
TrickyJRonnie, Hi man08:15
TrickyJRonnie, wassp u there ?08:15
YoBoYgood morning08:27
Ronniehi TrickyJ, im great09:24
Ronniei have since friday a job. can start on monday09:24
TrickyJRonnie, sounds great Ronnie long time no see hu..09:26
TrickyJRonnie, u are holding new job ??09:26
Ronnieyes, for 4 days a week as a webdeveloper09:26
Ronniei didnt even finished my chemistry study yet, so next weeks will be busy09:27
TrickyJRonnie, Sounds great :) Congrats 09:29
YoBoY+1 :)09:29
Ronniethe disadvantage is that i have less time for loco directory :(09:30
YoBoYwork first, ld don't pay the food ;)09:40
TrickyJI can understand man..09:56
TrickyJRonnie, bye man10:22
nigelbRonnie: hey13:02
Ronniehey nigelb13:03
nigelbRonnie: need some help with the flickr-jquery plugin, you got a minute?13:03
Ronniei have 2 if you want :P13:03
nigelbI'm trying to get the title to say "image title by photographer"13:03
nigelbso, right now we just say the title for the loco directory flickr images13:03
nigelb"technically" we're supposed to attribute the pictures13:04
nigelbRonnie: I'm fairly sure this plugin was written by you ^-^ :)13:04
Ronnieim looking into the code now. and yes its written by me13:05
nigelbheh :)13:06
Ronnienigelb: have a look at line 40 and 43 of the flickr script13:06
RonnierPhoto is the json returned from flicker (which should contain the attribution)13:07
nigelbRonnie: Well, it does, but it has the idgettr.13:07
nigelbSo our option is to use that and query flickr again to get the real name for that id13:08
nigelb(that's where I'm stuck)13:08
nigelbThe calls are being made alright in my code, but it doesn't work because of when the calls are being made.13:08
Ronniehmm, can you already give a diff of what you made?13:08
nigelbDisclaimer: I write hacky JS :D13:08
nigelbRonnie: http://pastebin.ca/206679113:10
nigelboh, you have to get phototitle assigned.  I guess I deleted that line at some point in frustration :p13:11
nigelb"phototitle = rPhoto.title + ' by ' + realnameof;"13:12
Ronnienigelb: do you have firebug?13:16
nigelbRonnie: yes, I do. I would never write JS without firebug :)13:16
Ronnienigelb: i think you need to add a context to the request: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/#jQuery-ajax-settings13:23
* nigelb looks13:23
Ronniethe context should be the link DOM element13:23
Ronnieso you cant use the getJSON, but you have to write $.ajax()13:23
Ronniei see no other option at the moment13:26
nigelbugh, I hate JS :/13:30
Ronnienigelb: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQVTIJBZook13:31
RonnieJavaScript: The Good Parts   13:31
nigelbRonnie: I used to write JS until like 4 months ago.  Totally out of touch now :(13:31
Ronniethe movie (and other examples of douglas crockford) made me write better javascript, and learned to like it. before i hated js too13:33
nigelbokay, I'm about to destroy my keyboard in frustration.13:34
nigelbI'll just postpone this for later.13:34
Ronnienigelb: if you need any help, just ping me13:40
nigelbRonnie: I'm going through that video13:43
AlanBellczajkowski: some teams have CDs already??14:10
pleia2the california cds arrived while I was still at uds14:11
pleia2on the 12th14:11
AlanBellI heard nothing14:11
czajkowskiAlanBell: yeah a week after release is now standard 14:12
czajkowskiAlanBell: you did request them right?14:12
AlanBellI had no clue they had gone out14:12
AlanBelland yes, I did request them14:12
czajkowskias soon as it's released they go to print 14:13
czajkowskishiped out now in a week 14:13
czajkowskirare it's over 2 tbh 14:13
czajkowskiunless there are some issues with counteries which we do get from time to time 14:13
AlanBellyeah, well I don't think that applies14:13
AlanBellDaviey: you haven't got them have you?14:13
* AlanBell is mildly annoyed14:17
czajkowskipleia2: nice comment 14:17
czajkowskiAlanBell: wwhy14:17
AlanBellthat the way I found out the CDs had gone out was a post detailing what another team had already done with theirs14:18
AlanBelltghere was no email to loco contacts or something saying the CDs had been pressed and were being dispatched14:19
AlanBellwould have followed up weeks ago if I had any idea14:19
czajkowskiAlanBell: there never is14:20
czajkowskithere was the mail sent out before saying send in requests14:20
AlanBellyeah, I was waiting patiently14:20
AlanBelland I did get the request in14:21
czajkowskiyeah but there is never a mail saying they are p[rinted and going out14:22
czajkowskii dont want to make work for people behind shippit either 14:23
AlanBellI didn't even see anyone saying "yay our CDs have arrived"14:24
czajkowskisome people don't....14:24
AlanBellgah, so what is the procedure for ordering CDs?14:40
