
vishyofel_: i'm not the only admin of that mentors team ;)06:16
vishwhen Sense left, he just made me owner of that team, i dont know why and he dint ask me either :s06:19
vishyofel_: hggdh, bdmurray , duanedeisgn and all the mentors(BC) are admins.. but I'm pretty sure the mentors dont know that :p06:23
vishyofel_: will mentioned it during next meeting … thanks :)06:24
yofel_ah, good to know, thanks :)06:27
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dzuphello, is this bug with a solution ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/71683507:15
ubot4Launchpad bug 716835 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Live streaming video doesn't play any longer...Justin Tv (affects: 1) (heat: 35)" [Undecided,New]07:15
dzupor at least confirm me if Mozilla Firefox 3.6.17 plays www.justin.tv fine? opera works but chrome/firefox doent07:17
braiammm.. i get es.justin.tv...07:22
brendandi think this bug should be 'medium' : https://bugs.launchpad.net/compiz/+bug/78650511:40
ubot4Launchpad bug 786505 in compiz (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Window management - Super + W does not zoom out on all windows in all workspaces - minimized windows are ignored (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:40
persiabrendand: Why?11:40
brendandpersia - the effect is not very extreme11:41
brendandpersia - possibly even low11:41
ubot4You can learn about setting bug importance at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance11:41
persiaHave you read that guide?11:42
brendandpersia - yep11:42
persiaHeh, OK.  Usually when I ask why someone gives me a longer reason after reading the guide :)  No worries.11:43
brendandpersia - well, more elaborate would be : A usability issue that does not limit the functionality of a core application.11:43
persiaIf someone else asks, it's handy to quote the page (like "A usability issue that does not limit the functionality of a core application." ijn this case)11:44
persiaSetting it now.11:44
brendandpersia - thanks!11:44
brendandpersia - and i'm thinking it qualifies as triaged now (from what i've read)11:44
persiaThanks for helping get the bug database in shape.11:44
persiaI'm tempted to leave it "Confirmed" until someone can figure out *why* it is missing minimized windows.  As is, it needs more investigation before anyone can start writing code for the better of the two solutions.11:46
brendandpersia - good point11:47
persiaThen if you agree, I'll close the bug.  If you disagree with someone performing actions for you, feel free to explain why: most of the time a good explanation from someone who has been investigating an issue will override the instincts of a long-time triager.11:48
brendandpersia - possibly it's related to the fact that minimized windows don't show a preview in the task switcher, just an icon11:48
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persiaIndeed, those may have the same cause (although I don't know enough details to know about it).11:48
hggdhpersia: good morning/afternoon/evening/morning again (I have no idea where you are now ;-)13:39
* persia is happily floating in a private timezone13:40
persiaAnd a happy diurnal period to you as well13:40
hggdhpersia: I have been wondering on usability/accessability being bundled together... the more I see it the less I like it13:41
* hggdh would rather be a nocturnal animal, but noblesse oblige and all that13:42
persia"night" is a diurnal period :)13:42
persiaCould you give me an example?13:43
hggdhpersia: darn, I lost it :-(13:45
* hggdh grabs a hot, just-brewed coffee (Brazilian, BTW) and really tries to wake up13:46
persiahggdh, Could you paraphrase an example?  Doesn't have to be a real one.13:47
hggdhpersia: this was out of an email exchange on bugsquad, where accessibility was mixed together with usability13:48
hggdhbut... until the cobwebs leave my brain alone...13:49
persiaCatch me later then :)13:49
hggdhwill do ;-)13:50
hggdhcatching up with you is easy ;-)13:50
brendandi'm thinking this bug is 'medium' since it has a small impact on users, but in an essential hardware component14:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 786897 in linux (Ubuntu) "Can not adjust CPU frequency (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete]14:33
brendandand i think all the info is there, so i'll set it to Triaged14:33
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c0nsawHey peeps, looking for a bug triage mentor ! have applied via the normal channels, but it says I may have better luck on this channel :) ...who do I contact :)16:29
charlie-tcaYou are in the right place.16:30
hggdhc0nsaw: just ask if you have a doubt -- better pointed questions than completely open-ended16:31
