
KilosMaaz, coffee on08:47
* Maaz flips the salt-timer08:47
Kilosmorning superfly inetpro nuvolari  and all ya others08:48
superflymorning oom Kilos08:49
Kiloshey superfly i have kubuntu on a 6g drive. looks very interesting but lotsa learning to setup and find everything08:50
superflyKilos: yeah, it's fairly different to Ubuntu, especially after the switch to Unity08:50
Kilosmaybe if i can get hold of inetpro i can get his /var/cache/apt/archives08:50
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!08:51
Kilosthat should save me the large updates and downloads hey?08:51
KilosMaaz, rusks please08:52
MaazSorry Kilos I only have Romany Creams today08:52
KilosMaaz, romany creams please08:52
MaazOnly 2 Kilos Otherwise no one else gets any08:52
Kiloswell i will see if i get him here today and try arrange something with him08:53
Kiloshow are you and the family superfly 08:53
Kilosits cold here in ptown08:54
Kilosoh and ians modem works with natty08:56
superflyja, it's cold here too08:56
superflyja, I figured it would08:56
Kilosthe new kubuntu nm works great09:00
Morganvdmorning all10:09
n8wulfgood morning ppl10:15
Kiloshi n8wulf 10:16
n8wulfI'm trying the 'can't beat them join them' thing with Unity10:16
Morganvdunity is not that bad if you use it for a while10:17
Morganvdand use the api for some things10:17
nuvolarimorning oom Kilos 10:17
Morganvdi got my ssh menu back with unity10:17
Kiloshi nuvolari 10:17
Morganvdjust in a diffrent place10:17
Kilosjust heard boet was attacked at home last night. in hospital in critical state10:18
Kiloshi Morganvd 10:18
n8wulfI've had an interesting journey with Ubuntu thus far... Started with Mint,went Ultimate edition for about a year, then tried ZorinOS, then PinguyOS...10:18
nuvolarimy condolences oom 10:18
Morganvdsorry to hear that Kilos 10:19
nuvolarihey n8wulf 10:19
Morganvdhope he gets well soon10:19
Kilosthanks guys10:20
nuvolarin8wulf: what do you mean you can't beat them?10:20
n8wulfand now I got tired with the Background little Wallpaper changers and stuff hogging resources, so now I'm gonna try Virgin Install plus my own Custom Installs.10:20
n8wulfAll the serious Nix users end up going Virgin Install and doing the Mods themselves10:20
n8wulfso seeing as I've been using Ubuntu Flavs for close to 3 years, it's time to try flying on my own10:21
Morganvdyou mean linux from scratch?10:22
Morganvdor just ubuntu cli with your own mods10:22
n8wulfO no!!!... No I'm too lazy10:22
n8wulfso if I say Virgin I mean an original 11.04 install10:22
n8wulfthen installing and theme-ing as I see fit10:23
Morganvdlol k 10:23
n8wulfI've done the Conky and AWN and Modding thing enough to start from scratch (not Linux from Scratch )10:24
n8wulfbut I do have a side project with Linux from Scratch we are busy with10:24
n8wulfppl, how do I add a 'auto join a channel' in Empathy?10:25
Morganvdi use weechat so cant tell you how again with the irc plugin10:25
n8wulfI come from Pidgin10:26
* nlsthzn waves10:26
n8wulfthanx for the 'Favs' hint10:27
n8wulfanyone here ever seen www.live-office.net ?10:31
n8wulfguess not10:35
Morganvdnope soz10:37
nuvolariMorganvd: ^5 @ weechat10:38
nuvolarilo nlsthzn 10:38
nuvolariwho needs a live-office when you have vi?10:39
Morganvdnuvolari: i love weechat ever since i tried it10:41
Morganvdit never fails i never lag and its made me more effective10:41
Morganvdim still learning vi10:41
nuvolariMorganvd: some people prefer irssi or bitchx, but I don't fancy either10:42
nlsthznnuvolari: hi... I use nano (when and if needed :p)10:42
nuvolariI might try irssi again one day for it's proxy features10:42
nuvolarinlsthzn: so you're afraid of the cli? :P10:43
Morganvdi still want to do a gentoo system i hear it very fast10:43
Morganvdor linux from scratch10:43
nlsthznnuvolari: not afraid, but careful :p10:43
nuvolariMorganvd: well, it depends on what needs to be fast :P10:44
