
lifelesscjohnston: can't be done00:03
cjohnstonWhat do you mean?00:03
lifelesswe can't convert00:04
cjohnstonOk.. So it needs to be a new project00:04
lifelesswe can rename a project and make a project group at the old name00:04
lifelessbut we can't convert00:04
cjohnstonI guess thats what i will need then00:04
lifelessif you want that done please open a ticket at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad00:04
* mwhudson is going to do a bunch of that today while the rest of the world isn't looking00:04
cjohnstontheres one open00:05
lifelesswe don't expose it in the UI because most folk get confused by project groups00:05
lifelessmwhudson: win00:05
cjohnstonIs it possible to then delete the project that is already created as it isnt needed00:05
lifelesswe can deactivate it00:06
lifelessif its got no assets we can delete it00:06
lifeless(e.g. bugs, branches, links to ubuntu etc)00:07
lifelesscjohnston: you do realise project groups can't have bugs etc ?00:07
mwhudson(only for our own projects though, to be clear)00:07
cjohnstonya.. theres nothing on it..  yes.. we want a "parent" project for all of the different community websites (loco.ubuntu.com, summit.ubuntu.com etc) to group them all together00:07
thumperlifeless: so you know much about mailing lists in LP and if private teams can have private email lists?00:54
thumperlifeless: or is it better to go with an internal list?00:54
lifelessprivate teams can have private lists00:57
lifelessyou were (probably still are) on at least 2 of those yourself :)00:57
thumperhow does one get a private team?00:59
lifelessI *think* its a losa task unless you have a commercial ticket00:59
* thumper relocates00:59
thumperand enlunchenates00:59
lifelesse.g. ask a losa ;)00:59
wgrantIt's a LOSA/commercialadmin task.01:00
wgrantEven if you have an entitlement.01:00
exarkunmaxb: not the useful response I was hoping for, https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/15854701:02
wgrantLet me see.01:02
wgrant2011-05-21 20:24:08 INFO    Updating branch scanner status: 2675 revs01:04
wgrantFatal Python error: deletion of interned StaticTuple failed01:04
wgrantLooks like bzrlib exploded.01:04
wgrantOh, no, it's actually a MemoryError.01:07
exarkunso transient problem that should be detected by launchpad automatically, but meanwhile another commit probably will deal with it?01:08
exarkunshould I file a bug about MemoryError handling?01:09
wgrantexarkun: A bug would be good. What happened here is that a kernel branch caused the scanner to hit its rlimit, but scan_branches.py didn't notice, so it continued trying to execute more jobs, and yours was next.01:10
lifelessthumper: please don't be discouraged by my comments about the wiki LEP; wikkid may well be what we need but we need to walk before we run in terms of designing what we /want/ rather than picking what tools we have available01:12
wgrantexarkun: And yes, a new commit should fix it, or you could request a rescan using the API.01:13
lifelessthumper: I know you aimed wikkid directly at doing wikis in Launchpad, but AFAICT the customer analysis behind what we should do has never really been done.... and it seems awfully tricky to me.01:14
thumperlifeless: true...01:24
thumperlifeless: it seems that geoff is attempting to get stuff into the tree without looking at what is needed too01:24
thumperlifeless: getting wikkid hooked up isn't that much work01:24
thumperwhat is work is getting more functionality into wikkid01:25
lifelessthumper: if in fact we want a full wiki01:25
lifelessthumper: which is one of the things that isn't clear to me01:25
thumperlifeless: true, but what is meant by that?01:25
lifelesssome folk want document publishing for docs01:25
thumperlifeless: -> LEP pl01:25
persiaI kinda like the idea of just exposing some bzr tree to the webserver01:25
thumperlifeless: having that discussion here isn't going to help everyone else looking at it01:26
lifelessthumper: I've put it in the LEP01:26
thumperthat's the place for it AFAICT01:26
lifeless we need jml to look at it01:26
* thumper agrees01:26
lifelessand I really think getting clarity on the problems we're trying to solve is essential01:27
thumperlifeless: are you going to kiwipycon?01:27
thumperlifeless: if so, where are you looking at staying?01:27
lifelessgithubs markdown README thing works very well because its coupled to the branch, so if you have one you have the other01:27
lifelessthumper: I'm not no, Lynne is due very cloes to then01:27
thumperah, good luck with that01:28
