
IdleOnepaultag: ping00:04
macomhall119: wooo it works!02:14
macomhall119: i'm not sure that hardcoding is actually doing anything to it though. it might be auto-sizing, because .set_size_request() doesn't appear in the gtk docs for scrolledwindow02:17
macooh nvm. inherited02:19
macomhall119: looks like that's for minimum size, so i guess you'd want to set it a size that'd fit on your netbook's itty bitty resolution, so then it can be bigger if it needs02:20
macomhall119: thanks for figuring that out02:21
Pendulummaco: I miss you :(02:27
Pendulumbut I am in a ridiculously large hotel room02:28
macoi just found a twitter account called @hipsterhacker and OMG that is so totally one of my exes02:28
macogo read it!02:28
mhall119maco: awesome, I'll get it picking a reasonable min size depending on screen res, then propose it for merging02:30
paultagIdleOne: pong :) -- Got your PM, all set :)03:50
nigelbmaco: lol, that is a funny account05:24
nigelbAlanBell: Quality overdrive. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I hope I don't end up disappointed.06:35
AlanBellI actually don't doubt they can do the quality, it is the "no more rubbish" that will be harder06:37
AlanBellhttp://twitter.com/#!/humphreybc/status/72534000379506688 for those who lack context06:37
nigelbAlanBell: heh06:44
duanedeisgnmorning all06:53
* vish *facepalm* : https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-users06:56
vish"… run Gnome 3 in Ubuntu, even though it is not officially supported."06:56
vishjcastro: ^06:56
AlanBellwell it isn't07:04
AlanBellthey might mean gnome-shell though07:04
AlanBellpopular team though, they have 2 active members already07:05
vishyea, they might be thinking about Shell..  but Shell/Unity are just out Panels-with-bling ;p07:19
dpmmorning all08:20
nigelbhey dpm, ara :)08:52
dpmhey nigelb :)08:53
dholbachgood morning08:54
nigelbGood Morning dholbach08:54
dpmmorgen dholbach08:54
dholbachhi nigelb, hey dpm08:56
kim0Morning fellows08:56
kim0dholbach: dpm nigelb  o/08:56
dholbachhey kim008:57
dpmmorning kim008:57
kim0Happy new week :)08:57
dpmhey czajkowski09:15
czajkowskidpm: elo09:15
kim0czajkowski: hey o/09:16
czajkowskihows folks ?09:17
nigelbhello czajkowski :)09:19
nigelbMy body chose to fall sick over the weekend, but thankfully not ubuflu, just got it from my colleague. :/09:19
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=== duanedeisgn is now known as duanedesign
nigelbGood morning mhall119 :)12:55
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb broke it again13:37
nigelbmeh, YOU are broken. I need to file an MP for that :P13:38
cjohnstongo ahead.. make sure in that MP you teach me django python and css13:38
czajkowskiI'm breaking and finding errors all morning long13:41
czajkowskiso annoying13:41
mhall119cjohnston: again?13:49
cjohnstonI know, right.. he keeps breaking stuff13:50
mhall119czajkowski: you broken again?13:50
czajkowskimhall119: no I'm finding bugs on other peoples sites13:50
mhall119oh, that's okay then13:51
cjohnstonno LD or summit bugs13:52
nigelb oh boy, joey is back in action :D15:53
cjohnstonjcastro is starting in on it too nigelb and mhall11916:11
nigelbI noteiced16:11
mhall119starting in on what?16:11
cjohnstonjcastro /j #ubuntu-website16:11
cjohnstonmhall119: summit spam16:11
nigelbjcastro: what does bug 647131 mean?16:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 647131 in summit "Don't depend on a room being declared "plenary"" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64713116:12
mhall119I'm still not checking my LP bug emails16:12
mhall119nigelb: if you don't have a plenary room defined for a summit, the whole thing blows up16:12
mhall119some code in render.py assumes that there will be at least one16:12
nigelbmhall119: but that's because you've defined a slot called plenary.16:12
nigelb(or, isn't it?)16:12
mhall119nigelb: i think even without that16:12
nigelbI'll look into this.  I need to dive into render.py anyway.16:13
cjohnstonits like nigelb testing in production... it goes kaboom16:13
