
Unit193sudo cat /dev/disk/by-label/COMPUTER > audio01:14
canthus13cat the entire filesystem.01:19
Unit193Too many active channels...01:20
canthus13nah.. just dd /dev/sda > /dev/audio01:21
canthus13Hmm... can't even do it with sudo.01:22
Unit193Active IRC channels...01:22
canthus13Doesn't work in ubuntu, though... wonder what the default audio device is.01:26
Unit193Works in lubuntu...01:32
canthus13hmm.. I try, I get nothing.01:34
Unit193Cheri703: Did you know TeamViewer is only a windows program?02:07
Cheri703no it isn't02:07
Unit193They just package it with wine02:07
Cheri703it is, but it works in ubuntu02:07
Cheri703works fine cross platform02:07
Cheri703so I'm fine with it02:07
Unit193And I would hope they test it...02:07
Cheri703it works great :)02:10
Unit193Volcano Erupts In Iceland <--- There ya go! End of the world! (As close as you will get today...) ;)02:43
=== dequire is now known as ronnoc
Cheri703\o/ another saturday night at home! spending it curled up on the floor with one of my freshly-bathed dogs :)03:50
* Unit193 read baked...03:52
canthus13Mmm... baked dog.03:53
* canthus13 drools.04:14
Cheri703my dog is making faces at me in an attempt to convince me she should be allowed to curl up on the couch next to me04:14
canthus13Cheri703: heh. mine is curled up next to me.04:15
Cheri703we are attempting (again) to break them of the expectation of furniture time...they're convinced it's a right....it's not04:15
canthus13We had a no furniture rule for years... but since she turned up with cancer, we've been pretty lenient.04:16
Cheri703I am missing my boy tonight04:18
Cheri703(the one who died from cancer in february)04:19
Cheri703*sigh* it makes me sad04:22
Cheri703aaaaaany way04:22
Cheri703do you know anyone who lives near here and wants to pay me to do anything? :)04:23
canthus13...that's a rather open-ended question. :)04:24
canthus13I know nobody near you besides Unit...04:24
Cheri703*legal and CLOTHED04:25
Cheri703because some things are legal, but I still wouldn't do them04:26
canthus13I'd never ask you to break the law.. :)04:30
Cheri703just posted to a forum asking if anyone has a bike/trike that they want to get rid of...am doubtful, but who knows04:42
canthus13freecycle FTW!04:42
Cheri703well, recumbent bike/trike04:43
Cheri703I can't ride upright bikes04:43
Unit193canthus13: Was just about to post....04:43
Cheri703medical thing...I get SUPER dizzy and/or start to black out after 10 minutes or less...not so great04:44
Cheri703it's SUPER fun04:44
canthus13Unit193: ...?04:45
canthus13Oh. Freecycle.04:46
Unit193I need to get the blasted bell working in xfce-terminal (I currently connect kinda funny...)04:46
Unit193sudo updatedb && locate mp3 player04:58
Cheri703someone type something, I'm checking out a feature in quassel05:04
Cheri703this is kinda cool05:05
Cheri703also: dog just farted a NAAAAAAAASTY fart...it's horrible05:05
jgouldI don't know why I can't resume from a suspend....  System locks and doesn't do anything05:05
jgouldThis is a new 'feature' on this install...05:06
jgouldHmm... After a reboot to fix it, I lose two finger scrolling05:07
Unit193Cheri703: What feature?05:08
Cheri703"chat monitor"05:08
Cheri703it basically gives a running list of posts in whichever rooms you choose to aggregate05:08
Cheri703so no matter which room I'm in, I can see posts from relevant channels05:08
Cheri703still can't get notifications on channel message, but this is a good step :)05:08
jgouldSuch as #ubuntu-us-oh :D05:09
jgouldI'm gonna brb05:09
Unit19322 open channels...05:09
Cheri703but Unit193, I can choose which channels to include, so right now, I have this one, u-w, and accessibility05:10
Cheri703oo, it also puts up PMs05:11
Unit193You just got a PM! What did you do wrong?05:12
Cheri703I get pm's from people all the time05:12
Unit193Was a joke... I like the colors when people hilight me...05:14
Cheri703ah, ok05:14
jgouldMy dog just came up to me and curled up right next to me.05:15
Cheri703mine is on the floor and farting -_-05:15
jgouldMine can let some pretty nasty ones...05:16
Unit193I've seen a cat do tthat...05:16
jgouldI wonder why I can't resume from a suspend?  there is nothing of intrest in the logs... (that I can see anyway)05:16
Cheri703hola skrappjaw05:18
* skrappjaw is tired.05:19
* Cheri703 is bored05:19
skrappjawhows your day?05:19
Cheri703ok overall, enjoying the amazing weather :)05:19
skrappjawsame here05:20
skrappjawI have my car now.05:20
jgouldIt's nice weather... Better than what we've been having05:20
