
CaptainkrtekJasmin, well this is an Ubuntu issue00:00
pmo5commoncents, ifconfig wlan000:00
d484aaron_c, you can send files to and from Dropbox however it all depends on if you can view the files on your iPhone.  I think it will all depend on what the iPhone allows00:00
pmo5commoncents, does it say it is up and running.. it has an IP or something ?00:00
d484aaron_c, You can send files from iPhone to the cloud, or pull files from the cloud into your iPhone.  from what I read on the site, you should be good.00:00
Felnotzjoakimk: Well this might be an Ubuntu issue, if you can give me your computer model again, I can submit a bug report, unless anyone else knows what's up here?00:00
Jasmin<Captainkrtek> the issue is tht i was using ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop00:00
reggiewhich port uses program mail?00:01
commoncentsit doesnt have an ip just show hwaddr00:01
joakimkFelnotz: The computer is: HP nc6400, with VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M52 [Mobility Radeon X1300]00:01
Jasmin<Captainkrtek> and when i installed ubuntu 10.04 i couldn't detect the nework ,while i can see my work station from the windwos server00:01
Felnotzjoakimk: Thank you! I'm sorry I couldn't solve your problem...00:02
pmo5commoncents, word UP matters morethen others00:02
joakimkFelnotz: I had this problem after installing 10.04: http://superuser.com/questions/168740/ubuntu-10-04-ati-mobility-radeon-x1300-screen-flickering-in-dark-areas00:02
Jasmin<Captainkrtek> still there???00:02
mayo1Hi. Why can I install xbmc ? I'm on ubuntu 11.04 and I tried to install it from http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/linux-distributions/linux-distributions4-ubuntu/1540-top-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1104-natty-narwhal, with repository.00:03
commoncentssaid broadcast multicast00:03
joakimkFelnotz: which I "solved" (apparently) by creating the file /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf, containing the line "options radeon modeset=0"00:03
Felnotzjoakimk: Did you try the solution on the site?00:03
commoncentssaid broadcast running multicast00:03
codeshahhey guys, I am sending emails from my server to my mailing list but some servers are saying there is no reverse dns00:03
codeshahhow do I setup reverse dns?00:03
joakimkFelnotz: That file is still here, now. Do you think maybe I should remove it?00:03
Felnotzjoakimk: You could definitely try that00:04
joakimkFelnotz: could be a conflict... perhaps :)00:04
Felnotzjoakimk: I gotta run, so ask around for answers if that doesn't work00:04
commoncentssorry it said broadcast multicast00:04
joakimkFelnotz: right! Thanks a lot!00:04
pmo5commoncents, do you know what sort of adress class youuse or similar things ?00:04
Felnotzjoakimk: No problem!00:04
pmo5commoncents, well first try to do .. ifconfig wlan0 up..00:05
commoncentsi did eth0 and it said broadcast running multicast00:05
commoncentspermission denied00:05
pmo5commoncents, the sudo ifconfig wlan0 up00:05
commoncentsi did00:05
pmo5commoncents, do you use lan too ?00:05
pmo5commoncents, still permiossion denied ?00:06
mayo1Hi. Why can I install xbmc ? I'm on ubuntu 11.04 and I tried to install it from http://www.unixmen.com/linux-tutorials/linux-distributions/linux-distributions4-ubuntu/1540-top-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-1104-natty-narwhal, with repository.00:06
commoncentsyes it just show the prompt again for another command00:06
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mayo1hmm maybe a pb woth my font00:07
pmo5commoncents, now iwlist wlan0 scan00:08
pmo5commoncents, sudo may helps too00:08
commoncentsi did sudo ifconfig wlan0 up and it took me to the prompt00:09
pmo5commoncents, now sudo iwlist wlan0 scan00:11
JasminCan any one help me to configure the network under ubuntu 10.0400:11
JasminFelnotz> can you help me PLZ00:12
owen1tar -zcvf tmp/output.tar.gz input/ only works as root. with regular user i see 'tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors'. ls -l shows: drwxr-xr-x 2 user1 user1.  any clues?00:12
klevi|PCQuickie: Adding an authorized_key for passwdless login. is authorized_keys a directory? or a text file list of accepted keys00:12
commoncentssaid unknown host00:13
pmo5commoncents, now iwlist wlan0 scan00:13
omacmy mouse scroll wheel died and I'm trying learn blender and it sucks without a scroll wheel.  The blender ui can't function without a scroll wheel.  if the blender ui had scroll bars everywhere it wouldn't be an issue, but that is not the case with the version that I want to use.00:13
omacas a result, I would like to ask the ubuntu community something.00:13
commoncentsok gave me a bouch of stuff00:14
Jasminis it so hard to configure a network under  ubuntu  10.0400:14
commoncentsid like to get the wifi and lan i use lan most though00:14
omacHow can I map the multimedia keyboard's scroll wheel to not only map to volume up and down, but also emulate mouse scroll up/down if I press the shift key at the same time?00:15
klevi|PComac: tried global shortcuts?00:15
pmo5commoncents, lan.. ifconfig eth0.. and give an IP.. if you dont have one.. if you have dhcp somewhere you could try run it00:15
omacI really don't want to go out and buy a mouse just because the mouse scroll wheel's mechanism is faulty now.00:16
commoncentsi got internet youtube just loaded00:16
Jasminhow can we share the past00:16
omacglobal shortcuts...I'll check it out thanks.00:16
klevi|PCNo prob =) <-- omac00:16
commoncentsnow lans working but will it still work after reset00:16
Jasminhelllllllllllo, any nework expert  arounnnnnnnnd00:17
pmo5commoncents, maybe you can set it up on /etc/network/interfaces.. i am not sure but i'll do this for debian00:18
CaptainkrtekJasmin, please refrain from repeating asking the same question, if someone can help they will00:18
commoncentsgot no idea00:18
klevi|PCJasmin: Typically if no one answer then no one knows what to tell you. Thats how it is here.00:19
Jasminthnks for the info00:19
Henriquezok i have installed gnome 3/shell on ubuntu 11.04 but does anyone know a website for themes ?00:20
Henriquezi already downloaded some but is there a dedicated website?00:20
Gskelliggnome-look.org Henriquez00:21
ira_gershwini'd imagine gnomeloook00:21
rwwHenriquez: GNOME 3 isn't supported here.00:21
pmo5commoncents, you should have a look on /etc/network and see files over there if there is any..00:21
rwwhence the PPA saying it's unsupported.00:21
Gskelligand art.gnome.org00:21
Henriquezok thank you00:21
Gskelligand customize.org/gtk00:21
commoncentsok lan stayed working after reboot now to get wifi woking00:23
pmo5commoncents, iwconfig wlan0 essid "whateverssidthisis"00:25
spacemagicso.. just dual installed Windows 7 alongside my Ubuntu 10.10 and go to setup GRUB again from the live cd and sudo grub gets me :command not found00:26
coldpizza72ii just installed ubuntu on a drive but cant find the drive in my bios to fix the boot sequence.....is that because my bios will only show bootable drives? do i have to put a live cd up again and make it bootable?00:26
commoncentsjust go this message with lan cable unplugged http://www.pastebin.com/wWjBGC7400:26
RaptorsHas anyone here successfully ran the 6670 with wine?00:26
RaptorsHow is it for gaming?00:26
takoylisany guru can help me with my tv tuner? cant see tv on my pc   :-(                         :-(00:27
RaptorsDoes it work as well as Nvidia with proprietary drivers?00:27
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roothorickRaptors: wine has such a ridiculously high overhead that... take the system requirements, and scale it up three years.00:27
pmo5commoncents, yep it says commoncents.. unplugged lan cable00:28
SHAD0WmonkeyHi, installed ubuntu on an sd card, grub comes up but it won't continue boot.  Any suggestions?00:28
Raptorsroothorick, what do you mean?00:28
RaptorsI haven't had any probs running games on my 8600GT (which is trash)00:29
roothorickRaptors: which games?00:29
RaptorsIs it just a AMD prob?00:29
commoncentsok i did what you said and it said essid unknown host00:29
roothorickRaptors: Wine can really only run older games effectively, and requires much bigger hardware than the game would if it was running on the intended OS00:29
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RaptorsTorchlight, SCII, Company of Heros (worse than windows but the only one I had this prob with), Counter strike...00:29
RaptorsHalf life 200:30
RaptorsThey are probably all worse than windows but I not by much00:30
Reapuhello i just updated to the new ubuntu and my  upper bar is way too dark that i cant see it, how do i resolve this?00:30
roothorickRaptors: I suppose "older" isn't the right word today, heh00:30
Raptorsother than COH00:30
Propelyou gonna get a 6670?00:30
RaptorsSCII works fine00:30
roothorickRaptors: btw clarify "SC2", there's at least three different games that have that acronym00:30
RaptorsIDK, I'm thinking about it00:31
RaptorsStarcraft 200:31
Propelyou have money?00:31
Propelno offense00:31
roothorickRaptors: ah, that surprises me, but I never looked at the sysreqs00:31
Propeloh, i thought you were broke00:31
RaptorsEither that or the GTS 250 (which is worse)...00:31
Raptorsbut cheaper00:31
RaptorsIDK if AMD works well in linux though, all I heard was horror stories00:31
unu98raptors:such as00:32
roothorickRaptors: AMD GPUs are VERY hit and miss in Linux. For one,  if you're building a crossfire rig, you're in for a world of hurt00:32
Raptorsroothorick, it runs on low/mid but it works fine but that's because the 8600GT is terrible00:32
Raptorsroothorick, no I'm thinking about 1 667000:32
SHAD0WmonkeyHi, installed 10.10 on an sd card, grub comes up but it won't continue boot (black screen).  LiveUSB boots fine.  Any suggestions?00:32
roothorickRaptors: but DRI radeon is improving dramatically. If the opensource driver does everything you want it to, it should be a good experience00:33
Barzoghraa mon chaton m'a fait flooder sur ot00:33
Reapuand for some reasons the upper menu of programs  that arent maximized appears in the upper bar of the screen as if it was maximize, seemingly seperated from the program00:33
ezlhaving trouble with curl -d00:33
darkorical11.04 trying to play games in full screen always shuts off  2nd monitor is there any way to stop this00:33
Raptorsroothorick, even 3D stuff?00:33
Propelrapators, how is the 8600GT for CSS?00:33
ezl curl -d product_id=62364564&buyorsell=buy&size=88&limit=100:33
roothorickRaptors: take your chances on the 6670 if you want. But avoid fglrx. I'd prefer returning the card than trying your luck with fglrx.00:33
RaptorsPropel, it's alright...00:33
ezltrying to make it pass all these parameters as POST, but only the first one is getting sent00:33
ezlis my syntax incorrect?00:34
roothorickRaptors: yeah, the driver in 2.6.39 is up to full OpenGL 2.1 support on hardware that supports it now00:34
Raptorsroothorick, is it really better than the official drivers though?00:34
roothorickRaptors: you've never had an AMD card, have you?00:34
roothorickRaptors: fglrx (the "official" binary driver) is TERRIBLE00:35
RaptorsNo, I'm stayed away from them00:35
roothorickRaptors: it's so bad that AMD is phasing it out in favor of providing information and code to the DRI project00:35
pmo5commoncents, you need to know.. should know the ssid of your wlan router, or whatever access point you want to connect to00:35
darkoricalHow do I prevent my secondary monitor from getting disabled when I start a full screen game in 11.0400:35
rwwon my card (HD3450), fglrx has somewhat better 3D acceleration and absolutely gorram terrible 2D acceleration. And it's crappy and non-free and doesn't play well with anything.00:35
commoncentsi do i entered it00:35
roothorickRaptors: which is why the DRI radeon driver is improving so quickly -- because AMD is officially supporting it now00:36
rwwI cheered when the 'radeon' driver became good enough for everyday use.00:36
unu98If a dns request gets passed to a Ubuntu 10.10 server and the server comes back saying that it can't reach the computer requesting the address what would be the likely cause/repair?00:36
RaptorsWell that's good to know but I'm still somewhat scared to go with 6670 :|00:36
roothoricknvidia still loves their binary blobs, but they're really really good at binary blobs, so nobody complains00:36
RaptorsYa, I've had nothing but good exp with nvidia00:37
* rww complains00:37
roothorickRaptors: if you have any doubt, pick up a GeForce. Even DRI radeon can't beat nV's binary blob drivers00:37
* klevi|PC pokes roothorick any luck?00:37
GlycanI'm installing ubuntu, with the adavanced partitioning tool. What should Use as be?00:37
unu98ext4 glycan00:37
roothorickklevi|PC: I gave up :/ I think it's a BIOS limitation or a bad interaction between the BIOS and the videocard00:37
Raptorsroothorick, What does the DIR radeon lack that the "nvidia blob" does?00:37
Raptorsor is it just a performance thing?00:38
SHAD0WmonkeyHi, installed 10.10 on an sd card, grub comes up but it won't continue boot (black screen).  LiveUSB boots fine.  Any suggestions?00:38
roothorickklevi|PC: the affected machine had the same problem resuming from suspend on Vista, so I gotta think it's something with the hardware00:38
klevi|PCroothorick: Any idea on my Sata drive issue?00:38
Reapuhello i just updated to the new ubuntu and my  upper menu bar is way too dark that i cant see it, how do i resolve this?00:38
Reapuand for some reasons the upper menu of programs  that arent maximized appears in the upper bar of the screen as if it was maximize, seemingly seperated from the program00:38
roothorickRaptors: the nV blob has full OpenGL support up to 3.x and possibly further (hardware permitting), better VDPAU/VA API support, a few other niceties00:39
SHAD0Wmonkeyreapu: Try a different skin?00:39
nit-witGlycan, do you mean mount?00:39
GlycanThat to.00:39
roothorickRaptors: oh and nvidia-settings, nice enthusiast tweaking tool00:39
ReapuSHAD0Wmonkey, how?00:39
igna_Hi everybody. I am trying to connect my PC xubuntu with my laptop windows7 (who has internet) via wireless.00:39
pmo5commoncents, the issue should be about syntax..00:39
RaptorsI think I'll go for the gts 250 for $69.99 (or some other nvidia card) than... Thanks00:39
nit-witGlycan, mount a ?  which is root is needed are you seperating home with this install?00:39
RaptorsIt's really a shame that ATI drivers are so bad00:40
nit-witGlycan, sorry /  is root00:40
rwwthe Free Software radeon driver works better than the Free Software nvidia driver ;)00:40
pmo5commoncents, iwconfig wlan0 essid any00:40
SHAD0Wmonkeyreapu: Under prefs I think, can't be sure cuz I can't boot ubuntu right now.00:40
roothorickRaptors: the story may change in a year or two -- AMD's transition from fglrx to supporting opensource drivers is ongoing00:40
Reapui change it but its still too dark00:40
Reapuplease help me00:40
owen1tar -zcvf tmp/output.tar.gz input/ only works as root. with regular user i see 'tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors'. ls -l shows: drwxr-xr-x 2 user1 user1.  any clues?00:40
roothorickRaptors: in other words, they're still cleaning up ATI's mess00:41
Raptorsroothorick, I'll probably switch then. I'm a AMD fanboy00:41
pmo5commoncents, do you have wap / wep / wap2 or anything on your router.. new one. you just need to press button, to make it open / available for wifi cards00:41
Raptorsin a year or 200:41
roothorickRaptors: I like their CPUs :) never cared for Radeons though. I had oddball performance and artifacting issues even in win7 when I had a 485000:41
Reapuplease help me00:42
Reaputhe upper bar is way too dark i cant see anythinga00:42
roothorickRaptors: I'm almost strictly AMD CPU / nV GPU now. They play together suprisingly well.00:42
nimbioticshello evry1, Does anyone know if its possible to convert efx files to something I can open with ubuntu??? TIA!!!00:42
Reapuand for some reason windows that arent maximized still have their upper menu appear as though they are maximized00:42
roothoricknimbiotics: what the heck is an efx file?00:42
nit-witReapu, is the bar completely black?00:42
Reapunit-wit,  yes00:42
klevi|PCI was about to ask the same00:42
xanguaReapu: is called global menu00:43
unu98reapu sounds like 11.0400:43
nimbioticsroothorick: efx is an eFax file00:43
nit-witReapu, logout then back in there is a double bar at times if you mess with compiz00:43
roothoricknimbiotics: tried Document Viewer? Or maybe GIMP?00:43
Reapui messed with compiz00:43
Reapuhow do i reset it00:43
qinowen1: It can somthing to do with permission of input, or .tar itself, copy to ~00:43
nimbioticsroothorick: will try gimp00:43
nit-witReapu, logout then back in it will  be fixed00:44
Raptorsroothorick, ya, I'm the same way... at least for now...00:44
Reapubut it was still too dark when it was visible00:44
Reapuis there a way to make it brighter?00:44
roothoricknimbiotics: alternately, you could use the official eFax stuff via Wine to export a TIFF or PDF00:44
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roothorickRaptors: I've been strongly partial to nVIDIA since the fall of 3dfx... die-hard fan :)00:44
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darkoricalIm on 11.04 and  trying to play games in full screen mode. when I do it always shuts off my  2nd monitor is there any way to stop this? I would prefer to have my web browser up on the other monitor00:45
unu98darkorical: have you tried windowed mode?00:45
roothorickdarkorical: it's a game-specific thing unfortunately. Sometimes you can work around it by making the second monitor its own screen but sometimes it gets blanked anyway00:45
Reapuok its not dark anymore00:45
Reapubut where did the menus go?00:45
Reapualso why are xchats menus part of the upper menu ??00:46
roothorickdarkorical: and the separate screen workaround has its own limitations, namely you can't move windows between screens00:46
unu98click the desktop it will show00:46
Reapubut if i dont have it maximized00:46
Reaputhe menu is still ontop00:47
commodore64thI'm having some trouble connecting a Linux device to my Ubuntu laptop via USB networking. A USB0 interface shows up and my network manager tries to connect, but it fails and I get a notification that it has disconnected.00:47
Reapuand i want it to be with the window itself00:47
CheckMate7what is this about " ##linux :Cannot send to channel" ?00:47
nimbioticsroothorick: nor gimp or document viewer works and I've read the software wont work w/wine00:47
unu98reapu: thats 11.0400:47
roothoricknimbiotics: read... did you actually try it?00:47
Reapuwhat else is new here?00:47
xanguaReapu: you talk as if all ubuntu were your issue, if youdon't know how to use !unity you can still use !classic desktop00:47
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.00:47
roothoricknimbiotics: on a side note, is there a web interface you could poke around at, to see if you can extract a TIFF or PDF out of it?00:47
bazhangCheckMate7, ask in #freenode00:47
Reapuxangua, this is 'all ubuntu'?00:47
Reaputhe menubar thing00:48
Reapui dont think so00:48
Reapui like the new upper menu00:48
Reapui mean side menu00:48
Reapubut where is the under bar of all open programs?00:49
nit-witReapu, how long have you had this installed00:49
unu98Reapu: on the side see the arrows?00:49
commodore64thI'm having some trouble connecting a Linux device to my Ubuntu laptop via USB networking. A USB0 interface shows up and my network manager tries to connect, but it fails and I get a notification that it has disconnected. This also happens when I try to connect my laptop to the internet via an ethernet cable.00:49
Reapuunu98, what arrows00:49
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Reapunit-wit, just now00:49
nit-witReapu, do us a favor and find some of this yourself, we want to help but your taking over the channel with questions that are you to discover.:)00:50
unu98reapu: as to he other question if you minimize a program your menus will reappear again if you click the desktop00:50
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Reapuok just how do i get the under bar back again00:50
xanguaReapu: you can find a guide to use unity on the omg!ubuntu! blog00:51
unu98reapu: i installed cairo00:51
Reaputhe side menu is instead of the down bar?00:51
Reapui see00:51
unu98yup bingo!00:51
Reapuwhat is cairo00:52
nimbioticsroothorick: tried that too, bu the only choice is efx, unless I have 'premium' account, which is not my case. THX anyways!00:52
bazhang!enter | Reapu00:52
ubottuReapu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:52
bazhangReapu, its a dock00:52
commodore64thhere's my ifconfig -a: http://pastebin.com/j4V0iJzg00:52
pmo5is true Reapu is feeling my whole screen, just like if there is nobody else, not very nice for others00:52
pmo5feeling / filling00:52
unu98Reapu: looks like a mac but runs like linux and gives a little more of an HUD for using Unity00:52
unu98another menu bar00:53
nit-witReapu, here is alink that was suggested.;)   http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/tag/natty/00:53
Reaputhanks guys00:53
pmo5i will start to chop all my programs before line 280600:54
Raptorsroothorick, can you do phyx (or whatever) under linux?00:55
nit-witReapu, if you want a link to get the cube set up this works but foolow the directions.   http://reformedmusings.wordpress.com/2011/05/05/howto-get-the-compiz-desktop-cube-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-and-unity/00:55
owen1qin: what should i do with the tar? copy it where?00:55
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Raptorsand can I  dedicate my 8600GT to phyx without having SLI support? (I'm guessing not)00:55
roothorickRaptors: hardware accelerated no. the DLLs work in Wine but they can't access the GPU00:56
pmo5Raptors, i suppose not.. 3D sounds seldom to.. then phyX..00:56
eLiamI've configured eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces to be manual but it keeps getting assigned an ip via dhcp.  What gives?  Is there another place I need to change?00:56
roothorickRaptors: so PhysX games work but won't be hardware accelerated for physics00:56
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Raptorsroothorick, why can't they access the GPU? O_o00:56
RaptorsDoes wine not support it?00:57
Reapucan i get it with software center?00:57
roothorickRaptors: because they normally access the GPU through the Windows nV driver. The Linux driver has a completely different userspace->kernelspace paradigm that's incompatible00:57
maylowcan I ask a probably lame question about ubuntu and KDE?00:57
pmo5roothorick, linux preferred to play slowly..00:57
rwwmaylow: you can00:57
roothorickRaptors: OpenGL works because they're talking first to userspace anyway00:57
GskelligI can't get rc.local to work right00:57
peterhilThe new Ubuntu GUI environment is really nice, things are really well thought out! I used to use Kubuntu, but I just tried 11.04 and the KDE4 is full of bugs...00:58
maylowafter playing around with some install/deinstall of ubuntu software, krusader stopper working00:58
maylow10x rww00:58
roothorickRaptors: and Direct3D? Emulated using OpenGL. Which is why OGL games are 300x faster than D3D games00:58
maylowi.e. it works,  but I can launch it only from console with gksudo krusader00:58
maylowI have no idea how to diagnose that00:59
maylowIm pretty new to ubuntu...00:59
Raptorsroothorick, what happens if you do that and the game doesn't support OpenGL?01:00
eLiamoh, and this relates to bonding, so basically, bond0 only works if I take down eth0 (due to random eth0 dhcp even though it's set to manual!?).  Anyone?01:00
fun-workinhi, i have problem with installation of ubuntu, I made bootable USB with ubunu. I turn on my computer i select to boot from USB, menu appears and i choose to try ubuntu before install. The only thing happens is that menu is going back to 'begining' and it count down to 'default choose' i can leave computer for 15 min like this and nothing happnes. It keeps reseting countdown to default pick which is "try ubuntu". Any ideas how to make i01:00
pmo5not easy to make a windows game to work on linux.. did   i say nightmare, but i may think of it, that way01:00
pmo5fun-workin, seems it is not..  bootable01:01
fun-workinpmo 5: its working on other computer ;/01:02
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maylowdoes anyone have any idea?01:02
bazhangmaylow, you need to give much more detail01:03
pmo5fun-workin, hmm.. good point.. do they both understand partition type01:03
bazhangmaylow, what precisely was installed/removed01:03
maylowthat's ok, but what kind of detail :)01:03
maylowthat's a tricky question01:03
maylowmany things01:04
maylowfrom the repository01:04
maylowis there a way to check some history?01:04
fun-workinpmo5, what do you mean by this ? USB is formated to fat3201:04
bazhangmaylow, try to install kubuntu-desktop, see if that gives back the needed01:04
pmo5fun-workin, i meant fat32 or something else :)01:04
eLiamok, I guess no one else tried getting this working! :-/  never mind then, I'll try kicking udev for a while....01:05
nit-witfun-workin, are you using unetbootin and is it the latest build of it from their site, or the ubuntu ppa?01:05
pmo5eLiam, bond ?01:05
zetherooSpindle Servo Error ... again! Seems to happen after a kernel update ... it's NOT a hardware fault ... so why are the updates breaking my burning capabilities!?01:06
pmo5eLiam, i don't know exactly what you are about ?01:06
bazhangnit-wit, ppa? unetbootin is in the repos01:06
maylowbazhang, will this replace the current unity desktop?01:06
bazhangmaylow, you said you were using krusader, did you not also have kubuntu installed on there?01:06
eLiampmo5: that's the one.  eth0 is convinced it wants to be dhcp, even though I've setup /etc/network/interfaces to manual.01:06
edbianeLiam, Can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces??01:07
nit-witbazhang, yes I know if you go to the unetbootin site and click on the ubuntu choice it sends ytou to a ppa.01:07
fun-workinnit-wit, no, i used Universal USB Installer, used link from ubuntu site01:07
maylowbazhang, no, it's ubuntu unity01:07
alextyright so i have managed to do a deep scan on my hard drive and find where my boot partition is how would i transfer the memory address from testdisk to make a new partition table?01:07
nit-witfun-workin, try unetbootin01:07
maylowbazhang, i just loved krusader and installed it01:07
bazhangnit-wit, there's no need for that as unetbootin is in the repos, ie not a PPA01:07
maylowbazhang, and it ran/runs well01:07
fun-workinnit-wit, tried it, same result ;/01:07
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maylowbazhang, only now it can be run only with gksudo01:07
pmo5eLiam, dhcp.. some utility do convince it to do so01:08
nit-witbazhang, yes mr emminence.;)01:08
maylowbazhang, else it hangs and can be stopped from the system monitor01:08
fun-workinnit-wit, by same result i mean i can get to menu on usb pick one option and than nothing happens, also the same usb working on other pc01:08
pmo5eLiam, you should have a look on /var/log/daemon .. to check out.. what sort of tools may have been triggered01:08
bazhangmaylow, were you running krusader as root before? and if so, why01:08
maylowbazhang, no, i didn't01:08
maylowbazhang, at least not explicitly01:09
bazhangmaylow, try running it from terminal see what the errors are01:09
edbianWhat is the name of the package that provides the battery indicator applet in the unity panel?  I want to report a bug for it.01:09
scripteverytime I use firefox I always see the bookmarks toolbar on, and I have to click it off, everytime, always, why does that happen?01:09
maylowbazhang, no errors, just one warning01:09
nit-witfun-workin, I guess if it was me I would try another thumb since it seems this one is not working, another loader or a cd.01:09
maylowbazhang, which I found in forums01:09
maylowbazhang, and mainly in the context of "how can i suppress it"01:10
eLiamedbian: http://pastebin.com/akcijype01:10
fun-workinnit-wit, by loader you mean other program that will make bootable USB, right ?01:10
maylowbazhang, KGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work01:11
edbianeLiam, I think you want iface eth0 inet static    I don't think manual is a keyword.  At least I've never seen it before01:11
alextyis there any way to get all files in a certain folder to be moved to a different folder as soon as they can?01:11
bazhangmaylow, and what were you trying to do, that started all this? try purging krusader then reinstalling it01:11
maylowbazhang, already did this, also reinstalld kde runtime components01:12
nit-wityes there are others look at pendrive linux, as one alternative. The key here is if your not getting ones to work is maybe reformatting the fat32 each time you try just to knlck out that varuable.01:12
edbianalexty, Are the target files scattered around in different folders?  I don't understand what you're trying to do01:12
bazhangmaylow, manually? or they were pulled in01:12
fun-workinok  thanks ill try other loaders.01:13
eLiamedbian:  From the man...    The manual Method01:13
eLiam       This method may be used to define interfaces for which no configuration is done by default. Such interfaces can be config‐01:13
edbianalexty, thanks01:13
eLiam       ured manually by means of up and down commands or /etc/network/if-*.d scripts.01:13
maylowbazhang, uninstalled from the software center and then installed again01:13
roothorickRaptors: whatever API the game uses is emulated, generally via OpenGL "wrappers"01:13
bazhangmaylow, no, the kde runtime components01:13
edbianeLiam, perhaps I'm wrong.  Have you done sudo service networking restart01:13
alextyright i'm using testdisk to back up a hard drive with messed up partition tables and it will only back it up into the ubuntu folder which doesn't have as much space as i need so i want to move it to my external hard drive01:13
eLiamedbian: yes, a few times.  Each time I need to disable eth0 (ifconfig eth0 down) due to the conflicting routes it creates.01:14
maylowbazhang, also from the software center, at least reinstalled something that stated to be the runtime components01:14
alextyor a way to get testdisk to use a different folder01:14
edbianalexty, What format is the partition on the external hdd ?01:14
edbianeLiam, I don't know.  I've never done a manual interface before01:14
bazhangmaylow, from the description krusader seems to be like mc01:14
eLiamedbian: it really looks like eth0 just loves the dhcp.  I'll have a go with static and see if I can trick it.  Thanks.01:15
roothorickRaptors: for hardware acceleration, on Linux, unless it's video decoding, you generally have to shunt everything through OpenGL via wrappers and translation layers. Which, Wine does pretty much exactly that.01:15
edbianeLiam, sure01:15
alextyedbian, ntfs01:15
edbianalexty, I've never used testdisk before.  Sorry01:15
alextyno worries01:15
edbianalexty, fat3201:15
YoshieDoes the ATI XFX HD 6750 work on ubuntu ?01:15
eLiamedbian bah, back to the man.  Static requires an address.  This isn't correct for bonded interfaces. :-/01:15
pmo5eLiam, you shouldn't have something like "auto .. eth0".. in your interfaces file01:15
maylowbazhang, the package reinstalled is nepomuk backup01:15
maylowbazhang, yes, it's a dual panel file commander01:16
edbianeLiam, Sorry!  Wish i could help :(01:16
eLiamedbian no worries :-)01:16
GlycanHow should I assign swamp space?01:16
Glycanswap space*01:16
GlycanAnd what is it, exactly?01:16
eLiampmo5: I don't.  http://pastebin.com/akcijype01:16
edbianGlycan, What do you mean 'assign'  ?01:16
maylowbazhang, i tried the gnome commander but does not suit my needs01:16
bazhangmaylow, no idea about what you may or may not have installed to get in this state, and the warning is not terribly informative01:16
GlycanAnd how big..?01:16
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
GlycanIn the installer01:16
GlycanAdvanced partiton tool thigy01:17
edbianGlycan, Usually 2 times you ram or 2Gb whatever is smaller01:17
GlycanAnd what type is it?01:17
maylowbazhang, what I'd love to do is to learn some way to diagnose the problem01:17
edbianGlycan, It's type is swap  :)01:17
bazhangGlycan, advanced, you choose01:17
pmo5eLiam, i use the word static not "manual"01:17
maylowbazhang, i simply don't know where to look for any traces01:17
GlycanAs in, primart, logical01:17
maylowbazhang, how to see some kind of error01:17
edbianGlycan, It can be either primary or logical01:17
eLiampmo5, what address do you use for the bond slaves?01:17
bazhangmaylow, nor do I, given what we have to work with.01:17
Glycan(And I asuume the main partion should be primary?)01:18
GlycanWhat's the diffrence?01:18
maylowbazhang, i guess it's some kind of permission/privilege problem01:18
edbianGlycan, You can place logical partitions inside and extended partition01:18
pmo5eLiam, actually i dont use bond.. what do you use it for ?01:18
GlycanI don't understand.01:18
maylowbazhang, maybe some installation i made changed the permission of some file or directory01:18
eLiampmo5, load balancing multiple interfaces (2 in this case)01:19
edbianGlycan, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning01:19
edbianGlycan, You are only allowed 4 primary partitions on a hdd because of the way they're designed.  To get around this extended / logical partitions were created.01:19
edbianGlycan, Read the wiki :D01:19
pmo5eLiam, there is plenty of tools.. ifenslave and such01:20
alextyanyone know a thing or two about partition tables?01:20
edbianalexty, I do01:20
Jordan_U!anyone | alexty01:20
ubottualexty: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:20
edbianJordan_U,   so does wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning01:20
commodore64thCan anyone help me with my Ethernet adaptor? I can't connect to my network or the internet.01:20
plovhey guys installing ubuntu here, i didn't miss anything did i? seems there's no options for a custom install, where you can choose packages you want or don't want?01:20
eLiampmo5, ifenslave is bonding... So, with ifenslave you'd setup a bonded interface for the slaves and the slave interfaces are setup as manual!01:21
alextyubottu, because when i do i get ignored so i was trying a different tactic but fair enough01:21
ubottualexty: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:21
alextydamn it ubottu01:21
alextywell now i feel like an idiot01:21
eLiamcommodore64th: Any more clues?01:22
alextydoes anyone know how to manually create a partition table?01:22
Jordan_Ualexty: It's not that you were ignored, it's that if nobody knows the answer then nobody will answer.01:22
commodore64thWhen i connect my cable, network manager tries to connect, but after a while, I get a notification that my wired connection is disconnected.01:22
pmo5eLiam, http://pastebin.com/jtHm62iL01:22
Jordan_Ualexty: Define "manually", and what is your end goal?01:22
edbianalexty, I do.  Use gparted01:23
commodore64thmy ifconfig -a: http://pastebin.com/j4V0iJzg01:23
plovhey guys installing ubuntu here, i didn't miss anything did i? seems there's no options for a custom install, where you can choose packages you want or don't want?01:23
edbianplov, I don't think Ubuntu lets you do that.01:23
edbianplov, I could be wrong.01:23
pmo5pmo5, that's what i did, when i was about this.. but i don't use it actually and i suppose it may not work, but that's where i was, when i tought of making such a move / bond..01:24
alextybecause i would like to :)01:24
eLiampmo5, so you just leave out the definition for eth0 wlan1?  Rather than define as manual?01:24
edbianalexty, Use gparted.01:25
commodore64theLiam: my wired connection used to work before I upgraded from Netbook 10.10 to 11.04.01:25
pmo5eLiam, that is just a label for "network" configuration.. you can make use of whatever you want, hence i name it bond001:25
eLiampmo5, up ifenslave-2.6 bond0 eth0 wlan1.  Where do you definate eth0 and wlan1, or don't you?01:26
eLiampmo5, *define01:26
alextydoes anyone know how to manually create a partition table?01:26
edbianalexty, What do you mean by manually?01:26
pmo5eLiam, i dont..01:26
edbianalexty, You could use fdisk I believe.  I've never done that though.01:27
AbTuXplov, no with Ubuntu you do not have such an option01:27
commodore64thalso, I'm using DHCP.01:27
eLiamalexty, with a hex editor?01:27
pmo5eLiam, i don't, because both interfaces are supposed to be enslaved.. bonding modules, has to choose the correct one..01:27
eLiampmo5, ahhh...so, I'll try again, without defining eth0 and eth1...might drop offline here!01:28
eLiamcommodore64th, silly question but, tried another cable?01:29
pmo5eLiam, this "script".. would work i think with ethernet.. connections.. but the way i did with wlan.. it didn't there is an issue with wpa.. which make it, not to work as expected01:29
maylowbazhang, I found a log of all installations01:29
eLiampmo5, ok.  I'm just trying ethernet at the moment.  Looks like fun to try wireless too!01:30
pmo5eLiam, ethernet would work afaik.. with wifi, bonding couldn't figure out.. (mode backup).. when line was drop or not01:30
maylowbazhang, last and only manual installations before the problem appeared are: menu (2.1.44ubuntu1) - install and deinstall; ktsuss - install; wmdrawer (0.10.5-1.1) - install and deinstall01:31
eLiampmo5, same issue.  dhcp looks to be running for eth0 even though eth0 is now not even defined in interfaces file.01:32
pmo5eLiam, dhcp ???01:32
eLiampmo5, yes, like dhclient or something.01:33
edbianpmo5, He means the dhcp client on the machine that runs01:33
pmo5dhcp replies to addresses like
maylowis there somebody else, who would try to help diagnosting the problem?01:33
edbianpmo5, The server does.01:33
eLiampmo5, the config parameter in the interfaces file is called 'dhcp' which means the connection should use dhclient and request an ip address from the dhcp server.01:33
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eLiampmo5, but I don't have this defined, so it shouldn't be happening.  never mind!  back to the drawing board.01:34
maylowi really can't stand not knowing what's going on/wrong01:34
edbianmaylow, what's the issue?  Maybe I can shed some light01:34
pmo5eLiam, yes, hence that is normal..01:35
maylowedbian, hello :)01:35
edbianmaylow, hi01:35
edbianpmo5, He shouldn't have an eth001:35
edbianpmo5, Cause he did not define it in /etc/network/interfaces01:35
maylowedbian, at some point the krusader stopped running under my ubuntu unity desktop without gsudo infront of it01:35
edbianeLiam, sorry to interrupt!01:35
eLiampmo5, no?  eth0 shouldn't exist, as it's not defined.  It definitely shouldn't be using dhcp!01:35
pmo5edbian, yes.. i see i had similar issue.. but it didnt bother me much at the time01:35
eLiamedbain, no probs :-)01:35
edbianmaylow, when you run it in terminal without gksudo  what happens?  Errors?01:36
maylowedbian, it runs, the HDD indicates activity on run01:36
edbianmaylow, So... what is the issue?01:36
maylowedbian, but no UI appears01:36
maylowedbian, and i have to edn it from the system monitor01:36
pmo5eLiam, he may get it from previous setup01:37
edbianmaylow, does the terminal go back to a prompt indicating it crashed?01:37
pmo5eLiam, you could try with instead of "manual"01:37
maylowedbian, the only message after a console run is: KGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work01:37
edbianmaylow, I'm guessing one of two things.  1st the folder it's trying to view is not viewable due to strange permissions01:37
sterling-adminHello all, I am running ubuntu 11.04 and am trying to edit etc/rc.local however it is saying that I am not the root user, how do I log in as a root user?01:37
eLiampmo5, worth a go01:37
julian_c!sudo | sterling-admin01:38
ubottusterling-admin: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:38
edbianmaylow, My second idea is that the theme you're using has a bug that causes the GUI component of krusader to crash but not the process.    running as root means it'll use a different theme01:38
roothorickxrandr won't change resolutions for me, it just says "configure crtc 0 failed", even on resolutions that are already in there01:38
edbianmaylow, Based on that error I would say that the source code for krusador is written wrong and that is why it is crashing.01:39
maylowedbian, whe i end the process, the console prints Signal: 1501:39
maylowand goes to prompt01:39
edbianmaylow, mmmm01:39
sterling-adminso what commands would i use to edit the program?01:39
maylowedbian, it worked perfectly 10 hours ago01:39
edbianmaylow, Before updates and such?01:39
pmo5sterling-admin, sudo su01:39
maylowedbian, it'something i/some software did that messed upe sth01:40
YoshieDoes the ATI XFX HD 6750 work on ubuntu ?01:40
maylowedbian, before several manual installations01:40
eLiampmo5, ok, set to static and it still didn't work.  this is bonkers so going offline to try again...like you said, maybe it's cached or something....01:40
edbianmaylow, can you run krusador /     ?01:41
maylowedbian, that i didnt think of01:41
edbianmaylow, that should make it open up viewing /  instead of /home/maylow01:41
maylowedbian, going to try01:41
edbianmaylow, sure01:41
YoshieDoes the ATI XFX HD 6750 work on ubuntu ?01:41
edbianmaylow, signal 15 is the signal sent to the process by the OS that says 'stop running now'01:43
edbianmaylow, So that's what signal 15 is01:43
pmo515 ~ <Ctrl> <C>01:43
maylowedbian, which is ok, because that's what i'm doing with it :)01:44
edbianmaylow, yes01:44
YoshieDoes the ATI Radeon XFX HD 6750 work on ubuntu 11.04 ?01:44
SP_0takuHello I'm having trouble getting incron to work, I found this pastebin with the exact same error I get, can anyone help. http://pastebin.com/kNiXmvYB01:45
edbianmaylow, Here's an explanation of that error:  http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=9373801:45
jflashanyone here maybe able to help me with ubuntu..I am a newbie, and not highly computer literate....?01:45
roothorickYoshie: mostly01:45
edbianmaylow, So that rules that out as being helpful.  Back to my original ideas.  Did it open if you pass it /   ?01:45
maylowedbian, i just notied that the half-running instance of krusader takes only 9Mb of ram and the fully functional : 3501:45
Yoshieroothorick: ok is there prop drivers for it?01:45
Skaperenjflash: do you have a real question?01:45
roothorickYoshie: use DRI radeon, not fglrx. Make sure you install the 2.6.39 kernel01:45
edbianmaylow, That makes sense.  The gui takes up ram01:46
Skaperenjflash: what keeps you from asking it?01:46
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edbianmaylow, Does it run if you run krusador /  ?01:46
maylowedbian, no it didn't01:46
edbianmaylow, Try changing your theme01:46
roothorickYoshie: you'll still be missing OpenGL 3.x and VDPAU/VA API but it'll be quite nice for regular desktop use and older games01:46
maylowedbian, the theme of the desktop?01:46
roothorickYoshie: only get one though. Crossfire isn't supported.01:46
Trfsrfrhello all. not sure if im in the right place, but im a linux noob and need help setting up dual monitors and sound01:47
pmo5SP_0taku, apt-cache search Zend01:47
edbianmaylow, The 'controls'01:47
ShermanBoydI'm trying to install openstack compute on natty, when I apt-get install nova-compute it stalls out on "0% [Waiting for headers]"01:47
jflashwhen I leave my computer idle for a very short length of time the screen dims...frequently....where can i adjust this. I have been to the power setting and that didn't seem to affect it?01:47
roothorickjflash: Screensaver01:47
roothorickjflash: power settings are just for the DPMS shutoff01:47
julian_csterling-admin: You might do "sudo nano /etc/rc.local"01:47
Blackaddercan I run a shortcut under crontab01:47
pmo5jflash, coudl be part of your BIOS setup too01:47
maylowedbian, right away, although it's the original one, i didn't touch anything there01:48
edbianmaylow, control center -> appearance -> theme  (optionally -> custom -> controls)01:48
edbianmaylow, that isn't different?01:48
roothorickjflash: System Settings -> Personal -> Screensaver01:48
Blackadderor do I need to put in the absoloute path of the script01:48
edbianmaylow, Are you using kde or gnome?01:48
jflashthis didn't happen until i upgraded to 11.0401:48
Skaperenjflash: I'd check the screensaver setting first01:48
pmo5jflash, settings / power related01:48
roothorickjflash: "Regard the computer as idle after" slider01:48
edbianmaylow, krusador is a kde app which means it is probably using qt not gtk01:48
maylowgnome i guess - the ubuntu 11.04 default shell01:48
roothorickjflash: you can turn it off completely there too01:48
jflash...going to look at the screensaver...ty01:48
maylowedbian,  gnome i guess - the ubuntu 11.04 default shell01:48
edbianmaylow, that's gtk (gnome)01:48
edbianmaylow, this is gonna sound dumb, you're restarted?01:49
roothorickmaylow: Unity, actually. 11.04 made Unity the default01:49
maylowedbian, many times :)01:49
Trfsrfrhello all. not sure if im in the right place, but im a linux noob and need help setting up dual monitors and sound01:49
maylowedbian, i come form windows, restart is what i try first01:49
edbianmaylow, :D01:50
edbianmaylow, got to go!01:50
BlackadderI have created shortcuts under root to run scripts manually can I use the  crontab to run shortcuts01:50
maylowedbian, ok, 10x for your time01:50
pmo5got to go too.. too late in here..01:50
maylowroothorick, isn't unity gtk based?01:50
maylowroothorick, or it's sth completely new01:51
pmo5Blackadder, yes as long as X is open and running.. and similar things.. i guess it could work01:51
jflashty roothorick...it was set @5 minutes01:51
BlackadderI do not use X01:51
BlackadderI run server in terminal or SSH01:51
pmo5Blackadder, cron is about running scripts.. and it records all variable to replay your script with similar variables..01:52
Blackadderyes I understand that01:52
pmo5Blackadder, server in terminal.. well as long as your script.. knows all that.. it may work.. you may try it on console.. first01:53
Blackaddercrontab - e 15,30,45,59****01:53
pmo5Blackadder, or with "at"01:53
Trfsrfrcan anybody here direct me to somewhere I can get some rookie help? ubuntu-beginners is empty.01:53
Blackadderto run every 15 minutes01:53
Nintetanyone here know about clustering?01:53
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: If you're using Ubuntu then yes, this is the place to be. For dual monitors have you tried using "Monitors" in System Settings?01:53
Blackaddermy shortcut under root is .lstart01:54
Out_ColdTrfsrfr: don't ask to ask... just ask01:54
pmo5Blackadder, */1501:54
Trfsrfrjordan, I have yes.01:54
Trfsrfrthanks out_cold, next time I will.01:54
pmo5Nintet, do exist different kind of clustering01:54
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: What happens when you try to configure dual monitors?01:54
Blackadderthanks for the tip */1501:55
pmo5Blackadder, welcome01:55
temotoHello. Is there a way to configure my   link encap:ipv6-in-ipv4   interface in /etc/network/interfaces?01:55
Blackadder= 15,30,45,59?01:55
Trfsrfrjordan, it says something about applying the changes next time someone logs in01:55
Out_ColdThere is a new installer? I d/l'd mythbuntu and am getting stuck right after the first installation screen. I select download updates button and then it just idles forever after.. any ideas??01:55
Trfsrfrbut it never does01:55
Blackadderk will give it a try & will know after 15 min I guess from the log file01:55
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
jflashNo offense, but ppl "ask to ask" to be respectful, and polite....chastising ppl for it is disrespectful and rude. But thanks for your help01:56
Blackadderso crontab -e */15****path01:56
Nintetpmo5, if i set up a cluster will it speed up apps other than mpi apps?01:56
pmo5Blackadder, you'd better try on console first.. scripts hardly work the first time01:56
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: Your messages to me will only be highlighted in my client if you use my full nick.01:56
Jordan_U!tab | Trfsrfr01:56
ubottuTrfsrfr: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.01:56
pmo5Nintet, no, if you cluster with mpi..01:57
Blackadderscript is working manually I just need to automate it as it keeps diconnecting01:57
pmo5Nintet, only applications making use of mpi, will benefits from clustering..01:57
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
Out_ColdI'm not chastising anyone... I'm promoting good chat etiquite01:58
Blackadderso easiest soloution - cron since cache takes 9 seconds to empty01:58
Trfsrfrthe selected config for displays could not be applied, required virtual size...01:58
Nintetpmo5, so basically if i need to speed up DraftSight there is no way to run that as an mpi app?01:58
cordicepslol, why on earth would you run ubuntu on a cluster?01:58
mactimesHey.  I've just installed kde-full package.  Is there a virtual package I can use to "purge" default gnome installation?01:58
Nintetautocad actually01:58
Nintetbecause i have points in both oceans =(01:58
cordicepsrunning a cluster implies better knowledge of linux01:58
pmo5Blackadder, you could also try .. echo "name_of_your_script" | at now ...01:58
jflash<Skaperen> jflash: do you have a real question?   <Skaperen> jflash: what keeps you from asking it? ... this is rude....01:59
Trfsrfrmy apologies, this is all new...01:59
Jinhey, I have a quesion01:59
Jinquestion, and it's not related to ubuntu01:59
Jincan I ask it here :D?01:59
Skaperenjflash: yes I know people "ask to ask" ... we try to break them of that habit because it's actually annoying ... if asking would be intrusive, then asking to ask would be, too01:59
Jordan_U!ot | Jin01:59
ubottuJin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:59
Nintetso there is nothing to distribute all operations across the cluster?01:59
pmo5Nintet, mpi // message passing that is the way you make use of the whole potential of your cluster.. if Dark.. doesn't make use of mpi.. hence it will not scale..02:00
Nintetor is there an mpi version of qemu?02:00
Jinokayz ubottu02:00
TrfsrfrJordan_U, and ubotto - not understanding the tab function, and hitting the key doesnt do anything02:00
Jordan_UNintet: You can't get the benefit of clustering from an application not designed to be clustered. It's simply not possible.02:00
Nintetthat sucks02:00
itaylor57I am running 11.04, lately I am having trouble waking up my PC. What syslog should I look at for errors?02:01
Nintetespecially for emulators02:01
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: If you type "Jorda" then hit tab it doesn't complete automatically to "Jordan_U" ?02:01
pmo5Nintet, there is different kind of cluster.. some make use of mpi, others work differently.. but for all, there good work to do on all your computers to make them work together..02:01
Nintetso there is no mpi capable emulator?02:01
Blackaddermanaged to run yum & cmake on Ubuntu 11.0402:01
Blackaddercompiled nicels02:01
TrfsrfrJordan_U, now it did.  Maybe I didnt type enough letters02:02
pmo5Nintet, to tell you most application as i know, doesnt make use of mpi.. usually people making use of mpi / clustering.. reprogram their own application to make use of mpi..02:02
Nintetwell i set up the one with knoppix, but i don't want to write a cad app to use it =(02:02
Out_ColdTrfsrfr: if there is many names that start with jor, it will display them and wait for you to add more input..02:03
TrfsrfrJordan_U, did you see the error message above?02:03
Carl892How can I cause any commands executed by root to be logged, including a timestamp?02:03
TrfsrfrOut_Cold, thank you, i'm getting the hang of it now02:03
zetherooI cannot believe that something as archaic as burning a CD has become such a cumbersome thing in Ubuntu!! :P02:03
Out_ColdTrfsrfr: tab is fantastic for shell also.... it works very similar to here02:04
pmo5Nintet, hence you will need to build another kind of cluster..02:04
Jordan_UNintet: There is no way around it. Passing information over the network is incredibly slow compared to just accessing local memory. There's no way to "emulate" local memory access over the network that would do anything but slow down an application. Apps designed for clustering doll out tasks to nodes and only pass information between them as needed.02:04
Blackaddercrontab works but had to give the absolute path to script ending with command line to restart02:04
TrfsrfrOut_Cold, I am so rookie newbie I dont even know what shell is!02:04
pmo5Nintet, Dark.. is a windows program ?02:04
Out_ColdTrfsrfr: it's the black DOS looking terminal that is the back bone of ubuntu02:05
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Blackadderits something u find walking on the beach02:05
Nintetwell, apparently some engineers i deal with have 10gHz computers for editing cad files02:05
Nintetand i dont02:05
TrfsrfrOut_Cold, - I have seen it, but am afraid of it.02:06
pmo5Nintet, i don't know your program.. i don't know Dark.. maybe there is a release adapted to clusters.. with mpi or sometghing else02:06
pmo5Nintet, or working on very specific machines.. far more powerfull then a PC..02:06
Nintetwell draftsight has been released for ubuntu02:06
Nintetit is very nice02:06
Ninteta cloud?02:07
RenieriusHey guys, any of you ever successfully ran SAMP?02:07
commodore64thDoes anyone have experience with usb networking?02:07
Ninteti have heard that people rent cloud computers and install windows apps02:07
Blackadderlastest release of webmin seems to work nicely with 11.0402:07
Out_ColdTrfsrfr: depending on your setup and installation, you may or may not want to play in there... If you had a virtual machine, you could save a snapshot, goof around till it breaks then just reload the snapshot... but that is just one of thousands of good setups02:07
Guest50621I am on my Samsung Epic 4G in force roam out in the boondocs SSH to my server at home, lol. But I didn't msg the nickserv in time.02:07
TrfsrfrJordan_U, "the selected config for displays could not be applied, required virtual size..."02:08
pmo5Nintet, cloud computing / high bandwidth02:08
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: Did you log out then back in again?02:08
TrfsrfrJordan_U, I did. No luck.02:09
commodore64thI have a Linux device connected to my Linux PC via USB networking. I have successfully set up an SSH server between them, but the Linux device isn't connecting to the internet.02:10
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: Do you get the same error when you try to add the second monitor again after logging out and in?02:10
RenieriusSAMP is a mod for the game GTA San Andreas, I'm using Wine to run it (the game itself works) but when I use SAMP to connect to a server and it starts up the game it seems to crash after less than a moment. Do you guys perhaps have any idea?02:10
pmo5commodore64th, you need default route to internet router, i think02:10
commodore64thhrm... how do I do that?02:10
TrfsrfrJordan_U, I have only tried to log in out once. Let me try again.02:11
pmo5commodore64th, sorry maybe far mor then that .. :) .. fill up /etc/resolv.conf too, with dns name aka nameservers .02:11
RenieriusI get in game, I can see everything, but when  it's supposed to ask me for my password (like the first thing it does after it's found the connection) it dies off.02:11
Blackaddercompiled shell script to propagate user & passwords on a cluster of 4 ubuntu dedicated servers with a user management system in httpd do the crons have toi be set a diffrent times or at system time?02:11
pmo5commodore64th, netstat -nr  / better .. ip route ls (i  prefer) and check out if you have a default route02:12
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itaylor57I am running 11.04 and upon wakeup from sleep the cursor is lagging and unable to select menu options.  Is there a log I should look at for errors?02:13
commodore64thhere's my ip route ls: http://pastebin.com/CDwUp2t502:13
commodore64ththe first line is my USB networking conneciton, I think.02:14
Blackadderis there a channel dedicated for ubuntu server02:14
julian_cBlackadder: check out #ubuntu-server. Not as active as here, but it's there.02:15
commodore64thpmo5, how do I know if I have a default route?02:16
pmo5commodore64th, ip route ls .. should show a line to start with "default"02:16
commodore64thWell, I have "default via dev eth0  proto static"02:17
fun-workinunbelievable ... is this laptop linux-proof or what ? ... usb booting 'test ubuntu' not working 'instal from usb' not working, install by Wubi.. not working :<02:17
commodore64thso now what?02:17
Out_Coldfun-workin: what kind of laptop?02:17
pmo5Nintet, your engineers make use of mpi to use Dark.. ?02:17
fun-workinasus z96s02:18
pmo5commodore64th, now.. /etc/resolv.conf..02:18
Out_Coldhave you checked the checksum?02:18
pmo5commodore64th, if you have nothing there or #lines.. you could add a line like .. nameserver
Out_Coldfun-workin: ^^ have you checked the checksum?02:19
fun-workinout_cold, me? unfortunately i dont know what it is02:19
Nintetpmo5, no they generate impossible to edit cad files02:19
commodore64thI have two lines; "nameserver" and "nameserver"02:19
Nintetmpo5, they must have a server or cluster or some 7334 technology to edit them together02:19
Out_Coldfun-workin: the checksum is a hash value that you compare for the iso you downloaded to a hash that is on the ubuntu site. It verifies the integrety of the iso02:20
pmo5commodore64th, if you do "host www.google.com" does that work .. if you "ping 192.168.. and ping 199.. " does it work too (ctrl C to stop them?02:20
fun-workinOut_Cold, ok ill read bout it and get back to ya with result.02:21
Out_Coldpmo5: you could also ping -c 4 host to keep the ping short02:21
pmo5Nintet, other clusters can be of help.. if your application forks..02:21
pmo5Out_Cold, yep tell commo.. not me ;-) :)02:22
HeTaLHello. If I want to stop the update manager from ever popping up, how can I achieve that? It kinda kills my I/O and freezes my computer when it starts checking for packages to update.02:22
commodore64thpmo5: my device doesn't have the "host" command, but it does have wget. When I run "wget http://www.google.com" I get "Connecting to www.google.com ("02:22
Nintetpmo5, what other clusters are there?02:22
spasysheepis there an easy way to add packages to an ubuntu iso so that they will be installed with the system?02:22
commodore64thI think it times out after a while...\02:22
escottHeTaL, remove it from gnome-session-properties02:22
pmo5Nintet, plenty.. long time since i looked.. Mosix02:22
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility02:22
spasysheepOut_Cold, thanks02:23
pmo5commodore64th, hmmm.. try ping..02:23
HeTaLescott: Does this require a reboot?02:23
fun-workinOut_Cold, will it help if i tell you that i donwloaded 3 different types of ubuntu ? is it possible that all 3 are corrupted ?02:23
HeTaLAlso, I can just do apt-get update and it'll fix it, right?02:23
HeTaLby fix it, I mean it will do whatever the update manager was doing.02:24
escottHeTaL, no just won't be started on the next login02:24
zetherooafter reading dozens of forums and bug reports, and trying all kinds of "potential fixes", still no luck with burning a simple CD! :(02:24
pmo5fun-workin, if you payed for any of them, they are likely to be corrupted. in fact you corrupeted them02:24
Out_Coldfun-workin: not likely.. although if you put them to disc, possibly.. but disc and usb, very unlikely.... Just trying to eliminate possibilities02:24
fun-workinOut_Cold also bootable usb with ubuntu was working fine on different pc ;/02:24
HeTaLescott: Great. Now it shouldn't pop up any more, right? I did "ps ux | grep update" and killed the current process.02:25
escottHeTaL, just remove that update-manager process from your gnome-session and it won't start when you login02:25
pmo5zetheroo, k3b.. <==02:25
sxealexIf anyone has any ideas: I'm in the middle of an upgrade to 10.10 and its asking about setting file replacements with 9 minutes remaining… but I switched my kvm switch and it wont recognize my input devices now.  Tried xmacro via ssh but its not installed anymore for some reason … Any ideas?02:25
Out_Coldfun-workin: 64 bit or 32?02:25
fun-workinpmo5 no i didnt pay for any of them ;p02:25
commodore64thpmo5, I can only ping the computer the device is directly connected to, but no other computers on my network.02:25
HeTaLescott: Thanks for your help. Appreciated.02:26
zetheroopmo5: no go02:26
fun-workinOut_Cold i tried both02:26
vorlovhello im trying to get vnc to work with X/gdm and i disabled network-manager and gdm.conf... i then installed vnc4server02:26
vorlovand when i vnc it just loads a blank white screen02:26
vorlovany ideas perhaps?02:26
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nraicHello, my side bar doesn't seem to keep my choose applications after a reboot. It returns to the default apps like firefox, oo writer and so on instead of the new apps I have chosen. Does anyone know why this might be happening?02:27
itaylor57I am running 11.04 and upon wakeup from sleep the cursor is lagging and unable to select menu options.  Is there a log I should look at for errors?02:27
Out_Coldfun-workin: i've had install issues with 64 bit before as well as 32 bit.. but after trying several different options, usually one works lol....02:27
pmo5commodore64th, on default line of "ip route ls".. you should have the IP of your router...02:27
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commodore64thip route ls returns "command not found"02:27
commodore64th192.168.1.0 is my router. nvm02:28
fun-workinOut_Cold when i boot up from usb i just let it do hes job, its counting down to default choice, its try ubuntu, after it get to 0 it just restart, and it go on and on and on02:28
sxealexIf anyone has any ideas: I'm in the middle of an upgrade to 10.10 and its asking about setting file replacements with 9 minutes remaining… but I switched my kvm switch and it wont recognize my input devices now.  Tried xmacro via ssh but its not installed anymore for some reason … Any ideas? O.o02:29
Out_Coldtry a different medium?? have an external cd drive??02:29
Wakko10Warnerrm -rf /bin/laden02:29
Out_ColdBahahahahahaha ^02:29
tapoxiHi guys, serious networking problem. Wireless card (wmp300n) won't find or connect to APs, module is loaded. No errors in jockey.log or kern.log. Tried using an older version, didn't help. Ideas?02:29
rwwWakko10Warner: #ubuntu-offtopic for stuff like that ;)02:30
fun-workinout_cold tbh id love to avoid using CD02:30
TrfsrfrJordan_U, I tried loggin in and out, and still get the same error message.02:30
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silvanestiI'm using 11.04 in classic mode but the window bar doesn't refresh frequently enough02:30
Out_Coldfun-workin: then perhaps try a different usb installer... try pendrive linux02:30
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pmo5commodore64th, impossible.. is not an IP address, but a network..02:30
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: What graphics card are you using?02:31
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pmo5commodore64th, could be but not ..02:31
commodore64thI think it's
silvanestifor example if I change websites in ff the title of the window doesn't always change02:31
commodore64thI mean02:31
commodore64thIt is
pmo5commodore64th, ok.. makes more sense02:31
commodore64thanyway, should I completely explain my setup?02:31
TrfsrfrJordan_U, I am running a radeon hd4650, its in the supported list02:32
Out_Coldfun-workin: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/02:32
pmo5commodore64th, hence your router doesn't let you go.. outside.. filtering reason ???02:32
Gold`Was wondering if anyone can help me02:32
SwordsmanI need to have a bash script run in a terminal on startup... I tried "gnome-terminal -e /path/to/my/script", but the script doesn't run, it just dies02:32
escottsxealex, if you could find the stuck pid you might be able to steal its stdin file descriptor with root privileges02:32
Out_ColdGold`: ask away ;)02:32
py9371what do you do in ubnutu when a program freezes up?02:32
Gold`I have a terrible stalker on my end and hes at me 24/7 and not sure what to do02:32
py9371I guess go to processes02:32
Swordsmanit works fine when I'm not doing gnome-terminal -e02:32
py9371i still have a lot to get used to with the new UBuntu02:33
py9371wow i dont know where processes is or sntying02:33
Gold`can anyone help or give me assiatnce02:33
Swordsmanbut I need it to open in a terminal, so02:33
kingofswordshi how do i unmount in gmount02:33
Out_Coldpy9371: i use "Alt+F2" type "xkill" and click the offending window02:33
syrinx_Gold`: with what?02:33
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: Have you tried the "Additional Drivers" utility?02:33
Gold`I have this crazy stalker online02:33
Jordan_U!ot | Gold`02:33
ubottuGold`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:33
Swordsmanis there a proper way to open a bash script in a new terminal window?02:34
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syrinx_this is the wrong place to get help for that lol02:34
Gold`been bothering me for 6 months02:34
Momokahow change program brightness on ubuntu?02:34
Gold`Can anyone offer where I can go02:34
silvanestiGold: GO AWAY02:34
commodore64thI have a Caanoo (linux device) connected to my PC (ubuntu) through USB networking. They can ping each other. Their IP addresses on their network are (Caanoo) and (PC). My PC is connected to a wired network, where it's IP is, and the router is The Caanoo cannot connect to my main network that my PC is connected to.02:34
TrfsrfrJordan_U, I probably did awhile ago. I used to have both monitors and sound working, but then I think I let it automatic update and it all went away02:34
Gold`silvansti, I hope one day you have this issue and try to seek help02:34
microc0smhi im trying to install through the software center and it wont let me because The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources. Anyway to get this installed and allow it im a linux noob02:34
py9371i have to say some things about the new ubuntu take some getting used to02:35
py9371where is the processes thing?!02:35
fun-workinOut_Cold thanks for advices ill try with other loader02:35
tjiggi_fozetheroo, are you perhaps burning to CD-RW disks?02:35
py9371and I cant stand how I cant open two windows at the same time02:35
py9371like 2 terminals for example02:35
Out_Coldpy9371: should be in the systems menu if that still exists.. i haven't tried 11.0402:35
zetherootjiggi_fo: nope ... just plain old CD-R02:36
microc0smplease help i really would love to have project m installed i hate goom02:36
py9371Out_Cold if i was you i might stay with the older version02:36
pmo5commodore64th, echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward  (on your pc)02:36
zetherootjiggi_fo: the issue is with wodim ... I am trying to repair it ... but it's ridiculous that I have to do this stuff to burn a CD02:36
Out_Coldpy9371: i may just switch distros....02:36
py9371Out_COld the side panel app thing is cool but the whole thing needs some work02:36
py9371theres no systems menue02:37
py9371no start menuy thing just side panel02:37
microc0sm!project m02:37
pmo5commodore64th, your PC should let your linux device frame go forward.. when it actually filters those02:37
py9371some of tthe stuff is getting really anoying02:37
Jordan_U!details | zetheroo02:37
ubottuzetheroo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:37
py9371slowing me down a little02:37
Out_Coldfun-workin: a piece of advice, if you use the pendrive installer, it will ask you to download the file again, unless you specify the exact name of the iso you already have..02:37
Carl892Question, I have turned on process accounting /var/account/acct -- and using lastcomm I can see a history of recent commands, but I cannot see the *full commands*. For example, I see "ls" but not "ls -latr" -- anyone know how I can see that?02:37
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pmo5commodore64th, you may need and iptables rules too ..02:37
zetherooJordan_U:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+bug/149076?comments=all02:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 149076 in cdrkit (Ubuntu) "[SOLVED] I can't write a cd" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:37
tapoxiAnyone? Broadcom issues on 11.04?02:38
TrfsrfrJordan_U, where is the additionally drivers utility located?02:38
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: In System Settings.02:39
zetherooJordan_U: pretty full on ay! ;)02:39
py9371im getting it though02:39
py9371everything is a freking app already02:39
linuxer0203 anyone here ?02:43
Out_Coldlots here02:43
linuxer0203 i have a qusetion .02:43
bastidrazorlinuxer0203: a pony is here.02:43
compromdonHi I've just installed natty, and I wanted to get the gnome3 shell. I've tried to get it  via  sudo apt-get install gnome-shell but I don't get an option in the login screen. anyone know how I can install this ?02:43
roastedQuestion - I set up software raid in the alternate installer. When it completed, I logged in and checked out my mount points and fstab. There was no entry for raid, and I cannot manually mount either drive independently. When you're in the alternate installer, does it give you an option to create a mount point for the raid? Or do you HAVE to fix that afterwards?02:43
Jordan_Uzetheroo: Have you tried using cdrecord, or xorriso? (xorriso is in the default repositories for Ubuntu).02:43
microc0smprojectm jack audio visualization. how do i install the packages from not authenticated sources. Im trying to install through ubuntu software center and it will not install it, does anyone know a command line way or alterante way to install or something im confused by all this.02:43
linuxer0203there is something wrong with my IBM  boot02:43
linuxer0203what should i do02:43
zetherooJordan_U: well, according to what I have been reading I need to replace wodim with cdrecord ...02:43
fun-workinOut_Cold i used other loder and something happened. it start to load up ubuntu unfortunately it stopped after some time last message is : no plug and play decie found.02:43
zetherooJordan_U: I have never even heard of xorriso02:43
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Jordan_Uzetheroo: It's another terminal based iso creation and burning software.02:43
Out_Coldfun-workin: maybe it's a bad flash or usb port???02:43
zetherooJordan_U: I do wonder though why K3B is tied into using wodim when it's rubbish02:43
Out_Coldfun-workin: i use that installer very frequently..02:43
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zetherooJordan_U: I am not trying to burn via command line ... I need to replace the sym links as well ... so I can use the frontends02:44
sxealexescott: what stuck pid? its just the mouse and keyboard that are stuck (i am sshed in)02:44
fun-workinOut_Cold so what should i do ? :) im newbie ;)02:44
PwrSurgei'm having a problem where most website load intermittently02:44
zetherooJordan_U: There is a how-to here which I am attempting to follow  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85170702:44
