
ianm_can U1 be used to share assets between users of an application?  a way to list or search files within a group?07:27
Ignatushi, i'm having some troubles with u1 again. i'm getting conflict files for a few music files, but the original files are not there. if i delete or rename the conflict file, it instantly gets renamed to conflict again. it's ok on the other computer and webinterface how to get rid of conflict file and have original file?14:14
duanedeisgnhello Ignatus14:38
Ignatushello duanedeisgn14:39
duanedeisgnto get rid of the conflict you can ust rename the file. take of the .u1conflict at the end14:40
Ignatusduanedeisgn, i tried that, it just renames it automatically back to u1conflict at the end of new filename14:40
duanedeisgnoh noe :\14:41
Ignatusindeed, kinda annoying. tried taking the original file from my other computer, copy over, and it just renames that file as filename.u1conflict1 as well14:42
duanedeisgnIgnatus: are both the computers are on your U1 ACCOUNT?14:43
duanedeisgnsorry for caps14:43
Ignatusduanedeisgn, yup, both desktop and laptop14:43
duanedeisgnis this in you purchased from Ubuntu Onr folder?14:44
Ignatusno, just in my Music folder, that i've synced up to my one account, just like my photos and documents. so music has been purchased elsewhere many years ago :)14:45
duanedeisgnare you running Natty?14:46
Ignatusyeah, on both computers14:46
duanedeisgnIgnatus: could you file a bug and then on Monday when more of the team is here we can look a your issue and get you fixed up. You can file a bug with the command:  ubuntu-bug ubuntuone-client15:06
Ignatusduanedeisgn, oh, ok will try to do that :)15:07
duanedeisgnAlso could you please compress  your $HOME/.cache/ubuntuone/log/ folder and attach the tar.gz to the report.  You can compress the folder by right-clicking on it and selecting compress. Attach the logs to the bug report using the 'Add Attachment or Patch' button at the bottom of the page. Thank you!15:10
Ignatusduanedeisgn, ok, wil do. thanks15:10
Ignatusduanedeisgn, ok, bug files, attachments added. ty for your time.15:17
fagan_Man I suck at twisted15:21
fagan_Im getting a traceback and I really dont understand it15:22
fagan_I really wish today was a weekday and someone was looking at IRC that could help15:22
fagan_Yay have it working now15:34
fagan_So ive made a twisted server and client now that are talking to each other properly15:36
fagan_Now I just have to make the extra cool bits and ill have something cool to show off15:38
nlsthznhello, purchased an app in 11.04, reverted to 10.04... anyway to install the app?16:13
fagannlsthzn: you mean you bought something from the software center?16:16
nlsthznfagan: yes... but LTS doesn't have the option to install apps that should be bought, was thinking maybe the apps synx with ubuntu one when purchased16:17
fagannlsthzn: This channel hasnt anything to do with the software center you would have to ask on #ubuntu-desktop although it is the weekend so there wont be anyone answering questions so you should ask on monday16:18
fagannlsthzn: this channel is for Ubuntu one so its the file sync or music streaming...etc16:18
nlsthznfagan: like I said, I was just wondering if apps also synced like music purchases... but it seems that is not the case... cheers16:19
fagannlsthzn: no they are not but they should have a record of it and install it if you bought it but I dont know16:19
nlsthznfagan: k, doesn't seem that way, thanks for everything16:19
fagannlsthzn: np, id say someone would be able to help anyway on monday16:20
nigelbfagan: nice work with twisted :D17:18
nigelbfagan: I've been spending my weekend writing an API for an app to talk to.17:18
fagannigelb: yeah I spent most of the week reading the docs17:30
mainerrorwhich ones?17:30
nigelbfagan: Nice :)17:30
faganmainerror: for twisted17:30
fagannigelb: im going to make a nice thing to skip songs remotely or something17:31
nigelbfagan: o_o17:31
faganalthough I could fix a bug in u117:31
nigelbfagan: twisted is one of those things I've had on my list to learn17:31
fagannigelb: well its pretty big17:31
fagannigelb: and u1 is made entirely from it17:31
nigelbhrm, so if I learn it I can help with u1 bugs, sounds enticing.17:32
nigelbMy list of things-I-do-in-Ubuntu is too big already :p17:32
fagannigelb: yep and gtk and qt too if you want17:32
mainerrorright, I should grab the Android U1 files code and start hacking too :)17:32
faganmainerror: I installed it on friday its very good17:33
nigelbSo, I gave the lightning talk at UDS about Flask, now I'm eating my own dog food.  Writing a backend API for an Android app and iPhone app to talk to :D17:33
nigelbIn Flask, obviously :D17:34
fagannigelb: nice what is flask?17:34
mainerrorI was about to ask :D17:34
nigelbfagan: very light weight python web framework17:34
fagannigelb: ah cool17:34
mainerrorso that thing is all web stuff related?17:35
fagannigelb: I was thinking of automating some of my IRC stuff by making a client/bot in twisted17:35
faganbut that would be done in my spare time17:36
nigelbmainerror: yeah17:37
nigelbfagan: automating how?17:37
nigelbfagan: technically you could just write irssi plugins (like classbot, which is an irssi plugin written in perl)17:38
fagannigelb: well im really lazy and I hate perl17:38
nigelbfagan: I don't blame you :p17:38
faganid prefer to make something homespun17:38
faganalthough IRC clients are a pain in the ass to write17:39
nigelbI've written way too much code this weekend, I'm not sure if that's a bad thing though.17:39
fagannigelb: well I was drinking all weekend for the end of the world but since it didnt happen I wrote some code today17:40
nigelbfagan: bwahaha17:40
mainerroroh yea right I've totally missed that end of the world thing, I was way too distracted by Formula one :D17:47
kristian_can I use sshfs with ubuntu one?20:48
karnikristian_: I'm sorry, you can't. You can't 'mount' Ubuntu One storage.21:07
kristian_hi karni, thanks for replying21:16
karnikristian_: np!21:16
kristian_karni, private?21:28
kristian_not looking to sell you anything (not beliefs either) ;)21:28
karnikristian_: go ahead21:31
karnikristian_: that's kind of you to ask, you needn't have to :)21:32
kristian_I myself get freaked if somebody suddenly opens a private chat ;)21:33
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