
valorieok, finally found the email and voted03:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
valoriehow can it be morning?06:43
valoriethat's backwards even for me06:44
valorieunless you are in India06:44
valorieor somethign06:44
persiaIt's later than that: it's morning in Europe already (albeit early).  Something about Daylight Savings Time06:44
valoriedid you move to India without saying?06:44
DarkwingDuckpersia: hows life?06:45
valorieso nice to see you here06:45
valorieand know you survived the earthquake and all06:45
persiaDarkwingDuck, Fairly boring (which is a nice change).  For you?06:45
DarkwingDuckpersia: things are looking up. have a second interview this week sometime06:46
persiavalorie, Well, one more sense down.  3 to go?06:46
persiaDarkwingDuck, Oh, nice!06:46
DarkwingDuckpersia:  ypu, the canonical qa position06:46
DarkwingDuckqa community position06:47
valoriecool, DarkwingDuck!06:47
persiaOh.  Interesting.06:47
valorieI did see a nice photo of you and Harald, Persia06:47
valoriethe Men in Black06:47
DarkwingDuckJono liked the first interview so i get a second one06:47
valoriewould be excellent to get more Kub. people in Canonical06:48
yofelit's 7:56 here :P06:56
valorieI was just kidding around with DarkwingDuck06:57
valoriegood $timeofday to you06:57
jussiMay I have my daily rant? 07:35
valorieonly if you pass out candy first07:36
* valorie missed the jussi party at UDS07:36
* jussi passes candy *and* cookies07:36
valorierant away!07:37
jussianyway, so, my unuseful, crazy rant is that Kmail sucks. its slow, ugly and frustrating.07:37
valorieI soooo agree07:37
Tm_Tjussi: which version?07:37
jussinot to mention annoying and unuserfriendly07:37
valorieI can't wait for a successful rollout of 207:38
valorieused to be GREAT07:38
valoriethe BEST07:38
jussiVersion 4.4.1007:38
Tm_Tah, the old one07:38
Tm_Thave to agree in certain degree07:38
jussiI am this || close to finding out which ppa the new one is in and trying it on my production machine...07:39
valoriei want the new one07:39
valorieI have soooo much old mail, I think it will choke07:39
Tm_TI'm so unproductive with email that I can use development builds of Kmail without any worries (as long as it doesn't eat them entirely)07:40
valorieI have gmail and just use it on the web07:40
valorieafter kmail stopped sending mail07:40
valorieit would get it find07:40
Tm_Tvalorie: I think my Kmail holds some 40 000 mails or more, haven't choked yet07:41
Tm_Tinitial download was slow, ofcourse07:41
jussiI have 4 gmail/google accounts - you can only log into 3 at a time. so Im screwed with that...07:41
jussi(unless I use a client)07:41
valorieI think I have twice that07:42
valoriemaybe I should learn how to zip some of that up07:42
Tm_TI should learn to read my mails07:43
valoriethere is only so much time in a day07:43
valorieI could spend all day on just email07:44
valoriethat's not productive07:44
jussiok, where is the ppa with new kontact in it...07:45
DarkwingDuckdoes kmail2 work with imap yet?07:46
yofelI don't use it much though07:47
DarkwingDuckim tired of kmail07:47
DarkwingDuckwas thinking mozilla07:48
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.07:49
yofelI've been using thunderbird for years now, does all I need07:49
yofeland it actually quits when I close it..07:50
yofelwell, bbl07:51
jussi!kppa is <reply>Kubuntu has several different PPA's for those who want to test or upgrade to the latest version. More information on the available Kubuntu PPA's can be found here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs07:51
ubottuI'll remember that, jussi07:51
ubottuKubuntu has several different PPA's for those who want to test or upgrade to the latest version. More information on the available Kubuntu PPA's can be found here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs07:51
* yofel hugs jussi and vanishes07:52
jussiyofel: before you vanish, is kontact going to head to beta or backports soonish ?07:53
jussiand is it going to Oneiric? 07:53
yofelnot sure, afaik it should be released sometime soon, so oneiric probably, or backports together with 4.7 when it's out07:55
DarkwingDuckwhen is 4.7 due to drop?07:55
jussihrm, so it seems it should have gone beta already... therefore it should head to the beta repo, no? 08:00
jussishadeslayer: get on it! :D08:00
Tm_TDarkwingDuck: how it would not work with imap?08:02
DarkwingDuckTm_T: last i checked it freaked out08:02
Tm_Thmmm, can't remember it doing that to me08:03
Tm_Tbut I use dimap08:03
jussiDarkwingDuck: hows your packaging training going?08:04
DarkwingDuckjussi: on hold till these interviews are over.08:20
jussiDarkwingDuck: fair enough.08:20
DarkwingDuckjussi: I really want and need this job LOL08:21
jussiDarkwingDuck: good luck!!08:21
DarkwingDuckjussi: Thanks mate08:22
DarkwingDuckWhoot, found yet another feature I LOVE about yakuake08:29
DarkwingDucksplit windows08:29
DarkwingDuckkubotu: I voted08:30
DarkwingDuckno? Maybe?08:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vote08:30
DarkwingDuckOne of these days I'll figure out how to use kubotu08:30
Tm_Tkubotu: help08:30
kubotuhelp topics: 10 core modules: auth, basics, config, filters, httputil, irclog, remote, unicode, userdata, wordlist; 55 plugins: alias, autoop, autorejoin, bans, bar, botsnack, chanserv, debug, dns, eightball, excuse, factoids, googlefight, greet, hangman, host, insult, iplookup, karma, keywords, lart, lastfm, map, markov, modes, nickrecover, nickserv, note, poll, q, quote, reaction, remind, ri, roshambo, rot, rss, salut, script,08:30
kubotusearch, sed, seen, shiritori, spotify, time, topic, translator, tumblr, twitter, uno, urban, usermodes, wheeloffortune, wserver, youtube; 31 plugins ignored: use help ignored plugins to see why; 1 plugin failed to load: use help failed plugins to see why (help <topic> for more info)08:30
jussiDarkwingDuck: -- 08:36
=== a1 is now known as al
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: you need to order an i voted button10:08
apacheloggerkubotu: order i voted button for DarkwingDuck10:08
* kubotu hands DarkwingDuck a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.10:08
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati10:08
apacheloggernow you have got two of them10:08
valoriekubotu: order i voted button for valorie10:09
* kubotu hands valorie a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.10:09
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati10:09
apacheloggervalorie: go to bed10:13
valoriein a minute!10:13
valorieand you should talk, my dear hypocrite10:14
Tm_Tapachelogger: son, that was rude10:14
apacheloggervalorie: it is 11:15, I am supposed to be up!10:15
apacheloggerTm_T: depends on the POV10:15
apacheloggerwe should implement XPs way of dealing with overtime: no overtime10:15
valoriehe knows me well, I stay up too late10:18
valoriebut am soon going to bed10:18
ryrychI’m coding web page for phonon that designed sheytan. http://ryrych.pl/null/phonon/10:46
sheytanapachelogger ^^10:46
ryrychcould you tell me please what do you wish to have in text boxes?10:46
apacheloggerinsanely hot in Graz today10:58
apacheloggerryrych: aloha10:58
apacheloggerThe User Base is the home for Phonon users and enthusiasts. It provides high quality information for end users on how to use Phonon.10:58
apacheloggerThe Tech Base is the primary place for high quality technical information about Phonon targeted at 3rd party developers.10:58
ryrychapachelogger: hey10:58
apacheloggerIf you are interested in joining the Phonon community and help making awesome things happen, the Community wiki is your place to start.10:59
apacheloggerryrych, sheytan: looks most awesome already :D10:59
sheytanapachelogger yeah :D11:01
sheytannow put it on phonon.kde.org and share the news :D11:01
ryrychapachelogger: ah, please give me the links to these pages: userbase, etc :)11:11
apacheloggerryrych: userbase.kde.org - techbase.kde.org - community.kde.org11:11
apacheloggersheytan: first I need to find out who controls that site ^^11:12
jussiA guy on -power-users just posted a link to a Marlin screenshot, (http://imagebin.org/154596), which seems to be just a gtk dolphin clone. There was one thing though that I liked, which is the "open with" thing on the right. any way we can get that in dolphin? 11:15
apacheloggerdesign fail11:16
apacheloggerjussi: entirely possible, question is if peter wants it in dolphin at all11:17
apacheloggerbugs.kde.org is your friend ^^11:17
jussiapachelogger: I thought it would be more a dolphine plugin, no? 11:17
apacheloggerjussi: that implies that there is a plugin system for adding stuff ot the info panel11:18
jussioh? 11:18
apacheloggerwhich is not there and IMHO does not have sufficient use case11:19
apacheloggersheytan: found sysadmin, stuff is moving :D11:23
ryrychapachelogger: is Phonon opensource or more specifically Free software?11:24
ryrychif the latter, sheytan used GNU logo and wrote about OS11:24
ryrychfor some fanboys it is deadly sin :D11:24
* apachelogger notes that he also did not like that :P11:28
apacheloggerif you say open source, then use the OSI logo rather than GNU, of course the OSI logo does not go well with the site color wise11:28
apacheloggerryrych: so, to answer your question it is free software :)11:30
apacheloggerby the definition of free software it is also open source though, so... *shrug*11:30
sheytanapachelogger: so, can i leave the gnu logo or should i use osi?11:31
apacheloggerstay with gnu11:32
apacheloggerryrych: if you send me a zip/tar/whatever I can push it to our repository now11:34
apacheloggeror if you by any chance have KDE commit access you could do that too I suppose :)11:34
apacheloggersheytan, ryrych: <bcooksley> apachelogger: btw, very cool looking site11:34
ryrychapachelogger: basically it is finished :)11:35
apacheloggerryrych: ok, send it to sitter@kde.org and I'll get it uploaded11:35
apacheloggerserver part is also ready, so I suppose we only need to switch the DNS record around :)11:35
* sheytan & ryrych rock!11:36
Tm_Twhat about me?11:36
ryrychI’m glad that I could add my 0.3$ :D11:36
apacheloggerTm_T: isn't my continous love enough, mom?11:38
* apachelogger is very jumpy as he is waiting for ryrych's mail ^^11:39
ryrychapachelogger: check your inbox :D11:42
sheytanapachelogger: you can blog about it, so it will be on planetkde. That way everybody will know about it :D11:44
apacheloggeryeah, thought the same thing 5 minutes ago :P11:45
danimodebfx: hi11:46
danimodebfx: I am about to merge your request 328 into Qt Creator11:47
debfxdanimo: hi11:47
danimodebfx: let me guess: before that patch you had some funny script in the Creator package to achieve the same?11:48
danimo(or patch)11:48
