | 03:20 |
piboytravis | Ahh, I see. | 03:20 |
edbian | syockit, that's scheduled for tomorrow | 03:20 |
mikeru | http://blog.freenode.net/2010/11/be-safe-out-there/ | 03:20 |
piboytravis | Well darn it. . . | 03:20 |
litropy | disregard rh45y and similar posts. and don't join #freenode and ask about it. This is just to pander #freenode admins. No, you don't have to switch to SASL. | 03:20 |
syockit | tapple: package can get broken dpkg doesn't exit cleanly | 03:20 |
mikeru | "[..] One form of spam, popular recently, claims that freenode will require SASL to connect. [...]" | 03:21 |
ckrailo | hmmm piboytravis apparently it's a real thing... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Authentication_and_Security_Layer | 03:21 |
syockit | floodbots on full standby | 03:21 |
ckrailo | hah | 03:21 |
ckrailo | nice | 03:21 |
litropy | Wakko10Warner, I suppose the GPUs, if configured properly, might be best for BOINC. But if you're leaning more toward web hosting, still get the CPUs | 03:22 |
syockit | tapple: what does aptitude suggest? | 03:22 |
piboytravis | I don't think BOINC would be able to take advantage of GPU processing. | 03:22 |
Wakko10Warner | litropy: thank you. I may end up with two systems, one for web hosting and the other for BOINC | 03:22 |
tapple | syockit: it suggests I keep fglrx | 03:23 |
litropy | Wakko10Warner, just a note, I'm no expert on using GPUs for alternative purposes. You should do some research on BOINC and GPU processing before you decide to drop the cash. | 03:24 |
gem_cat | escott, it was a hardware prob - 2 dif brands of ide/sata converter orient opposite to each other | 03:25 |
Wakko10Warner | I will ask the projects I am doing what I should do. | 03:25 |
litropy | Wakko10Warner, very good idea. | 03:25 |
syockit | tapple: can you try removing both? (I predict it will fail as one package can't uninstall because the divert is owned by another, and vice versa) | 03:26 |
tapple | hmm. I think aptitude just tried downgrading fglrx | 03:27 |
tripelb | bullcan I get an equalizer for my youtube videos (for the audio) I have pulseaudio but no equalizer. 10.04 | 03:27 |
tapple | xorg-driver-fglrx is cleanly uninstalled, according to fglrx, and the error persists | 03:28 |
tapple | according to dpkg, I mean | 03:28 |
piboytravis | OK, irssi is showing a little '+i' next to my nick in the statusbar. I didn't set myself as invisible, is it in irssi default? | 03:28 |
amd64 | how do i fix this error? srst failed (errno=-16) | 03:29 |
julian_c | tripelb: For a more fine-tuned mixer, I often recommend using either alsamixer (CLI) or GNOME Alsa Mixer. What you have available on the mixer (in terms of EQ) depends on the capabilities of your sound card/adapter. | 03:29 |
julian_c | (I think my 13-year-old Sound Blaster Live and 10-year-old SB Audigy still offer more options than the typical HDA.) | 03:30 |
cannonfodda | DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus) - i get this error when trying to access shared public folders in 11.04 | 03:31 |
amd64 | i changed nothing, and one day i got srst failed (errno=-16). please help | 03:31 |
syockit | tapple: hmm, so xorg-driver-fglrx only shows up as "p" in your aptitude? this time, what does dpkg say about fglrx? | 03:31 |
amd64 | how do i solve "srst failed (errno=-16)"? | 03:34 |
tapple | syockit: dpkg -l lists fglrx as rH, and xorg-driver-fglrx as un | 03:34 |
psion | how can I tell if my ethernet is connected at 100mbit or gbit from the terminal? | 03:35 |
ira_gershwin | is it part of the ifconfig -all ouptut? | 03:36 |
walllable | what happens when i answer the spam check incorrectly? | 03:36 |
tapple | syockit: if I install xorg-drivers-fglrx, it installs fglrx as well, and they both list as ii in dpkg -l | 03:36 |
syockit | tapple: no divert problem there? now try reuninstalling | 03:38 |
psion | ira_gershwin: if by that you mean ifconfig -a, I don't see it. | 03:38 |
amd64 | please help me to get rid of this error message, "srst failed (errno=-16)" | 03:38 |
tapple | syockit: uninstalling causes an error again. aptitude lists fglrx as HpA and xorg-drivers-fglrx as pB | 03:39 |
ira_gershwin | psion: well i guess the good news is that it'll only come up if you have a local connection at 1 Gbps, and then you'll be able to tell by how long it takes! | 03:39 |
syockit | tapple: I'm not familiar with H flag. let me check the man | 03:39 |
kalon33 | @psion: ethtool eth0 | grep -i speed | 03:40 |
ira_gershwin | aw someone had a real answer | 03:40 |
walllable | whats ubuntu unregged? | 03:40 |
tapple | syockit: I think it means half-installed | 03:40 |
ira_gershwin | (shakes fist at god) | 03:40 |
kalon33 | walllable, it's an anti bot system | 03:40 |
psion | kalon33: thanks :) | 03:40 |
tapple | dpkg -l and aptitude don't list the same status codes | 03:40 |
walllable | what happens if i answer incorrectly accidenly? | 03:41 |
m_tadeu | where should I put the setkeycodes command? | 03:41 |
syockit | tapple: correct. you may need to hack the dpkg post.rm scripts for the packages | 03:41 |
kalon33 | walllable, I didn't try but you wouldn't be allowed to join #ubuntu | 03:41 |
walllable | forever? | 03:41 |
kalon33 | walllable, if your nickname is registered, you only have to do this one time | 03:42 |
walllable | ok. | 03:42 |
kalon33 | walllable, no, it would be too much ! | 03:42 |
tapple | syockit: where would those be? | 03:42 |
syockit | tapple: or if you can find a way to remove the diverts, then dpkg can continue with its work | 03:42 |
tapple | I don't know what a divert is | 03:42 |
pitthappens | ok, i need some help | 03:42 |
tapple | it's not a symlink, is all I've been able to tell, as no such file by that name is on my system | 03:43 |
pitthappens | when i created ubuntu 10.10 user account it as user pw:user but i created a new user in users and groups and i want to delete user and use my new user account | 03:43 |
ecinx | I want to get involved wit the helping and implementation of Touch | 03:45 |
ecinx | How can I do that? | 03:45 |
ecinx | implementing and testing.. | 03:45 |
syockit | tapple: in /var/lib/dpkg, there are various configuration files for dpkg. the preinstallation and removal script (or triggers) are in /var/lib/dpkg/info | 03:45 |
pitthappens | when i created ubuntu 10.10 user account it as user pw:user but i created a new user in users and groups and i want to delete user and use my new user account | 03:46 |
tapple | ok. I did sudo dpkg-divert --remove /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 and now am able to remove fglrx | 03:47 |
syockit | tapple: nicely done! | 03:47 |
kalon33 | good night all, see you ! | 03:47 |
syockit | tapple: I was about to do it the hard way: editing /var/lib/dpkg/diversions | 03:47 |
syockit | tapple: and I wonder if that would work in the end. | 03:48 |
syockit | tapple: okay, now you can resume installing the proprietary drivers. but where did fglrx come from in the first place? | 03:48 |
syockit | tapple: oh right, you installed while in X. okay never mind | 03:49 |
pitthappens | ok, can someone please help me with this issue | 03:50 |
tapple | syockit: actually, I'm trying to install the open source driver on suggestion from someone in #radeon, and I was stuck removing the proprietary driver, fglrx | 03:50 |
syockit | tapple: ah okay. never mind | 03:51 |
syockit | amd64: yeah you're no longer here, but maybe you have problem with your ATA | 03:51 |
hellz | hi im looking for some help installing ubuntu and im having blinking cursor problems using usb install | 03:51 |
=== dhfhsdfh is now known as m00se | ||
=== m00se is now known as `mOOse` | ||
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se | ||
ouyes | hellz, which version | 03:52 |
hellz | 11.04 | 03:52 |
hellz | it wouldnt even start grub | 03:52 |
hellz | im downloading the alternate installer right now to see if that works | 03:53 |
hellz | based on everything i read on forums and stuff the problem seems to be the grpahics card | 03:53 |
ouyes | hellz, what type is your computer | 03:53 |
hellz | intel chipset with nvidia vid | 03:53 |
hellz | its a laptop btw | 03:53 |
ouyes | laptop MODEL? | 03:54 |
hellz | uhh | 03:54 |
hellz | asus f-50 | 03:54 |
hellz | asus f50S* | 03:54 |
=== XuMuK is now known as XuMuK|ZNC | ||
ouyes | hellz, I have a thinkpad x201, I get a problem about GUI when exit from a 3d game, the screen was dead | 03:54 |
ouyes | hellz, go to 10.04 or debian | 03:55 |
hellz | yea thats the plan if the alternate installer doesnt work | 03:55 |
=== lpt is now known as lbt | ||
syockit | hellz: look up how to start live cd using vesa instead of the usual auto driver scan | 03:56 |
mdel | im having trouble with freenx... when I hit the D key in any window, it minimizes it.... clearly the meta key is "stuck" | 03:56 |
coz_ | hellz, you could try the mini.iso instead which is similar to alternate but downloads the system as it is being installed | 03:57 |
hellz | ok thanks ill do that now | 03:57 |
ouyes | hellz, ubuntu launches its release twice per year, that is also coming along with too many bugs | 03:57 |
liggins | adobe do not work for 11.04 | 03:58 |
julian_c | liggins: Adobe [what]? | 03:58 |
ouyes | !ops | 03:59 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! | 03:59 |
superman097 | @hellz : same with me 2 year ago i can't install ubuntu 9.10 with normally way | 03:59 |
xxiao_ | someone used uml in eclipse and umbrello? | 03:59 |
liggins | adobe do not work for xubuntu 11.04 | 03:59 |
ouyes | liggins, why you use xubuntu? | 03:59 |
superman097 | i have install it with noapic and no lapic option | 03:59 |
hellz | hmmm lets see if xorg.conf is in the installer | 04:00 |
xxiao_ | umbrello is kde-based and it seems great, but i use eclipse for ide | 04:00 |
xxiao_ | never tried uml with eclipse | 04:00 |
hellz | because when i try to boot from the live cd all it gives is the copyright message and a blinking cursor | 04:00 |
liggins | i did the upgrade | 04:00 |
liggins | how can i get adobe reader to work ubuntu 11.04 | 04:01 |
syockit | who called ops and why? | 04:02 |
Soupermanito | question, when i install a game that goes fullscreen, like angry drunken dwarves, it goes out of sync 81.5kHz / 65Hz , and it doesnt have any options to windowed mode or changing the refresh rate that i can see, is there a way to fix this? | 04:02 |
ouyes | liggins, why you use xubuntu? | 04:03 |
slipp3d | syockit, ouyes is the one that called ops | 04:03 |
syockit | hellz: I don't think xorg.conf is there. | 04:03 |
hellz | yea its not :) | 04:03 |
liggins | it work o.k for me | 04:03 |
hellz | im about to try the alternate installer | 04:03 |
hellz | if my stupid mini sd wud work lol | 04:03 |
Pici | ouyes: Why did you call for ops? | 04:04 |
hellz | when i use a usb install what file system should i format it as? | 04:04 |
Soupermanito | fat32 | 04:05 |
ouyes | Pici, I called for ops? no I just want to know which ops are there | 04:05 |
syockit | hellz: xorg.conf is by default missing since jaunty. also, see if what superman097 suggested works or not, | 04:05 |
syockit | hellz: blinking cursor, you mean like the terminal? | 04:05 |
Pici | ouyes: Please do not use that command unless you need to bring the ops attention to an issue. YOu pinged all of us. | 04:05 |
syockit | ouyes: nope, that's not how you use that command | 04:06 |
hellz | ok so | 04:06 |
hellz | i create a usb installer | 04:06 |
hellz | i boot using the usb installer | 04:06 |
Pici | ouyes: If you just want to see channel permissions: /msg chanserv access #ubuntu list | 04:06 |
hellz | ONLY the copywright mesage shows with a blinking cursor | 04:06 |
hellz | thats all | 04:06 |
hellz | nothing happens | 04:06 |
hellz | ive left it for over an hour bfore | 04:06 |
hellz | and still nothing | 04:06 |
FloodBot1 | hellz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:06 |
ouyes | Pici, I do apologize, I just don't know how to communicate with bots | 04:07 |
syockit | hellz: ah, something like "Welcome to Ubuntu 11.04", yes? | 04:07 |
hellz | no not even that | 04:07 |
ouyes | hellz, try to use unetbootin to parse the installation disk, not usb startup creation | 04:08 |
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hellz | for disk you mean a cd? | 04:08 |
superman097 | @hellz he means http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ | 04:09 |
superman097 | download it the linux version | 04:09 |
superman097 | run it with terminal | 04:09 |
litropy | I'm about to attempt to sync my Comcast universal remote to my built-in IR receiver. Anyone had any luck? Joining #lirc now. | 04:09 |
hellz | im running windows on the computer im trying to replace with ubuntu | 04:10 |
superman097 | and find your file *.iso then click OK | 04:10 |
superman097 | @hellz | 04:10 |
hellz | ok doing that | 04:11 |
superman097 | if you run in windows | 04:11 |
superman097 | download the unetbootin windows version | 04:11 |
hellz | lol i think i can handle that :p | 04:12 |
omgxfire | hello, i installed ubuntu, but cannot login "authentication failed" | 04:15 |
nawk | 04:15 | |
nawk | how do you do case-sensitive search in the manual-pager (default is 'less')? | 04:15 |
omgxfire | is there a particular command i can use to reset username/pass? | 04:15 |
ira_gershwin | omgxfire: you can boot in recovery mode from grub, and that'll put you in single-user mode as root. then you can use setpwd or something | 04:16 |
Soupermanito | omgxfire, not really, you need to log in whit root powers | 04:16 |
nawk | ATM, it ignores case | 04:16 |
nawk | I don't like that behavior | 04:16 |
MagicJ | I have a system that when I connect to tells me that 17 packages can be upgrades, 12 are security patches. I do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it tells me that I have none to do - what's going on here | 04:16 |
omgxfire | can i use "adduser admin && passwd admin" ? | 04:17 |
ecinx | how do you perform a proper driver check? to make sure your device has all the right drivers | 04:17 |
pragmaticenigma | ecinx: what device are you trying to determine is working? | 04:21 |
Loshki | nawk: there's an --ignore-case flag mentioned in the 'less' man page you should probably look at... | 04:21 |
nawk | Loshki I don't want to ignore case | 04:22 |
ecinx | mostly touch screen | 04:22 |
pragmaticenigma | does the touch screen respond? | 04:22 |
pragmaticenigma | ecinx: If touching the screen responds, then it's working... otherwise it's not | 04:24 |
mlmg317-himts | Hello. Can someone give me some insight. My 60 GB laptop running the newest version of Ubuntu is reporting I only have 3 GB of disk space left. How is this possible when I only have about 6 GB of documents and pictures on my computer? I've already run BleachBit which freed up about 2GB. What else can I do to free more disk space? | 04:24 |
Loshki | nawk: I mention it because in my man page it says: "if a pattern contains uppercase letters, then that search does not ignore case."... | 04:24 |
ecinx | it responds but not correctly | 04:24 |
ecinx | it acts like my finger is a mouse | 04:24 |
ecinx | but when i look at my hand it looks like a finger (sarcasm) | 04:24 |
pragmaticenigma | ecinx: then your touch screen is working, the drivers are setup to act like a mouse | 04:25 |
ecinx | in otherwords its almost useless. no scrolling or anything .. and no multi touch | 04:25 |
ecinx | however with Xournal the Pen input works perfectly | 04:25 |
pragmaticenigma | ecinx: you might have to do some google searching for your model of your device | 04:25 |
ecinx | i've done so for days | 04:26 |
mlmg317-himts | Anyone got any thoughts regarding my question on how to free more disk space? | 04:26 |
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pragmaticenigma | ecinx: touch displays is relatively new for linux, driver support is very limited | 04:26 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, how big are the various partitions currently | 04:26 |
ecinx | when I had natty alpha kubuntu it worked much better | 04:26 |
mlmg317-himts | bazhang: I don't think my drive is partitoned. I completely wiped Windows. I am only running Ubuntu. | 04:27 |
ecinx | however, this is a clean install of 11.04 Unity | 04:27 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, so a huge / partition then? | 04:27 |
mlmg317-himts | bazhang: Right on :) | 04:27 |
bazhang | !home | mlmg317-himts you may consider this | 04:27 |
ubottu | mlmg317-himts you may consider this: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 04:27 |
bullgard4 | seahorse > My Personal Keys shows 4 entries. Why does seahorse on another computer in the same LAN not show these 4 keys also? | 04:28 |
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mlmg317-himts | bazhang: So I guess the next question is - what files (perhaps ones that are automatically stored) in my home directory - do I absolutely not need and can remove? | 04:28 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, the config files matter to you or not | 04:29 |
mlmg317-himts | bazhang: K - why would they matter to anyone? | 04:30 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, do they matter to you or not | 04:30 |
mlmg317-himts | bazhang: By the way, I just refreshed the Disk Usage Analyzer - and now it is saying (after I ran BleachBit) - that there is close to 40GB available now. I can't believe I didn't find a program like BleachBit and run it sooner - cleaning out all the crap ... Config files probably do matter to me to some degree - depending on which applications they are for ... | 04:31 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, the guide at the link given should hold on to those, may as well save it all then clean out as you have finished moving home to its own partition if you go that route | 04:33 |
unkmar | ye haw | 04:34 |
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mlmg317-himts | bazhang: How does putting your home directory onto a separate partition solve the problem of disk space? If you have a 60 GB hard drive, for example - you might partition it into 40-20. I don't see the difference. Can you explain? | 04:34 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, you likely would never fill a 20gb / | 04:35 |
unkmar | my 11.04 appears to be stuck in some form of fullscreen mode only. I can't resize or move windows. How do I disable this feature. | 04:35 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, and in future if you want to clean install, then you can do so, knowing that /home is protected | 04:35 |
mlmg317-himts | bazhang: I see. That makes sense. I will think about this option, then. I just can't believe that BleachBit removed about 38 GB disk space. WOW. So how do I do a clean install while protecting / ? | 04:36 |
* unkmar lies. I don't have a 11.04 or ubuntu. but my cousin does. | 04:36 | |
mlmg317-himts | bazhang: Do you have a link or something I can use and bookmark? | 04:37 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, protecting /home , not / ; / will be wiped completely | 04:37 |
bazhang | !home | mlmg317-himts same link as before | 04:37 |
ubottu | mlmg317-himts same link as before: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 04:37 |
unkmar | mlmg317-himts: which means any specifics set in /etc are also wiped. | 04:37 |
bazhang | unkmar, classic or unity | 04:38 |
mlmg317-himts | bazhang: Oh I see. You would move your home to a separate partition - and then do a clean install on the other partition. | 04:38 |
RA_drc | I've had trouble installing some drivers from this website, and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Can someone help me? http://boundarydevices.com/git?p=imx-camera-utils.git;a=tree | 04:38 |
unkmar | mlmg317-himts: such as server and dameon settings. | 04:38 |
bazhang | mlmg317-himts, yes | 04:38 |
bazhang | RA_drc, drivers for what | 04:38 |
RA_drc | bazhang: a camera | 04:39 |
unkmar | bazhang: idk, I didn't install it. how can I tell? (When I get access again in 30 minutes) | 04:39 |
bazhang | unkmar, a dock on the left? | 04:39 |
unkmar | no dock | 04:39 |
bazhang | RA_drc, cameras dont need drivers | 04:39 |
bazhang | unkmar, classic then | 04:39 |
* unkmar likes the classics. | 04:40 | |
bazhang | RA_drc, unless you mean a webcam | 04:40 |
RA_drc | bazhang: yes | 04:40 |
bullgard4 | seahorse > My Personal Keys shows 4 entries. Why does seahorse on another computer in the same LAN not show these 4 keys also? | 04:40 |
bazhang | !webcam | RA_drc check here first | 04:40 |
ubottu | RA_drc check here first: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 04:40 |
RA_drc | bazhang: it's a new camera, and i don't think it's supported yet. is there a way i can install the drivers myself? | 04:41 |
bazhang | RA_drc, compile yourself? got build-essential installed? | 04:41 |
bazhang | !compile | RA_drc | 04:42 |
ubottu | RA_drc: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 04:42 |
morgan | does anyone ssh in to their linux box using win xp or win 7? If so, is there a consensus on the best software to use? | 04:43 |
unkmar | morgan: most use putty | 04:43 |
REK_007 | morgan: use putty | 04:43 |
RA_drc | morgan: try putty? | 04:43 |
zarlan1984 | morgan: putty | 04:43 |
unkmar | morgan: good for winCE as well, smartphone and old windows mobile PDA's | 04:44 |
mark__ | i can't use the software center on my android phone running ubuntu | 04:44 |
REK_007 | tensorpudding: you here ? | 04:44 |
morgan | cheers fellaz | 04:44 |
mark__ | anybody used ubuntu on an android phone? | 04:45 |
bazhang | mark__, ubuntu on an android phone? | 04:45 |
nawk | by default, my 'less' is set with the '-i' option on by default (NO I DIDN"T change anything), can someone point me to which configuration files might did this by default? | 04:45 |
REK_007 | anyone running ubuntu 10.04LTS on intel i5 2500K ? | 04:47 |
tripelb | re julian_c> tripelb: For a more fine-tuned mixer, I often recommend using either alsamixer (CLI) or GNOME Alsa Mixer. What you have available on the mixer (in terms of EQ) depends on the capabilities of your sound card/adapter. -- I will. I thought it happened in the software. Hmm. I asked a few days ago and got several replies, yours makes sense. Thanks. | 04:48 |
bullgard4 | mark__: Android is an operating system Ubuntu is an operationg system but another one. So what do you mean? | 04:49 |
bullgard4 | s/system/system./ | 04:49 |
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mark__ | bullgard4: i used a command in adb shell to run it | 04:50 |
mark__ | bullgard4: google ubuntu on nexus one | 04:50 |
unkmar | so, 11.04 and the windows appear to be locked in a maximized, no resize, or move mode. HELP? | 04:50 |
mark__ | top left to the right of the button | 04:50 |
unkmar | and I tried google. Can't figure out the magic encantation. | 04:51 |
bazhang | unkmar, sounds like your window decorator | 04:51 |
mark__ | when u have the window selected | 04:51 |
mark__ | the buttons are on top left | 04:51 |
unkmar | alt + click drag won't move the windows either. :( | 04:51 |
mark__ | that's weird | 04:51 |
mark__ | close it and open it again? | 04:52 |
mark__ | right click in the unity launcher on the icon | 04:52 |
CrustyBarnacle | unkmar: all windows? Always? | 04:52 |
RA_drc | bazhang: yes, i have build-essential installed | 04:52 |
maxagaz | hi | 04:52 |
unkmar | CrustyBarnacle: yes. All windows, Always! | 04:52 |
mark__ | anybody know how to get ubuntu software center working on my android phone? | 04:52 |
maxagaz | I'm in China where many website are banned, but I have a server abroad on which I installed OpenVPN, from this, can you tell me the main lines on how to open some website using this VPN ? | 04:52 |
REK_007 | anyone running ubuntu 10.04LTS on intel i5 2500K ? | 04:52 |
bazhang | mark__, as thats a hack and not supported, not likely | 04:53 |
CrustyBarnacle | unkmar: Only in Unity? or in Ubuntu Classic (Gnome panel) | 04:53 |
bazhang | REK_007, what is your real question | 04:53 |
unkmar | some windows were partially out of reach, I used wmctrly to pull them down but.. that is very hackish. | 04:53 |
mark__ | bazhang: im able to use synaptic and open .debs but there always the wrong architecture | 04:53 |
REK_007 | bazhang: its not running on my PC with i5 2500K perviously on core2quad it used to run | 04:53 |
Stralytic | i'm having trouble with my web server, http://localhost/index.php correctly renders the php script... but http://localhost/ downloads the source code of the php script... I used to know how to fix this, but now I'm too lazy to figure it out again, so I came here to ask if anyone knew how? | 04:53 |
bazhang | unkmar, try changing window decorators then | 04:53 |
unkmar | CrustyBarnacle: Either it is Classic or Unity is broken enough that I haven't noticed a icon dock bar. | 04:53 |
iral | kkklklklklkl | 04:53 |
Scunizi | I'm looking for someone that has used pdfcrop successfully. I want to eliminate the white boarders of a 1 page pdf with the output put on an 8.5x11 (letter) sheet. Any takers? google has shown me 2 ways to do it without success | 04:54 |
litropy | $ lsusb shows my built-in IR receiver, but $ cat /proc/bus/input/devices doesn't. Any ideas? | 04:54 |
mark__ | im able to download apps using the command line using apt-get | 04:54 |
bazhang | REK_007, not running means failed to install or what | 04:54 |
mark__ | i can use my computer to type the commands or i can do it in the phoen | 04:54 |
mark__ | but i can't use the software center | 04:54 |
unkmar | I'll get my cousin to switch his font so I can read it, then I will attempt the window decorator. thanks. | 04:54 |
bazhang | mark__, well I avoid the software center, why not stick with apt for now | 04:55 |
julian_c | litropy: It might depend on how you're trying to use the IR receiver. Does </dev/TTYS#> (where # is a number -- e.g. 0) exist? | 04:55 |
=== MTecknology is now known as EvilMTeck | ||
mark__ | bazhang: it's running 9.10, do you think it would be possible to get ubuntu netbook edition/unity? | 04:55 |
mark__ | thats what i was trying to use software center for | 04:55 |
bazhang | mark__, no idea, netbook died as of 11.04 its all inn one | 04:56 |
mark__ | i'll do some googling | 04:56 |
REK_007 | bazhang: I am running from USB . The GRUB comes I select to run it live . Then ubuntu splash screen comes and then screen goes black and PC doesnt respond | 04:56 |
bazhang | REK_007, not installable? | 04:56 |
bazhang | REK_007, and the alternate installer has the exact same issue? | 04:57 |
REK_007 | bazhang: 10.10 and 11.04 are working but 10.04 LTS is not working great | 04:57 |
REK_007 | i tried the inside installl windows once it also gave same issue | 04:57 |
bazhang | REK_007, as live systems? | 04:57 |
REK_007 | bazhang: As live as well as installed systems | 04:58 |
bazhang | REK_007, you have how many versions installed? | 04:58 |
REK_007 | am on 11.04 right now. But since no LTS coming up soon hence wanted a LTS | 04:58 |
litropy | julian_c, yes, I have many ttyS#'s | 04:58 |
REK_007 | I have 11.04 only installed now | 04:58 |
mark__ | i found it, it's ubuntu-netbook-remix | 04:58 |
mark__ | not sure i'm going to be able to run it though | 04:59 |
bazhang | mark__, not for 11.04 | 04:59 |
litropy | julian_c, I'm trying to use it as a receiver for my Comcast universal remote. | 04:59 |
mark__ | it's running 9.10 like i said | 04:59 |
bazhang | !une | 04:59 |
ubottu | Starting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs. | 04:59 |
bazhang | mark__, ^ | 04:59 |
Scunizi | How do I find out the version of a program on cli? | 04:59 |
mark__ | i just installed it though | 04:59 |
mark__ | lol | 04:59 |
mark__ | ubuntu-netbook-remix | 04:59 |
iceroot | Scunizi: dpkg -l packagename or program -v | 04:59 |
Scunizi | iceroot: thanks | 05:00 |
bazhang | mark__, there is no such thing for 11.04 | 05:00 |
carnage1 | Azenis | 05:00 |
mark__ | i told you | 05:00 |
mark__ | im using 9.10 | 05:00 |
mark__ | not 11.04 | 05:00 |
mark__ | on my phone | 05:00 |
FloodBot1 | mark__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:00 |
bazhang | mark__, easy on the enter key. get a supported version. | 05:00 |
carnage1 | they have Azenis in green? | 05:00 |
bazhang | carnage1, this is u buntu support | 05:00 |
carnage1 | its an ubuntu theme | 05:01 |
bazhang | carnage1, from where | 05:01 |
REK_007 | carnage1: check http://gnome-look.org/?xsection=home | 05:01 |
mark__ | well i can't log out to switch to the netbook remix | 05:01 |
mark__ | or shut down cause it logs me in as root | 05:02 |
julian_c | litropy: Trying to use LIRC? | 05:02 |
litropy | julian_c, yes. | 05:02 |
litropy | julian_c, brilliant idea, aye? | 05:02 |
mark__ | oh and i can't use the android virtual keyboard, only on screen keyboard apps, any idea why this is | 05:02 |
REK_007 | carnage1: it comes in green | 05:03 |
bullgard4 | seahorse > My Personal Keys shows 4 entries. Why does seahorse on another computer in the same LAN not show these 4 keys also? | 05:03 |
julian_c | litropy: My experience with LIRC is sparse, at best. Sorry I can't help more. | 05:05 |
litropy | julian_c, thanks for trying, fellow geekster. | 05:05 |
pdtpatri1k | Question for you smart folks.. why is it when you do static IP, ubuntu empties out /etc/resolv.conf .. even if u replace it, upon reboot, it will delete it. Is it because Network-manager looks at that file? So then just remove Network-Manager from boot up ? | 05:09 |
mark__ | go ahead and try it | 05:09 |
litropy | Hmm ... a bit of googling shows there's a possible power shortage. I do have a bunch of USB devices plugged in ... however the receiver is built in. Apple's design dictates the receiver might take priority. but let's see what happens when we unplug a few things ... | 05:10 |
Konata | I do believe that the installer just crashed | 05:12 |
Konata | It said to file a bug report, but it didn't specify what to include, just what NOT to include | 05:12 |
litropy | negative. | 05:13 |
diegopdomingos | hello guys | 05:13 |
litropy | Does lsusb only show _active_ USB devices? | 05:13 |
diegopdomingos | Im having problems with my Atheros RT2413 in new Ubuntu 11.04 | 05:13 |
diegopdomingos | Can anyone help me please? | 05:14 |
litropy | active, as in ... "Yeah, it's there and I'm putting electricity to it?" or is it, "Yeah, it's there, I don't know what to do with it ... but here's the info I got?" | 05:14 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, is that a wireless card? | 05:14 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, yes! I cant connect to wireless lan! | 05:15 |
christopher_ | whats up everyone | 05:15 |
Onions | hello | 05:15 |
diegopdomingos | Just one time, and nothing more | 05:15 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, does ifconfig show the card? | 05:15 |
Onions | hey, what is the difference between sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? | 05:16 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, what about iwconfig? | 05:16 |
xdincaps | .. | 05:16 |
diegopdomingos | litropy Yes! Both are showing informations about the card | 05:16 |
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litropy | diegopdomingos, when you scan for wireless networks, do you see any? | 05:16 |
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diegopdomingos | litropy, no! It shows that "No lan was found" | 05:17 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, I tried to compile and install a driver that some people said in ubuntu forum, but I cant get work | 05:18 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, is this an external card? | 05:19 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, no! its a internal card (Im using this card now, but in windows) | 05:20 |
tapple | my ubuntu installation is all messed up. Sound never really worked, and now I broke opengl too. I heard there is a newer version than 10.04 anyway; would upgrading probably help, or should I install it fresh? | 05:20 |
bazhang | tapple, sounds like a fresh install | 05:20 |
bazhang | tapple, unless you provide more info to troubleshoot | 05:21 |
din | tapple: i would back up any sensitive data and reinstall. | 05:21 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, are you sure it's an Atheros RT2413? Why do all my google results end up japanese? | 05:21 |
bazhang | !dist-upgrad | orions | 05:21 |
bazhang | whoops | 05:21 |
doc|home | how do you disable the VERY annoying window auto resizing when you move it to the edge of the screen? | 05:21 |
tapple | hmm. am busy backing up another computer. maybe once that is finished | 05:22 |
bazhang | tapple, could also move home to a separate partition if not done so | 05:22 |
litropy | Atheros AR2413 seems more feasible, diegopdomingos | 05:22 |
tapple | can I keep the var partition the same? | 05:22 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, sorry! its AR2413!!! | 05:22 |
tapple | I has some web stuff on it | 05:22 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, aaaah | 05:22 |
tapple | not much though | 05:22 |
bazhang | tapple, back it up then | 05:23 |
tapple | k | 05:23 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, welp ... hmm. | 05:23 |
din | tapple: you could try upgrading it if you are confident it would work. it has been my experience that upgrading is almost seamless. | 05:23 |
bazhang | !home | tapple if you are interested | 05:23 |
ubottu | tapple if you are interested: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving | 05:23 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, I tried some searchs in Google... some people got this same problem! | 05:23 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, yeah ... | 05:23 |
bazhang | tapple, if you did that a fresh install would only overwrite / | 05:23 |
tapple | I don't know how to upgrade | 05:23 |
mark__ | ^that's my phone | 05:24 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, did you say you upgraded to 11.04? | 05:24 |
din | tapple: sudo do-release-upgrade | 05:24 |
bazhang | !upgrade | tapple here have a read | 05:24 |
ubottu | tapple here have a read: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 05:24 |
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Guest65949 | b | 05:24 |
tapple | the upgrade from 9.10 happened automatically, but it never told me to upgrade past 10.04 | 05:24 |
mark__ | why is my phone guest65949 | 05:24 |
bazhang | tapple, check to allow non lts | 05:25 |
IsmAvatar | hey guys, I added a ppa, but it's erroring. How do I remove it? | 05:25 |
mark__ | so can anyone help me get software center working? | 05:25 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, I installed from the ISO! | 05:25 |
mark__ | (on my phone) | 05:25 |
bazhang | !info ppa-purge | IsmAvatar | 05:25 |
ubottu | IsmAvatar: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB | 05:25 |
IsmAvatar | thank you | 05:25 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, First I formated my pc, then instaled the Ubuntu (sorry for the wrong wrong english hehe) | 05:25 |
doc|home | anyone know how do you disable the VERY annoying window auto resizing when you move it to the edge of the screen? | 05:26 |
REK_007 | Can I keep GNOME 2 and 3 at the same time like a dual setup? | 05:27 |
mark__ | why would you want to disable that | 05:27 |
mark__ | yes | 05:27 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, I saw a solution thats saying to install wicd... This really works?! | 05:27 |
mark__ | i have gnome 2 and 3 on my linux mint machine | 05:27 |
yigal | doc|home: #compiz | 05:27 |
amin` | hi I want a file manager for TWM windows manager sth very light with no relationship with gnome or other windows manager | 05:27 |
mark__ | it works fine, choose at login | 05:27 |
REK_007 | mark__: how to go about setting it up and how will i change the interface if needed? | 05:27 |
yigal | doc|home: seriously if I wasn't so drunk I'd tell you but it's in ccsm | 05:27 |
bazhang | REK_007, gnome3 is completely unsupported and unstable, but yes you can keep it as long as you are able | 05:27 |
din | yigal: win | 05:28 |
mark__ | REK_007: at login on the bottom it says session, you choose what you want to log in with | 05:28 |
din | :) | 05:28 |
yigal | no Gnome 3 isn't unstable but it is unstable with Unity + | 05:28 |
yigal | din :D | 05:28 |
bazhang | amin`, thunar? | 05:28 |
mark__ | bazhang: gnome3 isn't unstable, it works fine for me | 05:28 |
REK_007 | bazhang: thanks for the info i saw some pics with GNOME 3 so thought they might have been released | 05:28 |
yigal | GNOME 3 is nice | 05:28 |
bazhang | mark__, this is hardly the place for that discussion | 05:28 |
REK_007 | yigal: I dont like unity so am running on ubuntu classic mode ... will it be a problem then? | 05:29 |
yigal | in any event tru that bazhang | 05:29 |
tapple | guess I can copy /var/www to /home/www and everything I care to keep across an upgrade will be in /home | 05:29 |
mark__ | no rek it wont | 05:29 |
yigal | REK_007: not so much, if you want to try out GNOME imo you should | 05:29 |
bazhang | tapple, sure | 05:29 |
REK_007 | mark__: so how do i install GNOME 3? | 05:29 |
bazhang | REK_007, from a PPA | 05:29 |
doc|home | yigal: is that something I need to install? I can't find anything that seems to relate in any menu or command line tool | 05:29 |
tapple | ooh. there a gnome 3 now? | 05:30 |
mark__ | REK_007: google it | 05:30 |
REK_007 | ohk | 05:30 |
bazhang | !gnome3 | REK_007 | 05:30 |
ubottu | REK_007: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely. | 05:30 |
amin` | bazhang: something very lighter | 05:30 |
bazhang | mark__, please dont suggest google | 05:30 |
tapple | gnome 2 was new last time I paid any attention to it :/ | 05:30 |
yigal | doc|home: it should be installed default, ccsm on a terminal if you are comfortable | 05:30 |
REK_007 | thanks bazhang i needed the PPA only :) | 05:30 |
mark__ | bazhang: why not? google has helped me countless times | 05:30 |
IsmAvatar | ppa-purge is failing to remove my undesired ppa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610928/ | 05:30 |
bazhang | amin`, no idea, check the package manager | 05:30 |
doc|home | yigal: sudo: ccsm: command not found | 05:30 |
Random832 | mark__: but telling people to 'google it' is insulting | 05:30 |
bazhang | mark__, its not what we do in this channel. if you dont know, then just dont answer | 05:31 |
Random832 | !googleit | 05:31 |
Random832 | ubottu doesn't have a snappy response for that? | 05:31 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, I wouldn't - I never had luck with wicd. | 05:31 |
ubottu | Random832: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:31 |
* vibhav is ready to help others!! | 05:31 | |
yigal | REK_007: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 | 05:31 |
bazhang | Random832, its !google | 05:31 |
Random832 | 05:31 | |
ubottu | While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 05:31 |
vibhav | 05:31 | |
yigal | doc|home: ok then, sudo apt-get install ccsm | 05:31 |
vibhav | anybody has a problem?? | 05:32 |
yigal | doc|home: it's just a way to control compiz which is the default window manager | 05:32 |
bazhang | doc|home, its compiz-config-settings-manager | 05:32 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, but I don't know. I mean, it jsut seems like something's up with either the driver or your router. You've tried rebooting your router, right? | 05:32 |
yigal | bazhang: tru dat | 05:32 |
bazhang | vibhav, please dont ask that | 05:32 |
litropy | Is there a chan for macs and ubuntu? | 05:32 |
bazhang | litropy, ppc? | 05:32 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, yes! I tried with 2 different routers!! | 05:32 |
doc|home | yigal: E: Unable to locate package ccsm same for compiz-config-settings-manager | 05:33 |
vibhav | <bazhang> OH hi! | 05:33 |
bazhang | doc|home, try compiz then tab | 05:33 |
IsmAvatar | ppa-purge is failing to remove my undesired ppa: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610928/ | 05:33 |
vibhav | <bazhang> Why sould not I ask that? | 05:33 |
yigal | doc|home: I believe it's actually called compizconfig-settings-manager | 05:33 |
bazhang | vibhav, no need to solicit, answer as you know the answer to | 05:33 |
=== android is now known as Guest15614 | ||
bazhang | IsmAvatar, then comment it out? | 05:34 |
Guest15614 | ... | 05:34 |
vibhav | <IsmAvatar> try sudo ppa-purge ppa:stretch/bitcoin | 05:34 |
doc|home | yigal: only compiz compiz-decorator | 05:34 |
doc|home | bazhang: ^ | 05:34 |
yigal | doc|home: what repositories do you have?e | 05:34 |
gnewb | IsmAvatar: What version, lsb_release? | 05:34 |
vibhav | <IsmAvatar> try sudo ppa-purge ppa:stretch/bitcoin | 05:35 |
IsmAvatar | vibhav: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610932/ | 05:35 |
doc|home | yigal: the standard ones plus one for my printer | 05:35 |
litropy | bazhang, no: Intel | 05:35 |
yigal | hmm | 05:35 |
doc|home | yigal: bazhang apt-get ... compizconfig-settings-manager works | 05:35 |
gerzel | So anyone seen any Rapturing yet? | 05:35 |
IsmAvatar | bazhang: I'm not advanced in unix/ubuntu, I don't know how to do that. | 05:35 |
vibhav | <IsmAvatar> bitcoin repo must be unavailabe | 05:35 |
gnewb | IsmAvatar: Here:> https://launchpad.net/ppa-purge | 05:36 |
doc|home | yigal: bazhang ok, got it, thanks for your help | 05:36 |
yigal | doc|home: well this compizconfig-settings-manager is the package | 05:36 |
bazhang | IsmAvatar, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list , place a # in front of the repo, save then refresh | 05:36 |
Corey | !ot | gerzel | 05:36 |
ubottu | gerzel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 05:36 |
qin | update* | 05:36 |
yigal | doc|home: sorry I meant to paste my apt-cache show? | 05:37 |
yigal | doc|home: one moment | 05:37 |
vibhav | IsmAvatar bazhang has given a fantastic solution | 05:37 |
gnewb | bazhang: Thank you, I forgot about that one. | 05:37 |
litropy | diegopdomingos, ugh. I'm spent. You're gonna have to get someone else's attention. I remember having issues with my network card and it was a mess, but mind you this was many releases ago and it's likely my issues have already been addressed. | 05:37 |
yigal | doc|home: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610933/ | 05:37 |
IsmAvatar | bazhang, vibhav: I don't see it listed | 05:37 |
doc|home | yigal: thanks. I have it. apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager did it | 05:37 |
yigal | doc|home: great@ | 05:37 |
yigal | great! | 05:37 |
yigal | too drunk lol | 05:38 |
bazhang | IsmAvatar, what about sources.list.d (in that folder) | 05:38 |
qin | IsmAvatar: ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and paste to paste.ubuntu.com | 05:38 |
vibhav | IsmAvatar give mah the screenshot | 05:38 |
IsmAvatar | bahzang, qin: It's in there, named stretch-bitcoin-natty.list | 05:38 |
yigal | doc|home: ya that package contains ccsm | 05:39 |
vibhav | IsmAvatar put a # before it | 05:39 |
yigal | doc|home: or is, in a sense ccsm | 05:39 |
qin | IsmAvatar: You can just remove this file | 05:39 |
IsmAvatar | vibhav: It's a file, lol | 05:39 |
unkmar | I still don't know if it is UNITY or CLASSIC | 05:39 |
qin | IsmAvatar: and update | 05:39 |
doc|home | yigal: sweet, thanks | 05:39 |
unkmar | The wallpaper is automatically chaning. Don't know if that makes any difference. | 05:39 |
vibhav | IsmAvatar oops | 05:39 |
IsmAvatar | qin: Thank you, that seems to have fixed it. Update worked | 05:40 |
bazhang | unkmar, not really | 05:40 |
diegopdomingos | litropy, Ok! Thank you for the help! Ill try some others solutions...Then I go back here :D! Thank you again for the help litropy! | 05:40 |
qin | cool | 05:40 |
bazhang | unkmar, check at login window | 05:40 |
unkmar | I don't see decorators. I do see. Windows and tha tis USELESS | 05:40 |
unkmar | I can't see his login. | 05:40 |
IsmAvatar | vibhav, gnewb, bazhang: Thank you for your help. qin fixed it. | 05:41 |
vibhav | IsmAvatar nO PROB! | 05:41 |
unkmar | bazhang: set as classic | 05:41 |
bullgard4 | seahorse > My Personal Keys shows 4 entries. Why does seahorse on another computer in the same LAN not show these 4 keys also? | 05:43 |
* vibhav is in love with Emacs | 05:43 | |
yigal | vibhav: I'm a Vim lover, but it's cool | 05:44 |
KerrMD | Howdy all | 05:44 |
vibhav | yigal I can view star wars on it | 05:44 |
yigal | KerrMD: peace dude | 05:44 |
yigal | vibhav: :D | 05:44 |
KerrMD | Question: I have kubuntu installed. Basic / and /home partitions. If I simply format / and have /home mount as such without formatting will I still be able to use the apps I have installed via wine when I am done installing mythbuntu? | 05:46 |
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bazhang | KerrMD, installing mythbuntu how | 05:46 |
genupulas | vibhav: do you got the solution for password encryption | 05:46 |
KerrMD | Via cd of course. | 05:46 |
yigal | KerrMD: so let me get this straight, all of your libraries etc. are in / and you're going to reformat everything and you expect Wine to work? | 05:47 |
bazhang | KerrMD, no need for that | 05:47 |
bazhang | !info mythbuntu-destkop | KerrMD | 05:47 |
ubottu | KerrMD: Package mythbuntu-destkop does not exist in natty | 05:47 |
KerrMD | No. I have a root partition as well as a home partition | 05:47 |
bazhang | what? | 05:47 |
yigal | KerrMD: yes and all of your wine libraries are in / | 05:47 |
yigal | KerrMD: so if you erase / you lose the libraries. | 05:48 |
DasEi | bullgard4: by default seahorse is locally, have to import keys from other boxes manually to share | 05:48 |
KerrMD | a simple apt-get install wine should remedy that without blowing my windows/wine apps? | 05:48 |
KerrMD | Let me rephrase. My apps in /home | 05:48 |
bazhang | KerrMD, the package mythbuntu-desktop will let you choose it from the login window | 05:48 |
bullgard4 | DasEi: Thank you very much for explaining and your help. | 05:48 |
yigal | KerrMD: if you remove /, not really, but maybe if you are using mythbuntu with Wine installed | 05:49 |
bazhang | KerrMD, ie no need for install from cd | 05:49 |
yigal | KerrMD: this might work | 05:49 |
DasEi | bullgard4: http://tinyurl.com/3d2yrwo | 05:49 |
yigal | KerrMD: it will most likely work if you have Wine installed on Mythbuntu | 05:50 |
vibhav | <genupulas> what encryption? | 05:50 |
KerrMD | bazhang: The whole point of me wanting to switch is that I really hate Unity. I am not a huge fan of plasma either. I'm downloading mythbuntu 11.04 to check it out righ tnow. | 05:50 |
bazhang | KerrMD, then use classic | 05:50 |
yigal | KerrMD: or just use Compiz | 05:50 |
KerrMD | I want to step away from gnome | 05:50 |
yigal | KerrMD: there are many options | 05:50 |
DasEi | KerrMD: you can simple switch to gnome classic in natty, it's still there | 05:51 |
KerrMD | and myth is based on xfce iirc | 05:51 |
yigal | KerrMD: then use XFCE, Awesome, etc. | 05:51 |
yigal | KerrMD: ok | 05:51 |
KerrMD | DasEi: I want to step away from gnome. | 05:51 |
KerrMD | xfce is tried and true. It has been ages since I've used it | 05:52 |
yigal | KerrMD: GNOME is a in general a hog compared to many other comparable DMs | 05:52 |
KerrMD | true yigal | 05:52 |
yigal | KerrMD: if you want minimalism try Open Box | 05:52 |
new2net | stupid bug.... it shows the wrong day on the calender between 12AM (midnight) and 12:59:59PM | 05:52 |
DasEi | KerrMD: well, lots of alternatives out, but support is best for gnome still, and how unity grows only time can tell | 05:52 |
unkmar | there is no try, only do | 05:52 |
KerrMD | I'm not really sure if minimalist is what I want. I want utility without a lot of overhead. I want to be able to control my own desktop instead of letting something like plasma tell me what I can and cannot do. | 05:53 |
yigal | unkmar: yes Yoda :D | 05:53 |
KerrMD | I want power at my disposal should I need it. flexibility, etc. That is why I was thinking xfce | 05:53 |
yigal | KerrMD: cool, I'm GNOME + mostly GNU screen I'm a CLI dude | 05:53 |
html_inprogress | how do i get a video from the web to play in open office presentation ? | 05:54 |
KerrMD | I used to be a gnome person. I just think gnome has gotten a tad too heavy | 05:54 |
yigal | KerrMD: GNOME has always been heavy, since it's creation :D | 05:54 |
yigal | its sorry | 05:54 |
html_inprogress | its fat ? i thought it moved very fast | 05:55 |
yigal | ihateyou: I love you too dude | 05:55 |
html_inprogress | lol | 05:55 |
html_inprogress | rotf | 05:55 |
yigal | html_inprogress: like as in fat32 or fat64? | 05:55 |
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KerrMD | So, it's fat with legs. ;) | 05:55 |
html_inprogress | huh ? whats you talking about ? | 05:56 |
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yigal | html_inprogress: get your file systems st8 son | 05:56 |
mikere | yigal: in what way do you mean heavy - cpu usage, memory usage or ?? | 05:56 |
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yigal | mikere: memory and cpu. | 05:56 |
yigal | mikere: though I'm a fan of dwm at http://dwm.suckless.org/ | 05:57 |
yigal | so I'm by nature I'm a minimalist | 05:57 |
mikere | yigal: I'm sitting here in xchat with python, pan, console, nautilus and firefox with 6 tabs open and my cpu is 3% or so with a few hundred megs of ram in use. | 05:57 |
html_inprogress | yigal, ive been here a while and i have NOt a idea what your saying ,, what do you mean ,, | 05:58 |
yigal | mikere: yes it is far superior to Windows in every way | 05:58 |
yigal | mikere: but if you want to compare it to a sparse WM it isn't | 05:58 |
rogerzh | Hi all, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon under network folder, but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 05:58 |
yigal | html_inprogress: live and learn | 05:58 |
mikere | But if you want to compare to a sparse wm, you do without an awful lot of features | 05:58 |
abhinav_singh | sudo cd /var/lib/mysql/ gives me thie error sudo: cd: command not found ...how do i fix it. | 05:58 |
yigal | mikere: unless you know how to implement them to your own liking :D | 05:59 |
mikere | I'd rather use an extra 1% cpu and 100mb ram than time =) But to each his/her own | 05:59 |
yigal | mikere: I'm a big geek who loves minimalist stuff, put I'm also a pluralist in the sense that to each their own | 05:59 |
yigal | mikere: yes, cheers | 06:00 |
mikere | yigal: on my servers, ltsp and old hardware I'll use a light weight wm if I use one at all, I know what you are saying. | 06:00 |
html_inprogress | yilgal, what is file systems st8 | 06:01 |
yigal | mikere: and right now I'm using GNOME with compiz and unity with my GNU screen session so I understand | 06:01 |
html_inprogress | im using ubuntu 10.10 64bit | 06:02 |
yigal | html_inprogress: well if it's working for you, great! | 06:02 |
html_inprogress | smartypants | 06:03 |
html_inprogress | lol | 06:03 |
yigal | perhaps, we'll see :D | 06:03 |
rogerzh | Ask for help, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon under network folder, but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 06:04 |
Corey | rogerzh: Is dbus running? | 06:05 |
rogerzh | I am new to Linux. could u teach me how to check? | 06:06 |
litropy | $ lsusb shows my built-in IR receiver, but $ cat /proc/bus/input/devices doesn't. Any ideas? | 06:06 |
herman__ | hi. what is the app/program that lets me see cpu temp? i have 11.04 | 06:07 |
DasEi | herman__: lm-sensors and an applet to display it's values | 06:07 |
Corey | !pm | rogerzh | 06:08 |
ubottu | rogerzh: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 06:08 |
herman__ | DasEi: cool thanks | 06:08 |
DasEi | herman__: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors sensors-applet | 06:10 |
herman__ | is lm-sensors command line only? | 06:10 |
DasEi | just follow... | 06:10 |
RA_drc | vibhav: are you still ready to help? | 06:10 |
DasEi | herman__: sudo sensors-detect | 06:10 |
herman__ | DasEi: thanks! | 06:11 |
DasEi | herman__: when it asks to auto-add in the end, answer yes (write to /etc/modules) | 06:11 |
anotherjesse | Any advice on installing python-eventlet in a clean lxc-maverick container? I'm running into: | 06:11 |
anotherjesse | python-eventlet : Depends: python (>= 2.6.6-2ubuntu2~) but 2.6.6-2ubuntu1 is to be installed | 06:11 |
anotherjesse | but I have 2.6.6-5ubuntu1 as shown http://pastie.org/1934814 | 06:11 |
DasEi | herman__: sudo modprobe -a | 06:13 |
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DasEi | herman__: are you using unity ? | 06:15 |
rickey | i need the code for unlocking adep mmmmangerr | 06:18 |
tom__ | hey guys when i listen to any audio on 10.10 it makes it sound like barry white is singing the vocals - they're super weird. any idea what this might be | 06:19 |
yigal | tom__: so super base? | 06:19 |
tom__ | yigal: yeah it's really strange | 06:19 |
tom__ | yigal: it might be that it's actually a little bit slower | 06:20 |
yigal | tom__: no idea dude, wish I did | 06:20 |
rickey | dose anyone know the sudo command to unlock adep manger | 06:20 |
yigal | hmm | 06:20 |
tom__ | yigal: like when you play a record at less rpm | 06:20 |
yigal | tom__: right right | 06:20 |
yigal | tom__: do you have mplayer? | 06:21 |
tom__ | yigal: no but i tried it with the standard installed players, vlc and then playing stuff on youtube | 06:21 |
yigal | tom__: mplayer has mad debugging info | 06:21 |
tom__ | yigal: ah k | 06:21 |
rogerzh | hi all, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon under network folder, but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 06:22 |
tom__ | yigal: it's all good - i'm just in a virtualized install on w7 for coding. i'll just use my iphone for tunes :) | 06:22 |
yigal | rogerzh: how are these 2 computers connected? | 06:22 |
yigal | tom__: good to hear, no one should be without their tunes | 06:22 |
yigal | tom__: :D | 06:23 |
tom__ | yigal: cheers anyway :) | 06:23 |
rogerzh | both of them connect to a netgear | 06:23 |
yigal | rogerzh: so do you see them via a network share? | 06:23 |
rogerzh | yes, there is an icon | 06:24 |
html_inprogress | how do i get a video from the web to play in open office presentation ? | 06:24 |
rogerzh | the pop error msg pop-up when I try to open it | 06:24 |
yigal | rogerzh: so what you need to do is see if these two computers are sharing files. | 06:25 |
yigal | rogerzh: right? | 06:25 |
cyphase | since when has Cut-ing a file in Nautilus made it light up? | 06:25 |
yigal | cyphase: wow! | 06:25 |
rogerzh | yes, I would like to copy some files from one to anther | 06:25 |
yigal | rogerzh: so you need to make sure that both of the machines "see" each other | 06:26 |
yigal | rogerzh: that's 1. | 06:26 |
cyphase | yigal, wow, you didn't know it did that, or wow, it's been there since gnome 1.0 and how did i just notice :P? | 06:26 |
yigal | cyphase: what color? | 06:26 |
cyphase | yigal, it just gets brighter | 06:27 |
yigal | :D | 06:27 |
cyphase | the icon | 06:27 |
cyphase | like when you hover over a file | 06:27 |
yigal | cyphase: all my machines are down except my netbook and my Nokia N900 open source Maemo phone so nice | 06:28 |
yigal | cyphase: but it sounds like a party over there | 06:28 |
cyphase | lol | 06:28 |
cyphase | i've always thought it should change how the file looks when cutting, but i never noticed until now.. not sure how long it's done that | 06:29 |
cyphase | i usually dont cut anyway, i just drag | 06:29 |
rogerzh | yes, I can read one sharing icon under network floder | 06:29 |
gnewb | html_inprgress: Like a Power Point thing? | 06:29 |
yigal | the problem with both of you dudes, is that I use the command line ssh to transfer stuffs | 06:29 |
rogerzh | username on the xxxx machine public files | 06:30 |
yigal | scp | 06:30 |
yigal | or rsync | 06:30 |
* vibhav just got RickRolled gr... | 06:30 | |
yigal | ok well let's try to work this out | 06:30 |
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yigal | vibhav: lol | 06:31 |
yigal | vibhav: you'll learn | 06:31 |
yigal | :D | 06:31 |
gnewb | html_inprogress: Here:> http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=11585 | 06:32 |
eckirchn | Hello all | 06:33 |
yigal | gnewb: damn I'm so l33t I use LaTeX and create my presentations via pdflatex | 06:33 |
wn1zid | D`oh! | 06:33 |
yigal | wn1zid: Homer? | 06:33 |
syrinx_ | eckirchn: hi | 06:33 |
wn1zid | lol | 06:33 |
gnewb | yigal: That is the way I do also, that link is from Oo, it explains it pretty well. | 06:34 |
eckirchn | syrinx_ how are you this evening? | 06:34 |
syrinx_ | eckirchn: not too bad, you? | 06:34 |
yigal | gnewb: got no energy for learning Oo skilz, I just don't Beamer is bolmb | 06:35 |
eckirchn | syrinx_ struggling a bit with something in Mediawiki, that i want to do, and my dog ate my dinnner.. but otherwise.. | 06:35 |
yigal | eckirchn: dude that's not cool | 06:35 |
Jordan_U | !ot | eckirchn syrinx_ | 06:35 |
ubottu | eckirchn syrinx_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 06:35 |
syrinx_ | eckirchn: #mediawiki would actually be a better place to talk about that | 06:36 |
gnewb | yigal: I switched to Lo, but I keep Oo on a HDD with another *nix system. | 06:36 |
yigal | gnewb: Lo? | 06:37 |
jaison | Hi, My ubuntu 10.10 boots too slow. This is on a new laptop. Samsung. 2 Gb ram, Intel core i3 processor, Harddisk 320 GB. But the same version on my old desktop with 1 gb ram, core 2 due processor boots faster. Help needed, Thanks. | 06:37 |
gnewb | yigal: LibreOffice | 06:37 |
yigal | gnewb: aww, cool | 06:38 |
yigal | jaison: it could be many things, it's probably some device in your machine Ubuntu doesn't know exactly what it should do with | 06:38 |
litropy | $ lsusb shows my built-in IR receiver, but $ cat /proc/bus/input/devices doesn't. Any ideas? | 06:39 |
litropy | I also show it in /var/log/messages.1 | 06:39 |
yigal | jaison: you might need to get familiar with dmesg | 06:39 |
nit-wit | jaison, how long does it actually take to get to the login screen? | 06:39 |
yigal | litropy: sounds like you need the a driver for your IR baby | 06:40 |
KafanaGore-- | S.a | 06:40 |
KafanaGore-- | ? | 06:40 |
KafanaGore-- | :D | 06:40 |
Corey | KafanaGore--: Help you with something? | 06:41 |
yigal | KafanaGore--: S.a? | 06:41 |
KafanaGore-- | Hmm.. | 06:42 |
KafanaGore-- | Speak Turkish ? | 06:42 |
yigal | yateer | 06:42 |
litropy | yigal, it's an Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver. I can't find it anywhere. Google has some talk about appleir, but this was years ago, and they're referencing old kernel mods. | 06:43 |
yigal | litropy: what maci do u have? | 06:43 |
litropy | Intel 7,1 | 06:44 |
litropy | yigal, | 06:44 |
litropy | iMac | 06:44 |
yigal | litropy: what year? | 06:45 |
m477h3w | i run virtuual box and i cant find on virtual machine exchange folder, do you know where is it? | 06:46 |
litropy | yigal, http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/stats/imac-core-2-duo-2.66-20-inch-aluminum-early-2008-penryn-specs.html | 06:46 |
yigal | litropy: sounds nice :) | 06:46 |
yigal | ok | 06:46 |
litropy | yigal, yep -- I've got it HDMI'ed to my flatscreen :) | 06:47 |
mathiasso | Hello. I just set up a OpenVPN connection in network-manager. But I don't know how to connect to this connection now. Can anyone help? | 06:48 |
yigal | litropy: so what exactly do you want to be able to do with your IR sensors? | 06:49 |
jaison | yigal, nit-wit it takes about 2 minutes to get login screen. | 06:49 |
html_inprogress | how do i get a video from the web to play in open office presentation ? | 06:49 |
litropy | yigal, hopefully, custom configure lirc to my Comcast remote. | 06:50 |
jaison | yigal, nit-wit is there a way to remove some programs or *something* to increase speed? | 06:50 |
yigal | jaison: dude calling me a nit-wit doesn't help me help you | 06:50 |
mathiasso | html_inprogress: do you mean a youtube video? | 06:51 |
jaison | yigal, It is the nickname of another person in this irc channel who asked me about boot time. | 06:51 |
jaison | yigal, sorry. | 06:51 |
yigal | jaison: oh, lol | 06:51 |
yigal | litropy: all I can do is search forum posts dude | 06:52 |
litropy | yigal, thanks for trying | 06:53 |
yigal | litropy: have you installed gnome-lirc-properties? | 06:53 |
html_inprogress | mathiasso, yes , but other videos to,,, i perferrablly play in the slide show ..... | 06:55 |
html_inprogress | http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbhqat_cooler-master-haf-932-amd-atx-full_tech like this one | 06:56 |
mathiasso | html_inprogress: a easy way is using the JDownloader, but it requires java | 06:56 |
litropy | yigal, I have ... but it's borked. doesn't even open. Bunch of python errors. | 06:56 |
html_inprogress | java ? | 06:56 |
html_inprogress | what do you mean / | 06:57 |
html_inprogress | ? | 06:57 |
yigal | litropy: sorry to hear | 06:57 |
litropy | yigal, I'm not even there yet. I likely need to get it into /proc first. | 06:57 |
yigal | litropy yes, it sounds like it unfortunately | 06:58 |
mathiasso | html_inprogress: sry, but this is really fundamental knowledge | 06:58 |
yigal | html_inprogress: java downloader, like wget if you're familiar | 06:59 |
html_inprogress | i heard of java but havent done it .. so do i need something ? | 06:59 |
html_inprogress | no,, i dont know | 06:59 |
RealOpty | anyone modified the default ubuntu theme? | 07:00 |
RealOpty | 'Ambiance' ? | 07:00 |
yigal | RealOpty: of course in what way though | 07:01 |
RealOpty | yigal, move the close, min, max buttons to the right side | 07:01 |
RealOpty | yigal, and im open to other suggestions too. but i love the theme, but cant get used to those buttons on the left. | 07:02 |
yigal | RealOpty: dude this is for 10.10 but I believe it still applies | 07:02 |
yigal | RealOpty: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/13535/move-window-buttons-back-to-the-right-in-ubuntu-10.04/ | 07:03 |
