
qwerbircI want help with Bluetooth Dialup Connection,Please.11:53
qwerbircDoes anyone speak english?11:56
ebelthere are people here, but they aren't always looking at this channel11:57
lubotu3Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:57
qwerbircok,I need some help with my bluetooth dialup.11:57
ebelwhat's wrong?11:58
qwerbircI simply cant use my cellphone for bluetooth dialup!I cant connect my phone by cable,so now I brought a bluetooth dongle.But,I can use it for dial up purpose!It has an SPP profile11:59
qwerbircCan you help me out?12:01
czajkowskiqwerbirc: be patient people could be working12:02
czajkowskiwhere are you ?12:02
ebelPhysically, where are you?12:03
qwerbircAt home12:03
ebelI'm guessing USA, which will affect what mobile network you're trying to connect to.12:03
qwerbircI am in INDIA.12:04
ebelit also will affect what sort of ISP you're trying to dial up to.12:04
qwerbircMy phone has an SPP(Serial Port Profile).I want to use this for dial up.12:04
qwerbircI tried GNOME PPP but failed.I even tried BlueMan.12:05
ebelhave you ever been able to use your phone for dial up internet?12:05
ebel(The reason I thought you were from USA was cause you said "cellphone". ;) )12:06
ebeljust to confirm, do you want dial up internet or 3G mobile internet?12:06
qwerbircya...cellphone....mobile phone...cell.....whatever.......please help!12:06
qwerbircdial up internet12:07
ebelsometimes people 'tether' their mobile phone to their PC, which is different from using it as a dial up modem12:07
qwerbircI dont know how to tether!12:08
ebelIt's been years since I've used a dial up modem, so I'm afraid I don't really know what to do...12:09
czajkowskiqwerbirc: !in12:09
lubotu3#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India12:09
czajkowskiqwerbirc: or ask in #ubuntu as there may be more users there who may be able to help12:10
qwerbircI referred to bluetooth dialup documentary on ubuntu.com,and I was successful to some extent such as pairing and discovering.12:11
czajkowskiqwerbirc: also askubuntu.com is a good resource12:11
qwerbirccan you help,czajkowski?any reply is welcome.12:12
czajkowskiqwerbirc: I've no experience I've given you 2 other channels to ask in and also askubuntu.com12:13
ebelyeah, i don't really know how to help either.12:14
qwerbircwow!thanks for that site!And how do I change the bootscreen?12:16
qwerbircwow!thanks for that site!And how do I change the bootscreen?12:19
dusfIrish repo down?16:37
thethomaseffectI've been getting en-ie 404s for a good while16:47
dusfthethomaseffect: crap17:03
dusfthethomaseffect: do you mean for a good while today, or a good while more than that?17:04
thethomaseffectWay longer17:06
czajkowskiI do also17:07
czajkowskiand tweeet it17:07
czajkowskiand done again17:08
dusfdid you guys switch to gb?17:19
dusf]/window 1117:19
czajkowskidusf: no17:20
czajkowskidusf: that defeats the purpose of finding out stats on downloads17:20
dusfczajkowski: please elborate17:21
czajkowskidusf: do you work in HEAnet ?17:21
dusfczajkowski: i do not, no17:21
dusfbut i know what it is if that helps...17:21
czajkowskiso you just saw my twet and joined17:22
czajkowskidusf: you can see the downloads from heanet for different os17:22
czajkowskiif we change the mirror to an UK one17:22
dusfi didn't see your tweet either, i joined because this is the irish ubuntu channel :)17:22
czajkowskiit wont count as a download in ireland17:22
dusfczajkowski: if changed we won't know how many irish users etc?17:22
czajkowskiand looks like less people taking it up17:22
dusfright... i can appreciate that, but how long has this problem been going on exactly?17:23
czajkowskiand you only get 404s at some times of the day17:23
czajkowskithey know there is an issue17:23
czajkowskiand are working on it17:23
dusfyeah, because i know i've installed some stuff17:25
dusfczajkowski: i know ubuntu is free, but curiously why is it taking weeks?17:27
dusfand have they any idea of the root cause?17:27
czajkowskithats HEAnet issue17:27
czajkowskinot Ubuntu issue17:27
czajkowskiit's just a 404 error message17:28
czajkowskiif you give it a few hours it's fine17:28
dusfi see17:28
dusfi wonder who else is affected17:28
dusfczajkowski: are the ubuntu stats public btw?17:30
czajkowskiit's more downloads it's just a graph17:30
czajkowskiI'm sure they're there on heanet site somewhere17:30
dusfi shall look for it17:32
dusfczajkowski: is there a press release on the problem? nothing on your tweet, just started following you17:33
czajkowskidusf: you're really making more of it than needs be tbh17:35
dusfczajkowski: i'm not making more of anything, i'm curious as to what the problem which would expect me to only download and upgrade at certain times of the day is, and why it's taking so long for such an organisation to fix17:38
czajkowskihas it actually ever effected you in the last few weeks17:39
dusfsurely you don't think people only being able to download and upgrade from the repos at certain times of the day isn't a big problem which would spark interest17:39
czajkowskiwas it natty or maverick17:39
dusftoday is the first time, and i use natty17:40
czajkowskiwell there you go then17:40
czajkowskiyou've been effected once17:40
czajkowskiif it happens more often file a bug or email mirrors at heanet17:40
czajkowskidusf: what is your twitter nick17:41
dusfczajkowski: understand i'm not complaing, i'm just curious about the problem and i would be curious no matter how many times effected :)17:44
czajkowskigo talk to him so17:45
dusfczajkowski: will do when twitters functioning properly, thanks17:51
mokmeisterDid any one else here get an email from Paul Tagliamonte declining the invitation to make Approved LoCo teams a member of Ubuntu -BR - Linux Traipu?21:10
mokmeisterWhat does it all mean?21:10
airurandomokmeister: I did21:12
airurandono idea what it means21:12
mokmeisterAh, good! You share my cluelessness! At least I'm not the only one! ;)21:12
c0nsawYa I did, !21:13
mokmeisterHow did Saturday go btw?21:13
airurandogood start but a long way to go.21:13

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