
LLStarks5.0b2 i386 thinks it's windows01:59
LLStarksthis is with the new package01:59
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chrisccoulsonLLStarks, what language are you using (re, http://paste.ubuntu.com/611262/)?13:05
chrisccoulsonand are you using the add-on compatibility reporter?13:05
fta>>> cmp(u'foo', u'foo bar')13:34
fta>>> cmp(u'"foo"', u'"foo bar"')13:34
LLStarkschrisccoulson, i am using acr.20:26
LLStarksand this is no language that i am using20:26
LLStarksnothing of substance addon-wise should've changed between 4 and 520:26
LLStarksall addons work unless they explicitly don't work.20:27
micahgLLStarks: not entirely true20:30
micahgLLStarks: http://blog.mozilla.com/addons/2011/05/21/firefox-5-compatibility-bump/20:30
LLStarksi thought maxver would be ignored20:31
micahgLLStarks: nope, that would cause lots of problems20:31
LLStarksso, what's  the new criteria?20:31
micahgthere will bre breaks between versions, just less than there used to be for each version :)20:31
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, if you are using the addon compatibility reporter, then that's your fault20:59
chrisccoulsonthe issue is that the firefox 4 translation packs don't contain the new strings21:00
LLStarksis the reporter deprecated given the new compatibility model?21:00
chrisccoulsoni wish people would be more aware of the consequences of using acr, as this keeps happening21:00
chrisccoulsonno, it's not deprecated AFAIK21:01
LLStarksit's easier than adding the boolean to about:config21:01
LLStarkschrisccoulson: besides, the popup only occurs during Help>About21:02
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, you can install the new translations by installing firefox-locale-$LANG for your language21:02
chrisccoulsonthey will be installed by default once we have dropped the existing firefox 4 translations from the main language packs and fixed language-selector to pull them in21:03
LLStarksso, en-US will be used?21:04
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, no, we have translations for other languages: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/5.0~b2+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu221:04
LLStarksi just want my spellchecker to stop being so anal. is there anyway to force en-US?21:05
LLStarkswithout overriding compatibility21:06
chrisccoulsonthe spellchecking is entirely separate from translations. you can select whatever spellcheck language you like in the UI21:09
LLStarksen-US, en-SA, en-GB21:09
LLStarksonly SA and GB are compatible21:10
LLStarkswhat is firefox-locale-en installing?21:10
chrisccoulsoni didn't even realize there were compatibility checks on spellchecking21:11
chrisccoulsonit's installing en-GB and en-ZA translations21:11
chrisccoulsonnothing to do with spellchecking. they are provided by separate packages which don't need to change21:12
chrisccoulsonand you can select spellcheck language independent of the UI locale21:12
LLStarksi honestly just think my .mozilla is fubar21:22
LLStarksi only clear it completely once or twice a year21:22
chrisccoulsonwhat's the actual problem?21:27
LLStarksthe chrome is localized to en-Something21:30
LLStarksthe spellchecker is not en-US. my global locale is en-US.21:30
LLStarksi don't know what i need to change.21:31
LLStarksi still only have en-US langpack 4.021:35
chrisccoulsonLLStarks, well, that's because our main language packs ship a en-US.xpi for firefox 4 by mistake21:41
chrisccoulsonthe replacement language packs don't contain that21:41
chrisccoulsonhowever, firefox falls back to en-US anyway21:42
LLStarkswhat can/should i do on my end?21:42
chrisccoulsonthe spellcheck language is completely separate from the UI language, and you can change it just by right clicking on a word you want to check21:42
LLStarksthe spellchecker reacts to all differences between american english and non-american english21:42
LLStarksso every s and z can cause a flag21:43
LLStarksdefense/defencel, specialize/specialise21:43
LLStarksi switched to en-US21:44
LLStarksbut i have no guarantee that it will not be a problem for others21:44
LLStarksen-Australia was default for my spellchecker21:44
LLStarkswhenever this problem comes up, i keep forgetting that spellchecker language switcher is well-hidden21:50
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