
=== EvilMTeck is now known as MTecknology
pleia2g'day NRWlion11:38
NRWlionpleia2: hi. i got an advice from Jono Bacon to come here11:40
NRWlionhe introduced me to akgraner but as i had no response from her till now i did a little digging myself to find intel11:40
pleia2ok, interested in helping with news stuff or have some news to submit?11:41
pleia2she dislocated her knee on her way home from UDS, it's been a rough week for her11:41
NRWlionpleia2: i have worked as Real Life Journalist for 5 years11:41
NRWlionhaving experience in co-ordinating work in a newspaper, writing and lay-out11:41
pleia2great, we're currently working on relaunching the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter (shooting for first week in June)11:42
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter has details of the project, but we're in the middle of rewriting some of it so we can make it easier on volunteers11:44
NRWlioncoming from UBT after leaving from a very uncool event regarding my person (without my fault!) i asked Jono to advise me for other teams11:44
pleia2sorry to hear that, hopefully we can find a place for you here :)11:45
NRWlionwell i can be honest (no need to hide as i didnt do anything wrong)11:45
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/HowToEdit has the super detailed description of everything we do to release an issue11:46
NRWlionthere has been an accussation against me working for nokia spying on AI-Technology11:46
pleia2yikes, well you're welcome to start fresh here11:47
pleia2argh, a mosquito is trying to eat me for breakfast11:47
NRWlionpleia2: this was so nasty because the accusing individual straight went public instead of coming to me and give me a chance to defend myself11:50
pleia2NRWlion: sorry to hear that11:50
NRWlionpleia2: is akgraner still in charge here? because jono sent her a mail 40 hrs ago and got no response11:53
pleia2NRWlion: yes, but as I mentioned above she was injured on her way home from UDS so she's been unavailable a lot this week11:54
pleia2doctors visits, etc11:54
NRWlionoh ok, didnt get that11:54
pleia2I can help you with questions though, we're a whole team :)11:54
NRWlionis there any proceeding i need to step on?11:55
NRWlionor just hang around here?11:55
pleia2hang around here, subscribe to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-news-team11:55
pleia2we discuss all the planning here so as soon as we have a task we talk about it here11:56
NRWlionok, is there anything you might wanna know from me?11:57
NRWlioncause i have no questions atm11:57
pleia2not really, everyone just pitches in as they can :)11:57
pleia2we're usually quite busy here, but you're joining as we're rewriting our docs so we're sorta in a reorganizing place right now11:58
pleia2things will pick up as the weeks progress11:58
NRWlionok, subscription is pending11:59
NRWlionsubscription done12:00
NRWlionso i am ready, arent I?12:01
pleia2yep, just hang out here and you'll see how things work here12:01
NRWlionis there any specific team structure ?12:02
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Tasks is our work in progress "jobs" list, but as I said we're currently rewriting a lot so it's being changed as we speak12:03
NRWlionpleia2: whats your job if i may ask?12:06
pleia2we rotate all the tasks12:07
pleia2so all of the key members of the team have pitched in everywhere12:07
pleia2these "jobs" are a new thing, it used to be just one huge checklist that an editor would go through and manually do themselves or find volunteers for, we're trying to make it easier for volunteers to pick things they want to do themselves12:08
NRWlionok, how to become a "key" member?12:09
pleia2we don't really have a formal team structure, everyone just contributes, if you contribute a lot you get more responsibilities12:09
NRWlionok that was what i wanted to know :)12:10
NRWlionbut i will not be able to attend the meetings at 23.00 utc :D that i 1 am at my place ;) and i need to get up at 5 am again on friday12:10
pleia2we'll probably revisit meeting times, when we do we'll send a mail to the list asking people to tell us when is best for them12:11
pleia2can't always accomodate everyone though, we are all on different time zones (23:00 is 4PM my time, I'm at work during it)12:12
pleia2like most teams meeting items can always be discussed after meetings though, it's just an attempt to get a few of us together to discuss some things12:12
NRWlionwhen is main activity here?12:18
NRWlionmeans from wihich time zone are the most contributors here?12:19
pleia2europe and us12:19
NRWlion<< Europe too12:19
pleia2but as I mentioned, things are quiet now since we're rewriting a lot12:19
pleia2things will pick up again when we're back to publishing12:19
* pleia2 is usually not awake now :) but is currently traveling12:20
NRWlionyeah i calculated your time should be around 7 and 8 am now at your place, right?12:21
pleia2it's 4:20AM back home, 7:20 where I am now12:22
NRWlionmay i ask where you go now?12:22
pleia2I'm in florida visiting family12:22
pleia2usually am in california12:22
pleia2everyone is still sleeping :) I got up early to enjoy the sunrise and beach12:23
* NRWlion watches the old Baywatch Series from Malibu California :D12:23
pleia2hah, I live in northern california, too cold for beaches there12:23
pleia2(we have beaches in northern california, but people don't swim, too cold)12:23
* NRWlion lives in a city with no beaches12:26
NRWlionjust flat next to flat12:26
pleia2btw all, renamed /Tasks to /Jobs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Jobs12:29
NRWliong2g. lunch is waiting12:30
NRWlionhey there15:22
NRWliongood evening from Germany17:44
NRWlionhi nizarus19:18
nizarushi NRWlion19:26
NRWlionnizarus: how are things?19:40
nizarusNRWlion, fine thx, i think we are not in the right place to chat, join me in #ubuntu-tn19:42

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