nigelbI have my own test instance now.16:13
nigelbAlthough its not public.16:13
mhall119cjohnston: no, that's like jcastro making minor changes to display fields in production16:13
nigelbDaviey and I make sure summit doesn't break when we test.16:13
mhall119you know you loveme16:13
nigelbwhat was it that jorge did that broke it for us? Change room title?16:14
jcastroI changed the LABEL!16:14
cjohnstonya know, for someone who is filing summit bugs, i dont think he should be being mean to the summit devs :-P16:14
jcastronot the title!16:14
mhall119title == label16:14
ubot2Factoid 'fail' not found16:14
cjohnstonsee, even ubot2 !fail's16:14
mhall119someone really should define a factoid for that16:15
jcastroconsidering we went from "never working" to what we had last UDS I won't complain16:15
jcastroI used to just whine that we should switch to sched.org16:15
cjohnstonjussi: ^16:15
jcastrobut no longer16:15
nigelbjcastro: yes, hot fixing it was fun.16:15
jcastrocjohnston made me a believer!16:15
nigelbhehe :D16:15
nigelbThe summit session at UDS was /very/ productive.16:15
cjohnstontoo productive16:15
nigelbyeah.  None of the action items are assigned.16:16
mhall119HoF session was my favorite, cause i didn't get any action items16:16
cjohnstonjcastro, tell joey that he needs me in person in August16:16
cjohnstonmhall119: I did :-(16:16
* nigelb escaped too.16:16
jcastrocjohnston: is there a linaro summit or something?16:16
cjohnstonI got the easy one tho.. tell me when your done and ill make it happen16:16
nigelbcjohnston: lol, no. I'm better. File bugs during the day, I'll fix it in my day time :P16:16
cjohnstonjcastro, yes16:16
mhall119cjohnston: you and nigelb should just form an LLC consulting company that Linaro can contract out to16:17
joeythere's a change jcastro that linaro may want to use summit at the Linaro Rally in August (we're not going to Dublin)16:17
cjohnstonSummit, LLC16:17
nigelbcjohnston: Lets do it? ;)16:17
nigelbcjohnston: I have some work for you if you're interested in joining me :p16:17
dakerand cjohnston is FW some of his actions to me ツ16:17
mhall119nigelb: you're doing it wrong, cjohnston is supposed to outsource to India, not you to the US16:18
cjohnstondaker: I am not.. I asked your assistance16:18
cjohnstonmhall119: +116:18
nigelbmhall119: I'm breaking the sterotype :P16:18
mhall119nigelb: then you do it cheaper than him, and he gets layed off16:18
mhall119laid off16:18
dakercjohnston, hhh16:18
mhall119my english major wife would slap me if she saw that16:18
nigelbI could tell her to look at that :P16:19
mhall119she's out this morning, so I'm safe16:19
cjohnstondaker: you will not find ANY action items on what I asked your help on.. only the fact the nigelb broke it16:19
nigelbmhall119:  she just popped in on IRC16:19
mhall119damn you Android!16:19
cjohnstonmhall119: you forget I have her #.. I will copy paste + txt to her16:19
mhall119cjohnston: I'll deny it, everbody knows you lie16:19
cjohnstonWait.. does she have a real phone and you don't mhall119 ?16:20
nigelbmhall119: we'll copy irclogs.ubuntu.com :P16:20
mhall119cjohnston: I told you, I'm buying one...16:20
nigelbReal phones make calls and send messages. Anything else is not a phone.16:20
mhall119nigelb: dang, forgot about the lods16:20
nigelbcjohnston, mhall119 ^^16:20
nigelbmhall119: hah.16:20
mhall119that's it, I'm going back to bed until Tuesday16:21
cjohnstonJFo seems to be quite enjoying our conversation16:21
nigelbIf I clean up render.py, I think I can get any developer job.16:21
nigelbJFo: :)16:21
cjohnstonExcept you will insource it to me16:21
nigelbcjohnston: Right now, I'm doing some contract work for a guy in Switzerland who is backed by investers in the UK.16:22
mhall119nigelb: no, once you've been tainted by render.py, everbody will be afraid you've picked up bad habits16:22
nigelbmhall119: well, after working with Daviey at UDS, everyone knows I've been tainted :P16:23
mhall119that's true16:23
nigelbbut for the record, we did *NOT* break summit.  Unlike jcastro :P16:23
