
kim0Morning everyone o/08:57
niemeyerHello all!14:34
niemeyerWe're headed to a good week14:35
kim0Hey there14:40
niemeyerkim0: Hi14:42
kim0niemeyer: Hi14:46
kim0any particular reason this week will rock :)14:47
niemeyerkim0: Many!  We're all back from UDS now, have relevant stuff in review, have to plan our next sprint, and a lot more.14:48
kim0woohoo :) yeah14:54
niemeyerah, we also got properly updating info on ensemble.ubuntu.com15:02
=== niemeyer changed the topic of #ubuntu-ensemble to: http://ensemble.ubuntu.com/kanban/dublin.html | http://ensemble.ubuntu.com/docs
* hazmat yawns15:55
niemeyerhazmat: Rested/relaxed/ready to rock?15:55
* niemeyer gives an early morning shock on hazmat15:55
hazmatniemeyer! indeed. relaxed and rested.. budapest was awesome.. time to rock15:56
* hazmat caffienates anyways15:56
niemeyerhazmat: Did you spend all the time there?15:56
niemeyerhazmat: Or went around to other close-by attractions?15:57
niemeyerhazmat: I still owe you a review, but not for long15:57
hazmatniemeyer, no we did some day trips.. one to this artist commune/town that jim mentioned.. some slow days ( i ended up getting an eye infection so we relaxed for a day or two).. but walked about 6-7 hrs each day around the town, and hit some local spots15:58
niemeyerhazmat: Ouch/nice :)15:58
hazmatall the bridges, synagogues, basicalla, island, and the hot public baths of course. its a nice town, very pictureseque... picked up lots of gifts for family etc.15:59
niemeyerhazmat: Neat15:59
niemeyerhazmat: I wish I had gone to the public baths15:59
hazmatits strange to consider how short of a time ago it was a police state15:59
niemeyerhazmat: Sounds awesome15:59
niemeyerhazmat: When did it change?16:00
hazmatniemeyer, roughly 89-9116:00
hazmatwe checked out the house of terror which cover wwII and soviet occupation, pretty disturbing stuff16:00
hazmati hope we end up doing UDS there next year.16:00
hazmatniemeyer, anything interesting from the last week?16:03
niemeyerhazmat: Well, Brazil only had direct elections after 83/8416:04
niemeyerhazmat: A lot has been happening16:05
niemeyerhazmat: But it was kind of a slow week in terms of development16:05
niemeyerhazmat: Jim was off pretty much all of it16:06
niemeyerhazmat: Ben was sick for a good while16:06
niemeyerhazmat:  I've managed to do some reviewing, and pushed the lpad package to a reasonable state16:06
niemeyerhazmat: Some good conversations around Launchpad =16:07
niemeyerhazmat: a few interviews16:07
hazmatniemeyer, nice.. anything promising on the candidates?16:07
niemeyerhazmat: This week I plan to start with reviews, and then will start implementing formula/parsing/building for the repo16:08
niemeyerhazmat: Some great candidates, yeah16:08
hazmatniemeyer, cool, i'm gonna catch up on emails and pickup some of the branches from review16:09
niemeyerhazmat: The most important one from you is still there.. I'll start with this one after lunch16:10
hazmatniemeyer, sounds good16:11
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
_mup_Bug #787069 was filed: Expose needs to track the service hierarchy  <Ensemble:In Progress by jimbaker> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/787069 >17:09
=== niemeyer is now known as niemeyer_lunch
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r233 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:49
_mup_Observe service units watching17:49
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r234 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:52
_mup_Merged upstream expose-service-watch17:52
_mup_ensemble/expose-service-watch r233 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:53
_mup_Merged trunk17:53
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r235 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com17:53
_mup_Merged upstream expose-service-watch trunk changes17:53
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== niemeyer_lunch is now known as niemeyer
negronjlhi all.  I am in the process of porting the hadoop orchestra module to ensembe but have some questions.  Anyone able to help me ?  The question that I have is how to have ensemble remember some values that are needed for future use ( analogous to puppet exported resources ).18:45
negronjlIn hadoop.  The namenode, jobtracker and hdfsdatadir are values ( all strings ) that need to be saved. so, when we deploy a hadoop-slave node, we can preconfigure those values and have the node automagically connect to the master18:46
negronjlIf this is the wrong forum for this, by all means let me know. 18:46
niemeyernegronjl: Hey!18:54
negronjlhi niemeyer18:54
niemeyernegronjl: This is the right forum18:54
niemeyernegronjl: The mailing list is also good, but less interactive :)18:54
negronjlI thought so.18:54
niemeyernegronjl: The model of Ensemble is slightly different18:55
niemeyernegronjl: Rather than configuring arbitrary variables with the address of the job tracker, for instance, you actually put the job tracker in a formula, and deploy it as a service18:55
