
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, r u there?01:22
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/611260/01:22
godbykAndre_Gondim: Which edition are you trying to build?01:58
godbykThe credits3 environment is something I created just temporarily in the maverick edition (which won't generate translated editions yet).01:59
Captainkrtekgodbyk, you upload the new pdf to the site?03:05
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, I am working on maverick04:13
godbykAndre_Gondim: Okay, you can't compile the translations on maverick yet.04:24
godbykCaptainkrtek: Not yet. I'm waiting to hear back as to what should be done about the missing screenshots.04:25
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, Do you have any idea when it will be possible to do it?04:25
godbykAndre_Gondim: After I get the English version of the maverick manual released, I'll upload the .pot file for the maverick translations so you guys can start translating.04:26
Andre_Gondimwe finish him04:27
godbykAndre_Gondim: Not that maverick one. You've been working on the lucid-e2 translations.04:27
godbykAndre_Gondim: Actually, it looks like you've been translating lucid-e1. My mistake.04:33
godbyk(Too many translations and editions for me to track these days!)04:33
Andre_Gondimgodbyk,  at this moment I'm working on lucid-e204:35
Captainkrtekgodbyk, gotcha04:35
Captainkrtekgodbyk, need me to bootup a vm and get some screenshots for ya?04:36
godbykCaptainkrtek: If you know what screenshots the author was looking for, sure.  We also need to get the Quickshot config file for 10.10 set up to nab those screenshots, too.04:37
Captainkrtekgodbyk, not sure what screenshots we are missing :/04:38
godbykCheck the email I posted to the list a few hours ago.04:39
godbykOr just build the maverick PDF and look at the screenshots.log file for the list of missing screenshots.04:40
CaptainkrtekChapter 5, page 109: Menu hint section of an application page04:43
CaptainkrtekChapter 5, page 110: Screenshot of a history page.04:43
CaptainkrtekChapter 5, page 115: A .deb file in the Software Center04:43
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, http://pastebin.com/D3Zs7XkF04:46
godbykCaptainkrtek: Yep, those are the ones.04:46
Captainkrtekgodbyk, downloading the quickshot ido04:46
godbykAndre_Gondim: My copy of lucid-e1 built the pt_BR translation just fine.  Are you using a newer pt_BR.po file?04:48
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, yeah, I am at lucid-e204:49
godbykAndre_Gondim: Oh. Let me try that one.04:49
godbykAndre_Gondim: Lots of problems compiling that one.04:51
godbykThe first dozen or so errors are because the pt_BR screenshots don't exist in the lucid-e2 repository.04:52
godbykThen there are errors because the glossary entries haven't been translated yet.04:52
godbykAnd it goes on from there.04:52
godbykBasically, the vast majority of the lucid-e2 text hasn't been translated to pt_BR yet -- at least not in the .po file included in the repository.04:53
godbykAndre_Gondim: Let me download the latest lucid-e2 pt_BR.po file from Launchpad and see if it works any better.04:53
Captainkrtekgodbyk, anything the ubuntu-manual project could use a dedicated server for?04:56
godbykCaptainkrtek: Good question.  Define 'dedicated server'. :)04:57
godbykCaptainkrtek: At the moment, I'm hosting our website on my shared server.04:57
CaptainkrtekI can host it for free04:57
godbyk(It doesn't cost me anything extra and I have 'unlimited' bandwidth and disk space.)04:57
Captainkrteklet me give you the specs on my box04:57
godbykThe only thing I'm not hosting at the moment is the Quickshot backend server (where all the screenshots get uploaded to).04:57
CaptainkrtekAMD x2 4200+ (or faster, based upon availability)04:58
Captainkrtek4GB DDR2-66704:58
Captainkrtek2 x 250GB SATA-II04:58
Captainkrtek3TB on 100mbps port04:58
godbykCaptainkrtek: Do you have bandwidth or disk space limitations?04:58
Captainkrtekthat's the setup04:58
Captainkrtek3TB BW per month cap04:58
Captainkrtekon 100mbps04:58
Captainkrtek250GB in RAID104:58
CaptainkrtekThe thing handles extremely stable under high loads04:59
godbykCaptainkrtek: Cool. I don't think we have a pressing need at the moment, but I'll be sure to keep it in mind.05:02
Captainkrtekcurrently an unofficial Ubuntu mirror: http://mirror.slashdev.org/ubuntu/ if you wish to test DL speeds05:02
godbykI just checked the bandwidth numbers for the past 30 days.  Looks like we used 60 GB of bandwidth.  We use a lot more when we release new manuals. It'll be neat to see what it is for this next month.05:02
CaptainkrtekIn the past my box has used a gig in two minutes05:03
Captainkrtekfor about a few days straight05:03
Captainkrtekgodbyk, how many people buy the book?05:05
godbykCaptainkrtek: Let me look.05:06
godbykAndre_Gondim: I've asked one of the Quickshot guys to approve the pt_BR screenshots.  That'll solve some of the problems.  Then I can see what problems remain.05:07
godbykCaptainkrtek: Here are the number of printed copies sold for the various translations/editions we've published so far:05:08
godbyk8709550Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 -- Print13405:08
godbyk9121535Ξεκινώντας με το Ubuntu 10.04 -- Print305:08
godbyk9148542Erste Schritte mit Ubuntu 10.04 -- Print1905:08
godbyk9235313Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 - Second Edition -- Print7705:08
godbyk9925495Aan de slag met Ubuntu 10.04 -- Print1905:08
Captainkrtekvery cool05:09
godbyk(The first column of numbers is the product ID.  The final numbers are the copies sold.)05:10
Captainkrtekoh also godbyk05:10
Captainkrtekissue with the quickshot ppa05:11
godbykAh, they probably haven't pushed natty packages yet.05:11
godbykCaptainkrtek: You might email the Quickshot developers about it: quickshotdevs@lists.launchpad.net05:12
Captainkrtekgonna get those screenshots now :)05:14
godbyk'kay. Thanks!05:15
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, betweent this glsp, can translate it?05:21
godbykAndre_Gondim: The stuff inside \glspl{...} should *not* be translated.05:21
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, I've made some fix that I found it, I go to bed, see ya ;)05:42
godbykOkay. Good night, Andre_Gondim.05:43
issyl0Good afternoon.16:57
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