
=== 64MAAJNBW is now known as sunnydrake
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=== Baybal is now known as Baybal_Ni
ogra_persia, did you find a working nvflash yet ?09:33
persiaNo, but I'm not sure that's the issue.09:36
persianvflash claims it can't see the USB device.09:36
persiaLooking at syslog, it seems that when I attach, two USB devices show, and then both disconnect.09:37
* persia reproduces to get a viewable snippet09:37
persiahrm.  Reproduction failed.  I wonder what changed.09:38
ogra_well, are you sure the device was actually in flash mode ?09:39
ogra_the usb device will only show up if its in that mode09:39
persiaRight, but it was the immediate disconnect that was the issue.  As long as it stays connected, it ought be OK.09:41
persiaUgh.  I tried to backup partition 0, and it failed, and now I get protocol errors.  I guess this will be a bit of fun trial and error.09:45
ogra_there is no 0 partition ;)09:46
ogra_it starts at 209:46
persiahence needing to power cycle :)09:46
ogra_nvfalsh has a get partition table command09:47
persiaThere's no 1 either?09:47
ogra_no 1 either09:47
persiaWhat's that command?09:47
* persia doesn't have a manpage :(09:47
ogra_dont ask me what they are smoking at toshiba :)09:47
ogra_it should have a help command09:47
persianvflash help ?09:47
ogra_--help i think09:48
ogra_with all the LD_PRELOAD mess09:48
persiaIndeed it does.09:48
ogra_with a textfile as output09:50
persiaYep.  So, I don't really like this tool.09:50
ogra_nobody does09:51
persia1) It's non-free.  2) It doesn't qualify for multiverse.  3) It's not packaged.  4) It has no manpage, and poorly formatted --help.  5) it has some of the worst subcommand grammar I've ever encountered.09:51
ogra_heh, yeah09:52
ogra_sadly we need it09:52
ogra_i dont know of any alternative yet09:52
ogra_i wonder how trimsclice does it09:52
ogra_they have largely the same board in their device09:53
ogra_and u-boot is missing input support yet09:53
ogra_and even then you would have to flash u-boot first09:53
persiaLovely.  I seem to get to run nvflash once per powercycle.09:54
ogra_you can use the --resume command09:54
ogra_replace the --bl flastboot.bin with it09:54
ogra_it can only upload the bootloader once09:54
persiaAha!  And --resume lets me run another command without getting "usb read error (71): Protocol error" ?09:55
ogra_i think so09:55
ogra_try it09:55
persiaHmm.  Less than ideal.  This power cycle the bootloader failed to install :/09:56
ogra_well, luckily you only have to do it once09:57
persia--resume seems to work.09:58
persiaNo, I'm super-extra-paranoid: I have to do it ~15 times, plus any that are unsuccessful.09:59
ogra_i mean once you flashed successfull you dot have to do it anymore10:00
ogra_though i would recommend also flashing a fallback kernel to part 510:00
ogra_in case you mess up anything you can still boot from it10:00
persiaWhy?  Is there some way to select the partition from which one boots?10:01
ogra_if you hold down the home key during power up you get into fastboots recovery menu10:01
persiaIf one bricks the device, can one restore with nvflash?10:01
ogra_if you press 1 there it boots from part 510:01
ogra_the device is unbrickable10:01
ogra_as long as you can restore the partitioning you will always get it back to life10:02
persiaThat's nice.10:03
ogra_part 5 is sadly only 5M big10:03
ogra_so there is no space for nifty initrds10:03
persiaOn most of my devices there is some flash that, if overwritten, will make the device completely useless.10:03
ogra_tegra seems to be similar to omap here ... the rom code will always work10:03
persiaI suspect that is true for this, except that there is no way to write that flash (who said updating device firmware was a good idea)10:04
ogra_and it seems the flash mode lives there10:04
persiaOh, nifty.  So it's not like BIOS flash, or the boot NOR on mx5 devices (yes, you can work around the boot NOR with the DIP switches, but they aren't exposed in real devices)10:04
persiaSeems that --resume only works once, and after two operations, I really have to power cycle.  Oh well.10:05
ogra_do you do a full backup ?10:06
persiaThat's my plan.  My hardware is different from yours, and my software is very different.10:06
ogra_yeah, makes sense10:06
