
BugeyeDPaul Tagliamonte (paultag) has declined the invitation to make Approved21:21
BugeyeDLoCo Teams (locoteams-approved) a member of UBUNTU - BR - LINUX TRAIPU21:21
BugeyeDany idea why i would have received that via email?21:22
holsteinBugeyeD: yeah, whats that mean?21:26
holsteini saw that, and havnet had a chance to mention it to paultag21:27
NivexI dunno, but I got a copy too.21:56
BugeyeDperhaps we're all on a mailing list corresponding to 'locoteams-approved'21:58
_marx_might have been pushed to all loco team lists22:17
_marx_hum, 92 unread22:20

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