cjohnstonDaviey doesn't even seem to be here to defend himself16:23
cjohnstonnigelb, you pushed code into production that didnt work!16:24
mhall119he did?16:24
cjohnstonwith the help of Daviey16:24
nigelbcjohnston: It was reviewed and merged.16:24
cjohnstonyou still wrote it16:25
nigelbIt went *through* the process, not outside of it.16:25
mhall119so it's the reviewer's fault16:25
mhall119who did the review? check launchpad!16:25
nigelbAnyway, time to finish off that LP patch.16:25
cjohnstonmust be Daviey16:25
cjohnstonnow he is trying to break LP, which will break EVERYTHING else... he is just going for the mothership of all sites!16:26
cjohnstonOne line of code and break everything in existance16:26
nigelbcjohnston: coming from the guy who submitted 6 LP patches.16:26
cjohnstonI didn't break ANYTHING16:26
cjohnstonand IIRC it was 716:26
nigelbYou are twice more likely to break something on LP.16:26
cjohnstonmine are all beautiful pieces of code16:27
cjohnstonyour trying to change functionality16:27
nigelbcjohnston: I'm *fixing* broken functionality.16:27
cjohnstonit works, how's that broken16:27
nigelbIts a broken implementation. Blueprints havent had any love since 2006 or something.16:28
cjohnstonthey have had love in the last 6 months16:28
mhall119I'm pretty sure it was never loved, just tolerated16:28
nigelbmhall119: Exactly.16:28
nigelbcjohnston: Now stop talking and go fix summit :D16:28
cjohnstonI'm waiting on you to send me my check16:29
nigelbcjohnston: for?16:29
cjohnston11.15.44 < nigelb> cjohnston: I have some work for you if you're interested in joining me :p16:30
nigelbcjohnston: No work, no cheque.16:30
cjohnstonI require 50% up front16:30
mhall119also they'll hold you pay for like 60 days over there16:30
mhall11950% of $0.00?16:31
cjohnstonshaddup mhall11916:31
JFoyeah, I laughed that loud16:35
mhall119at least we've given JFo an entertaining Monday16:36
JFoyeah, I needed it :-/16:36
mhall119fun times in kernel land?16:38
JFodepends on your definition... and if you are a Sadist. ;)16:38
jcastrojono: can you accept my U1 plan so it shows up on the burndown?16:41
jonojcastro, lets discuss it in our call later16:42
jonoI am a bit busy right now16:42
JFobusy bacon16:44
jonoJFo, seriously, life should slow down after UDS, not pick up16:45
JFojono, I agree my friend :-/16:45
JFomine has taken a turn for the worse16:45
JFowell, that isn't entirely true16:45
JFojust well past busy these days16:45
JFoso likely won't be as jocund in here as I have been16:46
cjohnstonI think I'm almost to the point where mine will slow down16:46
JFomine us just getting started16:46
TechnovikingLoving smuxi irc client/server setup. It is like the best of irssi and xchat.16:47
* cjohnston goes to google16:47
nigelbjono: +1. Mine's picked up in a crazy crazy way.16:54
nigelbso much to do, so little time:(16:55
dholbachalright my friends - I call it a day17:06
dholbachhave a great rest of yours and see you tomorrow17:06
* dholbach hugs you all17:06
* czajkowski hugs Technoviking 17:08
* dholbach hugs Technoviking too17:09
* nigelb hugs Technoviking too :)17:12
* JFo wonders why everyone is hugging Technoviking 17:14
nigelbjono: http://www.flickr.com/photos/38687067@N05/5739833562/in/photostream17:19
nigelbJFo: ^^ you might like it too :p17:19
jononigelb, LOL!17:20
nigelbjono: and one more http://www.flickr.com/photos/38687067@N05/5739833718/in/photostream17:20
nigelbso that's what people at Canonical think about :P17:20
TechnovikingJFo: me too:)17:21
JFoTechnoviking, :)17:23
JFonigelb, where did that come from?17:25
nigelbJFo: Canonical summit pre-UDS.17:25
nigelbJFo: I believe those were the ID cards ;)17:25
JFoaviator glasses eh?17:25
* JFo is thinking of something17:25
JFojono, we need to take some publicity photos of you when I get out to Cali. :-)17:27
* JFo will bring the aviator glasses :)17:27
nigelbJFo: I hope you publish it appropriately.17:28
JFoand I'll see if I can round up a bear skin rug17:28
JFonigelb, :)17:28
jonoJFo, lol17:28
* Daviey reads scrollback17:35