charlie-tcac0nsaw: have you read the triaging guides?16:32
c0nsawI have, so will I just tear into it myself !16:32
charlie-tcaPlease do, if you can. As any questions here, and one of us will try to answer it for you.16:33
c0nsawawesome, thanks !16:35
hggdhc0nsaw: you do not really need a mentor, with us here. Any, and all, of us can help you -- you will be mentored by the team ;-)16:39
brendandi'm thinking this bug is 'medium'16:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 786897 in linux (Ubuntu) "Can not adjust CPU frequency (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:42
brendandit has a small impact on users, but in an essential hardware component16:42
hggdhbrendand: agreed16:44
charlie-tcabrendand: should be tagged regression-release too, since the reporter "At Ubuntu 10.04.1 x64 I can choose the CPU frequency."16:45
brendandcharlie-tca - i can do that, but atm someone will need to set it to medium for me16:45
charlie-tcaWe will do that16:45
charlie-tcahggdh: you got that one?16:46
hggdhcharlie-tca: I did16:46
hggdhbrendand: all done16:46
c0nsawcheers hggdh, Im looking forward to finally be able to contribute something !16:46
hggdhc0nsaw: and we are looking forward to your help! :-)16:47
c0nsawthis is why I love ubuntu :) such a cool community :)16:48
hggdhwe do try... BTW this was the reason I started with Ubuntu -- friendliest community I found, with nice responses (even to rather dumb questions)16:50
tuosEven idlers smile. =)16:50
c0nsawha !16:51
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micahghggdh: +1 :)17:23
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macobdmurray: bugstats page is apparently broken. the .data file shows "None" in all the non-datestamp columns20:16
brendandlow importance bug in compiz - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/78709720:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 787097 in compiz (Ubuntu) "workspace difficult to identify when using desktop wall on black wallpaper (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:32
brendandminor usability issue in core application20:32
c0nsawHi guys, Im #theNewGuy, started triaging today, if I feel a reported bug is a duplicate, do I just hit the mark as duplicate link, what happens then, just wondering before I hit it !!20:52
micahgc0nsaw: it's marked as a duplicate, there's some text you should add to the bug before marking it as a duplicate, have you seen the canned responses page?20:54
c0nsawhi, no, can you link me please20:56
micahg!responses | c0nsaw20:56
ubot4c0nsaw: response is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses20:57
c0nsawcheers !20:57
JFoc0nsaw, before you do that, what package is the bug for?21:05
JFosome packages have different duplication requirements21:05
JFoI'm thinking selfishly of course21:06
* charlie-tca thinks selfish is good sometimes21:07
c0nsawnothing in particular, my question was hypothetical, I'm just trying to get a feel for it :-)21:09
JFoah, I see21:09
JFowell, something to keep in mind :)21:10
c0nsawgreat to have you guys here anyway to show me the ropes :)21:10
c0nsawya for sure, thanks21:10
hggdhc0nsaw: ìt all actually depends on what is affected by the bug. Usually for kernel and X we do *not* duplicate -- unless we are very, very sure it is the exact same hardware21:25
hggdhso, rule of thumb: if it is touching the hardware, be careful. If it is purely software, probably kosher to dup21:26
hggdhand, of course, in doubt, just ask -- like 'Is bug xyz a dup of bug zyx?'21:27
hggdhand we will be happy to look at them and provide you with our insights (caveat emptor, my insights are usually worthless ;-)21:27
bdmurrayc0nsaw: bug 787146 should have been marked as incomplete21:32
ubot4Launchpad bug 787146 in upstart (Ubuntu) "crashed (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78714621:32
c0nsawwill do !! i have a "bug" here, but its more of a feature request, and I have replied with pre-written response i feel is appropriate, whats the best way to close this..?21:33
charlie-tcac0nsaw: If you are referring them to brainstorm, invalid21:34
c0nsawbdmurray, cheers, have done that now !! sorry for being n00b, its my first day :)21:35
c0nsawthanks charlie ! will do21:36
charlie-tcac0nsaw: Thanks for helping with bugs.21:37
* charlie-tca thinks the second day is the hardest21:37
c0nsawit'll be a learning curve, but Im delighted to help out !21:37
charlie-tcaWe are always glad to have more help21:38
c0nsawi have 4 moths till i go back to college, so i plan to do lots of work for ubuntu :)21:38
hggdhand we plan to be happy for your help ;-)21:49
c0nsawI'll be stealing all the easy bugs for a while lol !!21:52
