
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
sheytanapachelogger ping12:15
eMyllerany of you use sublime text 2?12:46
apacheloggersheytan: pong13:58
apacheloggerrbelem: do you know of any sensible qt based mobile browser btw?13:58
apacheloggerI remember you had something to say about meego browser not being fennec or some such, so I guess you know more than me ;)13:59
ScottKThere's a good chance KDE 4.6.3 will hit Debian Unstable today, so we can merge that and then start on 4.7 beta 1 once they get tarballs sorted.14:16
ScottKPersonally I'm not fussed about getting 4.7 beta 1 done by it's release date.  I'd rather get it right since there's a ton of package splits to deal with.14:17
yofelthis is over 30 new source packages if we package everything14:23
apacheloggerwho writes the scripts for the 71 packages? :P14:23
apacheloggeryofel: that is a one-time effort though14:23
apacheloggerI am more concerned with the subsequent update effort14:24
apacheloggergetting the tar -> renaming the tar -> extracting the tar...14:24
yofelwell, most packages shouldn't change too much, so updating them should be fast. It will take some more time though...14:24
apacheloggermy point exactly14:24
yofelwell, we can write a script for the tar renaming and extracting14:25
apacheloggerhere is a thought... what if we introduced a get-orig-source target in cdbs/dh?14:25
apacheloggerbzr builddeb -e ought to then take care of getting the tar14:25
yofelhow is that supposed to work with ktown o.O? (or ftpmaster)14:26
yofelthen again... as long as you run it locally..14:27
ScottKI think we should also try to coordinate with Debian when it comes to the split so it's not a disaster come the next merge window.14:38
yofelagreed, at least for the parts they're interested in. MoDaX did say they'll consider dropping unpopular parts if they don't find maintainers for them...14:51
apacheloggeryofel: have an env var defining the host and basepath for example15:05
apacheloggerif that is not set use ftp.kde.org15:05
apacheloggerthat way it will always work, but will be usful to us15:05
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, afiestas: kubuntu-bugs is subribed to kamoso bugs on launchpad now ... pending inclusion on the cd15:51
bambeecan we find equivalent variables to these defined in /etc/adduser.conf with ldap ?15:55
apacheloggercomputation error: 5087; emergency shutdown in progress;15:57
yofelapachelogger: btw, shouldn't kubunt-bugs be subscribed to kubuntu-ppa?15:59
afiestasapachelogger: oks xd16:38
apacheloggerafiestas: you should take a look at the bugs there btw16:38
apacheloggerwebshortcut usrc:kamoso16:38
afiestasapachelogger: okz, let me finish the 2.0 release :p16:38
apacheloggerafiestas: there are 2 which seem entirely driver related if you use overlay painting via gstreamer16:39
apacheloggerbut since I am too lazy to look at your code... ;)16:39
shadeslayerjussi: i might look into blink tomorrow ;)17:24
jussishadeslayer: !!! rock on!!18:25
sheytanapachelogger phonon page is under development now :)19:41
apacheloggerkubotu: order coffee for sheytan19:53
* kubotu slides coffee with milk down the bar to sheytan.19:53
* DarkwingDuck sighs19:53
jjesseDarkwingDuck why the sigh?19:53
DarkwingDuckjjesse: waiting to hear back for the date and time of my second interview19:54
jjesseoh good luck19:54
apacheloggerdebfx: I thought you fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/78632320:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 786323 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "package kdm (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New]20:14
debfxapachelogger: yes, that is fixed20:18
sheytanapachelogger already told. şeytan doesn't drink coffee with milk :D20:20
apacheloggerdebfx: but where are them bug reports coming from :O20:30
debfxapachelogger: hm maybe they removed an old version of kdm20:35
apacheloggeron 11.04?20:58
apacheloggerhow but how :S20:58
sheytanapachelogger tomorrow evening the page should be rady :)21:35
* apachelogger hugs sheytan21:37
apacheloggerkubuntu council poll is out21:38
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Members Make Your Vote For Council! If you have no mail, poke ScottK | "I voted" buttons available from kubotu | Merges: https://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html | TODO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
apacheloggerkubotu: rescan21:44
kubotusaving ...21:44
kuboturescanning ...21:44
kubotudone. 10 core modules loaded; 55 plugins loaded; 31 plugins ignored; 1 plugin failed to load21:44
apacheloggerkubotu: order i voted button21:44
* kubotu slides i voted button down the bar to apachelogger21:44
* kubotu hands apachelogger a blue "I Voted" button with annoyed rick on it.21:44
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati21:44
apacheloggeroh, this looks defunct21:44
apacheloggerhack squared21:44
apacheloggerkubotu: rescan21:46
kubotusaving ...21:46
kuboturescanning ...21:46
kubotudone. 10 core modules loaded; 55 plugins loaded; 31 plugins ignored; 1 plugin failed to load21:46
apacheloggerkubotu: order i voted button21:46
* kubotu hands apachelogger a blue "I Voted" button with annoyed rick on it.21:46