RealOpty | ty | 07:03 |
RealOpty | os[Linux 2.6.35-28-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "maverick" 10.10] cpu[1 x AMD Sempron(tm) Processor LE-1250 (AuthenticAMD) @ 2.21GHz] mem[Physical: 2.9GB, 85.9% free] disk[Total: 915.9GB, 53.8% free] video[nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 220]] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia1: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia] | 07:03 |
yigal | oh 10.04 | 07:03 |
yigal | but still I belive it will work | 07:03 |
RealOpty | indeed | 07:03 |
yigal | sweet | 07:03 |
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ouyes | I get a battery charging info 627wh, and it is still charging? | 07:09 |
RealOpty | yigal, sweet, ty again | 07:10 |
xorAxAx | are the mirrors broken or is it me? | 07:10 |
ouyes | this is strange, I only get 63wh battery | 07:10 |
REK_007 | Guys I can run AngryBirds on ubuntu but few obstacles are not coming .. any idea why? Am running it on wine 1.2 | 07:11 |
yigal | gnight everyone | 07:11 |
rabidfox | gn8 | 07:12 |
REK_007 | yigal: good night | 07:12 |
rogerzh | hi all, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share (WebDAV) to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon under network folder, but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 07:13 |
morgan | is it a common problem to run video over ssh, but the audio plays on the server, not the client. Easy solution? | 07:16 |
=== james is now known as Guest8715 | ||
Guest8715 | hello unbuntu pals | 07:20 |
Guest8715 | my name is james | 07:21 |
mah454 | I have a problem with firefox . i can not open some sites . for example "launchpad.net" . receive this message : Connection was intrupted | 07:21 |
Guest8715 | any good people on here? | 07:21 |
Pete_ | Hello i need some help. I currently have ubuntu 11.04 and want to back my hard disc up so i can go back to 10.10.... | 07:21 |
Guest8715 | mah let me try to launch it | 07:21 |
MACscr|lappy | ok, my ubuntu 11 system is running like crap after trying out xubuntu and reverting back. Anyway, i think im just going to make an image of the system, format and install 11.04 from scratch. I am though not looking forward to resetting everything up, such as thunderbird, firefox, chromium, deluge, etc, and all of its custom settings that i have setup for it. Think I could possibly restore some of those configs from the user folder | 07:22 |
Sterist | !offtopic | Guest8715 | 07:22 |
ubottu | Guest8715: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 07:22 |
MACscr|lappy | Pete_: why? if you dont like unity, just use classic. Either way though, your not going to have a supported system in the near future | 07:22 |
Pete_ | ok | 07:23 |
Pete_ | um i did not no i could go classic | 07:23 |
MACscr|lappy | Pete_: believe me, i hate unity as well | 07:23 |
Pete_ | and how do i navigate to classic? | 07:23 |
MACscr|lappy | Pete_: yes, just logout and log back in under the gnome-classic option | 07:23 |
Mean_Admin | so anyone using webmin ? you recommend it ? | 07:23 |
Guest8715 | launchpad.net opened in my mozilla | 07:23 |
MACscr|lappy | Mean_Admin: for what? I use it on tons of my servers | 07:24 |
Guest8715 | you of course have the latest version | 07:24 |
REK_007 | I hate it as well fellows using Classic with custom compiz :) | 07:24 |
MACscr|lappy | but mainly because of its integration with cloudmin | 07:24 |
Pete_ | when i restart it just logs me in and asks for my king ring | 07:24 |
Sterist | canonical made a mistake by changing the default environment. they should just promote it.... this may cause a loss in the user-base | 07:24 |
Mean_Admin | MACscr|lappy: I just learned of its existance | 07:24 |
Mean_Admin | MACscr|lappy: so I'm wondering whether I should bother to learn to use it | 07:24 |
MACscr|lappy | Pete_: i said logout, not reboot | 07:24 |
MACscr|lappy | Mean_Admin: for what purpose though? | 07:25 |
MACscr|lappy | what do you need it for | 07:25 |
Pete_ | oops sorry about that | 07:25 |
Mean_Admin | MACscr|lappy: well for the moment, home server | 07:25 |
Pete_ | thanks so much.. Yea me not like unity | 07:25 |
MACscr|lappy | whats the home server used for? | 07:25 |
Mean_Admin | MACscr|lappy: DNS, Samba, Wiki | 07:26 |
MACscr|lappy | Pete_: but as i mentioned, they are removing that option when 11.10 comes out (though maybe with enough push back, they wont) | 07:26 |
MACscr|lappy | Mean_Admin: lol, your doing a home wiki? for what | 07:26 |
Guest8715 | hello knowedgable unix users | 07:26 |
morgan | anyone used ssh -X to play video and had the problem that audio plays through the server, not the client? | 07:26 |
Mean_Admin | MACscr|lappy: ultimately, my goal is to push aside Win Servers and use a linux server with OpenLDAP, Samba, Wiki, email server, BIND | 07:26 |
REK_007 | I was using filezilla FTP Server on windows so can i get an alternative on linux ? | 07:27 |
Mean_Admin | MACscr|lappy: so home server, used as practice | 07:27 |
REK_007 | apache server will be an alternative right? | 07:27 |
Sterist | MACscr|lappy what are they removing? | 07:27 |
Guest8715 | I'm having trouble installing 3rd party software on LXDE, with Ubuntu no problems. what is it I'm looking over? | 07:27 |
MACscr|lappy | Sterist: the gnome-classic option | 07:27 |
MACscr|lappy | at least that was the word when 11.04 first came out | 07:27 |
MACscr|lappy | aka, that they were not going to have the option with 11.10 | 07:27 |
Sterist | MACscr|lappy if i used gnome, that would be the end of ubuntu for me; but xubuntu all the way :) | 07:28 |
MACscr|lappy | Sterist: i tried xubuntu. I freakin hated it | 07:28 |
MACscr|lappy | might as well been centos =P | 07:28 |
Guest8715 | another way to put it why was Ubuntu easier to install software on? I'm a unix newbie | 07:29 |
Guest8715 | I know about pkg managers | 07:29 |
Guest8715 | but that is about it | 07:29 |
REK_007 | I want to setup a LAN server to share between LAN users what the best way I can do that .. And it should support cross platform ..mainly windows I mean | 07:29 |
MACscr|lappy | Sterist: it just had a very outdated feel to me | 07:29 |
=== themacg33k is now known as THEMACG33K | ||
MACscr|lappy | REK_007: for just file sharing? samba | 07:30 |
=== THEMACG33K is now known as themacg33k | ||
REK_007 | Guest8715: Use software manager .. its user friendly | 07:30 |
Guest8715 | with lxde is the only way to install new software through the synaptic pkg manager | 07:30 |
Jordan_U | Guest8715: Are you using LUbuntu? | 07:30 |
Sterist | MACscr|lappy what's the last version you tried it on? i've used it since 9.10 and is very lightweight & nimble | 07:30 |
REK_007 | MACscr|lappy: How do i configure it ... setting up a file sharing is seeming as a mammoth task ATM | 07:30 |
MACscr|lappy | REK_007: minidlna is great for streaming music/photos/video as well | 07:30 |
MACscr|lappy | REK_007: extremely easy, just google: ubuntu share folders | 07:31 |
MACscr|lappy | or something like that | 07:31 |
MACscr|lappy | its very easy out of the box | 07:31 |
Guest8715 | yes | 07:31 |
Guest8715 | jordan | 07:31 |
Guest8715 | I just woke up at 2 am sorry | 07:31 |
Guest8715 | for the delay | 07:31 |
Jordan_U | Guest8715: You can still use Ubuntu Software Center then. | 07:32 |
usertom | list | 07:32 |
usertom | #list | 07:32 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 07:32 |
usertom | yes | 07:32 |
REK_007 | actually google always returns results belonging to 2006 or older | 07:32 |
Guest8715 | yea but the thing is with unbuntu I could download any software from the net | 07:32 |
usertom | I get an error 15 from grub | 07:32 |
Guest8715 | no i have to use the managers | 07:32 |
Jordan_U | usertom: What version of Ubuntu are you using? | 07:32 |
usertom | and I could only boot into the live cd | 07:32 |
Guest8715 | no about lxde | 07:33 |
usertom | the latest | 07:33 |
Guest8715 | maveric meercat | 07:33 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Upgraded from an earlier version or a fresh install? | 07:33 |
Guest8715 | upgraded | 07:33 |
frensi | hi all, i use xp, ubuntu one PC with grub.Grub is damage i cant repair,cant erase,cant update.I will format ubuntu partition as ntfs via xp ? is there someting wrong? | 07:33 |
usertom | fresh but using the bottom option to chose a partition myself | 07:33 |
Guest8715 | I can't download things like ICQ other 3rd party software | 07:34 |
DasEi | frensi: sure you can't repair ? | 07:34 |
superkuh | Is it possible to run virtualbox from an ubuntu liveCD? | 07:34 |
Sterist | frensi try reinstalling it | 07:34 |
Sterist | frensi or just 'fsck' it :P | 07:34 |
frensi | i can start ubuntu no problem but OS cant update | 07:35 |
Jordan_U | Guest8715: That question wasn't directed at you. It might help if you changed your nick (to somthing not likely to be already taken like james was). | 07:35 |
DasEi | frensi: error message ? | 07:35 |
Guest8715 | sorry just woke up and this is the first time ive used this chat client | 07:35 |
frensi | now with XP sorry cant remember | 07:35 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Did you change where grub was set to install to? | 07:35 |
DasEi | frensi: .. and if can boot, grub isn't broken | 07:35 |
Guest8715 | let me back out and try again | 07:35 |
frensi | DasEi yes | 07:35 |
usertom | no, i wouldnt know how to do that! | 07:36 |
dzup | superkuh: extremly slow | 07:36 |
rogerzh | Ask for help, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share(WebDAV) to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon under network folder, but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 07:36 |
frensi | but cant update OS | 07:36 |
superkuh | Yeah, I figured. But it'd be possible? | 07:36 |
Jordan_U | !details | frensi | 07:36 |
ubottu | frensi: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 07:36 |
dzup | if you have plenty of ram | 07:36 |
frensi | i want to download new ubuntu end install it so i want to format via xp | 07:36 |
Largetoke | ok | 07:36 |
Largetoke | largetoke is james | 07:37 |
superkuh | dzup: 4GB okay? | 07:37 |
usertom | i had previously had ubunto 8.something with win 7 and grub was working wonderfully | 07:37 |
Largetoke | obviously i was a stoner in my earlier years | 07:37 |
Jordan_U | frensi: You don't need to format before re-installing. The Ubuntu installer can do that. | 07:37 |
DasEi | frensi: so I don't really get on how to help you , sure you could delete ubu from windows with no harm but loosing all the data, but if apt hangs, then boot to ubuntu so help here makes sense | 07:37 |
Largetoke | james =largetoke | 07:37 |
dzup | superkuh: why not? | 07:38 |
superkuh | Okay. Thank you. | 07:38 |
Jordan_U | usertom: That error message is not from grub2, which is what current versions of Ubuntu use, which means that you are (for whatever reason) not booting from the drive that grub was most recently installed to. | 07:38 |
vanquish349 | hey | 07:38 |
Jordan_U | !bootinfo | usertom | 07:38 |
ubottu | usertom: To diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). | 07:38 |
superkuh | I figured there might be kernel modules needed that would not be available. | 07:38 |
vanquish349 | where do you go to add more workspace | 07:38 |
frensi | ok i will try online via ubuntu , will ask again there thanks all (i am sure that it will be take a little time) | 07:38 |
vanquish349 | i did it in 10.10 but then i could browse through apps | 07:39 |
usertom | ok wait i'll try! | 07:39 |
Sterist | vanquish349 right click a workspace and go to properties. change the number of workspaces | 07:39 |
=== root is now known as Guest16418 | ||
Largetoke | I had no clue this was such a vibrant IRC community | 07:40 |
Sterist | vanquish349 that's how it works for Xubuntu anyways... might be different with Gnome or Unity | 07:40 |
Largetoke | excellent | 07:40 |
REK_007 | how do i view the shared files ? | 07:41 |
vanquish349 | there is no properties option when i right click on a workspace | 07:41 |
REK_007 | on another PC? | 07:41 |
bullgard4 | DasEi: Your recipe http://askubuntu.com/questions/32438/how-to-share-one-pgp-key-on-multiple-machines works very well with me. -- Thank you very much again. | 07:41 |
Sterist | vanquish349 try asking again and specify which desktop environment you use | 07:41 |
Largetoke | which linux desktop environ do you kind people enjoy the most? | 07:42 |
DasEi | bullgard4: nice, have safer fun | 07:42 |
Sterist | vanquish349 i'm not too familiar with anything outside xfce | 07:42 |
bullgard4 | Largetoke: GNOME version 2 | 07:42 |
ExDotNot | hey does anyone know if there is a netbeans for linux irc? | 07:42 |
vanquish349 | where do you go to add more workspace, i use the defualt settings for ubutnu 11.04 | 07:42 |
Largetoke | let me research that one sec, newbie here, former microhandcuffsoft user | 07:43 |
bullgard4 | ExDotNot: I don't think so. | 07:43 |
usertom | sory how do I run this script? | 07:43 |
hbalint | vanquish349: just use Indicator Workspaces... | 07:43 |
hbalint | Indicator Workspaces: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/indicator-workspaces-simple-switching-between-workspaces.html | 07:44 |
usertom | it says gawk not found | 07:44 |
rogerzh | Ask for help, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share(WebDAV) to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon under network folder, but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 07:45 |
=== OerHeks is now known as Oer | ||
usertom | I tried sudo sh boot_info_script.sh | 07:47 |
rogerzh | does anybody have any idea? | 07:47 |
bullgard4 | rogerzh: I do not have a ready-made answer. But you should ping from the two machines if there is a connection. | 07:48 |
usertom | in the live cd terminal | 07:48 |
Jordan_U | usertom: It's not an sh script. It's a bash script. | 07:48 |
usertom | ok, so I replace sh with bash? | 07:48 |
Jordan_U | usertom: chmod +x boot_info_script.sh; sudo ./boot_info_script.sh | 07:49 |
usertom | thanks! | 07:49 |
usertom | now how do I share the results with you? | 07:50 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Yes, replacing sh with bash would work, but it's a good habbit to get into to make scripts executable and then execute them allowing their own #! line to select the correct interpreter. | 07:50 |
Jordan_U | usertom: You're welcome. | 07:50 |
ExDotNot | bullgard4: thnx for a response i can't seem to get some netbeans support | 07:50 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | usertom | 07:50 |
ubottu | usertom: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 07:50 |
rogerzh | bullgard4: they could ping each other, and the share icon was already show up under network folder such as 'username on xxxxmachine public files', but when I click on it, the err msg pop-up | 07:50 |
=== Commander1024_ is now known as Commander1024 | ||
bullgard4 | rogerzh: I cannot help you any further, sorry. | 07:52 |
rogerzh | bullgard4: THX | 07:52 |
ouyes | hi all here is my battery info http://pastebin.com/1nhJhXUi, it is now fully charged but it is still charging, and the power statistics say energy when full 681.2wh, | 07:54 |
eoss | i have sound still playing from a ustream stream | 07:54 |
eoss | even though i exited all firefox | 07:54 |
eoss | how do i kill the souns? | 07:55 |
eoss | sound* | 07:55 |
ouyes | what does present rate:4082 mW mean? | 07:55 |
DasEi | eoss: try to find the pid in htop | 07:55 |
PoppyHoney | hi can i get some help please | 07:55 |
eoss | htop? | 07:55 |
DasEi | !info htop | 07:56 |
ubottu | htop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2 (natty), package size 57 kB, installed size 204 kB | 07:56 |
NisargS | are graphics slower in 11.04 as compared to 10.10? my laptop was running very smoothly in 10.10 and there is considerable lags in 11.04 | 07:56 |
DasEi | eoss: sudo apt-get install htop && htop | 07:56 |
PoppyHoney | can someone tell me how can i make .exes executable manually? | 07:56 |
eoss | && ?? | 07:56 |
usertom | http://paste.ubuntu.com/610958/ | 07:56 |
hbalint | PoppyHoney: what kind of source from? | 07:57 |
DasEi | PoppyHoney: (sudo) chmod +x execFile | 07:57 |
NisargS | plus, ATI redeon graphic card drivers were running very well in 10.10, but on installation in 11.04, they are actually making the whole animation slower! | 07:57 |
PoppyHoney | thanks i'll try | 07:57 |
hbalint | sry. | 07:57 |
NisargS | anyone? | 07:57 |
PoppyHoney | um its not working lol | 07:58 |
PoppyHoney | i got multi theft auto on another partition on windows | 07:58 |
DasEi | eoss: one line, as given | 07:58 |
PoppyHoney | and i want to run it, the gui wont let me | 07:58 |
DasEi | PoppyHoney: you try to run a exe under wine ? | 07:58 |
PoppyHoney | yes | 07:58 |
PoppyHoney | i got it installed | 07:58 |
PoppyHoney | it gives me the error thats its not executable | 07:58 |
PoppyHoney | i tried using the gui but it unchecks itself | 07:59 |
rogerzh | Ask for help, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share(WebDAV) to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon from each other under network folder, such as 'username on xxxx machine public files' but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 07:59 |
DasEi | PoppyHoney: what happens if you do in terminal : | 07:59 |
hbalint | PoppyHoney: try to move the file to your eg. Document folder.. | 07:59 |
DasEi | PoppyHoney: wine /path/to/file/gt.exe ? | 08:00 |
PoppyHoney | im confused with the path part >_> | 08:01 |
usertom | Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610958/ | 08:01 |
NisargS | can someone tell me why basic desktop animation is much slower in 11.04 than 10.10, all hardware being the same? | 08:02 |
DasEi | PoppyHoney: just cd there, then can copy from the prompt | 08:02 |
hamnegga | anyone here get java working in firefox? | 08:02 |
hamnegga | I've tried many many times fixing the plugins, in every possible directory, but have had no luck ever. | 08:02 |
DasEi | NisargS: can be either fglrx dropped, unity too heavy with compiz | 08:03 |
hamnegga | unity sucks | 08:03 |
NisargS | but i switched to classic | 08:03 |
bullgard4 | ouyes: Your computer is still charging even though your battery is fully charged. This is what we call in German "Erhaltungsladung". (I do not know the proper English term for it.) The purpose is to not let your battery become discharged but rather to keep it fully charged all the time you have the computer connected to 230 volts. | 08:03 |
NisargS | and its still slow | 08:03 |
eoss | had to restart had no idea what process it was | 08:04 |
NisargS | even alt + tab takes a second for the running app window to appear, and installing the ATI drivers makes it even worse, upto 3 seconds! | 08:04 |
eoss | can anyone tell me how to get eclipse to run in shell after just typing eclipse and not have to navigate to its folder? | 08:04 |
ouyes | bullgard4, thanks you | 08:04 |
gartral | I have a WEIRD bug. whenever i open my bluetooth headset's sound properties, a terminal opens and starts a speech synth that plays at full volume through system speakers.. it's annoying! | 08:04 |
NisargS | eoss: can you try symlinks to the eclipse file for execution | 08:05 |
eoss | thx | 08:06 |
PoppyHoney | lol the real sad part is that the game im trying to launch isnt supported by wine >.< | 08:06 |
NisargS | there is something called as launchers that launch applications fron the menu itself | 08:06 |
PoppyHoney | anyway thanks for the help and i feel that i will really enjoy ubuntu :p | 08:06 |
Jordan_U | I'm getting extremely low framerate for any program (even gnome-terminal) since upgrading to 11.04. I have a "nVidia Corporation C78 [GeForce 9100] (rev a2)" and I am using the proprietary drivers. | 08:07 |
NisargS | Jordan_U: same here, ATI radeon, disabling the graphic drivers gave me BETTER framerates! | 08:07 |
gaelfx | if I set up my router to use vpn, is it possible to make it only use the vpn for wireless connections and use the normal service for wired connections? | 08:08 |
NisargS | its disabled now, and i am thinking of switching to 10.04 now | 08:08 |
lonejack | can, anyone help me on printer? When I print for example a pdf file the printing operation is very slow. It seems that it prints as an image. For your knowledge I've an epson laser EPL5800... | 08:08 |
Jordan_U | NisargS: Unfortunately at the moment disabling the proprietary drivers gives me a kernel panic :( | 08:08 |
bullgard4 | How is a DEB program package composed? What is the structure of a DEB program package? | 08:08 |
Jordan_U | !packaging | bullgard4 | 08:08 |
ubottu | bullgard4: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports | 08:08 |
NisargS | Jordan_U: i am trying the drivers from the website now, lets see if that changes anything | 08:09 |
gaelfx | #openvpn | 08:10 |
gaelfx | hahaha, sorry | 08:10 |
rogerzh | Ask for help, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share(WebDAV) to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon from each other under network folder, such as 'username on xxxx machine public files' but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 08:14 |
bullgard4 | Jordan_U: The »packaging guide« does not answer the question which I have put or only in a very difficult accessible way. The »packaging guide« is written for MOTUs and similar people to compile a DEB program package. For example https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PackagingOverview starts with the headline "The changelog" which clearly is not in my scope. | 08:15 |
usertom | Jordan_U, are you still there? | 08:16 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Yes. | 08:16 |
usertom | http://paste.ubuntu.com/610958/ | 08:16 |
usertom | how bad is it? | 08:17 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Your BIOS is booting from /dev/sdc which contains an old and broken grub legacy install. If you change the boot order so that /dev/sda is first it should boot fine. | 08:18 |
usertom | Jordan_U, how would I do that? | 08:18 |
gaelfx | bullgard4: perhaps you should restate your question and make the problem you're having clearer | 08:19 |
Jordan_U | usertom: It depends on your BIOS. When you boot you should see a message like "Press F8 for more options or F12 for a one time boot menu", where F8 and F12 could be any function key depending on your particular BIOS. | 08:20 |
bullgard4 | gaelfx: You are probably right. I will try to re-word. | 08:20 |
gaelfx | thanks | 08:20 |
usertom | Jordan_U, I remember that my bios boot options go to the level were i can choose bewtween hardisk, cd or usb | 08:21 |
usertom | but not which hardisk... | 08:21 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Are you booted into a LiveCD right now? | 08:21 |
usertom | yes | 08:22 |
usertom | i tried reinstalling grub1 and 2 | 08:22 |
gaelfx | is there a tool for checking SMART status for a drive connected via USB? | 08:22 |
gartral | I have a WEIRD bug. whenever i open my bluetooth headset's sound properties, a terminal opens and starts a speech synth that plays at full volume through system speakers.. it's annoying! | 08:23 |
usertom | aslo found a promising gujin bootloader | 08:23 |
usertom | but all to no avail | 08:23 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Run this in a terminal: sudo mount /dev/sdc6 /mnt/; sudo mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/dev/; sudo mount --bind /proc/ /mnt/proc/; sudo mount --bind /sys/ /mnt/sys/; sudo chroot /mnt/" | 08:24 |
gaelfx | !netsplit | 08:24 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 08:24 |
Jordan_U | usertom: After running that you should be at a prompt ending in '#'. Tell me when you're there. | 08:26 |
usertom | Jordan_U, yes | 08:26 |
usertom | Jordan_U, im there | 08:26 |
dave | sigh | 08:26 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Good. Now run "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" | 08:26 |
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=== Guest7327 is now known as tuxxers | ||
gaelfx | I recently got a USB3.0 card and an HDD dock to use with it, but it seems to be operating at 705Mbps (according to Disk Utility), is there any way to figure out if that's because of the card or because of the dock? | 08:27 |
gorski | i just bouht a mp3 on ubuntu one music store and rhythbox don't won't to download the song 'cause it says internet connection needed!!!! help | 08:27 |
tuxxers | many are upset of no google gadgets in natty | 08:27 |
tuxxers | :/ | 08:27 |
Jordan_U | usertom: It will ask you some questions. We only care about the question having to do with install devices, leave all the other at their default (which may be blank, that's normal). | 08:27 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Tell me when you get to the question about install devices. | 08:28 |
ShapeShifter499 | hi | 08:29 |
alextybob | Hi i'm trying to use ubuntu to help me recover a hard drive | 08:29 |
tuxxers | anyone got Google Gadgets running on Natty? | 08:29 |
feng | Hi | 08:29 |
ShapeShifter499 | can I dump my whole ubuntu system to a live cd then restore from the cd when I want or need to onto a new computer ? | 08:30 |
feng | So many people | 08:30 |
usertom | Jordan_U, ok its asking about sda as default? | 08:30 |
Jordan_U | usertom: You select devices with space bar, then continue by pressing Enter. You want to select sda, sdb, and sdc. | 08:30 |
gaelfx | tuxxers: um, I thought google gadgets were for websites? shouldn't they work if you're using Chromium? | 08:30 |
gartral_ | gorski: do you have ubuntu 1 setup? | 08:30 |
gorski | yes i have | 08:30 |
pepribal | hi all... Need some help with configuring indicator area anyone? thx. | 08:30 |
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe | ||
tuxxers | google gadgets for google sidebar | 08:30 |
gartral_ | gorski: then sync the folders. | 08:31 |
gartral_ | gaelfx: tuxxers is talking about the Google Gadget Widget engine | 08:31 |
usertom | Jordan_U, ok got it | 08:31 |
gorski | gartral_ tnx it is downloading | 08:31 |
usertom | Jordan_U, finished no error | 08:32 |
gaelfx | gartral_: gotcha, thanks | 08:32 |
gartral_ | gorski: your welcome, i know google 1 can be confusing, but i love it | 08:32 |
alextybob | Hi, ubuntu is recognising my hard drive is there but it is saying it is unformatted. what should i do? | 08:32 |
pepribal | hi all... Need some help with configuring indicator area in the unity panel... anyone? thx. | 08:33 |
thr01 | nayve it is unformatted?## | 08:33 |
thr01 | *maybe | 08:33 |
coz_ | pepribal, what are you trying to configure? | 08:33 |
alextybob | nah | 08:33 |
alextybob | that's the problem | 08:33 |
coz_ | pepribal, specifically I meant | 08:33 |
alextybob | my computer just crashed (windows...) and i'm trying to sort my hard drive and its saying it isn't formatted =/ | 08:33 |
pepribal | hi coz_, I want to remove a couple default icons, for example | 08:34 |
thr01 | meh ive been up too long to type properly cant help yu :( | 08:34 |
alextybob | :( | 08:34 |
coz_ | pepribal, can you tell me w hich ones? | 08:34 |
gartral_ | pepribal: what does the disk utility say? | 08:34 |
pepribal | mail configuration, and the one with the user name | 08:34 |
alextybob | any hard drive fixing suggestions (i.e. any program that might be able to do the job)? | 08:34 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Run boot info script once more to confirm, but you should be done now. | 08:34 |
pepribal | disk utility? which one? | 08:34 |
coz_ | pepribal, if you right click any one of them untikc the Lock to panel,, then right click it again ,,it should show a quit option | 08:36 |
coz_ | pepribal, and that should be respected for next log on | 08:36 |
pepribal | I don't get the lock to panel option... | 08:36 |
rixt | how do I get unity to change the wallpaper periodically? | 08:37 |
tuxxers | no google gadgets >:( | 08:37 |
new2net | I'm looking for a program to monitor my cpu temp. Using natty | 08:38 |
gartral_ | tuxxers: are you on unity or gnome claasic | 08:38 |
pepribal | How can I get the lock to panel option in Unity? | 08:38 |
tuxxers | yes | 08:39 |
gartral_ | new2net: lmsensensors | 08:39 |
tuxxers | unity | 08:39 |
gaelfx | new2net: libsensors | 08:39 |
tuxxers | but they could have got it goin | 08:39 |
gaelfx | er, haha, lmsensors :P | 08:39 |
gartral_ | tuxxers: "yes" what? | 08:39 |
nit-wit | pepribal, search lok screen | 08:39 |
U53r__ | hey everyone | 08:40 |
=== mathy is now known as Guest48035 | ||
nit-wit | *lock | 08:40 |
new2net | ...? | 08:40 |
tuxxers | another reason to migrate to mint | 08:40 |
pepribal | lock screen? where? | 08:40 |
gartral_ | new2net: i asked a two part question, "yes" is not an option | 08:41 |
U53r__ | one question, in ubuntu 11.04 how do you hide/remove the icons on the top right corner in that toolbar thingy? | 08:42 |
nit-wit | pepribal, it is somewhere it comes up using the synapse search function, not synaptic | 08:42 |
nit-wit | pepribal, synapse needs to be installed though | 08:43 |
pepribal | ok | 08:43 |
Mike35_ | holaaaaaaaa | 08:43 |
U53r__ | hey | 08:43 |
nit-wit | pepribal, it is the first choice in the icon far right corner for shutdown...etc | 08:43 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Did you see my last message? | 08:44 |
nit-wit | pepribal, apparento ctralt-l is the keys to get it | 08:44 |
U53r__ | Hell everyone. | 08:45 |
nit-wit | *crtl-alt-l | 08:45 |
U53r__ | hello | 08:45 |
pepribal | ah, yes, I can lock screen | 08:45 |
pepribal | but i cannot unlock icons from panel | 08:45 |
nit-wit | ! ask } U53r__ | 08:45 |
ubottu | nit-wit: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:45 |
nit-wit | pepribal, nobody can unlock them | 08:46 |
mang0 | Hm. Guys, whenever somone tweets me, I get the notification message. I have uninstalled Empathy and stuff. I don't want the notification message, how do I get rid of it? | 08:46 |
pepribal | That means I cannot ever remove icons from the default indicator area? | 08:46 |
nit-wit | pepribal, the top panel | 08:47 |
U53r__ | One Question, Mind Answering It? | 08:48 |
pepribal | So icons in the indicator area of the top panel cannot be removed then? | 08:48 |
U53r__ | how do you remove 'em? | 08:48 |
usertom | Jordan_U, are you still there ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/610969/ | 08:48 |
nit-wit | pepribal, I don't think there is a function to remove any top panel icons, that I know of. | 08:48 |
gartral | !question | U53r__ | 08:48 |
ubottu | U53r__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 08:48 |
rogerzh | Ask for help, I met the problem when I tried using gnome-user-share(WebDAV) to share the files between 2 ubuntu 11.04x86_64 machines. I could find the share icon from each other under network folder, such as 'username on xxxx machine public files' but I got the error msg when I click on it; the msg is "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" | 08:48 |
REK_007 | HWAWEI EC950 | 08:49 |
REK_007 | compatilbe with ubuntu? | 08:49 |
U53r__ | @ubottu ok, Thanks :) | 08:49 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Looks good. | 08:49 |
usertom | does it? | 08:49 |
usertom | SHOULD i RISK A REBOOT? | 08:49 |
pepribal | Ok, thanks nit-wit | 08:49 |
MACscr|lappy | how can i mount an xfs disk in the ubuntu live cd environment? | 08:50 |
usertom | Jordan_U, i'm not sure I find back here to thank you! | 08:50 |
MACscr|lappy | sudo apt-get install xfsprogs doesnt seem to find anything | 08:50 |
pepribal | One last question: isn't there in Unity a button for selecting workspaces? | 08:50 |
localuser | where can i enable remember active sessions in natty? | 08:50 |
nit-wit | pepribal, no problem, you never know there are ways to add icons not available stock, so somebody will hack the bar.;) | 08:50 |
linuxking | hey there, I'm having a problem, I installed linux ultimate edition 2.9 alongside ubuntu Natty but now each time I boot into natty the ultimate edition partition gets corrupted | 08:51 |
REK_007 | HUAWEI EC150 supporte on ubuntu ? reply fast guys please ... will be buying one | 08:51 |
JWay | any suggestions why my lenovo v200 has its fan running constant after ubuntu 11.04 resume from suspend? | 08:51 |
JWay | i have to reboot to make it work normally | 08:52 |
pepribal | nit-wit, ok, I just wanted to know if there was any official way of doing it | 08:52 |
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linuxking | hey there, I'm having a problem, I installed linux ultimate edition 2.9 alongside ubuntu Natty but now each time I boot into natty the ultimate edition partition gets corrupted so what could be the problem | 08:52 |
linuxking | 08:53 | |
nit-wit | linuxking, how about a definition of the corruption. | 08:53 |
pepribal | Question: where is the button for selecting workspaces in Unity? | 08:54 |
linuxking | nit-wit I don't get you | 08:54 |
localuser | peribal: u can drag n drop icons in it | 08:54 |
usertom | Jordan_U, I cant see the line giving the option to boot linux on sdc6 | 08:55 |
nit-wit | linuxking, your description lack any detail of what this "corruption" is, can I be any clearer.;) | 08:55 |
Jordan_U | usertom: I don't understand what you mean. | 08:55 |
Gnea | hey everyone, I'm having a total brainfart - what's the name of that program that can download an Ubuntu ISO for you and then burn it straight to a device? | 08:55 |
nit-wit | unetbootin | 08:56 |
usertom | Jordan_U, I do see the line for the win7 boot option | 08:56 |
Gnea | yes! thank you :) | 08:56 |
usertom | Jordan_U, but not for linux on that 33gig partition... | 08:56 |
usertom | Jordan_U, actually no! win 7 is on sdc1 | 08:57 |
U53r__ | I was wondering, if you're in an IRC Chat are you vurnerable to getting hacked? | 08:57 |
Jordan_U | usertom: I don't know what lines you are talking about. | 08:58 |
usertom | from the last http://paste.ubuntu.com/610969/ | 08:58 |
iceroot | U53r__: you are always when connected to other pcs | 08:58 |
usertom | result.txt | 08:58 |
rixt | OK, so I can now find my way around in Unity, but how do I get my wallpaper to change periodically in Natty? | 08:59 |
linuxking | nit-wit ok, now I get you. this is what's happening, I can boot into ultimate edition as many times as i can but the moment I boot into natty, If I reboot the machine my grub will be gone and if I boot with a live cd and open gparted, The ultimate edition will be said to be an unknown partition | 08:59 |
Jordan_U | usertom: For some reason the grub.cfg was not found / included in that boot info script output. I'm guessing that it's just a bug in the script. If you reboot you should be able to boot into Ubuntu or Windows. | 08:59 |
usertom | Jordan_U, its listing sda1/boot.ini | 09:00 |
usertom | Jordan_U, can i look at grub.cfg 'manually' | 09:01 |
localuser | where can i enable 'remember active session' at boot in natty? | 09:01 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Yes. It's in /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg | 09:01 |
usertom | Jordan_U, I see but thats a quite extensive script! | 09:03 |
nit-wit | linuxking, I wonder if you don't have overlapping partitions how did you make the partitions for both setups? Just guesing off the top of my head, this script if you run it in a pastebin will give us more info. | 09:03 |
MACscr|lappy | is there an official Ubuntu blog by canonical? | 09:03 |
MACscr|lappy | im curious what was said after natty was released | 09:03 |
usertom | Jordan_U, ok, thanks Jordan! I'll try it then and you have the best of lives for your generous help! | 09:04 |
MACscr|lappy | im wondering how they have reacted to feedback about unity, etc | 09:04 |
nit-wit | linuxking, this script http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ | 09:04 |
Jordan_U | usertom: You're welcome. | 09:04 |
Gnea | MACscr|lappy: they basically said "this is unity, this is what we're using, it's the wave of the future" | 09:04 |
MACscr|lappy | lol, they still went with that mantra after the release and feedback? thats just stupid to completely ignore your userbase | 09:05 |
Gnea | MACscr|lappy: in the corporate world, money talks, no one cares about the users | 09:05 |
localuser | there is always to choice to run ubuntu classic | 09:05 |
MACscr|lappy | localuser: not always, just until the next release | 09:05 |
nit-wit | MACscr|lappy, #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:06 |
MACscr|lappy | last i heard, its gone in 11.10 | 09:06 |
Gnea | MACscr|lappy: how do you figure? | 09:06 |
MACscr|lappy | Gnea: because thats what they announced | 09:06 |
Gnea | MACscr|lappy: let's take this to #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:06 |
K|nG | Hello there PLease I have one problem there show this how I can get an example of pppoe.conf ?? | 09:07 |
Uongika | Ola penguinz | 09:07 |
linuxking | nit-wit my partitions were ext3 and ext4 for U.edition and unity respectively | 09:07 |
superman097 | @uongika ola buddy | 09:08 |
K|nG | Please someone can help me check this: | 09:08 |
Uongika | Hozsi superman097 bro | 09:08 |
K|nG | Please someone can help me check this: http://pastebin.com/JVss7huM | 09:08 |
Uongika | Pici bruder ola | 09:11 |
usertom | Jordan_U, it worked! | 09:11 |
adminuser | hi | 09:11 |
usertom | Jordan_U, but I didnt get an option to boot my win 7 on sdc1 | 09:11 |
Jordan_U | usertom: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"? | 09:12 |
adminuser | anybody know anything about dell wireless 1397 (broadcom) driver under the bt4 | 09:12 |
adminuser | if anybody charged of information about , pls help | 09:13 |
usertom | Jordan_U, /dev/sda1:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain | 09:13 |
usertom | /dev/sdb1:Windows NT/2000/XP (loader):Windows1:chain | 09:13 |
Jordan_U | usertom: Run "sudo update-grub" and an entry for Windows 7 will be created. | 09:14 |
nit-wit | linuxking, okay, so if a partiton comes up as unallocated does it still boot and was it maybe this way to begin with, IE the partition table got messed up, or you have overlapping partitions.Th script link I posted will get us closer suspect along with your dialogue. | 09:14 |
albech | i need to create a SSH tunnel from my external machine to an internal machine behind a NAT firewall. The NAT firewall DNAT port 10044 to the internal machines port 22. | 09:14 |
go8765432 | hello/ can anybody help me to install sbxkb please. when i try to configure it have message:http://paste.ubuntu.com/610952/ | 09:15 |
adminuser | so what about bt4 , driver from dell wireless 1397? | 09:15 |
albech | when doing 'SSH -L 10873:Firewall_IP:873 -l username -p 10044 -N Firewall_IP' the tunnel is created correctly, but the port on the internal machine is not 873, but rather some random port | 09:16 |
gartral | go8765432: looks like you need too install gklib | 09:16 |
usertom | Jordan_U, sweet, youŕe an angel, thanks Jordan! | 09:16 |
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Jordan_U | usertom: You're welcome. | 09:16 |
gartral | go8765432: gdklib* | 09:17 |
gaelfx | I recently bought a USB3.0 card and an HDD dock to go with it, but according to Disk Utility, it's only operating at 705Mbps, is there any way to tell if it's the card or the dock that's limiting the bandwidth? | 09:17 |
adminuser | bt4 working into oracle VB , but did not recognize wlan0 (dell wireless 1397) , pls advise | 09:18 |
go8765432 | gardar, i cant find it in synaptic | 09:18 |
gartral | gaelfx: it might be the hdd your putting into he dock | 09:19 |
linuxking | nit-wit I've been having the dual boot of the two OS's since 28 april up until last wednesday, what's confusing me is that the U.E partition is the only one that comes with an unidentified file system but the other one stay ok and No, it on't boot | 09:19 |
ttiicc | hello guys Im runnning Ubuntu 10.4.2 LTS, for how long will updates be available for this version? | 09:19 |
gartral | go8765432: a) i'm not gardar b) it should be in under lingtk | 09:19 |
gaelfx | gartral: ok, is there any way to test that? It should be able to do 3Gbps, it's not an old drive | 09:19 |
ttiicc | and when will I have to upgrade? | 09:19 |
theadmin | ttiicc: There's no such Ubuntu version as 10.4.2, do you mean 10.04.2? | 09:20 |
Gnea | !lts | ttiicc | 09:20 |
ubottu | ttiicc: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) | 09:20 |
ttiicc | yes sorry I meant 10.04.2 | 09:20 |
gartral | gaelfx: actually, the SATA link has NOTHING too do with the drive's actual throughput | 09:20 |
theadmin | !lucid | ttiicc | 09:20 |
ubottu | ttiicc: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | 09:20 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Check those links. | 09:20 |
Jordan_U | !bootinfo | linuxking | 09:21 |
ubottu | linuxking: To diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at). | 09:21 |
ttiicc | ok so I will be able to use it for another 3 years | 09:21 |
gaelfx | gartral: ok, ok, but how to figure out what's limiting it? | 09:21 |
ttiicc | that's nice to know! | 09:21 |
=== sammy is now known as Guest77290 | ||
ttiicc | thanks for your time guys, I appreciate the help | 09:21 |
gartral | gaelfx: well for starts Disk Utility has a nice suite too tell the Drive's throughput | 09:21 |
go8765432 | gartral, , i cant fing lingtk too | 09:22 |
* theadmin always finds it funny how a "long" support for some release makes those non-rolling-distro users happy. | 09:22 | |
CLR-200 | hi to all, i have a video problem with ubuntu and an acer aspire one zg5 | 09:22 |
CLR-200 | i think it because i don't have installed proprietary drivers, but where i find they usually, they aren't actually | 09:23 |
theadmin | CLR-200: What is the problem, exactly? Also, please give the output of lspci|grep -i vga | 09:23 |
gaelfx | gartral: right, but if the card or the dock is limiting the connection, then how can it accurately gauge throughput? | 09:23 |
CLR-200 | theadmin, i can't see milkytracker or other app in fullscreen | 09:23 |
CLR-200 | i got two black row at the margin of the screen | 09:23 |
gartral | gaelfx: i'm not sure.. two things too check first are Drive's throughput, and rather or not your Computer's PCI bus/chipset/cpu can handle the load | 09:24 |
CLR-200 | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 09:24 |
go8765432 | gartral, http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/6m0mxibv/1_001.png | 09:24 |
ttiicc | LTS support makes the easiest version of linux to run for years on my computer, I can focus on the system and probably learn how to master it more or less from the commandline before I have to upgrade it | 09:24 |
ttiicc | so Im buying my self just time with LTS versions of the system | 09:24 |
gartral | go8765432: LIBGTK | 09:25 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Here with my distro I always have the latest release just by installing all package upgrades :D | 09:25 |
gaelfx | gartral: how to check the pci or chipset? | 09:25 |
gartral | gaelfx: lots of googling.. | 09:25 |
go8765432 | gartral, it is installed already | 09:26 |
Nighthawk`` | or everest application will do the trick - i'm using it alot | 09:26 |
CLR-200 | theadmin, here is: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 09:26 |
theadmin | CLR-200: Meh, intels... I'm not sure they even produce Linux drivers | 09:26 |
go8765432 | gartral, http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/7wzmf51z/1_002.png | 09:26 |
ttiicc | theadmin: so you run the LTS version but upgrades those packages which you like to the latest? | 09:27 |
testi_ | Is there a package for MPWM - or any other Windowmanager that can handle multiple pointers? | 09:27 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Nah, I'm not running Ubuntu | 09:27 |
theadmin | ttiicc: It's offtopic, so /msg me if you want to know more | 09:27 |
CLR-200 | theadmin, thanks | 09:27 |
Uongika | unity contains a few dozen of bugs, bro | 09:27 |
ttiicc | hey are that guy a boot? | 09:28 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Sorry, what? | 09:28 |
ttiicc | are you a boot or a humanbeing? | 09:28 |
gaelfx | !info lbs | 09:28 |
ubottu | Package lbs does not exist in natty | 09:28 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Me? I'm human. I suppose. | 09:28 |
Uongika | ttiicc bro ola penguin! | 09:28 |
CLR-200 | what is the command for install a specific driver? | 09:28 |
linuxking | ubottu how do I !pastebin for you to see it because I now have the results.txt | 09:29 |
ubottu | linuxking: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:29 |
theadmin | CLR-200: Well, there is none, you need to know which package it's in | 09:29 |
gaelfx | is Linux Benchmark Suite in the repos? | 09:29 |
theadmin | !find benchmark | 09:29 |
ubottu | Found: libbenchmark-ocaml-dev, libbenchmark-progressbar-perl, libbenchmark-timer-perl, octave-benchmark, php-benchmark | 09:29 |
go8765432 | gardar, can you help me to install sbxkb ? | 09:29 |
andantino | hello | 09:29 |
ttiicc | ok sorry theadmin | 09:29 |
theadmin | gaelfx: Premsumably not. | 09:29 |
ttiicc | :) | 09:29 |
ttiicc | do you run debian? | 09:29 |
* theadmin runs Arch, ttiicc | 09:30 | |
CLR-200 | theadmin, thanks | 09:30 |
Jordan_U | !pastebin | linuxking | 09:30 |
ubottu | linuxking: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 09:30 |
Uongika | Archlinux, yes, great! | 09:30 |
andantino | im havving a problem here.... | 09:30 |
CLR-200 | !00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 09:30 |
gaelfx | theadmin: wel, thanks for checking :D | 09:30 |
ubottu | CLR-200: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:30 |
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COBOL2121 | Anyone know when VMWare will add tools support for the latest Ubuntu release? | 09:30 |
andantino | at first i could not get my mic to work on ubuntu | 09:30 |
andantino | then i read some instructions on line and followed them | 09:31 |
theadmin | COBOL2121: I suggest trying VirtualBox out. | 09:31 |
andantino | and its working but now my mic is always on...i can hear my typing through my headphones | 09:31 |
go8765432 | can anybody help me to install sbxkb please ? when i configure it i have message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/610952/ ? | 09:31 |
=== joh_ is now known as joh | ||
COBOL2121 | theadmin, what is VirtualBox's advantage over VMware Fusion? | 09:32 |
theadmin | COBOL2121: Dunno. I just find it faster, plus I can use a real HD for the guest hard drive, not sure if VMW does that. | 09:32 |
COBOL2121 | theadmin, I may have to give it a go | 09:32 |
gaelfx | theadmin: maybe you have a better idea about how I can find out the bottleneck in my USB3.0 set up? I've got a new 3.0 card and an HDD dock connected to it, but it only transfers at 705Mbps, I need to find out if it's the card or the dock, or possibly the drive, but I should check the other two first | 09:33 |
andantino | does anyone know what would cause my internal mic to be playing back | 09:33 |
theadmin | gaelfx: If I'd know, I'd gladly tell ya | 09:33 |
ttiicc | heu guys Im trying to remove evolution and I get this error message! http://pastebin.com/HnurykCh | 09:33 |
gaelfx | worth a shot | 09:33 |
nit-wit | gaelfx, whats it plugged into a usb port? | 09:33 |
gartral_ | ttiicc: removing evolution is a PAIN | 09:34 |
ttiicc | Im gonna remove evolution couse Im more comfortable with thunderbird | 09:34 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Consider running this: sudo apt-get remove evolution* | 09:34 |
theadmin | ttiicc: With a * at the end. | 09:34 |
ttiicc | so what's your recommendation if I would like to use thunderbirg instead of evolution | 09:35 |
long | hello | 09:35 |
iceroot | ttiicc: just install thunderbird | 09:35 |
long | who is a girl in the rom ? | 09:35 |
iceroot | long: stop it please | 09:35 |
long | why?? | 09:35 |
theadmin | long: ...This is not a meeting channel. | 09:35 |
ttiicc | but I woul like to have thuinderbird as the standar accociated program for mail | 09:35 |
long | that?? | 09:35 |
theadmin | long: It's only for support questions, not for asking for naked pics. | 09:35 |
_Rix | hey guys | 09:35 |
long | boy and girl | 09:36 |
_Rix | how do i remove Windows Vista from my Ubuntu/Vista dualboot | 09:36 |
iceroot | long: now stop it | 09:36 |
theadmin | ttiicc: System -> Preferences -> Preferred Applications. | 09:36 |
long | why?? | 09:36 |
long | who are you ?/ | 09:36 |
iceroot | !ops | long | 09:36 |
ubottu | long: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww! | 09:36 |
* theadmin facepalms | 09:36 | |
long | what are you doing?? | 09:36 |
ttiicc | ok thanks theadmin, then the only thing with keeping evolution would be disk space which I have plenty of, right? | 09:36 |
theadmin | _Rix: Format the Vista drive? | 09:36 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Suppose so, btw Thunderbird rulz xD | 09:37 |
long | windows ?? | 09:37 |
bullgard4 | !unity | dominik | 09:37 |
ubottu | dominik: Unity is the default UI for Ubuntu 11.04. Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. You can still boot to GNOME; see !classic. | 09:37 |
Jordan_U | !guidelines | long | 09:37 |
ubottu | long: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 09:37 |
theadmin | Thanks a bunch, Jordan_U | 09:37 |
_Rix | how would i go about doing that the | 09:37 |
_Rix | theadmin, | 09:37 |
ttiicc | yes it really does :theadmin | 09:38 |
theadmin | _Rix: ehh... sudo mkfs.FILESYSTEM_TYPE /dev/sdXY -- substitute stuff properly. | 09:38 |
Atari-Teenage-Ri | haloo | 09:38 |
Atari-Teenage-Ri | anyone know how to get battery applets for xubuntu 11.04? | 09:38 |
theadmin | _Rix: After this, run sudo update-grub to remove Vista's entry from the GRUB menu | 09:39 |
_Rix | alright theadmin | 09:39 |
_Rix | i'll just boot into vista at the moment to see if there's anything important | 09:39 |
ttiicc | don't you guys think the Indicator Applet 0.3.7 id annoying? | 09:39 |
_Rix | be right back | 09:39 |
nit-wit | Atari-Teenage-Ri, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-omg-guide-to-must-have-indicator-applets/ | 09:40 |
ttiicc | would you guys recommend me to remove it or to keep it and try to get use to it since you guys sees it's functionality | 09:40 |
ttiicc | sorry I splitted the question in to two sentences! | 09:41 |
theadmin | ttiicc: I find it useless. | 09:41 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Your choice though | 09:41 |
ttiicc | ok so I could just go ahead and remove it, I pretty annoyes me and I have just been using it for some hours | 09:41 |
Evanescence | how to remove PPA source, I found that I can not remove one software completely, when I upgrade , then this software will in that install list still. which command can remove PPA source ? | 09:42 |
theadmin | Evanescence: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list/whatever-ppa.list | 09:42 |
theadmin | Err. | 09:42 |
theadmin | Evanescence: sources.list.d rather than sources.list | 09:42 |
Evanescence | theadmin: i see | 09:43 |
theadmin | APT is confusing :( | 09:43 |
nit-wit | lol you beat me to it theadmin | 09:43 |
bullgard4 | Why does seahorse > Other Keys show the validity of a certain entry as "Full" but on another Ubuntu computer in the same LAN as "Unknown"? | 09:43 |
theadmin | nit-wit: xD Happens. I often do that | 09:43 |
Evanescence | theadmin: so what is .list.save ? | 09:44 |
theadmin | Evanescence: Eh... No idea, probably remove that too | 09:44 |
Evanescence | theadmin: huhu .... | 09:44 |
theadmin | Evanescence: After that do a apt-get update | 09:44 |
gaelfx | Disk Utility reports benchmarks in MB, is that actually megabytes or is it supposed to be mebibytes? | 09:46 |
gaelfx | (I only ask because I was under the impression that Ubuntu software was supposed to report in binary bytes) | 09:47 |
=== XOXO1 is now known as Monkfish | ||
uni4dfx | can someone tell me if the month names in command "last" are translated in non-english ubuntu? | 09:50 |
theadmin | uni4dfx: If you have another language installed, you can check yourself, something like this: LANG=ru_RU.UTF8 last | 09:50 |
ttiicc | this might be a silly question but I downloaded and installed thunderbird with sudo aptitude install thunderbird! Now I just wonder where the icon for thunderbird is placed on the HD? | 09:51 |
uni4dfx | theadmin: must say i didn't know this, but unfortunately i don't have any other language installed other than english | 09:51 |
Fonzie2k2 | does anyone have a recomendation for a firewall/router distro based on ubuntu/debian ? | 09:52 |
theadmin | ttiicc: Probably around /usr/share/icons or /usr/share/pixmaps | 09:52 |
ttiicc | thanks again theadmin! | 09:52 |
theadmin | ttiicc: To see all files from the thunderbird package, run: dpkg-query -L thunderbird | 09:53 |
Surlent777 | I notice that in "Additional Drivers" it claims I have the proprietary nvidia drivers installed and activated, but they are not in use. I further notice that going to System > Preferences > Monitors no longer makes the system yell at me and tell me to use nvidia-settings. What exactly does this imply? | 09:53 |
ttiicc | the icon for thunderbird were found in /usr/share/pixmaps! | 09:54 |
theadmin | Surlent777: That you must run sudo nvidia-xconfig. | 09:54 |
Surlent777 | theadmin: well, that's new. Let's see if something happens. | 09:55 |
theadmin | Surlent777: Restart X (or reboot) after that's done | 09:56 |
Surlent777 | theadmin: I tried restarting X to no avail; I'll try the reboot I guess | 09:57 |
xwj | hello | 10:00 |
Jim8255 | Hi | 10:01 |
xwj | why use ubuntu or linux? | 10:01 |
Jim8255 | coz windows looks a kind of gay? | 10:01 |
jinnix | 121 | 10:02 |
theadmin | xwj, Jim8255: It's offtopic here. We use Linux cause we like it (btw, I don't like Ubuntu and don't use it) | 10:02 |
Jim8255 | dude, i'm joking | 10:02 |
xwj | according linux what we can do? | 10:03 |
MuNk` | is it possible to remove the chat option from the unity/messaging menu? as im using pidgin instead | 10:03 |
xwj | what's the used mostly linux version? | 10:04 |
theadmin | xwj: Ubuntu's the most popular distribution. Doesn't mean it's the best though | 10:04 |
bazhang | !ot | xwj | 10:04 |
ubottu | xwj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 10:04 |
xwj | ok,thank you | 10:04 |
xwj | what we talk here | 10:05 |
bazhang | xwj, ubuntu support | 10:05 |
bazhang | xwj, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here | 10:06 |
xwj | sorry,my english is poor | 10:06 |
Surlent777 | theadmin: even after rebooting, it says the same thing | 10:07 |
Surlent777 | "This driver is activated but not currently in use" | 10:07 |
theadmin | Surlent777: Well, odd, sorry. I'm not sure. If it was Arch, I'd tell you to blacklist the default driver in rc.conf, but... | 10:08 |
Surlent777 | theadmin: and yet I can still use everything more or less normally. I suspect somehow that the nv drivers or something are being used instead | 10:08 |
Surlent777 | maybe removing and then reinstalling it will magically fix everything | 10:08 |
Nissan | ola boa tarde a todos | 10:09 |
momolee | does anyone know how to install gimp 2.7.1 using gdebi | 10:10 |
theadmin | Was nice talking to you, but I have to go - -- bb | 10:10 |
Free-man | mornin | 10:10 |
Surlent777 | momolee: assuming that was provided as a deb, you simply open it with gdebi and hit "Install" | 10:11 |
Nissan | good night | 10:11 |
ttiicc | I removed the applet which you could reglate the sound colume with, wonder if you guys know with which character combination the sound could be lowered in gnome? | 10:11 |
superman097 | @momolee download the gimp package at apt-web apt-web.dahsy.at | 10:12 |
superman097 | choose the distribution seris | 10:12 |
superman097 | series | 10:12 |
superman097 | then download all the package that show there | 10:12 |
usr13 | momolee: Why not use apt? | 10:13 |
superman097 | entry to the directory that saved all files .deb | 10:13 |
superman097 | then use the command sudo apt-get install *.deb | 10:14 |
momolee | surlent777 and superman097 I got the .deb file but each time I try to instal I a error massage that says "Breaks existing package 'gimp-data' that conflict: 'gimp-python'. But the 'gimp_2.7.3-2011042102~nn_i386.deb' provides it via: 'gimp-helpbrowser,gimp-python'" | 10:14 |
superman097 | oh sorry | 10:14 |
superman097 | i means sudo dpkg -i *.deb | 10:14 |
superman097 | @momolle try sudo apt-get install -f | 10:15 |
momolee | usr13 apt is giving me an error massage "Couldn't find any package by regex 'gimp_2.7.3-2011042102~nn_i386.deb'" | 10:17 |
superman097 | @momolee use the pastebin and put the command and error message here... can you? | 10:18 |
usr13 | momolee: What happens when you do sudo apt-get install gimp ? | 10:18 |
momolee | superman097 using apt I get the error massage "Couldn't find any package by regex 'gimp_2.7.3-2011042102~nn_i386.deb'" | 10:19 |
iceroot | momolee: dont use sudo apt-get install *.deb | 10:20 |
iceroot | momolee: and dont use apt-get for local deb-files | 10:20 |
momolee | usr13 I don't want to use the internet do redownload the gimp because I already have the deb and it's dependencies | 10:20 |
superman097 | @momolee : use the pastebin (like paste.ubuntu.com) then put your command and error message right here... example http://paste.ubuntu.com/610889/ | 10:21 |
superman097 | we must know the detail, thx... | 10:22 |
usr13 | momolee: dpkg -i gimp_2.7.3-2011042102~nn_i386.deb | pastebinit | 10:22 |
jacky_ | hello | 10:22 |
jacky_ | anybody here? | 10:22 |
momolee | iceroot that's why I'm using gdebi and not apt | 10:23 |
superman097 | @jacky : welcome | 10:23 |
iceroot | !offline | momolee | 10:23 |
ubottu | momolee: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD | 10:23 |
jamiewan | ask ! jacky | 10:23 |
jamiewan | ! ask | jacky | 10:23 |
ubottu | jacky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 10:23 |
ubuser1 | hello | 10:24 |
Sterist | anyone familiar with OpenOffice spreadsheet functions? | 10:25 |
usr13 | momolee: Best to use apt. sudo apt-get install gimp | 10:25 |
ubuser1 | i have a dual boot win xp+ubuntu can yo help me to restore grub after a windows reinstall? | 10:25 |
Sterist | i've tried using it's help guide but the more i look the more i suck :( | 10:25 |
bazhang | Sterist, #openoffice.org may be | 10:25 |
ubuser1 | :-D | 10:25 |
Sterist | o really :) thanks | 10:25 |
usr13 | Sterist: what is the porblem? | 10:26 |
Sterist | ubuser1 boot with LiveCD and open terminal. command Sudo apt-get install grub | 10:26 |
cebong | can you restore with live cd brother... | 10:26 |
Sterist | ubuser1 verify with someone else on that | 10:26 |
Sterist | ubuser1 that's the part of the command that i CAN remember lol | 10:26 |
ubuser1 | Sterist: that comand will not install grub 2 on hdd | 10:27 |
jamiewan | ubuser1: i think theres a bit more than that to it | 10:27 |
Sterist | ubuser1 like i said, verify with someone else | 10:27 |
jamiewan | google up unix toolbox go to section 1.9 repair grub, that worked for me | 10:27 |
cebong | ubuser1 : you can boot with live cd and open the terminal | 10:27 |
momolee | ubottu I got the files from the archives of installed .deb files from a friend's machine and he got them from the repositories | 10:27 |
ubottu | momolee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:27 |
ubuser1 | i tryed sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt | 10:28 |
ubuser1 | sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda BUT NOT WORK | 10:28 |
Mattias | Say I want to use the package manager instead of downloading manually, is there a way to get a single "unsupported backport" of a program like say, virtualbox-ose-guest-utils 4.0.8 somehow? | 10:28 |
cebong | ubuser1 : and you find your ubuntu filesystem with " fdisk -l | 10:28 |
usr13 | ubuser1: is the root directory mounted in /mnt/? | 10:28 |
Sterist | ubuser1 sudo apt-get grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda ? | 10:28 |
usr13 | ubuser1: but where is the root filesystem mounted? | 10:29 |
Sterist | ubuser1 grub is not supposed to go anywhere but the device root. don't put it on sda3 | 10:29 |
usr13 | ubuser1: Get the mount point right and it will work | 10:29 |
cebong | ubuser1 : yah thats true | 10:29 |
usr13 | ubuser1: mount | pastebinit | 10:30 |
ubuser1 | no i tryed this command sudo apt-get grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda | 10:30 |
Sterist | usr13 i'm trying to set up some simple math functions in the spreadsheet | 10:30 |
ubuser1 | but not work | 10:30 |
jamiewan | #mount /dev/sda? /mnt - mount the linux partition on /mnt | 10:30 |
jamiewan | #mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc - mount the proc subsystem into /mnt | 10:30 |
jamiewan | #mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev - mount the devices into /mnt | 10:30 |
jamiewan | #chroot /mnt - change root to the linux partition | 10:30 |
jamiewan | #grub-install /dev/sda - reinstall grub with your old settings | 10:30 |
FloodBot1 | jamiewan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:30 |
Sterist | !grub2 | 10:30 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 10:30 |
momolee | usr13 thank you, it worked!!! | 10:31 |
cebong | ubuser1 : what ubuntu version do you have ??? | 10:31 |
usr13 | momolee: np | 10:31 |
Sterist | ubuser1 see that RestoreGrub link? (o_0) | 10:31 |
ubuser1 | i have 10.10 on hdd but now im using 10.04 live cd | 10:31 |
momolee | thank you everyone else for your support | 10:32 |
superman097 | @obuser false command bro | 10:32 |
superman097 | not like this "sudo apt-get grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda" | 10:32 |
superman097 | @ubuser1 but like this "grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda" | 10:32 |
phatypus | Hello. When I create a VPN (certificate/TLS) using the network manager, it forces me to save the certificate password. I'd really prefer to enter the keys password manually every time I start the VPN. Anyone know how to change the behaviour of network manager? | 10:32 |
