[00:05] * Pendulum is feeling very weird due to her lack of action items at the moment [00:17] Pendulum can just relax :) [00:21] Cheri703: but I'm at a LoCo meetup I want to be doing something! [00:21] you can rule with an iron fist! [00:21] and delegate :) [00:22] Cheri703: really I'm trying to look through and figure out if there are any a11y bugs I might be able to break into something that I can try to work on since I have maco here to tell me everything I'm doing wrong on the coding side :P [00:22] hehe [00:23] the problem being I have no idea what to look for :P [02:32] UndiFineD: hey, are you awake? [02:32] yes [02:32] may I PM you? [02:32] sure [15:36] TheMuso: can we have a chat some point about the Ubuntu patches that set nodisplay=true in the .desktop file of orca and onboard [16:05] AlanBell: at some point I'd like to continue the conversation we were having the other night, about non-NECESSARY reasons for using accessibility features, and how to promote that [16:11] hi Cheri703 [16:41] hi [16:41] I have a bad habit of saying things on irc and then leaving the room to go do things :) === MichealH` is now known as Guest32105 === MichealH1 is now known as MichealH === Guest45300 is now known as MichealH [23:06] AlanBell: Sure, but with unity being used more so in the future, I wonder what use changing that will be.