jerry_l | hello room. | 04:53 |
holstein | jerry_l: o/ | 04:53 |
jerry_l | anyone know about syncing computers for recording? | 04:53 |
holstein | sure | 04:54 |
holstein | jerry_l: what do you have in mind? | 04:54 |
holstein | jacktrip or netjack is an easy way to share machines | 04:54 |
holstein | you can get decent latency between machine on a local network too | 04:54 |
holstein | i used to have a few P4's netjack'd | 04:55 |
jerry_l | i want to use 1 ubuntu studio for play back and another for a live line in and the recording the audio from the other machine. | 04:55 |
holstein | i called it the 'poormans dual-core' ;) | 04:55 |
jerry_l | i have a lot of P4 2.8ghz computers but only 1 core duo laptop. so i want to try the computers. | 04:56 |
holstein | well, just so you know | 04:57 |
holstein | ubuntustudio = ubuntu | 04:57 |
holstein | you dont have to or need to install ubuntustudio to do what you are trying to do | 04:57 |
holstein | and depending on your situation | 04:57 |
holstein | JACK might be overkill | 04:57 |
holstein | there are lots of things in pulse that i havent tried | 04:57 |
jerry_l | overkill? | 04:57 |
holstein | overkill, like too much | 04:58 |
holstein | JACK is not trivial | 04:58 |
holstein | if you havent used it | 04:58 |
holstein | SO, you want on machine playing something | 04:58 |
holstein | and another recording that sound, and a mic? | 04:58 |
holstein | you can use JACK on one machine for this kind of thing | 04:59 |
holstein | probably pulse too* | 04:59 |
holstein | im not sure you need multiple boxes | 04:59 |
holstein | audio is acutally relatively light on resources still | 04:59 |
holstein | unless you have 16 tracks and all kinds of plugins* | 04:59 |
jerry_l | when i record a guitar track then, set for playback, 2- enable next track for bass , play and record everything sounds great while recording and then end. and play back all and it will be a shred out of sync. | 05:00 |
holstein | jerry_l: what are you using? | 05:00 |
holstein | audacity? | 05:00 |
holstein | what you have is called latency | 05:01 |
holstein | JACK is helpful with that | 05:01 |
jerry_l | ardour and jack (1?) | 05:01 |
holstein | and ardour is supposed to correct for that | 05:01 |
holstein | hmmm | 05:01 |
holstein | jerry_l: have you asked in #ardour? | 05:01 |
holstein | its really supposed to correct for latency AFAIK | 05:01 |
holstein | let me reffer you to #opensourcemusicians as well | 05:02 |
holstein | jerry_l: you can always tweak your jack settings | 05:02 |
holstein | for lower latency | 05:02 |
jerry_l | i cant find the ardour room yet on freenode. for some reason all of my saved channels are gone. pdgin. | 05:02 |
holstein | its just #ardour | 05:02 |
holstein | jerry_l: what is the latency reporting in setup in jackcontrol ? | 05:03 |
holstein | 23ms or so? | 05:03 |
holstein | i find anywhere near 10ms is tolerable | 05:03 |
jerry_l | i dont recall... | 05:03 |
holstein | i have a mixing profile and a tracking profile | 05:03 |
holstein | as well as others* | 05:03 |
jerry_l | 10ms.. writing it down. | 05:03 |
holstein | in 'setup' under jackcontrol | 05:03 |
holstein | the settings in the midder | 05:04 |
holstein | middle* | 05:04 |
jerry_l | let me turn on my laptop and look at the settings. | 05:04 |
holstein | frames/period and periods/buffer | 05:04 |
holstein | thats are the ones you want to tweak | 05:04 |
jerry_l | frames/period ? is how fast the line moves across screen? | 05:04 |
holstein | well, dont think screen | 05:05 |
holstein | its all about the time it takes the computer to process data | 05:05 |
holstein | and im not sure about the particulars | 05:05 |
holstein | i just know you can go too low and it wont work | 05:05 |
jerry_l | jack window up.. | 05:05 |
holstein | or you'll get xruns* | 05:05 |
jerry_l | clicked setup. | 05:06 |
holstein | right | 05:06 |
holstein | in the midder | 05:06 |
jerry_l | frames= 1024 | 05:06 |
holstein | middle* | 05:06 |
holstein | set frames/period to 256 | 05:06 |
jerry_l | periods = 2 | 05:06 |
holstein | and periods/buffer to 2 | 05:06 |
holstein | and try starting jack again | 05:06 |
holstein | see if if complains | 05:06 |
jerry_l | start delay 2 secs? | 05:06 |
holstein | doesnt matter* | 05:06 |
holstein | leave the rest | 05:07 |
jerry_l | cool. | 05:07 |
holstein | the start delay wont effect latency | 05:07 |
jerry_l | driver alsa? dosnt ardour use oss? | 05:07 |
