
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
robert_ancellRAOF, some X questions.  a) Does the X server have any system for setting the default configuration?  b) Debian seems to have /etc/default/keyboard, but I think that's not standard, it does have four environment variables - are they standard?  c) Is this file even used to set up X at all in the current setup?01:41
RAOFrobert_ancell: What do you mean by ¨default configuration¨?01:42
RAOFAh.  Keyboard layout setup?01:43
robert_ancellRAOF, default keyboard configuration - does X do anything special when these aren't specified explicitly in Xorg.conf01:43
RAOFI don't believe so.01:44
RAOFI *think* that it inherits it from the kernel VT.01:45
RAOFItś also possible that gdm is reading it from somewhere else; I don't believe that it's reading from /etc/default/keyboard, though.01:47
robert_ancellRAOF, GDM doesn't care, because it uses gnome-session which sets the layout to what you've configured01:48
TheMusoOh yay, the mountain of email after coming back from a week off. The only part I don't like about taking time off. :)01:48
RAOFrobert_ancell: Hm.  Have you checked out /etc/gdm/Init/Default?  That appears to extract the XKB* environment variables and then set the X keymap from them.01:50
RAOFOh, no.  I'm misinterpreting that grep01:51
robert_ancellRAOF, that just does completely weird stuff.  I can't work out what it's doing01:53
RAOFFrom the comments and code it looks like it's trying to port the XKB configuration from GDM's X server to the server itś spawning for the session.01:54
RAOFrobert_ancell: Bah!  Of course, the keyboard layout information hangs off the /dev/input/event? node as udev properties.  I knew that!02:07
robert_ancellRAOF, so what does that mean...02:08
RAOFX gets the default configuration from the udev properties.02:11
robert_ancellRAOF, and that is overridden if config is set in XOrg.conf?02:13
RAOFYes.  Xorg.conf always wins.02:14
RAOFOr, now, itś udev → /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/* → /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/* → /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:15
RAOFHm.  deadkeys suck :)02:15
TheMusoYay for people opening a new bug to ask for an older bug to be re-opened...02:21
RAOFThe inevitable side-effect of having terminal bug states.02:22
* TheMuso is continually disappointed by motherboard manufacturers not filling in all of the dmi fields for their boards.02:32
robert_ancellRAOF, http://paste.ubuntu.com/611649/02:40
RAOFTheMuso: To Be Filled In By OEM is a *prolific* hardware vendor :)02:41
RAOFrobert_ancell: Youǘe been VT switching?02:42
robert_ancellRAOF, maybe02:42
RAOFI think I may have seen a patch for this problem…02:43
RAOFOh, no.  That VT switch thing is probably a subsequent error.02:44
TheMusoheh, I have seen ASUS and ASRock be inconsistant with their data so far.02:44
RAOFrobert_ancell: How often/when is that happening, and can you get a proper backtrace?02:45
robert_ancellRAOF, I just triggered it running Unity though lightdm02:45
robert_ancellRAOF, haven't tried to keep triggering, what do I need to do to get a nice backtrace02:46
RAOFParticularly the remote gdb bit.02:48
* TheMuso sighs.04:02
TheMusoYay for bugs where people report broken sound yet they have actually gone ahead and built newer pieces of the sound stack, breaking everything. :S04:02
lifelessfoot-gun ftw04:02
robert_ancellRAOF, I just can't get X to drop a core file, I've enabled apport, set ulimit -c unlimited, and looked in the current dir, /var/crash and /etc/X11 but it just doesn't seem to want to make one04:06
lifelessis it crashing?04:07
robert_ancellDo I need to set NoTrapSignals as well?04:07
robert_ancellHow does apport normally detect crashes?04:07
lifelessI think you need to, yes04:08
RAOFThe apport integration patch is a little bit hit and miss.04:32
pittiGood morning05:29
pittirobert_ancell, RAOF: I think cjwatson went through some efforts to have /etc/default/keyboard be the authoritative source for both console-setup and X.org05:30
RAOFpitti: Yes, it is.05:30
pittiI'm not sure how it affects the X server, though05:30
RAOFX reads the udev properties that get set up.05:31
pittirobert_ancell: apport crashes> when a process dumps core, the kernel calls it through /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern05:31
RAOFI knew this, in a past life.  I just needed reminding of it :)05:31
pittiRAOF: ah, right05:31
pittiso did I05:31
robert_ancellRAOF, oh, if I set NoTrapSignals, the whole display systems seems to lock up, I guess when X catches a segfault there is a chance for cleanup?05:32
RAOFrobert_ancell: There is, yes.  That's why apport doesn't necessarily catch it; X does some unwinding, and then our apport patch causes it to (mostly/sometimes) re-raise the SEGV.05:33
RAOFrobert_ancell: I just attach gdb to X and be done with it; that always works :)05:34
robert_ancellRAOF, ok, i'll try that05:34
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:39
pittihey TheMuso05:39
* TheMuso wonders how hardware enablement guys keep their sanity...05:41
TheMusoI'm currently catching up on email, and doing audio bug triage, and keep running into users who have filed bugs about a chipset that has been shown to be buggy, although it took 11.04/2.6.38 kernel to make it show up...05:43
robert_ancellRAOF, course, it doesn't occur once I connect gdb...05:50
RAOFIt's not just blocked waiting for you to respond to a signal?05:51
RAOFOh, well.  Yay heisenbug.06:04
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone07:17
pittihey chrisccoulson, had a nice weekend?07:17
chrisccoulsonhi pitti. yeah, my weekend wasn't too bad thanks. did you have a nice weekend too?07:18
pittichrisccoulson: oh yes; spent all Sunday with gardening work, and Saturday with some more unpacking boxes, and calling family and friends07:19
TheMusoHey chrisccoulson.07:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - sounds like you had quite a busy weekend ;)07:20
chrisccoulsonhi TheMuso, how are you?07:20
TheMusochrisccoulson: Not too bad thanks, spent just about all my work day today working on bug triaging, based on what I received in email.07:22
chrisccoulsonheh, i need to spend some time bug triaging too ;)07:23
didrocksgood morning07:49
pittibonjour didrocks, ca va?07:51
didrockspitti: guten morgen. I'm fine, thanks, and you? how was your week-end?07:52
pittididrocks: lots of work in the garden and unpacking boxes, feeling my muscles :) so, pretty good07:53
didrocksnice in some way ;)07:54
SweetsharkG'Morning all!07:58
pittihey Sweetshark, guten Morgen! wie gehts/07:59
pittiserver reboot after upgrade to squeeze, brb07:59
jasoncwarnermorning everyone07:59
Sweetsharkpitti: the workitem show only up in the burndown, if targeted against ubuntu and named desktop-o-*, right?08:00
pittihey jasoncwarner08:02
didrockshey Sweetshark, jasoncwarner08:03
jasoncwarnermorning didrocks08:05
jasoncwarnerhow was weekend,everyone? Very raining here08:06
cdbsgood morning jasoncwarner , didrocks , how are ya all?08:06