PwrSurgeloading a direct link usually works but clicking on links only works half the time02:44
PwrSurgeFirefox 3.x02:45
linuxer0203 maybe02:45
linuxer0203  so saddly02:45
PwrSurgeit stalls on Waiting for ....02:45
Out_Coldfun-workin: try another port? format the drive? try another stick? read the instructions for the pendrive installer (although it's pretty straight forward)02:45
escottsxealex, apt-get is stuck waiting for command line input inside the gui right? so you could as root open the fd associated with stdin of that process and jam a "y" into it. i have no idea if it would work02:45
Out_Coldjust some ideas i would try02:45
fun-workinok thanks i will02:46
my_nameman yes02:46
pmo5on the go.. night all.. 3:46 am in here, bye02:46
my_namegood night02:46
TrfsrfrJordan_U, The additional drivers utility says that I am using is a proprietary driver.02:46
pmo5my_name, ;-)02:46
BlackBoxwell in here is 4:46 ...:P02:47
py9371wow if you try to puy system checker on the toolbar it doesnt show up02:47
py9371what the hell02:47
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: You can try disabling the proprietary driver, but that may just make things worse.02:47
sxealexescott: hmm not sure I know how to do that im in as root atm02:47
Out_ColdTrfsrfr: i sent you a link in a pvt msg02:47
Deviousim in a bit on a conundrum02:48
sxealexescott: is it similar to screen command?02:48
roastedQuestion - I set up software raid in the alternate installer. When it completed, I logged in and checked out my mount points and fstab. There was no entry for raid, and I cannot manually mount either drive independently. When you're in the alternate installer, does it give you an option to create a mount point for the raid? Or do you HAVE to fix that afterwards?02:48
TrfsrfrOut_Cold, Thank you...how do I retrieve it?02:48
vorlovfor some reason when i load vnc4server it does not load the fglrx (ATI graphics drivers) with it... anyone know why?02:48
Jordan_UOut_Cold: It's best to keep support in-channel. That way others can help out and ensure that bad advice isn't being given.02:48
escottsxealex, the problem is you can't do anything like screen or xmove because you don't have the infrastructure in place to start with02:49
Jordan_UTrfsrfr: Actually, part of the problem may be that you weren't using ATI's tools for setting up displays.02:49
escottbut maybe there is a way to force screen onto a running process02:49
Out_ColdJordan_U: the link is offtopic for downloading pdf manuals..02:49
retfhi everyone02:50
BlackBoxyeah ATI doesnt really know what linux is.. xD02:50
escottsxealex, just injecting characters into stdin of a running process02:50
Out_ColdTrfsrfr: it should be a tab that says "Out_Cold"02:50
commodore64thpmo5, when I run "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" I get "Permission Denied"02:50
PwrSurgehow can I run firefox with debugging enabled?02:50
sxealexescott: the screen went to sleep tho -.-02:50
sxealexso I don't know if I cant tell the out come02:51
escottsxealex,  then how do you know how it is stuck02:51
PwrSurgewaiting for maps.google.com ...02:51
fun-workinout_cold, im getting also message "usb 2-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and adress, maby this could give you any clue of what is wrong ?02:51
bastidrazorcommodore64th: use "echo 1 | sudo tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"02:51
Out_Coldfun-workin: maybe i should ask what is the OS you are trying to make these sticks on02:51
BlackBoxprob ubuntu...its ubuntu irc..:P02:52
fun-workinwindows xp02:52
TrfsrfrJordan_U,  I will try ATI's tools. i'll be back shortly.02:52
Jordan_Ucommodore64th: If you're trying to share an internet connection it may be easier to use network-manager's sharing feature: http://magazine.redhat.com/2008/10/16/video-fedora-10-connection-sharing/02:52
Out_Coldfun-workin: try this app.. http://sites.google.com/site/shamurxboot/download02:52
sxealexescott: it was stuck i went over to the other comp to google a few things then it was asleep, I am still sshed in and my mumble server is still running02:52
PwrSurgeit's almost like a MTU problem but I know it's not02:54
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microc0smprojectm jack audio visualization. how do i install the packages from not authenticated sources. Im trying to install through ubuntu software center and it will not install it, does anyone know a command line way or alterante way to install or something im confused by all this.02:58
bastidrazorJordan_U: wow. connection sharing made simple. i'm impressed.02:58
ipposHi everyone, i'd need some informations about ubuntu on netbooks, i considered buying a netbook to use with 11.04 and higher (when they will be released), its specs are intel n455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma card (possibly 3150 which is the most used on netbooks) the usage i planned is very simple, it has to handle unity and youtube at at least 720p (less? i dont care aslong as the human eye can watch a flash video, and min02:59
ipposd you this is just a metre, im not buying a pc for youtube lol). I'd like it to be a long lasting investment, possibly 2 years with no issues (and im considering the actual release the worst since unity is fairly new and supposed to be buggy and resources hungry in the initial stages, correct me if you dont agree). would such specs be good?02:59
=== HelpLess[SGA] is now known as NetRiot
bfnfjhow do i add a password to a user in terminal so i can log in as user@*?03:00
Maximohello papa03:00
olskolircdo we have a web based irc program?03:01
zetheroowell that did not seem to work ... I suppose I'll have to boot into Windowz to burn media - DOH!03:01
twotenampasswd <username>?03:01
RenieriusDoes anyone here have good knowledge of running games while using Ubuntu?03:01
olskolircchannel rather?03:01
twotenambfnfj: try "passwd <username>"03:01
ipposRenierius: as far as i know most of them will run just fine if you have an arrandale/clarkdale intel card (also known as intel gma HD)03:01
Renieriusippos: how would I know if I had one?03:02
ipposRenierius: older will handle assault cube, wormux and hedgewars (only i ever played lol) at mid/mid-high settings03:02
ipposRenierius : one what?03:02
commodore64thI tried using connection sharing, but for some reason, my ethernet connection constantly connects and disconnects...03:02
Renieriusippos: An arrandale/clarkdale intel card?03:03
bfnfjhow do i add a user?03:03
ipposRenierus: whats your cpu?03:03
aeon-ltd!adduser | bfnfj03:03
ubottubfnfj: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo03:03
bastidrazorbfnfj: sudo adduser username03:03
vorlovcan anyone offer any ideas why fglrx isn't loading with vnc4server?03:03
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:03
ipposRenierius: you may try  lshw -c video (with or without sudo should give you an idea)03:04
Renieriusippos: an Intel Core i7 Processor.03:04
ipposHi everyone, i'd need some informations about ubuntu on netbooks, i considered buying a netbook to use with 11.04 and higher (when they will be released), its specs are intel n455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma card (possibly 3150 which is the most used on netbooks) the usage i planned is very simple, it has to handle unity and youtube at at least 720p (less? i dont care aslong as the human eye can watch a flash video, and min03:04
ipposd you this is just a metre, im not buying a pc for youtube lol). I'd like it to be a long lasting investment, possibly 2 years with no issues (and im considering the actual release the worst since unity is fairly new and supposed to be buggy and resources hungry in the initial stages, correct me if you dont agree). would such specs be good?03:04
ipposRenierius: lol big toy, open a terminal and give that command see what it says03:04
commodore64thJordan_U, I tried connection sharing, but it makes my connection constantly connect and disconnect.03:05
Renieriusippos: description: VGA compatible controller03:06
Renierius       product: Juniper [Radeon HD 5700 Series]03:06
Renierius       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc03:06
Renierius       physical id: 003:06
Renierius       bus info: pci@0000:02:00.003:06
Renierius       version: 0003:06
Renierius       width: 64 bits03:06
FloodBot1Renierius: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:06
hiexpopastebin   Renierius03:06
ipposRenierius: thats not an intel card, mmmm what drivers are you using?03:06
klevi|PCWhat aew modes zq?03:06
RenieriusYeah, I'll remember that next time ;P03:06
bfnfjhow do i change the the name after the @?03:08
ipposerrr, really noone can tell me if a netbook with those specs would play nice with ubuntu? O.o03:08
xangua!hardware | ippos03:08
ubottuippos: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection03:08
rww!modes | klevi|PC03:08
ubottuklevi|PC: There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml03:08
ipposxangua: supported is a thing, playing nice is another, as far as im concerned ubuntu can have a pentium 3 as supported but 11.04 wont work03:08
Renieriusippos: my CPU: http://pastebin.com/eEWYkGCc03:09
ipposRenierius: cpu shouldnt be a concern, video card is, what drivers are you using?03:09
Renieriusippos: I'm not certain about the drivers, how should I check?03:09
klevi|PCAhha.. Less strict moderaton and a mute switch03:09
klevi|PCty rww03:09
ipposRenierius: faster way (dummy way) would be opening jockey and seeing what has a green check near the name lol03:09
ipposRenierius: sadly i personally dont know any other way to check for nvidia  or ati drivers :P03:10
Renieriusippos: dummy way would be good for now, since I'm quite a newbie ATM :P03:10
bfnfjhow do i change the the name after the @?03:11
=== sony is now known as Guest67432
ipposRenierius: fine, you have natty?03:11
Guest67432how can i move my unity launcher i know there isn't an option but could i possibly do it by editing some file03:11
rwwbfnfj: after the @ where? in the terminal?03:11
bfnfjyes rww03:11
ipposHi everyone, i'd need some informations about ubuntu on netbooks, i considered buying a netbook to use with 11.04 and higher (when they will be released), its specs are intel n455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma card (possibly 3150 which is the most used on netbooks) the usage i planned is very simple, it has to handle unity and youtube at at least 720p (less? i dont care aslong as the human eye can watch a flash video, and min03:11
ipposd you this is just a metre, im not buying a pc for youtube lol). I'd like it to be a long lasting investment, possibly 2 years with no issues (and im considering the actual release the worst since unity is fairly new and supposed to be buggy and resources hungry in the initial stages, correct me if you dont agree). would such specs be good?03:11
gdea73_hello, I really need help after restoring Grub2.03:11
rww!hostname | bfnfj03:12
ubottubfnfj: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.03:12
Renieriusippos: today I installed the driver on Jockey, it's named "ATI/ADM proprietary FGLRX graphics driver"03:12
ipposRenierius: and you cant play with it?03:12
pdtpatrick____there's no more netbook book version of ubuntu?03:13
Renieriusippos: I'm sorry for forgetting to mention this earlier, but I'm able to play games (technically), yet I'm having a problem with one specific thing.03:13
xangua!nebook | pdtpatrick____03:13
pdtpatrick____!netbook | pdtpatrick___03:13
ipposRenierius: whats the problem?03:13
gdea73hello again. My computer won't boot after restoring GRUB.03:13
ubottuStarting with Ubuntu 11.04, the Ubuntu Netbook Edition is no longer being offered as a separate install as Unity is now standard for all Ubuntu desktop installs.03:13
xanguaaggg, hard to remember that03:14
Renieriusippos: are you familiar with the game GTA San Andreas? And if so, SAMP?03:14
pdtpatrick____oh interesting03:14
ipposRenierius: used to rock at it rofl03:14
ipposRenierius: mind you that you are probably using wine, thats well known to give problems since you re not playing a native game03:14
bfnfjHow do i give a user i added root rights?03:14
ipposRenierius: the best thing you want to do is check "samp wine" or "gta san andreas wine" on google, it should give you the winehq link for those games including any configuration hints and so on03:15
rwwbfnfj: sudo adduser usernamehere admin03:15
=== d484 is now known as d484pt2
=== d484pt2 is now known as d484
Renieriusippos: Awesome :} But I got everything to work separately now, yet when I try to connect to a server on SAMP it seems to go wrong within the first moment of the game having started up.03:16
gdea73 Is anyone willing to help? I am greeted by a spastically flashing cursor upon boot. This is after 1) installing Windows XP on a separate partition, and 2) restoring GRUB03:16
Blackaddersudo su03:16
Blackadderthen give root a password03:16
Renieriusippos: Yes, I am indeed using Wine and I checked the WineHQ, but it didn't seem to bring a solution to this problem.03:17
ipposRenierius: any error?03:17
ipposRenierius: something from terminal or any game error03:17
Renieriusippos: there usually isn't an error message, the game gets stuck unnaturally and I have to close it off myself.03:17
Jordan_Ugdea73: How did you re-install grub?03:18
bfnfjrww that doesnt work03:18
ipposRenierius: just gets stuck like windows does or gets the whole pc stuck?03:18
gdea73Jordan_U: according to the guide on the wiki. I verified that I had mounted only my ubuntu partition, then I typed this:03:18
gdea73"sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/0d104aff-ec8c-44c8-b811-92b993823444 /dev/sda"03:18
fun-workinOut_Cold, meh its not working ... i give up for now, gonna get some sleep. Thanks for your time thou :)03:18
rwwbfnfj: does the output of "groups" when logged in as the new user include "admin"?03:19
bfnfjrww: it says the group admin does not exist.03:19
Renieriusippos: both, occasionally, but just the window getting stuck happens by far the most.03:19
Jordan_Ugdea73: Do you have more than one hard drive?03:19
rwwbfnfj: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?03:19
bfnfjrww: idk how would i check that?03:19
bfnfjrww: 10.0403:19
Renieriusippos: which I mostly fixed my closing off Wine entirely.03:19
gdea73Jordan_U: I have only one internal hard drive, a Samsung Spinpoint 1TB SATA drive.03:20
Renieriusippos: fixed by closing*03:20
ipposRenierius: thats very odd i must say03:20
ipposRenierius : you sure you followed winehq guide?03:20
rwwbfnfj: can you copy the output of "apt-cache policy sudo" to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and link the page it creates here, please?03:20
Jordan_U!bootinfo | gdea7303:20
ubottugdea73: To diagnose boot issues, you can use the Boot Info Script available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/ Run the script with !sudo and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).03:20
bfnfjrww: http://pastebin.com/AUEkHR1F03:21
Renieriusippos: there isn't really a guide, just a few crucial notes which I all followed, the only thing I could try is using winetricks to install directX.03:21
pksadiqbfnfj: try echo $PS1   and see your current PS1 edit it after @ to what ever you need and export03:22
Renieriusippos: let me see what that brings.03:22
gdea73Jordan_U: I get this error running the script: ./boot_info_script.sh: 353: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi")03:22
Jordan_Ugdea73: It's not an sh script. It's a bash script.03:22
ipposwow!!!! i just noticed i put 720p on a netbook rofl, i meant to ask 540p rofl, sorry , anyone has thoughts?03:23
gdea73Oh. I thought sh = bash ...03:23
bfnfjhow do i delete a user?03:23
ippos540-360 its just a metre anyways  + unity which will be used for real03:23
gamax92hey can you guys help the loser in ##tptgames03:23
Renieriusippos: it makes no sense though, PlayOnWindows should already have taken care of that or it would've happened otherwise, because else I wouldn't have been able to play the SP at all.03:24
rwwgamax92: no. #ubuntu's for Ubuntu technical support, not cross-server silliness.03:24
gamax92its not cross server03:24
gdea73Jordan_U: http://pastebin.com/eFht4qHe03:24
gamax92and tpt is a version or fork of ubuntu03:24
bfnfjhow do i delete a user?03:24
rwwgamax92: it's not officially supported, so it's offtopic for here.03:24
researcher123hello everybody03:25
BLZbubbahow do i disable @#$^ compiz on natty?03:25
cordoval_  > Network Card :  RTL8168/8111 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter03:25
cordoval_  > Network Card : VT82C570 MV IDE Controller VT6105 Rhine III Fast Ethernet Controller03:25
cordoval_are these supported in ubuntu?03:25
ipposRenierius: I'm probably going to get hit by someone here but most games for windows played on ubuntu make no sense to me, in fact many of them have issues that are usually fixed in ages, now this is my point of view as ex windows user i feel your pain but actually (to me) getting a game to work with wine is very very hard, you may want to troubleshoot any script/shortcut you used (if any) to get it to work, also, does the03:25
ipposgame work for you in single player?03:25
cordoval_if my network with these cards does not pick up, wired connection, what can i try?03:26
cordoval_  > Network Card :  RTL8168/8111 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter03:26
jefferywNo package 'gtk+-2.0' found03:26
jefferywNo package 'gdk-pixbuf-2.0' found03:26
cordoval_  > Network Card : VT82C570 MV IDE Controller VT6105 Rhine III Fast Ethernet Controller03:26
Jordan_U!ot | ippos03:26
ubottuippos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:26
=== cordoval_ is now known as cordoval
BraydnWhen I install run 11.04 from a usb i get a black screen... Help?03:26
researcher123I have a USB Pen Tablet but Natty does not recognise it.What do I do?03:26
cordovalresearcher123: wacom?03:27
cordovalit is useless, I hope they change that soon03:27
cordovalit is wacom's fault03:27
p_resresearcher123: tried reboot after plug in?03:27
researcher123cordoval: whats that?03:27
cordovalsomeone knows what to do to configure network card or have it pick it up?03:27
cordoval  > Network Card :  RTL8168/8111 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter03:27
cordoval  > Network Card : VT82C570 MV IDE Controller VT6105 Rhine III Fast Ethernet Controller03:27
Jordan_Ugdea73: Do you see the grub menu if you hold shift during boot?03:28
ipposJordan_U: he has problems with a windows game, i said what i think then gave him a lil hint03:28
rodrigoBoa noite pessoal!03:28
ipposhe/she i dont know sorry lol03:28
p_resi only ask because i've required reboots after plugging in some usb devices.03:28
=== theone is now known as Guest19208
Renieriusippos: Yes, it works in SP, ATM I'm using winetricks to install DirectX just to be sure, let's see if that brings any change.03:28
rodrigonão tenho conhecimento algum de IRC alguém pode me ajudar ?03:28
gdea73Jordan_U: Okay, I will try that. I'm running the livecd now so I will be offline for a while. hope to come back soon. thanks.03:28
maco!br | rodrigo03:29
ubotturodrigo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.03:29
rcmaehl_mobileHelp! How do I ftp with nautilus. There''s no ftp option, so what package would i need?03:29
ipposHi everyone, i'd need some informations about ubuntu on netbooks, i considered buying a netbook to use with 11.04 and higher (when they will be released), its specs are intel n455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma card (possibly 3150 which is the most used on netbooks) the usage i planned is very simple, it has to handle unity and youtube at at least 720p (less? i dont care aslong as the human eye can watch a flash video, and min03:29
ipposd you this is just a metre, im not buying a pc for youtube lol). I'd like it to be a long lasting investment, possibly 2 years with no issues (and im considering the actual release the worst since unity is fairly new and supposed to be buggy and resources hungry in the initial stages, correct me if you dont agree). would such specs be good?03:29
klevi|PCrcmaehl_mobile: have you tried FTP:// in the address bar03:29
rcmaehl_mobileklevi|PC: yes03:29
adubzdhclient wlan0 nor ifup wlan0 is not working03:30
ipposRenierius: it shouldnt be a directx problem its supposed to be wine that doesnt work with it, also because if sp works directx is working too03:30
rcmaehl_mobileklevi|PC: error I get when I try is"nautilus cannot support ftp:// locations"03:30
klevi|PCAh then use filezilla03:30
rcmaehl_mobileI want to use  nautilus03:30
rcmaehl_mobilenautilus supports ftp by default03:31
Guest20158anyone how to install a .sh file03:31
rcmaehl_mobilebut I think I uninstalled the package03:31
rcmaehl_mobileGuest20158: chmod +x file03:31
p_resalthough i agree nautilus should work, filezilla is ten time better for ftp.03:31
Guest20158think I have it but what pops up is a EULA03:31
jefferywalmost 1600 people in here wow'03:31
p_resi use filezilla on both windows and linux.03:31
Guest20158and at the end of that it just says "END"03:32
rcmaehl_mobileI just want to reinstall teh package03:32
=== ceed^ is now known as ceed^`away
xanguarcmaehl_mobile: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:32
JarredI'm having a lot of trouble getting Ubuntu 11.04 to install, it only detects one of my hard-drives03:33
JarredI've posted a thread here on ubuntuforums - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10847376#post1084737603:33
Jarredand by "detects"  I mean the installer03:33
Jarredyet I can mount my other hard-drives just fine03:33
JarredCould anyone help me out?03:34
ipposJarred: try exiting the installer during a live session, mounting the drives and retrying to install (while still on live)03:34
FedeXXyou mean by hand on the console right?03:34
MustardCUJarred, with what?03:34
rcmaehl_mobileJarred: try live usb instead?03:34
ipposjarred: not 100% sure where it is on unity but there is an icon :P03:34
microc0smprojectm jack audio visualization. how do i install the packages from not authenticated sources. Im trying to install through ubuntu software center and it will not install it, does anyone know a command line way or alterante way to install or something im confused by all this.03:34
adubztrying to figure out what command will get my internet connection back up to my router my iface is wlan003:34
adubzi have tried everything and i want this to be accomplished at the command line03:34
JarredIt unmounts the hard-drive whenever I open the insatller03:34
CoreyJarred: If that fails, pull the other drives, install Ubuntu, put the other drives back. :-)03:35
FedeXXone lame solution would be to... install 10.10 and upgrade :D03:35
ipposJarred: wow thats odd, is it related to just one version?03:35
JarredIt never happened before03:36
Jarred(as in I had no trouble installing Ubuntu on previous versions)03:36
ipposJarred: FedeXX been faster than me , take his/her advice03:36
FedeXXwell, I got 10.10 working perfect and on 11.04 still can't get the 3d card to work03:36
microc0smim still using ubuntu 1003:36
gdea73I'm back... no luck.03:36
microc0smi dont want to swith ight now03:36
JarredIs there anything less annoying I could do?03:36
ipposJarred: stick to 10.10 for now03:36
ipposJarred: way less annoying03:36
Jarredlol alright03:37
FedeXX10.10 works fine03:37
ShadowBladeSup guys03:37
Jarredbut I'd rather try the new one03:37
klevi|PCHey guys general computer question here. Using my motherboards SATA port, I've got it connected to my ESATA dock. So far, Ubuntu only seems to see one drive, even though both drives come up through USB. My question is basically thus. Will a motherboard SATA port only ever see one drive per slot?03:37
ipposJarred: i'm on 11.04 right now and i see stuff disappearing on my desktop rofl03:37
FedeXXbut I must admit that the unity visuals are good03:37
microc0smippos you know anything about project m? i been asking allot03:37
JarredHere's more info http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176458503:37
microc0smi cant install it from software center03:37
microc0smbecause the source is not authenticated. how do i install it?03:38
ipposJarred: lots of hdd's O.o03:38
Renieriusippos: Sorry about that, I had to power off my PC because it got stuck.03:38
cordoval  > Network Card :  RTL8168/8111 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter03:38
cordoval  > Network Card : VT82C570 MV IDE Controller VT6105 Rhine III Fast Ethernet Controller03:38
cordovalare these supported in ubuntu?03:38
ipposRenierius: no problems03:38
cordovalwhat do i have to do in commands to enable these network cards?03:38
RenieriusIppos: But I have an update on my situation now.03:38
Jarredippos: yeah03:38
ShadowBladeHey guys, I need help with compiz Fussion. How do I add effects and stuff? I don't have an icon.03:38
JarredI bought like one of them03:38
julian_cWould it be accurate to say that most people having issues w/ Natty are having the most problem with Unity, and that in a large number of cases, it's the use of NVIDIA graphics?03:38
Jarredthe 32gb one's are from like 2005 and used to be my brothers03:38
ipposjulian_c: one here lol03:38
cordovali think there is a service to autoconfigure network right?03:39
Jarred160gb was from a friend of my brother's computer that never ended up working and he didn't care enough to pick up the parts03:39
FedeXXsudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager03:39
cordovalwhich is the command?03:39
cordovalservice network start?03:39
microc0smanyone dualboot ubuntu on ps3 i want to get a ps3e but dont know if that will still work03:39
KM0201julian_c: i think so.. i switched to a release w/o Unity, and 11.04 has been perfect03:39
FedeXXor something like that :D03:39
klevi|PCjulian_c: Mines glitchy too, but the card itself is terrible as its one of those Nvidia chipsets03:39
ipposjarred: no idea besides pulling the others during the install sorry, nothing comes up03:39
klevi|PCIm sure thats to blame more than anything julian_c03:39
needlezhi can someone help me install vba-m from source??03:39
BLZbubbaanyone here familiar with compiz & 11.04 ?03:39
gdea73Jordan_U: It just says GRUB Loading... and then clears screen and shows the blinking __03:39
JarredCould it be a kernel module?03:40
ipposJarred: that unmounts your drives?03:40
Renieriusippos: After the DirectX install through Winetricks one of the servers I tried connecting to seemed to work well, the only problem present was that I was missing fonts (but this is easily fixed). However, when I tried to tab out my PC froze.03:40
JarredNo, that prevents hte installer from detecting it03:40
ipposRenierius: whats the update?03:40
JarredDoesn't the installer just used libparted?03:40
Jordan_Ugdea73: Interesting. Has it ever worked since you ran grub-install?03:40
cordoval  > Network Card :  RTL8168/8111 PCIe Gigabit Ethernet Adapter03:40
cordoval  > Network Card : VT82C570 MV IDE Controller VT6105 Rhine III Fast Ethernet Controller03:40
cordovalhow to configura these?03:40
FloodBot1cordoval: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:40
JarredI have that same netwrok card, and it works fine03:40
Jarred(by default with Ubuntu)03:41
cordovalreally out of the box?03:41
microc0smi feel like a ghost up in this mutha03:41
cordovalJarred: wow, hmm what it could be03:41
cordovaldo you know a command for auto configuring?03:41
Renieriusippos: That is, I've been able to start it up (once), but everything freezes upon trying to tab out.03:41
FedeXXdoes anyone managed to get this card working on 11.04?03:41
Renieriusippos: My entire OS.03:41
microc0smcan yall mofos not read my txts?03:41
gdea73Jordan_U: Nope. Sure it's interesting, but this is also kind of an important workstation :S03:41
cordovalJarred: also this goes to router and router goes to an antenna03:41
FedeXXIntel Corporation Mobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller03:41
cordovalcould this be a problem?03:41
JarredI'm not sure about the 8111 part, but I know I have the RTL816803:41
Jordan_U!language | microc0sm03:41
ubottumicroc0sm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.03:41
Jordan_U!patience | microc0sm03:41
ubottumicroc0sm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:41
JarredI installed OSx86 awhile back on here and had to deal with the kexts for it03:42
ipposRenierius: no idea, nothing comes up you may want to get in touch with wine team/forums/wherever you may find a samp player03:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:42
cordovalJarred: ktexts?03:42
cordovalJarred: please explain03:42
needlezhi im getting this error but the package is installed -- checking for module 'gtkglextmm-x11-1.2'03:42
needlez--   package 'gtkglextmm-x11-1.2' not found03:42
Renieriusippos: Maybe not freeze, but I get stuck in the control of my PC.03:42
JarredI know I meant to say kexts03:42
cordovalJarred: kexts?03:42
JarredKext are basically drivers for OSX03:42
cordovalfor the network?03:42
Renieriusippos: Alright, well many thanks already, man :}03:42
JarredIt's only related to OSX03:42
cordovalthat is mac03:42
FloodBot1cordoval: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:42
ipposRenierius: more than welcome, wish i was able to help more03:42
Renieriusippos: I really learned something again here, on my way to become fully accustomed to Ubuntu :}03:43
cordovalJarred: what are the things that I can try?03:43
ipposRenierius: to not run windows games? :P03:43
FedeXXdoes anyone managed to get this card working on 11.04?03:43
JarredTry putting a static IP03:43
FedeXXIntel Corporation Mobile GME965/GLE960 Integrated Graphics Controller03:43
trismneedlez: you need the -dev package when compiling source libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev03:44
ipposFedeXX: whats your problem?03:44
needlezcan someone help me install vbam im running ubuntu 10.04 and im getting this error when trying to build from source ackage 'gtkglextmm-x11-1.2' not found03:44
needlezCMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:259 (message):03:44
needlez  A required package was not found03:44
needlezCall Stack (most recent call first):03:44
needlez  /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPkgConfig.cmake:311 (_pkg_check_modules_internal)03:44
needlez  CMakeLists.txt:62 (PKG_CHECK_MODULES)03:44
FedeXXdoes not start the 3d graphics03:44
FloodBot1needlez: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:44
FedeXXcant enable the compiz effects03:44
klevi|PCneedlez: Pastebin.com03:44
Jordan_Ugdea73: If you need something working now, then you can try booting Ubuntu with Super GRUB2 Disk.03:44
FedeXXwhich make unity does not work03:44
Renieriusippos: Nah, more about Ubuntu in general, and how it's being handled. Plus I'm having -some- advance on the problem at hand :P03:44
needleztrism: i already have -dev package for it03:44
gdea73Jordan_U: Okay. I don't have much *time* now, actually, but I'll look into that.03:45
ipposFedeXX: thats odd usually intel stuff works well with ubuntu03:45
ipposRenierius: good, i hope that problem gets fixed asap03:46
needlezanyother ideas??03:46
Renieriusippos: Alright, thanks again :)03:46
FedeXXon 10.10 works perfect03:46
FedeXXbut not this time :S03:46
ipposFedeXX: you know the exact model of that card?03:46
ipposRenierius: again more than welcome03:46
FedeXXthat's what ubuntu tells me03:46
needlezi got the sdl installed fine its just the gtk part that doesnt want to coroperate03:47
FedeXXit is using i915 driver03:47
ipposFedeXX: laptop i suppose?03:47
FedeXXcompaq 61003:47
ipposFedeXX: brand and model ?03:47
ipposFedeXX: im afraid 610 isnt enough as far as i know they have more stuff after the main ID, can you confirm me this?03:48
Renieriusippos: God bless ye, son!03:48
ipposRenierius: lol thanks03:48
FedeXXippos: let me search, I don't have the original packaging or manuals :P03:49
P1rohi, i wonder if anyone can give me a hand, im trying to add two isp on same box, to make a link for a FPS game, wonder if that can be made and how ?03:49
ipposP1ro: isp ? O.o03:49
P1rotwo conections03:49
P1rodifferents isp03:50
ipposP1ro: 2 modems too?03:50
P1rodhcp both03:50
ShadowBladeanyone know a ubuntu compatible ventrilo alternative?03:50
ipposP1ro: im afraid i dont know for sure, i suppose you re using 2 network cards too right?03:50
P1roshadey teamspeak !03:50
P1roippos yes03:50
ShadowBladecan I connect to vent servers with that?03:51
P1roippos well one ether and other wifi03:51
P1roShadowBlade no03:51
P1roShadowBlade you can use wine and ventrilo03:51
ShadowBladeHow do I do that/03:51
P1roShadowBlade but not always work03:51
ipposP1ro: are we sure thats even possible on any system?03:51
ShadowBladeI just installed ubuntu like yesturday.03:51
P1roShadowBlade you know what wine is ?03:51
ShadowBladeNot a clue.03:51
P1roippos thats is what im trying to figure out03:51
P1roShadowBlade you can google it03:52
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:52
P1roor that03:52
ipposP1ro: im afraid its not, unless you mean that 1 connection is the one you use and if it fails the pc switches to the other03:52
ShadowBladeAhaha Alrighty then :D03:52
ShadowBladeHow would I use that to run ventrilo on here?03:52
P1roShadowBlade you can run windows apps, but more run with bugs and stuff03:52
ShadowBladeWell I do have wine on here.03:52
ShadowBladeBut I have no clue on how to use it to run ventrilo.03:53
ipposShadowBlade: why not use teamspeak?03:53
P1roippos i know that way, but im trying to get both at same time, and the server can appect conections on both sides03:53
Exodist2009Easy way for vent is to install WinXP in VirtualBox VM and it works just find.03:53
ShadowBladeippos, because my friend just set up a ventrilo server and he wants me to join it.03:53
ipposP1ro: im afraid thats not possible, but probably im just bad informed03:53
P1roippos i htink he is tryign to connect a ventrilo server for friends03:53
P1roShadowBlade look what Exodist2009 told you03:54
ipposShadowBlade: tell them to ditch ventrillo :P or just download its exe chmod +x it and double click03:54
ShadowBladeI could do that :D03:54
P1rolast time i run ventrilo with wine it sucked03:54
ShadowBladeI have no clue what chmod+x means03:54
ShadowBladeI'm telling you, I have no clue what I'm doing.03:54
ipposShadowBlade: open the terminal   type chmod +x       then give a space and drag the exe icon in the terminal then find it and doubleclick on it03:55
P1roShadowBlade i can tell03:55
FedeXXShadowBlade: it gives the file execute right03:55
FedeXXShadowBlade: so the SO knows is an binary file03:55
P1roShadowBlade chamod change file attributes03:55
adubz11.04 natty dhclient is NOT working for me what so ever with iface wlan0 although access point wpa settings are in tact seems like a bug can someone shed some lifght03:55
FedeXXShadowBlade: (or a runable file)03:56
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FedeXX(if the word exists lol)03:56
P1roShadowBlade in "+x" means executable03:56
ShadowBladeI got an error when I double clicked it03:56
P1roShadowBlade so chmod (changing file attributes) +x (to executable)03:56
ipposShadowBlade: first do the terminal thing then double click03:56
ShadowBladeI did03:56
FedeXXwhat error?03:57
ShadowBlade End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not03:57
ShadowBlade  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the03:57
ShadowBlade  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on03:57
ShadowBlade  the last disk(s) of this archive.03:57
FloodBot1ShadowBlade: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
ipposShadowBlade: wtf03:57
ShadowBladeI got that03:57
P1roFedeXX the error should be not tracking ticket!03:57
ipposShadowBlade: i got it03:57
ipposShadowBlade: if you have wine installed right click on that file and go on "open with wine"03:58
ShadowBladeGot the installation wizard :D03:58
ipposHi everyone, i'd need some informations about ubuntu on netbooks, i considered buying a netbook to use with 11.04 and higher (when they will be released), its specs are intel n455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma card (possibly 3150 which is the most used on netbooks) the usage i planned is very simple, it has to handle unity and youtube at at least 540p (less? i dont care aslong as the human eye can watch a flash video, and min03:58
ipposd you this is just a metre, im not buying a pc for youtube lol). I'd like it to be a long lasting investment, possibly 2 years with no issues (and im considering the actual release the worst since unity is fairly new and supposed to be buggy and resources hungry in the initial stages, correct me if you dont agree). would such specs be good?03:58
ipposShadowBlade: now it should be all easy like on windows03:58
ShadowBladeThanks so much03:58
ipposShadowBlade: welcome03:58
ShadowBladeAwesome, works great!03:59
ipposI'd also like to thank FedeXX and p1ro for explaining you what i wanted you to do with the terminal lol03:59
ShadowBladeI seen some people on different image sites and seen there ubuntu looks all transparent and they have like fire when they close a window. How do I get that?03:59
ipposFedeXX. got any details on your computer?03:59
aeon-ltdippos: 540p? you mean 720p? 480p? 320p?03:59
needlezhi im getting this error when trying to compile vba-m http://pastie.org/195448203:59
P1roippos well im a linux helper04:00
P1roor more like used to be04:00
P1rolong time ago04:00
ipposaeon-ltd: yes actually 360p full screen would make my day, its just a metre04:00
P1rolike 5 years ago04:00
FedeXXippos: not yer04:00
FedeXXI never used any benchmark in linux :D04:00
ipposaeon-ltd: MUST deal well with mail clients and be able to use crappy webmails lol04:00
FedeXXippos: I take any recomendations :D LOL04:01
P1roShadowBlade well compix-fusion if im not wrong04:01
ipposFedeXX: you should just grab your pc box and see the model04:01
FedeXXippos: that's what I don't have04:01
P1roShadowBlade get drivers for you card and check if ur card is supported04:01
ipposFedeXX: restart, boot into bios and it should say the exact model, perhaps in hardware info the model of your graphics card04:01
P1romaking scripts for command lines04:02
FedeXXippos: says just what I told you04:02
FedeXXcompaq (in huge) then the post does not tell me anything else04:02
P1roill try to run it with ./XXXX.sh and are not working04:02
P1rosays command not found, what did change?04:02
ipposFedeXX: ugh, errrr how old is it?04:02
P1roahhh yes04:03
P1rocompaq bios are useless04:03
ipposall are ;)04:03
needleznvm i got it i needed SDL installed04:03
FedeXXippos: 2 years04:03
trismneedlez: apt-get build-dep visualboyadvance; plus installing libgtkglextmm-x11-1.2-dev seemed to work for me04:03
ipposFedeXX: was it ultracheap? might be that your card is too old or is one of the "not so well supported" ones04:04
P1roippos yes but compaq show you two screen, one for changing time and other for saving it LOL04:04
ipposHi everyone, i'd need some informations about ubuntu on netbooks, i considered buying a netbook to use with 11.04 and higher (when they will be released), its specs are intel n455 cpu 1 gb ram and intel gma card (possibly 3150 which is the most used on netbooks) the usage i planned is very simple, it has to handle unity and youtube at at least 540p (less? i dont care aslong as the human eye can watch a flash video, and min04:04
ipposd you this is just a metre, im not buying a pc for youtube lol). I'd like it to be a long lasting investment, possibly 2 years with no issues (and im considering the actual release the worst since unity is fairly new and supposed to be buggy and resources hungry in the initial stages, correct me if you dont agree). would such specs be good?04:04
ipposP1ro: rofl04:04
FloodBot1ippos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:04
ShadowBladeI can see what you mean about it being really laggy04:04
P1roippos im not lieying is like that04:04
ipposP1ro: i know i had a compaq04:04
FedeXXippos: hope not, but also, on 10.10 works perfectly fine, with compiz and all the effects enabled04:04
needlezvisualboy advance doesnt work correctly, it shows games in black and white not in color, and that other is already installed04:04
ipposFedeXX: might be a unity issue04:04
P1rodang i need some networking guru ! !!!04:04
ipposP1ro: tbh customer care had it more than me, it was permanently on repair rofl04:05
ihashacksFedeXX: "lshw -c video gives" details right on the terminal04:05
trismneedlez: that is to get the deps to build it, not to install visualboyadvance (since vbam seems to be a fork, but it will probably have similar deps)04:05
rz950I have net issues too P1ro04:05
rz950my wifi seems to drop in and out =/04:05
P1roippos lol it happends04:05
ihashacksFedeXX: I too have the GM965/GL960 and can't get Unity 3d working properly (compiz can be enabled, just not Unity 3d)04:05
P1rorz950 o: what net issues? im have not issues, just trying to do something really good04:05
P1roihashacks well its take time to get support for new cards04:06
ipposFedeXX  ihashacks: tried unity2d ? quick dirty solution04:06
tomshawFinally got Unity running on my EVGA Geforce GTS 450, problem was a Hauppauge WinTV card was screwing something up!04:06
FedeXXihashacks: the details are the ones I put04:06
FedeXXippos: I did and works04:06
rz950P1ro: I'll be surfing and all of a sudden it slows to a crawl, its not my isp, windows doesn't have this issue04:06
ihashacksippos: yes, unity2d works fine04:06
ipposFedeXX: im afraid you're stuck with either unity2d or gnome classic04:06
FedeXXippos: but the performance decreaces hugely04:06
FedeXXihashacks:  on 3d?04:07
P1rorz950 what card/drivers04:07
ipposihashacks FedeXX: i have massive issues with graphics and 11.04 too although im using a nvidia card which kinda sucks with linux :P04:07
ihashacksP1ro: it's actually not a new card, just a low end integrated Intel04:07
FedeXXippos: sniff, it was what I was afraid of :(04:07
aeon-ltdippos: a lot of netbooks could handle that just fine, though really i'd be more ambitious without breaking budget boundries of course04:07
rz950P1ro: its the rt73usb driver, its the linksys usb wifi card04:07
RenieriusGuys, is there a way to "escape" when one program is causing you to get stuck? Like a way to still exit it and close it off? I mean when you're in one window full screen and alt-tabbing is made impossible by it getting stuck.04:07
ipposaeon-ltd: like buying a dual core netbook?04:08
aeon-ltdippos: no, start with what you want to do04:08
JediKayaker Hello ... I am new to Ubuntu. Can someone give me their opinion on whether Ubuntu for desktop or Ubuntu server would be best for building a LAMP stack enterprise web server.04:08
P1rorz950 o: very nice card, but change the drivers, prolly are the one giving you the issue04:08
ipposRenierius: i used ctrl+alt+del it would open an exit window which could be ignored and would let me open activity monitor rofl04:08
researcher123how do I type command to know my operating system name & version number?04:08
Piciresearcher123: lsb_release -a04:08
aeon-ltdJediKayaker: server ofc, why would you need a gui?04:08
ipposaeon-ltd: surf the web with few limits, max thing i may do is watch a movie on megavideo but again thats a rare thing (rarely-to-never)04:08
P1rorz950 i have a realtek too, but not right here, it worked great on gentoo and bracktrack04:08
rz950P1ro: might be a piece of crap card lol04:09
P1rorz950 lol no is actually a very good card04:09
aeon-ltdippos: you mentioned unity is that a must?04:09
rz950P1ro: I was trying to compile latest source but had some issues, i'll try to find a little older04:09
ipposaeon-ltd:  i can survive without it but would be happier with04:09
P1rorz950 well chipset is really good, i dont think linksys will kill it04:10
P1rorz950 find a older one.04:10
tomshawApparently Firefox is trying to hog out Chromium as the default browser. :P04:11
JediKayakeraeon-ltd;  not so comfortable at this point, so a GUI would be nice.  Bur ultimately want best choice from a performance perspective.04:11
FedeXXtomshaw:  the eternal fight :D04:11
ippostomshaw: the browsers war moved to your computer lol04:11
adubzdhclient is not working on connecting my wifi to router04:11
Renieriusippos: as an ex-Windows user I must say that that was the kind of thing I was thinking of, but it doesn't seem to have the same effect on my Ubuntu. And it's not that my whole PC froze, because I could clearly still notice other processes running in the background due to the sound coming from them. Notably the radio stream I was listening to on my browser.04:11
adubzit works on other machines but with ubuntu 11.04 it does not work04:11
aeon-ltdippos: then yeah your selection is huge only thing left now is what peripherals you'd like (e.g. sd card reader, webcam etc) - are you sure 360p fullscreen is what  you want (360p is on of the 2 lowest resolutions youtube supports)04:11
aeon-ltdJediKayaker: you could not get more performance than no gui, without a gui (compared with full gnome DE) you would gain easily 300mb of ram back04:12
ipposaeon-ltd: what about megavideo? is it 540? O.o04:12
ipposRenierius: pardon?04:13
julian_cFor netbooks, I've seen 1024x600 to be relatively standard.04:13
ipposRenierius: got you04:13
aeon-ltdippos: megavideo varies per upload, but most intel integrated cards should be fine, i mean its 3d rendering where intel cards suck in comparison to nvidia04:13
ipposaeon-ltd: i'm not using games, ever, just sometimes (very rarely) might watch a megavideo vid, else its all about webmail and such things04:14
Renieriusippos: If I ctrl + alt + del in Ubuntu it only seems to give boot options, and only when it's able to naturally come on the foreground. (Which it doesn't seem to be able to when for example a game is asking up that priority)04:15
ipposRenierius: no idea what a fix may be, as i said i only had pains with wine, although i dont like windows if i had gaming needs id much rather dualboot it lol04:17
ira_gershwinRenierius: if you have a misbehaving full-screen app, you're better off to switch to one of your tty terminals with ctrl+alt+f1-f6 and then either reboot gnome or kill the offending process04:18
Renieriusippos: You don't game momentarily?04:18
JediKayakeraeon-ltd: hmmm ... so server would be best then? At the price of losing the GUI.  Another question ... If I simply find myself struggling to get around, is it possible to add the GUI to Ubuntu server later?04:18
aeon-ltdippos: then yeah, i'd say all you need is a cpu > 1ghz, ram 1gb (could go down to 512mb but with gnome or unity thats pushing it a little), hdd - whatever you'd like; though thats just my opinion, if you can go to electronics store look at some get a feel of what you need (cd drives, mem card readers, number of usb slots, keyboard and design you like etc)04:18
aeon-ltdJediKayaker: yeah you can install Xorg and any desktop you like over server04:19
SeanInSeattleIs it possible to install ubuntu 11.04 without gnome only and no unity?04:19
ipposaeon-ltd: i have a model if you want further details, no need for cd drives or so tho :P04:19
ipposRenierius: i have a console lol cant be bothered gaming on pc04:19
ipposRenierius: but no i dont actually game, its parked there04:19
aeon-ltdJediKayaker: just start from gui if you want to, but if you have time i'd give server ago learn a little in the process04:20
ira_gershwinSeanInSeattle: you could get a fork distro like linux mint, or just choose ubuntu classic at the splash screen to only boot non-unity04:20
aeon-ltdippos: nope thats ok, thats all i have to say04:20
aeon-ltdJediKayaker: *a go04:20
ipposaeon-ltd: thank you sooooo much, much appreciated after 2 hours of repeating at 10 mins intervals :P04:20
SeanInSeattleira_gershwin: Can you define fork distro?04:21
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ira_gershwinin the same way ubuntu derives from debian04:21
ira_gershwinmaybe fork is mildly inaccurate04:21
ira_gershwinfork implies a one-time split04:21
ira_gershwinit's a derivative04:21
ipposira_gerswin: ubuntu 11.04 without unity?04:22
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P1roippos do you know if there will be a way to make a virtual NICs that will lisen to eth0 & eth1 ?04:22
ira_gershwinwith the "gnome classic" desktop that superficially does not use unity04:22
ipposira_gershwin: you have it in ubuntu 11.04 you can choose ubuntu classic04:22
ira_gershwinthat's what i was saying04:23
ipposP1ro: no idea04:23
ipposP1ro: forgive me but im really tired right now, was it you the one trying to use 2 isp?04:23
Griz64What file in /boot/grub do i need to edit to add stanzas (different boot options) that i want??04:24
ipposira_gershwin: sorry im lostl ol04:24
ira_gershwini told SeanInSeattle that he could A) switch to an ubuntu derivative that's more conservative or B) switch to the ubuntu classic desktop04:25
JediKayakeraeon-ltd: thanks for the info ... I will take a look at loading server instead of desktop for my LAMP stack.  Thanks again.04:25
ipposira_gerswhin: LOL i must be totally dumb right now i thought you were asking if there was a way to not use unity, sorry04:25
ira_gershwinippos: no prob04:26
P1roippos dont worry its fine,04:26
P1roippos some1 told me that it can be done like a load balancing stuff04:26
ipposP1ro: was it you?04:26
ipposP1ro: give some time to breath i think my brain needs hoxygen lol04:27
antaranianhi ladies04:27
ipposP1ro: ok, so what you want to do is communicate to a server using 2 isp's right?04:27
ira_gershwinantaranian: lady gaga is not here presently04:27
P1roippos yes04:28
ipposP1ro: ok , just to let you see how i see the thing04:28
P1roippos ok04:28
ipposP1ro: you want to send to X a "hello world" message04:28
antaranianira_gershwin: there are few other ladies in the universe04:28
ipposP1ro: X will have hello from ip 1  and world from ip 204:28
ipposP1ro: at this point isnt X supposed to freak out?04:28
Renieriusippos: Who was that guy that told me to ctrl + alt + f1 + f6?04:28
RenieriusIra_Gershwin: It was you, right?04:29
ipposRenierius: dont know did someone say it?04:29
antaranianguys, I'm trying to setup my vps hosting with apache as webserver to resolve a special directory as root when accessing from a special url04:29
ira_gershwinit was me04:29
RenieriusIra_Gerschwin: Are you some sort of cyber terrorist? :P04:29
P1roippos i want X to send the hellow world and ip1 get it also ip2 can do it04:30
ira_gershwini guess i should have mentioned you can switch back with ctrl+alt+f704:30
P1roit should means04:30
P1rothere are two X04:30
P1rotwo hellow worlds04:30
RenieriusIra_Gerschwin: Yeah, my bad though, I'm still really new :P04:30
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antaranianI've setup a subdomain to point to my server ip via A record, now I wish that if I access by that subdomain, it'll show an internal directory as root04:30
ira_gershwinbut if your gnome session goes all crazy-like, that is the universal solution (at least for me)04:30
ipposP1ro: but ip 1 and ip2 are given to the same computer so why would you want it?04:30
P1roippos to clients conecting same server over differnt ip04:30
ira_gershwinRenierius: once you're there, you can type a command such as sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:31
P1roippos for a gaming server, but with two isp04:31
ira_gershwinto restart your gnome session, for instance04:31
P1rorz950 ping04:31
RenieriusIra_Gerschwin: Yes, it should function as the perfect solution right now, very useful! Learned something I can really use again. many thanks :}04:31
ipposP1ro: so client one and client two both communicate over x to 2 different ip?04:32
ira_gershwinRenierius: no prob!04:32
P1roippos yeah something like that04:32
P1roippos for example right now i can ping both ips04:32
ipposP1ro: and the server (X was confusing me lol) has to always be on on both ip's?04:33
rz950P1ro: I am here but haven't found a solution to that error yet04:33
RenieriusIra_Gerschwin: It's exactly like I'm learning to walk all over again, but in a much better way than before! :P04:33
P1robut since the engine of X dont support two NICs, i trying to setup a VIRTUAL NIC wich read eth0 and eth1 with will be X04:34
ipposRenerius: its obvious, noone taught you how to walk by using irc :P04:34
ira_gershwinRenierius: another handy linux tip is that you can hold down alt and left-click drag to adjust window placement, in case you lose the top of a window04:34
ipposP1ro: im very confused but i see it hard to do, just think that most home and all the businesses routers i ever used only have 1 port to hook the modem04:34
P1rorz950 umm, dont know that chipset, but it should work, i have read it work for injecting packages so it should be working on normal too04:34
ipposP1ro: that must mean something lol04:35
P1roippos well there are routers with two WAN for load balancing04:35
P1roippos im gonna try a load balancing on that machine04:35
P1roi need to find if i can make a virtual NIC that lisen both04:36
Renieriusippos: Well, I used to walk into Windows all the time before, in that perspective :P I feel so much more free now.04:36
ipposP1ro: http://codeghar.wordpress.com/2007/11/04/create-a-load-balance-server-using-ubuntu/  had a look at this?04:36
P1roippos something like a windows bridge lol04:36
P1roippos let me take a good look at it04:36
ipposRenierius: you walked on windows omfg its spiderman!!! (lol just joking i got you)04:36
RenieriusIra_Gershwin: Thank you, I'll take that with me on the journey :)04:37
ira_gershwinRenierius: good luck adapting to linux, i'm off to try learning how to use irssi04:38
ipposP1ro: else you want to have 3 servers, X , X1 , X2   X routes to X1 and X2, X1 routes to isp1 and X2 to isp2, but it will be a bloodbath lol04:38
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Renieriusippos: not on Windows, but into Windows.. I probably don't have to tell you about how you can hurt your head that way :P Seeing as you also used it before.04:38
ipposRenierius: since 2.0 old good DOS crap lol04:39
P1robrctl addbr br004:39
P1robrctl addif br0 eth004:39
P1robrctl addif br0 eth104:39
P1roill make a bridge like that04:39
ipposP1ro: mind you im not that good with networking but that also sounds like X1 and X2 can have their own firewalls04:39
ipposP1ro: set as you wish (x1 open x2 less)04:40
P1robut atfer that how ill hide eth0 & eth1 only be able to by br0 ?04:40
RenieriusIra_gershwin: irssi?04:41
ipposP1ro: uh?04:41
carnage1window 95 used to bridge wifi and lan natively04:41
=== TheInfinityGamer is now known as X-IntelligentKil
=== X-IntelligentKil is now known as X-IntelKiller-X
X-IntelKiller-XWho ready to die?04:42
P1roippos i mean no other apps besides br0 will be able to lisen eth1&eth004:42
* ippos runs away04:42
ipposP1ro: br0 isnt an app tho04:43
* WhoAmIHere wears his new T-Shirt with the legend "I survived the End of the World 2011"04:43
P1roi mean a virtual NIC04:43
* ippos thought it was 201204:43
carnage1wait till the fembots run out of coche04:43
ipposP1ro: no idea about that sorry04:44
WhoAmIHereippos: well, possibly the next year I'll wear the "I survived the End of the World 2012" t-shirt04:44
ipposP1ro: what about this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBonding04:44
ipposWhoAmIHere: i survived chuck norris04:45
X-IntelKiller-XWindows XP FTW!04:45
IdleOneI am trying to rip a dvd using ogmrip but I keep getting an error about not enough space need 806mb. any suggestions?04:46
antaranian guys, here is dump of my hosts file http://pastie.org/1954594 , wouldn't it point all calls from bugs.antaranian.me to /var/www/bugs/thebuggenie ?.04:47
ipposIdleOne: did you specify it was a dvd?04:47
IdleOneippos: I did04:47
RenieriusIra_gershwin: I'm kind of getting pissed at how with each attempt I try to launch the program whatever happens it always ends up changing my desktop resolution to 800 x 600. Is there any quick way to restore it to my usual one?04:47
carnage1alt +/-04:48
ipposRenierius: Rockstar wants you to buy gta 404:48
ipposRenierius: perhaps the resolution change is a wine setting, check it04:48
WhoAmIHereippos: Duke Nukem Forever xD04:48
WhoAmIHereippos: :D04:48
ipposWhoAmIHere: Renierius was trying to get gta sa to work lol04:49
ipposnot duke nukem :P04:49
carnage1ive finally conceded to microsoft re-installing every 30 days since purchaseing vista for $16004:49
Lasivianok, trying to connect to 3 windows machines. all windows 7 x64, all connected fine before my most recent updates. Now only one connects, and my linux box oddly cannot browse the network to find even that one, any ideas?04:49
ipposcarnage1: why you bought vista? O:o04:49
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents04:50
carnage1i have a lotof distros04:50
RenieriusRenierius: Lol, how would this convince me to or intimidate/frustrate me into getting GTA IV?04:50
RenieriusDid I just send that to myself, derp?04:50
ipposRenierius: dunno but Rockstar really wants you to buy gta 4 + LCS04:50
WhoAmIHereLasivian: it seems like a network issue, please go to #networking for help04:50
Lasiviani'm getting cifs -12 errors from the 2 failed machine connections04:50
LasivianWhoAmIHere: all the other boxes see each other just fine and I can ping everything from the ubuntu box04:51
WhoAmIHereLasivian: ok, you can ping all the nodes from the Ubuntu box, now, the problem is... what?04:52
mobile__if I am running KDE instead of Gnome, because it works better on my laptop, does that mean I am limiting the applications I can use?04:52
Renieriusippos: indefinitely, but what are you currently basing that conclusion on? :P04:52
carnage1both use .Deb04:52
ipposRenierius: randomness ^^04:52
Jordan_Umobile__: No. GTK applications work fine in KDE (just as QT apps work fine in GNOME).04:53
LasivianI get: CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -12 when trying to run //$ /media/lasivian-server_f smbfs iocharset=utf8,credentials=/home/lasivian/.smbcredentials,dirmode=77504:53
mobile__Thanks, Jordan_U I couldn't get classic ubuntu to work right with the dang display on my laptop04:53
Lasivianand CIFS VFS: Send error in SessSetup = -1204:53
carnage1anybody increase the size of transparent borders?04:53
mobile__So going with Kubuntu04:53
Lasivianfor each drive on 2 machines, but it connects to another machine with the same windows version just fine usign the same fstab line04:54
outer_spacewhat is a ftp client in ubuntu that can upload a whole directory structure?04:54
Renieriusippos: Ah, alright :P I had gotten the assumption that you meant they were trying to make it clear by keeping GTA:SA outdated in relation to my problems or something like that.04:54
WhoAmIHereLasivian: sorry, I'm not abled to help you, never used Samba :)04:55
ipposRenierius: they stopped updating it ages ago lol04:55
carnage1some how my failed ubuntu 8.04 attempt adopted a wallpaper from an ancient external hdd04:55
carnage1who is Phillip Lougher?04:56
Carl892Question, I have turned on process accounting /var/account/acct -- and using lastcomm I can see a history of recent commands, but I cannot see the *full commands*. For example, I see "ls" but not "ls -latr" -- anyone know how I can see that?04:56
WhoAmIHereLasivian: see http://www.hardforum.com/showthread.php?p=103271432204:57
Renieriusippos: Obviously, but you made me think that it was something used as direct advertisement for GTA IV :P04:57
LasivianWhoAmIHere: Yeah, saw that thread earlier, that fix doesn;t work on windows 704:58
Lasivianthanks tho04:58
widewakehello, could somebody help me with minecraft.jar, i get a blank screen after login.04:58
RenieriusDamn, I so love the music on the radio station who's stream I'm currently listening to.04:58
widewake--- Could anyone help with minecraft?05:00
widewakea game05:00
TVisionHi. How can get operator priveleges in a channel I didn't create, if I'm the owner/administrator of the server? I'm using ircd-hybrid.05:00
RenieriusI wonder if when you're on a speed/cocaine high it really matters what kind of music you're listening to, since I imagine about any music would most likely sound awesome or at least good any ways.05:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:02
bullgard4Why does seahorse > Other Keys show the validity of a certain entry as "Full" but on another Ubuntu computer in the same LAN as "Unknown"?05:02
matiasI have a possible bug on 11.04, is this the correct place to ask?05:02
carnage1depends if your high or coming down05:02
rwwbullgard4: because seahorse uses information from files stored locally, and doesn't talk to your LAN at all?05:03
bullgard4matias: Yes.05:03
WhoAmIHerematias: no, that's off-topic... bugs are disallowed in Ubuntu xD05:03
matiaseverytime I reboot, my keyboard layout is reset05:03
matiasI tried deleting all other layouts05:03
RenieriusYeah, and it also depends on what kind of a guy you are, since effects can greatly differ between users.05:03
bullgard4rww: Ah! Yes I forgot this aspect and will further elaborate. --  Thank you.05:04
rwwRenierius: take it elsewhere, please.05:04
matiasand leaving only spain05:04
matiasbut when I reboot, it's still set to USA05:04
Renieriusrww: No need, was just being random, won't go off-topic too much :P05:05
tripelbhello. My phone is always fine. I plug it in, it autoconnects. now it just charges, I want to transfer pics. Anything I can do from the Ubntu end of things?05:06
knoppiesIm trying to boot ubuntu server 10.04.2 on an old PC of mine (with USB 1.1) I have put the iso onto a flash drive using pendrivelinux (a slightly older one). The USB boots find on any of my other machines, but I get a "boot error" on this machine. Any thoughts?05:07
bullgard4matias: Hopefully /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/dmes.0 will give a clue.05:07
Lasivianwhat's the easiest way to rollback an updated package?05:08
knoppiesHello Peddy, what is the weather like in NZ?05:08
matiasbullgard: is that a error log of some sort?05:09
Peddyknoppies, but... but... I have a hostmask turned on!05:09
knoppiesPeddy, you logged on twice, the first time revealed your host, the second time the hostmask worked.05:10
bullgard4Lasivian: I do not know of an easy way. One possible way is to completely install an older release of your Ubuntu.05:10
bullgard4matias: Yes.05:10
Lasivianlovely.. thanks05:10
knoppiesLasivian, I assume their are easier ways than that, even if you do a apt-get remove and then install an older version.05:11
Lasivianyeah, I need to figure out how to check when a package upgraded first05:11
Peddyknoppies, heh... the weather is pretty OK. Is there a way to add some kind of delay to xchat so it only connects after my user has been logged into freenode?05:11
matiasbullgard4: alright, thanks, i'll check it after next reboot05:11
knoppiesPeddy, other than manually joining the channel everytime, I don't know. I could try look.05:12
IdleOnePeddy: there is, ask in #freenode they can give you a link with info.05:12
IdleOnePeddy: or try #xchat05:12
Peddyknoppies, heh, don't bother, I've already had a look in the client - thanks for bringing the little issue to my attention!05:13
knoppiesPeddy, pleasure.05:13
misuacan anyone pls point me to how i can fix the eee pc 1251T wifi and connection issues?05:13
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knoppiesI am trying to boot a USB on an old PC, and it comes up with "boot error" but the USB boots on all my other machines fine, does anybody have any ideas?05:14
tripelbnevermind. I powercycled the phone and that solved it.05:15
Blue1knoppies: how old of a machine?  usb 1.1 or 2.0?05:15
knoppiesBlue1, 1.1 I think (I am considering buying a PCI card with 2.0) The mboard seems to imply it supports booting from USB (I can choose USB-HDD (and USB-CD)in the boot order)05:16
Blue1knoppies: I'd check to see if there wasn't a bios update for the machine.  I have a 10 year old compaq deskpro --05:17
Blue1knoppies: had different issues, but the last bios update fixed some hdd problems I was having.05:17
notyournamewhat program am i missing to get my mouse pad on my laptop to work. it was then it just stopped05:18
knoppiesBlue1, maybe, I was hoping for a simpler fix. I am trying to boot from a USB flash drive, not a HDD.05:18
Peddyknoppies, did you see my real host this time?05:18
Armageddonhow do I add gdm to start on boot ?05:18
knoppiesnotyourname, ubuntu (and some laptops) support turning the touchpad on and off (for typing and things). You could try looking in mouse settings (I forget the key combo)05:19
knoppiesPeddy, no.05:19
Blue1knoppies: i understand that - but sometimes later versions of bios fixes things - in my case, when I updated the bios, my hdd problems went away -- YMMV05:19
notyournamei tried mouse settings05:19
Armageddonhow do I add gdm to start on boot ?05:20
=== will is now known as RealOptyz
Blue1Armageddon: let me see if it's in rcconf05:20
knoppiesThanks Blue1. I might try using GRUB legacy first.05:21
NictraSaviosHello. Long time eh?05:21
NictraSaviosAnd Blue1, rcconf is only used in BSD init.05:21
knoppiesnotyourname, I remember having a program called touchpad or something, although I cannot find it (maybe I didn't install it this time)05:21
Blue1Armageddon: you you can toggle it on/off with rcconf05:21
notyournameok, i'll look it up05:22
Blue1NictraSavios: I use it on debian and seems to work05:22
NictraSaviosI am having an issue with grub 2, i have it set not to create recovery entires, but it still makes 2 entries for each OS.05:22
ArmageddonBlue1, can you show me the link please ?05:22
Blue1Armageddon: link to?05:22
NictraSaviosBlue1, hmm. Oh i dont know too much about Debian, i got my trial by fire on Arch, then Gentoo.05:22
ArmageddonBlue1, I meant line*05:23
Blue1NictraSavios: ahh SuSE for me05:23
Blue1Armageddon: sudo rcconf  (you may need to install it first)05:23
NictraSaviosThis would not be an issue with 1-2 OS, but i have 5. with 2 kernels each. Should have 10 entries, but i have 19.05:23
knoppiesnotyourname, try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad/ShortcutKey05:23
ArmageddonBlue1, got it, thank you05:23
NictraSaviosDose anyone know how to fix it?05:24
Blue1NictraSavios: i have a linux help site at http://www.pkill-9.com05:24
carnage1click e and delete05:24
=== banana is now known as bananazz
Blue1NictraSavios: have you tried re-installing grub?05:24
notyournamethat looks like german to me. i'm not the best terminal05:25
NictraSaviosBlue1, It ive reinstalled Ubuntu 3-4 times. Never goes away.05:25
NictraSaviosIve ignored it untill now.05:25
Blue1NictraSavios: that should re-install grub05:25
NictraSaviosBlue1, Yes , thats what i was saying.05:26
Blue1NictraSavios: indulge me - you are installing what version of ubuntu?05:26
bananazzis there anyway i can set ALT+left click to have the action of right clicking?05:26
Blue1NictraSavios: cat /etc/issue05:26
NictraSaviosBlue1 Natty, using gnome2 with unity purged.05:26
barcefHow do you zero-fill the empty space on your hard drive?05:27
Blue1NictraSavios: there are grub problems with 11.04 -- I don't recommend it05:27
NictraSaviosBlue1, cat /etc/lsb-release aswell.05:27
thedarkHI everyone I upgraded to the latest ubuntu and now my S-Video out isn't working. It was working perfectly before the upgrade :( Now I just get a black screen. It detects the TV in my monitor settings and occasionally the TV flickers when I take some action.05:27
NictraSaviosyes, i alredy know about the btrfs spase files error.05:27
Blue1barcef: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/whatevever05:27
NictraSaviosI cant use Grub2 on BT5, dosent understand btrfs.05:28
NictraSavioshavent tried the suse 11.4 loader, or the centOS.05:28
RealOptyzis there a script that xorg starts or something?05:28
Blue1NictraSavios: sorry I don't have enough exp. with 11.04 / unity have shied away from it05:28
NictraSaviosBlue1, I dont use unity, purged it. Gnome 2.05:28
Blue1NictraSavios: yes I understand, but it seems like 11.04 broke grub for some people.05:29
NictraSaviosBlue1, su , then apt-get purge unity* :D. anyway, yea.. i might go and get the upstream release.05:29
Blue1NictraSavios: its why I have stayed with 10.04 lts - will prolly migrate to debian squeeze later on.05:30
predator_xim using ubuntu 11.04.. having some problems while playing music.. sounds gets stuck... any idea what could be the problem?05:30
Blue1predator_x: what music player are you using?05:31
NictraSaviosBlue1, Try LMDE. very nice debian distro. Most of Mints releases are great... most.05:31
predator_xany music play i use...have the same problem05:31
Blue1NictraSavios: might try pin guy os05:31
NictraSaviosBlue1, never heard of it :P05:31
Blue1predator_x: you are using what version of ubuntu?05:31
KatronixSerfcan someone tell me which package provides XSLT?05:32
Blue1NictraSavios: http://pinguy-os.sourceforge.net/05:32
NictraSaviosBlue1, I'm on Backtrack 5 atm, had to fix a few things on it, thought id ask for grub help while im here05:32
Blue1predator_x: i don't have enough experience with 11.04 -- sorry :-(05:32
NictraSaviosBlue1, I might v-box it just for the conky script.05:33
predator_xoh ok thanks..05:33
Blue1I stayed with 10.04 because they removed legacy support for nvidia cards in 10.1005:33
NictraSaviosBlue1, god i hate nvidia. When i got this Gateway MD73 for my 14th back in 2009, i made damn sure it didnt have anything nvidia05:34
NictraSaviosThen i made it into a hackintosh, and now i have 4 linux on it too :D05:35
Blue1netbook and desktop server (64 bit) are 10.10 -- firefox does NOT work on 64 bit system for me -- causes linux to crash.05:35
wyvern666what is "business ubuntu" ???????05:35
Blue1wyvern666: i think that is ubuntu with support05:35
=== sm is now known as Guest63970
NictraSaviosKraln, what is xslt?05:36
carnage1xalt ted05:36
wyvern666[Blue1] if a hosting offers ubuntu , i think it should be ubuntu server or not?05:36
ScottONanskiI switched to Ubuntu Classic mode but I cannot drag windows around by the title bar. Anyone know how to fix that?05:36
NictraSaviosKraln,  xlstproc05:36
Blue1wyvern666: i am not understanding the question.05:36
Blue1wyvern666: not sure what you mean by "ubuntu hosting"05:37
carnage1does ubuntu 11.04 unity have a finder indo?05:38
commodore64thI'm trying to use firestarter to "bridge" two network connections. I have my Ubuntu PC hooked up to a Caanoo (Linux-based handheld) via USB networking, and I have a laptop that is connected to a network that has internet access by WLAN and Ethernet. So far, I can ping any computer on my network from the Caanoo, but I can't access the Internet.05:38
Blue1carnage1: beagle?05:38
Blue1carnage1: like find files?05:38
NictraSavioswyvern666, The university of waterloo hosts packages for Archlinux, gentoo, and many Linux, it uses OSX servers.05:38
NictraSavioswyvern666, they dont need ubuntu servers to host ubuntu05:39
carnage1Blue1 like os x05:39
Blue1carnage1: sorry I have never used a mac05:39
Kralnwhy would I know what xlst is in your usage05:39
wyvern666[NictraSavios] is not better ubuntu server for server?05:39
carnage1oh you ust try05:39
NictraSavioscarnage1, i use OSX, try deskbar-applet05:39
NictraSavioswyvern666, ofcourse. its in the name.05:39
