
cdbsNafai: looking03:55
cdbsNafai: there?03:57
Nafaicdbs: yeah03:58
NafaiThis is my first Vala code as well, so I could be doing something wrong there too.03:59
cdbsNafai: You mean the quicklist you are setting isn't coming up?03:59
cdbsNafai: or is it coming but not updating when you change it?03:59
Nafaithe later03:59
Nafaiit will come up for the first item I add04:00
Nafaibut when I add later items, the debug prints are printing, but the menu items aren't being added04:00
cdbsNafai: Which version of Unity are you running?04:01
* Nafai checks04:01
cdbsThe latest is 3.8.12, FYI04:01
Nafaiif that's what is in natty, that's what I've got04:01
Nafaiyeah. 3.8.12 is what unity --version reports04:02
cdbsNafai: A couple of things, first, no need to re-set the quicklist in Unity.LauncherEntry after every change04:02
cdbsthough I don't think that'll make too much of a difference04:03
cdbsNafai: Also add menuitem.property_set_bool (Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_VISIBLE, True)04:03
cdbsNafai: add ^^ after line 2804:04
* Nafai nods04:04
* Nafai tries04:04
Nafaithat's all it was04:07
NafaiI just need to properly handle putting things in order now04:07
Nafaithanks for the help, I figured it was probably something obvious04:09
myrmidettewhy can't I pull an icon out of the dock?04:38
myrmidettealso, why are there no minimized window previews in ubuntu 11.04 if it uses compiz 0.9?04:41
myrmidetteThe application lens, which you can access through the dashboard or by clicking the plus magnifying glass icon in the dock, lets you get to your software. I want to say up front that the application lens interface is the single worst part of the Unity environment. In fact, it's a serious contender for the worst piece of desktop shell design since Microsoft Bob.04:48
thumpergee... no staying power with some these days05:00
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didrocksgood morning07:50
oSoMoNgood morning08:02
MacSlowhey there folks08:05
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sbtesmspillaz, hi, c10ud told me to point you to this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/78523314:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 785233 in unity (Ubuntu) "Redrawing a gtk window moves it 5 pixels to the right" [Undecided,New]14:53
hichamhi didrocks15:33
didrockshey hicham15:34
hichamdidrocks: as you said, ini backend is buggy compared to gconf one15:34
didrockshicham: urgh :/ I hate being right in such caseā€¦15:36
hichamdidrocks: were you planning to switch to ini ?15:39
didrockshicham: no, we will switch to gsettings backend (yet to be written)15:39
hichamdidrocks: putting 65_compiz_on_profile in /etc/Xsession.d didn't work15:41
hichamdidrocks: It worked from /etc/profile.d instead15:41
didrockshicham: oh weird?15:41
hichamdidrocks: and I couldn't get compiz to autorestart on crashes15:43
didrockshicham: we have a distro-patch to fix this, not sure if it has been committed upstream already or not15:43
hichamdidrocks: what is ist ?15:44
didrockshicham: sorry no, it's committed upstream in fact15:45
hichamdidrocks: is it a compiz patch ?15:45
didrocksyeah, it's compiz which should register to gnome-session15:45
didrockslike every other app15:45
hichamI have latest compiz git15:46
didrockssomething to check with the compiz guy I would say15:47
didrockskaleo: can we discuss tomorrow about mixing upsteam and debian/ directory? (for instance, I would have a package change to make for oneiric right now, but can I ship trunk?)15:50
hichamdidrocks: what about the patch that you use to add ccp plugin by default ?15:55
hichamdidrocks: is it really needed ?15:55
didrockshicham: it's still a distro-patch15:55
didrockshicham: no, I just find weird that users can type compiz --replace15:55
didrocksand have nothing loaded15:55
didrocksmake no sense to me15:55
hichamdidrocks: then compiz should depend on compizconfig15:56
didrocksthe patch just add "ccp" in this case15:56
didrockshicham: compiz does15:56
didrocksdep on libcompizconfig015:56
hichamdidrocks: which package contains the default unity gconf profile ?16:01
didrockshicham: the compiz one, look in the debian/ directory16:02
kaleodidrocks: we can definitely discuss16:05
kaleodidrocks: just ping me or send me an invite16:05
didrockskaleo: sure, I'll ping you tomorrow about it and see when we can find some free time for this :)16:05
tanzanuxis there a way to get the UNITY Top Panel respect my GTK theme?16:55
tanzanuxunity 2d16:55
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om26erlamalex, there?18:54
lamalexom26er, hey19:02
myrmidettetake a look19:03
om26erlamalex, how should we start?19:03
lamalexom26er, who's we and start what19:09
om26erlamalex, on bugs I mean ;)19:09
lamalexattack the new queue please19:09
om26ersurely :D19:09
=== alecu-lunch is now known as alecu
=== MacSlow|break is now known as MacSlow
Nafaicdbs: btw, thanks again for your help last night.  This is turning out to be a fun project.21:22
NafaiIs it possible using the APIs to add a menu separator for quicklists?21:23
=== alecu_ is now known as alecu
STDOUBTHellos, for any interested party, there is a pretty nasty typo at http://unity.ubuntu.com/projects/unity/22:47
STDOUBT"Unity provides a complete, simple, touch-ready environment that integrations your applications and your workflow."22:47
STDOUBTshould read:22:47
STDOUBT"Unity provides a complete, simple, touch-ready environment that integrates your applications and your workflow."22:47

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