didrocksjasoncwarner: cdbs: I'm fine here, thanks! Long week-end of 3 days, sunny again like the past 2 months :)08:07
cdbsdidrocks: Tomorrow's the SRU, still no accept08:07
didrockscdbs: I'm afraid I can't parse that?08:08
cdbsdidrocks: And, Unity guys aren't around yet08:08
cdbsdidrocks: I'm talking about the code for the quicklist crasher08:08
cdbsits bugging UpdateManager on Oneiric (as of now) might affect others as well08:08
didrockscdbs: yeah, they didn't merge anything yet. Have you provided an example program to make it crash btw?08:09
cdbsdidrocks: yes, its attached to the bug08:09
didrocksfor natty if you want it to be in the SRU08:09
didrocksnice, thanks, I didn't look at it, you should bug them to do their merging08:09
* cdbs learns some poking techniques08:11
Sweetsharkpitti: the workitem show only up in the burndown, if targeted against ubuntu and named desktop-o-*, right? (repost because of pitti sneakily vanishing after greeting)08:11
pittiSweetshark: targetted against ubuntu and assigned to someone in our team08:12
pittithe naming is largely irrelevant08:12
pittierm, targetted to oneiric in particular08:12
didrockshum, interesting, gnome-session dep on gnome-shell in debian08:30
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didrockshey seb128!09:08
seb128hey didrocks ;-)09:08
seb128hello desktopers09:08
didrockshow are you?09:08
seb128I'm fine thanks, how are you? had a nice weekend?09:09
didrocksyeah, very sunny, long walks in city/parks… took some fresh air. Was excellent!09:09
pittibonjour seb128, ca va?09:11
seb128pitti, hey, ca va bien! et toi ?09:11
pittiseb128: je suis bien, merci!09:12
pittiseb128: FYI, gnome-icon-theme "only" grew by 0.4 MB after fixing it, so right now it's not a major issue09:12
pittiseb128: it ballooned to 25 MB because the new .deb installed the icon cache09:12
seb128oh ok09:13
didrocksicon cache == png from svg or another cache?09:13
seb128great that is was only a bug ;-)09:13
pittididrocks: /usr/share/icons/gnome/icon-theme.cache09:13
seb128didrocks, the mmap of the icons in theme09:13
pittiI think it's only for category/size lookup and uncompressing PNG09:13
didrocksoh right, the mmap, thanks!09:13
pittinot svg09:13
pittierk, libgnome-keyring 3.0.2. causes an nm-applet segfault; I didn't notice that at first :/09:14
* pitti debugs09:14
didrocksseb128: small questions on mimetype: do you regularly refresh desktop-files-utils defaults.list base on gnome-session's one? (and also, how do you determine if you use the alias x- or the canonical name?)09:31
didrocksthe desktop spec isn't very verbose about that point09:31
seb128didrocks, no, I mostly ignore what debian does in gnome-session for those09:33
seb128didrocks, what canonical name?09:33
didrockslike audio/x-flac (alias) and audio/flac (canonical name)09:34
didrocksI don't see a pattern, both are sometimes define, sometimes only one, and so…09:34
seb128well the defaults.list should use whatever the application .desktop list09:34
seb128but I don't know the specifics either, I though it was the same than for desktop keys09:35
seb128i.e x- for non official ones09:35
didrocksi would have think that, but sometimes both are defined, that's weird…09:35
seb128well maybe that's for compatability when it switched to the official type09:36
seb128to not break applications still defining the x- variant09:36
didrocksyeah probably, was thinking as the spec uses the terms "alias", it would have been done at a higher level (gio or whatever)09:36
seb128yeah, I don't know either09:37
didrocksno worry thanks seb128 :)09:37
didrocksI'll add to desktop-file-utils the one which can be relevant from gnome-session to us09:38
htorquehello everyone! i got a question: is gdm no longer supposed to take /etc/gdm/custom.conf into account?09:40
tjaaltonhow can I restore the unity panel back on top of the windows, after a ffox crash it remains below them09:41
tjaaltonside panel09:42
seb128hey htorque09:43
seb128htorque, what version?09:43
seb128tjaalton, compiz --replace?09:43
htorqueseb128, 2.32.1-0ubuntu3 in natty09:43
seb128htorque, no reason it shouldn't work09:44
tjaaltonseb128: probably would work, though it would resize all my terminals09:44
didrocksseb128: forgot to bzr push desktop-file-utils ?09:44
seb128didrocks, let me check09:45
seb128it has been a while09:45
htorqueseb128, :-/ it says 'DefaultSession=unity-2d' but it always starts what was chosen last time, will try different sessions instead of unity-2d09:45
seb128htorque, do you have a session in .dmrc?09:45
seb128htorque, well "default" is what is used when you never selected a session09:46
seb128otherwise it will use what you picked09:46
didrocks(if you never changed your session, yeah)09:46
seb128didrocks, no, I cleaned my checkouts since, just commit whatever is in the archive to the vcs, sorry09:47
didrocksseb128: no worry :) let me see what changed then09:47
seb128but it's not me who did the recent upload09:48
seb128it's mvo who sponsored something09:48
htorqueseb128, yes, i have a session defined in ~/.dmrc - has it always worked this way?09:48
seb128htorque, yes09:48
didrockshey mvo09:49
mvohey didrocks and seb12809:49
seb128hey mvo ;-)09:49
mvowhat package are we talking about?09:49
didrocksyeah novody checked, you just missed the debcommit -r ; bzr push, but the next upload is not there09:49
mvoaha, desktop-file-utils?09:49
didrockslet me readd that09:49
htorqueseb128, wow, then i'm sorry for interrupting - i always thought whatever you set with gdmsetup becomes the new (default) session09:50
didrocksit's the default session if you changed anything at the user level09:51
htorquedidrocks, yeah, that was a misinterpretation on my end :)09:51
seb128htorque, no worry09:52
htorqueseb128, didrocks: thanks for your time :)09:52
didrocksyw :)09:52
didrockshey rodrigo_10:01
pittihey rodrigo_, good morning10:04
pittirodrigo_: FYI, I finally got g-p-m to build10:04
rodrigo_pitti, ah, cool, why wasn't it building?10:05
pittirodrigo_: missing dh-autoreconf (for your "drop control-center dependency" patch), and wrong libnotify b-dep10:05
rodrigo_pitti, ah, ok10:05
pittioh, and libappindicator3-dev was also missing10:05
seb128great, versions is less than 2 pages of updates to do10:20
pittiI guess panel etc. are still blocked by unity gtk3 migratin?10:21
seb128gnome-applets gnome-panel gnome-menus10:24
seb128didrocks, to update those we need to update the indicators to gtk310:24
seb128which also mean updating the unity panel service to gtk310:24
didrocksso first, indicators10:24
seb128pitti, there is a note on the etherpad about that10:24
seb128rodrigo_, vino has a merge request from jbicha ready10:25
seb128cf versions10:26
seb128if you want to review and sponsor it10:26
seb128didrocks, btw mterry assigned you the accountsservice mir review if you didn't notice10:26
didrocksseb128: I noticed, I try to get a day full of gnome-session first :)10:27
seb128didrocks, yeah, no hurry ;-)10:27
didrocksthe good news is that the diff will be less than before, but reviewing and ensuring everything will be fine is quite long with all the changes10:27
