
gourjelmer: i'd like to contribute to github project (cython) using bzr-git...forked repo, pulled it with bzr to my localhost, created new branch and dpushed it to github but it's not available there...tried another route...imported project at LP, pulled to my localhost, created new doc-branch and create 'bzr send --format=git' bundle and send, for testing, to upstream...is the 2nd route better/recommended over06:19
gourthe 1st one?06:19
sepidevhi guys, I'm having trouble with bzr, I cannot connect to launchpad, I get this error:06:26
sepidev https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad06:26
sepidevsorry, this error:06:26
sepidevbzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (couldn't connect to host)06:26
sepidevon https://code.launchpad.net/~sikon/steadyflow/trunk/.bzr/smart06:26
AfCsepidev: I assume you can use bzr to talk remotely to other things?06:28
sepidevyes, but even when I type bzr lp-login I cannot connect to launchpad server!06:29
gourwil lco-located branches become part of 2.4?06:43
sepidevbzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (couldn't connect to host)06:51
vilabialix: never :)08:11
bialixvila _o/08:12
bialixnever have I ever?08:12
vilabialix: 3.2.2 :)08:13
AuroraBorealisTIL bzr has a smart server08:13
bialixvila: why not?08:14
vilabialix: why ?08:14
bialixvila: poolie said about bzr 308:14
vilaerrrr. 2.3.2 I meant08:14
AuroraBorealisand today i learned there is almost no documentation for it08:14
bialixso, in theory it will be... one day?08:14
bialixvila: I know what you mean, I'm trying to make jokes from what you have written08:14
vilaoh crap, typo while explaining typo....08:14
vilabialix: which I didn't realize until a few seconds ago :-}08:15
bialixdon't explain jokes... yeah08:15
bialixthere is too hot today, maybe my mind has started to melting08:15
gourvila: have you considered waf/bento for packaging win installer?08:17
bialixgour: I'd prefer scons08:17
bialixwhat is bento?08:17
vilagour: I've never tried to package the windows installer myself... but you're already talking to a far knowledgeable person08:18
gourbialix: http://cournape.github.com/Bento/08:18
gourbialix: isn't scons much slower than waf?08:19
bialixgour: it does not matter if it works08:19
gour...and, afaict, development is quite stalled08:19
vilabialix: are we using scons ?08:19
bialixvila: yes, I am08:19
gourbialix: samba, ardour..are using waf...even heard that it's used by google with v808:19
vilabialix: in the installer toolchain ?08:20
bialixvila, gour: currently windows installer is built with zc.buildout08:20
bialixvila: no, for my own stuff08:20
bialixI'm unhappy with zc.buildout08:21
bialixvery unhappy08:21
bialixI can't tell how much I'm unhappy08:21
gourbialix: i see...i plan to use waf/bento for py+qt+cython project...it seems distutils2 won't address packaging (win & mac installers)08:22
bialixgour: actually I'd like to try waf in action, just haven't enough time to learn it08:22
bialixhow waf will help you with packaging installer?08:23
gourbialix: for standard things, pretty much everything is ready08:23
gourbialix: that's duty of bento which can use was as build back-end08:23
bialixI don't see there a real support for py2exe and creating installer with MSI or Inno Setup08:23
gourand bento has (experimental) support for win msi & mac mpkg or how it's called08:24
bialixmaybe we talk about different installers?08:24
bialixbecause pure python-based installers are not problem at all even with distutils108:24
gourbialix: https://github.com/cournape/Bento#readme08:24
bialixgour: no metion of py2exe08:25
bialixgour: this page bentomaker build_wininst talks about bentomaker build_wininst -> this is just plain python-based installer08:26
bialixsorry this page http://cournape.github.com/Bento/08:26
gourbialix: see http://cournape.github.com/Bento/html/TODO.html08:28
bialixno py2exe either08:28
bialixsorry, I hope that tool will grow into something really useful. I just don't see how it will help me right now08:29
bialixsorry, no offense08:29
* bialix bbl08:29
gourbialix: bento dev wrote me: "Both .exe and .mpkg installers have a preliminary implementation, but08:30
gourthey are not mature yet "08:30
vilagour: I kind if agree with bialix, we already suffer delays, jumping on a preliminary implementation to release a *stable* installer doesn't sound like a good fit :-/08:31
vilagour: now, if you wanted to try it for the next bzr beta release, that would be awesome08:32
gourvila: of course, my suggestion is for 'tomorrow', not 'today'08:32