persia(unless you have the REGZA control suite by default, etc.)10:07
ogra_lol, no10:07
ogra_what do you do with that, remote control your TV ?10:07
persiaThat's what I thought :)10:07
persiaRather, participate in your entertainment network.10:07
ogra_ah, REGZA is more than a TV brand in .jp ?10:08
persiaAt one level you can consider this a remote control for your TV, but you can also do things like switch the audio track from your TV to your stereo to your laptop headphones, control video streaming from your PVR to your TV or your laptop, and switch seamlessly, etc.10:08
persiaREGZA is Toshiba's home entertainment brand.  They do TVs, PVRs, Speaker systems, Keitais, Tablets, etc.10:09
ogra_ah, i didnt know that10:09
ogra_i only know trhe term from my TV :)10:09
persiaI haven't seen a REGZA Stereo, but the protocol should work with Onkyo or Denon hardware.10:10
persiaYeah.  The nifty stuff takes a while to export: someone has to figure out how to explain it to foreigners.10:10
persiaNo, seriously.  Here they just stick a couple stickers on it, and the guy in the shop says "It connects to your network", and nobody asks questions.10:11
persiaOther places people want to know why they should pay more for feature X.10:11
* persia suspects this has something to do with not having a law against selling electronics more than three years old10:12
XorAhey persia10:13
persiaXorA, Hey.10:13
XorAIm amused as I just bought an item that is now 30 years old10:14
XorAnow I just need to build a circuit to adapt its video output to actually work with something modern so I can see it working :-D10:16
* persia laughs10:17
persiaGrr...  Partition 8 consistently fails.10:21
ogra_is that the biggest one ?10:21
ogra_i think nvflash has a prob with partitions bigger than 4G ... usually thats only the user data partition anyway and empty ...10:22
persiaNot by a long way.  Biggest is 6774016 sectors.  8 is only 15360010:22
persiaYeah, well, it's the oddities that make me do a full backup before I even boot the device.10:25
* ppisati tried the mmu patch for kexec but still fails..10:29
persiaogra_, The partitions I can't read are labeled APP, UDA, and UDB.  Do you know what these codes mean?10:44
ogra_APP is android apps i think, did you look whats indside ?10:44
ogra_ah, no. you said you didnt boot yet10:45
ogra_(though the part table is completely shifted anyway in userspace ... you will never see part 2-6 in android10:46
persiaUDA and UDB would be User Data A and User Data B?10:47
ogra_so you have to guess which ones are APP, UDA, UDb10:47
ogra_might be10:47
persiaUgh.  8 gives a consistent format error, maybe some sort of copy protection.  12 and 14 just time out attempting to copy.10:48
ogra_14 should be mmcblk0p7 in userspace10:48
ogra_that falls under the "biggest partition" stuff i mentioned above10:48
ogra_no need to back it up10:49
ogra_should be empty10:49
persiaI suspect so: it's 13,230M10:49
persiaBut the 300M APP partition seems like something I want backed up, and I got just over a GB from the 1235 UDA parittion on one try, although most tries have been lower.10:50
ogra_oh, if your device should offer you to upgrade to android 2.2, dont do it if you want to keep the dual boot option10:52
ogra_if you should boot it into android before installing10:52
persiaI don't intend to ever boot Android on it, unless I have to verify a hardware issue for the warranty.10:53
persiaConnecting to a full speed hub rather than a high speed hub seems to help, although it takes *MUCH* longer.10:56
ogra_HUB ?!?10:57
* ogra_ just connects directly10:57
persiaYou connect directly to the controller?  What sort of device exposes that?  I've never seen one.10:58
ogra_i connect a mini usb cable between my x86 laptop and the ac10010:58
ogra_without extra hubs attached10:58
persiaRight.  How many USB ports does your laptop have?11:00
ogra_and i usually connect to a full speed port11:00
persiaThen you probably have 2 hubs in your laptop.  The first providing those three ports and uplink to the second, and the second conneting to internal devices.11:01
ogra_right, i thought you referred to an external hub11:01
persiaI was on high speed, which is something like 30x as fast, but it kept crashing.  Now I'm on full speed, which works better.11:01