debfxcool :)11:49
debfxyeah I moved the icons around11:49
danimodebfx: the only thing that annoyed me a bit was that this patch adds new folders11:49
danimodebfx: then again, given qmake it's the simplest way11:49
debfxdanimo: I tried to leave the icons where they are but haven't found a good way to achieve that with qmake11:50
apacheloggersheytan, ryrych: http://phonon.kde.org/ (depending on your DNS server it might not yet be populated to the new address)11:54
ryrychapachelogger: I’ve sent you a small fix :D11:55
apacheloggersheytan: btw, perhaps we should change the icons for the 3 wikis (having a caucasian male for all three seems a bit odd IMHO) 11:56
danimodebfx: I think yours is also the first contribution to be reviewed via the the new codereview system :) 11:56
sheytanapachelogger that's the fix ryrych is talking about11:57
* apachelogger waits a bit then ^^11:58
debfxdanimo: heh, where is it? I only see the merge request on gitorious11:58
danimodebfx: I haven't closed it yet11:59
ryrychapachelogger: I will send subsequent ‘patches’  to your e-mail when I notice them, ok?11:59
apacheloggerryrych: sure, great :)11:59
danimodebfx: and it takes the usual 60 mins to show up on gitorious11:59
ryrychapachelogger: fine, so bye for now!11:59
apacheloggerryanakca: thank you, see you :)12:00
danimodebfx: just closed the merge request12:01
sheytanhow do i see replays to me fron identi.ca web?12:01
debfxdanimo: thanks :)12:07
debfxis the review system publicly accessible?12:07
apacheloggersheytan: I am bloggin, yet I Should be learing, thanks very much :P12:16
sheytanapachelogger you're welcome :)12:18
danimodebfx: no, not yet12:37
danimodebfx: but it will12:37
danimodebfx: we'll blog about it shortly12:37
apacheloggersomehow I get to put a lot more blog posts into the wdp category than ever before12:48
apacheloggersupposedly a good sign12:48
ScottKkaleo: Welcome.13:18
kaleothank you13:18
ScottKEveryone: kaleo works on unity-2d and will likely want to get some changes done on our Qt packages to help minimize the amount of space it takes on the Ubuntu CD.13:18
persiaWould we expect that to be a similar modularisation to that we were discussing for Mobile?13:19
ScottKMy guess is related, but not the same.13:20
ScottKkaleo: Even if you don't end up being the one doing the packaging changes, you're still welcome to hang out.13:21
ScottKagateau can tell you we don't bite.13:21
kaleoScottK: thanks :)13:22
debfxafiestas: does kamoso have a website or anything that announces new versions?14:15
danimodebfx: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/05/23/gerrit-joined-the-qt-creator-project/14:17
danimodebfx: your change should also be in the public repo now14:17
shadeslayerdebfx: yes, lemme get the link14:55
shadeslayerdebfx: and  for some reason ...i didn't notice qt-gstreamer was in universe altho i'm sure i checked it during the MIR and i saw it was in main :S14:56
shadeslayerdebfx: i got the tar from http://kde.mirror.aussiehq.net.au/stable/kamoso/2.0/src/15:01
shadeslayerthat's all that afiestas gave me ^_^15:02
debfxdanimo: aha, interesting15:02
debfxnext qt creator needs a desktop file :)15:02
debfxshadeslayer: yeah I've found that too but I was looking for an actual website :)15:03
shadeslayerdebfx: all i could find was the page on kde-apps15:05
persiaSo, I'd like to install Kubuntu on a netbook from a debootstrap environment.  As a result, I won't be running the regular installer.  Do I need to do anything special to get the Netbook interface, or just install the kubuntu-desktop task and let it notice the lack of pixels?15:06
debfxafiestas: the kamoso 2.0.1 tarball doesn't have a po/ dir15:06
macopersia: should just notice the lack of pixels15:06
macopersia: if not, then you can pick between desktop & netbook interface (my netbook is highe res than my 15" laptop) in System Settings -> Workspace15:07
persiaI'd argue that you have a small laptop and a large netbook, but then I generally believe functionality beats form :)  Thanks.15:07
macohehe, but the 13 and 15 inch laptops (1280x800) can compile things in about 1/10 the time the 1336x768 netbook can15:08
afiestasdebfx: 2.0.2 on its way15:08
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: if I say muon 3 times in front of a mirror, will a cow appear?15:30
JontheEchidnawow, everybody pings me the exact moment I wake up and start responding to pings that came throughout the night :P15:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it is not supposed to make that sound, you leave the brakes on15:31
JontheEchidnabut I like that sound :'(15:32
danimodebfx: it exists -- in the installer generator :(15:34
danimodebfx: but we can add it, sure15:34
danimodebfx: I added loads of stuff to make creator's make install more FDO compliant15:35
danimodebfx: but it wasn't picked up for a long time15:35
danimodebfx: and bit-rotted15:35
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-NOltWYsJw15:38
apacheloggerthe youtubez makes you see awesome without having to digg through billions of files with other awsome15:38
Quintasanapachelogger: about persia's question, shouldn't Plasma automagically detect that the screen resolution is netbookish and ask user if he want's Netbook interface?15:40
apacheloggerask the user anything := fail15:40
shadeslayerNo more VHDL15:41
persiaI think that should only happen if the user has not previously expressed a preference.  I'd be rather annoyed if I started getting different interfaces depending on whether I had a monitor attached.15:41
shadeslayermy head might just explode15:41
QuintasanHmm, true15:41
Quintasankubotu: medal for Quintasan15:42
apacheloggerpersia: I do not think that is the case, unless you turn off the the netbook screen15:42
shadeslayerQuintasan: sneaky15:42
persiaapachelogger, Some hardware does that automatically when you attach an external screen.15:42
Quintasanapachelogger: how does one get button from kubotu?15:42
apacheloggerkubotu: order i voted button for Quintasan15:43
* kubotu hands Quintasan a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.15:43
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati15:43
apacheloggerpersia: I am not saying it isn't a valid concern, just that it should not happen ;)15:43
persiaOh, I agree it should not happen.15:44
apacheloggerpersia: do you know it happens?15:44
shadeslayeroh i should vote for the council15:44
apacheloggerbecause I believe we pull some copy magic to actually make plasma-netbook permanent no matter what the screen dimension is15:44
apacheloggerthough settings will be foobared15:44
persiaI know that some hardware defaults to turning off the local screen when a remote screen is attached.  Such hardware tends to be less expensive than hardware that can drive two screens, so tends to end up in certain classes of equipment.15:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: make sure to rank me first and Quintasan last15:45
shadeslayerQuintasan isn't on the list15:45
persiaSometimes such hardware can be forced to behave properly with useful free drivers and shared system RAM, but not all hardware has such drivers.15:45
Quintasanapachelogger: I thought we wanted more non-developers on KC so I did not apply :)15:46
apacheloggerQuintasan: hence I told shadeslayer to rank you last :P15:46
jussiI voted...15:46
apacheloggerkubotu: order i voted botton for jussi15:46
* kubotu slides i voted botton down the bar to jussi15:46
Quintasanjussi: late ping :P15:46
apacheloggerkubotu: order i voted button for jussi15:46
* kubotu hands jussi a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.15:46
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati15:46
apacheloggerkubotu: order i voted button for shadeslayer15:46
* kubotu hands shadeslayer a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.15:46
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati15:46
jussiQuintasan: Im on mobile, but will ping soon.15:47
Quintasanjussi: Could not poke you earlier since school = tests = if you take out your phone and teacher sees it == confiscated15:47
shadeslayerQuintasan: there's no blink in debian15:48
apachelogger /me goes looking for code15:48
apacheloggertoday really is typo day15:48
apacheloggeror I had too much coffee15:49
shadeslayerQuintasan: seprate repo tho ...15:49
Quintasanshadeslayer: I told you, what did you read it as?15:49
shadeslayerQuintasan: you said that blink was packaged in debian15:49
QuintasanI said it was packaged in THEIR Debian repository15:49
QuintasanPROTIP: everyone can host Debian repository15:50
shadeslayeri just read that as blink was IN the debian repo ... like official package and such15:50
apacheloggerthat is the ultimate target here I believe15:51
QuintasanNot happening, tumbleweed wouldn't like another strange python package without official maintainer :D15:51
shadeslayerthere you have it jussi15:51
shadeslayerno blink for ya15:52
shadeslayerQuintasan: even has some weird repo .. darcs15:52
apacheloggerdarcs is not weird15:52
shadeslayers/repo/rev. control system15:52
apacheloggerjust crap15:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: i've never heard of it15:52
Quintasanapachelogger: Isn't that making it even worse? :D15:52
persiaWhy "without official maintainer"?  Would the people who already packaged it be willing to maintain it?15:52
apacheloggerthat is because you never read no nothing15:52
apacheloggerdcars was very popular amongst certain kind of people15:52
Quintasanpersia: if they were willing I think they would have already submitted it :)15:53
Quintasanshadeslayer: Contact upstream first, maybe they are too lazy or don't know how to do it15:53
persiaQuintasan, You presume that everyone understands the Debian social processes.15:53
Quintasanpersia: See line above :)15:53
apacheloggerconsidering they know how to package in such a way that they can build for multiple distros and multiple series I'd argue that they do have the knowledge15:53
* Quintasan bets on "too lazy"15:54
* apachelogger bets on "don't give a rats behind"15:54
* apachelogger just got lost in what appears to be very old kde code15:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: apparetly TI is going to release video drivers in a couple of months now instead of weeks15:57
shadeslayer( for the pandaboard )15:57
* jussi just grumbles15:57
apacheloggerdoes not compute15:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: current natty video drivers for pandaboard are shot15:58
apacheloggerthey have a pvr driver for omap4 in their ppa, dont they?15:58
shadeslayerdon't work etc15:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: doesn't work like the maverick one, loads of regressions etc15:58