gourvila: btw, are colocated branches going to appear in 2.4?08:33
vilamy crystal ball is still a bit blurry on this topic, but bzr-colo is highly recommended anyway08:34
gourit's not killer-feature for me, but i remember i read somewhere that git/hg users were complaining that there is no support for it08:34
gourfor me, it's more important that LP gets support for wiki08:34
gourbzr-colo plugin is useful today?08:34
bialixgour: very much useful08:35
vilaI don't use myself but yes, from what I've heard it is very useful and used08:35
gourdespite of lacking wiki support, i believe i'll move from fossil to bzr & LP08:36
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gourdifftools plugin is obsolete now?08:44
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jamjelmer: did you ever connect to the Windows ec2 instance? I figured I'd give a poke at building the windows installers, but I'm not able to connect to the ec2 machine.09:44
jamnm, I'm in now09:44
bialixjam: lp:bzr-windows-installers is not updated with bzr 2.3.3 and tbzr 0.6.3 yet10:08
jambialix: thanks for the heads up10:08
jamI did see a location from you10:08
jamthough I have to get the machine up and running and current first10:08
bialixI can't translate: "I did see a location from you"10:08
jambialix: you sent an email mentioning an LP: branch that you had updated the installers10:10
jamor were trying to10:10
jamI was planning on looking at it10:10
jamonce I got things up and running.10:10
bialixjam: ok10:12
bialixI'll update trunk then10:12
bialixjam: that branch is planned for 2.4b210:13
bialixit does not have 2.3.3 yet10:13
jambialix: is there a separate branch for the 2.3 series?10:17
jamI thought that was the original intention, but ISTR gary was trying to put it into the same branch10:18
bialixgary kept everything in trunk10:18
bialixjam: wait a sec10:19
bialixI'll push10:19
bialixjam: done, versions were updated10:20
jambialix: you committed to trunk?10:20
bialixjam: I can update my 2.4 branch if you'll build 2.4b210:21
jambialix: Let me make sure I can build *something* first :)10:23
bialixyes-yes, you're right10:24
bialixI've pushed in the mean time anyway10:24
bialixjam: if you will say after that what version of Windows SDK you have on ec2 it will be great10:26
jambialix: we have the full version of visual studio, so we don't need the sdk10:27
jamnaoki was building the installers using Express + and SDK10:27
jamI thought it wsa 710:27
bialixgood for you10:27
jamwas 7, but that was a while ago10:27
jamAIUI, you only need it to build the 64-bit extension10:27
bialixnaoki has suggested using win7 sdk, but it requires vs2010, and I'm a little short in space on this machine10:28
=== AuroraBorealis is now known as aurora|away
jambialix: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/ff85194210:40
jamit says the Win7 archive was released in Aug 200910:41
jamwhich predates vs 2010 (I would assume)10:41
jelmer'morning jam10:54
jelmerjam: no, I've never used the EC2 instance10:54
jamjelmer: I guess you have 6 more min :)10:54
jambialix: it is looking for "hhc" do you know what that is?11:06
jamI probably have to at least add it to PATH11:06
bialixhhc -- Html Help Compiler11:08
bialixjam: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=00535334-c8a6-452f-9aa0-d597d16580cc&displaylang=en htmlhelp.exe11:09
jambialix: yeah, it is already on the machine, but the code all assumes it is in PATH11:09
jamand it certainly isn't for my user11:10
bialixit should be in the PATH, installed to PF\HTML Help Workshop11:10
* jam doesn't really like updating PATH on windows unless I have to11:10
* bialix too11:11
jamit needs C:\Python26\Scripts as well, for sphinx-build11:11
bialixjam: make a batch wrapper?11:11
bialixjam: make a batch wrapper for hhc11:11
bialixfor sphinx-build you can avoid adding scripts to path11:11
bialixI'va managed to avoid it by copying 3 files of sphinx-build.* to my Utils directory that in path11:12
bialixjam: C:\Utils>dir /b sphinx*11:13
bialixthat works11:13
bialixbatch wrapper for sphinx does not work11:13
jambialix: I also am thinking we should be updating our svn bindings at some point. We're using 1.6.6, and they're on 1.6.1611:16
jambut since I still haven't finished building anything11:16
jamI'll get that first11:16
jamdang, I have bzr-2.3.3 installers, but I'd like to test them out first...11:34
jammgz: if you're around, I'd like to try to understand: https://code.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/lazy_hook_test_cleanup_785054/+merge/6158612:31
