
Ed_RIs there any information about CPU overheating on AMD64 for the Live CD? I wiuld like to know if I can expect similar beavior if I install on the HDD.00:14
James147Ed_R: your cpu should never `over` heat ^^00:14
Ed_RJames--OK, bt it gets very hot and the fans scream like a banshee.00:15
James147Ed_R: if it is then I would invest in more cooling ^^   (though...  it might mean some process has decided to use up all your cpu... I would monitor the applications when it happens... but Would still look into more cooling)00:16
James147Ed_R: and it would be a good idea to find its actual temp (the system monitor can do that if you install lm-sensors (should be by default) and add and extra tab00:17
Ed_RJames--the CPU usage is < 10%. It happens wth the live CD, is there a reason the live CD would cause the CPU to heat up? The actual temp is about 65C.00:17
James147^^system monitor can also monitor your cpu usage and ram usage to see if any progess has gotten carried away :)00:17
James147process ^^00:17
James147Ed_R: hmm... it shouldnt at 10% usage.... and there should be nothing that can cause it to heat up when its not being used :S (except maby a fire :p but then you have other things to worry about :)  )00:19
Ed_RJames--yeah. It is actually a mystery to me, too.00:20
James147Ed_R: and 65 isnt too bad...00:20
James147Ed_R: but I would still look into getting more cooling if you can00:20
Ed_Rjames--it is a laptop, unfortunately. :-)00:21
Ed_RHave to go now. Thanks, James...00:23
=== jay is now known as J214
J214anyone here00:38
J214Hello anyone here?00:39
szalJ214: how often do you want to ask that?00:40
wn1zidtake your meds00:40
=== k is now known as Guest99211
Turkbaytaranyone can help me00:56
Turkbaytarabout pes 2011 in wine :D00:57
James147Turkbaytar: not if you dont tell us them problem... with details00:59
Turkbaytari install pes with the wine00:59
Turkbaytarand i download crack files00:59
Turkbaytarcopy the pes directory01:00
Turkbaytarbut i cant start game01:00
Turkbaytarerror message is "Pes 2011 not installed"01:00
James147Turkbaytar: have you checked the wine app db?01:01
Turkbaytari think i need regedit01:01
James147Turkbaytar: then try #winehq01:02
Turkbaytarwhat is the "C:\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011\ " directory in wine01:02
Turkbaytarf:\Pro Evolution Soccer 2011\01:02
J214anyone here01:27
Turkbaytari am here01:28
ubuntuhola :D01:33
=== jay is now known as J323
J323Hello anyone??01:34
Unit193!ask | J32301:35
ubottuJ323: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:35
babykinshello :D01:38
=== gremset_ is now known as gremset
gizmobayI can't get the snow effect to work in kwin. Using the nouveau drivers with the experimental 3D and a GeForece 7300 desktop version. Anyone else seeing this?02:29
b3rz3rk3r_gizmobay: you still having trouble with your snow effect?02:44
iowaNerdI'm having trouble getting my nvidia drivers to work. I have a newer card, but had some installation issues. I tried to fix them and failed. Now I can't install the legit nvidia driver any more. Here's the pastebin of jockey.log from when I try to install them. Can anyone help me?02:46
gizmobayb3rz3rk3r_: yes, I upgraded to 4.6.303:10
b3rz3rk3r_ah, ok I was just going to say that they are not working for me either on an old intel gma card03:11
b3rz3rk3r_but if you have solved it already, good times! :D03:11
gizmobayNo mine doesn't work03:12
gizmobaythe snow that is03:12
gizmobaysome of the others work03:12
B3rz3rk3roh i see now :/03:13
B3rz3rk3rhave you tried with the proprietary drivers?03:13
gizmobayThe y don't work for me03:14
gizmobaythe latest won't boot and the older leave a box in the upper corner03:14
B3rz3rk3rdid they work before at all?03:15
gizmobayon 10.10 they did03:15
B3rz3rk3riv had a GTX280 for years that has worked almost flawlessly with them03:16
B3rz3rk3ryeah.. 11.04 strike again :(03:16
gizmobayyeah I've had my issues :(03:16
B3rz3rk3rnot a lot you can do about that now unless you "downgrade"03:16
B3rz3rk3rim personally considering going back to 10.04 since that is rock solid these days03:17
gizmobayMy mythtv box still runs under 10.0403:18
gizmobayI won't touch it with an upgrade03:18