shadeslayera couple of days back they wrote that the new drivers will be released in a couple of weeks15:58
jussishadeslayer: "no blink for me" isnt acceptable. at least put it in a ppa for me... :D15:58
shadeslayernow its a couple of months15:59
shadeslayerjussi: oh i can do that15:59
shadeslayerjussi: but first i'm going to contact upstream15:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: where?15:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: where what?15:59
jussishadeslayer: !! Excellent. 15:59
apacheloggerwhere they be announcing such things15:59
shadeslayeron their google groups mailing list16:00
shadeslayerone sec16:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://groups.google.com/group/pandaboard/msg/9ddc308c20567247?dmode=source16:01
shadeslayeror rather http://groups.google.com/group/pandaboard/msg/9ddc308c20567247? :P16:02
apacheloggerfloat on16:04
shadeslayeryou mean photon :P16:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw did your welcome package arrive?16:06
apacheloggerno, what package?16:07
jussisooo... we have gone from 1 to 2 meego phones planned (link, in finnish: http://www.mobiiliblogi.com/2011/05/22/nokian-meego-puhelin-kehittajille-qwertylla-kuluttajille-ilman/ )16:07
jussianyway, Im off16:07
shadeslayerjussi: LG is also making meego devices IIRC16:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: gsoc welcome package16:07
apacheloggerI got one last year16:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: for this year ^_^16:08
apacheloggerso I'd be twice as welcome?16:08
shadeslayeryes :D16:08
apacheloggerthat is a bit unfair perhaps16:08
c2tarunshadeslayer: are you going to https://desktopsummit.org/program?16:11
shadeslayerc2tarun: maybe16:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: whats a AGM?16:12
shadeslayerGNOME and KDE AGMs 16:12
apacheloggeroverlord meeting16:12
apacheloggeranual general meeting16:13
shadeslayeroverlord meeting seems so evil :P16:13
apacheloggeri.e. the elite gnome foundation has their tedious sitdown and the kde e.v. too :P16:13
* apachelogger shall hope to be member so he can get bored there too :D16:13
shadeslayergot it16:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: you could go wearing your pink hat and entertain everyone16:14
shadeslayerQuintasan: what happened?16:15
Quintasan<shadeslayer> apachelogger: you could go wearing your pink hat and entertain everyone16:15
apacheloggermy kickass new bathing suit might be equally efficient16:15
shadeslayerah ... yes16:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: probably16:15
apacheloggermuch like this one http://www.anthonyshaffer.co.uk/Pics/Screenplays/EvilSun15.JPG16:16
apacheloggeralso it has the advantage that I can drive out to the wannsee and go for a swim right after the AGM16:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: what does one do if qdbus cannot handle return types of a dbus method call?16:19
apacheloggerdepends on what you want to do :P16:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://api.syncevolution.org/#Session.GetDatabases16:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: i have no idea what 's' and 'a(ssb)' are ....16:21
apacheloggerbetter read some documentation then16:22
apachelogger(qdbusviewer should be able to print that)16:22
shadeslayerhey hey yofel16:24
yofelit's far too sunny today to use the notebook outside here :(16:25
apacheloggerat least you can carry your notebook outside16:26
apacheloggershadeslayer can't do that I reckon16:26
Quintasanapachelogger: :D16:27
shadeslayeri can16:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: i bet your laptop weighs as much as mine16:27
shadeslayeryou had a Studio 17 iirc16:27
shadeslayeror was it a Studio 15?16:27
apacheloggercertainly not 1716:27
shadeslayer15 then ... lemme check dell's site :P16:28
apacheloggerlord dell calls16:28
QuintasanThere is no way that apachelogger's laptop can weigh as much as shadeslayer's16:28
Quintasanapachelogger could hold it in one hand and show us the screen :P16:28
apacheloggeryeah, it is very tiny16:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: I can do that as well16:29
Quintasanshadeslayer: without risking muscle pain afterwards?16:29
apacheloggernot without risking permanent spinal injury16:29
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://photos.pixoulphotography.com/Events/UDS-Natty/14450330_Xqidv#1072221079_M77ku-A-LB16:30
shadeslayeraltho yes, i do see better and lighter laptops now16:30
shadeslayermight get something light in a couple of months before DS16:31
Quintasanshadeslayer: You have your backpack providing you counterbalance :P16:31
shadeslayerQuintasan: the backpack was empty 16:31
Quintasanplus, apachelogger held it using the top border of screen with no support :P16:31
shadeslayeri didn't have a proper case to carry my laptop, so carried it in my backpack16:31
Quintasanas in, not supporting it with forearm16:32
shadeslayerQuintasan: most of the weight comes from the battery, i've removed the battery now :P16:32
shadeslayerthe battery charging port is dead, hence no use of the battery16:32
Quintasansomeone, quickly pull out shadeslayer's power cable16:32
* apachelogger giggles away16:32
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah, that happens when there's a power outage here ^_^16:33
debfxdanimo: too bad. where is installer generator?16:33
* Quintasan can't remember a power outage16:33
apacheloggerNightrose: btw, my team of not so awesome has fallen asleep again and I do not have the motivation to yet again try to kickstart the awesomness16:34
shadeslayerQuintasan: come to india :P16:34
yofelwe had one a while ago, sure was glad that my server was a notebook back then ^^16:34
Quintasanbuy me an airplane ticket and I'm there16:34
apacheloggerin india power is produced by rubbing monkeys I hear16:34
apacheloggerhence the unrelability16:35
apacheloggeractually it is a rather awesome idea if you think about it16:35
apacheloggeralso the monkeys could get pleasure out of it...........16:35
Quintasanherp derp16:35
shadeslayerrubbing monkeys and making unicorns run 16:35
yofelshadeslayer: get yourself your own monkey farm then :P16:36
QuintasanHe will have to pay for bananas then16:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: loan me some unicorns from your unicorn stables16:38
shadeslayeri hear they poop gold16:38
danimodebfx: in a private repo :)16:41
apacheloggerQuintasan: that is easily resolved by introducing banana farming to the list of possible excuses for not doing things ;)16:43
danimodebfx: also the shared mimetype info16:43
danimodebfx: along with xdg-desktop-install.sh16:43
danimodebfx: do you know anything about that?16:43
apacheloggeryofel: your 4.6.3 commit prevents me form doing important work on not so important files16:43
* danimo doubts it's meant to be used by proper packages16:43
apacheloggerI does not have a 4.6.3 tar ^^16:44
yofelthe tars are in ninjas?16:45
debfxdanimo: no, is that a script that installs those files?16:45
* apachelogger notes that xdg-* stuff is legit to be bundled with software for distributability reasons16:47
Nightroseapachelogger: -.-16:47
Nightrosetotally not awesome16:47
apacheloggerit cannot be assumed that every system actually got them on board16:47
apacheloggerso generally I'd argue that it would even be good practise to have an own copy on board in case the target system does not have it16:47
apacheloggerNightrose: I agree16:48
yofelhm, are we going to rename projects and add new ones for the git split or are we going to use packaging branches like lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kdeedu/marble-ubuntu ?16:48
apacheloggernew projects/renamed projects16:48
apacheloggerhaving multiple packaging branches like that breaks scriptability of things16:49
apachelogger+ is less obvious to everyone who does not know that it is handled like that16:49
apacheloggermore possibly anyone16:49
apacheloggerScottK: do we have a viable fix for the ntrack loop of death yet?16:50
yofelthe fix should be in oneiric, and does seem to work fine here16:50
yofelat least it didn't hang up yet since the update16:50
ScottKapachelogger: It seems like the simple patch that's in -proposed works OK.16:50
apacheloggerroger that16:50
ScottKasac was worried about it causing problems, but I haven't seen any one complain about it.16:51
ScottKI had problems with his more complex patch (see my PPA).16:51
* apachelogger is more worried about having all of plasma freeze on you ^^16:51
* ScottK didn't have that.16:52
ScottKMy problem was it triggered a crash in kmail (due to an existing kmail bug).16:53
danimodebfx: yes16:54
danimodebfx: I can tar things up for you, but in general they are part of the opendesktop tools for 3rd party apps16:54
danimodebfx: freedesktop.org I mean16:54
apacheloggerScottK: on my netbook if I am connected to vpn, suspend, resume, all of plasma is rather frozen16:55
ScottKYeah, that sounds like the ntrack thing.  Install the package from -proposed.16:55
apacheloggercan we please adopt the meego login sound?16:56
danimodebfx: http://daniel.molkentin.de/.stuff/xdg-qtcreator.tar.gz16:58
danimodebfx: fyi16:58
danimodebfx: gotta run, bbl16:58
shadeslayerdebfx: aroundd?17:05
shadeslayerdebfx: seems the qt gstreamer package builds with tests off , i don't think that sits well with the MIR team17:06
debfxshadeslayer: does it build with tests enabled?17:09
shadeslayerdebfx: i'm trying that17:09
shadeslayerdebfx: nope, seems 2 of the tests fail : http://paste.ubuntu.com/611914/17:16
shadeslayer    QGst::ElementPtr e = QGst::ElementFactory::make("playbin2");  ... so that particular line is a issue for the ref test17:22
* shadeslayer tries to fix17:22
apacheloggerobvously the gstreamer plugin for playbin2 is not installed17:24
apacheloggerso the fix would be to install that17:24
apacheloggerwhich depending on the POV might not be worth the effort, as it is not strictly a build dependency17:24
shadeslayerhmm .. and what about the parsetest.cpp failiure ?17:25
apacheloggerin that particular test I'd say that the test should warn but not fail17:25
* apachelogger thinks the tests should be more self-contained by introducing fake elements that can be created with the factory17:26
* apachelogger is a kent beck fanboy though, so he has distrubing opionions regarding unit tests17:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611923/17:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh ... is playbin2 in the rygel packages or sth?17:31
apacheloggerthe who?17:31
shadeslayerrygel .. the UPnP media sharing framework thingy17:32
apacheloggeryou are speaking nonesense right now17:32
apacheloggerkubotu: google gstreamer api playbin217:33