lifeless27th aug is the official date, but all sorts of possible complications01:28
lifelessso missing pyconau & nz01:29
* thumper nods01:29
* thumper heads AFK01:29
AfCI initiated a new PPA, but rather than uploading packages to it I've just copied in from somewhere else. That didn't trigger a build, so it hasn't generated a GPG key. Is that expected or a bug?03:53
micahgAfC: are the packages published yet?03:54
lifelessAfC: whats the PPA03:59
wgrantAfC: The OpenPGP key will be generated by a cron job after the first source is published.04:09
wgrantAfC: So that copy should have triggered it.04:09
wgrantBut it can take a while.04:09
lifelesswe should fix04:09
wgrantAt least by bumping the cronjob higher...04:09
AfClifeless: https://launchpad.net/~afcowie/+archive/gnome304:13
AfCwgrant: so I did the copy without doing a rebuild. I was wondering if that would end up being a sneak short circuit that would accidentally bypass key generation kickoff.04:14
wgrantAfC: It has a key now.04:14
AfCer, oh :)04:14
wgrantAfC: The generation cron job pretty much just looks for archives without keys but with published sources.04:14
AfC{sigh} That was bound to be a Murphy's Law thing, wasn't it :/04:14
wgrantYay cronjobs.04:15
AfCwgrant: ok, I see it has a key now. Thanks.04:15
lifelesswgrant: why don't we just create the key on creation ?04:15
wgrantlifeless: Lots of people create PPAs but never upload anything.04:16
wgrantAnd keys are forever.04:16
AfClifeless: if you don't, a "Signing key: pending" (as you have with "package status: pending") would be informative.04:16
wgrantThere are currently more than 15000 PPAs that have never been used.04:17
wgrant15000 extra keys would be bad.04:17
lifelesswgrant: 'meh'04:18
wgrantlifeless: It's uploading user data somewhere that it can never be removed.04:18
wgrantBest not to do it if we can avoid it.04:18
lifelesswgrant: it can be revoked, and its not user data - its lp system data04:18
wgrantIt is in the name of the user.04:18
lifelesswgrant: thats separate (and contentious in its own right)04:19
AfCI wonder if/whether/ideally I should be signing said PPA's key with my own, etc. As I understand it when this was all set up some years ago it was all just for general protection, not w-o-t. But still.04:20
AfCAnyway, not to derail you from talking about more important things. Thanks for your help.04:20
tsimpsonAfC: that would get very complicated very quickly with team PPAs04:23
tsimpsonyou do need to sign the source packages to upload, so it's not like it's insecure04:24
wgrantAfC: WoT is unclear here.04:26
wgrantAfC: Since you are meant to get the fingerprint over HTTPS from LP.04:26
wgrantAfC: And if you don't trust LP, you are in trouble.04:26
wgrantAfC: So the effectiveness of the WoT is questionable.04:26
AfCtsimpson: yeah, I get that04:27
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sepidev HELP: bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (couldn't connect to host)06:56
henningesepidev: what are you trying to do?06:57
sepidevim trying to login to launchpad06:58
sepidevIndeed I cannot do anything with launchpad06:58
sepidevI used to connect to launchpad easily06:58
sepidevI think after i updated my system it happened to me06:59
sepidevthis is the error message i get:07:00
sepidevbzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (couldn't connect to host)07:00
sepidevon https://launchpad.net/~sepehr.aryani/%2Bsshkeys07:00
spivsepidev: he07:02
spivsepidev: hi,07:02
spivsepidev: which version of bzr?07:02
sepidevhi, version 2.3.107:02
spivIt might perhaps be an HTTP proxy issue, or perhaps pycurl isn't able to validate the SSL certificate for some reason.07:03
sepidevI uploaded my ssh public key again, but it didnt work07:03
spivsepidev: yes, it's not a problem with that.07:04
sepidevspiv: so what do you think I should do?07:04
spivsepidev: bzr is trying to contact launchpad.net via HTTPS, but is failing for some reason07:05
spiv"couldn't connect to host" suggests that it is probably network related07:05
sepidevcan it result from a firewall or something?07:05
spivLike that you need to use a proxy, but bzr for some reason isn't using the proxy you have configured.07:06
sepidevas far as i know, there is no proxy in between07:06
spivYou could try passing --no-check to "bzr lp-login" and see if that works, although I expect you'll still have the same trouble if you try to access "lp:" URLs07:07
sepidevhehehe, yes it worked07:08
sepidevspiv: how?07:08
spivHow what?07:09