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati21:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/274150 that is a lord duplicate21:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 274150 in kdepim (Ubuntu) "Help functions return error message when help isn't installed" [Wishlist,Triaged]21:51
apacheloggerof my superior master bug21:51
JontheEchidnaat least LP lets you mark a bug with dupes as a dupe21:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 284915 in Adept Manager "Khelpcenter missing docs list" [Wishlist,In progress]21:52
JontheEchidnabut kdepim has docs21:52
JontheEchidnajust not installed21:52
JontheEchidna!info kdepim-docs21:52
ubottuPackage kdepim-docs does not exist in natty21:53
JontheEchidna!info kdepim-doc21:53
ubottukdepim-doc (source: kdepim): KDE Personal Information Management library documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.10-0ubuntu4 (natty), package size 2618 kB, installed size 4336 kB21:53
apacheloggerdid I dig up the wrong bug mabe21:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: I am sure we also have a superior master bug on this issue21:53
apacheloggerat least KHC now treats this case somewhat sane I have seen21:53
JontheEchidnayeah, no more 404 equivalent :P21:53
apacheloggerwho do I elect overlord of Kubuntu21:54
DarkwingDuckapachelogger, JontheEchidna and Mickey Mouse21:54
apacheloggerdon't tell jon but I don't like his way of ruling the empire :P21:54
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it would be cool if KHC would start swearing21:55
apacheloggerso the user goes wtf :O21:55
JontheEchidnaedubuntu prolly wouldn't like that :P21:56
apacheloggerthen we just need to get kamoso on the CD and run in background21:56
yofelhm, I wonder if people can vote for themselves ^^21:56
apacheloggerwe would have plenty of evening entertainment21:56
apacheloggeralso we could produce our on .prn files I suppose21:56
apacheloggeryofel: well, you can rank, so you can obviously rank yourself21:56
apacheloggernaturally you would rank yourself first21:57
* yofel remembers the election from Pirates of the Carribean ^^21:57
apacheloggerdid the empror step up and take control?21:58
JontheEchidnagood thing we only have 6 nominees :P21:58
yofelyeah :D21:58
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: everybody nominated and voted for themselves21:58
apacheloggerI'd like that21:58
apacheloggerit would throw the empire of kubuntu into utter confusion and without working government21:59
apacheloggerperfect opportunity for the empire of phonon to take over21:59
yofelsomeone stop him...21:59
apacheloggerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grj7sjQ0_p4 enjoy22:16
apacheloggerkubotu: order i voted button for DarkwingDuck22:17
* kubotu hands DarkwingDuck a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.22:17
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati22:17
yofelkubotu: order i voted button22:21
* kubotu hands yofel a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.22:21
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati22:21
ScottKSo I guess that means other people got the mail.22:28
ScottK25% of the potential electorate has voted already.23:06
* ScottK wonders if a week was too long.23:06
=== GrueMaster_ is now known as GrueMaster
apacheloggerScottK: if we hit 100% before the week is out we can just end the poll23:17
apacheloggerif not there is always the possibility that someone is moving right now and only reads their mails once a day :)23:17
apacheloggeronce per week23:17
apacheloggeralso one week gives the empire of phonon the time we need23:17
ScottKI wonder if I can end the poll, see if I like the results, and then unend it if I don't?23:18
* ScottK won't experiment with it.23:18
persiaBest to do experimentation with an unannounced poll anyway.23:18
apacheloggernot as thrilling though23:19
persiaapachelogger, Depends on what you find thrilling: for those who would rule the world, the grinding preparation is just keeping in shape.  For those that revel in risk, any preparation reduces the reward.23:20
apacheloggerhm, what about a combination of those23:24
persiaThey tend to go mad.  The less fortunate end up on otherwise deserted islands, surrounded by minions of questionable capability, doomsday devices, and sufficiently incapable security systems that some random do-gooder can destroy their dreams forever within 112 minutes.23:26
apacheloggerScottK: persia called me mad :'(23:27
ScottKapachelogger: He couldn't be referring to you.  He mentions having minions.23:28
persiaapachelogger, Forward-looking statements are inherently suspicious, and should not be interpreted as commentary on past behaviour.23:28
apacheloggerScottK: I have minions of questionable cpability!!!!23:28
apacheloggerkubotu: order an a23:29
* kubotu slides an a down the bar to apachelogger23:29
ScottKNo.  I don't think there's any question as to his capability.23:29
* apachelogger writes about duck factories23:30
apacheloggeryou know it is a good university course when either ducks, unicorns or rainbows are involved23:31

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