kubotuResults for gstreamer api playbin2: 1. playbin2 - GStreamer: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-base-plugins/html/gst-plugins-base-plugins-playbin2.html | 2. Release notes for GStreamer Base Plug-ins 0.10.26 "You will know ...: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/releases/gst-plugins-base/0.10.26.html17:33
kubotu3. Release notes for GStreamer Base Plug-ins 0.10.23 "Emergency de ...: http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/releases/gst-plugins-base/0.10.23.html17:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: i don't see anything remotely associated with playbin2 and gst in our packages17:33
shadeslayer!find playbin217:33
ubottuFile playbin2 found in gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-doc, libgstreamermm-0.10-dev17:33
debfxshadeslayer: the tests work fine when gstreamer0.10-plugins-base is installed17:34
apachelogger!find gstplaybin.so17:34
ubottuFile gstplaybin.so found in gstreamer0.10-plugins-base, gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-dbg17:34
debfxI'll upload a new version with the tests enabled17:34
apacheloggersomeone file a bug report with upstream17:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: about what?17:35
shadeslayerdebfx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611923/17:35
apacheloggertests that test something else than what is to be tested are not good tests IMHO17:35
persiaplaybin is in the rygel bundle17:35
debfxshadeslayer: what about that?17:35
shadeslayerdebfx: apachelogger said that it should be a warning instead of a failiure17:35
apacheloggeralso I said that the tests are crap17:36
ScottKBuild tests shouldn't fail for missing runtime stuff.17:37
apacheloggerthey are not only testing the functionality of ref pointers and the like but the presence and successful facotrization of a bin that is not part of the test enviornment17:37
debfxI'd rather add a build-dependency than patch the tests17:38
debfxif someone cares enough about it, send a patch upstream17:38
apacheloggersupposedly the factory part is a necessary evil that cannot be eliminated in the test, but that does not prevent one from injecting a fake bin into gstreamer, a bin that is part of the test envrionment that said17:39
apacheloggerdebfx: at least report it upstream17:39
apacheloggerpersia: I support playbin is "part" of rygel because rygel uses gstreamer?17:40
persiaSo, it's more complicated than that.17:40
apacheloggeroh why did I ask ^^17:40
persiaThere's the "playbin" program, which is in gstreamer, which pulls from a file source and sends to the default sink.17:40
persiarygel has the playbin Media Renderer, which previously floated around under all sorts of names.  This provides a Media Renderer interface, and then submits to playbin to render.17:41
shadeslayerdebfx: i'm reporting it upstream with the patch ;)17:41
persiaIf you happen to have another handy renderer for arbitrary media files, you might put together a different wrapper :)17:41
apacheloggerah, confusing naming, I see17:42
apacheloggerpersia: is rygel any good?17:42
shadeslayerit works .. if thats what you mean :P17:43
shadeslayerwe tried it out at conf.kde.in 17:43
shadeslayerdolphin managed to find media files and such17:43
apacheloggeroh which reminds me17:43
apacheloggerpersia: the kio upnp slave was proposed for inclusion in KDE 4.717:43
apacheloggerdon't think it made it in though17:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: what explanation do i write to for the patch? :P17:44
apacheloggermight be because it does not actually build with the scary Qt library for upnp :S17:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: what patch?17:44
shadeslayerthe QFAIL -> QWARN patch17:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611923/17:44
apacheloggerit is a workaround17:44
* apachelogger does not like workarounds in case you do not remember17:44
shadeslayerQFAIL is a workaround?17:44
apacheloggerqwarn is a workaround17:45
shadeslayeror my patch is a workaround? :D17:45
apacheloggerqfail is absolutely right17:45
apacheloggerexcept the precondition to the qfail is bonkers17:45
apacheloggerin that it depends on the presence of playbin2 thus testing that the test envrionment actually has plugins installed, hardly the intended thing that is supposed to be tested17:46
apacheloggerhm, that must be the second most crappiest sentence of the day17:46
apacheloggereven the findhupnp is kap0tt17:56
apacheloggermadness all around17:56
apacheloggerpersia: I got the kio slave to build \o/17:57
persia"With Oneiric, Kubuntu's Dolphin media player will be able to show media stored on Sony Playstations and other common household network appliances."17:58
apacheloggerah, not so quick my friend17:58
apacheloggerinterestingly enough the slave appears to be incapable of actually searching for things17:58
apacheloggeryou can only access them using their uuid17:58
apachelogger#discover-not-implemented as one would say in microblogging english ^^17:59
persiaAh.  Well then, assuming *something else* can do discovery, it now becomes possible to do something like make a TV remote control in QML.17:59
apacheloggeroh, I believe very much that the master mind behind KDE's network share discovery magic is interested in making the discovery part happen (at least for 4.8 or whenver the slave arrives)18:01
* apachelogger still does not like the underlying library18:01
debfxshadeslayer: are you going to file a MIR for qt-gstreamer? it's also needed for qapt18:18
shadeslayerdebfx: yes, i just finished investigating it18:18
shadeslayerdebfx: you enabled tests right?18:18
shadeslayeralright, i'll file it18:18
shadeslayerdebfx: bug 78710918:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 787109 in qt-gstreamer (Ubuntu) "[MIR] qt-gstreamer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78710918:24
danimodebfx: back18:47
apacheloggerpersia: http://i.imgur.com/opVgy.png18:51
apacheloggern900 content omnomnom18:51
apacheloggernot particularly surprising... you cannot actually do anything with anything as for some reason the slave is incapable of getting mimetypes or the like18:52
persiaapachelogger, I thought you said it couldn't do discovery?18:52
apacheloggerit can't, I had to fish for the uuid using upnp-inspector18:52
persiaWell, it looks cool, at least.18:54
debfxdanimo: this is what I currently have: http://pastebin.com/Nh6GzC3j18:54
persiaJust needs a bit of glue (but then KIO slaves usually do)18:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: ARM Farm .... lol18:55
danimodebfx: the tar ball I uploaded contains more mime types to associate with18:55
danimodebfx: I guess it should be even more by now (e.g. shader code)18:56
shadeslayerokay i need help with avogadro ...18:56
micahgit's a very large number :)18:56
danimodebfx: see here18:56
danimodebfx: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/blobs/master/src/plugins/glsleditor/GLSLEditor.mimetypes.xml18:56
shadeslayermicahg: the package 18:56
shadeslayerhey bambee18:56
debfxdanimo: the link you gave me is 40418:57
danimodebfx: actually there should be a script that scans through all the mimetype definitions and creates an xml from that18:57
micahgshadeslayer: I know, just playing :)18:57
danimodebfx: oh, bummer18:57
shadeslayerhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/611968/ << can't figure that out18:57
debfxdoes it also add them to the desktop file?18:57
micahgshadeslayer: sounds like a build dep needs to be ported to perl 5.1218:59
danimodebfx: hmm?18:59
danimodebfx: I said there should be, there isn't right now :)18:59
danimodebfx: point is: the .desktop file as well as the mimetype reg file are constantly changing19:00
debfxsorry, read it too quickly :/19:00
danimodebfx: so they should be auto generated19:00
debfxhm yes, though these mime types aren't qt creator specific19:00
danimodebfx:  which ones?19:00
danimodebfx: sure, creator has a dedicated gsgl editor19:01
danimodebfx: rocks when used with QML in particular19:01
debfxdanimo: yeah but it's a generic file format, isn't it?19:03
danimodebfx: what do you mean generic? It contains shader code, which looks a bit similar to C19:03
danimodebfx: so in that sense it is as specific as any interpreted language19:03
debfxI mean a file format that is not only used by qt creator, so there may be other editors19:04
danimodebfx: sure, but the mimetype registration is not only meant to register exclusive file formats, or is it?19:05
shadeslayermicahg: nope, all the perl packages were rebuilt against the new perl 5.1219:05
yofelshadeslayer: but there's a package in your output that depends on 5.1019:06
yofel  libtext-charwidth-perl: Depends: perlapi-5.10.0 which is a virtual package.19:06
yofeland 3 otheres from what I see19:07
shadeslayerwas rebuilt for 5.12 according to changelog19:07
micahgshadeslayer: rebuilt doesn't matter if it needs its depends updated19:07
debfxdanimo: no, but ideally they should be pushed to freedesktop.org (not sure how practical that is)19:08
micahgshadeslayer: i.e. could be manual depends and not using ${perl:Depends} like it should :)19:08
danimodebfx: I have to read up on how this whole fdo mime type stuff works. Last time I looked at it was 3 years ago19:09
danimodebfx: http://standards.freedesktop.org/shared-mime-info-spec/shared-mime-info-spec-latest.html ?19:09
micahgshadeslayer: actually ignore what I said about ${perl:Depends}, I don't think I have that quite right19:11
danimodebfx: also, there should be a way to translate the .desktop and .xml file contents at a later point19:12
shadeslayermicahg: i've checked manual depends too :P19:12
danimodebfx: but honestly, all apps incl. kde itself seem to ship their own mimetype definition19:12
shadeslayerinfact the package doesn't build on natty too @_@19:12
danimodebfx: I cannot see any harm19:12
persiaSo, there's an "official" set of MIME types.  It's good to be included.19:13
persiaThere's also an extension mechanism (e.g. text/x-foo) for doing things in the meantime.19:13
persiaApplications are expected to provide declarations of MIME types they support, so that the DE can always select appropriate applications for a given file.19:14
danimopersia: yepp, but we (upstream) have to assume that whereever we install ourselves the global mimetype db does not know about the types19:14
danimopersia: (we still run on 8.04 for instance)19:14
persiaRight, so you need to provide a MIMEtype definition file (a type of .desktop file) describing the MIME types you support, and declaring which icons you'd like to show for them.19:15
danimopersia: that's what we do19:15
danimopersia: (sans the icons atm, but that's trivial to do)19:15