B3rz3rk3ryou dont happen to know how to stop the system copying a video from the network before playing it rather than just streaming it do you? Iv just got that with 11.04 and VLC and its really annoying03:18
gizmobayCan 't you stream it by selecting the location with VLC?03:19
B3rz3rk3rno VLC stream wants a url, but the media is on a local fileserver03:20
B3rz3rk3rnormally i just navigate there in a filebrowser and double click and it play straight up03:20
B3rz3rk3rbut since 11.04 it downloads  copy to /var/tmp/..something, and then plays it.. really weird right?03:21
gizmobayhmm I haven't tried all my media is on my myth box03:21
gizmobayYou using appache?03:22
gizmobayI think you could do this with apache. Open the URL in a browser03:24
gizmobayOpen the URL through VLC03:25
gizmobayI mane03:25
B3rz3rk3rthe "server" is just a regular windows laptop with a drobo array attached to it for the minute since the last dedicated box died on me03:25
B3rz3rk3rlol, im with ya ;)03:25
B3rz3rk3ryeah i suppose thats do-able, but it seems like so much hassle for something that always worked before :/03:25
gizmobayI see your point03:26
B3rz3rk3rfeels like its one step forward, two back with ubuntu lately03:26
B3rz3rk3ralright, enough moanin', time to man up and get this bitch sorted :P  ttyl03:27
gizmobayAnytime you update it can be dicey. I've been doing it since 8.04 without issue though until now03:27
iowaNerdI'm having trouble getting my nvidia drivers to work. I have a newer card, but had some installation issues. I tried to fix them and failed. Now I can't install the legit nvidia driver any more. Here's the pastebin of jockey.log from when I try to install them. Can anyone help me?03:38
solovoyhow can i change the size of the titlebar in a maximized window ?03:44
=== 64MAAJNBW is now known as sunnydrake
apersonwhere are my preferred application settings stored?03:54
apersonI know I can edit them in the system settings, but I want to nuke all of the old ones I had (since a ton of them are left over from another install)03:54
sunnydrakeif kde check ~/.kde03:56
apersonwe're in #kubuntu :), so yes, kde03:57
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=== user__ is now known as akis
akishi all. is there any way to remove for run command memory a phrase i typed?06:55
akisanyone can help me on how can i remove run command history under kde/kubuntu 10.04. thanks in advance.07:04
DarthFrogrm ~/.bash_history07:28
tsimpsonthat's not what the "run command" uses07:29
Tm_Toh, he left07:30
Tm_Tit's simple rightclick on the input line -> clear history07:30
=== user__ is now known as akis
akisanyone can help me on how can i remove run command history under kde/kubuntu 10.04. thanks in advance.07:36
Keshlakis: Right click on the input line, click clear history.07:36
akisOh my God! Thanks i lot. it ways so easy!!!07:38
Tm_Tnp (:07:38
akis@keshl. one more question. is it possible to setup my winfax modem which is on the motherboard of my notebook on which i am running kubuntu 10.04?07:40
=== k is now known as Guest5922
akisi want to setup it for a fax use. if possible...07:40
KeshlDunno. I got that answer from someone else, Tm_T to be exact.07:41
KeshlIn reality, I don't know much about Linux besides how to break it when I fix it.07:41
akiswhere can i c if the system recognize this winmodem?07:41
Tm_T!info kinfocenter07:42
ubottukinfocenter (source: kdebase-workspace): system information viewer for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.5-0ubuntu2.1 (maverick), package size 447 kB, installed size 1828 kB07:42
Tm_Tthat could show all known devices in your system ^07:42
Tm_Tand is possibly already installed07:42
akis!info kinfocenter in terminal?07:43
ubottu'in' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable07:43
Tm_Takis: no, enter "kinfocenter" to the run command07:43
tsimpsonakis: !info is a command to ubottu, to show information on a package07:43
akisnothing happens prompting !info kinfocenter or kinfocenter in run command07:45
anuvratany idea why sudo apt-get install skype is not working on my Kubuntu 10.1008:20
DarkwingDuckanuvrat: because skype is not in the repositories08:22
DarkwingDuckanuvrat: 32 or 64 bit?08:23
DarkwingDuckanuvrat: http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/downloading.ubuntu6408:24
anuvratDarkwingDuck: thanks08:25
Tm_T!skype | anuvrat and DarkwingDuck08:55