sepidev:(, I can login, but how to branch or push or pull something?07:10
StevenKHow were you trying before?07:10
sepidevStevenK: what?07:11
braiambranch or push?07:11
braiamI already test it and is allright07:12
sepidevi used to do like this: bzr branch lp:some_prj07:12
braiambut now?07:12
spivsepidev: that should still work.  Does it fail for you?  If so, what is the error?07:12
henningeTo add to the confusion: I get this when doing rocketfuel-branch. http://paste.ubuntu.com/611700/07:12
sepidevspiv: am i right?   "bzr branch lp:steadyflow --no-check"07:13
braiamhenninge: you have write permissions?07:14
spivsepidev: no07:14
spivbraiam: no, nor should he need them07:14
sepidevafter I issue this command, bzr says:  "bzr: ERROR: no such option: --no-check"07:14
spivsepidev: --no-check is only an option to lp-login,07:14
henningebraiam: I am not trying to write to the branch. Maybe it's a bug in rocketfuel-get07:14
sepidevspiv: ok iget this error: bzr: ERROR: Connection error: while sending CONNECT xmlrpc.launchpad.net:443: [Errno 111] Connection refused07:15
spivsepidev: I suggested it only for lp-login, as a workaround for lp-login failing to reach launchpad.net via HTTPS in order to check that your account exists and has a plausible SSH public key.07:15
spivsepidev: ok, that looks very much like an HTTP proxy issue07:15
spivsepidev: perhaps you have an HTTP proxy configured that disallows connecting to HTTPS sites?07:16
spivOr perhaps bzr is trying to use an HTTP proxy that doesn't exit07:16
sepidevspiv: how can i make sure that there is an HTTP proxy or bzr using an invalid proxy?07:16
spivIIRC bzr typically finds HTTP proxy to use from an environment varible.  Run "export | grep -i proxy"  and see if it find anything likely.07:18
sepidevthis is the result:07:19
sepidevdeclare -x http_proxy=""07:19
sepidevdeclare -x https_proxy=""07:19
StevenKThen you have nothing listening on port 905107:20
StevenKWhich is why you get "Connection refused"07:20
spivOk, so that's the proxy bzr is trying to use.  Does  "netstat -ntlp | grep 9051"  find anything?07:20
spivThat number is familiar... perhaps you had a tor proxy or something running?07:21
spivAnyway, the obvious next steps to fix are either: unset those variables, or make sure that proxy really is running.07:21
sepidevspiv: yes, I installed tor on my system few weeks ago, ok how do i get rid of this proxies?07:23
spivsepidev: I guess you could uninstall tor07:26
spivsepidev: you can unset those environment variables in the current shell instance by running "export http_proxy=" and "export https_proxy="07:28
spivBut really you want to find and fix whatever on your system is setting those in the first place07:28
spivOther programs are likely to be affected.07:28
sepidevok, uninstalled tor, but the error still exists07:29
sepidevi disabled the proxy variables, but can you explain how it can affect other applications07:32
sepidevspiv: and now bzr works correctly. you deserve a A big thanks spiv, thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank yoooooou07:33
gesersepidev: bzr is not the only applications with honours http_proxy07:34
sepidevgeser: hmm?07:36
braiamsepidev: did you use tor?07:37
braiamsepidev: sorry07:37
* braiam have to review the back log07:38
spivsepidev: any other program that uses HTTP would be likely to be affected.07:42
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spivhenninge: any luck with your issue?07:50
henningespiv: the failing command was "bzr update" on a branch bound to lp:lp-source-dependencies.07:51
henningespiv: I recreated the branch using checkout and now it works fine. But I still have the broken branch here.07:52
spivhenninge: hmm, rocketfuel-setup and rocketfuel-get are in disagreement07:52
StevenKThey are?07:52
spivhenninge: -setup makes download-cache a branch of lp:lp-source-dependencies, but -get makes it a checkout.07:52
StevenKThat should be fixed07:54
henningespiv: but that does not explain the error message AFAICT07:54
spivhenninge: no, I don't think so either, but it was something odd I noticed while looking :)07:54
StevenKspiv: I can't see where -setup does anything with download-cache07:55
StevenKspiv: The only time is a comment07:55
spivhenninge: I guess it'd be good to know what 'bzr info' is for that checkout07:56
StevenKAnd lib/devscripts/sourcecode.py makes my eyes bleed07:56
spivStevenK: ah yes it is a comment, but still, it's disagreeing with what -get will do.07:56
spivPerhaps the comment should just recommend rocketfuel-get?07:57
StevenKspiv: I think -setup just runs -get after branching devel07:59