persiaWe've been using roughly the same MIME declaration model since at least 5.04.19:15
persiaYou don't need to include the icons: just names.  There is an XDG spec about certain common icon names that all themes are supposed to have available.19:16
danimopersia: I know, (puts on KDE hat) we introduced it with KDE 3.x some years ago19:16
persiaSo you'd list "Icon=TextFile" or similar.19:16
persiadanimo, Indeed :)19:16
danimopersia: I can even have custom icons19:17
persiaIf you like, certainly.19:17
danimopersia: I was just arguing to auto-generate the xml mime type definition file from Qt Creator's pluginspec file19:18
danimopersia: because otherwise everytime we add a new plugin that can handle a new mimetype, we have to update the xml file (and the desktop file)19:18
danimopersia: and since I prefer autmatism over manual processes.. :)19:19
persiaAs long as you have an OOB process to try to move from foo/x-bar to foo/bar for new ones, that doesn't sound unreasonable.19:19
persiaAnd I'll stop lecturing, since you already know everything I'm saying.19:19
danimopersia: it's been a few years, and I'm always glad for corrections19:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: p-i-n-g19:22
shadeslayermicahg: yofel any other ideas?19:23
apacheloggerthe shadeslayer!19:23
apacheloggeryou there19:23
apacheloggerhello hello19:23
shadeslayeri'm not studying tonight19:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: is the calligra covered by the mighty project neon?19:23
apacheloggerneeds fixing ASAP19:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: we ran out of space in the PPA ages ago iirc19:24
apacheloggerhttp://www.calligra-suite.org/news/calligra-2-4-snapshot-1-tour/ <----19:24
apacheloggerreceive love, give love19:24
apacheloggeralso someone should teach jr to use official templates ^^19:25
shadeslayer    8.0 GiB (80.12%) of 10.0 GiB19:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: will be fixed in a couple of hours ;)19:26
shadeslayeri hope they have one repo19:26
shadeslayerand not a bazillion repos like tp19:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611968/ << now tell me whats wrong there19:26
apacheloggersolar flares19:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: you don't use the shell hook, that is what is wrong :P19:29
shadeslayerwhich shell hook?19:29
apacheloggerthe one that drops you to a shell on error19:29
shadeslayeri haz that one19:29
apacheloggeroh, I suppose that will not work if deps fail to satisfy19:29
apacheloggerlogin and try to manually install that stuff19:30
apacheloggerthen you should see what is wrong19:30
* apachelogger at some point will start trolling the gsoc students list19:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611984/19:34
yofelapt-get update ;)19:34
shadeslayerit can install stuff without issues now19:35
apacheloggeryofel: I: user script /var/cache/pbuilder/build//9545/tmp/hooks/D10aptupdate finished19:35
shadeslayeryofel: why is it that pbuilder can't install stuff but apt-get inside a pbuilder can @_@19:36
shadeslayerand what apachelogger said19:36
apacheloggerI know why19:37
yofeldon't ask me, ask aptitude19:37
apacheloggeryet you do not see the obvious :P19:37
yofelor apachelogger ^^19:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: what is the obvious thing here?19:38
yofelare you installing the same packages?19:39
shadeslayeri just copied over the build deps19:39
yofeldid you update the pbuilder first?19:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: tell me19:47
apacheloggerwhat requirements must be met to install a set of build-deps?19:48
shadeslayerthat the build deps exsist and the packages they depend on are installable and don't conflict with each other?19:49
apacheloggerthere is an essential part missing19:49
apacheloggerperhaps one of the most important once19:49
apacheloggerthat is there for a good reason, a reason that would probably make your package not build even if everything installed19:50
apacheloggerright, so someone asks a rather silly question on the gsoc student lists not half an hour ago19:51
apachelogger10 replies and counting19:51
apacheloggerhow can you not troll them19:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: i have no idea what you're talking about19:52
apacheloggerI fear they are all no proper geeks and have no towel19:52
apacheloggerclearly a reason to panic19:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: does you haz welcome pkg, cuz I dont :'( *sadstudent* maybe the googlez forgot me :'(19:52
shadeslayergooglez forgot me too19:53
apacheloggerI haz no better things to do than worry about the welcome package19:53
apacheloggernow I needs to write mail to gsoc students list, so that googlez notices I does not have no package19:53
* apachelogger ponders sending that as-is to the list, just for the lulz of it19:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: someone might take it seriously19:54
shadeslayerattach a troll face to the mail19:54
apacheloggerwhat for?19:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: because someone might think that google actually forgot them -.-19:56
apacheloggerwhy do I care?19:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: so you were saying something about the package build deps20:01
apacheloggerthat I did20:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: what essential part is missing?20:04
apacheloggerlook at the build-depends in debian/control and think about what you did not mention as requirement at all20:04
apacheloggereven though it is much more explicit20:04
Quintasanapachelogger: pong20:06
apacheloggerQuintasan: calligra for neon plz20:06
apacheloggersee what I said after the ping20:06
shadeslayeri already started working on that ^^ :P20:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: you mean i missed a build dep?20:07
Quintasanapachelogger: a) I think we are running out of space in our PPA20:08
Quintasanshadeslayer: bug LP admins20:08
shadeslayerQuintasan: we still have 2 gigs of space20:08
shadeslayershould be enough for calligra20:08
QuintasanPROTIP: we are building for two distros20:09
QuintasanPlasma Activ20:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: you realize you could just git clone the repo and run neonmake :P20:09
Quintasanwe WILL need more space20:09
shadeslayerah yes, in the future20:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: 2 distros?20:09
shadeslayer2 releases20:09
Quintasantwo releases of Ubuntu20:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: i have no idea what i'm missing20:10
shadeslayerQuintasan: spot the error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/611968/ :P20:10
Quintasan/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk:31: WARNING:  simple-patchsys.mk is deprecated - please use source format 3.0 (quilt) instead20:10
shadeslayerits used later on, ignore that20:11
Quintasanlibtext-charwidth-perl: Depends: perlapi-5.10.0 which is a virtual package.20:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: I told you all you need to know20:11
QuintasanWhy are you depending on virtual packages?20:11
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah, and i've seen all 3 perl packages and they don't have specific depends20:12
apacheloggerQuintasan: the perl way of handling api20:12
shadeslayernone of them depend on perl 5.10 explicitly20:12
Quintasanno freaking idea20:12
Quintasanneed debian/contro20:12
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/612001/20:13
shadeslayeroh hmm20:15
Quintasanoh wait20:16
QuintasanDepends: gcc-4.6-base (= 4.6.0-6ubuntu1)20:16
Quintasanbut 4.6.0-7ubuntu1 is to be installed.20:17
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^20:19
Quintasanjust a wild guess20:19
shadeslayerwhat about it?20:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: dude, i've been waiting for gcc to be fixed for 4-5 days now20:19
shadeslayerand other packages build fine20:19
Quintasanlook at the depend version and what is about to be installed20:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: if i extract a pbuilder20:20
shadeslayerand install deps manually, it wokrs20:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: is on to something20:21
apacheloggersomething shadeslayer did still not identify as requirement20:21
apacheloggercarol shut down the welcome package thread :(20:22
shadeslayerhahah :D20:22
apacheloggerhow rude, I rather enjoyed it20:23
Quintasanwhat seems retarded to me is that gcc-4.6 depends on gcc-4.6-base (= 4.6.0-6ubuntu1) not on >=4.6.0-6ubuntu120:23
Quintasanalso, shadeslayer, what version pbuilder are you using?20:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: not necessarily, patches can change the stuff in such a way that >= could result in broken gcc20:24
shadeslayerwhatever natty uses i think20:24
apacheloggerhence = might indeed the best choice20:24
apacheloggerat any rate the savest20:24
shadeslayer0.199+nmu2~ppa1really+nmu1ubuntu1~ppa1 <<20:24
Quintasanbleh, true*20:24
shadeslayeryofel: you haz custom pbuilder?20:24
Quintasan0.199+nmu2~ppa1really+nmu1ubuntu1~ppa1 ????20:25
Quintasanwhere the hell did you find that?20:25
* apachelogger takes off his hat20:25
shadeslayerQuintasan: don't ask me, i've ssh'd into yofel's machine20:25
Quintasanshadeslayer: You are building on yofel's machine?20:25
apacheloggeryofel is wicked clearly20:25
shadeslayeroh your haven't seen what i'm seeing right now20:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: check /etc/apt/sources.list for lulz entries20:26
apacheloggeryou were soooo close20:26
apacheloggerand yet you fail20:26
Quintasanapachelogger: me?20:27
apacheloggerboth of you20:27
shadeslayerderpity derp20:27
* apachelogger apparently left out important parts of minion training20:27
Quintasanapachelogger: just guessing lol20:27
shadeslayeri actually removed cdbs and got the error down, but i don't think thats the solution20:27
shadeslayerit came down to a couple of gcc base packages20:27
Quintasanblame cdbs for source of all evil?20:28
shadeslayercdbs is evil20:28
shadeslayerfor some reason20:28
shadeslayerthis package is source 3.0 quilt AND has cdbs 20:28
apacheloggerrequirements to fullfil a build dep: a) builddep and all its deps are installable and in appropriate version b) the builddep itself is available in required version20:28
apacheloggerplenty of option for things to go wrong, right?20:28
ScottKWhen is that not the case?20:29
apacheloggergood thing you can debug one of those rather easily and thus the other must be screwing with the build deps20:29
apacheloggerif you don't want to disappoint an apachelogger you better find the problem now20:29
