
Azelphurpenguin42: {₵eะ}Project - 7</span>: Anyone want a DDoS? <-- spamming this was the most recent one :p00:01
Azelphurjust before the attack started, it's not exactly rocket science.00:01
JGJonesAh that's the problem00:01
JGJonesAzelphur, you're making the mistake of *assuming* that the "tech" people at comcast can understand the stuff you're sending them ;-)00:01
Azelphurindeed, you'd think the abuse@ people would be somewhat trained to deal with (D)DoS attacks00:02
JGJonesmaybe if you inserted some OMG PONIES, they might get it.00:02
Azelphurmaybe I should do what gamesurge do when ISP's refuse to respond to abuse@ emails00:02
Azelphurthey just kline the entire ISP with a message telling the users to call their ISP and complain to get the issue resolved00:03
Azelphuramazingly seems to work rather well00:03
Azelphurlike this http://www.irc-junkie.org/2005-05-26/troublemaker-forces-gamesurge-to-gline-isp/ \o/00:05
knightwisemorning everyone08:33
zproodHi anyone?09:18
popeyMorning all09:39
brobostigongood morning everyone.09:57
czajkowskibug #77500110:00
lubotu3Launchpad bug 775001 in mobile-broadband-provider-info (Ubuntu) "Settings incorrect for Vodafone 'Top up and go'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77500110:00
czajkowskipopey: you left surrey you're missed :(10:06
popeyso robert can moan at me about his bug10:07
czajkowskiI said I'd poke someone during the week10:07
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bigcalmEllo peeps10:15
brobostigonmorning bigcalm10:15
bigcalmHi brobostigon10:15
brobostigonmorning livingdaylight10:33
scoundrel50aHi, the past couple of weeks, I have had a few problems with my router and ISP, and have had to use the Starbucks not far away to use the net. I havent used Ubuntu, as I am not sure its safe enough. I had to use my windows instead. I found something about using OpenVPN, found here.....http://vpnblog.info/ubuntu1010-openvpn-strongvpn.html but I am having a problem. I followed the first step, no problems, then  it asks you to do the second s10:33
scoundrel50atep, but where are the configuration file, and for that matter, where is OpenVPN installed to in the first step?10:33
livingdaylightalmost everyone except for RSM and Maureen on this list use Apple macs - http://usesthis.com/archives/10:35
livingdaylightbrobostigon, morning10:35
livingdaylightscoundrel50a, safe or unsafe in what sense?10:35
* livingdaylight is watching debate on society with or without religion on bbc1 10:37
scoundrel50awell, I was warned using ubuntu without firewall, that it would be unsafe, hence to use the Openvpn10:46
_serial_the ports are shut by default with linux right?10:46
_serial_i use gufw for all my firewall needs, very useful :)10:47
scoundrel50ausing the Starbucks internet10:47
_serial_vpn or tor then :/10:47
scoundrel50athat is why I asked about installing the vpn, I'm having problems with it. The second part of the install instructions I just dont understand.10:48
scoundrel50aif you follow the url I gave10:48
danfishscoundrel50a: or an ssh tunnel - easier to setup IMO10:48
_serial_x forwarding with ssh?10:49
scoundrel50adanfish: oh ok, where is an easy set up instruction page for that?10:49
danfishno - using the -D option to set up a proxy10:49
danfishscoundrel50a: give me a moment, but the command is ssh -D 8000 remoteserverip, then set the proxy settings to use localhost and port 800010:50
scoundrel50adanfish: what would I need to put in for the username and ip address? How can I find that out?10:54
danfishscoundrel50a: it does assume that you have an account on a remote server with ssh access10:57
scoundrel50adanfish: ok, dont know what that is, so how do I get one.10:59
scoundrel50aI havw my own web server with ssh access is that what you talk about?10:59
danfishscoundrel50a: yup - that should do10:59
scoundrel50aoh, so I connect to my server, then how does it work, just open up a browser is it, or do you have to use the terminal?11:00
rindolfHi all.11:25