seb128yeah, I can imagine10:28
seb128so I'm wondering if it would be acceptable to "break" gnome-panel in oneiric10:29
didrocksbreak, like right now, before alpha1?10:29
seb128i.e to go for the gtk3 version which will mean breaking indicators use in gnome-panel until they are ported10:29
didrocksif we want the new gnome-panel, I'm afraid the indicator port will be long, so maybe that worthes it, isn't it?10:30
pittiseb128: don't call it "break" -- call it "increase the motivation to port indicators"10:30
didrocksheh :)10:30
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok10:30
seb128didrocks, why would it be long? we got the stack ready previous cycle and this to build without deprecation10:31
seb128it should be trivial for those not using ido10:31
seb128kenvandine is working on that and got it almost ported10:31
seb128but I might be overlooking something?10:32
seb128rodrigo_, bug #78689910:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 786899 in gnome-settings-daemon "package gnome-settings-daemon 2.32.1-0ubuntu13.1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gnome-control-center/keybindings/50-accessibility.xml', which is also in package gnome-control-center-data 1:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78689910:32
rodrigo_seb128, ok, taking it10:33
didrocksseb128: there is still some patches waiting for gtk, isn't it? I don't remember if I merged them or not10:33
didrocksfor soundmenu IIRC10:34
seb128didrocks, I think there is one needed yes, I will check with kenvandine when he's online10:34
didrocksseb128: I think I ported it in gtk2, but better to check, right10:34
seb128rodrigo_, it might not need anything but it's worth checking it's not a missing replaces or something, could be a downgrade issue from the ppa to natty (downgrades are not supported but some people try anyway and run into issue)à10:35
rodrigo_seb128, yes, seems like a missing replace indeed10:35
seb128didrocks, pitti, rodrigo_: ok, I will start on gnome-panel in the ubuntu-desktop ppa to see how it goes and port one or two indicators10:35
seb128rodrigo_, no need to upload for it, just get the fix in the vcs, thanks ;-)10:36
didrocksnice :)10:36
rodrigo_seb128, ok, cool, should we also upload gnome-menus before you upload panel?10:36
pittiI finally bent {lib,}gnome-keyring to my will, uploading now10:36
seb128rodrigo_, you can upload in the gnome3 ppa with an oneiric target10:37
seb128pitti, \o/10:37
seb128rodrigo_, let's try with the ppa first10:37
rodrigo_seb128, ok10:37
pittiseb128: libgk-k will be in Debian NEW, so that'll take a few days; not that urgent though, I presume?10:37
seb128pitti, what is NEW in there?10:37
seb128it's a minor revision update?10:38
pittiseb128: Debian added a -dbg for the library10:38
seb128oh ok10:38
seb128no, no hurry10:38
seb128but you can just dput as 0build1 if you want10:38
seb128so it will be synced when it's NEWed10:38
pittiah, sure10:39
pittiseb128: -panel/-applets jbicha's PPA are not useful merges already?10:40
seb128pitti, they are likely useful, I plan to start from them10:40
seb128did I say I hate autotools? totem fails to build with no obvious error in the log and it builds fine there. I bet it miss a build-depends but not sure which one10:42
didrocksseb128: you hate autotools because you never tried cmake :p10:43
lifelessdidrocks: its possible to hate multiple build-tools ;)10:45
didrockslifeless: heh :)10:47
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, how are you?10:48
seb128hey chrisccoulson, I'm fine, what about you? had a nice w.e?10:48
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, good thanks, although i did a bit of work to make up for having another national holiday today ;)10:49
seb128you have another holiday today?10:49
seb128you are making those up right?10:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it's another holiday here today10:50
pittianother royal couple to get wed?10:51
chrisccoulsonlol, i hope not ;)10:51
seb128chrisccoulson, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_the_United_Kingdom says you are lying10:52
seb128next monday is one though10:52
didrocksgord is there today, so yeah, stop lying :)10:52
didrockshey chrisccoulson!10:52
seb128njpatel as well10:52
chrisccoulsonit's next monday ;)10:53
chrisccoulsongood job i did some work already!10:53
chrisccoulsonstupid calendar ;)10:53
seb128chrisccoulson, http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizensandrights/LivingintheUK/DG_07374110:53
chrisccoulsoni can't believe i got that wrong!10:53
njpatelholiday next Monday10:53
seb128hey njpatel, no worry, chrisccoulson tried to sneak off work pretenting it was a uk bank holiday10:53
chrisccoulsonthat's what happens when i never leave the house ;)10:53
didrockschrisccoulson: nice try! :-)10:53
njpatelif United win the champions league on sat, I might still be drunk10:53
pittiRAOF: you are the approver of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-xorg-stakeholders-request, are you aware of this?10:54
didrocksnjpatel: and during this time, other people works on promoting ubuntu and french events. We see the priorities! :-)10:54
gordhey - if chrisccoulson says its a bank holiday - i'm not gonna argue - extra day of sleep would be welcome ;)10:54
chrisccoulsoni feel like that too ;)10:54
RAOFpitti: Hm, no I wasn't!  Thanks.10:55
* RAOF wonders why he's the approver of that.10:55
seb128didrocks, the ubuntu french party is at the wrong time, you are competing with RG...10:56
seb128I was pondering coming until I realized that10:56
didrocksseb128: come on, don't try to get a slacking excuse! :p10:56
rodrigo_ok, I'm reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/ubuntu/oneiric/vino/vino-3.0.2/+merge/6188510:56
seb128rodrigo_, thanks10:57
didrocksseb128: so, this "thing" I saw on TV yesterday was RG?10:57
seb128you have a tv now?! ;-)10:57
didrocksfor watching nolife, sure :-)10:58
seb128but dunno, the TV is able to display several things10:58
didrocksand big bang theory, mostely :)10:58
seb128but you might have crossed it yes, it started yesterday ;-)10:58
pitticyphermox: I left some comments in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-desktop-network-enhancements, setting back to drafting FYI10:58
pittiRAOF: I think it makes sense of X.org folks cross-checking each other's blueprints; you'd rather have a different approach?10:59
pittiRAOF: you can hand over approver to me if you prefer10:59
didrocksseb128: that should be it, they were shouting and seemed to feel pain :-)11:00
seb128didrocks, you just don't understand sport11:00
pittiSweetshark: are you still working on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-libreoffice-packaging ? (it's still in state "new")11:01
seb128but I will follow njpatel's at getting drunk saturday if manchester wins ;-)11:01
pittiSweetshark: it should be in "drafting" while you are working on the spec, then flip it to "pending approval" once you are done and want the approver to review11:01
didrocksseb128: I think it's rather sport which doesn't understand me :-)11:01