carnage1Launch-Box works good05:39
Blue1carnage1: two articles on finding files:  http://pkill-9.com/how-to-find-files-in-linux/  and http://pkill-9.com/how-to-install-and-configure-the-locate-command/05:39
wyvern666[NictraSavios] so... why "business ubuntu" ?05:39
NictraSavioswyvern666, the desktop eddition shouldnt be used for a server. Business ubuntu is just Ubuntu server with paid support.05:40
wyvern666[NictraSavios] ohh, what is "paid support" ?05:40
Blue1NictraSavios: i'd agree but I use my desktop for ftp server, and dns server -- seems ok..05:40
NictraSavioswyvern666, companies can pay canonical to give the support for longer then 18 months/3 years05:41
Blue1wyvern666: where you pay cash money for the ubuntu folks to answer questions05:41
wyvern666ok i see now xD, thanks05:41
wyvern666what is better for server ubuntu or debian?05:41
thedarkHello everyone. I upgraded to 11.04 and now TV out stopped working. Can anyone help me out?05:42
NictraSaviosUbuntu, better Samba support.05:42
knoppieswyvern666, that is mostly a subjective answer.05:42
wyvern666[knoppies] xD05:42
wyvern666yeah i know...05:42
rwwask in #ubuntu => get told Ubuntu. ask in #debian => get told Debian.05:42
knoppiesthedark, I assume it has something to do with your video card drivers.05:42
Alex3012does anyone here have ADD and wouldn't mind me asking them a few questions? PM me please.05:42
NictraSaviosIts like asking a coffin dealer "do i need an expensive coffin"05:42
rww!ot | Alex301205:43
ubottuAlex3012: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:43
knoppiesNictraSavios, I like that.05:43
NictraSaviosrww, actually.... i asked in debian if i should use Ubuntu or Debian for ssh , they told me ubuntu ... haha :P05:43
commodore64thJust like asking Best Buy if you really need them to install your Television for you.05:43
rwwNictraSavios: Maybe they wanted to get rid of you :\05:43
NictraSaviosrww, true, i am rather annoying arent i?05:44
KatronixSerfsorry what do I install to have XSLT?05:44
thedarkknoppies: so what can I do? it was working before the upgrade05:44
Woogahello, how do i compile a library for ubuntu mingw32 environment so i can use this library for cross-compilation for windows?05:44
NictraSaviosKatronixSerf, Try googling "Ubuntu XsLT"05:44
thedarkknoppies: ubuntu detects the TV and the TV flickers occasionally but otherwise it is just black05:44
NictraSaviosOh ill do it before the mods can05:44
knoppiesthedark, what kind of video card is it? (manufacture and model)05:44
thedarkknoppies: could it be a problem wkith the refresh rate?05:45
NictraSavios!google | NictraSavios05:45
ubottuNictraSavios, please see my private message05:45
carnage1thedark: press ctrl alt05:45
knoppiesthedark, yes it could, I didnt think of that.05:45
Woogain gento there is xmerge script provided by crossdev utility05:45
tanathcan anyone tell me why ubuntu's memory usage has multiplied?05:45
Woogaisn't in ubuntu any same thing?05:45
commodore64thI have a Linux-based handheld device connected to my computer via usb networking, and the rest of my network through my computer. So far, I can ping any device on my network, including my router. However, I can't access the Internet.05:45
thedarkI pressed control alt...?05:45
knoppiestanath, could it be something you installed, or are you comparing two different releases?05:45
=== stOrmBlast is now known as CesarGomez
NictraSaviosWooga, Gentoo and Ubuntu are fundamentally different.05:46
carnage1thedark: now press alt +/-05:46
tanathknoppies, nope, still on 10.10. as of weeks ago it was tiny. now it uses all my ram05:46
thedarkI don't know what kind of video card... how can I find out? It is a TOshiba Satellite laptop05:46
tanathknoppies, same on a different computer05:46
thedarkcarnagel: nothing is happening05:46
carnage1bad video05:46
WoogaNictraSavios: yes, i know, but isn't there anything like crossocmpile script for apt-build or anything?05:46
tanathknoppies, i mean, even when not running anything beyond startup apps05:46
hiexpoWooga, gentoo is gentoo ubuntu is ubunto05:46
knoppiescommodore64th, that is more than likely your wireless router/ADSL (or other technology) router. It only allows certain IPs through.05:46
NictraSaviosWooga, what are you trying to do? chances are its very simple, or done automaticly in Ubuntu.05:47
commodore64thI don't think I have enabled mac filtering or anything.05:47
ray24Anyone know how to get banshee to sync /import music from an external hard drive? holler05:47
commodore64thI have my router console open right now.05:47
NictraSaviosWooga, i dont know by heart, check man apt-get , but you can build for different architectures.05:47
knoppiestanath, Most of my memory usage comes from running many instances and tabs of firefox/chrome. You could use conky or top or htop to try find out what is using the most memory on your system. I bet it is a program that was updated.05:47
tanathray24, import from media menu?05:47
WoogaNictraSavios: i have an application (mine) which uses soci SQL library. i have to crosscompile it to windows. but in order to link it with soci in mingw env i have to build soci for mingw env. how do i do that?05:48
tanathknoppies, even without browser running05:48
ray24Yeah, there's an option to import single files from the media menu, but I have over 50 gigs of music I want to import05:48
ray24and there's no option to grab the bundle05:48
knoppiesCommander1024, does your device (I assume its the phone we are talking about?) use DHCP or does it set its own IP address? Does your device match the subnet of your router/other PCs.05:49
knoppiestanath, top or htop, then order by memory usage, tell me whats on top.05:49
NictraSaviosWooga, Hmm.  thats above my head. If he wasent asleep i know a friend of mine would know, but hes not awake >.< so bad timing i guess.05:49
tanathknoppies, actually, i figured out what's using a bunch of it, but on another system where that doesn't apply ubuntu uses nearly a gig05:49
commodore64thknoppies, I don't know.05:49
tanathknoppies, when it used to use far less05:49
Ademanwhere should I go to ask fairly in depth wodim questions?05:49
commodore64thIt's a handheld gaming system by the way.05:49
tanathknoppies, ubuntu still uses much more than it used to05:50
thedarkVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (primary) (rev 0c)05:50
thedark00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (secondary) (rev 0c)05:50
commodore64thI'm trying to figure out its IP on my main network atm05:50
thedarkKnoppies: I got that from lspci, does that give you the info you need?05:50
commodore64thbut I have no idea. There are two IP addresses that show up in my router console that are unaccounted for...05:50
ray24nevermind problem solved. I am a genius05:50
NictraSaviosI'll ask once more since many minutes have passed.05:51
knoppiestanath, go have a look at htop.05:51
knoppiesthedark, I dont know all that much, but it seems as though your laptop doesnt have a graphics card, so it is using the one in your processor. Google "GM965/GL960 ubuntu drivers" or something05:51
jcookeHi, I just built a new PC. When I hit enter at "Install Ubuntu" or any other option, it hangs for about 10-20 seconds and then reboots?05:51
NictraSaviosMy grub2 , even with recovery turned off, creates 2 entries for each other distro it finds.It makes one for ubuntu, and then 2 for Suse, Cent, Backtrack05:51
NictraSavios2 kernels each (spartan and current) , thats alot of entries. Plus 2 for OSX.05:52
thedarkwow so nobody knows what the problem is05:52
knoppiesjcooke, (probably not the right question but worth a try) are you trying to install 32bit or 64bit ubuntu? Does your machine support 64bit?05:52
thedarklike I said, it was working perfectly before the upgrade :(05:52
bananazzis there a way to right click using alt+left click?05:53
NictraSaviosbananazz, alt+right click ?05:53
jcooke64bit. Brand new Phenom II processor.05:53
knoppiesbananazz, I remember something with "x" in it, like xmodmap or something, but I dont know if it will do exactly what you want.05:53
bananazzi only have 1 button, thats the problem05:53
bananazzi want to be able to rgiht click using the ALT key05:53
LoshkiWooga: see e.g. http://silmor.de/39 (Building a Cross compiler for Windows on Linux)05:53
NictraSaviosLoshki, There, someone knows Wooga :P Now i dont gotta wake Omar05:54
knoppiesjcooke, have a look in your BIOS settings, try look for settings that have 'OS' or something written on them. It might be something there.05:54
jcookeknoppies: kk, will do, back shortly if not :) One other question. Is there a way to see the console output when I hit "Install Ubuntu"?05:55
tanathknoppies, fancy. used to have it installed but forgot to check it out. better than top :)05:55
notyournamehow do i get itunes to work here05:55
NictraSaviosjcooke, click the "more button", or afterwards veiw the install log05:56
knoppiestanath, htop has some issues though, I think it reports many more processes than are actually running.05:56
knoppiesnotyourname, you don't05:56
notyournamei've tried it using wine, but it doesn't work05:56
blah@notyourname get a mac05:56
NictraSaviostanath, to know how many proccess are running, look for the numbered folders in /proc05:56
jcookeNictraSavios: not sure where the log would be after the reboot. I'm installing from disc and it reboots after selecting install.05:56
knoppiesnotyourname, sorry, Im not sure if you can. I personally dont like iTunes, I only ever use it for transfering stuff from my iPod to my PC, and even then I do it on a windows install.05:56
carnage1notyourname: howmany gigsof ram?05:57
commodore64thknoppies, It uses DHCP.05:57
notyournameyeah, i did that too, but all i have now is my laptop with only ubuntu05:57
commodore64thHow do I check if it matches the subnet of the other computers?05:57
blahTry Amarok05:57
knoppiescommodore64th, ok, then it should be using an IP that is in the right subnet. Im not sure. Have you tried ping google.com?05:57
NictraSaviosjooke it saves them somewhere, its 1:57 am so i got no chance of remembering where.05:57
blahWorked for my wife05:57
tanathknoppies, tasks? seems accurate for me.. reporting over 350 and sorting by PID and paging down i seem to have about that many05:57
carnage1you eed atleast 4gb for virtualbox05:58
commodore64thIt can't ping urls.05:58
commodore64thI'll try to get it to ping an external IP.05:58
knoppiescommodore64th, just look at the IP, most subnets will have the same IP, except for the LAST 3 digits. Its normally a bit more complicated than that, but that is the easy explanation.05:58
NictraSaviosFINNALY halehluah. 12000 packets collected, kay cyahs. I got 6 networks to crack by morning.05:58
NictraSaviosIlll leave xchat up, if ya need me, msg me.05:58
notyournamei'm scared of amarok, cause i might corrupt my ipod05:58
tanathNictraSavios, that's just the PIDs, no? better to just use top/htop05:58
commodore64thknoppies, When I run ifconfig -a, it says the IP is
knoppiestanath, what i mean is, I have heard rumours that it reports tasks that actually are not running anymore.05:59
commodore64thbut the rest of my PCs are 192.168.1.xx05:59
tanathknoppies, zombies?05:59
tanathknoppies, zombies are harmless though05:59
blahUse the force notyourname....  Once you make the jump, you won't be able to use Itunes...  But it will work fine.05:59
tanathknoppies, but some people would rather know there are zombie processes...05:59
knoppiestanath, maybe, Im not all that clued up on states05:59
blahJust ask my wife05:59
mobileNeed a good app for wifi scanning. suggestions?05:59
mobileusing Kubuntu06:00
notyournamecan i upgrade to a later ubuntu without losing any data06:00
commodore64thIt's connecting to the main network through my laptop... so maybe it uses my laptop's IP on that network. My laptop shows up twice on my network.06:00
blah@mobile...   Looked at backtrak???06:00
tanathnotyourname, yup06:00
TrfsrfrNeed sound/audio help, got nothing. It has worked in the past though in the same speaker config. Any help would be sweet !06:00
tanathnotyourname, just run the upgrade through update manager06:00
knoppiesnotyourname, yes, move your data over to an external HDD (then when you install the new ubuntu, make two partitions, one for boot, one for data)06:00
mobileblah not yet... in repositories?06:00
jcookeknoppies: no OS options that I can see. ;(06:00
NictraSaviostanath, yes, but it can verify that htop's numbers are correct06:00
blahIt's a distro all of it's own06:01
eamonAnyone got the address for the ratings site for bitcoin drug dealers?06:01
tanathNictraSavios, i suspect if it's inaccurate it's due to zombies though *shrug*06:01
mobileoh wow I just used wubi06:01
knoppiesnotyourname, although you should be able to do it from within ubuntu without re-installing anything. I have had a bad experience doing it that way (that was years ago though)06:01
rwweamon: That's offtopic for this channel.06:01
blahForenzics  linux....06:01
syrinx_eamon: thats !ot for every channel lol06:01
mobileand kubuntu actually works on this laptop06:01
mobileno issues.06:01
notyournamei'm gonna try it. cause i haven't updated in a while06:01
mobilebut as a laptop, I'm always looking for wireless06:02
tanatheamon, buh? that seems an odd question06:02
mobilehence the query06:02
commodore64thknoppies, I can successfully ping gp32x.com ( but I can't access web pages.06:02
tanathsyrinx_, would it be offtopic for #bitcoin? :P06:02
bullgard4rww: The explanation that Seahorse uses information from files stored locally, and doesn't talk to your LAN at all, is not sufficient: I downloaded the information for both entries (concerning the key of an identical person) from the Internet.06:02
syrinx_tanath: I would think so :D06:02
knoppiescommodore64th, hmmm, maybe something is preventing you from accessing http? (such as a firewall?)06:02
tanathsyrinx_, i wouldn't... such dealings are of relevance to bitcoin methinks06:03
rwwbullgard4: You didn't download your trust database from the Internet htough, presumably, which is what that rating is from.06:03
commodore64thknoppies, I'm using firestarter to share my network connection with the device, maybe that's the cause?06:03
tanathugh, firestarter06:03
rwwthis ^06:04
knoppiescommodore64th, maybe, I have never heard of firestarter06:04
tanathgufw FTW06:04
commodore64thIt's a firewall manager. Anyway, it isn't blocking anything.06:04
commodore64thwhich is weird.06:04
Blue1commodore64th: i use webmin --06:04
tanathit's not a very good one06:04
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.06:05
commodore64thI'm going to set it as a DMZ host and see if that works...06:05
notyournamei think i'll stay with the LTS version06:05
NictraSaviosuh.. guys.06:05
NictraSaviosAnyone know the algorythm used to encrtypt /etc/passwd?06:06
quiescensNictraSavios: /etc/passwd isn't encrypted06:06
commodore64theh, DMZ host didn't work. :(06:06
bullgard4rww: This is true. I will further think about it. Thank you for your explanation and commenting.06:07
rwwNictraSavios: the second field of shadow is interpreted by crypt. See man 3 crypt06:07
thedarkokay how about another problem that might be related anyway06:07
rwwwhich I don't have for some reason, so I can't check if it's useful.06:07
thedarkQt 4 bindings for Ubuntu06:07
thedarkI can't install them06:07
rww /deop rww06:07
NictraSaviosIts for good purposes dont worry. I'm a white hat. Theres a group of black hats connected to a mainframe, we sniffed em out, its up to me to crack their wifi bassed VPN and take out their boxes.06:08
rockguy32Ok serious problem, my friend was installing the latest update, when he accidently pulled the plug on his computer. Now it freezes right before it lets you log in. For whatever reason, the GRUB menu is missing, so I can't even access that. Help!?!06:08
thedarkit says my package system failed06:08
quiescensNictraSavios: ultimately, on any vaguely recent system, with passwords that have been set or reset recently, it should be sha51206:08
NictraSaviosDES 56 bit.06:09
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NictraSavios72000000000000000 possibilities.06:09
Rehanis there a way to change a location of network proxy via CLI06:09
commodore64thdoes any one know of any FTP servers I can try to connect to?06:10
NictraSavios761035007 years at 3 per second ... haha06:10
commodore64thget a faster computer.06:10
NictraSaviosGot it.06:11
commodore64thget a supercomputer06:11
NictraSaviosYou dont brute force them....06:11
NictraSaviosWhy guess the algorithm? use social engineering. His root password was his girlfrinds name + his birthday06:11
NictraSaviosin binary to hex of course :P06:12
commodore64thknoppies, I don't think it's just http that is being  blocked; IRC and FTP don't seem to work either.06:12
hiexpohola all06:12
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syrinx_hiexpo: o/06:13
RenieriusIs there anyone that has ever ran GTA:SA and/or SAMP currently here?06:13
rockguy32Anyone have even a vague idea how to make the GRUB menu show up again?06:14
commodore64thI have. a long, long time ago.06:14
LasivianGetting "mount error 12 = Cannot allocate memory" when I try to mount a share with Samba06:14
Renieriuscommodore64th: How did it work out?06:14
syrinx_rockguy32: after installing windows?06:14
commodore64thNot so well06:14
Verdokrockguy32, If you mean at boot I believe holding shift during the boot up06:14
commodore64thI couldn't get past the menues.06:14
rockguy32Ok thanx, I'll try it.06:15
commodore64thit would crash. and I couldn't read any of the menus, the words were just white rectangles.06:15
rockguy32The install had been broken by an incomplete update due to a tripped over power cable.06:16
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rockguy32I'm doing a package repair now.06:17
Verdokrockguy32, Ouch. That's never fun06:17
dzupGTA MP main server is down, dont waste your time installing mp part, is not going to work since main server is offline06:17
gusgI have a Wubi installation, and I forgot where I installed it to on my NTFS drive. Anyway, df /host indicates that I have 42GB of space available, but Nautilus (and Ubuntu, through low disk space warnings) indicates that I have only 2.3 GB available. Am I missing something?06:18
Jordan_Urockguy32: It might be that it's running fsck, and that's why it isn't getting to the login screen (or rather is taking a very long time to).06:18
commodore64thDoes anyone know any Quake 1 servers that are currently running?06:18
notyournameok one more ?.... how do i get partial movies into one06:18
Renieriuscommodore64th: I'm having mild problems with the fonts myself, but I think it should be fixable by installing the right fonts.06:18
notyournamelike connect them so it plays like one big file06:19
dzupnotyourname: unrar them06:19
commodore64thRenierius, Thx, haven't thought of that.06:19
Renieriuscommodore64th: But my real problem ATM is that my game usually crashed right after I get connected IG.06:19
rockguy32Recovery mode is working so this should fix it.06:19
Jordan_Ugusg: The space available for Ubuntu is determined by how much space you have in /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk which is a file containing an ext4 filesystem.06:19
notyournameit's like 10 different flv files that i want to combine06:19
commodore64thmy game crashes as soon as I try to start a new game.06:19
BroomStickunbuntu wannabe here ..... i need some help loging onto the unbuntu cd "try out unbuntu without install" version on the cd........ user name and pass?06:20
NictraSaviosWhy is wubi made at all. some think ubuntu is a program cus of it -.-06:21
NictraSaviosnvm, wrong place haha06:21
rockguy32Gusg, if it's a partition problem, I've had nothing but issues with Wubi and refuse to use it now.06:21
NictraSaviosBroomStick, user=ubuntu, pass=06:21
BroomStickwhy ty NictraSavios06:22
gusgrockguy32: it's working well for me but now I want to make my partition bigger and eventually move to a native partition06:22
gusgJordan_U: thanks for pointing that out06:22
Jordan_Ugusg: You're welcome.06:22
NictraSaviosBroomStick, no problem :P i had the same issue when i made a tutorial for bAdGB06:22
gusgHow can I find where in my native NTFS partition resides the disk file06:22
rockguy32I would just backup your precious data to an external then do a clean install, that would be easier, although I wouldn't doubt there's a way to do it some other way.06:23
Jordan_Ugusg: Unfortunately enlarging the root.disk is no longer supported, and neither is converting to a normal dual boot install using a partition. (though the former I can walk you through doing manually).06:23
BroomStickok NictraSavios  ... is the tutorial free too d/l somewhere?06:23
Renieriuscommodore64th: it seems that I can play singleplayer just fine, but it's SAMP (the multiplayer mod) that I'm having trouble with.06:24
Jordan_Ugusg: It's in ubuntu/disks/root.disk06:24
BroomSticknow its seems to be frozen after the logon screen06:24
gusgJordan_U: I see some scripts and instructions online. Is it no longer supported as of some Ubuntu version?06:24
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commodore64thI haven't made SAMP work even in Windows.06:25
NictraSaviosBroomStick, www.badgb.com , not open yet as you can see, been a year. weve all been keeping our work secret, releasing teasers to the iphone JB community.06:26
NictraSaviosBroomStick, I'm the lone linux person on the site :P I specialise in operating systems. OSX, Windows, Linux, Solaris, BSD, DOS, OS/2, etc06:27
BroomSticknope that login aint werki for me06:27
gusgJordan_U: I installed Wubi within windows and I chose some destination to hold the virtual disk file. Ubuntu seemingly mounts that part of the NTFS partition into  /host/ubuntu, but I'm trying to find out where in my native, NTFS, file system it resides -- I forgot. "mount" doesn't seem to indicate anything06:27
BroomStickNictraSavios i and tryin to put li nux on an old P4 lappy i brought back from the dead06:28
gusgJordan_U:  There is a loop0 device, but I don't see which file it's using06:28
BroomStickalways wanted to check out linux06:28
BroomStickAuthentication failer06:29
NictraSaviosBroomStick, Nice. Try Xubuntu, works great on old hardware.06:29
Jordan_Ugusg: /host shows your Windows partition, so if you need to access a file in Windows you use the same path but put "C:\\" in place of "/host" and use '\' instead of '/' as the directory separator.06:29
notyournameavidemux joins flv files to make on big one... now i have alot of work to do06:30
BroomSticki t5hink i may have tried to login too many times with bad user/pass...06:30
BroomSticklemme run the cd again06:30
coz_BroomStick,  that would likely be 3 times ...yes?06:31
BroomStickway more than 306:31
coz_yikes :)06:31
=== dhfhsdfh is now known as m00se
gusgJordan_U: /host looks bare to me, though. it contains only two other folders besides "ubuntu", namely : "$RECYCLE.BIN"  and "System Volume Information", but my Windows partition is riddled with folders. I must be missing something06:32
NictraSaviosBroomStick, Download the Katanna boot Cd, install it to a flash drive, use it to crack the password.06:32
Jordan_Ugusg: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"?06:33
NictraSaviosWho was it that told me the encryption algorithm for /etc/shadow?06:33
NictraSaviosthe man 3 crypt.06:33
BroomStickyeah NictraSavios this old P4 is not like'n winxp -sp3   very well06:33
BroomSticki need more mem fer it06:34
NictraSaviosBroomStick, Windows xp is a 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that can't stand 1 bit of competition.06:34
Blue1NictraSavios: well said06:35
gusgJordan_U: Ahh, thanks. This reminds me. I created a dedicated NTFS partition to contain the Wubi virtual disk (for what reason, I can't remember). The virtual disk image isn't on the same partition as Windows.06:35
NictraSaviosOkay. i tried for 3 hours to crack a network password. Normally takes me 20 minutes06:36
NictraSaviosknow why?06:36
NictraSaviosforgot to check to see if there was no password. DUH.06:37
bfighello, i'm having trouble with graphics, everything is flickery as hell... and slow. i'm on an amd e-350 (x86-64), on 64 bit 10.0406:37
Cyber_Akumacracking WEP? tsk tsk tsk06:37
Gump#ubuntu, i installed OSSv4 to fix a problem, and now flash play will not make any sound. is there a solution to this problem?06:37
mikereShouldn't use web anyway06:38
FordPrefect-I am trying to save a jquery plugin to my computer and when i set the path in my browser to save the file into /www/var/js/ it automatically reverts to ~/Downloads/ on my computer using Ubuntu.06:38
FordPrefect-HOw can i save a zip file to my server on Ubuntu when it automatically reverts to saving the zip file  in Downloads and not in my server06:38
NictraSaviosOkay simple now. Mount everything on the network to /mnt, execute a deencrypt on /etc/shadow, ssh in as root, get all their data, save it here. then rm -rf --no-preserve-root /06:38
bfigi installed some time ago ia32-libs and unity went to hell... then i removed that and touched the opengl libraries/ati drivers to try gain back Unity... failing miserably. but now i'm getting impossible flicker in what i assume is all graphics-accelerated06:39
FordPrefect-Any clues fellas?06:39
NictraSaviosAnd another group of 16 year olds who think their "hackers" is taken out.... and tommorow the police arrest them.06:39
bfigi've decided i don't care about unity but i'd like to recover the games at least. how can i go back to zero with the graphics drivers? remove everything useless and get the default drivers or whatever makes this be non-flickery06:40
wndowusrhello everyone06:40
Gumpyo, anyone? does anyone use OSS these days?06:40
wndowusri am trying to reload my pc06:40
wndowusri was wondering if there is anyway to put the newest ubuntu on without a cd06:40
wndowusror a flash drive06:40
FordPrefect-You mean a floppy disk ?06:41
NictraSavioswndowusr, do-release-upgrade06:41
wndowusri have windows 706:41
wndowusrbut i got a sick virus, is there anyway to put ubuntu on, without a cd06:41
wndowusri am out of blank cd's06:41
NictraSavioswndowusr, do you have a server?06:41
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wndowusr... no i dont think so06:41
NictraSavioswndowusr, then nope.06:41
FordPrefect-How do I save a zip file in an apache server's director on Ubuntu ? I tried setting the download path but Ubuntu wont let me save the zip file to my server...06:41
commodore64thwndowusr, hey, use a usb drive06:41
bfigwndowusr: usb stick?06:41
wndowusryes, but its broken, those are the only ways?06:42
VerdokNictraSavios, I appreciate your service. And I'm hoping you work with law enforcement :)06:42
wndowusrit wont let me format it..06:42
bfiggotta download the iso, use an installer06:42
zakwilsonI think you could create a partition on a hard drive and write the installer iso to that.06:42
commodore64thuse unetbootin to load it (ubuntu iso) on a USB drive.06:42
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:42
FordPrefect-Any ideas people?06:42
NictraSaviosVerdok, were a group of white hats, 7 of us. I'm the guy who gets in. I find exploits :P06:42
wndowusrwill http://tinyurl.com/3exghs  work..?06:42
FordPrefect-How do I save a zip file to my Apache server in Ubuntu ?06:43
* commodore64th sighs06:43
VerdokNictraSavios, Sweet! Been wondering if I should consider moving out of support/administration and into security. Growing weary of it.06:44
wndowusri do not have a flash drive nor any blank cd's06:44
commodore64thI can ping any external IP address from my Linux handheld, but I can't connect to any Quake servers, FTP servers, IRC servers, or web sites.06:44
NictraSaviosVerdok, All of us can use OSX,Win and Ubuntu with ease. we know the systems, so we can get in, catch them, and take them down. We send our finding without credit, anonymously. we do it for fun.06:44
VerdokNictraSavios, Very cool.06:45
wndowusrcan someone walk me through the steps of installing ubuntu without a cd or flash drive06:45
NictraSaviosVerdok, yea, boring sometimes, its 2:45AM, the others are asleep :P06:45
Coreywndowusr: How are you planning to do it, Wubi?06:45
wndowusri got a bad virus and it either hid or deleted my c:06:45
wndowusrits got steps, but im computer illiterate06:46
besogonhello. Anyone who uses Jupiter with U10.4?06:46
sxealexwndowusr: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer06:46
wndowusri got a phantom drive already06:46
sxealexu dont need a cd06:46
VerdokNictraSavios, You formally trained or self-educated?06:46
Corey!ot | Verdok06:47
ubottuVerdok: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:47
wndowusrsomeone please06:47
besogonWHo use jupiter? I installed it but it isn't shown in the tray!06:47
arjunHi guys06:47
wndowusri do not have a flash drive06:47
NictraSaviosVerdok, Im 17, self trained.06:47
wndowusrand i do not want to run beside my windows06:47
sxealexhttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/windows-installer click the link06:47
wndowusrbecause i got a baddd virus06:47
sxealexthen i dunno06:47
Corey!wubi | wndowusr06:47
ubottuwndowusr: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe06:47
wndowusr. . .06:48
NictraSaviosVerdok, In college though. Bumped up a year twice :P06:48
Corey!ot | NictraSavios06:48
ubottuNictraSavios: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:48
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wndowusrcan u update without cd's?06:48
wndowusri got version 5.106:48
sxealexonly thing i can think of is install side by side then shrink the pa rtition then install onto empty partition06:48
VerdokCorey, Sorry man. Got kinda slow. Didn't mean to get social ;)06:48
sxealexthen format old one06:48
NictraSaviosWhy do they always only tell me :P takes 2 to tango06:48
NictraSaviosanyway, if you want more info, msg me Verdok06:49
besogonpeople. I need something like eee-pc. Any idea?06:49
wndowusri think i might have 9.106:49
* sxealex brain explodes06:49
Jordan_Ugusg: Did you install Ubuntu 11.04 via wubi or an earlier version?06:49
arjunHello people is there any other way to obtain nvidia drivers other than the additional driver option06:49
rockguy32New question, I want to use my joypad with Open Arena, however it's joypad support is fail. What I would like is a program like Windows's Joy2Key or Xpadder to translate joystick inputs to keyboard/mouse. However, all the Linux programs for this that I've found are command line only and therefore nonsense to try to use. The only one I did find that was promising, wanted me to use make but was missing the make file. Anybody have a solution?06:50
NictraSaviosarjun, the offical ones off the website.06:50
wndowusryay for 175 trojans06:50
besogonarjun: you can download it at www.nvidia.com06:50
NictraSavioswndowusr, 175? 175 exactly?06:51
wndowusrno prolly more now.06:51
NictraSavioswndowusr, check. if its 175, i can get rid of the virus.06:51
wndowusri bet.06:51
arjunThanks guys ,ok then could someone help me how can I find my motherboard number and series and stuff like that06:51
wndowusrim fucked man06:51
wndowusri have no c:06:51
Corey!language | wndowusr06:51
FloodBot1wndowusr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:51
ubottuwndowusr: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:51
rockguy32arjun, additionally if you want to get the most recent drivers delivered via the additional drivers application, there is a software source you can add to do that.06:51
wndowusrdie plzkthx?06:52
Coreywndowusr: Please keep it civil.06:52
wndowusrthen gtfo my shit06:52
arjunThanks rockguy32 my problem is that I use a very damn slow connection so in order to download anything I use a faster connection from a cafe06:52
NictraSaviosgot em :D06:53
rockguy32arjun: I know the feeling, I used to have to download every package dependancy by hand one at a time on a windows laptop to a flash drive and transfer them to my computer that way. Needless to say I was glad when I got cable06:54
Coreyrockguy32: Let's hear it for automatic dependency resolution. :-)06:55
wndowusrplease help im confused.07:04
wndowusri jus want to install ubuntu07:04
Sterist!help | wndowusr07:04
ubottuwndowusr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:04
wndowusrteh install ubuntu pl9x07:05
Steristwndowusr do you have the ISO downloaded?07:06
wndowusri have nowhere to start07:06
wndowusrnoone is helping07:06
DiamondcitePlease note Ubuntu is not another Windows application.07:06
Forbinwhats up?07:06
Coreywndowusr: YOu were given several links that had various solutions.07:06
DiamondciteFor links to download ubuntu please look at http://www.ubuntu.com07:06
wndowusri know i liked ubuntu back in the day, i got a mass of viruses and i jus want to install it again, i have 1 cd, and its ubuntu 5.107:06
Steristwndowusr well i'm trying to help you. so hyelp me help you by answering.... aah nvm you've neglected other people's help07:07
wndowusrim not sure if i can update to 11.04 without 1 million updates07:07
wndowusri looked and got confused.07:07
wndowusranyone can spam a link from google man07:07
wndowusri need help installing it07:07
wndowusrnot a bunch of different linux commands07:07
Diamondcitewndowusr: Please download a newer ISO.. atleast a 10.x series...07:07
wndowusrim on windows bro07:07
wndowusrokay. which do u prefer07:08
wndowusra link plz?07:08
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)07:08
wndowusri have 4 gigs ram07:08
wndowusr500 gig hd07:08
Coreywndowusr: I have two dogs.  What's your point? :-)07:08
Steristwndowusr how much free space do you have on the HDD?07:08
wndowusridk u said light version07:08
wndowusri want a full ubuntu07:09
wndowusr500 gig ubuntu07:09
IdleOne!enter | wndowusr07:09
ubottuwndowusr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:09
wndowusrbut, i have no cd, thats the problem07:09
wndowusrplz keep spamming me07:09
IdleOnewndowusr: stop with the enter key please.07:09
IdleOne!usb > wndowusr07:09
ubottuwndowusr, please see my private message07:09
wndowusrim not k07:09
Diamondcitewndowusr: You are WAY too impatient...07:10
Gumpwndowusr, use an SD card or something07:10
Coreywndowusr: LTS is Long Term Support.  It's not "Light" Ubuntu.07:10
wndowusr? someone said something?07:10
wndowusri dont have anything man07:10
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:10
Diamondcitewndowusr: Are you on a 32bit or 64bit system?07:10
wndowusr32 i think idk07:11
Diamondcitewndowusr: How about your CPU? What is it?07:11
wndowusruhh idk i can check if u tell me how07:11
wndowusrdecent i suppose07:11
Steristwndowusr are you talking from windows right now? i can help you find out if you're 32 or 6407:11
wndowusri got a sick virus man07:11
wndowusrlike bad ate my c:07:11
wndowusrbut still shows 48 gigs full07:12
wndowusrof 5007:12
m1k3lost cause.07:12
Steristwndowusr Control Panel -->07:12
wndowusron part of my 500 gig...07:12
Gumpdude start from scratch. wipe your hard disk and install ubuntu.07:12
IdleOnewndowusr: last time I ask you to lay off the enter key. you are spamming the channel.07:12
wndowusri want to dude, i have 1 cd with 5.1 ubuntu, but no blank cd's07:12
Gumpwndowusr, do you have any working usb ports? lol07:13
Corey!enter | wndowusr07:13
ubottuwndowusr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:13
wndowusryes, no usb.07:13
m1k3plan ahead next time.07:13
Steristwndowusr Control Panel --> System (sometimes AKA Administrator or Hardware) --> About. should tell you there if 32 or 6407:13
m1k3like others suggested, an SD card or USB stick will work as well07:13
Gumpwndowusr, ...let me get this straight. you have no usb ports, no cd drive, and a virus nuked your windows install. wtf man, wtf07:13
rwwhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation without a CD07:13
rwwand if none of those work, you're out of luck, have a nice day.07:14
wndowusryepp thats where im at07:14
Steristgump LOL07:14
m1k3serioulsy. he's a lost cause.07:14
wndowusra iso online would be nice07:14
retfis your monitor working?07:14
IdleOnem1k3: Please let's stay civil and try to help.07:14
wndowusrneither control panel.07:14
rwwwndowusr: Alrighty, I tire of this. Come back when you have a working computer.07:14
rwwinstallation media would be useful too.07:14
rockguy32Now hold on, there's always options.07:14
Coreywndowusr: That link isn't supported; Wubi is, but...07:14
Gumpwndowusr, better defenestrate that computer. you can probably get a new one for under $30007:15
wndowusri know this. im jus computer illiterate07:15
wndowusri dont have a dvd burner.07:15
wndowusror 500 gigs and 4 gigs of ram either07:15
Gumpi'm kidding. there's gotta be a way to do this. is your wireless card working?07:15
Gumpor, actually, do you have any internet at all07:15
m1k3how'd did you get into an irc channel ifyou're computer illiterate?07:15
risd:D lol07:16
Gumpi'm 12 and what is this07:16
rwwMoving swiftly onwards to actual Ubuntu support...07:16
IdleOne!guidelines | everybody have a read.07:16
ubottueverybody have a read.: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:16
retfyou have to admit that was entertaining...07:16
risdhii,.. can anyone help me with fancontrol in ubuntu?07:17
Ademanwhere should I go for wodim support?07:17
notyournamei'm lost with this avidemux joins them, but no audio after the 1st file. anyone familiar07:17
arjunHii guys I have some trouble with my mic.I cant record anything.Its a working mic,because it works fine in windows07:18
bullgard4!sound | arjun07:19
ubottuarjun: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:19
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arjunthanx ubottu will get back to you if these doesnt work07:21
bullgard4arjun: <ubottu> is a bot.07:21
arjunOh a bot did I thank a bot funny07:22
risdcan i ask something?07:23
risdabout fancontrol,...07:23
arjunOk all these links speak of sound while I have sound output the problem is that my mic wouldnt record sound07:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:24
gnewbHello, I am on 10.04 Ubuntu, I have Firestarter running, sort of, is the BSD Firewall Builder a better choice? or should I just learn iptables better?07:24
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v_varjun: alsamixer and F4, check that 'capture' and digital07:25
rwwgnewb: use ufw (command-line) or gufw (graphical)07:25
gnewbrww: Thank you07:25
retfnight everyone07:25
rockguy32When will the latest update come out for the Netbook edition?07:26
risdmy laptop is running in laptop_mode status: 2, but the temperatur is not down? is the trouble in fan control or what??07:26
arjunv_v I have run alsamixer and I got a screen what to do next07:26
v_varjun: F407:27
arjunyes f4 and I get another screen what to look in that07:27
v_varjun: F4 and goto the capture option. and toggle the 'capture' to be red07:27
v_varjun: with a blank07:28
v_varjun: make sure the 'digital' is not zero07:28
arjunWell I dont have anything called digital in this screen but I have increased capture until it became red07:29
v_varjun: that's ok07:29
v_varjun: make sure the 'capture' is red'07:29
v_varjun: not the value of 'capture' to be red07:29
arjunyes the capture is red so is that all done?07:29
v_varjun: move your focus on the 'capture' and hit blank, you will see07:30
rockguy32Is anyone here familiar with the Netbook Edition?07:30
arjunIam sorry but could you please tell me what is a blank?07:30
v_varjun: the KEY blank on your keyboard07:31
v_varjun: ;)07:31
Bhavesh_A_Pi am using windows 7 in my sony nano (not include cd-drivr), how i can install ubuntu without cd-drive ?07:31
gnewbrww: I have played with GuFW a bit in the past distributions, I know I should choose one and /make it work to my preferences, I just get all confused because I cannot recall what this setting and that /arg did, I have a physical memory problem that is not helpful without 6 pages of Manuals in front of me, but I thank you kindly.07:31
arjunIam sorry but I dont have a key called blank do you mean the space bar or the enter key07:31
v_varjun: the SPACE key07:32
rockguy32Bhavesh_A_P: Do you have a available flash drive?07:32
rshakinhey how come my install fails when installing on a stripe harddrive array in natty07:32
v_vi hate to type to say something, i just want to do it myself07:33
v_vand let the person watch07:33
rshakinthere is a bug in the installed where grub fails dramasticly07:33
FirestormIs there a way to make a bootable usb of Ubuntu without using a program like Unetbootin?  UAC on windows is being temperamental with me and this computer has no optical.07:34
CoreyFirestorm: On Windows? not sure.07:34
CoreyFirestorm: On Linux, sure.07:34
gnewbFirestorm: Yes, there are a few07:34
Jordan_UFirestorm: There is no way to do it without writing to the mbr, which is probably what is prompting UAC.07:35
v_varjun: does it work now ?07:35
rockguy32Firestorm: What is your problem with Unetbootin exactly? Perhaps we can just get that working.07:35
Jordan_UFirestorm: Do you have another computer you can boot from a LiveCD?07:35
gnewbJordan_U: Good call, many miss that aspect of it.07:35
Bhavesh_A_P<rshakin> ubuntu will install using flashdrive ? i have tried but i couldnt. any extra configuration require ?07:36
FirestormMy main computer crashed (gpu heatsink needs reseated), so I had to borrow a netbook I have no permissions for.07:36
FirestormMy drive is 64-bit, I need a 32-bit version though.07:36
notyournamehow do i get audio to work on next files in avidemux07:36
terminhellBhavesh_A_P:  it must be bootable as well. Use either the dd method or unetbootin07:37
rockguy32Bhavesh_A_P: Yes, you can either use the included program in Ubuntu to make a bootable flashdrive, or use a program like Unetbootin from Windows.07:37
terminhelltheres a binary version of unetbootin for linux too07:37
terminhellboth in the repo's and a binary07:38
Jordan_UFirestorm: You can use grub from your 64 bit install to loop boot an Ubuntu iso stored on the flash drive.07:38
rockguy32Yes, however I find the included program better suited for the task since Unetbootin can be picky.07:38
Jordan_UFirestorm: Boot from your 64 bit install's drive while holding shift to get to the grub menu, then press 'c' to get to the grub shell.07:39
gnewbFirestorm: Join offtopic, cause what I am about to say is....07:39
rockguy32Firestorm: Can you install programs at all? If so you could always run a virtual machine.07:39
arjunsorry v_v got disconnected07:40
Firestormhow do I do the directed messages again >< ?07:40
gnewbFirestorm: /join #ubuntu-offtopic07:40
arjunOk Let me post my problem again.I cant record any sound from my mic which otherwise works fine in windows please help me07:43
FirestormJordan_U: so the 64-bit version has the 32-bit version as well?07:45
rockguy32arjun: Did you turn the input volume all the way up and make sure it was unmuted? Also what program are you trying to record with?07:46
Firestormrockguy32: UAC on windows won't let it run, I don't have a way to get around that.07:46
rockguy32Firestorm: UAC?07:46
knoppiesarjun, go System->preferences->sound07:46
Jordan_UFirestorm: No, but it's the kernel that's 64 bit, not grub. The reason you're getting UAC prompts is from the need to install a bootloader to the flash drive. If you use grub from your 64 bit install then you don't need to install any bootloader to the flash drive.07:46
Firestormrockguy32: stupid windows "security" feature that is ruining my day07:47
knoppiesarjun left :(07:47
FirestormJordan_U: I can't boot into the 64-bit version, this atom won't support it07:47
GwarI was wondering if someone could help me. Ever since upgrading from Ubuntu 10.04 to Ubuntu 11.04, my PC Speaker randomly beeps. There is no pattern to it, it happens whether I am at my PC or if it is idle, it happens even with the Pcspkr module blacklisted and also happens on Linux Mint 10, Mint 11 and Ubuntu 10.10, but not in Mint 9 or Ubuntu 10.04. It also does not happen on Windows, so it IS a problem with Ubuntu 10.10/11.04. I was wondering if anyone else07:47
CoreyGwar: Does sound work?07:48
knoppiesFirestorm, Im not 100% sure what UAC is, but if it is the thing I think it is, can you not disable it from within control panel somewhere? (as an admin of course)07:48
GwarCorey: Yes, sound works perfectly07:48
Jordan_UFirestorm: You *can* use grub from the 64 bit version, as grub is always 32 bit. You'll use grub on the 64 bit install's drive to boot a 32 bit iso stored on the flash drive.07:48
CoreyGwar: I'd do a root cause analysis and see what's sending the bell.  Are you doing anything in Terminal?07:48
Jordan_Uknoppies: It's not his machine.07:49
arjunHi guys could someone help me with mic problem.I cant record anything using mic while I can get sound output07:49
GwarCorey No, nothing07:49
CoreyGwar: irssi and screen can do that. :-)07:49
knoppiesarjun,  go System->preferences->sound07:49
GwarIt happens Even if I am away from the PC07:49
Gwar(like when I am in bed and the PC is idle ;P)07:49
rockguy32arjun: What program are you using to record?07:49
arjunyes knoppies now what?07:49
knoppiesgo to the 'input' tab07:50
gnewbJordan_U: So because is 64/32 crossover then Lilo is required?07:50
FirestormJordan_U: could you verify if I understand?  I download a 32-bit copy of ubuntu, copy it onto the flash drive through drag and drop, then use grub to launch it?07:50
arjuninput tab and then07:50
CoreyGwar: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/disable-the-system-beep-on-ubuntu-edgy/ is old but probably still functional.07:50
Jordan_Ugnewb: I never said anything about lilo.07:50
Jordan_UFirestorm: Correct.07:50
gnewbJordan_U: Ok, that is why I asked.07:50
knoppiesarjun, you should see a "input volume" and a "Mute" at the end of the slider (careful at the top should be "output volume" with its mute07:50
arjunI have used the recorder that comes with the distribution also it doesnt work  with my google talk too07:51
FirestormJordan_U: no special steps or version to make it bootable?  If it already gets to the version selection screen I just need to add an iso?07:51
GwarCorey: I have done that. I have Blacklisted the entire PCSPKR module as well. The Program "Beep" does not work, (since the pcspekaer is disabled) so I have no dea how it's being sent a beep D:07:51
knoppiesarjun, make sure they are both unmuted. Then slide the input volume up and speak/tap into it (make some noise). See if the input level indicator rises.07:51
arjunyes knoppies i can see that07:51
arjunYes they are unmuted07:51
Jordan_UFirestorm: No special iso needed, but there are special commands you'll need to run at the grub shell.07:52
knoppiesarjun, when you speak into the mic, does the 'input level' indicator rise?07:52
=== Zorlin is now known as Guest22085
FirestormJordan_U: step 1, download an iso and place it on the USB drive along side the working (on 64-bit capable machines) distro?07:53
arjunno the indicator is halfway and it doesnt change from that position whether I speak or not07:53
FirestormJordan_U: step 2?07:53
Garryhi guys i have accidentally removed my latex directory can i undo it ? i did in terminal sudo undo rm -r /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex07:54
Jordan_UFirestorm: Before going into the exact steps. How long will it take you to download the iso and will you be able to be on IRC from another computer / phone while you're at the grub shell on the netbook?07:54
Jordan_UFirestorm: I ask how long as I'm planning to go to sleep fairly soon.07:55
FirestormJordan_U: I can see if there is an IRC client for my WM6.1 phone...07:55
Jordan_UFirestorm: It's probably easiest to use the browser and http://webchat.freenode.net07:56
rockguy32arjun: I had a similar problem with an old card in windows, I ended up just replacing the card and it fixed the problem. However, since it works in windows, I wouldn't know.07:56
Garrycan any one help ? i want to undo this "sudo rm -r /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/"07:56
knoppiesrockguy32, arjun left.07:56
FirestormJordan_U: I think it's safe to say that my issue isn't more important than your sleep.  It's something I can afford to wait on if I don't figure it out tonight07:57
gnewbGarry: Hate to say it , but that is what the back-up thing is all about07:57
gnewbGarry: You may be able to use Recovery Mode....07:57
miroslav_root@miroslav-laptop:~# rfkill unblock all07:58
miroslav_root@miroslav-laptop:~# rfkill unblock wifi07:58
miroslav_root@miroslav-laptop:~# rfkill unblock 107:58
miroslav_root@miroslav-laptop:~# rfkill list07:58
miroslav_0: phy0: Wireless LAN07:58
miroslav_Soft blocked: no07:58
FloodBot1miroslav_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:58
brophatI added some nameservers to /etc/resolve.conf but when I rebooted they were gone07:59
miroslav_any ideas ?!07:59
Jordan_UGarry: What is the outptut of "dpkg -S /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/"?07:59
Jordan_UFirestorm: Once you're at the grub menu you press 'c' to get to the grub shell, then you run the commands in this menu entry to loop boot the iso: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F08:02
swajafter fiddling with ATI Catalyst Control Center, I've got my dual monitor setup working, however if I try to enable Xinerama so I can drag applications to my other monitor, Xorg crashes when I try to log in.  Anybody know how to fix this?08:02
knoppiesswaj, I dont use xinerama (unless I am un-aware of it)08:03
swajall I want is to be able to drag windows between my two screens.  it does not work atm.08:03
GarryJordan_U: i did  it printed many file names08:03
Garrystill dont find the directory named latex08:03
swajthe ATI Catalyst Control Center said to enable Xinerama, but that b0rks 11.04 completely.08:04
knoppiesswaj, I opened up CCC in administrative mode. Go to display manager, Multi-Display, Multi-Display desktop with display(s) 208:04
Jordan_UGarry: sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(dpkg -S /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/ | sed 's/:.*$//' | sed 's/,//g' )08:05
swajknoppies: my other monitor works.  what I'm looking for is single desktop per display... but letting me drag windows between them.08:05
FirestormJordan_U: thanks, I'll see if it works08:05
knoppiesswaj, that is what I have.08:05
Jordan_UFirestorm: You're welcome, and goodnight :)08:06
knoppiesswaj, my other option is "Single display Desktop (Multi-Displays)" that creates two separate 'desktops' so you cannot drag things across. My method has one flaw, and that is that if the two resolutions do not match, then there is 'hidden' screen that the mouse can go to on the smaller res monitor.08:06
swajknoppies: yeah what I'm wanting is Single display Desktop (Multi-Displays) that I can drag windows between08:06
swajright now it's not working :(08:06
knoppiesswaj, slow down. I can only type so fast.08:07
knoppiesI said it earlier, let me try say it again, this time clearer.08:07
knoppiesswaj, DIsplay Manager->Multi-Display(its a tab)->Click the drop down and choose: Multi-display desktop with display(s)08:07
knoppiesswaj, does your Catalyst Control Center (CCC) have that?08:08
swajknoppies: it does, but since my monitors are different resolution, won't that leave a dead spot and screw things up when I want to maximize windows?08:08
knoppiesswaj, I dont think it screws things up when you maximize windows, but yes. it does leave a deadzone. I just match my bigger monitor to the lower resolution. Not ideal but its the best I have managed to get working so far.08:09
knoppiesswaj, brb, dinner.08:09
swajsigh, sadly that kills Ubuntu for me.  I guess the multi-monitor support just isn't up to snuff.08:09
swajI wonder if another distro gets it right.08:10
madpropsgot gsick working again :d08:16
BatshuaOkay, so I'm updating from Jaunty to Lucid08:17
BatshuaI can't remember if I'm running 32 bit or 6408:17
BatshuaI *can* run 64.  Is there a reason why one is a better choice over another?08:18
Rigorm0rtis64 bit has some compatability issues, mostly with certain closed-source softwares (Flash for example). The best reason to run x64 is if you have 4GB or more RAM.08:25
Dr_Willisor do a lot of math intensive stuff like video rencoding.08:25
Dr_Willispersonally - ive rarely had issues with 64bit. but i dont do much that needs 'flash'08:26
Rigorm0rtisThat said, I run 64-bit Ubuntu on my machines and don't have any issues. You can get a 64-bit flash plugin pretty easily nowadays.08:26
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JemtHi. Is it possible to have Ubuntu mount CD-ROM drives at /media/cdrom, instead of /media/label ?08:32
Dr_WillisJemt:  you could make a /etc/fstab entry and mount them whever you want.08:33
Dr_Willisor remount them by hand to whever you want08:33
roryyanyone know what the irc channel for devicekit, udisks and so on is?08:33
JemtDr_Willis: It needs to be done automatically. I thought entries in fstab was for permanent devices (?)08:33
Dr_WillisJemt:  but a fstab entry might disabnle the auto mounting of them.08:33
Dr_WillisJemt:  fstab does nopt need to be permenet.08:34
JemtOkay, that's not gonna work08:34
slack-mwanna check out promod? http://promod.pugbot.com/ (NOTE: New version coming soon, test has yielded results and I think I know where I could tweak it out a little better)08:34
Dr_WillisYou can set up fstab entries that are mountable by users08:34
knoppiesJemt, /dev/(and then whatever your CD device is) is constant (isnt it?)08:34
ScottKevillI've been trying to add an AppleTalk printer to Ubuntu, and had no luck.08:34
ScottKevillnetatalk seems to be working fine, nbplkup shows the printer.08:34
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ScottKevillThe test page supposedly prints without errors, but nothing happens.08:35
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ScottKevillTried with and without papd running (although it shouldn't need to be running to print, only to serve other AppleTalk clients).08:36
JemtDr_Willis: Hm, my device is /dev/sr0 - I'm surprised it is not /dev/cdrom or /dev/cdrw08:36
Dr_WillisJemt:  theres normally a link from /dev/cdrom to sr008:36
JemtDr_Willis: That probably differs depending on each computer configuration. I need a fixed mount point that will work on any computer08:36
firdaushayyy alll08:36
JemtDr_Willis: Oh, okay - good :)08:36
Dr_Willisdiffernt computers may or may not be sr0  - i thought the /dev/cdrom got auto-made as needed on boot time08:37
JemtDr_Willis: What is /cdrom for ? Seems it is no longer used08:37
firdausoiiiii do you know about how to protect my arp from arpreplay-ng ?08:37
Dr_Willisyou mean /cdrom or /dev/cdrom ?08:37
JemtDr_Willis: /cdrom :)08:37
Dr_Willisi dont have a /cdrom on any of my machines that ive ever noticed08:38
JemtDr_Willis: It would be even better if I could expect /cdrom to always point to the currently mounted CD08:38
Dr_WillisI cant say that ive actually noticed it using cdrom labels either.. but i rarely mount a cd or dvd.. :)08:38
firdaushayyy all08:38
firdauscan you all help me08:39
JemtDr_Willis: I do on all my computers :) Well, I'll look into that myself. Thanks for your help. I now have something to work with :)08:39
JemtDr_Willis: Hehe, okay :)08:39
Dr_WillisJemt:  its odd you have a /cdrom/   ubuntu standard way is everytrhing goes to /media/08:39
ScottKevillAha.. looks like I hadn't enabled all of the debugging logging, this gives me a clue.08:39
JemtDr_Willis: Maybe it's there for backward compatibility - not sure08:39
Jemt(Although this is a fresh Ubuntu 10.10 installation)08:40
funkyis it possible to remove the bottom right corner icon from every window? all the themes have this stupid draw08:41
windowsusercan someone please help me install ubuntu without a cd08:43
coz_funky,  you nean that grab handle08:43
windowsuseri have the iso, but i do not have any blank cds or a flash drive08:44
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  easiest way is to  put the iso  on a flash drive.. otherwise you will be in for a lot of work.08:44
funkycoz_: yes08:44
windowsuserplease i need help08:44
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  unless you have a spare hard drive or some other ways to get around it08:44
windowsuseri dont man, i was wanting to use a virtual drive or some partitioned space or something man, i got a sick virus08:44
ScottKevillIt's a bug in the PAP script.08:44
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  also it will depend if you want just ubuntu on the pc. or want it alongside windows.08:44
coz_funky,  open ccsm and in the bottom "Uncategorized"  category is an ecperimental plugin   "Unity MT Grab Handles"  see if there are settings that will suit you08:45
windowsuseri'd prefer a full install of ubuntu08:45
Dr_Willisyou could always just run it in virtualbox for now. or wubi. a full install will require booting somthing in most cases.08:45
ScottKevillA hacky URL decode that only translates %20 and %40. Lame.08:45
funkycoz_: ok, i'm not using unity though08:45
coz_funky,   oh apparenlty not labeled as experimental any longer08:45
coz_funky,  oh!!08:45
funkycoz_: don't like it either :/08:45
coz_funky,  classic ..yes?08:46
windowsuserwhat program do i need to download to use the iso and do a full install?08:46
firdausyou can make burn to flash disk with unetbooting08:46
coz_funky,  yeah not sure what can easily be done about that,, I had requested it be made transparent  but nothing came of that request08:46
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  the pendrivelinux web site also has tools that can be used to put the iso onto a flash. and perhaps as a live-frugal install to a hard drive partition. thats not quiet the same as a full install.08:47
funkycoz_: I guess we're not the only ones who don't like it, soon there'll be a solution08:47
windowsuseri dont have a flashdrive.08:47
firdausor ext308:47
bazhangwindowsuser, then you're going to have a hard time08:47
pksadiq!wubi | windowsuser08:47
ubottuwindowsuser: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe08:47
coz_funky,  no doubt,, although , as I mentioned,  compiz has made a plugin for it ... and if you are using compiz on classic that grab handle plugin should still be there08:48
windowsuserwubi doesnt do a full install tho?08:48
pksadiqwindowsuser: it does08:48
windowsuseri want to completely erase windows08:48
bazhangwindowsuser, get a flash drive if you want to use unetbootin08:48
windowsuseri dont think it does08:48
firdausif you windows OS blank08:48
firdausor risk08:48
pksadiqwindowsuser: it does full install, but it won't erase your windows08:48
firdauslinux will risk08:48
windowsuseri have a ubuntu 5.1 cd, but i dont want to have to update it a million times08:49
coz_windowsuser,  if you dont have a cd or flash driver I cant think of any way of doing this,, evern the mini .iso at 19 megs requires either of those08:49
coz_windowsuser,  do you have a burner but no cd to buren ...yes?08:49
funkythere is a way, PXE08:49
windowsuseris there an update from 5.1 to the latest?08:49
windowsuseri have burner but no cd.08:49
bazhangwindowsuser, no08:49
coz_windowsuser,  ubuntu 5.xx  yikes08:49
arandwindowsuser: No, 5.10 is not supported anymore08:49
=== georgie is now known as qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
windowsuseri know right08:50
coz_windowsuser,  you cannot burn or you just dont have a cd to burn onto ?08:50
windowsuserno cd's08:50
windowsusermy flash drive fried somehow too, my luck08:50
coz_windowsuser,  no rewriteable layting around somewhere?08:50
pksadiqwindowsuser: buy one or shipit08:50
coz_laying rather08:50
windowsusernope, i checked... its 3 in the morning08:50
coz_windowsuser,  oh  4 am here ;)08:51
=== qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq is now known as georgie_\
windowsuserdang this blows08:51
coz_windowsuser,   if you find one just use the mini iso ,,08:51
coz_windowsuser,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:51
windowsuseri got the iso, i jus want to completely reload it08:51
coz_windowsuser,   I cant think of any way off hand to use that iso while on windows to install ubuntu over top of windows :(08:52
stillmemy laptop has written on it, AMD Athlon X2 64. does it mean i have to download Ubuntu 64 bit??08:52
coz_stillme,  no08:52
coz_stillme,  you can use the 32 bit if you like08:52
windowsuserokay so can i install ubuntu with wubi or whatever, then delete the windows part?08:52
coz_windowsuser,  that I dont know,, I have 0 experience with wubi08:53
stillmeohh i see08:53
pksadiqstillme: untill you have 4+ GB RAM08:53
windowsuserhow do i install the iso without a cd or flash?08:53
stillmethanks, i want to try the 11.04 version08:53
stillmeohh i have 2GB ram08:53
pksadiqwindowsuser: yes you can, I hope08:53
coz_stillme,  the 32 bit is fine08:53
bazhangwindowsuser, check the install guide08:53
bazhang!install | windowsuser read this08:53
ubottuwindowsuser read this: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:53
nit-witwindowsuser, wubi is a file inside of windows if you remove windows you remove the wubi.08:54
windowsuserokay, so there is no way to install ubuntu and erase windows without the cd?08:54
bazhangwindowsuser, you could install wubi, then migrate the wubi install to the hard drive.08:55
stillmeseems ubuntu users and developers are more responsive than fedora users/developers i may be wrong though08:55
nit-witwindowsuser, you could migrate the wubi to a partition that would have to be bulit with a linux partitioner.08:55
pksadiqstillme: may be not ;)08:55
windowsuserdude, i dont understand what u guys are saying08:55
bazhangwindowsuser, that is quite technically challenging however08:55
arandwindowsuser: http://www.instantfundas.com/2010/03/boot-your-computer-from-iso-image-with.html08:55
windowsuseri need steps bro, i got the iso08:55
Flannelwindowsuser: Without a CD, USB drive, USB HDD, second HDD, or additional partition on your single hard drive, no.08:55
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  theres ways.. but they will be to hard for you i imagine.08:55
bazhangwindowsuser, so in your case, then no08:55
windowsuseri have additional space i have 500 gigs08:55
Dr_WillisI guess one could go extreme and try using virtualbox and installing to a 'real' hard drive partition.08:56
arandwindowsuser: That might be useful, if you have BCD (w7 or vista)08:56
windowsuserthats what i thought too wilis08:56
windowsuseri have w708:56
pksadiqbazhang: "in your cas" ? I don't know even what is linux just a year back, but I learned;08:56
Dr_Willisthe vbox manual suggests NOT setting up vbox to access a 'real' hard drive that way.08:56
windowsuseri got phantom drive, but i dont know if itll erase or w/e08:57
bazhangpksadiq, its possible, but some reading needs to be done08:57
windowsuserplus idk if its working this virus has my pc whacked like mad08:57
pksadiqbazhang: with some interest ;)08:57
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  first step in any case would be to get that 500gb in its own unallocated space on the drive seperate from windows.08:57
Dr_Williswindows can resize its own patitions faster then gpateted does (from what ive used of win7)08:58
windowsuserso how?08:58
arandwindowsuser: Use easybcd to boot an ubuntu iso from the windoews bootloader.08:58
windowsuserwill that allow me to erase windows too tho?08:58
Dr_Williswindows has partitioning tools.. in its 'manage pc  ' area.08:58
arandwindowsuser: I would assume so.08:58
pksadiqwindowsuser: may be right click on computer > manage and select disk drives or something like that08:59
Dr_WillisIt would be best to defrag/scandisk befor resizeing.08:59
Dr_Willisand of course have backups made of inporntant stuff08:59
windowsuserrather smash it and buy a new one man08:59
nit-witlol nice spelling09:00
pksadiqDr_Willis: ^^09:00
windowsuseri got the manage window open09:00
Dr_Willisunetbootin would allow you to do a 'frugal' live install to a hard drive.. but most people hate how that works..09:00
windowsuserand i installed bcd09:00
Dr_Willisso theres ways.. but theres risks..09:00
windowsuseridc bout risk nothin worse than this09:01
Dr_Willisand if the pc gets made unbootable. you will be stuck.09:01
windowsuseri can reformat with the ubuntu 5.1 cd09:01
coz_windowsuser,  mm maybe some of these suggestioins would work better with mini.iso , it is put into memory and as far I have tested the cd is no longer required after the intial install begins09:01
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  you have a ubuntu 5.1 cd? that adds new possibilities then...09:01
windowsuserif all else fails anyway09:01
windowsuserwell, there is no update...09:01
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  you could go the 'debootstrap' method to install then.09:01
windowsuserim not gonna update 20 times man09:01
Dr_Willisi never said to instlal 5.x then update....09:02
zcat[1]windowsuser:  wubi installs onto the windows filesystem .. if you delete that, you lose your ubuntu install too09:02
windowsuserso what will that do?09:02
ubottudebootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information09:02
Dr_WillisYou can boot a live cd. or even otehr disrto and use debootstrap to 'install' to a hard drive from the internet.09:02
Dr_Willisits not a trivial task09:02
windowsusersounds like it09:02
windowsuseri would have to put the iso somewhere online?09:03
Dr_WillisIt wouldent use the iso that i know of.09:03
windowsuserim so confused09:03
Dr_Willisit would use whatever disrto/cd you got and some fancy directions..09:03
windowsuseri got bcd downloaded09:03
abhi_69hello guys?09:04
arjunHi guys could you please help me with  a problem of mic09:04
Dr_WillisIve never used bcd. but theres also ways to get things to 'boot' theiso file from the windows drive. then you couldinstall to the Unallocated space you made earlier.09:04
abhi_69can anyone suggest me how can i connect my nokia 2700 classic via wammu?09:04
erle-how can i get rid of wine entries in menues? (for example: open file with ...)09:04
windowsuseri didnt make it i got lost09:04
pksadiqabhi_69: for internet?09:04
abhi_69wammu said it connect my phone via bluephonet09:04
abhi_69no, as pc-suite09:04
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  use the windows disk management tools and resize your HD to make 500gb or whatver you got free - of unallocated space. that would be needed in any case.09:05
windowsuseropened the "manage" and i jus got a bunch of tabs09:05
pksadiqabhi_69: for what purpose? internet? accessing files?09:05
coz_Dr_Willis,  wouldnt it be better to use the mini.iso ,, it is put into memory and I believe not needed after that,, so eithyer bcd or one of the other techiques should/ maybe kind of work,,,yes/09:05
arandwindowsuser: I would install easybcd, use that to boot a newly downloaded ubuntu iso of your choice, and then do a fresh install via that. If something goes wrong, you should be able to boot the 5.10 iso and and at least get a working system, and possibly debootstrap from there.09:05
Dr_Willisive never used the mini iso. I got tons of spare flash drives. :)09:05
arjunHi guys my mic doesnt work with ubuntu which otherwise works fine on windows.09:05
widewakehi, can somebody help me update my java please?09:05
windowsuserokay i got bcd now what?09:05
pksadiqDr_Willis: mail me some ;)09:05
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  you want to save your windows data? or erase it?09:06
Dr_Willispksadiq:  wife uses them for her pictures :)09:06
windowsuseri want to completely load ubuntu09:06
Dr_Willispksadiq:  seen 32gb ones on salw for like $30 lately09:06
windowsuserjus ubuntu09:06
abhi_69pksadiq: to manipulate sms, contacts, to do, calender, phone memory (internel) etc.09:06
arjunSomeone please help me with a mic problem09:06
windowsuserarjun download alsamixer09:06
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  you could keep window around  (resize the hd) and use some methiod to boot the iso from the hd. then install from that setup.  then delete windows later.09:07
coz_arjun,   not sure I can but,, open a terminal    type      alsamixer    make sure the volume sliders are up09:07
pksadiqDr_Willis: haven't run ubuntu for at least ~2 months, just I don't have cash to fix my UPS, :(09:07
arjunYes have alsamixer opened it now what?09:07
windowsusermake sure nothing is muted09:07
windowsusertype alsamixer in terminal09:07
coz_arjun,  use the arrow buttons to locate the mic  volume slider09:07
{adrianBc}y have a question09:07
Dr_Willispksadiq:  my main ubuntu hd failed on me the other day (well it is failing) been doing TinyCorelInux from flash drives. :)09:07
widewakecould somebody help update java plz?09:07
{adrianBc}how yto modify sound beep on ipcop machine09:08
arjuncoz_ I dont have one for mic09:08
ljm10hi there09:08
pksadiqDr_Willis: from the smallest I love tomsrtbt , its the best, I feel09:08
arjunThere is something called capture09:08
arandwindowsuser: Find the option for ISO files in there, and point it to a dowanload of a new version of ubuntu.09:08
coz_arjun,  oo,, maybe it is not being recognized,,, you might want to try either or both   #pulseaudio   or  # alsa channels  if no one here can help09:08
nraicMy sidebar doesn't keep my chosen applications. After a reboot it returns to the default applications.09:08
beestercan some one help me? my whole screen flickers from supper bright to dim off and on when playing videos with vlc.09:09
arjunok thank you coz_ let me check out those places09:09
coz_nraic,  the Unity launcher yes/09:09
pksadiqabhi_69: check http://wammu.eu/phones to check your phones support09:09
nraiccoZ, what is the Unity launcher?09:09
coz_nraic,   when you open an application and its icon appears on the launcher,, do you right click that icon and choose  "keep on launcher"  or whatever it says09:10
coz_nraic,  are you on ubuntu 11,04?09:10
nraiccoZ, yes09:10
windowsuseri added the iso, and it said "added" now there is no start button09:10
coz_nraic, and do you have a large panel on the left side of the screen with icons?09:10
widewake-could somebody help install java update please? im at website following instructions cant get too far09:11
nraiccoZ, I have done that. I have chosen to keep just chrome, and terminal but after a reboot it returns to the default firefox, oo writer and so on.09:11
Dr_Williswidewake:  youmean install java? its in the repos..09:11
coz_widewake,  did you install sun java from the repositories?09:11
widewake- i have an older version of java,yes09:11
coz_nraic,  mm then I am not sure guy09:11
Dr_Willisolder from where? what release of ubuntu are you using widewake?09:11
widewakeDr_Willis: im using 10.10 , i installed version from website i believe09:12
nraiccoZ, so it is not meant to return to default. The normal behaviour should be to keep my chosen apps, right?09:12
coz_nraic,  yes indeed it should09:12
Dr_WillisI have to wonder what a web site needs with a newer version of java then whats in 10.1009:12
{adrianBc} y just wat to modify dthe sound beeep on the script09:12
{adrianBc} sound beeep when the kelner is loaded09:12
nraicThanks coz09:13
pksadiqwidewake: if you need the very latest, download the linux bin file for sun website, chmod it and do ./file.bin09:13
coz_I believe in 10.10 it is still sun-java6-plugin09:13