ubottuanuvrat and DarkwingDuck: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga08:55
ehsansystem freaze when i resize winndows and konsole when use oxygen transparent or transparent background for konsole09:12
ehsanI WANT X.ORG 1.909:13
tsimpsonx.org 1.9 is in maverick anyway09:16
wintellectHi all09:30
_r1_in 10.04 ubuntu, my micro was working well.09:47
_r1_on 11.04, kubuntu, my micro don't work well. I'm asking myself: where I can found great documenation on layers configurations alsa/pulsaudio and finaly phonon|gstreamer09:48
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
soeewhat command should i use if i want to search for package that contains some word ?09:54
akishi, i am new in 10.04 but for years in suse and windows. i realised that both firefox and opera run more-more slow uden kubuntu than suse or windows in the same machine. i realised also that cannot even load google maps. is it why they are using weight plug ins for java etc. any help to make them faster and to fully load the pages?10:26
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=== fum is now known as fumbaz
akisany idea or help?10:35
ArchangelSe7enabout ..10:36
ArchangelSe7ensorry I just came in10:36
akis@archangel.  hi, i am new in 10.04 but for years in suse and windows. i realised that both firefox and opera run more-more slow uden kubuntu than suse or windows in the same machine. i realised also that cannot even load google maps. is it why they are using weight plug ins for java etc. any help to make them faster and to fully load the pages?10:38
ArchangelSe7enI cant suggest anything other than installing OpenSUSE ..10:39
ArchangelSe7en(blame adobe for that)10:39
akisyea. ok. opensuse it's a choise, but my system cannot run it properly.10:42
* ArchangelSe7en shrugs 10:42
ArchangelSe7entry Chakra10:42
ArchangelSe7enor if you're familiar with building stuff from scratch .. Arch10:43
ArchangelSe7enhey Cyber_forences10:43
Cyber_forencesciao a tutti voi10:44
Peace-!it | Cyber_forences10:44
ubottuCyber_forences: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:44
akislook, there are many ideas for many distrs, but i cannot be sure if i do not have any other hardware probls. with kubuntu everything is OK, but very slow browsing! maybe chrome can solve the probl?10:45
akisor reinstall plug ins?10:45
Peace-akis: ?10:46
Peace-akis: i have firefox4 it runs fast10:46
ArchangelSe7enyou're not on Windows .. thats highly doubtful would fix anything10:46
Peace-akis: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/23/firefox.gif10:48
akisthe system installed itself a firefox version (i dont rememeber which one, i am not on that system know) and it is very very slow for may pages (not for all). i went straight for Opra 11.11 as it is pretty faster. I solve the problem for many of my bookmarks, but still i cannot load properly google maps and some bolg pages.10:50
=== oz is now known as Guest58233
=== f3n1x is now known as F3N1X
BluesKajhowdy folks13:15
mime1111hi, when I try to install a plasmoid manually, I get Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-mime" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.13:16
mime1111Error: "/tmp/kde-mime" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.13:16
mime1111thanks all13:17
mime1111or automatically just gets error in the newer plasmoids, like solar system, matrix... some work fine13:18
mime1111kde 4.2, kubuntu 9.0413:18
BluesKajmime1111, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop , btw your OS in now no longer supported in the repos, it could be time to update13:36
mime1111i update yesterday. in wich way u reffer? tthnx 4 the help13:37
mime1111i cant switch to karma13:38
mime1111what i do with /etc/apt/apt.conf.d? i rewritit?13:39
mime1111rewrite it?13:39
mime1111BluesKaj, u recommend to keep the old /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic or rewrite it?13:41
mime1111(ask in installation)13:41
BluesKajmime1111, sudo do-realease-upgrade13:43
mime1111Blue, i just type  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and ask to rewrite the file above, or keep the old one... what u recommend?13:44
BluesKajyes rewrite13:45
mime1111thnx :)13:45
mime1111ok. may i type  sudo do-realease-upgrade now?13:46