RAOFpitti: I'm not *entirely* clear as to the role of the approver.  However, that blueprint matches my memories of the session, and contain appropriate work items, so I've approved it.11:01
pittiRAOF: ok, thanks11:02
Sweetsharkpitti: I will have finished all blueprint work by tommorrow meeting time.11:05
pittiSweetshark: it looks good to me; I just reordered the WIs a bit for chronological milestones, and also droped the redundant [bjoern-m] tags (as you are already the default assignee)11:06
=== cking_ is now known as cking
pittiSweetshark: ah, good; leaving at drafting then, thanks11:06
chrisccoulsonpitti - are we able to push the firefox update in natty-proposed this week without getting verification for bug 783856 and bug 783997? i picked those from upstream, and i have no way of contacting the reporters of those to get them to test it11:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 783856 in globalmenu-extension/1.0 "Thunderbird 3.1.10 Crash Report [@ uGlobalMenuBar::~uGlobalMenuBar ]" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78385611:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 783997 in globalmenu-extension/1.0 "Firefox 4.0.1 Crash Report [@ uGlobalMenuBar::ShouldParentStayVisible ] " [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78399711:13
chrisccoulsonbug 783790 has been verified to work, and that one is one of the most frequent firefox crashers across all linux users11:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 783790 in globalmenu-extension/1.0 "Firefox 4 crashes when opening Selenium IDE window" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78379011:13
pittichrisccoulson: should be fine, yes; after 7 days11:14
chrisccoulsonpitti - cool, thanks11:14
rodrigo_hey chrisccoulson11:19
chrisccoulsonhi rodrigo_, how are you?11:19
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, just pushed your fix for the g-s-d convert file to git11:19
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, cool, thanks11:20
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, it was indeed a leftover from a previous commit11:20
njpatelseb128, woohoo, I want pictures of drunk you!11:27
pittichrisccoulson: are you still working on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-mozilla-rapid-release-maintenance?11:28
pittichrisccoulson: i. e. should it go to 'drafting' or 'review'?11:28
chrisccoulsonpitti - i've finished creating WI's for it now11:28
chrisccoulson(ie, i pretty much know what i'm doing with that one now)11:29
pittichrisccoulson: ok, want me to review then?11:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - sure, if you don't mind :)11:29
pittichrisccoulson: do you have some idea which of the WIs should be handled first, i. e. for alpha-2? or want me to go through and sort them?11:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - also, i sent an e-mail out to ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-motu last week asking for help from people who care about any particular packages on that list11:30
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm not sure which ones to do for a2 yet11:30
pittichrisccoulson: actually, pretty much all of them seem fine by beta-111:30
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks11:31
pittiI don't immediately see ones which are a blocker for other features/work, do you?11:31
pittiperhaps "Figure out how to support mozvoikko, enigmail and lightning (binary extensions)"11:31
* pitti moves that to a211:32
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i'm not sure what to do about that. i know we have people using mozvoikko, but i don't know how we can support it11:33
chrisccoulsoni thought about reimplementing it in javascript and using jsctypes this weekend11:33
chrisccoulsoni don't think it would be that hard11:34
pittijasoncwarner: you are the drafter for https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-o-default-apps, are you ok with this or want someone else to do that? (I wasn't in the session, so I shouldn't do it)11:36
cjwatsonwhat's happening with the libnotify transition?  it collides a bit with some other transitions in progress, but I don't know what can be done to progress it (which packages require non-trivial source uploads and which just no-change rebuilds, etc.)11:42
seb128cjwatson, we did try to actively work on doing a transition for it yet11:48
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seb128we figured it would be easier to just let things sort over time and do a push to clean remaining ones later11:48
cjwatsonmm, but it's causing awkward build failures I don't know how to deal with11:48
seb128cjwatson, does it create any issue, i.e should it be actively sorted?11:48
cjwatsonthat are blocking other things11:48
cjwatsonsome of the interfaces seem to have changed - different numbers of arguments to notify_notification_new, e.g.11:49
seb128they broke some apis but the changes should be trivial11:49
cjwatsona post about how to deal with it would be welcome11:49
cjwatsonI'm happy then to work on unblocking the stuff that affects me11:49
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seb128cjwatson, I can do that but I'm happy to deal with build issues that are blocking you as well if you give the list11:50
seb128cjwatson, basically they dropped the option to link the notification to a status icon and widget so the argument got dropped from the notify_notification_new() call and they dropped the function corresponding to those action as well11:55
cjwatsonseb128: linuxdcpp balsa openfetion  are the ones I recall seeing so far11:56
seb128cjwatson, so trivial "porting guide" is to drop the last argument from the new call and any call to function that deals with widget or status icon11:58
cjwatsonseb128: hmm, I see that libnotify4-dev has now been NBSed though, so I wonder if it's worth retrying linuxdcpp and openfetion11:58
seb128the result is that notifications will be displayed to the standard location11:58
seb128cjwatson, right, we came back to the old name to be in sync with what debian is doing (they decided to just transition rather than having both versions)11:59
seb128cjwatson, do you want me to deal with linuxdcpp balsa openfetion11:59
seb128let me have a look to balsa to start just to see what the issue is12:00
cjwatsonif you could deal with balsa, I'll retry the others and see if they just work now that libnotify4-dev is gone12:00
seb128looking at balsa now12:00
didrocksseb128: what's your pick on dropping the failsafe session and just using gnome classic (no effect) for that?12:08
seb128works for me12:08
didrocksthanks :)12:09
seb128lunch, brb12:09
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cjwatsonseb128: linuxdcpp looks OK now12:43
chrisccoulsonb'ah, xchat crashes without me realizing12:59
pedro_good day all13:08
pittihey pedro_, how are you?13:15
pedro_hello pitti!, I'm good, thanks. what about you?13:15
pedro_chrisccoulson, xchat is crashing for me on Spanish, guess you're not using that locale :-P13:16