persiaogra_, Aha!  I encountered the 4G issue.  You don't happen to know if there is a 64-bit nvflash floating around somewhere, do you?12:01
hrwhmm... sheet.zoho.com is default viewer of xls files under ubuntu?12:02
persiahrw, In some environments (like those where openoffice/libreoffice was considered too heavy/slow/broken)12:02
hrwarm for example12:03
persiaFrom what I understand, natty libreoffice works, but it's kinda slow.  natty koffice is a bit faster, but predates the revival/rebranding.12:03
hrwmy daughter just sent panda x11 session to logout... power of power key ;:D12:04
ZebraDroid_Hey all, Could someone suggest anything?  I'm running ubuntu on my arm tablet, I've built and installed touchscreen drivers and the cursor now follows my touch.  The only problem is, no click event is launched on touch release/tap.  Is there any way I could configure this? Thanks13:04
persiaWhich tablet?13:04
persiaTry `xinput list` to find the id of your touchscreen13:05
ZebraDroid_Yup, I have that13:06
persia`xinput list-props <device>` will tell you what it belives it can do.13:06
persia`xinput watch-props <device>` will let you see what it is sending.13:06
ZebraDroid_ok, thanks13:07
persiaDepending on how the driver is implemented, you may need to have it send tap events, you may need to trap and process tap events to turn them into button activations, you may need to fiddle with input-utils to make sure the kernel has the right bits for the event driver...13:08
ZebraDroid_hmm ok13:08
ZebraDroid_It seems that despite moving my pointer, watch-props isn't providing any feedback. (I've tried all of the pointer devices and the touchscreen identifier specified in xorg.conf isn't in the list)13:09
persiaRight.  I presume you're well past the xev stage, so diving in: does your driver provide a kernel event interface?13:12
ZebraDroid_Umm, not too sure.  This is the first time I've had to compile and install drivers manually so I'm kinda feeling my way around still.  Through inspection of the source it seems it provides the click event via a call to xf86EventButtonPressP (or something similar  to that)13:17
persiaThen it's just an X driver, making xinput the best tool for analysis.13:17
persiaCheck your X log to make sure it's being loaded.13:17
ZebraDroid_It seems to attempt to load it, but fails to initialise a touchscreen device and unloads due to EV_SYN missing. I can only assume it loads in some description of state as prior to installation, the cursor would just jump to 0,0 on touch.  Post installation it follows touch13:22
persiaHrm.  I'm not sure.  You might ask the team in #ubuntu-x, although they may send you back here if there are architecture-specific confusions.13:24
persia(or someone else might know, if you wait a while)13:24
ogra_isnt there also #ubuntu-touch ?13:25
persiaIs there?  I hadn't encountered it before, but yeah, if it exists, it's a better place :)13:25
persiaIndeed there is!13:26
ZebraDroid_Great, I'll ask there - thanks for the help ^^13:26
ogra_they focus more on enabling multitouch in existing drivers though13:26
persiaWell going from 0 to N is multi, right?13:26
ogra_so they might not know much about new ones13:26
ogra_the prob smells a bit like evdev would just select a mouse driver for the device13:27
persiaOr any other class of incorrect autodetect.13:28
persiaogra_, My notes have a confusion: I'm writing boot-2.6.37-1-ac100-SD.img to partition 6, right?13:29
persiaOK.  The command was listed once with a 6 and once with a 5, so I just wanted to double check.13:29
persiaOh my.  Partition 14 reduced to 0.1% of raw size with gzip :)13:30
persiaOK.  partition flashed.  Device OFF.  USB disconnect.  SD insert.  Close eyes and cross fingers...13:32
* ogra_ crosses13:32
persiaYeah.  ALSA errors then bootsplash.  Thanks a lot!13:33
ogra_awesome !13:33
ogra_the rest should be trivial13:33
persiaHeh.  Jasper.13:35
ogra_jasper ?13:35
ogra_there shouldnt be any jasper in these images13:35
persiaThis is casper?  What's giving me initial configuration?13:36
ogra_oem-config ?13:36
ogra_there should be neither casper nor jasper13:36
persiaOh.  It's an OEM image.  I suppose that makes sense.13:37
ogra_its directly derived from the omap3 one13:37
persia(although it's a bit annoying now knowing that I have to go through this config process twice)13:37
