
=== Shadow__1 is now known as Shadow__X
BelseruskHi guys.13:14
BelseruskI installed kubuntu-desktop13:14
BelseruskI since removed it from synaptic13:14
BelseruskIt has GDM but still has Kubuntu splash screen on bootup.13:14
BelseruskHow do I restore Ubuntu splash? sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so13:14
cayphedHi all, can anyone please help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176466716:28
ubot4Factoid 'hi' not found16:50
Aln31I've some problems with Urban Terror on 11.04, it freezes on exit :/16:50
cayphedis there an error msg?16:50
Aln31I looked at the documentation and found how to fix it (a problem with pulseaudio) but it doesn't work16:51
Aln31No, it just freeze, i can't do anything else16:51
cayphedwhat gear are you running and whats the web page to the documetation16:51
Aln31English is not my first langage, so I don't know what gear is :p16:52
Aln31And the web page is16:52
cayphedwhat's in your pc, lol :)16:52
Aln31What kind of pc I have?16:52
cayphedhold on a sec, i'm a slow reader,16:52
cayphedyeah, but more like whats in it16:53
Aln31I can do some traduction if you need to16:53
Aln31It is a laptop, and acer16:53
Aln314gb Memory,16:53
cayphedcool, do you have a modle number?16:54
Aln31modle number?16:55
Aln31Sorry for my no-understanding :s16:55
cayphedyeah, its like its name it'll be somewhere on it16:55
Aln31(i'm using a 64-bit version)16:56
cayphedok, try this http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html16:59
cayphedits in english, so take your time, let me know how you go. :)17:00
cayphedAln31 you still here?17:00
Aln31but i don't have the same interface17:01
Aln31but i'll look it up17:01
cayphedthats cool17:01
Aln31don't found where it is17:02
Aln31No, sorry, can't found it17:03
cayphedmmmmm, hold on...17:05
Aln31Thanks :)17:05
cayphedI'm trying, do you have documentation on this issue that isn't in french? I can only speak bad english.... :s17:06
Aln31I'll translate it17:06
cayphedthank you17:07
Aln31they said -> For the problems of freeze for the ATI-cards17:07
Aln31or nvidia cards with 64-bits architectures17:07
Aln31when you have problems on the exit of the game 17:08
Aln31and the game freeze all your session17:08
Aln31you have to switch to the tty-mode17:08
Aln31and kill the game17:08
Aln31(does not work for my problem...)17:08
cayphedok, give me a sec...17:08
Aln31then you have to restart the session with startx17:09
Aln31and to temporary fix the error, you have to install17:09
Aln31but it is already installed on my laptop17:09
cayphedyou may have to re-install libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio17:11
Aln31apt-get remove ...17:11
Aln31apt-get install ...17:11
cayphedI'm reading the translation now and just looking at it17:12
cayphedI think it's apt-get purge libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio17:12
cayphedbut don't do it I'm looking it up17:12
Aln31Damn... I've already done it :p17:13
Aln31but with apt-get remove17:13
cayphed#apt-get remove --purge package17:14
cayphed#apt-get clean17:14
cayphedor try this page.... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/how-do-i-get-apt-get-to-completely-uninstall-a-package-237772/17:15
cayphedthen install it again...17:15
cayphedperhaps installing an updated version might help more?17:15
cayphedhttp://www.pulseaudio.org/ has the list of revisions...17:19
cayphedhow are you going on your end?17:19
Aln31Ow, sorry17:23
Aln31really :s17:23
Aln31I'll re-launch UrbanTerror, i'll perhaps quit the chan17:25
Aln31Ok, another strange thing17:25
Aln31cayphed, 17:25
Aln31I can't use my folder explorator17:26
Aln31Fix :)17:26
Aln31Thank a lot :)17:27
cayphedyou cant open yor home folder?17:27
cayphedor did it fix?17:27
Aln31No, it's okay, it was a mouse-issue17:27
cayphedoh :)17:27
Aln31both are fix17:27
cayphedoh good :D17:27
cayphedanything else?17:28
cayphedperhaps you could help me with this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=176466717:29
cayphedbe back in 10 to 20 minutes17:30
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hajour1hi all just realized i mist a channel in favorites23:47
hajour1added now23:48
hajour1sorry sleeping time goodnight all23:49

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