
=== EvilMTeck is now known as MTecknology
kaustavdmHi, a package I uploaded to my ppa has been successfully built, but it is pending publishing for the last one hour. Can anyone tell me why? Please check https://launchpad.net/~kaustav-dasmodak/+archive/kido/+packages08:14
wgrantkaustavdm: Publication stops once a week for 1.5-2 hours, starting an hour ago.08:16
wgrantOK then.08:16
=== Naresh` is now known as Naresh
evaluateIs there a way I can get more permissions on launchpad for a specific package? I for example can't mark a bug as 'Won't fix'...09:33
wgrantevaluate: You'll need to apply to join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol09:33
wgrantThere are no package-specific bug permissions at this time.09:33
evaluateIs there some kind of process that I need to go through (I mean beside sending that application mail that is mentioned there), or are my chances pretty good if I mention that I am the upstream of a specific package and am only interested in handling the bugs for that package?09:35
wgrantI haven't been through the application process for around 5 years, so I'm not too sure what it's like these days.09:36
evaluatewgrant, I see.09:37
jfiwgrant, Hello! getDailyDownloadTotals always returns the full list or a splitting might occurs at some limit?09:39
wgrantjfi: It does not do batching.09:40
wgrantIt will always return the whole range that you request.09:40
wgrantOr time out :)09:40
jfiwgrant, ok:)09:40
jfiwgrant, I never see a timeout, what is the consequence? http timeout or a reply with some 5xx code?09:42
wgrantAn HTTP 503 if you request too much data.09:43
wgrantBut these queries should generally be pretty fast.09:43
jfiwgrant, yes, it is very fast, I have very impressed by the LP performance09:43
jfi*I am09:43
Ampelbeinevaluate: regarding bug control as upstream: "If you are an upstream developer or bug triager for an upstream project contact Jorge Castro" (From https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl)09:44
evaluateAmpelbein, I'm going through that wiki right now. Thank you!09:44
wgrantjfi: We're getting faster, but we still have a long way to go :(09:45
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
gourno-wiki is one of the things which makes me tied to fossil...is support for wiki on the radar of LP devs?11:18
* gour is reading https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/240067 thread...maybe the answer is there11:27
ubot5Ubuntu bug 240067 in Launchpad itself "Launchpad projects need wikis" [Low,In progress]11:27
goursome baby steps are there...11:37
exarkunhttps://code.launchpad.net/~divmod-dev/divmod.org/trunk has been "Updating branch ..." for like 16 hours14:13
maxbSounds like you need someone who can actually look at the branch scanner logs on the server. It's probably best to file a question14:15
exarkuna question on launchpad?14:15
exarkunthanks, asked (<https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/158547>).14:17
=== tubadaz_ is now known as tubadaz
=== tubadaz_ is now known as tubadaz
respondhttps://launchpad.net/viewmail-disabled used to be called https://launchpad.net/viewmail so how do I find out how it got renamed?17:54
nigelbrespond: you could ask on Monday when the launchpad staff are around17:59
respondnigelb: thank you. Actually, probably what happened is specific to the viewmail package so I'll post a question to the current owner.18:00
nigelbrespond: ah, I assumed you were the owner! Yes, that works too :)18:00
respondnigelb: I created a branch off of viewmail back in 2008. when I tried to view my branch, it showed up as viewmail-disabled instead of just viewmail. scouring the FAQ's on launchpad gave no indication of how that happened, so I'm stuck until the owner can get back to my inquiry I posted to him/her a few minutes ago.18:15
nigelbrespond: hrm, true. I don't find anything on quick googling18:16
respondnigelb: yup. tried that too. :)18:16
respondnigelb: thanks for your help though!18:16
nigelbrespond: :)18:16
maxbrespond: I'm not Launchpad staff, but I'd guess it was superseded by https://launchpad.net/vm18:32
maxbrespond: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/10460418:38
tgm4883How is the amount of space calculated on a PPA? Apparently the Mythbuntu team is currently at 3.3GB of 3.0 GB on one of our PPA's, despite only having a handful of pacackages up there and me deleting some old ones that should not be available anymore21:56
tgm4883Is the repository size per PPA or per Team/User?22:04
micahgtgm4883: per PPA, the actual deletion can take a little bit to happen22:16
tgm4883micahg, hmm ok. I've computed the size of each binary that the PPA says it has, which is about 1.5GB worth. Far less than the 3.3GB that it says it's at22:18
tgm4883I only deleted a few packages yesterday, no nearly 1.8GB worth22:18
micahgtgm4883: which PPA is it?22:18
tgm4883I'm checking our other PPA's now22:18
micahgtgm4883: it would be 1GB of binary packages from before...22:19
tgm4883from before?22:20
tgm4883also, https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/0.25/+packages seems to be on it's way to the same issue. 2.5GB right now22:21
micahgtgm4883: http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/0.24/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mythtv/, looks fine, just takes a bit to delete22:22
micahgyou have several old versions22:22
