
philipballewmy speakers are not producing sound after i put in a new motherboard expext when i boot into bios. inkly my headphones work00:11
Captainkrtekhi philipballew00:16
philipballewCaptainkrtek yo!00:18
Captainkrtekphilipballew, anything we can help with?00:28
philipballewCaptainkrtek if you can. i had a new motherboard put in to fix a falty one. now whenever i try to play sound through my speakers, there is no sound. only through the headphone jack. not even on a live cd00:29
philipballewsound plays through the speakers in bios mode00:29
Captainkrtekokay :-)00:29
Captainkrtekwell let's figure this out00:29
Captainkrtekhave you checked for additional drivers?00:29
philipballewthank you00:29
philipballewmo, but lets get this out of the way just to make sure00:30
Captainkrtekyou know how to get there?00:30
philipballewnone required00:30
Captainkrtekhave you checked sound settings?00:30
Captainkrteksee if its set as default00:30
philipballewon the output tab i see it has 3 options for connector00:32
philipballewim on analog speakers.00:32
Captainkrtektry switching it00:32
philipballewthe other 2 options dont work00:32
Captainkrtekwhat motherboard is it?00:32
philipballewi feel it might be a jack sensing issue00:33
philipballewwould lspci show it?00:33
Captainkrteksudo lspci | grep audio00:33
philipballewif i lspci | grep what option after that should i show after that00:34
Captainkrtekdo grep audio00:34
Captainkrtekmine for example00:34
Captainkrtek03:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs CA0106 Soundblaster00:34
philipballewi can paste the entire lspci here00:35
Error404NotFound04:03.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy (rev 04)00:35
Error404NotFoundcrap even00:35
Captainkrtekphilipballew, do sudo lspci | grep audio00:35
philipballewthat shows nothing...00:37
Captainkrtekcheck for updates00:38
Captainkrteknot in drivers00:38
Captainkrtekbut in update manager00:38
philipballewsudo apt-get type?00:38
Captainkrtekno like open update manager00:38
philipballewyeah sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:41
Captainkrtekthat works as well :P00:41
philipballewlol. what do you think this will do?00:42
Captainkrtekwell I saw some updates a few days ago for audio00:42
philipballewalright. that could work00:42
philipballewi have to run. i will see if this works, otherwise look for you on here soon!00:46
wezhey everyone! So rather than being an "ubuntu beginner", I'm actually looking for help in beginning to develop for ubuntu, not sure if that is included in the topics for this channel...?01:58
JackyAlcineHello wez and welcome to Ubuntu Beginners.01:58
JackyAlcineThe best way and probably a really intuitive way that I think you can jump into development in Ubuntu is by01:59
JackyAlcinelooking for bite-size bugs on Launchpad in a language of your expertise.01:59
wezyeah, I've been looking at those02:00
wezI'm a little confused on how it actually works to fix one and upload the changes, I know I know, RTM, and I did that, but it's sorta vague at points02:01
wezso I found this bug that looked interesting in unity-2d for natty right? And turns out the bazaar package tree was like 12 directories deep to get to the specific files where the change needed to be02:02
wezI had no clue how I would have found that...02:03
JackyAlcineWell, your cleverness ended up finding it :D02:03
JackyAlcineAnd well, Unity 2D is a shell itself; and the size of that should been taken into consideration.02:04
wezhaha, I wish actually, someone else told me where it was and that it was already fixed for the next release...02:04
wezyeah, I was like trying to pull the package ubuntu/natty/unity-2d, and so I'm guessing I would have been pulling down all that data just to fix a one-liner kind of thing!02:05
wezAnd actually, I'm not sure how debugging would work, most of my dev experience has been done in Windows, using Visual Studio, so I'm used to being able to easily debug something02:06
wezbut if I'm just editing code in something like nano, then how do you debug02:06
wezI know I used to know this stuff but I'm having a hard time remembering...02:07
JackyAlcineThat's something with F/OSS systems; I haven't myself found an intuitive IDE with debugging asides from the Java IDES (NetBeans and Eclipse).02:18