mime1111remembah i cant use karmic13:46
mime1111i may stay on jaunty13:47
mime1111thnx, i may go. thnx 4 the help, cya next time13:47
mime1111thnx 4 ur time13:48
mime1111BlueKaj, same errors afterur suggestions14:11
mime1111cant install some plasmoids14:11
=== xaz is now known as FaTeieDeR
BluesKajmime1111, update kde as well14:15
mime1111how? apt-get install kde?14:16
mime1111ok, did it14:17
mime1111im waiting14:17
=== NaBoo_ is now known as NaBoo
mime1111BluesKaj, no solution, thank u anyway14:29
akisi have a very fresh install of 10.04. i am trying all forefox, opera and chrome and i realised that many pages cannot load. for example opera cannot load google maps. chrome load it but slowly. other pages become loaded very fast other not at all. any help. i am sure that the problem is in javascript and the way that all browsers read it. help please14:34
=== maxim is now known as Guest3472
Tm_Takis: all those three browsers uses their own javascript engine, so I doubt it is related to it14:39
BluesKajakis, install kubuntu-restricted-extras , if you just upgraded14:40
akismaybe you have right. so where is the problem. i run in the same machine windows xp and opera 11.11 under windows it was the fastest browser i ever had. why they load fasta some pages and other they cannot or they too slow?14:42
BluesKajakis sorry i don't understand , did you install kubuntu-restricted-extras ? It has all the flash and java plugins required for browsers.14:47
akiswhich application do i have to use to install them? i found them here " https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats" but need to use an application14:48
akiscan i install them form terminal? which is the command to go?14:49
akisis this one the right one? sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:50
Tm_Takis: yes, but kubuntu-restricted-extras14:50
akisok, logic!14:51
=== max-112 is now known as Maxit0r
akisthe procedure in terminal is finished. do i have to do anything else? the browsers still cannot run properly. they are still too slow for some pages.14:58
akisdo i have to do a reboot, maybe?15:01
akisits ridicilous. the system downloads with a 1017kb/s speed but it cannot load google maps or a simple blog page!!!15:11
BluesKajmy ISP dropped for 10mins or so ...I should have remembered there was an anouncment last week15:13
Tm_Takis: possibly dns issue?15:14
akishow can i fix this? and why is only for some pages?15:15
Tm_Thard to say15:16
BluesKajakis, open your browser , in the addressbar type, about:plugins15:18
BluesKajakis make sure the java and flash is enabled15:20
akisShockwave Flash 10.3 r181 is enabled, no java is installed15:25
akisor better seems to be installed15:25
BluesKajakis, which browser ?15:25
BluesKajno java installed then you haven'y installed kubuntu-restricted-extras , which you need15:27
BluesKaj!kubuntu-restricted-extras | akis15:27
ubottuakis: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:27
akisopera Shockwave Flash 10.3 r181 and Mime Type x-skype for Skype Buttons installed, Chrome twice Shockwave Flash 10.3 r181 (in different directories), Mime Type x-skype for Skype Buttons,15:27
akisDefault Plug-in15:27
akisDescription:Provides functionality for installing third-party plug-ins15:27
FloodBotK1akis: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
akisok, sorry15:28
BluesKajakis, I will not repeat this , if you want those pages to work then , sudo apt-get install kubunt-restricted-extras15:35
akisok, i 'll do it again15:36
BluesKajI asked earlier but you didn't reply15:36
akisthe system answered...kubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.15:37
BluesKaj32bit or 64?15:38
BluesKajakis, give me a url of one of the sites that's giving trouble15:39
cba123I'm running a fully updated kubuntu 11.04 and I'm still having problems with nepomuk/strigi indexing.  I downloaded a file, and it isn't showing up in my indexes when I search.  Any ideas?15:40
akissee also this please http://paste.ubuntu.com/611874/ and i 'll give you some sites in a new paste.15:41
BluesKajcba123, make sure system settings/startup and shutdown/service manager/startuo services , that nepomuk is enabled15:43
cba123BluesKaj, It is enabled, and it says "file indexer is idle"15:44
BluesKajcba123, highlight it and click start15:45