holstein | ardour is using JACK | 05:08 |
holstein | and jack can use whatever | 05:08 |
holstein | but ALSA is what you want if thats what was working before | 05:08 |
holstein | freebob is the old firewire driver | 05:08 |
holstein | firewire is the new one | 05:08 |
holstein | FFADO* | 05:08 |
holstein | thats the one i use | 05:08 |
holstein | jerry_l: you have an internal sound card? | 05:09 |
holstein | ALSA is what you want | 05:09 |
holstein | and, JACK might not start at this setting for an internal card | 05:09 |
holstein | but, you just raise the frames/period | 05:09 |
holstein | til it can start | 05:09 |
jerry_l | i have a 1 TB western digital external USB think that might work for recording and playback of less than 4 streams.? | 05:09 |
holstein | sure | 05:10 |
jerry_l | i have a Stealth Plug from IKmedia | 05:10 |
holstein | interesting... that 'just works' with JACK? | 05:11 |
holstein | with alsa? | 05:11 |
jerry_l | ohhh. laptop core duo 2ghz uses alsa and my P4 2.8s use OSS. | 05:11 |
holstein | JACK will use whatever you tell it to | 05:12 |
jerry_l | i dont have the stealth plug connected right now. that might be why it is alsa | 05:12 |
holstein | jerry_l: it should use ALSA as well | 05:12 |
holstein | you'll want to make several profiles then | 05:12 |
holstein | for using an internal card or the ik plug | 05:13 |
jerry_l | where do i go to make profiles? | 05:13 |
holstein | *preset | 05:13 |
holstein | thats what they are called | 05:13 |
holstein | up at the top in the setup window | 05:13 |
jerry_l | preset on Jack..? | 05:14 |
holstein | yup | 05:14 |
jerry_l | cool. | 05:14 |
holstein | for example, i have on that uses my internal sound card on my studio machine | 05:14 |
holstein | one with my firewire card that has 1.2ms latency | 05:14 |
holstein | and another that has 80+ms latency | 05:14 |
jerry_l | nice. was that firewwire 80ms | 05:15 |
holstein | yeah, its just to relax it a bit | 05:15 |
holstein | for plugins and whatever | 05:15 |
jerry_l | what barnd does 1.2 | 05:15 |
jerry_l | brand.. | 05:15 |
holstein | brand? | 05:15 |
holstein | i have a presonus firepod | 05:16 |
holstein | but, lots of gear can get below 10ms | 05:16 |
jerry_l | like $599.99 | 05:16 |
holstein | not really any need for most too though | 05:16 |
holstein | jerry_l: i got my presonus firepod for $400 new | 05:16 |
jerry_l | cool. | 05:16 |
holstein | you can find them cheaper used now | 05:16 |
jerry_l | stealth plug 99.99 | 05:16 |
jerry_l | are you using a firewire card or onboard firewire | 05:17 |
holstein | both | 05:17 |
holstein | i have a nice texax instruments onboard chip on a laptop | 05:17 |
holstein | and a TI chip on a PCI card in the studio, and a TI express card too | 05:18 |
jerry_l | mine is the dreaded intel problematic chipset. | 05:18 |
holstein | firewire? | 05:18 |
holstein | PCI cards are cheap and easy to find | 05:18 |
holstein | i have a VIA chipset thats not bad either | 05:19 |
jerry_l | i have a couple of the dell gx280 2.8ghz (no fire wire) and a custom computer. | 05:20 |
jerry_l | i find the dell gx280s alot for 100.00 so i get an extra when i can, and if someone needs one there it is already. no need to hunt one down. | 05:21 |
jerry_l | i gave my cousin a 1.8 p4 512mb 80gb with puredyne on it and told him i would be by to see what he has done. | 05:23 |
holstein | jerry_l: theres a really nice newer live puredyne like distro | 05:24 |
holstein | | 05:24 |
jerry_l | i am using the one with the knife on it, but have seen ones with a fishing background? | 05:25 |
holstein | im not sure, i havent actually loaded it up | 05:26 |
holstein | just heard it was great, and puredyne is dated | 05:26 |
jerry_l | dwnld 90kbs. 472mb left. | 05:28 |
holstein | yeah, its small-ish too | 05:28 |
jerry_l | i think puredyne 700mb | 05:28 |
jerry_l | i wish there was a puppy studio. | 05:29 |
jerry_l | i love puppy. | 05:29 |
holstein | jerry_l: actually, there is | 05:30 |
holstein | lemme see if i can find the link... | 05:30 |
jerry_l | windows vista 64 crashed on me, best thing that has ever happended to me. | 05:30 |
jerry_l | i use like 4 thumb drives and with different puppy set ups on them and my 250gb as storage. | 05:31 |
holstein | | 05:31 |
jerry_l | yeah,,,clicking. | 05:33 |
jerry_l | wow i am in love. downloading..... | 05:33 |
jerry_l | Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. | 05:34 |
holstein | hmmm | 05:35 |
