
gary_posterdanilos, ah, I think I just understood why you said those ec2 test errors were not spurious--the server branch hadn't successfully landed yet, right, so you had to fix that in the "parent" branch?13:16
danilosgary_poster, that's right13:16
danilosgary_poster, sorry if I put it so that it confused you :)13:16
danilos(and the same for the above sentence ;)13:17
gary_posterCool, thanks.  heh, np13:17
bachi gary_poster -- i'm not feeling well and have a dr appt at 11:15.  i'm going to take at least the morning off13:18
gary_posterbac, understood, and thanks for the heads up.  hope you feel better soon.13:19
bacgary_poster: thanks.  i'll be on the call.13:19
gary_posteroh, ok13:19
gary_posterbac, benji, danilos, gmb, please take a look at the cards in Quick Jobs: Tasks.  I will delete all of them except "get rid of feature flags" (which ought to be in progress by benji, yeah?) unless told otherwise13:25
gmbBURN THEM.13:26
gmb(I mean, fine by me - ther's nothing there that worries me overmuch)13:26
gary_postercool :-)13:27
* benji appears from nowhere in a cloud of smoke.13:27
gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb, to state the probably obvious, call in less than 2 minutes.  To state the less obvious but not particularly important to anyone else, I need to go get my headset13:29
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gary_posterbac benji danilos gmb, deryck and sinzui were supposed to be my chr guides, but they are not around.  I'm updating https://dev.launchpad.net/MaintenanceRotationSchedule with our details and doing as much as possible about it now.  That page has links to describe everything we are supposed to be doing.13:57
gary_posterWe can talk about how to divide it up once I have my head around it more, or I'll describe a "what we'll do today, until we renegotiate tomorrow" or something13:57
danilosgary_poster, cool, thanks; one of the things we might do if we want team-wide CHR is set help contact to "yellow" and set our IRC clients to highlight that13:58
gary_posterdanilos, was thinking the same thing.  bac, benji gmb, let's do it.13:58
danilosgary_poster, oh, btw, Francis upped https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/783595 to Critical, how do we deal with it?14:08
_mup_Bug #783595: JS controls for bug subscription are hard to use with screen readers <regression> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by yellow> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/783595 >14:08
gary_posterdanilos, just another critical bug.  is that what you mean?14:08
gary_posteror do you mean, how do we fix it>?14:08
danilosgary_poster, the former, i.e. do we focus on that?14:09
gary_posterdanilos, no14:09
gary_posterit's just one among many14:09
danilosgary_poster, ok, fair enough, thanks14:09
gary_postergmb, are your working hours 0800-1700 UTC right now?  and danilos, you are 0700-1600UTC?  and benji and bac, we are 1200-2100, unless you tell me otherwise14:10
gmbgary_poster: That's correct.14:10
danilosgary_poster, more like 0700-1530 UTC, but yes14:11
gary_posterack danilos, will adjust14:11
benjigary_poster: yeah, even though I'm in central time zone, I intended on keeping the same absolute (UTC) schedule14:12
gary_posterok cool benji.  I'm fine with a temp change too fwiw14:13
benjigary_poster: thanks, I figured you would be, but 1) this is simpler and 2) my body clock will wake me up anyway so I might as well go with it ;)14:14
gary_postercool :-)14:14
gary_posterdanilos, I have a bug to triage uniquely suited to you, within the yellow squad :-) : https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/78580514:17
* gmb discovers the problem of having his client highlight on "yellow"14:17
gary_posterI marked it incomplete and was about to ask for English, when I realized we could do better14:17
gary_posterah yes14:17
* benji hacks on perl to make "yellow" beep.14:17
gmbSTOP IT.14:18
gary_posterwhat, say yellow?14:18
gmbOh, my sides.14:18
danilosheh, it's all yellow in my xchat now!14:18
danilosgary_poster, one thing we might not have taken into consideration: what about the other team CHR, they might want to do it as well :)14:19
gary_posterdanilos, we swap weeks14:19
danilosah, ok14:19
gary_posterthis is our week14:19
danilossounds good, thanks14:19
gary_posterdanilos, I triaged it with Google translate :-P14:23
gary_posterfeel free to change it as you will14:23
gary_posterOK, for anyone who wants to know, here are my notes from my conversation with deryck15:07
gary_poster * Consider setting up beep on message for #launchpad rather than using the "yellow" beep15:08
gary_poster * Consider setting up two or three hour daily shifts for monitoring IRC15:08
gary_poster * Everyone should choose an hour per day for running down the action lists @ https://dev.launchpad.net/MaintenanceRotationSchedule15:08
gary_poster * When triaging critical bugs, they are either security, or you should add one of these three tags: timeout, oops, regression. (Make sure you review https://dev.launchpad.net/BugTriage btw)15:08
gary_poster * If a bug is not clearly critical (which is usually easy to determine), default the triage to low unless you are pretty sure that it is important.15:08
gary_posterWe can set that up tomorrow15:08
gary_posterOr discuss it or whatever15:08
* benji drowns in beeps as he realizes that his beep-on-yellow perl script also matches #launchpad-yellow.15:09
benjigary_poster: by "beep on message for #launchpad" do you mean that every message in #launchpad would cause a beep?15:11
gary_posterbenji, right15:11
benjithat seems a little... agressive :)15:11
gary_posterderyck said it wasn't very heavy channel15:11
gary_posterit also may have been in line with his "two or three hour daily shifts for monitoring IRC"15:12
benjioh, maybe just for our prescribed periods of paying attention?15:12
benjithat makes sense15:12
benjibtw, if anyone needs to test their beep-o-trons you can go to #test and do "#say this is a yellow test" and the bot will echo you15:14
gary_posterderyck is working on the project review list now, btw, so we don't need to do that until, say, tomorrow15:16
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gary_posterdanilos, is reviewing the translations queue as involved as https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/Translations/ImportQueueReview suggests?  There are a lot of things to check, and a lot of different options.  I personally would love some hand-holding through this.  Would you be willing to do this for us tomorrow, or do you have another suggestion?16:05
danilosgary_poster, I have a different suggestion :) I file and fix a bug that allows project maintainers to self-review translations as part of my translations hand-off objective16:06
danilos(or translations "hands-off!" objective :)16:06
gary_posterdanilos, sure, +116:07
danilosgary_poster, fwiw, that was one of the first things I wanted to do, and in the meantime, you can perhaps relay to me for all the translation imports stuff16:07
gary_posterok, thank you danilos, that would be great16:07
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benjigary_poster: do you know the scenarios in which a bug won't have at least one bug task?19:47
gary_posterbenji, no20:14
benjigary_poster: thanks; some how our tests do it; I /think/ I have a sane work-around.20:15

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