* Daviey hmmpfs17:35
jcastroDaviey: for the record I did not ridicule you at all!17:35
ubot2FATAL Error: Operation succeeded17:36
jussijcastro: nigelb^^^17:36
cjohnstonjussi: thats too hard17:36
cjohnstonhey Daviey !17:36
nigelbjussi: aha, thanks.17:37
nigelbDaviey: I'm on your side! :D17:37
Davieyjcastro, True :)17:38
Davieyecho nigelb >> ~/the.list17:38
JFoDaviey, I thought he was already there17:58
JForight below my name :-)17:58
czajkowskiawwww I'm so loving barack O'Bama right now17:58
czajkowskihe's addressed the nation in irish :D17:58
DavieyJFo, Oh, you are mentioned more than once on THE LIST.17:59
JFoDaviey, :-)17:59
Davieyczajkowski, That wasn't for the Irish peoples benefit.17:59
JFoI wouldn't have it any other way17:59
DavieyThat was for the people from the US, that 10 generations earlier had a tiny amount of Irish blood and therefore think they are entirely irish.  Worth 30 million votes IIRC.17:59
czajkowskiyou cna listen in18:00
czajkowskihe's giving a great speech18:00
macoDaviey: the famine wasn't 10 generations back18:01
macoDaviey: and also, mixing wasn't acceptable in the US until the last century. my grandmother's ancestry is all irish, and it was completely unacceptable that she married an italian 50 years ago18:03
Davieymaco, my point still stands18:03
DavieyThis speech is for Irish Americans, not Irish Irish18:03
czajkowskiDaviey: shrup and stop ruining my moment here18:05
czajkowskiI'm liking him18:05
macoi dont know about the speech, im just disputing "tiny" because non-irish-with-irish marriage was pretty unacceptable until my parents' generation18:06
Davieymaco, I agree i exaggerated.18:06
cjohnstonhes trying to get reelection points18:08
czajkowskiare ye watching it ?18:09
Davieyczajkowski, When our country was in deep despair, we needed supplies, so the Irish sent us millions of shamrocks.18:09
czajkowskiobama is a great speaker18:10
JFoczajkowski, I did like when he said "So you could say there's always been some Green in with the Red White and Blue." :)18:10
cjohnstonczajkowski: obama may be a great reader.. take away his prompters and he is lost18:11
macocjohnston: that just means he doesn't do impromptu18:11
macodoesn't change that he's *speaking*18:11
JFoDaviey, I'm Irish-American, though diluted a bit. and I still don't care much for him.18:11
czajkowskiJFo: me too :D18:11
Davieyi agree maco... being a good orator is more important than writing the speech.18:11
DavieyJFo, You just haven't listened enough to this speech18:12
JFoDaviey, naturally18:12
macoDaviey: its possible he wrote the speech too, its just hard to pull it from your head on the fly without pre-planning, notes, etc18:12
DavieyTurn it up, remember your irish roots, and vote Obama.18:12
JFoDaviey, not likely18:12
macoRiddell once asked me why americans associate bagpipes with death18:13
* Daviey wonders if you'd feel ripped off getting a really good seat, front row - then finding that he is facing the other direction.18:13
JFoI'd vote for Terry Bradshaw before re-electing Obama18:13
DavieyThose people behind him must be really annoyed.18:13
JFoI love how half of them are hving to be woken up to clap ;)18:13
czajkowskithey couldnt do this last week with the Queen18:13
macoapparently the answer is because the only jobs available to the irish 100 years ago were firefighter and police, so they died a lot and bagpipes became common at firefighter/police funerals what with them being mostly irish immigrants, so now the bagpipes are used at *all* firefighter/police funerals18:13
JFomaco, do you know why bagpipers march?18:14
JFoto get away from that awful noise ;)18:14
macooh i love pipers!18:14
nigelbJFo: lol18:14
JFome too, and I loooove jokes about them18:14
czajkowskiheh they just cancelled the Angelus for this speach18:14
* JanC wonders why people think only Ireland & Scotland have bagpipes ;)18:15
JFoJanC, because no one ever cares to fact-find anything anymore :-/18:16
JFoit is sad really18:16
macosame reason people think flutes are all horizontal?18:17