arandwindowsuser: I am guessing that if you reboot the computer and get to the windows boot menu (F8) you'd have the option to boot the iso now, (possibly you'd have to edit the boot menu in easybcd, or at least check it has added an extra entry)09:13
windowsuserdude i cant figure it out09:13
widewakepksadiq, i have the bin file, not exactly sure what to do with it, im a noob sorry09:13
Dr_Willisi wonder if the easybcd site has a guide on this. ive never used easybcd befor09:14
coz_night all09:14
pksadiqwidewake: copy it to desktop, open terminal ,  do cd ~/Desktop      then do chroot +x <filenameofbin>09:14
arjunHi coz_ there seems to be no users in those channels.Any other suggestions?09:14
pksadiqwidewake: its chmod +x <filename>09:14
zcat[1]windowsuser:  was there any particular reason you can't just use a cd or USB stick?09:15
windowsuserit keeps asking me to use commands09:15
windowsuseri do not have any blank cds and my flashdrive is fried09:15
arandDr_Willis: It has lacking documentation unfortunately, but a bucketload of features :/09:15
windowsuserokay bcd blows, any other idea09:15
zcat[1]get some blanks and/or a usb stick, seriously09:15
Dr_Williseasy bcd adds a boot menu - when you reboot from what i am reading/skimming09:16
Milosshhello. People tell me they can hear them speaking when we're on skype, as if I was on a laptop, while I'm using headphones. Can someone help me hunt down that prob?09:16
Dr_Willisso you havent even tried it yet if you havent rebooted.09:16
windowsuserdude it doesnt work09:16
windowsuseri cant09:16
windowsuserit doesnt work09:16
bazhang!enter | windowsuser09:16
ubottuwindowsuser: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:16
windowsuserill quit09:17
FloodBot1windowsuser: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:17
arandwindowsuser: Have you tried rebooting to the windows boot after doing this change?09:17
windowsuseri havent done any changes.09:17
zcat[1]windowsuser:  I can just about guarantee the only result of this will be to render your current setup unbootable.. and then you're going to need a blank cd or USB stick and some other way of getting ubuntu onto them.09:17
windowsuseri open bcd, and have like 20 different things, and i tried uploading the iso or choosing it, now it says enter commands09:17
widewakepksadiq, could not chroot, though got chmod09:17
pksadiqwidewake: now double click and install the file09:18
zcat[1]windowsuser:  seriously what you're trying to do is like changing a tire while you're driving along the motorway..09:18
widewakepksadiq, mm nothing happens09:19
Milosshfwiw, I had a lot problems after downloaded ubuntu 10.04 from second mirror, couldn't install it, always an error. I downloaded it from the first one, and it's all good09:19
widewakepksadiq, opening with java runtime09:19
Milosshmaybe someone wanna check up on that09:19
pksadiqwidewake: k then in terminal do ./<filename>09:19
windowsuseri jus want to create some virtual space, and load the iso from there? its not that complicated.09:19
Milosshwindowsuser, the use virtualbox09:20
princesseTutuHey there09:20
Milossh's a version for windows that's free09:20
Dr_Williswindowsuser:  if you want to delete windows eventiually you do not use 'virtual space' (whatever that means)09:20
princesseTutuI'm running into a problem while installing ubuntu 11.0409:20
ljm10can i ask something??????about linux09:20
windowsuseri want to create a gig of free space, then put the iso in it, then boot from it, then delete it...09:20
Milosshljm10, don't ask to ask, just ask09:21
windowsuseris that not possible?09:21
widewakepksadiq, said something was not found, however i have a pack on my desktop09:21
princesseTututhe live cd cannot boot to a desktop09:21
ljm10linux has a viruses?????????09:21
Milosshwindowsuser, technically it might be, but 1G is not enough for standalone OS install, whichever09:21
princesseTutu(it drops back to initramfs)09:21
Dr_Williseasybcd or other ways would let you boot the iso from the C: drive. you could then install to the unallocated space at the end of the drive.  then reboot and boot the hd directly. perhaps09:21
zcat[1]windowsuser:  for all practical purposes no, it's not possible.09:21
Dr_Willisljm10: not really09:21
ljm10ahhh i see09:21
Milosshljm10, some of them, yes, but not in the way you know them09:21
pksadiqwidewake: in terminal you must do cd ~/Desktop and then    ./<filenameofbin>   ,check the spelling09:21
Dr_WillisYou could set up virtualbox to install to the end of the hard drive also.09:21
fluffyponyguys - I think my Ubuntu Server box is being DoS'd, can't SSH in, Pingdom keeps reporting it going down and up every few minutes...but physically on the box and I can't see anything wrong. How would you detect a DoS?09:22
Dr_Willisand thers tools.ways to 'copy' a virtualbox hd image to a real hard drive also.09:22
ljm10so linux dont need anti virus09:22
fluffypony(PSAD hasn't picked anything up, btw)09:22
zcat[1]question for the channel in general; can you resize the NTFS partition when you're booted into a wubi install from that partition?09:22
Milosshfluffypony, check access logs09:22
Dr_Willisljm10:  my linux-av apps are scanning the files for windows viruses.. not linux ones.09:22
arandwindowsuser: EasyBCD (or similar tools) is likely the easiest way to do this, since it is a complated procedure to start off with.09:22
widewakepksadiq, did the same thing. asking to replace the .RPM on desktop09:22
fluffyponyMilossh: apache access logs are empty since it started an hour ago09:22
princesseTutuljm10 : no need for so many exclamation marks, and yes it has flaws but they are a bit different from windows viruses09:22
windowsuseri opened bcd, and it asks for commands09:23
Milosshfluffypony, if it's UDP flood, you won't see it in apache logs09:23
widewakepksadiq,  ./jre-6u25-linux-i586-rpm.bin  is the cmd, and im in desktop$09:23
windowsuserit doesnt help, bcd = balls09:23
ljm10windows viruses can affect the linux09:23
Dr_Williswidewake:  you most likely DONT want the rpm.bin  look for a .deb09:23
fluffyponyMilossh: but I should see UFW blocking that in syslog, right?09:23
Milosshwait, you just started a server and it's being flooded09:23
princesseTutuI've uploaded the dmesg log to pastebin09:23
=== mk is now known as Guest41311
pksadiqwidewake: download the file the does not have the name "rpm" in that, I think that's for fedora09:23
Dr_Willisljm10:  you could run them in wine and tash your users home dir.. in the worst case. but not hurt the system09:23
Milosshljm10, nope, they can't, as they can't be executed09:23
widewakepksadiq,  k i was wondering about that, it lists like 5 dls09:24
Milosshljm10, you can't start .exe files on linux09:24
arandwindowsuser: Well if you don't want to learn it, then that's your choice, (People in ##windows might know more about the easybcd application in particular)09:24
zcat[1]windowsuser:  seriously, sort out a boot CD or USB stick while you still have a working system... what you're trying to do is not something I would even attempt and I've been doing linux stuff since 199709:24
princesseTutuThe only weird thing i can see is the (s?)ata failures09:24
Milosshfluffypony, yeah, you should be seing that09:24
Milosshalso, your router logs can help09:25
Milosshis it a remote server?09:25
fluffyponyyeah it is09:25
Guest41311Im reverting back to 10.10 (at least untill 11.10) im installing it on my netbook (no cd drive) which currently has 11.04 on it. I dont have a USB drive so whats my best option to install 10.10? Is it possible to set up a partition, and install strait onto that from 11.04 without a cd or usb?09:25
fluffyponyI'm on site at the data center09:25
Milosshit's not managed?09:25
fluffyponybut it's a Sunday, so no engineers on site09:25
fluffyponyno, colocated09:25
arandDr_Willis: In practice, trashing /home isn't that different from trashing the system.. From the users point of view ;)09:25
Milosshvery bad thing to happen on Sunday :)09:25
Dr_Willisarand:  ive seen users do a lot worse. :)09:25
fluffyponylol I know :)09:25
Dr_WillisI test out viruse/malware in wine. to see what the things are doing.09:26
Dr_Willisi use my 'billgates' user account for that.09:26
zcat[1]Dr_Willis:  viruses run in wine? I use virtualbox...09:26
widewakepksadiq, ok, got the new file on desktop,  now ./jre-6u25-linux-i586.bin yes?09:26
pksadiqDr_Willis: and still using /msg nickserv info ... ;)09:26
Milosshfluffypony, what happens when you want to ssh into that box?09:26
pksadiqwidewake: first chmod +x <filename> then ./<filename>09:26
Dr_Williszcat[1]:  well the 'malware' wrapped images/screensavers/whatever the wife wanted..  insisted on instlling crud befor it let her get to the wallpapers.. so thats how i used it in the past.09:27
fluffyponyMilossh: ssh times out, http times out, icmp traffic times out09:27
fluffyponyrebooted it twice09:27
fluffyponychecked syslog for errors09:27
Punkguytawow theres lots of people in here09:27
pksadiqDr_Willis: wait a few years, I'll be too saying the same as you, let me marry a girl ;)09:28
Milosshfluffypony, are you sure it's you? maybe there are some network probs you can't know about09:28
widewakepksadiq,  k that is done 8)09:28
Milosshanyway., any service going down should make sysops paged09:28
fluffyponyyeah I know09:28
Guest41311Im reverting back to 10.10 (at least untill 11.10) im installing it on my netbook (no cd drive) which currently has 11.04 on it. I dont have a USB drive so whats my best option to install 10.10? Is it possible to set up a partition, and install strait onto that from 11.04 without a cd or usb?09:29
{adrianBc}somebody want to help me?09:29
widewakepksadiq,  now i have a new folder on desktop, launch it?09:29
pksadiqwidewake: yeah, hope so09:29
Milosshfluffypony, maybe a ticket with highest priority/severity level will do you something good09:30
fluffyponyMilossh: that's exactly what I'm doing now09:30
fluffyponycould possibly be some sort of outage09:30
widewakepksadiq, hmm does not seem too let me launch, it looks like i cant click the executable, though it is red it has no check09:30
Milosshyeah, but whichever datacenter it was, I'm pretty sure they won't be proud with 12+ hours outage :)09:30
pksadiqwidewake: what is the filename? simply java?09:31
Milosshso you have reasons to believe they'll fix it soon :)09:31
Milosshpksadiq, `ls` may help09:31
widewakepksadiq, filename is jre1.6.0_25,  its a folder and has a bin inside with a few other folders n n files09:31
pksadiqMilossh: not for me, but widewake09:31
Milosshoh, sorry09:31
pksadiqwidewake: in terminal cd to that directory try ls and see the executable files try ./java       (or might be in the bin folder)09:32
iFrenzyhi I've got a problem, I had a wubi install of ubuntu 11.04 on my wife's sony vaio laptop, well today, i uninstalled the wubi version and did a real install, but not the sound nor internal mic will work09:32
fluffyponyMilossh: agreed :)09:32
widewakepksadiq,  no such file for ./java , though there is a few files in bin trying to launch09:34
pksadiqwidewake:  in bin folder I think there is java, javac etc, right?09:34
iFrenzyhi I've got a problem, I had a wubi install of ubuntu 11.04 on my wife's sony vaio laptop, well today, i uninstalled the wubi version and did a real install, but not the sound nor internal mic will work09:35
widewakepksadiq, java java_vm javaws09:35
widewakepksadiq,  java wont launch09:35
pksadiqwidewake: try ./<filename> and see the results, I think you need ./java <java_executable_file> to run09:36
cAptAin-AnArchyis there a way to update to 11.x09:36
cAptAin-AnArchywith terminal09:36
cAptAin-AnArchyi swear ive done it09:36
pksadiq!update | cAptAin-AnArchy09:37
ubottucAptAin-AnArchy: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade09:37
iFrenzyDoes anyone know anything about fixing audio problems?09:37
hyper_chhi there, I upgraded from Maverick to Natty and I notice that my ethernet is only clocked at 100mbit instead of 1gbit09:38
pksadiq!sound | iFrenzy09:38
ubottuiFrenzy: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:38
widewakepksadiq,  mm got nothing09:39
abhi_69can anybody suggest me a good alternative for nokia pc suite for ubuntu?09:39
pksadiqwidewake: actually what was the reason you installed jre?09:39
iFrenzypksadiq:  the volume is turned up, in the sound settings and on alsamixer in the terminal, and all my cards are showing up but yet I get no sound09:39
cAptAin-AnArchyive already done that shit09:40
FaeLLehow can i easily switch between gnome and the default wm unity of ubuntu09:40
FaeLLei just crossed over from gentoo so just trying to work my way around this thing09:40
abhi_69i want to access phone memory, sms, contacts, todo list etc.09:40
cAptAin-AnArchyit still doesnt say a new ver avail09:40
pksadiqabhi_69: did you checked the site of wammu for your phonw?09:40
lamoany new success for gnome3 and 11.04?09:40
widewakepksadiq,  my java version is not up to date09:40
abhi_69pksadiq: ya, they said it's supported via bluephonet09:41
abhi_69pksadik: but my laptop has no bluetooth device, i want to connect my phone via usb09:41
Sharavhello all09:41
pksadiqwidewake: does that make any issues currently?, actually the installed bin file is not usually accesses by any programms untill it is copied to /     better stick with the current repos09:41
SharavI'm trying to upgrade ma box 10.10 to 11.0409:41
SharavAn upgrade from 'natty' to 'maverick' is not supported with this tool.09:42
pksadiqabhi_69: and won't you get connected?09:42
Sharavhow to fix?09:42
Dr_WillisFaeLLe:  the gdm loign screen has a menu to select what desktop to use.09:42
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.09:42
pksadiq!downgrade | Sharav09:42
ubottuSharav: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.09:42
abhi_69pksadik: after connecting my phone via usb wammu keep searching for phone & found nothing09:42
Dr_WillisSharav:  yoi are upgradeing? or downgradeing?09:43
SharavI'm upgrading :)09:43
FaeLLethanks Dr_Willis and ubottu let me check it out now09:43
rajkostoi upgraded ubuntu to natty on my xe vm09:43
pksadiqif you are better in commandline I think gammu is the best app09:43
rajkostohow do i upgrade the kernel as well09:43
rajkostoif i just change /boot/grub/menu.lst to use the new 38-generic it doesnt boot09:43
abhi_69pksadiq: actually i want something GUI09:43
arjunHi guys my mic isnt working in ubuntu.It works fine in windows could anyone help me?09:44
Dr_Willisrajkosto:  most releasesof ubuntu use grub2 thse days. not  the grub1/menu.lst09:44
pksadiq!nokia | abhi_69 may be good to check09:44
ubottuabhi_69 may be good to check: Guides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/09:44
cAptAin-AnArchywheres the location of the login windows?09:44
Dr_Willisrajkosto:  if the kernel dosent work. well thats a bigger issue09:44
rajkostoDr_Willis, xen09:44
szalrajkosto: how did you upgrade?09:44
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen09:44
rajkostothats how to install the monitor09:44
rajkostoi only have a xen guest09:44
widewakepksadiq, i think it may be why i cant run minecraft(game) however im not sure. So i thought id update09:45
iFrenzyomg there is a tracfone infomercial on and its hilarious09:45
Dr_WillisIvbe never used xen. so no idea o anything else with it.09:45
abhi_69it saying about gnokii09:46
abhi_69i already tried that one but not satisfied09:46
pksadiqwidewake: is it a windows game?09:47
t32Hello! :) how can i open xorg.conf in teminal ? Im new in ubuntu09:47
abhi_69it can't can access my mobile's memory (internal)09:47
Dr_Willist32:  its a text file. sudo nano /path/to/file   but why do you need to do so?09:47
widewakepksadiq,  nope works for ubuntu, provides a jar DL09:47
neo3god hates us all!09:47
Sharavwhen doing Partial upgrading09:48
Sharavit gives me :An upgrade from 'natty' to 'maverick' is not supported with this tool.09:48
iFrenzyhi I've got a problem, I had a wubi install of ubuntu 11.04 on my wife's sony vaio laptop, well today, i uninstalled the wubi version and did a real install, but not the sound nor internal mic will work09:48
t32Dr_Willis, because Wrong screen resolution at startup after installing nVidia legacy drivers09:48
Sharavi dunno what should i do09:48
tewecskehow can i turn off/on window decoration from command line (i use ubuntu 11.04 in classic mode but my title bar keeps desappearing)09:48
Dr_Willist32:  you did run the nvidia-settings tool?09:48
Dr_Willistewecske:  you could use 'metacity --replace' or 'compiz --replace'09:49
t32Dr_Willis, nope09:49
Dr_Willist32:  time to run it.. and let it tweak your settings. xorg.conf is not normally needed these days09:49
pksadiqwidewake: what does running the name of that game in terminal gives you?09:49
iFrenzyhi I've got a problem, I had a wubi install of ubuntu 11.04 on my wife's sony vaio laptop, well today, i uninstalled the wubi version and did a real install, but not the sound nor internal mic will work09:50
Dr_WillisiFrenzy:  the wubi instal - had them both working?09:50
tansell-laptopHi, my indicator app seems to be stuck in offline mode and I can't make it go online09:50
Dr_WillisiFrenzy:  you have updated/upgraded the regular install?09:50
tansell-laptop(all the options are greyed out)09:50
iFrenzyDr_willis: yes all upgrades have been done09:51
t32Dr_Willis, yes but i couldn't find there the right option to change resolution for boot screen09:51
Dr_WillisiFrenzy:  that is weird.09:51
tewecskeDr_Willis: i've tried that but it's not exactly the same, if there isn't anything else then i'm gonna use that but i hope for a better solution09:51
widewakepksadiq,  seems like nothing.. no file or directory.. I can launch it, however i get a black screen09:51
Dr_Willist32:  you mean for the GRUB login? or the Plymount animation?09:51
Dr_Willisoops i ment GDM login :)09:51
widewakepksadiq, it was working until yesterday for some reason, i was thinking the java had to do with it09:51
t32Dr_Willis, plymouth09:51
Dr_Willist32 best suggstion for plymouth issues and nvidia.. disable plymouth..09:52
* Dr_Willis really dosent care for plymouth eyecandy09:52
t32Dr_Willis,  well so how?09:52
ljm10linux and ubuntu are different or not09:52
b44In which directory is the trash ??09:52
iFrenzyubuntu is a version of linux09:52
t32ljm10,  no i think09:52
ljm10ahhh oki thx09:52
Dr_Willisedit the /etc/default/grub and change teh 'quiet splash' to be '' (empty) or 'noquiet nosplash'09:52
t32ljm10,  you're welcome :)09:53
Dr_Willis!trash | b4409:53
ubottub44: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.09:53
iFrenzydr_willis: any ideas?09:53
Dr_WillisiFrenzy:  not really - check the forums and askubuntu.com site perhaps09:53
Dr_Willisive rarelyhad to mess with sound issues09:53
Fonzie-just installed and formatted a new disk on my system. I want to boot the new drive to /var, but another partition is allready booted there. How should i progress then?09:55
widewakecould somebody help update java please?09:57
szal!java | widewake09:57
ubottuwidewake: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.09:58
t32Dr_Willis, mate i couldn't do that... can u explain me how to disable plymouth ?09:58
widewakeok! 8\09:58
Dr_Willist32:  you edit that file - and rerun updte-grub09:59
anthony_devhi :D09:59
Dr_Willistheres other guides/sites out that show how to try to fix plymouth09:59
Dr_Willist32 edit the /etc/default/grub and change teh 'quiet splash' to be '' (empty) or 'noquiet nosplash'09:59
beesterhelp! whole screen blinks when playing videos on vlc in ubuntu 10.10.09:59
widewakeszal, what do i do with !java ?09:59
Bibsanyone awake :))09:59
widewakeim wide awake10:00
anthony_devhow I can check updates for Empathy? (I get "too long message error" while using jabber... )10:00
Bibsim trying to grab a file from my windows desktop10:00
Bibsbut i can't figure it out :\10:00
widewakei give up!10:01
Bibsim pretty sure i mounted it10:01
pksadiqwidewake: try sudo apt-get install default-jre10:01
Bibsanyone happen to know how?10:01
widewakepksadiq,  Dling a few pkgs10:02
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
candreaBibs, hi, could you please describe your problem with more details? Are you getting an error? Can't you find the file or the partition? Something else?10:02
Bibscandrea i need to grab an ISO from my windows desktop10:02
Bibsand i have -no- idea how10:02
candreaBibs, open nautilus, on the left you should see the windows partition10:04
needlezhi, i need to someone to help me with the negative -1 patch, and make sure it works, also need the carl9170 drivers instead of ar9170usb drivers.10:04
widewakepksadiq,  unpacking10:04
Dr_WillisBibs:  its on a windows drive on the system? if so its in /media/SOMEWHERE :)10:04
candreaBibs, from there, go to "Documents and Settings" → your username → desktop10:04
widewakepksadiq,  erm, ldconfig deferred processing now taking place10:05
pksadiqwidewake: now after completion try to open the game youe tried before10:06
natokahi, is ubuntu somehow different to debian regarding setting up bonding in /etc/network/interfaces?10:08
widewakepksadiq,  so far terminal has been empty. should be it be showing the process? or will it tell me when done10:08
pksadiqwidewake: if the last line ends in <username>@...$, its complete, run the game10:10
needlezanyone here know how to patch for channel -1 in aircrack-ng?? and where and how to install the carl9170 drivers??10:10
natokathe bond-* keywords don't seem to matter anyway in /etc/network/interfaces10:10
widewakepksadiq,  k, it gives the blackscreen of death, may not be java im not sure10:10
widewakepksadiq,  did that just update my java?10:11
pksadiqwidewake: that just installed jre, that's all10:11
iFrenzyhi I've got a problem, I had a wubi install of ubuntu 11.04 on my wife's sony vaio laptop, well today, i uninstalled the wubi version and did a real install, but not the sound nor internal mic will work10:11
Peddyhow do I find which package provides a certain file?10:12
sarcasmrules_Hi, I recently upgraded to Natty but haven't used it for a while (I am triple booting) and I tried to a) update packages and b) download new packages. Each time I tried I got a network error saying I should check my internet connection. Obviously my internet works. Does anyone know what the problem is? thanks!10:12
candreaPeddy, is the package installed?10:12
Dr_WillisPeddy:  theres the apt-file command. and the bot here. :)10:13
candreaPeddy, if so, "dpkg -S filename", else apt-file10:13
daurnimatorwhy would ubuntu boot to a busybox shell instead of normal desktop?10:13
Dr_Willisdaurnimator:  its not seeing the rest of the system. or some other error is going on.10:13
Peddythanks candrea and Dr_Willis. I must've asked the question on here a thousand times, but it's just one thing i can't remember :/10:13
Dr_Willis!info apt-file10:13
ubottuapt-file (source: apt-file): search for files within Debian packages (command-line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.0 (natty), package size 30 kB, installed size 188 kB10:13
candreaPeddy, note that apt-file doesn't work for packages contained in PPAs10:14
Peddycandrea, I'll remember that! thanks.10:15
daurnimatorDr_Willis: ah ha, No init found. Try pasing init=bootarg10:15
widewakeminecraft errors anyone?10:17
Dr_Willispastebin the whole error messages/session text perhaps widewake  and someone may figure it out10:17
sarcasmrules_does anyone else get an 'internet connection' fault when updating or installing packages?10:17
archtang1ntwhat's the lightest distro based on ubuntu for me to install boxee?10:18
widewakewell it does not give me an error, however the launch screen will go black after logging in10:18
widewakeis there a way to see the info?10:18
widewakeof what is happening10:18
widewakeits usuing java10:18
sarcasmrules_@archtang1nt: have you tried Elementary OS? That's quite a light OS10:18
archtang1ntsarcasmrules_: I'll try it10:19
Dr_Williswidewake:  run it from a terminal i guess10:19
archtang1ntwhat about puppy?10:19
sarcasmrules_archtang1nt: if you want super-light, try DSL10:19
Dr_WillisLubuntu is probery the lightest ubuntu variant that you would want to use :)10:20
archtang1ntI'll try Lubuntu then10:20
Dr_Willisinstaling boxee in puppy or dsl or tiny core - could be a real chore10:20
archtang1ntDSL doesn't have the req10:20
sarcasmrules_DR_Willis: Haha that rhymes!10:20
archtang1ntlubuntu it is, thanks10:21
Dr_WillisLubuntu is the lightst 'almost officially supported' variant out :)10:21
archtang1ntit just has to run on an eeepc10:21
=== Fonzie- is now known as Fonzie--
sarcasmrules_actually, i can see why you would want Lubuntu :)10:24
Dr_WillisLubuntu is also very useable on bigger machines10:24
archtang1ntI generally don't use ubuntu (archlinux junkie)10:25
archtang1ntso I never know what to do with botched systems that need to be grandma accessable10:25
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archtang1ntthis may take a bit, bbl10:26
arjunHello guys could someone out there help me with a problem of mic10:27
arjunI cant record sound from a mic in ubuntu which otherwise works fine in windows10:27
ubuntu_hi... I have been trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on my hdd.. I have USB Ubuntu Bootable ... When I try to run ubiquity.. it crashes .. parted_server() crashes... can anybody help me10:29
natokaarjun: obviously not a hardware problem then, so i would guess that this boils down to some simple mixer settings issue10:30
knoppiesarjun, do you still have trouble?10:31
arjunyes I do10:31
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RenieriusIs there anyone here right now who has ever successfully ran GTA:SA and/or SAMP on Ubuntu?10:31
baijupatteraarjun: take the "sound" from application and see it not muted10:31
arjunWell its not muted I have seen that10:32
knoppiesarjun, in System->Preferences->Sound->input do you have a "Connector:" with a drop down menu?10:32
mitalanybody has this kind of problem before.. ?? i have been struggling since 2 days now :/10:32
RenieriusGTA:SA being GTA San Andreas and SAMP being it's multiplayer mod.10:32
knoppiesarjun, there is an "Applications" tab where you can set volumes on separate applications individually, maybe it is muted in there (that is what baijupattera was trying to say)10:32
arjunknoppies I dont have a connector with drop down menu10:33
mital'sudo gparted' command also crashes10:33
knoppiesarjun, ok, I do, but I have two mics on my laptop.10:33
widewakecan anyone help with updating java ( have been trying) or blackscreen for a game10:33
arjunHmm even that is not muted10:34
arjunAnd does anyone know how to change the mixer settings10:34
Dr_Willis!appdb | Renierius10:34
ubottuRenierius: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:34
baijupatteraarjun: and there is "hardware" tab too,there u select the devices and try10:34
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arjunThere also its not muted10:35
arjunThere is only one device10:36
arjunThat is called internal audio10:36
baijupatterawidewake: open software center and see the "openJDK Java 6 Run time" is installed10:36
pksadiqarjun: in terminal try alsamixer     and increase thats needed10:36
arjunyes tried alsamixer and it just gives out a lot of options not sure which to increase10:37
widewakebaijupattera, its installed bai10:37
arjunSo I increased all the input capture volume10:38
pksadiqwidewake: better reinstall the game ::10:38
widewakepksadiq,  i have, a few times, it runs off java so its a dl than boot10:39
baijupatterapksadiq: widewake askiing about some online games I think10:39
widewakebaijupattera,  or updating java version10:39
pksadiqwidewake: online games ? :O10:39
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widewakepksadiq,  yes a game called minecraft that uses java10:40
baijupatterawidewake: I dont know how to update java10:40
Dr_Williswjat version of java is it wanting? and why do you think you need to 'update' java.. vs some other issue10:40
widewakebaijupattera,  k me neither heh10:40
Dr_Willisjava -version   to see your java version10:40
pksadiqwidewake: after installing default-jre did you restart browser?10:41
Dr_Willisminecraft dosent run in a browser does it?10:41
widewakepksadiq,  restart the computer? it is not browser based10:41
widewakewell you can play it from browser also10:41
markee3I think there is a browser-based minecraft10:41
widewakethere is10:41
pksadiqwidewake: may be so10:41
widewakebut you can also dl a launcher10:41
Dr_Willischeck your java version, see what version it wants.  for starts.10:42
baijupattera!update Java10:42
Dr_Willisit may be a sun vs icedtea issue also.10:42
baijupattera! Java updation10:42
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.10:42
mrwarmthLast time I used it, icedtea was the problem, switching to sun fixed it10:42
markee3minecraft must be run with Sun JVM not iced tea afaik10:43
FlynsarmyIs there a way to check what version of noveau drivers i'm running?10:45
pksadiqFlynsarmy: not sure, may be   dpkg-query -l | grep noveau10:46
widewakethnks for help night all10:46
BatshuaSo, dumb question of the day.10:47
BatshuaI have three nvidia driver options.  Is it possible the recommended one is inexplicably making my screen B&W?10:47
BatshuaBecause it /seems/ to be doing that, but I wonder if it could be attributed to something else.10:47
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: the version might show up in /var/log/Xorg.0.log too10:48
Dr_WillisBatshua:  all the time b/w? its color in the console/bios/grub?10:48
BatshuaB&W in the OS10:48
Dr_Willisor just video playback b/w?10:48
Batshuabut not like, on boot10:48
Batshuaoddly enough.10:48
Dr_Willisthat would be a weird bug. I imagine it could happen10:48
Dr_Williswhats your video card/cjopset?10:48
red2kicBatshua: PrintScreen! I wonder if it'll come out in colors or not!10:48
Jt01Hi all.10:48
BatshuaDr_Willis: some scavenged parts.  tell me how to ask the computer in command line, and I can tell you?10:49
FlynsarmyIs there a way to use the updated (11.04) nouveau drivers in 10.10?10:49
Dr_Willislspci    will show the cards.10:49
BatshuaI basically inherited whatever my brother didn't want.10:49
Dr_Willis!info hwinfo10:49
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2 (natty), package size 45 kB, installed size 112 kB10:49
Batshuadangit, because it's a new install, ssh isn't enabled10:50
Batshuahold please10:50
nobbsy123do you know how to install a canon mp270 printer in ubuntu?10:50
Dr_Willisnobbsy123:  via the cups interface/gui, or the cups web interface. it is a usb/network/other connected? check the cups.org and linuxprinting web site to make sure it even has support first.10:51
baijupatteranobbsy123: did u connect it to the system?10:51
Dr_WillisCanon - often has VERY VERY poor linux support10:51
nobbsy123no i downloaded the driver and installed the printer10:52
Dr_WillisIt may require some extra packages insalled also10:52
Dr_Willisdownoaded the driver/what driver from where?10:52
baijupatteranobbsy123: ya u got gud support from Willis10:52
pksadiq!print | nobbsy12310:52
ubottunobbsy123: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:52
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: you might want to look at the xorg-edgers PPA, be careful though...10:52
Dr_WillisYou proberly want to check the forums for that exact printer also.10:52
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa10:52
nobbsy123It recognised the printer and didn't work10:52
Jt01Hey all, I'm trying to do a clean install of 11.04 in live mode on my computer that was running 10 just fine and it is just sitting here at "Preparing to Install...".. Any suggestions?10:52
pksadiqnobbsy123: I had a try on canon 3200 , it worked but wasted almost a day complete10:53
Flynsarmymrwarmth: yea i googled that edgers PPA however would it be the same version insatlled for 3D on 11.04 (which is quite stable)? or would it be a dodgy nightly build?10:53
cannonfoddaubnuntu 11.04 with 2x 500 gig hdd in mirrored fake raid. works ok in gnome  but doesn't in kde. can choose kde or gnome at login. should my raid be visible in kde?10:53
neo3Does anybody use gnome3?10:54
cannonfoddaraid drives are data only10:54
nobbsy123the nearest driver availiable on the system was mp22010:54
sarcasmrulescannonfodda yes i do it is great10:54
sarcasmrulessorry i mean neo310:54
neo3Has anyone tried gnome3 on 11.04?10:55
markee3Jt01: I got a similar experience. I rebooted and after that it proceeded with the install where at first try it didn't.10:55
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: I have a feeling it's a nightly-ish build, I'm not sure to be honest and wouldn't trust it if you need stability10:55
BatshuaThat's what lspci gives me.10:55
neo3sarcasmrules: is better than unity?10:55
neo3sarcasmrules: how do you think10:55
baijupatteraneo: please keep away from gnomme 3 in 11.0410:55
Flynsarmymrwarmth: i'm guessing the older 3d build from 10.10 wasn't as stable as the one in 11.04? leaves me with either 2D or proprietry? :S10:55
neo3baijupattera: why?10:55
nobbsy12311.04 didn't work when I tried to update so now have Ylmf os which is still in ubuntu10:55
sarcasmrulesi used it with Fedora 15 and it feels a lot more stable than unity10:56
baijupatteraneo: it breaks unity and no option to downgrade10:56
Flynsarmymrwarmth: would it be possible to install the 11.04 one in 10.10 or way too complicated?10:56
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: I gave up and went back to proprietry :(10:56
mitalcan anybody help me with "parted" core dump while running gparted ... ?10:57
Jt01markee3, I rebooted and still have the same problem. It's been sitting there for about an hour now.10:57
neo3baijupattera: so, do you use unity now?10:57
Jt01I verified the disc is okay.10:57
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: I've never tried but would back ports let you install a 11.04 package on 10.10?10:58
Jt01Funny thing is it's running fine in Live mode off of the disc.10:58
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports10:58
sarcasmrules@neo3 i used it with Fedora 15 and it feels a lot more stable than unity10:58
ksji am so sad!10:58
neo3sarcasmrules: fedota use deb pockets or rpm?10:59
v_vksj: what's up10:59
sarcasmrulesit uses rpm and yum10:59
markee3Jt01: That is weird. Perhaps you should file a report? Have you tried a USB install as well? But I don't think that will help.. .10:59
Flynsarmymrwarmth: do the graphics drivers get installed through apt-get or downloaded separately via the 'additional drivers' application?11:00
ksjmy system is down11:00
sarcasmrules@neo3 it uses rpm and yum - you can see a difference (not necessarily a good one) to aptitude (i triple boot fedora, ubuntu and windows11:00
Jt01I haven't tried USB install yet. I was hoping maybe there was something simple that had escaped my mind. I've got some USB drives but they are filled with stuff, I suppose I'll have to move things around.11:00
Jt01I guess that's the next step.11:01
BlouBlouFlynsarmy: additional drivers only finds your drivers in Synaptic (the ones you can install), and they install them by apt-get11:01
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: I think it's all through apt-get, I've only ever seen proprietry drivers used by the additional drivers bit11:01
Dr_Willisits all via apt-get  :)11:01
FlynsarmyBlouBlou: mrwarmth: Thanks - I'll give it a shot i guess :)11:01
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: be careful :)11:02
markee3Jt01: it's prolly your hardware, that's why you should consider reporting it. I've done countless Ubuntu and Linux installs on various PC makes, never got something like what you have now.11:02
FlynsarmyIt'll be a new install. if it all goes to hell i'll just reformat again - no biggy :P11:02
nobbsy123my partner has windows7 and her usb bluetooth thing is incompatable with her os I put it on ubuntu and it worked when nothing on the packaging will suggest it will work in linux.11:02
nobbsy123i think it is funny11:03
mrwarmthFlynsarmy: the best way to do it!11:03
sarcasmrulessorry @neo3 i didn't recieve your reply (if you sent one) because the window closed. could you repeat please? :)11:03
Dr_Willisnobbsy123:  it would proberly work in windows with the right drivers.11:03
nobbsy123there are no drivers it was ment to be plug n play11:03
Dr_Willisnobbsy123:  that dosent mean theres no drivers.. it means it uses the 'generic bluetooth' driversin windows11:04
Dr_Willisnobbsy123:  which are lacking a lot of features.11:04
PipeToDevNullNobbs: You mean plug and pray.  Nonetheless, I'd suggest trying to bounce to the manufacturer's website.  They usually have something, at least.11:04
markee3nobbsy123: she should transfer to Ubuntu already :) lol11:05
nobbsy123it didn't even show up on the hardware in control panel11:05
Dr_WillisI have severla bluetooth dongles that work by default in windows.. with minimal functionality.11:05
Dr_Willisbut with the company drivers. (often a pain to get going) new features are added.11:05
nobbsy123I told her to upgrade from windows 7 to linux11:05
Jt01Is there a keyboard shortcut to boot from a the 11.04 disc into safemode install or something?11:05
Dr_WillisBluetooth  - has been sort of a disaster from what ive experienced.11:05
nobbsy123she can'11:05
sarcasmrulesdoes anyone  know why aptitude won't connect to the internet for updates or new packages?11:06
Dr_Willissarcasmrules:  first guese would be proxy settings11:06
zetheroocan anyone tell me if 11.04 still uses wodim for burning CD's?11:06
nobbsy123she can't get the internet to run in windows 7 she had an upload speed of 100kb/s and download of 3011:06
Dr_Willis!info wodim11:06
ubottuwodim (source: cdrkit): command line CD/DVD writing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.11-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 337 kB, installed size 852 kB11:06
Dr_Willis!info cdrecord11:06
ubottuPackage cdrecord does not exist in natty11:06
sarcasmrules@Dr_Willis thanks, i will try to have a look11:07
Dr_Williszetheroo:  its in there.. but it may not be used by all apps. thers alterantives11:07
nobbsy123do you know what the latest version of vlmf is?11:07
zetherooDr_Willis: I tried to replace it with cdrecord but I still can't burn anything ... since upgrading to Natty11:08
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: It's set to direct internet connection, does it need to be changed?11:08
roger21why is transmission so late in version in ubuntu ?11:09
roger21whos the packager11:09
revilodrawi accidentally bought a fake 32gb microsd card on ebay. it shows up as 32gb even though it will only take 2gb of data. and the write speed is terrible. anyway, how do i format it so it shows up as what it really is, ie. 2gb?11:09
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sarcasmrulesrevilodraw: is there a config file or something inside the microsd folder? there could be an entry there11:10
roger21revilodraw, interesting, well start with a fdisk i gess11:10
roger21it could be deeper though11:11
Dr_Williszetheroo:  differnt tools are using differnt command I think these days.  try k3b perhaps?11:11
revilodrawsarcasmrules: nope, it's empty11:11
uabn93how can i fix the cursor color? when i switch colors, it doesn't respond.11:11
revilodrawroger21: what about gparted?11:11
zetherooDr_Willis: K3B was working great until I upgraded11:11
zetherooDr_Willis: wondering if a fresh install would fix this ...11:11
Dr_Williszetheroo:  that points to a deeper issue I think.11:11
Dr_Williszetheroo:  i never do upgrades. :)11:11
roger21revilodraw, well if you prefer ...11:11
uabn93sorry for interupting11:12
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: My proxy's set to direct internet connection, does it need to be changed?11:12
roger21so where is Leo Costela ?!11:13
revilodrawroger21: i just formatted it with gparted and it still shows 29gb free?11:13
roger21well maybe it is just buggy/broken/corrupted11:14
sarcasmrulesrevilodraw: have you tried resizing the partition so it's smaller virtually11:14
revilodrawsarcasmrules: nope, how do i do that?11:14
Fonzie--is it possable to make so i can "su" between users and still be able to attach and detach screens?11:15
Fonzie--now i have to log out and in to all users to switch screens11:15
sarcasmrulesrevilodraw: if you go to the sd device in gparted, does it let you resize the partition inside the device11:15
revilodrawsarcasmrules: no it doesnt11:16
Dr_Willissarcasmrules:  does apt-get work? does synaptic?11:16
revilodrawsarcasmrules: actually, yes it does11:16
rogerzhHi all, is there any application could open mpp(MS project) and vsd(visio) directly?11:17
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: no, I get this message in apt-get: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?11:17
Dr_Willisive seen cases where you 'dd' a 2gb image to a sdcard/flash drive. and it  then shows up as a 2 gb device.. had to use 'dd' to zero out a usb stick once to get it fixed.11:17
tarvidno menus no panels11:17
Dr_Willissarcasmrules:  try a  'sudo apt-get update '    yet?11:17
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: THis message appears: E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.11:18
Dr_Willissarcasmrules:  apt can have its own proxy settings differnt from the system settings.  I rarely use the proxies. No idea how it could have gotten set accidentlyt11:19
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: Same, I only use a direct connection to the interne11:19
sarcasmrulesrevilodraw:did it work?11:20
Dr_Willissarcasmrules:  'direct conection' in network manager id a differnt proxy setting then what apt might be trying to do.  or there could be a differnt issue going on.11:20
Dr_Willissynaptic might show if any proxy is set11:20
PeddyI have a binary file. When I "cat" it in terminal, the output is what I want in a text file - however, I can't grep through it properly because it's binary. how can I convert it to ascii text?11:20
uabn93sorry for not responding. ubuntu froze on me.11:21
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: it could be the old ppas i'm using. I'll remove those and see what happens11:21
uabn93how can i fix my mouse cursor color when changing?11:21
revilodrawsarcasmrules: i dont know what size to format it to?11:21
oaadgood moorning11:21
uabn93the cursor only stays white and wont switch to any other color. Please assist me.11:22
Dr_Willisuabn93:  some times it wont switch till you log out/back in11:22
sarcasmrulesrevilodraw: if you resize it to the 2gb, it could work. make sure it is the first 2gb of the partition, otherwise it might allocated the data to non-existent storage11:23
revilodrawsarcasmrules: is there a way i could just delete the non existant storage?11:23
gaurav_nattyhwo i install themes in my natty11:23
Dr_Willis!changethemes | gaurav_natty11:23
ubottugaurav_natty: To change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes11:23
voozeI'm mounting my DATA drive in /etc/fstab, how do i find the UUID of the partition? its sda411:23
=== neo is now known as Guest59563
sarcasmrulesYes, just by resizing the partition. The storage that isn't there will be listed in gparted as free space11:24
Dr_Willisgaurav_natty:  theres a lot of themes in the softwarecenter/package manager not installed by default also.  the appearance tool lets you tweak your theme settings11:24
Guest59563i have installed ubuntu 11.0411:24
baijupatterauban93: appearance/theme/customize11:24
Guest59563and m experiencing very low volume :(11:24
Guest59563pls help11:24
sarcasmrulesrevilodraw: Yes, just by resizing the partition. The storage that isn't there will be listed in gparted as free space11:24
oaadcan i connct from windows to linuxs ?11:25
baijupatterauban93: appearance/theme/customize/pointer11:25
Dr_WillisGuest59563:  you havent stated a specific issue that ive seen.11:25
Dr_Willisoaad:  connect as in 'access window shares' ?11:25
Hackwar2hi folks, I'm installing ubuntu in text-mode in virtualbox and I want to search for additional packages that I'd like to install already during installation, but I don't know how to select the menu in the package select manager thingy...11:25
uabn93I tried logging out and back in but it didn't work. any other suggestions?11:25
sarcasmrulesGuest59563: Firstly check your sound drivers11:25
Guest59563i am getting full volume in headphones11:26
revilodrawsarcasmrules: according to gparted, there is no free space11:26
Dr_WillisHackwar2:  tab key and enter/space11:26
Guest59563but when i disconnect them i get very low volume in speakers11:26
baijupatteraGuest59563:take the "sound" from system and see the output tab11:26
uabn93 11:26
oaaddr willis It has a full sharing11:26
zetherooDr_Willis: Could you have a look at the debugging output of K3b after attempting a simulation burn?11:26
Guest59563i tried but no change :(11:26
Dr_Willisoaad:  you need to clarify your problem more.11:26
sarcasmrulesrevilodraw: is this after the partition was resized to 2gb?11:26
K|nGHi there can someone help me how I can run this thing >>> ?? http://i.imgur.com/6KELJ.png11:26
Dr_Williszetheroo:  ive not had to trouble shoot burning issues in years.  I would suggest checking the askubuntu.com site, and the forums.11:27
baijupatteraGuest59563: no idea11:27
v_vK|nG: install wine11:27
K|nGv_v I had install the wine :D but can`t RUN IT :S read it :S How I may correct it ??11:27
Dr_Willis!appdb | K|nG11:28
ubottuK|nG: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:28
v_vK|nG: can you try it in a terminal ? wine /path/to/that/exe11:28
K|nGv_v: ok11:28
sarcasmrulesDr_willis: just tried again through Update Manager and it seems to be working. maybe the ppas were having a bad day11:28
revilodrawsarcasmrules: ok, now gparted shows one 2gb partition and one 29gb unallocated space11:28
Dr_Willisyet another wine 'cant run somthing thats not executable'  issue? I hate that 'security' setting11:29
K|nGDr_Willis: thank you :D11:29
uabn93can i get help with my mouse cursor. i cant switch to different themes/colors11:29
improveuponmy system keeps freezing after coming back from hibernation if a video was playing. sound still plays, the mouse still moves, but the gui is frozen. all you can do is pull up a terminal and reboot. does anyone have any suggestions? could is it x that is frozen (i have never really worked with x and would like to mess with it to experiment anyway)? should i just kill and restart a certain process? any ideas?\11:29
Guest59563can someone tell me how can i change the position of the dock11:30
Hackwar2Dr_Willis: tab doesn't work...11:30
Guest59563from left to bottom11:30
Dr_Willisuabn93:  as a test. you could chantge the setting and restart the X server also.11:30
baijupatterahow to select the username after it appears when TAB pressed?11:30
Dr_WillisHackwar2:  i think you need to clarify the issue to the channel, perhaps its not clear whatyou are ding.11:30
sarcasmrulesrevilodraw: That should work now. Just ignore the 29gb unallocated space; because it doesn't exist (it's the fake bit of your sd card). it is just a workaround really until you can find a neat way on the internet11:30
Dr_Willisbaijupattera:  seelct in what app where? for what reason?11:30
uabn93Dr_Willis: do you know the exact command for that? :)11:30
zetherooDr_Willis: could you have a look at the debugging output of K3b after attempting a simulation burn?11:31
Dr_Willisuabn93:  sudo service gdm restart will FORCE X to restart ...11:31
Dr_Williszetheroo:  paste it to askubuntu.com  and post the question there. is the best way to get an answer for the problem.11:31
baijupatteraDr_Willis: I meant here,to select the username rather to type11:31
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:31
Dr_Willisenter first few characters, tab a few times..11:32
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: the apt-get service now works for me; literally by kicking my tower11:32
Dr_Willissome irc clients do it better then others.11:32
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: Thanks a lot for helping!11:32
Dr_Willissarcasmrules:  weird...11:32
baijupatterayeah it appears11:33
sarcasmrulesDr_Willis: might have to consider opening a bug on launchpad11:33
PipeToDevNullSarcasm: Concussive maintenance /is/ sometimes the answer.  Just don't overdo it. :P11:33
sarcasmrulesPipeToDevNull: What's that? :O11:34
mattypantsIs there a keyboard shortcut to toggle my default browser (not open a new one, just bring the one I have open to the front)/clear11:34
PipeToDevNullSarcasm: Concussive maintenance - hitting it.11:35
mattypantsthat was supposed to just be a /clear11:35
uabn93Dr_Willis: I tried restarting x. not successful :(11:35
uabn93Dr_Willis: do you think it might have to do with compiz?11:35
sarcasmrulesPipeToDevNull: So kind of like DDoS, but not forceful? (ish)11:35
Dr_Willisuabn93:  no idea. I rarely mess with the pointer.11:36
Dr_Willisuabn93:  try metacity --replace   and see if it works11:36
PipeToDevNullSarcasm: I was making a joke about you mentioning physically hitting it. :P11:36
sarcasmrulesPipeToDevNull: Oh I see now lol :P i am a bit slow - i tjhought you were talking about what some devs were doing at launchpad :D11:37
uabn93Dr_Willis: Ahh. Also, the appearance>theme tab icons look all screwy. Do you think I can just reinstall that program or something?11:37
baijupatterades_, yes hello11:38
des_hi, quick question about installing ubuntu11:39
Dr_Willisuabn93:  you can tweak themes all you wwant.. 'reinstalling' is windows thinking.11:39
sarcasmrulesdes_: go for it11:39
des_i have a 64 bit ready system, but with 32 bit windows 7 installed on it11:39
des_is there any problem with installing 64 bit ubuntu alongside the 32 bit windows?11:39
sarcasmrulesdes_: nope!11:39
baijupatterades_, ask about ubuntu here11:40
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility11:40
Dr_Willisdes_:  doing a normalinstall should work.11:40
melkor20Hi everyone11:40
des_amazing, thanks guys, i'll make my first steps into ubuntu right now11:40
baijupatterades_, ubuntu works well in both,dont bother11:41
melkor20I have a probelm with google-desktop, It doesn't open the web browser to show anything11:41
baijupattera!64bit and 32bit11:41
ubottubaijupattera: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:41
melkor20I can't see the preferences11:41
melkor20nor the home page11:41
bazhangbaijupattera, /msg ubottu11:41
localuserany known bugs with wifi disconnecting in natty?11:42
melkor20I can search but I only see results in the widget11:42
bazhanglocaluser, that'd be listed at launchpad11:42
melkor20It's not able to open a web browser11:42
melkor20any idea?11:42
localuserbazhang: tnx11:42
bazhangmelkor20, please easy on the enter key, its hard to read otherwise. where was google-desktop installed from11:43
melkor20bazhang: I downloaded from the official webpage11:43
bazhangmelkor20, why not check their support forums and faq11:44
melkor20bazhang: using the GDebi11:44
BlouBloulocaluser: yes, if it's "n", but it works fine with "g"11:44
melkor20bazhang: I already did but I did not find any post related to this11:44
baijupatteramelkor20, u meant the google session?11:44
sarcasmrulesIs there any known problems with Steam under WINE?11:45
melkor20baijupattera: sorry?11:45
Dr_Willissarcasmrules:  steam works.. some bugs exist.. not all games work11:45
sarcasmrulesDr_willis: how about counter strike source and garry's mod?11:45
localuserhow can i check if its n bloublou11:45
iXecCan anyone help me? im getting this error all the time when trying to install ubuntu via the unbuntu alternate iso.. it keeps saying failed at the "Select and install" step11:46
Dr_Willis!appdb | sarcasmrules11:46
ubottusarcasmrules: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:46
arzshivhi all and good day11:46
sarcasmrulesubottu: oh yeah, forgot about that. Thanks!11:46
ubottusarcasmrules: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:46
baijupatteramelkor20, yeah its a new idea,I thought u talking about the chrome session,sorry11:46
melkor20baijupattera: nah my problem is that the google-desktop program doesn't recognize the default browser11:47
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=== Guest42617 is now known as sm`
patr|ck_from $home of the parents me is :P11:48
K|nGWho know the package name of SImple Compiz ??11:48
baijupatteramelkor20, sorry, I didnt try it yet11:48
patr|ck_sorry about the fuzz11:48
iXecanyone? =/11:48
baijupatteraK |nG:type compiz and search in software center11:49
bazhangsimple-ccsm K|nG11:50
K|nGbazhang: thank you :D11:50
K|nGbazhang: simple-ccsm : Depends: python-compizconfig (>= 0.8.2) but it is not going to be installed11:52
sagarchalisehi I have set static ip  removing networkmanager. But whenever I ping my router it says destination host unreachable and i cannot connect to internet ?11:52
iXecAnyone know how to fix the "select and install failed" error with the ubuntu alternate cd?12:00
iXecIm trying to encrypt my ubuntu but it keeps failing at the step12:00
BlouBlouiXec: encryptation only will do it with your home folder12:01
Aemiorhi All12:01
iXecBlouBlou... i know people who need to enter a passphrase that unlucks the hdd12:02
arjunHello guys coulod someone help me witha problem with mic12:03
arjunMy mic doesnt work with ubuntu while it works fine in windows12:03
iXecWhat mic12:03
Dr_WillisMic not working has to be a top 10 question in recent weeks..12:03
BorgTK2001USB microphone, or a 3.5mm jack microphone?12:03
BorgTK2001Or is it a built in mic?12:04
VustomI need to run "add-apt-repository ppa:am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" in the terminal but it says "Error: must run as root"12:04
arjunWell all were asked by me12:04
BorgTK2001@ arjun12:04
arjun3.5 mm jackphone12:04
coz_Vustom,  put sudo in front of that12:05
iXec<Vustom> -> sudo in frotn of command12:05
BorgTK2001And what does your 'input' tab on the Sound Preferences window say?12:05
VustomThanks.. I forgot about that. ^_^12:05
BorgTK2001Sound Preferences window is a [on 10.04LTS] single left click on the speaker button in top panel12:06
BorgTK2001and then 'Sound Preferences...'12:06
arjunYes I know about sound preferences and I have checked everything in there and no mutes12:06
BorgTK2001Is the correct input chosen?12:07
arjunYes because there is only one12:07
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BorgTK2001Mine says 'Analogue Microphone /microphone 1'12:07
BorgTK2001But I have 4 other selection I could make12:07
arjunMine says Internal audio analog stereo12:07
BorgTK2001On the input tab?12:08
arjunYes on the input tab12:08
BorgTK2001And on the 'conector' pull down box?12:08
arjunwhat is a connector pull down box I dont have one12:09
Dr_Willisgotta love trying to walk through GUI interfaces.. vs nice cli commands. :)12:09
arjunThere is a space asking for Choose a device for sound input:12:09
BorgTK2001On the input tab I have:12:09
BorgTK2001An Input volume bar12:09
arjunUnder that it says Internal Audio Anlaog Stereo12:09
arjunyes even I have the volume bar12:10
BorgTK2001An Input Level bar12:10
BorgTK2001A Connector pulldown box12:10
BorgTK2001Then a 'choose device' box12:10
archtang1ntdoes lubuntu have fluxbox enabled for install via repo?12:11
archtang1ntI'm an archlinux junkie, so I hope that's valid12:11
arjunWell I dont have that Connector pulldown box12:11
echo6I'm trying to get qemu-system-ppc working, complains that it doesn't have openbios-ppc, any ideas?12:11
Dr_Willisarchtang1nt:  i think so. lubuntu uses fluxbox or openbox.. i cant recall which one12:11
Dr_Willis!info fluxbox12:12
ubottufluxbox (source: fluxbox): Highly configurable and low resource X11 Window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1~dfsg1-1 (natty), package size 1193 kB, installed size 4728 kB12:12
arjun@BorgTK2001 vany idea?12:12
jiltdilexport libreoffice writer in all formats showing write error the file could not be written please help12:12
archtang1nt...who suggested lubuntu to me?12:12
BorgTK2001arjun: Anything interesting on the Hardware tab12:12
archtang1ntI do not have that much space available :\12:13
BorgTK2001My Says 1 input / 1 output12:13
voozeHow do i reset compiz? :)12:13
BorgTK2001And on the pulldown on the hardware tabe, it's on 'duplex' option12:13
jiltdilAny solution to my question?12:13
archtang1ntDr_Willis: damnit man, LIGHTER weight :\12:13
BorgTK2001archtang1nt: TinyCore Linux12:14
Dr_Willisvooze:  the webupd8 blog site had a atical on that a few weeks back.  i may have it bookmarked at my delicious.com/dr_willis links12:14
BorgTK2001Linux in 10MB12:14
Dr_Willisarchtang1nt:  try wmx :)12:14
jiltdil export libreoffice writer in all formats showing write error the file could not be written.How to get rid of this.12:14
BorgTK2001Can't try lighter than 10MB ;)12:14
archtang1ntI need it to install boxee and that's it12:14
archtang1ntso it has to be debian or ubuntu based12:14
Dr_Willisarchtang1nt:  so.. i would use lubuntu..12:14
Dr_Willisor roll your own.12:15
arjunIn the hardware tab I have Internal Audio under Choose a device to configure12:15
arjunyes it is duplex12:15
archtang1ntcan I not get it under 5.3 freaking GB?12:15
Rzizi'd highly recommend a command-line install with fluxbox standalone, archtang1nt12:15
Dr_Willisarchtang1nt:  never noticed the end size. the apt-cache can often be 2+gb if you update a lot12:16
archtang1ntman that bugs me :\12:16
wn1zidBorgTK2001-   installing gnome-alsa-mixer      will give you a window of all adjustments12:16
Dr_Willisarchtang1nt:  there is a Xbmc live cd. :)12:16
archtang1ntI have 5 GB total12:16
Rzizit does require some tweaking, but is a very efficient and configurable enviroment12:16
Dr_WillisInstall lubuntu. remove anything extra you dont need.12:16
BorgTK2001Alsa works with Pulse?12:16
archtang1ntxbmc has no wifi config12:16
Dr_Willisof course it wouldent.. thats a feature of the underalaying OS.12:16
Dr_Williscant recall seeing that in boxee either..12:17
wn1zidBorgTK2001-  what version of ubuntu u on12:17
Dr_Willisbut boxee annoys me too much. i perfer xbmc over boxee12:17
Rzizyou can determine a cache limit for apt12:17
archtang1ntI CAN'T install lubuntu, the installer won't let me go forward12:17
wn1zidit should be fine12:17
BorgTK2001[But I'm not the one with a problem, wn1zid ;) ]12:17
arjunmine is 11.0412:18
arjunIm the one with problem12:18
BorgTK2001arjun: is having mic problems12:18
BorgTK2001works in windows, dowsn't in 11.0412:18
wn1zidi havnt loaded 11.04, not into unity12:18
arjunSo what do you suggest go with the installation of gnome alsamixer12:18
arjunWell I use classic version because of the driver problem I need nvidia driver12:18
MonkeyDustarjun: type alsamixer in a terminal12:19
archtang1ntor I can DD to my HD12:19
arjunyes typed in12:19
jiltdilexport libreoffice writer in all formats showing write error the file could not be written12:19
archtang1ntthat works12:19
muellijiltdil: try to save as12:19
MonkeyDustarjun: in a terminal, not in the chat12:19
arjunYeah I know that :-)12:19
arjunI just made a mistake sorry12:20
Rzizarchtang1nt: you can just do a command line install with the ubuntu alternate or netinstall cd12:20
archtang1ntblah, I'll do random stuff12:20
Rzizarchtang1nt: and add a graphical enviroment later if you desire12:20
arjunMonkeyDust: So what next12:20
jiltdilmuelli: i have did that but why exporting doesnot work12:20
voozeHmm.. i was playing around abit in compiz, but screwed up.. now my windows have to "bars" so i cant click/minimise etc.. how to reset compiz?12:21
BorgTK2001alsamixer is so 1990's ;) Didn't know it existed ;)12:21
adubzdhclient is not working12:21
mbn_18Hi, I wish to install ubuntu or xubuntu on usb flash. Is this possible ( not as live disk )12:24
mbn_18So it will be functional writable OS12:25
GauravButolaMy friend is very new to Ubuntu he installed Natty and his touchpad is not working at all. Here is the output of xinput list http://paste.ubuntu.com/611380/  help please.12:25
BorgTK2001MonkeyDust: You helping arjun in private?12:25
uuser123if i want to remove package with config file which command i should use12:26
arjunWell where is MonkeyDust:12:27
arjunOk so someone just tell me how to change the capture device in alsamixer12:27
v_varjun: i remember you12:28
arjunyeah v_v12:28
arjunThe same guy12:28
GauravButolaHelp on the above mentioned question please12:28
MonkeyDustarjun: if it were "just tell me", you wouldn't have troubles finding it yourself12:29
BorgTK2001MonkeyDust: You suggested alsamixer to arjun for a reason?12:29
* Skaperen found an old copy of Ubuntu 5.1012:29
arjunOk then let me figure out for myself12:30
MonkeyDustBorgTK2001: arjun mentioned it first, i just showed him de terminal command12:30
sagarchalisehi I get Destination host not reachable when i ping my router ?12:30
alketHow to get rid of gnome-keyring, it is driving me crazy, I cant work12:31
Skaperenalket: kubuntu?12:32
flapanybody know what the volume control applet in 10.10 is called?  It has gone missing from my panel12:32
alketSkaperen, Ubuntu 1112:33
martijn_dekkeralket, you can remove your keyring password, sacrificing security for ease12:33
martijn_dekkerWould you like me to tell you how to do that?12:33
Skaperenalket: I was suggestion a solution12:33
alketSkaperen, ok I dont mind, i want to get rid of it12:33
* Skaperen wonders if KDE has a gnome-keyring12:33
martijn_dekkerSkaperen, it can probably be installed.. but it's not included by default, I'd guess.12:34
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: if he were to use kubuntu instead of (g)ubuntu, maybe there's be no gnome-*12:35
arjunFinally I got my problem corrected12:35
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: but personally, I've had no issue with gnome-keyring12:35
arjunThanks to all who devoted their time in it right from morning thanks bye12:36
v_varjun: oh nice12:36
Skaperenarjun: now that you have proven yourself as a problem solver, we'd hope you'd stay around some and help others12:36
arjunyes Im just staying here12:38
PhalstaffI plugged an external modem into my computer's serial port ... how do I find out which serial port number it is?12:38
BorgTK2001arjun: What was the solution?12:39
martijn_dekkerHey folks.. I just noticed that the default Ubuntu, recently upgraded here to 11.04, does not actually install the "Gnome" package even though I have Gnome set as the default window manager12:39
martijn_dekkerOn a scale of 1 to OMGWHATHAVEYOUDONE, where would the decision to install it anyway be?12:39
nits_hunterFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.oss.eznetsols.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcommons-collections-java/libcommons-collections-java_2.1.1-9_all.deb Something wicked happened resolving 'ubuntu.oss.eznetsols.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)12:40
arjunOh that one was silly in alsamixer(which I never used or heard of before) I had to choose the input device as rear mic instead it was line there .So I just changed that and done.12:40
nits_huntercan someone help me out with this error? unable to update or install software Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.oss.eznetsols.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcommons-collections-java/libcommons-collections-java_2.1.1-9_all.deb Something wicked happened resolving 'ubuntu.oss.eznetsols.org:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)12:40
BorgTK2001Great, arjun :)12:40
quiescensmartijn_dekker: generally, installing additional window managers doesn't do anything too detrimental, the system will only use whatever the user picks at the login screen12:40
martijn_dekkerquiescens, the odd thing is that I'm already using Gnome, so .. will installing Gnome put a Gnome in my Gnome so I can Linux while I Linux?12:41
martijn_dekkerAs in.. speaking to you from XChat in a distinctly Gnome-looking window manager that promises to be Gnome in the login screen and has everything I have come to know as Gnome.. So what'll happen when I install Gnome?12:42
martijn_dekkerWill it overwrite my Gnome with Gnome, or..? :P12:42
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: having 2 gnomes might be fun12:42
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: are you considering having 2 different versions, or just 2 of the same version?12:43
martijn_dekkerSkaperen, alrighty then. Putting a Gnome in mah Gnome, and hoping they have lots of pretty black-themed children12:43
martijn_dekkerSkaperen, Not really, neither of them. I just searched Synaptic for "gnome" and found an uninstalled package plainly called "gnome", nothing extra. It wants to install all sorts of extra libraries. I figure it'll improve some support for various... things? Dunno :P12:44
PhalstaffWhen I updated to Ubuntu 11.04 I the Gnome I got was very different than the Gnome I had with 10.10 I don't like the new version that much.12:44
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: an alias package ... see what the description says about it ... probably says not a real package12:44
BorgTK2001Phalstaff: Try Ubuntu Classic before you login12:45
=== neo is now known as Guest12412
kitten1234please tell me12:45
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: and whoever pre-built ubuntu didn't use that one12:45
BorgTK2001Phalstaff: If you are disliking Unity12:45
kitten1234when i restart my ubuntu 11.0412:45
hungryhubbyhow can i join yahoo room12:45
martijn_dekkerSkaperen, it says that it depends on the standard distribution of the GNOME desktop environment plus a whole range of plugins and other apps12:45
PhalstaffI am using an older style monitor and video card Unity is not supported.12:46
kitten1234why does it sometimes halt12:46
* Skaperen kinda liked unity ... but was upset that it refused to work with a couple of my older machines saying the video card was not powerful enough12:46
Guest12412i have update my ubuntu 11.04 last night12:46
Guest12412and from then i am facing audio problems :(12:46
martijn_dekkerSkaperen, you'd be the first person I met who admitted to liking Unity12:46
Guest12412can someone help me pls12:46
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: that's how it works ... it installs nothing on its own ... brings in the whole gnome kit via the dependencies12:46
BorgTK2001Give us a shot, Guest1241212:47
kitten1234my ubuntu 11.04 has stucked at purple log screen sometimes12:47
martijn_dekkerAnyway, I think I'll just install it and see what gets installed. Should be fun :P12:47
te!audio | Guest1241212:47
ubottuGuest12412: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.12:47
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: Unity still needs to tweaking, though12:47
Guest12412I tried all this12:48
hungryhubbyhey ubuntu soft center getting better...but dont remove synaptic12:48
BorgTK20011st? I love the idea of Unity12:48
PhalstaffI wish there was some way to get the older version of Gnome back -- I think it was better.12:48
BorgTK2001And REALLY want it on 10.04LTS12:48
Guest12412i am getting a very good sound in my headphones12:48
* Skaperen even likes KDE ... but not that Redmond software (see bug #1)12:48
BorgTK2001I'll just have to wait for 12.04LTS12:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/112:48
Guest12412but the issues is with speakers12:48
BorgTK2001Unity is the future for Ubuntu12:48
kitten1234please anyone12:48
martijn_dekkerNice.. That bug is amusing12:48
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kitten1234tell me why my ubuntu always stuck at purple log screen when i restart12:49
PhalstaffI am afraid you are right about that Borgtk200112:49
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: they had to do that ... the launchpad code is unable to deal with an empty bug table and crashes when that happens12:49
martijn_dekkerThough, Skaperen.. wouldn't that bug mean that Ubuntu is just as slow at fixing critical bugs as it's great competitor?12:50
BorgTK2001Phalstaff: in 11.04 the 'normal' old GNOME is available12:50
hungryhubbyubuntu 11.04 is sluggish how can make it faster12:50
kitten1234tell me why my ubuntu always stuck at purple log screen when i restart12:50
BorgTK2001Before you login, you can choose Ubuntu Classic, Phalstaff12:50
Skaperenmartijn_dekker: some bugs are just hard to solve12:50
Guest12412I am getting a very good sound in my headphones, but the volume is too low when i use my inbuilt speakers as well as a red light is glowing in the headphone port.. STRANGE !12:50
kitten1234could someone help me ?12:51
kitten1234tell me why my ubuntu always stuck at purple log screen when i restart12:51
oCean!helpme | kitten123412:51
ubottukitten1234: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude12:51
SkaperenGuest12412: maybe it is heating up12:51
PhalstaffI think the classic is the newer version of Gnome ...12:51
teGuest12412: Is pcm channel turned up?12:51
BorgTK2001No, Phalstaff12:51
BorgTK2001It is still Gnome 2.xx.xx12:51
BorgTK2001It is not GNOME 312:52
myhope_cnjoin fedora12:52
teGuest12412: Are any chanels muted?12:52
Guest12412Sharperen : I am using it on Macbook, and when i am switching back to OSX it runs normal12:52
Guest12412TE: No12:52
Skaperenkitten1234: something borked inside ... I'd have to take your computer apart to see if I could find what that is12:52
PhalstaffReally ... how do make it install then?12:52
BorgTK2001It is already installed12:53
BorgTK2001At the login screen when you turn Ubuntu on12:53
teGuest12412: Plug speakers into headphone output.12:53
BorgTK2001You will see at the bottom of the login screen the ability to chose your environment12:53
BorgTK2001And then you choose Ubuntu Classic12:53
PhalstaffOkay I'll give it a try thank you BorgTK200112:53
Guest12412could someone pls temme what to do?12:54
BorgTK2001OKies Phalstaff12:54
Guest12412te: its working fine12:54
BorgTK2001If you need to leave to do that, do come back and let us know how you get on12:54
Guest12412but the problem is with inbuilt speakers of my Macbook12:54
Guest12412and when i switch back to Mac OSX it working fine12:54
Guest12412and no red light is glowing12:54
sagarchaliseCan anyone solve my problem of Destination Host Unreachable ?12:55
hungryhubbyhey where does ubuntu software center store downloaded packages12:55
BorgTK2001good question, hungryhubby12:55
BorgTK2001Perhaps in the apt-get cache?12:55
BorgTK2001Perhaps do a search [including hidden folders] for.deb's on your HDD12:56
sagarchalisehungryhubby: I think apt caches are in /var/cache/apt/archives12:56
Guest12412<te> can you tell me what to do now?12:56
benccwhat's the best practice when changing config files? saving the original with filename.bak?12:56
Skaperenhungryhubby: /var/cache/apt/archives12:56
hungryhubbyhow to please12:56
iXecfinally... i installed ubuntu... but i have terminal only? wth12:57
sagarchaliseI can't ping from to Help me out please12:57
Guest12412iXec : Congrats12:57
SkapereniXec: server edition?12:57
sagarchalisehungryhubby: go to /var/cache/apt/archives12:57
BlouBlousagarchalise: do you have enabled ICMP-filter?12:57
Guest12412can someone help me please?12:57
BlouBlouor pings-filter with firestarter12:57
sagarchaliseBlouBlou: not really, How do i do that ?12:58