ogra_thats why i said you should set a rootpw or edit /etc/shadow13:37
ogra_for the SD boot13:38
ogra_this will be automated by an init script for the actual image13:38
ogra_so you only need to cp the tarball onto a formatted SD13:38
persiaReally, we should use the installer.13:38
persiaBut as we discussed before, this requires tracking down why cp is slow.13:39
ogra_i think the oem team has a udeb that can install tarballs13:39
persiaYes.  Really yes.  I'm inflexible on this.  Maintenance overhead.13:39
ogra_that might be an option13:39
ogra_but i'm really not going through setting d-i to work with universe kernels etc13:39
persiaIt's all part of the same suite that includes live-helper.13:39
persiaNo, but NCommander has a WI to do that for a different spec.13:40
persiaSo you don't have to worry about it.13:40
ogra_so it will stay live/oem13:40
ogra_NCommander, has no WI to make d-i work with universe bits13:40
ogra_there is only one d-i related workitem ... and thats just a partitioning reciepe for partman13:41
persiaIt's on a foundations spec.13:42
ogra_universe ?13:42
ogra_that would need a complete redesign13:42
ogra_d-i needs the kernel in main13:42
ogra_and all other bits it uses to create images13:43
persiaYou were *at* the UDS discussion about it.  Now isn't the time to complain.13:43
ogra_well, *shrug*13:44
persiaSo, anyway, assuming the component issue is resolved, and the speed issue is resolved, I'll insist on proper installer images.13:44
ogra_i wont change the ac100 image, since i find wasting hours of user time for copying or formatting tasks completely pointless13:44
persiaBut that's not soon: make them however you want until then.13:44
ogra_and i wont change them in the future either ...13:45
persiaPlease read what I wrote above again?  Your objection is already included.13:45
ogra_it adds massive complexity for maintenance as well as for the enduser13:45
persiaReally it doesn't.  It *streamlines* maintenance and provides a consistent experience for end users.13:46
ogra_we have oem-config exactly for this task ... i dont plan on moving away from it13:46
persiaMind you, currently it's painfully slow, which needs sorting.13:46
persiaIt's also impossible, which needs sorting.13:46
ogra_there is more than slowness13:46
ogra_you have to do a d-i rebuild for every kernel version change13:46
ogra_that doesnt scale to universe kernels13:47
ogra_(it is already annoying enough for the non mainline kernels we have in main ... which was one of the most pressing reasons for preinstalled oem images)13:47
persiaSo, this will be sorted.13:48
ogra_not by me, mind you13:48
persiaNo, not by you.13:48
ogra_and as mentioned above, you will need a lot to convince me to move away from oem images13:48
persiaBut when everyone else has done their bit, these images will switch to using an installer.13:48
ogra_not mine13:48
D34XI have a Lanya smart book X6-7A with an SSD and I was wondering if putting ubuntu on it would be any different.  It doesn't have a normal load up like another computer would, it just pops up the SmartBook screen and does the 25 second loading process.  Would I put a live load in a USB and go from there?13:48
persiaWhether you do this or not at that point can be discussed later.13:48
persiaD34X, What's the processor?13:49
ogra_i find it a massive waste of manopower to even put time into that13:49
D34Xpersia - ARM 92613:49
ogra_its fine for server but i dont see even the slightest reason to push us back into stonegae with the desktop images13:49
persiaD34X, Ubuntu doesn't support that processor.  You might try Debian.13:50
persiaogra_, I feel the opposite.  I have no interest in remaining in an age of hardware-dependent images.  I want generic solutions, that work for arbitrary hardware.  We are getting much closer with the tools to be able to do this, and when we can, I'll have no interest in supporting less generic solutions.13:51
ogra_where would a generic image help on the ac100 ?13:52
persiawell, let's assume we are able to construct a generic tree that supports all Tegra2 devices.13:52
ogra_and whom would a generic image help on a specific board that can only run this specific image ?13:52
persiaThen we should only maintain that image.13:52