Quintasanapachelogger: well, you just stated the obvious for build-deps20:30
apacheloggerdid I?20:30
Quintasanwell, if build-dep is not available and all of it's dependencies are not available then how the hell it can work?20:31
apacheloggernot so obvious or you would have checked the 5 packages that could fail for the reason apparently not proofen wrong by installing all the plunder in the builder manually20:31
apacheloggermy point exactly20:31
apacheloggeryou are always thinking of a)20:31
QuintasanPROTIP: I'm not in shadeslayer's pbuilder on yofel's computer20:32
apacheloggercompletely ignoring b) even though I mentioned it explicitly as requirement20:32
apacheloggerQuintasan: you can spot the problem from poland with one web shortcut20:32
* apachelogger tries to find some cigars before bed time20:33
shadeslayerall it needed 20:33
Quintasanit seems I should voice my whole logic before getting into any discussion which leads to almost a wall of text to sufficiently explain my logic20:33
shadeslayerwas : sudo -E DIST=oneiric pbuilder --update20:33
shadeslayerthats it20:33
Quintasanapachelogger: ^^20:34
shadeslayeri spent like 3 days on this20:34
Quintasanshadeslayer: HERP DERP20:34
Quintasanare you serious?20:34
Quintasanyou are not upgrading your pbuilders at least once a week?20:34
shadeslayerand i was like, nah ... the toolkit must be broken or sth20:34
shadeslayerQuintasan: not my pbuilder20:34
shadeslayeri don't have a sane connection for pbuilders, but i'm going to try and get a 1Mbps connection20:35
Quintasanthat's yours pbuilder20:35
shadeslayerQuintasan: nope, yofel created the pbuilder20:35
shadeslayeri just have sudo rights to pbuilder :P20:35
Quintasanyofel: update shadeslayer's pbuilder for him20:35
shadeslayerQuintasan: i can do that20:35
shadeslayeri just did20:35
Quintasanapachelogger: I did not even expected oudated pbuilder20:35
shadeslayeri guess that was the issue, packages in pbuilder blocking other packages20:36
Quintasan*headdesk* doesn't even begin to describe it20:36
* apachelogger puts a smile on his face and leaves for a bit, expecting much fun when he returns20:37
shadeslayerapachelogger: someone posted to the packages thread20:37
Quintasanapachelogger: no, seriously, broken gcc depends (who noone miraculously did notice) seem awfully unlikely20:38
Quintasanunless you don't update your install ^_^20:38
shadeslayerQuintasan: http://i.imgur.com/OBTUZ.png << this is what happens to me every single day when i leave for college20:42
Quintasan>he browses reddit20:43
shadeslayerhey reddit is awesome20:43
QuintasanI'll pass20:43
QuintasanI have my daily does of stuff on RSS20:43
* Quintasan goes back to school stuff20:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: do you have a external monitor or such?20:45
* Quintasan doesnt own a laptop20:46
QuintasanI have my 23" display20:46
shadeslayerQuintasan: right, what company/make/model20:46
danimois anyone coming to QCS btw?20:47
QuintasanSamsung SyncMaster 2333SW20:47
Quintasanshadeslayer: ^^ what about it?20:47
shadeslayerQuintasan: i was thinking of getting a syncmaster too : http://goo.gl/nxCJg20:47
shadeslayerbut it's not available here in india :<20:47
shadeslayerwell .. it's not listed on samsung india anyways20:48
shadeslayerQuintasan: might buy this instead http://www1.ap.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/snp/topics/en/ap/in/dhs/monitor-dell-u2311h?c=in&cs=indhs1&l=en&s=dhs&redirect=120:49
yofelshadeslayer: er, I *did* ask you if you updated the pbuilder, and you said yes...20:50
shadeslayeryofel: i was logged into the pbuilder at that time ....20:50
QuintasanOh god.20:50
neversfeldeScottK: no ballot in my inbox or spam folder20:50
yofeland the version: I obviously did something wrong that had to be reverted :P20:51
ScottKneversfelde: Christian Mangold2008-02-21 Expired on 2011-02-1920:51
ScottKSo says Launchapd.20:52
ScottKOTOH, council belongs to kubuntu-members.20:52
ScottKI can send you one.20:52
ScottKneversfelde: Sent.20:53
neversfeldeScottK: thanks20:53
apacheloggershadeslayer: is it working now?20:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes20:53
neversfeldeI never got a message about expiring from that team20:53
neversfeldeand never realized, because I am an indirect member20:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: what happened now?20:54
neversfeldeScottK: ballot here, thanks20:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: okay now i need you to build this on ARM20:55
shadeslayeri'll upload the files, gimme a minute20:55
ScottKneversfelde: You can probably fix your own membership.20:56
neversfeldeScottK: yes, I can20:57
neversfeldethat's weird :)20:58
neversfeldewould someone else do this for me? 20:58
ScottKneversfelde: Are you still active in Kubuntu?21:01
apacheloggerneversfelde: you will expire on 2013-05-2221:01
neversfeldeScottK: sure, not as active as I should be, I am currently very busy with my job, but I am doing what is possible21:01
neversfeldeapachelogger: from council21:01
ScottKneversfelde: You got approved somehow21:02
apacheloggerit was jr21:02
* ScottK is suprised apachelogger didn't want a process for this and paperwork in triplicate.21:02
shadeslayerapachelogger: just build the debian package for ubuntu on ARM21:03
neversfeldeScottK: ok21:03
apacheloggerScottK: pff, not even a recommendation one can make21:03
apacheloggeror suggestion21:05
apacheloggersomething that ends with tion anyway21:05
neversfeldeand voted :)21:05
neversfelde"I voted" buttons?21:06
neversfeldeapachelogger: you created them, right?21:06
neversfeldeor at least found someone to do this21:06
JontheEchidna~order I voted button21:06
* kubotu hands JontheEchidna a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.21:06
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati21:06
yofelkubotu: order I voted button for neversfelde21:07
* kubotu hands neversfelde a blue "I Voted" button with an annoyed rick on it.21:07
kubotuThanks for voting -- The Illuminati21:07
apacheloggernext time around sheytan could make us proper buttons ^^21:07
yofelmake it ascii art for kubotu :P21:07
debfxJontheEchidna: I've prepared some changes to the qapt package: http://paste.kde.org/73867/21:07
debfxdo you mind if I upload that?21:08
apacheloggeryofel: you cant stick that on your forehead21:08
yofelwho cares about that :P21:08
apacheloggerkent beck21:08
JontheEchidnadebfx: go ahead, thanks21:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you start le build?21:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you hand me a dsc yet?21:09
JontheEchidnadebfx: is libqtgstreamer-dev new?21:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: build the package from debian?21:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: pull-debian-source is foobared?21:10
apacheloggerwhat be me password21:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/avogadro/avogadro_1.0.3-1.dsc21:10
apacheloggeroh noes21:10
apacheloggerme password21:10
* apachelogger enters random characters hoping to hit the password21:11
debfxJontheEchidna: it's in binary NEW, I've synced the qt-gstreamer package from Debian21:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think my password is in the welcome package!!!!! 21:11
JontheEchidnak, cool. It'll have to wait for the QtGStreamer MIR anyway, so no harm there21:11
yofelpull-debian-source works fine here21:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: what if googlez forgets you?21:11
shadeslayeryofel: apachelogger says it doesn't work on ARM :P21:12
yofelah, can't test that here ^^21:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: what happens to pull-debian-source on arm?21:14
sheytanshadeslayer ping21:14
shadeslayersheytan: pong21:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: arm explodes21:15
sheytanshadeslayer where do i get neon ppa for natty?21:15
shadeslayersheytan: pad.lv/~neon21:15
apacheloggersheytan: we probably should add some box with a short description of lord phonon to the website21:15
apacheloggersheytan: also j-b was wondering if we need them round background thingies for the icons21:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: seriously, what happens?21:16
apachelogger"kernel panic"21:16
shadeslayerwhat O_O21:16
apachelogger"kernel panic"21:17
shadeslayerthe script makes the kernel panic, how is that even possible?21:17
apacheloggerno towel, obviously21:17
bambeeI had a kernel panic a half hour ago because I put dragon in fullscreen o_O  (nouveau is buggy with the 2.6.39)21:18
apacheloggers/with the 2.6.39//21:19
kubotuapachelogger: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"21:19
apacheloggerkubotu: leave me alone21:19
bambeeapachelogger: rhoo seriously, nouveau works like a charm with the 2.6.38 :)21:19
bambeethe 2.6.39 has been release.... what ? o_O21:20
yofelnouveau is always buggy here ^^21:20
yofelyep, a few days ago21:21
apacheloggerlinus wants to to to 2.8 because the numbers are getting too big21:21
apacheloggeror rather the voices in his head21:21
bambeeso nouveau is really buggy with a kernel release... ^^21:21
yofelnah, he didn't want to delay it for several weeks so shipped buggy software instead21:21
apacheloggers/with a kernel release//21:21
kubotuapachelogger: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"21:21
yofelwhere have I seen that behaviour...21:21
apacheloggerkubotu: I swear to kent beck, if you tell me one more time I will ctrl^c you21:22
shadeslayerresizing konsole21:22
sheytan_shadeslayer can you point me right to the ppa?21:22
shadeslayersheytan_: dude, you open that page, there is only one ppa21:22
shadeslayerjust add that ppa21:22
shadeslayeror what yofel said21:22
sheytan_shadeslayer i don't see it :D21:22
yofelyeah, we only have one21:22
sheytan_really i don't21:23
apacheloggerNCommander, ScottK: when do we get natty for the arrrrm farm? I want an aubergine byobu21:23
Quintasansheytan_: https://launchpad.net/~neon/+archive/ppa21:23
yofelit's perfectly visible on pad.lv/~neon21:23
Quintasansheytan_: add ppa:neon/ppa to your sources list using Muon or PackageKit21:23
shadeslayersheytan_: http://i.imgur.com/jxHeC.png21:23
bambeeapachelogger: don't feed the troll :P21:23
sheytan_shadeslayer the page you gave me is different from the Quintasan's one21:24
Quintasansheytan_: I pointed you directly to the PPA21:24
Quintasanwheras shadeslayer pointed you to Team page21:24
sheytan_ok, nvm :D21:24
shadeslayerwhich then leads to the PPA page21:24
Quintasansheytan_: be warned tough21:24
apacheloggercan't you just hand out ppa: urls????21:24
sheytan_apachelogger you're bored, right? :D21:24
Quintasansheytan_: Akonadi doesnt work and since it is monday, most modules can be quite unstable21:25