rindolfHow do I install the usleep (1) command on Ubuntu?11:26
dwatkinsrindolf: it's not a command, it's a function in C from what I can tell.12:08
rindolfdwatkins: it's also a command-line command.12:17
dutchierindolf: ^^12:19
rindolfdutchie: hmmm.... I want /bin/usleep12:20
AlanBellrindolf: what does it do?12:43
rindolfAlanBell: sleep for certain microseconds.12:43
AlanBellscoundrel50a: you can forward ports to your current location12:43
AlanBellscoundrel50a: or use it as a socks proxy on localhost12:44
AlanBellscoundrel50a: so with the command danfish gave set your firefox settings to use a socks proxy on localhost port 800012:45
AlanBellrindolf: the sleep command looks like it takes fractions of seconds12:45
rindolfAlanBell: micro-seconds.12:46
rindolfAlanBell: ah, you mean sleep(1)12:46
AlanBellso sleep 0.001 would sleep for a microsecond12:46
ali1234good luck with that12:47
scoundrel50aAlanBell: Sorry it took so long to get back to you, been a bit busy. Just found that in FF about the proxy, can the proxy settings be done in Google Chrome?12:47
ali1234process init takes well over microseconds12:47
AlanBellyeah, doubt it is accurate to that level12:47
AlanBellscoundrel50a: sure12:47
MoschopsHave you got a sleep that takes a floating point number? Mine only takes an int :(12:48
ali1234yes, sleep from gnu coreutils takes a float12:48
ali1234at least it does according to the manual page12:49
scoundrel50aAlanBell: ok, thank you, I'll take a look at that. Try it before I go out, see if I can get it to work.12:49
rindolfali1234: sleep 0.001 will sleep for a millisecond.12:49
ali1234time sleep 0.00000112:50
scoundrel50aIs there something like FoxyProxy for Google Chrome?12:50
dutchiemight as well just call /bin/true for that...12:50
MoschopsSo, end of the world was cancelled again.12:54
MartijnVdSgullible much? :)12:54
MoschopsI was hoping for a big dip in the market in the approach. :(12:55
* penguin42 is tempted to submit a bug 'System still works after the end of the world'13:02
MoschopsMaybe it did end, but rebooted. We'd never notice.13:06
gordif the world did end, all that would be left is millions of computers sitting there with the words "It is now safe to turn off your computer" on the monitor13:24
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ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] How Natty CDs are distributed in the Ubuntu-ie LoCo - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2011/05/22/how-natty-cds-are-distributed-in-the-ubuntu-ie-loco/14:25
AlanBellapparently our CDs should have arrived a couple of weeks ago, they didn't so I will find out what happened to them14:26
czajkowskiwell lets not jump to alarm bells14:27
czajkowskithey go out in bunches14:27
apacketofsweetsor do they...14:27
czajkowskiI'm sure they'll arrive soon14:27
Pendulumczajkowski: considering I've been hearing LoCo teams mention getting CDs for at least 2 weeks, I don't think an e-mail saying 'hey, it seems like a lot of other teams have gotten their CDs and I just wanted to make sure you'd received our order', is out of line14:29
czajkowskioh i know14:29
AlanBellPendulum: where did you hear that?14:29
PendulumAlanBell: I can't remember. Just saw people talking about it at various points. Maybe in #ubuntu-locoteams14:30
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apacketofsweetshas anybody managed to get a wireless modem working via USB? I seem to be having some trouble with my Three dongle. I've fiddled around with the network settings and even dnoe a little work in the terminal, but nothing. Anybody got an idea what could correct this issue?14:44
danfishapacketofsweets: what's the actual model of the modem?14:45
apacketofsweetsit's a Huawei E583014:45
danfishI *think* that mounts as an external disk first14:46
apacketofsweetsThanks, I'll go investigate!14:47
danfishand you need to run somethink like usbmodeswitcher14:47
apacketofsweetsgreat, thanks14:48
Azelphuranyone know how I'd go about debugging a hang on startup?14:57