* JFo always wanted to learn the bagpipes... my neighbors however... 18:18
czajkowskiJFo: dont you live in the stix18:19
JFono, I live in the township area.18:19
JFoPete lives in the stix18:19
JFoand I am certain that he doesn't want me to learn is his yard either ;)18:19
JanCnot all bagpipes are "great warpipes" or the like  ;-)18:19
JFoJanC, I know. The set I had was smallpipes18:20
nigelbJFo: jono's new house! :p18:20
JFojust never could find a good practice place18:20
JFonigelb, heh18:20
nigelbneighbours probably listen to his drums anyway :p18:20
JFonah, they are here at my house until he has a place for them :-)18:20
JFoor do you mean jono's?18:21
DavieyObama has made me so proud to be 26% Irish.18:22
DavieyHmm.. He hasn't yet held a baby?  He is missing a trick there.18:23
czajkowskiDaviey: he held 2 today18:24
czajkowskiin moneygal18:24
Davieyoh, ok18:24
czajkowskioh dear gods18:28
czajkowskiher voice18:28
* JFo kicks remote host in the naughty bits18:41
nigelbabucjohnston, maco, JFo: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/05/23/vacation.in.america/index.html18:42
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nigelbabuJFo: wait, you technically work for a British company ;)18:45
JFonigelbabu, true, but I work for the US version of it18:46
JFoso the technicality doesn't go very far18:46
JFoI actually work for Canonical USA18:46
maconigelbabu: a DD asked whether id be at debconf and i told him we don't get as much holiday time as europeans. he said he's french so more vacation than most of europe to start, plus works for the french government so even more than that, so he wont tell me how much time that is to avoid making me jealous :P18:57
nigelbabumaco: haha, according to that article, it should be aleast 8 weeks ;)18:58
mhall119maco: might be easier to ask how many days a year he has to work19:00
maconigelbabu: that article said 4 is the EU requirement19:00
nigelbabumhall119: lol19:00
macoi get 3 weeks for a combination of vacation and illness19:01
nigelbabuI'm on the planet19:03
nigelbabuon the launchpad blog19:03
czajkowskiI now want a queen cake19:04
czajkowskiwith icing19:04
cjohnstonme too19:04
* nigelbabu ^5 cjohnston :)19:05
doctormocjohnston: Hey, you needed my help?19:41
cjohnston hey there.. was wondering if you could give me a little assistance on a couple of images19:41
doctormocjohnston: Yes,19:41
doctormocjohnston: No PM received yet.19:43
JFojcastro, just saw the call for help template... me likey20:07
jcastroI know right20:07
jcastrowe should have that for more projects20:07
nigelbJFo: help template?20:08
JFonigelb, or response rather in bugsquad iirc20:10
nigelbJFo: Ah! Good idea.20:10
JFoyeah unde Unity/Filing bugs :)20:10
jcastrocjohnston: if someone wanted the CSS and stuff for the ubuntu familiy of websites they would get them .... ?20:29
jcastrothe design blog seems to have all the logos and stuff20:29
jcastrothank you!20:30
cjohnstonwhat he siad..20:30
cjohnstonjcastro: the css on there is a little out dated tho20:30
cjohnstonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-website-community/ubuntu-website/light-django-theme has better css20:30
AlanBellthere are other variants of that for stuff like django/wordpress etc20:31
mhall119jcastro: there's the community-maintained css and html, and then there's also some canonical-maintained css/html20:31
doctormoIt's a very useful branch, we should keep a few of our other brandings branched like that.20:42
jcastromhall119: a loco would use the community branch right?20:44
mhall119jcastro: yes20:52
jcastroJFo: do you have a "hide comment" option at the bottom of bug report comments?20:54
czajkowskijono: you about ?20:55
JFojcastro, I hope I do... lemme check20:55
JFojcastro, I don't see one... are you seeing one?20:56
jcastroJFo: ok so I got confused, does that remove the comment for everyone? or just hide it for yourself?20:56
jcastroI see one20:56
jcastroI thought it was basically a "hide this person's comment"20:56
JFoI hope that it hides it for everyone20:56