spivStevenK: hmm, depends on DO_WORKSPACE08:01
spivhenninge: (and also which bzr version are you using?)08:01
henningespiv: Bazaar (bzr) 2.3.308:09
henninge  Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python 2.7.108:09
henninge  Python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.708:09
henninge  Platform: Linux-2.6.38-8-generic-i686-with-Ubuntu-11.04-natty08:09
henninge  bzrlib: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib08:09
henninge  Bazaar configuration: /home/henning/.bazaar08:09
henninge  Bazaar log file: /home/henning/.bzr.log08:09
henningespiv: http://paste.ubuntu.com/611718/08:10
StevenKhenninge: Heh, 'dustpuppy' :-)08:12
spivhenninge: interesting that its parent branch is the same branch as the master branch, but using a different URL08:28
spivhenninge: possibly that's what is confusing bzr; I'd file a bug.08:29
henningespiv: the checkout which created just now does not mention a parent branch at all.08:30
henningespiv: sure, I'll file a bug ;)08:31
mmcI have a PPA. I wonder, if  ... adopting bzr or using some git-bzr bridge (for now I use Git only) and creating a bzr repo on launchpad .... if I could make a "release" by just tagging a commit?09:58
jfimmc, you can automaticly create debian packages each day (or on request) and upload them into a ppa10:03
jfimmc, https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds10:04
mmcthis request is some tag/special commit, and I could have different branches for different distros. and somehow it can be integrated with issue tracker?10:04
lifelessso you can certainly just push a tag or branch and use that for the release10:08
mmcfor now I cannot even file a bug on my ppa.10:08
mmcI guess I need a bzr repo for that to be possible.10:08
lifelesswe don't (yet) support making a tarball from a tag in the web ui (but bzr can do this)10:09
lifelessppas don't have bugs support10:09
lifelessprojects & distributions do10:09
lifelessthere is some discussion around letting PPAs have bugs filed in them10:10
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mmclifeless: you mean  bzr on _launchpad_  can do  ... tarball from a tag?  That would be a small step for me. But yes, without bug support, it's very small step.10:13
lifelessI mean bzr can do tarball from a tag - bzr export foo.tgz -r tag10:15
mmclifeless: but I want it done on the  (remote) server, automatically.10:16
lifelesswe don't support it yet; there is a bug open asking for it10:16
mmcwhat you say ... I can do it with git as well.   And what I need is  to run the   "git-buildpackage -S && debrelease -S  --debs-dir=../build-area  --dput PPA"  equivalent10:17
zygahi, is launchpad offline now?  I got "bzr: ERROR: Invalid http response for https://xmlrpc.launchpad.net/bazaar/: Bad status line received"10:17
lifelesszyga: no, its up10:22
lifelesszyga: thats served from the same cluster - but that looks like a known bug in bzr with https proxies10:22
zygalifeless, ah, I'm behind some idiotic spanish proxy here, I cannot turn it off10:31
zygalifeless, is it a bug in the proxy or in http stack used by python/bzr10:31
lifelesszyga: IIRC python stdlib not support https/proxies, and there is a workaround in newer bzrs10:35
lifelesszyga: what bzr version do you have?10:35
zygalifeless, I'm on 2.3.1  I'm assuming you're talking about 2.4 beta10:39
ChiThuhi all10:39
lifelesszyga: #bzr might have more answers. Perhaps 2.3.4 has the fix, or 2.4 beta10:40
zygalifeless, thanks10:40
ChiThuI need help with broken branches : bzr merge lp:~zkrynicki/abrek/limbs10:40
ChiThubzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~pwlars/abrek/trunk/".10:40
faganI have a request for pad.lv could we have a shorten url for search results10:48
wgrantpoolie: ^^10:48
faganThe search result urls are really long10:48
faganthe only reason why im asking is I just saw one that was exceptionally long and I laughed pretty hard10:50
faganhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/611756/ you get the idea10:51
lifelessfagan: so we should just generate better queries in the first place10:55
lifelessfagan: just needs some js love for the form10:55
faganlifeless: it would be nice since there is the odd time that you need to paste the results10:57
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mok0Vi starter vores Python studiekreds torsdag kl 10 tror jeg nok12:11
mok0Errr sorry, wrong window12:12
sorenHeh :)12:13