AlanBellin the /topic there is stuff about sending an email14:40
AlanBellI didn't do that14:40
AlanBellthat is what I did14:40
AlanBelldid anyone else here fill out the form and not send the email and get the CDs?14:41
czajkowskithe form was the new way to go as far as i know14:59
AlanBelljust sent a mail to info@shipit.ubuntu.com to find out what is up15:17
czajkowskiokie dokie 15:18
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds needs some love15:19
AlanBellmentions Maverick and doesn't link to the web form at all15:20
AlanBelland I have a sneaking suspicion that the teams that got CDs are the ones that failed to notice the updated procedure and web form15:20
czajkowskiAlanBell: the webform as far as I know is the new wya forward and which was why we mailed loco contacts15:25
czajkowskibut talking with canonical folks this week and will follow up on it 15:26
czajkowskithe web form was the way we communicated it via the ml and blog 15:26
czajkowskitwitter/identit.ca 15:26
AlanBelldid ie use the web form or send an email?15:30
czajkowskilet me go and see 15:31
czajkowskiI'm not the team contact 15:32
AlanBellhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds is linked in the /topic btw15:33
czajkowskiAlanBell: ok it was the old way and we did tell people the form was the way to go 15:33
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #ubuntu-locoteams to: Welcome to the Ubuntu LoCo project! Full team list: https://launchpad.net/~locoteams | Approved Teams: Get your CDs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingCds |Report hosting issues to rt@ubuntu.com |Need a forum? http://tinyurl.com/ReqLoCoForum
=== czajkowski changed the topic of #ubuntu-locoteams to: Welcome to the Ubuntu LoCo project! Full team list: https://launchpad.net/~locoteams | Approved Teams: Get your CDs https://forms.canonical.com/lococd/ |Report hosting issues to rt@ubuntu.com |Need a forum? http://tinyurl.com/ReqLoCoForum
czajkowskiAlanBell: we did it via the web 15:37
LinuxGNDUhi everyone15:37
czajkowskiLinuxGNDU: Aloha15:38
serfusi'm actually having problems with the CD's... they want me to pay about 85 $ to get them15:39
LinuxGNDUI am a student of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India. I have started a Linux Group in which my colleagues and myself are trying to spread awareness about LINUX among the students. We help them in all ways possible, from installation of the OS to normal day to day tasks to be performed using LINUX. We at The Linux Group would like you to hold a technical workshop/seminar about UBUNTU and the latest and upcoming te15:39
AlanBellczajkowski: ok, thanks15:39
czajkowskiserfus: yes this happens to some teams 15:39
czajkowskiserfus: are you israel ?15:39
serfusczajkowski, yup15:39
czajkowskiserfus: they have paid it in the past I thought the price was a lot lower 15:40
LinuxGNDUit would be great it anyone here could help regarding this15:40
AlanBell!in | LinuxGNDU 15:40
ubot4LinuxGNDU: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India15:40
czajkowskiserfus: you need to contact shippit and explain it to them and maybe make a note this has happened in the past 15:40
serfusczajkowski, yes, i remember it happen in the past15:40
LinuxGNDUthanks AlanBell15:40
czajkowskiserfus: mail and explain and I know they've done it in the past but the price keeps increasing..15:41
serfusi'll do that15:41
serfusczajkowski, so it's still shipit?15:42
czajkowskiyes shippit still deal with it 15:42
czajkowskithere is nothing the council can do 15:42
serfusya i know.. i'll try to handle it myself, if i can't i'll send shipit a mail15:43
czajkowskiserfus: tbh I'd mail shippit first 15:43
czajkowskithey deal with it there15:43
czajkowskiand sort it out 15:43
czajkowskipast experience 15:43
laoshi_hola! am I to understand that all of us who used the web-form are not getting any cd's?15:44
serfusczajkowski, okay, thanks15:44
czajkowskiserfus: no problem 15:45
czajkowskilaoshi_: no..........15:45
czajkowskilaoshi_: not sure how you came to that conclusion at all 15:45
AlanBelllaoshi_: that was just a theory I was testing, but the Irish loco used the form and got the CDs15:46
laoshi_by reading through the latest talk - we used the webform and have not got any cd's yet.15:46
czajkowskipleases be patient 15:46
AlanBelllaoshi_: what loco?15:46
laoshi_will be!15:46
serfuswe in Israel used the form and got the CD's15:47
laoshi_ok - I'll sit on my hands for a while15:47
czajkowskiI've just sent a mail to canonical and will have an update 15:49
czajkowskiand will post to list if there is any news15:49
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