phatypus | (ubuntu 10.10) | 10:32 |
superman097 | i mean @ubuser1 like this "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda" | 10:33 |
superman097 | @momolee welcome | 10:33 |
=== bruno is now known as Guest19843 | ||
Gnea | superman097: just an FYI, using the @ sign in front of someone's name on irc is typically a designation of operator status. simply using someone's name with a following colon tends to make better sense, as we know that you're trying to talk 'at' someone that way. | 10:35 |
ubuser1 | i tryed this comand >>Installation finished. No error reported. | 10:36 |
ubuser1 | i will restart now | 10:37 |
superman097 | good luck buddy | 10:37 |
ubuser1 | but i think will not work because grub dont update the setting | 10:37 |
ubuser1 | thank you | 10:38 |
ubuser1 | :) | 10:38 |
superman097 | eh, don't forget to type "sudo update-grub" | 10:38 |
superman097 | i forget the last command | 10:38 |
superman097 | 'ubuser1' don't forget to type "sudo update-grub" before restart | 10:39 |
baijupattera | I have installed Ubuntu then Linux Mint.Now the default entry in thr grub menu is Linux Mint,but I want Ubuntu.How to change it? | 10:39 |
superman097 | enter to the ubuntu | 10:40 |
superman097 | then type in terminal | 10:40 |
usr13 | superman097: He would have had to have done update-grub before grub-install | 10:40 |
superman097 | "sudo update-grub" | 10:40 |
MacSkyrate | New to ubuntu,, are there any terminal mail client to recomend? | 10:40 |
usr13 | superman097: The last command is grub-install | 10:40 |
Gnea | MacSkyrate: mutt | 10:40 |
MacSkyrate | Gnea: cool thnx | 10:41 |
superman097 | 'usr13 : yes youre right, that just extra command :D | 10:41 |
baijupattera | I have installed Ubuntu then Linux Mint.Now the default entry in thr grub menu is Linux Mint,but I want Ubuntu.How to change it? | 10:42 |
nikhil_ | how do i solve indicator icons being unclickable to the left of the date, but if i click the date and scroll across their menus show? | 10:42 |
superman097 | 'baijupattera' : i have an answer for you, look at the top below your first chat thx... | 10:43 |
superman097 | 'nikhil_' maybe bugs, my mind sometimes also like that, just restart with terminal | 10:44 |
nikhil_ | superman097, unity --replace ? | 10:45 |
Free-man | baijupattera edit the menu file and swap the entries to the order you want them in | 10:45 |
baijupattera | superman097: thanx but i cant see it coz i just entered here | 10:45 |
nikhil_ | ^^ it only seems to happen when i connect with my wireless modem | 10:46 |
koopa58 | Hi, does any know a command line ftp client I can use to transfer 15.000 pictures fast and easy? | 10:46 |
=== NG_ is now known as ng_ | ||
Free-man | koopa58 pick one you know | 10:46 |
koopa58 | I don't know any.. | 10:46 |
Free-man | koopa58 man ncftp | 10:47 |
baijupattera | superman097: I edit the entry to default 1 first and save and update the grub but nothing changed.Again I edit with the entire name but same result | 10:47 |
koopa58 | Free-man: Thanks, I'll check it out | 10:48 |
Free-man | yw | 10:48 |
baijupattera | superman097: I followed this link to edit http://www.ehow.com/how_6921272_do-grub-boot-menu-order_.html | 10:48 |
MATTTHEWJJ | Hey I have a problem connecting to my wireless notwork is anyone available to help? | 10:49 |
MATTTHEWJJ | I am using Ubuntu 11.04 | 10:49 |
MATTTHEWJJ | HEELL!!?? | 10:49 |
oCean | MATTTHEWJJ: please calm down, and have some patience | 10:50 |
usr13 | MATTTHEWJJ: What is your problem? | 10:50 |
MATTTHEWJJ | Sorry, Sorry. | 10:50 |
MATTTHEWJJ | Basically I installed Ubuntu yesterday, and I managed to connect to my wireless network. | 10:50 |
MATTTHEWJJ | However all day today I have been unable to connect, even though the WEP code is correct, and it's visible. | 10:51 |
MATTTHEWJJ | Any suggestions would be much appreciated, | 10:51 |
usr13 | MATTTHEWJJ: iwconfig | 10:52 |
MATTTHEWJJ | ,Do I type that in the termina,=l? | 10:52 |
usr13 | MATTTHEWJJ: Yes, see if the essid is correct | 10:52 |
MATTTHEWJJ | Sorry, what's an essid? I am very new to this whole thing.. | 10:53 |
usr13 | ESSID stands for Extended Service Set ID. The ESSID is the identifying name of a wireless network | 10:53 |
MATTTHEWJJ | Oh I see. | 10:54 |
MATTTHEWJJ | So if it is not correct I change it? | 10:54 |
usr13 | MATTTHEWJJ: That is just one thing to check. Sorry but we do not have a silver bullet for you. | 10:55 |
MATTTHEWJJ | Okay then I appreciate your help :) | 10:55 |
superman097 | hmhhh | 10:56 |
superman097 | once again i repeat my question, anybody here know about udp packet forwarder or reflector on ubuntu? | 10:57 |
superman097 | what the kind of a thing to do that at ubuntu? | 10:58 |
superman097 | any body? | 10:58 |
usr13 | superman097: What is it you are wanting to accomplish? | 10:59 |
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
phatypus | superman097, could you do that using iptables? | 11:02 |
go8765432 | обьясните плиз как справится с проблемой - http://paste.ubuntu.com/610952/ | 11:03 |
A_J | can i get 1080p in ubuntu with a gfx card and full HD Monitor ? | 11:03 |
go8765432 | sory | 11:03 |
usr13 | superman097: Do you need an iptables rule? If so, you need to supply more info about what you are wanting to accomplish. | 11:06 |
superman097 | 'usr13' 'phatypus' i couldn't use iptables well | 11:07 |
superman097 | can you tell me | 11:07 |
superman097 | or good reference to me | 11:08 |
phatypus | keep it simple | 11:08 |
phatypus | try some basic rules first | 11:08 |
phatypus | http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/73 | 11:08 |
FloodBot1 | phatypus: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:08 |
koopa58 | Free-man: I'm trying out ncftpget at the moment. But like once every 30 files it has an error 'Could not accept a data connection: Connection timed out.'. Any idea? | 11:09 |
iFrenzy | hey does anyone know of a good screencasting program that would record my webcam input/output audio and screen like to make a youtube video | 11:09 |
A_J | can i get 1080p in ubuntu with a gfx card and full HD Monitor ? | 11:11 |
=== secoif_ is now known as secoif | ||
balagexp | hi | 11:12 |
A_J | rofl | 11:12 |
clarezoe | #join ubuntu-cn | 11:13 |
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK | ||
clarezoe | hi, the empathy doesn't show in my indicator. I'm using ubuntu 11.04 | 11:14 |
Orva | hello, I am having some troubles with ubuntu 11.04 installation and by "some" I mean ubuntu doesn't boot up at all during installation | 11:17 |
nexsja | Does it say why? | 11:17 |
Orva | disc image and install media are fine, checked them when created and already installed one system with it | 11:17 |
Sterist | Orva: that's normal, operating systems aren't supposed to boot while they're being installed. | 11:17 |
nexsja | :D | 11:18 |
Orva | harhar | 11:18 |
Orva | :P | 11:18 |
Vonhinten | Any problems installing Konversation with Unity? | 11:18 |
usr13 | Orva: What happens when you boot? Do you get the grub screen? | 11:18 |
=== kitchen is now known as Guest73809 | ||
Vdevnet | Hi this is my first time using irc from android.... | 11:19 |
Orva | I made install media with unetbootin, that launches nicely but after selecting "try ubuntu" or "install ubuntu" you get nice blinking cursor and nothing else | 11:19 |
A_J | can i get 1080p in ubuntu with a gfx card and full HD Monitor ? | 11:20 |
Sterist | Vdevnet AndChat? xD | 11:20 |
muelli | A_J: yes | 11:20 |
Vonhinten | A_J, I run at 1080p | 11:20 |
A_J | thank you muelli and Vonhinten. | 11:20 |
Orva | Iw as wondering if the double GPU set up on that box is problem or something, all other hardware are quite "normal" | 11:20 |
Vdevnet | I have chatted before using a diff nick... | 11:21 |
Vdevnet | Gtg | 11:21 |
Orva | is there some boot settings to disable that fancypancy loading scren stuff so I might get some information what fails? :p | 11:21 |
Sterist | Orva can you disable the 2nd from the BIOS, and do the installation, then re-enable? food for thought | 11:22 |
Orva | sec | 11:22 |
Sterist | Orva there's what's called an Alternative Installer that uses a very basic UI... i don't think it invokes the GPU | 11:23 |
Vonhinten | anyone running Konversation in Unity? | 11:23 |
_Rix | hello theadmin | 11:24 |
_Rix | that worked | 11:24 |
_Rix | woah | 11:24 |
_Rix | anyway hello guys | 11:24 |
_Rix | how do i use ssh from screen | 11:25 |
robin0800 | Vonhinten, no xchat | 11:28 |
wendico | hello, i just upgraded to latest version and i encountered a couple of problems, first my wifi does not work unless i uncheck and check again "enable wireless" in my network icon | 11:28 |
A_J | _Rix, u can use via terminal | 11:29 |
wendico | second problem is i cant hibernate because graphics dont resume correctly and i cant see. any help? | 11:29 |
wendico | is there a way to roll back to my older ubuntu version? | 11:30 |
Vonhinten | wendico, laptop? | 11:30 |
oCean | wendico: downgrading is not supported | 11:30 |
wendico | vonhinten, yes sorry, i have an acer aspire one small laptop | 11:31 |
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe | ||
Vonhinten | what model? | 11:31 |
Orva | Sterist: well, bios has nice options for tuning i5 and even some acpi stuff.. but nothing for gpu :P | 11:31 |
wendico | i had compiz running and 3d and flash very well (not as complained by others) but after upgrade i dont have such fancy desktop (no 3d, no cube, i guess because new ubuntu is new design) | 11:32 |
wendico | model? let me check hehe | 11:32 |
Orva | I'll make non-unetbootin flash dirve this time, maybe it's just some silly bootloader issue | 11:32 |
Orva | (also could try that alternative isntaller..) | 11:33 |
wendico | Aspire One Series Model NO. KAV60 | 11:33 |
Orva | but I wouldn't have wanted to go for that disabling gpu option anyway, | 11:33 |
Orva | point is that that box is my girlfriends, who is not thrilled about idea she needs to twiddle fit bios settings anytime she wants to play wow :p | 11:34 |
iksik | hello | 11:35 |
iksik | is it possible to run ubuntu installer under ubuntu? ;-) | 11:35 |
wendico | by the way, i like the new design but, until i get used to, is it posible to boot my old compiz cube desktop with my panel bars? | 11:35 |
piboytravis | iksik: I believe so, just look for the 'ubiquity' package. | 11:36 |
thegladiator | i have a weird problem in Ubuntu , around the middle of my screen ..... no hyper links cant be clicked , gmail mails cant be clicked ...it doesnt respond to mouse input . Even mouse doesnt change over its pointer to hyper link ( hand pointer ) when I reach those couple of lines | 11:36 |
thegladiator | I have not had this in 10.10 | 11:37 |
thegladiator | 11.04 has been buggy | 11:37 |
Vonhinten | wendico, should try to find out the specific devices etc in that model, see which other acer aspire one's have those, and search for all those models with the same issue. That's how I found answers for my asus n53 | 11:37 |
piboytravis | thegladiator: Have you tried using the Ubuntu Classic Desktop? | 11:37 |
thegladiator | This is Ubuntu classic desktop I am using | 11:37 |
A_J | A GUI C++/C Complier and Debugger. Any1 can Give me a Name ? | 11:37 |
iksik | piboytravis, hm how should i use it? | 11:38 |
thegladiator | GUI Compiler ? | 11:38 |
piboytravis | thegladiator:What sort of video card are you using? | 11:38 |
thegladiator | Intel inbuilt | 11:38 |
Vonhinten | I think he means IDE | 11:38 |
A_J | yes Vonhinten i think IDE | 11:38 |
thegladiator | IDE - Eclipse is good I think | 11:38 |
piboytravis | iksik: Ubiquity looks for a live cd system in a casperfs, then copies it to a disk given certain parameters, that's how live CD install works. | 11:39 |
A_J | eclispe = Haya | 11:39 |
thegladiator | Its 2 lines ...near the middle of my screen | 11:39 |
A_J | Java* | 11:39 |
wendico | poboytravis ubuntu classic desktop when choosing my username right? | 11:39 |
piboytravis | piboytravis: Yep. There's a drop down menu on the login screen, next to keyboard layout. | 11:40 |
wendico | has anyone any idea about not resuming correctly after hibernation? only graphic problems | 11:40 |
piboytravis | wendico: Yep. There's a drop down menu on the login screen, next to keyboard layout. | 11:40 |
rauchy | Hi everyone. Is there a way to install vim 7.2 on Natty? | 11:40 |
A_J | I need a GUI C++/C Complier and Debugger. Any1 can Give me a Name ? | 11:40 |
thegladiator | Eclipse . | 11:40 |
A_J | thegladiator, eclipse is Java | 11:41 |
Vonhinten | no, it's written in java | 11:41 |
g0bl1n | iPod on 11.04 anyone ? | 11:41 |
Vonhinten | you can do anything in it | 11:41 |
iksik | piboytravis, ok, but i see now, that running this tool under kubuntu 10.04 it is trying to install also kubuntu on my second hdd... but i want to install ubuntu ( i've got mounted 10.10 iso there ) | 11:41 |
thegladiator | No Eclipse can be used for any language | 11:41 |
A_J | oh okie's.. | 11:41 |
A_J | thank you | 11:41 |
iksik | A_J, you can also try with kdevelop ;-) | 11:41 |
iksik | or komodo edit | 11:41 |
rauchy | Anyone? Is there a way to install vim 7.2 on Natty? | 11:41 |
iksik | or netbeans | 11:42 |
Vonhinten | Can also try Code::Blocks | 11:42 |
thegladiator | Netveans is also very good | 11:42 |
Vonhinten | or MonoDevelop for C# and .net | 11:42 |
rauchy | I mean the vim 7.2 that was packaged with Maverick | 11:42 |
piboytravis | iksik: OK, I see what you want to do now. Burning an ubuntu cd and booting from that is probably the best way to go. Just choose your second HDD in the partitioner. | 11:42 |
fjalar | Hello all, I'm a bit stuck with tracker (on 11.04). Looks like the daemon isn't running. I can't find anything like trackerd. What daemon needs to be running? | 11:42 |
piboytravis | Netbeans +1 | 11:43 |
iksik | piboytravis, well the problem is, that there is no cd/dvd drive available in this machine ;/ | 11:43 |
piboytravis | iksik: Maybe try booting from a USB drive? | 11:43 |
Sterist | Orva: when i installed ubuntu on my ps3 i had to use the alternate installer because the hypervisor locks down the GPU among other hardware so it's not available to use whether or not the installer tries to. | 11:45 |
PrimalScream | xfce4 power management problem after update. no battery indi <--- how to fix this | 11:47 |
piboytravis | Is there a #unity channel? | 11:47 |
Sterist | PrimalScream: Xubuntu? | 11:47 |
Orva | Sterist: downloading image atm, just takes while because I am doing update/toolchain installing at the same time | 11:49 |
bullgard4 | Why does seahorse > Other Keys show the validity of a certain entry as "Full" but on another Ubuntu computer in the same LAN as "Unknown"? | 11:50 |
piboytravis | bullgard4: Is the key signed? | 11:50 |
Glycan | Hello | 11:52 |
bullgard4 | piboytravis: Yes. another person has signed this key. | 11:53 |
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Glycan | I'm in a Knoppix liveusb boot, since this is the only live boot that worked, after 4 OSes and ~20 burns. I'm trying to do RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, but I want to make grub primary. | 11:53 |
Glycan | What do I do? | 11:53 |
Sterist_ | is there a VM that will boot an OS installed on the HDD, as if it was a VM image? | 11:54 |
blz | Sterist_: not that I know of. I'm pretty sure that's infeasible | 11:55 |
=== Sterist_ is now known as Sterist | ||
VonhintenHOME` | It's not something you can do. OS's that are installed into VM's use generic hardware devices. But OS's installed directly on the machine use specific hardware devices | 11:56 |
nhg | Is it possible to use Ubuntu live cd to boot an already installed on hard-drive ubuntu? | 11:56 |
zarlan | nhg, is your grub broken? | 11:57 |
zarlan | you can always use a live cd to access the harddrive, idk about booting from it | 11:57 |
* stjohnmedrano is away: Away lang!. | 11:57 | |
bullgard4 | piboytravis: There are at least 3 Try #unitylinux in freenode. | 11:58 |
Sterist | nhg yes, you'd be booting the LiveCD and not the installation. you can always boot a LiveCD regardless of what's on your HDD. your PC BIOS sets the boot priority, not the operating system(s) | 11:58 |
nhg | The problem is, my home directory seems to be encrypted, but I did not remember I've choose to do that at installation time | 11:59 |
Kaco | nhg, you can boot from livecd and start installation on your hdd, atleast i remember there was a way with grub boot loader | 11:59 |
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leex | hi | 12:00 |
zarlan | hmm, from the live cd grub you can edit the grub loader to point to your installed partition | 12:00 |
Glycan | Guys! | 12:00 |
Kaco | nhg, something like root(hd0,0)<enter>kernel /boot/kernel-x.x<enter>boot | 12:00 |
Glycan | Hlep me out! | 12:00 |
nhg | thanks to all, I will try | 12:00 |
Sterist | !help | Glycan | 12:00 |
ubottu | Glycan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:00 |
Kaco | nhg, but you need to get to commandline in grub | 12:00 |
Glycan | I'm in a Knoppix liveusb boot, since this is the only live boot that worked, after 4 OSes and ~20 burns. I'm trying to do RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows, but I want to make grub primary. | 12:00 |
go8765432 | can i use nautilus in openbox without drawing my desctop? | 12:00 |
Glycan | I already asked my question, and no-one ansered | 12:01 |
Kaco | Glycan, /join #knoppix ? | 12:01 |
arand | Glycan: make grub primary in what way? | 12:01 |
KnechtR | one cannot purge openoffice packages without removing the libreoffice packages in 11.04, lol | 12:01 |
bullgard4 | Why does seahorse > Other Keys show the validity of a certain entry as "Full" but on another Ubuntu computer in the same LAN as "Unknown"? | 12:01 |
Glycan | So that when I boot the computer, grub loads as the bootloader | 12:01 |
Kaco | glycan, do you want to install grub to your hdd? root (hdX,X), setup (hdX) | 12:01 |
compromdon | hi I've just installed ubuntu, and have tried to install the nvidia drivers. I'm having trouble downloading the latest version, but the other version (173) states that the drivers is activated but not currently in use. What does this mean, how do I use it ? I have a dual monitor which is not working and I think this might be the cause. | 12:02 |
arand | Kaco: That's for legacy. | 12:02 |
Kaco | glycan, but you also need a /boot/grub on that partition... | 12:02 |
zarlan | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 12:02 |
Kaco | arand, ah ok... that's what I remember from older grub :) | 12:02 |
arand | Glycan: So you have grub2 (grub-pc) on that CD? | 12:02 |
Glycan | ??? | 12:03 |
leex | I am currently trying to install ubuntu 11.04 on my new machine, I modprobe aes and dmcrypt and unlock my crypted devices before entering the partioner to reuse my luks/lvm devices. this works well until like 60% of "select and install software" where I get the error: a step failed... so here is my question: how to fix it, where do i have to check for error messages during installtion? oh, an one thing i tried the natty daily build as well as the stan | 12:03 |
usr13 | !grub2 | Glycan | 12:03 |
ubottu | Glycan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 12:03 |
Glycan | Hang on. | 12:03 |
Glycan | I know what grub is. | 12:03 |
Glycan | More or less | 12:03 |
go8765432 | can anybody answer me about nautilus and openbox? | 12:03 |
Glycan | This uysb has knoppix | 12:03 |
Glycan | usb | 12:03 |
arand | Glycan: As per the guide, mount you partition containing /boot, run grub-install with --root-directory= pointing to the directory above your /boot folder, | 12:04 |
KnechtR | is compizconfig disabled after upgrade to 11.04 with nvidia? | 12:04 |
Glycan | Okay, hang on. | 12:04 |
iksik | piboytravis, i've just tried to create booting usb, but startup disk creator doesn't works.. hm, "create startup disk" button is disabled - don't know why | 12:04 |
ouyes | hi all how to add a keyboard shortcut to terminal? | 12:04 |
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Orva | Sterist: meh, stupid me | 12:05 |
zarlan | ouyes, a shortcut to open the terminal? | 12:05 |
Orva | starts up well with acpi=off :P | 12:05 |
ouyes | zarlan, yes the command to open a terminal | 12:05 |
jamiewan | ouyes: ctrl + alt + t | 12:06 |
ouyes | zarlan, yes I know , jamiewan I need to add it first | 12:06 |
usr13 | Glycan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub | 12:06 |
ouyes | zarlan, jamiewan how to add it to shortcuts | 12:06 |
zarlan | ouyes, if you want to change it to something else for example ~ there is a keyboard shortcut editor in system settings | 12:06 |
zarlan | it should be on as the default, are you using ubuntu or one of the variants like xubuntu? | 12:07 |
ouyes | zarlan, I know there is one, but what is the command for open terminal | 12:07 |
Sterist | Orva: you may have to consult this wonderful channel to config ubuntu to use (properly) the 2nd one (if at all) after it installs | 12:07 |
clarezoe_ | Hi, I want to add or remove some applications in the indicator-menu on top of the screen, however, I found many are talking about the menu on the left. Anyone can help? | 12:07 |
solars | hey, is it normal that /usr/bin/X (gnome) under 10.10 consumes 41% mem of 4gb? | 12:07 |
leex | solars: no | 12:07 |
ouyes | zarlan, now in my xubuntu there is no shortcut for terminal I have to add one so I need to know the command to open a terminal | 12:07 |
carl-eric | Hi, I'm using a RAID1 install with /boot on md1, and an encrypted / on md0. When I unplug one of the two drives and turn the machine back on, it fails to boot even though both disks should be identical. The message I get is "evms_activate is not available" when it should be asking for the password | 12:08 |
clarezoe_ | for example, I don't want to use Broadcast, and empathy doensn't show there either | 12:08 |
solars | leex, how can I find out why it is so high? | 12:08 |
froes | hey guys. is there anyway i can setup JACK to be used along with PULSE under ubuntu ? | 12:08 |
carl-eric | After some minutes I get dropped into the initramfs shell and it says "-r ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/<some uuid> does not exist" | 12:08 |
Sterist | solars try Xubuntu, on a fresh boot it uses just under 200mb | 12:08 |
leex | solars: you could use htop and let it show you which thread is using so much mem | 12:08 |
zarlan | ouyes, it's different for xubuntu - I can't help you there sorry...try asking again and mention you've got xubuntu or switch channels to #xubuntu | 12:08 |
solars | Sterist, I want to find out why gnome takes so much | 12:09 |
leex | solars: what's your uptime? | 12:09 |
solars | leex, it's /usr/bin/X :0 -nr -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-3XG6R7/database -nolisten tcp vt7 | 12:09 |
solars | leex, 3 days | 12:09 |
Sterist | solars gnome and unity are heavyweight | 12:09 |
Sterist | solars reboot. not hibernate + resume, but reboot lol | 12:10 |
solars | Sterist, yeah I know, but I want to use gnome at work for convenience, still the mem consumption is quite high | 12:10 |
ouyes | zarlan, ok | 12:10 |
leex | Sterist: yes, but it shouldnt eat up almost 2gb mem | 12:10 |
carl-eric | Anybody who knows his way around raid+encryption (and boot with just one disk, i.e. degraded array) | 12:10 |
solars | but there should be a way to find out what it is and killl it :) | 12:10 |
Sterist | solars not if it's a leak :P | 12:10 |
solars | its not getting higher | 12:11 |
leex | so solars it isn't gnome but the gdm, you could go for an easy fix and just disable it and start gnome yourself ;) | 12:11 |
iksik | hmm | 12:11 |
solars | leex, hm yeah, I'll consider that | 12:11 |
solars | but its the X process | 12:11 |
iksik | why http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/09/Make_Startup_Disk_001.png - "Make startup disk" is disabled in my usb-creator ? ;/ | 12:11 |
leex | solars: but don't listen to me i am just waiting for an reply for my bug fix and I always use dirty hacks | 12:11 |
solars | so I cannot just kill it | 12:11 |
solars | heh | 12:11 |
leex | solars: hmm you could use xdm or kdm | 12:12 |
Sterist | solars there's a sudo kill command but i'm not familiar with how to use it | 12:12 |
jamiewan | sudo kill -9 pid number | 12:12 |
angheloko | solars, try killing it.. it will just respawn.. i tried killing it a while ago | 12:12 |
leex | solars: don't just kill gdm, it will restart your whole X session | 12:12 |
solars | I know how to kill | 12:12 |
carl-eric | iksik, select the partition on your usb stick | 12:12 |
solars | but I cannot just kill X, right? | 12:12 |
Sterist | solars works real nicely when nothing else does. but killing xyz may not release it's memory allocation.... if it's a leak. | 12:13 |
solars | hmm | 12:13 |
angheloko | leex, no it won't | 12:13 |
solars | ok trying | 12:13 |
jamiewan | run top in terminal and punch that in | 12:13 |
iksik | carl-eric, it doesn't helps | 12:13 |
iksik | it is still disabled | 12:13 |
carl-eric | iksik, is there enough space on your usb stick? | 12:13 |
iksik | is there any way to create bootable usb ? | 12:13 |
leex | angheloko: when did that behavior change? | 12:13 |
iksik | carl-eric, yes it's 2G stick | 12:13 |
leex | angheloko: last time I used ubuntu it did | 12:13 |
iksik | any other way* ;-) | 12:13 |
angheloko | leex, im not sure... i killed the process and it just respawned :-? | 12:13 |
leex | k | 12:14 |
carl-eric | iksik, you need to select an appropriate ISO image, and then the partition on your usb stick, that should work | 12:14 |
angheloko | leex, it does eat some mem, but the strange thing is not always | 12:14 |
iksik | carl-eric, iso selected, partition also... button still disabled | 12:14 |
froes | anyone able to use ALSA, JACK, PULSE at the same time ?? | 12:14 |
carl-eric | iksik, then i don't know, sorry | 12:14 |
iksik | carl-eric, one sec, i'll create my own screenshot ;] | 12:14 |
koopa58 | Hi, I'm getting timeouts from my server when trying to fetch files through ftp. After x files it just hangs. Someone can help me? | 12:14 |
leex | well if no one can help me with my ubuntu problems I will just install gentoo another time... :/ | 12:15 |
iksik | carl-eric, http://hub.inventic.it/u/xk/public/usb.png | 12:15 |
carl-eric | iksik, you need to select the partition, not the drive - click on /dev/sdf1 | 12:16 |
iksik | sdf1 isnt a part of sdg drive | 12:16 |
iksik | carl-eric, | 12:16 |
carl-eric | heh | 12:16 |
carl-eric | true | 12:16 |
iksik | and there was sdg1 partition | 12:16 |
carl-eric | didn't notice that | 12:16 |
iksik | but this tool removed it ;| | 12:16 |
carl-eric | iksik, use the Disk Utility to create a new partition on sdg | 12:17 |
iksik | one sec ;] | 12:17 |
iksik | carl-eric, http://hub.inventic.it/u/xk/public/usb2.png | 12:20 |
carl-eric | iksik, is the partition formatted? | 12:21 |
iksik | yes, it's a fresh ext2 partition ( i've also tried with ext3 and ext4 ) created with gparted | 12:21 |
erle- | where do i find language settings in ubuntu natty? | 12:21 |
erle- | erle-, i have us english as i wish, but it shows me dates etc in german format | 12:22 |
carl-eric | iksik, sorry, I have no idea what's wrong there | 12:22 |
erle- | with german month's names | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | erle-: run: language support in unity | 12:22 |
iksik | carl-eric, do You know any other way ( more manual way ) to create this bootable usb? | 12:22 |
iksik | ;/ | 12:22 |
carl-eric | iksik, no, i always used that one | 12:22 |
erle- | ActionParsnip, is there no way in old gnome? | 12:22 |
iksik | uhm | 12:22 |
ActionParsnip | erle-: of course! | 12:23 |
szal | ever since I installed Natty on my other machine, "http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main Sources" and "natty/main i386 Packages" gives me a 404 on "aptitude update".. was this particular source moved or removed? | 12:24 |
ActionParsnip | erle-: /usr/bin/gnome-language-selector | 12:24 |
iksik | hah! | 12:24 |
iksik | carl-eric, solved ;] | 12:24 |
carl-eric | iksik, whast did you do? :) | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | erle-: unity is just an interface to gnome, so ANYTHING you can run in unity can be ran in gnome | 12:25 |
iksik | carl-eric, sudo mkfs.vfat -F 16 -n usb /dev/sdg1 | 12:25 |
iksik | and it is enabled | 12:25 |
carl-eric | duh | 12:25 |
iksik | wrong fs type :D | 12:25 |
carl-eric | :) | 12:25 |
blink | how can i recover deleted fonts from my /.fonts folder? | 12:26 |
VonhintenHOME` | hmm, unity's top bar occassionally goes black on me, any ideas how to get it to repaint? | 12:26 |
Orva | Sterist: usually I don't have problems after I get system booting, unless ubuntu has done some really funky stuff between versions 6.02 and 11.04 :P | 12:26 |
karthick87 | So i need to install any additional packages to connect ubuntu machine to a projector ? | 12:26 |
* szal doesn't remember *buntu 6.02 | 12:27 | |
bullgard4 | Why does seahorse > Other Keys show the validity of a certain entry as "Full" but on another Ubuntu computer in the same LAN as "Unknown"? | 12:27 |
Orva | or was it 6.06, something like that | 12:27 |
Orva | so many years! | 12:27 |
szal | either 6.06 LTS "Dapper Drake" or 6.10 "Edgy Eft" | 12:28 |
Orva | dapper drake was the one I used | 12:28 |
erle- | ActionParsnip, thank you, i didnt know the name of the language selector | 12:28 |
erle- | ActionParsnip, classic gnome lacks for the menu entry for it, so i thought its gone | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | erle-: unity is handy for finding apps, I just grepped the files in /usr/share/applications to find the binary | 12:29 |
Orva | I have always wondered why ubuntu puts those minor version numbers for releases | 12:29 |
carl-eric | Orva, those are year and month | 12:30 |
szal | Orva: pretty self-explanatory | 12:30 |
Orva | szal: yeah, after you hear that "year and month" part | 12:31 |
szal | Dapper was 2 months late; it was the 1st LTS and there was, among other things, a big kernel oops around planned release time | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | Orva: you get those with LTS, means less updating :) | 12:31 |
Orva | "haven't they ever heard about release candidates?" is first thing that pops into my mind | 12:31 |
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erle- | how can i get libreoffice to start with A4 page format? it starts with US letter - no matter what locale | 12:33 |
erle- | (deletion of ~/.libreoffice has no effect) | 12:34 |
doncams | hi. in windows I can set up DNS server IP. how do I do that in ubuntu? | 12:36 |
rauchy | Guys, seems like vim 7.3 (packaged with Natty) has some issues with Ruby support. How can I install vim 7.2 (the one that came with Maverick)? | 12:36 |
doncams | how do I set primary DNS, seconday DNS in ubuntu? | 12:37 |
blink | how can i recover deleted fonts from my /.fonts folder? | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: yes its in network manager | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: change the interface to ipv4 (address only) | 12:38 |
ActionParsnip | blink: use your backups | 12:38 |
froes | hi guys. is there a way of making jack use pulse ??? | 12:38 |
rogerzh | doncams:right click on your connection,select the menu | 12:38 |
blink | ActionParsnip: and how can I do that? | 12:38 |
doncams | ok so Automatic(DHCP) addresses only? | 12:39 |
doncams | and then? | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | blink: depends how you have setup your backups | 12:39 |
rogerzh | select 'edit ' | 12:39 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: a little lower you will see the dns box and you can set the dns there | 12:39 |
stowoda | aehm.. hi | 12:39 |
MisterK85 | Good day folks. Having an issue. I've installed 11.04, the regular install doesn't complete (locks up at about 75% of copying files). The alternate installs fine, but the graphics fails to display right (total black screen, until I move the mouse over something, it flickers up for a minute then it's gone). Card is an Integrated Intel 845G. | 12:39 |
stowoda | test.. am I registered? | 12:39 |
doncams | yes. so I separate with comma? | 12:39 |
stowoda | ok, seems so. | 12:39 |
doncams | if I have two DNS address? | 12:39 |
stowoda | how to copy a file to the current dir? | 12:40 |
stowoda | cp /fromdir/file to? | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: use a comma to separate. | 12:40 |
stowoda | do I have to name the current dir explicitly? | 12:40 |
rauchy | Anyone? seems like vim 7.3 (packaged with Natty) has some issues with Ruby support. How can I install vim 7.2 (the one that came with Maverick)? | 12:40 |
filescraps | cp /file . | 12:40 |
doncams | not working | 12:40 |
stowoda | like: cp /fromdir/filr /todir/file | 12:40 |
stowoda | ? | 12:40 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: care to expand on that... | 12:41 |
doncams | primary and secondary DNS still the same | 12:41 |
S4nt4 | Hello Everyone! | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: did you enable for all users and enter your password to authenticate | 12:41 |
doncams | should I disconnect and connect first? | 12:41 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: then disable wireless, then enable it | 12:41 |
brontosaurusrex | my laptop-pad and mouse stoped working after reboot, what to do? | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: or whatever interface you use | 12:42 |
doncams | ok it worked | 12:42 |
doncams | hehe | 12:42 |
rauchy | All I ever wanted was to taste the sweet nectar of vim :-( | 12:42 |
doncams | thanks | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: no worries | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | brontosaurusrex: if you run: lsmod | grep ps do you see psmouse? | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: if you install and configure dnsmasq, you can make name resolutions take 0ms :) | 12:43 |
brontosaurusrex | ActionParsnip, yes | 12:43 |
orthodox | how do i check for software versions? thanx | 12:43 |
doncams | ha. thanks | 12:43 |
doncams | i'm still new. I haven't even removed windows 7 | 12:43 |
MisterK85 | [repost due to antispam blocker] Hi all. I've installed 11.04, the regular install doesn't complete (locks up at about 75% of copying files). The alternate installs fine, but the graphics fails to display right (total black screen, until I move the mouse over something, it flickers up for a minute then it's gone). Card is an Integrated Intel 845G. | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | doncams: you don't have to, you can use both | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | brontosaurusrex: ok and what make / model is the system? | 12:44 |
brontosaurusrex | asus laptop , bluetooth mouse | 12:44 |
filescraps | orthodox apt-cache policy programname | 12:45 |
brontosaurusrex | a netbook | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | MisterK85: try adding the boot option: nomodeset | 12:45 |
=== ng_ is now known as NG_ | ||
MisterK85 | ActionParsnip: Will do, lemme try it. | 12:45 |
ActionParsnip | brontosaurusrex: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-setup-bluetooth-keyboard-and-mouse-in-ubuntu.html | 12:45 |
teddyroosebelt | has there been any word on sun-java for 11.04? | 12:45 |
staff_nowa | hello installed apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core. How i can now connect to ubuntu-server with x11 ? | 12:46 |
szal | teddyroosebelt: should there? | 12:46 |
Santa_ | Hey | 12:46 |
teddyroosebelt | szal, yes because its not in synaptic yet | 12:46 |
=== kitchen_ is now known as kitten1234 | ||
szal | teddyroosebelt: I disagree, I have it installed | 12:47 |
Santa_ | Why Doesn't Anyone Answer, Do You Even See My Messages? | 12:47 |
angheloko | !systemd | 12:47 |
rogerzh | How to use the gnome-user-share in 11.04? | 12:47 |
szal | !java | teddyroosebelt | 12:47 |
ubottu | teddyroosebelt: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc - For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases. | 12:47 |
Santa_ | Wow... | 12:47 |
wanderingi | i had a hard drive running windows, and then i plugged in a second hard drive and install ubuntu onto it. now when i have removed the ubuntu hard drive, i get an error on start up "error no such device. grub rescue" How can I get my normal pc to boot again? | 12:47 |
Maratich | teddyroosebelt: turn on partner repos | 12:47 |
szal | ever since I installed Natty on my other machine, "http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main Sources" and "natty/main i386 Packages" gives me a 404 on "aptitude update".. was this particular source moved or removed? | 12:49 |
teddyroosebelt | Maratich, interesting.. ty and ty szal | 12:49 |
Trashi | wanderingi: insert windows dvd, choose rescue and reinstall windows bootloader | 12:49 |
omichalek | hi all, I use nvidia proprietary driver (I believe) but "additional drivers" does not show it to me, whats wrong? | 12:49 |
Trashi | wanderingi: or reconfigure grup to boot windows | 12:50 |
wanderingi | ive tried that but the windows disc i have says it isnt valid for that version but its the only windows disc i have | 12:50 |
lucian | hi i got a problem , could some one help me ? | 12:50 |
szal | omichalek: lspci | grep -i nvidia | 12:50 |
roland | Hi, the motherboard on my old computer died and ive recovered the hdd and plugged it into my debian laptop, how do I access my home folder? I can open it but there is just a readme and a access you private data' files. they cant be opened | 12:50 |
sagaci | lucian: what's the problem | 12:50 |
omichalek | szal: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G96M [Quadro FX 770M] (rev a1) | 12:50 |
roland | the dialog box reads: 'The Link "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" is Broken. Move it to Trash? | 12:50 |
lucian | i had a problem with my sound card , it's not workind | 12:50 |
Daremonai | Hello, I'm getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611031/ when I do apt-get update, if i remove that file and update again, I get the same error, what should I do? | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | Santa_: well in the 40 mins I've been in here you haven't asked a single question | 12:51 |
omichalek | szal: I can use the nvidia x server settings | 12:51 |
bullgard4 | !upgrade tuor | 12:51 |
sagaci | roland: can you paste the output of sudo fdisk -l | 12:51 |
szal | omichalek: lsmod | grep -i nvidia <- that's what I wanted to know ^^ | 12:51 |
lucian | i allready tryed some tutorials found on ubuntu forum | 12:51 |
roland | *ubuntu laptop | 12:51 |
bullgard4 | !upgrade | tuor | 12:51 |
ubottu | tuor: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: if you run: alsamixer are all levels cranked and unmuted? | 12:51 |
lucian | but stil not working | 12:51 |
rabc_ | hi anyone know how to change file associations in ubuntu 10.10 everytime i select places/file folders VLC media player opens up, ive checked all possible settings in VLC so must be a file association in ubuntu thanks | 12:51 |
omichalek | szal: nvidia 10709116 62 | 12:52 |
roland | sagaci: im really new at linux. what do you mean paste the output? | 12:52 |
szal | omichalek: iow, it's running | 12:52 |
ActionParsnip | Santa_: so how do you expect us to answer non-existent questions?? | 12:52 |
angheloko | !default | 12:52 |
szal | or at least loaded, but should then be running | 12:52 |
ubottu | To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. | 12:52 |
ActionParsnip | rabc_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1631961 | 12:52 |
lucian | if i want tot alk with you in private it's ok | 12:52 |
lucian | ?? | 12:52 |
omichalek | szal: but ubuntu does not know about it? is it the reason i dont have plymouth logo, just text? | 12:53 |
sagaci | roland: umm, have you ever used the terminal | 12:53 |
Trashi | wanderingi: i think the best way would be (re)configure grub to boot windows ... just take a look into google ... i think there are several tutorials ... otherwise find the right windows installation dvd an try again :) | 12:53 |
roland | yeah | 12:53 |
rabc_ | thanks actionparsnip | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: i don't support in PM | 12:53 |
roland | just type that in? | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: are the levels cranked? | 12:53 |
lucian | yes are at maxim | 12:53 |
szal | omichalek: huh? what logo? | 12:53 |
sagaci | roland: then open up a terminal, type sudo fdisk -l and then copy paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com and then copy the link of the resulting page back here, also... see !paste | 12:53 |
brontosaurusrex | ActionParsnip, i guess it was laptop related, something decided to turn off pad+mouse, i got them back with Fn+f9 ...oh well, weird | 12:53 |
rogerzh | ActionParsnip: could u help me to explain using the gnome-user-share ? | 12:53 |
lucian | i'm not the best operator on linux but i now some basics | 12:53 |
wanderingi | Trashi, thanks. im looking it up at the minute and its telling me to open a terminal and sudo grub etc, but how do i open the terminal? | 12:54 |
omichalek | szal: the boot splash screen | 12:54 |
lucian | if i instal team viewer , would you like to join and resolv myu problem please | 12:54 |
lucian | ? | 12:54 |
sagaci | wanderingi: what version of ubuntu are you on | 12:54 |
roland | okay | 12:54 |
sagaci | !terminal | 12:54 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 12:54 |
ActionParsnip | Trashi: http://www.joewein.net/blog/2009/11/28/fix-windows-as-default-boot-on-ubuntu-9-10-with-grub2-loader/ | 12:54 |
ActionParsnip | rogerzh: i don't know what that is | 12:54 |
sagaci | is karmic still supported? | 12:54 |
Trashi | wanderingi: if you start the machine and grub returns the error, the next step should be launching a grub shell? | 12:54 |
wanderingi | sagaci im not sure its on anohter hard drive which has been removed from the computer. i only have the windows hard drive connected | 12:54 |
kitchen_ | hi | 12:55 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: asking complete stranger onto your OS is a really dumb idea | 12:55 |
yuskhanzab | is there any divx codec for ubuntu? | 12:55 |
sagaci | yuskhanzab: most likely | 12:55 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: I can ask simple questions and you can reply, it's worked for years for millions of users | 12:55 |
rabc_ | thanks ubottu | 12:55 |
angheloko | !codecs yuskhanzab | 12:55 |
ActionParsnip | !codecs | yuskhanzab | 12:55 |
ubottu | yuskhanzab: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:55 |
Trashi | wanderingi: take also a look at ActionParsnip's link | 12:55 |
Sidewinder1 | divx works just fine in Totem. | 12:55 |
yuskhanzab | i cant watch movie in firefox, it say i dont have divx plugin | 12:55 |
sagaci | yuskhanzab: download the video and then watch it in totem or VLC | 12:56 |
lucian | ok | 12:56 |
szal | omichalek: to my knowledge that has nothing to do w/ the gfx driver since it only applies to the X server, and the bootsplash runs outside of X.. make sure you have "nomodeset" as a kernel option in /boot/grub/grub.cfg; the proprietary driver doesn't support KMS | 12:56 |
lucian | the fact is i never worked on the terminal | 12:56 |
lucian | i'm not so god | 12:56 |
yuskhanzab | i want to watch it in web browser | 12:56 |
bungley | how do you hide the unity launcher? | 12:56 |
Daremonai | Hello, I'm getting the following error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611031/ when I do apt-get update, if i remove that file and update again, I get the same error, what should I do? | 12:56 |
lucian | so sir if you like to help me let's start | 12:56 |
roland | sagaci: i did it | 12:56 |
ActionParsnip | bungley: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-change-unity-sidebar-launcher-auto-hide-behaviour-in-ubuntu-11-04 | 12:56 |
bungley | ActionParsnip: yeah, i found that | 12:57 |
Sidewinder1 | yuskhanzab, Then you'll need to find the appropriat plug-in for Firefox. | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: Ive asked the same question 3 times now | 12:57 |
sagaci | roland: ok, now paste the link, it should be something like paste.ubuntu.com/2342341 | 12:57 |
roland | http://paste.ubuntu.com/611033/ | 12:57 |
wanderingi | Trashi im looking at it now, but at the minute i have "grub rescue>" as the prompt. | 12:57 |
bungley | ActionParsnip: is there no button i can press to manually hide it? | 12:57 |
yuskhanzab | ok thx Sidewinder1 :) | 12:57 |
Santa_ | Lol, Just Got w3m and I'm Loving It :D | 12:57 |
lucian | ok the volumes are ok | 12:57 |
Sidewinder1 | yuskhanzab, If there is one. | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | bungley: not sure on that one dude | 12:57 |
omichalek | szal: I see. I just tried installing the "current" proprietary driver and it failed :( | 12:57 |
brontosaurusrex | yuskhanzab, what site, url? | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: ok what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && bash ./alsa-info.sh | 12:57 |
lucian | are at maximum | 12:57 |
sagaci | roland: so the 250gb drive is the one with the home folder you want to browse? | 12:58 |
szal | omichalek: you installed from the binary from nvidia.com? | 12:58 |
yuskhanzab | brokendatapoint: http://watchthisnow.org/external.php?title=Stop+The+Bitch+Campaign+&url=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWdhdmlkZW9tb3ZpZXNoYXJlLmNvbS8/dGl0bGU9U3RvcCBUaGUgQml0Y2ggQ2FtcGFpZ24g&domain=bWVnYXZpZGVvbW92aWVzaGFyZS5jb20=&loggedin=0 | 12:58 |
roland | sagaci: it's the 250gb drive i want to recover | 12:58 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: select to upload to the server and a red URL will be made, what is the URL? | 12:58 |
roland | sagaci: yes | 12:58 |
omichalek | szal: no, it's been installed by the ubuntu tool since before natty | 12:58 |
yuskhanzab | it says that install flugin to watch | 12:58 |
sagaci | roland: so it doesn't show up in nautilus on the left hand side? | 12:58 |
ActionParsnip | yuskhanzab: if you install mozilla-plugin-vlc it should be ok | 12:59 |
ActionParsnip | roland: can you manually mount it in terminal? | 12:59 |
roland | sagaci: what is nautilus, i just tried to click on the home folder | 12:59 |
roland | it's mounted | 13:00 |
roland | i think | 13:00 |
roland | I can see all the folders | 13:00 |
BluesKaj | Hi folks | 13:00 |
sagaci | roland: yeah, that opens nautilus | 13:00 |
sagaci | what is listed on the left hand side of the filebrowser | 13:00 |
lucian | i don't now what are you telling me to do | 13:00 |
lucian | :( | 13:00 |
rogerzh | I have 2 machines installed Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64. Both of machines are linked Netgear home route. I tried to use gnome-user-share sharing the files between 2 machines. I could find a new icon under 'network' which in my home dir on machine2, such as 'username on machine1 public files'; but when I tried to open it, there is a error message pop-up: "Can not mounted : DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by mess | 13:00 |
rogerzh | age bus)" | 13:01 |
roland | sagaci: what opens nautilus clicking on it? | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: copy the command I gave and run it in a terminal | 13:01 |
Sidewinder1 | yuskhanzab, It's an AVI file; either install the VLC plug-in, or download the .AVI and watch it in Totem or VLC. If you want to download, you may need a plug-in such as "UnPlug." | 13:01 |
lucian | ok | 13:01 |
sagaci | no, what is listed on the lefthand side once you click on your home folder | 13:01 |
sagaci | roland: are you on 11.04? | 13:01 |
brontosaurusrex | yuskhanzab, i dont think there is modern divx (h.264) plugin for web browsers for ubuntu, but considering my windows experience with it, i wouldn't install it anyway, if that is of any help... | 13:02 |
roland | woops, im on debian, my friends laptop, the hdd is mine, it's ubuntu | 13:02 |
lucian | ok i did that | 13:02 |
lucian | now the terminal asking me to upload | 13:02 |
lucian | i thing i wil accept right ? | 13:03 |
bungley | ActionParsnip: even following these things there's no damn way to get it to hide | 13:03 |
bungley | the best mode seems to be "never" | 13:03 |
kitten1234 | haha | 13:03 |
bungley | which is a waste of my damn screen esstate | 13:03 |
sagaci | yuskhanzab: have you tried using https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mediaplayerconnectivity/ | 13:03 |
kitten1234 | that's true | 13:03 |
omichalek | szal: can i set the nomodeset in a GUI program? | 13:03 |
roland | sagaci: woops, im on debian, my friends laptop, the hdd is mine, it's ubuntu. nothing on the left hand side here | 13:03 |
sagaci | roland: debian 6 (squeeze)? | 13:03 |
roland | yes | 13:03 |
yuskhanzab | sagaci: Not available for Firefox 4.0.1 | 13:04 |
Saw | I created a unbutu server(64bit) on a vmware pc, and set vmware to create a host only network. I'm afraid my knowledge in networking is very poor though, and I have no idea how to configure such a network. Can anyone recommend some basic tutorial/howto/soemthing that will help? | 13:04 |
omichalek | szal: I have "grub customizer" from a ppa and it lists "quiet splash" as the parameters for my kernel, do i just add nomodeset? | 13:04 |
lucian | <ActionParsnip> i did that . i accept | 13:04 |
angheloko | !serverguide | Saw | 13:04 |
ubottu | Saw: The Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ | 13:05 |
Saw | awesome, thanks :} | 13:05 |
sagaci | roland: try to mount the drive manually | 13:05 |
sagaci | roland: sudo mkdir /media/second | 13:05 |
lucian | this is my alsa info http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e5c546a7b56329db2a165069cb04599d5aab515e | 13:05 |
Santa_ | Can Someone Help Me? | 13:06 |
sagaci | roland: then go sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/second | 13:06 |
lucian | ActionParsnip thios is my alsa info http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=e5c546a7b56329db2a165069cb04599d5aab515e | 13:06 |
Daremonai | nevermind fixed my problem by removing *i18n* in /var/lib/apt/lists/ | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: I know, I'm reading it | 13:06 |
kitten1234 | @lucian your own?? | 13:06 |
froes | how can i configure JACK to use 5.1 output ? | 13:06 |
roland | sagaci: done, why am i mounting, i can already see all the folders | 13:06 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: try adding: options snd-hda-intel model=auto to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf | 13:07 |
szal | omichalek: edit /etc/default/grub and put "nomodeset" in the line that says GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX= | 13:07 |
szal | omichalek: when you're done, run "sudo update-grub" | 13:07 |
sagaci | roland: well if you can see the folders, you should be able to access your home folder | 13:07 |
BluesKaj | Santa_, just ask your question | 13:07 |
omichalek | szal: ok, thank you | 13:07 |
BluesKaj | !jack | froes | 13:08 |
roland | sagaci: no thats what i was trying to tell you, it only has to txt files in it that cant be opened, when it really has all my photos and music | 13:08 |
kitten1234 | can anyone tell me what is the best download manager in ubuntu | 13:08 |
kitten1234 | ?? | 13:08 |
sagaci | roland: well are you sure that's the right partition | 13:09 |
roland | sagaci: one called: access your private data and one called README | 13:09 |
omichalek | kitten1234: depends on what you need it for | 13:09 |
BluesKaj | !info jack | 13:09 |
ubottu | jack (source: jack): Rip and encode CDs with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.1+cvs20050801-26build1 (natty), package size 119 kB, installed size 652 kB | 13:09 |
roland | sagaci: yes | 13:09 |
sagaci | roland: well what's under access your private data? | 13:09 |
froes | BluesKaj, not that jack . want the JACK AUDIO SERVER not jack ripper | 13:09 |
omichalek | kitten1234: you mind find jdownloader good, it handles all those downloading sites like rapidshare, megaupload etc. | 13:09 |
sagaci | kitten1234: wget | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | kitten1234: there is no single best application for any purpose in any OS | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | kitten1234: it's as intellient as asking "what is the best colour?" | 13:10 |
roland | sagaci: yes all my data is in that folder. id assume it would be password protected mith my password | 13:10 |
kitten1234 | i want multipart downloader | 13:10 |
lucian | i don't understand again what i have to do :( | 13:10 |
sagaci | roland: it shouldn't be, unless you set up some kind of encryption | 13:11 |
froes | noone ? | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | !info multiget | 13:11 |
ubottu | multiget (source: multiget): graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-3 (natty), package size 428 kB, installed size 1132 kB | 13:11 |
BlouBlou | lucian: what's up? | 13:11 |
froes | do anyone knows the difference between JACK and PULSE ? | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | kitten1234: that's one I found that does multipart downloads | 13:11 |
roland | sagaci: no encryption, but surely you can access someones personal data just by poping the HDD, i had a user password on my name | 13:12 |
administrator | Ruby_ | 13:12 |
nhg | roland I have your same problem: access your private data and README in place of my home folder, when I read from another os | 13:12 |
lucian | lucian: try adding: options snd-hda-intel model=auto to /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf i don't understant what step i have to do now | 13:12 |
lucian | :( | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | froes: not looked into it personally, it doesn't interest me in any way | 13:12 |
REK_007 | guys just wanted to know ... do Ati cards have driver issues on any linux distro which nvidia doesnt? | 13:12 |
nhg | rolad, but I didn't encrypt | 13:12 |
roland | nhg: so you still don't have a fix? | 13:12 |
nhg | roland, I am trying to figure out just now | 13:12 |
sagaci | sorry but i've never had that problem | 13:12 |
roland | nhg: i didnt encrypt either | 13:12 |
kitten1234 | thanks for the answers guys | 13:13 |
szal | froes: JACK is a real-time audio signal server tuned to achieve low latencies (important for e.g. multitrack recording) | 13:13 |
roland | nhg: cool, let me know | 13:13 |
twotenam | rek_007: i don't know for sure, but i'm sure it's possible | 13:13 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: run: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf add the line, save the file | 13:13 |
sagaci | I just usually use an Ubuntu live CD/USB and the partition is ready to be mounted and at the root of the folder is the partition's / | 13:13 |
REK_007 | twotenam: thanks | 13:13 |
=== JEEBcz is now known as JEEB | ||
ActionParsnip | REK_007: they are equally good, the issues are fairly similar | 13:14 |
nhg | roland, I expressed myself in the wrong way. I meant to say: 'I am here just to figure out' :D | 13:14 |
nhg | roland, doing some googling to in the mean time | 13:14 |
=== NG_ is now known as ng_ | ||
roland | nhg: :) haha nice thankyou! | 13:14 |
nhg | roland, I think I found the solution | 13:15 |
lucian | ok done , next step | 13:15 |
lucian | ? | 13:15 |
roland | nhg: shoot | 13:15 |
_Rix | help | 13:15 |
_Rix | i have 3 screes running | 13:15 |
ActionParsnip | lucian: reboot to test | 13:16 |
_Rix | on terminal | 13:16 |
froes | szal, which means... "real-time audio signal server"=audio server, "multitrack recording"=multi application ???? | 13:16 |
_Rix | how do i detach and remove the screen sessions | 13:16 |
froes | szal, sorry trying to understand, as it all seem the same to me | 13:16 |
=== vindice_ is now known as vindice | ||
sagaci | _Rix: you want 3 separate terminal windows? | 13:16 |
froes | audio signal, tells informations about the audio or just which audio to output ? | 13:16 |
BluesKaj | froes, yeah, I saw that...I use alsa spdif out with vlc / tools /preferences/alsa output/spdif when available /digital output setting on the soundcard ..I know this isn't Jack Audio Server, but that's how I managed to get Dolby Digital and DTS to my dac. | 13:16 |
_Rix | yes sagaci so i can exit all three terminal windows | 13:16 |
roland | nhg: did it work? | 13:16 |
sagaci | _Rix: yep | 13:17 |
Semaz | hi | 13:17 |
_Rix | sagaci, ? | 13:17 |
nhg | roland, yes, it did work, just mounted my lost home :) . https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory \\ skip to "Recover manually" | 13:17 |
Semaz | هاي | 13:17 |
nhg | roland, keep in mind there is an error there, | 13:17 |
froes | my thing is: i have a app that uses signals sent to JACK, but the ubuntu uses PULSE, so i cannot use it. | 13:17 |
szal | froes: if you don't have a clue about recording, you probably don't need JACK | 13:17 |
szal | froes: what app? | 13:18 |
Semaz | هاي | 13:18 |
roland | nhg: thankyou, ill see if i can follow it | 13:18 |
froes | szal, there is a bunch: like boblight | 13:18 |
sagaci | _Rix: press Ctrl+D on the terminals | 13:18 |
szal | froes: never heard of | 13:18 |
szal | !info boblight | 13:18 |
ubottu | Package boblight does not exist in natty | 13:18 |
froes | szal, factal-jack | 13:18 |
_Rix | alright sagaci now how do i exit out of the terminal screen | 13:19 |
nhg | roland, at some point it says sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/username/.Private /home/username/Private but its actually sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/username/.ecryptfs/username/.Private /home/username/Private | 13:19 |
szal | !info factal-jack | 13:19 |
ubottu | Package factal-jack does not exist in natty | 13:19 |
froes | fractal-jack | 13:19 |
_Rix | i exited it but when i type screen -ls it still shows all three running sagaci | 13:19 |
froes | sorry | 13:19 |
lucian | Action thanks alot | 13:19 |
szal | !info fractal-jack | 13:19 |
ubottu | Package fractal-jack does not exist in natty | 13:19 |
sagaci | _Rix: type exit or use Ctrl-D | 13:19 |
lucian | it works now :) | 13:19 |
nhg | roland, I suggest you to write down what I just said in my last line, it may apply to you too ;) | 13:19 |
roland | nhg: ok thankyou | 13:20 |
Glycan | !grub | 13:20 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 13:20 |
froes | i tought that JACK was something like sending signals to multiple MIDI devices or something like that | 13:20 |
nhg | roland, report problems here, I should be here ;) | 13:20 |
sagaci | _Rix: so you're using the app screen, sorry | 13:20 |
waterloo2005 | after I install ubuntu 11.04 to disk , I can not install language support and even can not install other software . what is the matter ? thx | 13:20 |
roland | nhg: i will cheers | 13:20 |
froes | szal, http://blogger.xs4all.nl/loosen/articles/408274.aspx | 13:20 |
_Rix | indeed | 13:20 |
ouyes | hi all I am in xubuntu, I can not copy files to desktop folder? | 13:21 |
BluesKaj | froes, maybe if you described your setup maybe we can help. | 13:21 |
szal | froes: as far as I understand it, for MIDI you don't need JACK | 13:21 |
pipit | hi,, can somebody tell me about orca screen,, i have trouble with this.. | 13:21 |
sagaci | _Rix: probably better to read up on man screen | 13:21 |
ouyes | how to copy files to Desktop folder in xubuntu? | 13:22 |
sagaci | ouyes: cp file ~/Desktop | 13:23 |
ouyes | sagaci, no command line how to do it? | 13:23 |
ActionParsnip | ouyes: is the desktop folder owned by your user? | 13:23 |
RodriguuuH | dolphin link ???? | 13:23 |
ouyes | ActionParsnip, I think yes | 13:24 |
sagaci | ouyes: drag and drop | 13:24 |
=== bran is now known as compromdon | ||
froes | BluesKaj, 5.1 home theatre connected to the pc through analog cables, arduio boards connected via serial, midi table connected, 2 projectors and around 15 arrays of RGB LEDs connected to it | 13:24 |
sagaci | or copy/paste | 13:24 |
froes | BluesKaj, 5.1 home theatre connected to the pc through analog cables, arduio boards connected via serial, midi table connected, 2 projectors and around 15 arrays of RGB LEDs connected to it | 13:24 |
FloodBot1 | froes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:24 |
ActionParsnip | ouyes: what is the output of: whoami; ls -l ~/Desktop | 13:24 |
froes | sorry ... why did it go double :S | 13:24 |
compromdon | hi is unity part of gnome or ubuntu ? Can I get rid of it if I go to kde ? | 13:24 |
RodriguuuH | canal br ? | 13:24 |
sagaci | compromdon: kubuntu | 13:24 |
szal | compromdon: if you want KDE, install Kubuntu | 13:25 |
REK_007 | compromdon: use the classic mode to get back the old GNOME kinda look | 13:25 |
keith105 | Hi Ubuntu 10.04, full screen flash in firefox has frozen the screen (system still responsive so appears just graphics), SSH'd in from another computer, killed plugin thingy and firefox.... no diff | 13:25 |
keith105 | any suggestions how i can get my screen back and work? ;-) | 13:25 |
compromdon | REK_007, how do i switch to classical ? | 13:25 |
ouyes | ActionParsnip, -rw------- 1 ouyes ouyes | 13:25 |
ouyes | whoami ouyes | 13:25 |
compromdon | szal, is that a fresh install ? | 13:25 |
sagaci | compromdon: log out and choose Gnome Classic down the bottom when you log in | 13:26 |
ShermanBoyd | compromdon: you can switch to classic at the login screen | 13:26 |
netech | keith105: restart X | 13:26 |
compromdon | ok great thanks | 13:26 |
Sidewinder1 | !classic > compromdon | 13:26 |
ubottu | compromdon, please see my private message | 13:26 |
szal | compromdon: you tell me | 13:26 |
ouyes | ouyes, I have chmod the Desktop folder to 0755 | 13:26 |
philinux | keith105: from your ssh killall firefiox might do it | 13:26 |
ouyes | ActionParsnip, but some files have different not 0755 | 13:26 |