nuvolariUbuntu came a long way and it's doing pretty well10:44
superflyMorganvd: these days a custom Gentoo build is no faster than a normal Ubuntu install10:44
nuvolariI had gentoo on my netbook for about a month, but had no advantages over ubuntu (from my experience)10:45
nuvolariye, what superfly said ;P10:45
Morganvdwell i can say im using crunchbang on my netbook and its 1000% faster than 11.04 on my netbook10:48
n8wulfon the crucnhbang topic10:49
n8wulftypo... lol10:49
n8wulfanyway, I'm trying to find a distro to use on old P2 pc's with 32mb ram maximum... any ideas? Crunchbang, CruncEEE or Puppie?10:50
nuvolariI think the only distro that I would think of trying out now (make it 2) will be ArchLinux and Fedora10:50
n8wulfI cant find old Ubuntu's like 6.04 anywhere10:50
Morganvdwell eather puppy or crunchbang10:50
nuvolarin8wulf: DSL?10:51
n8wulfheard alot of Anti DSL comments10:51
Morganvdi tried dsl a few weeks ago10:52
nuvolarinot up to date10:52
Morganvdpreffer puppy to it10:52
n8wulfbut i suppose the proof is in the Pudding10:52
n8wulfMorganvd: Puppy vs Crunchbang experiences?10:52
Morganvdi have 2 p3 laptops here at home not doing much so i downloaded a children version of puppy10:53
Morganvdon my netbook crunchbang runs like a dream10:53
n8wulfthats the Big one with all the games, right?10:53
Morganvdon my little laptops puppy is better for my eed10:53
Morganvdno its hansam something10:53
n8wulfk, so the kiddies one, usual puppy + games?10:54
n8wulfhdd size needed? any idea/10:54
n8wulfcause I've got 2Gb hdd's here10:54
n8wulfdid you try the Hansamben flavour?10:55
Morganvdthats the one i have for them 10:56
Morganvdmy twins are 210:56
n8wulfcool, looking at a review now10:57
Morganvdthe others have big machines all use ubuntu10:57
n8wulfmy eldest is 3 now... but the PCs are for Primary School use10:57
n8wulfso if it works, I'll rig Amore as well10:57
Morganvd11 year old has a quad core with ubuntu natty10:58
n8wulfHmm... Lucky No 1110:58
Morganvd9 year old has a duel core with natty made it pink as she is my only little girl10:58
n8wulfsure she's luvin it10:58
Morganvd3 year old has a duel core running qumo10:58
Morganvdand the twins have the lappies p3's with han sam be10:59
Morganvdqumo is a ubuntu kids distro10:59
Morganvdsoz its qimo11:00
n8wulfthank you, will check that one quick too11:00
n8wulfdual core for the Qimo because it needs it, or because you have a lot of "PassMeDowns"?11:02
n8wulf'cause just tell me where the queue ends, I'll join in at the back11:02
nuvolarin8wulf: where are you from?11:07
Kilosboet ok. just cracked ribs and traumatised but at least he home11:13
n8wulfgood to hear... so don't make any jokes in front of him, will leave him with Side Splitting Laughter, literally 11:15
Kilosface bashed up from being pistol whipped as well and lotsa lumps on head11:17
n8wulfMorganvd , you still there?11:17
n8wulfthats really not nice11:18
n8wulfI got Hijacked a cpl yrs ago, luckily got out without a scratch11:18
Kilosno but at least he is alive11:18
Kilostough in africa hey11:19
n8wulfjip... so now he's a member of the Seriously Racist Group?11:19
n8wulfsay no more11:20
Kilosthanks for letting me share guys11:20
n8wulfdid they rob you of anything?11:20
Kiloshis top of the range hp laptop and blackberry and cash11:21
n8wulfas you said, I've seen ppl get shot for less, so he's fortunate11:21
Kilosso all his cvs and contacts gone11:21
n8wulfdoes he use Ubuntu?11:22
Kiloshe been looking for work for last 3 months11:22
Kilosbut most are for overseas places like china11:22
Kilosno he stuck with win 711:22
n8wulfget him Dropbox for Win$ next time around11:22
Kiloshe says too much to learn something new11:22
n8wulfwhat ever11:23
n8wulfWin7 has higher learning curve than Ubuntu at this point of the race11:23
n8wulfhe had a Blackberry... well, Unity is taking Ubuntu to the Smartphone level in interfaces11:24