skrappjawSubaru Impreza Wagon05:20
Cheri703congrats :)05:20
skrappjawi had the windows down all day.05:20
jgouldNice car, skrappjaw05:21
skrappjawif you wanna car-pool Cheri, I'm good for it now.05:23
Cheri703ok, awesome! I appreciate that05:23
jgouldThis mean anything to anyone: Samantha gdm-simple-slave[1001]: WARNING: Unable to load file '/etc/gdm/custom.conf': No such file or directory05:23
Cheri703did you google?05:23
skrappjawthanks jgould. Its really roomy for a small car05:24
jgouldI found a bug on Launchpad, but not much else...  I think that this is where the computer is failing to go back into X after a resume...05:28
Cheri703could be jgould05:28
Cheri703skrappjaw: I'm going to bug you too: if you know anyone who might want to pay me to do anything legal, let me know ;) /me is BROKE :)05:28
Cheri703i.e. no drug muling, etc :)05:31
Cheri703dog is getting settled in on some pillows that fell on the floor05:31
skrappjawcould fill out apps and the like.05:32
jgouldBRB, testing...05:32
Cheri703yeah, there's mitigating factors on getting a "normal" job05:32
skrappjawI have to do that this week.05:32
jgouldHopefully I'll be back a in a few...05:32
skrappjawgotta finish my resume05:33
Cheri703(some health things) better to be self employed for several months vs hired/fired multiple times due to health issues (have had it happen in the past even though it's not supposed to happen)05:33
Cheri703yeah skrappjaw, I need to update my resume and my wiki, and fill out my linked in page, AND work on what I might want on my website05:33
Cheri703lots of "this is me and what I can do and have done" and I'm not good at that :/05:33
skrappjawhow does one PM in IRC?05:34
skrappjawsorry. o-t05:34
Unit193 /q Cheri703 or /msg Cheri703 {msg}05:34
skrappjawword. thanks unit19305:34
Cheri703or whoever you might want to pm05:34
Cheri703OR if you use a graphical client: right click and "start dialog" or "start query" depending on program :)05:35
jgouldCool... It's fixed05:35
Cheri703skrappjaw: did you ever check out quassel?05:35
Cheri703woo jgould!05:35
Unit193I was guessing he could figure it out...05:35
jgouldwhat's a graphical client?  XD05:35
Cheri703Unit193: I'm sure he can05:35
Cheri703xchat, quassel, etc05:35
skrappjawCheri703: No. i will.05:35
Cheri703NOT irssi05:35
Unit193jgould: +105:35
skrappjawIm happy with xchat on my desk right now. Im kinda focusing on more school oriented stuff.05:36
Cheri703understandable :)05:36
jgouldI'm using weechat from the server, so it's console based05:36
jgouldaparently, GRUB is now GNUB :)05:38
skrappjawi dont require knowing what happened the whole day while i was gone.05:38
skrappjawdid the amputate something?05:38
Cheri703skrappjaw: now that I'm working with a few different teams, it's helpful to be able to scroll back :)05:38
jgouldI still need to figure out how to do that in weechat... Heh05:39
skrappjawCheri703: Its all about necessity. :)05:39
Cheri703yep :)05:39
Unit193jgould: Not pageup?05:40
jgouldNow that I have a working system, do I try to migrate this to xubuntu-desktop and remove all of the gnome stuff, or do I just leave the gnome stuff.....05:41
jgouldUnit, if it is, That is one of about 6 keys that would make my life easier that I am missing...05:41
Cheri703jgould: if you're willing to use quassel, you can have the core running on a server and the client on your laptop (it uses kde libraries though)05:43
jgouldI still haven't figured out which package is responsible for keyboard backlighting, and I dont' think that it was removed the backlighting issue05:43
jgouldCheri703: the server doesn't have enough ram to run any WM, and using a console based client lets me get in usign my BlackBerry if I want. XD05:44
Cheri703any wm?05:45
Cheri703window manager?05:45
Cheri703jgould: then you could use irssi and screen05:45
jgouldWindow Manager.  I use weechat and screen05:45
jgouldThe server has 24 MB of ram free05:47
jgouldand I can't add any more too it05:47
canthus13jgould: how much ram does it have?05:48
canthus13...wrong window.05:49
* canthus13 watchin' a movie in another channel.05:49
Cheri703my dog took my pillows05:49
jgouldIt has 1GB of ram05:50
canthus13jgould: ...Wow. what all are you running?05:50
jgouldUmm... Nothing (except weechat) The server runs SMB, NFS, and that's pretty much it05:52
* canthus13 is running lighttpd, mail, and his screen session with irssi and several open ssh sessions... and that only uses 1 gig.05:52
canthus13err.. 100MB.05:52
canthus13of 1 GB.05:52
canthus13jgould: how many channels do you have open?05:52