JackyAlcinewez, you could use gdb.02:20
egossetti want to give command in terminal with sudo02:28
egossettwhat do i type with sudo, so i can add theme to drupal02:28
wezAh! gdb! Man, it's been awhile since I have used that. Thanks Jacky!02:38
JackyAlcine:D no problem, wez02:43
Error404NotFoundis it possible to just move this installation of ubuntu to another hdd?02:44
Error404NotFoundum i think ubuntu is broken02:47
JackyAlcineThat's a good question; can you move an installation of Ubuntu from one HDD to another.03:05
JackyAlcineMaybe with dd, but you'd need to run the 'update-grub' from a LiveCD.03:05
JackyAlcineduanedeisgn: ping03:09
JackyAlcineDoes Ubuntu One sync your Gconf settings?03:11
JackyAlcineHow come we can't edit our screensaver settings?03:11
* JackyAlcine is questioning some ideas at the back of his head. :$03:12
Ambrose83`I would like to run the lexmark driver "lexmark.sh" from the terminal. This file is a driver for my printer.  What command do I use to run this file05:31
tsimpsonfirst cd to where you have the script, for example "cd ~/Desktop", then use "sh ./lexmark.sh" to run it05:32
tsimpsonyou may need to run it as root, in that case use "sudo sh ./lexmark.sh"05:32
Ambrose83`thanks for the reminder05:35
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philipballewcan anyone help with audio issues?08:26
philipballewspeakers dont work after putting in a new motherboard08:26
Error404NotFoundy headphones worked?08:29
Error404NotFounddid you not say08:29
philipballewthe headphones work, but not the speakers08:30
philipballewand the sound doesnt work on a live usb eaithr08:30
philipballewbut did with old motherboard08:30
Error404NotFoundi would have to say you didnt hook the speakers up right08:30
Error404NotFoundto the mobo08:30
philipballewbut i hear sound when im in bios08:31
DarkwingDuckOr, check alsamixer08:31
DarkwingDuckphilipballew: terminal > alsamixer08:31
Error404NotFoundlike i said earlier thats not speakers yer hearing08:31
philipballewchecked. and nothing is muted08:31
philipballewthen where else does the sound come from?08:31
Error404NotFoundthere is always a tiny lil speaker on the mobo for bios beep08:31
philipballewthats intresting. seemes odd08:32
Error404NotFoundits like that on desktop mobos too08:32
Error404NotFoundsound wouldnt have loaded when yer in bios08:33
Error404NotFoundgotta beep somehow08:33
bioterrorif headphones works08:33
bioterrorand no speark output08:33
bioterrorsounds more like a hardware filaure in system board08:33
Error404NotFoundeither that or didnt hook them up right08:34
Error404NotFoundor at all08:34
Error404NotFoundhate to say it but you get to take the thing apart again08:34
philipballewcan i get the system to beep with the mobo speaker in ubuntu just for kicks?08:35
Error404NotFoundi doubt it08:35
Error404NotFoundis it a brand new mobo?08:35
philipballewyeah. my other one went and dell had some dude put it in. i think he was nervious because i watched him the entire time08:36
Error404NotFoundthen the work should be warrantied08:37
philipballewit is. it just means i have to call someone i dont understand and tell them to come out08:38
Error404NotFoundi know how you feel08:38
philipballewi feel more comfortable doing the repairs myself sometimes08:38
Error404NotFoundthats why i gave up on letting others fix my computers08:38
bioterrordont you guys!08:38
bioterrorI might fix dell's if I'm on right mood :D08:39
philipballewusually all the time. i like the free parts. im really rough with my laptop08:39
Error404NotFoundi fix em myself08:39
Error404NotFoundget a tough book then lol08:39
Error404NotFoundor a mac08:39
philipballewnever used a mac08:40
Error404NotFoundmacs are good08:41
philipballewos or hardware08:41
Error404NotFoundwell hardware is pretty much the same now08:41
Error404NotFoundbut os is good08:41
philipballewits pretty nice08:42
philipballewthe sound from the bios is comming from the speakers08:59
Error404NotFoundyou are positive?09:00
philipballewthe beep is loudest when my ears are over both right and left speakers09:03
philipballewim curious as to what might be causing this... still unsure09:11
philipballewbecause the beep is loudest when my ears are over both right and left speakers09:12