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=== gary_poster changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: Yellow squad (ping "yellow" between 0700-2100 UTC) | Launchpad is an open source project: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
dmartHi all, does anyone know whether it's possible to rename a launchpad account?14:29
persiadmart, It is, but it gets to be very painful if that account has a PPA, branches, etc.  I don't remember the acceptable limit of pain, but if one is beneath that threshold, one files a question at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad14:37
wgrantdmart: You can rename it yourself at https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+edit unless you have a PPA.14:40
wgrantIf you do have a PPA... well, I'll explain if you do.14:40
persiaOh, it's working in +edit?  Cool!  I'll have to remember that.14:42
wgrantpersia: It has since like 2005.14:43
wgrantOnly a couple of years ago did it stop working for people with PPAs.14:43
persiaI thought it stopped working for everyone a couple of years ago.  This is me failing to properly interpret backscroll.14:45
StevenK... of 3 years14:49
StevenKThat's commitment14:49
StevenKOf some kind14:49
persiaStevenK, We don't have an oral history: we have a backscroll history.  Documentation is nice, but not currently coherent (for any of the backscroll I follow).  Having missed a couple months recently, I feel completely lost.14:54
dmartwgrant: I do have a PPA, but it's not much used and could go away14:56
wgrantdmart: I would suggest that you delete it, then. Give it a few minutes to actually delete it once you hit the button, then you can rename.15:05
dmartwgrant: ok, thanks.  I may try this at some point, but it's not urgent...15:11
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plarsIs someone available who can fix (or tell me how to fix) all the branches I have in LP against a trunk that is now under a new owner?15:52
plarsI was really thinking I had changed the owner long ago, but it just now seems to be affecting us15:53
plarsit seems to be hitting all the branches against lp:abrek15:53
maxbAh, this sounds familiar, let me check something quickly16:05
maxbRight, yes. I can guide you to fixing any branches to which you have write access and need right now, and I will file a request with the admins to get the rest fixed up16:07
maxbhttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/158700 is filed16:08
maxbYou may wish to subscribe to the question for notifications16:09
wgrantThe global, permanent fix is in progress, but I guess will be stalled this week as the LOSAs are sprinting.16:09
maxbThe LOSAs should not be allowed to disappear for a week all together :-(16:10
wgrant'tis upsetting.16:11
wgrantAlthough at least they are near my timezone this time :)16:11
plarsmaxb: awesome, thanks16:15
plarsmaxb: how do I fix the ones I have write access to?16:15
maxbYou'll need to grab a small script I wrote: http://j.maxb.eu/~maxb/bzr-set-stacked-url16:15
maxbAnd then run bzr-set-stacked-url lp:~foo/abrek/foo lp:~linaro-validation/abrek/trunk16:17
plarsthanks a bunch maxb16:22
Laneydoes the depwait breaker not work on virtual packages?16:42
cjohnstongary_poster: I just provided more info on my LP Answers Question16:43
gary_poster:-) thanks cjohnston, lookin :-)16:44
cjohnstonThank you16:44
Laneylooks like 33591316:46
gary_postercjohnston: done16:51
gary_posterbug 33591316:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 335913 in Launchpad itself "Availability of a package to provide a virtual package not noticed to clear depwait" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33591316:52
cjohnstonThanks gary_poster16:53
gary_posterLaney, you are right, it sounds like that's what you've found.  Does that tell you what you need to know, or should I see if I can find someone with more LP build/package knowledge than I?16:53
Laneygary_poster: no, that's fine16:54
gary_posterok cool16:54
LaneyIf you can find someone to fix it then... ;-)16:54
gary_posternot right now I'm afraid16:54
gary_poster"Medium" won't be addressed by the Canonical team soon16:54
cjohnstongary_poster: I'm a little confused.. I went through and added that project to all of the other projects, but only the first oen I did is showing up.16:58
cjohnstonon the front page16:59
* gary_poster looking, cjohnston16:59
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gary_postersinzui: cjohnston has added project https://launchpad.net/summit to project group https://launchpad.net/community-web-projects , and now bugs are showing up on https://launchpad.net/community-web-projects but the summit project itself is not displaying in the "Projects" heading of that page.  Is that expected, and perhaps something that will fix itself after some kind of async processing?17:04