charlie-tcaWhew! it is good to have someone grabbing those21:52
c0nsawhaha !!21:52
c0nsawmy pleasure..21:53
micahgc0nsaw: with almost 100k  open bugs, there are plenty to choose from21:53
* charlie-tca thinks that makes his measly 1000 or so bugs a cycle look small21:53
bdmurrayRedSingularity: those merge list / no Package: header bugs are likely duplicates of bug 34638622:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 346386 in apt (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Update fails with invalid package files with "Encountered a section with no Package: header" (affects: 25) (dups: 23) (heat: 238)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34638622:02
persiahggdh, Did you ever manage to wake up today?22:08
hggdhpersia: amazingly enough, not really...22:08
hggdhbut still trying coffee as the medicine from the gods22:09
persiaSo, in terms of usability/accessibility, do you mean "accessibility" in terms of support folk with different input/output needs, or "accessibility" in terms of making a solution comprehensible to some theoretical user?22:10
jibelbdmurray, I did a quick stat last week about these "merge list" bugs and it seems that it increased significantly recently http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/Selection_062.png , do you think of a change in apt that would explain it ?22:11
bdmurrayjibel: not that I know of - maybe more people release upgrading and apport working during the release upgrade?22:15
bdmurrayjibel: oh but those aren't auto reported...22:16
jibelbdmurray, idk, just wondering. The content of the broken file is usually some html error page returned by a router/proxy.22:19
hggdhpersia: accessability as support for different I/O needs22:22
persiaAh, then yeah, I don't think it makes sense to conflate usability with accessibility.  Mind you, I feel strongly that good usability has to be usable regardless of I/O mechanism, but I think that deciding how to conceive of a represetnation, or how to provide an expreience that doesn't require asking the user questions is independent of ensuring that everything supports a wide variety of I/O devices.22:25
persiaAnd I further believe that the skills required to consider multiple I/O models are completely different from the skills required to ensure the conceptual model of the system is unsurprising.22:26
RedSingularitybdmurray: ah very good.  Will mark them dupes from now on.  Thanks :)22:30
bdmurrayRedSingularity: Thank you, marking dupes will help tracking the importance of fixing that apt bug.22:37
bdmurraywell not importance bug impact122:37
bdmurrayhggdh: I've modified https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl based off what was discussed at UDS.  If you could take a look that'd help22:42
bdmurrayor anybody even ;-)22:42
RedSingularitybdmurray: why was that used as the master though?  It seems rather old now that I am looking through... :/22:42
hggdhbdmurray: looking22:42
bdmurrayRedSingularity: What does age have to do with it?  Do you have something against old things? ;-)22:42
* charlie-tca represents a lot of old ... :-)22:45
* hggdh is on the same boat as charlie-tca22:46
hggdhbdmurray: I think it is exactly what was agreed on UDS22:46
hggdh(the wiki change)22:46
RedSingularitybdmurray: lol22:47
RedSingularityyeah, no matter i guess22:47
charlie-tcabdmurray: looks good to me too22:48
charlie-tcaRedSingularity: point being the age of the bug doesn't matter, as long it is present in the current releases22:48
RedSingularitybdmurray: well thanks for bringing that up.  I have been closing those instead of marking dupes.22:49
charlie-tcaWe usually try to make the oldest duplicate the master, if it has enough information for the developers22:49
bdmurrayRedSingularity: if you happen to know which ones they are its still possible to mark them as dupes22:49
RedSingularitybdmurray: yes, doing that now.  Have them in my emails.22:50
RedSingularitybdmurray: that bugsquad signature will be added automatically to the end of our posts or will we have to do it manually?22:56
RedSingularityif everyone votes on it i mean...22:57
bdmurrayRedSingularity: if you use the greasemonkey script it'll be added to any comments you make at the bottom of a bug page22:58
RedSingularitybdmurray: yeah sorry.  Just got your email.  Ummm do i have to use the 'built in' responses?22:59
bdmurrayRedSingularity: let me take a screenshot23:00
bdmurrayRedSingularity: it just prefills the "Add comment" box on a bug page with the signature.  So you can type whatever you want before that.23:03
RedSingularitybdmurray: oh i see.  Ok great.  Nice to see that implemented!23:04

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