Error404NotFoundas far as i know there should be no reason yer sound shouldnt work09:14
Error404NotFounddriver is there and working if headphones work09:14
philipballewim thinking it might be that the speakers are not senced by the driver09:15
Error404NotFoundgo to preferences again09:15
Error404NotFoundhardware tab09:15
Error404NotFoundwhats the profile tab say09:16
philipballewanalog sterro duplex09:17
Error404NotFoundhit test speakers09:17
philipballewnope. only with my headphones plugged in09:18
philipballewjust sound there09:18
Error404NotFoundchange to analog stereo output once09:18
philipballewon any option09:20
Error404NotFoundin control center run system testing09:22
Error404NotFoundclick deselect all then select audio09:23
philipballewwhat's that?09:24
Error404NotFoundwill test audio09:25
philipballewhow do i do that09:25
Error404NotFoundsystem settings09:25
philipballewis this in unity?09:26
philipballewthen what system settings?09:26
Error404NotFound\click the top right icon for power09:27
Error404NotFoundat the botom there is system settings09:27
philipballewi can boot into clasic to do this09:27
philipballewbut i have it up09:27
Error404NotFoundshould be in unity too09:27
philipballewits up09:28
Error404NotFoundi dont like unity09:28
Error404NotFoundi use classic with docky09:28
philipballewim unsure about it09:28
coalwaterJust type it in the dash, that's one useful thing about unity :-D09:28
Error404NotFounddo you see system testing?09:28
Error404NotFoundid use unity if i could change the position of the dock09:29
philipballewill lookj for it. you probably can with 11.1009:29
Error404NotFoundi thought the second number was the month09:30
philipballewthe next version to come out in october?09:30
Error404NotFoundi thought you were sayin it was out now09:30
coalwater13th was the plan if i remember correctly09:31
coalwater13th oct09:31
Error404NotFoundi like docky to much now09:31
philipballewwhat am i lookin for in system setting?09:31
Error404NotFoundsystem testing09:32
Error404NotFounddeselect everything then select audio and run the test09:32
philipballewits running09:32
Error404NotFoundwell its 3:30 am here im off to bed09:33
Error404NotFoundhope you figure it out philipballew09:33
philipballewalright ttyl!09:33
coalwaterOk since i just got on i dunno what's the problem09:34
philipballewspeakers dont play09:37
coalwaterlots of people have sound problems, did you check the trouble shooting link?09:38
philipballewyeah. but mines more complated09:38
ubot2If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.09:38
philipballewi cant figure out if its hardware or software09:39
coalwaterthere's a command in the link to tell you the name09:39
philipballewi just had a new bord put in when the speakers stopped making sound. except the bios makes system beeps from what sounds like the speakerss09:40
coalwatero you're from yesterday?09:40
philipballewyes. hello again09:41
coalwaterHi lol09:41
coalwaterstill no changes huh09:41
philipballewnone at all09:41
coalwatergive me 5 mins i'll be on a computer09:41
philipballewalright. i can wait09:42
=== coalwater_ is now known as coalwater
coalwaterok im here09:46
coalwaterlets see09:46
coalwaterdid u try this 'sudo aplay -l' ?09:49
coalwaterdid it say 'no soundcard found' ?09:54
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coalwatertry                   find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd09:56
azteki have problem when installing file run in ubuntu...11:41
aztek Syntax error: "(" unexpected11:42
aztekthat is the message in the terminal...11:43
aztekany body can help me please...11:43
Sidewinder1aztek, I can't really help with command-line installs, sorry. I try to use Synaptic Package Mgr. when ever I can; it's easier.11:46
=== duanedeisgn is now known as duanedesign
coalwateraztek, what are u trying to install ? is it something you downloaded? and what's the command u run11:53
aztekam trying to install Qt..11:54
aztekthe command sudo sh file.run11:54
coalwaterdont we have already have qt ? and yea i think ull find loads of qt libs in the synaptic package manager11:56
azteki just use limited connection by using modem...11:57
aztekand it is not complete if install it in synaptic package manager..11:58