jerry_l | tried before and could not get it. even tried loooking for torrents. | 05:35 |
jerry_l | The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. | 05:35 |
holstein | yeah | 05:35 |
holstein | i hope i can find the ISO somewhere | 05:36 |
holstein | i DL'd it | 05:36 |
holstein | jerry_l: ok | 05:37 |
holstein | | 05:37 |
jerry_l | you are so my hero. | 05:38 |
jerry_l | does ".dk" mean another language? | 05:39 |
holstein | maybe* | 05:39 |
holstein | 3.3 is newer than the one i DL'd though | 05:39 |
jerry_l | @37.7kbs of 377mb. | 05:40 |
jerry_l | do you run live or installed? | 05:41 |
jerry_l | the cd seems to take alot longer to start up. but then is there a trade off of running from RAM? | 05:42 |
holstein | i just use ubuntustudio | 05:43 |
holstein | but, i like having these live CD's with JACK and an RT kernel | 05:43 |
holstein | to test hardware | 05:43 |
holstein | *since ubuntustudio is not a live installer yet | 05:43 |
jerry_l | i thought ubuntustudio installed to the harddrive? | 05:44 |
holstein | right | 05:45 |
holstein | we dont have a live CD yet | 05:45 |
holstein | we are talking about implementing that for 12.4 | 05:45 |
holstein | 12.04* | 05:45 |
jerry_l | cause i was thinking i had it installed..? | 05:45 |
holstein | i just have ubuntustudio here | 05:46 |
holstein | OR ubuntu installed with studio pacakges | 05:46 |
jerry_l | if my cousin impresses me with what he could do in a week of puredyne, i was going to give him a dell 2.8ghz 1gb 500gb ubuntu studio dell. | 05:47 |
jerry_l | that would be tommarrow. | 05:48 |
jerry_l | laptop latency 46ms. owww. | 05:51 |
jerry_l | core duo 64bit. | 05:51 |
holstein | its got a lot to do with the sound devices too | 05:51 |
holstein | and maybe kernel* | 05:51 |
holstein | its less to do with the kernel these days | 05:51 |
holstein | debian doesnt have a realtime kernel anymore | 05:51 |
holstein | we wont be needing one at all, even for firewire, much longer | 05:52 |
jerry_l | problematic intel soud device vt1708s Analog does not play well with intel chipset in linux. but it does function. | 05:53 |
jerry_l | changed the frames to 256 and the latency droped to 11.6ms. | 05:54 |
jerry_l | what is meant by realtime kernel? | 05:55 |
holstein | well, you dont want to do audio with an internal card anyways | 05:56 |
jerry_l | and i thought firewire used 1% processor compared to USB 11%. | 05:56 |
holstein | its so easy and affordable to get something like that plug you have | 05:56 |
holstein | or something maudio with a preamp | 05:56 |
jerry_l | true. | 05:56 |
holstein | realtime kernels give me lower latency | 05:57 |
jerry_l | i have a MBOX mini also | 05:57 |
holstein | for particulars, youd have to look it up | 05:57 |
holstein | most of these patches are getting adopted into the generic kernel though | 05:57 |
holstein | AFAIK | 05:57 |
jerry_l | 2:39:11 left until puppy arrives. | 05:58 |
jerry_l | holstein thank you very much for your help. i am going to change the latency on the computers and see how they do. and if its not enough then jack net? | 06:03 |
holstein | nah | 06:04 |
holstein | thats not really going to help | 06:04 |
holstein | try #opensourcemusicians and/or #ardour if you dont want to spend some money | 06:04 |
jerry_l | ? | 06:04 |
holstein | its not the computer speed | 06:04 |
jerry_l | true | 06:04 |
holstein | you can get lower latency on a slowermachine | 06:04 |
jerry_l | like a 1ghz? | 06:05 |
holstein | sure | 06:05 |
holstein | ive ran dynebolic on an 800mhz p3 with 256 or ram | 06:05 |
holstein | got under 20ms with simple tasks | 06:06 |
holstein | anyways, you are experiencing latency for suer | 06:06 |
holstein | sure* | 06:06 |
holstein | you have options | 06:06 |
jerry_l | i think i have a dynebolic iso but puredyne was working pretty well. | 06:06 |
holstein | db is old | 06:07 |
holstein | you dont want that | 06:07 |
holstein | im just saying | 06:07 |
holstein | you have plenty of computer for what you are trying to do | 06:07 |
jerry_l | thankx. | 06:07 |
holstein | sure | 06:07 |
holstein | experiment with the latency, and if not | 06:07 |
holstein | come back and we'll try something else :) | 06:08 |
holstein | good luck | 06:08 |
* holstein is getting horizontal... GN | 06:08 | |
jerry_l | thanks its midnight and i have to work on my truck in the morning. | 06:09 |
jerry_l | signing off. to test a few minutes before bed. thankx. | 06:13 |
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