keith105 | philinux: cheers but did a kill -9 so no diff | 13:27 |
keith105 | netech: gonna try that now cheers | 13:27 |
rogerzh | I have 2 machines installed Ubuntu 11.04 x86_64. Both of machines are linked Netgear home route. I tried to use gnome-user-share sharing the files between 2 machines. I could find a new icon under 'network' which in my home dir on machine2, such as 'username on machine1 public files'; but when I tried to open it, there is a error message pop-up: "Can not mounted : DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by mess | 13:27 |
rogerzh | age bus)" | 13:27 |
rogerzh | any idea to slovei t? | 13:28 |
Glycan | Hwo do I install grub? | 13:28 |
BlouBlou | !grub | Glycan | 13:28 |
ubottu | Glycan: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 13:28 |
froes | BluesKaj, a little bit hard to describe more that that. | 13:28 |
Glycan | Doesn't explain much | 13:28 |
sagaci | Glycan: install or reinstall | 13:28 |
froes | my bedroom looks like a shower of wires everywhere | 13:28 |
froes | AWSOME | 13:29 |
roland | nhg: when entering the first line in i get this "sudo: ecryptfs-add-passphrase: command not found" | 13:29 |
BluesKaj | froes, does your HT receiver/audio amp have digital inputs, either toslink or coax , and does your soundcard have digital out ? | 13:29 |
Glycan | Let's go with install | 13:29 |
froes | BluesKaj, alll p2 output only . its an old P965 NEO | 13:29 |
roland | nhg: im using a debian laptop, but the HDD is ubuntu. | 13:29 |
=== Threepwood is now known as Guest773 | ||
nhg | roland, sudo apt-get install ecryptfs | 13:30 |
nhg | roland, sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils | 13:30 |
keith105 | just did a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart - its now stuck on the black screen, last entry starting user-mode networking | 13:30 |
mang0 | Guys, I've just installed Gimp 2.6 on Ubuntu 11.04. I've got a UC-Logic WP5540U tablet, and I can use this to move the cursor around, but there is no pressure when I draw. Help! | 13:30 |
mang0 | Yes I've asked in #gimp | 13:30 |
keith105 | the flashing cursor is tauntung me :| | 13:30 |
roland | nhg: E: Unable to locate package ecryptfs....damn debian! | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | ouyes: as long as the folder is owner writable and owned by the user, it should be able to add files | 13:31 |
nhg | roland, ecryptfs-utils | 13:31 |
froes | BluesKaj, so i have a software that gets the midi signals send to JACK and generate fractals on my walls through the projectors | 13:31 |
Glycan | What is the root partition? | 13:32 |
BluesKaj | foes yeah , ok ,but you were asking about 5.1 audio , right ? I don't have any idea how to acheive that with p2 output | 13:33 |
Glycan | And how do you determine it? | 13:33 |
MonkeyDust | about NFS: i am able to ssh and sftp to my remote machine, but not nfs -- nfs-kernel is up and running ok -- hints & tips? | 13:33 |
BlouBlou | Glycan: ubuntu doesn't make a partition for root. | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | BlouBlou: the root partition is / | 13:33 |
keith105 | sorry just to reiterate on the one line, a full screen flash in firefox 10.04 froze the screen, have tried kill -9 and restaring gdm (from another machine), now staring at black screen and flashing cursor... would appreciate any other advice | 13:33 |
MonkeyDust | about NFS: i am able to ssh and sftp to my remote machine, but not nfs -- nfs-kernel is up and running, /etc/exports contains my local machine ok -- hints & tips? | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | BlouBlou: every linux based OS has one | 13:33 |
=== Technetium is now known as Iridium | ||
BlouBlou | but /home is on that partition too | 13:34 |
BlouBlou | not in separated one | 13:34 |
=== Iridium is now known as Iridium191 | ||
ActionParsnip | BlouBlou: that's fine | 13:34 |
younes | hi | 13:34 |
ActionParsnip | hi younes | 13:34 |
thegladiator | vlc is consuming 60% CPU , wonder why | 13:35 |
younes | all with ubuntu | 13:35 |
=== neo is now known as Guest76913 | ||
yeats | MonkeyDust: have you defined the directories you're sharing in /etc/exports on the NFS server? | 13:35 |
MonkeyDust | yeats: yes | 13:35 |
Glycan | So how do you find it? | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | thegladiator: does it happen as all users? | 13:35 |
yeats | MonkeyDust: and you restarted nfs-kernel-server after doing so? | 13:35 |
Sidewinder1 | BlouBlou, Many folks make /home on a separate partition from root; this allows them do do a fresh install and then copy all of their settings, ect., from the separate /home partition. | 13:35 |
ActionParsnip | thegladiator: do other users have the same issue? | 13:36 |
MonkeyDust | yeats: yes | 13:36 |
thegladiator | I am not sure about other users ActionParsnip , but does VLC consume 60% CPU for a video file ? | 13:36 |
yeats | MonkeyDust: and you've defined the remote directories in /etc/fstab on the client(s)? | 13:36 |
MonkeyDust | yeats: it says: Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' specified for export | 13:37 |
ActionParsnip | thegladiator: do other players do the same? | 13:37 |
MonkeyDust | yeats: fstab, too, yes | 13:37 |
philinux | keith105: Have you got physical access to machine or are you remote. | 13:38 |
thegladiator | hold on I will check the video | 13:38 |
yeats | MonkeyDust: ah, have you tried adding 'no_subtree_check' to the options in /etc/exports? | 13:38 |
yeats | MonkeyDust: example from mine: "#/fileshare,sync,no_subtree_check) | 13:38 |
geeme | hi there, can someone help and tell me how to update the version of perl I have on an ubuntu system? | 13:39 |
BluesKaj | MonkeyDust, a hint if you're using NFSv4 , delete the "_netdev ' from the client pc fstab entry | 13:39 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: which version do you want and for which release ? | 13:39 |
Sidewinder1 | BlouBlou, If you wish to delve more deeply into separate /home partitions, please see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/installseparatehome | 13:40 |
thegladiator | totem for instance uses only expected 25 CPU ActionParsnip | 13:40 |
thegladiator | I need VLC because it has this feature to amplify video to 400% | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | thegladiator: ok that's fine. | 13:40 |
marco9 | Hi, wont to here some thing funny > Quote: AnonymousUS. If I was the marine that killed osama bin laden i would of teabagged him till him till my nuts where fucked up. LOL | 13:40 |
geeme | oActionarsnip: running 10.10 i386 server and v 5.10.1-12ubuntu2.1 want to upgrade to at lease 5.10.1-15ubuntu2 | 13:40 |
IdleOne | !ot > marco9 | 13:40 |
ubottu | marco9, please see my private message | 13:40 |
froes_ | tried to do a loop from alsa to jack, but dont seem to be able to set it proper | 13:41 |
IdleOne | !language | marco9 | 13:41 |
ubottu | marco9: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | thegladiator: try: killall vlc; rm -r /.config/vlc | 13:41 |
thegladiator | right | 13:41 |
younes | xxssxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxz<s<<zzzzz | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: which arch? | 13:41 |
geeme | i386 | 13:41 |
geeme | 32bit | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: let me search :) | 13:42 |
geeme | I had a google but couldnt find much info on it. | 13:42 |
roland | nhg: i entered the passphrase and a bunch of lines came up. but they were all (not loaded) at the end | 13:42 |
roland | nhg: did i get my password wrong? | 13:43 |
demetan | halp, my keyboard is blocked | 13:43 |
thegladiator | better now ActionParsnip | 13:43 |
thegladiator | seems like some configuration issue | 13:43 |
roland | nhg: Selection: aes (use the aes cipher)... this is what im up to, but i have no idea what to enter | 13:43 |
nhg | roland, did you mean you have random-like folders and files? | 13:43 |
ActionParsnip | thegladiator: most likely | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: is the package 'perl' or is it something else? | 13:44 |
geeme | it is perl | 13:45 |
roland | nhg: no, i was just following the steps and copied the generated passphrase into terminal | 13:45 |
geeme | Im trying to install libdevice-usb-perl but dependancy issues require perl to be upgraded | 13:45 |
roland | nhg, now im up to dot 4 on step 2 | 13:45 |
eross | funny how 11.04 came out with its snazzy interface and yet all I see is androids on the market | 13:45 |
nhg | roland, it should be aes, 16bit, as far as I've read | 13:45 |
keith105 | philinux: i have both, i restarted gdm again and it worked but it killed all my applications. all works lost. | 13:45 |
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
nhg | roland, altough I am not 100% sure, but give it a try | 13:46 |
eross | anyone try installing it on a cheap tablet? | 13:46 |
roland | nhg: just type 16bit? | 13:46 |
philinux | keith105: Not a good outcome. | 13:46 |
nhg | roland, just press enter without values. It will use the default value (the one within [] brackets) | 13:46 |
roland | okay | 13:46 |
philinux | keith105: open office should recover any docs | 13:47 |
keith105 | philinux: nope haha, do u know of a way to get X working again without killing all the important open stuff, in case it happens again | 13:47 |
keith105 | unfortunately it was a complicated GNS3 topology | 13:47 |
keith105 | lost VMs too haha, this is not a good day :) | 13:47 |
roland | nhg: This and the following options only apply if you are using filename encry | 13:47 |
roland | nhg: what is filename encryption? | 13:48 |
philinux | keith105: I think it should be killall firefox-bin | 13:48 |
roland | am i useing it | 13:48 |
canthus13 | bah. How do you clear a keyboard shortcut in gnome-terminal? I can change them, but I can't find a way to disable a particular shortcut. (specifically, alt-<number>) | 13:48 |
keith105 | philinux: that didnt fix the frozen fullscreen flash, i did notice a zombie in top but couldnt see what it was before i had to restart, that could have been it i suppose | 13:49 |
keith105 | grrrr @ flash on linux lol | 13:49 |
younes | what we do here? | 13:49 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/perl/perl_5.10.1-12ubuntu2.1_i386.deb | 13:49 |
szal | keith105: that's what you get from not putting mission-critical stuff on its own machine :P | 13:49 |
philinux | keith105: I would try and repeat it just with firefox and nothing important. | 13:49 |
=== TheDaniel0108 is now known as Daniel0108 | ||
ActionParsnip | keith105: are you using 64bit ubuntu? | 13:50 |
geeme | ActionParsnip: where did you find that :) | 13:50 |
younes | clear | 13:50 |
keith105 | no 32bit | 13:50 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: its in the security repo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/perl | 13:50 |
nhg | roland, 'passtrough' = n, 'filename encryption' = y , mount now? = yes. (theothermessage) = no . That's whats written on that site | 13:50 |
keith105 | szal: :p | 13:50 |
froes_ | why is it so hard to forward the sound from PULSE to JACK ? | 13:50 |
geeme | your google is obvioulsy better than mine.. wget'ting now and will try. will report back cheers | 13:50 |
ActionParsnip | keith105: i see, ok what is the output of: lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf | 13:50 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: np man | 13:51 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: was also bing ;) | 13:51 |
mang0 | someone just told me to "grep" for something in terminal, what does that mean? | 13:51 |
philinux | keith105: is this firefox 4 | 13:51 |
mang0 | (he is helping me troubleshoot something) | 13:51 |
geeme | I use "google" as a general term... admittadly didnt try bing | 13:51 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: it means to search or filter text | 13:51 |
MonkeyDust | mang0: grep is a filter, to look for something specific | 13:51 |
ActionParsnip | geeme: i use "websearch" | 13:51 |
mang0 | so I go to the search menu and then search for the thing? | 13:51 |
mang0 | yeah | 13:51 |
younes | ping | 13:51 |
mang0 | MonkeyDust: I need to search for the word "Pressure" in a long list of things | 13:52 |
MonkeyDust | mang0: is that list a text file? | 13:52 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: then use: grep -i pressure file | 13:52 |
keith105 | ActionParsnip: my apologies, this one is 10.10, and it has flashplugin-installer none of the rest | 13:52 |
mang0 | A list in terminal | 13:52 |
mang0 | I typed in "xev" | 13:52 |
mang0 | and now I need to look for "pressure" | 13:53 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: then pipe the text into the grep | 13:53 |
BluesKaj | froes_, your audio problem might be pulseaudio ..it's not compatible with alot of older pci and integrated soundcards | 13:53 |
ActionParsnip | mang0: e.g: xev | grep -i pressure | 13:53 |
MonkeyDust | mang0: a list of commands? | 13:53 |
mang0 | thanks ActionParsnip | 13:54 |
mang0 | MonkeyDust: Sorted now, thanks :) | 13:54 |
sreeju | i cant install any packages now please help | 13:54 |
ActionParsnip | keith105: try: sudo apt-get -y --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin-nonfree | 13:54 |
roland | nhg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611046/ | 13:55 |
clakes | gotta love the guys at ffado.org ...finally managed to make my motu ultralite work on 11.04 | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | sreeju: can you give the output of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade thanks | 13:55 |
Gump | #ubuntu, i installed OSSv4, and now flashplayer doesn't play any sound. i tried installing flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound, but i can only find it for 32bit, not amd64. i tried recompiling it from source, but it returned a long string of errors. has anyone else run into this problem? | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | sreeju: use a pastebin to host the text | 13:55 |
roland | nhg: damn, maybe i got the password wrong, ill do it a few more times.... lame | 13:55 |
nhg | roland, this is probably because you mistyped the path | 13:55 |
roland | nhg: thankyou so much for your help though | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | Gump: could try 64bit flash, if your ubuntu is 64bit | 13:55 |
sreeju | its saying opera needs to be reinstalled but cant find archive | 13:55 |
Gump | yes, it is. flash player is installed and working ActionParsnip. but since installing oss, no sound works form it | 13:56 |
nhg | roland, in the guide its said the path is /home/username/.Private, but it isn't! At least, it isn't in my installation. It is /home/username/.ecryptfs/username/.Private instead | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | sreeju: can you give the output as requested, not an interpretation | 13:56 |
rabc_ | hi im looking for a minimum footprint version of ubuntu, the 10.10 im using is causing my 10 year old PC to slow up anyone any links pls | 13:56 |
BluesKaj | Gump, why oss ? | 13:56 |
keith105 | ActionParsnip: thanks man, hopefully the non-free one will prevent future issues like that :) | 13:56 |
sreeju | ok wait | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | rabc_: install ubuntu-minimal then install lxde into that, very small punchy OS | 13:57 |
Gump | BluesKaj, because my audio out jack was not working, so i installed OSS, and now it is working | 13:57 |
roland | nhg: where it says "username" im suposed to wright 'roland' right? | 13:57 |
BluesKaj | Gump, did you try alsa ? | 13:57 |
ShermanBoyd | What's the best way to install metasploit on natty? I can't find a package, do I have to just install all the deps and then pull it with svn? | 13:57 |
rabc_ | thanks actionparsnip your a gem!!!!! | 13:57 |
Gump | BluesKaj, yes, alsa was the problem | 13:57 |
nhg | roland, probably, if you choosen roland at installation time | 13:57 |
Gump | it is a known bug in alsa that it does not work with my soundcard | 13:58 |
BluesKaj | or was it pulseaudio, Gump ? | 13:58 |
roland | nhg: thanks ill try again | 13:58 |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: http://dev.metasploit.com/redmine/projects/framework/wiki/Install_Ubuntu | 13:58 |
sreeju | no error its downloading .. (sudo apt-get update) | 13:58 |
Gump | BluesKaj, ...i think it was alsa? | 13:58 |
ActionParsnip | sreeju: all better now? | 13:59 |
Gump | regardless, with OSS, is it possible to get sound working in flash player? | 13:59 |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: thats one way, there is no best way | 13:59 |
george_ | irc.bithq.org | 14:00 |
sreeju | thank you ... its ok now | 14:00 |
Gump | can someone with a 64bit system try this for me? apt-get source flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound, and then try cd to the dir and make | 14:01 |
BluesKaj | regardless ? ..dunno about oss integration with flash , Gump... that can't be disregarded | 14:01 |
ActionParsnip | sreeju: sweet :) | 14:01 |
nhg | I decrypted my old home folder, (And I could access SOME files), but the problem now is : All filenames are scrambled and many directories unreadable... Am I doing something wrong? | 14:01 |
Gump | BluesKaj, i know flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound will fix the problem, but it is only availible from the repository for i386 | 14:02 |
BluesKaj | Gump, install ia32 libs | 14:02 |
Gump | what's the package called? | 14:03 |
Gump | already newest version | 14:03 |
ShermanBoyd | thanks for the link! whoever answered ... chatzilla crashed =( | 14:04 |
Gump | i'm assuming that is for compatibility for i386 packages? didn't work apparently | 14:04 |
=== fred_ is now known as Guest57057 | ||
Gump | i tried installing the i836 version and it returned error package is not designed for amd64 or something | 14:04 |
go8765432 | anybody know where gajim keep his account information? | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | !info gajim | 14:07 |
ubottu | gajim (source: gajim): Jabber client written in PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.4-3ubuntu2 (natty), package size 4134 kB, installed size 14388 kB | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | nice | 14:07 |
ActionParsnip | go8765432: possibly ~/.gajim or ~/.config/gajim are god places to look | 14:08 |
djanos | go8765432, ~/.gajim/config | 14:08 |
roland | nhg: i tried it twice again, same error :( tried your different path name | 14:09 |
sagaci | roland: still cranking along? | 14:09 |
roland | sagaci: not much luck. im gona have to take it to a linux expert i guess | 14:09 |
nhg | I managed to finally get it working 100%, nevermind | 14:10 |
nhg | roland, I'll write you in private | 14:10 |
nhg | roland, my exact steps | 14:10 |
sagaci | roland: it's why I don't use encryption | 14:10 |
Mrokii | hello. I was considering installing Gnome 3 on Ubuntu 11.04, but when I added the official PPA, Update Manager showed me lots of packages that weren't selected (and couldn't be selected). Some of which sounded essential to me. I wonder if that is normal (a two-step installation or something)? | 14:10 |
nhg | roland, pm me please | 14:10 |
go8765432 | ActionParsnip, djanos thanks, but in my old home folder i cant find it? but in new i see this files... now i try to make new profiles.. | 14:11 |
achpile | Hello. There is cool command in bash: "source". So I can include one script into another. But how can I do the same thing in sh? | 14:11 |
=== logan is now known as Guest34025 | ||
sagaci | Mrokii: it could easily break your system | 14:12 |
Mrokii | sagaci: I know, that is why I am asking. I won't risk breaking my system. | 14:13 |
ActionParsnip | go8765432: could try: sudo find $HOME -iname gajim | 14:15 |
ActionParsnip | !gnome3 | 14:16 |
ubottu | Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely. | 14:16 |
Free-man | achpile source or a period; check the sh manpage. `sh' is usually a link to real shell installed. qc ash too | 14:16 |
Dr_Willis | sh is 'dash' in ubuntu normally | 14:16 |
=== tobias is now known as Guest87280 | ||
Free-man | achpile s/qc/qv/ | 14:16 |
Free-man | ok | 14:17 |
A_J | + | 14:17 |
go8765432 | ActionParsnip, thanks) i understand that gajim kepp his account information in server) when i login - i see my transports) | 14:17 |
mrdeb | Dr_Willis: what is dash | 14:17 |
Dr_Willis | mrdeb: a sh replacement. | 14:17 |
Dr_Willis | not to be confused with unity's 'dash' | 14:17 |
GauravButola | how do I know my which touchpad I am using. My friend has some issue regarding touchpad not working under 11.04 | 14:17 |
Dr_Willis | !dash | 14:17 |
ubottu | /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash | 14:17 |
A_J | ActionParsnip, quick question. If I install ubuntu Netbook on a netbook, how is the support for those usb modems we get.. They mostly only come with windows software | 14:17 |
tomekh | why apt-get does not remove it?: http://pastebin.com/ewAChpTN | 14:19 |
mrdeb | Dr_Willis: is it better? i use sh to run scripts | 14:19 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: The UI is moot, you may need to mess with usb-modeswitcher. I assume you mean 3G modem | 14:20 |
Dr_Willis | mrdeb: if yoyu are using sh in ubuntu.. you are actually using 'dash' | 14:20 |
A_J | ActionParsnip, no 2g actally | 14:20 |
tomekh | why apt-get does not remove it?: http://pastebin.com/ewAChpTN | 14:20 |
mrdeb | whats the point | 14:20 |
szal | !repeat | tomekh | 14:20 |
ubottu | tomekh: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 14:20 |
Dr_Willis | tomekh: clarify/summarize the paste. dont expect people to go to a url just to get the summary. | 14:21 |
Mrokii | ActionParsnip: I do know that it breaks Unity (which I don't use anyway). | 14:21 |
frackle | can I install ubuntu on my 1980s alarm clock? | 14:21 |
MonkeyDust | tomekh: try apt-get purge | 14:21 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: same difference, the modem will be seen as a USB storage for Windows users who can't run setup.exe, the software then switches the hardware to the modem part. Ubuntu can already use the modem bit and does not and cannot use use stupid software so you just need to flip it | 14:21 |
compdoc | frackle, you'll need a time machine to take you back to 1980 | 14:21 |
frackle | lol | 14:22 |
tomekh | MonkeyDust: same effect | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | frackle: what cpu does it use? | 14:22 |
Hoez | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] Hoez chattan dreamnid apocalyptiq xangua blackthor MidnightGlow stalins Vanadis cprofitt Benkinooby dmb GauravButola submain Ericounet mrdeb tomekh AxeZ davros Screaminmidget | 14:22 |
Hoez | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] alex__ ocsi-bm clakes Zhsso maa_pan pr0ton go8765432 rizzeh ouyes cdbs stowoda_ simion314 BIGATO QaDeS_ Kasjopaja23 Schmallon lainy froes_ az deuterium geeme liminal demetan | 14:22 |
Hoez | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] blinkyb [PanzeR]DzaDze nor42 billyjam TheRAt erle- sllide buren aptest jasonjang Faithful brontosaurusrex BlipInTheData Polah egg0nlegs shurane jaminja esh3llz roland migueta | 14:22 |
Hoez | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] raQi Lewis29 engled nhg andygraybeal ericm|ubuntu Glycan tjiggi_fo KMFrog bergman Sidewinder1 MUILTFN OkropNick Spacewalker KennethP JonathanD PiotrN Zahrada philinux PaulEyc | 14:22 |
frackle | whoa | 14:22 |
tomekh | it doesn't even ask [y/n] | 14:22 |
Spacewalker | woah... | 14:22 |
A_J | ActionParsnip, so i should be able to connect to the net, thats what i'm asking.. mainly | 14:22 |
szal | mothereffin' spambots.. | 14:22 |
frackle | ActionParsnip, CPU? bad joke, sorry :P | 14:22 |
A_J | nice floodbot | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: yes, but if usb-modeswitch doesn't automagically do it for you, you will need to tweak some settings | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | frackle: ask a silly question.... | 14:23 |
A_J | k ty ActionParsnip. | 14:23 |
linsuxy | how to have a text mode installation | 14:23 |
frackle | ActionParsnip, how many ubuntus make a kubuntu. I think it's 3 or 4, but am not sure | 14:23 |
frackle | i'm full of them dude, heh | 14:23 |
submain | anyone else having problems with flash flickering on firefox? | 14:24 |
froes_ | hi guys, have tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=875378 but dont seem to fork on 10.10 | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | frackle: how many Lubuntus make kubuntu, about 4 :D | 14:24 |
ActionParsnip | frackle: well, in resource use anyway :D:D | 14:24 |
tomekh | what the heck. i can't remove abiword with apt-get. | 14:24 |
frackle | lol | 14:24 |
szal | frackle: judging from IRC logins it's about 5-6 Ubuntus for one Kubuntu ;) | 14:24 |
linsuxy | how to have a text mode installation ??? | 14:25 |
BlouBlou | tomekh: sudo apt-get purge abiword | 14:25 |
szal | frackle: though this doesn' | 14:25 |
xangua | submain: flash sucks on linux if that is what you ask | 14:25 |
szal | frackle: though this doesn't account for ppl who are in both channels | 14:25 |
BlouBlou | linsuxy: "sudo apt-get install <package>" or if you want a .deb package "sudo dpkg -i <package> | 14:25 |
submain | xangua: lol, i already knew that! | 14:25 |
BlouBlou | without quotes | 14:25 |
xangua | !alternate | linsuxy | 14:25 |
ubottu | linsuxy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal | 14:25 |
submain | i'm patiently waiting for the day when html5 will become mainstream | 14:25 |
ShermanBoyd | I want to add a launcher that opens a terminal and then runs a command ... is there a way to pass an argument to gnome-terminal? | 14:26 |
linsuxy | !minimal | 14:26 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 14:26 |
Mors | Hi | 14:26 |
* Mors has a question | 14:26 | |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: gnome-terminal --execute command | 14:26 |
ShermanBoyd | submain: I think we are pretty much there, have you seen the IE9 browser adoption stats | 14:26 |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: try reading: man gnome-terminal | 14:26 |
Mors | Is there a way to change my preferred application for a file type based on file location? | 14:26 |
ShermanBoyd | ActionParsnip: thanks again! | 14:26 |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: man pages are VERY useful, try reading them | 14:27 |
submain | ShermanBoyd: not yet, are they high? | 14:27 |
Mors | I have some mkv's that refuse to open with anything but vlc so I was thinking I'd change the opening app for those only, based on filepath | 14:27 |
tomekh | 'dpkg -P abiword-common libabiword*' helped! | 14:27 |
itaylor57 | ActionParsnip: do you still use chromium daily? | 14:28 |
ShermanBoyd | ActionParsnip: it seems like they are more useful under Ubuntu | 14:28 |
MonkeyDust | itaylor57: i do use chromium daily | 14:28 |
ActionParsnip | itaylor57: its all I use dude | 14:28 |
tomekh | guys, you all are so horrible unhelping people here | 14:28 |
BlouBlou | tomekh: then you're free to /quit | 14:28 |
xangua | !attitude | tomekh | 14:28 |
ubottu | tomekh: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 14:28 |
BlouBlou | I really hate ubottu | 14:29 |
itaylor57 | ActionParsnip: I do too,I noticed when I upgraded to natty that it only has free codecs downloaded is that right? | 14:29 |
Free-man | tomekh lrn2insult better :) | 14:29 |
Free-man | BlouBlou i can get paid :) | 14:29 |
ActionParsnip | itaylor57: not sure, I just install my usual stuff and it allworks fine | 14:29 |
Free-man | BlouBlou i've been paid for helping desparate people in times past :) | 14:30 |
ActionParsnip | Free-man: 1st line servicedesk eh ;) | 14:30 |
BlouBlou | Free-man: great | 14:30 |
Free-man | on IRC | 14:30 |
submain | i'm not sure if i should take an energy drink and keep coding or just go to bed | 14:30 |
Free-man | bed | 14:31 |
mrdeb | MonkeyDust: it is experimental | 14:31 |
ActionParsnip | submain: bed, you'll feel better | 14:31 |
submain | yeah, but i'm on that state that i know i wont sleep but im still tired | 14:31 |
submain | i hate that | 14:31 |
coony | ciao | 14:31 |
BlouBlou | submain: what about a nature-documental on the sofa? | 14:32 |
ActionParsnip | submain: then draw or read to chillout, then sleep | 14:32 |
submain | lol that doesnt sound too bad | 14:32 |
submain | actually ive been sleeping watching topgear for the last 3 nights | 14:33 |
BluesKaj | submain,top gear (UK) is out in the torrents or is this the new season 17? | 14:35 |
ActionParsnip | !piracy | 14:36 |
ubottu | piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 14:36 |
a7i3n | "It's the End of the World as we know it... I feel fine..." | 14:36 |
submain | BluesKaj: I've been watching reruns. Netflix stopped showing on season 16, and I havent bothered looking on t*rrent | 14:36 |
Free-man | i wear my sunglasses at night | 14:36 |
a7i3n | cool | 14:37 |
Free-man | ya | 14:37 |
a7i3n | dangerous... but cool | 14:37 |
Free-man | the important things are self-lit, no worries | 14:37 |
submain | Free-man: my cousin did that when he got punched in the eye on a bar... | 14:37 |
Free-man | submain well, tht's dumb | 14:37 |
nhg | roland, can you pm me again? | 14:37 |
a7i3n | ah yes... the important things... like a warm server with a fresh Linux install mmmmm | 14:38 |
nhg | why can't I see the list of users in xchat-gnome? | 14:38 |
Free-man | submain why did you unspell torrent? | 14:38 |
sether | hello | 14:38 |
submain | Free-man: so ubottu wouldnt complain | 14:38 |
BluesKaj | submain, , how is the selection on netflix these days, i tried the free 30 day trial and found only one good movie. | 14:38 |
Free-man | submain someone did :) | 14:38 |
Dr_Willis | nhg: ive seen where the left side nick/user list gets resized where you cant see it. mouse to the side. check that its not there but made 1 pixle wide | 14:38 |
submain | Free-man: lol | 14:39 |
sether | wtf | 14:39 |
a7i3n | Happy End on the World everybody! | 14:39 |
Sidewinder1 | !ubottu | 14:39 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 14:39 |
submain | BluesKaj: pretty decent, especially if you are into anime | 14:39 |
submain | they have been getting better and better | 14:39 |
BluesKaj | submain, nope :) | 14:39 |
sether | this is | 14:39 |
sether | bbbbbbllllllllaaaaaaannnnkkkkkkkk | 14:39 |
silver_roxy | I've never done IRC before, so I am not sure of the etiquette. | 14:39 |
sether | hello | 14:39 |
Free-man | silver_roxy write utf7 | 14:40 |
sether | hello | 14:40 |
silver_roxy | What is that? | 14:40 |
silver_roxy | Hi sether. | 14:40 |
Free-man | sether ascii | 14:40 |
a7i3n | Just don't make ubottu mad.... | 14:40 |
submain | BluesKaj: theres also stuff like Dexter, Myth Busters, etc. I dont even have cable anymore. | 14:40 |
silver_roxy | I have a question about Bastille if anyone can help me. | 14:40 |
sether | anyboy home | 14:40 |
Free-man | nop | 14:40 |
Sidewinder1 | sether, Yes, lots. | 14:41 |
elky | silver_roxy, you can just ask a question and whoever knows will answer. No need to ask permission or introduce yourself :) | 14:41 |
sether | how is my little | 14:41 |
silver_roxy | Thanks, elky. | 14:41 |
silver_roxy | I set my configuration wrong, and now I can't login to Ubuntu at all | 14:41 |
sether | all my pleasure | 14:41 |
rcconf | Why I have video tearing if I don't use fullscreen? | 14:41 |
sether | hahahahahahahahaha | 14:42 |
Free-man | silver_roxy when you boot, add this to the commandline: init=/bin/sh | 14:42 |
rcconf | using compiz and nvidia | 14:42 |
silver_roxy | I set my config to disable single user login thinking that I would still be able to login with my root password. | 14:42 |
Sidewinder1 | !ot > sether | 14:42 |
ubottu | sether, please see my private message | 14:42 |
nhg | Dr_Willis: no usernames there, just #ubuntu | 14:42 |
Free-man | silver_roxy then fix the prob | 14:42 |
sether | sucks 4 u | 14:42 |
roar | hello | 14:42 |
submain | silver_roxy: you can go to recovery mode and reset your user password | 14:42 |
elky | sether, none of that please :( | 14:42 |
a7i3n | Any recomendations for a usb pendrive brand to use for booting ubuntu? | 14:42 |
silver_roxy | Okay. What command do I need? | 14:42 |
sether | hello sidewinderb 1 | 14:43 |
submain | a7i3n: I use a usb that some folks gave me as a souvenir at a conference, and it works great :) | 14:43 |
Sidewinder1 | Hi | 14:43 |
sether | who arre u | 14:43 |
silver_roxy | Free-man, when I boot in recovery, I can login just fine, but it is all command line and I can | 14:43 |
silver_roxy | ' | 14:43 |
sether | sorry ELKY | 14:43 |
submain | silver_roxy: passwd yourusername | 14:43 |
silver_roxy | t access the internet at all. | 14:44 |
a7i3n | So it doesn't matter... none better than others? | 14:44 |
Free-man | silver_roxy undo your change that locked you out | 14:44 |
BluesKaj | submain, have you heard what the anouncement was with the chromium HTML5 and netfix plugin that's supposed to work on linux ? | 14:44 |
agagah | jl | 14:44 |
submain | a7i3n: as far as booting, i dont think so. Whether the drive itself will last through the years its another story... | 14:44 |
sether | this is shit | 14:44 |
Free-man | Bellard.qemu-fame has written a x86 emulator in javascript and ported linux to it. | 14:45 |
submain | BluesKaj: no i havent. Thats awesome, I thought they were having problems with linux drm | 14:45 |
silver_roxy | I used this command [/usr/sbin/InteractiveBastille -c] to try and re-configure, but I get an error message saying it can't open the action log due to permissions. | 14:45 |
Free-man | yay; linux in browser! | 14:45 |
a7i3n | It's just that | 14:45 |
agagah | c koi ce truc | 14:45 |
submain | I'm running a win7 box just to run netflix right now | 14:45 |
a7i3n | I've had no luck in getting a usb to boot so far... muht be me or my laptop... | 14:45 |
silver_roxy | Is there a way to uninstall Bastille from the command line screen in recovery and restore it. | 14:45 |
Dr_Willis | !info bastille | 14:46 |
ubottu | bastille (source: bastille): Security hardening tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.0.9-13 (natty), package size 457 kB, installed size 1960 kB | 14:46 |
Dr_Willis | sudo apt-get purge packagename should remove it. | 14:46 |
BluesKaj | yes the drm is supposed to work on the chromium plugin /netfix player , hence the rumours | 14:46 |
a7i3n | I so seriously want Linux on my toaster... | 14:46 |
MonkeyDust | a7i3n: to tweak or not to tweak | 14:46 |
submain | BluesKaj: awesome, im googling that, ive been waiting for years | 14:46 |
compdoc | you must like some fancy toast | 14:47 |
a7i3n | That is the question Monkey Dust.... | 14:47 |
go8765 | say me please - how i can change my encourding in tty1,2,3... ? now i cant see russian words-i see only english but not russian | 14:47 |
submain | a7i3n: lol, i seriously wonder if the toaster actually has a microprocessor | 14:47 |
Dr_Willis | !locale | 14:47 |
ubottu | To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 14:47 |
MonkeyDust | libgtoast1.3 | 14:48 |
LjL | go8765: i don't know, but maybe you'd want to try asking in #ubuntu-ru where they are probably more familiar with that sort of issue | 14:48 |
a7i3n | pretty funny MonkeyDust... | 14:48 |
cristy | hello! | 14:49 |
a7i3n | I have a toaster with a processor... it occasionally flips the bread on the floor... | 14:49 |
Free-man | lol | 14:49 |
a7i3n | Must be running XP | 14:49 |
cristy | how can i hide some harddisk from desktop? | 14:49 |
Free-man | a7i3n a Rube Goldberg computer? | 14:49 |
LjL | !offtopic | 14:49 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:49 |
MonkeyDust | cristy: use gconf-editor => nautilus - desktop | 14:49 |
Dr_Willis | cristy: gnome has settings to show/hide all mounted/unmounted filesystmes.. not sure if you can hide just 1 | 14:49 |
RealKillaz | Gents I have problems with my laptop disk drive | 14:49 |
a7i3n | Actually i'm serious... I really want to figure out a way to get linux on a toaster... | 14:50 |
RealKillaz | I'm loading now from a USB drive | 14:50 |
go8765 | LjL: i cant see nothing in this channel now) | 14:50 |
Dr_Willis | a7i3n: its proberly allready been done.. | 14:50 |
RealKillaz | but still I keep getting stdin: I/O Error | 14:50 |
RealKillaz | unable to open /dev/sda | 14:50 |
a7i3n | So I can set up an ssh tunnel to it and check up on my toast... | 14:50 |
RealKillaz | anyone can tell me what I can do | 14:50 |
MonkeyDust | a7i3n: if it has an ip address, yes | 14:50 |
phox_ | Hello! How do I make the top panel is 11.04 transparent? It used to be so easy.. | 14:51 |
MonkeyDust | RealKillaz: put your question in 1 line, it's easier to read | 14:51 |
a7i3n | Most likely yes Dr_Willis... but I still want one... | 14:51 |
a7i3n | ssh -Y toast@ | 14:52 |
rauchy | If I'm running Natty, can I somehow installed the VIM that was packaged in Maverick? | 14:52 |
rauchy | *install | 14:52 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: its possible the hard drive is failing. | 14:52 |
submain | a7i3n: hmmm... you have to figure out if it has something like a PIC or an AVR | 14:52 |
MonkeyDust | phox_: unity or gnome? unity is with the vertical launch bar | 14:52 |
cristy | dr_willis you hit the problem | 14:52 |
cristy | i want hide only 2 partitions | 14:52 |
Dr_Willis | cristy: as i said. I think its all or nothing. | 14:52 |
submain | a7i3n: if it does, then you have to adapt the kernel code to compile on that architecture, which is not an easy task | 14:52 |
phox_ | monkeydust: The gnome panel on the top, the unity launcher on the left is already transparent. | 14:53 |
a7i3n | Now you're talking submain... | 14:53 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, it is failing, so tha's why I'm booting Ubuntu from a USB drive. such that I can fix the problem on the disk | 14:53 |
BlouBlou | phox_: using geforce fx 5***? | 14:53 |
MonkeyDust | phox_: try changing the compiz settings, using ccsm | 14:53 |
a7i3n | I'm just sick of my bread getting flung to the floor.... | 14:53 |
submain | a7i3n: however, most PICs i have worked with go as fast as 20mhz... It would be easier to establish a serial connection to your toaster | 14:54 |
adminuser | Gday for all , propperly driver for dell wirless 1397 under bt4 ? pls advise | 14:54 |
phox_ | bloublou: Nope, Ati HD 4850 or something. | 14:54 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: You may want to try to 'rescue' the drive to some other file on a differnt hard drive via dd_rescue or ddrescue. If fscking it fails. | 14:54 |
RealKillaz | MonkeyDust, very simple my hard disk is failing, I'm booting from a USB drive trying to load the OS such that I can mount the hd and try to fix it | 14:54 |
MonkeyDust | phox_: http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/04/21/the-power-user%E2%80%99s-guide-to-unity/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-power-user%25e2%2580%2599s-guide-to-unity | 14:54 |
a7i3n | It's a "Krups Microchip" | 14:54 |
phox_ | monkeydust: yes, I've looked there, but not sure what to changed. I clicked something, and then the top panel went crazy and i rebooted. | 14:54 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: you are mounting /dev/sda1 and not /dev/sda correct? | 14:54 |
a7i3n | Worst toaster ever.... | 14:55 |
submain | a7i3n: lol | 14:55 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, I can not boot using the USB drive. I just want to boot from the USB drive how can I do that? There is a problem with the hard disk | 14:55 |
adminuser | Gday for all , propperly driver for dell wirless 1397 under bt4 ? pls advise / anybody hear me? | 14:55 |
adminuser | just confirm)) | 14:55 |
Free-man | guys, what's the cmd to deactivate InteractiveBastille on all runlevels? | 14:55 |
sasha | hi all. I have a problem with wireless wifi broadcom 4727. But now I connect to Internet by TP-Link TL-WN321G and it's ok. Any suggestions? | 14:55 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, during the boot on the USB drive it tells me it cant open /dev/sda | 14:55 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, why is it trying to open the /dev./sda whil I'm booting from a OS on the USB drie | 14:56 |
submain | a7i3n: you could also get one of those small linux tiny computers and use a PIC micro to interface with the toaster I/O | 14:56 |
RealKillaz | drive* | 14:56 |
asktoby | Is there any particular problem with natty and Nvidia 8600 GTS cards? I can't get mine working. | 14:56 |
submain | a7i3n: that would be a lot easier | 14:56 |
phox_ | monkeydust: That doesn't seem to help me. | 14:56 |
a7i3n | Thanks for the help submain. Dr_Willis et al | 14:56 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: could be its trying to scan it to see if it has swap or similer. | 14:57 |
Dr_Willis | askhader: well my 8800gtsxxx works. but thats not quite the same card | 14:57 |
Free-man | guys, what's the cmd to deactivate InteractiveBastille on all runlevels? | 14:57 |
submain | a7i3n: no problem :) | 14:57 |
Dr_Willis | !bastille | 14:57 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, can be. How can I make him understand he shouldnt do anything from the hard disk.... I was hoping that it only loads the OS from the usb drive, since I think the hd is death | 14:58 |
compdoc | ooops - no entry for bastille | 14:58 |
a7i3n | Yes, submain that might do the trick... I was looking at arduino boards as well but really wanted to do it with a ssh connection to get updates on my uh... toast... | 14:58 |
Dr_Willis | Free-man: its been ages sinve ive seen bastille even mentioned. I dont recall ever seeing it mentioned in this channel untill just now. :) i guess its not that popular/common. | 14:58 |
ashtonford | question | 14:58 |
=== ng_ is now known as NG_ | ||
submain | a7i3n: arduino might do it, but i dont think they run linux | 14:58 |
Dr_Willis | Free-man: tere maybe a wiki page for it. or check its homepage for docs. Ubuntu dosent really use runlevels. | 14:58 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, the idea is to load the OS from the USB drive, after that try to mount and rescue the data on the disk | 14:59 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis ya, guest here tried it and he misconfd, deactive std login | 14:59 |
ashtonford | after the update yesterday my desktop has reverted to the silver theme in 11.04 | 14:59 |
MonkeyDust | phox_: Desktop - Ubuntu Unity Plugin - Experimental | 14:59 |
=== gordon is now known as Guest28686 | ||
Free-man | Dr_Willis ah; ok... will improv then | 14:59 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: ive done it that waybefor with no hassles. Could be the HD is so crashed its confseing things | 14:59 |
a7i3n | Yeah that is a problem submain... must be linux goodness in toaster... must... must... | 14:59 |
RealKillaz | but step1 loading the OS is failing since it tries to open the /dev/sda | 14:59 |
MonkeyDust | phox_: Desktop - Ubuntu Unity Plugin - Experimental - Panel opacity | 14:59 |
ashtonford | has anyone else had this happen? | 14:59 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: as a test. unplug the hd perhaps. | 14:59 |
iszak | When I point nginx to an encrypted path it doesn't read it, solutions besides not using an encrypted path? | 14:59 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, its a laptop | 15:00 |
sasha | hi all. I have a problem with wireless wifi broadcom 4727. But now I connect to Internet by TP-Link TL-WN321G and it's ok. Any suggestions? | 15:00 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: so? :) its hd is removeable. | 15:00 |
frode_ | Hi guys.. strugling with Ubuntu 11.04 and Paralells Desktop 6 .. I want to install kismet but the virtuell driver for wlan are probably may issue here.. any advice? i use Macbook Pro latest | 15:00 |
submain | a7i3n: you may use the serial module of arduino to comunicate with linux; technically you will have a toaster that runs linux... | 15:00 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: i got a 'universial' usb cable i use for recovering diffenrt hds - if you had some usb-bay for the drive you could try repairing it on a differnt machine even. | 15:01 |
schnuffle | a7i3n: you can add ethernet to the arduino | 15:01 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, and if it loads without the disk then what have I accomplished.... I need it to load with the HD so I can rescue :-( | 15:01 |
cirrus_ | Hi guys! My Atheros AR2413 doesnt works in 11.04! Someone know what can I do? | 15:01 |
asktoby | Dr_Willis: Are you using NVidia's blob, or Nouveau? | 15:01 |
sasha | hi all. I have a problem with wireless wifi broadcom 4727. But now I connect to Internet by TP-Link TL-WN321G and it's ok. Any suggestions? | 15:01 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: it would show its not some other odd issue going on. since ive never seen your exact issue befor in this channel. It may be somthing very werd happening. | 15:02 |
submain | I gonna make a toaster like that and sell on thinkgeek lol | 15:02 |
a7i3n | That is a thought submain... thanks I'll go off and think this one over...tonight I'm going to do a teardown of the toaster to find out what kind of CPU it has and if anyting can be done... | 15:02 |
asktoby | exit | 15:02 |
=== BlouBlou is now known as BlouBlou_ | ||
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou | ||
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, I just restarted my pc after a day of work yesterday | 15:02 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: ive seen where systems boot from a usb drive. and that usb drive THEN becomes sda. the internal hd wouldbe sdb.. that could be the issue.. its hard to tell | 15:02 |
schnuffle | a7i3n: or if it has to be linux: http://www.uclinux.org/ucsimm/ | 15:02 |
Guest28686 | hello,I've wrote a program by wxpython, and want to auto start . then I add it in /etc/rc.local, but have troubles. who can help me? | 15:02 |
wendico | hello, im stuck with no panels, i cant also open a terminal with ctrl-alt-T, i know if i log ubuntu classic works but i have activated autologin | 15:02 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, since then it shows me problem with my hard disk | 15:02 |
Dr_Willis | Guest28686: does it use X (does it have a gui?) | 15:03 |
a7i3n | I'll dedicate the first toast to all of you... thanks agin for the ideas. | 15:03 |
wendico | can someone help me to browse to the loggin screen options? | 15:03 |
schnuffle | Guest28686: what kind of trouble? | 15:03 |
Dr_Willis | wendico: what are you wanting to change exactly? | 15:03 |
frode_ | Hi guys.. strugling with Ubuntu 11.04 and Paralells Desktop 6 .. I want to install kismet but the virtuell driver for wlan are probably may issue here.. any advice? i use Macbook Pro latest | 15:03 |
wendico | the problem is my desktop is solimited i can only see the desktop and can right click it | 15:03 |
wendico | but i have no panels and no window borders | 15:04 |
Guest28686 | yes, I add : xinit poc.sh -- /usr/bin/X & | 15:04 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, never load from a USB drive before. I;m doing this after the problem wth my HD started. Ok so no way of booting an OS on the laptop with the faulty disk in it | 15:04 |
wendico | i need to log in as ubuntu classic but i have enabled autologin | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | wendico: thats not really a GDM issue. | 15:04 |
Guest28686 | that poc.sh will launch my prog | 15:04 |
a7i3n | thanks schnuffle! | 15:04 |
frode_ | somebody now where to find a kismet.conf thats already configured with paralells desktop? | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | RealKillaz: ive booted sstems from USB with faulty hd's befor. | 15:04 |
wendico | y need to disable autologin just by rightclicking on desktop xd | 15:04 |
Free-man | silver_roxy arent there console irc clients installed? | 15:04 |
schnuffle | a7i3n: your welcome | 15:04 |
sasha | any can help me wireless wifi broadcom 4727? | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | Guest28686: you dont run X apps with a gui from rc.local you use the users sessions stuff. | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | !autorun | Guest28686 | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | !autostart | Guest28686 | 15:05 |
ubottu | Guest28686: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 15:05 |
wendico | (create launcher, open some aplication, disable autologin is posible?) | 15:05 |
a7i3n | < Going to end of world party... bringing pie. Have a GOOD day all. | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | wendico: autologin is in the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf (or one of the files there) you can edit with a text editor | 15:05 |
RealKillaz | Dr_Willis, I guess this one wont | 15:05 |
ashtonford | my desktop theme chaged to a silver one after a resent update yesterday | 15:05 |
ashtonford | is this something new | 15:05 |
philinux | ashtonford: is this natty 11.04 | 15:06 |
ashtonford | yes | 15:06 |
wendico | thanks dr willis i try | 15:06 |
philinux | ashtonford: have you logged out then back in or rebooted to see if it reverts | 15:06 |
ashtonford | yes it stays the same | 15:07 |
ashtonford | it looks cool | 15:07 |
ashtonford | so its not a prob | 15:07 |
philinux | ashtonford: I get this now and then but loggin out fixes it. | 15:07 |
nemesisgy | hey guys | 15:07 |
ashtonford | just wanted to do the same to my other computer | 15:07 |
frode_ | anyone? desperate | 15:07 |
nemesisgy | newbie to linux here | 15:07 |
nemesisgy | so came on for some help getting started | 15:07 |
ashtonford | ok thanks | 15:08 |
MonkeyDust | !ask| nemesisgy | 15:08 |
ubottu | nemesisgy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 15:08 |
philinux | ashtonford: try changing the theme to the default in system prefs appearance | 15:08 |
BlouBlou | frode_: what's up? | 15:08 |
ashtonford | ok | 15:08 |
Guest28686 | Dr_Willis, I want it autorun without login | 15:08 |
ashtonford | will do thanks | 15:08 |
kerNULL | is there a way to disable auto maximizing windows when i move them to the top? | 15:08 |
Guest28686 | Dr_Willis, and if I write like: X &<cr>export DISPLAY=:0.0 && myprog ...It's work. | 15:08 |
BluesKaj | nemesisgy, getting started in what manner ? | 15:08 |
nemesisgy | just installed ubuntu couple days ago as dual boot win my win7 | 15:09 |
Guest28686 | Dr_Willis, but the timer in wxpython has wrong. | 15:09 |
frode_ | BlouBlou: challenges in Paralell desktop.. need kismet.conf to be set right. wlan are emulator from my mac, but get crash because of this trying to run kiskmet in terminal | 15:09 |
nemesisgy | watching some trainsginal vids on linux+ | 15:09 |
nemesisgy | trying to learn linux | 15:09 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: the desktop or the command line? | 15:09 |
BlouBlou | frode_: kde? | 15:09 |
nemesisgy | cli | 15:09 |
frode_ | BlouBlou: Ubuntu 11.04 | 15:10 |
Guest28686 | btw,how to change my nick? | 15:10 |
frode_ | its alreday installed, but fails pga source info | 15:10 |
BluesKaj | nemesisgy, so do you have a particular question ? | 15:10 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis does U* have a console irc client? | 15:10 |
sagaci | Guest28686: use /nick | 15:10 |
MonkeyDust | Guest28686: type /nick blah | 15:10 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: learn a couple of basic commands and how to use a text editor like nano | 15:10 |
wendico | thank you Dr_willis ! etc/gdm/custom.conf autologin=false saved me :) | 15:11 |
nemesisgy | atm no, but my buddy told me you guys would be willing to help | 15:11 |
Guest28686 | sagaci, I tried | 15:11 |
nemesisgy | should I have any | 15:11 |
nemesisgy | so just came on to check you guys out | 15:11 |
nemesisgy | nano? | 15:11 |
Guest28686 | :Cannot change nickname while banned on channel | 15:11 |
Dr_Willis | Free-man: i use weechat for the console | 15:11 |
frode_ | BlouBlou: gets this when i try starting it: source=none,none,addme | 15:11 |
Free-man | Guest28686 leave that chann that banned you | 15:12 |
frode_ | BlouBlou: thats from kismet.conf | 15:12 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis ty | 15:12 |
BluesKaj | !nano | nemesisgy | 15:12 |
ubottu | nemesisgy: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 15:12 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: learn how to use basic commands like cd, ls, pwd, cp, rm, mv - etc | 15:12 |
=== NG_ is now known as ng_ | ||
Dr_Willis | !terminal | nemesisgy | 15:12 |
ubottu | nemesisgy: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 15:12 |
tightwork | omg my keyboard is broken what do I do? | 15:12 |
frode_ | BlouBlou: thougt kismet fixed this , but no :( | 15:12 |
wendico | and now that im fully functional ubuntu classic, what have i done so my new ubuntu desktop not appearing, (sure it has to do with reinstalling compiz)? :( | 15:12 |
Benkinooby | some1 can help me with gtk themes? the #gtk+ cannel on freenode is not very helpfull... no1 anwers.. my question: how can i get rid of horizontla borders in the mist engine? http://imagebin.org/154357 | 15:12 |
philinux | nemesisgy: Check these out. http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/ and http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php | 15:12 |
sagaci | tightwork: physically broken? | 15:12 |
tightwork | sagaci: wut? I don't know my monitor is broken too | 15:13 |
tightwork | and I cant see | 15:13 |
sagaci | tightwork: your keyboard appears to be working fine | 15:13 |
nemesisgy | great thanks | 15:13 |
MonkeyDust | nemesisgy: chapter 12 => http://www.linuxnewbieguide.org/ | 15:14 |
tightwork | oh really? hmm | 15:14 |
tightwork | wow you ubuntuites are the greatest | 15:14 |
candrea | nemesisgy, two commands that you'll find really useful are 'man' and 'help' (try 'man cat' or 'help cd') | 15:14 |
philinux | nemesisgy: Also check out the forums if you've not been there yet. http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php | 15:14 |
Dr_Willis | !askubuntu | nemesisgy | 15:14 |
ubottu | nemesisgy: AskUbuntu is a support resource that offers non-realtime support by the community! Can't get your problem fixed on IRC? Try AskUbuntu! - http://askubuntu.com/ You can discuss AskUbuntu in #ubuntu-stack | 15:14 |
=== Guest28686 is now known as gordon3 | ||
jc | hello.. i need some assistance pleez | 15:14 |
candrea | !ask | jc | 15:15 |
ubottu | jc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 15:15 |
jc | 10-4 thanks. .. | 15:15 |
nemesisgy | wow amazed by all the info I'm receiving already | 15:15 |
nemesisgy | tks guys | 15:15 |
frode_ | BlouBlou: Ubuntu are great, but some tweaks must be :-0 | 15:15 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis i need a url to a truly basic intro to linux for win-users. | 15:16 |
Dr_Willis | Free-man: check delicious.com and what people have tagged for that.. is where i normally look | 15:16 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: you might like to install guake... it's a drop-down terminal that you can switch in and out of when you need it so it doesn't get in the way | 15:16 |
MonkeyDust | Free-man: http://www.linuxnewbieguide.org/ | 15:16 |
jc | i have been strugging with getting the wireless drivers installed on my system. it is a broadcom bcm4306 rev 3. i have been trying to use the fwcutter utility.. no luck | 15:17 |
nemesisgy | k I just tried installing wine | 15:17 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis ok | 15:17 |
nemesisgy | and it's stuck at http://www.oreillynet.com/linux/cmd/ | 15:17 |
frode_ | BlouBlou: ive cheked all available info but cant find any thing.. strange.. Paralells are familiar and others should experienced the same prob | 15:17 |
nemesisgy | sry | 15:17 |
nemesisgy | it's stuck at configuring ttf-mscorefonts-installer | 15:17 |
gordon3 | nemesisgy, and Tilda | 15:17 |
Free-man | MonkeyDust ty | 15:18 |
Dr_Willis | nemesisgy: that should be asking you to hit ok for the EULA i thought.. theres not a window/dialog open that you are missing is there? | 15:18 |
nemesisgy | yea I can't even hit he ok | 15:18 |
nemesisgy | I hit enter with the kb | 15:18 |
nemesisgy | still no | 15:18 |
sagaci | press tab then enter | 15:19 |
nemesisgy | tks | 15:19 |
nemesisgy | :( | 15:19 |
nemesisgy | feel like such an ass now | 15:19 |
wendico | hello again. What packets could i reinstall to try to solve my not working new desktop environment in a easy way not bodering what happened? | 15:19 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: are you installing ubuntu-restricted-extras? | 15:19 |
nemesisgy | um no clue what's that. My buddy just told me to install wine in order to run windows apps | 15:20 |
kerNULL | is there a way to disable auto maximizing windows when i move them to the top? | 15:20 |
sagaci | wendico: what's not working on your desktop | 15:20 |
jc | so im running xubunto 11.0.4 and i cnt get the fwcutter-b43 utility to setupthe wireless card :( | 15:20 |
sagaci | kerNULL: might be an option under ccsm, compizconfig-settings-manager | 15:20 |
sagaci | kerNULL: you'd have to install it though | 15:20 |
wendico | no panels or bars and no window frames, only desktop background with icons | 15:20 |
kerNULL | sagaci: i have it and i know its there but i cant find it | 15:21 |
Dr_Willis | nemesisgy: if you are using the console/termianl use the tab key and the enter key | 15:21 |
schnuffle | kerNULL: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/39489/is-there-a-way-to-turn-off-auto-maximize | 15:21 |
nemesisgy | Dr_Willis: thanks. | 15:21 |
MisterK85 | Hi everyone. Got 11.04 and was told to use nomodeset, however I can't find how to add that. Can someone assist me? | 15:22 |
FBeans | hola everyone | 15:22 |
Dr_Willis | wendico: try making a new user. see if the issue affects them. If the new user WORKS properly. then its your other users personal settings that are the issue. | 15:22 |
FBeans | having some upgrade problems to 11.04 | 15:22 |
jc | i dunno i guess everyone busy | 15:22 |
cirrus_ | Hello all! Can anyone help me? My atheros wifi card doesnt work in Ubuntu 11.04 | 15:22 |
wendico | Dr-Willis, okey im going to try | 15:22 |
FBeans | the instalatin is hanging, trying to restart cups | 15:22 |
kerNULL | sagaci: YOURE AWESOME! | 15:22 |
Dr_Willis | MisterK85: when you boot the cd. there will be a man/logo at the bottom of the screen at a specific time. hit space. then hit F5 I think to enable it | 15:22 |
sagaci | kerNULL: not me | 15:23 |
kerNULL | sagaci: sorry for the excitement but ive been looking and looking and looking and i had done it before | 15:23 |
Dr_Willis | Im not even sure what that icon is supposed tobe of.. a Man and Keyboard perhaps? | 15:23 |
jc | h e l p | 15:23 |
kerNULL | sagaci: i tried looking in the forums and such but no luck thanks again | 15:23 |
sagaci | kerNULL: write it down | 15:23 |
MisterK85 | Dr_Willis: It installed fine, just got horrible video rendering issues. | 15:23 |
Dr_Willis | MisterK85: you did isntall the proper 3d drivers? | 15:23 |
kerNULL | sagaci: lol apparently im forgetful thanks again | 15:23 |
gordon3 | Dr_Willis, do you know how to auto launch my prog? | 15:24 |
Dr_Willis | MisterK85: for a installed system. You can add the nomodeset option in /etc/default/grub and refun update-grub | 15:24 |
Dr_Willis | gordon3: what program? | 15:24 |
nemesisgy | k how do I configure wine to run .exe files from my windows partition? | 15:24 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis what's the default runlevel for Unbun? | 15:24 |
Dr_Willis | nemesisgy: its best to not do it that way. reinstall the windows app on your linux side | 15:24 |
MisterK85 | Dr_Willis: I done a standard install with the alternate disc. It's an HP d530-USDT system with Intel Integrated 845G card. | 15:24 |
Dr_Willis | !runlevels | Free-man | 15:24 |
ubottu | Free-man: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. | 15:24 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: what app do you want to run | 15:25 |
nemesisgy | no this is a trainsignal iso, I'm browsing with linux+ training materials | 15:25 |
jc | fwcutter-b43 | 15:25 |
nemesisgy | I just need to start the menu file | 15:25 |
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nemesisgy | to get the topics | 15:25 |
Dr_Willis | !session | 15:25 |
ubottu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot | 15:25 |
jc | it says E: couldnt find packages | 15:25 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis no console defalute runlevel? | 15:25 |
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy | ||
Dr_Willis | Free-man: it dosent treally use runlevels at all... so no. | 15:25 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: are you running ubuntu now? | 15:25 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis k | 15:25 |
nemesisgy | yes | 15:26 |
Dr_Willis | Free-man: theres the 'text' kernel option to not start gdm/x | 15:26 |
nemesisgy | I'm on ubuntu | 15:26 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis more on that? | 15:26 |
Dr_Willis | Free-man: replace 'quiet splash' with 'text' in the grub line.. = no gdm, no plymouth. goes to the console | 15:26 |
Free-man | Dr_Willis tyvm | 15:26 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: have you installed wine? | 15:26 |
FBeans | Hey, my upgrade to 11.04 is hanging as its trying to restart the cups service... does anyone know how i can get it moving again? | 15:27 |
erry | My computer shut itself down! | 15:27 |
nemesisgy | yup | 15:27 |
brianBTB | hey all. been a while! | 15:28 |
sagaci | well just rightclick the .exe and click on "run with wine program loader" or whatever it is | 15:28 |
brianBTB | So, if I use the update manager to upgrade to 11.04, will I lose any data? | 15:28 |
sagaci | nemesisgy: wine isn't perfect, by any stretch of string | 15:28 |
