
dpmmorning all08:20
braiammorning dpm08:22
dpmgood morning braiam :)08:33
gtriderxccan anybody explain me what does that string mean? No fontconfig-voodoo configuration found for the current LANGUAGE10:08
gtriderxc"“language-selector” source package10:11
gtriderxcTemplate “language-selector”10:11
trijntjeI would guess that there is no "fontconfig-voodoo configuration" present for the current language, but maybe i'm not understanding the question10:13
yurchorSome languages need specific fonts. Fontconfig can be tweeked the way that allows usage of specific fonts for LANGUAGE (not all fonts contain needed symbols).10:13
yurchorIf such a magick cannot be found, you will see the message.10:14
gtriderxcok now it is clearer but let me ask one more question: what is fontconfig-voodoo?10:29
yurchorIt is just a script needed to switch the fonts.10:32
gtriderxcand does anyone know something about "Factory for notification area" for GNOME?10:50
gtriderxcsomeone suggested it as a developing tool10:52
gtriderxccan't google it out10:53
yurchorIt something like server part of any applet. There are UI and server (factory) parts.10:56
yurchorOr may be better to say it's a "container", something where applets do their work.11:01
dpmso we're deploying the translations portal, and it needs to be configured (but it will not be announced until we've done that and updated the theme). Is anyone around who'd want to help with some testing? It should only take a few minutes11:08
dpmif so, just ping me and we'll have a chat on how to do it, thanks!11:09
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
gtriderxcdpm I can helpYou testing13:04
dpmgtriderxc, that's fine, I've just managed to test it, but thanks anyway!13:04
=== henninge-lunch is now known as henninge
RawChidHey dpm, are you there?15:42
dpmhey RawChid15:42
RawChidI've checked out the code of ul10n-tools and gave it a look15:42
RawChidYou said somethin about plural search..15:42
RawChidI'm willing to help, but can you give me more pointers about the wishes.. It's all vague to me at the moment.15:43
RawChidMaybe later if you need some time for it15:44
dpmRawChid, ah, that was about the ul10n-search tool. What it does is to search for a given pattern in all translations installed in the system. It searches all the msgid or msgstr of all the .mo files, but until now it did not search in the msgid_plural and msgstr plurals. However, this weekend I did a bit of hacking and I implemented it. Now that you've reminded me I've just committed it: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/+junk/ul10n-tools15:50
RawChidOk, just "pull"-ed it now15:50
dpmah, cool. Yeah, it's very much work in progress, but the ul10n-search tool should already have all the functionality implemented. Run ./bin/ul10n-search --help to see what it does. if you see anything that needs improving, feel free to chip in and submit a branch!15:52
andrejzdpm it this script similar to "search ubuntu translations" one?15:52
dpmandrejz, yeah, but much faster! :)15:53
andrejzi will try it out15:53
dpmandrejz, yeah, feel free to give me any feedback on how it worked for you. As I say, this is alpha software, and I won't announce it until it's more or less stable and can be installed from a package in a PPA15:54
RawChiddpm, what about a INSTALL.txt or something. Because now I have to guess which packages are required. Or is that something that every Ubuntu Dev knows...15:54
andrejzdpm, i started ordering translation templates in natty - is this form ok for laucnhpad developers ? - https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak3RvMevQNNMdGpQU1BjS1dmQ2tybkVzSVVaZU1LdXc&hl=en_US&authkey=CLa8gPgB15:54
RawChidI program for years now, but I'm not a seasoned Python dev :P15:55
RawChidI think I first need to run setup.py?15:56
dpmRawChid, yeah, that's a good point. I was thinking  that when it's packaged the package will take care of that. I _think_ it should only need python-polib and python-distutils-extra to be installed. All the rest is standard python library15:56
dpmRawChid, I think if you install those two packages you should be good to go. setup.py is only needed if you want to install or distribute the package15:57
RawChidHmm, I installed those 215:57
RawChidWhen running setup.py I get: ERROR: Python module _pythonpath not found15:57
dpmRawChid, oh, let me see, this is probably a bug (I told you it was WIP :) Just a sec15:58
RawChidI think something gettext, let me take a look myself15:58
RawChidERROR: Python module lp.translations.utilities.gettext_po_parser not found15:58
dpmRawChid, the ul10n-search tool should not call that. Are you sure you ran 'bin/ul10n-search --help' and not something else?16:00
dpmcan you paste what you ran and the output on a pastebin?16:01
dpmandrejz, looking...16:01
RawChidLOL, I was running setup.py. The search tool is just working!16:01
andrejzdpm, i am wondering if the form is ok for the developers to quickly change priority directly in the database16:02
dpmandrejz, they'll probably need a text file rather than a rich text document. However, the document you've created is perfect (it's trivial to convert it to a text file when it's finished)16:03
dpmgood work!16:03
dpmRawChid, ok, problem solved, then :)16:03
RawChidNow lets see if I find something improvable :P16:05
andrejzdpm, it's not finished yet. i still have about 100 templates left. hope i will manage by next week16:05
dpmandrejz, awesome!16:07
andrejzdpm who should i send the list to when i am done?16:08
dpmandrejz, just ping me and I'll convert the file to text and talk to the LP guys16:10
sagacibit of a pre-question, but when will the lubuntu packages drift into the main translation sets, like the chromium-browser package16:11
dpmhi sagaci, they will only make it to Launchpad if the source packages are promoted to the main repository. Chromium is not translatable in Launchpad as a source package, either (it's not in main). However, it's translatable in Launchpad as an upstream project. If the Lubuntu guys chose to use Launchpad to manage translations for the upstream project, that would be another way of exposing the translations in Launchpad16:49
=== j1mc is now known as j1mc_away
cheapieI'm wanting to translate Ubuntu into a language that's not mentioned anywhere on Launchpad (that I know of). If this is even possible, how would I do it?23:36
cheapieHello? Anyone?23:38
RawChidHello cheapie23:39
RawChidIf you can't find a team which translating in that language, maybe there should be started a team for it23:39
RawChidWhich language?23:40
cheapieSorry about that.23:41
cheapie_...stupid connection failed again...23:44
RawChidThere are more people here in the afternoon (UTC time)23:45
RawChidWho know more about this than me ;)23:45
cheapie_RawChid: OK. I'll ask elsewhere.23:45
RawChidOk, good luck23:46

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