jcastrobut it appears to hide the comment from the entire bug report20:56
JFothat is what I asked for :)20:57
JFono it was a desire to remove cruft20:57
JFowhat server are you using?20:57
JFoso I can test apples with apples20:57
JFogive me an example bug20:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 769812 in linux "X120e crashes randomly (wireless?)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:57
jcastrois the exact bug20:57
jcastroI happen to be on20:57
JFodo you have greasemonkey scripts enabled?20:58
jcastroI don't think I do20:58
jcastroI get it on both browsers20:59
jcastroso it's not a script20:59
JFoodd that I don't see it20:59
jcastroJFo: so are we supposed to make a judgement call if we see a junk comment or ?20:59
jcastroI feel like I was given power with no explanation, heh21:00
JFogood question21:00
JFoI honestly don't know21:00
jcastronor me21:00
JFoI'm excited though as this is something I have been asking for since I got here :)21:00
jcastrodo you have the option?21:01
JFonot that I can see21:01
jcastrook weird21:01
jcastrowhy would I have it and not you?21:01
mhall119jcastro: are you an LP beta tester?21:01
JFonot sure unless you are a member of a team that is beta testing it21:01
jcastronot afaict21:01
JFoI am an LP beta tester21:01
jcastroI am in the registry though21:02
JFoway too many teams I am a member of21:02
jcastromaybe it's not rolled out yet, maybe that's why there's no explanation21:02
* jcastro will hold off21:02
JFowhat do you mean in the registry?21:02
jcastrothe registry team, it's like some superuser-esque team21:03
JFooh, hmmm, that is possibly it21:03
jcastroso I can manage upstream project links, etc. across the board.21:03
jonoczajkowski, hey21:03
czajkowskijono: free for a pm ?21:03
jonoczajkowski, sure21:03
czajkowskispank goo21:04
JFojcastro, wow only 9 members of that team :)21:04
JFoI gots me some high powered friends ;)21:05
* jcastro makes shifty eye movements21:10
jcastroJFo: I don't like the implementation21:10
jcastroseems you would do it like stack, where people would just flag em as they see em21:10
jcastroand after a certain threshold it just autohides21:10
jcastroinstead of one person making the determination21:10
JFowell, for 400 comment bugs that isn't feasible21:10
jcastrotrue, but like, if only X amount of people can flag then you don't scale21:11
JFoand if we have said that there is a bug supervisor for the package (like we plan to) I think we should trust that person, but also allow a way to uncheck the hide this box21:11
JFoI understand what you mean21:12
JFobut in some cases that is exactly what you want, say security for example21:12
JFoso flexibility is key21:13
JFoI think the ACL work being done will help tremendously21:13
jcastrothe problem is over the years people think that bug trackers are forums21:13
JFowell, I hope it will21:13
jcastro"if you disagree leave a comment!"21:13
jcastrowe should just say "from now on all non-useful comments will be flagged and subsequently deleted."21:14
jcastrothe tracker should be all work/engineering based things21:14
JFowell, the big reason I wanted/asked for it was spam21:14
jcastrobut then we went and added "opinion"21:14
JFonot just of the automated variety21:14
JFoyeah, I hate Opinion21:15
JFothere is no place for it21:15
JFowere you in the discussion around changing those?21:15
* JFo digs up the BP21:15
JFojcastro, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+spec/other-o-bug-lifecycle21:16
JFowe discussed the usefulness, or lack thereof of the bug states21:16
JFosome really great stuff possible from the conversation21:16
jcastroit should be like this21:17
jcastro"flag this comment as:"21:17
jcastro* spam21:17
jcastro* doesn't help debug the problem21:17
jcastro* discussion that belongs on a mailing list or forum21:17
jcastroand that's it.21:17
JFoand based on that either delete or just hide and respond appropriately21:17
jcastroor perhaps "* this is a me too!" which then deletes the comment but increments the "affects me"21:18