Azelphurit was working, then I installed Ubuntu desktop :(14:57
MartijnVdSAzelphur: computer startup?15:01
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Try starting without the splash/quiet options15:01
Azelphurok :p15:01
MartijnVdSyou should get a load of messages across the screen that way :)15:01
AzelphurMartijnVdS: it hangs at Starting NSM status monitor [ OK ]15:10
MartijnVdSAzelphur: what's that?15:11
Azelphurno idea15:11
Azelphurif it's at all relevant, I'm netbooting :p15:11
MartijnVdSit's NFS-related15:11
MartijnVdSNo idea what is it though15:11
Azelphurmy netboot share is NFS15:11
MartijnVdSnever used that bit15:11
MartijnVdSAzelphur: probably a hostname lookup failure or something like that15:12
penguin42nfs root is a bit of a black art15:14
* penguin42 hasn't done it for a while15:14
MartijnVdSAzelphur: the pipefs bit might be related15:14
Azelphurpenguin42: maybe15:15
penguin42Azelphur: How are you doing the root nfs - by passing root=/dev/nfs or by using an nfs mount in the initrd?15:15
AzelphurDEFAULT vmlinuz-2.6.38-8-server root=/dev/nfs,rw initrd=initrd.img-2.6.38-8-server nfsroot= ip=dhcp rw15:16
Azelphurmaybe I should just try a fresh install of Ubuntu on the nfs drive15:20
penguin42Azelphur: given the mumbling about nfsv4 you could try forcing the server down to nfsv315:21
Azelphurjust got more messages, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/May%202011/2011-05-22-152031_720x446_scrot.png15:21
penguin42Azelphur: Also, there are alternatives - I did have iscsi root working on lucid; but it's broken on natty15:21
Azelphurtook way more than 120 seconds for that to appear15:21
Azelphurpenguin42: it did actually work, I installed ubuntu-desktop and it went up the wall15:21
penguin42hmm odd15:23
Azelphurgonna try with a fresh installation of ubuntu desktop on /nfsroot15:27
penguin42Azelphur: Looking at some notes, there is an option nfsrootdebug you can pass - not sure it will help15:29
penguin42Azelphur: The other thought if you've just put ubuntu-desktop in is whether it's picked up networkmanager and it's doing something evil to your networking15:30
Azelphurpenguin42: genius, your right.15:32
Azelphurgot it to boot now :D15:32
Azelphura quick tweak in /etc/network/interfaces, and we're off.15:32
* Azelphur hugs penguin4215:32
penguin42so how many of the machines have you got on so far?15:34
Azelphur1, now that I have netboot working we should bounce up to 4 pretty quickly :)15:34
Myrttihello dearies :-)16:00
Myrttiand greetings from downtown San Francisco16:00
Pendulumhiya Myrtti16:01
DJonesAfternoon/Morning Myrtti16:01
daftykinsooh i've always wanted to visit SF16:05
DJonesAs soon as SF was mentioned, it reminded me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P7_jSDF9yw16:19
daftykinsMichael Douglas was YOUNG!?16:23
AlanBello/ Myrtti16:24
Myrttidaftykins: my second time here, were here last year16:32
Myrttiwell, not here to be precise16:32
Myrttibut Bay area16:32
daftykinssteal a muscle car and bounce and jump up and down the crazy hill streets yet? :>16:33
Myrttiargh, need to stop munching candy popcorn16:37
AzelphurAnyone got any ideas on this ATI problem? http://pastebin.com/mLYxgVFd16:38
daftykinsyep you own ATI16:39
MartijnVdS[    18.649] (WW) fglrx(0): * kernel module (fglrx.ko) may be missing or incompatible *16:39
MartijnVdSdon't use fglrx16:39
AzelphurI need to use fglrx16:39
MartijnVdSNo, you don't.16:39
daftykinsthis may go on for a long time16:39
AzelphurMartijnVdS: open driver can do opencl?16:39
MartijnVdSAzelphur: does it need to?16:39
MartijnVdSAzelphur: in that case, install fglrx properly, and not half ;)16:40
AzelphurI used jockey to install it16:40
MartijnVdSdid you also reboot?16:40
MartijnVdS--> support@amd.com16:40
MartijnVdSAzelphur: try the Wiki :)16:41
daftykinsAzelphur: what changed between it working and not? or is it someones that hasn't yet worked?16:43
Azelphurit hasn't yet worked :p16:43
MartijnVdSwhat happens if you boot from disk instead of net?16:43
MartijnVdSLaney: ?16:44