pedro_it only works on English13:16
chrisccoulsonpedro_, i'm not using spanish ;)13:16
pittipedro_: I'm great, thanks! weekend was nice13:16
seb128hey pedro_13:16
pedro_bonjour seb128!13:17
rodrigo_hey pedro_13:20
pedro_hola rodrigo_, is xchat-gnome working fine for you?13:21
seb128pedro_, do you use natty or oneiric?13:21
rodrigo_pedro_, yes, but in English13:21
pedro_seb128, Natty, looks like it's due to the translation, i blame dpm13:23
dpmpedro_, you should be using xchat-gnome instead of xchat, I blame you! :P13:24
pedro_dpm, oh it's xchat-gnome :-P13:24
pedro_i'm not so mean with the gnome project13:24
pedro_dpm, bug 78574013:26
dpmpedro_, ok, looking...13:26
pedro_cri cri cri13:26
pedro_no bot?13:26
seb128pedro_, you broke the bot?!13:27
dpmpedro_, wrong bug #13:27
ubot2pedro_: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Launchpad instance at 0x8b9a52c> bug 785740 not found13:28
pedro_seb128, wasn't me i swear!13:28
seb128is the bug non public?13:29
pedro_yeah it was waiting to be retraced, got a backtrace though so i make it public now13:32
* rodrigo_ lunch13:35
didrocksI think I remember that the one breaking the bot has to replace it manually :-)13:36
chrisccoulsonpitti - i notice you're working on desktop-o-firefox-translations-in-launchpad. do you need the entire list of firefox language packs for that?13:40
pittichrisccoulson: for the dependency?13:40
pittichrisccoulson: I thought about checking the package repo for firefox-locale-XX at langpack build time13:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah (if we need the dependency for >= 11.10)13:41
pittichrisccoulson: my intention was to make this check not version specific13:41
pittii. e. once we backport this to lucid, it should just work13:41
pitti"if firefox-locale-XX exists, add it as a recommends to language-pack-XX"13:42
pittiis what I thought?13:42
chrisccoulsonyeah, i think that makes sense13:42
chrisccoulsonfor lucid though, the firefox-locale-XX packages won't exist when you build the language packs will they? (if you build them in the langpack PPA)13:43
pittichrisccoulson: not right now, yes; only once they are in -updates13:43
chrisccoulsonnote, i've started staging lucid/maverick/natty in here now: https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-next13:43
pittichrisccoulson: I can also (temporarily?) switch that check to include -proposed, too13:43
pitti<jedi wave>edge is not the hostname you are looking for</jedi wave>13:44
bigonpitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cdbs/+bug/745828 << do you think this could be backported to natty?13:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 745828 in cdbs "python-module.mk incorectly call dh_python2 with unexisting --prefix parameter" [High,Fix released]13:53
pittibigon: yes, it only changes a code path which is definitively broken right now, so safe for SRU13:54
pittido we need it for anything?13:55
bigonbackporting of some packages13:55
pittiah, right13:56
pittichrisccoulson: would you mind doing https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/po2xpi/fix-update-data/+merge/60688 ? should be quick13:56
pittichrisccoulson: otherwise the PPA packages will break the SRU fix again13:57
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chrisccoulsonpitti, sure, no problem13:57
chrisccoulsonpitti - ok, done13:59
pittichrisccoulson: cheers13:59
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pittichrisccoulson: hm, lintian complains about14:17
pittilintian error: W: language-pack-es-base: jar-not-in-usr-share usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions/langpack-es-CL@firefox.mozilla.org/chrome/es-CL.jar14:17
pittichrisccoulson: I guess that's for Debian policy, and we actually do want it in /usr/share? (for lucid/maverick)14:17
chrisccoulsonpitti - the issue is that /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions can contain binary files too, so you can't move the whole folder to /usr/share, and there isn't really anywhere else in /usr/share to put them14:19
pittichrisccoulson: ok, so this lintian check is just bogus then at least for our purposes14:20
chrisccoulsoni think the firefox package used to be carved up between /usr/lib and /usr/share a long, long time ago, but it's been in /usr/lib/ ever since i started14:20
chrisccoulsonand i just override the lintian warnings for those14:20
* pitti filters it out in the test suite theen14:22
didrockschrisccoulson: I'm in favor or dropping https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=598118 from now as we will revisit with compiz the screensaver experience, any thought on that? (I don't know with the GNOME3 world, but I don't find any gui to change /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/suspend for instance)14:55
ubot2Gnome bug 598118 in gnome-session "Screensaver lock-on-suspend policy inconsistent with gnome-power-manager" [Normal,Unconfirmed]14:55
didrocksI know that locking the screen was on robert's plate with lightdm14:56
chrisccoulsondidrocks, i think we still need that until we've figured out what we're doing with screen locking15:01
seb128need what?15:02
didrocksseb128: the screen locking policy, see my message above15:03
didrockschrisccoulson: where is the ui to change g-w-m screen locking policy?15:03
seb128didrocks, ok, I just restarted my session so I didn't see it but doesn't seem like anything I would useful to comment on ;-)15:04
seb128so ignore my question ;-)15:04
chrisccoulsondidrocks, there isn't one. the issue was that gnome-session and gnome-power-manager had different ideas about whether to lock the screen15:04
chrisccoulsonthere shouldn't be a UI for configuring the g-p-m setting (ie, assume that the screen should always be locked on suspend)15:05
didrocksseb128: I think you can have interesting input for it: 15:55:50      didrocks | chrisccoulson: I'm in favor or dropping https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=598118 from now as we will revisit with compiz the screensaver experience, any thought on that? (I don't know with the GNOME3 world, but I don't find any gui to change /apps/gnome-power-manager/lock/suspend for instance)15:05
ubot2Gnome bug 598118 in gnome-session "Screensaver lock-on-suspend policy inconsistent with gnome-power-manager" [Normal,Unconfirmed]15:05
didrockschrisccoulson: but, gnome-screensaver option is confusing then15:05
chrisccoulsondidrocks, the gnome-screensaver options is about locking when the screensaver activates15:06
chrisccoulsondisabling that shouldn't also switch off lock-on-suspend15:06
chrisccoulsonwhich was the original issue :)15:06
didrockschrisccoulson: right, but then, what happens if it suspends while the screensaver is active, it's locked :)15:06
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's fine15:07
didrocksthe thing is that if robert is changing that in lightdm, not sure we need this patch in gnome-session15:07
chrisccoulsonthe issue is that users were unchecking lock-on-screensaver and then being surprised that the screen no longer locked on suspend too15:07