apacheloggerI am making love to arrrrm21:25
apacheloggerthen again that could very well mean bored, cause arrrm is sloooow21:25
NCommanderapachelogger: its in the process of being assembled21:25
shadeslayerwhats being assembled? :P21:25
sheytan_Quintasan: no problem, i'm on a testing machine. My work and files and kubuntu are safe :)21:26
apacheloggertalking about assembling stuff.... the superior oneiric pbuilder just finished 21:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: it builds?21:26
Quintasansheytan_: they would be safe anyways, we store PN files in totally different place than your config files :P21:26
ScottKapachelogger: I need to mail NCommander some parts which are sitting in front of me to be mailed once I get done with the $WORK telcon I'm in the middle of.21:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: pastebin the error log plz21:26
sheytan_Quintasan i want be safe even more :D21:27
Quintasansheytan_: #project-neon21:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: I: extracting base tarball [/home/oneiric-base.tgz]21:27
shadeslayeruh .... and?21:27
apacheloggershadeslayer: I: extracting base tarball [/home/oneiric-base.tgz]21:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: its stuck at extracting the tarball?21:28
apacheloggerstuck is the wrong word here21:28
apacheloggerit is in the process of extracting21:28
sheytan_is it true, you're going to change the default desktop configuration for 11.10?21:29
Quintasanha ha21:29
Quintasanno :D21:29
Quintasanapachelogger was trolling21:29
apacheloggerto windows seven21:29
apacheloggersheytan_: where did you hear that?21:29
Quintasanyeah, I am intrested in that too21:30
sheytan_apachelogger all that unity stuff on planetkde21:30
mupufhey guys, I heard that some of you have problems with the 2.6.39 and with nouveau. We(I'm a nouveau dev) are not aware of these errors. If you could show up on #nouveau, it would be great21:30
apacheloggerwhat unity stuff?21:30
sheytan_well, first i thought it must be a joke, but then someone blogged about so i was cofused21:30
Quintasanlinks please21:30
apacheloggerbambee: go help resolve the nouveau issues21:31
* apachelogger pokes bambee with a mickey mouse hand21:32
apacheloggerbambee: actually, any news on the possible cppificatin of userconfig?21:32
* bambee pokes apachelogger with a chain saw21:32
bambeeapachelogger: I am rewriting it in cpp21:32
sheytan_can't find it now. But even some Polish blogger blogged about it.21:32
sheytan_I was really confused :D21:32
apacheloggerbambee: you are wicked21:33
bambeeapachelogger: I think , I've time enough to rewrite it in cpp and to add new features for the next release (I am talking about the planned features)21:33
Quintasansheytan_: I wonder, do you mean this21:34
apacheloggersheytan_: do not trust anything that is not on the kubuntu-devel mailing list or a proper kubuntu team blog21:34
Quintasanprops for jussi for that one21:34
bambeeapachelogger: the pwd backend is mostly rewritten, I've just to finish the gui21:34
sheytan_Quintasan well, yes, this one. But i read on GreKoval's blogg that you're going to change the default plasma config21:35
bambeethen I think I will upload it into my scratch repository (on git.k.o)21:35
sheytan_thought it was true21:35
apacheloggerbambee: oh, groovy21:35
sheytan_apachelogger i never did, that's why i'm asking here ;)21:35
Quintasansheytan_: GreKoval? No idea who is he21:36
sheytan_Quintasan Grzegorz Kowalewski, Konqui club is his blog called i guess21:36
sheytan_apachelogger you didn't blog about the phonon page :(21:36
bambeeapachelogger: by the way, I know mupuf personnally, it's a friend. so I am already talking to him about nouveau ;)21:36
sheytan_no christmass presents anymore from me!21:37
apacheloggersheytan_: because DNS population is not done21:37
apacheloggerif I blog now half the people will end up on the old site21:37
bambeeand he's right, we should report issues on #nouveau :P21:37
apacheloggerthe post though is ready21:37
sheytan_this sucks :D21:37
apacheloggerpatience my friend, patience21:38
Quintasanapachelogger: omfg21:38
apacheloggera true jedi knight must be very patience21:38
Quintasanhe really did mention that21:38
apacheloggerlanguage fail21:38
apacheloggerkent beck, save me!21:38
apacheloggermy language engine needs unit tests21:38
apacheloggerQuintasan: where?21:38
Quintasan3rd paragraph from the bottom21:39
sheytan_Quintasan told ya21:39
apacheloggerif the translation is right he does not say that the default will change21:40
apacheloggerand there are plans for a unity themed plasma21:40
Quintasan"Kubuntu will finally change it's face"21:40
apacheloggergoogle says eventually21:40
apacheloggerdarn you google translate!21:41
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, bad research on his part then21:41
Quintasanyup and then he says that (Plasma Unity) speaks for itself :D21:41
apacheloggeresp considering that none of the referenced resources talk about it21:41
apacheloggerIMHO he just made that up from the theme in the screenshots of the sneak peak21:42
apacheloggerwhich in retrospect really wasn't the most fortunate thing, then again I was too lazy to change all the stuff back....21:42
apachelogger"At the end of information that probably raise the most discussion and perhaps controversy. Kubuntu eventually change its face. At the moment I have not found any further information on this subject, but one of the points of the plan for future release is to create a new topic Plasma Unity which is already very significant."21:42
apacheloggergoogle translate is apparently utter shit21:42
apacheloggerif I looked up al the words in a dict I'd probably be closer to the truth of the meaning -.-21:43
sheytan_"ale jednym z punktów planu przyszłego wydania jest stworzenie nowego tematu Plasma Unity" - "but one of the feature plan of the future development is to create a new theme Plasma Unity" something like that21:43
sheytan_apachelogger ^^21:43
Quintasansheytan_: but "will change it face" implies that it will be default21:43
Quintasanno matter how you read it :D21:44
apachelogger"Create Plasma Unity template"21:44
apacheloggerthat is a valid todo item21:44
apacheloggerah, I see how he drew the conclusion21:44
apacheloggerthat todo item is listed as parts of the defaults todos21:44
sheytan_apachelogger what for creating it?21:45
sheytan_Quintasan: true, that's why i was confused21:45
=== sheytan_ is now known as sheytan
apacheloggersheytan_: cause there is demand for it + jussi already made the config so turning it into a proper plasma template is not terribly diffcult (if plasma didn't have one particular bug that prevents it right now)21:46
bambeeapachelogger: jreznik has probably not time enough :(21:46
Quintasanapachelogger: That's how a troll turns into an awesome idea21:46
bambeeso actually I am alone 21:46
apacheloggeryou did not convince him of the awesomeness clearly21:47
Quintasanapachelogger: Whom I did not convince?21:47
apacheloggerI shall be looking for someone else on the weekend or so21:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: bambee I meant21:47
apacheloggerQuintasan: also, the idea is not terribly awesome, just a useful idea21:48
bambeehe is interested, but he has many things to do for fedora. he will try to help me, I said 21:48
shadeslayerquick question before i sleep, whats happening on the KDE 4.7 side?21:48
apacheloggerthere is an awesome idea though, not entirely unrelated and making much more sense21:48
Quintasanapachelogger: Do you feel like reading some of my incoherent babbling on my personal opinion of UDS before I publish anything related to what we will be doing this cycle?21:49
apacheloggerare we talking blog post?21:49
apacheloggeryou'd want more people to read it though :P21:49
Quintasanapachelogger: I want you to read it before I publish it :P21:49
* shadeslayer tries out lightdm21:50
sheytani'm dumb21:50
apacheloggerbeware it causes kernel panics21:50
apacheloggeror so jr claimed ^^21:50
sheytanapachelogger a brain panic is worse21:51
apacheloggersheytan, Quintasan: todo item for unity template moved to coding as to avoid that confusion from now on21:51
sheytantrust me21:51
* apachelogger once had a private parts panic21:51
Quintasanoh god...21:51
apacheloggernot to be talked about in public though21:51
Quintasanokay, I am going to bed21:51
Quintasanschool etc.21:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: where is the blog post?21:51
Quintasanapachelogger: when it's more than a draft I will let you know21:51
Quintasanmost likely tomorrow or the day after tomorrow21:52
apacheloggeryou were just teasing me21:52
apacheloggerhow rude21:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: I recall, you tell me that you would blog btw21:52
sheytanapachelogger if you  come to Poland, your private part would turn to Windows. Panics everytime21:53
sheytanbtw, you ever been in Poland? :D21:54
apacheloggerno, there is nothing of interest in poland :P21:55
apacheloggeryou don't even have some weird time zone like shadeslayer, who lives in the future21:55
sheytanapachelogger: dude, if you say something i cry from laughing :D21:56
apacheloggeryou better not ever meet me in person then, it might kill you, can't have that21:57
apacheloggerI suppose21:57
apacheloggerQuintasan: !21:57
apacheloggerdid he goe to the lands of slumbers already?21:58
sheytanapachelogger come on. I wish to meet you in person. Now i wonder what you're guys doin on uds istead of planning kubuntu's future :D21:58
sheytani guess so21:58
Quintasansheytan: ignore him, just make him come to Poland21:58
sheytani remember when i was in school age :D21:59
apacheloggersheytan: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-kubuntu-ballmers-peak21:59
Quintasansheytan: He is not that bad21:59
sheytanQuintasan he will not :D21:59
Quintasanand yeah21:59
QuintasanBallmer's peak21:59
apacheloggerQuintasan: did you ask wether uds-p can be in poland yet? :P21:59
sheytani would come ;D21:59
Quintasannope, we really should suggest that21:59
apacheloggerdo not say that out loud21:59
apacheloggerit turns out uds-pee21:59
sheytanahahahahaha :D21:59
apacheloggerin fact, let's not ever talk about it again21:59
Quintasansheytan: well, we drink, discuss Kubuntu, drink and eat22:00
Quintasanand pull Rodrigo's after lunch or so22:00
sheytanQuintasan you've been there?22:00
apacheloggerand after breakfast22:00
apacheloggerand after sessions22:00
Quintasansheytan: on UDS? I was22:00
sheytani don't wanna know!22:00
sheytanapachelogger stop :D22:00
sheytanQuintasan well, Poland... i mean uds-pee is a great idea :D22:01
* apachelogger is sitting, thus not going anywhere22:01
Quintasanokay, it's seriously time for me to go22:01