ogra_that will never happen13:52
persiaWhy LOL?13:52
persiaIt will.  This is the *point*.13:52
ogra_because nvidia doesnt care at all and the board specific implementations collide heavily13:53
persiaIf this was not a goal (and a believeably achievable goal), we wouldn't do doing any of this.13:53
ogra_well, you wont see such a kernel for a long long time13:53
ogra_it might happen at some point indeed ... like it did for the beagle after what ... 4 years or was it five13:54
persiaI'll continue to expect it tomorrow, and be disappointed with anyone that feels otherwise, simply because if we don't believe it will happen, we won't help make it happen, and we'll be discouraging the folk that are trying.13:54
ogra_the only organization working on that (linaro) has no support at all for tegra13:54
ogra_and there is no movement from either side13:55
persiaThat's true today.  I'm not convinced it has always been true nor that it will always be true.13:55
ogra_*if* you get such support (which is already unlikely because every odm seems to implement its own bootloader solution) it will happen long after your ac100 collects dust in your basement13:56
persiaAll I ask of you is that if the valid bugs you raise can be sorted, and we can make generic solutions, you help with those, rather than refusing.  If you're right, and it's a long time before we get there, the cost to you of agreeing is nothing.13:56
ogra_oh, i surely wont block any progress either way13:56
ogra_i just wont change my images :)13:57
ogra_even in a generic setup i would go for oem images for desktop13:57
persiaFor all architectures?13:57
ogra_at least on devices wheer you have things like hardcoded partition tables etc13:57
ogra_its just pointless to count on d-i for two features we dont use/need at all13:58
persiaI'd rather have a generic installer that could recognise those devices, and skip bothering the user about partitioning, but rather just do the right thing.13:58
persiaI think you aren't understanding what I'm saying.13:58
ogra_thats what an initrd script can do as well13:58
ogra_in an easier way for the user13:58
persiaI don't intend to show the user anything pointless: that's poor interaction.13:58
ogra_and with zero maintenance for the developer13:58
persiaWith two pieces of code to maintain, to have bugs, to have security issues, and two places to fix them all, and inconsistency to confuse the support and advocacy teams,etc.13:59
ogra_i only care for one place really ...13:59
persiaSo someone else has to care for another?  No opportunity for collaboration?14:00
ogra_i wont pull d-i into the installation14:01
ogra_d-i has its areas where it makes sense ... in this particular install to totally doesnt and only gets in the way14:01
persiaYou do know that live-helper is a d-i component, so you'll be doing that anyway for all the preinstall images that use livecd-rootfs today, right?14:01
ogra_not during install time14:01
ogra_only during build time14:01
ogra_what i would prefer to see would be a generic oem images initramfs hook14:03
ogra_so that you hand over filesystem and target device on the cmdline or some such and a tarball gets unpacked to the target after verifying teh taball md5 sum  ...14:04
ogra_without all the crap i need to do for d-i14:04
persiaHave you looked at live-helper?  It does something very similar to that.14:04
persiaAnd it does it from within d-i14:04
ogra_no, i havent yet, i will have to before A1 though14:05
persiaAnd it can do it without bothering the user with lots of d-i prompting.14:05
persiaYou may want to: I believe it both represents that which you protest against and that which you wish existed, simultaneously.14:05
ogra_it bothers me as maintainer with the complexity i add through d-i14:05
ogra_i dont want to a) maintain d-i b) have d-i booted at all for these kind of images14:06
=== ZebraDroid is now known as ZebDroid|Work
ogra_having to maintain a ton of d-i components vs a 10 line initramfs shell script is really not wnat i'm after14:06
persiaWho said anything about "a ton of d-i components"?14:08
persiaAnd d-i is just some initramfs scripts.14:09
persiaSo, for instance, if someone wrote partman-ac100, it could simply return, never prompting the user, and adding hints to everything else about how/where to install everything.14:10