cba123BluesKaj, I don't see a "start" option15:46
BluesKajakis, !kubuntu-restricted-extras in the terminal will show nothing it's not a recognized command15:47
cba123Not sure where to "highlight" it either15:47
akisok, sorry15:47
BluesKajnepomuk , click on it in the list15:47
akiswell...any conclusion or even better any idea or solution?15:48
cba123Which list?  the krunner list?  It's already enabled there15:49
cba123Oh, wait, nevermind, just saw your first message, my bad15:49
cba123BluesKaj, Yeah, it's enabled.  "Nepomuk Search Module", it's enabled, and when I clicked it, I get the option to stop it, and "start" is greyed out, so I'd guess it's running.15:51
akisBluesKaj, do u have any idea what is going whrong?15:56
BluesKajakis, I'm using chromium and those sites all load fine , other than your java version might be a problem if you aren't using the default from restricted-extras15:58
akisi am using chrome too v. 11.0.696.68 because i c that is a little more faster than opera under kubuntu, but still i cannot load properly google maps as satellite view and some other functions. how can i check java version and if it is installed properly?16:03
akisso, i dont think there is an answer for now in my problem. something else. as i passed mouse over open applications on task bar they open ofr a while without any click on thme, is there any way to disable this function?16:15
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
shane2perufrom dolphin how do I empty the trash of a sdcard or usb stick?16:59
Fluttershy.trash is a hidden folder16:59
Fluttershyand I just delete .trash16:59
shane2peruFluttershy: right, but seems like there should be a simple way to empty trash16:59
Fluttershyseems simple enough to me17:00
Fluttershynot sure if there's a different way17:00
shane2peruin nautilus there was a simple way, empty trash button when you right clicked on the device17:00
shane2peruFluttershy: I mean I know how to do it via command line too, but I was looking for the 'kde' way through dolphin.17:01
Fluttershyhuh, I never knew about that in nautilus17:03
acidafter finding out that somehow btrfs for my /home partition (558GB) was slow as hell, I decided to copy all my files onto an external hd, then format /home in ext4, then..how can you "recreate" the auto-encrypted /home kubuntu is creating during the installation process ?17:05
acidI've search the web for that, but can only find tutorial to create an encrypted folder "in" the /home/user/, not the whole user folder..17:06
sissichrome cannot load youtube under 10.04. any idea?17:06
alketHi, Im using Ubuntu 11 and Im having issues, freezing and stuff , Im considering to move to Kubuntu until the next release, but I had some problems in Kubuntu 10 like Im having now in Ubuntu 11, is it Kubuntu more stable than Ubuntu, in this release ?17:08
FluttershyI'd think so17:09
FluttershyKubuntu Natty is still using KDE 4.6 whereas Ubuntu switched DE entirely17:09
alketthanks Fluttershy17:10
alketDoes GIMP run smoothly in Kub 11, because the in Kub 10 it took to long to load17:11
FluttershyI haven't used GIMP in a long time, sorry17:12
James147alket: gimp normally takes a "long" time to load... since it has so manything graphics to load up....17:12
alketthanks James147 Fluttershy17:12
Peace-alket: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYwiE2RDKic17:12
=== user_ is now known as gr
gri am running kubuntu 10.04 and i realised i haven;t java installed. how can i installed.is it a way to download from java.com?17:22
gri found this link http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=48333 with rpm package .bin. how can i instal i?17:24
BluesKajgr, install kubuntu-restricted-extra , it contains java, flash and other required codecs for the desktop17:25
areichmangr: I would look at this first: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java17:25
BluesKajgr, kubuntu-restricted-extras17:25
grwhy althought restricted-extras are installed java is not?17:28
gri run java version and i took a message that java can be in some packages as17:31
gr * openjdk-6-jre-headless17:31
gr * cacao17:31
gr * gij-4.317:31
FloodBotK1gr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:31
gr * jamvm17:31
grwhich of all is thw package i should install?17:31
