
gggsdo you guys keep your window buttons on the left or right? I'm playing with xfce and finding myself going to the wrong side09:55
head_victimgggs: in what program?10:17
head_victimOr the panel?10:18
gggshead_victim: window title-bars, where they moved close/min/max to the left side10:18
head_victimOh, I don't have any versions of Ubuntu with that modification yet. My most up to day computer uses LXDE, the other computer sits on LTS releases10:19
gggsReally? I'm running 10.04LTS10:20
head_victimYeah my window bars are on the right still10:21
head_victimI don't recall changing that?10:21
head_victim(although it's possible I have at some stage)10:21
gggsafaik it annoyed a number of people, I'm surprised you haven't heard of it. I thought it was nice, I think it makes slightly more sense from UI philosophy standpoint10:25
head_victimOh I've heard of it10:26
head_victimBut I don't have any versions that do it. LXDE has never had it set up that way10:26
head_victimYeah the UI argument is actually quite solid.10:26
gggsLXDE sounds nice, what's it like VS gnome/xfce?10:29
gggsyea I figure the control buttons on the left mean they don't move when a window is resized, although with Apple's UI guidelines as they are I'd like to know their own reasons10:32
head_victimIt's very light on resources, I use it for all P4 and older computers.10:34
sagacihead_victim: ping10:42
head_victimsagaci: hey there you are10:45
sagacihead_victim: just a pinch under 150,000 strings to go10:46
head_victimI see you've been doing a fair few10:47
sagacinearly up to 10% of the whole lot10:51
head_victimI created a monster!10:53
sagaciand about 0.6% away from 60% complete10:56
head_victimEvening bejames 10:57
head_victimsagaci: nice work, I wish I'd done half as much10:57
gggswhat does everyone here do with old PC's? I have like, 3 or 4 lying around the house that are too slow &/ too noisy &/ inefficient to use14:31
head_victimgggs: how old?14:31
head_victimIf they're P4 era I'd stick Lubuntu on them and find someone to donate them to.14:33
gggswell, there's a P3 500, a p2 200 (!), and an XP2500+ based desktop not doing much14:33
head_victimThe P3 might still run Lubuntu ok14:33
sagaciI have a p4 around, 2GiB ram14:33
head_victimThat's what I'm using now.14:33
gggshead_victim: you're still using a p3?14:33
head_victimP4 with 2GB ram14:33
gggsa friend of mine is buying a new PC, he's giving me his old(er) quad-core 2.33GHz; I have more processing power than I know what to do with already14:34
head_victimNice friend.14:35
head_victimMy "main" pc is a quad core 2.4 with 10gb ram.14:35
gggsyea, you should see what he's replacing it with though, phew14:35
head_victimHah yeah, I want to replace my old P4 with a low power consuming i314:36
head_victimThe quad core still does everything I need it to and more14:36
head_victimThe worst part about my main pc is the 8800GT video card and it is still fine for my needs really.14:37
gggsit just seems like a waste to throw away a perfectly good PC, I'd put a Linux/Windows on it & give-away-to-good-home, but that usually means providing long-term support14:37
head_victimNah just point them to Ubuntu-AU or donate it anonymously through a local charity.14:37
sagaciPENTIUM 414:38
sagacifeel the power!14:38
sagacihead_victim: are you building14:38
head_victimsagaci: building what?14:38
sagaciyour i3 replacement14:40
gggsmost of my close friends are in IT & have no use for it either, can't see what a charity would use it for14:40
head_victimOh yeah, I haven't ever actually bought a prebuilt computer.14:40
head_victimgggs: if Lubuntu or whatever runs ok on it just call a couple of locals see if they want it. If not try and find a computer recycling place14:41
head_victimsagaci: looking at an i3 2100T cpu and just use the integrated video and whack in a fanless PSU14:41
head_victimStill waiting on work to pay me my money they owe14:41
gggshead_victim: thanks, I'll look into it14:41
head_victimgggs: no worries, hope you find a good home14:42
gggsyea either that or I'll find 3 or 4 novel fish tanks14:43
gggsboat anchors, speed humps, makeshift snow-sleds14:44
head_victimPut them on your front footpath, someone will take them14:45
sagacihead_victim: at LCA, what were the main things people were asking about... obviously I couldn't be there but were there recurring questions throughout the day14:46
gggshey that gives me an idea, I wonder if I could fit them in my recycling wheelie bin14:46
head_victimsagaci: "what are you going to see next"14:47
head_victimgggs: dremel helps14:47
sagacihead_victim: err, what do you mean?14:48
gggshead_victim: perfect!14:49
head_victimsagaci: That's the first question everyone asked. Sorry it was an attempt at humour14:52
gggshead_victim: don't worry man, I thought it was funny14:55
head_victimsagaci: so what context were you referring to Ubuntu-AU, linux in general ?14:55
sagacistill don't get the joke... anyway, obviously most people would have known about ubuntu, so were they interested about the team itself?14:56
head_victimMost people don't know the team exists14:56
head_victimA lot of people using Ubuntu and a lot of people using Macs.14:56
sagaciyeah, a bunch of people were wearing natty narwhal t-shirts, more than I envisioned14:58
head_victimYeah either they didn't know or weren't overly interested. That being said there were a bunch of us that caught up and it helped us get some HUMBUG contacts (the local linux user group in Brisbane)14:59
sagacihead_victim: well, 21 million users to go, in Australia15:09
head_victimHeh indeed15:10
head_victimWe'll get there ;)15:10
sagaciso those posters at LCA in those photos you have on the wiki... you've told me before, but so you're saying you printed them off yourself?15:11
head_victimYep, can be used by the team as they're laminated. It's just the postage costs that's the killer.15:11
sagacipostage for what15:13
head_victimIf others around the country want to reuse them15:13
sagacihead_victim: how many did you get done15:16