n8wulfso if he can use his BB, he can Unity11:24
Kilosi will try to get him on it. but he is not one that can use cli and stuff like here11:27
Kiloshe stuck on put in cd and install11:27
n8wulfwell, 99% of all installs can happen in Synaptic, Software Centre and via .deb so ppl can really stop worrying about cli11:34
Morganvdn8wulf: sorry had to put the kids down to sleep11:34
n8wulfthat time already?11:35
n8wulfmine only does the nap thing at 2pm11:35
Morganvdmid afternoon nap11:35
n8wulfcool, take a deep breath11:35
n8wulfit's Sunday afternoon11:35
Morganvdwe find 12 works better then they dont stay awake till 22h0011:35
n8wulfOh is that why?!!11:36
Morganvdyip all my kids pass out at 8h0011:36
n8wulfyeah, but my wife is pregs already, so what will we do after that at the moment?11:36
Morganvdwell those that did not know what i was talking about11:37
Morganvdmost parnets dont realize that they need some time11:37
Morganvdafter 8 its time for me and mommy to chat and things11:37
n8wulfdo you perhaps pls have a direct download link to the HanSamBen you are using, I don't see myself working through 19 pgs of Forums, pls?11:38
Morganvdthere was someone who updated it to a newer version of puppy11:39
Morganvdwill get you the link now11:39
n8wulfthank you11:39
n8wulfmeantime, anybody know if there's a way to set the sidebar in Unity to not disappear, i.e. autohide?11:40
Morganvdyeah compize11:43
Morganvdinstall the compiz-manager11:44
n8wulfoh, that was on my ToDo list11:44
n8wulffound it, thanx11:50
n8wulfand then I saw I can just press the 'Super' key when I need it to show11:50
n8wulfwhich is better11:50
Morganvdyeah i have a nice todo list after a natty install will get it for you now11:57
n8wulfoh my goodness11:58
n8wulfthanx for sharing11:58
n8wulfwill delicious it11:58
n8wulfMorganvd, any news on the HanSamBen link pls?12:08
Morganvdi used the retro one12:15
n8wulfty, I was on this one: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=41454&start=25512:15
n8wulfway too much reading12:16
n8wulfwill use retro as well due to HW specs12:16
n8wulfhere's another nice ToDo for Unity:12:33
Morganvdi was gonna telling you about it 12:33
Morganvdi use the ssh menu one and the libre office one12:33
n8wulfwill use them as well, I do a lot of remote Gui support, VNC (remmina) so will add that as well if possible12:34
n8wulfNaas... i like the Custom cmds for Terminal as well12:35
n8wulfI've got a bunch of scripts I run a lot, will Point&Click them12:35
n8wulfdo you know of a Quick way to restart Unity? I kinda made it need Pampers12:38
n8wulfand I don't want to logout/in at the mo12:38
Morganvdunity --restart12:39
n8wulfnope   ... no such thing. but just 'unity' does the trick though12:43
Kerberoor --reset12:43
n8wulfwill throw it back to defaults yes, thanx12:43
Kerberojust running unity on its own will spawn another session on top of the old one12:44
n8wulfok, so I will do the Log Out thing quick12:44
Kerberojust unity --reset12:45
Kerberoit fixes everything12:45
n8wulfeven the 2nd instance I opened?12:45
n8wulfstarted I mean12:45
Kerberoit should12:45
Kerberoand i guess you know you should run these commands from the run dialog12:46
n8wulfneat trick I learned yesterday I gotta share with you12:46
* Kerbero listens12:47
Morganvdsoz i meant reset12:47
n8wulfif u got a Granadella that went all dry and looks like a Rosyntjie, just put it in a Glass of water for an hour or so12:47
n8wulfvoila! nice and juicy again12:48
n8wulfso guess what's for lunch...12:48
n8wulfany of you know what a Diesel (the drink) is?12:53
n8wulfbeer shandy but with Coke instead of sprite... dis lekker12:56
n8wulfand if you let the glass stand for a while it starts looking like Diesel, for real12:56
n8wulfthat is Soooooo sweet12:59
Morganvdi really hate overlaying scroll bars14:05