James147(not headless)17:32
BluesKaj!kubuntu-restricted-extras |gr17:33
ubottugr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:33
grok, i installed but i got also this message Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing? is it ok or not?17:34
grjava version answers again the same.17:35
James147run sudo apt-get update as it suggests then try to reinstall17:36
Magnussonanyone using nvidia drivers on natty and getting "input signal out of range" during boot?17:37
gri did but system answers that17:37
grE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)17:37
grE: Unable to lock the list directory17:37
gri reinstall it. now is ok. v. is installed17:39
grbut chrome cannot recognize it17:40
grand the test in java.com says plug-in is missing. why?17:41
grwhy terminal says that java is installed but browsers don't recognize it?17:48
Magnussongr>donno, i have that issue too, quit using chrome b/c of it17:51
Magnussonthat and the massive RAM usage17:51
grwhy chrome/opera/firefox cannot load certain pages?17:57
gror load them one time and the other no?17:58
gri read that many users have the same issue?17:58
Peace-gr: i have not that behavior18:03
Peace-gr: which pages?18:03
grmany. youtube, google maps, some blog pages and many others. my line is very fast but ... browsers cannot open these pages18:04
Peace-gr: i have kubuntu 11.04 properly installed with firefox4 and konqueror18:05
Peace-both can render those pages fast18:05
gri have 10.04 properly installed with firefox/opera 11.11 and chrome but some of the pages can open with 1st, other with others, but not all with all. and sometimes no pages with no browser.18:07
Peace-gr: i guess there is some problems with , or your connection , somene is stealing line? or you have some software problems18:08
grthe connection is very fast. i just download suse 11.4 in just 5 minutes. i run since yesterday win xp in the same machine with opera 11.11 and i had the fastest browsing ever.18:10
BluesKajPeace-, that gr guy wa here earlier using a different nick asking the same questions but he needs to update his installation , but refuses .18:20
Peace-BluesKaj: trol?18:21
BluesKajno , he thinks LTS aren't upgradable , I;m sure he's got the wrong java install aswell18:22
szal6u20 is far from current anyway18:24
MagnussonBluesKaj>how would one go about updating their installation or checking if they need to for that guy's issue?18:46
=== ScottyK_AFK is now known as ScottyK
tdnPlease tell me, how do I disable "three stars per character"?19:16
tdnIn passwords.19:16
mime1111hello ppl. anyone knows how to disable akonadi server at startup? thnx all.19:17
Magnussontdn>system settings19:18
Magnussonaccount details19:18
tdnMagnusson, thanks.19:19
Magnussonnp :)19:19
Magnussonwtf IS nepomuk services exactly, and can i turn it off without breaking my system? i've found no clear answers on the net19:19
muraliplease help. how can i install yahoo messenger on kubuntu19:20
BluesKajMagnusson, open system settings /startup&shutdown/service manager / nepomuk search module . click stop , apply19:23
MagnussonBluesKaj>no no ,  i didn't need to know how, just if the service was important19:24
Magnussonty though19:24
muraliplease help. how can i install yahoo messenger on kubuntu19:25
BluesKajmime1111, open the kmenu in the search bar type akonad , choose akondi server configuration, click on stop, apply19:27
mime1111i already did that BluesKaj19:28
BluesKajMagnusson, nepomuk runs in the background using resources for file indexing. If you have alot of data on a work computer then it's handy , but personally i find no use for it for a home desktop19:28
MagnussonBluesKaj>ah ha, thank you :) yeah i think using 50% or more of my cpu is a little much19:29
BluesKajmime1111, then why did yu ask ?19:29
BluesKajMagnusson, yup, I'd say so :)19:30
mime1111because it still starting in startup19:30
mime1111the plasmoids still not working (some of them)19:30
muraliplease help. how can i install yahoo messenger on kubuntu. please help19:32
BluesKajmime1111, add akonadi to startup in session management, "applications to be excluded from sessions " , in the space below19:33
mime1111ill try it, thnx19:34
preecherhey i jus caught bits and pieces on the talk on neopomuk---is that something that is a drain on resources?19:35