chrisccoulsoni don't know whether the way this works has changed in gnome 3, but we want to keep the current behaviour :)15:08
didrockschrisccoulson: well, better first to check how it works on GNOME 3?15:08
chrisccoulsonpossibly ;)15:08
didrocksrather than rebasing first the patch, using gsettings…15:08
didrockslet me first look at the schema15:08
chrisccoulsoni don't know how anything works in gnome 3 ;)15:09
seb128check with rodrigo_15:09
seb128but yeah, what chrisccoulson said, we want the behaviour to still be what is happening now15:10
didrocksrodrigo_: ? I'm sure you are eager to speak about g-p-m and screen locking :)15:10
didrocks    <key name="lock-use-screensaver" type="b">15:10
didrocks      <default>true</default>15:10
didrocks      <_summary>Use gnome-screensaver lock setting</_summary>15:10
seb128didrocks, if you are unsure drop it for now and put a work item on the gnome3 blueprint about sorting that15:11
didrocksin the g-p-m gsettings schema15:11
didrocksso it follows the gnome-screensaver setting right now15:11
didrocksbut there are still the different keys if we set that to false15:11
didrocksI don't care either way, just that we should coordinate :-)15:12
rodrigo_does anyone know of a package that uses dh_installgsettings?15:12
seb128rodrigo_, cdbs use it so any package using cdbs with gnome.mk?15:15
rodrigo_seb128, ah, ok, so I don't need to add anything to debian/rules?15:16
seb128rodrigo_, if the package is using cdbs no15:16
didrocksseb128: that can be a sprint topic, at least, we know how it works in gnome3 now, I'll drop a note in the etherpad15:16
rodrigo_seb128, ok15:16
seb128didrocks, ok15:16
seb128rodrigo_, btw vino failed to build15:16
rodrigo_seb128, oh? looking15:16
seb128rodrigo_, the autoreconf failed, you probably miss a build-depends on gnome-common or gtk-doc-tools or something15:17
seb128rodrigo_, do you want me to check in a pbuilder which build-depends is missing?15:19
rodrigo_seb128, please15:19
seb128rodrigo_, ok, running it15:19
rodrigo_seb128, although I should really set up a pbuilder myself15:19
rodrigo_will do it later15:19
seb128rodrigo_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto15:20
seb128if you need documentation15:21
rodrigo_seb128, yes, I know, I already tried some time ago, but it took too much disk space, so removed it15:21
rodrigo_but yes, will do it again15:21
didrockskenvandine: hey, small question: why did you add debian/patches/81_restart_string_on_inhibit.patch in gnome-session to po_up/POTFILES.in as the file is already in POTFILES.in? (and so the modified string is already on launchpad if I'm correct)15:22
rodrigo_hmm, for dh_installgsettings, do I need to Build-Depend on it?15:22
rodrigo_ah, no, it's part of debhelper15:22
seb128rodrigo_, ok, vino needs a build-depends on gnome-common15:30
rodrigo_seb128, ok, fixing it now thanks15:31
seb128rodrigo_, yw15:31
seb128didrocks, he's not feeling well and not around but I guess there is no real reason (I used to just drop the po-up dir when merging on debianà15:34
didrocksseb128: yeah, I think it's rather a mistake than anything else. it's still useful for the debian patch which doesn't patch the upstream POTFILES.in (and they merge the translation manually as they have no launchpad-like)15:35
ricotzrodrigo_, seb128, hello :)15:35
rodrigo_hi ricotz15:36
seb128hey ricotz15:36
njpatelpitti, can i haz workitem status please? :) http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/u/njpatel.html15:36
ricotzis there a decision made yet wether gdm3 will be synced from debian?15:36
ricotzseb128, ^15:37
seb128synced? no way15:37
seb128we have quite some diff, it requires a merge15:37
ricotzok, what about the package name?15:37
seb128if somebody wants to rename and merge it do it15:38
ricotzi uploaded accountsservice to the ppa and disabled a gdm3 patch to fit the ubuntu naming15:38
seb128nobody in the team judged merging gdm was worth the effort15:38
ricotzno i actually wouldnt rename it15:38
seb128is gdm3 in the ppa?!15:38
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ricotzusing the actual approach of gdm in the ppa is fine to me15:39
ricotzseb128, yes15:39
seb128the login manager should be something that is merged correctly, not a sync from debian15:39
ricotzseb128, ok, while keeping the current state, you might want to upload the modified accountsservice to oneiric15:40
seb128we are on sync with debian and I would like to keep it this way, why do we need a patch? did you put the patch up to review somewhere?15:40
ricotzthey introduced a patch to fit there gdm3 folder-naming-change15:41
seb128hum, ok15:42
seb128we should update the patch to check for the debian path first and then fallback to the standard one15:42
seb128ricotz, thanks for pointing it15:44
seb128pitti, is there any reason you dropped the beta1 target for the gnoime3 workitems?15:45
seb128- Work items (oneiric-beta-1):15:45
seb128+ Work items:15:45
ricotzseb128, ok, disabling the patch should be fine for now15:45
seb128ricotz, right, I will do that15:45
ricotzseb128, you could sponsor the package :P15:45
seb128ricotz, do you have a merge request somewhere?15:46
ricotzhmm, no15:46
seb128hum ok, I can grab it from the ppa I guess15:46
seb128but it would be nice if you could try to get things back in the distro by following normal sponsoring workflows ;-)15:47
ricotzseb128, ok, i know :(15:47
ricotzseb128, oh, are you able to sponsor gnome-desktop3 in debian?15:48
ricotzi mean upload 3.0.1-215:48
seb128not easily today, I need to fix my debian vm and update it but I can try to do later15:48
seb128what did you change there?15:48
ricotzi added the introspection which is needed for gnome-shell-extensions15:49
ricotzseb128, i will ask there15:49
seb128let's see if someone else does it first, it doesn't seem to be a priority and will need to go through NEW15:50
Sweetsharkhttp://nabble.documentfoundation.org/The-Document-Foundation-announces-the-members-of-the-Engineering-Steering-Committee-td2975506.html <- yeaha!15:53
micahgSweetshark: congrats!16:02
Sweetsharkmicahg: thanks ;)16:02
ricotzrodrigo_, i am not sure about the libunique-dev (i.e. in vino) shouldnt this be libuniqe-3.0-dev?16:20
ricotzrodrigo__, ^16:20
ricotzrodrigo__, also libappindicator3-dev16:21
didrocksseb128: do you have a org.gnome.sesson gsettings schema installed? (I find references to it in gnome-session but no schema and I don't have an oneiric, even partially upgraded, box)16:22
seb128didrocks, no16:22
seb128gsettings-desktop-schemas: /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.desktop.session.gschema.xml16:22
seb128didrocks, that yes16:22
seb128no org.gnome.session though16:22
didrocksah :)16:22
didrocksok, that's even, I'll check the dep is ok, but will add a patch to it to set the "ubuntu" session by default16:23
seb128didrocks, you can install it on natty as well16:23
didrocksthanks ed1703 :)16:23
didrocksseb128: *16:23
kinouchousalut didrocks et seb12816:29
didrockshey kinouchou!16:29
seb128lut kinouchou16:29
rodrigo_ugh, inet is not working well today here16:46