AzelphurMartijnVdS: the disk one works, it's the netbooted boxes I'm having issues with \o/16:44
Laneydeleted a git clone before i'd pushed the patches16:44
MartijnVdSAzelphur: that should give you a clue where to search :)16:44
AzelphurI see a difference, the main node has /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/updates/dkms/fglrx.ko but the netboot ones don't16:45
Azelphurguess I want the generic kernel :)16:45
MartijnVdSwhy are you netbooting anyway?16:46
MartijnVdSnetboot = teh scarey16:46
Azelphurgot a few boxes16:46
Azelphuris there any way I can force a manual dkms run?16:47
MartijnVdSAzelphur: man dkms :)16:47
ali1234Azelphur: you may as well go gentoo, it's very netboot friendly and you might even save some power17:26
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* daubers puts star wars on the telle18:44
brobostigonwhich hnnel?18:44
MartijnVdSStar Trel18:45
MartijnVdSstar trek: voy on sky atlantic..18:45
brobostigondont have that channel.18:45
MartijnVdSneither do I18:47
MartijnVdSI think18:47
MartijnVdSI have syfy though18:47
brobostigoni dont, :(18:47
livingdaylightI heard one can opt for regular gnome desktop at login, but don't see the option, anyone?18:48
daubersMartijnVdS: On my current telly, it's actually AV1 :(18:48
MartijnVdSdaubers: Aww :(18:48
daubersMartijnVdS: New telle at the end of the month though \o/ Finally banishing the last CRT in the house18:49
MartijnVdShm, I need a new sports watch/heart-rate monitor/etc.18:50
MartijnVdSthis one's running out of battery18:50
daubersThought you where going to say it had a CRT in it then!18:51
daubersWould have been most impressed18:51
MartijnVdS(and the buttons don't like the 1.5 year worth of sweat/gunk-buildup :))18:51
livingdaylightnice to be in Ubuntu classic again18:57
shaunowas about to ask if you found it yet :)  tricky bugger doesn't appear until you've already entered your username18:57
livingdaylightshauno, yea, that's what threw me18:58
AzelphurMartijnVdS: grr, I just copied the (working) OS from the master node to the nfsroot19:09
Azelphurand I still have the same issue19:09
MartijnVdSAzelphur: maybe it isn't finding the .ko early enough during  boot?19:09
AzelphurMartijnVdS: fglrx is loaded though :p19:11
MartijnVdSAzelphur: is the Xorg driver the same version as the kernel driver?19:11
Azelphurhow do I tell?19:11
MartijnVdSdpkg -l?19:11
MartijnVdScheck Xorg.0.log for the version number?19:11
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AzelphurMartijnVdS: what package?19:12
MartijnVdSthe fglrx ones19:12
AzelphurMartijnVdS: http://pastebin.com/Siy1809x19:13
MartijnVdS[    20.835] (EE) fglrx(0): Not enough video memory to allocate primary surface (frame buffer).19:14
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Is that all of Xorg.0.log?19:14
Azelphurnope, lemme paste up the whole thing19:14
MartijnVdSAzelphur: also, dpkg -l \*fglrx\*19:14
AzelphurMartijnVdS: http://pastebin.com/81XHi8CG19:16
MartijnVdS[    20.824] (II) fglrx(0): Kernel Module version matches driver.19:17
MartijnVdSAzelphur: how much RAM do those cards ahve?19:17
AzelphurMartijnVdS: 1GB19:17
Azelphurthey arn't weak cards19:17
MartijnVdSNo, but maybe they're too good? :)19:18
MartijnVdSand this is after a clean install + jockey?19:18
AzelphurMartijnVdS: this is an install that works direct from hdd :p19:20
Azelphurand yea, this is with jockey, tempted to try a clean install though19:20
MartijnVdSI'd file a bug19:20
AzelphurI'll try completely fresh first :P19:26
penguin42Azelphur: got a dmesg off that box?19:47
Azelphurpenguin42: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611531/19:47
penguin42Azelphur: Was your local install with teh server kernel or generic?19:48
penguin42Azelphur: Is it a clash between the KMS stuff and commercial driver? the dmesg shows 1G video ram19:53
AzelphurI have no idea19:53
penguin42I've not tried the commercial drivers for a while, but you might try disabling kms19:54
AzelphurI'mma give it a quick run with stock Ubuntu desktop19:55