Unit193I don't remember where we picked up jgould...05:53
canthus13that's a MASSIVE amount of ram to be using.05:53
jgouldit's a stock install of 10.04 LTS Server05:54
canthus13jgould: Wow. Oh... my webserver is running wordpress, so includes a mysql install.05:54
jgouldI just stumbled in one day, Unit19305:55
canthus13jgould: Try debian netinst and just install what you need.05:55
Unit193htop and see what's eating it all up?05:55
jgouldI could do that, but I'm tired of reinstalling...05:57
jgouldwhich number should I be lookign at, Unit19305:57
canthus13bah. wrong window again. :/05:57
canthus13Umm... paste the contents of free -m05:58
Unit193jgould: You can sort by ram usage05:58
canthus13I'm thinking you might be reading the wrong number in htop.05:58
canthus13jgould: you're actually only using 76MB.  buffers don't count..06:03
jgouldwhat about the cache06:04
canthus13Linux uses whatever is free to speed stuff up.06:04
jgouldThen why did xfce run so crappily on the server when I installed it?06:10
Unit193Define crap? Video works better if I X -configure06:11
Unit193Cheri703: Did you use --no-install-recommends ? (with quassel)06:12
canthus13jgould: If linux needs more memory, it tosses out some of the cache that it's not using.06:13
jgouldHmm... Maybe I should try LXDE on the server06:13
jgouldor a straight XFCE06:20
jgouldAlthough for what I do on the server, I don't really need X-windows06:39
jgouldstupid router08:31
Cheri703dog slept inside with me (on the floor), and woke me up at 5am to go potty...I will admit, waking up to a small lick on the elbow is more pleasant than waking up to the horrible sound/realization of "DANG IT! I'm going to have to clean the floor!"...but still would have been ok with sleeping more10:31
jgouldOur dog sleeps in the bed with us, and he rarely has accidents...10:34
Cheri703luckily I did fall asleep really early (for me), so that helps....but....not especially pleased.10:34
jgouldtry to go back to sleep?10:34
Cheri703well, husband took the others out at some point, and didn't take her! left her to stay curled up near me...makes no sense10:35
jgouldMaybe she didn't have to go out then10:35
Cheri703she would have10:35
Cheri703at least for me she would have10:36
Cheri703dunno about for him10:36
jgouldTrue,  I've never seen a dog that doesn't go out when the door is  opened of rhtem10:36
jgouldMan, I can't type right now... Good thing I'm just reading instead of writing...10:36
jgouldMaybe you should try to go back to bed10:38
Cheri703I may10:39
jgouldI just try to just go to bed10:40
Cheri703I tend to have trouble going back to sleep after being woken up10:41
jgouldI don't.  Most of the time if I close my eyes, I'm out10:41
Cheri703you are lucky10:42
Cheri703I have had trouble falling asleep my whole life10:43
jgouldI've always been a night owl.  This is when I'd natrually be awake.  My boss thinks I'm nuts...10:44
Cheri703yeah, my natural sleep cycle is shifted several hours from "normal" people10:48
Cheri703alright, going to at least attempt to go back to sleep10:52
jgouldstupid router11:24
ronnocgood morning Ohio people14:29
* Cheri703 is awake again16:05
* canthus13 is at work again. :/16:06
canthus13jgould: what brand/model is your router?16:07
Cheri703canthus13: you are ALWAYS at work16:09
canthus13Cheri703: Tons of overtime lately... I've been pulling 6 days a week for the last 3 or 4 months.  I'm getting 2 days off this week finally. :)16:10
Cheri703money money though16:11
canthus13We hired 10 new people... I figure at least 6 won't last 6 months.16:11
canthus13I can't believe the idiots we hired.. out of thousands that showed up for the job fair, these were the best?16:12
canthus13And speaking of nerdiness... Why are we conversing here *AND* on facebook at the same time?16:17
ronnocwhere do you work, canthus13?16:21
canthus13ronnoc: A local ISP.16:22
ronnocahh ok. out of suriosity, were you guys summoned to provide IP addresses for those who downloaded The Expendables movie via torrent?16:23
canthus13Probably. I don't know, though... That would be IP engineering.. I do tech support.  I didn't find any of our IPs in the list, though.16:23
ronnocahh ok. I think that whole thing is rediculous - was just wondering16:24
canthus13They'll win because most people won't answer the suits, which were filed in DC.  most of the people they sue won't be able to answer the suits or even realize that they have to.16:25
canthus13It should be illegal to file against people in another state like that. :?16:26
