
workthrickbzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "sftp://mathrick@lynx.imada.sdu.dk/home/mathrick/public_html/repo/.bzr/branches/gtk/": local urls must start with file:///, UNC path urls must start with file://04:22
workthrickany idea why that happens?04:22
workthrickhttp://pastebin.com/V6HeubrE is a fuller output04:22
workthrickthis is on win32, and it worked before04:23
workthrick(but the local repo and working tree has since been recreated)04:23
workthrickalso previous colo-sync-from which I used to create the repo worked fine04:24
workthrickoh, hmm04:25
workthricklight checkout root: .04:25
workthrick   checkout of branch: sftp://mathrick@lynx.imada.sdu.dk/home/mathrick/public_html/repo/.bzr/branches/gtk/04:25
workthrickthis is wrong, it should be .bzr/branches/gtk04:25
gouri'd like to use bzr for git-based project and wonder if 'explorer' will use dpush when i push to github or i've to use cli?08:23
AuroraBorealiswhat is dpush? :o08:24
gourAuroraBorealis: from the help "Purpose: Push into a different VCS without any custom bzr metadata."08:25
AuroraBorealisyou can run a 'custom command' in explorer08:26
AuroraBorealisor just use the  command line if it doesn't have a explicit option to dpush08:26
gouri dpushed my branch to the github, but i do not see it listed at github which still shows only original braches from the forked repo08:46
gouri created shared repo, pull from github. created 'feature' branch locally and pushed back to github...what am i missing or how to use 'feature branch' workflow to contribute to github project?08:47
AuroraBorealisfeature branch is just a trunk branch inside a shared repo08:48
AuroraBorealisnot a trunk branch but just some branch inside a shared repo08:49
AuroraBorealisso you just dpush the branch to github i guess :o08:49
gourright...i cloned pulled-ed github branch in order to work on it and wanted to push it back (afer commiting some fixes)08:50
AuroraBorealisso you would probably dpush that back08:50
gourbut that 'new' branch (named as 'doc-fixes') was dpushed back to github, but it's not listed there :-/08:51
AuroraBorealismaybe it takes a minute?08:51
AuroraBorealiswait like 20 min then try again i guess08:52
AuroraBorealisor maybe dpush is bugged or something o.o08:52
gouri believe it's something else...like some github idiosync...08:53
gourhopefully jelmer or someone experienced with bzr-git & github will appear08:54
gourwhat is the status of colo-branches in bzr? are they going to appear in 2.4?12:11
d_edheya, I'm new to bzr. (coming from git) and can't find out the name of the command I want to do the follow12:21
d_edIve made some commits in a branch12:21
d_edi want to remove one of them12:21
d_ed(like gits, interactive rebase, and not pick one of the commits)12:21
d_edis this possible?12:21
gourin same file?12:22
d_edif it's not trivial, I'll just sort something out by hand12:23
gourmaybe you can try withe shelve12:25
d_edit's alright. I'll make a new branch then apply patches of the parts I do want12:27
d_ed*new branch from master12:27
* gour is usung fossil atm considering to switch to bzr12:28
d_edit's so hard trying to switch betweem RCS systems12:28
d_edI'm normally on git, except for one project, and I'm sure bzr is just as good, but it's nonetheless different12:28
d_edand that gets so confusing12:29
d_edespecially when the same word mean different things12:29
* gour thinks git is too complex12:29
gourfortunately, there is fast-import machanism to switch12:29
mgz`hg clone -b 2.7 . 2.7` ...that looks a little funny16:20
LarstiQd__ed: you can use the bzr-rewrite plugin16:20
LarstiQmgz: what does that mean?16:21
LarstiQmgz: clone the branch/tag called 2.7 from the current dir to the dir 2.7?16:21
mgzyup. I'm not sure the way the cpython repo is structured really makes sense to me.16:22
mgzbut then, neither does what mercurial calls branches.16:22
mgzcan't work on bzr without a newer python now though, and no point testing against my rusty svn copy.16:23
mgzlarstiq: getting to merging the rest of my test cleanup branch which should reduce the number of things to file bugs about for pypy support16:24
mgzha... and that mercurial command did the wrong thing, created the working tree in the cwd rather than the 2.7 dir16:25
mgzperhaps branching into a subdir upset it.16:25
* LarstiQ blinks16:26
LarstiQmgz: possibly :)16:26
LarstiQmgz: and yay test cleanup \o/16:26
mgz...now it's got a working tree in both dirs. probably just overwrote the no trees setting.16:26
LarstiQmgz: about things failing on pyp, as you know the multi byte codec test fails. Not very surprising considering https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/src/7f593e7877d4/pypy/module/_multibytecodec/app_multibytecodec.py16:28