penguin42Azelphur: Ah there's an error in the dmesg19:55
Azelphurthen it has no excuse to not work :)19:55
AzelphuroO, an error :o19:55
penguin42Azelphur: Xorg:881 conflicting memory types c0000000-c1068000 uncached-minus<->write-combining       reserve_memtype failed 0xc0000000-0xc1068000, track write-combining, req write-combining        [fglrx:KCL_MEM_VM_MapRegion] *ERROR* remap_pfn_range failed19:56
Azelphurfun, that looks very relevant19:56
penguin42Azelphur: Check for a bios update on the motherboard19:57
Azelphurwill do if it persists with a stock install19:58
penguin42it's also possible that grub doing the video mode switching is somehow getting something initialised that the netboot process isn't19:59
Azelphurpenguin42: another fun idea :p20:00
Azelphurpenguin42: think I found out part of the problem, my nfs clients can't set permissions on the server.20:14
Azelphurthat's no doubt causing some breakage \o/20:15
penguin42Azelphur: Add no_root_squash to the export line on the server20:15
Azelphurpenguin42: I already have that \o/20:16
Azelphur /nfsroot        *(rw,no_root_squash,async,insecure,no_subtree_check)20:16
penguin42yeh that looks OK20:16
Azelphurbut when I use cp -ax to the nfs share it spams "cp: failed to preserve ownership for <file>: invalid argument20:17
Azelphurpenguin42: sounds like switching to nfsv3 like you said would be a good idea :D20:19
Azelphuralthough I'm not sure on how to switch to it20:19
gordawesome, my router password magically changed20:23
Azelphurgord: love it when that happens :D20:23
gordits like it asking me to replace it20:23
Azelphurpenguin42: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1598588 this looks like me :D20:24
* penguin42 goes20:24
penguin42Azelphur: It could be NFSv4 ID mapping, it got clever - v3 and easier are pretty dumb20:25
penguin42anyway, tv time20:26
Azelphurhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nfs-utils/+bug/662711 yay, this is exactly what I'm having \o/20:28
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 662711 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "NFS user/group mapping not working in 10.10" [Undecided,New]20:28
may88_nope! I'm a stupid IRC newbie!20:29
may88_Hello world, Just installed xchat client20:31
AlanBellhello may88_20:31
may88_how do I get firebox to associate with xchat when I click on a link20:31
may88_hello AlanBell20:31
AlanBellhope someone else bids on the monitor I am winning on ebay at the moment20:33
gordmay88_, what happens when you click a link now?20:33
gordAlanBell, stop going on ebay after you have had a few drinks ;)20:33
AlanBellI put £25 on three different monitors in the hope that I might win one20:34
AlanBellpicked up two this evening, and there are 30 minutes before I win another20:34
gordhaha, oh dear20:34
may88_gord: dialogue box saying firefox doesn't know what to run for IRC.20:35
nigelbAlanBell: what! isn't 25 GBP cheap?20:35
gordmay88_, is that what it actually says? can you screenshot it?20:35
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: Are they LCD? What size/res?20:35
AlanBellnigelb: yeah, got one for £15 with some scratches, one £20 pretty much mint and the other is £21 at the moment20:36
AlanBellLCD 17 inch 1280x102420:36
nigelbAlanBell: well, you can use it at events with an arm board connected :p20:36
AlanBellthe ones I got today have VGA and DVI20:36
nigelbjust to display schedule or tweets or something20:36
gordAlanBell, get another one, have them in a 2x2 config, create the super monitor.20:37
gordi mean, in for a penny in for a pound20:37
may88_Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (irc) isn't associated with any program.20:37
gordand evidence shows you'll have a hard time selling the spares...20:37
may88_Firefox doesn't seem to allow you to add an association and I can't find anything under the System menu (yet)20:38
gordahh so the problem is you are clicking irc:// links20:38
gordthey should open in firefox okay20:38
