
busigasthey guys14:30
busigasti have a lill problem here i just installed ubuntu studio and i have a Presonus Firestudio Project soundcard i want to use, but it dosent seem to work out of the box, im kinda new to linux, can anyone help me ?14:31
kisilAnyone know where I can find technical docs about the sound architecture in 11.04? Since the changes, my Tascam sound card is sometimes not loading correctly20:39
holsteinkisil: what card?20:54
holsteinim going to say, maybe the kernel change20:54
kisilTascam us12220:55
kisilThe card loads correctly some of the time20:55
holsteinkisil: i have one of those20:55
kisilso I think it "works"20:55
holsteinyeah, its just finicky it seems20:55
kisilI have it configured with a udev script, and it seems that's not loading sometimes20:55
holsteini have a 122l20:55
kisilusx2yloader doesn't run20:55
holsteini dont use that card much20:56
kisilI was going to ask, how did you configure it? I know there are a couple of ways20:56
holsteinand when i have gotten it to work, it wasnt really worth the effort20:56
kisilWhat do you use instead?20:56
holsteinright now, my main rig is a presosun firepod20:56
kisilI'm open to getting another card, just haven't bothered since this was working for a while20:56
holsteinkisil: i wouldnt get new hardware if thats working for you20:57
holsteinjust go back to 10.0420:57
holsteinthats what im running20:57
holstein10.04 with KXstudio ppa's20:57
holsteinanyways, i use jackd -RP50 -dalsa -dusb_stream:1 -r44100 -p64 -n220:57
holsteinwith the 122l20:57
kisilI've had other issues, so it's something I've been thinking about20:57
holsteinbut, i think the l and non-l versions are quite different20:57
kisilI didn't know there was an L version20:58
kisilThanks for the input20:59
holsteinkisil: check #opensourcemusicians as well :)21:00

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