Quintasansee you tomorrow22:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: we shall miss you22:01
apacheloggergood bye22:01
apacheloggersee you soon22:01
sheytanbye, have a sweet dream with micky mouse ;)22:01
apacheloggeror so we hope22:01
shadeslayerokay didn't work22:01
Quintasansheytan: oh fkc, no please22:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: what happened to le build?22:01
apacheloggerhm, dreaming of KFC would be an option22:01
sheytanQuintasan dream about that apachelogger's picture :D22:01
sheytani don't need to dream. All my amazing german wine is just 20cm away :D22:02
apacheloggersheytan: you really want to know?22:02
sheytanapachelogger yeah :D22:02
shadeslayerand lightdm did not wokr22:02
shadeslayerX starts up, but no actual GUI is drawn22:02
sheytanshadeslayer is it worth to switch  to lightdm, when kdm-plasma is almost out there?22:03
apacheloggersomeone turned the lights off22:03
shadeslayersheytan: yes22:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: /usr/include/GLES2/gl2.h:38:26: error: conflicting declaration 'typedef khronos_intptr_t GLintptr'22:03
apachelogger/usr/include/GL/glew.h:1608:19: error: 'GLintptr' has a previous declaration as 'typedef ptrdiff_t GLintptr'22:03
apacheloggergo fix you stuffz22:03
shadeslayersheytan: both need to be evaluated actually22:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: thats why the build was disabled initially22:03
sheytani wonder how it's gonna look like (kdm-plasma)22:04
apacheloggerso why did you waste precious resources on a build that we know would fail on arm?22:04
apacheloggersheytan: like a soap bubble22:04
sheytanapachelogger how do you know?22:05
apacheloggerno, actually that was wrong22:05
apacheloggermore like the end of a rainbow22:05
apacheloggerwith gold and stuff22:05
sheytanapachelogger and gnomes, too? :D22:05
apacheloggerproblem is no one ever has been to the end of a rainbow and reported about it on wikipedia22:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: i didn't waste it, i thought it might have been fixed with new uploads and what not22:06
sheytanapachelogger i was once, but the gnomes had wine and stuff, i got drunk and i don't remember anything :(22:06
apacheloggerif it still build depends on libglew it most apparently still is kap0tt22:06
apacheloggersheytan: case in point22:07
* apachelogger prepares for sleeps and stuff22:07
apacheloggermostly stuff22:07
apacheloggerthat reminds me22:07
shadeslayercould someone merge avogadro with this diff from debian : http://paste.ubuntu.com/612052/22:08
apacheloggertomorrow at 9 I need to explain the logic behind some 4 apps with an overal codebase of about 10k22:08
apacheloggerit is slightly scary I might say22:08
sheytanapachelogger do  you have a ping pajama?22:08
sheytanwith ponnys and stuff :D22:09
shadeslayeranyways, i'm off to sleep22:09
* apachelogger is a bed nudist22:09
apacheloggershadeslayer: good night, and watch out for them dragons22:09
apacheloggerwhat is interesting is that Quintasan went to bed before shadeslayer did, yet shadeslayer is living in the future, so it must be like tomorrow afternoon for him22:10
sheytanback to the future 222:12
sheytanthat was a cool movie22:12
sheytani  mean doch! :D22:13
apacheloggerbarbie in the nutcracker was22:13
stalcupnothing beats the hoverboard22:13
apacheloggerthe name by itself is epic22:13
sheytanapachelogger what do you smoke, dude? :D22:14
sheytanshare some :D22:14
apacheloggerthis one is better actually http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi3300393241/22:15
* sheytan is looking for someone who teach him turkich language :D22:16
apacheloggerlord google can help22:17
sheytanapachelogger it can't. In turkish one word sometimes means a whole sentece :D22:18
sheytanwhich google translates wrong22:18
stalcupwth? I voted buttons?   :P22:18
stalcupsounds like some kind of trickery22:19
micahgapachelogger: what do you think of the idea of a qt-webkit packageset?22:20
apacheloggerwhat would be the use case for it?22:21
micahgapachelogger: people that want to focus on qtwebkit and its rdepends22:22
apacheloggeron first thought, wouldn't a general Qt packageset be more useful?22:23
micahgwell, qtwebkit is its own beast, but that might be nice as well22:24
* micahg has a specific need for it22:24
* apachelogger fears the need is secret :P22:24
micahgapachelogger: no, I'll be touching it later this summer and hopefully keeping it up to date with security patches, and would like to be able to keep it up to date in the dev release as well22:25
* micahg wonders how many packagesets he can get before they make him go for core-dev22:26
apacheloggergenerally I think a qtwebkit packageset would be good, but regarding the up-to-dateness I should mention that we plan on having tight control of what version we ship, so we can align with rekonq developers thus improving quality of rekonq in Kubuntu22:27
persiamicahg, Not that many, generally speaking, unless you continue to pick especially esoteric ones.22:28
persia(being MOTU counts against you in this regard)22:28
micahgpersia: qtwebkit + GTK webkit + mozilla :)22:28
micahgapachelogger: oh, definitely, not talking about up to date WRT version as much as security patches22:29
* persia is unable to have a response22:29
apacheloggerin fact that was one of the immediate things necessary to stay with rekonq as most issues we had in the past appeared to be coming from us having a different version than what rekonq upstream was developing against22:29
apacheloggermicahg: oh, that would be cool22:29
apacheloggermicahg: why not become kubuntu developer ;)22:29
debfxmicahg: what's the point of a packageset with only one package in it? ;)22:29
apacheloggerI reckon qtwebkit is part of the kubuntu packageset.... :D22:29
micahgapachelogger: I was wondering about that22:29
micahgdebfx: it would have qtwebkit + rdepends22:30
micahgapachelogger: that's why I asked if you thought it was useful as its own stack, otherwise, I could just go for kubuntu-dev22:30
debfxhm why rdepends?22:30
micahgdebfx: when you update qtwebkit, rdepends might need tweaking22:30
* debfx hopes that will never be the case22:32
apacheloggermicahg: IMHO kubuntu dev would be the better choice as the kubuntu packageset is probably the biggest stake holder of qtwebkit anyway22:32
apacheloggeralso we'll need to introduce a new qtwebkit based browser for touchscreens... :)22:32
debfxthough a number of packages ftbfs with new qt versions in the past22:32
debfxmicahg: with chromium constantly getting security updates, do the security issue usually not affect {qt,gtk}webkit?22:34
micahgdebfx: no, it has its own copy22:35
micahgerr, rather, yes, they are affected22:35
micahgbut Google doesn't release exploit info22:36
debfxmicahg: do you think the situation is going to improve for {qt,gtk}webkit? it doesn't seem like upstream provides much security support for qtwebkit22:41
micahgdebfx: yes, they're planning on point releases soon22:41
debfxI wonder how that will turn out since qtwebkit will still be bundled with qt 4.822:42
apacheloggerScottK: I'll be eating the arm farm by the end of the week22:43
apacheloggergoing to get qt supplied with some meego patches for GL on the n90022:43
apacheloggerrbelem: you are no kubuntu member? :O22:51
ScottKapachelogger: We should schedule a meeting.22:54
ScottK(for next week)22:54
* apachelogger might not be on the council anymore by then :P22:54
ScottKFSVO we.22:54
rbelemapachelogger, nope :'(22:56
* apachelogger cleans out pending memberships22:57
apacheloggerrbelem: if you add yourself quickly to the meeting page I might not decline your membership :P22:57
rbelemapachelogger, i'm there22:58
rbelemapachelogger, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings :-D22:59
apacheloggerthat is cheating22:59
apacheloggerScottK: I really feel the team should be invite only23:00
apacheloggerevery few months I clean out the pending applicants and usually 0.01% are actually known to me, let alone no one I rejected thus far actually applied after that23:00
ScottKSounds like a topic for the next meeting.23:01
rbelemapachelogger, Kubuntu/Meetings (last edited 19.04.2011 08:40:19 by Rodrigo Belem) :-D23:01
apacheloggerrbelem: that is cheating23:01
apacheloggerScottK: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Council/Messages23:09
apacheloggertemplates FTW I say23:09
ScottKMade some small edits in the elections one.23:10
apacheloggermight also add one later for announcement of new kubuntu council members I suppose, though we never really announced that IIRC23:12
apacheloggerwhich is a bit of a shame really23:12
apacheloggercouncil work is highly under appreciated :S23:12
ScottKWe should.23:12
apacheloggerI am glad to report: pending memberships cleaned up23:13
apacheloggeronly valid one is rbelem23:13
apacheloggerrbelem should get a free hug for that23:14
apacheloggerkubotu: order a free hug for rbelem23:14
* kubotu slides a free hug down the bar to rbelem23:14
* rbelem hugs apachelogger 23:14
apacheloggerhaha, actually Tarun Kumar Mall I think I rejected to23:14
apacheloggernot enlisted where he is suppoed to be23:15
apacheloggerthen again I think our meeting page needs a make over23:15
* rbelem hugs kubotu 23:15
apacheloggersuper confusing23:15
apacheloggerScottK: do you think there is actual merit to having a kubuntu themed wiki?23:16
apacheloggerI remember well the days when I was young, I found it a bit confusing when you go to wiki.kubuntu.org and find loads of stuff about ubuntu, whereas kubuntu lives in /Kubuntu23:17
ScottKapachelogger: I do.23:17
ScottKI would get very tired of wikiing very quickly if I had to do it in orange or purple.23:17
ScottKIt would be nice, however, if our wiki theme didn't suck due to being super antiquated.23:18
apacheloggeraubergine it is btw :P23:18
debfxapachelogger: why don't you mark the team as restricted?23:19
apacheloggerdebfx: that is the topic for next meeting :P23:20
debfxaha :)23:20
* apachelogger likes how ubuntu wiki macros apparently are not documented at all23:22
apacheloggeris it just me or is "This page is linked directly from the Ubuntu Fridge, so please click here to return." on the meeting page rather moot considering browsers have a back button?23:26
micahgback button with HTTPS doesn't always work23:28
apacheloggerhm, didn't know that23:30
apacheloggergeneral observation: do not blog important things on friday, however I forgot this essential rule is a mystery23:40
DarkwingDuckHey guys23:43
* yofel_ is off to bed, good night23:47
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DasKreechwhat's Ballmer's peak?23:59

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