BlouBlou | brianBTB: if upgrade works fine, no | 15:28 |
brianBTB | bloublou: thanks! | 15:28 |
sagaci | brianb_: unlikely, but you should back up your data | 15:28 |
elliot_ | Hey I've got a HP Mini 101 and had right click issues on the trackpad. So I used terminal (for the first time) and now the right click works but double left clicking on files and folders doesn't work | 15:29 |
sagaci | brianBTB: unlikely, but you should back up your data | 15:29 |
nemesisgy | sagaci: no prob | 15:29 |
brianBTB | sagaci, bloublou: if I lose internet during the upgrade, would anything bad happen? | 15:29 |
BlouBlou | brianBTB: no, upgrade-files will be downloaded while installation | 15:30 |
MonkeyDust | if you check that option, yes, i do not | 15:30 |
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brianBTB | bloublou: tyvm | 15:31 |
frode_ | BlouBlou: challenges in Paralell desktop.. need kismet.conf to be set right. wlan are emulator from my mac, but get crash because of this trying to run kiskmet in terminal | 15:31 |
=== ng_ is now known as NG_ | ||
nemesisgy | do you guys use firewalls and AV for your ubuntu? | 15:32 |
BlouBlou | frode_: no idea | 15:32 |
nemesisgy | needed? | 15:32 |
frode_ | oki | 15:32 |
BlouBlou | nemesisgy: firewall yes, av no | 15:32 |
frode_ | thnx anyway | 15:32 |
te | nemesisgy: no | 15:32 |
nemesisgy | cool | 15:32 |
b44 | how to configure that pressing "down-cursor" doesn't have a timeout to take action ?? | 15:32 |
BlouBlou | nemesisgy: av only is needed if you want to check if a file has a virus because you'll move that file to windows | 15:32 |
Free-man | guys, which bootloader is used on ubuntu? | 15:33 |
te | The router is the firewall. | 15:33 |
Vonhinten | or you run as root, like a tool | 15:33 |
BlouBlou | nemesisgy: and firewall yes, it comes by default with ubuntu and you can configure it by "ufw" | 15:33 |
BlouBlou | !uf | nemesisgy | 15:33 |
BlouBlou | !ufw | nemesisgy | 15:33 |
ubottu | nemesisgy: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist. | 15:33 |
jc | i still cant get it working /: | 15:33 |
MonkeyDust | nemesisgy: if you're planning to send files to Windows, then an AV is adviced | 15:34 |
wendico | Dr_Willis. With a new user the problem still happening, i have no panels-bars on my desktop. I remind u that i uninstalled compiz, and emerald after upgrade and after that appeared the problem, i reainsalled only compiz, should i reinstall more packets? | 15:34 |
Free-man | wendico he left | 15:34 |
te | nemesisgy: in most cases you don't need a firewall, (other than the one on your router). | 15:34 |
wendico | oh hehe | 15:34 |
wendico | thank u free-man | 15:34 |
MonkeyDust | wendico: you need Metacity as window manager | 15:34 |
Free-man | wendico what's the installed bootloader? yw | 15:34 |
MisterK85 | Dr_Willis: nomodeset didn't do a thing. | 15:35 |
jc | i need help configuring my wireless driver n xubuntu 11.0.4 please | 15:35 |
jc | anyone | 15:35 |
wendico | so can i safetly remove compiz and emerald? | 15:35 |
b44 | how to configure that pressing "down-cursor" doesn't have a timeout to take action ?? | 15:35 |
Free-man | wendico duno; not my thread :) | 15:35 |
Free-man | which bootloader is used on ubuntu? | 15:35 |
wendico | i think grub, freeman | 15:36 |
Free-man | k | 15:36 |
te | !gurb2 | Free-man | 15:36 |
wendico | grub2 at least, with no menu.lst | 15:36 |
Free-man | damn | 15:36 |
Free-man | wendico is ESC still the stop cmd? | 15:36 |
IdleOne | Free-man: Shift | 15:37 |
Free-man | rly? | 15:37 |
BluesKaj | any truth to the rumour about chromuim/HTML5 giving netflix access to linux users ? | 15:37 |
IdleOne | yes | 15:37 |
Free-man | kty | 15:37 |
wendico | jeje idleone the crack i just the noob :) | 15:37 |
=== me is now known as Guest12017 | ||
te | !grub2 | Free-man | 15:37 |
ubottu | Free-man: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 15:37 |
=== pisi is now known as mrtn | ||
Free-man | IdleOne what keys to edit default boot cmdline? e, edit, esc, b? | 15:38 |
Guest12017 | hello all, i ran a program call rkhunter and it displayed a warning sign in : /usr/bin/mail - what is the lvl of trouble am i in? | 15:38 |
wendico | it is compiz installed by default in last ubuntu? | 15:38 |
IdleOne | Free-man: there should be instructions at the bottom of the screen when you enter grub with shift but yes I think it is e | 15:38 |
Free-man | IdleOne ty | 15:38 |
BlouBlou | wendico: Yes, it is | 15:38 |
compdoc | Guest12017, if something is in /usr/bin/mail, then its possible its not actually a running root kit or virus | 15:39 |
b44 | How to configure that the "arrow keys" take action suddenly when pressed ?? | 15:39 |
te | Guest12017: Read the messages, see what it says. | 15:39 |
GauravButola_ | what is the keyboard showrcut for workspace switcher in unity? | 15:39 |
ermes | giorno:) | 15:40 |
compdoc | Guest12017, I mean, its might just be an email with an infection but it might not be running | 15:40 |
robin0800 | GauravButola_, its still alt tab I think | 15:41 |
uragan | testing | 15:41 |
IdleOne | GauravButola_: A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://goo.gl/Pwxq1 | 15:41 |
Free-man | fail :) | 15:41 |
te | robin0800: That is app switcher | 15:41 |
GauravButola_ | RobinJ: errr... workspace switcher, not window switcher | 15:41 |
IdleOne | GauravButola_: ctrl-alt-arrow | 15:41 |
abonec | hi, where i can adjust notify preferences in ubuntu? | 15:42 |
MonkeyDust | GauravButola_: http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/04/21/the-power-user%E2%80%99s-guide-to-unity/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-power-user%25e2%2580%2599s-guide-to-unity | 15:42 |
Guest12017 | the message is giving me warning, that is it | 15:42 |
robin0800 | GauravButola_, meta + s | 15:43 |
Skaperen | So ... has anyone yet figured out how to do an upgrade only on selected packages rather than the whole system at once (and do it in command line, e.g. with apt-get or aptitude or such) ? | 15:43 |
iszak | Skaperen, aptitude has that capability. | 15:43 |
iszak | you just -packages and it won't install them | 15:43 |
Skaperen | not what I asked | 15:44 |
GauravButola_ | IdleOne: http://askubuntu.com/questions/28086/unity-keyboard-mouse-shortcuts this says super+D while mine is super+s | 15:44 |
GauravButola_ | that's why i am confused | 15:44 |
arjun_ | Hello All, I need a Noob Freindly Easy to Use GUI IDE for C/C++, Any1 ? | 15:44 |
iszak | Shapeshifter, well then explain it better perhaps? | 15:44 |
GauravButola_ | arjun_: Geany | 15:44 |
robin0800 | GauravButola_, so is mine see above | 15:44 |
Skaperen | the packages are already installed ... I want to do an upgrade ... I want to specify at the command line which packages to be upgraded ... I want NO OTHERS to be upgrade, just leave them for now where they are | 15:44 |
IdleOne | GauravButola_: hmm ask them. could be a typo on that page | 15:44 |
IdleOne | GauravButola_: S and D are close to each other | 15:45 |
arjun_ | ty GauravButola_ | 15:45 |
GauravButola_ | IdleOne: will do that. | 15:45 |
Guest12017 | i been having ping attacks, almost everyday at work. the jerks are using proxies, what is it that I can do? | 15:45 |
iszak | Guest12017, IP tables? | 15:45 |
Guest12017 | ? | 15:45 |
GauravButola_ | IdleOne: and superD is expose? right? | 15:45 |
Guest12017 | @iszak IP tables, what is that? | 15:45 |
iszak | Guest12017, google it :) | 15:45 |
IdleOne | !pinning | Skaperen | 15:46 |
ubottu | Skaperen: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 15:46 |
GauravButola_ | super + D | 15:46 |
Guest12017 | @iszak ok :) | 15:46 |
Free-man | Guest12017 dont prepend a @ to nicks. not needed | 15:46 |
IdleOne | GauravButola_: I don't use unity often and not sure about all the shortcuts | 15:46 |
iszak | Free-man, twitter habit. | 15:46 |
Free-man | ya | 15:46 |
MonkeyDust | i never use unity, for i don't like it | 15:46 |
user___ | when will hte applet have weather again and why was this removed | 15:46 |
Free-man | this aint bird chat | 15:46 |
Guest12017 | @Free-man i don't understand ur comment | 15:46 |
Free-man | Guest12017 dont prepend a @ to nicks. not needed :) | 15:46 |
roasted | What is it about webmin that makes it incompatible with Ubuntu? Why does Ubuntu say the package is of bad quality, yet the rest of the Linux world uses it without issue? | 15:47 |
IdleOne | !webmin > roasted | 15:47 |
ubottu | roasted, please see my private message | 15:47 |
roasted | Question - how can I see the current status of my raid array, as in which drives are active, degraded, whether they are syncing, etc? | 15:47 |
iszak | Free-man, let him do it if he chooses to, not harming anyone, if it doesn't notify them because of the suffix then that's his loss. | 15:47 |
=== arjun_ is now known as A_J | ||
MonkeyDust | !webmin > MonkeyDust | 15:47 |
ubottu | MonkeyDust, please see my private message | 15:47 |
roasted | IdleOne, oh, Debian too?? | 15:47 |
IdleOne | roasted: yup | 15:47 |
compdoc | some ppl like webmin, but I dont use it | 15:47 |
roasted | IdleOne, I guess that would trickle down to crunchbang, mint, etc then too. | 15:47 |
GauravButola_ | How to know the my laptop's touchpad make. A friend has touchpad problem in natty. | 15:48 |
te | roasted: I think it is a warning as much as anything else. webmin is a vulnernability issue. | 15:48 |
roasted | IdleOne, I didn't realize that. kind of a bummer. I liked webmin when I last used it. Thanks. | 15:48 |
Skaperen | IdleOne: so basically, no one knows how to do what I asked ... if it's even possible | 15:48 |
roasted | te, oh really?? | 15:48 |
roasted | te, how so? | 15:48 |
rww | roasted: As the bot says, webmin doesn't deal well with Debian-style configuration files. | 15:48 |
Cheri703 | Last night my touchpad stopped working...when I am logged in to 10.10, it will not work at all, completely unresponsive. If I am on the login screen, it is fine, if I log into 11.04, it is fine. I don't think I changed anything that would cause it to disable itself, but...it doesn't work (and I need to use 10.10 primarily, so "just use 11.04" isn't helpful). Any thoughts? | 15:49 |
roasted | rww, I see. I was just trying to understand how it didn't play nice. If I were a webmin dev I'd try to make it universal. *shrug* | 15:49 |
IdleOne | Skaperen: it isn't possible really, you can pin packages to stay at current installed version but you can't upgrade only packagexy for example | 15:49 |
roasted | Anyway, thanks for your insight IdleOne rww te | 15:49 |
roasted | But does anybody know how I can check the status of my raid array in ubuntu? Software raid, taht is (syncing, degraded, active drives, etc) | 15:49 |
rww | IdleOne: sure it is | 15:49 |
mrdeb | Cheri703: sounds likea feature designed to makey ou upgrade | 15:49 |
rww | Skaperen: sudo apt-get install packagename will upgrade instead of installing if the package is already installed. | 15:49 |
IdleOne | rww: it is? | 15:49 |
Skaperen | IdleOne: pinning every one of the packages in the system, doing selected upgrades, then unpinning every package ... does that sound like what it takes? | 15:49 |
te | roasted: Some use it temporarily and then uninstall it, for security purposes. But it is not necessary and not good to be used on ubuntu systems. | 15:50 |
Guest12017 | @iszak i read iptables and i don't know how it relates to ping attacks through proxies | 15:50 |
Cheri703 | mrdeb: yeah probably | 15:50 |
mrdeb | lol | 15:50 |
b44 | How to make the "repeat delay" of a key shorter ??? | 15:50 |
Skaperen | rww: it also upgrades all the dependent packages, too ... including lots of system stuff | 15:50 |
IdleOne | rww: I did not know apt-get install worked that way. thanks for the info :) | 15:50 |
Cheri703 | I just don't know why the touchpad would work FINE on the login screen (for 10.10) and then quit as soon as it's logged in | 15:50 |
iszak | Guest12017, it'll allow you to block their IP's, I can't remember if it supports a range. | 15:50 |
iszak | Guest11276, that said you could get a list of known proxies and block them. | 15:51 |
rww | Skaperen: Ah. No, there is no supported way to break dependency resolution horribly. | 15:51 |
kweebs | hellow | 15:51 |
iszak | Guest12017, ** too many guests | 15:51 |
kweebs | how a you ? | 15:51 |
Guest12017 | ok i will use name, brb | 15:51 |
kweebs | i like ubuntu! | 15:51 |
nclx | I just did an apt-get dist-upgrade to natty. Now when I reboot and login to gdm, it loads the unity desktop and the UI becomes unresponsive. I'm using the nvidia driver. I can drop to console, what should I try to fix it? | 15:51 |
b44 | How to make the "repeat delay" of a key shorter ??? | 15:52 |
Skaperen | rww: lots and lots of packages don't need specific versions of other packages ... they can work with a wide range of versions ... but the problem is, if it is dependent, it upgrades the dependent to whatever the latest version is, even if the old version is fully usable | 15:52 |
mrdeb | b44: keyboard option | 15:52 |
b44 | mrdeb: how to enter that by terminal ? | 15:52 |
rww | Skaperen: Are you trying to mix packages from different versions of Ubuntu? | 15:53 |
fanf22 | bonjour, il fanut parler anglais ??? :s | 15:53 |
mrdeb | b44: i dont know | 15:54 |
Guest12017 | testing | 15:54 |
rww | !fr | fanf22 | 15:54 |
ubottu | fanf22: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 15:54 |
Guest12017 | How do i change my username from Guest? | 15:54 |
rww | Guest12017: /nick insertnickhere | 15:54 |
Gwar | Q: How do I change the background of the lockscreen in 11.04? | 15:54 |
=== Guest12017 is now known as Usedman | ||
Usedman | @iszak u still there? | 15:55 |
Gwar | Happy Rapture day everyone btw! | 15:55 |
* Cheri703 wasn't taken up to jesus | 15:55 | |
iszak | Usedman, yes. | 15:55 |
b44 | Which keyboard configurator is used in ubuntu ?? | 15:56 |
Usedman | @iszak as I was saying is that i am getting attacked from proxies, different IP's all the time | 15:56 |
iszak | Usedman, so like I said, load up a known proxy list into your iptables to block them. | 15:56 |
iszak | changes are they're using known proxies. | 15:56 |
iszak | chances* | 15:56 |
iszak | I'm quite sure you could even make it so it blocks after an attack is detected. | 15:57 |
Usedman | @iszak u r right. Last port scan was 20 minutes ago - | 15:57 |
frode_ | any known userfriendly apps like kismet out there for Ubuntu 11.04? thats handles Paralells Desktop through MAC? | 15:58 |
iszak | Usedman, there's lots of guides out there to do prevent DoS (even DDoS) with iptables. | 15:58 |
=== reliableNerd is now known as d484 | ||
Cheri703 | woo! I got it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1606153 apparently my touchpad got disabled? No idea how | 15:59 |
Saw | I'm using ubuntu server (64bit) on vmware c, and trying to create a host-only connection between my pc and ubuntu. Unfortunately, my knowledge in networking is very poor. I tried following https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/networking.html and used DHCP. I'm a bit confused where ubuntu got the dhcp server, but it does, and it also got an ip. i'm a bit lost from here though .. ? | 15:59 |
Usedman | @iszak thanks for reminding about the iptables. It is going to take a long time to get a good tables going, unless there already a list of proxies ? | 15:59 |
mrdeb | is there a way to disable the shadows that slow down the destkoop in 1104 | 15:59 |
iszak | Usedman, personally adding all known proxies into your iptables is probably a bad idea, setting up monitoring and blocking would be better. | 16:00 |
andeeeuk | hey everytin | 16:00 |
andeeeuk | hey everyone | 16:00 |
andeeeuk | does anyone know a good video converting application for ubuntu? | 16:01 |
b44 | How to change "keyboard repeat delay" with terminal ?? | 16:01 |
te | ffmpeg | 16:01 |
te | and/or mencoder | 16:02 |
Saw | .. anyone | 16:02 |
Saw | ? | 16:02 |
kltrg | Hi, I just installed Ubuntu server edition with software raid and encryption. It doesn't boot normally from Grub but if I boot in recovery mode and then just chose resume, everything continues booting normally and I have no problems. Any idea how I can get him to boot normally? | 16:02 |
Skaperen | rww: maybe the dpkg/apt system just doesn't have the depending info (e.g. versions) to even handle it | 16:03 |
te | kltrg: updates? | 16:03 |
Usedman | @iszak i am going through a router, if i setup a monitoring system, it would only protect my computer and not the other 3 computers | 16:04 |
rww | Skaperen: You didn't answer my question ;) | 16:04 |
Pavlz | hello | 16:04 |
kltrg | te, You mean I should check for updated packages? | 16:05 |
Pavlz | i got a problem when i do apt-get dist-upgrade | 16:05 |
nclx | When unity loads for me it just freezes. What should I try to fix it? | 16:05 |
te | kltrg: Is it fully updated? | 16:05 |
kltrg | te, One second, I'll check it. | 16:05 |
iszak | Usedman, correct, the higher up the chain you can do it the better, computer -> router -> isp is best but I doubt they will | 16:05 |
Pavlz | i receive thousand of update | 16:05 |
iszak | Pavlz, that is what is meant to happen, an upgrade to the latest distribution updates packages and installs new ones. | 16:06 |
Pavlz | but all is stopped by libcups that will be terminate for any strange | 16:06 |
iszak | oh, hmm | 16:06 |
iszak | Pavlz, no error? | 16:06 |
Pavlz | and so the is impossible to update the system | 16:07 |
iszak | Pavlz, we need an error | 16:07 |
Pavlz | cause of libcups | 16:07 |
kltrg | te, apt-get ignores a lot of sources when I do apt-get update. Therefore, I've got no new packages to install. Could this be related to the fact I configured it to upgrade automatically? | 16:08 |
te | kltrg: sudo apt-get upgrade | 16:08 |
kltrg | te, It doesn't install any new packages | 16:08 |
Pavlz | i'll give you the msg | 16:08 |
Pavlz | i am working on xterm | 16:09 |
Pavlz | i have not Desktop | 16:09 |
Yuval | Hello, I am using ubuntu AIM on EC2. I would like to run a java app (start it) and make sure it continues to run even after I log out from SSH (using putty). How is that possible? | 16:09 |
Azzco | Hi, is there a way to install ubuntu with the alternate install without an active internet connection? The Live CD is having some problems booting on my laptop it seems. | 16:11 |
te | kltrg: sudo apt-get -f install | 16:11 |
kltrg | te, No packages to installl | 16:12 |
BluesKaj | Azzco, yes, that's what the alternate install is for | 16:12 |
Yuval | any ideas? | 16:13 |
BluesKaj | !alternate | Azzco | 16:13 |
ubottu | Azzco: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal | 16:13 |
te | kltrg: You may need to look at the sources.list file and see what is wrong. | 16:13 |
te | kltrg: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:14 |
Pavlz | hi | 16:14 |
Pavlz | here i am | 16:14 |
Pavlz | this is the msg: | 16:14 |
te | kltrg: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list | 16:14 |
kltrg | te, What do you think the problem is. Are you sure the problem of not booting normally is related to the packages not being up to date? I'm sorry, I'm just trying to understand | 16:15 |
nclx | How can I disable unity from the command line? | 16:15 |
BorgTK2001 | Q: With compiz running [Lucid 10.04LTS], on my Lenovo 3000 C100, the window boarders randomly vanish. Where are the logs so I can see the crash reports in action for these errors? | 16:16 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest76788 | ||
jstoone | Hi guys, I can't seem to figure out postfix/exim4 to send mail... i.e sending mail from terminal - echo "testing the test" | sendmail example@mail.com | 16:17 |
jstoone | Can anyone help me walk through the configurations/setup? | 16:17 |
te | kltrg: I don't know what the problem is, but it is possible that doing updates will fix it. ...Apparently the default kernel is not booting, and if you could give us more information, we might be able to tell more about it, but when you just say, "it won't boot", it's not enough information. | 16:19 |
=== yyzz is now known as svn06a | ||
te | kltrg: We can't see into your system. We can only go by what you tell us. You have to do the detective work. Only you can fix it. We can give you clues as to what might fix it ow what might be wrong but we can only get those clues from the details you give us. | 16:21 |
BorgTK2001 | nclx: metacity --replace | 16:22 |
delarge | hi there | 16:22 |
jstoone | !ask | delarge | 16:22 |
ubottu | delarge: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:22 |
newbuntu | #ubuntu-beginners | 16:23 |
newbuntu | oops | 16:23 |
jstoone | newbuntu: hehe ;= | 16:23 |
jstoone | newbuntu: ;)* | 16:23 |
BorgTK2001 | jstoone: Were you pre-empting him/her? | 16:23 |
te | kltrg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=308907 | 16:23 |
delarge | some mirror faster than ubuntu.com ? im downloading ubuntu 11.04 desktop i386 from ubuntu.com but its very slow | 16:23 |
te | kltrg: May be info in the above url that will be useful to you. | 16:23 |
BorgTK2001 | delarge: What country you in? | 16:23 |
delarge | Chile, South America | 16:24 |
BluesKaj | delarge, try the torrent option | 16:24 |
jstoone | BorgTK2001: What do you mean? | 16:24 |
BorgTK2001 | 2 things, delarge, [1]a closer server, and [2]Torrent | 16:24 |
=== lbt is now known as lbt_2 | ||
delarge | yeah sure, but i dont know a closer server for this reason im asking | 16:25 |
delarge | but im going to try the torrent | 16:25 |
BorgTK2001 | jstoone: delarge only said 'hi there', and BOOM, you ubottu'd him/her | 16:25 |
BorgTK2001 | So I asked if you were pre-empting him/her | 16:26 |
nclx | BorgTK2001: what config files or symlinks will metacity --replace modify? | 16:26 |
BorgTK2001 | Ahhh, nclx, that part I do not know | 16:26 |
escott | nclx, none | 16:26 |
escott | nclx, it just kills any active window manager and starts metacity in its place | 16:27 |
mrdeb | how do you speed up the 1104 desktop | 16:27 |
BorgTK2001 | I do know in 11.04 Unity runs on compiz, so if you enable metacity, Unity will not 'run' | 16:27 |
BorgTK2001 | But to remove Unity from 11.04 is like removing Internet Explorer from Window 7 | 16:27 |
delarge | much better the torrent | 16:28 |
delarge | cheers :) | 16:28 |
kltrg | te, Here is my sources.list: http://pastebin.com/uDW3wP6x | 16:28 |
BorgTK2001 | delarge, no troubles :) | 16:28 |
dougl | how can I tell what keeps hanging my 10.10 install... I leave it for a week and come back and it is all locked up with the screen blanked and I have to power down and restart to revive it? | 16:28 |
BluesKaj | BorgTK2001, nope , you can't remove IE from windows :) | 16:28 |
MonkeyDust | BorgTK2001: also if one does not wish to use Unity? | 16:28 |
jack_^ | dougl, hardware? | 16:28 |
escott | dougl, does it suspend resume properly? | 16:28 |
kltrg | te, I didn't change anything, I came like that after a fresh install | 16:28 |
jstoone | BorgTK2001: delarge: I'm sorry about that, I'm not pre-empting him/her at all. I've just always been told to do so, when people say "hi all" etc. without a question - which kinda makes me look like an insensible person who doesn't do anything other than wait for someone to do something wrong, but I really ain't like that. | 16:29 |
te | dougl: Check your hardware. Look for bulging caps on the mother board. Test memory. | 16:29 |
te | kltrg: sudo apt-get update | 16:29 |
delarge | jajajajaja | 16:29 |
delarge | no problem ;) | 16:29 |
nclx | yes metacity --replace made my desktop responsive again | 16:29 |
jack_^ | i hate ubottu | 16:29 |
BorgTK2001 | jstoone: My apologies, also - I should not presume how things occur in here seeing as it is my first time :) | 16:30 |
kltrg | te, I'll so that | 16:30 |
A_J | whats to hate jack_^ | 16:30 |
te | jack_^: whassamatter? | 16:30 |
MonkeyDust | ubottu: is very intelligent | 16:30 |
ubottu | MonkeyDust: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:30 |
escott | nclx, if you still want the unity like experience you can use unity-2d | 16:30 |
=== jwkokc is now known as jk_ | ||
BorgTK2001 | great, nclx :) | 16:30 |
jack_^ | The only thing ubottu does is yell at me when the ops tell it to. :/ | 16:30 |
kltrg | te, But do you know why it ignores some sources on every apt-get update? It's the same sources every time | 16:30 |
nclx | I'm still not sure how to fix unity or make a permanant change of window manager or anything. Ubuntu forums states that gdm login should offer a "Ubuntu Classic" option but I don't see that and I'm not sure which config file to enable it in | 16:31 |
dougl | jack_^, I don't think it is a hardware issue... the machine is tried and true on 8.04 install until I upgraded(complete new install to formated drive) to 10.10 | 16:31 |
nclx | escott: yes I'd like to try unity to see what its all about | 16:31 |
BorgTK2001 | What that command did is just tell X that you want metacity to make your window borders and the like | 16:31 |
rww | !hate | jack_^ | 16:31 |
ubottu | jack_^: hate is a thing we don't encourage - why waste your energy | 16:31 |
jack_^ | ^wtf mate! haha | 16:31 |
rww | ;) | 16:31 |
dougl | escott, checking suspend and resume now | 16:31 |
nclx | I'd also like to try to unity-3d working if I can figure out what the deal is | 16:31 |
A_J | !troll | jack_^ | 16:31 |
BorgTK2001 | but, nclx, you wont be able to have fancy wobble windows, etc | 16:31 |
A_J | fail | 16:31 |
BorgTK2001 | I like wobbly windows | 16:31 |
BorgTK2001 | some people do not ;) | 16:32 |
escott | nclx, what graphics card do you have? if you don't know !paste the output of lspci and we can tell you | 16:32 |
nclx | Nvidia GeForce 7300 GS | 16:32 |
BorgTK2001 | That should be enough to run compiz | 16:33 |
nclx | it was working with compiz before I upgraded to natty | 16:33 |
xbris | Hello all. Good morning! Does anyone know if it's possible to mount --bind a directory another user owns but change the owner to another user when its accessed from the new mount point. example: (this is what i'm trying to do) mount -t none -o bind,rw,uid=1000,gid=100 /home/user1 /home/user2/user1-home | 16:33 |
BorgTK2001 | driver issue, most liekly then, nclx | 16:33 |
nclx | if I do lsmod the nvidia driver is loaded | 16:33 |
BorgTK2001 | What about if you run with nouvous? | 16:33 |
te | xbris: So what error do you get? | 16:33 |
nclx | I'll try to run metacity and run glxgears to see what it does | 16:33 |
escott | xbris, don't think so | 16:33 |
xbris | no error, just no change in the binded directories ownership | 16:34 |
BorgTK2001 | I cannot spell Nouvous correct - I'm not French ;) | 16:34 |
jack_^ | xbris, i doubt that'd work. can you try adding yourself ot the group or adjusting the permisions on the original folder? | 16:34 |
rww | Nouveau | 16:34 |
newbuntu | hello everybody | 16:34 |
jack_^ | hi newbuntu | 16:34 |
BorgTK2001 | Thanks, rww | 16:34 |
stevendepp | hi everyone | 16:34 |
escott | nclx, glxgears is not very informative glxinfo is better. even mesa pure software gl can run glxgears faster than screen refresh | 16:34 |
xbris | yeah.. idk maybe it's too early or i havent had enough coffee yet HEH i've just been attempting to make this happen for the last 40 minutes | 16:35 |
nclx | k installing it now | 16:35 |
BorgTK2001 | I have a Q, too, people | 16:35 |
BorgTK2001 | Q: With compiz running [Lucid 10.04LTS], on my Lenovo 3000 C100, the window boarders randomly vanish. Where are the logs so I can see the crash reports in action for these errors? | 16:35 |
escott | BorkTK2001, nclx, nouveau 3d support is minimal at this point. he should use the proprietary nvidia driver | 16:35 |
escott | BorgTK2001, what graphics card do you have | 16:36 |
BorgTK2001 | escott: he has those drivers already, and unity is not working for him | 16:36 |
BorgTK2001 | So I suggest the next simple solution, Nouveau | 16:36 |
=== k is now known as Guest65088 | ||
te | xbris: What exactly are you trying to accomplish? | 16:36 |
BorgTK2001 | Good question, escott | 16:37 |
escott | BorgTK2001, ok. for your wobbly windows have you tried http://iloveubuntu.net/desktop-cube-has-just-been-resurrected-natty-narwhal-doesnt-break-unity-anymore | 16:37 |
BorgTK2001 | I only use LTS releases | 16:37 |
escott | xbris, im pretty sure what you want to do isn't possible | 16:37 |
BorgTK2001 | I have wobbily windows and compiz works after a fashion | 16:37 |
BorgTK2001 | But it just randomly stops | 16:38 |
xbris | yeah i havent had any lucky getting it done on ext4 | 16:38 |
dougl | escott, the suspend seems to work ok but the resume does not work so much - lol... I should just disable the suspend. | 16:38 |
BorgTK2001 | and I'm left with the contents of the window but not the borders | 16:38 |
escott | BorgTK2001, is compiz completely crashing? or just the borders disappear? | 16:38 |
BorgTK2001 | X must still be running, as I see the contents | 16:38 |
BorgTK2001 | But the borders vanish | 16:38 |
xbris | i was just writing a script to mount my vfat external hdd and i had to jump through hoops to get it mount right through fstab | 16:38 |
amby | need help pls | 16:38 |
xbris | instead of.. well whatever the system uses to automount usb drives and the like | 16:39 |
BorgTK2001 | metacity works wonderfully for me | 16:39 |
escott | dougl, you can debug suspend resume, its mostly a matter of adding modules to the suspend blacklist and then trying one at a time to add them back, but that seems to be your problme | 16:39 |
BorgTK2001 | no troubles | 16:39 |
BorgTK2001 | but I want my wobbly windows | 16:39 |
escott | BorgTK2001, i've heard of compiz not drawing the decorations but still running. more likely is compiz just crashing. you could start compiz with compiz --replace from a terminal and then monitor the output. if it crashes it should say why | 16:40 |
BorgTK2001 | I'll try that - but it may take 30 seconds, 5 minutes, or a couple of hours - the crash 'seems' not to be repeatable with the same method | 16:41 |
escott | xbris, udisks/something-volume-manager does the automounting | 16:41 |
jasonj2000 | how do i get a list of channels | 16:42 |
escott | BorgTK2001, you could tweak your session with gnome-session-properties to dump the stderr to somwhere you can find it | 16:42 |
escott | jasonj2000, /list | 16:42 |
jasonj2000 | thnx | 16:42 |
BorgTK2001 | WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported! This is an application bug! | 16:42 |
dougl | escott, hey - thanks so much for such detailed diagnostics, I really appreciate it. | 16:43 |
stevendepp | Does anyone know where I can get the deb files for the games I purchased in the Ubuntu Software Center? | 16:43 |
mrdeb | unity is an application bug | 16:43 |
BorgTK2001 | WARNING: Application calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePixmap" when GLX 1.3 is not supported! This is an application bug! | 16:43 |
nclx | okay I ran metacity --replace and then glxinfo, it says: direct rendering: Yes | 16:43 |
wanderingi | is it possible to limit the bandwidth that my computer can use for certain times of the day? | 16:43 |
MonkeyDust | unity is the bug, gnome is the solution | 16:43 |
jasonj2000 | "/list does not list channels | 16:43 |
mrdeb | MonkeyDust: yes gnome is the solutino | 16:43 |
nclx | Anything in particular I should check for in the glxinfo output? | 16:44 |
escott | dougl, yeah sorry i dont know much about suspend, just vague general stuff | 16:44 |
BorgTK2001 | MonkeyDust: Pardon? Ubuntu Unity runs Gnome | 16:44 |
lucian | hello | 16:44 |
stevendepp | they were not in the /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 16:44 |
BorgTK2001 | Unity is the future | 16:44 |
dougl | escott, I will google the suspend blacklist thing... err is there some where I should start in the gnome desktop? | 16:44 |
jasonj2000 | can someone tell me the command to list chat channels | 16:44 |
oCean | jasonj2000: this is ubuntu support, try #freenode | 16:44 |
BorgTK2001 | I just wish they supported it on Lucid | 16:44 |
jasonj2000 | thx | 16:45 |
lucian | i had a problem whith my soun card could anyone help me | 16:45 |
lucian | ? | 16:45 |
jasonj2000 | #freenode | 16:45 |
jc | hello world.. i am having trouble installing the fwcutter-b43 firmware utility to get my wirless card working on xubuntu 11.0.4.. any takers? | 16:45 |
amby | need help pls | 16:45 |
escott | dougl, its all outside of the gui for the most part. basically not all your hardware is suspend/resumable. maybe your sound card driver or your wireless card driver needs some modifications to be suspendable. the workaround is to add the driver (kernel module) to a blacklist which says "before suspending disable this driver" | 16:45 |
nithin935 | use jockey for wireless | 16:45 |
amby | where can i find youtube videos in my ubuntu 11.04 | 16:46 |
jc | jockey? | 16:46 |
amby | i'm browsing with chromium | 16:46 |
nithin935 | wats up amby | 16:46 |
amby | hey nithin935 | 16:46 |
nithin935 | jc: ya | 16:46 |
nithin935 | it searches for | 16:46 |
BorgTK2001 | escott: When I do that command in a terminal - my panels are gone, but the windows are wobbly | 16:46 |
nithin935 | restricted drivers | 16:46 |
BorgTK2001 | I want my panels AND wobbly windows :) | 16:46 |
tyrone | Nickserv Identify MelanieWilson | 16:46 |
jc | should i remove all the b43 stuff? | 16:46 |
nithin935 | amby: wat hap[pened amby | 16:46 |
escott | dougl, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume | 16:47 |
amby | nithin935, u have any idea where i can find tmp videos on the ubuntu 11.04 | 16:47 |
dougl | escott, thanks for the info... recalling blacklisting now from the satelite tv on linux days.... | 16:47 |
lucian | need help pls !! | 16:47 |
amby | used to be in the tmp folder before, but its no longer there | 16:47 |
nclx | BorgTK2001 & escott glxinfo says direct rendering: Yes, does that indicate that the nvidia driver is working fine or may there still be a problem with it? | 16:47 |
dougl | escott, nice link - thanks so much | 16:47 |
nithin935 | amby: just search for it using the search utility, do a serach for *.flv | 16:47 |
MonkeyDust | BorgTK2001: i tried to combine both, too, and it ruined my system | 16:47 |
jc | it says its already installed? | 16:48 |
escott | BorgTK2001, your gnome-panel at the top disappeared? at the least compiz is working (you wouldn't have wobbly windows without it), not sure why the panel disappeared | 16:48 |
BorgTK2001 | Working after a fashion, nclx | 16:48 |
jc | jockey-gtk, not kde tho | 16:48 |
oCean | tyrone: oops | 16:48 |
BorgTK2001 | And then, escott, when I did metacity --replace in the terminal after ctrl-c'ing out of compiz | 16:49 |
BorgTK2001 | my panels can back | 16:49 |
amby | nithin935, thanks, i'm trying that now | 16:49 |
BorgTK2001 | and wobbly windows vanished | 16:49 |
BorgTK2001 | can = came | 16:49 |
escott | nclx, if glxinfo says DRI is enabled and the driver is the nvidia driver and glxgears works at all then the nvidia driver should be working | 16:49 |
tyrone | oCean you mean my stupidity giving away my password? | 16:49 |
oCean | tyrone: change it and you'll be fine | 16:49 |
tyrone | serves me right for not checking syntax first | 16:49 |
amby | nithin935, is there anything i can do to make them save in the tmp folder again? | 16:49 |
tyrone | lol | 16:49 |
tyrone | yeah, googling that now | 16:50 |
tyrone | :P | 16:50 |
mejo | does the ubuntu 11.04 installation support rootfs encryption? | 16:50 |
BorgTK2001 | Could be some graphics FLAG the card may or my not support, nclx | 16:50 |
tyrone | good thing I didn't give my bank pin number along with it | 16:50 |
tyrone | :P | 16:50 |
mejo | or do I still need to use the alternate installer? | 16:50 |
BorgTK2001 | my = may | 16:50 |
escott | amby, you can often save streams directly out of firefox with firebug | 16:50 |
oCean | tyrone: /MSG NickServ SET PASSWORD mynewpassword | 16:50 |
nclx | glxgears did work as well | 16:50 |
BorgTK2001 | glxgears can be emulated, though | 16:50 |
escott | nclx, what happens when you try compiz --replace in the terminal | 16:50 |
BorgTK2001 | Did glxgears runs smooth or jumpy | 16:51 |
tyrone | oCean, thanks | 16:51 |
nclx | it ran smooth at about 880 FPS | 16:51 |
amby | escott, how do i do that? | 16:51 |
escott | BorgTK2001, the point is that glxinfo says his glx source is dri nvidia, even mesa can run glxgears smoothly these days | 16:51 |
oCean | tyrone: welcome | 16:51 |
tyrone | set PASSWORD newPass | 16:52 |
tyrone | jj | 16:52 |
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escott | amby, maybe you can't save the stream. i thought you could. you can at least get the url and the request headers which are enough for wget | 16:55 |
BorgTK2001 | how smooth is smoothly, escott | 16:55 |
BorgTK2001 | as a Gamer [that dual boots windows] | 16:55 |
escott | BorgTK2001, faster than screen refresh | 16:55 |
BorgTK2001 | I know emulated when I see it ;) | 16:55 |
=== fred_ is now known as Guest32929 | ||
Eugeny | http://mapping.ax3.net/ | 16:57 |
escott | BorgTK2001, i'm not sure i can. thats why i advise looking at glxinfo | 16:57 |
ubuntu | how many time do it takes to make "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M" on a 500gb sata hd? | 16:57 |
BorgTK2001 | I also want Home World 2 to run smoothly, but I'll be happy with wobbly windows first ;) | 16:57 |
subcool | can someone help me with my Android phone, i am in the Android channell, and it appears my ubuntu box is not mounting the SDcard that is being brought to it via my phone. | 16:57 |
nclx_ | escott: compiz --replace reloads unity which sits there unresponsive | 16:58 |
blinkyb | Why there is no notification when I receive a new email? | 16:58 |
nclx_ | I had to do metacity --replace to get back to here | 16:58 |
blinkyb | Why there is no notification when I receive a new email? settings are on. | 16:58 |
BorgTK2001 | Eclair, Froyo, or Gingerbread, subcool | 16:58 |
troulouliou | hi i m running ubuntu 11.04 inside a vbox vm and either in gnome classic or unity , my theme (ambiance) is failling back to classic old fashionned theme | 16:58 |
subcool | froyo | 16:58 |
escott | nclx_, unresponsive how | 16:58 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, froyo | 16:58 |
nclx_ | I can see the mouse moving, when I click on anything nothing happens | 16:58 |
fritsie | hello world ! | 16:58 |
dougl | escott, sorry to bug you... | 16:59 |
xangua | blinkyb: you need to have the email client to get them | 16:59 |
escott | dougl, you arent | 16:59 |
BorgTK2001 | OK, and in the setting on Android of your phone, you have USB debugging unticked? | 16:59 |
blinkyb | xangua: I linked my gmail account to the default Ubuntu mail client. Still no notifications. | 16:59 |
xangua | subcool: make sure you have sd mode on in the setting | 16:59 |
escott | blinkyb, i think xangua mean email client open to get them | 16:59 |
dougl | is there a way to disable suspending my computer when not in use (just blank the screen?) as I don't have time to debug my suspend function until next week? | 16:59 |
escott | dougl, open up the power management tool | 17:00 |
dougl | actually I don't really want the suspend to even work as it is a media server too | 17:00 |
subcool | xangua, what do u mean | 17:00 |
nclx | escott: sorry the window manager keeps reloading and shutting down my terminal | 17:00 |
BorgTK2001 | I think the USB debugging is in the 'applications' section | 17:00 |
subcool | i have all that taken care of | 17:00 |
subcool | its a ubuntu issue | 17:00 |
nclx | when I press ctrl+alt+t it launches a terminal and I can type in it but I don't see it because unity is unresponsive and isn't repainting the screen it seems | 17:01 |
nclx | once I type metacity --replace though then it becomes responsive | 17:01 |
nclx | and I see metacity load | 17:01 |
nclx | and the terminals I have launched display | 17:01 |
braiam | how i desactivate the integrated video card? | 17:01 |
escott | nclx, ok do windows not get drawn completely? | 17:02 |
xangua | nclx: unity uses compiz, not metacity; try: compiz --replace & | 17:02 |
escott | braiam, in your bios | 17:02 |
druciferre | Does anyone know where the emblem information is stored in Ubuntu 10.10 ? | 17:02 |
nclx | escott: they don't get drawn at all | 17:02 |
nclx | xangua: I know, we're troubleshooting | 17:02 |
dougl | escott, thanks... it only had suspend option for when the suspend button was press so I changed that to hibernate instead of suspenc | 17:02 |
braiam | escott: already done, but ubuntu still use it | 17:02 |
dougl | err suspend | 17:02 |
escott | nclx, try running this: compiz --replace &> ~/compiz.errors; sleep 15; metacity --replace; then look at the compiz.errors file | 17:03 |
nclx | awesome will try it | 17:03 |
nclx | I'll sign off of irc lol but I'll be back | 17:04 |
escott | braiam, what is your other video card | 17:04 |
Staticlv | I am having a ram issue with 10.04. I upgraded to 4g ram and ubuntu is only recognizing 1.7g. | 17:04 |
escott | nclx, wait | 17:04 |
escott | nclx, realized that may not work right :) | 17:04 |
braiam | escott: ati x1300 | 17:05 |
BorgTK2001 | subcool: | 17:05 |
oCean | !pae | Staticlv | 17:05 |
ubottu | Staticlv: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info | 17:05 |
BorgTK2001 | OKies, so you can confirm your phone is not at fault here? | 17:05 |
hyper_ch | hi there, for some reason ubuntu doesn't boot anymore... neither normal nor failsave mode.... | 17:05 |
Staticlv | Ubottu this is a 64 bit system | 17:05 |
BorgTK2001 | And it works when you plug it into a Windows or MacOSX machine | 17:05 |
BorgTK2001 | It just doesn't 'work' on Ubuntu | 17:05 |
oCean | Staticlv: oh, I read your 1.7 wrong | 17:05 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, correct.. | 17:06 |
oCean | Staticlv: the info in /proc/meminfo also says 1.7GB ? | 17:06 |
BorgTK2001 | And what actually happens when you plug in it to your computer via USB when running Ubuntu? | 17:07 |
subcool | according to the phone, the SDcard has been mounted, but- not according to ubuntu | 17:07 |
BorgTK2001 | 'nothing' or something but it just doesn't show on your desktop | 17:07 |
Soupermanito | do lsusb | 17:07 |
subcool | it request to setup a broadband connection via CDMA connection | 17:07 |
Staticlv | lshw shows a 2g stick in each bank. | 17:07 |
Oer | just reading info about CUDA, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1625433 , is there more info about CUDA in Natty ? | 17:07 |
escott | nclx, it needs to be (compiz --replace &> ~/compiz.errors)&; sleep 15; metacity --replace | 17:08 |
oCean | Staticlv: yeah, that would've been my next question :/ | 17:08 |
api984 | join #xbmc | 17:08 |
nclx | escott: okay I have my output file, anything in particular I should be looking for? | 17:08 |
barcef | IS there any way to resize the dock icons? | 17:08 |
nclx | thanks for the updated command too | 17:08 |
subcool | Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0c45:6482 Microdia | 17:08 |
subcool | Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:0138 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. | 17:08 |
braiam | escott: so, can i blacklist the module? | 17:08 |
lunarblaze | ok, i know this is a noob question, but i cant get this .bin file to execute. it keeps aking for a program to run with | 17:08 |
escott | nclx, !paste it to us | 17:08 |
BorgTK2001 | subcool, you want to tehter your phone? | 17:08 |
nclx | !paste | 17:08 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:08 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, no- i want to mount the sd card | 17:08 |
druciferre | Anyone know where the emblem information is stored in Ubuntu 10.10 ? | 17:08 |
adduser | guys, somebody advise about dell wireless driver under bt4, | 17:09 |
BorgTK2001 | Then is tehtering enabled on your phone? | 17:09 |
escott | braiam, sorry i had to drop off for a second | 17:09 |
subcool | not right now no... | 17:09 |
escott | druciferre, /usr/share/icons most likely | 17:09 |
braiam | escott: np | 17:09 |
BorgTK2001 | In Wireless and network setting on your phone, make sure USB tethering is unticked | 17:09 |
Alotesnivek | Hey guys i'm a noob and i need help. lol I'm trying to install a webcam and i have a feed when i use cheese but i can't get it to work in skype. I found the help thread for it and it suggest that i create a skype fix, but i have no clue as to how to go about it. | 17:09 |
braiam | escott: so, can i blacklist the module? | 17:09 |
escott | braiam, what module? | 17:09 |
braiam | escott: i915 | 17:10 |
Staticlv | oCean: yes meminfo shows 1.7g | 17:10 |
druciferre | escott, that's where the emblem icons are stored, i'm looking for the database for applying them to files/folder | 17:10 |
escott | braiam, is that the video module. im not sure | 17:10 |
braiam | escott: yeah but i have another card | 17:10 |
braiam | a better one | 17:10 |
BorgTK2001 | Because, if you don't mind me saying so, subcool, Ubuntu is interpreting your phone as a connection to the internet | 17:10 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, its not.. | 17:10 |
escott | braiam, more likely you won't get anything working. what kind was the non-embedded | 17:11 |
nclx | escott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611115/ | 17:11 |
escott | braiam, ok ati | 17:11 |
ericb | having problems detecting a wifi access point on ubuntu 10.10. ?? Please help. TIA | 17:11 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, i dont understand why its not mounting the sdcard ;( | 17:11 |
braiam | escott: so, blacklist it is ok, i need to confirm | 17:11 |
BorgTK2001 | subcool, I don't understand why it's mounting your phone as a MODEM ;) | 17:11 |
escott | braiam, i would look at your xorg.0.log and see if there is any reason why it is preferring the embedded first. you could rmmod the i915 and then try to restart X, but its possible you may get no video then | 17:12 |
starlays | how can i restart cups in ubuntu natty? | 17:12 |
seph_ | can anybody tell me good tool for working with PHP in Ubuntu? | 17:12 |
Alotesnivek | hmm, what would I save this as, (or where do i put it) cd ~ echo "#! /bin/sh" > skype-cam-fix echo "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" >> skype-cam-fix chmod a+x skype-cam-fix sudo mv skype-cam-fix /usr/local/bin | 17:12 |
starlays | seph_: vim | 17:12 |
starlays | how can i restart cups in ubuntu natty? | 17:12 |
braiam | escott: xorg is preferring the ati, but when i try to use the tty's, the console use the embedded one | 17:13 |
BorgTK2001 | Do you have a microSD->SD card, card subcool | 17:13 |
Morten_ | starlays: sudo service cups restart | 17:13 |
Morten_ | should work. | 17:13 |
starlays | does anyone have lexmark x1100 printer? | 17:13 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, somewhere,... maybe?/ - im not home.. and id like for this just to work by pluggin it in | 17:13 |
oCean | Staticlv: sorry, I have no clue. Closest thing related I found: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1421686.html | 17:13 |
=== MetalHead is now known as nubi_ubuntu | ||
braiam | escott: right now, i am in recovery mode using the embedded | 17:14 |
BorgTK2001 | Exactly, subcool - but it's just to emilinate problems | 17:14 |
BorgTK2001 | for example, if you turn your phone off | 17:14 |
BorgTK2001 | And then remove the microSD card | 17:14 |
BorgTK2001 | And put it in the microSD->SD card | 17:14 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, ya, but- i cant carry a converter in my pocket | 17:14 |
BorgTK2001 | And thin plug it into the Ubuntu machine and it reads the card | 17:14 |
BorgTK2001 | We have at least removed that from the list | 17:14 |
subcool | ya, i get this part.. | 17:14 |
nubi_ubuntu | !seen bazhang | 17:15 |
ubottu | I have no seen command | 17:15 |
pulgoki | bazhang was last seen Fri May 20 16:02:50 2011 being deopped by ChanServ in #ubuntu | 17:15 |
braiam | escott: the bios is kindda buggy, cause in win it happend equal, it use both drivers | 17:15 |
starlays | how can i see if i have something in usb... | 17:15 |
BorgTK2001 | OKies, what happens when you plug in your phone to the Ubuntu machine and it has no microsSD card in it | 17:15 |
nubi_ubuntu | hello all | 17:15 |
allquixotic | Hi. Is there a way to install a 32-bit package on a 64-bit system using Ubuntu 11.04's new multiarch? This is a package that doesn't come in any of the lib32* packages that were traditionally used for shipping 32-bit libs on a 64-bit system. | 17:15 |
braiam | i already has the last version | 17:16 |
starlays | how can i see if i have something in usb? | 17:16 |
BorgTK2001 | PS, what is your phone, subcool [I have a Nexus One] | 17:16 |
escott | starlays, lsusb | 17:16 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, Samsung Epic | 17:16 |
BorgTK2001 | Please explain it a little further people | 17:16 |
nclx | escott: did you see anything that jumps out in my paste? | 17:16 |
BorgTK2001 | what is lsusb? Oh it is a terminal command | 17:16 |
escott | braiam, you could change the boot to use pure vesa | 17:17 |
BorgTK2001 | ... | 17:17 |
BorgTK2001 | Samsung epic, thanks subcool | 17:17 |
starlays | does anyone can tell me a good method for installing lexmark x1100 series printer? | 17:17 |
jscherer26 | Is this the room where I should ask a unity question? | 17:17 |
nclx | I saw a bunch of null pointer references but when looking at X debug stuff I typically see that kind of thing all the time so I'm not sure its telling lol | 17:17 |
theadmin | jscherer26: Well, if you mean Ubuntu's "Unity" desktop, yes. | 17:18 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, its a terminal command. | 17:18 |
hyper_ch | hi there, for some reason ubuntu doesn't boot anymore... neither normal nor failsave mode.... here's the syslog http://www.sjau.ch/syslog.txt | 17:18 |
braiam | escott: but both card are ok, the bios doesn't hide the embedded when i pin another card | 17:18 |
nclx | braiam: thats okay, bios won't hide the embedded, you can tell Xorg to use the card you want though | 17:18 |
BorgTK2001 | LOL - subcool, I know lsusb is a terminal command, but not everyone else will ;) | 17:19 |
theadmin | BorgTK2001: Others don't really need a solution to your problem, and if they do and don't know that, they can as well ask. | 17:19 |
jnlsnl_ | how can i remove a page break from open office -_- | 17:19 |
escott | nclx, yeah im not seeing anything obviously wrong either | 17:19 |
nclx | okay thanks | 17:19 |
CheckMate | what is Backt-track Channel ? | 17:19 |
braiam | nclx: but the console still use it... | 17:19 |
rww | CheckMate: #backtrack-linux | 17:19 |
LostCause | back | 17:19 |
Alotesnivek | If anyone can help me with my problem, let me know. Trying to do this: cd ~ echo "#! /bin/sh" > skype-cam-fix echo "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype" >> skype-cam-fix chmod a+x skype-cam-fix sudo mv skype-cam-fix /usr/local/bin somehow..... | 17:19 |
theadmin | Alotesnivek: And the big deal is? | 17:20 |
reggie | hellou | 17:20 |
kltrg | te, I solved the problem: When I'm not using recovery mode, Ubuntu Server edition doesn't send any data to my screen. I can only log in using ssh. Using the recovery mode switches on the vga output of the machine. | 17:20 |
reggie | i have problem with iftop in ubuntu vserver | 17:20 |
reggie | pcap_open_live(dummy3): socket: Operation not permitted | 17:20 |
Alotesnivek | Um, how? | 17:21 |
reggie | i run in as root | 17:21 |
Alotesnivek | Ubuntu is alien to me | 17:21 |
kltrg | te, Thanks for your help and it's nice to know that | 17:21 |
escott | Alotesnivek, are you using 32 or 64bit | 17:21 |
reggie | can somebody help me | 17:21 |
theadmin | Alotesnivek: It's a set of commands... But okay, let me give you the file itself. | 17:21 |
escott | Alotesnivek, you are also missing a ";" it may be easier to do this in the gui | 17:21 |
braiam | nclx: escott i take the risk so im going to reboot, wish me luck | 17:21 |
braiam | escott: ty | 17:21 |
Alotesnivek | ohh | 17:21 |
escott | Alotesnivek, open your file browser, create a folder called "bin" | 17:21 |
theadmin | escott: No need. | 17:21 |
theadmin | escott: Sec. | 17:21 |
CheckMate | what is Metasploit Channel ?? | 17:22 |
Alotesnivek | kk | 17:22 |
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escott | Alotesnivek, then create a file in "bin" named skype-fixed.sh and edit it with a text editor to contain the following : export LIBV4LCONTROL_FLAGS=3 | 17:22 |
escott | LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype | 17:22 |
rww | !alis | CheckMate | 17:22 |
ubottu | CheckMate: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* | 17:22 |
escott | Alotesnivek, now if you are using a 32bit system not a 64bit system change lib32 to lib | 17:22 |
BorgTK2001 | subcool: You know how adb works on Ubuntu? | 17:22 |
starlays | how can i install a .deb file? | 17:23 |
CheckMate | I'm sorry but I'm new here :) | 17:23 |
xangua | starlays: double clic on it | 17:23 |
xangua | starlays: better install from repository | 17:23 |
adduser | well | 17:23 |
Deddly | I have an odd connectivity problem. My internet connection is through a mobile phone (tethering) and it appears to connect fine but the only wib site that works is Google. Any ideas? | 17:23 |
adduser | somebody | 17:23 |
adduser | help with dell wireless 1937 driver | 17:23 |
adduser | help with dell wireless 1937 driver | 17:24 |
adduser | anybody | 17:24 |
xangua | !someone | adduser | 17:24 |
ubottu | adduser: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 17:24 |
Alotesnivek | kk done | 17:24 |
theadmin | Alotesnivek: http://stikked.com/view/9439585 - click "Download Paste", save the file, in the GUI mark it executable and run. | 17:24 |
theadmin | Oh, am I late? | 17:24 |
escott | Alotesnivek, save and close the file, then right click and make it executable | 17:24 |
starlays | xangua: when i double click on it it opens ubuntu software center ... and that it | 17:24 |
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escott | Alotesnivek, finally double click on it and see if things work now | 17:25 |
adduser | anybody | 17:25 |
adduser | help with dell wireless 1937 driver | 17:25 |
starlays | xangua: i have ubuntu natty | 17:25 |
adduser | under bt4 | 17:25 |
xangua | adduser: backtrack is not supported here | 17:25 |
Deddly | adduser: Please ask your question | 17:25 |
te | adduser: lspci | pastebinit | 17:25 |
adduser | is it true ? | 17:25 |
rww | pulgoki: turn off your !seen script, please. | 17:26 |
adduser | why not here ? | 17:26 |
starlays | how can in stall a .deb file in ubuntu natty? | 17:26 |
oCean | !backtrack | adduser | 17:26 |
ubottu | adduser: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition | 17:26 |
te | adduser: lsmod | pastebinit | 17:26 |
theadmin | starlays: The usual way, sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb | 17:26 |
CheckMate | ? | 17:26 |
xangua | starlays: yes, softwre center installs deb | 17:26 |
braiam | escott: it's all ok | 17:26 |
xangua | software centre* | 17:26 |
starlays | xangua: how? where? | 17:26 |
adduser | thanks for cooperation | 17:27 |
adduser | ) | 17:27 |
escott | braiam, blacklisting worked. good i didnt have enough faith :) | 17:27 |
xangua | starlays: double clic on the deb, and it install it | 17:27 |
braiam | escott: also have a bonus, i can use tty now | 17:27 |
Deddly | I have an odd connectivity problem. My internet connection is through a mobile phone (tethering) and it appears to connect fine but the only wib site that works is Google. Any ideas? | 17:28 |
angheloko | aside from mutt, is there any command line app that can send attachments? | 17:28 |
te | adduser: and send resulting url | 17:28 |
starlays | xangua: i double click on it an nothing happents ... the i told you it is opening software center and that it... nothing more or less | 17:28 |
subcool | BorgTK2001, no- | 17:28 |
Deddly | wib/web | 17:28 |
Yuval | Hey! I am using "nohup java myapp &" to run a process in the background, that will continue to run even after I log out from SSH. However, when I try to log in again and see the process in the "jobs" list, it is not there... | 17:28 |
angheloko | something like nautilus-sendto, but in cli | 17:28 |
escott | Yuval, it won't be in jobs because jobs is attached to the bash shell which you closed. it should be listed in top though | 17:29 |
adduser | ok | 17:29 |
theadmin | Yuval: Obviously, you closed your bash session, the job is no longer "yours". | 17:29 |
Alotesnivek | ahh sweetness, thanks so much! | 17:29 |
escott | Yuval, you will have a hard time connecting to it though, if that is your goal you should use screen | 17:29 |
barcef | IS there any way to resize the dock icons? | 17:29 |
Yuval | What I need is to start the java process, log out, and still be able to kill it once I log back in | 17:29 |
escott | Alotesnivek, you might also want to edit your .bashrc to include "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" | 17:30 |
theadmin | Yuval: You are -- killall java | 17:30 |
theadmin | Yuval: xD | 17:30 |
xangua | barcef: unity launcher¿ there is a plugin for that on compiz i believe | 17:30 |
Yuval | thnx, Ill use top | 17:30 |
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MonkeyDust | xangua: Desktop - Ubuntu Unity Plugin - Experimental - Panel opacity | 17:32 |
MonkeyDust | xangua: Desktop - Ubuntu Unity Plugin | 17:32 |
Fish__ | can someone help, when i run ./configure it gives me an libsgm error | 17:32 |
theadmin | Yuval: htop (a nice frontend to top) may also interest you. | 17:32 |
Yuval | thanks\ | 17:33 |
xangua | MonkeyDust: aaah.... if you kwow what plugin is tell barcef , not me ¬¬ | 17:33 |
Yuval | when I use "&" to run a process in background, should it now show up in "top"? (cos it doesnt) | 17:33 |
BorgTK2001 | subcool: Another 'easy' step is try every single USB slot just in case | 17:33 |
Yuval | I used "nohup java myapp &" and then "top | grep java", and it is empty | 17:34 |
Yuval | (I am using EC2) | 17:34 |
angheloko | Yuval, try ps... the process may not be in top | 17:36 |
Fish__ | can someone help, when i run ./configure it gives me a libsgm error | 17:36 |
Yuval | thanks | 17:36 |
Yuval | works | 17:36 |
theadmin | Fish__: ./configure fopr what app? | 17:36 |
theadmin | s/fopr/for/; | 17:37 |
Fish__ | theadmin: mangle | 17:37 |
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Puck_ | Hi, Is there a Ubuntu pastebin like site where I can post a screen shot of a installer panic? | 17:37 |
theadmin | Puck_: http://imm.io/ | 17:38 |
Puck_ | Thank's "theadmin" | 17:39 |
gnewb | !pastebin | Puck_ | 17:39 |
ubottu | Puck_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 17:39 |
Yuval | angheloko> If i use "nohup java ..." , then log out, sign in again, the "ps" doesnt show "java" anymore | 17:39 |
Yuval | Is there a way I can see the processes that were started using a previous session with nohup? | 17:40 |
thevishy | is it possible to freeze the OS and put it into USB ? | 17:40 |
angheloko | Yuval, the command is only valid in your session | 17:40 |
angheloko | oh.. nohup | 17:40 |
Yuval | So how can I keep track of previously processes started with nohup? | 17:40 |
v_v | Yuval: what do you mean. ps -ef|grep java | 17:41 |
thevishy | I suppose its not possible as lots of hardware dependencies are there | 17:41 |
edbian | thevishy, What do you mean | 17:41 |
v_v | Yuval: 'ps' doesn't show all the processes | 17:41 |
edbian | thevishy, 'freeze' the OS? | 17:41 |
thevishy | edbian, like need to use my friends laptop , but my OS | 17:41 |
gnewb | thevishy: Sort of, you mean like a USB LiveCapture? | 17:41 |
Sidewinder1 | thevishy, Would clonezilla do what you want? | 17:41 |
angheloko | Yuval, ps aux or ef? | 17:42 |
Deddly | I have an odd connectivity problem. My internet connection is through a mobile phone (tethering) and it appears to connect fine but the only web site that works is Google, no other web site will load. I have experienced the same problem on several different computers running various versions od Ubuntu and Xubuntu but never had this problem with Windows. Any ideas? | 17:42 |
Bilz | alright guys. there was a program which I dont remember the name of, that fixes the titles of your music and stuff. anyone know the name? | 17:42 |
edbian | thevishy, check this out: http://susestudio.com/ | 17:42 |
edbian | thevishy, You can make your own distro then use usb startup creator to put it on a usb drive3 | 17:42 |
thevishy | thats true edbian | 17:43 |
edbian | Bilz, There are a number of them. ex falso is one that I use | 17:43 |
edbian | Bilz, They're called ID3 Tag editors | 17:43 |
gnewb | thevishy: Yes, just make a persistent USB stick, there are a few ways to do it. | 17:44 |
Bilz | edbian, thanks | 17:44 |
edbian | Bilz, sure | 17:44 |
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Puck_ | Hi, again can someone look at http://imagebin.org/154376 and tell me where to go for help.. I am trying to install 11.04 in a Vbox machine on a debian squeeze host... my CD iso MD5's ok. | 17:45 |
thevishy | thanks all , lots of ideas theree | 17:45 |
theadmin | Puck_: Not enough RAM for the vbox. | 17:46 |
edbian | Puck_, That's a kernel panic. Usually that sort of thing is caused by bad hardware | 17:46 |
theadmin | edbian: init segfaulted -- not enough RAM. | 17:46 |
edbian | theadmin, I see | 17:46 |
d1b | hi i can't install ubuntu in virtualbox 4.04 - is this normal (ubunt 11.04 desktop release) - the sha256sum matches what it should | 17:46 |
d1b | i get dropped to a busybox pompt :/ | 17:47 |
theadmin | Hm, or maybe indeed they messed up the vbox hardware, edbian | 17:47 |
Puck_ | What kind ? CD, processor, memory?? | 17:47 |
theadmin | Too many people with the same problem xD | 17:47 |
edbian | theadmin, Perhaps. I think you're right | 17:47 |
Yuval | it works with ps aux... Actually a weird thing. I used "java ..." without "nohup" and it seems like the process keeps running after I logged out and signed in again :/ | 17:47 |