head_victim2 of the ones like the business card, one huge one not quite as big, one other ubuntu logo one and another software freedom one.15:18
sagaciso i'd be better off just getting them done myself, for personal use and if I ever hold an ubuntu hour15:21
head_victimYeah they're not too expensive if you shop around, I left it too late and just went to officeworks15:23
head_victimThe business card ones are on the wiki the rest I got off spreadubuntu.com15:24
sagaciyou take in a design and they have it in a jiffy?15:24
gorillasagaci: yes, pretty much.15:34
sagaci$30-50 laminated, roughly?15:34
gorillasagaci: no idea.. I have had some instant business cards from officeworks.15:36
sagaciI want to get something a bit bigger15:38
sagaciat least a decent poster size15:38
sagacithis cup of tea is awesome, btw15:38
head_victimSOrry had a washing machine malfunction15:39
gorillahead_victim: oh no!15:39
head_victimsagaci: http://www.officeworks.com.au/retail/content/copying-and-printing;jsessionid=%28J2EE5996400%29ID1331206351DB01459218520694532575End;saplb_*=%28J2EE5996400%295996451?siteAware=true#largeformatfullprinting for prices15:39
head_victimOh wow, my apologies, that is a LONG link15:40
head_victimAdd about 50% for laminating15:40
sagaciwell what's polyester15:40
sagacity for the link15:41
head_victimNot sure TBH, I was in quite a rush I didn't look into it much15:41
head_victimI have a much better quality contact for business cards though, I would not recommend officeworks for them.15:42
head_victimEvening Octatron 15:42
head_victimhttp://www.quickcolourprint.com.au/index.php they did the team business cards15:42
head_victimThey came out alright15:42
head_victimOr if price is the only factor then there is always vistaprint.com.au but don't expect much from them except cheapness15:43
gorillahead_victim: ditto.. but i was in a hurry and our usual supplier isn't set up for rush jobs.15:43
head_victimI have some personal ones through vista print, they're useful instead of writing down numbers and emails but wouldn't use them in a business setting I don't think15:43
OctatronEvening head_victim, whats new in the jungle?15:44
head_victimOctatron: I just woke up half the neighbourhood with my washing machine15:44
Octatronnice :P15:45
OctatronI just finished birthday shopping for the other half, gets harder each year15:45
head_victimOctatron: doesn't it?15:46
Octatronyeah, sometimes you just think here, have some cash happy birthday 15:49
OctatronAt least I have converted her to Ubuntu good and proper :P15:52
head_victimI'm still working on my wife, she distrusts anything that's "free"16:03
head_victimDespite her not wanting to pay for Windows16:03
OctatronWhat about all the other stuff you have to buy for Windows?16:16
sagaciI can get by on libreoffice but I prefer office 201016:16
sagaciI use MSE on win 716:16
sagacijust use common sense16:17
OctatronThen there's the fear issue of licensing and having more than one pc16:18
sagaciyeahp, no decent cli environment, upgrading system/applications can be painful16:19
OctatronI think it all comes down too lack of good computer training in schools and in workplaces16:22
OctatronPeople say they are computer illiterate like it's a badge of honor or something..16:22
head_victimIt's more that windows is too ingrained so it's what they use at school. uni and work so why not at home to?16:26
OctatronYeah, alot of people aren't even aware that Apple Mac exists where I live let alone Linux..16:27
OctatronI'm currently trying to write up a 3 page decision sheet listing the pro's and con's of each general platform.  So they can choose what's best for them.16:28
sagaciOctatron: ... linux, that hacker program you install on windows that brings up a black box with a blinking cursor?16:29
OctatronI get mixed responses to Ubuntu with customers, some I've vetted to check it meets their needs swear by it and tell their friends, others miss windows and hate change.  It's hard to work out what a person will do before you offer it too them.16:32
Octatronhead_victim: show your other half XBMC on ubuntu hooked up to the tv with an eeepc remote and wireless logitech keyboard, that's how I convinced my gal :P once they see their movies & tv shows come up so nice and ordered with a polished interface it's hard to go back.16:37
head_victimNah we don't watch lots of tv16:41
head_victimThe only thing she does outside of web browsing is play a game that has a native linux version - urban terror.16:42
head_victimShe does some very minor photo editing as well but nothing that couldn't be done in one of 100 programs.16:43
head_victimCrop, rotate and you're done'16:43
OctatronHave you tried UT2004? runs great on Ubuntu and pretty cheap at EB esp with low gravity mods switched on16:44
head_victimNah she's happy with urban terror.16:44
head_victimIt's free and has native linux, mac and windows clients.16:45
Octatronmust be interesting when you pair are on opposing teams16:46
head_victimWe're a little too competitive I think16:46
OctatronMedal of Honor was fun in a multiplay, Id shoot a mate of mine and he'd hold onto a grenade.. then you see it .. ah shh..BOOM16:48
Octatronthen there's those moments you see each other at the same time, your on a balcony and he has a bazooka.. good times..16:51
head_victimI like the fact that in urban terror it doesn't matter how long you've been playing you all have the same weapon set16:53
OctatronWell that's good, no cheaters trying to ruin the game16:55
OctatronOne personal favorite of mine is using the helicopters on Battlefield Vietnam to swoop down and hit the enemy with the windscreen.. funny!16:58
Octatronhead_victim: I might hit the hay, btw I've got some content to make a page on how to add ical to calendars on different email accounts what do I have to do to make me own little area to test out a page?17:00
head_victimOctatron: firstly make sure you can't just link to another page that exists online. If it's unique information maybe a sub-page of /Meetings ?17:02

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