persiaSo, for instance, if someone wrote partman-ac100, it could simply return, never prompting the user, and adding hints to everything else about how/where to install everything.14:10
ogra_d-i is a huge complex pile of stuff14:10
ogra_of which i dont need 99%14:10
persiaThen don't put those bits in your image.14:11
persiaIt's *designed* to be flexible, modular, etc.14:11
ogra_i know14:12
ogra_you wont convince me14:13
persiaI'm not trying to convince you.  I'm trying to inform you that as a result of the change to live-helper, *every* image will become a d-i image.14:14
ogra_now that would be really bad14:14
persiaAnd I'm trying to tell you that you needn't fear this change, and that it's not that different from what you do now.14:14
ogra_and i doubt thats true14:14
persiaThat's what the shift to live-helper means.14:14
ogra_you think we will drop casper ?14:14
persiaI think we'll wrap casper in a filesystem that we deliver with d-i through the live-helper support infrastructure.14:15
ogra_after we ported l-h to upstart indeed :)14:15
ogra_given that upstart will now run the whole initrd14:15
ogra_oh, and indeed all of d-i too14:16
ogra_sorry, but i dont see us changing the whole structure on one release14:16
persiaWriting a single compatibility upstart job is trivial, so there's no blocking porting effort.14:16
ogra_we'll see14:17
persiaSlowly moving more of the early boot stuff to upstart can happen over time.14:17
ogra_i expect that in function and form of casper or the live initrd there wont be many changes14:17
persiaReally, go read about live-helper.  Learn how it works.14:17
persiaI think you'll be pleased as much as you're annoyed.14:18
* persia decides thrudhr has a nice ring to it14:18
ogra_i wont be pleased for sure :)14:18
hrwhow to change boot.scr without regenerating it by hand? panda14:23
Neko.. use my awesome flash-kernel boot.script->boot.scr demangler :D14:25
OlivierNhrw: or like this14:25
OlivierNsudo mkimage -A arm -T script -C none -n "Ubuntu boot script" -d boot.script boot.scr14:25
Nekoguys does anyone have knowledge of a quick way to disable these horrible new scrollbars?14:25
persiaDon't install overlay-scrollbar?14:26
Nekoboth kinds.. gedit seems to have a kind of floating on the side scrollbar and other apps just have a kind of little orange line14:26
NekoI want traditional ones back14:26
hrwNeko: for efikas it uses /boot/boot.script14:26
hrwNeko: as base of boot.scr14:27
NekoI don't think I have a choice not to install overlay-scrollbar14:27
Nekohrw, run flash-kernel again it should do it on all boards?14:27
persiaWhy not?  The rdepends list is short.14:27
hrwNeko: right..14:28
Nekobut you want to do it "not by hand", you can't... you have to invoke it somehow with manual labor14:28
Nekopersia, I just removed the package and I still get orange-line scrollbars14:29
persiaHrm.  That's unexpected.  That package is supposed to be where the orange widget lives.14:31
persiaIf you want different defaults, use a different seed.14:32
Nekothe whole point is I am trying to replace the metapackages so we can basically define a behavior for our not-quite-ubuntu natty build14:32
Nekoexcept, if I take these out, the scrollbar thing still happens14:32
Nekoahhh here we are14:33
Nekoyou need to remove liboverlay-scrollbar-0.1-0 too14:33
persiaThen I'm wrong.  I thought it was that.  Maybe grep for "scrollbar" in the natty-changes mbox to see what else got patched.14:33
persiaAh, you found it.  Excellent.14:33
Nekoit's just reaaaaally difficult to hit those little orange lines with a netbook trackpad14:33
Nekoalso since firefox and thunderbird are blacklisted we get different behavior per app which is just not desirable14:34
NekoI wonder how this affects unity though14:34
persiaTry it with one of the tiny little "optical pointers".  It becomes essentially impossible.14:34
Nekosaving a file in gedit defaults to a directory called "chrome"14:35
Nekomaybe because I am root.. but that's strange14:37
ZeZuIs it not possible to remove X / completely from the ARM version ?  Everything I try just prompts it to want to download another desktop setup ...14:42
persiaZeZu, It certainly is possible.  I don't have X installed on my beagle.14:43