BluesKajpreecher, it can be if you don't need it19:37
mime1111worked perfectly BlueKaj, thnx :)19:37
BluesKajmime1111, np:)19:37
James147preecher: not if its running properly19:37
mime1111but some error in auto install... if any1 knows...19:38
mime1111some plasmoids19:38
James147mime1111: what version of kde are you on?19:38
Peace-murali: there is yaoohi messeger for unix19:39
Peace-murali: so it would work on kubuntu19:39
muralihow do i install it?19:40
mime1111blue 4.2.419:40
Peace-mime1111: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gyachi-on-ubuntu-11-04-natty-using-ppa.html19:41
Peace-murali: but maybe kopet can dio that19:41
Peace-let me see19:41
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin19:41
muraliya there is kopete but it doesnt have features of yahoo like chat rooms n all19:42
Peace-murali: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/05/23/plasma-desktopMr1714.jpg19:42
Peace-murali: so i have no idea19:42
Peace-i don't use yahhoo microsoft stuff19:42
Peace-i use google talks video calls19:43
Peace-and irc19:43
szalmime1111: 4.2.4?  what *buntu version is that?19:43
mime1111kubuntu 9.04 kde 4.2.419:45
mime1111soz :P19:45
szal!eol | mime111119:45
ubottumime1111: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:45
Peace-mime1111: LOL 9.0419:46
Peace-my grandmam is younger19:46
szalother than that, I don't think KDE 4.2 already had Akonadi19:46
mime11111 sec ppl19:46
szalto my knowledge that was introduced in KDE 4.419:46
mime1111im playin sauerbraten justice on it and have also mplayer...19:48
mime1111that means that some plasmoids cant be in my kubuntu due to python?19:49
mime1111thanks 4 the help ppl19:49
szalmime1111: seriously, we don't support 9.10 any longer, it's been dead for half a year, if not longer19:50
szal9.04 even, that's been dead for over a year19:50
mime1111ok, now i get it19:50
BluesKajszal, I tried to convince him earlier to upgrade but he says he's not allowed ...I'm sure he's just overly cautious or stubborn , dunno which :)20:01
iliasalthough java is installed in my system (10.04) opera and forefox cannot recognize it and cannot load pages with java. any help to fix it?20:04
Masanielloi have a problem with samba20:11
Masanielloi can't share ntfs partition20:11
BluesKajMasaniello, install ntfs-3g ?20:13
Masanielloi have20:13
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JM124anyone here20:14
Masanielloi can see in network the ntfs partition but i can't open the files20:14
BluesKajMasaniello, have yu shared the files in windows ?20:14
Masanielloi must do it?20:15
BluesKajany files you want to access even from another windows pc need to be shared from that machine20:16
JM124Hello anyone here?20:16
Masaniellook, i'll try to share the files in windows20:16
BluesKajJM124, a few of us :)20:16
iliasalthough java is installed in my system (10.04) opera and forefox cannot recognize it and cannot load pages with java. any help to fix it?20:21
BluesKajilias, how did you install java ?20:23
iliassudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless in terminal20:25
James147ilias: install openjdk-6-jre20:28
iliaspackage installed. i closed opera and i open it again. still doesn't recognize java's existence20:36
iliasany idea james147?20:41
James147ilias: logout and back in (java does funny things with envrioment varibles)20:42
iliaslogout is enough or a reboot is better?20:45
James147ilias: logout is enough20:46
iliasok, i ll try it and i amcoming back20:49
ilias@james. nothing changed. missing plug-in, no java20:57
iliasany other idea james?21:03
OerHeksilias, you have installed 6-jre ?21:05
OerHeksdid you remove the old java plugins ?21:06
goekhanhello! suddenly, when trying to get updates, i get this error: E: Error http://ppa.launchpad.net natty/main i386 Packages21:10
goekhan404 Not Found21:10
iliasyes, the one you told me before21:11
goekhannow in my sources list, i don´t have a ppa that has the exact same name21:12
iliassorry, the one which james told me before21:12
iliassystem now says that:java version "1.6.0_20" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.7) (6b20-1.9.7-0ubuntu1~10.04.1) OpenJDK Client VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode, sharing)21:13
OerHeksyou did remove both openJDK & IcedTea ?21:15
