
xnixanmorning bassem, Miriup07:39
bassemxnixan, morning07:40
xnixanbassem, how are you?07:41
bassemxnixan, sleepy :-)07:41
xnixansame here07:41
bassemxnixan, :-)07:42
xnixani will never learn, always returning back to watch Samurai X  :-/07:43
xnixanbassem, have you watched it?07:43
bassemxnixan, nope!07:44
xnixanbassem, good for you!07:44
bassemxnixan, is it a short serie ?07:44
xnixanbassem, it is the best anime ever07:49
xnixanbassem, but it is like amina rezk movies tooooooooooooooo much sad07:50
xnixanbtw, Samurai X is 4 episodes07:50
bassemxnixan, you mean 4 seasons?07:52
xnixanbassem, no, 4 episodes!08:06
xnixaneach around 40 minutes08:06
bassemxnixan, episode = حلقة  or جزء ?08:07
xnixanfirst time in a long time to type in Arabic on IRC :)08:07
bassemxnixan, I used to type arabic in IRC, in wikipedia channel08:13
* nlsthzn waves10:26

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