n8wulfme thinks I'm gonna hate the stupid sidebar in Unity14:24
n8wulfif I set it on AutoHide, it just never Unhides14:24
Morganvdside bar i can handle14:24
Morganvdits dam overlaying scrollbars breaking some of the other apps14:25
n8wulfif I set it to the default, I can't convince it to show unless I press the 'Super' key14:25
n8wulfI saw u mentioned earlier. and the scrollbar is not really Laptop Touchpad friendly either14:25
n8wulfand Empathy is also reaaally quirky14:26
n8wulfI had to reboot after my Unity completely crashed, no default Sign in again to my IRC accounts... and still no Favourite Channels14:27
n8wulfif i click on Conversation at the top, Fav Chat Room for this channel is selected14:28
Morganvdyeah 14:28
Morganvdand our local isp have found out caching 14:28
n8wulfbut still not showing in the Empathy IM clients list. Why? what's the caching doing?14:29
Morganvdnow they caching repos with broken packages14:30
Morganvdi know its the isp 14:30
Morganvdbecuase when i log inwith my 3G the same repo works14:30
n8wulfsuppose they've got caching on, but it's only caching parts of the files14:31
n8wulfso the cahce size is set too small14:31
n8wulfand set to cache ALL traffic I suppose14:31
n8wulfany idea how to get Maximised windows to not overlap the Unity sidebar?14:32
n8wulfif I set the sidebar to permanent on?14:33
Morganvdi have it on perma on but it goes behind the window in max window mode14:33
n8wulfsee, there in lies the problem14:34
Morganvdbut i cannot get my head around gnome 3 either14:37
n8wulfI officially just sat and Hyper Ventilated out of frustration. the freakin sidebar F*&^%$#$%^&14:38
n8wulfand now I resorted to giggles14:38
n8wulfjip, also frustration14:41
n8wulfok, so I figured if I set the sidebar to Dodge Active windows only, then it's currently more accessible 14:41
n8wulfMorganvd: do u currently have Unity running?15:07
n8wulfmy sidebar does not behave like this: http://images.sageek.co.za/rvw/unity8.png15:08
n8wulfI don't have any available MouseOver events (subMenus) that pop up15:09
n8wulfso, it turns out in order to have this: http://i.imgur.com/4eB1O.png when my Windows are maximized, I need a Bug as mentioned here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/31152/maximized-windows-on-unity-start-without-covering-the-sidebar-how-can-i-do-that15:13
n8wulfsleeping or watching series?15:28
nuvolarin8wulf: sleeping16:49
nuvolariwas sleeping :P16:49
Wolfeyeshey everyone18:21
WolfeyesTo upgrade from cd (from Maverick to Natty) must I boot from cd?18:22
Kerberoi don't think so18:23
Kerberowhat happens if you just insert the cd while you are in ubuntu18:24
WolfeyesYou here or busy superfly ? 18:24
superflyhi Wolfeyes18:24
WolfeyesNothing. It mounts Kerbero .18:24
WolfeyesHey superfly 18:24
superflyWolfeyes: you must *not* boot into the CD18:25
superflymount the CD18:25
superflythen run the the cdromupgrade script in the root of the CD18:25
superflyyou need to run it as root, and using the full path of the script18:26
superflyso if your CD is mounted at /media/cdrom you need to run "sudo /media/cdrom/cdromupgrade"18:26
WolfeyesOk so when you insert it, and it shows on your desktop, it mounts? You mean like that?18:26
superflyWolfeyes: Ubuntu or Kubuntu?18:27
superflywhen the device manager pops up, click on the CD and then click on "open with Dolphin"18:27
WolfeyesNo device manager opened!18:28
Wolfeyesit is the Kubuntu alternate, is this correct?18:29
superflyWolfeyes: the little thing that slides up on the bottom right hand side of your screen?18:29
WolfeyesOk hold on, I do not have that, I am in Maverick ubuntu right now, superfly 18:30
superflyWolfeyes: I asked youi f you were in Ubuntu or Kubuntu, and you said Kubuntu!18:31
Wolfeyesoh sorry, misread, i thought you meant upgrading too.18:31
superflyWolfeyes: using the alternate CD you pretty much have to upgrade Ubuntu to Ubuntu18:32