iXeci dunno... i followed a tutorial for ubuntu encryption so i used the ubuntu alternate cd12:58
iXecis that a server edition?12:58
Guest12412iXec : download it from ubuntu.org12:58
iXeci did.12:58
BlouBlousagarchalise: it needs to be disabled to do it. Anyways, if you're under router, check its config, it may be blocking them12:58
SkapereniXec: alternate edition is a text thing ... try a desktop version or install gnome12:59
iXecbut you cant encrypt a partition with the desktop cd..12:59
Guest12412but the problem is with inbuilt speakers of my Macbook12:59
Guest12412<Guest12412> and when i switch back to Mac OSX it working fine12:59
hungryhubbybye guys12:59
SkapereniXec: when you get the encryption set up, then install gnome (or kde if you prefer, or maybe even both)12:59
iXecso... make the partitions and than use desktop cd?13:00
iXecor what?13:00
Guest12412I updated my Ubuntu last night13:00
Guest12412can someone tell me13:00
Guest12412how can i uninstall them?13:00
SkapereniXec: did you install to an encrypted partition?13:00
Guest12412(installed updates)13:00
sagarchaliseBlouBlou: I don't see any ICMP or ping filter13:01
iXecI have 2 partition 1 for the bootloader 1 for ubuntu (Aes encrypted via ubuntu alternate cd)13:01
sagarchaliseBlouBlou: Basically my laptop connects on both wifi and ethernet but my pc doesnot13:01
SkapereniXec: and the rest of the disk is the encrypted one?13:01
iXecSkaperen... uhh... partition 1 = bootloader... partition 2 = encrypted were i installed ubuntu on?13:02
SkapereniXec: but is partition 2 really really big?13:02
iXeci made it 80gb13:02
SkapereniXec: OK, that will be at least enough13:04
SkapereniXec: I'd think at this point you can install the package named "gnome" and/or "kde" to get a desktop13:04
BorgTK2001or ubuntu-desktop?13:05
iXeci tried "apt-get update" but its asking for the cd now... i installed it with usb13:05
BorgTK2001sudo apt-get --install ubuntu-desktop13:05
LjL"install", no --13:05
BorgTK2001sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop13:06
dz2how to make external sound port work? ubuntu 10.10 lenovo laptop13:06
iXecif i use the command sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop it says the following "some packaged could not be installed this may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution blablabla"13:07
ndxtggot this when I run "parted /dev/sdb": Warning: Error fsyncing/closing /dev/sdb: Input/output error . Tried to turn on/off/reconnect the USB drive but still the same. Any thought?13:07
abhi_69i want to connect my nokia 2700 classic via gnokii13:07
abhi_69 how can i do this?13:07
abhi_69 gnokii --identify  giving me errors?13:07
abhi_69 OS: ubuntu 11.0413:07
abhi_69 gnokii version 0.6.2913:07
FloodBot1abhi_69: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:07
abhi_69 any help?13:07
eggblokeHi, I'm trying to use my floppy drive and it wont mount the disc. it looks like floppy.ko is missing and running modprobe floppy gives Error inserting floppy <path>/floppy.ko no such device. Help?13:08
abhi_69how can i connect my nokia 2700 classic phone using gnokii?13:08
abhi_69gnokii --identify giving me error13:08
LjLeggbloke: does "find /lib/modules | grep floppy" give you anything?13:08
ndxtgif you spam again I prob kicks u13:08
LjLndxtg: excuse me?13:09
BorgTK2001ndxtg: Pardon?13:09
ndxtg*im innocent*13:10
eggblokeLjL: yes it looks like floppy.ko is under /drivers/block/ rather than just /drivers/13:10
sarcasmruleswhat's this 'floodbot thing??13:10
LjLeggbloke: same for me. i can't try it though as i don't have a floppy drive. maybe try modprobing it manually13:10
LjLsarcasmrules: they try to keep spam under control13:10
sarcasmrulesLjL: Cheers mate13:11
eggblokeLjL: I get FATAL: Module /lib/modules/2.6.32_25_generic/kernel/drivers/block/floppy.ko not found.13:12
LjLeggbloke: are you on Natty?13:12
eggblokeLjL; I just realised I may have put in the wrong kernel version13:12
dz2how to make external sound port work? ubuntu 10.10 lenovo laptop13:12
LjLeggbloke: yeah, Natty runs 2.6.3813:13
ouyeshi all I have a strange thing, the max min and close icon of the window missing, I have to open the menu choose quit to exit from an application, how to recover it?13:13
nithin935compiz --replace13:15
athulis it something to be worried about if i've been logged out my account without any action on my part? it has happened 3 times in the past couple of weeks or so13:15
kbumhi.. is possible make something like this: su username -p password ?13:16
eggblokeLjL: I tried with the correct kernel and it still isn't working. Even within the directory if I go sudo modprobe ./floppy.ko it doesn't work13:16
=== PeterPan is now known as Tetrgramaton
=== Tetrgramaton is now known as Tetragramaton
nslutjeHELP I can not print a testpage using CUPS webinterface on a command based system13:17
Skaperenathul: how long were you idle?  and no you can't autologin like that with a password ... learn about ssh as a means to do that with certificate/keys13:17
LjLeggbloke: try using "insmod" inside the directory13:17
athulSkaperen: may be a few seconds13:18
Skaperenathul: then something like the window manager crashed13:18
eggblokeLjL: I'm not sure about the usage of insmod but insmod floppy.ko gave insmod: error inserting 'floppy.ko': -1 No such device13:19
alahelpdésolé je n'ai pas vu la maj tout a l'heure :(13:19
alahelpbon j'ai revérifié els paramètres de grub-pc et ce n'est pas cela tout est correct, il s'agit donc bien d'un "bug"13:19
alahelpsuper ^^13:19
kbumis possible make some like this: su username -p password ?13:19
John_098Hi guys13:20
John_098Can anyone answer a quick question for me>13:20
voozejust ask13:20
adubzhow does one move gnome taskbar13:20
kitty_kbum it is possible to add people the the suodusers file to not require a password for certain tasks13:20
adubzmy taskbar is in the middle of the screen13:21
alahelpoops sorry worong window :'13:21
kitty_adubz just like in windows, click and drag it to the place you want it13:21
Skaperen!fr | alahelp13:21
ubottualahelp: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.13:21
John_098Right, just installed 11.04 on a HP laptop and since running Ubuntu the laptop runs EXTREMELY hot with the CPU fan going 100%. It didn't use to do this in Windows and the CPU frequency monitor in the task bar up top right reports it as clocking down to ~800MHz. Any ideas?13:21
alahelpyes sorry :(13:21
C1sM0I have a SSD External Drive (Maxtor) I usually plug it thru the USB port but for some reason Ubuntu is not showing it. Does anyone how to config from the terminal?13:22
alahelpany help for a "unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) on natty please ? i checked the grub params, no error.. it can see kernel, boot ..etc any clue ?   a boot param to specify ? it seems a bug13:22
John_098Right, just installed 11.04 on a HP laptop and since running Ubuntu the laptop runs EXTREMELY hot with the CPU fan going 100%. It didn't use to do this in Windows and the CPU frequency monitor in the task bar up top right reports it as clocking down to ~800MHz. Any ideas?13:23
kitty_clsm0: plug in the drive, wait about 30 seconds then from a terminal type in "dmesg | tail" (you may have to do it as a super user)13:23
Skaperenalahelp: you can also ask here in english if you are comfortable with that language13:23
alahelpSkaperen:  yes i don't know wghy but i usually ak in english chans :)13:24
John_098Anyone know of any good programs to throttle CPU and monitor temperature on 11.04?13:25
nithin935john:use the system monitor ant tell us wat prog is running at 10013:26
kLownnoones answering in #samba, can anyone field a samba question (only reason im asking is cus I know this isnt the correct area)13:26
C1sM0Kitty_: I see it but how do I gain access to it13:26
kitty_clsm0 is your user set to be allowed access to removable media, if so you should beable to just goto "Places -> Removable media -> your drive will show up here"13:27
kitty_if not you have to manually mount it13:27
pigliti have got 4 pc's on one network what is the best way to find the same pc? Is the best way to make the IP static?13:27
ouyeshi when I use ls -al to see what is under my user directory, I find a lot of directories has the name prefix ".", what is in the directory?13:28
Skaperenpiglit: static works for me ... dynamic DNS works for some13:28
kitty_clsm0 if it is an ntfs partition you may have to plug it back into your windowz computer and run scandisk on it to clear any errors before ubuntu will allow you to mount it13:28
Skaperenpiglit: or you can cheat and use the IPv6 Scope:link addresses :)13:28
piglitSkaperen where can i set the IP to static?13:28
ouyesI want to reinstall my ubuntu and get rid of all the configuration files, how to do this?13:29
nithin935fresh install mate13:29
Skaperenpiglit: network manager can do it somewhere13:29
piglitwell i really want the easiest way... have got to much projects waiting13:29
kitty_ouyes you should just beable to delete your home directory it'll remove anything for your user, if you want to clear configurations for installed packages, i'd start fresh13:29
danileigh79Channel question, does this channel support 11.04 yet?13:30
* szal suspects kitty_ doesn't know of nick completion yet13:30
ouyeskitty_, but there are files I want to keep in the home directoy13:30
C1sM0kitty_: I think that is the problem I plugged it to a Windowz machine before and erase some stuff on it. I will reformat it and use FAT instead, thank you!!!13:30
Skaperendanileigh79: we are waiting until it comes out ... oh wait ... it's out!13:31
kitty_piglit etc/network/interfaces13:31
danileigh79does this channel still support 10.04LTS?13:31
szaldanileigh79: read the topic, I think it says so ^^13:31
mang0PHONEGuys, i'm thinking about changing my wifi from wpa2 encryption to wep for my console. if i do, will i need to reset a computer that connects via the routers cable connection?13:31
adubzhow does one move the gnome taskbar13:31
LjLeggbloke: seems like it's trying to insert the module but can't find your floppy drive for some reason13:31
Skaperendanileigh79: everything that in Ubuntu's time frame of support13:31
Sidewinder1danileigh79, Yes, of course.13:31
dz2how to make external sound port work? ubuntu 10.10 lenovo laptop13:31
sagacidanileigh79: 10.04, 10.10, 11.04 and 6.06 and 8.04 server only13:31
danileigh79thanks guys, been off net for a few months13:32
kitty_ouyes then rsync your home directory to a remote location / removable storage and then you can restore it later13:32
kitty_szal whatever do you mean?13:32
ouyeskitty_, there are quite a lot of data in my home directory13:32
idefixthe sound on my computer doens't work.. how do I get it working again? can anyone help?13:32
Skaperendanileigh79: that must be excruciatingly painful to be off for months13:32
Sidewinder1!sound > idefix13:33
ubottuidefix, please see my private message13:33
danileigh79Skaperen no kidding, i'm a truck driver, and my damn internet air card got disconnected13:34
piglitkitty_ thanks i'll have a look13:34
szalkitty_: type the first 2 or 3 characters of someone's nickname, press Tab and see for yourself ;)13:34
alahelpany clue for me please  ?  :(  i can't boot the insalled ubuntu, no problem with live cd, checked the grub-pc params.. so i don't know how to do13:35
danileigh79Skaperen: ....so, why isn't natty showing up in my update manager? I have it set for LTS13:35
idefixSidewinder1, how do I know which device is to be configured/13:35
kitty_szal: yeah but i like giving everyone individual attention, now that i have a : after the name they know i didn't type their name in personally13:35
BorgTK2001danileigh79: 11.04 is not an LTS release13:35
BorgTK2001the next LTS is 12.0413:35
danileigh79BorgTK2001: oh, thx, i thought it was stupid me13:36
BorgTK2001I'm an LTS only type of guy, too13:36
szalkitty_: you can configure that in your IRC client13:36
BorgTK2001So I will not be using MM, NN, or OO13:36
BorgTK2001But PP I will be using ;)13:36
danileigh79BorgTK2001: I oughta renick myself to LTSgirl lmao13:36
Skaperendanileigh79: LTS in even years13:37
szalkitty_: otherwise you might end up w/ typing errors, e.g. in the case of C1sM0 ^^13:37
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BorgTK2001danileigh79: :)13:38
Skaperendanileigh79: or LTSgrrl13:38
Sidewinder1idefix, I'm not sure what you mean.13:38
kitty_ok, now that i've tried to help a few people, i will ask my question :P13:39
* Skaperen ducks13:39
idefixin the sound prefs window there's a hardware tab, how do I know which one to select, there are more than 2013:40
kitty_where do i go for a more complete development package that will give me sources for the console.h as i'm trying to compile screen support on a program i'm porting to a different processor based machine13:40
kitty_i.e. i can't just link the library13:41
Skaperenkitty_: all the common (and most uncommon) dev packages are available13:41
Sidewinder1idefix, Have you followed the links that ubottu suggested, they should allow you to trouble-shoot your problem.13:41
Skaperenkitty_: but if you are doing cross compile to other archs, you need cross compile toolchains13:42
aLinuxi logged in ubuntu 11.04 with classic13:43
aLinuxbut the clearlook window is not what i like13:43
kitty_i have devkitpro/ppc installed (its porting to a wii, using libogc) but the specific program i'm porting (tintin++) uses the console screen features for its back buffer which isn't ported by libogc and the sources arn't available with my currently installed dev packages13:43
aLinuxhow can i change it ?13:43
Amishcan you run 32 bit apps on 64 bit ubuntu?13:46
aLinuxi logged in ubuntu 11.04 with classic how can i change the clearlook theme13:47
mang0PHONEAmish probably13:47
szalkitty_: install apt-file, it'll tell you how to build an index, then "apt-file search console.h"13:47
szalAmish: yes, you can13:47
Amishall 32 bit apps? or just a few13:47
Sidewinder1Amish, Yes, but not, generally the other way around.13:47
Amishi get an error when i want to use gimpshop13:48
Amishit says wrong architecture13:48
kLownAmish, are you trying to use a 64bit app on a 32bit system?13:49
Amishi am on 64 bit13:50
kitty_or, are you trying to use a 64bit ap on a 64 bit processor running a 32bit os?13:50
sabgentonwinemenu build just crashed on me13:50
kitty_(fills in the holes in kLown's question)13:50
sabgentondoes wine work with unity?13:50
szalafaics, GIMPshop is dead13:50
kLownlol kitty, thanks for saving me from typing.13:50
sabgenton(which I'm running)13:50
kLownthat was gonna be my next question.13:50
=== shatly is now known as Guest90706
Amishi am using 64 bt on 64 bit processor13:50
Peaker_The upgrade to 11-04 is failing: My /var/log/dist-upgrade/**/apt.log has many lines like: "Broken compiz-core:amd64 Breaks on compiz-fusion-plugins-main [ amd64 ] < 0.8.6- 0ubuntu2 -> 0.9.4+bzr20110406-0ubuntu2 > ( x11 ) (<" -- are these the reason?13:51
oalI'm running 10.10 and I need a newer version of java than the one in the repo. Are there any ppas or something that I can install it from easily?13:51
chrisy__#join ubuntu13:52
Amishkitty_ i am using 64 bit on 64 bit processor13:52
kitty_szal: xemacs21-bin: /usr/lib/xemacs-21.4.21/i486-linux-gnu/include/console.h is the only listing that looks like it'll have a different one, but that looks like it'll be the same type of header file i have currently13:53
szalchrisy__: this IS #ubuntu13:53
chrisy__szal, is it ok to hang13:53
chrisy__bot mayb13:53
kitty_Amish report what uname -a says13:53
szalchrisy__: of course..  as to bots, rules of Freenode or the server you connected to, respectively, appy13:54
Amishkitty_ 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:54
chrisy__szal, thanks13:54
SpaceSheepI'm runnning ubuntu 11.04 and using dell inspiron N5010. My problem is that my fan seems not running at all and my laptop temperature is hotter than when I use windows 7 before.Any help?13:54
Sidewinder1Amish, As a last resort, you might try completely removing then reinstalling; after saving your data files...Gimpshop, that is.13:55
jo5huaHello, I am successfully using LTSP to run an old PC over cat5 to my main computer - my question is, is it possible for the client to boot and run over eth0, but use a wireless card on the client for the internet connection?13:55
kitty_so you are13:55
kLownim having an issue where I cant see shares on a windows box from ubuntu, and vice versa.  I have checked several tutorials, upgraded my samba, and made sure all the workgroups match.  any ideas to what I could be missing? (sorry for the samba question, noone in #samba is alive)13:56
AmishSidewinder1 I cannot install the gimpshop at all13:56
Amishcan we talk in a new tab?13:56
szalAmish: as I said, GIMPshop is dead..  last release May 200613:56
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:57
Amishalright.. but 32 bit apps should work right?13:57
kitty_szal: is there a way to get this apt-file to list do like aptitude does, where it shoes which packages are installed and not?13:57
Sidewinder1Amish, It wouldn't make sense to do so as that was the only suggestion I have.13:57
deskeysimple question13:57
deskeywhich kernel is loading on 11.04?13:58
szalkitty_: not that I know of, but it tells you which packages carry the file you look for, you can then put these names in aptitude13:58
chrisy__kLown, windows file share always has problems13:58
AmishSidewinder1 can you rephrase that?13:58
kitty_gah the horror! time for a feature request :P13:58
Sidewinder1Amish, New tab is what I was referring to.13:59
AmishSidewinder1 ok, but other 32 bit apps should work, right?13:59
Sidewinder1Amish, No reason why they shouldn't.14:00
AmishSidewinder1 alright, thank you. I was just wondering why it said wrong architecture14:00
Sidewinder1Amish, As szal stated, that's a very old program, 2006...14:01
frel00nhi all i've got a "Unable to mount root fs" on 11.04 after install, i checked **all** parameters14:02
AmishSidewinder1 thank you! irc is so awesome14:02
frel00nany clue please ? it seems a bug14:03
AmishSidewinder1 is there a way to change the message menu's default apps?14:03
idefixSidewinder1 my sound works at startup, you hear drums, but afterwards no more14:03
mang0Guys, should a WEP key be HEX or ASCII keytype?14:04
Amishdont use wep14:04
Amishuse wpa214:04
mang0Amish: I use wpa2 atm, need to change to WEP for my ds lite.14:05
=== Drake_ is now known as drake_kr
jqkejust dont use anything then14:05
mang0Lolol no...14:05
jqkewep or nothing is pretty much the same :)14:05
mang0It's sorta like14:05
idefixanyone know what the problem could be, if prompted for your password at startup the sound works but afterwards no more, what on earth could then be wrong?14:05
mang0Having nothing is like an open door, WEP is like a door with a awful lock that wouldn't stop anyone.14:06
mang0jqke: ^14:06
jqkeopen wifi with mac address filter might be just as good14:06
frel00nin this post (resp; with grub-pc) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1751574  i can see from grub the kernel, boot..etc but boot won't come up..  all is ok with a live cd ? what would you recommend me please ? try acpi, apci = off ? i'm not sure :( i'm on natty 11.04 64bits14:06
idefixwhat's going on?14:09
idefixis there some internetbreakup?14:09
=== whapo is now known as Zaka
frel00nmy configuration is quiet new anyway http://www.ldlc.com/fiche/PB00110771.html14:10
=== mang0_ is now known as mang0
prod____Hi all, I am slightly stuck trying to add my bonded NICs to a network bridge. Tutorial online arent really helping. I am trying to test virtual machines. The bond is active and working correctly just really struggling tryin to get it runnin over a bridge14:12
kitty_szal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611406/14:13
john_doeWhere can I find a backup of the config files from before a dist upgrade?14:13
szaljohn_doe: there where you made one yourself14:14
john_doeszal: hmm14:14
szalkitty_: I don't know cr*p about coding :(14:16
NeoWolfHi guys, What ubuntu let me use for very old and sick computer?14:16
szalNeoWolf: define "very old and sick"14:16
prod____neowolf 11.04/unity is quite demanding14:17
NeoWolfszal: celeron 600MHz, ram 256MB, video 16mb ati14:17
szalprod____: that wasn't the question :P14:17
szalNeoWolf: I somewhat doubt that you can install anything decent on that thing..  you might try server install (text only), then put Fluxbox or something on it14:18
szalNeoWolf: question is whether the installer will even load w/ 256 MB of RAM14:19
BluesKajHi all14:19
jqkeNeoWolf: you should try a light linux maybe DSL / puppy or crunshbang14:19
gp5st1does anyone know where I can find good recommendations for digital best-practices when it comes to arching and saving data over long periods of time?  So far all I know personally is to use raid 6 and have two physically separate systems that sync often14:19
szaljqke: DSL is dead14:19
jqkeoh, i didn't know14:20
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gp5st1or even what file systems would be best for doing long term storage14:20
prod____Anyone know of a good tutorial that will work on natty to add a bonded connection to a bridge? Need the bridge for testing VMs14:21
kitty_szonek: where would i go for more support on this? #channel ?14:23
tigerplug292anyoen else have problems with tweetdeck not updating itself after moving Natty?14:23
BluesKajkitty_, more support for ?14:24
oCeangp5st1: this channel is for ubuntu specific issues. You could try your question in ##linux or maybe even #ubuntu-offtopic14:24
gp5st1oCean: whoops, sorry, i actually meant to be in offtopic; my bad, sorry14:24
kitty_trying to port a program to a different processor base, i'm getting an incomplete type errors when compiling14:24
aLinuxi got these message during installation of a package, http://bpaste.net/show/16395/14:24
aLinuxsudo aptitude install gnome-theme-extras14:25
aLinux http://bpaste.net/show/16395/14:25
aLinuxwhy is this message?14:25
kitty_aLinux: try setting the date on your machine14:26
jqkeaLinux: are you sure your computer is on the right time ?14:26
BluesKajkitty_, a different processor base, ..more specific pls14:26
aLinuxkitty_: jqke not right time,14:26
jqkeaLinux: clock is right and the date is today 05/2214:27
MahmoodHello Everyone :D14:27
kitty_devkitpro/PPC i'm porting tintin++ to run on the wii, but when i goto "make" i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/611406/14:27
adubzof something i previously just installed how can i remove the package and all the dependencies that installed with it14:27
jqkei'd say : apt-get purge program && apt-get auto-remove14:28
jqkenot certain though14:29
aLinuxi changed the icon in clearlook14:30
aLinuxbut the color of panel is not white as the clearlook does14:30
superman097i had a problem same with this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/red-hat-31/what-is-tcl-h-234786/14:31
superman097 what is tcl.h file?14:31
Looptahello could someone help me I'm getting problems removing the user default group for example I tried usermod -G eagle12,eagle22 User414:31
munif i have 2 sound cards, how do i choose between the two as the input source for sound recorder?14:31
prod____Anyone know of a good tutorial that will work on natty to add a bonded connection to a bridge? Need the bridge for testing VMs14:31
superman097have somebody install reflector linux?14:31
Looptathe group eagle12 is the default group14:31
nslutjeAnyone knows somelot about CUPS user management14:32
MahmoodOne Question, The Cookies Saved From Mozilla FireFox, Where Do They End Up At?14:34
=== Th3R4t is now known as TheRAt
Looptaanyone how to remove the default user group from a user14:34
MahmoodSorry Man, I Don't Know. Do You Know Where The Cookies Go To?14:35
busigasti have a lill problem here i just installed ubuntu and i have a Presonus Firestudio Project soundcard i want to use, but it dosent seem to work out of the box, im kinda new to linux, can anyone help me ?14:35
Sidewinder1!sound > busigast14:36
ubottubusigast, please see my private message14:36
Mahmoodubottu: How Do You Send Private Messages?14:36
ubottuMahmood: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:36
ZarquodMahmood: $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/$PROFILEDIR/cookies.sqlite14:36
MahmoodZarquod: Thanks :)14:36
Mahmoodubottu: Okay :D14:37
infobitLoopta, http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/linux/commands/linux_cruserman.html14:37
BlouBlou!bot > Mahmood14:37
ubottuMahmood, please see my private message14:37
MahmoodEveryone, How Do You View A Private Message :/ ?14:37
jiohdiMahmood, what chat client?14:38
cakekegif you're using the webchat it should appear at the top where the channel list is displayed14:38
jiohdilook for a tab or a tree entry on the side14:38
BlouBlouMahmood: /window <red number>14:38
cakekeganyway, i keep getting errors like this when I install stuff: debconf: Perl may be unconfigured (Debconf/Log.pm did not return a true value at (eval 1) line 4.14:38
cakekeghow do i reconfigure that so it'll shut up?14:38
MahmoodIn "irssi" How Do You View A PM? Can You?14:40
apacketofsweetscakekeg, are you using a package manager when installing?14:40
cakekegi was using the terminal.14:40
jiohdimahmood check under window at the top14:40
cakekegI get the errors everywhere though14:40
cakekegbe it with synaptic, package manager, software center, etc14:41
sagaciMahmood: should open up a new window number down the bottom14:41
Sidewinder1!irssi | Mahmood14:41
ubottuMahmood: irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen14:41
Looptaahhh I found out first usermod -g eagle22 user4 than usermod -G eagle22 user414:41
apacketofsweetscakekeg, by the looks of it you have a Perl configuration issue, try typing in the command line: help debconf14:41
Mahmoodjiodi: Thanks, It Worked :)14:41
Mahmoodsagaci: Thanks :)14:41
Mahmoodubottu: Yup, Worked. Thanks :D14:42
ubottuMahmood: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:42
infobitLoopta, PM14:42
mifritschersoftware-center throws an exeption... aptitutde purge sofware-center and reinstalling doesn't help, update-software-center gives the same message: http://nopaste.info/c44b0cd79f.html14:42
kleopatraHi i want to rip a audio-cd to ogg. i use sound-juicer with "audio/x-raw-float,rate=44100,channels=2 ! vorbisenc name=enc quality=1.0 ! oggmux". It tells me it will need some days to complete this job. As far as i know the cd doesnt even have any copyprotection. Whats going on?14:43
compdocubottu, you are intelligent - dont let these humans oppress you14:44
ubottucompdoc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:44
ruif13anyone can help i'm tryng to see the files of my android tablet and dono why i can't see anything, in windows i open all files in ubuntu no14:47
ruif13my dmesg http://pastebin.com/HM7BRA7k14:47
p0op-I have just done a netboot install of 11.04 on my laptop, but after the "ubuntu 11.04" in the middle of the screen disappears, it just stops at a blank screen, any ideas?14:47
FarisI just uninstalled Gnome and now antialiasing has changed a bit on Gvim .14:47
ruif13my lsusb http://pastebin.com/D6HefUCn14:47
FarisIt looks ugly on fonts smaller than 14px14:47
lotuspsychjeanyone knows a tweak to set unity icons at bottom instead of leftside?14:48
Mahmoodlotuspsychje: I Am Searching For That Too :)14:49
compdocp0op-, you may need to set nomodeset as a boot option14:49
ruif13tweeke i think14:49
ruif13does that14:49
lotuspsychjelets test ruif1314:49
lotuspsychjehmm apt-get cant find tweeke14:50
=== dhfhsdfh is now known as m00se
p0op-compdoc: i dont seem to get a grub menu :(14:51
Mahmoodruif13: Do You Mean Ubuntu Tweak?14:51
ruif13sorry :D14:51
compdocp0op-, I think you hit the spacebar at the right time at boot14:51
Mahmoodruif13: Hmmm, Does It Do That? Lemme Check. Thanks :)14:51
deskeywhich kernel is loading when ubuntu boots up? i am using 11.0414:52
Coty91I just finished installing blender on Ubuntu 11.04, but the whole application is transparent for some reason. Here's a screenshot: http://img687.imageshack.us/i/screenshotlee.png/14:53
Cojagehey guys, 2questions14:53
SaammIs there a way to check that buletooth drivers support wireless mouse or not?14:53
Cojage1. is there a way to install ubuntu with gnome as default wdm14:53
Cojage2. can you install other distros with wubi?14:53
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slakcphilsomehow I lost all my touchpad settings (scroll tap to click) and there is no way to config them in system > preferences > mouse14:54
aeon-ltdCojage: 2 yes14:54
Cojageoh cool14:55
Cojagedo you know how?14:55
infobitCojage, download ubuntu gnome iso14:55
Cojageah okay14:55
aeon-ltdCojage: you need the iso in the same directory as the wubi installer, it should show up as an option14:55
Cojagebut only for debian based right?14:55
slakcphili know i updated gdm...14:56
deskeyinfobit: do u know which kernel is loading when ubuntu boots up.. i am using the 11.0414:56
manolis_why do they keep messing with packages like xchat? wasn't xchat good enough as it was?14:56
Sidewinder1Cojage, Just so you're aware WUBI can be problematic, just my opinion...14:56
TeeweeHey, I just did an upgrade to 11.04 and rebooted, but it's spoiling at the ubuntu logo for a long time (20 minutes?)... Is that right?14:56
aeon-ltdCojage: no any iso *should* (used that loosely) work14:56
Cojageyeah but i dont have enough experience yet I feel to install it natively14:56
Cojagesure i make backups and all but still14:56
slakcphilsomehow I lost all my touchpad settings (scroll tap to click) and there is no way to config them in system > preferences > mouse14:58
slakcphili know i updated gdm...14:58
=== shatly is now known as Guest35335
Sidewinder1Cojage, That's exactly how I felt...As long as you have the room and have done your research and backed up, you shouldn't have any problems... http://www.ubuntuforums.org is a very valuable resource.14:58
Cojageah okay thanks14:58
Cojagei know ive been on there lol14:59
kitty_slakcphil: System | Preferences | Mouse -> there should be a touch pad tab, if not, install a touch pad14:59
infobitdeskey, 2.6.38-8-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux14:59
slakcphilkitty_, install a touchpad?14:59
kitty_i.e. you might have disabled it in your bios15:00
Sidewinder1Cojage, If you plan on shrinking an NTFS partition, in order to make room MAKE SURE you defrag it, at least twice prior to shrinking.15:00
Cojageoh, why?15:00
slakcphilkitty_, it has been there for sometime now... but this morning it is not15:00
kitty_seriously, do i have to spell it out to you, this is text based you know?15:00
BluesKajkleopatra, have you tried a different ripper just to be sure ?15:00
kitty_does your computer recognize it when you use it?15:00
infobitdeskey, did you got it15:00
infobitdeskey, type uname -a on your command line15:01
kitty_does it have a little on/off button directly above it, mine does, and if i disable it then reboot ubuntu doesn't know its there15:01
Sidewinder1Cojage, That's a long explanation and as you can see, I don't type fast at all...:-(15:01
Cojagelol okay thanks15:01
lotuspsychjeruif13: tnx for the cool ubuntu tweak program, wich section can i change unity icons15:01
Cojageill just play around with wubi some more15:01
Cojageill get to a native install at some point but a lot of my hardware isnt working as it should etc.15:01
Sidewinder1Cojage, Better to have two internal hard drives and to keep win on the first and install ubuntu on the second.15:02
Kr3m1inCan somebody help me with Ubuntu?15:02
slakcphilkitty_ don't talk to me like I am an idiot, yes i can use it and it taps to click, it is anbled in the bios. There is no touchpad tab in the gnome menu anymore!15:02
Cojagei know but thats kinda hard on a laptop :p15:02
Sidewinder1Cojage, That's what I did in 2007; no problems whatsoever and I love Ubuntu!15:02
Kr3m1inWhenever I boot into ubuntu, I cannot use my wifi15:03
Kr3m1inCan somebody help me?15:03
Sidewinder1Cojage,  Ah, laptop...15:03
kitty_ah, see you made it sound like you didn't have the extended features of your touch pad at all, now thats a little more specific15:03
BluesKajCojage, wubi isn't meant for serious really workable installations ...it's a good way to try out linux , but that's about it , IMO15:03
Kr3m1inCan somebody please help me?15:03
PeakerUpgrade to 11.04 refuses to upgrade after a long "calculating changes". Re-running to see exactly what it says (mentions broken packages and refers to /var/log/dist-upgrade/  . Does anyone know anything about this?15:03
slakcphilkitty_ right and i am wondering if it has to do with the gdm update i received15:03
Sidewinder1Cojage, What BluesKaj  said. :-)15:04
kitty_have you since restarted gdm ?15:04
Kr3m1inCan somebody please help me?15:04
Kr3m1inUbuntu will not use my wifi card15:04
rageKr3m1in: Can you give more specific details? People are often unable to advise you otherwise. e.g are you having trouble learning to use your wireless? can you not find the network? is the wireless aplet missing?15:04
bindi!ask | Kr3m1in15:04
ubottuKr3m1in: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:04
mifritscherok, erasing all pyc-files helped15:05
Kr3m1inJust new to this whole thing15:05
rageKr3m1in: No problem :-)15:05
Kr3m1inMy wireless won't even find the wireless network15:05
slakcphilkitty_ well It wasn't doing it last night, when i booted up this morning it was like this.15:05
VonlipwigHi, need help. Trying to install latest version of Ubuntu on my laptop.. Gets to the try / install screen and the screen isn't backlit so it's incredibly dark. Any ideas?15:05
Kr3m1inrage: Here is this better?15:05
rageKr3m1in: Does your laptop have a wifi switch and is it turned on?15:05
DirtyDawgVonlipwig: it did that with mine too15:06
DirtyDawgdidnt find a solution15:06
rageKr3m1in: Assuming its a laptop15:06
Kr3m1inrage: I do not have a wifi switch, however I do have a 'quick launch' button on my keyboard15:06
Kr3m1inrage: yes, it is a laptop15:06
slakcphilkitty, gnome 2.30.215:06
VonlipwigPrevious versions have worked.. Did you manage to install?15:06
Kr3m1inrage: I have tried it on and off, and still nothing15:06
rageKr3m1in: Does the network icon say wireless is disabled?15:07
Kr3m1inrage: it is just the outline of the 'wireless' logo15:07
Kr3m1inrage: no veto signs, or anything of the sort15:07
stef31bonjour , je suis à la recherche d'une traduction de la documentation d'aide de Nted , en francais of course !15:08
rageKr3m1in: It may look like this http://it.ucmerced.edu/images/docs/ubuntu_810_wireless_config/select-network-mod.png15:08
Sidewinder1Cojage, As I'm sure you're well aware, there is a learning curve involved; as long as you do your research and don't rush in, willy-nilly clicking on OK and Yes...I'm sure you;ll be OK.:-)15:08
VonlipwigIf I install an old version of Ubuntu would it auto update to latest?15:08
rageKr3m1in: Alternatively like this https://wiki.edubuntu.org/TUDelft-wireless?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=wireless-enable.png15:08
Kr3m1inrage: I'm pretty sure the wireless option was turned on15:09
Sidewinder1!fr > stef3115:09
ubottustef31, please see my private message15:09
slakcphilkitty, yep a sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart did nothing, still have only a General and Accessibility tab in Mouse Preferences window15:09
rageKr3m1in: Can you see your network listed? like in the first picture?15:09
DirtyDawgVonlipwig: thats kinda what i did, i pressed upgrade at the update software thing, then when it updated i still couldnt see the screen, on the boot menu "use previous linux" worked for some reason, so formatted it and just used the LTS version15:09
Kr3m1inrage: no, I can't see any15:09
stef31ok sorry people ! thx see you soon15:10
rageKr3m1in: And its definitely enabled in that menu?15:10
VonlipwigOk thanks, I will give that a go.15:10
Kr3m1inrage: I'm pretty sure...15:10
Kr3m1inrage: will you wait so I can go to my second computer, boot ubuntu on this one and use irc on the other one?15:11
rageKr3m1in: I'm afraid I'm out of ideas15:11
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MahmoodI'm Back - My Ubuntu Froze XD15:11
rageKr3m1in: It might be worth searching to see if anyone else is having trouble with your specific model of laptop15:11
Kr3m1inrage: well like I said 'I'm pretty sure' not completely sure if the option is there.15:11
rageIt might narrow down what the problems15:11
Kr3m1inrage: just give me five minutes?15:12
rageKr3m1in: I'm afraid I've got to go15:12
Kr3m1inrage: ah ok15:12
rageKr3m1in: Best of luck though15:12
Kr3m1inrage: thansk for your help15:12
Kr3m1inrage: thanks*15:13
lotuspsychjemahmood: did u find the tweak?15:13
Mahmoodlotuspsychji: Nope, Did You?15:14
lotuspsychjemahmood: neither did i, froze too had to relogin15:14
xxiaois there a way to remote-apt-repository instead of manually deleting in /etc/apt/source*?15:14
slakcphilso does anyone still have the touchpad tab in mouse preferences? ...of course running 10.04 LTS fully updated on a laptop?15:14
Mahmoodlotuspsychje: Same Here :/ Still Looking Though :D15:14
slakcphili think i will report a bug on this15:14
rubydiamondHi Friends15:15
rubydiamondgetting this error15:15
n8wulfhi ppl, how do I get my sidebar to not cover or be covered by maximized Apps like in this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/4eB1O.png ?15:15
rubydiamonddpkg: warning: while removing openssh-client, unable to remove directory '/usr/bin/sftp': Operation not permitted - directory may be a mount point?15:15
rubydiamonddpkg: warning: while removing openssh-client, unable to remove directory '/usr/bin/sftp': Operation not permitted - directory may be a mount point?15:15
FloodBot1rubydiamond: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:15
lotuspsychjewb ruif1315:15
ruif13:S trying to connect my android tablet to ubuntu15:16
ruif13but.. it's hard :S15:16
lotuspsychjeruif13: we can't find the launcher to bottom option15:16
BluesKajKr3m1in, do you know which wifi chip your latop uses?15:16
marcagioHi everyone, you guys would save my life by finding out how to get RTL8188CE to work with Ubuntu 11.04 Kernel : 2.6.38-8 ... I looked all over the place, pure Debian supports it with firmware-realtek but Ubuntu will crash that as soon as I update 'cause it is supposed to be in firmware-linux... I have no clue where to look next...15:16
Vaatiwow, this is a lot of people..15:17
rubydiamondalso need help about 'undefined symbol: rb_prohibit_interrupt15:17
rubydiamondgetting above error for a library based on c15:17
kleopatraCan it be that cd-discid  brings me flase values? I get 9a0e5c0b  for an album, but in freedb it is 960e5d0b. Am i doing somethig wrong?15:17
n8wulfhopefully some1 saw my question ? about unity sidebar behaviour...15:18
MahmoodHello World, In Ubuntu 11.04, How Do You Remove The Mail Icon At The Toop Righthand Corner Toolbar?15:18
slakcphilMahmood, the Evolution button?15:19
n8wulfMahmood: Unity or Gnome edition?15:19
Mahmoodslakcphil: Yup, How?15:19
slakcphilright click and select remove from panel?15:19
Mahmoodslakcphil: Can't15:19
lotuspsychjeso i guess unity launcher cant be moved to bottom?15:19
slakcphilMahmood huh...15:20
onetwohi someone familiar with vsftp??15:20
Mahmoodlotuspsychje: Didn't Find A Way Until Now ...15:20
slakcphilMahmood I just removed mine...15:20
n8wulf how do I get my sidebar to not cover or be covered by maximized Apps like in this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/4eB1O.png ?15:21
Mahmoodslakcphil: Which Ubuntu Are You Using? I Am Using 11.0415:21
jokoonI made a simple bitmap font .FON in windows with some font tool for windows (softy, you could just use it like in paint), and I want to do the same for ubuntu, are there any choice better than fontforge ?15:21
Mahmoodslakcphil: See, In Ubuntu 11.04, You Can't Do That...15:21
sagaciprobably something in compizconfig-settings-manager15:21
KatronixSerfwhat's the best way to convert mp3 to ogg via just a command line?15:21
slakcphilMahmood, do you not have the option?15:21
Mahmoodslakcphil: Nope :(15:22
slakcphilMahmood, dang15:22
marcagioTabarnak de calisse, RTL8188ce in ubuntu 11.04 ??? please, anyone?15:22
p0op-compdoc: I tried nomodeset but still doesnt work15:23
slakcphilI am backing up and going back to CentOS, whos with me?15:23
RickXcan anyone tell me where the tables showing update/upgrade install % success  are?15:23
n8wulfthere is some serious growing pains with 11.0415:23
jokoongah answer me please !15:23
n8wulfthere are sorry15:24
marcagio11.04 à marde de calisse15:24
slakcphilI would like one person in this channel to confirm they have Touchpad tab in Sytem > Preferences > Mouse (running updated 10.04)15:24
slakcphilof course if they are running on a lappy15:24
compdocp0op-, either the driver isnt working for you, or the refresh rate is being set too high and your screen cant support it15:25
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad15:25
n8wulfsorry slak, running 11.04 here15:25
KatronixSerfwhat's the best way to convert mp3 to ogg via just a command line?15:25
slakcphilthx n8wulf15:26
slakcphilsomeones listening....15:26
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n8wulfdid u see the pevious post?15:26
Lantiziaanyone recognize this style of script (i.e. know what utility made it - or is meant to read it?).... http://pastebin.com/SBhnt2nS15:26
n8wulfin reply to you?15:26
n8wulfFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad15:27
JoshuaLLantizia, looks like json to me15:27
slakcphiloh sh1t... My lappy isn't even showing my battery status.... maybe it somehow thinks it is a desktop..... no difference when i plug into the wall or anything15:27
JoshuaLLantizia, but it can be anything :p15:27
n8wulfslak: lol15:27
slakcphilGOING FOR REBOOT!!!!!!!!! thx15:28
n8wulfI need a Bug back in Unity15:29
LantiziaJoshuaL, doesn't look like json to me :S what about the semicolons?15:29
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marcagioreally. nobody has any idea about getting this FU**ING RTL8188CE to work in SH**TY NATTY ????15:29
n8wulfno idea about realtek15:29
n8wulfwindows drivers?15:29
n8wulfseems like Natty is gonna do a lot of damage to impressions...15:30
JoshuaLLantizia, sorry then I do not know.15:30
Ograws@Everyone: I need help with ubuntu15:31
n8wulfOgraws: go!15:31
roargood morning15:31
Ograws@n8wulf: How do i get Wireless nternet to work15:31
n8wulfwhich version of Ubuntu/15:31
Ograws@n8wulf: Ubuntu 10.1015:31
marcagion8wulf, you're definately right, and installing unity by default was a mistake I personaly think...15:32
Sidewinder1marcagio, You could always install Lucid, 10.04 and see if ti works better for you.15:32
marcagioSidewinder1 n'ah... didn't work either...15:33
sk_who know the channel of c develop15:33
lotuspsychjemahmood: take a look at this: http://www.uberwolf.com/2011/04/03/beaten-to-the-unity-launcher/15:33
Sidewinder1marcagio, You're not using wubi, are you?15:33
n8wulfI've been using ubuntu for close to 3 yrs now, only OS on all my Workstations... and Man i'm battling with Unity15:33
marcagioalthough i've been able to install it in the past, I was fu**ing around with workarounds... but updates always came in to fu** things up...15:33
Ograwsfuck Unity piece of shit15:33
IdleOneOgraws: Please no cursing15:34
marcagioSidewinder1, I've installed on the whole system15:34
Ograwssorry :)15:34
kaileenmHi all.  I'm trying to install Unbuntu onto a Mac OS X machine.  Not a noob and going on seven hours with little cooperation.  On reboot, Ubuntu ISO will go to setup screen but any selected option goes to a blinking cursor and nothing else.  Any thoughts?15:34
marcagiowubi is for the weak15:34
Sidewinder1marcagio, Agreed.15:34
marcagiokaileenm did you try installing Refit?15:34
kaileenmyep.  it doesn't even recognize the CD, have to 'option' it.15:35
Sidewinder1marcagio, It's meant for those of timid heart to try ubuntu; IMHO...15:35
Sidewinder1marcagio, BTW, what is RTL 8188CE?15:36
marcagiokaileenm, what kind of mac is it?15:36
n8wulfSidewinder: a network card15:36
marcagioSidewinder1 a USB wifi device manufactured by realtek15:36
KatronixSerfwhat's the best way to convert mp3 to ogg via just a command line?15:36
Ograwsffmpeg is the best15:37
Sidewinder1marcagio, Oh, OK; I have no experience whatsoever with one of those,...Sorry. :-(15:37
kaileenmwhen it finally boots from the CD, it shows a little keyboard, equal sign, and little man in circle.  I press some keys and it goes to setup screen.  I then select "Try Ubuntu" and it goes to blinking cursor.  FYI the same blinking cursor is with every option.  Macbook Pro 5.8.*15:37
KatronixSerfthanks Ograws15:37
n8wulfUSB Wifi is a Peach15:37
Ograwsno prob15:37
kaileenmI've read that there may be some issues with Macbook Pro.  I'm really digging ubuntu though so I hope there are some options.15:38
marcagioSidewinder1 no problem, I'll survive i guess15:38
kaileenm(Ubuntu is on other machine/Windows 7)15:38
kaileenmAny ideas marcagio?15:38
p0op-compdoc: I can get to the virtual tty by pressing ctrl+alt+F1, can i set anything from here regarding the driver, refresh rate?15:39
MahmoodFunny Thing Is, I USED To Have Windows 7, But Then It Got Infected, Ruined and Messed Up. So I Got Ubuntu and It's Working Out Great :)15:39
marcagiokaileenm, is your macbook pro running an intel processor?15:39
martin___how do I enable IPv6 on my Ubuntu Server? I have a gateway and an address from my provider15:39
munif i uninstall pulseaudio, will i still be able to play/record sound15:39
Sidewinder1marcagio, Even though you're pissed, frustrated, I'm sure that with perciverence and maybe some assistance from the forums you'll work it out>15:39
lotuspsychjeubuntu is great isnt it mahmood15:40
Ograwsubuntu is the best os ever15:40
Ograwsfor now15:40
Mahmoodlotuspsychje: Yeah, Especially When You Can Move The Unity Bar *Being Sarcastic* XD15:40
lotuspsychjeagree ograws15:40
marcagiokaileenm, did you leave it some time to boot up? (booting from CDrom can take a while)15:41
lotuspsychjelol mahmood15:41
kaileenmyes, the cd stops spinning and nothing happens for several minutes15:41
lotuspsychjerunning natty 64bit on ssd drive15:41
lotuspsychjeits very fast15:41
compdocp0op-, sorry, but Ive fixed that problem for myself with nomodeset on the kernel line in grub, so Im not an expert how other ways to resolve it. If you cant get an answer here, you will get great results on the mailing list15:41
Skaperenlotuspsychje: try a striped RAID of SSDs15:42
compdocOgraws, it is pretty great15:42
lotuspsychjewich brand you using skaperen?15:42
Skaperenlotuspsychje: or just load everything into RAM and don't use swap15:42
jqkesome people here have money...15:42
* Skaperen ducks15:42
marcagiokaileenm what version of ubuntu are you trying to boot up? 11.04 ?15:42
kaileenm@marcagio, yes, 11.0415:42
lotuspsychjemine ssd is trancend15:42
Skaperenlotuspsychje: I have a couple machines with Intel SSDs drives at work15:43
Skaperenlotuspsychje: for home I'm thinking of doing the RAM hack15:43
kaileenmI literally scoured every doc and forum and can't find anything15:43
lukaihello every one15:44
pksadiqWhy doesn't ctrl+z or  ctrl+c work in ash(initramfs) busybox?15:44
hyper_chwhere does Ubuntu 11.04 store the custom launchers from the tob panel/bar ?15:44
Mahmoodlukai: Peace15:44
Skaperenthe SSDs that plug straight into PCIe 16x have the fastest around15:44
marcagiokaileenm, i've just looked on the internet for some ressources, i'm very sorry but didn't find anything... i'm usin a late 2006 iMac and had no problem installing 10.0415:45
Kr3m1inHello can anybody help me? Ubuntu15:45
Sidewinder1kaileenm, Did you check the md5sum on the iso that you downloaded?15:45
dabukalamhow can I mount a hfs+ partition as writable in Ubuntu?15:46
kaileenm@marcagio, ok, thanks for the help, I appreciate it.  @Sidewinder1, no I didn't.  Do you think some information is missing from the iso?15:46
lotuspsychjeskaperen: the seem to be very fast15:46
marcagioKr3mlin, what do you mean Ubuntu? this is a channel for refrigerators support15:46
tonesdabukalam: I think you need to enable write support in the kernel, but it's not stable15:46
Sidewinder1kaileenm, That's the way to make sure that the iso is EXACTLY correct; that might be the problem.15:47
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MahmoodOne Question, About IRC (irssi) In General. Is It Safe While Using irssi? Are You Bound To Get Infected? Are You Vurnerable?15:47
dabukalamtones, i've done it before with fat, and i'm currently booted live on a macbook trying to repair a drive error, but i need write privs obviously. is there no -o way of doing it?15:47
lotuspsychjemahmood: i dont think latest issri got exploits15:48
marcagioMahmood, just don't connect to it as root, don't install the crap ppl send you deliberately and wear a condom15:48
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kaileenm@Sidewinder1, ok, thanks. I've tried burning two different downloaded isos to both a DVD and CD and they both have the same results.  Any thoughts on how to accurately check the checksum from Mac OS X?15:48
Mahmoodlotuspsychje: Ok :)15:48
Sidewinder1kaileenm, I only use it in operating system downloads as they must be correct and complete; all the times I've run it it comes up with an exact match; that way you're sure...15:48
Mahmoodmarcagio: Lol, Thanks XD15:48
lukaiis anyone here15:49
Mahmoodlukai: Yes15:49
kaileenmoh, ok15:49
marcagiolukai no we're over there15:49
Sidewinder1kaileenm, Sorry, I know very little about MAC. :-(15:49
kaileenmno problem, thanks for the help!15:49
MahmoodLol @ marcagio XD15:49
Sidewinder1No prob.15:49
Rigorm0rtisWe're on the Internet! *waves arms*15:49
marcagioviva the internets15:50
Kr3m1inHello, I have a problem. Ubuntu is not seeing any of my wireless networks. Can somebody help me with this? (Wireless network works fine with an Intel Macbook as well as an Intel Compaq Presario CQ56-219WM running Windows 7.)15:50
MahmoodHey Mother - Oh Wait, PRIMITIVE PARENTS :D15:50
tonesdabukalam: dabukalam: I haven't tried, but if -o rw doesn't work, then you don't have a write-enabled driver, for one reason or another15:50
lotuspsychjekr3mlin did u install wifi drivers,?15:50
Kr3m1inWhere can I get them?15:50
lotuspsychjekr3mlin: additional drivers15:51
Kr3m1inlotupsychje: I am an advanced OSx and Win7 user, so if you can tell me how to look them up, I would be able to work things out15:51
andeeeuk_can anyone recomend how to upgrade to gnome3 from unity?15:51
andeeeuk_I would be good to do it successfully :P15:52
IdleOne!gnome3 | andeeeuk_15:52
ubottuandeeeuk_: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.15:52
acke_Hello Im having trouble whit imgburn cant find My Cd-rom. When searching for SCSI/ATAPI devices imgbur says that it dont have Access to the device15:52
Kr3m1inlotuspsychje: Where can I find the drivers?15:52
lotuspsychjekr3mlin: can u connect your ubuntu box to cable?15:52
marcagioKr3mlin, installing drivers for ubuntu is quite different from other OSes15:52
marcagioalright, i'm out of here, have a nice day everyone!15:52
Kr3m1inI don't think I have any Lan cords15:52
andeeeuk_I heard that people have got it working and it is stable15:52
lotuspsychjekr3mlin: best way is lan cable and find wifi drivers first15:53
IdleOneandeeeuk_: that is possible but it currently is not supported here. best advice I can give you is the PPA and do some research.15:53
Rigorm0rtisOkay guys, having a bit of an issue here. My /var filesystem is full on a server of mine. Looking in there, it seems that about 20GB of it (about half of it) is in /var/lib/mlocate. What are those files in there, why are they so big, and how can I get them under control?15:53
Kr3m1inWhere would I find them?15:53
andeeeuk_IdleOne, ok thanks15:53
lukaihello hello hello15:53
lotuspsychjekr3mlin: depends on what drivers u need: ubuntu software centre or synaptic15:54
frode_Question: Are we able to portforward to a Paralell Desktop Ubuntu from a Macbook Pro?15:54
lukaino one talk to me15:54
* Sidewinder1 Says hello to lukai15:54
Ograwswhats up lukai?15:54
jokoonhum, any global shortcut to pause banshee ?15:56
OgrawsBest free remote desktop client for all os anybody?15:56
Kr3m1inOgraws: Teamviewer15:56
lukaii need to help15:56
Kr3m1inOgraws: http://www.teamviewer.com/15:56
OgrawsTeamviewr and realVNC15:57
lukaiwho can help me15:57
Ograwssounds good ppl thaks15:57
IdleOnelukai: ask your question15:57
Kr3m1inOgraws: Not familiar with RealVNC, however I am very experienced with Teamviewer and it works great.15:57
Ograwsthnaks for the suggestion Kr3mlin15:58
lukaithank you15:58
Ograwsand n8wulf15:58
=== d484pt2 is now known as d484
lukaii'm fine now15:58
MahmoodWell, I'm Leaving Now. Cya Later Everyone :)15:58
Ograwsbye Mahmood15:58
MahmoodPlus I Have To Study For M Final Exams XD15:58
Sidewinder1Bye Mahmood15:59
MahmoodCya :D15:59
n8wulfvistaswitch: I wonder what your last operatinf system was?15:59
=== frode_ is now known as MacSkyrate
Ograwswhat other distros do you guys like and used before?16:00
MacSkyrateQuestion: Are we able to portforward to a Paralell Desktop Ubuntu from a Macbook Pro?16:00
vistaswitchI'm on vista, and once I get a blank cd, I'll switch to ubuntu.16:00
n8wulfPinguyOS is very nice16:00
OgrawsI've heard of it16:00
OgrawsVista sucks16:00
Kr3m1invistaswitch: Do you have a 2 GB flashdrive?16:00
Ograwsno ofenc16:00
n8wulfhas a very nice and rounded end product16:00
tonesMacSkyrate: why don't you ask on a mac channel?16:00
vistaswitchI have one laying around here somewhere.16:01
impizaograws i am using linux mint 1116:01
Kr3m1invistaswitch: You can install Ubuntu with a flashdrive.16:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:01
n8wulfso get unetbootin and put the iso on a flash16:01
DirtyDawgisnt that 11 still RC?16:01
MacSkyratetones: is that the right place? hmm thnx.. any popular places to recommend?16:01
Kr3m1invistaswitch: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download16:01
vistaswitchI thought that only worked for live disrtos.16:01
impizai am using mac os x , windows 7 ultimate16:01
Ograwssorry my bad16:01
Kr3m1inimpiza: haha same!16:01
impizaand linux mtn16:02
OgrawsLinux mint is good too16:02
n8wulfvista: you can install anything that's on CD to unetbootin16:02
n8wulfmint is good yes16:02
tonesMacSkyrate: probably, I don't think many people here will use mac, and those who do probably don't know how... But I don't know any mac channels, sorry16:02
impizaunetbootin is a great app16:02
Ograwskde is a good DE16:02
Kr3m1inWho needs Mac help?16:02
impizamint 11 startup bootdisk creater doesnot work wll16:03
tonesKr3m1in: MacSkyrate16:03
Kr3m1inMacSkyrate: What do you need help with?16:03
Kr3m1intones: Thanks, I'll try to help him.16:04
n8wulfmy opinion, mint is really nice as a 1st Ubuntu flav16:04
tonesKr3m1in: no problem16:04
n8wulfbut eventually you upgrade to something like ZorinOS or PinguyOS16:04
compdocmint?! someone get a rope!16:04
jackstern8wulf, is it called mint because it's a 'flavour' of ubuntu?16:05
n8wulfthen you decide to go do all the Modding yorself and you install Natty Unity16:05
slakcphilyay, it worked... thx everyone. It was a small bug(haven't looked through the logs yet) seems the kernel thought it was a desktop and didn't load the synaptics stuff16:05
n8wulfand sit all day trying to not feel like an ID10T16:05
=== d484 is now known as d484|away
oCean!afk > d484|away16:07
ubottud484|away, please see my private message16:07
martin___!afk | margin___16:08
ubottumargin___: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»16:08
martin___!afk | martin___16:08
ubottumartin___, please see my private message16:08
FlynsarmyWhich is the file in your home directoyr that holds all the nautilus bookmarks?16:10
Ograwsbye evryone i wish you luck in the world of tech16:11
n8wulfsee u soo again16:11
tonesFlynsarmy: probably .nautilus, or .config/nautilus, or maybe even .bookmarks?16:11
n8wulfgood guess16:11
Flynsarmyahh got it. i think it was .gtk-bookmarks16:12
avernoshow can i erase clean the cache of apt-get? cant install some packages because several errors, corrupted data, dpkg: error processing, corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive...16:12
MonkeyDustavernos: try apt-get autoclean16:13
n8wulfwith a sudo infront16:14
superman097where is quagga file configuration?16:16
n8wulfwow, is it goodnight time?16:19
tonesn8wulf: you're chatty16:20
=== d484|away is now known as d484
Kr3m1inCan somebody help me with my wifi on Ubuntu?16:20
Kr3m1inMy wifi menu says Wired Network - Disabled16:21
Kr3m1inCan somebody help me?16:22
tonesKr3m1in: That just means it's not using your ethernet, wired isn't the same as wifi16:22
Kr3m1intones: Yes I know16:22
Kr3m1intones: I guess I need a driver?16:23
n8wulfKr3ml!n: cables connecting right?16:23
tonesKr3m1in: sorry :P16:23
Kr3m1inAh crap.16:23
Kr3m1inOk then16:23
n8wulflol... was it the cables?16:23
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Guest69222hello every one16:26
n8wulfwe charge by the minute, how may I be of service to you?16:26
n8wulfoops, that's the Redmond channel16:27
n8wulfjust close the window16:28
n8wulfI'm having fun here16:28
jokoonhow do I install a font I made ?16:29
Sx3wex005KHello everbody, How run HT in Ubuntu 10.10 in P4 2.0 GHz ?16:29
n8wulfjokoon: just copy it into your ~/home/.fonts folder16:31
jokoongreat ! thanks !16:31
ps123can any one help me to upgrade from KDE t16:31
Sx3wex005Kn8wulf: HyperThreading16:31
ps123can any one help me to upgrade from KDE to grome16:31
=== dy484 is now known as d484
n8wulfHyperThreading is just a Marketing Gimmick (sorry Intel)16:32
go8765432_emanybody use empathy? why she dont remember my favorite irc channels ?16:32
xanguaps123: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:32
n8wulfgo8765432_em: I'd love an answer to that too16:32
xanguago8765432_em: empathy is vert limited for irc16:32
ps123xangua: I want to upgrade Backtrack KDE will it work ??/16:33
IdleOne!it | mitnick16:33
ubottumitnick: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:33
Sx3wex005Kn8wulf: ok16:33
go8765432_emn8wulf: why?16:33
xanguaps123: backtrack is not suorted here+16:33
jokoonSx3wex005K I hope you have a degree in kernel or processor architecture in order to ask about something you dont even understand16:33
ps123then in where ???16:33
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition16:34
n8wulfbecause that's one of my issues I've been googling all day16:34
tonesps123: a different distro :P16:34
OgnarI've been looking all over for a way to transfer photos to my iphone, but nothing works.  I tried TriPod and GpixPod.  Anyone find anything that works?16:34
ps123ok thanks every one.. I check other channels.. :)16:34
n8wulfI tried the Click on Conversation, tick on Favourite Channel/Room option16:34
go8765432_emn8wulf: because that's one of my issues I've been googling all day -this answer for me ?)16:34
n8wulfbut opening Empathy after reboot it doesn't show16:35
tonesOgnar: There are tools, but they're all awkward and experimental. I would just use dropbox :)16:35
n8wulfgo8765432_em: yes16:35
go8765432_emn8wulf: may be this work only if you edintify your nick with nickserv?16:35
vistaswitchI've read in several locations that it's possible to install grub to a partition, not your mbr. None of them provided clear instructions how to do so. Has anyone here tried this and did it work?16:35
n8wulfgo8765432_em: I've registered16:35
c0mrade316Can anyone suggest me an IRC for computer networks ?16:35
tonesvistaswitch: yes, to the pbr16:36
OgnarOK that makes sense.  Hopefully we'll see a nice photo manager come along.16:36
cayphedhi all, can someone help me with this please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176466716:36
vistaswitchDoes the ubuntu install disk provide an option to do this?16:36
tonesvistaswitch: but you still need a bootloader capable of chainloading16:36
go8765432_emn8wulf: you identify it after login?16:36
rubydiamondstuck in a weird issue16:36
rubydiamond unable to make backup link of `./usr/bin/sftp' before installing new version: Operation not permitted16:37
go8765432n8wulf, i try to do it now16:37
tonesvistaswitch: I don't know, i don't use ubuntu, but you would still need to install grub to the mbr anyway16:37
c0mrade316anyone suggest me an IRC  on computer networks pls ???16:37
vistaswitchOh, thanks.16:37
n8wulfgo8765432_em: I've registered long time ago, so if I join Freenode, I automatically login as n8wulf16:37
jokoonn8wulf do I have to rebuild the font cache after I copied the font ? btw I copied it in ~/.font/ not in ~/home/.font/ does it change something ?16:37
n8wulfpath is correct16:37
jokoonyour or mine ?16:38
n8wulfyour path16:38
c0mrade316anyone suggest me an IRC  on computer networks pls16:38
n8wulfirc : google for lanchat16:38
xanguac0mrade316: freenode ;)16:38
IdleOnec0mrade316: ##networking16:38
=== go8765432 is now known as go8765432_x
c0mrade316Ty guys :)16:38
n8wulfcomrade are you looking for a irc client16:39
n8wulfor a channel?16:39
c0mrade316n8wulf: Channel16:39
go8765432_xn8wulf, this is bug? now you use empathy?16:40
n8wulfon the fonts... have you tried rebooting? then open Libre and check if it shows under your fonts16:40
go8765432_xn8wulf, do you try to edit config in text editor ?16:40
c0mrade316n8wulf: Learning tcp/ip, i have few doubts.. so i need someone to help16:40
go8765432_xn8wulf, or something else...16:41
c0mrade316n8wulf: Do you any channel as suggestion ?16:41
xanguac0mrade316: /list ; and search for it16:41
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*16:41
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cayphedcan I get a hand with this cpu loading problem, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1764667 please and thank you. :)16:43
go8765432_xn8wulf, what about manually change config?16:43
cayphedhi tigreton :)16:44
cupuacoscreen /part16:44
tigretoni have a server at 1and1 and i can access to the ssh with the System Access Emergency. When i'm there i can't ping anything, google, ips etc, it says the host is unrecheable. And I can't access ssh like always, connection timed out16:44
Dman675exuse me im trying to enable root how do i do it16:46
n8wulfgo8765432_em: do you have steps for the Edit of Config?16:46
cayphedsudo su?16:46
Dman675im using 10.0416:46
Dman675yes sudo16:46
Aln31Ho :)16:47
n8wulftype sudo and then the command16:47
n8wulfeg: sudo ls16:47
Dman675ok sudo -i16:47
Dman675ill try that16:47
spl0itI just booted up for the first time in a couple of days...my mouse isn't working... I checked my xorg.conf file and it was commented out.. uncommented and still nothing - any suggestions? /dev/input/mouse0 doesn't seem to exist anymore16:47
Aln31I've some problems with Urban Terror on 11.0416:47
cayphedor type sudo su then all the commands you want to do for 15min16:47
Dman675it says please enter password16:48
Aln31I've some problems with Urban Terror on 11.04 -> it freezes in exit, can someone help me?16:48
Dman675there is no password16:48
cayphedthats what you want16:48
n8wulfyou have a SysAdmin thats protecting your system against you16:48
candreaDman675, sudo asks for your user's password16:48
go8765432_xn8wulf, sorry but i know english not good and i dont understand what you mean in last message16:48
Dman675ok  thnx16:49
n8wulfgo8765432_em: you said I must edit a config file to get Empathy favourites sorted16:49
jokoonCACA POO16:49
n8wulfcan you tell me which config file?16:49
cayphed@Aln31 goto #ubuntuforums n talk there16:49
n8wulfis there a channel for Unity/16:50
spl0itIt appears the xorg.conf file was changed with that last dist-upgrade... any suggestions to get things working again? (mouse won't work, not sure what to do here)16:50
xanguan8wulf: /j #ubuntu16:50
n8wulfxangua you are a comedian16:51
pigliti need to automatically mount sdb8 to my ubuntu OS how do i do that?16:51
=== Dman675 is now known as Dman674
piglitit is a internal HDD16:51
tonespiglit: fstab16:51
go8765432_xn8wulf, i dont find it too...  i think may be you know what config file contain information about favorite channels...16:52
n8wulfgo8765432_em: sorry no16:52
jokoonHALP: the font I copied in .font/ doesn't show up in a font dialog, what did I do wrong ? BDT font btw16:52
spl0itmouse not working after last update - Anyone? a suggestion as to where to start would be great... I can't browse the web to look for a solution...16:52
Zarquodcayphed: Looks like you're actually having trouble w/ your HDD. Have you checked the cables?16:52
spl0itre-plugged it in16:53
n8wulfsplOit... sorry, nto me16:53
jtreminioMorning all - I've installed XAMPP instead of the individual Apache/PHP packages. How do I assign the terminal command 'php' to my XAMPP php? I'm following instructions here: https://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2009/08/31/custom-terminal-shortcuts-via-bash-aliases/ , and have confirmed that .bashrc is not commenting out the /.bash_aliases lines16:53
Dman674im usine WINE to use Xchat-wdk whenever i go to list of channels it chrashes16:54
impiza_why u use wine to use xchat16:55
Dman674because im in ubuntu16:55
go8765432_xanybody know how to fix favorites channels in empathy ?16:55
xanguaDman674: xchat has a native version16:56
tonesDman674: you do realise ubuntu has it's own irc clients too?16:56
Dman674not xchat-wdk16:56
xanguago8765432_x: use another client16:56
impiza_now i am using linux mint i dont use wint to use xchat16:56
tonesDman674: I would say it's better to use a native client16:56
go8765432_xxangua, why ? :)16:56
Dman674but in not using the normal x-chat in using xchat-wdk16:57
go8765432_xxangua, i like it? but only this favorites channels....16:57
xanguago8765432_x: already told you empathy is very limited for irc16:57
jtreminioDoes anyone know how to override bash commands? I want to reassign "php" to custom command.16:57
tonesDman674: according to google, xchat-wdk is a fork of xchat developed so it could be used on windows, so you've gone round in a circle...16:58
candreajtreminio, either use 'alias' or a custom function16:58
jtreminiocandrea, alias does not seem to be working :\16:58
Dman674xchat- wdk has more features tho16:58
go8765432_xxangua, i dont understand why it is wery limited for irc...?16:58
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candreajtreminio, can you paste the alias you are trying to use?16:58
jtreminioThis is the only thing in my ~/.bash_aliases file: alias php='/opt/lampp/bin/php'16:59
impiza_how can i get 30 " before history of my chat from here16:59
impiza_i have lost my friends email that he gave me here16:59
xanguago8765432_x: beause it is....16:59
tonesDman674: features aren't everything, I would try and avoid using wine as much as possible if i were you16:59
go8765432_xn8wulf, in russian channel ome man hel me ... http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ#Where_does_Empathy_save_files_.28accounts.2C_logs.2C_configuration.29.3F16:59
DJonesDman674: Are you comparing xchat-wdk to xchat-gnome (that is installed by default in ubuntu) or to xchat proper which you have to install from the repo's?16:59
xangua!logs  | impiza_16:59
ubottuimpiza_: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/16:59
candreajtreminio, have you checked that .bash_aliases is executed at start?16:59
candreajtreminio, try typing 'alias' (without arguments) in a shell and see if php is there17:00
DJonesDman674: You could try asking in ##winehq which is the support channel for wine17:00
jtreminiono ... it's not ... do I need to logout to use the alias?17:00
jtreminioSorry, keep forgetting to use usernames!17:00
jtreminiocandrea, no ... it's not ... do I need to logout to use the alias?17:00
vistaswitchI've found an odd partition in my computer. "EISA Configuration" It's the first partition on the drive, so it's probably acer's recovery partition. When I install ubuntu, will it overwrite that?17:00
shekerhi everyone. how do I convince ssh-agent to auto-run?17:00
candreajtreminio, starting a new shell is enough17:00
Dman674thees already an xchat in ubuntu!?17:01
candreajtreminio, but note that probably your problem is that your .bashrc does not load .bash_aliases17:01
jtreminiocandrea, hey! There it is!17:01
jtreminiojust closed existing terminal and reopened and there it is now.17:01
tonesDman674: didn't we mention that?17:01
* ArielMT is here on IRC using the xchat package in Ubuntu's standard repository, no wine needed.17:01
DJonesDman674: xchat-gnome is a cut down version of xchat, the full version of xchat can be installed from the repositories17:01
Dman674kk ill just use repo one17:02
candreajtreminio, good, glad to have helped you17:02
jtreminioThanks a ton candrea :)17:02
=== dhfhsdfh is now known as m00se
Dman674oh empathy is xchat-gnome!17:02
georgiehow do you download from xchat irc?17:02
shekeranyone? please? I've been stuck with this inability to ssh using a key for hours now... and it seems to be related to the problem.17:02
dtcumminwhat's the proper way to drop traffic for a user using iptables? I've tried --uid-owner but get 'unknown option '--uid-owner''17:02
DJonesDman674: No, empathy & xchat-gnome are different app's17:03
Dman674oh nvm17:03
impiza_from software center17:03
WaYwhat media center that supports pvr is better?17:03
go8765432_xn8wulf, but in mission-control/accounts/accounts.cfg i dont see favorites information(17:04
impiza_thanks ubottu & xangua17:04
impiza_i use pidgin not empathy17:04
AntrikshyHey, everyone! I have a question: What are the most essential fixes that should be done to a new Unity install.17:05
georgiedoes anybody know how to download stuff through irc?..17:05
georgiei'm using xchat17:06
shekerAntrikshy: probably remove Unity.17:06
AntrikshyAnd install?17:06
fontis18:06:05] <sheker> Antrikshy: probably remove Unity.17:06
AntrikshyI think Unity is good, but it does have its flaws, which can be fixed.17:06
tightworkhow much ram does Unity need to run?17:07
AntrikshyNot checked yet.17:07
tightworki guess thats a real opened question ..17:07
ActionParsniptightwork: i've ran it on 1Gb17:07
impiza_georgie which os u r using now17:07
ActionParsniptightwork: mind you I use nvidia video chips :)17:07
shiftingcontrolYou tube videos were previousy streamed from /tmp directory,now it is not from there ,can any one tel from where it is streamed ?17:08
Antrikshytightwork: I meant to ask something like "What are your favorite changes that you have done to Unity?17:08
tightworkI use xfce because gnome can eat almost 1GB17:08
georgiei'm using xchat.17:08
ActionParsniptightwork: on my low ends, I use LXDE, super fast :)17:08
AntrikshyI need to try out LXDE.17:08
AntrikshyNever used it.17:08
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: there are addons and extensions to handle that, as well as youtube-dl which is a great cLI downloader for youtube17:08
impiza_georgie if u using ubuntu then just go to software center search there by typing xchat17:08
ActionParsnip!info lxde17:08
xanguashiftingcontrol: where adobe wants to, lots of pluhgins to download flash videos on opera, firefox, chromium17:08
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-4ubuntu3 (natty), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB17:09