ricotzrodrigo_, did you get my question?16:46
rodrigo_ricotz, hmm, not sure, what question?16:46
rodrigo_ah, about vino16:47
ricotzi looked at vino and  libunique-dev -> libuniqe-3.0-dev?16:47
ricotzsame for libappindicator16:47
rodrigo_yes, looking16:47
rodrigo_libunique is no longer used, so no need for libunique-3.016:48
rodrigo_and yes, libappindicator one is wron16:48
ricotzok, so you can drop this one16:49
rodrigo_since the indicator patch is disabled, that's why it doesn't crash with GTK2/3 symbols error16:49
ricotzah ok16:49
rodrigo_but yes, changing it now16:49
ftamterry, ping (wrt deja-dup)16:52
mterryfta, hello!16:52
ftamterry, hi16:52
ftamterry, i'm exploring deja-dup to backup my main desktop. i want to use ssh (towards my serv-farm)16:53
ftamterry, but there's a weak link in between (my dsl link at home). what's the behavior of d-d wrt disconnections?16:54
rodrigo_ricotz, fixed and uploaded16:55
cjwatsoncould somebody fix evolution-exchange?  it's currently uninstallable, so ubuntu-desktop is uninstallable16:56
seb128cyphermox, ^16:56
mterryfta, so if the network goes down, it will present an error.  And try again later.  It should resume where it left off.16:56
seb128cjwatson, GNOME3 transition, it's taking some time16:56
ftamterry, even with encrypted backups?16:57
mterryfta, yeah, why would that matter?16:57
ftamterry, good question ;) i don't know how it's done but i can think of issues with resumes if stuff is encrypted in flight but is incomplete16:59
ftamterry, also, would be nice to have a "dry-run" feature in the "Files" settings17:00
mterryfta, the way it works is that everything gets chunked up, into say, 10MB chunks, then encrypted.  So if it gets incomplete, you'll just not have done the latest chunk17:00
mterryfta, you mean, see how much space is included by the files settings?17:00
ftamterry, oh, ok. good17:00
mterryfta, baobab helps with that, but it would be nice to give a notice17:01
ftamterry, yep, optionally the list of dirs, or something like baobab17:01
ftamterry, .. but baobab doesn't know about the includes/excludes of d-d17:01
ftai don't want to send several TB over my dsl link, it will never complete17:02
mterryfta, we do an internal dry-run when backing up, but don't show it to user...17:02
cjwatsonseb128: I know, but oneiric being uninstallable causes some problems so I want to make sure somebody is aware of them17:02
cjwatsonI realise it can't be installable all the time - I didn't ask until it had been on the list for a while17:02
seb128cjwatson, right, we are working on it17:02
cyphermoxcjwatson: working on it now :)17:03
seb128thanks for pointing it17:03
cjwatson(I'm working on live CD build stuff - falling back to working with natty at the moment for a stable base, but can't do that forever :-) )17:03
seb128cjwatson, is that the only issue currently?17:04
cyphermoxcjwatson: any other things under ubuntu-desktop?17:04
cjwatsonthat was the only one blocking the ubuntu-desktop task when I tested earlier17:04
cjwatsontotem is FTBFS too, but I assume somebody has mail about that and it doesn't seem to be breaking ubuntu-desktop at the moment17:05
ftamterry, last question, if a network error occurs during a backup, will it retry on the next week (or whatever the schedule is) or is it smarter?17:05
cjwatsonah, totem was just fixed, never mind that17:06
mterryfta, it will retry next time you login, or the next day if you don't logout17:06
seb128cjwatson, right, I fixed that one today17:07
ftamterry, hm.. my backup will never complete then :(17:09
mterryfta, that flaky?17:10
ftamterry, oh yes. you have no idea :(17:10
ftamterry, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/flaky-adsl.png17:12
mterryfta, as a workaround, you could back up to a local folder and then get it to your ssh server somehow17:13
ftanot sure i have enough disk space to do that :P17:14
ricotzseb128, you might be interested in this -- http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/sponsor-pkglist?action=details;package=ibus -- http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/i/ibus/17:16
seb128ricotz, thanks, I will wait for it to land in Debian, I'm just doing merges for now and we don't really need ibus on gtk3 yet17:17
seb128having things before debian always risk to have a divergance in the binaries naming17:18
ricotzseb128, no problem, just wanted to point you there since this guy is member of the gnome3-team and uploaded it the ppa17:18
seb128ok; thanks17:19
ricotzthe packaging in the ppa is different though17:19
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|break
seb128rickspencer3, hey17:28
rickspencer3I just updated, and now gwibber is taking up one of my CPU cores, and firefox the other one :/17:28
didrockshey rickspencer317:30
rickspencer3hiya didrocks17:31
rickspencer3hi seb12817:31
chrisccoulsonhi rickspencer317:32
rickspencer3hi chrisccoulson17:32
chrisccoulsonhow are you?17:33
rickspencer3chrisccoulson, I am doing well, how about yourself?17:33
rickspencer3firerfox seems to have finished doing whatever it was doing with my CPU core17:33
chrisccoulsonyeah, pretty good thanks. just getting ready to upgrade everyone to firefox 5 ;)17:33
rickspencer3gwibber as well17:33
rickspencer3I have my netbook back!!17:33
pittiseb128: beta target> oneiric-beta-1 is not a valid milestone, but the spec is already targetted to ubuntu-11.10-beta-1, so the default target for WIs is that already17:34
seb128pitti, ok, the codenames don't work this cycle? ok, makes sense, thanks17:35
pittiseb128: they never did17:35
pittiseb128: it's codename-alpha, but ubuntu-releasenumber-beta*17:35
seb128oh right17:35
chrisccoulsonthat's caught me out before ;)17:35
seb128I got confused17:35
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, so you stopped pretending today is an holiday and went back to work? ;-)17:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - lol. yeah :)17:36
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pittihm, none of my uploads to Debian today actually hit the archive, or is visible on ftp-master, or sent me any kind of mail17:40
pittiwonder what's wrong17:40
seb128pitti, it's not only you at least but not sure what's going on there17:41
brycedebian upgraded alioth this weekend, could be fallout from that?17:50
seb128bryce, it should not, alioth is a different infrastructure from the archive17:52
pittiand it's mostly back; svn committing works again, just websvn is still gone17:53
Laneypitti: dak broke18:07
Laney23/05 11:18:43 <adsb> :-( looks like show-new died again without releasing unchecked.lock18:08
pittiLaney: jcristau also confirmed, thanks18:13
Laneyah ok18:13
Laneyi idle in #debian-ftp for such news18:13
hvwill there be an oneiric release/mile-stone/alpha/etc. with gtk3/gnome3 stuff soon?18:18
didrockshv: the 2nd of June, as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule18:19
dobeyhv: depends on what you mean by "stuff" i guess; much is already in, so i guess alpha1 will have it18:19