gary_poster(...now *summit bugs are showing up...)17:04
sinzuigary_poster: I think there is a memcache tales tag around that chunk17:09
gary_postersinzui, cool, that makes sense.  Thank you17:10
gary_postercjohnston: I suspect that part of the page will be updated ...soon....  Meanwhile, you are doing everything right as far as I can tell.17:11
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cjohnstonok.. thanks17:15
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cjohnstongary_poster: If I create a delegated team for the group project that you just created for me, and then add teams to it (each team being the specific group who is responsible for that project) would the members of the team have the access described in "This is a project group-wide appointment. Think carefully here! This person or team will be able to set feature goals and approve bug targeting and backporting for ANY se19:09
cjohnstonOr anyone else who is around19:11
gary_postercjohnston, if I understand you, I believe so.  Typically you would want to create a team for the group, and make that team members of the sub groups if you want a direct membership connection.  I'm going to doublecheck with some of the groups I'm a member of...19:11
gary_postercjohnston, you are talking about the maintainer?  No...19:12
cjohnstonboth driver and maintainer19:12
gary_postercjohnston, so, I'm correct that you don't want to do what you said19:13
gary_posterThere are many things you might want19:13
gary_posterSo I'm having a hard time iterating them for you19:14
gary_posterBut if you do what you said, then yes, the members of the subteams would have the super teams powers19:14
cjohnstonok.. That's what I thought.19:15
gary_posterFWIW, the groups I'm a member of don't have a group-level driver, and they have a "special" group who is the maintainer19:15
scott-workthe ubuntu studio team is considering cleaning up it's launchpad organization structure which would mean removing a number of teams and/or projects, is there a process or procedure to follow to accomplish this?19:20
scott-worksorry, i should have introduced myself first...i'm scott lavender, ubuntu studio project lead19:20
cjohnstonty again gary_poster19:24
gary_posternp at all cjohnston.  Thanks for https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/launchpad/728192/+merge/61046 :-)19:26
cjohnstonNot a problem.. I got quite a few bugs done last sunday.. Good learning.19:28
maxbscott-work: Teams can be deleted outright. Projects cannot be deleted, but can be deactivated, which hides them from most people. Either way, a request into https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion is the way to go - preferably from the person who owns the item in question (or member of the owning team)19:53
nicoulajHi, is there a way to create a PPA for a project ? Or PPA are only for users and teams ?19:57
dokotrying to copy a package into a different series in the same ppa, I always get:20:07
dokoThe following source cannot be copied:20:07
doko    binutils in natty (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive)20:07
dokoany idea why?20:07
dokothe source is not there, and there can't be any binaries20:08
dokoyellow: ^^^20:08
gary_posterdoko, hi.  Let me see if I can find anyone who might know20:15
dokogary_poster: it's in the ubuntu-toolchain-r/ppa directory20:15
lifelessdoko: which series are you trying to copy into?20:16
gary_posterlifeless, heh, I was just about to ping you, thanks20:17
dokolifeless: to maverick20:19
lifelessdoko: maverick has a newer binutils20:22
gary_posternicoulaj, only for a team/user to my knowledge.  A typical solution is to create a team specifically for the project.20:22
lifelessdoko: binutils 2.21-3ubuntu1~ppa120:22
lifelessdoko: or, I just woke up and can't do version comparisons in my head before food :)20:23
nicoulajgary_poster: yes, that what I did, thanks. This is not very natural though20:23
dokolifeless: but I'm trying to copy
gary_posternicoulaj, ok.  If you want to pursue that, we could file a bug.  Did it not feel natural because the team was small, and so creating a team felt unnecessary, or for some other reason?20:25
lifelessthere is a bug I think20:26
lifelessbug 24518320:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 245183 in Launchpad itself "Can't easily link a project and its PPA" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24518320:26