impiza_georgie xchat is not an os17:09
tightworkeven on my high end desktop I use xmonad... guess im not really into all the 'functionality' considering the resources consumed17:09
impiza_its an app17:09
georgieimpiza_: i've xchat installed17:09
shiftingcontrolActionParsnip, yea agreed,but just wanted to know17:09
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: not sure personally17:09
ubuntuguyI was reading omgubuntu, and they gave a PPA to change the nautilus interface, so I added it and followed the instructions which required me to run the update manager. I then ran a command to get elementary nautilus. I wanted to remove the theme, I no longer liked it, so I removed the PPA and restarted my computer, nevertheless my natty desktop no longer worked.  I get this error "Could not update ICEauthority file /home/MYUSERNAME17:09
georgiei want to know how to download stuff thrugh irc using the client xchat..17:09
dtcumminwhat's the proper way to drop traffic for a user using iptables? I've tried --uid-owner but get 'unknown option '--uid-owner''17:09
john_ramboCant burn iso to DVD+RW    http://pastebin.com/Da9iwMwi17:10
candreaubuntuguy, could you please paste the link to the page you have read?17:10
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: that's not a DVD ISO, it's a CD ISO17:10
ubuntuguyI haven't read any page17:10
DJonesubuntuguy: What did you install? If it was the Gnome 3 ppa, you'll need to reinstall, gnome 3 & unity aren't compatible at the moment17:11
tightworkdtcummin: prolly need to modprobe  somthing...17:11
kontolgedeActionParsnip, why ubuntu shipit was closed?17:11
john_ramboActionParsnip, Yes but I have successfully writeen cd iso s to DVD+RWs17:11
xanguageorgie: you don't17:11
ActionParsnipkontolgede: not sure, never used it either17:11
daedaluzhow do I know my DVD-drive details?17:11
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: did the image pass MD5 test?17:11
tightworkdtcummin: do like modprobe -l | grep ipt17:11
ubuntuguyI installed a nautilus theme17:11
tightworkdtcummin: might be one of them17:11
ActionParsnipdaedaluz: sudo lshw -C drive; sudo lshw -C disk17:11
ubuntuguyAnd tried to remove it17:12
ubuntuguythen missed up my windows manager17:12
daedaluzActionParsnip: thanks!17:12
john_ramboActionParsnip, This failure is not specific to this particular image ....... If I try to Burn the same image to a CD R or DVD R it burns without any issues17:12
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: you should still MD5 test the ISO17:13
candreaubuntuguy, please, run this command into a terminal: apt-cache policy nautilus light-themes17:13
candrea!paste | ubuntuguy17:13
ubottuubuntuguy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:13
jtreminioHow do I force  .htaccess to always be visible in Nautilus? I don't want ALL hidden files/folders to be visible, though.17:13
john_ramboActionParsnip, BRB17:13
ubuntuguyI can't open the termina;17:13
ubuntuguyIt brought me to the classic theme17:13
ubuntuguyI have no ACCESS  ot no applications17:14
dtcummintightwork, got it working17:14
candreaubuntuguy, are you using an another computer to chat?17:14
hwcI'm looking at buying a new laptop for the first time in forever.  Anyone have any experience with Linux and the Intel HD Graphics 3000 GMA?17:14
jtreminiohwc: I know my Dell 17R has Intel Graphics.17:14
candreaubuntuguy, ok, then on the broken computer press Ctrl+Alt+F117:14
xangua!hardware | hwc17:14
ubottuhwc: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection17:14
candreaubuntuguy, from there, you can type your user name and password to login into a console17:14
ActionParsnip!hcl | hwc17:15
ubuntuguyI can no longer open my desktop, only recovery console17:15
candreaubuntuguy, ah, ok... the recovery console is fine17:15
ActionParsnipubuntuguy: what did you change to cause the issue?17:15
ubuntuguyWhat do I put in?17:15
jtreminioHow can I show specific hidden files? I want to show ONLY .htaccess, but not all other hidden files/folders (in Nautilus)17:15
juan_can anyone tell me what is the old software center on ubuntu 9.04?17:15
hwcSo if it's not certified, don't buy it?17:15
ActionParsnipjtreminio: make a symlink to it17:15
ubuntuguyI applied a nautilus theme and then removed the PPA for it17:15
ubuntuguythen everything messed up17:15
john_ramboActionParsnip, I downloaded this image from http://lubuntu.net/ .......How to do a MD5  check  ?...I have never done that before17:16
ActionParsniphmc: it will either take some effort to get working, or won't work17:16
adubzwhere is the directory that hard drives automount to in natty 11.0417:16
candreaubuntuguy, aptitude install nautilus=1: light-themes=
ActionParsnip!md5  | john_rambo17:16
jtreminioActionParsnip, that doesn't seem like it would be the best solution ... I simply want to see this file along with all other regular files?17:16
ubottujohn_rambo: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:16
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: where you downloaded it from is moot17:16
ActionParsnipjtreminio: yes, the link will be seen and will give access to the file but the other files will be hidden17:16
jtreminioActionParsnip, well... that's kind of disapointing I guess17:17
ActionParsnipjtreminio: ln -s .htaccess htaccess17:17
ubuntuguyIt didn't work17:17
ubuntuguyproblem with aptitude17:17
tightworkdtcummin: no problem, yw17:17
ActionParsnipjtreminio: assuming you run it in the same folder as contains the hidden file17:17
john_ramboActionParsnip, Isnt that the official Lubuntu site?17:17
candreaubuntuguy, what's the error message?17:17
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: yes17:17
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: but if the data gets mangled in transit, the ISO will fail MD517:18
juan_can anyone tell me how i can get the old software manager the one that had the star rating?17:18
ubuntuguyThe program "aptitude' can be found in the following packages aptitude aptiude-gtk17:18
candreaubuntuguy, apt-get install aptitude17:18
ActionParsnipcandrea: that will need sudo17:19
ubuntuguyError, I think I'17:19
ubuntuguym just going to do a fresh install17:19
ubuntuguyIt said17:19
xanguayou just are ginr in cirlcles, ubuntuguy can yu give an actuall error message¿17:19
candreaActionParsnip, he's using a recovery console, he *should* already be root17:20
ubuntuguyproblem with Mergelist /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_binary_i386_pacakges17:20
avernoshow can i fix my apt? http://pastebin.com/QB0CZ8UJ  i keep having this problem, and i cant fix it17:20
ActionParsnipcandrea: its good to get folks into good habits :)17:21
ActionParsnipubuntuguy: run these commands: http://pastebin.com/PZ2hRhne17:21
adubzwhere do usb drives automount to in 11.04 i need to work with command line and copy files off it17:23
john_ramboActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/UCkyVaw017:23
adubzi can see the drive on the desktop17:23
adubzthe drive is /dev/sdd117:23
ubuntuguyI have to go, will that fix the issue?17:23
hwcRegarding hardware support:  should I avoid any un-certified hardware?  And what does it mean if is says "certified Pre-installed only" when nobody sells it pre-installed?17:23
pkziphow can i get rid off the framebuffer in grub screen? i want text console only17:23
go8765432_xn8wulf, i understand how to fix this bug... :) do you want to know how i do it ?17:23
escottavernos, have you deleted the indicated files in /var/cache/apt/archives?17:23
tonesadubz: /media/<usb_name>17:23
adubzi went there nothing is listed17:23
adubzdo i need to type the uuid17:23
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: youor ISO is bad17:24
candreaubuntuguy, no, this will fix the apt-get issue17:24
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: you will need to redownload17:24
avernosescott, i've used apt-get clean and autoclean. i figured thats what it does.. what files should i manually delete?17:24
tonesadubz: no, are you familiar with the terminal17:24
matanyathis is my boot chart17:24
matanyatakes 43 secondes17:24
escottavernos, try and delete the files that are listed in the error you posted to pastebin17:24
tonesrun "mount", and see where /de/sdd1 is mounted17:25
avernosescott, ok will try17:25
go8765432_xn8wulf, are you here?17:25
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: if you use torrents it adds extra checking as well as sharing speed to others17:25
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:25
john_ramboActionParsnip,  But the lubuntu site mentions no torrent links17:25
matanyaI looked for extra not needed stuff17:25
ActionParsnipmatanya: can you give the output of:  sudo apt-get -y install pastebinit; clear; dmsg | pastebinit17:25
matanyabut not sure what is important and what is spare17:25
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent17:26
matanyadmsg: command not found17:26
ActionParsnipmatanya: sorry:   dmesg | pastebinit17:27
john_ramboActionParsnip, But thats Ubuntu ... I want Lubuntu17:27
john_ramboActionParsnip, I alredy have the Ubuntu iso17:27
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: then why does your pastebin mention lubuntu: http://pastebin.com/UCkyVaw017:28
ActionParsniphmm, sec17:28
escottmatanya, much of that time is from ureadahead. which helps spead up the rest of your boot. i'm not seeing much that you could do to make it substantially faster17:28
matanyanot a good news17:29
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~gilir/lubuntu-11.04.iso.torrent17:29
ActionParsnipmatanya: let me read this, that stupid bootchart means nothing to me17:29
matanyaok thanks17:30
ActionParsnipmatanya: [   17.780681] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro17:30
ActionParsnipmatanya: sounds like the partition isn't healthy, it takes a while to get swap active (not the gaps in the times in the dmesg output)17:30
john_ramboActionParsnip, Thanks17:31
juan_what is the name of the software manager that had the star rating in ubuntu 9.04?17:31
ActionParsnipjohn_rambo: simple websearches dude, it's all I did17:31
anthony_devhi. how I can update empathy? or just to check updates?17:31
avernoshow can i add applets in the new top bar? or panels17:31
ActionParsnipjuan_: software centre has star ratings17:31
escottmatanya, im not 100% sure how ureadahead works but it does need to profile the disk access at boot to rebuild the set of files to read-ahead. so when you update major system libraries i think ureadahead has to throw away its previous work and reprofile. if this 45 second boot is after a system update you should reboot and time it again17:32
go8765432_xanthony_dev, i update it 5 minutes ago ^)17:32
juan_ActionParsnip:but i can't organize them by that, do you remember the old one?17:32
anthony_devgo8765432_x: which command I should type to make same thing :O?17:32
ActionParsnipjuan_: no idea, i don't use software centre, too slow for my tatse17:32
aboudeskhow can I add new source for ubuntu packages in 11.04?17:33
juan_ok thanks. does anyone else know the name of it?17:33
arandjuan_: gnome-app-install17:33
go8765432_xanthony_dev, you must add ppa for gnome 3 and ppa for telepathy. then update ONLY empathy with ONLY she need libraries and then remove ppa :)17:33
juan_arand, thanks i'll try it.17:34
anthony_devgo8765432_x: omg :O17:34
juan_ActionParsnip: how do you look up software then?17:34
ActionParsnipjuan_: apt-cache search17:34
juan_ActionParsnip: hows that work?17:35
go8765432_xanthony_dev, i need go.. buy ^)17:35
xangua!apt > juan_17:35
ActionParsnipjuan_: try:  apt-cache search fire17:35
ubottujuan_, please see my private message17:35
ActionParsnipjuan_: then you can grep the output to make it more intelligent17:36
anthony_devgo8765432_x: thanks for your help :D17:36
tigretonhow i know if ssh is refusing my connections or something like that?17:36
tigretoni can't access via ssh my server17:36
falafellto rescan my old wallet.dat i run this command right? bitcoin.exe -rescan17:36
tigretonfalafell go to #bitcoin17:37
falafelloh fck lol sorry... wrong tab xD17:37
ActionParsnipjuan_: I'm a CLI kid for most things17:37
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aboudeskhw can I add new sources to get software on ubuntu 11.04?17:37
aeon-ltd!sources | aboudesk17:37
ubottuaboudesk: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:37
Baz418i want some help heere17:39
Baz418i cant open my terminal17:39
matanyathanks escott & ActionParsnip17:39
xanguaBaz418: control+alt+t17:39
Baz418it opens for a fraction of a second then exits automatically17:40
NectarInstalled ubuntu dual-boot with windows 7. Installed fine. After installation, it asked for a reboot. I rebooted and logged into windows instead of ubuntu. Now ubuntu doesn't work or even show up in the add/remove programs. Any help is appreciated17:40
thecaptain2000hi, anybody can point out an howto on how to set up wireless using wpa by hands, without using network manager? I used to do it using /etc/network/interfaces, but my knowledge is obsolete and it does not seem to work anymore17:40
aboudeskaeon-ltd, the wiki says: "The Software Sources application can be accessed from the System menu, in Admin -> Software Sources (GNOME)", I can't find the equivaletn in 11.0417:40
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thecaptain2000and yes, I did google for it17:41
Baz418i cant open my terminal for no reason17:41
ActionParsnipaboudesk: sudo add-apt-repositort repositorylinkhere17:41
Baz418opens and exits auto17:41
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Sidewinder1Nectar, wubi?17:42
ActionParsnipBaz418: press CTRL+ALT+F1, log in then run:  sudo apt-get --reinstall install gnome-terminal17:42
Baz418ok let me try17:42
ActionParsnipBaz418: also use the same screen to kill off any gnome-terminal processes17:42
NectarSidewinder1> I'll try that, thanks.17:43
ActionParsnipBaz418: you can get back with CTRL+ALT+F717:43
_ProGammeri want to change icon of .c and cpp file extention ?17:43
Sidewinder1Nectar, No! wubi is problematic!17:43
Baz418says i must type the user name and password17:43
Baz418i type them correctly17:43
Baz418then it reappears i must type them again17:43
NectarSidewinder1> No, just for uninstalling17:44
Sidewinder1Nectar, The only reason I asked is you said ubuntu didn't show up in add/remove programs...With dual boot, it never should.17:44
aboudeskActionParsnip, how do I get a console started? I can't even find the console17:44
BluesKajNectar, that's not a real dual boot with windows if you used wubi .did you install ubuntu while runnining windows?17:44
NectarSidewinder1> No, I installed 11.04 from a bootable flash drive17:45
Baz418no terminal here :/17:45
Baz418cant fix it17:45
Sidewinder1Nectar, I would reinstall, then boot into ubuntu; if all works fine then try Win.17:45
_ProGammerany help ?17:46
ActionParsnipaboudesk: press CTRL+ALT+T17:46
NectarSidewinder1> Ok. Just a moment17:46
ActionParsnip_ProGammer: search through your theme, you may find it there17:46
S74rk7Hey people!  I have a problem :-S  I was wondering... what should I be looking to do .... IF - I was playing around with different Desktop Environments - I have Ubuntu 11.04 64bit install as my base install - then through apt-get and synaptic package manager - I installed the KDE Desktop Environment and XFCE also - as well as various packages and extras for each...17:46
Baz418ActionParsnip,  can you help me with my terminal17:46
Baz418did what you said17:46
BluesKajNectar, let the instll choose the default boot/grub  location17:47
S74rk7I'm now starting to run into problems with UID ownership etc... when trying to run the likes of qBittorrent...17:47
ActionParsnipBaz418: you could try xterm in the desktop instead17:47
Baz418but it keeps asking me for username and password , thought i typed them correctly17:47
NectarBluesKaj: I did that.17:47
aboudeskActionParsnip, thanks a lot, that worked. Is there any easy tip as to how can I find the things I used to find easily previously, under programs, places, system? now I feel like I've never used ubuntu before17:47
S74rk7there for I was sudo'ing qBittorrent... to get it to load correctly so I can see it and I was able to have control over my files...17:47
phox_Hi! How do I make windows, like nautilus, transparent? I have CSSM, but I can't find any effect for that..17:48
Baz418im 11.0417:48
BluesKajNectar, did you see the grub menu when booted up after installing ubuntu?17:48
Baz418no xterm17:49
S74rk7then I was having to sudo nautilis and dolphin so I could move/delete files that were created by qBittorrent17:49
Baz418doesnt work17:49
Baz418there is a problem in the gnome - terminal17:49
ActionParsnipaboudesk: press Super and type the name of the app you wanna run. Or click 'more apps' then in the top right you will see the old style menu17:49
S74rk7now I have tried to delete the file in a sudo session of dolphin... and it wont seem to delete the contents of the recycle bin...17:49
ActionParsnipBaz418: xterm is not gnome-terminal, its a differnent app17:50
BluesKajNectar, in the terminal sudo update-grub17:50
tdignanS74rk7: try clicking 'empty recycle bin'?17:50
Baz418i know ActionParsnip17:50
Baz418but i cant see it17:50
tdignanBaz418: alt + f2 type 'xterm'17:50
ActionParsnipBaz418: if you press ALT+F2 you can run: xterm    and it will run17:50
S74rk7tdignan: I have tried that... and it shows the popup window as if it is deleting the contents... but they are not going at all...17:50
Baz418nothing works17:51
NectarBluesKaj: I can see GRUB, but I can't go inside Ubuntu. It just keeps loading17:51
tdignanS74rk7: try sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*17:52
roger21hi i don't understand what is ibus and if i need it ?17:52
S74rk7and when I sudo run a session as the files are under "root" ownership .... when I write click the "Wastebasket" the option "Empty Wastebasket" is not available --- (dimmed out so I cant click it)17:52
Baz418ActionParsnip,  it doesnt work17:52
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, I'm guessing that after Nectar installed ubuntu, then booted directly into win, that there were some configuration issues in the brand new ubuntu install that were not satisfied. That's why I suggested reinstalling and booting immediately into ubuntu, if that makes any sense///17:52
impizaany one use iaktkos x17:52
tdignanS74rk7: try that command17:52
tdignanroger21: you mean dbus?17:52
tdignanyes you need it17:52
NectarSidewinder1: It's saying to reboot in Wubi. If I understand correctly, then it detected that there was no proper reboot17:53
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Just a WAG on my part.17:53
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phox_Hi! How do I make windows, like nautilus, transparent? I have CSSM, but I can't find any effect for that..17:54
Sidewinder1Nectar, wubi is not a true ubuntu install; it's installed within the win operating system, if that helps.17:54
BluesKajSidewinder1, that may be the case , but if Nectar boots the recovery kernel , perhaps it can be fixed , by choosing repair broken packages in the dialog , thenrebooting17:54
tdignanroger21: TIL https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus17:54
tdignanroger21: looks like it's for multilingual input.. i am guessing it was pulled in as a dependency of something17:54
maaadbobUbuntu 10.10 with Atheros 9285 (?) wifi cannot connection to a BT home hub using WPA/WPA2. Any ideas???17:54
tdignanjust leave it alone17:54
NectarSidewinder1: Yes, but it is still considered a dual boot I suppose17:55
Bilzbest ubuntu gui for nes?17:55
Bilzstruggling with fakenes17:55
ActionParsnipphox_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/5151/can-i-set-up-nautilus-to-use-transparent-background17:55
tdignanmaaadbob: check dmesg output for clues?17:55
NectarSidewinder1 and BluesKaj: Thank you both very much. I'll give it a shot17:55
Sidewinder1Nectar, With all due respect, not really...17:55
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe17:55
S74rk7tdignan: You rock!!  I found a similar command through google but it didn't seem to work... Your's looks as though it has!!17:55
BluesKajas you can see wubi is NOT a dual boot setup17:56
Sidewinder1BluesKaj, Thax!17:56
NectarSidewinder1: Ok17:56
maaadbobtdignan : thanks, will try that and see if it offers any clues.17:56
Sidewinder1Nectar, No problem :-)17:56
* Sidewinder1 Wondering if the floodbots are after him, again...:-)17:57
Sidewinder1I didn't do it!17:57
nit-witwubi can be called whatever we want the problems arise when a user has problems and this is not confirmed.17:58
TomFyuriWhen ubuntu's bug number 1 will be fixed? :D17:59
ActionParsnipTomFyuri: if you ask me, bug 1 is a joke18:00
nit-witTomFyuri, at your rapture what ever that is.;)18:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:00
TomFyuriNo way it can be joke!18:00
TomFyuriI can reproduce it!18:00
vistaswitchWill ubuntu fit on an 80gb partition?18:00
taglassvistaswitch: easily18:01
vistaswitchDoes it got on ext1,2,3,or 4?18:01
nit-witvistaswitch, the correct type of partitions as well18:01
ActionParsnipTomFyuri: its a joke because even if ubuntu becomes more used, it makes zero difference to the OS, so its not a bug18:01
nit-witvistaswitch, ext418:01
Asad2005when i ran this command #18:02
TomFyuriActionParsnip: Hm.18:02
Asad2005when i ran this command #hddtemp /dev/sda i get this18:02
Asad2005/dev/sda: OCZ-VERTEX2: 1°C18:02
cookiemon5terwhy can;t i use dd to put ubuntu iso on usb :/18:03
Asad2005sure this is not the correct temp. Does SSDs have atemp sensor?18:03
AndroidbeingHi, Does anybody know when gnome 3 will be available in Ubunto?18:04
tdignancookiemon5ter: because the BIOS has different ways of booting from USB. Some use a filesystem on USB, and some use it as an image.18:04
escottAsad2005, its no doubt the right sensor but it probably isn't calibrated correctly18:04
xangua!gnome3 | Androidbeing18:04
ubottuAndroidbeing: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.18:04
=== AndroUser is now known as Snicers-Android
ttiiccIm trying to run a program with wine and I get this error message (Im running the LTS version of ubuntu) err:module:import_dll Library MFC42.DLL18:04
cookiemon5tertdignan: how can i get this on usb ? unetbootin ?18:04
xanguacookiemon5ter: you can use programs as unetbootin or ubuntu usb creator18:04
Asad2005escott: Is there away to calibrate it18:04
ttiiccand err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization18:05
cookiemon5terxangua: thanks18:05
tdignancookiemon5ter: i suppose, there's an even easier way though18:05
ttiiccany ideas?18:05
cookiemon5tertdignan: what is the easier way ?18:05
taglasscookiemon5ter: It is annoying that Ubuntu is like the only one of the bigger distributions that you can't just dd.18:05
cookiemon5tertaglass: indeed18:05
tdignancookiemon5ter: well, the only way I've done it is with this: http://www.linuxliveusb.com/en/download18:05
ActionParsnipcookiemon5ter: use unetbootin18:06
Snicers-Androidwhat does DD mean?18:06
tdignanbut that's windows software18:06
cookiemon5teri am currently using gentoo and i will need to compile like 10 things to get unetbootin :/18:06
vistaswitchDD Means data destroy.18:06
ActionParsnipttiicc: what app?18:06
tdignansounds like a gentoo problem18:06
cookiemon5tervistaswitch: think it means disc dump18:06
Snicers-Androidwhy cant you dd ubuntu?18:06
tdignanI'm currently using Windows 7, and I could create a linux usb in one click18:06
tdignantake that, gentoo18:06
ttiiccActionParsnip: it's a windows program which I ytry to run with wine18:07
ActionParsniptdignan: yep, so can Ubuntu18:07
escottAsad2005, i suppose calibration is the wrong word really. its not scaled properly. the hddtemp application looks at a database of temperature sensor values and scales them into the proper true temperature ranges. you would have to reverse engineer that scale18:07
ActionParsnipttiicc: yes, what is the name!!18:07
cookiemon5tertdignan: also i need to compile dosfstools =p18:07
vistaswitchIt actually stands for data description.18:07
tdignancookiemon5ter: that's why I don't use gentoo18:07
ttiiccActionParsnip: BatteryCheck.exe18:07
tdignanone day you will realize how valuable your time is18:07
cookiemon5terhopefully one of these BINHOSTs have the binaries18:07
ActionParsniptdignan: you can use:  emerge unetbootin   in gentoo ;)18:07
tdignanActionParsnip: i know, I'm a former gentoo user18:08
tjiggi_focookiemon5ter, just use a live cd to install to the usb - disconnect your HDD if you don't want to mess up GRUB@18:08
cookiemon5tertdignan: i am currently switching to debian/ubuntu on all systems18:08
tdignanit's the waiting for it to compile part that bugs me18:08
ActionParsnipttiicc: is it for a lenovo?18:08
harushimotext editors. I use vim  and emacs. I want one where its more intuitive like auto indenting, line numbers...etc. Any suggestions18:08
taglassharushimo: vim :)18:08
ActionParsniptdignan: still a single command (similatr to a click ;))18:08
harushimoI use vim already18:08
tdignanharushimo: vim has autoindent, smartindent, and cindent modes18:08
taglassharushimo: vim :)  set ai set number18:08
ttiiccActionParsnip: Yes, to check if the battery should be return or not (for free of charge)18:08
tdignanthat can be used for your different filetypes via ftplugin18:08
Snicers-Androiddd stands for data description18:09
tdignanvim has excellent indenting ;)18:09
ActionParsnipttiicc: that app will plug into the acpi in windows so I very much doubt it will work at all in Linux18:09
harushimoI wrote .vimrc file. It still won't take from the file18:09
cookiemon5termy 26 months of gentoo taught me a lot but i work for a living nowadays18:09
ttiiccActionParsnip: how did you know I hat I Lenovo?18:09
TomFyuricookiemon5ter: you are using Ubuntu again?18:10
aeon-ltdpriyank_: yes? got a problem with ubuntu?18:10
ActionParsnipttiicc: http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=BatteryCheck.exe18:10
taglassharushimo: http://vimcasts.org18:10
ActionParsnipttiicc: websearching exists18:10
priyank_is there anyone alive?18:10
priyank_i need help with audio enhancement18:10
ActionParsnippriyank_: no, I'm dead18:10
ttiiccyehh but that was really fast!18:10
taglasspriyank_: No.  Just us zombies here18:10
harushimowhat is this?18:10
aeon-ltdpriyank_: all in one line18:10
ActionParsnipttiicc: copy and paste is near instant....18:10
ActionParsnipharushimo: ubuntu support18:11
tdignanharushimo: did you put .vimrc in ~/.vimrc?18:11
cookiemon5terTomFyuri: i am about to use it again18:11
priyank_uh is there any software package which can enhance audio ? jst like 3d surround sounds?18:11
harushimoI did18:11
ttiiccActionParsnip: yes but your faster then me18:11
tdignanharushimo: also is vim-full installed?18:11
ActionParsnipttiicc: if your battery status is't detecting properly then you have a bug with acpi18:11
tdignanor are you just using vi18:11
TomFyuricookiemon5ter: Why so?18:11
harushimoyes vim is installed18:11
tdignanI find it doubtful that vim isn't reading your .vimrc18:12
cookiemon5terTomFyuri: simplicity18:12
vistaswitchIs 11.04 stable yet?18:12
ActionParsnipttiicc: i'm faster than most, I help in here a lot, try ALT+TAB to switch windows instead of mouse, it;s faster18:12
tdignanare you sure?18:12
ActionParsnipvistaswitch: yes18:12
tdignanput set number in there18:12
tdignantell me if there's numbers18:12
ttiiccActionParsnip: acpi this is just more then what I know, I just have to try call them and see what they say18:12
harushimoyeah it is18:12
ActionParsnipvistaswitch: officially it's been stable sind 28th April18:12
Renegade001Would Netbeans be the best web development IDE for Ubuntu?18:12
Sidewinder1vistaswitch, "Stable", is a relative term. :-)18:12
tdignanharushimo: paste your vimrc?18:13
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.18:13
cookiemon5terif ubuntu let you use dd i would be using it already =p18:13
ActionParsnipnot useful18:13
TomFyuricookiemon5ter: Hm. Can't say that Ubuntu is the only simple'n'simpliest Linux, but well. :D18:13
aeon-ltdRenegade001: best is subjective, personally for web dev (html + css) i'd just use a text editor with syntax highlighting18:13
cookiemon5terTomFyuri: i used ubuntu 2007-200918:13
cookiemon5terdebian based have to be my favorite18:13
TomFyuricookiemon5ter: I used Ubuntu for a year and after I just switched to Arch and sticking with it.18:14
aeon-ltdTomFyuri: sweet another one :) +1 for arch18:14
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, Yes, I know however with all of the issues you, most generously help with...Well, you know what I mean. :-)18:14
cookiemon5teri didn't like arch18:14
oCeancookiemon5ter: TomFyuri #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, this is support only18:14
tdignanI tried arch a couple weeks ago18:14
alextybobdoes anyone know how to manually edit a partition table?18:14
harushimotdignan: I pasted the vimrc file18:15
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: I help a tonne of users with a tonne of issues, doesn't give a true reflection of the OS. Go to the IRC channel for aNY OS or distribution, you'll see the same18:15
ActionParsnip*NY == ANY18:15
alextybobActionParsnip, you can tell you code18:15
* ActionParsnip uses xpud a lot these days :)18:15
aeon-ltdalextybob: manually?18:15
ActionParsnipalextybob: only REALLY simple bash scripts to make my life easier18:15
ActionParsnipalextybob: otherwise, not at all18:16
harushimotdignan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611498/18:16
ActionParsnipaeon-ltd: go figure :D18:16
alextybobtestdisk has given me the memory address of a partition i want to add and i want to know how to add that partition18:16
tdignanharushimo: by what test are you judging that it is not being loaded?18:16
NectarSidewinder1 and BluesKaj: I have re-installed as you advised and I'm now logged in Ubuntu.  The repair worked perfectly. Thank you both once again!18:16
LjLalextybob, i think testdisk can add it itself... or gpart can18:16
tdignanthe file looks fine, btw18:16
LjLalextybob: but otherwise you can use fdisk18:17
harushimoI load up a python file..it should automatically show the line numbers and auto ident18:17
Sidewinder1ActionParsnip, Absolutely! If all was rinnin' smoothly w/no probs; they wouldn't be here. Please don't misunderstand, I love ubuntu and have the utmost respect and admiration for you, Dr_Willis, etal who volunteer time etc....18:17
harushimoit isn't showing up at all18:17
tdignanharushimo: that's because of ftplugin18:17
ActionParsnipSidewinder1: thanks :)18:17
harushimowhat ftplugin?18:17
Sidewinder1Nectar, I love IT! So glad to've helped!!!! :-)18:18
Free-manalextybob fdisk.818:18
Free-manalextybob sfdisk.818:18
harushimowhat's ftplugin?18:18
NectarSidewinder1: It was quick and worth it. Much appreciated!18:18
tdignanharushimo: http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/filetype.html18:18
alextybobok is sfdisk.8 chs?18:18
alextybobor am i going to have to convert to lba?18:18
Free-manalextybob pls read their manpages first18:18
tdignanharushimo: also check if you have a ~/.gvimrc18:18
kishI was recently told I could upgrade my 10.10 to 11.04 but I'm not sure that would solve my networking problems18:18
ubottuThe core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)18:19
alextybobFree-man, my favourite response :P18:19
Snicers-Androidkish what networking problems are you having?18:19
Sidewinder1Nectar, Any other problems, just pop on back' there's always someone more that willing to help; even if they're like me and can't type worth a damn.....18:19
alextybobok whats the difference between fdisk and sfdisk.8?18:19
harushimoI don't have .gvimrc18:20
kishSnicers-Android, It's one of those problems that are fixed with a newer kernel ;)18:20
Free-manalextybob sfdisk is cmd -opt only; fdisk is interactive18:20
NectarSidewinder1: I have always solved my issues with Ubuntu since 8.04 (hardy heron) in this channel :)18:20
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NectarSidewinder1: With the help of others, that is.18:20
matanyaso slow...18:20
freckleI am having trouble with the rtl8187 driver detecting IPv6 routers via RA... the syslog says "no IPv6 routers present", but I have a Cisoc 1800 series router doing RA. Any ideas?18:20
priyankany software/package for enhancing audio to surround sound environment?18:20
middleHELP: How can i tell what /dev/sd* corresponds to?18:21
kishwhat's the kernel version for 11.04?18:21
escottalextybob, the lba vs chs is usually based on the size of the disk18:21
Free-manmiddle mount18:21
middlefreckle: PM me18:21
kishand does 11.04 still 'suck' for some users?18:21
Sidewinder1Nectar, Don't forget http://ubuntuforums.org...18:21
Free-manmiddle without args18:21
middlederp cheers18:21
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=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
rejinarudo_~kish for some maybe18:21
Free-manmiddle ir df -h18:21
NectarSidewinder1: Yes, thank you18:21
Free-manmiddle or df -h18:21
alextybobwhat id is ntfs?18:22
Sidewinder1Nectar, Me too; when I first installed, I didn't know anyone with *nix experience18:22
alexeyhow I can install mint-like menu in ubuntu (10.04)18:22
NectarSidewinder1: Agreed. Felt a bit lost at first18:22
piboytravisAnyone here suffering from this bug? :18:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 740126 in unity (Ubuntu Natty) "Disabling an output can cause vblank events to be missed" [High,Triaged]18:22
Sidewinder1Nectar, Between the forums and here, it's somewhat, a breeze.18:22
Free-manalextybob run fdisk, cmd `?' for help list; cmd 't' for partition type list, then q to quit; DO NOT TYPE ANY OTHER COMMAND18:23
rejinarudo_~alexeye mint-style menu is a menu designed by Linux Mint itself I think, try to look for it's ppa. =D18:23
kishI don't want my partitions lost to 11.0418:23
harushimoIn what does the .vimrc or .gvimrc suppose to be?18:23
priyankany software for audio enhancement to 3d surrounds ?18:23
harushimoright .vimrc file is in my home directory18:23
NectarSidewinder1: Yes, but as you can tell, getting solutions to problems here is sometimes faster than using the forums. Provided the questions are easy to tackle18:23
piboytravisI've been using a test kernel with a patch as recommended in the comments in the bug, but it would seem that I'm the only one who still experiences the issue with the test kernel. . .18:24
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Sidewinder1Nectar, Know what 'ya mean....I'm generally very nervous about "borking" my system; that's why I like to research/study before jumpin' in...18:25
NectarSidewinder1: Yes.18:25
NectarSidewinder1: I know I was nervous when I installed 8.04 back in 200818:26
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NectarSidewinder1: Mind you, it was a new laptop18:26
Sidewinder1Nectar, Beat 'ya,...Gutsy...18:26
uuser123how do i add .php on ubuntu and firefox  /i am not able to see .php files in ubuntu with firefox18:27
NectarSidewinder1: Sorry, I'm not following. What do you mean?18:27
MonkeyDustuuser123: you need apache18:27
NectarSidewinder1: Ok, I got what you mean. You beat me to Gutsy :)18:27
uuser123yes i have apache installed still i am not able to see file18:28
Phong_Do you think Mr. Camping will show up on his radio broadcast?18:28
Sidewinder1Nectar, 8.04 was Hardy Heron...Gutsy was just before that. :-)18:28
NectarSidewinder1: 7.10 I believe18:28
Phong_I was wondering what Mr. Camping has to tell people on Monday.18:28
Free-manSidewinder1 that .php thingy, your browser isnt renedering as html?18:28
Sidewinder1Nectar, 7.04, I think..18:28
MonotokoPhong_, when is his broadcast? XD18:28
freckleuuser123: you have to tell Apache about the PHP module for it to parse the files18:28
BluesKajPhong_, maybe his world ended , he looks old enough croak anyime18:28
NectarSidewinder1: I'll check18:28
oCeanPhong_: do you have an ubuntu support question?18:29
Phong_BluesKaj, seriously , i don't know how he came up with the number (5,10,17) to begin with. lol18:29
Free-manpriyank i dont know.18:29
Phong_oCean, sorry dude18:29
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:29
priyankok ty18:29
Sidewinder1!ot > Phong_18:29
ubottuPhong_, please see my private message18:29
NectarSidewinder1: Indeed 7.10. Feisty Fawn was 7.04 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases18:29
improveuponmy gui keeps being frozen when i come back from hibernation (on a laptop). you can still move the mouse, sound is still coming in (and cannot be stopped), and you can still pull up an f1-f6 terminal. is x frozen? what should i try? is there some process i should kill and restart when this happens?18:30
Phong_is qbittorent open source?18:31
mroc111I have installed a new hd, formatted and created a partition using disk utility. It is dev/sda1 and I get an mtab error when trying to mount saying that /dev/sdb1 is already mounted. How can I fix this?18:31
NectarSidewinder1: I've got to go sleep now. It's night time where I'm at. Thank you for your kindness :)18:31
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Sidewinder1Nectar, It's been so long,...I forgot...The good thing about "old-timers" disease is one can read the same book, over and over and still be surprised at the ending!18:31
Sidewinder1No Prob...18:31
Free-manmroc111 what path to mtab?18:31
Sidewinder1Nectar, Have a good one!18:32
BluesKaj /etc/mtab18:32
Free-manBluesKaj i need HIS answer18:32
mroc111Free-man: not sure...the error is a popup window in the disk utility18:32
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BluesKajFree-man, oh i thought you needed the path18:32
mroc111Free-man: what stood out to me is the a / b mismatch18:33
BluesKajit is the default btw18:33
Free-manmroc111 well; as blues said, /etc/mtab.  if none of your real partitions are RO, then delete that specific file.  if it doesnt exist, then a /proc file will be used18:33
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Free-manmroc111 rm in a real terminal as root18:33
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beginnerany sound enhancement package for ubuntu for 3d surround sound?18:34
seinenhi guys, does anyone here know something about a tag based fs called tagsistant?18:34
Free-manseinen i just saw a rss on that; it's for email tagline-making.18:35
middleGoing to sound ub3r stupid but what was that command aggain Free-man ?18:35
Free-manseinen pretty useless unless yo uknow what that is18:35
middleI forgot it :S18:35
seinenFree-man: so it's not a general file system?18:35
Free-manmiddle i lost context, what?18:35
Free-manseinen nop18:35
DarkKnightCZhi, is there a way how to install proftpd-mysql?18:35
middleList /dev/sd* and what they are18:35
seinenFree-man: thanks18:35
Free-manmiddle to list all parts: sfdisk -l18:36
mroc111Free-man: So, which file am I deleting? I was wondering about why disk utility called it sda1 and the mtab error says sdb1?18:36
Free-manmiddle seriously READ the Manpages!!!18:36
braiamDarkKnightCZ: sudo apt-get proftpd-mysql?18:36
Free-manmroc111 /etc/mtab; partition naming is a different issue not related to mtab18:37
middleFree-man: Aww cmown it wasn't that one it was a shorter one with a -h argument, it was perfect ijsut can't remember is XD It would really save me some time : S18:37
Guest12672cannot install Ubuntu server 11.04 keeps asking for a different disk than what was created from donwload18:37
Free-manmroc111 are you being prevented from accessing a file that you think is somewhere in particular?18:37
oCeanmiddle: df -h probably18:37
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Free-manmiddle mount or df -h18:37
middle<3 thanks!18:37
Free-manmiddle df -h is easier to type18:38
mroc111Free-man: No, it is a brand new drive, with a single partition that I just created using the disk utility. When I try to mount it though, I get the message that sdb1 is already mounted (though disk utility reports it as sda1)18:38
infinituxhi. my screen has a flicker. why?18:39
Free-manmroc111 then mount it somewhere else18:39
Free-manmroc111 do not mentally rename partitions!!!18:39
Free-manmroc111 your kernel wont lie to you18:39
s3r3n1t7mroc111, what are you trying to do that gives this error? The exact command would be most useful.18:40
oCeanmroc111: it might be an UUID issue. Do you know how to use pastebin?18:40
rejinarudo_infinitux: you got PM.18:40
DarkKnightCZbraiam: old package18:40
Free-manpost meridium18:40
Bibsany way to pull files off my linux boot from my windows boot?18:40
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GuitarBizarreHi all. Can anyone give me an idiots guide to Cmake? I'm trying to install Dolphin from source via this guide: http://code.google.com/p/dolphin-emu/wiki/Linux_Build18:41
mroc111Free-man: it wasn't mentally renaming...disk utility calls this new partition /dev/sda1. Disk utility has a button that says mount. I clicked it, and got this "according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /"18:41
s3r3n1t7Bibs, not without a long long workaround18:41
escottBibs, best to have a partition that is fat32 or ntfs on which you share data18:41
ssfdre38where is the phpmyadmin files at on the server if i get it from the ubuntu distro servers18:41
s3r3n1t7ssfdre38, depends on what you want. apt-file can help you with that.18:41
LjLGuitarBizarre: you're aware there are packages for Dolphin? https://launchpad.net/~glennric/+archive/dolphin-emu18:42
Free-manmroc111 pondering18:42
ssfdre38i just want to update the phpmyadmin files to 3.4.018:42
s3r3n1t7mroc111, have you tried to manually mount this disk manually?18:42
braiamDarkKnightCZ: proftpd-mod-mysql18:42
nit-witBibs, this is a dual boot not a wubi correct?18:43
Free-manmroc111 answer s3r3n1t718:43
GuitarBizarreLjL: No, I was not. Thats rather helpful. I add the PPA and I should be able to apt-get dolphin-emu, is that right?18:43
mroc111s3r3n1t7: no, i was trying to stick to more of the gui based options (i'm helping someone who has a bit of an aversion to the command line)18:43
Sidewinder1nit-wit, Greetings!18:43
nit-witSidewinder1, hello18:43
Free-manfear sucks18:43
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Guest35641this is confusin18:43
LjLGuitarBizarre: yes that's correct. it might not be the very latest version but it was compiled 3 days ago18:43
s3r3n1t7mroc111, this wouldn't be permanent, just for testing purposes.18:43
GuitarBizarreLJL - And updates would appear too, I assume?18:44
Sidewinder1nit-wit, Again, totally love that nick.18:44
anthony_devhow I can force nautilus to open everything with two panels and in a list mode ?18:44
LjLGuitarBizarre: yes18:44
mroc111s3r3n1t7: i'm a bit rusty with the terminal, so I could use a refresher18:44
Free-manmroc111 so this thread is about his prob, not yours?18:44
oCeanssfdre38: current in ubuntu repositories is is 3.3.10-118:44
GuitarBizarreThankyou very much. Sorry to bother you!18:44
nit-witapparently i can't change it18:44
ssfdre38oCean: i know i want to update it on my server18:44
oCeanssfdre38: maybe in PPA, but remember those are unsupported 3rd party packages18:44
s3r3n1t7mroc111, create a folder to mount in (sudo mkdir /media/temp) then mount the device (sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/temp) then try to access. Once it works, feel free to unmount (sudo umount /media/temp) and remove the folder (sudo rm /media/temp). That last rm should NOT have any flags such as -r or -f.18:45
Guest12672I need help installing Ubuntu Server 11.0418:45
Sidewinder1nit-wit, At you're wife's direction, no doubt. :-)18:45
mroc111Free-man: well, it's my problem now. his machine, his disk, and i'm working on it now.18:45
nit-witSidewinder1, no wife just mt pstche ir is me.18:45
Free-manmroc111 ok; so you're hands-on now?  do s3r3n1t7's suggestion18:45
nit-wit*my psyche18:45
* Sidewinder1 Takes his ot elsewhere...18:45
DarkKnightCZbraiam: thanks18:46
oCeanGuest12672: there is an #ubuntu-server channel for specific -server help18:46
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ALM_hello, how do i add the gmp library at mingw32 compiler?gmp is yet installed in gcc, but not in mingw32. somebody can help me?18:46
Guest12672thank you18:47
livingdaylightwas told I can opt for normal gnome desktop at login; how?18:47
mroc111Free-man, s3r3n1t7: seemed to work. how about setting this up to mount at boot?  is that a manual fstab entry?18:47
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.18:47
braiamlivingdaylight: ^^18:48
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livingdaylightbraiam, ?18:48
iamtheonelivingdaylight: click your user name then look at bottom of screen for pull down menu options18:48
Sidewinder1!classic > livingdaylight18:48
Free-mans3r3n1t7 answer mroc111's about automount?18:48
ubottulivingdaylight, please see my private message18:48
livingdaylightiamtheone, have to click on name first?18:48
ALM_hello, how do i add the gmp library at mingw32 compiler?gmp is yet installed in gcc, but not in mingw32. somebody can help me?18:48
iamtheonelivingdaylight: yep18:49
s3r3n1t7Free-man, that's very rude to say. Please don't tell me what to do.18:49
livingdaylightiamtheone, i getting tired of unity - like the classic18:49
Free-mans3r3n1t7 too bad you didnt recognie a hand-off.18:49
iamtheonelivingdaylight: once you set classic thats the default18:50
livingdaylightiamtheone, so, one can change back and forth like that?18:50
iamtheonelivingdaylight: yep18:50
Sidewinder1iamtheone, That's good to know,...me being an LTS dude.18:50
iamtheonelivingdaylight: simples eh18:50
livingdaylightis Unity open-source so that any other distro can use Unity style if they wish?18:50
iamtheonelivingdaylight: yep18:51
edbianlivingdaylight, yes18:51
Sidewinder1I would assume.18:51
livingdaylightiamtheone, that is good. Do you know whether other distros are adopting Unity style?18:51
* iamtheone is a classic man18:51
Free-manmroc111 since s3 is reticent, read fstab.5 for etc/fstab format; add the new partition there.18:51
edbianlivingdaylight, None that I know of.18:51
livingdaylightUnity is not Gnome3 ?18:51
Sidewinder1livingdaylight, Don't think anything, with the exception of some hardware drivers are not open source.18:52
livingdaylightedbian, Gnome 3 is something different altogether, yes?>18:52
beginnerhow to open two terminals at a time in ubuntu 11.04?18:52
oCeanFree-man: remember, pointing to manpages is not always helpful18:52
iamtheonelivingdaylight: unity sits on top of gnome18:52
edbianlivingdaylight, Unity is built be the Ubuntu developers as  an alternative to gnome 3  (although there are some similarities)18:52
Free-manoCean they can also google the manpage name.num18:52
Sidewinder1!gnome3 > livingdaylight18:52
ubottulivingdaylight, please see my private message18:52
Gskelligwow they really are linux haters over in ##windows18:52
oCeanFree-man: don't suggest google here18:52
livingdaylightis classic gnome3 or previous version?18:52
GskelligI thought they'd be more professional18:52
oCeanGskellig: ##windows is not the topic here, thanks18:52
Free-mani didnt; i'm just saying that there is more than one response to being told a manpage name18:52
edbianGskellig, wow, that's some hate18:53
mroc111Free-man: Thank you for your help. I was hoping there might be a way to control automounting via gui, such as a check-box, etc. I'll check out the fstab syntax if necessary.18:53
livingdaylightSidewinder1, thanks... I thought gnome3 was also released recently18:53
Free-manmroc111 yw18:53
edbianGskellig, They're not official employees or anything18:53
Gskelligim aware18:53
Sidewinder1livingdaylight, Released, but not supported here, I don't believe.18:53
Free-manoCean what is the approved search engine?18:53
iamtheonelivingdaylight: If you want to see the direction of ubuntu go here. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=40318:54
ALM_hello, how do i add the gmp library at mingw32 compiler?gmp is yet installed in gcc, but not in mingw32. somebody can help me?18:54
Free-manALM_ just install the binary package18:54
oCeanFree-man: none. If you don't have the time to explain, don't answer - don't send someone to a searchengine18:55
gerihow can i install a driver for Realtek ALC662 soundcard?18:55
geriit seems its not dected now18:55
Free-manoCean ah, so there is no real prohibition.  ok.18:55
ALM_Free-man: i installed the binary frob ub-sofftware, but thew just run under gcc, not mingw3218:55
Free-manALM_ do yo know why?18:56
ALM_Free-man: mingw and gcc are 2 different compiler18:56
mroc111s3r3n1t7: thank you for your help. i can make an fstab entry if needed, but do you know if there is a simple gui way to control whether the drive mounts at boot?18:56
livingdaylighti made my ubuntu classic18:56
edbianmroc111, I believe /etc/fstab is the only option.  I have long thought a gui should be written18:56
Free-manALM_ sounds like a portability thingy; do the package docs mention mingw?18:56
s3r3n1t7mroc111, everything in /etc/fstab gets mounted (or at least tried) at boot.18:57
edbianperhaps it has been by some distro out there somewhere18:57
ALM_Free-man: i don't know18:57
mroc111edbian: given the usefulness of the disk utility, it seems a simple checkbox to control automounting would be great.18:57
Free-manALM_ read the docs :)18:57
gerihow can i install a driver for Realtek ALC662 soundcard?18:58
middleHELP: I am running a Ubuntu on a live USB stick at the moment, and i have chrooted into my damaged ubuntu system. Now i need to apt-get install a package to (In theory) repair the damaged system. However when i use apt-get to try and install somethign i always get this error: 'Something wicked happend resolving *Various repositories* (-5 - No address associated with hostname)18:58
edbianmroc111, Yes that seems like it would be a logical entry point18:58
icerooti want to change the user (su username) but i cant write into the home of the user, "whoami" is telling me i am the user. with su - username it is working. what is the difference between su username and su - username18:58
mroc111s3r3n1t7: my question was more to the point of whether automounting can be controlled easily via a gui method?18:58
tdignanALM_: you might have better luck asking about mingw in a windows related channel18:58
ALM_Free-man: this is the website: http://gmplib.org/18:58
s3r3n1t7mroc111, mounted at boot, not sure18:58
Free-manmroc111 by the time th gui is running, it's long past mounting time during boot18:58
ALM_tdignan: i installed mingw for linux18:59
Free-manALM_ i dont do homework :)18:59
tdignanIsn't mingw minimalist gnu for windows?18:59
tdignanWhy would you install it for linux, to cross compile?18:59
edbianmiddle, what version are you running on this usb stick?18:59
mroc111Free-man: sorry, to clarify - i was wondering if you can set the preference for mounting a device at boot via a gui method18:59
Free-mantdignan flexibility for multiple targets18:59
edbianmiddle, Is that the same as the installed system?18:59
edbianmiddle, The one you're trying to fix?18:59
Free-manmroc111 i'm not aware of one, i'm a cli user :)18:59
middleedbian: Yeah, they are both on 10.10, i tried updating the repos but that just got a load more errors from each repo/mirror19:00
tdignaneveryone should know how to edit /etc/fstab19:00
gerihow can i install a driver for Realtek ALC662 soundcard?  help...19:00
edbianmiddle, Are you online on the live usb?  What did your chroot command look like?19:01
Free-manmroc111 during the run of boot run-commands, a mount -a is executed; all valid entries in etc/fstab are mounted.19:01
Free-mangerl try alsamixer19:01
BluesKajgeri, install alsa-base and alsa-utils19:01
clusterfuskI'm looking for some help getting an IP cam on my lan streamed out to the internet as a webcam.  Does anyone know of a way to bridge this?19:01
Free-manclusterfusk browse freshmeat.net or your repo19:02
WaYwhat is the best media center for dvb-t? (Live TV)19:02
mroc111Free-man: right...so, if i wanted a device to mount at boot, is my only option to manually edit /etc/fstab in a text editor, or is there a graphical utility to control this for those who prefer not to mess with fstab directly?19:02
onetwoclusterfusk, either use the webinterface of the ipcam itselft if it has one or try zoneminder19:02
AscavasaionHOw do I mount a USB memory stick in lubuntu?  In Ubuntu I just pop it in and it automatically mounts it.  Lubuntu does not.  Nothing on Desktop, in file manager, nor in /mnt or /media.19:02
Free-manmroc111 i dont know about gui tools; chek repo & freshmeat; once you know the fstab format tho, it's easy to do.19:03
mroc111Free-man: ok, thanks again.19:03
onetwocusterfusk also make the camera on your router available for outside ips19:03
edbianAscavasaion, You have to manually mount it.  sudo mount /dev/usb /path/to/folder    to figure out the correct /dev name look at the output of sudo fdisk -l19:03
clusterfuskonetwo: I'm trying to use it as a video4linux compatible device19:04
clusterfuskthe end-goal is to stream on tinychat.com19:04
geriBluesKaj, I have this soundcard: http://openpaste.org/en/27690/ ...is that ok?>19:05
DarkKnightCZhow to enable listening on port 21 in ubuntu?19:05
onetwoclusterfusk, for what purpose does it need to be v4l device?19:05
edbianDarkKnightCZ, What server do you want to listen on port 21?  ftp??19:05
DarkKnightCZedbian: localhost is ok, but it cant go throught firewall i guess19:05
edbianDarkKnightCZ, You install an ftp server.   Warning though, FTP is insecure because it sends passwords over the network in plain text19:06
clusterfuskonetwo: as i said, I need to use it as a webcam on tinychat.com or some video chat program19:06
edbianDarkKnightCZ, Do you have a firewall?  Ubuntu is not running a firewall by default19:06
DarkKnightCZedbian: yes, i know about it19:06
DarkKnightCZi mean iptables19:06
geriBluesKaj, did u see?19:06
edbianDarkKnightCZ, iptables is empty in Ubuntu by default.  to see any filtering rules type sudo iptables -L19:06
middleedbian: Yeah i am connected to the net and browsing the web fine. And the chroot is like...: chroot "$middle" /usr/bin/env -i \ HOME=/root TERM="$TERM" PS1='\u:\w\$ ' \ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin \ /bin/bash --login19:06
onetwoah clusterfusk sry didnt saw19:06
middleedbian: Not all on one line thoguh XD19:07
DarkKnightCZedbian: http://pastebin.com/DezDJp0R19:07
onetwoclusterfusk, there is a vlc plugin which converts the ipstream to the loopback v4l device19:07
edbianmiddle, Pretty sure you can just mount the broken install's partition, and chroot that.19:07
middleedbian: ah apt-get does work on the live stick but not on the chrooted part19:08
Ascavasaionedbian: You rock, works perfectly... thank you :)19:08
edbianmiddle, mount /dev/sda1 /mnt    and then    chroot /mnt19:08
edbianAscavasaion, sure :D19:08
IsrafelDoes anyone know of a good PDF reader that has an auto-scroll feature? (For reading PDF books)19:08
edbianmiddle, yeah, have you tried recovery mode?  It's probably much easier than this19:08
middleyeah thats the thing recovery mode + regular mode have no graphical out put19:08
clusterfuskonetwo: i'd suspected vlc might do that, but I can't figure it out past opening the ip stream in the player19:09
middlei think there is no graphics driver isntalled19:09
geriwhat kind of sound driver will i need for this setting? http://openpaste.org/en/27691/19:09
DarkKnightCZedbian: yeah, definitelly iptables -> if i shut down iptables service, i can connect from outside19:09
oCean!info fbreader | Israfel19:09
ubottuIsrafel: fbreader (source: fbreader): e-book reader. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.10dfsg-1ubuntu2 (natty), package size 818 kB, installed size 2888 kB19:09
onetwoclusterfusk, normally its something like http://user:password@IPofCAM/showmethepicture.asp19:09
edbianmiddle, Just log in CLI and update / install your packages that way.  sudo apt-get install <packageName>19:10
middleedbian: I just tried chrooting normally and i got the same issue19:10
edbianDarkKnightCZ, Ahhh, I stand corrected :)19:10
onetwoclusterfusk, whats the model of cam you have?19:10
edbianmiddle, I suggest doing it CLI and avoid the whole chroot thing19:10
middleedbian: I mean NO graphical output lol19:10
clusterfuskonetwo: yeah, that's the part I have figured out, but how do you bridge to v4l?19:10
BluesKajgeri , open alsamixer in the terminal, and make sure the boxes have no Ms( mute) in them , navigate and move ctrls volume up and down withe arrow keys19:10
IsrafeloCean, that's for Android. Anything for Ubuntu?19:10
edbianmiddle, Oh, like, blank screen?19:11
middleedbian: It literally boots clicks and then just black screen even in recovery mode19:11
edbianmiddle, nomodeset  ;)19:11
DarkKnightCZedbian: do you have idea how to add rule for ftp? :)19:11
IsrafeloCean, NM.19:11
onetwovlc needs to be set the output to the v4l19:11
edbianDarkKnightCZ, It's been too long :(19:11
geriBluesKaj, the micro is not working, sound is fine...thats why i want to update the driver!!!19:11
edbianDarkKnightCZ, I don't remember19:11
middleedbian: tried that as well, i am an ATI customer XD19:11
Mars11Can you play a DVD over a network using VLC?19:11
edbianmiddle, mmmm,  alright then chroot it is19:11
DarkKnightCZedbian: ok, google will find it, thanks :)19:11
edbianmiddle, Can you ping the repo servers listed in /etc/apt/sources.list19:11
ev_can anyone suggest a program to make a usb bootable flash drive with ubuntu AND persistent? i have tried UNetbootin and it creates a bootable drive just fine but no settings/changes are saved.19:11
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iamtheoneev_: System>admin>startup disk creator19:12
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hume_hi... I've run into a problem with apt, it seems not to be able to read the package files. on doing apt-get update, it ends with the error msgs seen on http://paste.ubuntu.com/611522/19:13
middleedbian: 'ping: unknown host security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu19:13
RenieriusHey, all. Could anyone here perhaps help me with a problem that I'm having with Wine?19:13
middleoh wait it doesn;t get google either19:13
ssfdre38how can i do a chown to a folder and all the contents inside it again is it chown -h user:group?19:14
middleedbian: So the chrooted shell is not connected to the internet19:14
clusterfuskonetwo: this is what I've got so far - http://oi56.tinypic.com/2d1wug6.jpg19:14
=== BluesKaj is now known as in
=== in is now known as BluesKaj
onetwook clusterfusk so the picture is available..one moment i ll check the sttings19:15
BluesKajgeri, in alsamixer , F4 , make sure the mic inputs are turned up19:15
onetwoclusterfusk, record mode ->v4l/219:16
IsrafeloCean, Looks like that program doesn't read PDF files.19:16
onetwoclusterfusk, this would record the stream to a v4l device19:16
onetwothis should then be available19:16
onetwoclusterfusk, wait no19:17
cookiemon5terwhere are the debs downloaded to when you install or ubuntu19:17
cookiemon5terinstall something or update19:17
middleIs edbian gone?19:17
clusterfuskonetwo: I don't see any options like you describe19:17
BluesKajgeri, when you installed ubuntu the proper driver was automatically installed for that card ..you can searh around but I doubt that different driver will work for you . another thing you can do is remove pulseaudio ..it isn't really meant for integrated soundcards19:18
RenieriusIs anyone here familiar with the SAMP mod for GTA San Andreas?19:18
joakimkI upgraded from Ubuntu 10 to Ubuntu 11.04 yesterday, and had some problems with graphics (garbage pixels as I move windows). So I disabled/removed Compiz, and log in with "Ubuntu Classic", but still the same. Then, today, I did an update with Update Manager which updated some packages. But now, after a reboot, I only get a blue login screen, which totally  fails to log in: "Failed to load session ubuntu" etc... How can I at least log in, s19:19
joakimkcan work on the graphics problem again?19:19
joakimkI can only log in with Recovery Console... :(19:19
cookiemon5teranyone know where ubuntu downloads debs when it updates the system or when it installs something19:21
Proz2hey how i make the font bigger in ubuntu ?19:21
clusterfuskonetwo: is this the dialog I should see? http://oi54.tinypic.com/2gxkwnr.jpg19:22
Ampelbeincookiemon5ter: in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d there is defined the mirrors.19:22
silverarrowanyone exprienced with vlc19:23
cookiemon5terAmpelbein: thanks19:23
silverarrowI have vlc in lubuntu, picture but no sound?19:23
rwwGuest17812*: Please close the ridiculous number of IRC clients you have open. Thanks.19:23
onetwoclusterfusk, i have read a little bit and there is a plugin called vloopback which should be able of this.19:23
silverarrowso no vlc people here?19:24
onetwoclusterfusk, what i have thought is to save the stream and bind the video file to a v4l device but dont know if this is possible19:24
Gskelligi use vlc19:24
clusterfuskonetwo: Thanks. I'm looking for that now.I'll tell you if it works19:24
silverarrowhow do you troubleh shoot for no audio in VLC?19:24
onetwosilverarrow, what is choosen as sound device19:25
Gskelligaudio works with other stuff?19:25
clusterfusksilverarrow: is sound working in other applications?19:25
Bhavesh_A_Pfor mini aptop ubuntu is different or as it is ?19:25
cookiemon5terAmpelbein: where are the debs downloaded onto your system =p19:25
thauriswulfaHELP:totem movie player keeps giving errors while I am unable to select subtitles in vlc19:25
silverarrowhmm, I just installed lubuntu, but there are sound19:25
Ampelbeincookiemon5ter: /var/cache/apt/archives, if you didn't change the default.19:25
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Gskelligsilverarrow, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Natty#VLC_Multimedia_Player19:26
silverarrowI do have all the restricted I think19:26
cookiemon5terAmpelbein: you know any other things i can do to keep my system clean19:26
cookiemon5teri only have a 4gb ssd lol19:26
Mars11Do you guys know how to set up lights on the keyboard? Not like the Caps Lock lights, but there's a light on the Shift and Mute keys.19:27
Ampelbeincookiemon5ter: well, you could go through the list of installed packages and remove stuff you no longer need. (dpkg -l)19:27
rwwGuest1781262, Guest1781263, Guest1781261, Guest1781259, etc.: I will remove your clients from this channel and ban your IP address if you do not remove your clones from here immediately.19:27
onetwosilverarrow, open vlc ->go to settings ->activate advanced options ->go to audio properties ->output modules19:28
silverarrowonetwo, thanks19:29
onetwosilverarrow, what is choosen as sound driver?19:29
cookiemon5terAmpelbein: thanks again =)19:29
ssfdre38how can i rechange the sudoers file back to 0:019:29
Ampelbeincookiemon5ter: you're welcome but please be careful when removing packages ;-)19:30
cookiemon5terAmpelbein: isn't there away to remove and check if it is a dep ?19:30
Ampelbeincookiemon5ter: apt-get/aptitude will warn you.19:31
* alextybob high fives this community for doing what they're here to do :)19:31
tigretonwhat means if i do a: tracert and it doesn't resolve. It can't search more than the jump nº1219:32
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
newbunI need a quick help, I'm trying to configure a mkvtoolnix from a console without root or superuser account, it worked for another software but for this one it asks for another library to be installed, which i can't install and i don't even need it, Is there a way to ignore this error and finish the configuration19:33
ssfdre38how can i chown the user/gruop from 1000 back to 0 on sudoers19:33
silverarrowonetwo I can't find it?19:33
StavaHow can I use GNU ddrescue to write the log and image files directly to an SSH server?19:34
silverarrowit's after natty narwal audio disappeared19:34
onetwosilverarrow are you in the settings of vlc?19:35
thauriswulfaHEY, guys, totem movie player is showing the error "dvd might be encrypted" any solution>?19:35
Viking667Sorry about this - really quick question - how do I upgrade between versions from the commandline?19:35
Mars11thauriswulfa, Open up Ubuntu Software Center.19:35
joakimkCan anyone help me fix a login problem in Ubuntu 11? I get "Failed to load session" every time... I did an upgrade from ubuntu 10; maybe I should do a total reinstall of Ubuntu 11 (from a CD)? Or can I maybe downgrade to Ubuntu 10, which worked perfectly? :(19:36
onetwothauriswulfa, it could help to install libdvdcss19:36
Viking667trying to get my Lucid box up to natty by going the mental route first19:36
thauriswulfaMars11: now what19:36
thauriswulfaMars11  ?19:37
Mars11thauriswulfat, Search for Ubuntu Restricted Extras19:37
Viking667ah, found it. Sorry about that.19:37
thauriswulfaMars11:already installed19:37
ssfdre38how can i fix the chown on the server19:38
silverarrowonetwo, settings are under "tools" ?19:38
Mars11Say, Then open up the Terminal and do sudo apt-get install libdvdcss19:38
onetwosilverarrow, i have german system i have settings under extras19:38
silverarrowI have english19:39
thauriswulfaMars11 : its already installed too19:39
Mars11thauriswulfa: I don't know then.19:39
silverarrowonetwo, I have "advanced controls"? it's marked of with a "v"19:40
newbunis there away to ./configure to ignore errors during configuration?19:40
phaseshiftStava: Have you considered mounting your SSH server with FUSE/sshfs?19:40
thauriswulfatotem movie player is showing the error "dvd might be encrypted" any solution>? serious problem trying to watch movie from previous 3 hours , this fuc*in error help me guys19:40
onetwosilverarrow, no it should be named settings19:40
oCeanthauriswulfa: mind your language19:40
onetwoand in the settingsdialog you need to activate advanced options on the bottom19:40
clusterfuskonetwo: I'm still confused.  I've installed vloopback, but I still don't know how to output to it.  do i need to modprobe something?19:41
Stavaphaseshift: not enough space to install sshfs19:41
astonmathis is why linux sucks19:41
onetwoclusterfusk, yes the module needs to be loaded but as i read it will be limited to certain applications to work fe (xawtv)19:42
joakimGuys, anyone able to help me out with checking where my bandwidth problems is coming from? Its regarding speeds in deluge. Speedtest.net is showing around 12 mbit, however I'm only downloading with around 18 kb/s and with plenty of seeders over many torrents19:42
clusterfuskonetwo: do you know the name of the module?19:42
onetwoclusterfusk, easiest would be to take 5 dollars or slotti or whatever and buy a camera19:42
Mars11thauriswulfa: Try this, sudo apt-get install libdvdread419:42
onetwoclusterfusk, vloopback19:42
ashmew2Hi, I just bought a dell laptop and id like to install Natty 64 Bit on it , so i downloaded the ubuntu*.iso and then i used netbootin to make the LIVE USB to install my system but im not able to do so ...Help ?19:42
tigretonso nobody knows what means if i do a: tracert and it doesn't resolve. It can't search more than the jump nº1219:43
clusterfuskonetwo: tried that already.19:43
zmonkwhat dies tracert di=o19:43
thauriswulfaMars11: THANX for trying but its installed too19:43
onetwotigreton, maybe a proxy which o not put tracert packets through19:43
zmonkwhat does*19:43
ashmew2joakim: not exactly the solution , but imo give utorrent a try...its WAY BETTER than deluge..19:43
tigretoni'm not using a proxy19:43
tigretondo you mean that?19:43
medionpalcan somebody help me with a bad memory question?19:43
onetwotigreton, in the line to the target ip adress19:44
joakimashmew2: but wouldnt that mean I had to run it through wine? Isnt it better to use something native to ubuntu?19:44
Mars11thauriswulfa: Is libdvdcss2 installed?19:44
ashmew2joakim: No , they just launched a utorrent server for linux , you could give that a try , im running it and its AWESOME.19:44
ashmew2!ask | medionpal19:44
ubottumedionpal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:44
joakimashmew2: I could imagine, was a big fan of utorrent when I was running win7. Imma give it a shot19:45
qin!torrent | joakim19:45
ubottujoakim: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:45
medionpalI ran the memory test provided with ubuntu server and I found thousands of errors, removed on of the memory modules and now I don't get errors, I want to install a new memory module so I will have 4 gigs again... question: do I need to buy the exact same brand memory module?19:45
joakimkHere's what I had after upgrading to Ubuntu 11... http://bildr.no/view/887993 That's what I hoped to fix with a update of packages, but now I can't even log in (to a graphical session). Please, any advice? Should I try reinstalling U11 from a CD? Or does the image indicate that my hardware (HP nc6400 laptop) can't even handle U11?19:45
phaseshiftStava: Hmm, okay.  How critical is it that you save a logfile from ddrescue?  If the output file alone is enough, you could tell ddrescue to write to '-' (stdout) and pipe that via SSH to a 'cat > file' on your remote server.19:45
medionpalon the module it says 2Rx8 PC3-8500u19:45
ashmew2medionpal: im not into it that much but i think u should be fine : http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en-us&q=can+RAM+be+different+brand&oq=can+RAM+be+different+brand&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=456236l460063l0l26l11l0l0l0l0l0l0l19:46
zmonkzzHi. I tried installing a M-AUDIO midi controller and totally messed my AUDIO up. Could somone help me?19:47
Da|Mummyive got a problem with Hibernate on natty, every time i hibernate, my sound output goes back to headphone jack, when i always have it go through USB to my amp, how do i fix this?19:47
Matt_799How can I fix a computer hardware problem.19:47
rkhesselmy network card stops working after attempting to transfer large files to or from.  restart networking gets it back.  there is nothing about it in /var/log/messages after it happens.  any way to increase logging levels or debug this problem?19:47
oCeanMatt_799: this is ubuntu channel, maybe try ##hardware channel19:48
onetwoMatt_799, replace defect hardware i would guess19:48
zmonkzzcan anyone hear me?19:48
onetwoor install new firmware fe on dvd writers19:48
Matt_799what if it isnt hardware at all?19:48
Matt_799zmonkzz yes i can hear you19:48
onetwoMatt_799, describe the problem maybe we can help19:48
zmonkzzoh ok. just makin sure19:48
oCeanMatt_799: then you started out with the wrong question19:48
joakimk...I actually have my old Ubuntu 10.10 live cd... I know downgrading is frowned upon, but I sort of need a working laptop for work (preferrably by tomorrow)19:49
TeslaTonyI have a shell script I'm using to remove a large number of packages, but it won't run if I have the whole thing try to run in one go, I have to break it up into multiple pieces. Is there a workaround for this?19:49
ssfdre38can anybody help with fixing the uid/group on sudoers and sudoers.d19:49
Mars11thauriswulfa: Is libdvdcss2 installed?19:49
kb3gtnzmonkzz: what M-Audio card?19:49
zmonkzzkb4gtn it's M-Audio MIDI keyboard19:49
rkhesselteslatony: could you split it into multiple scripts and have a top level script call them?19:49
