
UndiFineDLjL, I always forget these silly little things00:00
topyliwelcome to the funny farm00:00
LjLUndiFineD: now you'll be pointed and laughed at in most channels you join! \o/00:00
rwwand are able to kickban LjL from here00:00
rwwI mean... congratulations!00:01
UndiFineDI am not wearing steel pointed shoes00:03
UndiFineDhigh heels are for my GF00:03
topyliUndiFineD: your cloak has a typo, i requested a fix :)00:10
topyliyour own fault for having a creative nick!00:11
rwwthat is longer than 3 characters00:12
topyliyeah. doubles are allowded (6), but unconvenional spelling is just weird00:13
UndiFineDindeed it is intentional00:13
UndiFineDin the past I could simply find all pages with my nick, but typo's overruled that00:14
topylii'm sure. staff just read it wrong. worry not, they'll fix it once they get around to it00:14
UndiFineDnow if only they'd let me in on linkedin, for which I had requested access 5 times already00:15
topylihuh? can't everybody join?00:15
topylioh you mean the ubuntu members group there00:15
rwwisn't MTeck the one in charge of that?00:16
topylimaybe it's unmaintainded. who's supposed to.... oh00:16
rwwyes, he is00:16
topyliUndiFineD: so poke him00:16
UndiFineDno it is maintained, but they do not read messages well00:17
rwwhe isn't online. memoserv! (mtecknology)00:17
rwwalthough hrm, apparently he's online under a different nick somewhere00:17
rwwaha! EvilMTeck00:17
topylithat's staff tradition00:18
rwwUndiFineD: it's now fixed00:18
EvilMTeckEvilMTeck: hm?00:43
=== EvilMTeck is now known as MTecknology
MTecknologytopyli: I like it though00:44
rwwwannabee staffer ;P00:44
rwwanyways UndiFineD wanted to join your LinkedIn Ubuntu thingadoodle00:44
MTecknologyis he one of the people that never listened to the email I sent to them?00:45
* MTecknology looks00:45
UndiFineDI doubt that00:46
rwwMTecknology: I'm not planning on using LinkedIn ever, but I'm vaguely curious: what's in the email?00:46
MTecknologyrww: I actually don't remember... every time i click decline there's an auto message sent out - let me go grab it00:48
UndiFineDMTecknology, would you decline the same person 3 times on the same day ?00:49
UndiFineDwithout looking at the message they send00:49
MTecknologyrww: http://dpaste.com/545157/00:50
MTecknologythat message lies though... linkedin doesn't let me use email verification - which made things easy00:50
MTecknologyUndiFineD: name?00:51
UndiFineDKeimpe de Jong00:52
MTecknologyI don't see your request listed00:53
UndiFineDno it has been a while00:54
UndiFineDMTecknology, send my request just now00:54
MTecknologyapproved - next time read the message you're sent00:55
rwwironically, that silly LP search page doesn't find MTecknology either.00:56
UndiFineDwell, if I reply it is not read00:56
rwwoh, I lie, I can't spell00:56
MTecknology29 requests to join this week..00:57
UndiFineDwell people are at least interested :)00:59
rwwMTecknology: 90% of which aren't valid requests, I'd guess?01:01
MTecknologyrww: pretty much01:01
rwwyeah, concept of an "Ubuntu Member" isn't immediately obvious to a lot of people01:01
* Cheri703 might be trying to become an ubuntu member soon01:03
MTecknologyrww: well.... 4 potentially legit....01:07
MTecknologybetter than normal odds01:08
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MichealHIs the Lubuntu Channels Official?20:44
MichealHAs Lubuntu is now Official20:44
persiaMichealH: How do you mean "Official"?  Do you mean "have all the i's been dotted and t's crossed" or do you mean "These are considered important channels and part of the Ubuntu channel set"?20:46
MichealHI mean is the #lubuntu channel Core?20:47
MichealHSwitching PC's20:47
persiaI think "Core" and "Official" are very different, and should be kept that way.  There's lots of "Official" channels that aren't "Core".20:50
rwwMichealH: Unless something changed recently and I haven't heard about it and the documentation hasn't been updated, it's not managed by the IRC team, so it's not a core channel.20:50
rwwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/Scope lists the ones that are.20:50
rwwLubuntu's council and the IRC council would presumably have to discuss it if they wanted #lubuntu to be managed by the IRC team.20:51
persiaWell, no, as Lubuntu doesn't have a "council".20:53
rwwFun. Well whoever's responsible for important decisions there I guess ;P20:54
MichealHThe founder of #lubuntu? :P20:54
persiaAnyway, that's just details: for folk not part of Lubuntu and not on the IRCC, it's best to consider the Lubuntu channels the same as any other flavour at this point.20:54
persia(and I recommend not poking this too much if you don't fit into those categories unless there is some issue happening that needs it poked, which IRCC can probably help sort)20:55
rwwpersia: I was replying to MichealH asking whether the channels are core channels. The word "official" is thrown around enough that I don't bother trying to define it :P20:55
persiarww, "Core" has been messy and contentious in it's time as well :)20:56
rwwpersia: and now we have a nice shiny list and it hasn't been an issue in a while, afaik ;P20:56
rwwand from the IRC op perspective, it's an important distinction, as core channel implies the ops there have bantracker access for the whole namespace, idle in -ops, etc., etc.20:57
LjLi don't recommend recommending against the public not commenting over matters ;(20:57
persiarww, Yeah, we said that last time we had a list :)  Note that I'm happy the issue is quiet, and I hope it's a long while before we discuss it again: I just believe that any fixed lists are inherently unscalable, so therefore need continued discussion as the project changes.20:57
MichealHAs a op of #lubuntu, I may find the bantracker and all of ubottu's features to be useful to the channel20:58
persiaLjL, Comments are fine.  Given the scrambling to sort Lubuntu stuff lately, I suspect the folks that need to do things are busy enough that more folk asking them to do more things won't help much yet.20:58
rwwMichealH: considering that #lubuntu has 1 ban set, I doubt this.20:58
rwwbut anyway, it's not my decision, so *shrug*20:59
MichealHrww: But as it grows, we may need it20:59
MichealHpersia: I did not ask them to do it, I just asked if it was core or not21:00
persiaOh, I know :)21:01
MichealHAlthough I think it would benifit us later on :)21:01
rwwincidentally, the ban's set against a dynamic hostname that's no longer valid anyway, so is removable ;)21:02
LjLrww is annoying don't mind him21:05
LjLhe wants banlists to be clean because a clean banlist is a happier banlist or something21:06
MichealHReminds me of my school - "A tidy tie is a happy tie"21:06
rwwLjL: well, you know, it's one less banlist slot to hunt down when #lubuntu grows and the list gets full.21:07
LjL*censors himself*21:10
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MichealHrww: BTW, How did you know that was dynamic?21:18
rwwMichealH: because I recognize the user from #ubuntu, and they've switched hostnames since that one.21:18
clandestinociao a tutti, sono di nuovo qui....non è cambiato nulla22:01
clandestinomi è venuta però un'idea...tempo fa avevo provato ad installare kde come alternativa a gnome, quindi credo di avere un ibrido....22:02
LjLclandestino: mi sa che stai cercando #ubuntu-it, questo è #ubuntu-irc22:04

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