
=== EvilMTeck is now known as MTecknology
ScottKRAOF: I'd have said it's a really odd interface that's at fault (and yes, I did file a bug about this)02:27
RAOFScottK: I rather thought I *did* blame it on the odd interface, but perhaps I was too roundabout about it :)03:03
=== luciano_ is now known as virusuy
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
evaluateIs there a way I can get more permissions on launchpad for a specific package?09:31
evaluateI for example can't mark a bug as 'Won't fix'...09:31
evaluatealthough I guess this might belong on #launchpad09:32
tumbleweedevaluate: you need to join Ubuntu Bug Control. MOTUs are automatically members. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl09:34
evaluateI am not a MOTU, I'll go through that wiki and see what I need to do. Thanks!09:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
hakermaniaI need testers :P Does this outputs your wireless interface? : http://paste.ubuntu.com/611500/18:21
arandhannesw: my output is eth0, i.e: not18:46
arandhannesw: sorry meant for hakermania18:47
=== xdatap1 is now known as xdatap
=== xdatap is now known as xdatap1

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