
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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guest345345Does anyone know if it's possible to use the indicator/notify-osd APIs with the seed JavaScript engine yet?02:49
guest345345Or can someone point me to the most relevant mailing list?02:50
=== guest345345 is now known as craigbarnes
ohsixdoes seed have ctypes? you could cheat ;]02:52
RAOFcraigbarnes: libindicate* has gobject-introspection data, doesn't it?  I'm pretty sure seed can load any introspectable library.03:33
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
* persia notes that one can also do amd64 builds on an i386 install using qemu, but that this is painfully slow, and ought be avoided unless one has a very good reason.09:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
bluefoxicywhat in the friggin hell14:56
* bluefoxicy burns launchpad down14:56
bluefoxicy?no-redirect okay.14:56
macobdrung_: sorry about that. i woke up this morning and realised i needed to double-check that branch16:26
shadeslayerdoko_: around?17:26
shadeslayerdoko_: just wanted to confirm if the toolkit is broken, someone told me you uploaded a gcc build, and i can't seem to build a package ( http://paste.ubuntu.com/611482/ << Build log (17:31
gesershadeslayer: is your used mirror uptodate? gcc-4.6 build on all architectures successfully18:51
highvoltagehi leex19:35
leexI am currently trying to install ubuntu 11.04 on my machine, but it fails with the rather generic error message: A step failed. Select and Install Software. What should I do? How can I see which package fails? Btw. I am using cryptsetup to decrypt my disks before entering the partitioner. this error happens with both the alternate amd64 daily and alternate amd64 "stable" iso. any hint on how to fix it would be welcome19:38
highvoltageperhaps that question is better suited for #ubuntu, you can also get help there on filing bugs, if required19:39
leexhighvoltage: hmm, I posted my question there like 4 times the last 2 days on got no (let me put it nicely: helping) reply19:41
holsteinleex: you can try #ubuntu-beginners if #ubuntu is too busy... this is just not that kind of support channel19:41
leexholstein: k19:42
leexI will, sorry for bothering u guys19:42
holsteinno worries19:42
highvoltageleex: I haven't used it myself, but I'm told that askubuntu.com is fast and very helpful19:43
slangasekbryce, tjaalton: any reason against merging libx11 and friends from unstable?  I think this should be orthogonal to the X server decision for oneiric, but X has surprised me before :)19:57
djusticequestion, a binutils change/update was just pushed, how can i see which repo it was changed in? and how can i see the reason/actual change? besides apt-get source binutils -> debian/changelog i mean..20:33
persiaHow do you mean "which repo"?20:33
djusticeno problems, just curious about the information's whereabouts.20:33
djusticeeg, was it pushed as a security change or a normal update?20:34
Ampelbeindjustice: do you mean something like 'aptitude changelog <packagename>'?20:34
persiaThere are more specific resources for more specific questions, but I'd suggest you look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/binutils20:35
persiaYou'll find there all recent uploads into Ubuntu, with details available including changelogs, diffs, etc.20:35
djusticeAmpelbein: close.. but not exactly what i want. i want to "kompare previous_binutils_debsrc new_bintutils_debsrc" basically..20:35
djusticepersia: ha! awesome. thanks!20:35
persiaOr rather, all uploads into Launchpad: seems that it shows unrecent ones, and untrusted ones.20:36
djusticehaha the 'which repo' was paradigm shift from pacman/cpkg :) the ordered/stacked repo style.20:40
tjaaltonslangasek: no, go ahead. and, tbh, you could drop the silly delta :)20:48
slangasektjaalton: hum, there are users of that "silly delta" who are likely to reintroduce it if it were dropped, anyway.  Have these changes been forwarded to Debian / upstream and rejected?22:33
tjaaltonslangasek: yep, rejected22:38
slangasekwell, feel free to drop that in the next upload, then; there's still a delta in any case right now due to multiarch22:39
tjaaltonbut we can deal with that later, keep it there for now22:39
=== GrueMaster_ is now known as GrueMaster

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