WolfeyesI am using UBuntu Maverick and want to upgrade to Kubuntu Natty superfly 18:32
superflyyou can upgrade Ubuntu to Kubuntu, but the majority of the applications on each of the CDs are different18:32
superflyI'm not 100% sure if you can do that with the alternate CD via the upgrade script18:33
WolfeyesAnother one then?18:33
superflythe best would be upgrading from Ubuntu to Ubuntu18:33
superflywhat you *could* possibly do is mount the CD18:33
superflythen add it to your sources.list file using the "apt-cdrom" command18:34
superflythen "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop", followed by "sudo apt-get update"18:35
WolfeyesWhen you say mount, you mean see it mounted it on the desktop or mount it in another place?18:35
superflyand then "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"18:35
superflywhen I say mount, I mean you most likely need to have opened it in nautilus first18:35
WolfeyesOk so when you double click on it, it opens, is this what you call Nautilus superfly ? Sorry I haven't had the computer for ages. Forgotten a  lot.18:39
superflynautilus is the file manager in Ubuntu, dolphin is the file manager in Kubuntu18:41
WolfeyesThen I have Nautilus open, and can see all the folders in the cd superfly . Which cd should be in? Kubuntu normal or Kubuntu Alternate? superfly . Ok Kilos suggested somethign now, would it not be better to make an install next to it to see if it works?  I am having lots of problems with this Gigabyte mb.18:46
superflythe alternate18:47
superflyif you have the space, sure go ahead18:47
Wolfeyesok thank you, let me try that first.18:47
Wolfeyesbe back in a bit18:47
Wolfeyesthank you superfly 18:47
WolfeyesI chat to you from Kilo's pc.18:48
* Symmetria spies problems on mirror.ac.za18:55
nuvolaritoo much smoking Symmetria ?18:55
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 18:55
Kiloslo nuvolari 18:56
Kiloshi guys18:56
Symmetrianuvolari GAH, musta been a faulty batch of disks in one of the sans 18:56
Symmetriawe just blew 3 x 2TB disks in the same san within 40 minutes of each other18:57
Kilosgot ians modem here so he can get help with kubuntu alongside installation18:57
Symmetriathank god I have a copy of almost everything on that san, so now its just a matter of synching the backup and then bringing it back up 18:57
Symmetriaheh, dunno how outta sync the backup is though, its a 22 TB backup copy 18:57
* nuvolari wipes away a tear18:59
Kiloshehe his pc rattles on an off like an old skedonk18:59
nuvolarithat amount of disk space sounds beautiful18:59
nuvolarilol Kilos 19:00
nuvolariKilos: but it's still working eh oom?19:00
Kilosso weird and its a sata drive as well19:00
Kilosyeah it works 19:00
Kilosis there a difference in install speeds with kubuntu and ubuntu19:02
Kiloskubuntu seems kinda slow with the install or am i imagining it19:02
Kilosstill havent even got to where we wanna install it to19:04
Kilosim sure this gigabyte thing runs in reverse gear all the time19:06
superflyKilos: i doubt there's much of a diference19:13
superflyKilos: did you try using the alternate cd, it's got an old-style installer, but it works in more cases than the fancy GUI one19:14
Kilosusing kubuntu but slow as mollasses and seems to not see 100g of partition somewhere19:23
Kiloscan one actually install to /dev/sda519:24
Kiloswill it just at a link to the bootloader19:24
Kilosif only there wasnt xp and mavericki already here things would be simpler19:26
Kiloswe trying to use sda5 with /root//boot /home partitions in in but i dunno whats gonna happen. we will see19:45
Kilossaid the blind man19:45
Symmetriamirror.ac.za should be stable again in a coupla hours 19:53
SymmetriaI'm just bringing certain things back into sync on diskspace5 and then will deactivate diskspace4 and swing everything onto there 19:53
Symmetriaand then figure out what the hell is wrong with diskspace4 19:54