d1b | the error is unable to find a medium containg a live file system | 17:47 |
theadmin | d1b: Awkward. Is that a USB device or something? | 17:48 |
d1b | theadmin: erh usb device... | 17:48 |
d1b | no | 17:48 |
theadmin | Puck_: The RAM. You can change it in the VM propertis | 17:48 |
d1b | this is a virtualbox guest - unable to boot | 17:48 |
theadmin | d1b: Well, the ISO -- is it located on a USB device or a networked filesystem? | 17:49 |
jc | hello.. i need help with my wireless. cant get it config | 17:49 |
d1b | on a scale of 1 - 10 fail, i give this 11 | 17:49 |
d1b | theadmin: nope | 17:49 |
d1b | it is on my hard disk | 17:49 |
theadmin | d1b: Well what can I say... xD No idea. | 17:49 |
gnewb | Puck_: There are many System Rescue utilities, one is a HDD thing and one is a check-mem thing, that panic looks like Hardware to me, bad sectors in or on the HDD? | 17:49 |
edbian | jc, What card do you have? | 17:49 |
Fish__ | can someone help, when i run ./configure trying to install mangle, it gives me a libsgm error | 17:49 |
d1b | theadmin: im going to try kvm | 17:49 |
theadmin | d1b: What's the host? It works fine on Win7, WinXP and Arch as hosts here. | 17:49 |
jc | bcm4306 rev 3 | 17:49 |
d1b | maybe virtalbox is silly | 17:49 |
v_v | Fish__: paste your messages ? | 17:49 |
Fish__ | cannot find libgsm: Is it installed? Also make sure you have the libgsm development packages installed. | 17:50 |
van7hu | hi jc | 17:50 |
edbian | jc, I have the same card :) Do you have internet access via some other method? You only need it to install 2 packages then this card will work | 17:50 |
jc | yes | 17:50 |
v_v | Fish__: install it then | 17:50 |
theadmin | d1b: Plus, the latest is 4.0.8, maybe you should upgrade VBox. | 17:50 |
CheckMate | d | 17:50 |
edbian | jc, sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer | 17:50 |
v_v | Fish__: the -dev package | 17:50 |
CheckMate | what does this mean -> * #backtrack-linux :Cannot send to channel ?? | 17:50 |
theadmin | !register | CheckMate | 17:51 |
ubottu | CheckMate: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 17:51 |
v_v | Fish__: maybe it's libgsm..-dev | 17:51 |
subcool | anyone know what the difference between android EB15 and EC05 | 17:51 |
edbian | jc, That installs the firmware for the card to work. After it installs you should have a /lib/firmware/b43 folder with stuff in it | 17:51 |
v_v | Fish__: apt-cache search libgsm.*dev | 17:51 |
Puck_ | "theadmin" I can boot the CD and start the installer from a system cold boot. so the HW "fault" is not found without a vbox thingy... | 17:52 |
thevishy | is it possible to install OS on a USB and just work on it ? | 17:52 |
d1b | theadmin: nah | 17:52 |
jc | yes i tried that.. it never shows up on the additional drivers list | 17:52 |
theadmin | Puck_: Yes, the VirtualBox virtual "hardware" is at fault. | 17:52 |
thevishy | no hdd! | 17:52 |
xangua | !usb | thevishy | 17:52 |
ubottu | thevishy: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 17:52 |
d1b | theadmin: it works fine in kvm :/ | 17:52 |
=== mike_ is now known as Guest36230 | ||
thevishy | I dont need to install from USB disk , just install Ubuntu to a USB and work from that | 17:53 |
edbian | jc, Don't worry about additional drivers. Have you also install b43-fwcutter ? | 17:53 |
edbian | jc, The additional drivers thing is buggy and inconsistent. | 17:53 |
jc | yessir.. did them both | 17:53 |
edbian | jc, sudo modprobe b43 | 17:54 |
Puck_ | OK! thanks I'll go thru the 'settings" again.. | 17:54 |
edbian | jc, That last command inserts the b43 driver. (like activating it) restarting the machine has the same affect | 17:54 |
jc | k standby | 17:54 |
Fish__ | ok now when i try and ./configure it gives me a speex error | 17:55 |
v_v | Fish__: you know what to do :) | 17:56 |
jc | still not listed.. i get a message back | 17:56 |
theadmin | Fish__: Maybe you'll try to find a PPA or a Ubuntu pakage for this thingy instead? Compiling from source is always a bad idea (unless you're a Gentoo or a Slackware user, of course) | 17:56 |
ericb | someone please help, i cant detect wifi signals using ubuntu 10.10. | 17:56 |
jc | after modprobe cmd | 17:56 |
=== fred_ is now known as Guest38170 | ||
edbian | jc, what is the message? Please use my name when you're talking to me like I'm doing for you | 17:56 |
Deddly | Internet connectivity problem - my internet connection is through a mobile phone (tethering) and it appears to connect fine but the only web site that works is Google, no other web site will load. I have experienced the same problem on several different computers running various versions od Ubuntu and Xubuntu but never had this problem with Windows. Any ideas? | 17:57 |
RA_drc | 17:57 | |
theadmin | Deddly: Some weirdness with some firewalls or the DNS? | 17:57 |
=== manco is now known as Guest514 | ||
ericb | anyone?? | 17:57 |
angheloko | ericb, what's your wireless card? | 17:58 |
RA_drc | ericb: you're being very vague, give us more details | 17:58 |
angheloko | lspci | grep -i net | 17:58 |
Fish__ | theadmin: can't find one http://www.mangler.org/download/ | 17:59 |
Deddly | theadmin: This is a standard Ubuntu installation straight from the box | 17:59 |
nithin935 | Deddly, its ur apn problem , just check with ur service provider for ur correect apn | 17:59 |
ericb | angheloko: http://markg87.net/lenovo-ideapad-v460-specifications/ | 17:59 |
theadmin | Deddly: Well, try setting your DNS servers to and | 17:59 |
omichalek | hi all, I cannot apt-get upgrade my ubuntu, I get this error: dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 22395 package 'ed': | 17:59 |
angheloko | ericb, are you connecting via network manager? | 18:00 |
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ericb | yes | 18:00 |
Deddly | nithin935 & theadmin: Thank you, I'll look into it | 18:00 |
LAcan | how do I enumerate UID's and GUID's? | 18:01 |
angheloko | ericb, and your saying you're not getting any w-networks? | 18:01 |
Proz01d | i'm also trying to set my dns (on openvpn) however when i push or .4.4 to the clients they can't hit any websites. | 18:01 |
LAcan | Proz01d, whos IP's are those? your dns servers? | 18:01 |
=== Roach` is now known as Roach`away | ||
angheloko | LAcan, /etc/group, /etc/passwd | 18:02 |
=== Roach`away is now known as Roach` | ||
theadmin | LAcan: They're Google's public DNS servers. | 18:04 |
frode_ | someone now howto fix this MUTT error: CREATE failed: [ALREADYEXISTS] Folder name conflicts with existing folder name. | 18:04 |
LAcan | is googles public dns servers? i dont think so | 18:04 |
oCean | LAcan: it is | 18:05 |
theadmin | LAcan: It is, google-public-dns-a.google.com | 18:05 |
ZykoticK9 | LAcan, actually is correct (i'm not sure about the | 18:05 |
LAcan | will the line in fstab "//,GUID=119" give read/write access to all members of group 119? | 18:05 |
randomuser | i have a bash session to a remote machine to launch various pulseaudio utilities. paman, for example, fails to connect to the audio server. Is this a permissions issue, or do i need a full blown session? I cant find anything related to the attempt i the logs | 18:05 |
LAcan | well i leanr something new everyday! | 18:05 |
theadmin | ZykoticK9: That too, a secondary DNS server of theirs | 18:05 |
ZykoticK9 | theadmin, i figured it was correct (i just didn't know for sure) ;) | 18:06 |
theadmin | ZykoticK9: Well now you do | 18:06 |
Fish__ | now i'm getting a x11 error | 18:06 |
LAcan | fstab help anyone? | 18:07 |
omichalek | hi all is my ubuntu messed up? I cannot upgade my packages! this is what I get after apt-get dist-upgrade http://pastebin.com/tWDhdv49 | 18:07 |
theadmin | omichalek: Never do apt-get dist-upgrade on Ubuntu, ends up breaking stuff. | 18:07 |
nithin935 | omichalek: upgrading always creates problems, try a freash install | 18:07 |
nithin935 | @theadmin: i agree | 18:08 |
omichalek | theadmin: nithin935 sudo apt-get upgrade is the same | 18:08 |
michael__ | hallo stefan | 18:08 |
Skaperen | theadmin: why do you say that? | 18:08 |
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trism | if you don't dist-upgrade, you won't, in general, get new kernels, so that is a terrible suggestion | 18:08 |
ZykoticK9 | theadmin, FYI dist-upgrade is the same as using the GUI Update Manager... | 18:08 |
=== frode_ is now known as MacSkyrate | ||
MacSkyrate | someone now howto fix this MUTT error: CREATE failed: [ALREADYEXISTS] Folder name conflicts with existing folder name. | 18:08 |
ericb | angheloko: yeah, i can't detect any wifi networks | 18:09 |
theadmin | brb. | 18:09 |
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MacSkyrate | there must be a folder i miss here | 18:09 |
Skaperen | the only times I've seen apt-get dist-upgrade break stuff is when apt-get upgrade would break it, too | 18:09 |
Travis-42 | What would people recommend for doing a presentation on Ubuntu. Is LibreOffice Impress good enough? | 18:09 |
omichalek | theadmin nithin935 Skaperen trism no matter whether apt-get or GUI, it gives the same error, what's wrong? | 18:10 |
nithin935 | omichalek- yes , its better to go for a freash install do ya agree | 18:10 |
MacSkyrate | give up | 18:10 |
nithin935 | omichalek: apt-get is the backend for the gui, they are same | 18:10 |
angheloko | ericb, what's the output of lspci | grep -i net? | 18:10 |
nithin935 | man | 18:10 |
ZykoticK9 | nithin935, dist-upgrade has nothing to do with upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu... it for updating new packages | 18:11 |
Skaperen | dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' ... maybe that file is broken? | 18:11 |
MacSkyrate | this mutt error seems as a normal fault.. but google is not my friend here | 18:11 |
Skaperen | omichalek: double check that you have not run out of disk space somewhere ... do the command "df -a" | 18:12 |
nithin935 | ZykoticK9: yes typo man, | 18:12 |
arquebus | MacSkyrate: #mutt | 18:12 |
omichalek | ZykoticK9 the 2nd line says there is df -a | 18:12 |
Skaperen | omichalek: then re-run "apt-get update" | 18:12 |
omichalek | ZykoticK9: sorry | 18:12 |
MacSkyrate | arquebus: jupp | 18:12 |
nithin935 | wat i meant is wen upgrading to a newer version go for ffresh install, otherwise apt-get is as essential as a gun in the army | 18:13 |
MacSkyrate | something fails when sending email | 18:13 |
MacSkyrate | arquebus: its all good until i send email | 18:13 |
angheloko | there are just times in the day where /usr/bin/X will eat up some resources... | 18:13 |
Skaperen | fresh installs are usually the cleanest for any OS ... BSD, Linux, OSX, Windows ... even on mainframes (BTDT) | 18:13 |
MacSkyrate | arquebus: then this error shows up: CREATE failed: [ALREADYEXISTS] Folder name conflicts with existing folder name. | 18:14 |
cocomango | hello | 18:14 |
cocomango | i have some generall computer questions | 18:14 |
cocomango | not OS specific | 18:14 |
cocomango | could i ask them here,or is this the wrong channel? | 18:14 |
omichalek | Skaperen: I do have enough free space several gigs both home and root | 18:14 |
jc | i have an ext usb drive with its own power source. after a while it shut off on me and i gotta press the power button to get it back.. any ideas how i can keep that thing on perm? | 18:15 |
Skaperen | omichalek: do "df -a -i" to check inodes, too | 18:15 |
ericb | angheloko: 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8131 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0) | 18:15 |
ericb | 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01 | 18:15 |
Skaperen | omichalek: then do "apt-get update" again and see if file /var/lib/dpkg/available looks normal ... do "apt-cache dump" to see if that works | 18:16 |
cocomango | okay,i will ask away | 18:16 |
=== mike is now known as Guest37054 | ||
cocomango | is it possible to send a program to a gpu | 18:16 |
cocomango | then have it run independantly | 18:16 |
jc | no? | 18:16 |
project2501a | not if the program does not have code directly addressing the gpu | 18:16 |
cocomango | if it does? | 18:17 |
cocomango | all the code uses is the gpu's functions | 18:17 |
angheloko | ericb, see if your wireless is up - ifconfig | 18:17 |
cocomango | and gpu memmory | 18:17 |
project2501a | well, if it has been compiled let's say against the cuda library, yes. | 18:17 |
Skaperen | jc: hmmm ... mine never powered off ... just spun down ... would spin back up OK ... except for one seagate one | 18:17 |
cocomango | so it can be done? | 18:17 |
nithin935 | yes | 18:17 |
nithin935 | u can | 18:17 |
nithin935 | read abt nvidia cuda | 18:17 |
nithin935 | yes | 18:18 |
nithin935 | it cam | 18:18 |
cocomango | and could the gpu send a signal to the cpu? | 18:18 |
cocomango | over something such as | 18:18 |
hyper_ch | hmmm, I have an Ubuntu here that completely refuses to boot... even when using single user.... I don't even get to GDM and none of the TTYs are working when it stops doing stuff.... here's the syslog I got when booting from a live cd http://www.sjau.ch/syslog.txt | 18:18 |
cocomango | usb,firewire or something else? | 18:18 |
inthl | my system is shutting down after a few minutes when init 0 was initiated or restarting after the same long duration - this happens since I am using a SSD - any ideas why this occurs? it takes about 3-5 minutes to halt/reset. filesystem is ext3 | 18:18 |
project2501a | over avian pigeons. | 18:18 |
nithin935 | the regular interface its connected to, am not an expert, but nvidia cuda project | 18:19 |
nithin935 | aims at using the vast powerr of a gpu | 18:19 |
cocomango | I meant if the regular interface is not available | 18:19 |
nithin935 | and its awesome wat i heard | 18:19 |
cocomango | could a gpu be programmed to send over a usb? | 18:19 |
project2501a | programmed to send over a usb, what? | 18:19 |
gnewb | How do I wget and install SRWare Iron, or is it an apt-get and do I need to add a ppa? | 18:20 |
cocomango | could a gpu send signals directly over some protocol,to reach a cpu that it is not connected to by the regular interface? | 18:20 |
nithin935 | yes yes man read on cuda | 18:20 |
project2501a | cocomango: yes and no. | 18:20 |
nithin935 | "cuda " | 18:21 |
coldpizza72i | im trying to move a bunch of folders from my windows mount to another drive but i get "mv: cannot remove directory ... : operation not supported" | 18:21 |
Strahlex | hi | 18:21 |
project2501a | cocomango: you are talking about distributed operating system | 18:21 |
project2501a | cocomango: you are talking about distributed operating systems | 18:21 |
Skaperen | cocomango: any device on the bus could, in theory, get access to other devices on the bus | 18:21 |
project2501a | which is the area of much research. | 18:21 |
Skaperen | cocomango: in PCI that is true ... not sure about PCIe | 18:21 |
project2501a | Skaperen: not if it is not within the address space of the computer | 18:21 |
hellz | hi im wondering if anyone could help me figuring out what JRE would use the least RAM | 18:22 |
coldpizza72i | any ideas? | 18:22 |
cocomango | so it would be possible since the gpu should be able to reach anything on the bus,without needing a cpu? | 18:22 |
project2501a | hellz: buy more ram. | 18:22 |
Skaperen | project2501a: if it is not within the address space, then it can't be used at all even by the CPU | 18:22 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, are you moving via nautilus or terminal? | 18:22 |
coldpizza72i | terminal | 18:22 |
hellz | lol | 18:22 |
project2501a | Skaperen: my point exactly. so it is not in theory. it needs to be within addressable space, by some mechanism. | 18:22 |
hellz | i need more slots | 18:22 |
project2501a | hellz: buy denser memory :P | 18:22 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: * | 18:22 |
Strahlex | can someone please file a bug that the default Ubuntu server for austria (tu-wien) is really slow and that the inode server (ubuntu.inode.at) should be used as default? | 18:22 |
Skaperen | project2501a: and if it is a device that works, it is | 18:23 |
omichalek | Skaperen: still same error. /var/lib/dpkg/available is 2.7 MB. The 2nd line in http://pastebin.com/tWDhdv49 says there is a missing colon at the end | 18:23 |
industria | hellz: You need to measure | 18:23 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, from a mounted win dir, rght? are u sure its mounted? | 18:23 |
korgrim_ | nouveau + gallium3d really does the trick to still have enabled brightness hotkeys =) | 18:23 |
hellz | measure? | 18:23 |
project2501a | hellz: how much memory do you have right now? | 18:23 |
coldpizza72i | yes im positive angheloko | 18:23 |
hellz | 12 gigs | 18:23 |
project2501a | ... wtf are you running? | 18:23 |
hellz | im running java based bots | 18:23 |
ericb | angheloko: nada | 18:23 |
industria | hellz: it not really possible to make a general statement about what JRE uses the least RAM | 18:23 |
project2501a | bots? | 18:23 |
project2501a | BOTS? | 18:23 |
project2501a | porn bots? | 18:23 |
pcpower | lol java | 18:23 |
angheloko | ericb, no output from ifconfig? | 18:23 |
hellz | no for runescape lol | 18:23 |
Nisstyre | lolyes | 18:23 |
pcpower | that's all I have to say | 18:24 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, can you check ownership of the win dir | 18:24 |
project2501a | ubuntu, this is what happens when you do not point the user to the manual.... | 18:24 |
Skaperen | omichalek: maybe one of your sources is corrupt ... have you modified /etc/apt/sources.list? try trimming it down to minimal sources and redo "apt-get update" | 18:24 |
omichalek | Skaperen: will try | 18:24 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: drwxrwxtwx | 18:24 |
iszak | What's the best way to migrate from an old ubuntu install to a new one? of course with the same programs, settings. | 18:24 |
coldpizza72i | that t is an r* | 18:25 |
Skaperen | omichalek: comment out sources you don't need or added | 18:25 |
nit-wit | iszak, from what to what distro? | 18:25 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: drwxrwxrwx | 18:25 |
angheloko | hmm.. the destination's ownership? what's your command? | 18:25 |
Skaperen | omichalek: especially the partner and third-party sources | 18:25 |
WeSSaM__ | hi all | 18:25 |
mactimes | Hi. Is there a fix for Unity to have applications icons shown in the notification area? | 18:26 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: thats the same for both drives.... "ls -l /media/" | 18:26 |
Skaperen | omichalek: FYI, I will be afk in 2 minutes ... G/L | 18:27 |
jscherer26 | Unity question. I have a dual monitor setup and when I have a program open in the left monitor and it needs to open a new window, it always opens it in a very small area at the left most of my screen (like a third monitor space). I then have to drag it out of that space so that I can expand it. If I open the same program on the right monitor it is fine. Any ideas? Or any ideas on how I should document it as a bug? | 18:27 |
nit-wit | mactimes, not exactly the answer but worth considering. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/the-omg-guide-to-must-have-indicator-applets/ | 18:27 |
omichalek | Skaperen: there are no packages to be upgraded now :) | 18:27 |
WeSSaM__ | how i can change my Interface without login out ? | 18:27 |
mactimes | nit-wit, I'll check that. Thank you. | 18:27 |
iszak | nit-wit, from ubuntu 11.04 to ubuntu 11.04 | 18:27 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, ok, strange.. do you have enough memory - df -h? | 18:27 |
nit-wit | iszak, from what to what distro? | 18:27 |
hyper_ch | hmmm, I have an Ubuntu here that completely refuses to boot... even when using single user.... I don't even get to GDM and none of the TTYs are working when it stops doing stuff.... here's the syslog I got when booting from a live cd http://www.sjau.ch/syslog.txt | 18:27 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, what's the full command you used? | 18:28 |
iszak | nit-wit, I just told you. | 18:28 |
angheloko | iszak, from 11.04 - 11.04 | 18:28 |
iszak | exactly, to a new computer. | 18:28 |
coldpizza72i | for moveing the file? angheloko ? | 18:28 |
nit-wit | iszak, that is not old to new that is the same distro. Do you want another desktop? Can you be more clear.;) | 18:28 |
iszak | nit-wit, I want to (?:re)?install ubuntu 11.04 on a new/other system and migrate all my programs/settings. | 18:29 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, yes, the complete command.. see if you have enough space as well | 18:29 |
nit-wit | iszak, brio the screen goes by and we help a lot of people snapping at a helper is not a good idea.;) | 18:29 |
savid | Does anyone know of any good apps for uploading/syncing with my amazon cloud drive? | 18:29 |
nit-wit | iszak, clone it with clonezilla. | 18:29 |
iszak | can't, not an option. | 18:30 |
nit-wit | why | 18:30 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: mv /media/windows/ProgramData /media/datadrive/windowBackup/ | 18:30 |
tappi | what's the easiest way to extend a desktop to an external display on a random laptop using the newest ubuntu? | 18:30 |
mrdeb | randr | 18:30 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: what should i be looking for with "df -h" im not a pro at linux yet | 18:30 |
iszak | nit-wit, because It's a different system? you can't just drop in the same files/hard drive into another system can you? atleast not with windows. | 18:30 |
angheloko | iszak, how bout tar-ing - tar cvpzf backup.tgz --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/<backupfile>.tgz --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/media --exclude=/sys / | 18:31 |
Strahlex | someone from official ubuntu team here? | 18:31 |
iszak | angheloko, that could work but isn't there a way to export my programs + all my configs should be in my home, so tar that up, and just reinstall app the programs? | 18:32 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, that will give you the size of your disks... make sure you have enough | 18:32 |
angheloko | iszak, that'll export everything inc configs and apps | 18:32 |
stravant | How do I change the icons of things in the Unity launcher? | 18:32 |
angheloko | iszak, *backup everything | 18:32 |
nit-wit | iszak, your not transferring windows, it is quite likely that a clone will work, no reason it shouldn't, and a clone does not destroy the original. | 18:33 |
jscherer26 | stravant how do you want to change them? | 18:33 |
trism | stravant: best idea is probably to create a custom launcher (right click the desktop, create launcher) then you can choose any icon you want (and then drag the file to the launcher) | 18:33 |
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nit-wit | iszak, are you trying to move a wubi? | 18:33 |
stravant | I did that but it just shows up as the default icon once I've dropped it into the unity launche | 18:33 |
ericb | angheloko: usb, eth1 and lo | 18:34 |
trism | stravant: I've found you need to use a different name if it is for an app already in /usr/share/applications (for instance, my Terminal launcher I had to rename to Gnome Terminal to get recognized) | 18:34 |
stravant | so, obviously I need to edit it where ever it's storing that info, any idea where it would be located? | 18:34 |
angheloko | !PM | ericb | 18:35 |
ubottu | ericb: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 18:35 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: i have plenty of room on the destination disk | 18:35 |
stravant | Also, I noticed that some of the thing in the lanucher that were there by default have more options in one single launcher, how can I add those for my own launchers? | 18:35 |
ericb | sorry about that | 18:35 |
stravant | I want to know where all of those settings are stored | 18:36 |
angheloko | ericb, run ifconfic eth1 down | 18:36 |
industria | stravant: I found that I needed to generate a SVG icon for my IntelliJ for the icon to show up in the launcher | 18:36 |
angheloko | ericb, *ifconfig | 18:36 |
stravant | I am using an svg already =/ | 18:37 |
stravant | still doesn't work | 18:37 |
trism | stravant: the launcher api page describes how to add quicklist items https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI , also someone is working on a gui to edit them, but I can't seem to find the link | 18:37 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, try cp-ing instead? | 18:37 |
di3gopa | Hello everyone! is there any way to put the menu bar and title bar on the top bar on ubuntu classic 11.04 like in unity? | 18:37 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: that doesnt work iether | 18:37 |
angheloko | ack | 18:37 |
stravant | trism: Thanks, I don't need a GUI, I'm happy editing them by hand | 18:38 |
ericb | done | 18:38 |
ericb | angheloko: done | 18:38 |
angheloko | ericb, then up it again - ifconfig eth1 mode Managed && ifconfig eth1 up | 18:39 |
alextybob | in this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery how do i / what should i put for start and end? | 18:40 |
ericb | angheloko: do i type that ? | 18:40 |
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cocomango | another question | 18:41 |
stravant | Any idea where the .desktop files for the things that were in the lanucher by default are? | 18:41 |
angheloko | ericb, yes | 18:41 |
MrKeuner | !"downgrade package" | 18:41 |
CrustyBarnacle | stravant, trism: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/how-to-unity-quicklists-for-libreoffice-gmail-and-chromium/ | 18:41 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: any other suggestions? | 18:41 |
ericb | angheloko : sudo ifconfig eth1 mode Managed && ifconfig eth1 up | 18:42 |
ericb | mode: Unknown host | 18:42 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, remount the drive? | 18:42 |
coldpizza72i | how do you unmount | 18:42 |
cocomango | I have a question | 18:42 |
cocomango | with the correct software | 18:43 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, sudo umount /media/* | 18:43 |
cocomango | could a computer boot a file transfer protocol | 18:43 |
cocomango | with no cpu,just a gpu? | 18:43 |
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industria | stravant: I found a bunch in /usr/share/applications | 18:43 |
gocat_rules | folks, anyone any idea what I have to do when adding a new ppa to my software sources using linux mint 10 and it says "copy the code; deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pmcenery/ppa/ubuntu YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE main"? grrr | 18:43 |
fizyplankton | is there any way to change $COLUMNS and $LINES thru CLI? | 18:44 |
gocat_rules | any ideas? | 18:44 |
angheloko | ericb, hmm.. it seems that eth1 is not your wireless card... can you show the output of ifconfig | 18:44 |
Rziz | stravant: panel launchers are copied from a default gconf scheme in /apps/panel/default_setup defined in /etc/gconf/schemas/panel-default-setup.entries | 18:44 |
angheloko | ericb, and iwconfig | 18:44 |
Rziz | stravant: at least, the initial panel launchers are | 18:44 |
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stravant | Rziz: Any idea what would be causing the launchers to just show the default "spring" laucnher icon when I move them into the launcher? | 18:45 |
ericb | angheloko: http://pastebin.com/RWSpc4Uv | 18:45 |
fizyplankton | is there any way to change $COLUMNS and $LINES thru CLI? i | 18:45 |
angheloko | ericb, so its eth2.. | 18:46 |
MrKeuner | how can I use an earlier version of unison in 11.04? | 18:46 |
trism | stravant: if you edit the icon after creating the launcher, it adds an additional Icon: entry to the end of the file, but the launcher uses the first Icon: entry it finds (nautilus will use the last), someone was going to file a bug about it, but don't know if that ever happened | 18:46 |
MrKeuner | how can I install an earlier version of unison in 11.04? | 18:46 |
cocomango | one last thing,using this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA you dont need to use a cpu in a computer,as long as you compile agaisnt that ,same software will run on a gpu | 18:46 |
fizyplankton | is there any way to change $COLUMNS and $LINES thru CLI? im sshing from my droid and the screen size is wrong | 18:46 |
ericb | it still gives me mode: unknown host error | 18:47 |
cocomango | (same,with some functional difrences) | 18:47 |
cocomango | wait | 18:47 |
cocomango | wrong thread | 18:47 |
cocomango | ignore that | 18:47 |
ericb | angheloko: it still gives me mode: unknown host error | 18:47 |
BorgTK2001 | MrKeuner: Unity? | 18:47 |
BorgTK2001 | Unity can be installed on 10.10+ | 18:47 |
angheloko | ericb, your usb0 has an IP already.. is this a dongle? | 18:48 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: still wont work? | 18:48 |
coldpizza72i | it still doesnt work.* | 18:48 |
stravant | trism: Oh, thanks. I see that in the file when I open it in a text editor, and removing it does fix it | 18:49 |
MrKeuner | BorgTK2001, yes | 18:49 |
pcgeek32147 | why cant i upgrade 11.04 it keeps saying something about held pack | 18:49 |
MrKeuner | BorgTK2001, ah no unison | 18:49 |
m3asmi | hii I have this error when I launch totem with videos :totem: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server :0.0. | 18:49 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, what's the fs type of your dest drive? (fdisk -l) | 18:49 |
hyper_ch | on a US keyboard, how do you access the pipe? | 18:50 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: do you think the problem could have something to do with the fact im using a live cd | 18:50 |
ericb | angheloko: its my phone, using it to get wifi signal then share it to my laptop | 18:50 |
znejk | Hello, i have installed restricted extras libdvdread4 and libdvdcss2, still the dvd wont read | 18:51 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, no... not really... live cds are used for situations like this (rescue) | 18:51 |
pcgeek32147 | why cant i upgrade to 11.04 it keeps saying something about held packs | 18:51 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: HPFS/NTFS | 18:51 |
miloskrstic | Evening | 18:52 |
pcgeek32147 | why cant i upgrade to 11.04 it keeps saying something about held packs | 18:52 |
miloskrstic | I'm not sure if I'm in the right place for some support | 18:53 |
sattu94 | hi i was writing a script, which seemed to work fine on another computer but isnt working on my computer | 18:53 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, can you make a new dir in /mnt (ie mkdir /mnt/source) then do a mount (ie mount --bind /media/source /mnt/source) | 18:53 |
pcgeek32147 | why cant i upgrade to 11.04 it keeps saying something about held packs | 18:53 |
c4str0 | test | 18:53 |
CrustyBarnacle | milostrstic: What's your question? | 18:53 |
CrustyBarnacle | miloskrstic: What's your question? | 18:54 |
angheloko | ericb, that changes things... what you may want to do is to tether? | 18:54 |
sattu94 | my script gives me not foundeplace.sh | 18:54 |
MrKeuner | how can I install an earlier version of unison in 11.04? | 18:54 |
pcgeek32147 | why cant i upgrade to 11.04 it keeps saying something about held packs | 18:54 |
c4str0 | i've problem in my ubuntu 10.10,i can't open youtube in my computer | 18:54 |
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ericb | nope | 18:55 |
pcpower | I would upgrade to 11.04 but it's only going to add more bugs than I have now :/ | 18:55 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: my script gives me the following error: not foundeplace.sh | 18:55 |
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ericb | angheloko: nope, what i want to do is to get wifi signal straight from my laptop so i won't need to use my phone to fetch signal | 18:55 |
pcgeek32147 | why cant i upgrade to 11.04 it keeps saying something about held packs | 18:55 |
pr4ka5a | hey everybody, how can I install Gammu 1.28.0 on lucid ?? | 18:55 |
pcgeek32147 | why cant i upgrade to 11.04 it keeps saying something about held packs | 18:55 |
pcgeek32147 | why cant i upgrade to 11.04 it keeps saying something about held packs | 18:56 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: and i dont have anything close to foundeplace.sh in my script | 18:56 |
FloodBot1 | pcgeek32147: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:56 |
bashelina | when I use docky, it says : enable compositing ... how do i enable that ??????????? | 18:56 |
nit-wit | pcgeek32147, are you fully updated? | 18:56 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: ok i did that? | 18:56 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: Has the script ever worked? | 18:56 |
miloskrstic | During my install of 11.04 the installer asked what to use for swap space (I have 3 partitions - 1 for windows - 2 for storage 3 for ubuntu) I selected to use my 2nd partion. And now I can't see that partition, is there anyway to restore this or to gain access to the swap partition so I can get all my data that was there? | 18:56 |
coldpizza72i | ok i did that...* | 18:56 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, do the same for your destination | 18:56 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: yea earlier this evening on the server. i emailed it to myself and now it isnt working on my home computer! | 18:57 |
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pcgeek32147 | to 10.04 yes im | 18:57 |
CrustyBarnacle | miloskrstic: making a swap partition removes all the previous data | 18:57 |
angheloko | ericb, so you're using your phone now to connect? hmm.. what's iwconfig output? | 18:57 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: Same OS and such? | 18:57 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: i did both the drives like you said | 18:58 |
nit-wit | pcgeek32147, you can only go from 10,10 to 11.04 | 18:58 |
sattu94 | well kinda. that was ubuntu 10.04 server, this is ubuntu 10.04 desktop | 18:58 |
pr4ka5a | hey everybody, how can I install Gammu 1.28.0 on lucid ?? | 18:58 |
pr4ka5a | hey everybody, how can I install Gammu 1.28.0 on lucid ?? | 18:58 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: can you pastebin your script for me? | 18:58 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, so now you have 2 dirs under /mnt... can you verify the dirs if they contain the same thing as the source and dest drive | 18:58 |
sattu94 | sure! | 18:58 |
bashelina | when I use docky, it says : enable compositing ... how do i enable that ??????????? | 18:58 |
miloskrstic | ok, thanks for the help. Is there any thing that I might be able to do to try recover the lost data on that partition? | 18:59 |
nit-wit | pr4ka5a, if somebody knows they will answer a continues question will slow down the rsponse. | 18:59 |
ericb | yep | 18:59 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: just verified | 18:59 |
ericb | angheloko: yep | 18:59 |
pr4ka5a | ok nit-wit I'm sorry :) | 18:59 |
mrdeb | how do you set default application from the command line | 18:59 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, ok.. so try copying using the /mnt instead of /media | 18:59 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611141/ | 19:00 |
nit-wit | pr4ka5a, no problem, want you to get help .;) | 19:00 |
nit-wit | *I | 19:00 |
ericb | angheloko: http://pastebin.com/7TzJ2xGc | 19:00 |
pr4ka5a | yes nit-wit | 19:00 |
stowoda_ | hi , is there a C channel? | 19:00 |
stowoda_ | here on freenode? | 19:00 |
pcgeek32147 | that what mean im trying 2 get 10.10 but it keeps saying something about held packs | 19:01 |
pr4ka5a | I'm trying to Install Gammu version 1.28.0 on lucid | 19:01 |
angheloko | ericb, ok.. looks like eth2 is your wireless.. u sure u have wireless networks in your area, ok? | 19:01 |
coldpizza72i | angheloko: looks like it worked thanks | 19:01 |
angheloko | coldpizza72i, ossum | 19:01 |
pr4ka5a | but I don't see the ppa's | 19:01 |
oCean | stowoda_: well, there is ##programming | 19:01 |
stowoda_ | oCean, ok thx | 19:01 |
pr4ka5a | nit-wit, I'm trying to Install Gammu version 1.28.0 on lucid | 19:01 |
ericb | yes, i'm connecting to it using my phone | 19:01 |
ericb | angheloko: yes, i'm connecting to it using my phone | 19:02 |
pr4ka5a | nit-wit, but I don't see the ppa's | 19:02 |
pr4ka5a | nit-wit, so what is the easiest method to instal it to my machine? | 19:03 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: I don't see what could be causing that... | 19:03 |
angheloko | ericb, this is so effing strange.. have you tried wicd? | 19:03 |
nit-wit | pr4ka5a, do yo9u have the universe repo ticked on in software sources 1st tab 4th box down? | 19:03 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: me too! i just thought of adding #!/bin/bash | 19:04 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: and then it says bad interpreter | 19:04 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: On my system, I just get the "No such file or directory" as I should running it in my home directory. | 19:04 |
Gskellig | if I have two kernels how do I delete one | 19:04 |
Gskellig | or at least change which one is default | 19:04 |
pcgeek32147 | nit-wit that what mean im trying 2 get 10.10 but it keeps saying something about held packs | 19:04 |
te | Gskellig: apt-get will delete it for you. | 19:04 |
pr4ka5a | nit-wit, yes | 19:04 |
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pr4ka5a | nit-wit, it is ticked | 19:05 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: uhh, it has some dependent files so it wont work on any system. | 19:05 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: I just added that, and do not get the "bad interpreter". | 19:05 |
pcgeek32147 | nit-wit that what mean im trying 2 get 10.10 but it keeps saying something about held packs | 19:05 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: what does "which bash" give you? | 19:05 |
te | Gskellig: uname -a will tell you which one not to remove. | 19:06 |
Gskellig | i know which one to remove | 19:06 |
nit-wit | pr4ka5a, a quick look at google says it is there have you loked in synaptic after a reload not with the search bar, the using the search button that bring a popup to tyoe the search with. | 19:06 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: /bin/bash | 19:06 |
bashelina | How do I enable compositing in ubuntu ???????? | 19:06 |
Gskellig | how do i use apt-get to remove it? | 19:06 |
new_kid1 | Lucid hangs during boot saying"ppp0: error fetching interface information: Device not found | 19:07 |
edpowell | Gskellig, if you know the name of the package you can just do apt-get remove | 19:07 |
nit-wit | pcgeek32147, can you show a screen shot of that message, in image bin. | 19:07 |
te | Gskellig: ls /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image* | 19:07 |
haker | hello from poland city elblag | 19:07 |
te | will tell you which kernels you have installed. | 19:07 |
ericb | angheloko: installed wicd, don't know what to do next | 19:07 |
trism | sattu94: try installing tofrodos and running: fromdos /path/to/file; I see carriage returns in the pastebin | 19:07 |
pcgeek32147 | hold on | 19:08 |
angheloko | ericb, make sure you remove network-manager... there's some inconsistencies with the 2, iirc | 19:08 |
te | Gskellig: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.#.# To remove the one you dont need. | 19:08 |
ericb | if i remove network-manager will my usb-tethering still work? | 19:08 |
ericb | angheloko: if i remove network-manager will my usb-tethering still work? | 19:08 |
packetpusher | I've got a question - I have Unity. When I minize some of my programs e.g. xchat and vidalia to what would usually be the bar at the top of the screen. I can't get them back because there is no icon. | 19:10 |
pr4ka5a | nit-wit, let me try it, thanks for advance | 19:10 |
packetpusher | anyone know how to change this behavior? | 19:10 |
roger21 | should i use aptitude or apt- for normal stuff installation ? | 19:10 |
new_kid1 | Lucid hangs during boot saying"ppp0: error fetching interface information: Device not found" | 19:10 |
neoinr | Hey, I'm having a problem configuring a USB Presentation HID device in Ubuntu, anyone able to help me? | 19:10 |
sattu94 | trism: yea thanks! someone helpe me solve it on the #bash channel! | 19:11 |
angheloko | ericb, i haven't tried tethering via network-manager.. it might not work anymore if you remove nm... running out of ideas.. hmm.. do you know the SSID of the wl you are trying to connect to? | 19:11 |
ericb | yep | 19:11 |
angheloko | ericb, is it wpa/wpa2? | 19:11 |
jakemp | Arg. Ubuntu just crashed again, and my firefox window is in the upper left most corner, and I cannot maximize it or move it. | 19:11 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: Well... poop. :-/ | 19:11 |
ericb | angheloko: yep, wait will try killing network-manager | 19:11 |
ericb | brb | 19:11 |
packetpusher | any suggestions on the whole Unity minimize thing? | 19:12 |
packetpusher | :-S | 19:12 |
angheloko | ericb, wait.. | 19:12 |
ericb | ok | 19:12 |
leander_ | yay ubuntu chat | 19:12 |
Gskellig | yay | 19:12 |
neoinr | I have the lsusb and dmesg output | 19:12 |
MrKeuner | project version x.yy comes in 11.04. How can I install version x.zz where zz < yy? | 19:12 |
omichalek | Skaperen: the problem remains, I cannot install/update any packages, unistalling works. I will try to remove linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic and boot to an older one. Reinstalling it in synaptic ends up with the same error :/ | 19:12 |
MrKeuner | does ubuntu repository keep earlier versions? | 19:12 |
angheloko | ericb, make 2 files - wireless-wpa.sh and wireless-wpa.conf... contents here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/611145/ | 19:13 |
packetpusher | I've got a question - I have Unity. When I minize some of my programs e.g. xchat and vidalia to what would usually be the bar at the top of the screen. I can't get them back because there is no icon. | 19:13 |
packetpusher | what do I need to do to change this? | 19:13 |
neoinr | http://pastebin.com/d3JSVM9a | 19:13 |
trism | packetpusher: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-re-enable-notification-area.html , applications are blacklisted from the notification area by default | 19:14 |
neoinr | thats my lsusb output | 19:14 |
neoinr | for the relevant devic | 19:14 |
neoinr | *device | 19:14 |
FloodBot1 | neoinr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:14 |
angheloko | ericb, kill network then run the wireless-wpa.sh | 19:14 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: I created the files/dirs in a tmp folder. Got the script to give me "Number of images=0" | 19:14 |
packetpusher | trism, thanks for that | 19:14 |
neoinr | Can anyone help me get my USB presentation device working, details from lsusb and dmesg at http://pastebin.com/d3JSVM9a | 19:14 |
jakemp | and ubuntu just logged me out for no appearent reason. | 19:15 |
jakemp | wth | 19:15 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: it worked out, the bash script while being transitioned through a WIN machine got CRs filled in it. | 19:16 |
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neoinr | no? | 19:16 |
CheckMate7 | TCP/IP - SYN_SENT but no connection established , any Idea ? | 19:17 |
te | neoinr: sudo fdisk -l | pastebinit | 19:17 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: i figured it out on the #bash channel :D | 19:17 |
leander_ | a noob quetion | 19:17 |
neoinr | te: http://pastebin.com/TdAE0nPW although i fail to see how my hard partioning relates to a usb HID | 19:18 |
jakemp | My computer locked up, how can I tell what caused it? | 19:18 |
neoinr | *hard drive | 19:18 |
leander_ | how do i cahnge colors on terminal i mean to look like mintterminal | 19:18 |
piboytravis | jakemp: What was going on when it locked up? | 19:18 |
jiltdil | jakemp" locked u? | 19:19 |
kyledr | how can i get arial nicely aliased on ubuntu 11? | 19:19 |
kyledr | i downloaded msttfonts but they're ugly just like on windows | 19:19 |
jakemp | yesterday, I was watching a 720p video and the video stopped, the audio repeated, and the machine became unresponsive | 19:19 |
te | neoinr: So this is an 8G USB drive? | 19:19 |
Gskellig | how to i reload grub | 19:20 |
jakemp | today, I left it sit with the screen locked, a browser, xchat and transmission, and when I came to use it again, it would not respond. | 19:20 |
neoinr | te: no, its a wireless presentation device, http://www.targus.com/us/productdetail.aspx?sku=AMP06US | 19:20 |
oCean | Gskellig: update grub after editing config? sudo update-grub | 19:20 |
Gskellig | thanks | 19:21 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: Good to know! What was it? | 19:21 |
jiltdil | jakemp: output of df -h / please | 19:21 |
lwizardl | jakemp, one of my windows machines does that. Basically the video format used in that video crashed the display drivers for a resolution that is not supported. after the program quits I end up with a 320x240 display and must restart. I think that might be a similar issue for your video card | 19:21 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: MS Carriage Returns while transitioning through an MSWIN PC. | 19:21 |
jakemp | space isn't a problem: http://pastebin.com/2r9nUzAR | 19:21 |
CrustyBarnacle | sattu94: Hence working fine on my side... nice | 19:22 |
jiltdil | jakemp"ok i am seing the pastebin | 19:22 |
sattu94 | CrustyBarnacle: your side ? oh yea u copied from HTML. | 19:22 |
siptah | was add-apt-repository removed from ubuntu server 11.04 | 19:22 |
te | neoinr: I don't even know what a "wireless presentaion device" is. | 19:22 |
jakemp | lwizardl, but the second time, the laptop was basically idle | 19:22 |
lwizardl | jakemp, oh ok then that is a different issue | 19:23 |
neoinr | te: its basically a wireless mouse/keyboard in a small dongle, also known as a powerpoint clicker | 19:23 |
ericb | angheloko: disabled my usb-tethering, ran the script, to no avail :) | 19:23 |
neoinr | te: on windows systems you just plug it in, and can control mouse with t | 19:23 |
djustice | weird question.. i have a folder of .deb (an apt/archives backup), how can i prune it of old versions? eg, now there are duplicates and old packages i won't need, how can i remove these easily? | 19:24 |
angheloko | siptah, install python-software-properties | 19:24 |
djustice | archlinux had a handy vercmp binary i could script use.. | 19:24 |
tanath | anyone know how i can get a list of what shortcuts are on my gnome panel? | 19:24 |
angheloko | ericb, did you run it with sudo? | 19:24 |
Saymon21 | . | 19:24 |
ericb | yep | 19:25 |
leander_ | hi why i can create box on Glade interface designer | 19:25 |
ericb | angheloko: yep | 19:25 |
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djustice | tanath: gconf-editor i think. actual items are individual entries in there somewhere iirc. | 19:25 |
angheloko | ericb, any output in the term? | 19:25 |
oCean | !info python-software-properties | siptah this is the package for add-apt-repository | 19:25 |
ubottu | siptah this is the package for add-apt-repository: python-software-properties (source: software-properties): manage the repositories that you install software from. In component main, is optional. Version 0.80.9 (natty), package size 19 kB, installed size 216 kB | 19:25 |
te | neoinr: Have you tried just booting up with it in? | 19:26 |
neoinr | te: yes, the usb dongle connects but i cannot move the mouse or click, and xev does not respond to it | 19:26 |
reggie | cn you give me advice on measuring traffic on linux machines? | 19:26 |
te | neoinr: Try xinput | 19:26 |
pcpower | iftop/iptop/ntop | 19:26 |
pcpower | @reggie | 19:27 |
nascentmind | Hi. I have put floppy module in the blacklist.conf but it still loads when I boot up. What seems to be wrong? | 19:27 |
tanath | djustice, thanks! | 19:27 |
neoinr | te: what syntax/full command do i use | 19:27 |
piboytravis | reggie: have you tried Munin? | 19:27 |
te | neoinr: I dono | 19:28 |
leander_ | i click an it doenst work | 19:28 |
te | neoinr: man xinput | 19:28 |
ericb | angheloko: http://pastebin.com/bU14ucyK | 19:28 |
Jordan_U | nascentmind: What is the exact file you edited? | 19:28 |
piboytravis | who | 19:29 |
piboytravis | whoops | 19:29 |
tanath | djustice, erm, now how do i delete items? won't let me | 19:29 |
tanath | djustice, some editor... | 19:29 |
nascentmind | Jordan_U, blacklist.conf | 19:30 |
djustice | tanath: dunno, sry. im a qt/kde guy. the right click menu once upon a time had a delete item.. :? | 19:30 |
Jordan_U | nascentmind: In your home directory? What is the full path? | 19:30 |
omichalek | Skaperen so i did remove the kernel in question but the problem remains. The thing is, there is no /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ppp_mppe.ko file! | 19:30 |
tanath | djustice, except there is no context menu | 19:30 |
nascentmind | Jordan_U, oh. its /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf | 19:30 |
Gskellig | if I have commands I want to run on boot whats the best way to do that? | 19:31 |
LAcan | can anynoe help me with fstab real quick? im trying to enable readwrite for a user group on a mounted share? | 19:31 |
neoinr | te: i did a test of my touchpad, and recieved events when i moved it. i tested the device and got nothing | 19:31 |
Jordan_U | nascentmind: Can you pastebin the contents of that file? | 19:31 |
escott | Gskellig, rc.local | 19:32 |
nascentmind | Jordan_U, no I don't have that machine with me now. The exact line would be -> blacklist flopyy. | 19:32 |
angheloko | ericb, it means there are no DHCP servers.. i think.. make sure you disconnect your phone.. kill network-manager and make sure that /etc/network/interfaces only contains 'auto lo' and 'iface lo inet loopback', comment the rest of the lines, then try again | 19:32 |
ule | 'sup | 19:32 |
nascentmind | Jordan_U, sorry its blacklist floppy | 19:32 |
djustice | tanath: o.o hahaha :) interesting. | 19:32 |
LAcan | escott can u help me out with an fstab thing real quick? | 19:33 |
escott | LAcan, is this CIFS/samba? | 19:33 |
tanath | djustice, googleing suggests gconftool-2, but that's tedious | 19:33 |
djustice | question, where are the xscreensavers? the config UI lists them all.. but says they are uninstalled. | 19:33 |
LAcan | escott, ya i just neet o understand how the GUID parameter works...? | 19:33 |
djustice | tanath: no idea. why can't you edit the panels manually? | 19:34 |
Jordan_U | nascentmind: That sounds right, but it's hard to debug things like this just from memory. For instance you may have also made a typo on that line, or there may be a syntax error earlier in the file. | 19:34 |
djustice | sounds like a bug or fail.. | 19:34 |
escott | LAcan, its just uid=###,gid=#### or some variant thereof. check /etc/group and /etc/passwd for the numbers | 19:34 |
LAcan | escott; im wondering if this line "credentials=/home/poweruser/.smbcredentials,GUID=119" will allow any members of that group to write to the share? | 19:34 |
tanath | djustice, 'cause that's the problem... the icon for at least one shortcut has disappeared | 19:35 |
omichalek | could anybody help, please? whenever I try to install or update any package, I get this: http://pastebin.com/tWDhdv49 Uninstalling packages works. | 19:35 |
omichalek | I already removed additional sources/ppas and removed the kernel in question | 19:35 |
ericb | angheloko: tried it already (thats what i did when i got disconnected, i disabled my phones wifi) and i got disconnected on my laptop even running the bash script you gave me | 19:35 |
tanath | djustice, this isn't the first time either, so i'm looking to do some cleanup | 19:35 |
escott | LAcan, it should give them group ownership, i dont know all the details with SAMBA though. they may still be restricted by the permissions of the files themselves | 19:35 |
oCean | LAcan: it is uid= or gid= | 19:35 |
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LAcan | oCean, not clear.. i must use a UID paramaeter as well? | 19:35 |
nascentmind | Jordan_U, I am pretty sure there is no typo. If there is a syntax error would the kernel quietly ignore and not print in the boot messages? at least it should show in the dmesg output right? | 19:36 |
djustice | tanath: maybe the icon is unavailable at panel creation time? it's located on a seperate partition/device? then gnome automounts it after drawing the panel items? just a guess.. | 19:36 |
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djustice | if the normal context menus aren't working, sth else.. | 19:36 |
oCean | LAcan: there is no guid= paramter, it is uid= (userid) or gid= (groupid) see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 19:36 |
tanath | djustice, nope | 19:36 |
Jordan_U | nascentmind: I don't know. | 19:36 |
LAcan | oCean, ahh right ok ty | 19:36 |
djustice | ah. failcake. plasma<3. | 19:36 |
te | neoinr: Maybe you need some sort of driver software? | 19:37 |
LAcan | oCean, will that give ownebrship and r/w access to the share for any members of that group? | 19:37 |
angheloko | ericb, have you edited your interfaces file? are you using a static IP. from the scripts output it seems a prob with the DHCP (No DHCPOFFERS received).. anyway, try my last suggestion.. gtg now | 19:37 |
tanath | djustice, i suspect it's thumbnails getting cleaned up or something... | 19:37 |
escott | LAcan, you probably want to use both uid and gid at the same time. it would be odd to use only one | 19:37 |
neoinr | te: none available from vendor or 3rd parties to my knowledge, i hadnt thought it would be an issue, it uses the default HID driver for windows | 19:37 |
ericb | angheloko: using dynamic ip. thanks for the help anyway | 19:38 |
franki_ | hi, 2 nvida cards , on screen0 glxgears and video ok, but on screen1 is glxgears and video black. | 19:38 |
djustice | ahhh, screensaver issue -> needs an x restart to start the daemon.. seems like the .deb should attempt to launch the daemon tho.. | 19:38 |
oCean | LAcan: haven't used it in a while, but it should set the uid/user as owner of the share, so I would think 'yes' to your question | 19:38 |
trism | omichalek: you already ran: apt-get update; right? try: apt-cache dumpavail > Packages; sudo dpkg --update-avail ./Packages; | 19:38 |
LAcan | oCean, escott, ty ima give that a go | 19:38 |
zaapiel | hi | 19:38 |
omichalek | trism i did. is this one line? apt-cache dumpavail > Packages; sudo dpkg --update-avail ./Packages; | 19:39 |
escott | omichalek, head -n 22405 /var/lib/dpkg/available | tail -n 10 | pastebinit | 19:39 |
Gskellig | is there a way to get commands to run as boot besides rc.local | 19:40 |
trism | omichalek: it can be, it is two commands though | 19:40 |
reggie | pcpower: thanks :) from this utils i dont know about iptof, i will try that | 19:40 |
zaapiel | i need to install ubuntu from the command line on kubuntu | 19:40 |
reggie | pcpower: i'm measuring just bandwidth for on eapplication | 19:40 |
escott | Gskellig, cron | 19:40 |
reggie | *application | 19:40 |
zaapiel | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ? | 19:41 |
zaapiel | will that do it? | 19:41 |
aureianimus | Gskellig, you can set a command as startup application | 19:41 |
trism | omichalek: if it doesn't work, go with escott's command, would be interesting to see the actual error (maybe something wrong with your mirror) | 19:42 |
alextybob | if testdisk can't find a partition how bad of an idea is it to delete all mbr data? | 19:46 |
omichalek | trism awesome! it worked and I just updated my packages! | 19:46 |
trism | omichalek: excellent! | 19:46 |
CheckMate7 | where can I search for channels ?? | 19:46 |
omichalek | trism what did it do actually? | 19:46 |
escott | alextybob, at the least email yourself the output of sudo fdisk -l | 19:47 |
alextybob | ok will do | 19:47 |
trism | omichalek: it regenerated /var/lib/dpkg/available from the apt cache | 19:47 |
qin | CheckMate7: irc.netsplit.de | 19:48 |
qin | CheckMate7: http | 19:48 |
CheckMate7 | how can I specific some one here " red " ? | 19:50 |
Gskellig | ? | 19:51 |
qin | CheckMate7: red? | 19:51 |
qin | red? | 19:51 |
omichalek | trism but what was the problem in /var/lib/dpkg/available? could it have something to do with nvidia binary? or could have used some malicious ppa? | 19:51 |
Gskellig | CheckMate7, like this? | 19:51 |
Jordan_U | CheckMate7: Use thier nick in your message. | 19:51 |
trism | omichalek: there was a syntax error in your available file, I'm not entirely sure how it got there, I was just hoping apt's version was correct | 19:52 |
bbuilt | :) | 19:52 |
lwizardl | does anyone know how to find out what resolution setting your computer bootup screen uses ? reason why is when i turn on my computer it fills the screen properly but when the os loads i'm missing like 5% of the screen on all sides | 19:52 |
pksadiq | !tab | CheckMate7 | 19:52 |
ubottu | CheckMate7: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 19:52 |
omichalek | trism and it had something to with /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ppp_mppe.ko | 19:53 |
omichalek | anyway trism Skaperen escott thank you all very much! | 19:53 |
escott | lwizardl, you mean plymouth is running in standard resolution, but X is running widescreen? | 19:53 |
neoinr | lwizardl: Maybe check the config for GRUB (if thats the bootloader you use) | 19:53 |
bbuilt | menu.lst is missing, how to get it | 19:53 |
neoinr | bbuilt: are you sure you want menu.lst? That's for GRUB, not GRUB2 (the current version) | 19:54 |
Jordan_U | !grub2 | bbuilt | 19:54 |
ubottu | bbuilt: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 19:54 |
escott | omichalek, we can't find out now cause the files was replaced. in this happens again you can go to the line specified in the error and see what the contents are | 19:54 |
lwizardl | escott, ok when my MSI boot screen pops up and says 512MB VRAM etc its properly full screen but when ubuntu splash loads its edge of the screen is about 5% away from the edges from each side. think like on html the padding would be off | 19:55 |
neoinr | How would I go about customizing the welcome message for SSH? | 19:55 |
leander_ | hi can somebody hel | 19:55 |
leander_ | p | 19:55 |
neoinr | lwizardl: Tried pressing the autoconfig button on your monitor? Often fixes small resolution errors | 19:56 |
juniour | ya leander tell ur problem | 19:56 |
lwizardl | NeoBlaster, TV not monitor | 19:56 |
escott | lwizardl, well thats plymouth. its probably just using vesa standard resolution instead of a widescree | 19:56 |
pcgeek32147 | im on 10.04 trying 2 upgrade 2 10.10 but it says something about held packs or something like that heres pics of what it says (http://img580.imageshack.us/i/screenshotfx.png/ | http://img849.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1nl.png/ ) | 19:56 |
neoinr | lwizardl: Wrong name :P | 19:56 |
escott | lwizardl, you can adjust that in /etc/defaults i think. but its only plymouth, not super important | 19:56 |
franki_ | hi, 2 nvida cards , on screen0 glxgears and video ok, but on screen1 is glxgears and video black. | 19:57 |
lwizardl | neoinr, yeah this display doesn't have that option | 19:57 |
lwizardl | escott, yeah not super important just a tad anonying | 19:57 |
leander_ | ok | 19:57 |
neoinr | lwizardl: Is there no way to manually fine tune its edges then? | 19:57 |
lwizardl | neoinr, nope | 19:57 |
Gskellig | franki_, i gave up on dual graphics cards on ubuntu | 19:57 |
leander_ | im using the glade user interface editor but i cant create a box like the tutorial i | 19:58 |
lwizardl | neoinr, kinda looking to see if myth would have an option like in XBMC for screen calibration of edges | 19:58 |
leander_ | i click on the box then i click on the designer windows but nothiong happnes | 19:58 |
Gskellig | does anybody know anything about installing mainline kernels? | 19:58 |
bsg | hello, I have problem with vpn connection. my ubuntu host does not response to any packet on ppp0 | 19:58 |
leander_ | o nvm it solved by itself | 19:59 |
escott | lwizardl, you can pass to the kernel a valid modeline for the framebuffer and it should bring plymouth up in a higher resolution. personally i would say its not worth it, you risk having the system fail to bring up a console is something goes bad | 19:59 |
neoinr | Does anyone know of a program that provides a remote GUI for XBMC? I find it irritating that an app for my Android Phone provides more functionality than the HTTP interface | 20:00 |
lwizardl | escott, yeah i know. I am still trying to get a working system anyway | 20:00 |
giulia | hello, I have a problem with my murrine themes | 20:01 |
giulia | I installed the murrine engine from Synaptic and its themes, also with Synaptic. However, when I go to the "Appearance", I can't see my murrine themes. Any idea on how can I solve my problem ? | 20:02 |
giulia | thank you | 20:02 |
escott | pcgeek32147, aptitude search "~ahold" | 20:02 |
franki_ | @Gskellig ;-) me to | 20:02 |
pcgeek32147 | im on 10.04 trying 2 upgrade 2 10.10 but it says something about held packs or something like that heres pics of what it says (http://img580.imageshack.us/i/screenshotfx.png/ | http://img849.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1nl.png/ ) | 20:02 |
neoinr | Does anyone know of a program that provides a remote GUI for XBMC? I find it irritating that an app for my Android Phone provides more functionality than the HTTP interface | 20:03 |
blueghost | hi | 20:04 |
blueghost | how to set default sound card | 20:04 |
dennis_Flash | ciao a tutti | 20:04 |
dennis_Flash | mi vedere? | 20:04 |
dennis_Flash | vedete? | 20:05 |
qin | !it | 20:05 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette) | 20:05 |
