
NRWliongood morning Pendulum11:25
Pendulumhi NRWlion11:26
NRWlionseems pretty quite in here atm11:26
Penduluma good number of us are in the US11:27
* NRWlion wants to jump in the main team of ubuntu-news11:27
NRWlioni ve been advised to start my contribution for ubuntu here after not having a chance at UBT11:28
pleia2so I sent off a draft revision of the work items to akgraner and nhandler, unfortunately akgraner's knee injury is going to keep her MIA for a week :(14:42
pleia2my availability is spotty as well, flying home today and then I'm gone again memorial day weekend14:43
pleia2will touch base later this week, leaving for the airport in an hour so > packing14:45
NRWliongood evening from germany17:29
NRWlionhi jono!17:37
jonohey NRWlion :-)17:40
NRWlionjono havent got any response from akgraner yet but i heard she had some probs that caused her being offline most of the time17:40
NRWlionso i did a little research and found my way here ;)17:40
jonoNRWlion, nice work!17:42
jonoI am sure Amber will be in touch soon :-)17:42
NRWlionjono: i have no stress17:42
NRWlionjono: is there anything i can do ?17:44
jonoNRWlion, Amber is to best to advice on that17:44
NRWlionjono: copy17:45
pleia2jono: we are actually a whole team here who can help with newcomers :) and akgraner is going to be away for a week20:38
jonopleia2, I mentioned that because I did an email intro to NRWlion with Amber20:39
pleia2yeah, she's not going to be answering anything for a while, so until then the rest of us can pitch in20:39
pleia2just don't want people to feel ignored because she isn't replying :\20:40
jononp, that was not my intention20:41
NRWlionevening from germany21:22
pleia2evening NRWlion21:39
NRWlionpleia2: hey there pleia21:39
pleia2NRWlion: still working on fleshing out work items, if you want to get familiar with how we release the weekly newsletter you're welcome to have a look at our proposed documents, I'll get you some links21:40
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Jobs which references https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/EditingPolicies/SuggestedHowToEdit21:40
NRWlionpleia2: let me get my job done here quick21:41
NRWlionits about to get 23.00 hrs here so i need to get my head to rest21:41
pleia2oh, no worries, these documents are in the works anyway :)21:41
pleia2just wanted to get you updated on our status21:41
NRWlionpleia2: appreciate it21:42
NRWlionlink is bookmarked and will be reviewed ;)21:42
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