=== jam changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control <http://bazaar.canonical.com> | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: jelmer
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mgzjam: I am now13:47
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mgzalso, I don't know whether you saw in the log, I had some trouble getting the test case collection branch working against trunk13:48
jammgz: bzr merge --weave13:54
jamI think the issue is that the code landed direct to trunk, multiple branches, so now there isn't a clear single ancestor13:54
mgzweave did seem a little better, but still... not right13:55
mgzif I do diff -r7900..7901 and diff -r7901..7902 they seem to be the inverse of each other13:55
LeoNerdYou do know, also, that  -r7900..7901  is better written  -c790113:56
LeoNerdI.e. the changeset introduced at -r790113:56
mgzit's even better written as the right revno13:57
LeoNerdWell indeed13:57
mgzbut... -c5901 -c5902 seem to do and then undo the changes to some tests13:57
mgzand not the _get_log removal which the second branch should have been13:58
mgzwhich might have something to do with why merging the remainder now loses the main changes13:58
mgzI think maybe the way I merged bzr.dev back into the branch earlier may have messed up your normal way of doing things jam?13:59
mgzI'll reply on the review of the other branch in the mean time14:13
bigjoolsI'm getting a ReadOnlyError when updating a checkout: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/78698014:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 786980 in Bazaar "bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.ReadOnlyError: A write attempt was made in a read only transaction" [Undecided,New]14:17
jammgz: if we split out 2 extra branches from yours, and then land both independently14:19
jamboth of those tips are in your ancestry14:19
jambut both do not supersede eachother14:19
jamits a known issue with splitting out and landing multiple feature branches14:20
mgzokay, but that doesn't explain why I don't see the _get_log change on trunk when that branch landed14:21
mgzthe diff is an exact backout, not a backout plus a new set of changes14:22
mrevellDamn, that's another password ruined14:25
mgzbigjools: try `bzr up lp:lp-source-dependencies`?14:26
mgzmrevell: that's an pretty strong password for nickserv :)14:28
mrevellmgz, I s'ppose so :)14:28
bigjoolsmgz: ok, that errors with: bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/lp-source-dependencies/"14:37
mgzwhoops, my error, forgot the right spelling.14:37
mgzuse switch rather than update, I just wanted to see if the path returned changing to the ~branch form made any difference14:39
bigjoolsmgz: the spelling is correct14:39
bigjoolsmgz: ok that seems to be working ...14:40
mgzit doesn't mean what I intended. I wanted you to try changing the branch to be based on the new URL, the command I gave you tells it to update that URL, not the cwd14:40
bigjoolsdid the branch urls change recently?14:41
mgzbigjools: great. so, there's a bug somewhere with stacking or launchpad moves or... something14:41
bigjoolsthis was checked out ages ago14:41
mgzthat's what I'm guessing.14:41
bigjoolssomething :)14:41
bigjoolsthanks muchly14:41
cheater__how can i find out what diff was committed in a specific revno?15:01
jamcheater__: 'bzr diff -c REVNO"15:01
cheater__ah, -c15:02
cheater__thanks a lot jam!15:15
millunhey guys16:59
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milluni have a  little question. i've made a colocated repo on my localhost, pushed the branch to an FTP. i want the other guy to test my app. is it ok for him to just write "bzr checkout <dest_dir>" in a repo dir, then just keep executing "bzr update" in a destination dir?17:01
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HelloWorld321Is it possible to directly mount a git or bzr repository as a volume (in Linux or Windows)?  So that reading/writing to the repository is transparent?18:41
gourHelloWorld321: i used bzr-git to fetch git repo and it works, but have problems with using github18:50
santagadasidnei, hi :)19:40
sidneisantagada, ohai!19:40
santagadausing bzr again19:41
sidneisantagada, nice!19:41
santagadanot by choice, I'm working with openerp... but I'm liking it19:41
sidneithat's... progress :)19:41
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vanguardhow can I overwrite a commit --strict option?21:54
luks--no-strict ?21:56
luks(all boolean options can have a no- prefix)21:57
vanguardluks: thanks!21:58

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