tgm4883micahg, ok, how often do the old builds get purged?22:23
tgm4883Because the ones I had deleted yesterday were REALLY old22:23
micahgtgm4883: I thought it was once a day, bit you'll have to wait for someone else for an official answer22:23
tgm4883micahg, that sounds about right. I'm looking though these packages and I think I may see why some of them were left over22:24
tgm4883not sure if it's a bug or not, but if the source package no longer builds a certain binary the binary seems to stay forever22:25
tgm4883which is why we have some builds from Nov apparently on this PPA that builds daily22:25
micahgtgm4883: no, you should be able to delete it in the delete-packages page22:26
micahgtgm4883: there is no NBS cleanup in PPAs22:26
tgm4883micahg, yea I did it manually yesterday. But it's apparently not automatic22:26
tgm4883well since the PPA has let us push and has built yesterdays changes, I'll just watch it and see if it returns to normal usage22:27
tgm4883thanks micahg22:27
micahgtgm4883: just because it's not being built, doesn't mean that it wasn't built against22:27
tgm4883is there something we can do in debian/control to signal the package no longer exists?22:28
tgm4883iirc we already have conflicts/replaces set up22:28
tgm4883or doe soyuz not care about that in regards to removing old packages?22:29
micahgtgm4883: there is no automatic package removal AFAIK22:30
micahgtgm4883: in the primary archive, the archive admin manually remove stuff w/a helper script22:31
tgm4883But there is some form of replacing old packages with the new ones right?22:31
tgm4883otherwise we would overshoot our allotted space in 2 days22:31
micahgtgm4883: you could use a transitional package22:32
tgm4883micahg, hmm, yea I think transitional packages make sense22:32
lifelesstgm4883: are you talking about ppa disk utilisation?22:32
* micahg lets lifeless take over :)22:33
tgm4883lifeless, yea22:33
lifelessso - stuff with the same source package name gets freed automatically22:33
tgm4883lifeless, I was just doing some PPA stuff and noticed we were at 98% yesterday22:33
lifelessits not synchronised with the upload that replaces it22:33
lifelessand its *per series* (so natty/karmic etc)22:33
tgm4883all of our stuff has the same source package name22:34
lifelessso if you do the following you need to manually cleanup:22:34
lifeless - switch from e.g. hardy to e.g. lucid you need to delete whats in hardy by hand22:34
lifeless - change source package name you need to delete the old source and binary packages22:34
tgm4883I don't think either of those would effect us22:35
lifelessok, let me have a peek then22:36
lifeless3 source packages (528.5 MiB)22:36
lifeless145 binary packages (2.0 GiB)22:37
tgm4883lifeless, what may cause an issue is we have a source package (mythtv) that builds multiple binary packages (main program plus plugin packages)22:37
lifelessYou also have dbg packages there22:37
lifelessthese tend to be quite big22:37
tgm4883if upstream removes one of the plugins, that obviously no longer gets built. But what does that mean for old source/binary packages?22:37
lifelessshould be automatic22:38
tgm4883lifeless, the 0.25 ppa is quite newish, take a look at https://launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/+archive/0.24/+packages22:38
lifelessyou can ask for more space too22:38
lifeless180MB per source package is quite large though !22:38
tgm4883lifeless, which we have :)22:39
tgm4883yea it's a large source22:39
tgm4883all of mythtv, mythplugins, myththemes22:39
lifelessmythtv-dbg_0.24.1+fixes.20110522.347cd24-0ubuntu0mythbuntu4_amd64.deb (53.6 MiB)22:40
tgm4883I think in the next 24 hours it should clean some of itself up and return to normal size (2 - 2.5GB)22:40
lifelessso 100MB per build (i386 + amd64) on debug packages22:40
tgm4883lifeless, right, I pulled all of the packages into a spreadsheet and it only computed to 1.4GB, add source packages and I'm still under 2GB22:41
tgm4883I think it might just be cleanup. I think we had to do an extra build yesterday to fix an issue22:41
lifelessthere is a separate pass that happens22:41
lifelessI forget the details22:41
lifelessso yeah, give it 2422:42
tgm4883lifeless, will do. I'll check back tomorrow if it doesn't change22:42
tgm4883I think it will though22:42
tgm4883thanks lifeless and micahg22:42
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
ScottKhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu.2012 seems like an unreasonably deceptive team name.23:08
ScottKIs there a policy about such things?23:08
ScottKhttps://launchpad.net/~india.launchpad.team too.23:11
persiaI don't believe there is such a policy.23:12
lifelessthere isn't a firm policy23:13
lifelesshowever we do sort this sort of thing out23:13
lifelessplease make a question on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad and the CHR can do it23:13
lifelesscommunity help rotation23:13
lifelessheh https://launchpad.net/~deadubuntuteam23:21
ajmitchubuntu for zombies?23:21
persiaIt's important to respect diversity.23:22
ajmitchsorry, ubuntu for the vitally-challenged23:22
lifelesspersia: hey, when is the next asiapac mb meeting?23:23
lifelessI am persistently confused23:23
persialifeless, Given that I failed to send an announcement last week, the 31st.23:23
cjohnstonlifeless: are you able to make a project a project group?23:53

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