persiaYou will have to either 1) start from a minimal image (you might be interested in the natty headless developer images), or 2) spend a lot of time making sure you have every reverse dependency removed.14:44
ZeZuI figured it would be something along those lines ...  dependency mess ,  do you have the sgx drivers installed on your beagle ?14:48
ZeZuI didn't have nearly as many issues w/ beagle as i do w/ panda ...  the pvr kernel drivers refuse to cross compile w/ 2.6.39-rc714:50
ogra_if your .39 kernel is properly packaged they wont ;)14:51
persiaZeZu, I don't have the sgx drivers on my beagle (no monitor, no need)14:52
ogra_oh, wait you said cross ...14:54
ogra_i fear there even a properly packaged kernel wont help14:54
ogra_i dont think dkms gets along well with cross building14:54
ogra_sounds like a good future project for hrw *g*14:54
ZeZuyes well i found out the hard way ... actually you have to pass ARCH=arm or else it tries to build bits and pieces for host system ...14:55
ZeZudefine properly packaged btw,  might help ... i do recall having to package the headers differently when building for beagle, but i don't think it used dkms at that time14:56
hrwogra_: D:14:58
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avinashhmhi , does any one have a u-boot for omap4 panda board, where we 'saveenv' works ? .. any help pls17:14
avinashhmj /#panda17:15
persiaavinashhm, Does it not work for the u-boot in the Ubuntu images?17:15
avinashhmpersia, sorry .. wasn't aware of the ubuntu images .. can u point me to .. i ll try17:16
persiaMost recent images at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/11.04/release/17:18
persiaYou can choose between a full environment (optimised for netbooks, but suitable for desktops), or a headless image as a base for arbitrary development.17:18
persiaogra_, Do you know why there aren't any .torrent files for the omap images?17:19
avinashhmpersia, thanks man .. i ll pick up these net book image and check out ...17:20
GrueMasteravinashhm: When you say "saveenv", are you trying to save the u-boot environment between reboots?  The panda doesn't have any emmc or nand for storing u-boot settings.17:26
avinashhmGrueMaster, can't we store to MMC .. just asking , i am not sure ?17:27
GrueMasterNot from uboot.  But you can modify the /boot/boot.script in our images and reflash it to the boot partition with flash-kernel.17:28
GrueMaster(or modify it manually and reapply the u-boot crc with mkimage).17:28
persiaheh.  kernel segfault during debootstrap.  Extra points!17:28
micahgjanimo: poke re chromium> any luck?17:30
avinashhmGrueMaster, ok .. i ll try to modify boot.script then .. thanks man17:44
NCommanderrsalveti: have the PXE boot patches landed in the Linaro u-boot tree?18:03
rsalvetiNCommander: not that I know, jcrigby should know better18:10
jcrigbyNCommander, no not yet18:10
NCommanderjcrigby: any idea when it will land?18:11
jcrigbyNCommander, I could push them to the linaro-next if that is useful to you18:12
NCommanderjcrigby: indeed it would be18:12
jcrigbyor are we talking pushed to archive?18:12
jcrigbyok, I'll do that18:13
NCommanderjcrigby: when it hits the linaro u-boot, it will get piced by the archive next time we update it18:13
persiajcrigby, For pushed-to-archive, if you can get a candidate package ready, it's easy to get someone else to help drop it in.18:13
jcrigbyNCommander, persia ok I'll prepare a 2011.05 release based on current upstream rc and the PXE patches18:16
NCommanderjcrigby: thanks, that's a huge help18:17
rsalvetijcrigby: it'd be good to include the tftp patches, but probably need more work at the ones that enables ehci for omap418:20
jcrigbyrsalveti, the patches don't break anything so we can include them for those that want to experiment?18:21
rsalvetiI know we have ehci support for omap3 already, so I believe we can also make it work with beagle xM18:21
jcrigbyrsalveti, yes that would be great18:22
rsalvetijcrigby: sure, it's not touching anything outside usb, ehci and smsc driver18:22
rsalvetiguess we can also include them18:22
persiaThanks!  That helps us play.18:26
janimomicahg, none so far, but I did not spend time on it since the UDS18:50
micahgjanimo: k, thanks18:53
dcordesdid anybody try webm in firefox in natty arm ?20:47

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