giulia | to set the default sound card : System -° Sound | 20:05 |
giulia | and normally, you should set the sound card | 20:05 |
juniour | hi i wann to chnge screen resolution how to do that | 20:06 |
giulia | but my Ubuntu is in French, so I'm not that sure about translations | 20:06 |
ironhalik | what can I do if synaptic got stuck at "applying changes" while installing eclipse? | 20:06 |
blueghost | when "cat /proc/asound/cards" return "0 [NVidia ] ....\n 1 [CK804]..." | 20:06 |
franki_ | sudo nvidia-settings | 20:06 |
dennis_Flash | sorry | 20:06 |
dennis_Flash | ubottu | 20:07 |
dennis_Flash | hi at all | 20:07 |
dennis_Flash | how are you | 20:07 |
qin | cool | 20:07 |
blueghost | how to switch the CK804 to hw:0 | 20:07 |
blueghost | how to switch the CK804 to 0 | 20:07 |
pksadiq | blueghost: may be volume applet -> preferences > Hardware ? | 20:07 |
aelen_v | I have an older 10.04-alternate cd, that says in ./dists/lucid/Release "Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 9:32:46 UTC". Today a downloaded another alt-cd, that says "Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2010 17:24:55 UTC". Why is it so? | 20:07 |
blueghost | pksadiq:) I have tried. but does not work | 20:09 |
blueghost | pksadiq:) sometime the CK804 is 0, sometime the nvidia is 0 | 20:09 |
stallione | Is it possible to create a disk image using dd or something else of a running system | 20:10 |
=== kaini_ is now known as kaini | ||
escott | stallione, bad idea | 20:10 |
blueghost | How to force set ck804 to 0 | 20:10 |
Fedorer | hey guys, i tried ubuntu 11.04 (natty) on my pc and it is hang/freeze , app crash ! Has anyone encounter this problem ? | 20:10 |
stallione | escott, thx. other ideas? | 20:11 |
blueghost | giulia:) how to set sound card? | 20:11 |
escott | stallione, you need to mount those partitions as read-only to do that, and or get a fs capable of snapshots | 20:11 |
giulia | normally, you go to System-hardware-sound | 20:12 |
giulia | but my Ubuntu is in French | 20:12 |
giulia | so not sure about translation | 20:12 |
pksadiq | blueghost: did you try unloading the nvidia sound module to start up script? and setting ck804 to 0? | 20:12 |
Younder | nvidea sound module? | 20:14 |
Wieslaw | #ubuntu.pl | 20:14 |
escott | Younder, hdmi | 20:14 |
giulia | sorry to ask, but where can I find help about themes on Ubuntu & | 20:15 |
giulia | ? | 20:15 |
Younder | I found I needed the second latest nvidea driver. The latest caused a interrupt conflict. | 20:15 |
blueghost | pksadiq:) how to set one sound cart to 0 | 20:16 |
Younder | giulia, on the bacground rightclick select the last option in the menu and then themes | 20:16 |
blueghost | Now NVidia HDA is the first one. Sometimes ck804 is the first one. two sound cards often change order. How to force a fixed order of their | 20:16 |
kzetts | Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble trying to install from a usb stick, could someone help | 20:17 |
kzetts | ? | 20:17 |
rhin0 | kzetts -- blank it with gparted -- create the stick using usb-creator | 20:17 |
Psydoll | hello I require some help please | 20:17 |
kzetts | rhin0: i have in gparted, then i copied over in dd | 20:17 |
kzetts | is usb creator in debian repos? | 20:17 |
Psydoll | I would like to be able to become better at the command line and I have 4 months to improve because i have the whole summer free from exams | 20:18 |
giulia | younder, I'll try this | 20:18 |
giulia | hold on | 20:18 |
pksadiq | blueghost: I think you should add rmmod <module> of nvidia related sound to rc.local and restart | 20:18 |
escott | blueghost, are the actual pci bus locations changing? | 20:18 |
Skaperen | anyone know where there is an archive of older Ubuntu ISO versions that are not longer carried by the mirrors? | 20:18 |
te | Psydoll: Read man files, experiment. | 20:18 |
rhin0 | thats the tool anyway kzetts | 20:18 |
rhin0 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Live_USB_creator | 20:18 |
dstaubsauger | Psydoll: do things you'd do anyway and use command line tools for it and look up what you dont know | 20:18 |
kzetts | rhin0: isnt usb creator the windows tool? im not on windows currently | 20:18 |
te | Psydoll: Use console mode, lynx etc. | 20:19 |
rhin0 | it runs on ubuntu I know that | 20:19 |
giulia | Younder, the method you purposed me didn;t work | 20:19 |
te | Psydoll: sudo apt-get install vimtutor | 20:19 |
dstaubsauger | vim /o\ | 20:19 |
cookiemon5ter | Skaperen: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ | 20:19 |
rhin0 | its definitely possible from ubuntu -- usb-creator I think theres a prefix like gtk-usb-creator | 20:19 |
rhin0 | for types of package | 20:19 |
Fedorer | hey guys, i tried ubuntu 11.04 (natty) on my pc and it is hang/freeze , app crash ! Has anyone encounter this problem ? | 20:20 |
* Skaperen has his own 2 ways to make a live USB ... 1: copy the ISO and add HD booting ... 2: install it TO the flash drive | 20:20 | |
dannyd__ | msg nickserv identify mithran danny | 20:20 |
dstaubsauger | dannyd__: fail :D | 20:20 |
=== talu is now known as Talu_Foxtrot | ||
dannyd__ | lol | 20:20 |
blueghost | escott:) no, I only have one sound card. do not know why there are two hardware. only ck804 is the actual sound card. twice to restart the machine. they sometimes change the order of | 20:20 |
pksadiq | dannyd__: change pass now | 20:20 |
rhin0 | usb-creator-gtk -- is available from synaptic package manager "This is a simple utility designed to make startup disks from Ubuntu CDs." | 20:20 |
dstaubsauger | better change your pw before someone else does :D | 20:20 |
dannyd__ | i know | 20:20 |
escott | blueghost, one is hdmi sound | 20:20 |
blueghost | escott:) o | 20:21 |
rhin0 | you just select the .iso file for your ubuntu -- you can blank the usb from that program -- then write the iso to the usb - makes it bootable -- takes seconds | 20:21 |
Psydoll | dstaubsauger: my use of the terminal is limited to looking around for files, and occasionally moving them, not very much | 20:21 |
=== Talu_Foxtrot is now known as Talu | ||
rhin0 | sudo apt-get install usb-creator-gtk kzetts | 20:21 |
dstaubsauger | Psydoll: i'm talking about things you'd do anyway without using the terminal | 20:22 |
pcgeek32147 | escott its not there | 20:22 |
* Skaperen uses dd to make his live USB flash drive (same for live SD card flash drive) | 20:22 | |
dstaubsauger | Psydoll: you could learn loops and variables by batch renamin/converting images or videos for example | 20:22 |
=== Talu is now known as Talu_Foxtrot | ||
mauro | una pregunta tengo xubuntu y aveces me salen todas las resoluciones como 1024x768 o sino solo se pone en 800x600 | 20:22 |
escott | blueghost, if you dont want to use the hdmi sound you could just disable or blacklist the module, but the key question is whose enumeration is changing, the kernel/pci bus or something unique to alsa | 20:23 |
dstaubsauger | mauro: #ubuntu-es | 20:23 |
blueghost | escott:) But how they order it fixed. because only ck804 sound card for the first time, e17's mixer will work. otherwise invalid e17 mixer | 20:23 |
* Skaperen uses this ... http://slashusr.net/ubuntu/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.img | 20:24 | |
escott | blueghost, thats a hard problem :) the devices appear on the bus when they are ready to appear on the bus and get enumerated that way. you can use udev rules to create named symlinks to the devices, but that may not help alsa which has always looked at the raw device exported by the kernel | 20:24 |
Psydoll | dstaubsauger: what is the command name for the batch renaming of files? so i can find it easier that is very interesting | 20:25 |
dstaubsauger | i'd do that with a loop | 20:25 |
dstaubsauger | google while loops in bash | 20:25 |
dstaubsauger | Psydoll: and read man [ | 20:26 |
oCean | dstaubsauger: suggesting google is not helpful | 20:26 |
dstaubsauger | Psydoll: [ being the name of the program | 20:26 |
blueghost | escott:) I tried to turn off a sound card settings. but e17 mixer still detects the two sound card. in the same order | 20:26 |
dannyd_ | can someone tell me the name of a terminal based irc client? | 20:26 |
dstaubsauger | oCean: but google is :P | 20:26 |
oCean | dstaubsauger: don't suggest google here, thanks | 20:27 |
dstaubsauger | ok :| | 20:27 |
escott | blueghost, you have to remove the module from the kernel. if you run lsmod there should be one for nvidia-snd | 20:27 |
Talu_Foxtrot | Hi everyone *waves* Anyone familiar with the upower patch for Natty? | 20:27 |
pksadiq | dannyd_: may be irssi , I <3 | 20:27 |
escott | blueghost, you an rmmod that and the nvidia device should disappear | 20:27 |
Renierius | Hey all, I only recently installed Ubuntu and I've encountered a problem. Today I've been trying to run a game through it's .exe with Wine and it keeps telling me that the file doesn't have the permission, but I can't seem to figure out how to set these permissions. Can any of you guys perhaps help me? | 20:27 |
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Talu_Foxtrot | Renierius, have you install GameOnLinux? | 20:28 |
dannyd_ | pksadiq, checking it out | 20:28 |
Renierius | I've not tried, would you recommend it? | 20:28 |
pksadiq | Renierius: right click on the exe file > properties and set the permissions | 20:28 |
cookiemon5ter | Renierius: you can use chmod to change permissions | 20:28 |
escott | !permissions | Renierius | 20:29 |
ubottu | Renierius: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 20:29 |
Renierius | pksadiq, it wouldn let me. | 20:29 |
=== Odd-rationale_ is now known as Odd-rationale | ||
nz_cris | hi i just started my adventure with ubuntu and tied to play silkroad online trough Wine but got error: failed to initialize NetEngine | 20:29 |
escott | Renierius, wine expects you to mark your .exe's as executable | 20:29 |
nz_cris | what can i do ?? | 20:29 |
jtreminio | Hello all. I would like to set up my SSH to use my server's open key - I have the private key from my Windows install, how do I get my computer to now use this existing key instead of creating a new one? | 20:30 |
pksadiq | Renierius: then , the file might be in CD or some thing like that, copy it to hard disk and do or else use wine app.exe in terminal | 20:30 |
Renierius | escott: I know, but I can't seem to figure out how, I'll try ubottu's link, thank you. | 20:30 |
escott | jtreminio, put the public key from windows into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | 20:30 |
jtreminio | no, it can't be that simple! | 20:31 |
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lduros | hello | 20:31 |
neoinr | Out of personal preference, what's better, 22" 16:9 or a 23" 16:10? | 20:31 |
dannyd_ | pksadiq, the numbers clip on the irssi website is pretty cool :) | 20:32 |
escott | jtreminio, if you have a key (identity) that you want to use to login to another system thats all you need to do http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/530 | 20:32 |
ViRUS | PulseAudio is giving me a hard time. It used to work just fine but after adding a 3rd Graphiccard it suddenly stopped working and I get the message "No cards available for configuration" even though the pulseaudio daemon reports "I: module-udev-detect.c: Found 4 cards.". The ALSA device works fine and is not in use, but pulseaudio just won't use it. | 20:32 |
jtreminio | you're pretty awesome :) | 20:32 |
oCean | !appdb | nz_cris appdb says the game does not work with wine | 20:32 |
ubottu | nz_cris appdb says the game does not work with wine: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help | 20:32 |
lduros | I want to remove the following module from the kerner, when doing modprobe -l I get it as follows: kernel/drivers/net/wireless/adm8211.ko | 20:33 |
lduros | -- when I do sudo modprobe -r adm8211 -- it doesn't get removed, and when I blacklist it in a file called blacklist-custom.conf, it doesn't blacklist it -- what do i do wrong? | 20:33 |
Talu_Foxtrot | Beside the patch for upower is there anything else I can do to fix the read out of the battery icon in the notification area applet in Maveric | 20:33 |
pksadiq | lduros: tried rmmod -f ? | 20:33 |
lduros | pksadiq: so I just enter: sudo rmmod -f ? No adm8211? Never used the command | 20:34 |
polyurethane | Hello! | 20:34 |
nz_cris | i've tried there but found only silence ^^ | 20:34 |
LAcan_ | guys, i cant get smb to start at boot with root privs...? | 20:34 |
LAcan_ | smbd | 20:34 |
nz_cris | it looks like i have to emulate windows... | 20:34 |
pksadiq | lduros: but its DANGEROUS to use that anyway | 20:35 |
lduros | so how can I remove the module? :-) | 20:35 |
pksadiq | lduros: use rmmod -f adm8211 or what ever | 20:35 |
escott | LAcan_, what do you mean can't get it to start as root? the service will be started and then should drop privileges | 20:35 |
lduros | pksadiq: ERROR: Removing 'adm8211': No such file or directory | 20:35 |
LAcan_ | escottwell i cant get my ubunt shares to work unless i start smbd manually as root | 20:36 |
polyurethane | Can anybody help me? I just installed xubuntu and I am trying to install Ultravnc, I am installing the tar.gz version, how do I install it thorugh this? | 20:36 |
polyurethane | through | 20:36 |
polyurethane | * | 20:36 |
escott | LAcan_, where are the folders you are trying to share? | 20:36 |
LAcan_ | escott, in the root ie /winbackuo | 20:37 |
LAcan_ | /winbackup | 20:37 |
escott | LAcan_, and who owns that folder | 20:37 |
LAcan_ | escott, hrmmm likely root | 20:37 |
escott | LAcan_, i think you need to chown it over to whatever the samba server runs as | 20:38 |
LAcan_ | escott, yes root | 20:38 |
LAcan_ | escott, can i just change the group to a mutaul one? | 20:38 |
escott | LAcan_, it won't run as root though. it will have its own username | 20:38 |
mongy | im battling with permissions here... I have a folder I want the user and group to always have rwx permission to and with every dir/file made in it... I did chmod g+rwxs to make it sticky but its not having the effect I want. help? | 20:38 |
pcgeek32147 | im on 10.04 trying 2 upgrade 2 10.10 but it says something about held packs or something like that heres pics of what it says (http://img580.imageshack.us/i/screenshotfx.png/ | http://img849.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1nl.png/ ) | 20:39 |
escott | pcgeek32147, aptitude search "~ahold" | 20:40 |
LAcan_ | escott, hrmm, it wont let me chown the directory... | 20:40 |
pcgeek32147 | i did an found nothnig | 20:41 |
escott | LAcan_, you have to sudo chown since root owns it | 20:41 |
LAcan_ | escott, well im doing it thru nautilus as root? | 20:41 |
yeats | pcgeek32147: try apt-get -f install | 20:41 |
yeats | pcgeek32147: (sudo apt-get -f install, that is) | 20:41 |
polyurethane | Alright, I have the java.bin | 20:42 |
polyurethane | What do I open it with? | 20:42 |
polyurethane | What do I open java.bin with..? | 20:42 |
=== zonum_ is now known as zonum | ||
escott | LAcan_, i dont know then. but be careful doing gksudo nautilus... its easy to confuse nautilus windows and leave a root window open. and or have nautilus start drawing roots desktop on top of the users desktop | 20:42 |
escott | polyurethane, chmod +x java.bin; ./java.bin | 20:43 |
=== WebDawg is now known as WebDawgII | ||
yamana | hi all | 20:44 |
blueghost | escott:) http://code.bulix.org/a67p7s-79906 this is lsmod output. Included with the hda-related are snd_hda_codec_hdmi, snd_hda_intel, snd_hda_codec. remove all off them?? | 20:45 |
LAcan_ | escott, oj i did a "sudo chown -hR winbackup /winbackup" from the CLI and it seems to work but the permissions still show as root...? | 20:45 |
neoinr | I have SSH setup on my server with X11Forwading enabled, however when i ssh in with -X and try to run a program, it spams X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. a few times and then Error: cannot open display: localhost:10.0 | 20:45 |
owowo1 | I'm having some difficulty getting Natty to work on my desktop. It previously had 10.04 on it but had to wipe it when I couldn't upgrade. It seems the X server isn't loading. The install screens looked fine and graphics worked then, but not now. | 20:46 |
owowo1 | What should I try? | 20:46 |
ira_gershwin | owowo1: if you can get to the login/splash screen, see if you can choose ubuntu classic instead of unity | 20:46 |
owowo1 | The only login screen I get is the CLI one. | 20:47 |
ira_gershwin | aah | 20:47 |
ira_gershwin | right just saw that you said X itself wasn't loading | 20:47 |
kish | does someone know of a decent guide to compiling and configuring one of the kernels compiled from kernel.org? | 20:47 |
guntbert | neoinr: from what client are you trying to connect? | 20:47 |
neoinr | im using the default ssh from within ubuntu terminal | 20:47 |
yamana | kish: maybe LFS? | 20:48 |
guntbert | neoinr: local? | 20:48 |
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neoinr | guntbert: yes | 20:48 |
mithran | hi all | 20:48 |
owowo1 | ira_gershwin: it's a fresh install so I don't know what's causing it. It's a P4 from 2002, so it's not exactly new, but I still expect the basics to work. | 20:48 |
hunteros | hi all | 20:48 |
escott | blueghost, that makes it harder i cant tell which is which either. do you know if the output of lspci is changing in any way between boots | 20:49 |
kish | Yanch0, ah good | 20:49 |
guntbert | neoinr: hm... | 20:50 |
neoinr | guntbert: if it helps, X is currently running on the server (if thats an issue) | 20:50 |
blueghost | escott:) thx | 20:50 |
owowo1 | I would have stuck with 10.04 until I had more time, but I needed the newer version because it has support for my netgear wireless stick (and I don't have access to the router to plug it in with CAT6). | 20:51 |
yeats | neoinr: you might take a look at this: http://www.unix.com/red-hat/116444-error-cant-open-display-0-0-a.html | 20:51 |
blueghost | bye all, i reboot try | 20:51 |
neoinr | yeats: ok looking now | 20:51 |
guntbert | neoinr: should not matter, as you can do it on your desktop too - are you trying from within the GUI (with xterm) or from a virtual terminal? | 20:51 |
giulia | hello | 20:51 |
pksadiq | owowo1: did you try failsafe graphics mode at GRUB menu? | 20:52 |
giulia | any IRC chatroom where I can discuss about graphic themes ? | 20:52 |
neoinr | guntbert: tried using virtual terminal and xterm | 20:52 |
tomshaw | Anybody have a newer NVIDIA card and get it to work with Natty? | 20:52 |
yeats | neoinr: are you ssh-ing in as the same user that you're currently logged into the GUI as? | 20:53 |
neoinr | yeats: yes | 20:53 |
owowo1 | pksadiq: No, I didn't. That's a good thought. What's the string to enable that in the GRUB menu? | 20:53 |
guntbert | neoinr: it cannot work from a VT (you don't have access to your Xserver from there), but it *should* work from xterm/gnomeTerminal. | 20:53 |
pksadiq | owowo1: may be ESC , I hope | 20:54 |
escott | LAcan_, usually you do chown -R username:groupname folder | 20:54 |
pksadiq | owowo1: that is to show the GRUB menu | 20:55 |
neoinr | Hmm, I will just leave it for now, not that important anyway | 20:55 |
thegladiator | If I dont have that wifi thing in my gnome panel how do I connect to net ?? | 20:55 |
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thegladiator | from GUI | 20:55 |
guntbert | neoinr: ok, but it *is* odd ... | 20:55 |
thegladiator | I mean isn't there a windows like connection feature for Wifi ? | 20:56 |
Psydoll | does anyone here have knowledge of Network attached storage? | 20:56 |
Psydoll | NAS | 20:56 |
escott | thegladiator, network manager. the icon may be a wired icon if it cant find the wireless | 20:57 |
guntbert | Psydoll: I don't see how that is an ubuntu support question | 20:57 |
pksadiq | owowo1: check the recovery mode , ok? | 20:57 |
neoinr | Has anyone managed to get Terraria working on Wine? I found a forum post about someone who had, but emulating their steps hasn't got me where I needed to be | 20:57 |
thegladiator | escott, can I take that from Menu ? | 20:57 |
owowo1 | owowo1: OK. I'll check that. | 20:57 |
owowo1 | pksadiq: Thanks | 20:58 |
escott | thegladiator, in stock install there should be an icon in the upper right. next to sound or mail or something. if there isn't it should also be accessible in the system menus | 20:58 |
mithran | hello | 20:58 |
thegladiator | How do I take it from system menus ? | 20:58 |
=== alakoo__ is now known as alakoo | ||
escott | thegladiator, is this 11.04 or 10.10 | 20:58 |
thegladiator | I see Network tools and Network Connections both dont have option to connect | 20:58 |
thegladiator | 11.04 | 20:58 |
thegladiator | Classic | 20:58 |
guntbert | !enter | thegladiator | 20:59 |
ubottu | thegladiator: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:59 |
escott | thegladiator, network connections should allow you to enable your wireless. it may be that the wireless driver is missing | 20:59 |
thegladiator | no I am connected through Wifi now | 20:59 |
thegladiator | The problem is that without the gnome panel Netwoork thing I want to connect | 20:59 |
escott | thegladiator, ok then right click on the panel and add the network manager applet | 21:00 |
thegladiator | I want to connect to wireless and not just enable | 21:00 |
thegladiator | escott, I need to set the wireless running in a open box | 21:00 |
pcgeek32147 | how do i find what packs have unmet dependencis | 21:01 |
thegladiator | I am looking for the panel connect feature ....standalone | 21:01 |
mithran | how do i find out the nick im using without typing something to the channel with irssi? | 21:01 |
pksadiq | mithran: /whois , I hope | 21:01 |
Flannel | mithran: It's in your status bar, or type /nick in the server window | 21:01 |
escott | thegladiator, right click on the panel. add an applet. i think you want the network manager | 21:01 |
thegladiator | escott, without gnome panel is it possible to do this ? | 21:02 |
thegladiator | panel is one way but I need it without that | 21:02 |
pcgeek32147 | how do i find what packs have unmet dependencis | 21:02 |
mithran | Flannel: the status bar has the channel name | 21:02 |
guntbert | thegladiator: why? | 21:02 |
mithran | pksadiq: that worked thanks | 21:02 |
escott | thegladiator, without the panel there is nowhere for the applet to draw itself. if you just want to run the program its gnome-network-properties | 21:02 |
mithran | Flannel: ok i just got what you meant | 21:03 |
Flannel | mithran: to the left of that, you'll see your nick with your current modes (+i, for instance) | 21:03 |
pcgeek32147 | how do i find what packs have unmet dependencies | 21:03 |
thegladiator | gnome-network-properties doesnt have a connect button | 21:03 |
guntbert | !repeat | pcgeek32147 | 21:03 |
ubottu | pcgeek32147: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 21:03 |
mithran | Flannel: saw that...sometimes with too much information i get very confused | 21:03 |
Flannel | mithran: No worries :) | 21:03 |
thegladiator | nor does gnome-network-connections | 21:03 |
thegladiator | I need a feature like select the interface and connect | 21:04 |
anonymous | Can anybody help me? I am on a laptop, and I don't want my laptop optic mouse (touchpad) to work | 21:04 |
anonymous | I want to disable this | 21:04 |
=== anonymous is now known as Guest5366 | ||
thegladiator | I want to use open box for example | 21:04 |
pcgeek32147 | how do i find what packs have unmet dependencies | 21:05 |
thegladiator | thanks anyway , i will just try gnome-panel from oben box and work on it | 21:05 |
Flannel | pcgeek32147: An uninstalled package that you're trying to install from the repositories? | 21:05 |
mithran | pcgeek32147: run aptitude install on an already installed package | 21:05 |
tomshaw | anybody having problems with NVIDIA video cards running Natty? | 21:05 |
A_J | hey guys need help, Pretty big Issue.. I Installed a GFX Card, and booted into ubuntu just to test it.. But the Comp Hanged and I was forced to reboot. Now when i Boot Some Busy box Opens up. with i(nitramfs) what did i break ? | 21:06 |
coz_ | tomaw, there are issues,, what is happening there? | 21:06 |
guntbert | coz_: wrong nick, I guess :) | 21:06 |
coz_ | mm | 21:06 |
coz_ | darn | 21:06 |
mithran | pcgeek32147: not sure if that will work, synaptic should have a warning about that on its main screen | 21:06 |
coz_ | tomshaw, there are issues,, what is happening there? | 21:06 |
coz_ | tomaw, sorry bad tab habits :) | 21:07 |
pcgeek32147 | im on 10.04 trying 2 upgrade 2 10.10 but it says something about held packs or something like that heres pics of what it says (http://img580.imageshack.us/i/screenshotfx.png/ | http://img849.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1nl.png/ ) | 21:07 |
A_J | coz_ look at my problem mate? | 21:07 |
pcgeek32147 | help!!!!!!!!!!! | 21:08 |
coz_ | A_J, when you get to the drop to initramf.. wait about 5 seconds and type exit see if it boots to the login screen | 21:08 |
coz_ | initramfs I meant | 21:08 |
coz_ | A_J, do you have multiple hard drives? | 21:08 |
BorgTK2001 | pcgeek32147: Have you got a clean install of 10.04LTS? | 21:09 |
A_J | no coz_ only 1 | 21:09 |
tomshaw | coz_: I cant natty to boot up after install. During the installtion the resolution is 1280 x 1024 low res. After installation it defaults to 640x480. If I install nvidia-current the driver is active but fails to load. unity_support_test says my card is not blacklisted but is not supported. | 21:09 |
BorgTK2001 | Or have you added this that and the other | 21:09 |
coz_ | A_J, mm ok still try that exit and see what happens | 21:09 |
A_J | lemme reboot and try | 21:09 |
A_J | one sex | 21:09 |
A_J | sec* | 21:09 |
BorgTK2001 | As it looks like you've added somethink to your install since April 2010 that it doesn't like | 21:09 |
go876543 | anybody use sbxkb +openbox? it dont start in autologin with other applications, but sturt normal manually. how can i start it in autologin ? | 21:09 |
tomshaw | coz_: I have a NVIDI EVGA GeForce 1gig GTS 450 Fermi. | 21:10 |
A_J | says kernel panic - not syncing attemped kill etc coz_ | 21:10 |
coz_ | tomshaw, ooo this is a problem I am not familiar with,, I have seen one fellow with the same issue but i dont recall the solution if there was one :( | 21:10 |
coz_ | A_J, oo how did you install this... with live cd? | 21:10 |
pcgeek32147 | im running it right now | 21:10 |
pksadiq | go876543: add it to startup some where at System >...> | 21:10 |
A_J | yes coz_ it's been months | 21:11 |
coz_ | A_J, ok let me check what you already posted to get a better idea | 21:11 |
* A_J will wait | 21:11 | |
coz_ | A_J, so you installed a new video card onto an already running install...yes? | 21:11 |
mofaloks | Please does Oracle 10g work on Maverick? | 21:12 |
pcgeek32147 | im on 10.04 trying 2 upgrade 2 10.10 but it says something about held packs or something like that heres pics of what it says (http://img580.imageshack.us/i/screenshotfx.png/ | http://img849.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1nl.png/ ) | 21:12 |
coz_ | A_J, rather onto a system that was working with previous video card | 21:12 |
go876543 | pksadiq, in openbox ? | 21:12 |
mithran | pcgeek32147: 'apt-get -f packagename' from the broken ones in synaptic? | 21:12 |
coz_ | A_J, is that what you did? | 21:12 |
A_J | coz_ i installed it onto a pre installed system | 21:13 |
BorgTK2001 | pcgeek32147: Try this 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --force-yes' | 21:13 |
mithran | pcgeek32147: or try to ignore missing in the upgrade | 21:13 |
go876543 | pksadiq, may be you mean ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh ? | 21:13 |
pksadiq | go876543: no, to the startup apps somewhere in System> prefrences/admin..>start... | 21:13 |
A_J | the original pc had no card | 21:13 |
BorgTK2001 | pcgeek32147: ARE you seeing what we are typing | 21:13 |
A_J | so i just added one, normally on windows we pop the card in and then look for drivers | 21:13 |
go876543 | pksadiq, where i can find it in openbox & i have no menu ? | 21:13 |
mithran | pcgeek32147: ive never used those,was just scanning the man page for options | 21:13 |
BorgTK2001 | pcgeek32147: We do not need to see you repeating the question over and over | 21:14 |
quick- | hey pple wats going on ? | 21:14 |
intrader | pcgeek32147, I did not have any luck going 10.04 to 10.10. Rather I installed 10.10 directly on 9.04. | 21:14 |
coz_ | A_J, right that's what I meant but you had better wording... ok so the system was working with onboard video chip ..yes? and then you installed another video card for better performance | 21:14 |
pksadiq | A_J: try selecting recovery mode and failsafe graphics from GRUB | 21:14 |
coz_ | A_J, sorry just tryint to get my bearings | 21:14 |
A_J | yes coz_ | 21:14 |
A_J | pksadiq trying that | 21:15 |
coz_ | A_J, well that certainly could cuase major issues | 21:15 |
pksadiq | go876543: does ALT + F1 shows the menu? else add the command to rc.local file to autoload | 21:15 |
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A_J | pksadiq i did recovery that initramfs came back | 21:15 |
A_J | coz_ HOW else to install a card ? | 21:16 |
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coz_ | A_J, well you really want to have the card you are going to install ,, in the system. "prior" to installation | 21:16 |
A_J | so a format ? | 21:16 |
A_J | damn :\ | 21:16 |
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
coz_ | A_J, well the safest way will probably be a reinstall | 21:16 |
A_J | k how can i fix this coz_ ? | 21:17 |
coz_ | A_J, I generally have little experience or solutions for this particular situation because i would have told you NOT to switch cards after an in stall, so I dont keep notes on this type of t hingm, but apparenlty i better begin to | 21:17 |
FJAA-1983_ | Greetings. I just installed kernel "2.6.39-0-generic". It completely messed up my "fglrx". How could I fix it? | 21:17 |
BlackHC| | maybe someone can help me with this: Ive installed Ubuntu 10.4 recently and the latest nvidia driver with the package manager (nvidia-current) but somehow ld cant find libgl etc | 21:17 |
coz_ | A_J, not sure other than safe mode | 21:18 |
coz_ | A_J, did you install the driver for that card at all? | 21:18 |
A_J | coz_ does ubuntu come with a repair option like windows ? | 21:18 |
BlackHC| | now do I have to manually add /usr/lib/nvidia-current to LD_CONFIG_PATH or can I fix this some other way? | 21:18 |
coz_ | A_J, safe mode should help with that | 21:18 |
guntbert | A_J: yes, in the recovery mode there is an option to "repair X" | 21:18 |
pitsaki | hello | 21:19 |
A_J | coz_ nop, just put the card in | 21:19 |
coz_ | A_J, also check in the bios ,, there may be a video card setting that allows onboard to be turned off ,, not s ure how old the system is | 21:19 |
BorgTK2001 | BlackHC|: Did you delete the other Kernal? | 21:19 |
idefix | how do I switch off my firewall? | 21:19 |
A_J | coz_ abt 6 months | 21:19 |
BlackHC| | BorgTK2001: hm? what do you mean? | 21:19 |
=== Johnny is now known as Guest38247 | ||
Skaperen | anyone here use zfs? | 21:19 |
BlackHC| | BorgTK2001: Ive removed nouveau | 21:19 |
Guest38247 | when i boot my ubuntu and mdam fail to moun sth, ubnutu stop the a noob screen asking to wait for skip. How can i make it always skip??? | 21:19 |
A_J | guntbert where is that option ? | 21:20 |
tomshaw | BlackHC|: What model NVIDIA card do you have? I've got a newer model GTS 450 and cant get Natty to run at all with nvidia-current. | 21:20 |
BorgTK2001 | BlackHC|: When you restart Ubuntu, do you get a menu to select which Kernal you want to load | 21:20 |
mithran | Guest38247: whats a noob screen? | 21:20 |
BorgTK2001 | Before Plymouth even starts | 21:20 |
FJAA-1983_ | Greetings. I just installed kernel "2.6.39-0-generic". It completely messed up my "fglrx". How could I fix it? (I have an ATI card) | 21:20 |
BlackHC| | tomshaw: a 560 TI | 21:20 |
guntbert | A_J: let me look | 21:20 |
BlackHC| | BorgTK2001: yes | 21:20 |
* A_J checks BOIS coz_ | 21:20 | |
BlackHC| | BorgTK2001: I have two kernels I can boot | 21:20 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, what do you mean it's 'messed up' ? Is it installed? Do you want to use fglrx or some other driver? | 21:20 |
Guest38247 | mithran, it says. Ubuntu. mdadm failed to load md0, continue to wait, press S to Skip, blablalba | 21:21 |
BorgTK2001 | Try loading Ubuntu with a lower kernal from that menu | 21:21 |
pitsaki | how i can control other computers with class control? is easy? ( other pcs not have ubuntu | 21:21 |
BlackHC| | BorgTK2001: well the lower one is only the same versiom but (recovery mode) | 21:22 |
tomshaw | BlackHC|: Could you get it to work with 11.04 or have you tried? | 21:22 |
roothorick | So, where do I begin, troubleshooting a hang after standby? | 21:22 |
go876543 | pksadiq, alt f1 in openbox ? | 21:22 |
idefix | is firestarter the only firewall available for linux? | 21:22 |
BlackHC| | tomshaw: yeah only that I had other problems with 11.04 (it wouldnt boot properly now and then) | 21:22 |
Guest38247 | upgrading to 11.04 failed 7/10 on my side | 21:22 |
BorgTK2001 | Sorry, BlackHC| I am addressing the wrong person - so sorry | 21:22 |
Guest38247 | all boot problems | 21:22 |
A_J | coz_ loaded defaults on bois no luck.. | 21:23 |
FJAA-1983_ | edbian, I was using Kernel 2.6.38. Had fglrx installed and all was fine. Then I updated to 2.6.39. Suddenly on restart I got an FGLRX problem, not being able to load. Now I don't know how to repair it. I can't even activate the proprietary ATI drivers because I get an error | 21:23 |
BorgTK2001 | I should have been addressing FJAA-1983 | 21:23 |
coz_ | A_J, darn I was hoping that might help | 21:23 |
tomshaw | BlackHC|: I'm having the same problem | 21:23 |
pksadiq | go876543: yeah, if no menu pops try to add the app command to rc.local file to autoload at startup | 21:23 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, can you boot? | 21:23 |
BlackHC| | tomshaw: the driver itself seems to work. its just that ld cant find libGL | 21:23 |
Klevi|PC | How do I use a PCI-SATA adaptor in Ubuntu? | 21:23 |
BlackHC| | and there is no usr/lib/libGL.so | 21:23 |
BorgTK2001 | FJAA-1983: When you restart Ubuntu, do you get a menu to select which Kernal you want to load | 21:23 |
BlackHC| | but there is one in /usr/lib/nvidia-current | 21:24 |
mithran | Guest38247: something wrong with the fstab entry? | 21:24 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, Yes. I do. (Dual boot) | 21:24 |
A_J | guntbert any luck ? | 21:24 |
Guest38247 | mithran, the raid was broken | 21:24 |
Klevi|PC | I currently have Ubuntu 11.04 on an older model computer, with a rather generic PCI SATA adaptor in it. ( Emachines T3304 ) | 21:24 |
BorgTK2001 | FJAA-1983: When you restart Ubuntu, do you get a menu to select which Kernal you want to load | 21:24 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, I tried using the other kernels, those are "broken" too. | 21:24 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, what is the output of lsmod | grep fglrx (that will tell me if that driver is being used) | 21:24 |
guntbert | A_J: sorry, that seems to have been some time ago :-( - now there is only failsaveX | 21:24 |
pksadiq | !find libGL.so | 21:24 |
ubottu | File libGL.so found in fglrx, ia32-libs, libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-glx-dbg, libgl1-mesa-swx11, libgl1-mesa-swx11-dbg, libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev, lsb-build-base3, nvidia-173 (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libGL.so&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any | 21:24 |
Guest38247 | mithran, the raid was broken, but i dont want to get that check at boot. i want to remove the check | 21:24 |
Guest38247 | i cant even get a workign ssh | 21:25 |
A_J | guntbert coz_ what should i do now ? | 21:25 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, lsmod | grep fglrx gives no output. | 21:25 |
coz_ | A_J, ok when you reboot,, hold down the left shift key until you get to a grub menu,, at that point | 21:25 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, That means the driver is not being used. sudo apt-get install fglrx | 21:25 |
guntbert | A_J: but there is an option: "reconfigure graphics.." - dd you try that? | 21:25 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, That command will install the driver. Typically if it is installed it will be used. | 21:25 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, that gives an error. | 21:25 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, what error? | 21:25 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, let me see if i can pastebin it. | 21:26 |
A_J | guntbert where would i type this ? | 21:26 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, sure :) | 21:26 |
coz_ | A_J, press the "e" to edit the boot kernel stanza adding nomodeset just before quiet splash and try the boot,, I believe it is F6 but it will say just below on that edit | 21:26 |
guntbert | A_J: did you select recovery mode from the grub menu? | 21:27 |
A_J | yes guntbert | 21:27 |
A_J | coz_ where do i add it ? | 21:27 |
coz_ | A_J, after you get to the grub menu press the "e" key,, | 21:27 |
tapoxi | Hi guys, just installed 11.04 (Moved from Linux Mint 10) and my PCI wireless card won't work (Linksys WMP300N), the broadcom driver is downloaded and I ran lsmod to confirm it's loaded, but it won't associate with any AP. Ideas? | 21:27 |
guntbert | A_J: I will leave you to coz_ right now, no use trying two things at the same time :) | 21:27 |
coz_ | A_J, you will see a line for the boot sequence | 21:27 |
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Klevi|PC | Quickie: I assume 'lspci' lists all devices the computer sees connected to its PCI slots? | 21:28 |
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coz_ | A_J, in that line you will quiet-splash | 21:28 |
A_J | ok guntbert will ping u later | 21:28 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, http://pastebin.com/Yzcwu9Jp | 21:28 |
A_J | kk | 21:28 |
coz_ | A_J, use the arrow keys to just before that and add nomodeset with a space to separate it | 21:28 |
A_J | donw | 21:28 |
coz_ | A_J, that hopefully will get you to the log in screen | 21:28 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, There is a bug for that module in that kernel. You should report it on launchpad | 21:29 |
edbian | !ubg | 21:29 |
A_J | okie what nowV? | 21:29 |
edbian | !bug | 21:29 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 21:29 |
mithran | Klevi|PC: IT SHOULD | 21:29 |
coz_ | A_J, look here for the completeing of that ,, I believe this post will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1608269 | 21:29 |
edbian | ubottu, Put it on the package for that kernel | 21:29 |
ubottu | edbian: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 21:29 |
A_J | how to enter boot sequence ? | 21:29 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, Put the bug on the package for that kernel | 21:29 |
coz_ | A_J, after hitting "e" keyboard you will be there | 21:29 |
mithran | A_J: F8 | 21:29 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, That I did. I did it the first time I got the error. Does it mean that it can not be solved at this moment? | 21:29 |
coz_ | A_J, then use the arrow keys to maneauver the cursor to just before "quiet-splash" and type in nomodeset | 21:30 |
Klevi|PC | mithran: I have a Sata card in one of those slots, I should see it there if its working | 21:30 |
A_J | did that coz_ no luck same screen | 21:30 |
ShermanBoyd | is anyone here working on openstack documentation? | 21:30 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, It means the developers for ATI need to update their s*** | 21:30 |
A_J | i pressed f10 to boot from there coz_ | 21:30 |
coz_ | A_J, darn | 21:30 |
mithran | Klevi|PC: do you have a disk connected to the card? | 21:30 |
Klevi|PC | correct | 21:30 |
Klevi|PC | * mithran ^ | 21:30 |
coz_ | A_J, you are positive the card is functional ...yes? | 21:30 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, If I "Roll back" on my kernel, use 2.6.38, i meant, could I install fglrx and get all my video functionality back? | 21:31 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, as a workaround, try the radeon driver or boot an older kernel and then install fgrlx (which will compile for the older kernel) and all should be back to normal | 21:31 |
coz_ | A_J, does t his card require a power plug to it,,? | 21:31 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, Yes I believe so | 21:31 |
Klevi|PC | coz_: it has been used in the past fine with windows on it. | 21:31 |
mithran | Klevi|PC: yes you should | 21:31 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: what card? Do you need VA API or Crossfire? | 21:31 |
mithran | Klevi|PC: can you see the disk? | 21:31 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, I mis-spoke. The module isn't being compiled. It is being configured and inserted into the kernel. Technicality really | 21:31 |
Klevi|PC | no, mithran | 21:31 |
coz_ | A_J, which card is this exactly,, model number etc | 21:32 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, Only problem with 2.6.38 is that, and I don't want to sound like a complainer, is that it messes up the wifi speed | 21:32 |
A_J | coz_ " to the end of the line that has "kernel" in it." I dont see a kernal | 21:32 |
A_J | coz_ 9800gt | 21:32 |
FJAA-1983 | roothorick, ATI HD 6960 I think. | 21:32 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, Then I suggest you try the radeon driver | 21:33 |
Klevi|PC | mithran: lspci wont talk about the card. Generally that means its not working | 21:33 |
tapoxi | The fact that this worked on Mint 10 leads me to believe that I could probably roll back to the last firmware version. Does anyone know if this is possible? I've heard bad things about ndiswrapper on 64-bit. | 21:33 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: you think? I highly doubt you'd have a high-end enthusiast card like that and not know about it | 21:33 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, The radeon driver will work with the newest kernel and then you'll have the best of both worlds | 21:33 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: double-check with lspci | 21:33 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, lspci to make sure | 21:33 |
mithran | pksadiq: ya | 21:33 |
FJAA-1983 | roothorick, Just got it. :-P | 21:33 |
coz_ | A_J, look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions | 21:34 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: that's what the box says? 6960? | 21:34 |
mithran | Klevi|PC: driver? | 21:34 |
pksadiq | mithran: keep this as PM, don't disturb here ok? answer me at PM | 21:34 |
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FJAA-1983 | roothorick, 6950, me bad. | 21:34 |
edbian | I thought so | 21:34 |
edbian | They don't make 60's only 50's and 00's | 21:34 |
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roothorick | FJAA-1983: northern islands chipset... bad news | 21:35 |
A_J | coz_ Anythin specific i'm lookin for | 21:35 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, It's my 1st ATI card, got a little bored of NVIDIA but that's not the topic. | 21:35 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, :) | 21:35 |
A_J | coz_ in the first link i can't find kernal written | 21:35 |
FJAA-1983 | roothorick, Please elaborate on that? | 21:35 |
coz_ | A_J, that card should be fine but make sure you have the power plug plugged into it also ,, dont mean to make that sound like a stupid mistake but it has happened before | 21:35 |
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ultimate | i think someone keeps on breaking into my ubuntu box, can somebody help me | 21:35 |
bl4ckcomb` | does anyone know wheter it's possible to have 2 80-char (width) columns in vim? | 21:36 |
A_J | coz_ i removed the card | 21:36 |
edbian | ultimate, Why do you think that? | 21:36 |
edbian | ultimate, I can help | 21:36 |
MK44 | im trying to install the wifi drivers in 11.04 and following the tutorial at http://bit.ly/iXGWEt but im stuck at step 5. "Run Administration -> Update manager" where is Administration on 11.04?? | 21:36 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: actually... http://xorg.freedesktop.org/wiki/RadeonFeature | 21:36 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, Hows that radeon driver workaround? | 21:36 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: try the radeon driver | 21:36 |
coz_ | A_J, oh? but you want to use this card with ubuntu ,,,yes? | 21:36 |
edbian | MK44, run it through the menu. It will ask for a password. After entering the password you are on 'administrator' in the linux world it is called root | 21:36 |
Klevi | Irssi was having a seizure, Im going to try changing the slot the card is in and see if anything comes up | 21:36 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, sudo apt-get install radeon | 21:36 |
coz_ | A_J, doe it boot withouth that card in the sytem? | 21:37 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, Then restart and use lsmod | grep radeon to see if it's loaded. Then use your computer to see if it works well | 21:37 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, Not necessarily in that order | 21:37 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, Noob question. Should I do a remove --purge of fglrx first? | 21:37 |
MK44 | edbian: which menu do I run it through sorry? | 21:37 |
A_J | no coz_, the minute it didnt work i removed the card.. Not this card another one | 21:37 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, Normally yes but the package never installed (it errored out) so you don't have to | 21:37 |
edbian | MK44, system -> admin | 21:37 |
edbian | MK44, Are you on 11.04 ?? Then it's in the unity bar | 21:38 |
coz_ | A_J, apparenlty my mind is not working today,, I am puzzled,, I should know this but cant get it | 21:38 |
A_J | any1 else i can ask coz_ ? | 21:38 |
MK44 | edbian: yes im runing 11.04, so I click on the ubuntu icon to get system?? | 21:38 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, Gonna try the radeon. | 21:38 |
A_J | anyone you know who posses the skills | 21:38 |
coz_ | A_J, I have to hand you over to one of the other guys,, also you could try ##linux channel and or #nvidia channel ,, | 21:39 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, sounds good | 21:39 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: you'll actually need 2.6.39 or later for your card, heh | 21:39 |
coz_ | I better leave before i screw up someone's system,,, | 21:39 |
coz_ | later guys | 21:39 |
A_J | coz_ looks like an ubuntu problem ty for your time | 21:39 |
edbian | MK44, ignore the system thing. That's for 10.10 and down. In 11.04 the update manager is on the left side (the unity bar) and it looks like a box with an orange arrow | 21:39 |
FJAA-1983 | roothorick, I'm on 2.6.39. It was fine with 2.6.38 until i updated. :-) | 21:39 |
kbmsh2 | Hi, I'm able to get into failsafe graphics mode on 11.04 in recovery mode, but the startup hangs after enabling binfmt-support. I still can access a CLI login, but X won't run. I have an NVIDIA Geforce4 TI 4200. What should I try next? | 21:39 |
A_J | ok I'm gonna try Again | 21:39 |
ultimate | what do you think edbian | 21:40 |
MK44 | edbian, thanks, and in the tutorial step 7 you must go to "7. Highlight Administration -> Hardware Drivers" where do i find this? | 21:40 |
pksadiq | kbmsh2: have you installed nvidia driver? | 21:40 |
FJAA-1983 | roothorick, I don't know if my logic is failing me, but I'm kind of sensing that you're trying to imply that my card is going to be a pain in the low part of my back. | 21:40 |
A_J | hey guys need help, Pretty big Issue.. I Installed a GFX Card, and booted into ubuntu just to test it.. But the Comp Hanged and I was forced to reboot. Now when i Boot Some Busy box Opens up. with (initramfs) what did i break ? | 21:40 |
rajkosto | hey guys, can you give me a sources.list for maverick that has absolutely everything ? | 21:41 |
edbian | ultimate, Put it in a pastebin and ask the channel what they think. I do not think it is a remote user. I think it is some user for a TV card or something | 21:41 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: oh indeed it will be. There's a reason Linux enthusiasts avoid ATI/AMD GPUs like the plague. | 21:41 |
A_J | hey guys need help, Pretty big Issue.. I Installed a GFX Card, and booted into ubuntu just to test it.. But the Comp Hanged and I was forced to reboot. Now when i Boot Some Busy box Opens up. with i(nitramfs) what did i break | I removed the Card now | | 21:41 |
rajkosto | this is what i currently have http://codepad.org/wZuIvLO1 | 21:41 |
edbian | MK44, Upper left corner. Power button -> system settings -> additional drivers | 21:41 |
rajkosto | do i just add contrib non-free | 21:41 |
rajkosto | to every line ? | 21:42 |
gui_user | Trying to enable the broadcom STA driver from the ubuntu 11.04 live cd, installs the source pkg, and then prompts to reboot... and given it's a live cd, a reboot = reset! | 21:42 |
MK44 | edbian: thanks! | 21:42 |
ultimate | http://paste.ubuntu.com/611199/ | 21:42 |
Lantizia | Are USB pens expected to have partitions on them when used to make a startup disk? | 21:42 |
edbian | MK44, sure | 21:42 |
FJAA-1983 | roothorick, Darn, I really did not know that. I did read it was a little... messy, but not that it would be such a pain. | 21:42 |
edbian | :) | 21:42 |
A_J | bazhang around ? | 21:42 |
ultimate | i looks to me as someone is trying to login as the tvadmin and failing | 21:42 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, Try the radeon driver. I suspect that will solve your problems. | 21:42 |
kbmsh2 | pksadiq, I did, then I rebooted but I still have the same symptoms. | 21:42 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, I have a ati / radeon card. It is not so bad | 21:42 |
A_J | guntbert here ? | 21:42 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: well, fglrx driver is notoriously buggy, to the point of being outright unusable in certain situations... and the open source driver (radeon) is still somewhat limited | 21:43 |
guntbert | A_J: yes | 21:43 |
edbian | ultimate, Is worried about his auth.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/611199/ Does anybody think this is a breakin attempt? | 21:43 |
pksadiq | kbmsh2: in CLI try sudo nvidia-xconfig and reboot | 21:43 |
A_J | guntbert coz_ could not solve it. | 21:43 |
A_J | want me to post the question again guntbert | 21:43 |
guntbert | A_J: not sure if my idea will help | 21:43 |
roothorick | FJAA-1983: I had a 4850, it was a nightmare. I now have exclusively nVIDIA and Intel silicon, so much easier, though the Intel stuff is understandably limited in capability | 21:43 |
A_J | guntbert lwt's try | 21:43 |
pksadiq | A_J: still not interested in Re-installing? :O | 21:44 |
MK44 | edbian: when I open "additional drivers" nothing shows up in the list... | 21:44 |
FJAA-1983 | roothorick, It pains me to hear that when I use ubuntu as my main OS. The "other" one is just for gaming (Not even office applications installed) | 21:44 |
A_J | pksadiq abt 1.5 TB of data mate | 21:44 |
guntbert | A_J: reboot to grub menu, there select recovery mode, then select "failsaveX", ping me when you are there | 21:44 |
kbmsh2 | pksadiq, Ok, thanks. Be back soon. | 21:44 |
Arney | My windows lost their borders! I don't want to restart. | 21:45 |
edbian | MK44, That means that there are no proprietary drivers available for any of the hardware on your system. Is your wifi kill switch on? Perhaps the OS just didn't see your wifi card cause the switch was set to off. | 21:45 |
Arney | Im in unity hatty warhol | 21:45 |
edbian | Arney, compiz --replace& in a terminal | 21:45 |
A_J | pksadiq worst thing is most are torrents.. will be a pain to add all of em again | 21:45 |
pksadiq | Arney: try ALT+F2 , better than terminal | 21:45 |
gui_user | anyone know if you can just modprobe [what module?] after installing the bcmwl-kernel-source pkg via gui (which presumably builds the pkg?)... | 21:46 |
edbian | Arney, If you can't type in a terminal. Switch to TTY1 (ctrl + alt + F1) run compiz --display :0.0 and switch back (ctrl + alt + F7) | 21:46 |
A_J | guntbert failsaveX not found | 21:46 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, I can't seem to find the "radeon" package | 21:46 |
Arney | edbian: Thanks, got scared for a sec. | 21:46 |
edbian | gui_user, modprobe wl | 21:46 |
MK44 | edbian: no the light is on for the wifi driver. I have also installed "Wifi Radar" in the past, but it does not connect to any networks (Ive tested it on a few working networks" it tries to detect the dhcp settings, and sticks on the loading bar | 21:46 |
Klevi | So Ive solved part of my problem! | 21:46 |
pksadiq | A_J: boot from live CD and copy it to somewhere else, anyway what did removing quiet-spalsh give? | 21:46 |
ultimate | anybody know what a gdm-session-worker is? | 21:46 |
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guntbert | A_J: was that an error message from the system? | 21:46 |
kbmsh2 | pksadiq, command not found on nvidia-xconfig. In Additional Drivers it shows the "Experimental 3D Support" as being installed and active. | 21:46 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, xserver-xorg-video-radeon | 21:47 |
pksadiq | !info gdm-session-worker | 21:47 |
Klevi | Apparently I had overlooked the motherboard having sata ports hidden away right on it mithran | 21:47 |
ubottu | Package gdm-session-worker does not exist in natty | 21:47 |
edbian | Arney, no problem | 21:47 |
kbmsh2 | pksadiq, was this the wrong driver? | 21:47 |
A_J | guntbert /bin.sh: filesaveX: not found | 21:47 |
nit-wit | A_J, your looking for a safe boot low graphics or something 4th o 5th line down in the gui seen on booting the recovery | 21:47 |
edbian | MK44, Then I suspect your wifi card does not have any proprietary drivers written for linux | 21:47 |
pksadiq | kbmsh2: I use the driver nvidia-current, might be that's too for you | 21:47 |
MK44 | edbian: it worked in 10.10! im running acer aspire one netbook | 21:47 |
A_J | pksadiq nothing the same | 21:48 |
edbian | MK44, There are probably open source drivers | 21:48 |
ultimate | i have found a group called no passwordlogin and the user has been made part of this | 21:48 |
Klevi | mithran: popped that on and removed said PCI card, My computer sees the drive ( I know because it tried to boot from it and failed =p ) Now though, Ubuntu still wont see it under /media | 21:48 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, That's... unsupported updates, right? | 21:48 |
kbmsh2 | pksadiq, too new, you mean? | 21:48 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, I have no clue what repo it's on. Probably main | 21:48 |
edbian | FJAA-1983, Are you having trouble finding it? | 21:48 |
MK44 | edbian: what do you reccomend for getting the wifi to work? im seriously considering switching back to 10.04 LTS | 21:48 |
guntbert | A_J: after you selected the line from the menu? | 21:48 |
pksadiq | kbmsh2: I mean, it might work for you too | 21:48 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, Nah, just enabled them all and installed it. | 21:49 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, So now just reboot, right? | 21:49 |
A_J | nop guntbert just recovery reboot | 21:49 |
ultimate | is there a specific security channel for ubuntu ? | 21:49 |
pksadiq | kbmsh2: uninstall the current nvidia driver, reboot, do sudo apt-get install nvidia-current | 21:49 |
kbmsh2 | pksadiq, I'll give it a shot. | 21:49 |
A_J | you want me to add nomodeset guntbert | 21:49 |
guntbert | A_J: no, wait a moment | 21:50 |
A_J | okie guntbert | 21:50 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, Gonna re boot. BBS | 21:50 |
mithran | Klevi: is it listed in /dev? | 21:51 |
nit-wit | A_J, if you know how to edit the nomodeset into the top kernel and boot with crtl-x yes that does the same thing | 21:52 |
guntbert | A_J: you select recovery mode from the grub menu, wait a bit and get a dialog like http://imagebin.org/154398 | 21:52 |
A_J | no guntbert don't get that | 21:53 |
mithran | Klevi: if it is try mounting it | 21:53 |
nit-wit | guntbert, that is not what my natty loks like is that natty? | 21:53 |
A_J | get busybox directly guntbert | 21:53 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, And back. | 21:54 |
savid | Does anyone know of a way to sync with amazon cloud drive from Ubuntu? | 21:54 |
guntbert | A_J: you don't get recovery mode at all? | 21:54 |
ultimate | anybody know what a gdm-session-worker is? | 21:54 |
A_J | i do guntbert but it opens busybox again like normal mode | 21:54 |
guntbert | nit-wit: yes, natty | 21:55 |
FJAA-1983 | edbian, And Radeon is loaded up. | 21:55 |
Onryo | How do I get bash script to "sudo apt-get autoremove ( 62 dependencies and folders)" The problem is when one of the folders is not in the script it just stops and does nothing. | 21:55 |
Klevi | mithran: where do I see devices before they are mounted? | 21:55 |
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem | ||
FJAA-1983 | edbian, roothorick, Thanks for the help and assistance. | 21:56 |
Onryo | Was thinking there was a flag like -y or something. | 21:56 |
guntbert | A_J: that means you get the option for recovery mode but not the mode itself - there must be more weird in your system | 21:56 |
roothorick | so. My HTPC seems to suspend correctly, but it doesn't resume -- it hangs and there's no video output. I can't find anything in the logs. Where do I go from here? | 21:56 |
A_J | guntbert it's natty.. if that helps | 21:56 |
ultimate | anybody in here good with ubuntu security | 21:56 |
Onryo | a bit | 21:56 |
mithran | Klevi: 'ls /dev/sd*', how many hard disks are attached to the system? | 21:56 |
Onryo | what are you talking about ultimate a server? | 21:57 |
ultimate | it is a box which is used as a server yes | 21:57 |
pksadiq | A_J: try loding the live CD and do fsck on the drives, might be some errors, might help you | 21:57 |
BlouBlou | in software souces, enabling font-code or godknowswhat name it has in english, will enable another repository, or it will downloadit when I install an application? | 21:57 |
ultimate | onryo | 21:57 |
guntbert | A_J: shouldn't matter, my screenshot is from natty too, but .... sorry, I give up for the moment, out of ideas | 21:58 |
nit-wit | guntbert, cool you are correct I missed the scroll bar in the pic.;) | 21:58 |
A_J | pksadiq okie, fsck in terminal of live cd ? | 21:58 |
pksadiq | A_J: yes | 21:58 |
utnubu | what's device null? dev/null | 21:58 |
Glycan | Hello | 21:58 |
dr3mro | please i have an important question ... do any one here knows how to add a warning to nautilus and anyother window likw gnome-termianl when it's running as root i seen than in some destros but i failed to find the hack how to do it | 21:58 |
Glycan | I recently lost and recovered grub, and now when I boot ubuntu, it just makes the desctop, a pointer, and nothing else. | 21:59 |
Onryo | ultimate for a server I would use PSAD with FWsnort (puts Snort rules in line with your IPT firewall. | 21:59 |
Gskellig | rc.local didnt start commands correctly on boot | 21:59 |
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Glycan | No, wait, this tiem it's diifrent. There's a logo to the side, a startup sound, and a pointer. That's it. | 21:59 |
guntbert | dr3mro: simple: don't run it as root - no need for this | 22:00 |
Klevi | mithran: not seeing it under /dev | 22:00 |
A_J | pksadiq does it have to be natty ? | 22:00 |
Klevi | mithran: if i use a USB dock it works fine. Its a networked drive. | 22:00 |
dr3mro | guntbert, no i want to learn how to do it ? | 22:00 |
pksadiq | A_J: no, any but not much oldre | 22:00 |
ultimate | onryo do you know of any decent tutorials on setting this up properly | 22:01 |
pksadiq | *older | 22:01 |
guntbert | !sudo | dr3mro | 22:01 |
ubottu | dr3mro: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo | 22:01 |
A_J | 10.04 ? | 22:01 |
Onryo | ultimate I often attack my servers with Nessus and other good stuff. I would also NEVER use a pw for ssh. Move the port from 22 and don't allow any root login. Passwordless login with a key. | 22:01 |
pksadiq | A_J: yeah, enough | 22:01 |
A_J | okie will do ty pksadiq | 22:01 |
Onryo | ultimate I do. I send you some urls | 22:01 |
dr3mro | how to add a warning to nautilus and anyother window likw gnome-termianl when it's running as root i seen than in some destros but i failed to find the hack how to do it?? | 22:02 |
Glycan | Do you mind answering? | 22:02 |
daedaluz | gnome-do acts strange, it's in both norwegian & finnish, and typing finnish application names do not work | 22:02 |
ultimate | onryo is it possible to disable ssh totally | 22:03 |
mithran | Klevi: are u seeing a listing in /dev when its usb docked? | 22:03 |
Klevi | nope. Only shows as /media | 22:03 |
Onryo | ultimate you don't want to do that trust me. SSH is really good. | 22:03 |
roothorick | this is damn frustrating! Nothing in the logs, it just hangs without a trace | 22:03 |
Klevi | I have other drives that are currently mounted via that USB dock fine, mithran | 22:03 |
Klevi | mithran: they do not show up in /dev | 22:04 |
ultimate | so how do i check the status of my ssh and change the security options of that | 22:04 |
Onryo | ultimate http://articles.slicehost.com/2010/10/18/ubuntu-maverick-setup-part-1 | 22:04 |
Onryo | ultimate that will help you out with how to set up the ssh and server stuff right. The SSH part is really good | 22:05 |
Klevi | Onryo: will that explain how to do a password less entry? | 22:05 |