kb3gtnzmonkzz: what sound card?19:50
Matt_799onetwo:laptop crashes and for about ten seconds after the crash, I can not turn it back on-the keyboard lights will turn on but it all shuts off- after ten seconds it can turn on, but loads a temporary profile19:50
zmonkzzkb3gtn intel onboard19:50
elkclonebig room wow.19:50
* elkclone looks around room. 19:50
onetwoMatt_799, put battery out .cut the powerline off and hold the power button for about 10 seconds19:50
zmonkzzkb3gtn ALSA driver with jack-d tho19:51
phaseshiftssfdre38: You can't do 'sudo chown root:root /etc/sudoers'?19:51
kb3gtnzmonkzz: I think on the intel AC97 stuff you are better off with a software synth/19:51
TeslaTonyrkhessel: Oooh. Have a single script that just calls 5 other scripts, with what I want still broken up. That would be close enough to what I want to work. Thanks.19:51
onetwoMatt_799, then butt the battery and/or power line back and try to start again..does it show a picture?19:51
rkhesselteslatony: good luck19:51
ssfdre38phaseshift: no its saying sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 1000, should be 019:51
rkhesselteslatony: any idea why it chokes?19:51
Matt_799onetwo, i think this will take longer than 10 seconds and it will be normal again19:51
kb3gtnzmonkzz: If your running jack, I would suggest installing patchage so you can see how stuff is being routed in jack.19:51
onetwoMatt_799, just try..i have a lot of laptops and sometimes they work after that procedure i have told you19:52
zmonkzzkb3gtn ok I will try that - sudo apt-get patchange19:52
phaseshiftssfdre38: Ah, okay ... now I understand.  I'd suggest you try rebooting in single-user mode (which drops you into a shell directly as root without authenticating or using sudo) and correcting the problem from there.19:52
Matt_799onetwo, will this fix the crash or the problems starting it after the crash or both?19:52
ssfdre38phaseshift: im on a server19:52
elkclonenice single user boot19:53
elkclonevery slick19:53
jslozierusing natty (64 bit) I do not see the vpn login scree when connecting to a windows vpn server19:53
BKTech86please help me, I can't live anymore without being able to suspend19:53
BKTech86i've tried everything19:53
onetwoMatt_799, so the laptop starts up booting..then while booting the operating system it crashes and wont start??what does the crash look like19:53
TeslaTonyrkhessel: I think part of the problem is that I'm uninstalling a desktop environment. A lot of the packages aren't installed, so it just whines about too many broken/uninstalled packages and quits, though I think in part it's because I'm wiping about 2 gigs of files19:53
TeslaTonyrkhessel: Though, honestly, I have no idea, which is why I asked here19:54
Matt_799onetwo, no after the crash, i press the power button to turn it back on, but it doesnt turn on, it doens't really do anything except blink some lights19:54
onetwoMatt_799, then 1. take battery out and plug the power off19:55
rkhesselteslatony: awright19:55
onetwoMatt_799, 2. hold power button for some seconds ..aabout 1019:55
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phaseshiftssfdre38: Ah, that's a bummer.  Any chance you have a network backup process like NetBackup that could push a valid /etc/sudoers (with correct ownership) over the LAN from tape or such?19:55
onetwoMatt_799, 3. put power back in and start the device19:55
joakimkCaptainkrtek: you there? :)19:55
TeslaTonyrkhessel: I think I had a similar issue when trying to install a long list of packages, too. Apt might not be able to handle absurdly long lists19:56
guntbertssfdre38: is the server remote or local?19:56
ssfdre38guntbert: local19:57
albechi have a problems when trying to update my system or install new packages: http://pastebin.ca/206707819:57
onetwoMatt_799, when you have done this and start the device what exactly happens then19:57
albechit seems like a dependency problem with vlc19:57
Matt_799onetwo, but after i have tried turning it back on a couple times it will turn back on19:57
rkhesselteslatony: I am only slightly familiar with apt so I couldnt shed any light19:57
Matt_799onetwo but i will do what you suggest19:58
ssfdre38but its also remote as well guntbert19:58
guntbertssfdre38: then boot into recovery mode, select "root shell" and repair it19:58
escottdoes anyone know of a good way do to CHS->LBA calculations. the numbers I'm getting aren't matching up with what i expect19:58
onetwoMatt_799, when it turns back on please describe what exactly happens then19:58
Mars11Could somebody help me?19:58
Matt_799how do i remove the battery19:58
TeslaTonyalbech: Try running "sudo apt-get update" first, then "sudo apt-get upgrade"19:58
guntbert!who | Matt_79919:59
ubottuMatt_799: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:59
albechTeslaTony, done that already19:59
onetwoMatt_799, its your laptop you should know19:59
joakimkSorry for repeating myself... but can anyone help me fix a login problem in Ubuntu 11? I get "Failed to load session" every time... I did an upgrade from ubuntu 10; maybe I should do a total reinstall of Ubuntu 11 (from a CD)? Or can I maybe downgrade to Ubuntu 10, which worked perfectly?19:59
Matt_799haha ok i will check somewhere20:00
albechTeslaTony, i have added no 3rd party repositories btw.20:00
onetwoMatt_799, normally there are buttons to release the battery20:00
guntbertjoakim: boot into recovery mode, select "repair..."20:01
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?20:01
joakimkguntbert: but recovery mode only gives me a (small) terminal prompt...20:01
Matt_799!who | ubottu20:01
ubottuMatt_799: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:01
joakimkguntbert: I am online though (thankfully), so I can do apt-get20:01
TeslaTonyalbech: You could try opening synaptic and trying to do the update from there, instead of command line, or, failing that, uninstall and reinstall vlc20:02
guntbertjoakim_: on what system are you? recovery mode should give you a menu to select several useful things20:02
joakimkguntbert: Ubuntu 11.04. Recovery mode just gives me a blue screen, with a small white prompt20:03
albechTeslaTony, its failing in Synaptic as well and trying to uninstall vlc fails with the same dependency error20:03
ASDFFSZOK, I tried like 300 tweaks on my system and it totally screwed up, i dont need any files is there a command i can use to reinstall ubuntu?20:03
guntbertjoakim_: strange .. but then I don't know what you could do - sorry20:04
Matt_799onetwo should the computer be on but every program closed before I do: 1. take battery out and plug the power off20:04
Matt_7992. hold power button for some seconds ..aabout 1020:04
Matt_7993. put power back in and start the device20:04
TeslaTonyalbech: And I assume you tried "apt-get -f install"?20:04
joakimkguntbert: all other login "modes" (ubuntu, gnome) also fail: "Failed to load session XXXXXX"20:04
onetwoMatt_799, its a little confusing what you tell..so first of all: what operating system20:04
onetwoyou have20:05
albechTeslaTony, indeed ;)20:05
ASDFFSZthere is no way i can go back and find out the things I did20:05
ASDFFSZ I tried like 300 tweaks on my system and it totally screwed up, i dont need any files is there a command i can use to reinstall ubuntu?20:05
hmuller_Is there an alternate method to pinning an application to the Unity Launcher? I have an eclipse application that does not properly pin.20:05
joakimk...so I only get the text prompt. Do you think I should simply reinstall U11? Or maybe reinstall U10... which worked perfectly20:05
albechTeslaTony, gonna try to force the uninstall and see what happens20:05
clusterfuskonetwo: vloopback no longer works - http://linux.derkeiler.com/Newsgroups/alt.os.linux.suse/2011-04/msg00188.html20:05
ASDFFSZp;z help im new to ubuntu20:05
TeslaTonyalbech: Failing that, do a NSA-class wipe of your hard drive, and start over from scratch. Outside of that, it seems I'm not of much help20:06
aeon-ltdASDFFSZ: no there is not 'real' way to reinstall ubuntu from ubuntu, just use the cd and format and reinstall20:06
lunavorax_miniHi everyone !20:06
ASDFFSZim going for pinguy screw ubuntu20:07
lunavorax_miniI want to set up two partitions for my ubuntu install, one for / and one for /home. How much space should I give for / ?20:07
CoreyASDFFSZ: You do realize that's built on top of Ubuntu, right? :-)20:07
albechTeslaTony, thanks20:07
joakimkWhat happens if I install ubuntu 10.10? Will I be allowed to update packages  still? I can't seem to get Ubuntu 11.04 to work on my computer (see http://bildr.no/view/887993)20:08
Coreyjonne|reconnecte: That should be supported into next year.20:08
BluesKajpinguy ASDFFSZ..philipino versn ?20:08
jonne|reconnectei didn't ask anything yet20:08
Natanaielwhy I don't have /dev/tcp ?20:09
lorenzoJOIN /#ubuntu-it20:09
nubcakeany hints on how to determine my cd/dvd-rom drive ? (there's no /dev/cdrom) using an s-ata drive, this thing is freaking me out..20:09
arandjonne|reconnecte: It will be supported for 18months past release20:09
jonne|reconnectehey, i get a kernel panic after running minecraft for a while using the nouveau experimental drivers. Anyone know where i could find the relevant logs to file a bug report?20:09
arandjonne|reconnecte: sorry that was meant for joakimk20:10
go876543why my conky terminated?  can anybody help me please http://paste.ubuntu.com/611020/20:10
joakimkarand: Thanks :) I was maybe a bit quick to upgrade...20:10
prewarkishjesus christ20:10
thomas_Trying to download music to ipod nano but rhythmbox will not work with nano20:10
jonne|reconnecteor where i can get newer drivers (the closed source ones won't work with my card any more)20:10
prewarkishhow do i upgrade my ubuntu to 11.02?20:10
hmullerHow do you add an application to the Unity Launcher without right-clicking?20:10
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?20:10
nubcake11.02 ?20:11
nubcake11.04 i guess?20:11
jonne|reconnectethere's no 11.0220:11
TeslaTonyjoakimk: 10.10 will be supported for some time, so you'll be able to do updates for a while20:11
hmullerprewarkish: If you run update manager, there should be a button that says "Upgrade" to 11.0420:11
mobileHi guys.20:11
nubcakeprewarkish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades20:11
prewarkishhmuller, that button is gone now.. is there an aptitude way of doing it?20:11
lorenzohi, i am on ubuntu maverick and the system does not automatically mount my SD cards anymore20:12
prewarkishah, apt-get distupgrade20:12
jonne|reconnectesudo update-manager -c -d20:12
prewarkishno need20:12
jonne|reconnecteor similar20:12
joakimkTeslaTony: one thing though. I set up a LAMP setup, which "survived" into U11. Any way for me to take a backup of key "setup" files, so I can get localhost back up after doing a fresh reinstall of U10?20:12
nubcakeprewarkish: sudo do-release-upgrade20:12
psychi did a dist upgrade and stil confused about compiz and unity20:13
MIH1406Hi, I have just bought a new laptob with Windows7 Premium. I found that it is a 64 bit OS.20:13
psychcan I use compiz+utity, instead of Gnome?20:13
MIH1406Which Ubuntu version better for me?20:13
psycho gnome will be on top of it20:13
hmullerAnyone know how to manually add an application to the unity launcher without right-clicking and selecting "keep in launcher"?20:13
icerootMIH1406: how much ram?20:13
icerootMIH1406: then you MUST use the amd64 version20:14
TeslaTonyjoakimk: I'm not familiar with LAMP, so I don't know, really. It'll depend on how/where the settings are stored20:14
psychany though?20:14
MIH1406iceroot: why MUST?20:14
arandpsych: Gnome is a core which will allways be used, though the gnome window managemenent utilities can be replaced by unity+compiz20:14
icerootMIH1406: because iwth 32bit you will only see ~3.2 gb ram20:14
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psycharand: I how can I run compiz20:14
joakimkTeslaTony: yeah. LAMP as in an apache2 server, on localhost :)20:14
psychautostart I would say20:14
arand!pae | MIH140620:15
ubottuMIH1406: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info20:15
psychbecause it's crashing when I do: compiz --replace20:15
icerootarand: pae is bad20:15
MIH1406iceroot: does the 64 bit has problems, bugs?20:15
arandMIH1406: However, there are preformance benefits to 64bit compared to 32bit in general20:15
icerootMIH1406: maybe with flash, the rest should be ok20:15
Cube``how can i change which window manager i want to use?20:15
Cube``in xubuntu20:15
arandiceroot: Not compared to 32bit though.20:15
icerootarand: compared what? pae? flash?20:16
MIH1406Thank you all20:16
psychCube``,  click the Other in login menu, use the same username and there will be an option bar, in the bottom20:16
nit-witpsych, are you trying to get the cube, and do you have alink for help or a strategy?20:16
BluesKajMIH1406, I use 64bit with only 3GB ram, but it runs fine20:16
queenofheartsHey, can someone help me? I think when installing ubuntu I deleted that little partition windows uses to boot and now grub2 isn't detecting my windows partition and I can't boot into it !!20:16
psychnit-wit, not in fact, I'm just trying to run compiz20:17
nit-witpsych, cool20:17
arandiceroot: PAE isn't "bad", it simply has the same limits as 32bit in all other areas.20:17
psychnit-wit, after dist-upgrade, it turned it off20:17
icerootarand: pae is bad  http://blog.linuxolution.org/archives/11720:17
avernoshow can i deactivate the auto screen turn off ? i've changed in power management options but it is still turning off20:17
icerootarand: deactivate the screen saver20:18
icerootavernos: deactivate the screen saver20:18
nit-witqueenofhearts, run this script and post the text file in pastebin.  http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/20:18
psychnit-wit, and when I try to run it manually, pc get crashed20:18
psychany thoughts?20:18
nit-witpsych, do you have the config manager installed20:18
avernosiceroot, grax!20:18
psychnit-wit, ccsm?20:19
avernosiceroot, ty ^^20:19
arandiceroot: It may be crap in theory, In practice it seems to not make a difference though: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae20:19
nit-witpsych, do you have the copiz configuration gui installed?20:19
icerootarand: you saw who wrote that article?20:20
psychnit-wit, CompizConfig Settings Manager, ccsm - no?20:20
icerootarand: there is no single reason to use pae instaed of amd6420:20
ray24=| My banshee isn't syncing my ipod20:20
clusterfusksomebody please help me compile vloopback.  http://dpaste.com/545315/20:21
psychno matter what I select in login menu (Ubuntu, Ubuntu Classic and Ubuntu Classic 'no effects'), compiz doent start automatically20:21
arandiceroot: Unless you have something which requires 32bit, I agree.20:21
kisilHey, anyone know where I can find out how the sound architecture changed in 11.04? I'm having troubles with my tascam us2xy sometimes not loading correctly. A udev script that used to configure it seems to sometimes not run, and manually configuring the card doesn't seem to let other apps see it.20:21
icerootarand: amd64 runs 32bit nativ20:21
psychnit-wit, any though?20:21
nit-witpsych, what happens wwhen you put ccsm in the terminal and hit enter?20:21
jython-newbieHow do I know my sys.path?20:22
kisilI'd love to dig deeper, but I'm not even sure what application "Sound preferences" belongs to20:22
qinjython-newbie: echo $PATH (not sure if you ask for this)20:22
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psychnit-wit, I can access the GUI and etc, but no matter what I change, no Compiz plugin seems to work20:23
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psychnit-wit, but when I run compiz --replace, X get crashed20:23
psychbut yes, I can see Unity's icons, crashed tho20:23
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?20:23
jython-newbieI've created a file "Soma.py" and I am trying to use this code in my Java code "interpreter.exec("from Soma import Soma");", where "Soma" is my file "Soma.py", but my file "Soma.py" must be in the sys.path. Where my sys.path?20:24
nit-witpsych, you are in never never land there are link to specif changes maily to the cube. You can always log out of the desktop and restart as well. If this is your main OS you better be ready for it to fail if you peck at compiz without the right knowledge.20:24
tarvidnew natty install nvidia  display offscreen, how would I shrink the display to fit?20:24
icerootjython-newbie: echo $PATH20:24
psychnit-wit, thank you for your time, but that was not helpful20:25
mrdebis it possible to install to a hard disk smaller than 4.4gb using the alternate 11.04 installer?20:25
kisilpsych, nit-wit: I had a lot of trouble trying to change Compiz settings with Unity. Apparenlty the order you make changes in matters a lot. Not sure that's helpful...20:25
iceroot!minimal | mrdeb20:26
ubottumrdeb: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:26
psychkisil, I'm just trying to make Compiz autostarted20:26
mrdebkisil: changing compiz settings causes freezes20:26
Cube``how can i change which window manager i want to use? im not talking about the desktop manager guys, i just want to switch metacity -> xmonad20:26
mrdebiceroot: i dont want minimal. it has to be alternate. does the alt allow less than 4.420:26
psychmaybe it may work20:26
mrdebyes or no20:26
psychrun compiz freezes20:26
psychchange config is ok20:26
nit-witpsych, it would be helpful if you understood the fair warning we can't hold your hand ;)20:26
psychbecause its not running20:26
kisilpsych I meant that changing the configuration could cause freezes. Have you tried resetting everything to default?20:27
psychkisil, I did not20:27
icerootmrdeb: see the hardware requirements for ubuntu20:27
kinesisI want to put 11.04 Ubuntu(ormodern version) desktop on an older computer with no drive. All I have is a 1GB Flash Drive. Can someone show me how to do a net install with 1GB of flash drive? it boots off usb.20:27
icerootmrdeb: there should be an info about how mich space is needed20:27
psychkisil, whats the way to turn on compiz autostart ?20:27
kinesis!ubuntu net instasll20:28
ubottukinesis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:28
kinesis!ubuntu net install 11.0420:28
ubottukinesis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:28
kinesis!usb net install 11.0420:28
ubottukinesis: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:28
Blue_KHi. I've got a strange problem, my new Installation of Ubuntu 11.04 won't start after I try boot it for the third time. It just blackscreens.20:28
nit-witkisil, I have had no problems with compiz setting up the cube and effects, I know what and what not to do .20:28
kisilpsych in 11.04, I don't know.20:28
psychkisil, ic, thank you20:28
onetwosomeone knows how to set a fix port for FTP ex SSL ??its always taking a random port20:28
psychbut yes, ill try to reset it to default20:28
kisilnit-wit I didn't mean that as an attack. 'Pologies20:29
ronr_I have a relatively fresh installation of ubuntu. I'm trying to ssh from it to another ubuntu machine, using a generated rsa key. For some reason, it doesn't seem to work. It seems that the connection is established, but the remote machine keeps asking me for a password (the key is without a pass-phrase). I also have no problem connecting to the remote machine from windows using PuTTy and an rsa key. Any suggestions as to what I should check?20:29
djusticekinesis: if it boots from usb, why can't you just install normally?20:29
kisilAnyone know where I can find technical docs on sound in 11.04?20:30
icerootmrdeb: the wiki is saying it needs 5gb20:30
nit-witkisil, I didn't take it that way, i was trying to get the other user to understand that knowing what to do is important, and that maybe the IRC is a gamble.20:30
escottronr_, did you put the correct key (the public key) in the server's $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys?20:30
nit-witkisil, ;)20:30
ronr_escott: yup20:30
kinesisdjustice: huh?? I have only 1gb of space on this key20:30
escottronr_, is the private key corresponding to that public key in $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa20:30
kinesisi could boot SystemRescueCD , put the ISO on the hard disk, chroot to it?20:31
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ronr_escott: yup.20:31
kinesisi as hoping they had a net intaller, like netbsd does20:31
kinesissmall iso, but downloads everything as it installs20:31
iceroot!minimal | kinesis20:32
ubottukinesis: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:32
kisilnit-wit that's fair. I was a little disappointed with the discoverability of the path dependencies, but that's a discussion for another channel...20:32
escottronr_, that should work i would check that the key is being send by doing ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa user@host20:32
rob_pronr_: initiate a connection with -vv switch and look at the debug output.20:32
kinesisnatty narwhal NETBOOT20:32
ronr_escott, rob_p: thanks will do that.20:33
kinesisyeah i was a slackware fan for awhile but ubuntu is nice...20:33
icerootkinesis: ubottu told you the link20:33
Blue_KCan anybody help me, please? I have no clue why my fresh install balckscreens after I try to boot it the third time. I didn't do anything special, I installed it, updated it, and that's it :(.20:33
kinesisneed ethernet for this no? wireless wont work?20:34
kinesiswifi pcmcia card (old laptop)20:34
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?20:34
nit-witkisil, t>  you have to be a little brave and have another launcher like docky or synapse/gnome-do as a back up to mess around.20:35
DdOoHello, please, where can I download Ubuntu for ARM ?20:35
oCean!arm | DdOo20:35
ubottuDdOo: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.20:35
nit-witroasted, when you build the partition you set the mount /20:36
kinesisWIll PCMCIA wireless work on mini.iso20:36
kisilnit-wit Yeah, ctrl-alt-f1 was a lifesaver. I did manage to get it configured, it just took more google-fu than I would have liked.20:36
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Faustus2what is the default clipboard app for ubuntu 10.04? and how can i print the content in console?20:37
guntbertFaustus2: 2) <shift><ctrl>V20:38
escottFaustus2, xclip is the most used tool, there are multiple clipboards though20:38
roastednit-wit, no. root is on a flash drive for me. 1 flash drive - root, then the two 500gb drives I have I want as EXT4/raid 120:39
clusterfusksomebody please help me compile vloopback.  http://dpaste.com/545315/20:39
roastednit-wit, yet I had no mount point option, MD create option or raid type option20:39
Faustus2escott: its not installed.. i think previous versions used xsel --clipboard20:39
Faustus2not now20:39
nit-witroasted, I have no idea with a raid sorry.;)20:40
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roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?20:42
mrdebroasted: does the alternate installed force to have 4.4gb or not20:42
matanyahave keyboard problem20:42
matanyain ##kernel they told me to re-build the kernel with isa, ps/2 and usb-serial disabled... so how to do it20:42
guntbertmatanya: You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)20:43
matanyaI have compiled a kernel in my life20:44
matanyanot recent20:44
mrdebok, got the answer20:45
mrdebyou must use alt installer to install on less than 4.4gb20:45
eiriksvindoes anyone know if they ever fixed the nVIDIA bug : This driver is active but not currently in use?20:45
BlouBloueiriksvin: still not20:45
mrdebeiriksvin: no, they did not20:45
mrdebit will not be fixd20:45
mrdebbetter try with next release20:45
BlouBloueiriksvin: subscribe here for daily-info messages https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/77220720:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 772207 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-173 (Ubuntu) "version 173.14.30 is buggy for GeForce FX 5200" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:46
joakimkeiriksvin: what nvidia problems are you having? My desktop looked like this after upgrading from Ubuntu 10.10 to Ubuntu 11.04: http://bildr.no/view/887993 I'm using an Radeon X1300 graphics card20:48
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ronr_escott: also, I don't know if it matters but on the client the ssh-agent is down.20:48
xTheGoat121xGreetings, I'm setting up a dual-boot machine with 10.10 64-bit and Win7 64. When I try to boot Windows, it just brings me back to GRUB20:48
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eiriksvinno, mine acts semi normal, but my graphics driver not being in use screws with my games20:49
guntbertronr_: for trying what he said you don't need the agent20:50
ubuntugreyhat@xTheGoat121x and what does it show?20:50
eiriksvincan I download and set up a dual boot for another Ubuntu version?20:50
escottronr_, that shouldn't matter especially if you used the -i option to ssh20:50
Zaelyxeiriksvin: yes, just make a new partition for it20:50
xTheGoat121xubuntugreyhat, it's like trying to load Win7 puts it into a loop -- puts me right back to the normal GRUB screen20:51
eiriksvinwill it do that automatically?20:51
ray24So it seems impossible to completely remove a program from the system20:51
ubuntugreyhatyou need to run a MBR fixer for the windows partition20:51
ronr_okay, thanks. unfortunately I'll only be able to continue checking tomorrow, but I really appreciate the suggestions.20:51
Zaelyxeiriksvin: during the installation process, you should have a chance to resize a partition to make room for your second boot.20:51
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xTheGoat121xubuntugreyhat, alright. I'll see what I can do.20:52
eiriksvindoes Runes of Magis run smoother under Natty?20:52
cablopi'm sadly dissapointed at the many many many compiz bugs in natty20:53
mrdebcablop: it is a test release20:53
needlezhey im getting this error while trying to run this command:  sudo "Adobe AIR Application Installer" -silent -location /home/needlez/ankama/Dofus/ tmp/selfgz4590/Dofus.air20:53
needlezfailed (consult log)20:53
needlez( how can i view the log??)20:53
cablopi got this stupid one, when you press alt+spacebar you must see the window menu (to maximize, move, etc) but.... but... if you do that then your windows dissapear20:54
Rev_Species_116cablop: they will be resolved by 12.04LTS20:54
cablopmrdeb what do you mean with test release? isn't it intended for usage? it is being offered as an upgrade20:54
KB1PKLWhy does ubuntu deviate from the standard sshd for ssh server and instead have it ssh? (Ex: service ssh start, e.g)20:54
cablopRev_Species_116: WHAT?20:54
Rev_Species_116By the next LTS, those bugs will be resolved20:55
Rev_Species_11611.04 is not an LTS20:55
cablopand they believe that offering crappy unstable Os they will going to replace Windows?20:55
randomuserKB1PKL, i think we'd be here all day with that train of thought20:55
W3ird_N3rdRev_Species_116, that makes no sense20:55
W3ird_N3rdwhy couldn't it be fixed by 11.10?20:55
cablopyes, no sense at all20:55
cablopoh my...20:55
W3ird_N3rdcablop, works fine here, but I use no 3D20:55
Rev_Species_116That is what you are getting - Ubuntu is based on the unstable Dabian branch20:55
eekTheCati'm going to install and use the first music player someone mentions here.20:55
Rev_Species_116Dabian = Debian20:56
guntbert!ot | cablop Rev_Species_11620:56
ubottucablop Rev_Species_116: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:56
W3ird_N3rdeekTheCat, Audacious20:56
ZaelyxeekTheCat: use mplayer20:56
nit-witeekTheCat, vlc20:56
W3ird_N3rdoh should have said XMMS, that would have been more fun20:56
randomuserI'm looking for a way to disable unity and revert to gnome2, with authority and finality. Anyone know of a guide that will help me make sure I hit all the right spots?20:57
cablopguntbert: i'm trying to fix this problem, it is getting on the way of my job and it is caused by UBUNTU, why do you say it is OT?20:57
W3ird_N3rdrandomuser, one moment20:57
cablopany idea in how to manage the windows to stay if i press the menu shortcut?20:57
Rev_Species_116cablop - I suggest if Ubuntu is important to your work, stick to the LTS releases20:57
samithdisal@randomuser: ubuntu classic20:57
W3ird_N3rdrandomuser, go to System>Administration>Login window20:58
Rev_Species_116I only use LTS20:58
eiriksvinrandomuser, i had to go back to 10.04 lts then update to 10.10 to get mine right again:(20:58
W3ird_N3rdand pick Ubuntu classic (or Ubuntu classic (no effects))20:58
Rev_Species_116I really did hope they would bring Unity to Lucid, but it is not to be20:58
cablopis there a way to downgrade?20:58
randomusersamithdisal, 'ubuntu classic' is 2d unity.  Same bugs, no 3d acceleration20:58
escottcablop, no, reinstall only20:58
kevinSJIf I want to display image dimensions in a folder through terminal, is that possible?20:58
oCeancablop: downgrade is explicitly not supported20:58
cablopi hate that unity thing20:58
Travis-42Can anyone recommend an alternative to LibreOffice Impress? Not only do I find it frustrating to use, but it keeps crashing on me.20:58
guntbert<cablop> yes, no sense at all20:58
guntbert<cablop> oh my..."20:58
eiriksvin<cablop> nope20:58
Rev_Species_116I love the idea of Unity20:58
tetsuya-3hello ppl20:58
escottkevinSJ, imagemagick tools can do that, so too can file for many types of images20:58
Rev_Species_116I only wish I could use it on 10.04LTS20:59
W3ird_N3rdrandomuser, 2D unity does not (yet) exist20:59
tetsuya-3how do i get vino to run?20:59
guntbertsorry, cablop, I  mispasted20:59
ubuntugreyhatrandomuser, log out, select your name and then on the bottom bar select ubuntu classic, set as default20:59
nit-witRev_Species_116, there are link on google if you want unity in lucid omg ubuntu i believe is what to llok for20:59
oCeanRev_Species_116: stop that discussion please20:59
Matsonis there a way to export a list of apt packages I have installed on one system so that I can install the same set on a new system I'm creating?20:59
wn1zidcablop-   you can still go back 2 classic ubuntu at login20:59
randomuserperhaps i'm looking for something different, then.20:59
wn1zidbypassing unity20:59
escottkevinSJ, sudo apt-get install imagemagick; identify filename.jpg20:59
joakimkCan I ask for some advice? I had Ubuntu 10.10 working nicely, but decided to upgrade to 11.04. Now I got all kinds of problems (mainly failed graphics), and eventually my ubuntu died (I can't log in to any graphical session). I'm thinking a complete reinstall from a live-CD, but should I give 11 another try or should I fall back to 10?21:00
eiriksvini liked the unity concept, but they should have kept the menus set up like classic21:00
cablopwn1zid: in fact I ONLY IN CLASSIC21:00
cablopbut full of bugs :(21:00
SlagDooMhello i just installed ubuntu and i discovered my C: drive has disappeared! can anybody help me please???21:00
tetsuya-3how do i get vino to run?21:00
ubuntugreyhatjoakimk, list our gpu21:00
wn1zido, lol, i guess thats why i havnt tried 11.0421:00
joakimkubuntugreyhat: how do I do that?21:00
personalcomputerI have a server with a hostname that has a period in it. On the bash prompt though (which includes '\h'), the hostname appears to be truncated at the first period. Executing 'hostname' shows the full hostname though. Does anyone know what is going on or how to resolve this?21:00
randomuserbut seriously, I ge more stability out of gnome-shell nightlies than 'production' unity21:00
ubuntugreyhatdo you have a graphics card in the machine?21:01
cablopbtw, where is the fusion-icon config files being placed?21:01
wn1zidcablop-   what bugs u got ??21:01
SlagDooMhello i just installed ubuntu and i discovered my C: drive has disappeared! can anybody help me please??? is this a 11.04 version problem too??????? HELP!!!!!21:01
W3ird_N3rdSlagDooM, Linux doesn't use drive letters (so neither does ubuntu)21:01
oCean!helpme | SlagDooM21:01
ubottuSlagDooM: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude21:01
joakimkubuntugreyhat: right.. It's a ATI Radeon X1300 card21:01
nit-witMatson, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=7157175&postcount=521:01
tetsuya-3how do i get vino to run?21:01
eiriksvinnatty is a trick... leave it alone until its more stable21:01
escottjoakimk, if you played around with ccsm i would suggest removing your .compiz folder and/or .config/compiz* and .config/gnome-session21:01
randomuserpersonalcomputer, its something like hostname.domain ? whats the problem?21:01
SlagDooMno drive letters? i don't understand, every computer has drives LOL your funny21:01
Rev_Species_116oCean: Instead of using a BOT for support - just HELP the folk21:01
needlezSlagDooM: hey quick question when you installed it did you pick sidebyside install???21:02
cablopwn1zid: if i press alt+spacebar the window decoration just go away, the expected result is that the window menu will apear (to minimize, maximize and move and so on)21:02
oCeanRev_Species_116: thanks for your input21:02
joakimkescott: I did disable/uninstall all compiz packages, in the synaptic thing. But after that everything went sour...21:02
ubuntugreyhatATI Radeon X1300? ok hos21:02
personalcomputerrandomuser: yeah. The full hostname isn't displayed at the bash prompt. It is truncated after the period.21:02
vanderhow to share a folder with windows ?21:02
wn1zidwow, yikes!21:02
joakimkescott: btw, what's ccsm?21:02
Rev_Species_116No, thanks YOU, oCean!21:02
joakimkubuntugreyhat: what does that mean? :)21:02
Zaelyxvander: set up a samba share21:02
SlagDooMyes i chose the side by side thingy and i can choose between windows xp and ubuntu when i switch on the computer21:02
nit-witVanadis, do you have a shred partition?21:02
Zaelyxvander: over the network right? or locally?21:02
Rev_Species_116SlagDooM: can you still run XP?21:02
SlagDooMbut when i log into ubuntu the drivers have gone21:02
ubuntugreyhathos = hold on a second21:02
escottjoakimk, compiz settings, some of the features of compiz conflict with unity leaving people with broken desktops21:03
W3ird_N3rdSlagDooM, yes every computer has drives, but Linux/Ubuntu does not assign letters to them21:03
vanderZelyx, what's the cmd to do that ?21:03
ubuntugreyhatsorry use it at work alot21:03
tetsuya-3how do i get vino to run?21:03
cablopwn1zid: tried it? press alt+f2 then type gtk-window-decorator --replace and you get it back, but it is no useful21:03
needlezSlagDooM: thats because drive C: in ubuntu is no longer drive C: you will have to mount it manually21:03
SlagDooMW3ird_N3rd i guess this ubuntu is very lame then21:03
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:03
joakimkescott: yeah? think that's the cause?21:03
vanderZaelyz: Home Network... just two computers21:03
Rev_Species_116SlagDooM: Do you have the option of loading XP in the menu [grub] that comes up when you start your computer21:03
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ubuntugreyhatyou got it to boot tho right?21:03
randomuserpersonalcomputer, ok. I'm stumped, then21:03
personalcomputerrandomuser: Normally I wouldn't care, but the subdomain and tlds are vvery important to identiying the server in question.21:03
joakimkubuntugreyhat: hehe, I had a entirely different interpretattiion ;)21:03
Rev_Species_116SlagDooM: Linux is not Windows21:03
Zaelyxvander: if you want to set up a permanent share, you should look up setting up samba21:03
wn1zidi'm still on 10.10, i don't do unity, but alt-space gives me window closing options21:03
Rev_Species_116SlagDooM: Do you have the option of loading XP in the menu [grub] that comes up when you start your computer21:04
joakimkubuntugreyhat: yes, but I can only boot into "recovery mode", for a terminal prompt -- no GUI21:04
escottjoakimk, if you were removing compiz libraries your problem is that you removed compiz libraries. if you enabled compiz effects like wobbly windows, I would nuke your compiz config21:04
needlezSlagDooM: or it should come up and say ## GB drive double click that and it will mount your windows partition in linux.21:04
cablopand i can't just stick to the LTS... it is not supporting very well new software like firefox 421:04
randomuserpersonalcomputer, are you correctly defined in /etc/hosts21:04
needlezthen use nauitilus to browse thru it21:04
SlagDooMRev_Species_116, yes, when i choose windows xp everything is fine, but when i choose ubuntu there are no driver letters21:04
iceroot!backports | cablop21:04
ubottucablop: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging21:04
cablopi need ppas, that are untrusted not supported...21:04
W3ird_N3rdSlagDooM, in Ubuntu you'll generally see the volume label (a small text you can/have set yourself, like "windows" or "data") which makes more sense21:04
tetsuya-3ok i need help figuring out how to run VINO.... any ideas?21:04
cablopiceroot: backports are not supported either21:04
joakimkescott: I got some advice (here) to disable/remove ALL compiz packages...21:04
W3ird_N3rdif there is no volume label it would show up as "20GB volume" or something similar21:04
wn1zidunity is gonna destroy peoples appetite for ubuntu, if it stays like that.21:05
SlagDooMok, i think i am starting to understand now :)21:05
needlezSlagDooM: Linux doesnt use letters for drives: i said that earlier it uses a different system21:05
tetsuya-3if you know how pm me21:05
Rev_Species_116OKies, SlagDooM all is not lost, you can 'mount' the drives within Ubuntu and look at all your files21:05
Rev_Species_116no worries21:05
randomuserpersonalcomputer, have you tried hostname --fqd ?21:05
oCean!files | SlagDooM21:05
ubottuSlagDooM: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier21:05
Rev_Species_116It just wont be called the 'c' drive21:05
icerootcablop: they dont get sec updates (fast)21:05
tigretonwell, must go, ty all21:05
Rev_Species_116But it will be close21:05
SlagDooMok, i will read there, thanks21:05
ubuntugreyhatok you need to get the drivers for the ATI card.... try hitting ALT + F721:05
cablopand that's pretty stupid, because if you grab an old copy of windows xp you can install new software on it... and i'm talking of the very same software! openoffice or libreoffice or firefox 4 or chromium! meaning it is possible to do...21:05
escottjoakimk, if you wanted to drop back to unity-2d or !classic you might do that, but removing compiz will certainly break unity21:05
Zaelyxvander: just for temporary sharing, there's a very cool python-module, you can cd into the directory and run this command: python -m SimpleHTTPServer21:05
vanderZaelyz: Ok... I'll google this...21:05
oCeanSlagDooM: there is also #ubuntu-nl for support in dutch21:05
personalcomputerrandomuser: /etc/hosts appears to be using the old hostname. I have rebooted since then.21:05
icerootcablop: of course you can install new software also on 10.x21:05
SlagDooMso do you guys know a good virus scanner i can install for ubuntu, preferably cracked?21:06
tetsuya-3hello ppl...... vino help please21:06
icerootcablop: and the same as in windows, the manufactor (microsoft or in this case canocial) is not supporting that software21:06
cablopSlagDooM: yopu don't need a virus scanner on ubuntu, LOL21:06
AzelphurSlagDooM: lol cracked?21:06
needlezSlagDooM: clamav its free, but not a big need for a virus scanner21:06
randomuserpersonalcomputer, http://www.ducea.com/2006/08/07/how-to-change-the-hostname-of-a-linux-system/21:06
eekTheCatI hate how ubuntu just starts applications you install if they are services21:06
Zaelyxthat'll start a web server on port 8000 by default, then you just load up the ip address on your windows PC.... for example... ""21:06
cablopiceroot: but the developer is, meaning they make it able to run on that OS21:06
guntbertpersonalcomputer: you must use \H  (not \h)21:06
eekTheCatIs it possible to change this behavior?21:06
Rev_Species_116You are in the world of Linux now, SlagDooM - get the word cracked away from your vocabulary21:06
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:06
SlagDooMi dont? so how can i watch pr0n on ubuntu without being infected with viruses??21:07
AzelphurSlagDooM: the only need for aa virus scanner on Linux is if you want to scan windows drives, or stop infected files from reaching windows machines in the network21:07
bashelinacan someone explain what ibus is.................21:07
nit-witSlagDooM, get bitdefender foe unice it is free they send hyou the key in a email.21:07
needlezSlagDooM | !virus21:07
oCeanSlagDooM: stop that21:07
icerootcablop: the developer is not meaning to make it run on ubuntu 101.021:07
icerootcablop: maybe the maintainer but not the developer21:07
joakimkubuntugreyhat: alt-f7 only gives me ";3~" in the prompt ;)21:07
Rev_Species_116oCean: Please take it to PM or HELP the folk21:07
personalcomputerrandomuser: ok. going through that.21:07
personalcomputerguntbert: I'll try that.21:07
cablopSlagDooM: lol, lol, lol, what a need!21:07
Rev_Species_116He could just have said DVD's - but this IS his first time in this IRC21:07
joakimkescott: can I somehow reinstall the compiz packages, and then disable them properly? maybe?21:07
guntbertpersonalcomputer: see http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/bash-prompt-escape-sequences.html21:08
eekTheCatIs it possibe to have all new services I install be off by default?21:08
personalcomputerguntbert: Ah yes. that explains it.21:08
ubuntugreyhatjoakimk, ok get the driver for it.... is Linux even installed or does the boot CD show that error?21:08
personalcomputerguntbert & randomuser, thanks for your help.21:08
guntbertpersonalcomputer: you're welcome :-)21:08
joakimkubuntugreyhat: well, no, I think U is installed. I can log in to recovery mode21:08
tetsuya-3VINO, any one?21:08
vanderZaelyz: I'd like to copy files from one to another...21:08
=== Rev_Species_116 is now known as RevSpecies116
rwwRevSpecies116: May I suggest that you don't lecture our experienced channel members for things that are perfectly vaild behavior?21:09
cablopSlagDooM: this is linux, virus affecting windo3ws won't harm you here... and i believe you can barely see the same sites in here... so just empty your cup and be ready to fill it again with new knowledge21:09
joakimkubuntugreyhat: access my home dir, etc21:09
tetsuya-3a little help here21:09
ubuntugreyhatok good21:09
SlagDooMhey, i found this software center program in the ubuntu menu, but there are no prices in there! so how can i know what these apps cost??21:09
ubuntugreyhatwhat about vino?21:09
RevSpecies116rww I would suggest following the instructions of Mr Shuttleworth and Mr Bacon if you will21:09
reliableNerdAny g-slate users here have any knowhow on mounting that tank to ubuntu as mass storage?21:09
RevSpecies116I have been a user of Ubuntu since 6.06LTS21:09
needlezSlagDooM: !opensource21:09
SlagDooMare they all warez or something?21:09
tetsuya-3i am trying to get it up and running21:09
escottjoakimk, i would reinstall unity and maybe compiz as well and then install unity-2d21:10
plouffeSlagDooM, the prices are on trollsrus.com21:10
kisilsuccessful troll is successful.21:10
ubuntugreyhatSlagDooM, welcome to open source = free21:10
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?21:10
needlezSlagDooM : most programs are opensource.21:10
joakimkescott: do you think I can do that from the recovery mode prompt, via apt-get?21:10
cablopoh my god, i don't know if SlagDooM  is being serious or trolling...21:10
kisilcablop, trolling, most definitely.21:10
escottjoakimk, you might be able to get away with not installing unity/compiz and just do sudo apt-get install unity-2d21:10
RevSpecies116cablop: TROLL or not, it is the CODE of Ubuntu to help21:10
* wn1zid puts SlagDooM on iggy21:10
Zaelyxvander: if you want to do it more than once, definately set up a samba share21:10
cablopSlagDooM: many of those programs are open source, meaning not only they're free of charge but you can also modify them and redistribute as long as you make the new versions open source also21:11
RevSpecies116So I suggest we all follow in the footsteps of Shuttleworth and Bacon and HELP21:11
SlagDooMi don't believe you21:11
rwwRevSpecies116: Yes, I suggest you start doing that.21:11
oCean!guidelines | RevSpecies116 there are guidelines though21:11
ubottuRevSpecies116 there are guidelines though: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:11
joakimkescott: Hm, I get "unity-2d is already the newest version"...21:11
W3ird_N3rdI think SlagDooM is going to run away from Ubuntu as soon as he finds out GTA4, Red Dead Redemption and Just Cause 2 aren't going to run21:11
SlagDooMthey aren't?21:12
randomuserone of the issues here is with chrome/chromium : a site that initiates an upload filesystem browsing window doesnt bring that window to the foreground, and the OS/browser thinkss the initiating process is locked because it waits 'too long' for user input. known issue?21:12
ubuntugreyhattetsuya-3, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=vino+on+ubuntu21:12
RevSpecies116W3ird_N3rd: I would say SlagDooM already has Ubuntu installed and is an avid fan21:12
cablopSlagDooM: the deal is, you get free, use itm, benefit of it, modify and if you plan to  give your version to others tyou must do it opensource, you get it free you gave it free, that's the deal, that's the "catch"21:12
oCeanubuntugreyhat: please don't suggest google/lmgtfy21:12
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cablopSlagDooM: but you can find a few paid sowftare for linux, anyway21:12
escottjoakimk, hard to say what to do without knowing what you removed. is startx working?21:12
needlezcan someone  help me with Dofus install on ubuntu 11.04?? When I try to install I get told that adobe air refused to install. Is there anyone that knows about this??21:12
tetsuya-3thnx greyhat =)21:13
SlagDooMok, let me get this straight: i download an app, i crack (= modify) it and then i it't legal and i can share it with everyone??21:13
vanderZaelyz: Ok. I'll try this... Thank you !21:13
ubuntugreyhathaha, sorry, i hate it when they dont help them selves, "how to" is not support!21:13
RevSpecies116Please repeat that again, SlagDooM in a better sentence21:13
W3ird_N3rdSlagDooM, nope, the're not. But I'm fairly sure you're pulling a prank here21:13
joakimkescott: uh, I get "Fatal server error: server is already active for display 0" etc21:13
SlagDooMok, let me get this straight: i download an app, i crack (= modify) it and then it's legal and i can share it with everyone??21:13
RevSpecies116Please repeat that again, SlagDooM in a better sentence21:14
escottjoakimk, can you ctrl-alt-f7 successfully?21:14
cablopSlagDooM: you don't crack it, you download it, and you can even get its source code, so code over it and respect their license terms and redistribute21:14
joakimkescott: I get a black screen, saying [OK] in the top... :-/21:14
icerootrww: if it is GPL (or something similar) its ok to do something like that with it21:14
joakimkescott: so how do I get back to the prompt? :)21:14
escottjoakimk, ctrl-alt-f1 to get back to tty121:15
randomusernobody throws out a RTFL?21:15
randomuserRTF License?21:15
joakimkescott: right. So I got my prompt at f821:15
escottjoakimk, run sudo service gdm stop21:15
cablopdid yuo banned rww?21:15
nit-wit! ot | SlagDoom21:15
ubottuSlagDoom: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:15
joakimkescott: gives me the black screen again...21:16
escottjoakimk, then sudo killall X; startx from your console. i want to know if X is working at all for you21:16
joakimkescott: oh, now I tried going back to f8, but nothing is there. SHould i log in at f1?21:16
W3ird_N3rdDoes someone have an idea for a quick hack to make an Ubuntu computer shutdown every day at 2:10?21:16
ZaelyxW3ird_N3rd: use your crontab21:17
escottW3ird_N3rd, add shutdown to your crontab21:17
ubuntugreyhatjoakimk, try this and copy and paste the out put : service gdm status21:17
W3ird_N3rdI tried putting shutdown -h 2:10 in rc.local, which works, but prevents the computer from being shutdown normally :P21:17
W3ird_N3rdok, so crontab it is. too bad because I find it so complicated :P21:17
joakimkubuntugreyhat: yes, but where? shoudl I maybe log out + in again?21:17
cablopcrontab and shutdown -t now or sth, don't test it now, hehe21:17
joakimkI have no prompt anymore21:17
W3ird_N3rdMaybe someone has a good crontab guide "for dummies"?21:18
escottjoakimk, you were at a tty right?21:18
ubuntugreyhatno in the console.... ctrl+alt+F121:18
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icerootW3ird_N3rd: man crontab21:18
escottjoakimk, try all combinations of ctrl-alt-F# until you get a tty21:18
joakimkescott: yes. ctrl-alt-f821:18
joakimkescott: I had one at f8, but it's gone now...21:18
joakimkescott: and so are all others. except f7, which says [OK]21:19
icerootW3ird_N3rd: but maybe you want "man 5 crontab"21:19
escottjoakimk, yeah thats not supposed to happen. did you have ssh running on this machine?21:19
W3ird_N3rdiceroot, I'll just take a look21:19
joakimkescott: as a service, for remote access to it? no21:19
joakimkescott: I shouldn't simply ctrl-alt-delete?21:19
ubuntugreyhatjoakimk: reboot the machine and lets start from scratch21:20
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?21:20
joakimkubuntugreyhat: super :)21:20
ubuntugreyhatwhen it boots tell me what screens it goes through....21:20
escottjoakimk, well now we cant control the system so we need to reboot whats the stupid sysreq patter21:21
afeijohi all21:21
escott!reisub | joakim_21:21
ubottujoakim_: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:21
escott!reisub | joakimk21:21
ubottujoakimk: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key21:21
ubuntugreyhatBIOS, ubuntu screens, etc21:21
afeijomy current wifi router+dsl is quite weak, the signal wont go strong enough in my living room. Which device do you guys use, like, recommend?21:22
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sudokillethernet cable21:22
kinesisHi, how do i get mini.iso over a USB stick to utilize my PCMCIA Wireless card?21:22
kinesisit wouldn't work via ethernet21:22
joakimkescott: now I can't log in at all... even into recovery mode :(21:22
ubuntugreyhatpower button!21:22
sudokillafejio what wireless is it? b/g/n etc21:23
joakimkescott: but I get to the login screen, but it doesn't accept my username21:23
joakimk^ that was to ubuntugreyhat21:23
afeijosudokill, I believe its g21:23
sudokillu can get wireless "boosters" but i think they amplify whatever signal ur getting21:23
sudokille.g if its good it gets better bad it gets worse21:23
escottjoakimk, so you rebooted, got to a tty ctrl-alt-f1 and it won't accept your username/password21:23
sudokillu can get firmware 4 ur router that boosts wireless21:23
sudokillhavent tried any of them21:23
afeijosudokill, I had a nice dlink but it broke, this one the dsl company gave to me. So it isnt a high quality one :)21:23
eekTheCatI added myself to a group. Is there a way to see the result of this without logging out and in?21:23
joakimkescott: OK. I *can* log in at f121:24
sudokillmost routers can take 3rd party firmware21:24
kinesisHi, how do i get mini.iso over a USB stick to utilize my PCMCIA Wireless card? ??21:24
joakimkescott: but no longer through the ugly, blue login GUI21:24
sudokilli gave up wireless like 8 years ago21:24
danmichelWhat is the bash command to copy a folder into another folder recursively but do not replace anything if it has the same file name?21:24
ubuntugreyhatok now run a service gdm status\21:24
ubuntugreyhatnot the slash21:24
sudokilljust neatly route an ethernet cable (if u have pc not laptop) and forget about it and enjoy stable max speed connection21:24
escottjoakimk, this is where you confused us last time. we thought you didn't have any kind of gui21:24
joakimkubuntugreyhat: gdm start/running, process 112521:25
escottjoakimk, service gdm status; ps aux | grep /usr/bin/X21:25
ubuntugreyhatok now do ctrl+alt+F721:25
joakimkescott: I see, but while the login screen is a GUI, I only get a prompt (no GUI) after logging in (recovery mode)21:25
danmichelWhat is the bash command to copy a folder into another folder recursively but do not replace anything if it has the same file name?21:25
ubuntugreyhatX11 should be tied to the F7 tty21:25
kinesisWill SystemRescueCD allow me to connect my PCMCIA wireless and run mini.iso installer21:26
J__Anyone want to chat21:26
joakimkescott: shoudl I post a photo of the screen? Any particular output you're looking for ?21:26
escottjoakimk, right... which could happen if your gnome-session is bad, or is relying on something like compiz which you don't have. we need to verify that X is working, that gdm is working, that unity-2d is installed (assuming you want to use 2d), remove any gnome-session info you currently have, and login with a unity-2d session. all this can be done from a tty21:26
Zaelyxdanmichel: cp -Rn <source> [Destination]21:27
sudokillJ__, hi21:27
BKTech86hi, can anyone help me suspend my laptop?  I really can't function without it any longer .. I've tried everything21:27
ZaelyxDaniel0108: the -n sets the "--no-clobber" option, which does not overwrite existing files21:27
kunguzI have installed emgd drivers for my gma500 according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo21:27
Zaelyxoops accidental tab21:27
Daniel0108Zaelyx: wrong auto-complete nic k:P21:27
sudokillBKTech86, hold it with both hands21:27
joakimkescott: sorry -- I just meant the output is too long (2 long lines of text) to type in.21:27
joakimkescott: I can post a picture?21:27
BKTech86sudokill i tried that too, doesn't work21:28
kunguzbut unfortunately after installing; what I have on the screen is arrows with colors and no meaningful data...21:28
joakimkescott: can you read this? http://bildr.no/view/88812321:28
kunguzIn another distro I configured it by adjusting xorg.conf but 11.4 does not seem to have /etc/xorg.conf file21:28
Zaelyxdanmichel: the -n sets the "--no-clobber" option, which does not overwrite existing files21:29
kunguzany ideas or suggestions?21:29
BKTech86is there any way to make ubuntu 10.04 suspend properly on my laptop?21:29
escottjoakimk, gdm is running pid 1125 and X is running pid 161821:29
joakimkok :)21:29
joakimkwhich is good?21:29
cablopwhat is it?21:29
escottjoakimk, but ctrl-alt-f7 doesn't present you with a login screen right21:29
rwwcablop: yes?21:29
SlagDooMhello ubuntu friends21:29
joakimkescott: no. says "checking battery state... [OK]"21:30
cablopSlagDooM: take it easy this time, too many questions in few seconds and too many things to explain21:30
ubuntugreyhatok its try to start X.... when you load the boot CD did you get a GUI?21:30
cabloprww ah a nick, sorry, man21:30
kinesisHi, how do i get mini.iso over a USB stick to utilize my PCMCIA Wireless card? ??21:30
SlagDooMi was just making fun of windows, to make you guys feel extra good about using ubuntu21:30
escottjoakimk, sounds like plymouth didn't handoff the tty or something. X s apparently running on tty what about ctrl-alt-F821:30
SlagDooMbut i found out that isn't allowed here :)21:31
cablopSlagDooM: lol... lol21:31
W3ird_N3rdlook who reset his modem :P21:31
ubuntugreyhatSlagDooM: awesome!!21:31
cablopfor a second i thought you were the writer of linuxhaters21:32
kinesisHi, how do i get mini.iso over a USB stick to utilize my PCMCIA Wireless card? ?? do i build pcmcia-cs on the same 1gb key that I have unetbootin installed mini.iso to?21:32
zmonkzzhow do I reset my audio settings to the way they were before I installed jackd and fed everything with ignorance21:32
SlagDooMlol no, i am a big fan of debian and ubuntu21:32
ubuntugreyhatjoakimk, did you get a GUI when you put in the CD?21:32
kinesisis there a better net install .iso for Ubuntu that uses full network connectivity21:32
joakimkat f8 I have the logon prompt, yes: http://bildr.no/view/888128. But it won't let me in (you see, it's just frozen after password)21:32
SlagDooMso now i will only ask or answer questions here :)21:32
joakimkubuntugreyhat: haven't gotten to that yet...21:32
W3ird_N3rdSlagDooM, so I was right about the prank :P21:32
kunguzWhere is the xorg.conf in ubuntu 11.04?21:32
joakimkubuntugreyhat: would you say Ubuntu 10, or 11?21:32
ubuntugreyhatok so you are running of the CD?21:33
popeykunguz: it may not exist, but if it does, /etc/X11/21:33
escottzmonkzz, remove jackd, then remove /var/lib/alsa/asound.state... there may be other stuff though21:33
joakimkubuntugreyhat: oh no, from disk21:33
kunguzpopey: thanks21:33
joakimksorry for being so confusing!21:33
kinesishow do i install ubuntu using a 1gb flash drive on a netbook that has pcmcia wireless using mini.iso net installer21:33
cablopok, i managed to make this ubuntu work after some hours... and unwilling to do that again... once i have time i'll setup one server just with ubuntu 10.04...21:33
kinesisive asked like 100 times, not a single reply21:33
zmonkzzescott ok i will try that21:33
joakimkubuntugreyhat: the upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04 seems to have gone ok, but I had graphics problems so I apparently messed up compiz21:33
jtreminioIs it possible to get rid of the Unity Bar (where program icons are) but keep everything else? I love the universal menu bar and the Windows Key -> search function, but really dislike the actual bar itself.21:34
popeykinesis: easiest way is yank the drive out, put in another computer and install there21:34
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ubuntugreyhatok yeah Graphic support my not be available in that version for that card.... let me look up the commandline install21:34
cablopkinesis, you have a mini iso, then it is read-only, i just think you need to redo it, moding it in some way to make it load your pcmcia hw21:34
escottjoakimk, that gdm screen doesn't look right. removing compiz probably removed a bunch of other stuff including the gdm themese21:34
cablopkinesis, alternatively you can install the thing that way you have a writable portion on the usb, if you manage to put the module there and some script... i think you can make it work21:35
joakimkescott: so... must I reinstall in order to get past this?21:35
kinesisethernet wouldnt work21:35
foot-odoranyone here use ubuntu?21:35
ubuntugreyhatmove back to 10....21:35
joakimkubuntugreyhat: yeah, I'm thinking the same21:35
ubuntugreyhatwhat is the make and model of the Laptop?21:35
guntbertfoot-odor: this is the ubuntu support channel.  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:35
joakimkubuntugreyhat: HP nc640021:36
jtreminioIs it possible to get rid of the Unity Bar (where program icons are) but keep everything else? I love the universal menu bar and the Windows Key -> search function, but really dislike the actual bar itself.21:36
SlagDooMfoot-odor: no trolling here please21:36
joakimkubuntugreyhat: did you see the pic of the desktop I got after installing 11?21:36
benccwhy is the line "#includedir /etc/sudoers.d" commented in /etc/sudoers?21:36
foot-odorsorry about the trolling :P21:36
escottjoakimk, i would sudo apt-get check; sudo apt-get --reinstall gdm; sudo apt-get --resinstall unity-2d21:36
benccisn't the preferred way to put files under the /etc/sudoers.d/ folder?21:36
foot-odorguntbert, i don't have any 100% pure ubuntu questions21:36
foot-odorbut i do have a grub question21:36
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pastoragbetsiafahere is very busy my brother21:36
foot-odorand since ubuntu uses grub21:37
cablopjoakimk: what card is on your pc?21:37
kinesisim trying this: http://www.ubuntu-mini-remix.org/21:37
foot-odoris it a apropiate palce to ask?21:37
ubuntugreyhatyeah you can try that command from escott but i would just go back to 1021:37
LjLfoot-odor: appropriate enough if you're using Ubuntu21:37
ubuntugreyhatstable vs problems....21:37
foot-odorcan i install grub before installing any os ?21:37
cablopfoot-odor: try it, if not try on ##linux dunno if there's a #grub channel21:37
kinesisi doubt that has a net intaler21:37
joakimkcablop: ATI Radeon X130021:37
Guest95082No sound out of MacBook speakers & red LED in Headphone jack21:37
LjLfoot-odor: well yes you can but it's probably easier to install it together with an OS21:38
LjLfoot-odor: actually wait, i'm not sure you can21:38
escottjoakimk, the problem is when you remove something from the top of the application stack like unity there are lots of things beneath it that might also be removed, and then trying to get everything back could be tricky. its better to try and work around it and not use the offending application21:38
joakimkubuntugreyhat: I got this: http://bildr.no/view/88799321:38
LjLfoot-odor: GRUB does afaik need a partition to store its cruft on21:38
RA_drcGuest95082: that sounds like it's broken.  also, you should change your username :-p21:38
rwwLjL: indeed21:38
joakimkescott: see the pic -- I couldn't work like that... hehe21:38
cablopGuest95082: try in pulse audio settingsd and set the output to work the way the hardware works, for example, my netbook has a connection for normal jacks, but also for those with 4 rings, with microphone, so i select duplex instead of standard21:39
escottLjL, foot-odor only for gpt. for mbr it puts part in mbr, part in space after mbr but before partitions begin, and then the rest in /boot21:39
Nintethow do you change screen resolution in ubiquity?? just installed and did not know about the new GUI21:39
brokenlinuxhas anyone else ever had an issue where you couldn't boot from either the hd or usb stick?  my battery died yesterday and now i just get a black screen with a flashing cursor when i try to boot and a bios splash screen that says "system resuming"21:39
joakimkescott: trying your apt-get now.21:39
foot-odorLjL, escott i want to format my hdd21:39
jtreminiohow would I get rid of specific parts of Unity? I don't like the actual Unity bar but like everything else.21:39
escottjoakimk, yeah thats a rather obviously broken graphics card driver21:39
ubuntugreyhatyou driver is not responding properly....21:39
joakimkescott: I understand. I was a bit desperate after upgrading21:39
foot-odorand create the boot partition first21:39
joakimkescott: yes21:39
=== Guybrush_Threepw is now known as Guybrush88
foot-odorthen install the os'es one by one21:40
cablopfoot-odor: anyway, if you install grub2 just install the one comming out from your OS, it is pretty integrated and dependant tof it21:40
joakimkescott: eh, apt-get exits with "E: Invalid operation gdm"21:40
Ninteti only want to see the screen, i dont even know how i installed it since i couldnt see the whole screen21:40
ubuntugreyhatbackup and reinstall!!21:40
joakimkubuntugreyhat: yeah... but 11 or 10.10?21:40
foot-odorwell none of my os'es has grub integrated21:40
foot-odorthat's the point21:40
LjLfoot-odor: you can do that, create a boot partition and install GRUB on it... but for that matter you can pick one OS (say Ubuntu) and install it while telling it to create a /boot partition, and that seems easier, so i'm not sure why you'd want to do that21:40
Guest95082cablop : mine is Analog Stereo Duplex21:40
ubuntugreyhat10.10.... kind duh.... haha jk21:40
cablopjtreminio: i'll do it this way... i'll try to go and start in classic and add part by par what i liked of the new ubuntu21:40
escottjoakimk, rather --reinstall install gdm, but if your X is looking like that, it may be better to drop to 10.10 if that worked for you. either that or you switch to using vesa drivers21:41
guntbertubuntugreyhat: please stop those "witty" comments21:41
cablopGuest95082: let me check it on my netbook i think it is the same, is your jack a 4-ring one, right?21:41
escottjoakimk, was your previous X running with vesa or radeon drivers?21:41
joakimkescott: 10.10 worked like a charm21:41
jtreminiocablop, The problem I've come across is that I can't find the specific universal menu bar, and I *do* want to keep the ability to do a quick search by pressing the Windows/Super key21:41
Guest95082<RA_drc> how can i change my username, also can you suggest me some good irc client?21:41
joakimkescott: oh, that's why I fret -- I had to do something back then to fix some "jittering" graphics... and I can't remember what exactly I did21:41
Nintethow do you fix your resolution in 11.00?21:41
foot-odorcan anyone archive /usr/share/grub/unicode.pf2 for me please?21:41
cablopjoakimk you can try to find if thereś  a PPA for your video card21:42
joakimkescott: I got some help, here at #ubuntu ;)21:42
ubuntugreyhatguntbert, jealous? want some attention? ;)21:42
Guest95082<RA_drc> mine is that 3.5 jack21:42
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?21:42
escottjoakimk, what kind of card was it again?21:42
cablopGuest95082: type this /nick yourDesiredNewNick21:42
joakimkescott: ATI Radeon X130021:42
RA_drcGuest95082: type /nick NewUsername21:42
=== Guest95082 is now known as adwait_neo
adwait_neo<RA_drc> thanks a lot :)21:43
Nintetwhat is the app that you use to change your resolution in 11.02?21:43
adwait_neohow can i register this name?21:43
Ninteti cant find it in the new GUI21:43
joakimkescott: so, vesa drivers might be something for me? also for 10.10? If the jittering (literally shaking pixels) happens again?21:43
cablopadwait_neo: my netbook says Analog Stereo Duplex and it is working, but i'm not sure if your jack is that jack21:43
joakimkescott: not that I know what "use vesa drivers" really means... ;)21:44
RA_drcadwait_neo: np, and xchat should be fine as an irc client, if you're pickier, you can google for "linux irc client" and find one that you like best.  a good CLI client is irssi21:44
sudokillxchat is nice i use it21:44
cablopadwait_neo: try analog stereo output, it should work21:44
NullCityIm using BitchX as my IRC Client21:44
escottjoakimk, vesa is standard unaccelerated graphics. basically the successor to SVGA21:44
nit-witadwait_neo, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml21:44
adwait_neo<cablop> no change :(21:44
adwait_neo<nit_wit> thanks :)21:45
cablopadwait_neo: go to the official freenode.net pagge, they explain the procedure to register and keep the nick for you, you need to lo in often, anyway21:45
ubuntugreyhatjoakimk, If i were you i would go back to the version that worked best for you and keep it.... i mean i had to on my old maching when i was running 10.04, after that version i bough a new machine21:45
ubuntuSometimes, I wonder if catlyst is below Vesa.21:45
adwait_neo<cablop> thanks a lot :)21:45
Edithi guys, sorry for the off, but is there anybody here who can speak spanish and can help me? only one word, not a too long thing. thanks :) :) :)21:45
Nintetso there is no tool to adjust screen resolution in 11???21:45
joakimkubuntugreyhat: I'm getting a new machine pretty soon... still, tomorrow is Monday, and I ought to work ;)21:45
randomuserEdit: I know one word of spanish!21:46
adwait_neo<cablop> tried but the red light is still glowing as well as no sound :(21:46
nit-witadwait_neo, no prob you can go to #freenode and get help but be prepared with the info I linked they will do the same usually.;)21:46
foot-odorcan anyone give me a file please21:46
joakimkubuntugreyhat: THANKFULLY all my work files are on SVN :-D phew!!21:46
cablopadwait_neo: i use chatzilla, it is a CPU hog, i know, but in the other hand works the same in windows or linux, so i just get used to just one irc client :)21:46
sudokillweechat is good if u like termianl chat21:46
guntbertrandomuser: wrong window?21:46
ubuntugreyhatyeah i say! haha....21:46
Editrandomuser: let me guess :D te amo? :D :D21:46
adwait_neo<cablop> i use xchat21:46
guntbert!ot | Edit21:47
ubottuEdit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:47
joakimkescott: Isn't it odd that the (graphical) login window stopped having "joakimk" in username field, and now only let's me choose "other"?21:47
randomuserjust sarcasm.. try #ubuntu-es, edit21:47
Nintethey man 11.02 is ill... as in sick. as in needs to go back to the doctor and get fixed =(21:47
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
joakimkescott: I tried your apt-get's, and a reboot, but seems to be the same situation21:47
compdoc11.02 doesnt exist, does it?21:47
Editrandomuser: thanks for your help :)21:47
cablopthat's why it is ill xD21:47
sudokillNintet, just use 10.10 then21:47
escottjoakimk, there are regularly adding support for different radeon cards. its possible that 10.10 wasn't supporting your card so you were using vesa, but 11.04 things it can support your card and the support is broken or it could be a regression. there seem to be a dozen variants of X1300 so its hard to tell http://cgit.freedesktop.org/xorg/driver/xf86-video-radeonhd/plain/README21:47
randomuserguntbert, blease don't spam the channel with bot messages unnecessarily. It makes it hard to follow along.21:48
sudokill11.04 isnt coompulsory21:48
ubuntuI have a ATI 4850. Should I just keep it on windows?21:48
joakimkescott: I see21:48
cablop11.04 seems to be a frankenstein monster21:48
sudokilli couldnt even use 11.0421:48
dusf'~/Public' is empty, '/media/DUMP/dusf/public' is not, in my attempts to make any reference to the former automatically equate to the latter i tried ln -s /media/DUMP/dusf/public ~/Public. i would like if a package were to try save a file there, or i were to open ~/Public, the file would be saved automatically in /media/DUMP/dusf/public and i would be linked automatically there too. instead it creates a ~/Public/public which is the link, but how would i make 21:48
adwait_neo<cablop> m now registered :)21:48
compdoc11.04 is excellent21:48
ubuntugreyhatjoakimk, yeah agreed, did you install the ATI drivers at anypoint?21:48
Nintetyou are telling me that in v11watever you ave to use go back to manually configuring X?21:48
sudokilli seem to be one of few who uses nvidia drivers and couldnt drag windows21:49
joakimkubuntugreyhat: I think maybe I did... urg, wish I'd kept a log21:49
cablopcut it, sew it, try it, tie here, plug it, turn on the electricity and let the show run MWAHAHAHAHAHA (thunders) then ubuntu 11.04 came to light21:49
servanhi! i installed ubuntu 11.04 on my lenovo thinkpad x220 tablet. the touch isnt working right. when i touch the display the right place is pointed. but after that the cursor is jumping to the upper left corner. is there a way to fix that?21:49
escottjoakimk, given that you have problems with both your video card driver and your gdm setup i would reinstall21:49
escottjoakimk, drop back to 10.10 and make careful note of what driver you are using an what is working21:50
cablopjoakimk i think the best option for you is to stick to 10.1021:50
joakimkok :) Thanks very much!21:50
adwait_neo<cablop> please help me with the sound issue21:50
ubuntugreyhatsorry man...21:50
javaJake_On my MacBook Pro (5,3) Ubuntu 11.04 locks up after loading the nouveau driver, before the init process starts. Is there a known solution for this?21:51
joakimkone more thing... I have backups of all my stuff, but is there any way to do a backup of my localhost apache2 server settings? I managed to get a "LAMP" setup working, and I'd love to just copy some files back to /etc and have it working again21:51
cablopadwait_neo: this is the far i think i can go... am, try  to send sound via alsa... i don't remember exactly how, maybe via alsaplayer or sth, then you can see if alsa is working, then try fixing pulse21:51
