
BluesKajhowdy folks13:15
=== bregma is now known as bregma|holiday
=== johanbr_ is now known as johanbr
dscassel_ Morning, BluesKaj, pillow :)14:26
BluesKajhey dscassel_14:26
=== dscassel_ is now known as dscassel
dscasselBTW, if you're not on the mailing list, I'm attempting to bribe people to run Ubuntu Hours. :D https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-ca/2011-May/008785.html14:32
dscasselNo takers yet.14:32
BluesKajtoo far away from me14:39
dscasselNo no, see... You host it wherever you are.14:39
dscasselI suppose if you're miles away from everything, it can get a bit tricky.14:39
dscasselI could be convinced to send indidual CDs to people who send me CD-sized SASEs...14:41
bregma|holidayI think the other guy around here with a computer runs Wdinows exclusively14:41
BluesKajI don14:42
dscasselHeh. :)14:42
BluesKajI don't have my laptop atm , daughter has it till she gets a new apartment , then we'll ship her imac, otherwisw not much portability here :(14:44
dscasselLaptop is optional, although I cling to mine like a safetly blanket. And it's handy for demoing things if people ask. :)14:45
staticsafegood morning folks :)14:47
BluesKajhi staticsafe14:47
* staticsafe is installing the latest 0AD alpha14:48
dscasselOoh, can it do multi-player yet?14:48
staticsafedscassel: not yet unfortunately14:49
dscasselWe need a decent RTS for our LAN parties. :D14:49
staticsafedscassel: rather old school but - http://openra.res0l.net/14:50
dscasselCool, thanks. :)14:54
dscasselWe've been sticking to what's in the repos. Which isn't much...14:55
dscassel(RTS_wise, anyway)14:56
* staticsafe is waiting for the game to finish compiling :)14:57
staticsafedscassel: nvm it does have multiplayer :)15:39
staticsafebut it's still alpha so I wouldn't suggest it15:39
dscasselstaticsafe: Still awesome. I'll have to give it a try...15:40

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