Sidewinder1aztek, Although Synaptic handles all dependencies very well, it there's additional, add-on packages you need to tell Synaptic to install them as well.12:00
aztekthe main problem is the limited connection if i install it online by using synaptic..12:04
bioterrorhi fox12:44
s-foxHello bioterror12:44
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coalwaterhow can i move my open pgp and ssh keys to another computer14:03
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azteki have problem in the out put of the printing in HP printer...16:42
aztekthere is a shadow in every letter..16:43
Error404NotFoundknow why gparted will not show video when i start it up?16:56
Error404NotFoundanyone even16:56
Error404NotFoundi hate this keyboard16:57
=== kingkong|brb is now known as kingkong
holsteinError404NotFound: pong17:59
Error404NotFoundi love pong18:00
Error404NotFoundi tried to repartition to install ubuntu on good hdd and gparted dont work18:01
holsteinError404NotFound: OH, i saw your question before18:01
holsteinyou can just move linux from machine to machine *usually18:01
Error404NotFoundsame computer but my new hdd18:01
holsteinyou could clone your installation a couple different ways to a new hard drive18:02
Error404NotFoundbut i want to keep windows so i want to make a new partition18:02
holsteinyou could use dd18:02
holsteinyou could use clonezilla18:02
Error404NotFoundcant just drag and drop file system?18:02
holsteinthat wont get everything18:02
holsteinthere are tools to clone in http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/18:03
Error404NotFoundi have ultimate boot cd18:03
Error404NotFoundright now i just want to know why gparted wont load18:04
holsteinthe other option is to backup your home directory, and reinstall18:06
s7nfare there any fps for ubuntu? (I'm talking about games)19:09
Error404NotFoundprolly none worth playing19:09
Error404NotFoundlook here http://icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php19:11
Error404NotFoundfilter by fps19:11
coalwaterError404NotFound, nice link19:12
Error404NotFoundooh unreal tourny is on here19:13
Error404NotFoundbeen awhile since i played that19:13
raubvogelWhen I login to a ubuntu 10.04LTS box here, it reports 95 packages need to be updated, but when I try to upgrade them, I am told there is nothing to be upgraded.21:04
charlie-tcaraubvogel: what command are you using to upgrade?21:15
raubvogelI tried aptitude and apt-get21:15
bioterrorsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:15
bioterrordoes that work?21:15
* charlie-tca too slow here too?21:16
charlie-tcaraubvogel: if you use aptitude safe-upgrade and apt-get upgrade, it will not update fully21:16
raubvogelapt-get dist-upgrade is not working21:17
raubvogelThat is what I would do when I see kernel stuff21:17
bioterrorraubvogel, what does it say?21:17
raubvogelEven if that was not the case, of 95 packages needing to be upgraded, or so it claims, I would expect at least one being handled by apt-get upgrade21:18
raubvogelbioterror, "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."21:20
Error404NotFoundcant you just use update manager?21:20
raubvogelThat would be after I do apt-get update; apt-get -y dist-upgrade21:20
raubvogelError404NotFound, 1) No X. 2) Shouldn't the command line programs suffice? After all update manager should be calling them21:21
geirharaubvogel: what does this output?  /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check --human-readable021:21
geirhaoops, without the 0 at the end21:21
raubvogelgeirha, http://pastebin.com/F3ydA8uP21:22
geirharaubvogel: Then there isn't any packages that need updating. It's the message you get when you log in that hasn't gotten updated for some reason.21:23
raubvogelgeirha, what would have caused it and how to solve that?21:24
geirharaubvogel: I'm not entirely sure. It's a pam module (pam_motd) that controls it. How pam works, I'm not sure21:24
geirhaBut it's supposed to run all the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d before you log in afaik.21:24
geirhaDo you have a line with pam_motd in /etc/pam.d/login ?21:27
raubvogelgeirha, session    optional   pam_motd.so21:35
geirhahm. same as here21:35

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