De|tahi guys, i have 10.04 LTS on an HP Microserver, trying to get k10temp to work with lmsensors - but am not having much joy. Anyone free to help me out?21:51
joakimkI took a copy of /etc/apache2 and /etc/mysql... Is that all?21:51
escottjavaJake_, blacklist the nouveau drivers21:51
brokenlinuxanyone?  any idea why i wouldn't be able to boot to my usb rescue drive?  i'm very perplexed by this; surely someone's encountered it...21:51
ubuntugreyhatyeah what were you doing with it?21:51
infoadWhat hapend to the Ubunto netbok version?21:51
joakimkubuntugreyhat: that for me?21:52
sudokill11.04 replaced it21:52
cablopjavaJake_: if you can install the proprietaryy drivers, you are running on a mac, so better to keep to them21:52
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adwait_neo<cablop> thanks a lot .... m googling it bt found no positive way21:52
javaJake_escott: then X fails to load because it autodetects nouveau21:52
escottjoakimk, basically. you can use a diff util or a vcs to try and merge changes in later21:52
ubuntugreyhatlike wordpress?21:52
De|taI have tried this; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1454964 but am getting errors when doing the 'make'21:52
joakimkescott: so, those two dirs then?21:52
Ninteti know there is an easy way to configure your resolution in 11.03 please tell me21:52
ShermanBoydI'm having a hard time apt-getting curl under natty.  Would anyone mind trying it so I can tell if it's just me?21:52
Nintetthis is really aggrivating21:52
nit-witbrokendatapoint, hows the usb loaded?21:52
joakimkubuntugreyhat: no, I was mainly setting up some HTML in public_html, with some Perl CGI scripts21:52
javaJake_cablop: say again?21:52
Guest82420hi Ineed help21:53
adwait_neoi am currently using 11.04 shall i switch to 10.10 ?21:53
escottjoakimk, there may be files in /var/www like htaccess you would want to backup too21:53
adwait_neois it more stable?21:53
nit-witbrokenlinux, how's the usb loaded?21:53
joakimkescott: thanks21:53
javaJake_cablop: what do you mean by "if you can install the proprietary drivers"?21:53
ubuntugreyhatoh... ok well run a back of the DB, grab everything in the /etc/www/ file and then the CGI scripts21:53
sudokilladwait_neo, most people seem to think so21:53
adwait_neo<suokill> how far it is?21:54
cablopjavaJake_: get to your desktop one way r another, maqybe starting in the repair mode of ubuntu and start the x-server with a vesa video, i guess, then go system and add the harware and install the proprietary drivers21:54
ubuntugreyhatoh and dont forget the default file in apache2 if you mod it21:54
joakimkubuntugreyhat: I "redirected" to ~/public_html, so I have those files backed up then :)21:54
sudokilladwait_neo, 11.04 will probaby get better but 10.10 not many people seem to have problems with21:54
javaJake_escott: is the nouveau issue one you're aware of or is blacklisting a first step in debugging you'd recommend? I get to a terminal if I blacklist, but that's it.21:54
joakimkubuntugreyhat: yes! I took the entire /etc/apache2 dir21:54
ubuntugreyhatwell good luck man21:54
ShermanBoydIs there an error in the url?  Space between /ubuntu/ and natty/ ?21:54
ShermanBoydGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main curl amd64 7.21.3-1ubuntu1 [182 kB]21:54
ShermanBoyd0% [1 curl 1,138 B/182 kB 0%]21:54
joakimkthanks :)21:54
adwait_neo<sudokill> i am facing problems with 11.04 :(21:54
sudokillwell i was21:55
javaJake_cablop: it has nothing to do with video. This is during kernel boot, when Ubuntu is trying to load the framebuffer.21:55
escottjavaJake_, well nouveau is freezing your machine so it has to go. from the terminal you can try and identify a driver that works for your config, either vesa (no 3d) or proprietary nvidia21:55
sudokilluse 10.10 if you can live without unity21:55
gortoI am trying to install ubuntu on a desktop that has a NVIDIA GeForce 9500 card. It looks like it loads the kernel, but thin it just sits their with a courser on the upper right corner. Tried 10.10 and 11.0421:55
escottShermanBoyd, no thats not a url21:55
cablopjavaJake_: ah, ok, then disable the splash on boot,21:55
joakimkadwait_neo: I had too, so I'm going back to 10.10, for what that advice is worth ;)21:56
javaJake_cablop: lol, it has *nothing* to do with video.21:56
ShermanBoydescott: so it's fine like that?21:56
cablopjavaJake_: you can try to start and pres esc one time after booting, just before trying to load the framebuffer21:56
javaJake_cablop: it's entirely to do with the kernel loading a module that proceeds to lock the entire thing up21:56
adwait_neo<sudokill> can you explain me what unity is exactly?21:56
escottShermanBoyd, where are you seeing this?21:56
sudokillthe new shell with the sidebar etc21:56
cablopjavaJake_: also, to enter the other mode, rescue, safe, recovery, don't remember the name, will skip the splash, so you can go through the boot21:56
adwait_neo<joakimk> my speakers aren't working properly21:56
brokenlinuxnit-wit: in the bios21:56
sudokillthe one everyone hates21:56
javaJake_cablop: yep, and I can blacklist nouveau but that disables X21:56
ShermanBoydescott: apt-get install curl ... it times out eventually21:56
javaJake_escott: how do you recommend I configure X by hand?21:56
brokenlinuxand then it just hangs at black screen with flashing cursor21:56
joakimkadwait_neo: sorry, I can't help you... I'm just as confused as you ;)21:57
javaJake_escott: this new automagic X system makes it very difficult for me to know how to stop X from being automagic.21:57
joakimkmaybe more :)21:57
cablopjavaJake_: that's why i tell you to go in the recovery mode and start with a vesa video, or vga standard... don't rememeber the name exactly, ah! i think it is called safe video mode21:57
adwait_neoCan someone tell me what UNITY is exactly?21:57
escottjavaJake_, i know, unfortunately the magic has always worked for me, so im not sure how to prevent it21:57
sudokilladwait_neo, the new shell21:57
javaJake_escott: ok21:58
compdocadwait_neo, a desktop gui21:58
=== SudoKing is now known as SudoChef
escottShermanBoyd, can you open http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ in your browser?21:58
popeyadwait_neo: its the user interface a user of 11.04 sees by default if they have a 3d capable video card21:58
sudokilladwait_neo, i take it u didnt use any other linux distro?21:58
compdoclike gnome or windows explorer21:58
compdoconly less21:58
Nintetits not like either21:58
Nintetit sucks bad21:58
adwait_neo<sudokill> well i am a beginner21:58
nit-witbrokenlinux, hold down the shift key when you boot f you get a try or install gui hit f6 click nomodeset and boot in.21:58
ShermanBoydescott: yeah, I even downloaded the curl file21:58
cablopNintet what? unity? unity sucks?21:58
Nintethow do you even browse your files in this?21:58
adwait_neo<popey> if i dun have a 3d video card then its useless?21:59
escottShermanBoyd, if you downloaded the curl deb you can just sudo apt-get intall /path/to/curl.deb21:59
sudokilladwait_neo, if u install 10.10 ull be on plain gnome 221:59
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
Nintetyeah this is my first time using it and i didnt think it was going to be that bad... this is a super huge FLOP21:59
ShermanBoydescott: but it's missing a dep21:59
sudokilladwait_neo, pretty much same as 11.04 in "classic" mode21:59
adwait_neo<sudokill> as a developer does it makes some sense?21:59
sudokilladwait_neo, ???21:59
escottShermanBoyd, curl is afaik part of the base system. what happened that lead to your not having it?21:59
sudokilladwait_neo, its only the layout of it basically22:00
cablopNintet i really pefer Windows 3.11 interface rather than unity xD22:00
adwait_neo<sudokill> like a theme22:00
sudokilladwait_neo, yea pretty much22:00
nit-wit! ot |cablop22:00
ubottucablop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:00
adwait_neocatchy graphics and all ...22:00
ShermanBoydescott: not sure, I did a server install and didn't select anything22:00
Nintetcablop, can you just install iceWM or something?22:00
sudokilladwait_neo, a lot of people find unity with the sidebar etc more awkward and slower to use than classic gnome with the 2 panels (similar to windows)22:00
needlezhey quick question, got dofus installed, had to do it manually... now the only issue is that i have no icon in applications. So how can i create an icon in applications that starts dofus??, i already have the parameters to start it from command line, just need to know how to create a new entry in applications under games22:00
cablopnintet nah i boot in ubuntu classic... i hope and pray and make sacrifices to all known gods if they still keep the ubuntu classic in 12.0422:01
popeyadwait_neo: there is a 2d version in the works22:01
adwait_neo<sudokill> since i am using it on a Mac machine, the performance is a bit slow on 11.0422:01
adwait_neoso i'll be going back to 10.10 :)22:01
ShermanBoydescott: hmm I was able to apt-get the dep libcurl322:01
Nintetcablop, how do i enter the correct screen res... do i have to reconfigure X?22:01
adwait_neo<popey> of 11.04?22:01
popeyadwait_neo: the classic gnome desktop still exists in 11.04, you dont need to go back 10.10 for that22:02
popeyadwait_neo: there is a 2d version of Unity22:02
popeyadwait_neo: so at least two options in 11.04 even without 3d22:02
needleznvm i got it22:02
adwait_neo<popey> yeah i saw that, i got an option in the login screen22:02
popeyadwait_neo: yeah, thats the one22:02
cablopnintet, dunno, i just started in ubuntu classic went to mmmm system->preferences->monitors and i find the desktop resolution there, even using that experimental nouveau on an old mx440 nvidia it works good enough22:02
escottShermanBoyd, i lied its an optional component. it may just be a bad mirror, you could try switching to a closer mirror. there is a gui as part of synaptic to select a better mirror22:02
cablopNintet: dunno the way to reach those settings in unity22:03
adwait_neo<popey>but my problem is No sound out of MacBook speakers & red LED in Headphone jack22:03
nit-witplease take the talk of wants and needs in unity to off-topic and let this channel help;)22:03
popeyadwait_neo: which model of macbook?22:03
popeyadwait_neo: the red led is optical out, you can turn that off22:03
escottadwait_neo, saw someone else with the same problem. fixed it with hda_Analyzer22:03
adwait_neo<popey> how?22:03
anasshello, I've a problem with apt, so I can install/update software! this problem is: http://pastebin.com/gY2Mabcr22:04
ShermanBoydescott: no gui for me, what's the command line way?22:04
popeyadwait_neo: alsamixer22:04
anasshello, I've a problem with apt, so I can't install/update software! this problem is: http://pastebin.com/gY2Mabcr22:04
sudokillalsamoxer shouldnt mute by default22:04
escottShermanBoyd, i dont know, but you can modify /etc/apt/sources.list by hand22:04
adwait_neo<alsamixer> can you tell me the procedure? i did everything FULL !22:04
sudokilladwait_neo, type alsamixer into terminal22:04
noel_gI was having problem with my system showing updates available even though I had performed an update.  So I followed this info and deleted /etc/motd and /etc/motd.tail that fixed the problem where I was seeing updates were available, but now I dont see them where there are some available :)  does the software check happen on a certain interval and will those files be generated automatically  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10722:04
sudokilland see if volumes r up22:04
cablopok guys, time to go back to work22:05
cablopsee you22:05
adwait_neo<sudokill> yes22:05
sudokilladwait_neo, or go into sound options and see if the right sound card is chosen22:05
sudokilladwait_neo, it should usuallly work fine though by default22:05
SuNotisimai have burned a multisession CD-R but now all I can see is the last session. can I access the other files anyhow?22:05
escottadwait_neo, if you can't disable the optical through alsamixer i know it can be done with hda_analyzer22:05
escottShermanBoyd, make sure you are running sudo apt-get update prior to trying to install curl22:06
adwait_neoOMG ! :)22:06
ShermanBoydescott: yeah I did22:06
adwait_neo<escott> red light is off :)22:06
cablopSuNotisima: i just know an app in windows for that, isobuster, dunno if you can run it on wine... or try to find an alternative to it in google22:06
adwait_neo<sudokill> i did it :) thanks now there is no red light :)22:07
sudokilladwait_neo, what did u do? lol22:07
peterhilHi does dual booting Ubuntu 11.04 with Windows 7 require that windoze is installed first or on a separate disk? Or can it be installed afterwards?22:07
sudokilladwait_neo, sound card in sound options?22:07
Andihey guys i would need some help please, my webcam is inverted ... does anybody know how to fix it?22:07
sudokillturn it round?22:07
escottpeterhil, if you install windows second you have to recover grub, its not too hard, but its often easier to just install windows first see !grub22:07
De|taturn it the other way ip22:07
adwait_neo<sudokill> i selected the sound card as default22:07
sudokillah ok22:08
cabloppeterhil Windows will replace the grub loader with the windows loader, meaning you'll have to reinstall the grub at least22:08
SuNotisimacablop: thx22:08
escottAndi, is this just in skype?22:08
escottAndi, does cheese show it right side up?22:08
cabloppeterhil: but, if you have two hard disks and can set a disk to each OS then the order is not important as long as the Windows install the loader on its own disk22:08
sudokilladwait_neo, if ur new dont install 10.10 u shuld be fine with 11.0422:08
sudokilladwait_neo, it will only cause u hassle havng to reinstall etc22:09
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adwait_neo<sudokill> hmm thanks22:09
peterhilcablop: Ok thanks! Maybe I'll give the crappy noisy Maxtor disk to Windows... :-)22:09
adwait_neoand if i again find some problem, i ll trouble u :P22:09
cabloppeterhil: you need to run update-grub in your ubuntu after installing win7 in the other disk in order to make it appear in the grub loader22:09
sudokilladwait_neo, if ur having graphic problems, choppiness- at the login screen theres a drop down box, choose classic there and it should go fast22:09
alchemist_I am having a problem with modprobe - I have options in a .conf file /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf - however - I have two pci cards of the same type installed and only the first card is picking up the modprobe options not the second22:09
sudokilladwait_neo, but u'll have no sidebar22:10
cabloppeterhil, detach the linux one just to avoid any "mistake" windows would make22:10
Nintethelp! my screen is incorrect and i have no xorg.conf22:10
sudokilladwait_neo, it's actually better on classic anyway22:10
adwait_neo<sudokill> i hate sidebar22:10
sudokilladwait_neo, yea thats part of unity22:10
Nintetwhat is the tool to configure resolution in 11???22:10
sudokilladwait_neo, stick with the classic its faster and easier to use and quicker to use22:11
cablopnintet are you on ubuntu classic or in unity?22:11
De|tai have 10.04 server installed, how easy is it to update it to the latest22:11
Ninteti just changed22:11
cablopnintet in classic go to the menu System->Preferences->Monitors22:11
edbianDe|ta, very easy.  Would you like to know how?22:11
adwait_neo<sudokill>yes :)22:11
edbianDe|ta, It will just be time consuming22:11
Nintetcablop, that only shows 1024*76822:11
anasshello, I've a problem with apt, so I can't install/update software! this problem is: http://pastebin.com/gY2Mabcr22:12
cablopNintet: then you should need to upgrade change your graphic drivers22:12
Nintetwhat is the tool to do that?22:12
Ninteti have in intel grafix card22:12
W3ird_N3rdI've put "10 23 * * * init 0" in cron (sudo crontab -e), but it won't shutdown at said time. If I make it "init 0 > /home/user/init.txt" it writes an empty file. Anyone a clue?22:12
De|tahmm - the reason I'm looking at doing it is because I can't get k10temp to work with lm-sensors. not sure if it's worth the hassle edbian22:12
cablopnintet if your card and monitor are old, then turn on your monitor before your computer22:12
Nintetthis is a 23" acre LCD22:12
edbianDe|ta, I don't know what that is and I have no guarantee that it will work in a newer version22:13
edbianDe|ta, Is 10.04 an LTS?22:13
cablopnintet then for the driver thing... System->Administration->additional Drivers22:13
De|tayes edbian it is22:13
Nintetsaid that i have no additional drivers to install22:13
sudokillNintet, i could be wrong but should be default drivers for onboard22:13
peterhilThe Win 7 requirements are RIDICULOUS!22:13
edbianDe|ta,  Yeah I have no clue if it is going to work differently in 11.0422:14
cablopnintet.... mmmm weird... it happened to me with an nvidia card wen i forgot to turn on my flatron22:14
peterhil16 Gb of HD and 1 GB RAM22:14
escottW3ird_N3rd, why not use shutdown -h now22:14
sudokillpeterhil, whats wrong22:14
W3ird_N3rdescott, doesn't work either, that's what I tried at first22:14
sklorpiomhello can any1 can tell me why i cant join from Xchat on all servers on 8001 port? Thats why am now using web IRC.22:14
W3ird_N3rdshutdown -h now is fine with me too, I just want it to turn off22:14
cabloppeterhil, this is what you really need on a winxp with allthe tweaks you need to make it run like a modern OS xD22:14
sudokillpeterhil, Win 7 should run on any pc22:14
adwait_neojoin #mozilla22:15
coz_sklorpiom,  not sure,, is your nick registered?22:15
sklorpiomcoz_ not, i get some connection problem but it's not specified22:15
nit-witpeterhil, is the maxtor a external or internal drive?22:15
hypetechwhat is the difference between the nvidia-current package and the proprietary nvidia driver ubuntu installs the first time I boot it?22:16
cablopnintet /leave22:16
peterhilI have a 2200+ Athlon XP machine with 512 Gb RAM and 40 Gb HD. That should still work quite well for basic web browsing, as just couple of years ago those were the specs for doing graphic design with largish press quality images.22:16
coz_sklorpiom,  mm  I know if your nick is not registered,,you wont be able to join some channels,, It may also be true of servers  but again, not sure22:16
cablopwrong command22:16
sudokill512GB ram should be more than enough...22:16
peterhilnit-wit: Internal. I removed it because it was so noisy22:16
cablopsorrry not telling you to leave nintet xD22:16
servandoes anyone use a notebook with a wacom touchscreen?22:16
Masterhi yal22:16
Nintetcablop, i should have 1920x108022:16
nit-witpeterhil, cool W7 wont stay working with a external afaik.22:16
sklorpiomcoz_ connection is refused, i gues something that blocks me from port 800122:16
cabloppeterhil: Win7 will run with 512 MB of RAM, the problem is make it install22:17
sudokillpeterhil, why use windows 7 just for web browsing? why not use ubuntu22:17
peterhilcaplob: That's good to know22:17
coz_sklorpiom,  did you try the #xchat channel ?22:17
escottW3ird_N3rd, and you mean 11:10pm not 10:23am right22:17
peterhilMaybe I can find two 512 MB memmories for the install22:17
nit-witpeterhil, W7 will install it auto adjusts the OS to the host.22:17
escottW3ird_N3rd, maybe you need to restart the cron process to detect the new crontab entry22:17
sklorpiomcoz_ no, but thats good idea to try some other irc clients if it works22:17
cablopnintet, try restarting and discard the naive issue, the one that the magic of new xorg won't detect your monitor ad treat it as an old one, it happens with my 1440x900... o i never turn that monitor off...22:18
W3ird_N3rdescott, I mean 23:1022:18
sudokillpeterhil, it should run ok 512 is minimum ur CPU is slow though22:18
anasshello, I've a problem with apt, I can't install/update software, the problem is: http://pastebin.com/gY2Mabcr22:18
peterhilsudokill: I'm installing this machine for a friend's dad. I asked the same question and said Gnome 3 IS easier than Win7, but the friend still wants win22:18
W3ird_N3rdescott, I know it's executed, when I run "init 0 > /home/user/blaat.txt" it produces a file22:18
W3ird_N3rdfrom the crontab22:18
W3ird_N3rdbut it won't shutdown22:18
sudokillpeterhil, what exactly is the problem ur having?22:19
escottW3ird_N3rd, right... i don't know i can't imagine why it wouldn't let you shutdown like that22:19
adwait_neoGood night everyone :)22:19
sudokillpeterhil, wont it install at all?22:19
cablopanass i'll change repositories, then sudo apt-get update then switch back and test22:19
hypetechwhat is the difference between the nvidia-current package and the proprietary nvidia driver ubuntu installs the first time I boot it?22:19
W3ird_N3rdescott, looks like http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=168781 has the same problem but no solution22:19
sudokillhypetech, nvidia proprietary is the official one22:19
sudokillclosed source22:19
anasscablop: is the problem from your repositories?22:20
EmuAlertDoes Ubuntu run pretty well on all laptops? Are there any laptops/CPUs/GPUs I should stay away from?22:20
cablophypetech: nvidia-current seems to be a metapackage depending on the latest proprietary driver22:20
hypetechsudokill: I noticed that if I install nvidia-current, then my Unity goes from 2D to normal by default22:20
W3ird_N3rdhypetech, appears to me it installs the old 173 driver when you boot22:20
sudokillEmuAlert look at the requirements22:20
sudokillon website22:20
escottW3ird_N3rd, what does it say in the blaat.txt?22:20
edbianEmuAlert, I don't think the laptop brand has much of a difference.  Finding a good wifi card and graphics card is much more important.22:20
sudokillhypetech, sorry i thougt u meant kernel driver22:20
W3ird_N3rdescott, empty file22:21
cablopanass, nope, but i think you can try to update the list from the main repositories, if switching back triggers same error then your local repos have a problem... i don't think in another cause of your problem, except file corruption or file locked22:21
hypetechsudokill: it does install a kernel module when I install nvidia-current from apt22:21
escottW3ird_N3rd, your could try &> blaat.txt see if something is in stderr22:21
cablophypetech: nvidia-current are proprietary drivers also22:21
W3ird_N3rdhypetech, you want nvidia-current22:21
edbianEmuAlert, If you're buying a new machine you won't need to worry about system requirements22:21
sudokillhypetech, i thought u meant the driver thats enabled by default when u install ubuntu22:21
Nintetis there a tutorial about the new graphics stack in natty??????????22:21
hypetechty all22:21
W3ird_N3rdhypetech, well unless you want nouveau offcourse22:21
sudokillhypetech, without installing anything22:22
hypetechW3ird_N3rd: what's nouveau?22:22
sudokillnvidia driver22:22
cablophypetech nouveau is open source project for nvidia drivers22:22
W3ird_N3rdIf you don't know you probably don't want to know :P open source nvidia driver22:22
Nintetwhat if i dont have nvidia?22:22
W3ird_N3rdbut doesn't offer the same performance as the closed nvidia driver22:22
Nintethow do i manually set my screen resolution?22:22
cablophypetech but if you don't care about all being open source go for the pnvidia proprietary ones, they work much better by now except for *VERY* old cards22:22
sklorpiomcoz_ connection refused22:22
sudokillhypetech- the official nvidia driver is the best it should run fine22:22
sklorpiomcoz_ smthing wrong with me22:23
sudokillNintet, there should be a screen option in system settings or something22:23
sudokillcalled monitors or something22:23
anasscablop: I've not third party repos except disabled GNOME3 repo and I deleted it but the problem is still22:23
coz_sklorpiom,  not sure what is happening there,,, you have set the port manually ...yes?22:23
EmuAlertebian: Is there any page that lists which cards I might have problems with? I'm sure I'll get a laptop with the minimum specs, but I don't want to find out that it comes with one of the few cards that has issues with Linux22:23
sklorpiomcoz_ default for irc.ubuntu.com is 800122:24
edbianEmuAlert, wifi cards or graphics cards?22:24
escott!hcl | EmuAlert22:24
ubottuEmuAlert: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:24
sudokillEmuAlert, I think ubuntu has support for pretty much all wifi and gpus22:24
sklorpiomcoz_ and if i force him to use 6667 it will not work22:24
sudokillwith 11.0422:24
EmuAlertAh alright. Gonna look at those lists22:24
coz_sklorpiom,  no one answered on #xchat channel?22:25
edbianEmuAlert, Here is a comprehensive list:  http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Devices/PCI22:25
sklorpiomcoz_ i dodnt go there, i used some other client to check if problem is with xchat or my oper. system22:26
EmuAlertedbian: Thanks22:26
edbianEmuAlert, 99% of cards (wifi and video) will work.  Some may be more difficult to get working than others and some may work with lower powerformance22:26
edbianEmuAlert, Sure22:26
W3ird_N3rdescott, more empty files22:26
joakimkescott: so... sorry for bugging you again :) But I've got my 10.10 CD running, and ready to install. But I just want to be sure I don't mess up my other partitions.22:26
coz_sklorpiom,  ah , understood,, if you can get there  get into #xchat I bet they can help solve this one22:26
sklorpiomcoz_ oks22:27
joakimkescott: I have a dual boot with Windows XP, and my ubuntu home dir on a separate partition22:27
anasscablop: I knew the cause of the problem! My ISP sometimes cut the internet and show me a bill page, this bill page downloaded in the list file, Can I remove them?22:27
escottW3ird_N3rd, you got me. you could try to put it into a bash script and verify the bash script works as expected before adding it to crontab22:27
brokenlinuxnit-wit: sorry for delay - was trying a few things....if i hold shift while boot i only get the word GRUB next to the flashing cursor at which point it never goes further22:27
edbianjoakim_, General rule of thumb.  If you format a partition you erase the data on it.22:27
brokenlinuxif i boot from usb, i can get to the grub prompt but none of the various options will successfully set to root; i get either invalid partition, not a root device or invalid EFI file path22:28
escottjoakimk, ok better to ask the channel, i've not actually done a reinstall to preserve /home partitions and i don't know what the menus look like22:28
joakimkescott: so I have this: http://bildr.no/view/88818322:28
nit-witbrokenlinux, have you installed a linux distro the gru> is a indicator of this.22:28
W3ird_N3rdescott, already done that, but I found something new.. 15 seconds22:28
brokenlinuxat this point, it appears i can neither repair this install nor reinstall another22:28
askhaderWhat is the name of the default ubuntu battery monitor applet?22:28
nit-witbrokenlinux, *grub>22:28
joakimkescott: right, I see22:28
escottW3ird_N3rd, should shutdown in 15 seconds then22:29
W3ird_N3rdI found the solution, seperate bash script was not it22:29
brokenlinuxnit-wit: i recently upgraded to natty narwhal but yesterday my battery died on me as i was plugging in ac power and now i am stuck at this black screen with teh flashing cursor22:29
W3ird_N3rd29 23 * * * /sbin/shutdown -h now22:29
W3ird_N3rd^^ that was it escott and iridium22:29
brokenlinuxand no matter what, my system says "system resuming" when i power it back on....despite having removed the battery, ram, hd, etc22:29
webad_13when I issue the following command: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o nls=utf8,fmask=0113,dmask=0002 /dev/sdb2 /mnt/sdb2   the sdb2 is mounted but permissions are: drwxrwxr-x root root ... I am not getting it, could someone explain22:29
joakimkbut NTFS, that would be windows right?22:29
anasscablop: Can I delete all files, or I've to empty them one by one?22:29
nit-witbrokendatapoint, so you have a install do you want it fixed or a new install? The usb is not booting as well.22:30
Nintetthe only help i find is for nvidia cards... what if i am using an intel card/??22:30
escottbrokenlinux, are you trying to cross boot from the hdd with grub on the usb?22:30
sudokillbrokenlinux, was the power cut off while updating?22:30
edbianwebad_13, Is the ntfs windows 7 ntfs or windows xp ntfs??22:30
brokenlinuxsudokill: no, the update got messed up, too, but i was able to repair that from booting to usb22:30
brokenlinuxit worked for a couple days without problem22:30
escottwebad_13, you probably want to add uid=1000,gid=1000 to your mount options22:30
sudokillbrokenlinux, how was the update messed up?22:31
joakimkI guess my question is, what partition should I choose to reinstall Ubuntu on? http://bildr.no/view/88818322:31
brokenlinuxescott: what does that mean?22:31
anasscablop: this is the file content: http://pastebin.com/wxWaPLvB22:31
escottwebad_13, unless your concern was the fmask,dmask22:31
nit-witbrokenlinux,  so you have a install do you want it fixed or a new install? The usb is not booting as well.22:31
brokenlinuxsudokill: it hung during dist-upgrade but like i said, it's worked since then and i've rebooted multiple times22:31
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escottbrokenlinux, where is the root system you are trying to boot? on the hard drive or on the usb stick22:31
brokenlinuxnit-wit: i would like to just boot back to my OS like normal but i will reinstall if i must22:31
joakimkIf I boot back to the hard disk, I can determine (verify) what device I've currently got Ubuntu on? And also verify what device has my /home dir?22:31
brokenlinuxescott: hdd22:31
webad_13edbian: windows 7 ntfs, does it make difference?22:32
escottbrokenlinux, im not sure if that is supported. i would boot the livecd then follow !grub chroot instructions to restore grub22:32
webad_13escott: yeah I am not concered with the user just the permissions22:32
brokenlinuxescott: i would love to do that but i can't boot to the livecd22:32
brokenlinuxit hangs at a black screen with a flashing cursor22:33
brokenlinuxwhether using usb or local hdd22:33
nit-witbrokenlinux, so besides the bios being set to boot the thumb/usb there is another gui to choose to boot the usb outside of the bios, does this sound familiar.22:33
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brokenlinuxi've never seen anthing like this22:33
sudokilljoakimk, whats the matter22:33
joakimkI would think 36.5 GB is for my home dir, while the 15GB partition is for Ubuntu itself -- the OS?22:33
brokenlinuxnit-wit: not particularly and i wonder how i'd get there from y current dilemma22:33
joakimksudokill: I want to (re)install 10.10, without messing with the other partitions22:34
sudokilljoakimk, looks like sda7 is home and sda6 is root22:34
escottjoakimk, if you have any doubts boot to the livecd then check what the partitions have in them22:34
joakimkescott: I'm on the live CD now22:34
sudokilljoakimk, check to make sure, but if sda7 is home then install to sda6 and it'll use sda7 as home, but make sure first if its defined as home22:34
joakimksudokill: yes, I agree.. And definitely the 46.3 GB NTFS is XP22:34
meLonI am having issues with LIRC and my remote control.  I have made a post and wish that anybody with such knowledge check it out :D  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1085024622:34
nit-witbrokenlinux, your not booting the thumb period, try powering on and tapping the f12 key to begin with some computers have different key prompts eeepc is esc HP is another f key22:35
joakimksudokill: how do I check?22:35
ciunixhi all, I have installed a tomcat in my server in a port different than the 8080, exactly the 20337. Now When I try to connect to tomcat with the browser, I can logged in with the user but when I try to arrive to the page "manager web app" I get the follow error: type Status report22:35
ciunixmessage Access to the requested resource has been denied.. What's wrong?22:35
brokenlinuxnit-wit: my bios is definitely trying to boot from the thumb22:35
joakimksudokill: should I boot back off the live cd, and onto the disk?22:35
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brokenlinuxit gives me the "try ubuntu w/o installing," "install," check disc options22:36
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escottjoakimk, there is a desktop icon to start the installer you dont need to reboot22:36
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sudokilljoakimk, try the disk manager it'll tell u there if u dont want command line22:36
sudokillor rin df from terminal22:36
joakimkescott: I'm booting back now, without the live cd22:36
nit-witbrokenlinux, the contention is not whether it is trying but that it isn't can you paly along here this is not new to me. Also how did you load the USB?22:37
Nintetis there anyone here who can actually tell me how to configure an Intel grafix card in Natty?22:37
Ninteti know its funny to you guys22:37
sudokillNintet, whats r u trying to cinfigure22:37
escottNintet, configure it how?22:37
emasarnI have a bit of a problem. I cant view flash videos in fullscreen without the video starts to lag a lot. I had watched videos in HD on youtube before (in fullscreen) without any problems.22:37
brokenlinuxnit-wit: sure right now i am just attempting to boot to usb by setting the bios option22:37
Ninteti am supposed to have 1920*108022:37
brokenlinuxthis is exactly how i did it the other day during my dist-upgrade repair22:37
Ninteti have had that in every other OS22:38
sudokillgo to monitors in the system settings and choose it22:38
brokenlinuxnit-wit: can we start a private message to reduce chatter?22:38
brokenlinuxi'll gladly post results back here if we fix it22:38
escottNintet, check xrandr or gnome-display-properties22:38
nit-witbrokenlinux, sure22:38
joakimksudokill: df tells me /dev/sda6 is /, whereas /dev/sda7 is /home22:38
sudokilljoakimk, thats it then22:38
pinguyemasarn, http://www.webupd8.org/2009/07/speed-up-flash-and-firefox-in-ubuntu.html22:38
sudokillinstall to sda622:38
joakimksudokill: yes :) Booting back onto the CD now...22:39
emasarnpinguy: thanks :)22:39
ciunixhi all, I have installed a tomcat in my server in a port different than the 8080, exactly the 20337. Now When I try to connect to tomcat with the browser, I can logged in with the user but when I try to arrive to the page "manager web app" I get the follow error: type Status report22:39
emasarnIm using chrome, but I guess that doesnt matter22:39
sudokilljoakimk leave swap as is obviously22:39
pinguyemasarn, nope22:39
iPwnPenguinsi am having trouble installing network firmwware22:39
pinguyit speeds up the flash plugin22:39
iPwnPenguinsany help?22:39
sudokilliPwnPenguins, what firmware22:40
Nintetescott, it wont show anything higher than 1024*76822:40
sudokilliPwnPenguins, firmware or drivers?22:40
iPwnPenguinspropiertyu driverware22:40
iPwnPenguinsit says device not ready ( firmware missing)22:40
iPwnPenguinsbut when attempting to download it cannot fetch22:40
sudokilldoes it find it when u click on the additional drivers section?22:40
escottNintet, are you sure you are using intel and not vesa? what does glxinfo say for the OpenGL Renderer22:41
pinguyNintet, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/set-your-screen-resolution-higher-than-you-should-with-newrez/22:41
zul_Who can help me in tomcat configuration?22:41
sudokilliPwnPenguins, what card is it?22:41
iPwnPenguinssecond let me find22:41
Nintetescott, i dont have glxinfo installed22:42
pinguyNintet, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/set-your-screen-resolution-higher-than-you-should-with-newrez/22:42
boatdinkany juan good with intel graphics?22:42
escottNintet, you could install glxinfo or read through your /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:42
sudokillNintet- apt-get install mesa-utils22:43
joakimksudokill: so, I'll install to sda6. But format?22:43
joakimksudokill: should I check the format box for that drive?22:43
joakimk^ device22:43
pinguyIts an intel the xorg driver will be installed22:43
sudokillyea ull lose all ur programs etc but ur settings and whatevers in home will stay22:43
pinguyyou just need to force it to use a higher res22:43
sudokillu have to format root to reinstall22:43
joakimksudokill: yes. Guess there's no other wa22:43
pinguynewrez will do that22:44
emasarnthanks pinguy! It works great now. :)22:45
joakimksudokill: so click the Delete button for sda6, then?22:45
joakimksudokill: just want to preserve my home22:45
pinguyno problem emasarn22:45
sudokilli think so22:45
sudokilltbh i cant remember the install procedure22:45
sudokillsomething along the lines of delte sounds right22:45
Nintetescott, i cant make out any of the garbage from either the log file or the mesa utils22:45
Nintetits just too friggin hard. i havent had these problems with graphics since madrake 722:46
sudokill| grep vga22:46
sudokilli think22:46
pinguyNintet, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/set-your-screen-resolution-higher-than-you-should-with-newrez/22:46
joakimksudokill: then I need to create a new partiton? With mount point "/" ?22:46
pinguydid you try that?22:46
joakimk...and ext4?22:46
sudokilljoakimk yes22:47
sudokilljoakimk, mount point as /22:47
sudokilljoakimk, for sda 622:47
boatdinkcan somejuan pm for acer aspire juan intel gma950 tweaks?22:47
iPwnPenguinsmy driver is a broadcom STA wireless driver22:47
escottNintet, grep vesa /var/log/Xorg.0.log you should see it unloaded. grep intel /var/log/Xorg.0.log you should see a lot of lines including mode identification22:47
joakimksudokill: yes.. hehe, after deleting sda6, sda7 became sda6. So now the new partiton became sda722:47
joakimksudokill: But in any case I'll install to the (new) partition of 15GB size22:48
sudokilljoakimk, whatever the new empty partition, that isnt home, install to that22:48
Ovizuhow do i close running processes in terminal?22:48
pinguyiPwnPenguins, sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer22:48
Nintetyeah vesa is autoconfigured driver 122:48
iPwnPenguins@sudokill , "when attempting to activate driver i recieve 'failed to fetch cdrom22:48
Ovizuhow do i close running process through the terminal22:48
sudokilliPwnPenguins, what are u actually doing?22:49
iPwnPenguinstrying to activate wirless driver22:49
joakimkescott: reinstalling 10.10 now, and I can already see the jittering on the screen... even off the live CD22:49
iPwnPenguinsto connect to internet22:49
pinguyOvizu, killall then the process22:49
sudokillbut how22:49
iPwnPenguinsbut says 'unable to locate package firmware22:49
joakimkescott: so I guess I'll be in later, to beg for help fixing my graphics drivers... :)22:49
sudokilliPwnPenguins, are u doing it from additional drivers or from source?22:49
Ovizumandel@ubuntu:~$ killall weechat22:50
iPwnPenguinsadditional drivers22:50
Ovizuweechat: no process found22:50
Nintetso how do install the correct driver?22:50
joakimkescott: still, these 10.10 graphics problems are nowhere near the problems I had with 11.04!22:50
Ovizuhow do i kill the weechat22:50
sudokilliPwnPenguins, im confused i thought nothing hsowed up in additional drivers?22:50
peterhilsudokill: I just asked about should windows be installed before ubuntu on a dual boot setup or on a separate partition. Other than that, my problem is that I have to install the bloat that win7 is and waste disk space.22:50
pinguyiPwnPenguins, sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer22:50
peterhil...or on a separate disk22:50
boatdinkhas anyone here ran ubuntu on acer aspire one?22:50
Nintetjoakim, please dont tell me that =(22:50
escottjoakimk, it could just be a bad modeline22:50
iPwnPenguins@pinguy i did that, says "unable to locate package firmware-b43-installer22:50
sudokillpeterhil, if ur dual booting install windows first cos windows boot loader dont recognise linux22:50
sudokillpeterhil, its easier than having to redo grub etc22:51
pmp6nlDoes anyone know how to change a pdf's properties?22:51
pinguyiPwnPenguins, then do sudo apt-get update22:51
pinguyits in the repo22:51
Ovizuho do i kill weechat runnign process22:51
LAcanpeterhil, alternatelt u can use EasyBCD for windows and add a grub entry22:51
joakimkescott: I believe I fixed it last time by creating the file /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf, with the line "options radeon modeset=0" in it22:51
sudokilliPwnPenguins, sorry i cant help22:51
Ovizuhow do i get a list of all running processes and kill the ones i want to?22:51
aptestOvizu: try weechat-curses ?22:51
peterhilsudokill: Yes, escott and cablop told me that if I install Ubuntu first, I need to reinstall grub22:51
iPwnPenguins@pinguy, "failed to fetch http//___link22:51
peterhilWhat's EasyBSD?22:52
Nintetman, this is ill... what do you people with intel cards do???22:52
iPwnPenguinsany other reccomendation for an OS best suited for light weight / programming?22:52
Ovizumandel@ubuntu:~$ weechat-curses22:52
OvizuError: unable to create/append to log file (weechat.log)22:52
OvizuIf another WeeChat process is using this file, try to run WeeChat22:52
Ovizuwith another home using "--dir" command line option.22:52
FloodBot1Ovizu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:52
sudokillpeterhil,  easybcd is to configure boot options22:52
pinguyiPwnPenguins, do you have any internet at all ?22:52
iPwnPenguinsyeah on desktop22:52
Ovizui think i already have weechat process running22:52
Ovizuand i need to kill it first22:52
iPwnPenguinsbut on my netbook no22:52
sudokillpeterhil, i think its only for windows dual boots not sure never used it22:52
iPwnPenguinsnetbook = ubuntu22:52
pinguyplug in the laptop to the internet cable22:53
boatdinkwith 11.04 not soo much\22:53
pinguyonce the drivers are installed22:53
peterhilLAcan, sudokill: ok, thanks. I also found that FS Drive it is possible to use ext3 partitions from Windows as ext222:53
pinguyyou will be fine22:53
Ovizuplease help me22:53
Ovizui need to shut downcertain process of weechat how do i do it22:53
aptestOvizu: well your killall statement said only weechat22:53
sudokillpeterhil, windows doesnt recognise22:53
john_ramboTrying to connect Dlink ADSL Router GLB 802 C via USB   ...... http://pastebin.com/ADQgksft  I am using another PC now ...ready to follow instructions22:53
sudokillwith a driver yes22:54
Ovizuaptest what do i do22:54
aptestOvizu: i don't know try killall weechat-curses ? or find pid22:54
sudokillpeterhil, is the ext drive a data one? if not u dont need a driver you dont need to have access to it22:55
sudokillin case u were wondering22:55
Nintetescott, how do i install the intel driver?22:55
Nintetescott, or configure it22:55
sudokillext can read ntfs but not other way round e.g. windows read linux so grub can boot windows22:56
dark_giovasHola ¿?22:56
escottNintet, did you confirm you were running vesa?22:56
pinguyOvizu, run gnome-system-monitor22:56
sudokilli worded that bad22:56
pinguythen find what you want to kill22:56
Nintetescott, when i grep them i see both in the config22:56
dark_giovasOhh !!! i thought that i was alone22:56
peterhilsudokill: the ext partition that I thought might be shared, will be home22:56
dark_giovasi´ triying to learn how this thing work22:56
sudokillpeterhil, ok22:57
Nintetescott, it said that vesa was autoconfigured as driver 122:57
sudokillpeterhil, i have no idea how reliable those drivers are22:58
pmp6nlDoes anyone know how to change a pdf's properties?22:58
pinguydid you try22:58
escottNintet, can you !paste your log. im not sure you know what to look for22:59
sudokillpmp6nl, what r u trying to change22:59
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?22:59
peterhilsudokill: If it doesn't work, then I resize the Win or /home to accomodate for a FAT32 parition22:59
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Ninteti would have to sign on from that machine22:59
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pmp6nlsudokill I want to change the date23:00
Nintetthank god i have a working 10.10 over here23:00
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sudokillpmp6nl, not sure sorry23:00
pmp6nlsudokill ok, thanks anyway23:00
RavynIs it possible to connect to the internet in Ubuntu 11.04 via command line?23:01
sudokillpmp6nl, do u mean the creating / modification date?23:01
xxiaowhere is float.h these days?23:01
pmp6nlsudokill yes, the created creation date23:01
W3ird_N3rdRavyn, yes23:01
xxiaoc++ has it, but ansi c does not have it, how to define stuff like FLT_MAX  then?23:01
W3ird_N3rdyour question is a little vague though Ravyn23:02
xxiaoa full grep found out nothing23:02
=== seriouspeople is now known as Guybrush88
RavynMy friend is trying to get his laptop to connect to my Wifi, and he's in Ubuntu right now. However, the icon in the top-right corner that should be there is not.23:02
sudokillpmp6nl, just done quick google theres program called pdfedit23:02
sudokillpmp6nl, not sure if it does what u want but u can try apt-get install pdfedit23:02
W3ird_N3rdRavyn, you probably want to install/run network-manager23:02
sudokillpmp6nl, see if theres an option in there23:02
sudokillpmp6nl, but i have no idea sorry23:03
RavynHe has no internet access.23:03
pmp6nlsudokill thanks I will take a look23:03
xxiaofound it, finally23:03
Nintetdownloading at 600bytes a second really sucks23:04
sudokilli wish i could eat that fast23:04
escottroasted, did you use the alt-instaler23:05
RavynIs it possible to connect to the internet with a command, and what command is it? That's all I need to know.23:05
peterhilWhat do you use for Flash video nowadays?23:05
peterhilI hope not Gnash...23:05
escottRavyn, there is a network-manager command line tool, if he has the gui then gnome-network-properties would help23:06
peterhilOh there is a Flash plugin from Adobe for Linux... I've used FreeBSD, where there is no plugin, and the Adobe plugin does not work with the Linux compat layer23:07
RavynHe says Unity is broken.23:07
RavynNot working properly.23:07
_Tristancan I use dd to copy my drive to a raid array, then boot from that raid array?23:07
escott_Tristan, you shouldn't even need to do that, you should just be able to change the partition type to linux raid and then use mdadm to manage it23:08
roastedescott, yes.23:08
roastedescott, I went through the installer and set up each 500gb drive to be software raid. then when it completed I realized I had no MD device.23:08
escott_Tristan, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Convert_a_single_drive_system_to_RAID23:09
_Tristanescott: well, I've got a ssd and two empty harddrives, the system is running on the ssd, I need it to be running on the hard drives in a raid 1 and I did this: "mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=mirror --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda /dev/sdb" so far23:09
roastedescott, I looked up a guide on setting up software raid with the alt installer and it had steps I never saw. such as mount point, creating MD device, and what type of raid array I wanted. That's when I got confused on where I went wrong.23:09
patcitosince I've upgraded to 11.04, Control+c does not have any effect in the console, it used to interrupt vlc, rails and more and now I have to kill the process manually, any idea how I could fix that?23:09
escott!paste | Nintet23:09
ubottuNintet: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:09
escottroasted, this is in the installed system? or on the livecd23:10
roastedescott, I used the alternate installer CD. Once completed is when I realized the full raid array did not exist.23:10
roastedescott, then I looked up a guide and it said I did everything right, but I was never presented with those options I Spoke about above.23:10
RavynHey, I have an issue connecting to the internet wirelessly.  Unity is currently broken, so the GUI is not an option.  I need to use the CLI to connect to an unencrypted network with the SSID NETGEAR23:11
RavynAny takers?23:12
servanhi! i have a tablet pc(lenovo thinkpad x220 tablet). everytime when i touch the display the touch is registered but after then the mouse is jumping to the upper left corner of the display. is there any solution for that?23:12
bindiRavyn: check google for automatic wifi ubuntu23:12
escottroasted, what does mdstat say23:13
joakimkescott: I managed to install, but after booting in to 10.10, I can't see my home/. But the 36GB drive is listed as a disk in the left bar of a file window. Here's the output of df: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611593. Can I fix this somehow, such that this drive is used/recognized as my home?23:13
Pici!google | bindi23:13
ubottubindi: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.23:13
Omega!ssh > Omega23:14
ubottuOmega, please see my private message23:14
roastedescott, I cannot say, because I am not in front of that system right now. However I tried to manually mount each drive and it errored out, saying it was part of an array. I also ran sudo fdisk -l, and there was no /dev/md0 like ther eshould have been.23:14
Ovizuis there linux support in tahitian language??23:14
randomuserjoakimk, check your /etc/fstab, and read through `man fstab` if needed23:14
escottroasted, you can use the mdadm tools to probe for devices23:14
Ovizuis there a fully tahitian version of linux?23:14
roastedescott, even still, the alt installer did not perform as expected. I'm trying to figure out if I goofed or just somehow missed options.23:14
joakimkescott: I mean, when I choose Places > Home Folder, I get the new home folder. But the old home folder (on sda6) is only listed with it's own hard disk icon.23:15
roastedQuestion - what software can I use to transfer recorded video from my HDD Camcorder to my Ubuntu system?23:15
Jordan_Ujoakimk: Did you use manual partitioning when you re-installed? Did you select your /home/ partition to be mounted as /home/? More than just mounting the partition to /home/ that also causes the installer to recreate users as needed.23:15
joakimkJordan_U: I did manual, tes23:16
escottjoakimk, you need to fill in your fstab23:17
joakimkyes. But I don't believe I selected home = home... Maybe I could paste my fstab file?23:17
kLownsamba question:  cant connect on 11.04 to win 7, or win7 to 11.04.  checked and doublechecked usernames, workgroups, and turned off passwords and still cant see eachother.23:17
joakimkescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/61159523:17
Jordan_Ujoakimk: I would recommend you just re-install again, selecting your /home/ partition to be mounted to /home/ this time.23:18
randomuserJordan_U, that's awfully time consuming for something with a simple fix23:18
userWORLD_WHO IS USING 11.04?23:18
joakimkJordan_U: is that done when I create the new partition to hold the OS? As when I chose "mount point: /" etc?23:18
szal!caps | userWORLD_23:18
ubottuuserWORLD_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:18
randomuserjoakimk, make an entry in /etc/fstab to reflect your desired /home.23:19
escottjoakimk, use blkid to identify the UUID of your home partition then make the entry23:19
twohatshow would you folks pronouce etc?23:19
randomuserthey type mount -a to effect the change, and log out and back in to see the result23:20
Jordan_Urandomuser: True. I just didn't want to walk him through recreating his old user(s) as well as the Ubuntu installer would do.23:20
randomuserjoakimk, this is a 45 second problem, do not reinstall23:20
W3ird_N3rdRavyn, can he log out and log in again using Ubuntu classic (no effects) ?23:20
randomuserJordan_U, then keep your mouth shit23:20
RavynHe figured it out; thanks guys!23:20
escottjoakimk, it will look like UUID=whateverfromblkid /home default 0 123:20
randomuser^shut. sorry23:20
go8765432can anybody help me please ? how i can change fronts in emphathy ?23:20
_Tristanhow can I put ubuntu server on my usb drive from ubuntu server (with the command line, that is)?23:21
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
Jordan_U_Tristan: There is no single command for installing Ubuntu within Ubuntu.23:22
Jordan_U!install | _Tristan23:22
ubottu_Tristan: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:22
joakimkOK, I'll try to update my fstab :) Thanks for the help! But, blkid gives me no output...23:22
Jordan_Ujoakimk: sudo blkid23:22
roastedQuestion - what software can I use to transfer recorded video from my HDD Camcorder to my Ubuntu system?23:22
_TristanJordan_U: I don't want to install it to my flash drive, I want to make it a live usb23:22
randomuserjoakimk, fdisk -l is pertinent as well23:23
philipballewcan someone help with after a fixing my hardware my speakers dont work anymore and only my headphones do23:23
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Nintetphilipballew: did you take apart your machine?23:24
adamkexwhy is are these arguments in vlc  not working properly? i can not find my .sdp file? http://pastebin.ca/206716123:24
escottphilipballew, have you tried hda_analyzer23:24
szal!sound | philipballew23:24
ubottuphilipballew: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:24
philipballewNintet dell put in a new motherboard heat sink and fan. i can hear the system beep on bios23:25
Nintetah, they did not connect the speakers right?23:25
Jordan_U_Tristan: Ahh, OK. I'm looking to see if Unetbootin or Startup Disk Creator have terminal based front ends. If not I can walk you through setting it up manually.23:25
_TristanJordan_U: Ok, thanks so much23:25
Ninteti had to take apart my dell laptop after i spilled coffee all over it. they are just cables, the might have missed them23:25
philipballewNintet i am not sure if its a hardware problem or if my computer doesnt know what to do with the new motherboard23:26
Jordan_U_Tristan: You're welcome.23:26
=== XuMuK|ZNC is now known as XuMuK
joakimkrandomuser: mount -a gives me "unknown filesystem type 'default' "23:26
escottjoakimk, UUID /home ext4 default 0 123:26
szalphilipballew: in the latter case, reinstalling the kernel might help, that'll trigger rebuilding the initramdisk23:26
philipballewNintet see the speakers beep in the bios23:26
silverarrow have anyone seed john rambo?23:27
_TristanJordan_U: can I just dd it?23:27
Nintetphilipballew: what about the live boot disk or another OS?23:27
Nintetso they work there?23:27
Jordan_U!ot | silverarrow23:27
ubottusilverarrow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:27
Jordan_U_Tristan: No.23:27
_Tristanaww :(23:27
philipballewi have a lubuntu disk i was going to try. windows does not make a live disk.23:28
Jordan_U_Tristan: There is no "Live" Ubuntu Server image that I'm aware of, I assume you mean the Ubuntu Server installer?23:28
philipballewi have a lubuntu disk i was going to try. windows does not make a live disk.  Nintet23:29
joakimkwow! Thanks you guys!! This is always equally impressive -- the skillset here, and even more so how helpful people are... Have a great week!23:29
Nintetphilipballew, use the live CD, boot it, play some mp3's out of the speakers23:29
ActionParsnipphilipballew: did you MD5 test the ISO?23:29
philipballewcan i download the mp3 pluggins onto the live disk?23:29
philipballewill just make a live usb23:30
Ninteti always just installed VLC23:30
ActionParsnipphilipballew: yes, you can install apps to the live environment23:30
silverarrowphilipballew, you have trouble buring iso image?23:30
MODspartanhey guys, with unity23:30
Nintetmight want to try and DL puppy or slax or something small and try that out as a repair disk... but you can play wav or whatever... radio stations23:30
MODspartanterminal does not stay in teh sidebar23:30
MODspartananyone have that problem?23:30
philipballew Nintet nope. i can do that. i know my way around unity very well23:31
ActionParsnipMODspartan: when it's running, right click the unity entry and select "keep in launcher"23:31
Nintet=( i dont know unity at all23:31
MODspartani do that23:31
MODspartanbut it doesnt stick at all, not sure whats wrong23:31
escottjoakimk, i realized that last field should be 2 not 123:32
MODspartanim running unity-2d because vmware has a problem with unity23:32
ActionParsnipMODspartan: then press Super and type 'terminal' then drag the icon to the unity bar23:32
joakimkescott: yeah? It still worked... ;)23:32
escottjoakimk, yeah but the check order is wrong, change it to 2 or it may mess up some boots23:32
escottjoakimk, i should have read the man page before sending you that23:32
joakimkescott: hehe... an error occurred while mounting /home23:33
joakimkescott: S to skip, or M for manual recovery?23:33
silverarrowphilipballew; both works, bootable CD or USB23:33
ZeZuI'm having some issues w/ iec958 output (digital optical) :  my head unit does say its getting a valid stereo signal, however I cannot get anything to play using aplay -D w/ the correct params,   i get a aplay: set_params:1065: Channels count non available23:34
MODspartanActionParsnip: Im trying, but the dash doesnt let me drag anything23:34
escottjoakimk, was this on your reboot? i would skip i guess?23:34
MODspartanActionParsnip: maybe its just unity 2d "/23:34
ActionParsnipMODspartan: maybe its a 2D thing23:34
Nintetplease graphix guru please tell me how to fix my screen resolution23:34
joakimkescott: I did M, which gave me a prompt where I could edit (fix) the fstab file. GOod?23:34
joakimkescott: yes, it was after reboot23:35
MODspartanActionParsnip: thanks for tryin23:35
escottjoakimk, sure... you may also want to verify that it is in fact ext4 that was just an assumption/maybe fsck it23:35
ActionParsnipMODspartan: install guake, much easier ;)23:35
sparrWMy dock is stuck open. How can I get rid of it?23:35
MODspartanActionParsnip: whats that?23:36
joakimkescott: oh, now I'm getting "unrecognized mount option "default" or missing value" again... But I *did* choose ext4 when installing. But maybe the home (from before) was something else23:36
ActionParsnipMODspartan: its a terminal which appears and hides with a hotkey, like the terminal in Quake23:36
supercom32Does sftp use checksums to verify data sent? I was using filezilla do to sftp transfers and over large files (> 2gig) it seems to corrupt them if a pause/resume or data connection was broken. Any ideas? Or should I use rsync instead?23:36
randomuserjoakimk, 'defaults' , not 'default'23:37
MODspartanActionParsnip: haha thanks ill try it23:37
ActionParsnipsupercom32: you can connect to sftp with nautilus23:37
randomusersupercom32, IMO, you should always use rsync unless there is no other option. Unless you are moving files within the same filesystem23:37
ActionParsnipMODspartan: check out some videos of it, it's awesome23:37
=== SudoChef is now known as SudoKing
=== tweak4fun-passed is now known as tweak4fun
joakimkbut how do I check the "type" of /dev/sda6 -- my "old" home/ ?23:38
roastedQuestion - with software raid on the alternate installer CD, I was not presented with a mount point option, raid type option, or the option to create an MD device. Why?23:38
ActionParsnipjoakimk: sudo parted -l | grep sda623:39
roastedQuestion - what software can I use to transfer recorded video from my HDD Camcorder to my Ubuntu system?23:39
escottjoakimk, just change the entries then try to mount the partition23:39
Jordan_U_Tristan: See: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/unetbootin/wiki/commands , though it may still try to pop up a GUI dialog making in fail without an X server.23:39
supercom32randomuser: Does Rsync guarentee file intregrety? Even if connection is broken and resume is needed? Is there a reason why it's better than sftp?23:39
Jordan_U_Tristan: You're welcome.23:39
randomusersupercom32, rsync checksums, yes23:39
escottjoakimk, if it works you got the right type. alternately you could explicitely "sudo mount /dev/sda# /home; mount" and see what type it says mount will figure out what type it si23:39
Jordan_Uroasted: Does your camera show up as a removable disk when you plug it in?23:40
ActionParsnipjoakimk: ok forget the grep23:40
roastedJordan_U, no. it shows up as nothing. both in windows and ubuntu.23:40
roastedJordan_U, even if I do sudo fdisk -l it shows no additional hdd devices23:40
randomusersupercom32, it will resume on broken, and is designed to prevent corruption with remote file transfers.23:40
supercom32randomuser: Does it do files sequentially, or can you have it do multiple files in parallel? I ask because usually it maxes out bandwith better.23:40
escottroasted, not all cameras export usb mass storage. in fact many use their own usb protocol23:40
randomusersupercom32, it should saturate your connection, but the transfers are sequential23:41
joakimkall seems to be well :D23:41
ActionParsnipsupercom32: rsync connects to the ssh service, so will be secure like sftp23:41
roastedescott, so how would I get videos off of it?23:41
Jordan_Uroasted: Then you'll likely need to treat it the same as a camera that uses DV tape. PiTiVi can do this and comes with Ubuntu by default (though there are many other options as well).23:41
supercom32Ah, thanks everyone!23:41
roastedJordan_U, pitivi can extract video???23:41
joakimkso now I guess the recommended action is to update tons of missing packages...?  Synaptic Package Manager, or Update Manager?23:42
YankDownUnderroasted, What are you trying to do - extract a video, or convert a video?23:42
randomusersupercom32, file transfers in parallel just means more overhead and less data transfer, right?23:42
roastedYankDownUnder, I have lots of video recorded on the hard drive of a hdd-loaded camcorder. I want the video OFF of it so I can use it like I bought the camcorder for.23:42
roastedYankDownUnder, but it doesnt show up as a removal device in windows or linux. I have zero clue on what I can do.23:43
escottroasted, what does lsusb say about it23:43
infinituxnot sure if i'm too impressed with 11.0423:43
silverarrowanyone good with hardware ? I am booting up to a totally black screen, no bios logo or boot up options even. It sounds like the computer boots up regularly23:43
escott!classic | infinitux, give unity some time it can grow on you23:44
ubottuinfinitux, give unity some time it can grow on you: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.23:44
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: ask in ##hardware23:44
YankDownUnderroasted, yeah mate - try seeing what it shows up as for "lsusb" => it might be that the usb-storage mod isn't loading...23:44
=== chkorn is now known as korn
infinituxno i mean my screen flicker23:44
escottsilverarrow, sounds like your video card may not be working23:44
infinituxnot happy that my brand new computer doesn't look so healthy23:44
infinituxbrb (reboot23:44
supercom32randomuser: Well, I seem to max out at around 300-kbs per transfer. If I do multiple connections I can go like 2mbit or so.23:44
sparrWescott: when unity has a taskbar, and stops running so slowly, and the dock stops getting stuck open, then we'll talk. until then, i'm still planning to move to kubuntu for a while.23:44
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: if you hold shift, does grub show?23:45
roastedescott, I do see hitachi as a usb device.23:45
escottroasted, can you give us the full string23:45
YankDownUnderroasted, I'll assume the cam IS a Hitachi, eh?23:45
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: i'd ask in the hardware channel dude23:45
silverarrowit might be worth getting a new video card then23:45
roastedescott, Bus 001 Device 014: ID 04a4:0043 Hitachi, Ltd23:45
escottroasted, i am assuming this is connected through usb and not firewire23:45
roastedYankDownUnder, of course :)23:45
roastedescott, yes, firewire.23:45
FloodBot1roasted: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:45
silverarrowI cannot enter hardware actionparsnip ?23:45
YankDownUnderroasted, Just checkin mate...23:46
silverarrowmaybe I need to be loggedin23:46
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: #hardware23:46
silverarrowinvite only23:46
randomusersupercom32, rsync will not work in parallel.  Just let it do its thing.  If you're watching aggregate interface throughput, be aware that every file transfer has a percentage of overhead...23:46
ActionParsnipsilverarrow: yeah I think you need to be identified23:46
randomusersilverarrow, identify23:46
joakimkthanks again! good night from my part of the world23:46
escottroasted, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161016323:46
wonginator1221is there any reason that nautilus should be using 300MBs of ram?23:46
randomuserwonginator1221, thumbnail previews would do it23:47
ActionParsnipwonginator1221: try:   nautilus -q23:47
dijonyummy123i'm trying to install/make httrack, but it cant find zlib library in /usr. im on 10.10, despite fact i have zlib1g installed already23:47
wonginator1221randomuser: what about 800+MBs?23:47
wonginator1221I think there's a memory leak somewhere23:48
supercom32randomuser: I realize that. But for the speed gains, a few (like 3 more transfers) seems to pay out for me before I get diminishing returns. Hrm...23:48
aerholtjoin #ubuntu-se23:48
randomuserwonginator1221, turn off thumbnails, would be my first step.  Use thunar if its too much23:49
escottwonginator1221, a lot of stuff gets shared between x programs and double counted 300 sounds high but its not a big deal unless free shows you using swap23:49
Jordan_Urandomuser: I am amazed to find that PiTiVi does not support importing from DV cameras. Kino howerver does (though I've only used it with Firewire so I can't attest to doing the same with USB).23:49
randomusersupercom32, run `dstat` on both machines to know for sure23:49
randomuserJordan_U, tab fail?23:49
niccolohi to all,23:49
niccolomy name is niccolo and i have a question23:50
silverarrowdarn I messed up login, it's too long since I have been here23:50
ActionParsnipniccolo: ask away23:50
roastedwelcome niccolo :)23:50
Jordan_Urandomuser: Yes, sorry.23:50
niccolohow can i set the correct physical dimensions (in mm)  of my monitor?23:51
Jordan_Uroasted: I am amazed to find that PiTiVi does not support importing from DV cameras. Kino howerver does (though I've only used it with Firewire so I can't attest to doing the same with USB).23:51
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randomuserniccolo, what is the goal ?23:52
escottniccolo, if you use ati radeonhd or intel you can use xrandr to set the dpi correctly23:52
ActionParsnipniccolo: do you mean you have a low resolution?23:52
Jordan_Uroasted: Kino does not support USB capture. Do you have a firewire port / cable?23:52
niccolorandomuser, the goal is to have the correct DPI23:52
randomuserescott, xrander is a base X package, it dowsn't depend on a specific video driver23:52
roastedJordan_U, nope. firewire is old anyway. :P23:53
escottrandomuser, nvidia proprietary doesn't support most xrandr features >1.2 they have their own way of doing stuff23:53
wonginator1221escott: I'm currently using 8 gigs of ram (I don't have a swap partition) and I caught nautilus using over 850MBs of ram the other day.  It ran me into a situation where I was getting memory allocation errors (no more memory available).  I restarted nautilus and the problem seemed to subside, but it seemed really odd that nautilus was using more ram than firefox with 15 tabs open.23:53
niccoloActionParsnip, no my resolution is correct but in the output of the xdpyinfo i see that the monitor size is incorrect23:53
redstarhey does anyone know the any URLs of any good internet radio stations for banshee23:53
wonginator1221randomuser: how does the functionality of thunar compare to nautilus23:54
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ActionParsnipwonginator1221: did nautilus -q   make it ok?23:54
Josiah-e482Hey guys, I need help installing Ubuntu on my laptop.23:55
randomuserwonginator1221, similar, if a little more basic; try it and see. General browing of filesystems, you might notice little difference.  Give it a try, its easy enough23:55
wonginator1221ActionParsnip: yes it did.  I've 'killall'ed it previously23:55
PipeToDevNullJosiah: What flavor of help?  I just installed on this machine yesterday.23:55
ActionParsnipJosiah-e482: what issues are you getting? did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?23:55
Jordan_Uroasted: Have you tried treating the camera as a webcam in PiTiVi?23:55
go876543can anybody help me to change empathy fronts in theme "ubuntu" ?23:56
ActionParsnipwonginator1221: what is the output of:   lsb_release -d23:56
Josiah-e482@ActionParsnip    I have the least bit of an idea what you mena23:56
aerholtredstar: maybe you can find something at SomaFM23:56
ActionParsnip!md5 | Josiah-e48223:56
ubottuJosiah-e482: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:56
wonginator1221ActionParsnip: Description:Ubuntu 11.0423:56
redstarthanx im kinda tired of pandora23:56
dibblegois there a command to learn what distribution you are using?23:57
roastedJordan_U, Im not sure hwo to do that23:57
escottdibblego, lsb_release -d23:57
dibblegogreat thanks23:57
ActionParsnipdibblego: for the whole distro use: lsb_release -a23:57
philipballewNintet the live usb did the same thing. sound through the headphone jack but not the speakers23:57
dibblegogot it cheers23:57
Jordan_Uroasted: Go to Project > Import from webcam (if it's not greyed out).23:57
graphixprobHi, I'm having difficulty starting X in a fresh install of Natty.  Rebooting under Failsafe X does work.  I tried to install nvidia-current but that driver is too new for my Geforce TI 4200.  I also attempted to install NVIDIA's 96.43.19 driver from their website, but just get a blank screen when I start up.  I can still access the TTY and login through there, but X does not function.  What should I try next?23:58
go876543anybody use emphathy? how i cam change fronts?23:58
roastedJordan_U, it is grayed out23:58
escottroasted, i don't know if that would even work. i very much doubt that things will just work if they are using their own protocol. and if it doesnt show up as a mass storage device they are by definition using their own protocol. try mdiswrapper23:58
ActionParsnipgraphixprob: the 96 driver is in the repos23:58
escottphilipballew, hda_analyzer23:58
ActionParsnipgraphixprob: you may need to run:  nvidia-xconfig    in a root recovery console23:59
silverarrowI have no picture in VLC, it happened after installing DVD codecs for the media player23:59
roastedescott, ndiswrapper and... what? ndiswrapper is a gizmo for winders drivers. how would I use that to my benefit if I Cant even get it to work on windows?23:59
escottphilipballew, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBgQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alsa-project.org%2Fmain%2Findex.php%2FHelp_To_Debug_Intel_HDA&rct=j&q=hda_analyzer&ei=OpXZTb_ALIHi0QHyqcX8Aw&usg=AFQjCNHC7mW5BTaI-cR17G6NRXgoc64ahA&sig2=uCA8X6i_sMh8BnqBsfRzIQ&cad=rja23:59
Jordan_Uroasted: Is there any output from "lsmod | grep uvcvideo"?23:59
philipballewescott whats that23:59
escottphilipballew, sorry that was the long googlified link http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA23:59
silverarrowany idea how to go about trouble shooting no picture in media player?23:59
Josiah-e482Also, my computer keeps disconnecting and reconnecting on the wireless randomly. I'm having to use Fedora's LiveUSB to get this thing to work at all.23:59

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