gary_posterah ha20:26
gary_postercool, thanks lifeless20:26
nicoulajgary_poster: It seems to me that binary repositories are more often related to projects than people20:26
lifelessno worries, just searched for 'ppa project'20:26
nicoulajgary_poster: But may be I'm not getting the launchpad way20:27
nicoulajgary_poster: same goes for branches20:27
lifelessdoko: I think you may have found a bug; can you file one please?20:27
dokolifeless: ok; do you the current status to reproduce, or can I upload to maverick manually?20:28
dokodo need ...20:28
lifelessdoko: I would like to run it past wgrant as-is, he can capture the info20:28
lifelessdoko: that would be in about 4 hours20:29
lifeless(or stevenk - also gmt+10)20:29
gary_posternicoulaj, :-) gotcha.  Doing it by person/team is certainly more flexible, since having a team for the project can model what you want, as well as other approaches, and it's the way other similar services do it as well, AFAIK (github, for instance).  But maybe there's something in bug 245183 that might help with the disconnect?  If so, please add a comment there.20:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 245183 in Launchpad itself "Can't easily link a project and its PPA" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24518320:32
dokolifeless: bug #78716720:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 787167 in Launchpad itself "copy of source to different series in same PPA not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78716720:32
nicoulajgary_poster: yes, you are right, this is more the real problem.20:34
ikus060Hey, should I use any tool to change the changlog ??20:35
dokolifeless: hmm, now I see bug #557647.  but then, why am I offered to copy the sources only to the same PPA?20:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 557647 in Launchpad itself "Copying of packages does not work for globalplatform ppa" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55764720:35
=== matsubara_ is now known as matsubara-afk
lifelessdoko: UI bug I would say21:07
lifelessdoko: I'll confirm with wgrant, and if it is that will rephrase to be a bug about the ui21:07
nigelbHi, can someone please remove the spam comment from bug 56682722:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 566827 in lxc (Ubuntu Lucid) "[lucid] 0.6.5 cannot umount /var properly if it is on a separate partition - container does not start" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56682722:30
* nigelb pings yellow22:30
nigelbI wonder if there's a /hilight22:30
nigelbthanks lifeless :)22:30
lifelessthank jcsackett for making it super easy22:30
persianigelb, Seems one generally just has to pick the appropriate colour to represent the severity.22:30
nigelbpersia: heh22:31
nigelbI wonder if there's a red team and blue team22:31
nigelbhang on, its morning for persia and lifeless.22:31
nigelbDarn, I really need to sleep.22:32
persiaI haven't seen those.  The worst I ever saw was sev-erity mau-ve22:32
nigelbOh, there is a /hilight then :)22:32
alkisgHi, is this a correct place to report spam? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/busybox/+bug/566845/comments/422:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 566845 in busybox (Ubuntu) "Please update udhcp from debian" [Wishlist,Fix released]22:34
alkisg"amichair             wrote             18 minutes ago:                                Last year our penny stock picks cashed in over 570% combined!"22:34
jcsackettalksig: spam is removed.22:35
alkisgIt looks like this user's mail is used for spam, he sent a dozen mails in bug reports in the last 2 minutes22:35
lifelessnigelb: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/busybox/+bug/566845/comments/422:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 566845 in busybox (Ubuntu) "Please update udhcp from debian" [Wishlist,Fix released]22:35
nigelblifeless: Interesting. Can you block the user temporarily for that?22:36
lifelessThe account "amichair" has been suspended22:37
lifelessjcsackett: where are the docs for what to do when we suspend someone?22:37
jcsackettlifeless: https://wiki.canonical.com/Launchpad/DealingWithSpam#Dealing%20with%20spam (internal link, sorry all)22:38
alkisgThanks too :)22:39
jcsackettsaw your comment about flask and packaging btw. bummer.22:39
jcsackettlifeless ^22:39
jcsackettyw too, alkisg. :-)22:39

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