Symmetriaprobably only have 100gig or so that I need to sync 19:54
superflyKilos: are you in the live CD?20:06
Kilosyip. we started again with my cd rom20:07
Kilosthink his dvdrom faulty as well20:07
superflyOK, like I said earlier, the Alternate CD's installer is not pretty, but usually works better than the Live CD's installer20:08
Kiloswill try that if we dont win now ty. cdrom faster than his dvdrom20:09
superflyok, cool20:09
Symmetriaheh, thank god for bandwidth20:10
SymmetriaI am using 1.2gigabit/second fixing mirror.ac.za LOL20:10
Kiloseish Symmetria 20:11
MorganvdSymmetria: your not with IS are you20:12
SymmetriaMorganvd no, IS doesnt have that kinda spare bandwidth :) we do 20:12
Morganvdno im asking as it seems all the uncapped accoutns they ttrying to cache the repos20:12
Morganvdand they breakin git20:12
Symmetria*HRM* they are caching the ubuntu repos?20:12
Symmetriathats kinda... messed up since its all local20:13
SymmetriaI can speak to someone in the morning about that if you want20:13
Morganvdi keep getting stupid file hash missmatch20:13
Symmetriaemail me a reminder please, aa@tenet.ac.za20:13
Morganvdbut if i plug in my 3g same repo no problme20:13
Symmetriawhich repo are you using btw? 20:13
Symmetriathey will automatically cache almost anything international, za.archive though should not be cached 20:14
Morganvdbut once its broken package20:14
Morganvdit does not matter where i try download it from DSL20:14
Symmetriaemail me a reminder and I'll take it up with them20:14
Morganvddont have your mail addy20:14
Symmetriaits senseless them caching mirror.ac.za since mirror.ac.za = via peering with them and there is more capacity than god there20:14
Symmetriaaa@tenet.ac.za :)20:14
superflyMorganvd, Symmetria: yeah, I had the same a few weeks ago20:15
Morganvdi tried talking to lantic about it 20:15
Morganvdbut they useless20:15
superflyone of their transparent proxies are caching things20:15
Morganvdim thining of switching to gamco20:15
Symmetriaheh, I will take it up with IS tomorrow 20:15
Symmetriashouldnt be a huge issue to get resolved 20:15
Morganvdmine was stand IDE20:15
superflymine was perl-modules20:16
Symmetriaright now my major concern is getting mirror.ac.za back stable again, and this stupid sync is taking forever20:16
Morganvdone package prev to that was perl-module20:16
Symmetriabut heh, not really suprised its taking a while, 11 terabytes, 10+ million files to check 20:16
superflyI asked in #ubuntu-devel and they gave me another link to try... cause even if I went to de.archive or us.archive, I'd get the same corrupted file20:16
Morganvdi even get it off siax20:17
Morganvdit seems the package gets cached20:17
Morganvdso it keeps pulling of the prixy no matter where you pull it from20:18
SymmetriaMorganvd you might wanna try ftp'ing the file down and seeing what comes down20:18
Symmetriaor if you can, set apt-get to use ftp rather than http20:18
Symmetriathey wont trans-proxy ftp 20:18
Morganvdthanks will try that20:20
Morganvdi just plugged in my 3G and it pulled down no problem 20:20
Symmetriawow, chelsea fired their manager LOL20:20
Morganvdfreaking stupid though20:20
Kilossuperfly, kubuntu in. I go off now so we can put modem in on his pc and get updates20:54
Kilosnight all sleep tight20:55
superflyKilos: cool20:55
Kilosand warm20:55
superflynight night20:55
Kilosthanks for the help superfly \20:55
Kilossuperfly, where do we find the terminal please21:28
superflyKilos: it's called Konsole21:28
superflywhne you open the menu, just type in "Konsole" and it'll find it21:29
* superfly heads off to bed21:29
Kilosum what and where is the menu superfly 21:29
superflythe blue K on the bottom left21:30
Kilosty . have a good sleep21:32
Symmetriaok mirror.ac.za all back online23:25
Kerberowell done23:45

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