LibraratI have a driver question re: nvidia drivers on a Quadro 1700m card - the GUI seems to be sluggish using the latest (non-dev) drivers.  Is this normal for a workstation card under Linux?21:15
LibraratI don't game much, and when doing renders from zbrush/blender, the times seems to be slower than under windows as well.21:15
iliasno. how can i do that?21:16
OerHeksmaybe this is your solution >> If your system has more than one version of Java, type the following command in a terminal window:  >> sudo update-alternatives --config java  (found @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java )21:17
iliassystem replies: There is only one alternative in link group java: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java Nothing to configure.21:20
iliaswell, any other idea?21:25
sourcemakerhow can I create a p7s compatible ssl certificate for encryption in ms outlook 2010?21:28
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sithlord48hello #kubuntu!22:01
dario_anyone talks22:27
FloodBotK1dario_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:29
szaldario_: please clean your keyboard outside of this channel, thank you22:39
shane2peruI'm guessing dario_ has a cat, or a small child. :)22:43
KerrMDWould anyone know how I could go about taking ownership of a symlink in my home folder?23:00
James147KerrMD: why? ... don't think it matters who owns the symlink...23:04
James147KerrMD: ^^ though you can do it by passing -h to chown23:05
KerrMDWell, I have a dual boot with win7. I want to share my documents, music, etc folders across my network with my other win7 machines from within kubuntu23:05
KerrMDI have symlinks to those folders which are on another drive in my home folder23:05
James147KerrMD: ^^ ownership of the symlink dosnt matter as far as I can tell... it nly really matter who owns the dest23:05
KerrMDWould it be a bad thing to take ownership of say  /media/Backup/username/folderx?23:06
* James147 is able to rename and delete symlinks owned by root in his home dir :S23:06
James147KerrMD: dose anything else use that folder?23:07
KerrMDIt's an automount partition. The only thing that uses it as far as I know is my homefolder symlinks23:08
KerrMDOh wait.. firefox and whatnot do because my downloads folder is there23:08
James147KerrMD: hell, if you are shaing via samba it dosnt matter... (as samba is run by root) ^^ just need to make sure the premissions for the sares in samba are correct23:08
KerrMDIt is my "mydocuments" drive from my windows 7 install23:08
szalKerrMD: sharing stuff from a directory that is not explicitly defined as an accessible share is not possible, that includes symlinks23:08
KerrMDWhat I want to do is share those "media" directories across my network but I want only certain accounts to access those shares.23:09
KerrMDAlso, I looked but could not find smb.conf23:10
KerrMDor is that old school?23:10
James147KerrMD: /etc/samba/smb.conf23:10
szalKerrMD: to share the  content behind the symlinks you need to share the directories the symlinks point to23:10
James147assuming you have samba install (full, not just the client)23:11
KerrMDI believe I do. I did an apt-get install samba423:11
KerrMDYep, there's smb.conf. For some reason a "whereis" did not find it earlier23:12
James147hmm... isnt sure about samba4...23:12
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KerrMDIs samba for not the latest?23:13
James147KerrMD: last I hear (though it was along time ago) samba 4 hadent reached a stable release yet23:13
KerrMDI suppose I could remove samba4 and just install the samba package from the repos23:14
James147KerrMD: unless you need something from samba4 thats what I would do23:14
KerrMDWell, that took longer than expected. I did not realize that samba4 had installed so many libraries.... and had to find out how to restart smbd since I have not dealt with it for years23:17
rosco_ywhat is the correct way to install 11.04 with gnome instead of the new window-manager?23:45
rosco_yI want to do a new install of 11.04 with gnome instead of unity23:45
James147rosco_y: ask #ubuntu23:45
rosco_yJames147: :) Thanks!!23:46
OerHeksrosco_y, simplest way is to choose 'classic' @ login instead of unity23:46

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