LarstiQmgz: I didn't manage extracting a small example from bzr to disprove Armin's assumption there16:29
mgzwell, he's wrong16:29
LarstiQI guessed as much :)16:29
LarstiQmgz: and was hoping you could give me some pointers16:30
mgzthe module isn't well maintained these days16:30
mgzbut is likely to in use for anyone on a ckj terminal16:30
mgzvarious applications use streamwriters to put things on the terminal, and look at sys.stdout.encoding to create them16:32
* LarstiQ generates a ja_JP.EUC-JP locale16:36
mgz...the pypy version I have installed doesn't set sys.stdout.encoding at all, which might be why they've not got bug reports16:37
mgzor they've fixed that since 1.2.016:37
LarstiQmgz: it's None in my nightly from a couple of days ago16:38
mgzokay, that's the main bug then.16:38
mgzif pypy isn't detecting terminal encoding printing unicode just doesn't work.16:38
* LarstiQ wonders how to test that16:39
LarstiQmy terminal inteprets the utf8 back again when I think it shouldn't16:40
mgzprint u"\xa7" # or similar?16:40
LarstiQah, that works (as in, gives me a UnicodeEncodeError)16:41
mgzif it works, perhaps they've got the default locale set to utf-8 now?16:41
mgz^good good.16:41
LarstiQand it does indeed work in cpython16:42
mgzIt's likely most of the unicode related tests are being skipped on pypy then.16:43
mgzsee bzrlib.tests._UnicodeFilesystemFeature implementation16:43
* LarstiQ hasn't been able to run the full testsuite yet16:43
mgzif we can't stat a unicode name, we don't run the test, so output bugs are probably also not being exposed.16:44
mgzone thing I do is run useful test subsets.16:44
LarstiQmgz: I can run all the blackbox tests, off-hand I don't recall any skipped tests due to unicode feature16:44
mgzmaybe that step now works? which would be good.16:45
mgzat least utf-8 would be being output correctly then.16:45
mgz`os.stat(u"\xa7")` on pypy 1.2.0 raises UnicodeEncodeError for me, but that may be windows only/since fixed16:46
mgzthe `-s bt.test_` subset is quite good as an alternative to `-s bb.`16:47
LarstiQmgz: gives a UnicodeEncodeError on the nightly16:47
mgzso, when I get the test cleanup stuff landed, we probably want bugs filed for all the remaining failures16:49
LarstiQbweh, 10 seconds per test16:49
LarstiQmgz: yup16:49
* LarstiQ will make an account on bugs.pypy.org in the next weeks16:52
LarstiQmgz: thanks!16:53
* LarstiQ goes cooking16:53
gouranyone using bzr-git with github?16:54
gouri wonder how to push my branch tobe visible at github, if possible or is it better to (as i did) import git repo to LP, use bzr and then just email 'bzr send' bundle to git-repo maintainers?16:55
mgzhm, I suspect they might prefer a plain patch. jelmer probably knows how well bzr-git works with github.17:00
gourmgz: 'send' bundle  has too much 'context'?17:00
mgzI doubt git understands the extra metadata in the bundle, they had a different method of doing the same thing.17:04
gouri just wonder what's the easiest way to submit patch(es) to git-based project by using bzr17:05
mgzit's a good question.17:07
james_wI think there is bzr send --format=git now17:08
gouri read the following in the manual: "They can also be useful when communicating with upstream projects that don’t use Bazaar. In particular, the preview of the overall change in a merge directive looks like a vanilla software patch, so they can be applied using patch -p0 for example."17:10
gourin regard to merge directives17:10
gourjames_w: in 2.4?17:10
james_wI'm not sure when it was added17:11
goursounds good17:12
gourjames_w: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jelmer/bzr-git/send/revision/53317:16
* workthrick looks around for jelmer18:30
mgzI'm having trouble resuming my collection branch from jam's partial merges20:22
mgzif I merge the current version to dev it has some of the changes that have already landed, and misses the most important bits in bzrlib.tests20:23
mgzpresumably this relates to the "Warning: criss-cross merge encountered.  See bzr help criss-cross." I get20:24
* gour played/used bzr after long time today....very pleased with it20:24
mgzbut it's odd that the merge command lists bzrlib/tests/__init__.py20:24
mgzbut bzr diff on that file is empty20:24
gouri sent test 'bundle' with git format hoping it's possible to apply it upstream20:25
mgzI think maybe what jam did works on branches where he works in his normal fashion, but something in my branch history broke it?20:25
mgzI'm not sure what the fix is then as two partial merges are already on bzr.dev20:26
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