hvdobey: well, I know I shouldn't be using oneiric, yet, but still...   many things feel broken (probably a combination of my fault and unreleased ongoing packages).  I was merely trying to see if I can/should live on the cutting edge a bit longer.18:22
dobeyhv: well, stuff is broken. but that's what happens when you end up switching everything to an api incompatibile toolkit i guess :)18:24
hvsure, otherwise it wouldn't be fun ;-)18:24
micahgif anyone has a moment, bug 786417 could use sponsoring to unbreak natty->oneiric upgrades18:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 786417 in gnome-control-center "package gnome-control-center-data (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/gnome-control-center/keybindings/50-accessibility.xml', which is also in package gnome-settings-daemon 2.32.1-0ubuntu13.1" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78641718:24
hvmicahg: but gnome-settings-daemon 3.0.1 is in, right?18:27
hvoops, I spoke too soon18:27
hvjust to be sure, are theming, appmenu, and nautilus as desktop broken at the moment?18:31
hvor just something's wrong with my setup?18:33
dobeyhv: theming and nautilus are definitely broken for me18:49
dobeyze background is a gl buffer blur18:50
robbiewwhew...Oneiric is rrrrrough right now18:53
stgraberrobbiew: believe me, it was a lot worse a few days ago ;)19:06
didrockswhy people are complaining on #ubuntu-desktop. Not our fault :p19:07
didrocks(or maybe a little ;))19:07
stgraberI'm not complaining ;) It works "fine" here (as long as I make sure I never close my session)19:09
didrocksstgraber: more trouble tomorrow, I'm remerging gnome-session and you don't want to look at the diff :)19:09
didrocksok, time for dinner, see you tomorrow!19:10
robbiewdidrocks: heh...not complaining, just warning those who might be adventurous ;)19:11
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mterrypitti, can you do me a favor and add ~jklein to the canonical contributor agreement group?  He signed it for the netbook-launcher-efl project19:59
dobeyhrmm, java seems pretty broken on O21:09
JFos/on O//21:10
dobeyJFo: well yes, but the packages won't even configure on O21:10
JFoI see21:11
dobeyhrmm, and can't seem to install python-qt4 either21:12
dobeyah got java "fixed"21:16
dobeythe postinst stuff was needing /usr/lib/libnss3.so, but it seems to have been moved to /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ or whatever21:16
dobeysymlink made the configure work21:16
micahgdobey: there's a better workaround in the LP bug for it, that one was fixed in oneiric, but I'm hitting another oe21:24
dobeymicahg: fixed when?21:26
micahgdobey: last week21:27
micahgbug 77917421:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 779174 in openjdk-6 "package ca-certificates-java 20110426 failed to install/upgrade: fix path to libnss3 for multiarch" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77917421:27
dobeymicahg: then it's not fixed, because i only upgraded to O on this machine on friday, and there was no update for ca-certificates-java today21:28
micahgdobey: the update was for openjdk21:28
dobeymicahg: how does that work if it depends on ca-certificates-java being configured before it can be installed? but either way, none of the updates as of today fixed it; i had to make the symlink to fix it21:29
micahgdobey: well, it's not affecting people upgrading anymore at least, you can ask doko if he wants to do a fix for people on oneiric already21:31
dobeywell i'll add a comment on the bug21:33
dobeybut even now that i got past that, i can't seem to install python-qt4 :(21:33
=== alecu_ is now known as alecu
chmrrcyphermox: broder suggested that I mention my networkmanager pony to you.  Specifically, I understand there's a plan for per-SSID/BSSID firewall and proxy settings for 11.10 -- I'd love it if there were also a dropdown for "use this VPN when on this SSID" in there21:53
dobeyhuh, i wonder what broke logilab-common, since the version in the archive seems to fail unit tests here when i try to debuild it22:02
JackyAlcineHow come nvidia-current isn't installed in Ubuntu by default?22:47
charlie-tcaUbuntu does not install any non-free software by default. Nvidia-current uses a proprietary driver22:51
charlie-tcaUntil intel and ati made their drivers open-source, we did not install them either22:52
JackyAlcineHmm, so how is this going to be addressed in 11.10? Currently Unity uses Compiz (correct me if I'm wrong) and that needs (on some systems, nvidia-current).22:52
JackyAlcineCan there be a utility that asks the user if they'd like to install it? It'd save lives.22:52
broderthere *is* such a utility22:52
broderand it runs at startup if there are any such drivers available22:53
broderit shows up as a little picture of a PCI board in the panel22:53
micahgit's called jockey :)22:53
broderthat being said, the open-source nvidia drivers (nouveau) are also getting better, and as i understand it we're planning to try turning on their 3D support by default this cycle22:54
JackyAlcinebroder and micahg: but even before you get to that; if you attempt to run Unity on the desktop, it'd fail and log you out.22:57
charlie-tcaWe should also have the fallback to 2d, not requiring the nvidia-current driver22:58
JackyAlcinecharlie-tca, +122:58
bcurtiswxidk if it's more appropriate to ask in here or not, since desktop team maintains this package.  I was asked to rebase seahorse, and I went ahead and did so, but since this is a new process I'm learning I am wondering if someone could look it over for me and let me know what i did wrong and how to correct it23:01
bcurtiswxit built fine23:02
broderJackyAlcine: in 11.10 we *will* fall back to unity-2d if 3d support isn't there23:06
broderand even right now it shouldn't fail and log you out. it'll fail and drop you into gnome classic23:06
JackyAlcineHmm. Well, if I can reproduce the occasion in a VM, I'll try to produce a bug report, broder23:08
ftamterry, d-d doesn't seem to do anything (ssh). no error, no nothing. i see a progress bar in the unity badge, stuck at 0% forever23:30
lifelesshow do you re-hotplug a built in pointer (my touchpad)23:38
Omegabroder: I was just about to say this, we do currently fall back.23:40
mterryfta, odd.  file a bug?  the bug form tells you how to get logs23:42
ftamterry, i just selected 1 dir, to test. when i click on backup now, i briefly see something, then nada, it sits there forever23:47
mterryfta, and you click on the launcher icon and it just says "preparing"?23:47
ftamterry, nope, it wobbles for a while, but nothing happens23:48
mterryfta, oh!  you click the launcher icon and no window appears?  that's very odd23:48
ftamterry, oneiric, in case it matters23:49
mterryfta, oh, maybe.  that's a bit more cutting edge...  I'll have to test again23:50
RAOFlifeless: How have you un-hotblugged it? :).  You can probably get udevadm to twiddle the magical bits, though.23:55
RAOFlifeless: From the man page, I'd guess that “udevadm test $STUFF” would get you a udev event so that X re-hotplugs your touchpad.  For sufficient values of STUFF.23:56

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