niemeyernegronjl: Then, the slaves can declare a relation with a given interface (e.g. "hadoop-jobtracker" sounds like a good name for this case)18:56
niemeyernegronjl: With that in place, users can simply ask the node to be connected to this job tracker..18:56
niemeyernegronjl: E.g.18:56
niemeyerensemble deploy hadoop-jobtracker18:56
niemeyerensemble deploy hadoop-slave18:57
niemeyerensemble add-relation hadoop-jobtracker hadoop-slave18:57
negronjlI se18:57
niemeyernegronjl: Of course, you can have several trackers, slaves, etc18:57
negronjlI see18:57
niemeyernegronjl: and can also name them differently18:57
niemeyernegronjl: E.g.18:57
niemeyerensemble add-relation hadoop-jobtracker production-jobtracker18:57
niemeyerensemble deploy hadoop-jobtracker production-jobtracker18:57
niemeyernegronjl: So you can have multiple "instances" of the same formula deployed18:58
niemeyernegronjl: If you code the formula the proper way, you can also have multiple service units of the same formula.18:58
niemeyernegronjl: Which means you might do something like this:18:58
niemeyerensemble add-unit hadoop-slave18:58
niemeyernegronjl: and this would spawn a new machine, and connect to the proper job tracker, etc, automatically18:59
negronjlhow does the slave know to which master to connect to?   is it all based on the relationships?18:59
niemeyernegronjl: Precisely19:00
niemeyernegronjl: Because you said earlier that you wanted hadoop-slave to be connected to hadoop-jobtracker, for instance19:00
negronjlgot it.  I have the basic hadoop-master configured already.  I'll play with this for the day and see if I can get the slave to work.19:00
niemeyernegronjl: Then, *all* units of that service will know what other services they are supposed to be talking to19:00
niemeyernegronjl: That's awesome.. we'll be around if you need any help19:01
niemeyernegronjl: The examples formulas next to the source code and the principia project in Launchpad may provide some hints about how that stuff may be put together19:01
niemeyernegronjl: The documentation may also be helpful (link in the channel topic)19:01
niemeyernegronjl: But again, just ping us in case you have questoins19:01
negronjlI will document the process and what I am trying to do.  I will then send the formula and all of it's documentation to you guys.  This way you will not only see the formula but will be ble to see what I am "trying" to do.19:02
negronjlthanks for the help.19:02
negronjlI'll keep you up to date on the progress19:02
niemeyernegronjl: Sweet, thank you19:05
negronjlniemeyer:  np19:05
niemeyerI'm going to take a walk outside for half an hour or so to try to switch myself into review mode.19:09
* hazmat catches up19:11
jimbakersounds like a good idea, a good application of neuroscience19:12
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-service-hierarchy r236 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com19:22
_mup_Observer on _watched_services makes much more sense19:22
* niemeyer is back19:33
jimbakerback in 10 min19:57
koolhead17hi al20:08
jimbakerkoolhead17, HI20:11
jimbakercap locks on and all :)20:12
koolhead17hehe jimbaker :)20:12
koolhead17niemeyer: kim0 hello :)20:12
koolhead17obino: hi :)20:12
robbiewbcsaller: any interest in http://www.cloudcamp.org/sf/2011-05-26  ?20:35
robbiewpreaching the gospel??20:35
robbiewof ensemble :P20:35
bcsallerrobbiew: sounds like a good idea20:36
bcsallerrobbiew: I'll register and go promote20:40
robbiewbcsaller: sweet20:40
* niemeyer => coffee21:33
niemeyerBtw, i don't understand why Launchpad sometimes decides to show conflicts in the merge proposal.. e.g.:21:33
niemeyerChecking out the branch and asking for the diff doesn't show any conflicts21:33
niemeyerAnyway.. coffee21:34
bcsalleryeah, I see strangeness sometimes too21:34
negronjlwhere are you guys getting python-txzookeeper from?  any ppa available?22:55
niemeyernegronjl: Hmmm22:59
niemeyernegronjl: Yeah, I think it should be in the Ensemble PPA22:59
* niemeyer checks22:59
niemeyerIt is indeed23:00
negronjlniemeyer:  I saw something there for lucid but nothing for natty23:00
niemeyernegronjl: https://launchpad.net/~ensemble/+archive/ppa23:00
niemeyernegronjl: Sorry about that.. I have some due work to do on our PPA23:01
niemeyernegronjl: I hope to work it this week or on the next one the latest23:01
negronjlno worries.  I'll work with a lucid VM for now23:01
niemeyernegronjl: Meanwhile, you can easily grab the code with bzr branch lp:txzookeeper23:01
negronjleven better :)23:01
niemeyernegronjl: Might be easier to just grab the code there23:01
negronjlperfect!  Thanks.23:02
niemeyernegronjl: My goal is that by the end of next week you can do "apt-get install ensemble" and move on23:02
niemeyernegronjl: I hope I get to it before then, though23:02
niemeyerI'm stepping out.. may be back later23:48

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