ronnocyes. and they only went after those downloaders because the movie sucked, and bombed, and they want some money to cover the loss. ah well.16:27
ronnocat best, if found guilty, they should just be required to buy the DVD16:28
* canthus13 rather liked the movie.16:28
canthus13I got it for free the legal way... I work for a cable company, and we get free VOD. :)16:28
ronnocheh. nice.16:29
ronnocand a nice perk, too16:29
Cheri703canthus13: as far as here and fb, that's all on you16:41
ronnochmm almost got Samba working17:11
Cheri703I'll be honest, I've never understood why people have trouble with samba17:17
Cheri703I just install system-config-samba17:19
Cheri703it's a gui for changing the settings17:19
Cheri703makes it MUCH easier17:19
ronnocif I run that, here's what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611478/17:23
Cheri703did you install it? or just try to run it?17:26
Cheri703ronnoc: ^17:27
ronnocit's already installed. apparently, Glade isn't. So I'm thinking if I want to install all of the require GTK dependencies, when I think it's a router setting issue17:27
ronnocbecause I can browse the shared directories just fine through the file-browser using Samba to browse the network17:28
ronnocfrom the local PC that hosts Samba server17:28
Cheri703so what is the issue you're having?17:29
ronnocbrowsing the network from a client PC can see the "Workgroup" in Samba, but times out accessing any of the actual shared folders17:30
ronnoci know >.<17:30
ronnocI suppose I'll have a look through some config files17:31
canthus13ronnoc: That's probably not a router issue... it's probably a permissions issue.17:33
canthus13You'd have to work hard to make your router screw up something like that.17:33
ronnocwell...I set the folder permissions and as far as I can tell the folder(s)  are fully granted open access for RW17:35
ronnocbut that sounds like a logical explanation17:35
ronnocgoing to reboot - brb17:38
Cheri703canthus13: I can give you the recipe...SUPER SUPER EASY18:42
Cheri703make with cocoa krispies instead of normal and they're awesome: http://www.honeyneverspoils.com/2010/05/peanut-butter-squares.html18:43
canthus13Cheri703: I can make 'em... I'm jsut lazy. :)19:04
* canthus13 would rather have someone else make 'em.19:04
* Cheri703 is familiar with that feeling19:05
Cheri703from my fortune cookie: "Behind an able man, there are always."19:10
canthus13Nice engrish. :)20:12
canthus13bah.  I hate it when my wife hogs bandwidth. :/20:29
* canthus13 still hasn't figured out the QoS settings on his router well enough to reserve some bandwidth for his connection.20:29
* jgould steals the bandwidth21:09
jgouldMy cisco router has QoS settings on it, but it's in a box waiting to go back to Cisco21:20
canthus13Heh. My linksys has DD-WRT firmware with QoS, but I haven't worked out how to get it running properly yet.21:21
Unit193canthus13: Mine have Tomato :D21:21
jgouldI've never bothered, becasue I have never needed (or wanted) to implemnet it.  Now that I'm usign SSH, I'm gonna be implementing it so that my SSH Sessions take over my network! *Insert Evil Laughter*21:22
canthus13jgould: I only started using it because my old WRT54G crashed all the time. switching to DD-WRT fixed that.21:23
canthus13my e2000 had issues with talking to one of my laptops, even after a firmware upgrade... switching to DD-WRT fixed that one, too.21:24
* Unit193 doesn't like DD-WRT as much as Tomato21:24
canthus13DD-WRT supports a lot more routers than Tomato...21:25
Unit193If tomato doesn't support it, I'll put DD-WRT on it...21:26
Unit193They need a micro version21:26
* canthus13 avoids routers that have less than 16MB ram.21:27
Unit193Got one for free :D (And the main one too... WRT54GS v3)21:28
canthus13that's 16/4, isn't it?21:29
Unit193If I remember correctly21:30
jgouldhmm...  Looks like we might be getting a driver for the wireless nic in this laptop Woot!21:35
canthus13Nice... :)21:36
canthus134331, right?21:36
* canthus13 doesn't see 4331 on the list...21:45
canthus13Oh. I see it. :)21:46
jgouldIt's under the todo section21:46
jgouldI wonder how long until wee see a driver for it22:28
jgouldWhy is the version of Eclipse that Ubuntu supplies an old version?22:36
canthus13dunno. ask the devs.23:07
jgouldHmm... Calibre acts funny with this trackpad23:21
jgouldit scrolls every which way except the way I want it to...23:31
* jgould would like to point out that he is not getting frustrated any more..23:36

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