Loshki | ultimate: you can remove the ssh server completely if you want, but then how will you access your server remotely? | 22:05 |
rajkosto | how do i know ooobawntoo | 22:05 |
guntbert | dr3mro: running graphical apps as root is no good idea ™ at all | 22:05 |
Klevi | Onryo: I primarily use Putty to SSH into my computer here, will that matter? | 22:05 |
mithran | Klevi: I think the problem is it is not getting automounted when you attach the via the SATA controller, all attached harddisks should have an entry in /dev | 22:06 |
Onryo | ultimate yes step by step and how to change the ssh port and not permiterootlogin and no passwordauthentication | 22:06 |
mithran | can you paste 'ls /dev/sd*' and 'df -h', with the sata controller? | 22:07 |
mithran | Klevi: ^ | 22:07 |
A_J | pksadiq nothin happens | 22:07 |
Klevi | .msg mithran poke | 22:07 |
Klevi | er | 22:07 |
pksadiq | A_J: what did you did? | 22:07 |
anonymous | Can anybody help me? I want to connect to my windows VPS | 22:07 |
anonymous | I can't do it with the usual vncviewer through terminakl | 22:07 |
Onryo | ultimate look at my location. I am ssh'n (tunneling) irc though my shell account down in pl from Sweden on IRC! | 22:07 |
pksadiq | A_J: sudo fsck /dev/sda ? etc? | 22:07 |
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Onryo | ultimate there is a lot you can do with ssh | 22:08 |
Klevi | Webchat sure is finicky >.> | 22:08 |
A_J | just fsck | 22:08 |
A_J | what should i type pksadiq ? | 22:08 |
ActionParsnip | Guest62556: use tsclient | 22:08 |
mithran | Klevi: can you paste the outputs of the commands please? | 22:08 |
Glycan | Hello. | 22:08 |
Klevi | mithran: yes * loads Pastebin | 22:08 |
Jordan_U | Klevi: Any client will do what just happened if you type ".msg ..." instead of "/msg". | 22:09 |
pksadiq | A_J: do sudo fsck /dev/sdax , replace sda with your ubuntu partition , that is sda1 , sda2 etc, or whatever | 22:09 |
A_J | pksadiq one partition only | 22:09 |
ghrtytr | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] ghrtytr forkup alp82 vortmax pa|rty Guest62556 ActionParsnip Vanadis vooze EnigmaticCoder edward__ Crossdiver bhrams daedaluz DamirHorvat_ w_wilkins octillion lollo64it Au | 22:09 |
ghrtytr | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] Architx Lantizia Mandrak matrixa1 sphenxes kop rajkosto chrisw957 gui_user danjac CajunTechie kacm shaneo Klevi ppradhan zaggynl ultimate martel MK44 pothos bsmith093 Ital | 22:09 |
ghrtytr | [** | NOTICE | **] IN JUST UNDER 2 WEEKS, JUNE 1ST, FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE AND LEARN HOW TO UPGRADE YOUR CONNECTION, BEFORE YOU LOSE FREENODE FOREVER [** | NOTICE | **] chris062689 Robert_Zenz nippoo nico1038_ c2ypt1c A_J blink ter0u cypha` froq len missil LogicallyDashing mithran Lenin_Cat Gloopie sluther Follow|BRNDN TemplarJRC david__ | 22:09 |
Onryo | ultimate but to be real safe you should set up an active in-line PSAD (port scan attack detection) with in-line Snort rules. | 22:09 |
pksadiq | A_J: then fsck to that partition | 22:09 |
rajkosto | spam | 22:09 |
A_J | pksadiq i don't know which it is | 22:09 |
ultimate | can that be run on the same server or do i need a seperate server for that | 22:10 |
Klevi | Jordan_U: Yeah, I know that. Most of them though when I do /msg it opens a query window too | 22:10 |
Klevi | which was what I needed | 22:10 |
pksadiq | A_J: do ls /dev/sd* , it might show sda1, I hope | 22:10 |
A_J | kk ty | 22:10 |
Klevi | mithran: http://pastebin.com/PvsWeDRG | 22:10 |
Jordan_U | Klevi: In Irssi another "window" is only opened when someone msgs you. | 22:10 |
Onryo | ultimate all on the same server. This is even in the Ubuntu repo! http://www.cipherdyne.org/psad/ | 22:11 |
roothorick | I give up, this machine will NEVER suspend correctly | 22:11 |
Glycan | For the third time: Can some one please help me? | 22:11 |
Onryo | ultimate if you even ping one of my ports that is not open your IP is blocked for a little time. | 22:11 |
Glycan | Ubuntu boots into a logo slightly to the right, plays the login sound, gives you a mouse, and does nothing | 22:11 |
Klevi | roothorick: My girfriends Mac does simular. | 22:11 |
guntbert | !patience | Glycan | 22:12 |
ubottu | Glycan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 22:12 |
Klevi | roothorick: theres NO way to recover from standby though and you cannot SSH into it as you put it to sleep? | 22:12 |
tomshaw | Whats the average wait time for bugs to be fixed on launchad? | 22:12 |
Glycan | I had Ubuntu before that, replaced broken windows bootloader with grub, and got this. It worked befoer this. | 22:12 |
roothorick | Klevi: SSH and watch the logs as it suspends? Eh, worth a shot | 22:12 |
A_J | gettin error pksadiq need terminal for interactive repairs | 22:12 |
Klevi | roothorick: try to put it in standby and.. yeah | 22:12 |
Glycan | Sigh. | 22:12 |
Klevi | roothorick: read my mind =( | 22:12 |
roothorick | Klevi: it seems to successfully suspend though, CPU fan turns off and everything | 22:12 |
guntbert | tomshaw: depends on the bug, the team,.... no general rule | 22:13 |
roothorick | Klevi: but when I try to wake it up... no signal on the TV, no HDD activity, nothing. And there's nothing in the logs at all. | 22:13 |
escott | Glycan, can you login to classic | 22:13 |
pksadiq | A_J: havent you opened terminal in the live CD? | 22:13 |
Glycan | Huh? | 22:13 |
A_J | yes pksadiq | 22:14 |
Klevi | well. Her macbook sleeps as she jiggles the USB cord for anything plugged in | 22:14 |
escott | !classic | Glycan | 22:14 |
ubottu | Glycan: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic. | 22:14 |
Klevi | difference is if she unlplugs it the mac will come back to life | 22:14 |
Glycan | I only have 4 ops on grub: Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.38-8-generic, sam ething but recovery mode, memtest, some other memtest. | 22:14 |
pksadiq | and typed sudo fsck /dev/sda1 ? | 22:14 |
Klevi | roothorick: any USB/other attachments as you put it to sleep? | 22:14 |
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roothorick | Klevi: just the wireless keyboard | 22:14 |
Glycan | No, it doesn't boot at all. | 22:15 |
mithran | Klevi: can you paste the output for 'df -h' as well(with the sata controller) | 22:15 |
escott | Glycan, i thought you were saying X wasn't working what about recovery mode | 22:15 |
Glycan | Well, it sort of works. | 22:15 |
roothorick | Klevi: you think that may be the culprit? But having to unplug its only kb/mouse would kinda defeat the point... | 22:15 |
mithran | Klevi: sudo if you need to | 22:15 |
A_J | you must have r/w acess to the filesystem to be rooted | 22:15 |
Glycan | I asume it works, since it doesn't raise any errors and It no difrent from anythign I've seen before (e.g. nothign) | 22:15 |
Glycan | escott: PM? | 22:16 |
Klevi | roothorick: try removing ANYTHING connected with USB and recovering from sleep | 22:16 |
Klevi | Use SSH from a remote machine | 22:16 |
rajkosto | what are the modules i need to install into a .38 kernel | 22:17 |
rajkosto | in order for it to run under xen | 22:17 |
escott | Glycan, nothing? | 22:17 |
A_J | pksadiq now what ? | 22:17 |
pksadiq | A_J: then try e2fsck /dev/sda1 replace sda1 with the one you got from ls /dev/sd* | 22:17 |
Glycan | I don't have any experiance with recover mode, so I don't know if it works or not. | 22:17 |
Glycan | Wait. | 22:17 |
Glycan | What's X? | 22:18 |
pksadiq | A_J: don't forget sudo befor e2fsck | 22:18 |
A_J | pksadiq Running e2fsck on a Mounted Filesystem may cause SEVRE filesytem damage are you sure ? | 22:18 |
pksadiq | A_J: press n and unmount your hard drive first, and do again | 22:19 |
A_J | how do i unmount ? | 22:19 |
escott | Glycan, when you boot recovery mode what happens | 22:19 |
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem | ||
robinsch | why is prixoy blocking blackboard? | 22:20 |
pksadiq | A_J: right click on the hard drive icon at desktop .... | 22:20 |
robinsch | i can't see any assignments | 22:20 |
Glycan | Options | 22:20 |
lwizardl | where do you find the linux-source /documentation/dvb/ folder ? | 22:20 |
A_J | pksadiq there is none, only Install Ubuntu one | 22:21 |
Glycan | One of which is something like norisk such-and such. | 22:21 |
Glycan | Low grafics. | 22:21 |
robinsch | i looked at /etc/privoxy/user.action | 22:21 |
robinsch | but it makes no sense | 22:21 |
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pksadiq | A_J: then in System > Admin > Gparted select unmount | 22:21 |
robinsch | i want to whitelist blackboard so I can get to assignments on blackboad | 22:21 |
Glycan | Also, it's only using up 2/3 of the working, dual screen (but the full vey low quality on-and-of laptop screen) | 22:21 |
Travis-42 | does anyone know how to get podcasts to work in banshee? it won't seem to add any. | 22:22 |
A_J | unmount is greyd out | 22:22 |
A_J | and is ext4 | 22:22 |
robinsch | anyone? | 22:22 |
dannyd__ | what is better for android gpodder or dogcathcer? | 22:22 |
pksadiq | A_J: ooh, try in terminal sudo umount /media/* | 22:23 |
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of | ||
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem | ||
dannyd__ | what is name of an android apps channel? | 22:24 |
robinsch | any sexperts in privoxy? | 22:25 |
A_J | umount : /media/sda1 : not found pksadiq | 22:25 |
robinsch | experts* | 22:25 |
ActionParsnip | ha | 22:25 |
jpds | wut. | 22:25 |
tippenein | if i want to install windows alongside my already existing ubuntu... but don't have a /boot/grub/menu.lst file, what should I do? | 22:25 |
A_J | ActionParsnip \o/ | 22:25 |
A_J | help me mate | 22:25 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: howdy | 22:25 |
ActionParsnip | robinsch: may help http://www.privoxy.org/user-manual/index.html | 22:26 |
carl-eric | Is there a way to restrict the unity launcher in where it searches? (e.g. tell it to exclude some directories and not search in those when looking for applications and documents) | 22:26 |
alextybob | does anyone know where the ntfs superblock is? | 22:26 |
tippenein | ubuntu 10.10 | 22:26 |
Travis-42 | In the launchpad for Ubuntu, what's the best thing to do if a bug marked as fixed is again showing up. Open a new bug or comment on the original? | 22:26 |
ActionParsnip | tippenein: grub2 doesn't use menu/lst | 22:26 |
dannyd_ | whoid | 22:27 |
dannyd_ | whois | 22:27 |
A_J | ActionParsnip in deep trouble : Pretty big Issue.. I Installed a GFX Card, and booted into ubuntu just to test it.. But the Comp Hanged and I was forced to reboot. Now when i Boot Some Busy box Opens up. with i(nitramfs) what did i break | I removed the Card now | | 22:27 |
escott | carl-eric, gnome-activity-journal has a rudimentary exclusion function | 22:27 |
A_J | pksadiq i could not unmount it | 22:27 |
robinsch | ActionParsnip: do i have to read the whole manual | 22:27 |
ActionParsnip | tippenein: resize your ubuntu partition in liveCD and install windows to the space. Then you will need to reinstate grub2 to the disk | 22:27 |
carl-eric | escott, will that work for unity too? | 22:27 |
ActionParsnip | robinsch: I would, I don't use the app | 22:28 |
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escott | carl-eric, yes. its all zeitgeist related | 22:28 |
carl-eric | ok thanks, will have a look | 22:28 |
dannyd_ | is there any channel for android appa? | 22:28 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: hard power offs are not good for your hardware | 22:28 |
pksadiq | A_J: did sudo umount /media/* ? | 22:28 |
ActionParsnip | dannyd_: try #android | 22:28 |
carl-eric | escott, one more: would that perhaps even restrict the gnome thumbnailer? | 22:28 |
A_J | pksadiq returned error | 22:28 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: you may need to boot liveCD and reinstate grub2 | 22:29 |
escott | carl-eric, doubtful its a different tool, but the thumbnailer usually puts the thumbnails in the same folder right? | 22:29 |
dannyd_ | ActionParsnip, going there | 22:29 |
A_J | umount : /media/sda1 : not found pksadiq | 22:29 |
ActionParsnip | dannyd_: gpodder has a ppa with a super recent build | 22:29 |
carl-eric | escott, as far as I can tell they all end up in ~/.thumbnails | 22:29 |
ActionParsnip | dannyd_: https://launchpad.net/~thp/+archive/gpodder | 22:29 |
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem | ||
pksadiq | A_J: then try sudo e2fsck /dev/sda1 | 22:30 |
robinsch | anyone knows someone that know someone that knows how to use privoxy? | 22:30 |
A_J | ActionParsnip booted into 10.04 now, live cd how do i reinstall gub2 | 22:30 |
A_J | pksadiq it's ext4 | 22:30 |
dannyd_ | ActionParsnip, hmm i use dogcatcher and im not very happy | 22:30 |
Blackadder | hi need help with creating cron Ubuntu server | 22:30 |
Fonzie-- | can south or north bridge be damanged when running continous under 60 degrees celsius? | 22:30 |
dannyd_ | ActionParsnip, think ill check gpodder out | 22:31 |
ActionParsnip | dannyd_: try somethig else then | 22:31 |
rajkosto | Fonzie--, mine runs at like 95oC all the time | 22:31 |
A_J | Fonzie--yes | 22:31 |
A_J | omg 95 | 22:31 |
pksadiq | A_J: if you are following ActionParsnip , follow him, anyway e2fsck works for ext2,ext3,and ext4 | 22:31 |
dannyd_ | ActionParsnip, theres only 2 that ive heard are good | 22:31 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: there are literally hundreds of guides online | 22:31 |
antivirtel | hi! how can I make an audio louder? I can't find that effect in audacity :$ - who can help me? :O | 22:31 |
Fonzie-- | rajkosto: Why the hell ? p | 22:31 |
rajkosto | its normal for x58 or somthing | 22:31 |
ActionParsnip | dannyd_: try others too | 22:31 |
A_J | pksadiq ok i'll do what ur sayin | 22:31 |
Fonzie-- | I got 2 servers in a cabinet with no air flow | 22:32 |
Fonzie-- | 60 degrees is got | 22:32 |
Icornpad2 | Hi! anyone know of an easy way to add wallpapers to the wallpaper changer /usr/share/backgrounds/contest? | 22:32 |
Fonzie-- | hot* | 22:32 |
pksadiq | A_J: but ActionParsnip is more experienced than me. | 22:32 |
Fonzie-- | so i cant say its normal :p | 22:32 |
Blackadder | /var/etc/folder/svript how do I create a cron to start script every 15 minutes | 22:32 |
t8ert0t | hello...I am having extreme difficulty with my wireless Broadcom wlan in Natty. I have uninstalled the bcm-kernel package that is supported in Ubunutu and replaced it with bcm433+bwfcutter, but that still has not worked. Network Manager still says that "Wireless is Disabled" | 22:32 |
Kurdistan | Hey dear buntu friends. looked to launchpad and the power regression seems not yet been fixed. how much more most I wait to upgrade to natty? | 22:32 |
ActionParsnip | pksadiq: at fsck, there's very little to know :D | 22:32 |
pksadiq | antivirtel: may be boost? amplify? no plugins such? | 22:33 |
=== Fonzie-- is now known as Fonzie- | ||
ActionParsnip | Blackadder: do you use a desktop OS? | 22:33 |
A_J | pksadiq it's started | 22:33 |
pksadiq | ActionParsnip: but seems not working for A_J , please help him | 22:33 |
antivirtel | pksadiq ok, I look for these | 22:33 |
Blackadder | no purely SSH | 22:33 |
guntbert | Kurdistan: as long as it takes - no way to predict | 22:33 |
ActionParsnip | Blackadder: does it need to run as root or as user? | 22:33 |
Blackadder | it has to run as root | 22:34 |
A_J | pksadiq it completed | 22:34 |
Kurdistan | guntbert, I hope it will be fixed soon. Have been almost 1 month. | 22:34 |
A_J | but did not do all files | 22:34 |
pksadiq | A_J: any errors returned? | 22:34 |
A_J | cleared 3 orphaned files pksadiq | 22:34 |
Blackadder | do u have a link where I may refrence this | 22:34 |
carl-eric | escott, gnome-activity-journal fails with Unknown method name: GetHistogramData | 22:34 |
A_J | should i try a reboot now pksadiq ? | 22:35 |
Blackadder | or just the command line will do | 22:35 |
guntbert | Kurdistan: well talking here about it will not accelerate - try to talk on launchpad | 22:35 |
ActionParsnip | Blackadder: sudo crontatb -e add this text on a new line: 15,30,45,59 * * * * command save the new file and close the editor | 22:35 |
pksadiq | A_J: now try rebooting , if still not working, there is something like update-initramfs | 22:35 |
Kurdistan | guntbert, true. | 22:35 |
A_J | ok pksadiq | 22:35 |
pksadiq | A_J: ask ActionParsnip for how to use update-initramfs in chroot with live CD, (if you need ;) ) | 22:36 |
Blackadder | I presume ***** is the path to script | 22:36 |
ActionParsnip | Blackadder: http://www.scrounge.org/linux/cron.html | 22:36 |
peterhil | Hi! I'm trying to get forcedeth driver working on a copmuter that has an integrated nForce NIC on MSI-K7N2 motherboard. Should it work in Ubuntu 11.04? | 22:36 |
ActionParsnip | Blackadder: no, command is the script. * * * * is second day month year | 22:37 |
peterhil | ...computer... | 22:37 |
ActionParsnip | pksadiq: I'm not sure about update-initramfs dude | 22:37 |
antivirtel | pksadiq boost, with extra check... | 22:37 |
A_J | pksadiq omg it worked | 22:37 |
jo5hua | Perfectly placed typo :) | 22:37 |
antivirtel | thanks | 22:38 |
Blackadder | dont I need to add ./myscript restart | 22:38 |
t8ert0t | Can someone please help me pinpoint my problem. I cannot be sure what is causing my wireless to still not function. I have a Broadcom 433 and have followed the instructions on getting the bcm433 and bfcutter packages instead, but my wireless still does not get identified. | 22:38 |
pksadiq | A_J: wow, ;) | 22:38 |
A_J | thanks pksadiq | 22:38 |
A_J | is this permanent pksadiq ? | 22:38 |
Jordan_U | t8ert0t: Does the directory /lib/firmware/b43/ exist? | 22:38 |
Kutakizukari | How do I find the location of the file to add it to the the list of programs to start when the system starts? | 22:38 |
pksadiq | A_J: I think this error was not actually caused by the additional device, but some file errors when rebooted, that's all | 22:39 |
escott | Kutakizukari, rc.local | 22:39 |
Blackadder | I ha ve to add a path to the script as it resides under /vart/etc/folder/script | 22:39 |
phiV | Hey, anyone else having troubling installing the haskell-package in 11.04? | 22:39 |
A_J | okie ty pksadiq: incase of a hang what should i do in the future | 22:39 |
ActionParsnip | Kutakizukari: try: which programnamehere | 22:39 |
pksadiq | A_J: any way if you are trying to re-insert the device , select failsafe graphics from recovery and load ubuntu | 22:40 |
escott | !sysreq | 22:40 |
ActionParsnip | Blackadder: i recommend you do | 22:40 |
Kutakizukari | ActionParsnip, skype | 22:40 |
ActionParsnip | Kutakizukari: then run: which skype | 22:40 |
robinsch | anyone here knows how to exclude a site from going though the proxy | 22:40 |
trism | !reisub | 22:40 |
ubottu | In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key | 22:40 |
pksadiq | A_J: the reason for hang changes at different situtations | 22:40 |
A_J | pksadiq action said that power off reboots are bad, what other option do i have ? | 22:40 |
robinsch | anyone? | 22:41 |
antaranian | Hi ladies | 22:41 |
robinsch | i want to connect directly to a site | 22:41 |
robinsch | without proxy | 22:41 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: if you re-enable ctrl+alt+backspace you can press that and restart the x server | 22:41 |
Blackadder | can I run it from the shortcut I have under root | 22:41 |
Kutakizukari | ActionParsnip, so in the startup applications I put under command skype? | 22:41 |
A_J | okie ActionParsnip ty | 22:41 |
Blackadder | ./start 02 | 22:41 |
Gskellig | how do you restart the xserver? | 22:41 |
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem | ||
ActionParsnip | Kutakizukari: whatever the output of: which skype outputs | 22:42 |
bashelina | I cant move any windows in gnome classic ???? | 22:42 |
bashelina | help | 22:42 |
A_J | ActionParsnip how would i go along installing a new gfx card on a system without one | 22:42 |
meganerd | robinsch: it is usually browser specific, usually because it tends to require an add-on to do | 22:42 |
ActionParsnip | Blackadder: use the absolute path to whatever you want to run | 22:42 |
Kutakizukari | ActionParsnip, type which skype in the terminal? | 22:42 |
ActionParsnip | Kutakizukari: yes | 22:42 |
LjL | robinsch: in Firefox, go to Edit / Preferences / Advanced / Network / Connection settings, there you can exclude sites from using proxies | 22:42 |
Kutakizukari | ActionParsnip, ah thank you! | 22:42 |
Blackadder | kk Understood thanks eventually I will get there | 22:42 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: a system MUST have a video card to boot, the system will fail POST without one | 22:43 |
Blackadder | not too familiar with crons | 22:43 |
bashelina | I cant move any windows, any setting in compiz ??? | 22:43 |
* pksadiq is sleepy ..zZ, time almost 3:21 night(!) | 22:43 | |
A_J | ActionParsnip this problem happened cause i put in a nvdia card and then it hung | 22:43 |
A_J | so i rebooted and then.. | 22:43 |
ActionParsnip | bashelina: hold ALT and you can drag apps from anywhere in the app | 22:44 |
rajkosto | what kernel do i need on 11.04 for it to work under xen paravirtualize ? | 22:44 |
antaranian | Guys, I owned a vps server with Ubuntu, and connected with root (only available) account via ssh | 22:44 |
antaranian | then I accidentally used "sudo passwd -l root" so disabled root, and now I can't login via ssh, what will I do ? | 22:44 |
rajkosto | i have 2.6.32-305-ec2 atm, would like something newer | 22:44 |
Flannel | antaranian: Call the VPS people to fix it | 22:44 |
bashelina | ActionParsnip, yea i tried that, that should work | 22:44 |
Jordan_U | How can I hide the Unity2D launcher? | 22:44 |
Flannel | antaranian: and next time, create a new user with admin rights before disabling root :) | 22:44 |
ActionParsnip | Jordan_U: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-change-unity-sidebar-launcher-auto-hide-behaviour-in-ubuntu-11-04 | 22:45 |
bashelina | ActionParsnip, oh i solve it | 22:45 |
bashelina | ActionParsnip, in compiz: move window | 22:45 |
A_J | ActionParsnip well ? | 22:45 |
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Jordan_U | antaranian: If there is really no user that you can login as then you'll have to talk to your VPS provider. | 22:45 |
ActionParsnip | antaranian: you'll need a smarthands request to attend the server physically and set the password again for you | 22:45 |
bashelina | ActionParsnip, compiz --> window management --> move window | 22:46 |
teage | anyone know the channel for programming? | 22:46 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: well what? | 22:46 |
antaranian | ok guys, thank you | 22:46 |
fetz | Someone of you guys can help me on bopm on IRC :$ | 22:46 |
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ActionParsnip | teage: in which language? | 22:46 |
teage | ActionParsnip, c++ | 22:46 |
ActionParsnip | teage: #c++ | 22:46 |
teage | ActionParsnip, Thanks, lol, that was stupidly simple. | 22:47 |
ActionParsnip | teage: most things in life are | 22:47 |
Jordan_U | ActionParsnip: That appears to configure the unity compiz plugin. I'm using Unity2D and it had no effect. | 22:47 |
ActionParsnip | Jordan_U: hmm | 22:47 |
phiV | Is the haskell-platform broken under 11.04? | 22:47 |
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem | ||
phiV | Does anyone know why it doesn't work? | 22:48 |
phiV | I tried sudo apt-get install haskell-platform | 22:48 |
A_J | ActionParsnip All this problems occoured cause i plugged in a nvdia card, to test ofc, and i booted up and it hung.. coz_ told me i can't do that for new hardware. So my question is how to install a new GFX card on a pre-installed system having no GFX card currently. | 22:48 |
phiV | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 22:48 |
phiV | haskell-platform : Depends: ghc6 (< 6.12.1+) but 6.12.3-1ubuntu7 is to be installed | 22:48 |
ActionParsnip | Jordan_U: http://katastrophos.net/andre/blog/2011/04/24/disable-the-auto-hide-functionality-of-ubuntu-unity-2d/ seems to be in gconf | 22:48 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: what was the previous video chip? | 22:48 |
A_J | Intel Onbard ActionParsnip | 22:49 |
A_J | board*\ | 22:49 |
peterhil | HAs anyone got nForce2 (rev a1) Ethernet Controller working with forcedeth friver? Are there other drivers anymore form nVidia? | 22:49 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: did you make an xorg.conf? | 22:50 |
trism | phiV: yes, it is broken, there is a bug and it seems that it is being worked on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haskell-platform/+bug/742052 | 22:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 742052 in haskell-platform (Ubuntu) "Broken Haskell Platform in 11.04 Depends: ghc6 (< 6.12.1+)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 22:50 |
Barridus | is there a GUI application that can add partitions to fstab without a lot of hassle? | 22:50 |
A_J | ActionParsnip no,don't know what that is | 22:50 |
ActionParsnip | peterhil: my nvidia ethernet works with whatever driver is default | 22:50 |
phiV | trism: thanks, that's unfortunate | 22:50 |
bashelina | ActionParsnip, I still cant move window with alt + mouse :( | 22:50 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: ok then did you set the primary display adapter to be the new card? | 22:50 |
peterhil | ActionParsnip: What motherboard do oyu have? | 22:50 |
peterhil | ...you | 22:51 |
A_J | ActionParsnip no it automaticly set itself to full hd | 22:51 |
peterhil | This is maybe a bit older... Maybe I should try to find nvnet? | 22:51 |
ActionParsnip | peterhil: asus M2N8L, it's part of a P1-AH2 pundit | 22:51 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: check the bios | 22:51 |
Jordan_U | ActionParsnip: That did it, thanks. | 22:52 |
ActionParsnip | Jordan_U: np man | 22:52 |
A_J | ActionParsnip i'm gettin a new card in 2 days, thats why i'm asking this was a test run | 22:52 |
A_J | so just pop it in ? | 22:52 |
tester234 | I had setup an encrypted lvm install with the alternate install. It was running fine, but it seems after I updated the kernel or something, my /dev/mapper is now gone? Anyone have this problem with encytped drives? It now drops to the busybox when trying to boot instead of asking for the encryption pass phrase. | 22:53 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: yes, remember to set the primary video device as the pci one (etc), not the onboard | 22:53 |
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem | ||
A_J | okie ActionParsnip will try to find u when i'm installing what time u here ? | 22:54 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: possibly | 22:54 |
A_J | time online ActionParsnip ? | 22:54 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: yes | 22:54 |
bashelina | anyone good with compiz here ? | 22:55 |
Jordan_U | !anyone | bashelina | 22:55 |
ubottu | bashelina: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 22:55 |
A_J | ActionParsnip i'm asking what time do you come online mostly | 22:55 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: it varys wildly, so "yes" is as accurate as it gets | 22:55 |
maahes | Er, I have a bit of a weird pickle. I rebooted, and now my terminal is not recognizing keys correctly shift+pg_up/down does not scroll | 22:55 |
A_J | okie lol ActionParsnip i'll try to catch u | 22:56 |
A_J | pksadiq man thanks for your help | 22:56 |
pksadiq | A_J: welcome, have an advice, before asking some Q to some one here check /msg nickserv info <nick> to find his age and exprerience here | 22:57 |
bashelina | In compiz: i have cube enabled and choose 4 desktops, still I got only 2 and in slow motion ??????? | 22:57 |
A_J | hey mate amazing thing ty | 22:58 |
A_J | pksadiq nice trick | 22:59 |
A_J | does this work with all nickServ pksadiq | 22:59 |
ShermanBoyd | I'm installing a server, and I chose hmm can't remember I think it was called the "basic server" package option and it installed xwindows etc | 22:59 |
A_J | does this work with all nickServ ActionParsnip | 22:59 |
pksadiq | A_J: works for all nick, check /msg nickserv info ActionParsnip | 22:59 |
A_J | k ty pksadiq | 22:59 |
ShermanBoyd | is there an easy way for me to uninstall all gui stuff | 22:59 |
pksadiq | A_J: but for registered only | 22:59 |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: if you need a GUI, install the desktop OS | 23:00 |
ShermanBoyd | ActionParsnip: actually I want the reverse: no gui | 23:00 |
ShermanBoyd | ActionParsnip: but I made the mistake of installing that package | 23:00 |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: then install the server, it doesn't have a GUI by default | 23:00 |
wanderingi | ive normally been using putty to connect to a ubuntu machine but if i am in ubuntu and want to connect via a terminal, how can i connect if my username is "dd\wandering"? Ive normally been using the line "ssh wandering@111.111..." but i need the dd\ bit too | 23:00 |
A_J | ActionParsnip last question before i go, are u a Opper ? | 23:01 |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: *groan* | 23:01 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: what's that/ | 23:01 |
ActionParsnip | ShermanBoyd: if you remove xorg, it should remove the rest | 23:01 |
nslutje | Can I get some Cups support here? | 23:01 |
ShermanBoyd | ActionParsnip: thanks | 23:01 |
ActionParsnip | nslutje: yes | 23:01 |
A_J | ActionParsnip channel operator | 23:01 |
ActionParsnip | A_J: no, i'm just cloaked as I am an ubuntu member | 23:02 |
nslutje | ActionParsnip: It's webinterface keeps asking about username and PW, I did add myself to lpadmin | 23:02 |
jr | Hi. I got an amdX2 64bits processor. Which version of ubuntu 11.04 should I chose? Is there any differences between the 2 versions , | 23:02 |
jr | ? | 23:02 |
ActionParsnip | nslutje: run your browser with gksudo | 23:02 |
A_J | k nice speakin to u ActionParsnip AND TY pksadiq again :P | 23:02 |
A_J | nn all | 23:02 |
nslutje | it's on a nslu2, so text based | 23:02 |
roothorick | jr: always 64bit if the processor supports it | 23:02 |
roothorick | jr: because it's more than just bigger pointers. More registers and other goodies that makes everything faster | 23:03 |
nslutje | ActionParsnip: And from my XP machine the same problem | 23:03 |
ActionParsnip | roothorick: some manufacturers only support 32bit which can cause issues | 23:03 |
roothorick | ActionParsnip: manufacturers? Supporting Linux? Hah! | 23:03 |
ActionParsnip | jr: 64bit will enable you to use more RAM easily | 23:03 |
ActionParsnip | roothorick: check the brother Linux support, also check HP too | 23:03 |
jr | ActionParsnip: yes but I've got only 3 Gio | 23:03 |
jr | of ram | 23:04 |
ActionParsnip | jr: 32bit can address 3Gb RAM, if you use 64Bit you can use more without any effort | 23:04 |
nslutje | ActionParsnip: How does this gksudo thing works... :S | 23:04 |
roothorick | jr: still, AMD64/EM64T is more than just bigger pointers | 23:04 |
ActionParsnip | roothorick: also look at the nvidia site as well as intel | 23:04 |
A_J | nn all | 23:04 |
ActionParsnip | roothorick: true | 23:04 |
escott | jr, there are some other advantages to 64bit check the amd64 page on wikipedia | 23:04 |
ActionParsnip | jr: what is the system used for? | 23:04 |
jr | I heard this version uses more ram than the 32bits and is slower. | 23:05 |
ActionParsnip | jr: it'snot slower and doesn't use more ram | 23:05 |
escott | jr, its a tradeoff. some new processor features, but using a bit more ram for pointers | 23:05 |
roothorick | jr: slower no. More RAM, kind-of. Binaries are larger because of the bigger pointers but it's not a signficant difference (a few MB in typical use) | 23:05 |
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ActionParsnip | jr: I suggest you research what 64bit actually is | 23:06 |
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jr | ActionParsnip: everything: internet, office tasks, encoding, musics and so on. | 23:06 |
roothorick | jr: always use 64bit unless you have an explicit, hard reason not to (e.g. support contract, 32bit binary-only driver, or 32bit CPU) | 23:07 |
ActionParsnip | jr: encoding music benefits greatly from 64bitness | 23:07 |
jr | ActionParsnip: wonderful. I hesitated because with windows64, some softwares do not support x32 drivers | 23:08 |
jr | for ewample: ticonnect and samsung pc studio | 23:09 |
roothorick | jr: yeah, 64bit Windows has that whole driver signing mess. That's just MS stupidity at work, not a 64bit thing really. | 23:09 |
DelphiWorld | hello buddy's | 23:10 |
jr | Great. Thx ActionParsnip and roothorick. I'm gonna install tha. | 23:11 |
DelphiWorld | how do i install all packages starting with "php" | 23:11 |
DelphiWorld | like php5-mod-x | 23:11 |
barf_ | Is C as language for the install OK, or no? | 23:11 |
barf_ | Do I have to choose English? | 23:11 |
barf_ | and why? | 23:11 |
DelphiWorld | is this pocible? | 23:12 |
DelphiWorld | too much traffic :( | 23:14 |
barf_ | How much memory should there be for a command line install that is to run bind for a local DNS? | 23:14 |
ActionParsnip | barf_: sure, install build-essential and you will have an ANSI standard C compiler | 23:14 |
joakimk | I just upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 on my HP nc6400 laptop, and I am having some problems with graphics. When I move a window, the background becomes a pixeled mess. Seems this is a somewhat common problem, but what do I do? :) | 23:15 |
ActionParsnip | barf_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements says 300Mhz + 128Mb RAM as minimal, so a little more than that will be fine | 23:15 |
joakimk | ..is there any way to "roll back" to 10.10? | 23:15 |
ActionParsnip | !downgrade | joakimk | 23:16 |
ubottu | joakimk: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system. | 23:16 |
barf_ | ActionParsnip: C as language for Locale, not as programming language | 23:16 |
OmegaLimit | Hi guys, I'm planning on turning some 8 GB flash drives into portable gaming drives, I was wondering if anyone knew if it'd be plausible for me to install Ubuntu to the drive and still have lots of free space on the flash drive to install things? | 23:16 |
OmegaLimit | Would I need to partition the flash drive in two? | 23:16 |
PalmPilotPro | I was given instructions on installing a serial terminal to my system and the instructions say to midify a file called /etc/inittab but I cannot find it. | 23:16 |
ActionParsnip | barf_: ahh I see | 23:16 |
Captainkrtek | welcome Felnotz | 23:17 |
JabberWalkie | joakim_, in my experience, upgrading also tends to break things, so I wait like 6 months or so after so they fix all the things that are broken | 23:17 |
ActionParsnip | OmegaLimit: sure | 23:17 |
Felnotz | Hey there Cap'n | 23:17 |
joakimk | JabberWalkie: so you're saying I upgraded to 11 too soon? :( | 23:17 |
OmegaLimit | ActionParsnip: Would I need to partition the drive or does a USB install of Ubuntu on a flash automatically include some space on the flash? | 23:17 |
bahaa | in openoffice.org/writer how can I write tow direction statements on one line, I mean I want the text direction to be separated from the alignment? like writing Arabic text and writing English sentence inside it ( the problem arises when using brackets) | 23:17 |
JabberWalkie | probably | 23:17 |
ActionParsnip | OmegaLimit: space willlimit what games you can install | 23:17 |
OmegaLimit | ActionParsnip: It's all ROMs and smaller games available on the Software Center | 23:18 |
bahaa | like when writing: key_count() inside an Arabic sentence the brackets go to the left of the word | 23:18 |
PalmPilotPro | just wondering if anyone could help me out here. | 23:18 |
joakimk | When I logged in to 11.04 first time, I got a message saying something like "my hardware will not support Unity". Is that a clue? | 23:18 |
Felnotz | Go ahead Palm | 23:18 |
JabberWalkie | joakimk, anyways, there is only one route to go, scour the internet for hours and post on forums and search bug reports till you find a solution | 23:18 |
PalmPilotPro | I was given instructions on installing a serial terminal to my system and the instructions say to midify a file called /etc/inittab but I cannot find it. | 23:19 |
Felnotz | joakimk, clue for what? | 23:19 |
JabberWalkie | joakimk, fun times.... | 23:19 |
PalmPilotPro | I am using my palm pilot as a terminal | 23:19 |
joakimk | Felnotz: I just upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 on my HP nc6400 laptop, and I am having some problems with graphics. When I move a window, the background becomes a pixeled mess. Seems this is a somewhat common problem, but what do I do? :) | 23:19 |
meganerd | PalmPilotPro: those instructions are old | 23:19 |
ActionParsnip | OmegaLimit: you can use gparted to partition the device, then use a persistent install to the partition, or use usb-creator and transfer the ubuntu ISO to the partition (you can remaster the ISO to add your own apps to the CD image) | 23:20 |
joakimk | JabberWalkie: I just don't know where to begin... a | 23:20 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Would you happen to know what graphics card you are using? | 23:20 |
PalmPilotPro | meganerd: is there another way to do what I am trying to do still? | 23:20 |
ActionParsnip | joakimk: what video chip do you use? | 23:20 |
joakimk | Felnotz: yes :) It's an nvidia... How do I check that? | 23:20 |
meganerd | PalmPilotPro: yes, I am googling it, I did this on a machine a year ago | 23:20 |
PalmPilotPro | meganerd: cool, thaks | 23:21 |
Felnotz | joakimk: It's fine, I looked up your model number, you're using an Intel GMA 950 | 23:21 |
ActionParsnip | joakimk: if you use the nvidia driver, you may need to remove the driver, reboot then reinstall the driver to make things nice | 23:21 |
meganerd | PalmPilotPro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto | 23:21 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, open a terminal and type lshw | 23:21 |
Felnotz | joakimk: or, it's an ATI mobilityX3100 | 23:21 |
Felnotz | X1300* | 23:21 |
Felnotz | joakimk: alt +f2 and lshw | 23:22 |
joakimk | ActionParsnip: I think maybe I did do something like that in 10.04... | 23:22 |
OmegaLimit | ActionParsnip: I'm planning on adding most of the files after I've already put the OS on the flash drive, so would the former be the better option? | 23:22 |
ActionParsnip | OmegaLimit: with persistent installs the updates and such stick, if you use usb-creator the upgrades and such do not stay | 23:22 |
OmegaLimit | ActionParsnip: Ok, thanks | 23:23 |
wolter | how can I record/view S-video from my old camcorder? I just plugged in the cable but don't know what the next step is | 23:23 |
Felnotz | joakimk: What are you doing currently? | 23:23 |
jtreminio | Hi guys - not Ubuntu-specific, but Linux related! I've got LAMPP up and running... how do I tie in the "php" and "pear" commands to use those specific files? Right now it's asking me to install php5-cli, but I've already got PHP running. | 23:23 |
ActionParsnip | !find php5-cli | 23:24 |
ubottu | Found: php5-cli | 23:24 |
ActionParsnip | sounds like a plan to me | 23:24 |
joakimk | Felnotz: X1300 | 23:24 |
joakimk | Felnotz: sorry, I was trying to verify the card... | 23:24 |
relapse | Is there any way to install without a cdrom or usb drive? | 23:25 |
Felnotz | joakimk: It's fine, you're going to want to uninstall the X1300 driver, and reinstall | 23:25 |
Jordan_U | relapse: There are many ways, but you'll have to boot from something. What is your exact situation? | 23:25 |
Felnotz | joakimk: You know how to do that? | 23:26 |
r3m | Hi, two hour ago my ubuntu froze. my system is up-to-date. I suspect someone do that. Which log should i read to see what happend | 23:27 |
klevi|PC | Hey guys, Ive got an SATA drive that absolutely refuses to be mounted. Over a USB dock its fine | 23:27 |
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Felnotz | klevi|PC: I've had that problem for months, what mobo are you using? | 23:27 |
Faithful | Hey guys, I need a minimal install of ubuntu... but it must be installable. | 23:27 |
qin | r3m: /var/log/auth.log | 23:27 |
joakimk | Felnotz: would you mind instructing me? :) | 23:28 |
klevi|PC | Im using the internal sata ports on my motherboard, Felnotz its an oldie emachines t3304 | 23:28 |
gueneal | is 11.10 in beta yet and if so is it avalible to download? | 23:28 |
r3m | qin: thanks | 23:28 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Sure thing! Go to the 'Additional Drivers' application | 23:28 |
nit-wit | gueneal, june 3 or 4th I think | 23:28 |
xereniak | hey, can someone tell me how to install my new ubuntu OS onto a win 2000? i can't find the answer or anything related in the help guides on the site. | 23:28 |
gueneal | cool thanks :D | 23:29 |
klevi|PC | Felnotz: may I PM instead? | 23:29 |
r3m | qin: do you know if hacker have a way to freeze ubuntu ? | 23:29 |
joakimk | Felnotz: yes | 23:29 |
Felnotz | klevi|PC: uh, hold on a minute | 23:29 |
qin | r3m: Nope, dunno. What have you beed doing? | 23:29 |
maahes | how can I troubleshoot what's wrong with my key input into the terminal? I don't know where to start, I reinstalled the term after doing a complete uninstall, and the keys work right in xterm | 23:29 |
klevi|PC | Felnotz: Sure thing! =) | 23:29 |
r3m | qin: i was afk | 23:29 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Next, click on the ATI driver with a green dot next to it | 23:29 |
maahes | It worked right as of a couple of hours ago | 23:30 |
Felnotz | joakimk: There should be some kind of button on your window that says 'uninstall' (sorry I'm not in Ubuntu atm) | 23:30 |
joakimk | Felnotz: thing is, only a "Software modem" is listd there | 23:30 |
nit-wit | Faithful, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 23:30 |
joakimk | Felnotz: so... maybe the ATI driver is *not* installed? | 23:30 |
Felnotz | joakimk: That's what I feared.. I have a feeling your graphics card may be *very* old | 23:30 |
joakimk | hm | 23:30 |
joakimk | it's a ~5 years old laptop | 23:30 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Well are there any other entries in the window besides the Software Modem? | 23:31 |
joakimk | at least that's when it was bought | 23:31 |
joakimk | no | 23:31 |
Jordan_U | xereniak: What do you mean "onto a win 2000"? The current operating system doesn't really matter (unless you're using Wubi) since you'll be booting from an Ubuntu LiveCD to do the install. | 23:31 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Well that probably means you've got the driver installed, it's just really old | 23:31 |
joakimk | lspci tells me: VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M52 [Mobility Radeon X13 | 23:31 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Do you know if you have Unity 2D installed by any chance? | 23:31 |
joakimk | don't know... :-/ | 23:31 |
kblin | hi folks | 23:31 |
Captainkrtek | hi kblin anything we can help with? | 23:32 |
malobueno | as enter at the Spanish language channel? | 23:32 |
kblin | I've just noticed that avahi-daemon on my 10.04 system seems to be listenting on IPv4 port 5355, and I was wondering why? | 23:32 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Well then go ahead and open the Ubuntu Software Centre, and search for 'Unity 2D' | 23:32 |
kblin | upstream avahi doesn't have LLMNR support, as far as I can tell | 23:33 |
hombre-4 | Hi, I encountred a problem while working in command line today | 23:33 |
qin | r3m: hm, I more ment, did you hang uot on undernet, used torrent, russian websites, You know this sort of stuff... sudo netstat -tulp (to see listening services), ps, pstree, htop, iftop (to monitor), iptables, failtoban (to protect).) | 23:33 |
joakimk | Felnotz: right. Installing it now | 23:33 |
takoylis | Need help ! I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 64bit ! does it support my usb tv tuner? pinnacle pctv hybrid pro | 23:33 |
RadarG | Hello all I was wondering if somebody can help point me in the right direction I have a lamp server setup with mysql I was wondering if somebody can help me out? | 23:33 |
aaron_c | hi, does anyone know how to download long voice memos from your iphone4 in ubuntu? | 23:33 |
nit-wit | hombre-4, shre it with us.;) | 23:33 |
malobueno | please | 23:33 |
takoylis | Need help ! I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 64bit ! does it support my usb tv tuner? pinnacle pctv hybrid pro | 23:34 |
hombre-4 | I was installing some packages with dpkg and then I accidentaly the whole system! | 23:34 |
takoylis | how i can sync my iphone4 with ubuntu to transfer music to it | 23:34 |
barf_ | What is wrong if after install Ubuntu 11.04 shows for a short while, then shows a blinking underscore in the top left corner, forever. | 23:34 |
Captainkrtek | kblin, well avahi does network discovery so it'd make sense for it to use LLMNR on port 5355 | 23:34 |
malobueno | i need enter to spanish channel | 23:35 |
takoylis | how i can sync my iphone4 with ubuntu to transfer music to it | 23:35 |
nit-wit | malobueno, your looking for a spanish channel? | 23:35 |
rww | malobueno: /join #ubuntu-es | 23:35 |
RadarG | I would like advice on determining if Drupal is right for me | 23:35 |
takoylis | how i can sync my iphone4 with ubuntu to transfer music to it | 23:35 |
jo5hua | hombre-4, you accidentally did what to the whole system? | 23:35 |
kblin | Captainkrtek: avahi does mDNS, which is different from LLMNR | 23:35 |
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pyQ | hello* | 23:35 |
moroki | takoylis: it might help if you had a program to do that...... Im sure there are several | 23:35 |
pyQ | can I install gcc two version side bu side | 23:35 |
pyQ | sudo aptitude install gcc-4.2-multilib libstdc++6-4.2-dev | 23:36 |
Captainkrtek | kblin, true, not sure why it uses it then | 23:36 |
hombre-4 | jo5hua: I'm not very ecperienced in shell, so I was trying 'man' and commands, but then I accidentally the whole system :/ | 23:36 |
takoylis | i have many that simply dont work | 23:36 |
RadarG | I was wondering if I can use Drupal with mediawiki? | 23:36 |
pyQ | this will uninstall pre gcc version | 23:36 |
malobueno | THANK YOU nit | 23:36 |
joakimk | Felnotz: so, you think this is possible to get working? Have a feeling I shoulnd't have upgraded... :( | 23:36 |
pyQ | non? | 23:36 |
aaron_c | i'm also trying to figure out how to sync audio from iphone4 to ubuntu | 23:36 |
Felnotz | joakimk: After installation, you'll have to logout, and select 'Unity 2D' in the little drop down menu in the login prompt | 23:36 |
aaron_c | ^takoylis | 23:36 |
Captainkrtek | kblin, according to another site (this (port) is useful in networks that do not deploy DNS servers.) | 23:36 |
Felnotz | joakimk: This is possible to get working, don't worry | 23:36 |
ndxtg | I need Ubuntu with GUI but only the web browser. What is the fastest way to install it? Do I install normal Ubuntu and remove the components one by one? | 23:36 |
aaron_c | takoylis: have you tried rhythmnbox? | 23:36 |
joakimk | Felnotz: OK, it's installed. Trying a logout :) Be right back, and thanks a BUNCH!! | 23:36 |
jo5hua | accidentally what - deleted the whole system? Please be more specific :) | 23:36 |
Captainkrtek | ndxtg, so you're running just a terminal? | 23:36 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Anytime! | 23:37 |
hombre-4 | yes the whole system | 23:37 |
jo5hua | Do you remember what command you entered? | 23:37 |
Stormx2 | I'm trying to do data recovery on a corrupt ext3 partition. fsck complains of a bad superblock, but I know the file data is there (I can see it using foremost). Any tips on recovering a badly corrupted ext3 filesystem? | 23:37 |
kblin | Captainkrtek: the fun part is that I'm currently reading through upstream sources. it shouldn't bind to that port. so I was wondering if ubuntu had some extra magic going into this package | 23:37 |
ndxtg | Captainkrtek: no, with GUI and web browser (i.e.the system is to view images/videos in web browser only) | 23:37 |
Jordan_U | Stormx2: How did it become corrupted? | 23:37 |
Captainkrtek | ndxtg, sorry a bit confused with your setup | 23:38 |
Captainkrtek | kblin, haha good luck! | 23:38 |
qin | Stormx2: make image first, try testdisk to recover partition, or photorec for data. | 23:38 |
ndxtg | Captainkrtek: i have nothing yet, gonna install but unsure what is the fastest way :( | 23:38 |
Felnotz | joakimk: How'd it go? | 23:39 |
xereniak | my computer wont show the ubuntu install screen... just some blank desktop. | 23:39 |
RadarG | does anyone know is mediawiki will let you have individual accounts and upload files such as pic,mp3,pdf is there a lighter wiki option that might be better? | 23:39 |
joakimk | Felnotz: hi :) Well, now I have the new desktop :) But, I still get garbage pixels whenever I move a window around... | 23:39 |
Captainkrtek | ndxtg, so what is the fastest way to get a web browser installed? | 23:39 |
joakimk | Felnotz: I selected Unity 2D when loggin gin | 23:39 |
Stormx2 | Jordan_U, it's a friend's drive. He said he woke up one morning and it wouldn't boot. | 23:40 |
Felnotz | joakimk: hmm.. maybe your CPU is lagging your computer | 23:40 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Try logging out, and selecting Ubuntu Classic instead of Unity 2D | 23:40 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, try and uninstall compiz by going to System Settings > Synaptic Package Manager | 23:40 |
joakimk | Felnotz: it's an Intel Core 2 duo | 23:40 |
Stormx2 | qin, done, but I'm not getting a great deal of useful output from carving (photorec/foremost/whatever) | 23:40 |
nit-wit | xereniak, power on the computer hit the shift key and hold it down if you get a try or installgui hit f6 choose nomodeset and boot in | 23:40 |
qin | Stormx2: Did you try to mount it? | 23:40 |
Stormx2 | Yes, but even fsck won't touch it | 23:40 |
ndxtg | Captainkrtek: what is the fastest way to install a Ubuntu-based system that only contains GUI web browser? other components (open offices, GIMP etc should not be installed) | 23:40 |
jo5hua | xereniak, do you remember what command you entered? And when you say blank desktop, do you see *anything* after you switch it on? | 23:40 |
Jordan_U | Stormx2: Does the S.M.A.R.T. data show any hardware problem? | 23:40 |
xereniak | umm.... | 23:40 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, do this | 23:41 |
xereniak | i have a menu bar at the top | 23:41 |
jo5hua | What does the menu say? | 23:41 |
xereniak | i can get to system settings, but it keeps crashing | 23:41 |
xereniak | well, for most commands | 23:41 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, System Settings > Synaptic Package Manager > search Compiz in the top filter, then all green checkboxes, right click and mark for removal | 23:41 |
Stormx2 | Jordan_U, I get I/O errors in ubuntu, gparted livecd. Currently the only O/Ss that can boot with it attached are Windows and the ddrescue live cd. But no, I haven't checked SMART. I will | 23:41 |
Stormx2 | Jordan_U, however, ddrescue only failed to copy 512 bytes from it (near the beginning) | 23:42 |
joakimk | Captainkrtek: right. Think I did that in Ubuntu 10 also | 23:42 |
coldpizza72i | whats the easiest way to see if a harddrive is corrupt | 23:42 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, probably more appropriate for your setup | 23:42 |
joakimk | Captainkrtek: ... because compiz is all flash and bells, right? | 23:43 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, yes, even when not running it still runs haha | 23:43 |
joakimk | Felnotz: I'll try Ubuntu Classic now :) | 23:43 |
joakimk | BRB :) | 23:43 |
jo5hua | xereniak, unless you can be more specific with the commands you entered it might be difficult to help you | 23:44 |
ImaBrokeDude | hello? | 23:44 |
ImaBrokeDude | anyone know how to mod a laser? | 23:44 |
xereniak | i didn't enter ANY commands | 23:44 |
ImaBrokeDude | with ubuntu | 23:44 |
Captainkrtek | hi ImaBrokeDude if this is not related to Ubuntu then please find a different channel | 23:44 |
Captainkrtek | what do you mean mod a laser? | 23:44 |
ImaBrokeDude | the laser ios supposed to be a data laser | 23:44 |
einsteined | anyone know if there is a wine related channel? | 23:45 |
rww | einsteined: #winehq | 23:45 |
einsteined | rww: thanks I tried #wine, didn't work | 23:45 |
ImaBrokeDude | in order to use it freely you are supposed to run a firmware hack through ubuntu | 23:45 |
joakimk | Felnotz: hmm... It looked very good there, but I still get errors in redrawing the background/desktop | 23:45 |
joakimk | ...I like having the classic desktop back, though :) | 23:45 |
commoncents | im running ubuntu studio 11.04 and my computer wont connect to the internet via wifi or lan i had a wifi connection yesterday | 23:45 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Did you follow Cap'n Krtek and remove Compiz? | 23:46 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, you remove compiz? | 23:46 |
joakimk | Felnotz: yes | 23:46 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, you reboot? | 23:46 |
jo5hua | xereniak, sorry, wrong nick :) | 23:46 |
ImaBrokeDude | oh nvm | 23:46 |
joakimk | no log out/in | 23:46 |
joakimk | so reboot? | 23:46 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, reboot | 23:46 |
joakimk | right! | 23:46 |
joakimk | hehe brb | 23:46 |
Captainkrtek | k | 23:46 |
FloodBot1 | joakimk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:46 |
pmo5 | reboot or not reboot that is the question | 23:46 |
joakimk | gotchas :) | 23:46 |
fun-workin | hello | 23:47 |
Captainkrtek | hi fun-workin anything we can help with? | 23:48 |
fun-workin | yes please | 23:48 |
Captainkrtek | what seems to be the issue? | 23:48 |
coldpizza72i | whats the easiest way to see if a hard drive is corrupt? | 23:48 |
fun-workin | i just downloaded ubuntu | 23:48 |
fun-workin | and put it on usb | 23:48 |
Captainkrtek | coldpizza72i, I can help with that | 23:48 |
Captainkrtek | coldpizza72i, go to System Settings > Disk Utility > select drive on left, SMART Data | 23:48 |
commoncents | can someone help me fix my wifi and lan connections | 23:48 |
Felnotz | coldpizza72i: Go to Disk Utility, and check the S.M.A.R.T. status | 23:48 |
Captainkrtek | fun-workin, it didnt work? | 23:49 |
fun-workin | and the problem is that i cant make it work-> i boot from it i see menu but than if i press anything it just do nothing. any ideas ? | 23:49 |
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pmo5 | commoncents, take a hamer and fix it | 23:49 |
Captainkrtek | fun-workin, how'd you put it on the usb stick | 23:49 |
fun-workin | i used Unetbootin program | 23:50 |
commoncents | hammer wont quite fix it | 23:50 |
Captainkrtek | fun-workin, you need to edit your BIOS boot settings | 23:50 |
pmo5 | commoncents, your lan seems to work to can chat with us :) | 23:50 |
Captainkrtek | to make sure it tries to boot to the flash drive before your Hard Drive fun-workin | 23:50 |
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pmo5 | commoncents, describe your problem.. show will show up and may help if he has some clue | 23:50 |
commoncents | yeha from my windows desktop | 23:50 |
coldpizza72i | Captainkrtek: can't seem to find it.....im on xubuntu | 23:50 |
keith_ | potentially stupid question - i created a directory as root, then mounted a devie to that directory as root. How do i give permission to a any user to read/write including mk directories in this new directory? | 23:50 |
pmo5 | commoncents, show / someone will show up | 23:51 |
Captainkrtek | coldpizza72i, go to the #xubuntu channel | 23:51 |
Captainkrtek | try asking in there | 23:51 |
Captainkrtek | joakimk, how is it running now? | 23:51 |
Felnotz | joakimk: How's it working? | 23:51 |
zerokill | salu2 | 23:51 |
joakimk | Hi! It's much the same... Did a second reboot just to be sure | 23:51 |
zerokill | alquien habla castellano aqui?? | 23:51 |
pmo5 | commoncents, hence what sort of problem do you have.. | 23:51 |
commoncents | my wifi was working yesterday and noiw it wont even show available networks and it says there is a lan connection but it doesnt connect to the internet | 23:52 |
Jasmin | hi, am beginner in the world of Ubuntu, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 the prob is that i can't configured the eth0 but i can see the network icon from the server | 23:52 |
sebikul | !es, zerokill | 23:52 |
Captainkrtek | zerokill, join #ubuntu-es | 23:52 |
pmo5 | commoncents, master words.. when it comes to net config.. is.. ifconfig .. netstat.. and there is others | 23:52 |
takoylis | !help i want to install xbmc on ubuntu 11.04 64bit | 23:52 |
ubottu | takoylis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:52 |
fun-workin | when i turn on computer i use boot list (pressing esc on loading screen) and i pick USB, than it show me Unetbootin list in whitch contains "help" try ubuntu without install" "install ubuntu" and when i pick for example "try ubuntu" or "install" it just freeze. | 23:52 |
pmo5 | commoncents, you have access to the linux machine ? | 23:52 |
takoylis | help i want to install xbmc on ubuntu 11.04 64bit | 23:52 |
* klevi|PC pokes Felnotz | 23:53 | |
Felnotz | Jasmin: Welcome to Ubuntu! Are you running Ubuntu right now? | 23:53 |
commoncents | yes its right next to me | 23:53 |
joakimk | thanks for helping me out! Should I maybe install the ATI Catalyst Control Center, or something like that? | 23:53 |
Jasmin | yes it is on the other work station | 23:53 |
Captainkrtek | fun-workin, oh okay that is good, format the flash drive and try again, also depends on how fast the flash drive is, may take some time for it to load | 23:53 |
Jasmin | now am connecting from the windows server | 23:53 |
mactimes | Hey. Could someone let me know what has replaced vino as remote access daemon for 11.04, if any? | 23:53 |
Felnotz | Jasmin: Oh, okay, what computer model do you have? | 23:54 |
joakimk | Felnotz: maybe I should log in with "Classic mode (no effects)"? | 23:54 |
pmo5 | commoncents, iwconfig | 23:54 |
fun-workin | im afraid its not the problem i tried it on different computer and it worked fine :( (also tried already twice to remake booting usb with ubuntu) | 23:54 |
Jasmin | toshiba | 23:54 |
kblin | Captainkrtek: ah, silly me. avahi listens on 5353, which is mdns, llmnr is 5355 | 23:54 |
Felnotz | joakimk: Yes, that will most likely fix it! | 23:54 |
Jasmin | laptop | 23:54 |
kblin | Captainkrtek: misread my netstat output | 23:54 |
pmo5 | commoncents, iwconfig on console will tell you if there is any wlan device on your machien | 23:54 |
kblin | those ports are too similar :) | 23:55 |
Gskellig | rc.local didnt work for me, the commands still wont run on boot | 23:55 |
Jasmin | an amd 64 | 23:55 |
commoncents | said no wireless conections and wlan had something | 23:55 |
takoylis | if i could use my tv tuner pinnacle pctv hybrid pro , usb tuner on ubuntu 11.04 64bit i would be so happy | 23:55 |
Jasmin | Felnotz : i know tht there's a command line to configure the network manually | 23:55 |
pmo5 | commoncents, device show up ? as output of iwconfig ? | 23:56 |
Captainkrtek | kblin, makes more sense as Avahi uses it | 23:56 |
Felnotz | Jasmin: Captain Krtek will help you | 23:56 |
Captainkrtek | Jasmin, I can try to help you | 23:56 |
Captainkrtek | Jasmin, what exactly is your issue? | 23:56 |
pmo5 | commoncents, did you find out the name of the device ? ethX .. wlanX .. or something ? | 23:56 |
commoncents | wlan0 | 23:57 |
joakimk | Felnotz: It's just the same... :( Btw, my home dir is on a separate partition, and it seems most of my "system setup" have followed from Ubuntu 10 to 11.04. So do you think I still might be able to be able to work, if these graphics problems don't bother me too much? | 23:57 |
Jasmin | Captainkrtek : hi, well the problem is tht i just installed ubuntu 10;04 | 23:57 |
Enissay | Hey guys, Is there any chance to make my old laptop play 720p videos? | 23:57 |
aaron_c | hi, does anyone know how to download long voice memos from your iphone4 in ubuntu? | 23:58 |
joakimk | Felnotz: I mean, is this mainly/only a graphics problem, or a symptom of some fundamental problem with Ubunut 11 vs my hardware? | 23:58 |
Jasmin | <Captainkrtek> Now the prob is tht i can't detect the network | 23:58 |
chrome_ | hi. How can I add speech recognition in google chrome? | 23:58 |
d484 | Aaron does the iPhone have a Dropbox app? | 23:58 |
Captainkrtek | Jasmin, can you do ifconfig and post the results to paste.ubuntu.com then share the link to me? | 23:58 |
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Jasmin | <Captainkrtek> meanwhile , i can see the network icon from the server | 23:58 |
Captainkrtek | Jasmin, what do you mean from the server | 23:58 |
pmo5 | commoncents, iwlist wlan0 scan | 23:58 |
d484 | aaron_c, https://www.dropbox.com/iphoneapp .. you can store your files on Dropbox servers and pull them into the phone. | 23:59 |
commoncents | no scan results | 23:59 |
aaron_c | d484: can i pull voice memos from my phone with the same app? | 23:59 |
xereniak | [Question]my ubuntu boots off the liveCD, gets to some desktop screen with a menu bar on top and stops doing anything else. i open the menu and open system settings. i find an item called "install ubuntu 11.04" and i double click on it. then i get an error message saying something about the computers inability to copy over root privelages to the user root. where is the REAL install screen supposed to show up in this process? | 23:59 |
Felnotz | joakimk: I'm not sure, you're saying Ubuntu 10.10 worked well | 23:59 |
Jasmin | <Captainkrteki have a windows server connected to the modem | 23:59 |
joakimk | Felnotz: yes. No problems | 23:59 |
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