JFowe could even add auto responses to the e-mail they receive21:18
JFoI like that idea as well21:18
JFoin fact, that is where tons of bug spam comes from21:18
JFothe me too's21:18
JFoat least for me thatis21:18
jcastrocould automate it too21:18
JFowould make my life much more bearable21:19
jcastrosends you a mail "you put the words "me too" or "+1" in a bug report, we deleted it, here's some instructions on blah blah"21:19
JFoI've given up thinking it will get 'easy' ;-)21:19
JFoso dude, get in on that conversation I linked you the blueprint for.21:20
JFoI think you will find the chat enlightening21:20
JFoLP team was way on board21:20
JFoas a matter of fact, I know where you can get the audio :-)21:21
doctormojcastro just walked into my computer lab... a different one. heh.21:21
czajkowskireally want21:22
czajkowskiand the white stuff you stick them in21:22
czajkowskilike vanilla icing or something21:22
doctormoczajkowski: You make make those dead easy.21:22
czajkowskinot from where I am right now21:22
JFowhere were we when I was noshing on some of those? Dallas?21:23
JFoI think it was21:23
JFoso good.21:23
JFohot AND soft at the same time21:23
czajkowskiNEWARK airport is my fav airport21:24
czajkowskiit has at least 2 of those shops21:24
doctormocinemon mon cyne mon mon21:24
czajkowskiplus a mac shop :D21:24
paultagwas that english? :)21:25
paultagnot the mac shop thing :)21:25
czajkowskiI have some lovely friends really I do21:30
paultagczajkowski: that movie is about one of my best friend's uncles21:32
paultagczajkowski: it takes place in Cleveland Ohio (where I am now)21:32
jcastrojcastro_: hi how are you21:34
jcastro_jcastro: test test21:34
czajkowskisurely 1 jcastro_ is more than enough :)21:34
paultagczajkowski: 1 too many, in fact21:34
jcastrook, all set. :)21:39
jcastropaultag: one more ping21:41
JFotap tap tap21:42
JFois this thing on?21:42
paultagjcastro: hey man21:56
paultagjcastro: ping pong pong ping21:56
paultagWana see a man who knows how to graduate with style? I sure do -- http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/230783_1455600390287_1241640883_31458164_5891133_n.jpg21:57
paultagthat is what's known as living the dream21:57
* czajkowski high fives the loco council21:58
czajkowskiwe have teams submitting their re approvals ALREADY!!!21:58
czajkowski27 teams21:58
czajkowskiI'm a member of two of them!21:58
pleia2paultag: congrats :)21:59
czajkowskipaultag: still a wee bit broken today are you21:59
nigelbpaultag: zomg, you graduated? Congrats!22:04
nigelbpleia2: You'er back!22:04
pleia2nigelb: nah, still on the wrong coast :)22:04
nigelbpleia2: ah, stopover :)22:05
pleia2yeah, boarding in a half hour or so22:05
nigelbwoah, its 2:35. I should sleep.22:05
jononigelb, go to bed! :-)22:07
czajkowskijono: I'll tell you this when I see you on here at 7am!22:08
jonoczajkowski, ooooooh...busted!22:08
czajkowskiI came to the UK with 2 suitcases22:09
czajkowskihow do I have more than this already after 7 months22:09
czajkowskiI've just donated to a local charity shop a rake of clothes and books so that should help22:09
czajkowskiends of things like creams are getting plastered on my face22:10
czajkowskiface has never been so well groomed22:10
czajkowskimental note: with cream on ones face do not turn on skype video and scare your parents to death22:10
czajkowski<--- classy bird don't you know22:12
nigelbjono: okay okay /me heads to bed :)22:16
nigelbNight all!22:16
paultagpleia2: thanks!!22:17
paultagnigelb: thanks!!22:17
paultagczajkowski: yeah, I'm suppppper hungover22:17
paultagczajkowski: ^5 to the LC! :)22:17
nigelbpaultag: when are you *not* hungover :P22:17
paultagnigelb: you make a good point22:17
* nigelb heads to bed for real.22:17
paultagnigelb: n8!22:17
nigelbspam wakes me up22:28
JFoI've found that if I shut the machine down that doesn't happen ;-P22:55
TechnovikingOK who gave cooties to Kenvandine:)23:27
mhall119not me23:30
mhall119but I'll be giving him MPs soon enough23:30

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