AlanBellmay88_: preferences, applications, find content type irc, use the action dropdown20:39
may88_but they don't20:39
may88_I don't have an IRC application listed  under Prefs->applications20:40
AlanBellI have, it is offering to open them in mibbit20:41
gordi would guess its something that gets installed with the application, maybe xchat doesn't install one?20:41
may88_maybe it's the way I installed it.20:41
may88_just selected the package from synaptic PM.20:42
may88_Seem to be no option in xchat to associate itself either.20:43
may88_Is Xchat the best option for Ubuntu in your opinions?20:43
may88_Bitchx seems to popular but I could not find that in the repo20:44
gordxchat isn't the default that we ship, i use it - but others prefer others, its down to taste really20:44
gordif its not in the repo's you shouldn't use it without a very good reason (tm)20:45
may88_I know no different atm.  Ignorance is bliss.20:46
AlanBellit is in .mozilla/firefox/<random string>/mimeTypes.rdf20:47
may88_just need to suss how to hack the file association list... off to try a file manager20:47
may88_^okay - I'll look there. Cheers20:48
AlanBellwho broke paste.ubuntu.com??20:50
AlanBell"PHP and other Web scripts are not allowed"20:50
AlanBellwell what is the *point* of it if you can't paste useful stuff!20:51
AlanBellmay88_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611553/20:51
AlanBellthat is it, but without <?xml version="1.0"?> at the top because paste.ubuntu.com is being silly20:52
AlanBellline 19 is the irc association20:52
may88_thanks as I don't speak XML fluently. :p20:54
AlanBellhttp://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320696483611 I am full of win21:05
popeyeww 1280x102421:07
AlanBellbetter than 1024x76821:08
popeydebateable ☺21:08
AlanBellwell I now have 4 17 inch monitors for my kids21:10
AlanBelland 3 kids21:10
Hornet-so 1.333333333 monitors each?21:10
AlanBelland one of them has a laptop anyhow that doesn't need a monitor21:11
AlanBellone can go to mum & dad, they have a 15 inch 1024x768 at the moment21:11
popeyhmm, I'll buy one off you21:12
popeysave you wasting21:12
popeyif you want21:12
* dutchie looks at 23" sat in corner waiting for a suitable computer21:13
AlanBellI might be able to rearrange things in a useful way21:13
popeyok, well if you have one spare, let me know21:13
AlanBellactually I like having a 4:3 monitor to use on the output of my projector21:13
AlanBellI will keep the £15 one with the bad scratches for that I think21:15
* popey notes 1280x1024 isnt 4:3 ☺21:16
popeyits 5:421:16
popeywhich is why it sucks21:16
MartijnVdSyou could leave black bars21:16
MartijnVdSlike TVs do21:16
AlanBellhmm, interesting21:21
AlanBellI will try one through the projector and see what happens21:21
popey(hence why I said eww 1280x1024 in the first place)21:25
AlanBellworks just fine21:29
AlanBell1024x768 fills the screen, guess the aspect ratio is slightly wrong when it does that21:29
popeyyeah, you get oblong pixels21:30
AlanBellgood enough for that purpose21:30
gordhrm, if you use apt-cache but upgrade a bunch of stuff at the same time, do they all pull the same cached content or does the cache only kick in once a file has been downloaded once21:36
DJonesThis bloke has had too much time on his hands http://www.peaceman.de/blog/index.php/lego-technic-super-8-movie-projector Now what did I do with my lego21:41
TheOpenSourcererDJones: That's great - I've just sent that link to my 10yr old Lego mad son. But I had to explain what a projector was too...21:46
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: Heh, I wondered what would prompt somebody to think of building anything like that21:47
* TheOpenSourcerer goes in search of some strong liquor to take to bed as he continues "The girl who kicked the Hornet's nest"21:47
may88_AlanBell: thanks for your help.  Not working but errors differently.  Giving up for now.22:20
* popey wonders what JamesTait is doing in Argentina23:24

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